#crime au! trr
lawsend · 4 months
Murder at Vista Heights Chapter 6
Series: Law’s End
Episode 1: Murder at Vista Heights
Fandom: The Royal Romance (loosely, there’s not much canon in here).
Pairings: None yet
Word Count: 2,500
Rating: MA
A/N: This counts as @karahalloway ask from my 1500 followers celebration post on my main account @angelasscribbles.
Warnings for series: adult themes, any given chapter may contain murder, violence, language, drinking, drug use, etc.
My other stuff can be found on my main blog @angelasscribbles here is the Master List.
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The homicide division of the seventh precinct had been plunged into chaos. All three interrogation rooms were in use, leaving a person of interest cooling his heels in the waiting area.
Riley was trying to get comments from anyone that would talk to her. Max had narrowly evaded being tossed out of the station when he had attempted to get photos of William Sloan as he was brought in for questioning.
The mayor was livid at being called late in the evening by one of her biggest campaign contributors. “I don’t care what fucking time it is or how many hours you already worked today!” Madeleine was yelling at a lithe redhead with her hair pinned immaculately in place despite her protestations over the lateness of the hour.
Olivia Nevrakis narrowed her eyes at her boss. “And I don’t care how much money Sloan Enterprises has donated to your re-election campaign. If he’s a suspect, he has to be questioned, just like everyone else!”
“William Sloan most certainly did not murder Trent Hayes! Are you out of your mind?”
Olivia doubled down. “If there wasn’t some reason to suspect him, Liam wouldn’t have brought him in for questioning!”
While the mayor and the DA were having their showdown, Drake Walker was pacing the floor, waiting for his turn in interrogation.
He was a person of interest. Presumably, because someone had ratted him out to the police about his business relationship with William Sloan. His eyes scoured the open office area until he spotted her.
Riley saw him coming and made a strategic exit to the woman’s room. She almost ran over the sketch artist from earlier. “Oof! Sorry!”
“It’s okay,” Lillith assured her. “Who are you hiding from?”
“What makes you think I’m hiding from anyone?”
“I recognize the panic.”
“Wait. Who are you hiding from?”
“My sister.”
Riley’s brain spun to catch up. Then realization washed over her. She should have made the connection before. Nevrakis was not a common name. “The DA is your sister?”
Lilith flinched a little. “Half-sister. She hates me.”
Lilith shrugged. “Something about my whore of a mother breaking her mother’s heart.”
“Oh….” Riley was rarely struck speechless, but she had no idea how to respond to that.
“Sorry!” Lilith dropped her face into her hands. “That was TMI and now I’ve made things awkward!”
“No, no, you’re fine!” Riley assured her. “Trust me. As a reporter, I’ve heard every damn thing. That’s not even in the top ten for most awkward.”
Lilith smiled wanly. “I’d like to hear that top ten list then.”
“Sure. We should get drinks sometime.”
“Really?” The sketch artist searched her face to see if she was joking.
“Yeah, why not?”
“Okay, yeah, I’d like that.” This time, the smile was bigger, brighter. Lilith didn’t have a lot of friends, tended to be socially awkward, and was used to being somewhat of a pariah in certain upper society circles because of her status as the bastard child of an extramarital affair.
Riley eased the door open to peer through the crack. “Unless you have any information about the case you’re willing to give me, I need to get back out there.”
Meanwhile, in Interrogation Room One…
“I get it.” Flynn eyed the man sitting across the table from him. “Beautiful woman. Rich, powerful husband. You don’t want to get sidewise with him, so when Trent started blackmailing her, threatening her—”
“I told you I know nothing about that!” Dean yanked on the chains holding him to the table, making the hard metal slam against the wood with a satisfying clang.
“You didn’t know he was blackmailing her?”
“Did you know he found out about the affair?”
“So, you don’t deny the affair?”
“What?” Dean looked up at him with a defeated expression. “No.”
“Okay, good. We’re getting somewhere. So, you were sleeping with her and—”
“I love her!”
“Okay, okay.” Flynn held his hands up in surrender. “You’re in love. And this man threatened her—”
Dean heaved a sigh and slumped back in his seat. “How many times do I have to tell you that I knew nothing about that?”
Interrogation Room Two….
“Here you go, buddy.” Liam sat a bottle of ice-cold water on the table and slid it across to the CEO of Sloan Enterprises. “Sorry about all this. But we have evidence your wife is having an affair and was being blackmailed by the victim. You understand how that gives you motive, right?”
William fixed the detective with a steely glare, remaining silent.
“So, how did it go down? She missed a payment? He called you up and told you? When confronted with proof of the affair, you snapped, shot the messenger so to speak? It’s understandable. Heat of the moment. The sooner you tell me what happened, the sooner I can help you.”
William leaned forward and pushed the water bottle back across the table. “I want my lawyer. Now!”
Interrogation Room Three….
Bertrand stood in the doorway of the room in his somehow perfectly pressed suit and tapped a file folder against the palm of his other hand as he regarded the woman in front of him. “Did you do it yourself, or did you have someone else shoot him? Leo Rys, maybe?”
Katie sniffed as she lifted an imperious gaze to the man across from her. “I had nothing to do with Trent’s death, but I would certainly like to thank whoever did. He was the worst kind of pond scum, and he won’t be missed.”
“Not exactly the type of sentiments that will exonerate you, Mrs. Sloan.”
She gave him a coy smile. “Please. Call me Katie.”
Bertrand’s dour expression never changed. “I don’t think you grasp the gravity of the situation, Mrs. Sloan.”
A mirthful laugh bubbled out of her. “I’m not worried because I didn’t do it.”
“Who else had more of a motive than you?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you talk to that psycho he cheated on me with?” Her face lit up with clear hatred.
Bertrand languidly raised an eyebrow. “And that would be?”
“Sabrina Simmons!”
“Are they still an item?”
“If they are, he’s cheating on her, I guarantee it, and you know what they say about a woman scorned. Besides, she has a history of stalking behavior. She’s fucking crazy!”
Bertrand made a noncommittal sound in his throat as he jotted the name down on his notepad.
Back in the main office area…
Riley was trying to sweet talk a crime scene investigator when Drake caught up with her. “Rashad. That’s a beautiful name.”
“Thanks.” Even with his dark complexion, the blush that spread across his features was noticeable.
“There you are!” Drake’s voice boomed out as he grasped her upper arm firmly and pulled her away from Rashad. “I think we’re overdue for a conversation.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what—”
Rashad was suddenly serious. “Hey! Is everything okay?”
Riley’s eyes darted back and forth between the two men, noting the tension in both sets of shoulders. Diffusing the situation was preferable to escalating it, so she smiled sweetly at Rashad. “It’s fine. He’s right. We have a previous…. agreement we need to discuss.”
“Oh.” The other man looked disappointed, but excused himself with a regretful glance back at the reporter.
“Did you rat me out to the cops, Riley?” Drake asked as he pulled her to the side of the room for a private conversation.
“Absolutely not.”
“Then why have I been brought in for questioning? Why is my client in an interrogation room right now?”
“Your client is in an interrogation room because his wife got busted with her lover tonight by the lead detective on the case.” Riley pulled her arm out of his grasp, but moved her body closer to his. “As for figuring out he hired you as a PI, I’m assuming that was their own detective work because I did not rat you out!”
He wanted to believe her. All CCPD had to do to find him was to run Sloan’s financials. Or Max’s. “Hm. Why do I have a feeling you’re going to be a giant pain in my ass? Tell me this, who pointed them in the Sloan’s direction in the first place?”
“A private citizen who witnessed—”
Drake’s lips pressed into a thin line as he shook his head. “Maxwell Beaumont was not a private citizen when he took those photographs!”
A scathing voice cut through their conversation. “Did she sleep with you for information, too?”
They both turned to find Liam approaching, with Max hot on his heels.
Drake took a step back in confusion. “What? We haven’t slept together!”
“Yet,” Max mumbled under his breath. His eyes widened when he realized Liam might have heard him. He cleared his throat and began to fiddle with his camera, pretending to ignore the conversation.
Riley shot a murderous expression at Liam. “For the last time, Liam, that’s not what happened!”
Drake blinked as he processed the insinuation. Moving his attention back to Riley, he asked, “You slept with him for information?”
“No, I did not.” She replied through gritted teeth.
“Come on, Walker.” Liam gestured toward the interrogation room. “We need to have a discussion about what services you provided for William Sloan.”
Drake turned his head to watch Riley over his shoulder as he followed the detective, mumbling the whole time about client privacy.
As Liam and Drake walked down the hall toward the interrogation rooms, they passed William Sloan and his lawyer, Sadie McGraw, on their way out.
The moment Madeleine saw William and Sadie, she scurried after them, apologizing profusely for the misunderstanding.
Bertrand and Flynn walked into the open office area deep in conversation, comparing notes about their respective interrogations. Olivia approached them before they could make it to Bertrand’s office, a dark haired young man trailing behind her. She wasted no time demanding answers about the investigation.
Bertrand ushered everyone into his office, where the DA was given all the latest updates on the case.
When the detectives were finished talking, Olivia nodded her head. “Between Trent’s bank account showing deposits from Katie and Dean’s confession of the affair, I think Kiara will sign off on a search warrant for the Sloan properties and bank accounts.” She turned to bark at the law intern who had been shadowing her for weeks. “Anton! Get Judge Theron on the phone!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Anton squeaked as he fumbled for his phone.
Thirty minutes later, the CCPD had a search warrant, Drake was released from interrogation and Bertrand was yelling at Riley and Max to get out of his station house.
“What are you doing at my desk?”
Riley looked up into Liam’s stormy expression as she closed the lid of her laptop. “Updating my story. I promise I didn’t look through your files!”
“This time.”
“That’s what I said.” She gave him a disarming smile as she rose and started stuffing the computer, notepads, and pens into her taupe, Saffiano leather Kate Spade laptop tote. “I didn’t read any of your files this time.”
It had been a long day; he was tired; he was irritated; he was ready for a break in this case… and yet something about her infectious grin and the teasing lilt in her voice pulled a begrudging smile from him. He shook his head in wonderment. How did she keep getting under his skin?
He called out to her as she walked away. “Hey, Riley!”
She turned back to face him. “Yeah?”
“Thank you. Your intel was actually helpful tonight.”
Her grin broadened into a full fledged smile, lighting up her whole face. “You’re welcome, detective. See you around.”
She found Drake and Max both waiting for her at the homicide office door. She directed her attention to Drake. “What are you still doing here?”
“Just got out of interrogation, thanks to someone who doesn’t understand confidentiality.” There was no accusation in his tone, just a simple statement of fact.
“It’s not my fault your client was implicated in a homicide.”
“Oh, I’m not blaming you.” He replied as he looked past her to shoot daggers at Max.
Max blinked. “What did I do?”
Drake shook his head as he pushed off the wall he’d been leaning against. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary. She’s with me.” Max flushed a deep shade of crimson. “We’re both in my car, I mean!”
“Then I’ll walk you both out. Can’t be too careful. It’s late, and this is Cordonia City.”
“I’m perfectly capable of protecting her.”
Drake’s eyes ran quickly and dismissively over the younger man. “Sure you are, kid.”
The three stepped out into the dimly lit, air-conditioned hallway as Liam watched them leave with curiosity, regret, and annoyance mingling in his expression.
The ancient, decrepit elevator dinged as it rocked to a stop on the first floor and the doors slid creakily open.
Neville VanCouer was arguing with the front desk sergeant. “I heard suspects were brought in for questioning. I just want to get a statement—”
“Heard? Or read it in my story?” Riley gloated.
Neville looked like his head was about to explode. “Why were they allowed in?”
The desk sergeant’s bored expression never changed as he shrugged. “Came in with a homicide detective.”
Another shrug from the sergeant.
Neville spun on Riley. “The updates you’ve been posting…someone is giving you insider information!”
She gave him a saccharine sweet smile. “Or I’m just a better reporter than you.”
Neville took a step toward her, but Drake moved quickly, inserting himself between Riley and the other reporter. “Why don’t you go harass someone else?”
Neville glared at Drake, but he stepped back. The showdown was broken by Neville’s photograph, who had just reappeared from the men’s room. “Hey! That’s the guy that told me there was a door open around back!”
Max lifted a shoulder innocently. “There was when I was back there.”
The other man’s eyes narrowed. “Then why haven’t any crime scene photos been published anywhere?”
“Ah…. technical difficulties.”
The photographer looked skeptically between Max and Neville, as if trying to decide if Max was lying.
Neville shook his head, “It’s not worth it, Tariq. Come on, let’s go.”
“See?” Drake was almost gloating. “You needed me.”
Riley rolled her eyes. “Neville is annoying and slimy, but he’s not dangerous.”
“Yeah,” Max chimed in, “And we’re standing in a police station.”
“Listen.” Riley decided to get the elephant in the room out of the way. “I know you think I threw you under the bus with Liam. I’ll understand if you want to cancel our dinner plans.”
“Oh, we’re still going to dinner.”
Riley’s brows furrowed in confusion. “But I thought you said—”
“I said you were going to be a giant pain in my ass.” His eyes tracked across her face. “But something tells me you’re worth all the trouble.”
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Something New....
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So….I watched one episode of Unsolved Mysteries and a whole thing happened.
First of all, I have always been a huge fan of both crime and medical procedurals. If you don’t know what I mean by procedural, here is the Wikipedia definition: In television, "procedural" specifically refers to a genre of programs in which a problem is introduced, investigated, and solved all within the same episode. These shows tend to be hour-long dramas and are often (though not always) police or crime related.
After both @harleybeaumont and @dcbbw encouraged me to do something with the fact that the unsolved mystery sent my head spinning in a million different directions, an idea was born. An idea for a procedural-type series, with each multi-chapter episode a stand-alone mystery, with overarching storylines for the main characters woven throughout every episode.  
A series that has very little to do with canon. No one is royalty and it’s set in the good old U.S.A. The name of my fictional city is a nod to canon though: Cordonia City.
Thanks so much to @harleybeaumont @dcbbw @karahalloway and @aussiegurl1234 for helping me tweak and revise the blurb found below. Extra special thanks to @harleybeaumont for spending the better part of a week bouncing ideas with me and working on the visuals for me.
What lies in the heart of Cordonia City?
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Situated on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, Cordonia City is the largest metropolitan area in the country. Renowned for its culture, it’s an epicenter for artists of all types, world-class culinary establishments, and financial institutions. But there’s a dark underbelly to the city, one that never sleeps.
Law’s End, the largest of the boroughs, is rife with turmoil. It’s a place where wealth and privilege live side by side with poverty and squalor, where passion intertwines with betrayal. A place where lies and deceit are commonplace, politics and corruption rule, and crime and violence flow through the city streets.
These are the stories of the people that fight against the tide of injustice, and the woman who chronicles those crusades.
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Liam Rys is a strait-laced cop who won’t step outside the lines of the law for any reason, even if that means the bad guy walks. Rules are rules and they’re there for a reason.
Drake Walker is a jaded PI who believes the ends justify the means. He treats lines and rules as suggestions at best and things that stand in his way at worst.
Maxwell Beaumont is a multitalented photojournalist with mad cyber skills. He doesn’t necessarily care about the lines, the rules, or the ends, he’s just along for the ride.
Riley Brooks is an investigative journalist assigned to the crime desk and an up-and-coming true crime novelist who is looking for her next big story. She’ll go to great lengths to get what she wants, and she never reveals her sources.
With Olivia Nevrakis as the DA, Hana Lee as the medical examiner, and Madeleine Amaranth as mayor, anything could happen.
Welcome to.....
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I have to admit I haven't read anything from before Flashpoint that has featured Nubia and first came across her in Future State as she has her own storyline in that and has appeared a lot in the main Wonder Woman comics since she became queen of all three Amazon tribes.
As for Hana and Lydea I must admit, I wasn't sure what their interactions would be like because their personalities are so different haha. But I could see it being a case of them trusting each other. While Lydea is focused on the task at hand, Hana would work on getting people safe before they fight alongside each other. Had to pop this in an ask as I ran out of room on the reply haha
Well Nubia is so cool looking! I think she's my favorite Wonder Woman now lol. And yeah there would be some mistrust at first but I think in canon if Hana interacted with Lydea in the pb world, Lydea couldn't help but be charmed by Hana's warm and caring attitude.
This was really fun, putting 2 very different characters from different books in a AU! They would be an amazing crime fighting duo for sure! Like you said, Hana would lead people to safety while Lydea distracted the villain, well after they worked through all their past problems lol.
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kristinamae093 · 1 year
Ghosted - Always Watching (Chapter 8)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
A/N1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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The morning after the discovery of the maid’s body, Liam sat with Olivia, Drake, and Maxwell inside the study at the Applewood estate. Liam canceled the barn raising scheduled for the day early that morning. He told the press it was because of inclement weather, which was not necessarily a lie, although it wasn’t the entire truth. 
Liam realized they could not keep the murder under wraps forever. Only a few people knew the real reason for the cancellation, including those in the safe room, Drake, Olivia, Maxwell, and the guards. He planned to keep it that way until they knew who was responsible, and then he would happily release that information to the public. He visited with Rhonda’s family briefly and told her husband they would receive a stipend from the crown, as well as college funds for her children. 
They all believed that the incidents shared a relation; the only steady lead they had regarding Riley wound up dead days later, and that was no coincidence for anyone. Olivia explained to Liam in great detail her observations at the crime scene; after hearing her retelling, he too believed the area was staged, but he couldn’t make too many conclusions until Bastien presented him with the evidence. 
The bloodied dress put a sense of urgency on things, but the murder really made everything more critical. Whoever was behind this was clearly not playing a game and didn’t want their plan to be uncovered. He was growing restless, not knowing the extent to which this treachery ran. 
It appalled him that all of this happened right under his nose. The doubts about the narrative against Riley were always there, but this runs deeper than just wanting a particular woman to sit on the throne as Queen. Whoever orchestrated all of this was an enemy of the Crown, and Liam was determined to rid that negativity of his court. 
Another part of his impatience was purely the need to see with his own eyes that Riley was safe. The guilt he felt for turning his back on her crept up on him at random times throughout the day, but he was trying to push that aside and focus on locating her at any cost. He hoped that whoever was responsible hadn’t been able to locate her either; he prayed with everything in him that after she arrived in New York, she found a safe place to retreat, far away from the turmoil that was unraveling around him. 
“OH! What about this one?” Maxwell exclaimed, as he sat next to Drake and scrolled through an online catalog of outfits for an upcoming gala.  
Drake rolled his eyes. “Please stop showing me this crap. S’long as you wear something, I don’t really give a shit what you show up in.” 
“What are you going to wear?”
“Clothes, most likely.”
“Clothes, most likely.” Maxwell mocked under his breath. 
“What was that?” Drake snapped. 
“Nothing! Oh, this has a matching one! Look! Ohmygosh we could match! Twins!” Maxwell exclaimed as he once again shoved his phone in Drake’s face. 
Drake grimaced at the sight before him. It was a set of bright blue ocean wave suits, complete with a bright orange squid bow tie. “God, no. Not even if you paid me.” He replied as he shook his head. 
“Oh, come on, Walker. You can be a sea creature instead of one who drags his knuckles on the ground.” Olivia added with a smirk. 
Drake flipped her off. “Fuck. You.” 
Olivia snickered. “I’d rather take a lava bath, but thanks.” 
“I’ll see if Bertrand will match me,” Maxwell said with a mischievous grin. 
“Good luck with that, Beaumont,” Drake answered. 
“It could go better than you think, honestly. He’s been super nice to me ever since we told him about all this stuff with Riley. I miiiiight be able to get him to do it.” 
“I’m taking pictures if it happens, hands down,” Drake chuckled. 
Olivia subtly rolled her eyes. “Stay away from me, regardless of what you wear. You too, Walker.” 
“Way ahead of you there, Ice Duchess.” 
Liam stayed quiet; although he still held rage with Bertrand and his tasteless actions, he hadn’t given his status as Duke much thought. Although it had not left his mind, for now, especially for Maxwell’s sake, he was keeping his inner thoughts to himself. 
A knock interrupted them from their uplifted moment. Liam stood and granted them entrance, and Bastien appeared with a bow. “Your Majesty, I was hoping to give you an update on the homicide.” 
“Of course.” 
“We have no clear suspects. However, we discovered a murder weapon.”
Olivia’s ears perked up from her seat, and Liam’s eyes widened. “You did?” 
“Yes, sir. We found it in the woods near the area, and I sent it off for analysis. It was a black knife with gold trimmings; I believe it to be the same one used in the earlier ceremony that night.” Bastien held out a folder to Liam, who accepted it and started looking through it immediately.  
The picture at the start revealed the murder weapon, which was the same knife used to cut the apple with Madeleine, but covered in blood from the tip to the hilt. He flipped further and felt his stomach churn at the images of the crime scene. The first few photos were of the maid’s face and he could recognize her, but barely. As he proceeded, he suddenly pulled the file away from his face with a grimace as he saw the cause of death photographed.
“I apologize, sir. I should have given you a warning beforehand.” 
Liam swallowed thickly and with a deep breath resumed, but a tad more prepared for the sight this time. “My God…” He gasped. “What – How – I –” He stammered before closing his mouth with a shake of his head.  
“We still don’t know a lot, sir, as it’s still the early stages of investigating. But we are working around the clock to ensure we receive a solution promptly. Obviously, we’re certain the cause of death was the wound in the jugular, however, we have sent the body for analysis as well. When I spoke with the other staff, they recalled seeing her earlier in the day, but her whereabouts past three p.m. are unknown.” 
“Is that everything?” 
“For now, yes. I will let you know something else as soon as I know.” 
Liam resumed his venture through the folder and furrowed his brows at some of the random items photographed as evidence; the things Olivia noted were present, as well as what appeared to be a cap for a tube of lipstick with a clear set of fingerprints. Of course, the suspect could have dropped the item, but it seemed conveniently placed within the other markers. The only thing that implied relevance was a bloodied shoe print. He could tell it was a woman’s, as the base was short and narrow, not to mention the pinpoint of a heel. However, it was still an odd discovery given that there appeared to be no other signs of blood anywhere else except on the body itself. “Bastien, are you questioning the legitimacy of this crime scene? At all? I see multiple red flags here just at first glance.”  
“We found a few things out of the ordinary, but I have sent everything for analysis. I’m confident either way, the forensics will produce some kind of answer.”
Liam nodded, sufficed by his response. “Have you looked for Riley? Or Tariq?” 
“I have attempted but have found no new leads. However, I am still continuing even with arrangements for the tour and the homicide investigation. I am doing everything in my power to provide you with some answers.” 
“Thank you, Bastien. Just… keep me updated…” Bastien nodded and bowed before he exited. As he did, Liam stood staring blankly at the door behind him, his mind a jumbled mess of chaos that seemed to only get worse by the day. 
Drake cautiously approached Liam. “You alright, man?” 
Liam laughed sardonically. “No, Drake, I’m not… How am I just supposed to wait? How long is it going to take Bastien to find something?”
“I’m not sure, but what else can we do?” 
Liam ran a hand down his face and let out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know. If I did, we’d be doing it.” He snapped, but immediately caught himself and retracted. “Sorry, Drake. I’m just…” 
“Na, it’s cool. I get it. I wish there was something we could do, but… it sounds like we’re just waiting until Bastien can get those reports back.” 
“Goddamnit,” Liam growled as he slammed his fist down on the desk he stood beside. “I– I can’t just sit here and wait. I need to do something now."
“Perhaps we should seek outside help,” Olivia interjected. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I have an acquaintance who is somewhat of a… ‘private investigator’. He’s not cheap, but he’s worth every penny. He can look into Riley and Tariq’s locations, for sure, as well as whatever else you may see fit…” 
“I’m not against the idea… but how would that even work?” 
“We can figure out the details later, but I have somewhat of a cover already thought of. I can easily say he’s my driver, or bodyguard, or anything, really. Who’s going to question me? Honestly?” 
“Much as I hate to admit it, maybe she’s onto something, Li,” Drake interjected with a sour face. “Bas clearly has his hands full, and I know you wanna get some kind of answer.”
“See? Even the cave dweller agrees!” Olivia exclaimed, earning her a middle finger from Drake. “Plus, perhaps having another set of capable eyes around will do us some good.”
“I want to agree, I really do. It’s just… the last person to get involved with this was… well, you know. Do we really want to put someone else in danger like that?”
Olivia snickered. “It’s cute of you to worry, but he’s more than capable of defending himself.” 
“I don’t know…”
“Do it, Liam! DO IT! Or I will myself!” Maxwell exclaimed. 
“No offense, but how are you gonna pay him?” Drake asked. 
“Perhaps he would be interested in a one-on-one interpretive dance class; we could trade one service for another.”
“Hate to break it to you, but your dance class ain’t worth shit.” 
Olivia rolled her eyes but approached Liam and blocked Maxwell and Drake from view, forcing him to focus on her. Of course, her top priority was ensuring Riley’s safety, but in addition, she had her own questions regarding her blackmail. She would help Liam with anything, but this was more than merely a favor; it was personal. However, Bastien’s competency was undoubtedly questionable in Olivia’s mind. She couldn’t rule him out as a suspect, but she didn’t exactly have something concrete to tie him to anything. For the time being, she needed a second set of capable hands.
“Liam, we have to act on this now. Whoever did this is actively covering their tracks. If we don’t do something, we may never figure this out.” Olivia pleaded.
Liam swallowed thickly and kept his gaze trained on the floor. “I know…” 
“So, let my associate come and assist us. If he doesn’t provide answers, I’ll pay his service fees out of pocket. But of course, I’ll be working alongside him.” 
“I trust you, Olivia, I do. However, I’m worried that putting another person into the equation may end up biting us in the ass in the long run.” 
“I understand, but again, he’s highly trained and knows what he’s doing. All we have to do is keep his cover intact until we can locate one of them. We can’t tip the mastermind off and give them an opportunity to bury this deeper. As long as everyone in this room keeps their mouth shut about his true purpose, we should have no issues.” 
Liam looked away with a heavy sigh; although he remained hesitant to add another person to this mess, the thought of getting any kind of answer outweighed any con he could think of. And, he trusted Olivia to steer him correctly. He finally said, “Okay, do it...” 
“I already did, Liam. He’ll be in the country this evening, hopefully,” Olivia smirked. “Now, we need to address the next order of business…” she trailed off as she approached the window and stared out. “Whoever did this killed that maid to send us a message; I think we need to send one back.”
Liam’s jaw fell open. “What?! Why would you think that, Olivia? We–”
Olivia held her hand up to stop him. “Let me finish; we need to send a message while doing ourselves a favor. The tour leaves for Italy in four days, but that can not happen, Liam.” 
Liam furrowed his brows. “You want me to cancel the tour?” 
“No, I want you to rebuild it to stay in the country. Think about it; you’re technically still going along with their plans, but perhaps throwing a wrench into them. You’re showing that you’re willing to play along for now, but you won’t back down entirely like they assume you’ll do.” 
Liam shook his head. “I don’t think that’s smart, Olivia. We don’t know what they’re capable of or what lengths they’ll go to.” 
“I’m aware of that, but it’s not like you’re canceling everything; you’re simply rerouting, so to speak. The results will still be the same; you’ll ‘marry Madeleine.’ How you get there shouldn’t matter.”
“Isn’t that suspicious? To suddenly keep the tour within the country?”
“It would be, but I thought ahead and I think I have a decent proposal laid out.” Olivia produced a file and handed it to Liam. “How are we going to figure this out internationally? We have to stay here…”
Liam opened the folder and saw a detailed explanation for the sudden changes, as well as a list of future events to be held within the duchies. “Wow,” He responded with wide eyes. “This – this is convincing, and you’ve practically already planned everything… When did you have time for all this?”  
“Last night. I wanted to come and find you right after Walker and I left the crime scene, but I assumed my plan would get a stronger reaction if I laid it out for you. All you have to do is make the calls…”
“I think it’s a solid move, Li,” Drake interjected. “You’re standing your ground but yet still giving the appearance that you’re moving forward for the ‘greater good of Cordonia.’ I’ll help you take care of anything you need help with, or try to at least. But she’s right; we won’t find any more information about what happened to Brooks globe-trotting.” 
“Trust me, I don’t want to leave, but we already set these events! What am I supposed to do to–” 
“You need to pull your head out of your ass, Liam.” Olivia interrupted. “You’re the King and I think this would be a lot easier if you’d start acting like it.” She saw Liam contemplating her statement and stepped closer to him with narrowed eyes. “It’s time you put your fucking Crown on and show these assholes that you won’t back down. What’s really important to you here, Liam? Do you want to figure this out, or are you going to let them use your duty to control you – again? I lay the plan out for you and when my associate joins us, we are that much more prepared if they were to strike back, but we can’t pussyfoot around anymore. You wanted to do something now, so do it.” 
Liam stared at her for a long moment as her words echoed in his mind and a newfound determination took over him. His nostrils flared as his hands balled into fists at his sides. The bright blue orbs that were previously dimmed seemed to darken even further. Olivia was right; this was his country, his call, and the ball was now in his court.
Liam never said a word, but soon marched over to the desk and picked up the phone. He listened intently until someone answered the other end of the line. “Buonasera, Francesco. I’m afraid I’m going to have to cancel our pre-scheduled festivities...” 
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Liam, Drake, and Maxwell worked the rest of the day and into the evening to cancel all the tour’s events, and were well on their way to planning what Olivia had mapped out. With the newly produced schedule, they would have much more time to focus on their investigation while still keeping the same number of events as before.
Liam’s determination in his decision stood firm, however, he couldn’t deny feeling apprehensive as well. He was sure there would be retaliation in some form and was unsure as to just how far they would go. However, the power he felt at that moment was something he wasn’t used to. Since his ascension, he’d signed treaties and other small documents, but this was the first time he was going to assert his authority in such a large capacity. Adrenaline ran through his veins and for the first time, he felt like a King. 
The door to the study was suddenly flung open without warning, startling everyone inside. Madeleine marched into the room with a red face. “What the hell, Liam?!” Constantine trailed not far behind her, although his expression was one more of confusion than anger. 
“Ah, I take it you’ve learned of our changes?”
“There will be no changes! We’ve had this planned for weeks! We’re not canceling within a few days–”
“I already did.”
The color drained from Madeleine’s face. “No, you didn’t.” 
Liam indignantly laughed. “Oh, I sure did.” 
Madeleine’s cheeks heated further, nearly purple. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Constantine put a gentle hand on Madeleine’s shoulder. “Language.” He scolded. Madeleine stepped back with her arms crossed over her chest. “Liam, I want to believe you’re not doing all of this for an irrational reason.”
“I’m simply doing what’s best for Cordonia.” Liam shrugged. 
Madeleine scoffed and shook her head. "Unbelievable! Have you completely lost your mind? How is this what’s best for anyone?!” 
Constantine turned and gave her a warning glance. “Although I do not agree with her delivery, I echo Countess Madeleine’s question.” 
“First off, explain to me how an international tour is beneficial to Cordonia at this current moment. The only event that even made a difference was the charity banquet in Paris; the rest of it was just a bunch of bullshit. This way, we can rally our people behind us.” 
“It was for publicity, Liam!” Madeleine exasperated. “We need to worry about our international standings, which are going to be shit now that you’ve–” 
“Our key priority is the Cordonian people. My father pointed out to me that the citizens doubt our union already, and I can’t say I blame them. It isn’t a secret that you weren't my first choice, not even the second.” Liam had to hide his smile as he stood from his seat and crossed the room to stand in front of Madeleine. 
He forced the softest tone he could when he spoke again. “I want to do everything I can to ensure this works. I know I haven’t done my part, but this is my first step in making amends. Although the international publicity would be good, we need our homeland’s support more. We can enlist in media coverage so we can still get the word out, but Madeleine, we need to stay here. Cordonia needs us right now; Cordonia needs to see its future leaders united. We have to show them we are going to lead them together.” He swallowed down the lump of bile in his throat. 
Constantine observed Liam’s body language during their interaction. Never had he seen him so confident about a decision; he looked regal, authoritative, not a hint of doubt to be present. Liam made undeniable points, and he had preached to both of them to do more to keep the people's faith in their union. However, he couldn’t help but feel like Liam could have ulterior motives for the sudden change. 
Constantine arched his brow. “That’s why you’re doing this?” 
“Yes, father. I just want to ensure the right people are supporting us. We need strength internally. I’ve adapted all the best traditions into our stops along the tour to honor those who have come before us. And, well–” Liam sighed and looked away. “I need to show the Cordonian people I am in the right mind to lead them. They’ve questioned me since my coronation. I have to show them I can do this… I can’t do that from Italy or Paris...” 
Constantine eyed Liam sternly for a long moment. Throughout his life, he could force Liam to break with only a glance. It never worked on Leo, but Liam always cracked under the pressure if he was hiding something. However, Liam showed no signs of hesitation and there were no slips in his facade. He looked regal, poised, composed, calm, and firm, with just a hint of vulnerability. Since he passed the signet ring to Liam, he was practically begging him to get his head together, and the man standing in front of him appeared to be doing just that.  
Liam knew exactly what Constantine was doing as soon as his brow arched. It’s the same glare that had gotten him into trouble multiple times growing up and he expected to endure the stare as soon as he told his father the news. It took all of his restraint, but he never let his carefully placed expression stray from his features. He silently prayed Constantine couldn’t notice the sweat profusely forming in his palms, though. 
After a long moment, Constantine’s face broke out into a small smile. He stepped forward and patted Liam on the shoulder. “I believe this is an excellent idea, son. You have my full support.” 
Liam had to fight hard to hide his surprise. He expected more of a fight from Constantine, but perhaps Olivia provided the perfect excuse. He slightly bowed and said, “Thank you, father.” 
“Let me know if you require any support in the plans.”
“Thank you, but we’re nearly finished.” Liam turned to Madeleine, who stood with her arms still crossed over her chest. “What do you say, Madeleine? You’re free to look over the arrangements if you’d like. We’ve left your bachelorette party on the same day as before, but the location is open to the entire country… Just say the word and I'll have the jet prepared...” 
Madeleine rolled her eyes. “I don’t get why you want to cancel an international tour so we can go to the same old duchies–” 
“Countess, your King made his wishes known and his reasons are relevant. Do you wish for the people to doubt your reign as Queen?” Constantine asked with his hands clasped behind his back. “Perhaps after the coronation fiasco this would have been the best solution, anyway.”
“Fine, we can proceed with your new plans.” Madeleine finally relented. “But there had better be media coverage, Liam.” 
Liam fought the urge to roll his eyes. Instead, he nodded. “You have my word.” 
Constantine smiled and put a hand on both of their shoulders. “I’m proud of both of you. You’re going to change the course of Cordonian history, the two of you. Have you prepared a statement, son?”
“I’m working on it,” Liam answered. “Would you like to be present with me, Madeleine? Perhaps it would be better if we announce the changes together.” 
Before Madeleine could respond, Constantine did so for her. “Yes, that’s a splendid plan. Do use urgency so we may stay on track. Be sure to extend invitations to our international counterparts who we expected to see along the tour, though.”
Liam nodded, and Constantine exited with Madeleine at his side, who trampled away with heavy footsteps. Drake audibly gagged as soon as the door closed behind them. “That was hard to watch.”
Liam shuddered. “Tell me about it. Do you think they bought it?” 
“I think so,” Maxwell answered. “Your dad seemed really into the idea, honestly… and as long as it’s heavily publicized, Madeleine will be happy.” 
Liam rubbed his hands together. “Right… Right… You’re right…”
“Calm down, Li. You did good.” Drake patted him on the back. “They bought it and I think you made a smart move by enlisting Maddy to make the statement with you.”
“I agree. It’s showing the mastermind that although I’m changing things up, Madeleine is on board. That’s who they’re concerned about, anyway... I’m hoping that having her support on this will work to our advantage.” 
“Damn straight. Now, we gotta hurry and throw all this bullshit together so you can get your statement out there.” 
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A few hours later, Olivia was on her way to meet with her contact on the outskirts of the city limits. Her acquaintance was someone she worked with in the past and trusted to assist them. He helped her look into the source of her own blackmail after she hit a wall. Olivia only traced it back to three different middlemen; had it not been for her associate’s aid, she never would’ve found the others. He didn't classify himself as an investigator, spy, or hacker; simply a jack of all trades. His skill set and knowledge were insurmountable, and Olivia knew he would be a worthy asset. 
Olivia pulled up to an empty parking lot aside from one other vehicle. A tall man in a black leather jacket stepped out and adjusted his shirt underneath as he did so. He took off his sunglasses and leaned against the side of the car. She exited her own SUV and made her way over, all the while looking around to ensure they were alone. 
“Thank you for meeting with me, Ray. I have a job for you.” Olivia cautiously spoke as she reached him. 
Ray smiled and bowed to her. “What can I do for you, Duchess?” 
“I need you to look into the whereabouts of two people. The first is Tariq, second Riley Brooks.” 
Ray nodded. “I was wondering if you were going to seek help there.” Olivia’s brows furrowed, causing Ray to chuckle. “Please, anyone could tell those photos were fakes or set up. It seems likely that the one who leaked the story is the same person who blackmailed you.”
“It’s not just the story, Ray. We think someone removed her from the situation. We found this–” Olivia produced the trash bag with Riley’s contaminated dress and held it out to Ray, who took it and glanced at the contents. “–inside a shed, along with all of Riley’s other belongings.”
“A shed?” 
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
Ray gave her an unsure expression. “I don’t like that, Olivia. That instantly gave me an unsettled feeling. There’s a reason her stuff is there.” 
“Trust me, I know...” 
Ray once again looked inside the bag. “You haven’t sent this off anywhere? To check the DNA?” 
“I intended to, but then I was called to a homicide for the only solid lead we’ve had regarding Riley.” Ray didn’t even try to hide his shock, which caused Olivia to chuckle. “Yeah, tell me about it. Obviously, we’re thinking it’s all connected, but…” 
Ray noticed Olivia’s hesitant expression and inquired, “What?” 
Olivia sighed and explained to Ray all the things she observed the night of the maid’s murder. When she finished, she added, “I was going to have Bastien send that dress off to forensics, but after his futile behavior, I don’t think I want him near it. He’d probably fuck around and lose it or something.” She rolled her eyes. 
“I can have it sent to the lab I use if you’d like. If I tell them it’s a stat order, I should only have to wait a few days.” 
Olivia nodded. “Yes, do that.”
“You got it. Now, have there been any leads into either of your missing persons?” 
“All Bastien has found is that Riley landed in New York the morning after the jamboree.”
“Nothing on Tariq?” Olivia shook her head. “Hmm… I find it odd that there would be no trace of him.” 
“I can confirm on my end I found the same result when I searched.” 
“I’ll begin at once. And you want me to travel with you?”
“Just for now. If we’re correct once the news breaks of the tour’s new destinations, there may be retaliation. I’m not sure what that could look like at this point and I need more people around who can properly assess situations. Honestly, finding Riley’s dress and leaving it opened my eyes to the fact that we’re all emotionally involved in this. There’s no reason for it to have sat in there a second longer once we found it, but we were all so stunned nobody was thinking. I hate to admit it, but even myself included.” 
“I can see why; it’s a lot of information to learn at once and not a lot of it makes any sense from where I’m standing. But I agree that having someone with a firm and clear mindset could benefit you.”
“I’m counting on it.” Olivia handed him a thick folder. “Here is your dossier to cover you throughout the tour. You are now Harold Marshowitz, my new bodyguard. Alternative forms of identifications are in there as well as any security clearance you may need.” 
“Got it.” 
“Great, let’s get moving.” 
“Wait–” Ray stopped her. “While we’re free to speak openly, I wanted to bring forth another potential lead I see…” 
Olivia arched her brow. “I’m listening…” 
“Have you looked into that article? At all?” 
“What do you mean?”
“It had to come from somewhere; it didn’t just appear. Not only did someone have to take those photos, but there was a story attached to it. Someone concocted that; I’m unsure if it’ll be the same person, or…” 
Olivia shook her head as frustration washed over her. “No, I hadn’t even thought about that…” 
“As you said, you’re all emotionally involved in this. I’m not, so I can see things a little more clearly…” Ray trailed off, then hesitantly spoke. “I’m, uh – a little surprised that the guard didn’t think of that.” 
“Bastien is an idiot, but something about his demeanor lately has struck me as off… I don’t know if he’s developing dementia, or if it’s something deeper…”
“All the more reason to have me around,” Ray smirked. 
“Is that something you can look into? The article?”
Ray flashed her a cocky smile and straightened his jacket. “Who do you think you’re talking to?” 
Olivia rolled her eyes. “I’m trusting you, Ray. I need you to come through for me.” 
Ray placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “All jokes aside, this is what I live for, Olivia. I love sinking my teeth into a juicy mystery. I will find them, you have my word.”
Out of sight, a figure was lurking in the shadows not far away, intently watching and listening to the meeting. As Olivia and Ray vacated the area together, the peeper clenched their jaw and repetitively punched the tree they stood beside. After removing their surveillance equipment and slamming it to the ground, they started vigorously pacing.
Everyone assumed Liam could start asking questions, but his duty and broken heart were supposed to keep him blinded. The expected time for his inquiries was long after the wedding when the job would be fully completed. However, Liam and his collective group of friends were making progress in their search and had uncovered too much in a short period; not everything, but it wouldn’t be that hard to find the rest of those answers, especially now that he brought on a competent professional to help. Considering how early it was in the tour, the possibility of him figuring it out suddenly skyrocketed. 
As a result, the entire operation was in more danger than ever before; that was not an option for anyone involved. They served the deception all around; if the mission was uncovered, multiple people would go down for it, and they would face the wrath of more than the current monarch. 
It wasn’t hard to guess where their investigation would lead them next, and that meant another loose end just identified itself. The unknown person brought out their phone to make a call, which was answered on the first ring. “We have a tremendous problem…”
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Tags (let me know if you'd like added or removed): @choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @queenrileyrose
@kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight
@amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612 @harleybeaumont
@bebepac @charlotteg234 @busywoman
@malblk21 @angelasscribbles
@bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie
@mysticalfangirl @umccall71 @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf
@lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia
@aussiegurl1234 @karahalloway @the0afnan @nestledonthaveone
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CFWC FotW - Aug 13-19, 2023
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Ⓜ️ = Adult/Mature Content 18+ 🔥 = Explicit Material/NSFW 18+ 📱= Text Fics/Edits 🎨= Includes Fanart
Blades Drabble | Mal Volar x F!MC, Tyril Starfury x MC - @lilyoffandoms
By Your Side | m! Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @trappedinfanfiction
Competitive Film Critique 102 | m! Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Crimes Drabble | f! Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @lilyoffandoms
Crimes Drabble 2 | Trystan Thorne x MC - @lilyoffandoms
Crimes Drabble 3 | m! Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @lilyoffandoms
A Skirmish of the Lexical Variety | m! Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
That's a Bet | m! Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Immortal Desires Drabble | Cas Harlow x & MC - @lilyoffandoms
Coffee & Dinosaurs | Thomas Hunt x F!OC - @theartoflovingthomashunt
Black Silk (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC, Drake Walker x F!OC - @aussiegurl1234 Chapter 15: Stacey
The Dark Kingdom (Series) | Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 4: Home Ⓜ️
Envy | LIam Rys x MC - @queenmiarys
Laws End (Series) - @angelasscribbles Murder at Vista Heights Chapter 4 Ⓜ️
Savage Love (Series) | Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 34: Plans and Declarations Ⓜ️🔥
TRR AU Drabble | Liam Rys x MC - @lilyoffandoms
TRR Drabble | Drake Walker x F!OC - @lilyoffandoms
TRR Drabble 2 | Drake Walker x MC - @lilyoffandoms
Crimes of Passion / Nightbound
Crimes/Nightbound Drabble | Nik Ryder x MC, Trystan Thorne x MC - @lilyoffandoms
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angelasreblogs · 9 months
Master List Organization Poll
I would love to have everyone's input on master list organization. I have a lot of content and my ideas of how to most efficiently present it keep changing.
I used to have a short paragraph/blurb for each story out to the side of the title. Now I just have bullet pointed lists of titles under categories (ie, “collabs”, “Poly stories”, etc).
I used to have things sorted into multiple master lists, then put them all in one place for simplicity then moved them again, sorting into several blogs each with its own master list: TRR Scribbles, TRR Poly, TRR One Shots, TRR Bad Romance. On these blogs, you will find them further divided by category, but all shown on the same page/list.
I’m wondering what works best for the readers. When you go looking for content, which format do you prefer?
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Ex 1 List of stories with blurbs:
Insurrection: Riley isn’t what anyone thought she was. Her actions set off a civil war in Cordonia. Eidolon: Construction in the four-hundred-year-old throne room awakens an ancient evil. Unexpected Max has an inappropriate fixation on Riley. Dark Elf: Liam Rys is unpleased that his human half has left him not quite immortal. He has a plan to correct that. American Girl: Riley, Drake, and Liam grew up in a small town in North Texas. High school graduation scatters the three lifelong friends and shakes up their respective relationships.
Ex 2, same as one but divided into categories
Paranormal: Eidolon: Construction in the four hundred year old throne room awakens an ancient evil. Dark Elf: Liam Rys is unpleased that his human half has left him not quite immortal. He has a plan to correct that. Non-Royal Au's: American Girl: Riley, Drake, and Liam grew up in a small town in North Texas. High school graduation scatters the three lifelong friends and shakes up their respective relationships. Drake x Riley Stories My Best Friends Girl: Drake Walker struggles to contain feelings he shouldn't be having as he finds himself falling for the same girl as his best friend. Star Crossed: Drake Walker meets the woman of his dreams the night before his best friend's wedding but there's a major obstacle.
EX 3 Title only, one long list
Three Weeks in Ramsford
The Proposal
The Agreement
Forbidden Passion
Savage Love
Royal Retribution
The De Facto Queen
Victim of Love
Ex 4 Title only, divided into subcategories but still all on ONE master list
Riley x Drake:
My Best Friend's Girl
Lavender and Crimson
Star Crossed
A Fervid Fixation
American Girl
Riley x Liam
Other Pairings:
In Your Room Drake x Leo
The Crown and the Shield Jackson x Constantine
Broken Jackson x Eleanor
Leo & Liv Leo x Olivia
Mardi Gras Mayhem
One Step Ahead
One Night in Cordonia
Cordonian Royal Airlines
Ex 5: The way it is now, links to separate blogs/ML. Stories are divided into broad categories (each of the below links leads to a separate master list where stories are then sorted into further categories but all on the same page/list)
IE: You click on one of these and when you go to that page, you see ex 4 above. ex 4 is what you get when you click on TRR Scribbles here.
Why Choose? Poly/RH stories.
TRR Scribbles: Mono pairings
Law's End: A crime procedural
One-Shots: TRR one-shots
Visuals: Art, edits, etc.
Extras: other TRR stuff
Ex 6: The way it is now, links to separate blogs/ML but with paragraphs/blurbs giving a brief description of the story. So organized like ex 5 but when you get to the ML, instead of title only, there would be blurbs like in ex 1.
Ok, was that clear as mud? If you understand all that and have an opinion, I would love to have your feedback!!!
Tagging under the cut. Thank you all in advance for your help!
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @nestledonthaveone @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973 @secretaryunpaid @irishgrl2022
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia
 @bascmve01 @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234 @jared2612
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater  @bebepac
@lunaseasblog @belencha77  @gabesmommie1130
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
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To all the writers that are participating in this month’s event, thank you!! I’m so grateful for your support, not only for myself but for other writers in this fandom. Thank you for taking the chance on us, each and every time you write and each time you post. Thank you for sharing your stories and writing them as only you can tell them 💕
I decided to share all the drabbles I wrote now, so I can be freed up to read, comment, and reblog your stories!
For @aallotarenunelma
ID Drabble (Cas &/x Saini)
For @coffeeheartaddict2
Crimes Drabble (Trystan x Aaliyah)
For @jerzwriter
When Husbands Become Prey (Tobias x Casey, Bryce x Olivia, Ethan x Merida)
For @karahalloway
TRR Drabble (Drake x Harper)
For @ladylamrian
Crimes/Nightbound Crossover Drabble (Nik x Alex, Trystan x Gabriel)
For @mydemonsdrivealimo
Open Heart Drabble (Bryce x Jensen)
For @peonyblossom
Crimes Drabble (Trystan x Jenna)
For @petiteboheme
TRR Drabble (Drake x Ava)
For @storyofmychoices
Blades Drabble (Mal x Daenarya, Tyril x Maiele)
For @tessa-liam
TRR AU Drabble (Liam x Riley)
For @trappedinfanfiction
Crimes Drabble (Trystan x Sofia)
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alj4890 · 1 year
Hii 🥰
Okay so I’m super curious (as always) and I’d love to see some of your wip magic 💚
Confession time
Random gifs
Mixed signals
First impression
The Queen‘s Choice
Pieces of us
None but you
(Is there another Sophie and Ethan story sprinkled in there? 🤩)
Also your wip folder is fine. You should see mine 😂 I put it in a neat way but yeah…it’s chaos city 😅
😂 I'm glad I'm not the only one with a crazy folder 🤣 And sadly, no Ethan and Sophie WIP's. I need some more prompts for them 😉 just in case you have any handy.
Confession Time will hopefully be posted tonight or tomorrow. It's my last Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days prompt and it was a request for Thomas Hunt x OC with the prompt: kissing the friend you've been longing for.
A few Random Gifs that I save when they spark an idea for a drabble or series:
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Mixed Signals is my first official, Open Heart series. I did a crack ship series a year or so ago of Ethan and TRR's Olivia. This time, no other Choices characters will intrude 😂 It begins shortly after the attack with my MC, Chris. In this AU, she isn't with Tobias and doesn't really know him that well. She'll end up trying to figure out who's the best for her: Ethan who won't fully commit, Bryce who won't really tell her how he feels about her, or Tobias who on the surface seems to be content with being friends with her.
First Impression: I was given this request for Thomas Hunt and my OC a while back 😬 They will be together and reminiscing about what their first impressions were of each other.
The Queen's Choice: I wrote a drabble a while back where Liam abdicated to be with the MC. Since Olivia is next in line to the throne, she is now Queen. But like Liam, she must get married. I was asked by @twinkleallnight to write this, and I realized it would need more than just a drabble or two to give justice to Olivia's story.
Pieces of Us might be my biggest crossover idea yet, LOL. I have it set in the early 1930's. War has happened between Cordonia and Auvernal. It will have characters from TRR, Perfect Match, Red Carpet Diaries, Crimes of Passion, and Open Heart. I want it to have so many story elements: drama, romance, humor, angst, mystery, ect 🤣 I'm not sure if it will ever fully come about, but I have so many scenarios in my mind for it along with numerous notes and such.
None But You is my RCD Regency AU series. This will be the second half of the completed series. There were a few more storylines I meant to explore in it, but my health had taken a rough turn during it and I finished it earlier than intended. The next few parts I have planned focus on the characters helping Chris Winters and Matt Rodriguez find their true loves. Now that Thomas Hunt and Ryan Summers have their ladies, it is only fitting that they see their friends also shackled in holy matrimony 😂
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jerzwriter · 9 months
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April - June: 37 Fics Written - 1 COP, 32 OH, 1 OH/TRR CROSSOVER, 3 WTD (More stats below break)
Ⓜ️ = Mature Content/ 18+ | 🔥= NSFW 🎨 = Art Commissions
April 2023
Ethan x Kaycee
Sorry, Tobias [Feat: Tobias]
Highways & Byways Part 1 Ⓜ️
Sweet Reaction
A Different Fate Part 1 (AU)
A Different Fate Part 2: Ethan's POV (AU)
Choosing You
Tobias x Casey
Highways & Byways Part 2 Ⓜ️
A Carrick Family Easter [Feat: The Carrick Girls, Vivian Carrick, Jordan Carrick OCs] 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
Crash Part 1
Enchanted 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
Homecoming Ⓜ️🔥 🎨 by @/artbyainna (IG)
Learning Curve - [Feat: Samantha Carrick]
Any day...
Worth the Wait
We're Having a Baby: Part 1: Ready or Not
A Mother's Journal (Series) [Eli Sipes, The Sipes Family] Part 4: The End of the World Ⓜ️
May 2023:
A Different Fate (Series) - @jerzwriter [Ethan x Kaycee] Part 3: It's Been a Long Time Part 4: Glass Door
What's Forever For? - @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey (past)/Tobias x F!OC] Miranda - Part 1
Bejeweled - @jerzwriter [Tobias Carrick, Ethan Ramsey, Bryce Lahela, Jensen Valentine - @mydemonsdrivealimo 's M!MC]
Something New - @jerzwriter [Ethan x Kaycee]
Homecoming - @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
We're Having a Baby Part 2: Here She Is - @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
Heading Home | 📱- @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
JUNE 2023
Better this way... - @jerzwriter [Trystan x Carolina]
Ethan x Kaycee
Worm Love Part 2 📱
Are We Dating the Same Guy? Ethan Edition
Tobias x Casey
Worm Love Part 1 📱- @jerzwriter [Tobias x Casey]
Are We Dating the Same Guy? Tobias Edition
Date Night 📱
A Family Affair 🏳️‍🌈 [Feat: Jordan Carrick OC]
First Father's Day
Starstruck 📱
With Pride 🏳️‍🌈 🎨by @/artbyainna (IG)
Worm Love Part 3 [Eli x Zoe, Troy]
The End of the World Part 1: The Blessing of Each Day [Eli Sipes]
One Night in Cordonia (Round Robin) | The Royal Romance / Open Heart Chapter 8: All's Well That Ends Well Ⓜ️
37 Fics
16 April / 8 May / 13 June
1 Crimes of Passion / 32 Open Heart / 1 Open Heart/ TRR Crossover / 3 Wake the Dead
5 AU
29 Tobias x Casey / 11 Ethan x Kaycee / 2 Eli Sipes / 2 OH Guys / 1 Tobias x F!OC / 1 TRR Crossover / 1 Eli x Zoe / 1 Trystan x Carolina
Guest Stars!
1 Jensen Valentine (@mydemonsdrivealimo)
4 Commissions
4 Tobias x Casey
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peonyblossom · 1 year
Choices Book Club COP 2, Chapter 2
We know that there is at least a TRR connection in the CoP universe, what other books are you hoping to see, or books you HC are connected for your creations?
There is so much potential for crossover here it's insane!! First up I would love to see a Foreign Affairs connection! Trystan has a lot of siblings, I think it would make a lot of sense if at least one of them attended or is attending Vancross Institute. Or, knowing what we know about some of Trystan's family, if one of them got kicked out of Vancross lol.
My other big one is The Heist: Monaco. I don't think we'll actually see this, but I am definitely thinking of an AU where Jenna is hired to solve some crime that The Heist MC and Crew committed. It's just tough to decide who I would want to win!!
Also, another one I don't think we'll see, especially since book 2 is taking place primarily in Drakovia and not New York, but Hot Couture! Since Marguerite works in fashion and Hot Couture takes place in NYC, it's fun to think my Hot Couture MC and Marguerite might work together! This is my new headcanon and you cannot take it away from me.
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lawsend · 1 year
Murder at Vista Heights Chapter 5
Series: Law’s End
Episode 1: Murder at Vista Heights
Fandom: The Royal Romance (loosely, there’s not much canon in here).
Pairings: Riley x Liam (past, sort of). Riley x Drake (future potentially), Riley x Max (he wishes)
Word Count: 2,431
Rating: MA
Warnings for series: adult themes, any given chapter may contain murder, violence, language, drinking, drug use, etc.
My other stuff can be found on my main blog @angelasscribbles here is the Master List.
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Riley leaned in close to Max as they entered the bar, “He’s a source, I need to flirt with him for information so make yourself scarce.”
“I’ll be at the bar if you need me.” Not that she would. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. But he didn’t want to leave her alone at night in a bar…even one filled with cops.
The Beat was a hidden gem. A dingy hole in the wall from the outside, a drab exterior graced by a small rusted tin sign, easily missed amongst the shops and eating establishments that crowded the rest of the block.
Inside, the place was alive with activity. To the right as patrons entered the front door, a highly polished bar stretched halfway down the length of the room, curving around at both ends. A big screen TV on the wall above the bar was tuned to ESPN. Bottles clanked as the bartender served drinks and the hum of twenty different conversations floated across the open area.
As Max detoured for the bar itself, Leo guided Riley to a table near the back. He wasn’t even seated before a waitress appeared at his side, “Hey Leo, Riley. I didn’t realize you two knew each other.”
Riley arched an eyebrow at her companion, “You really have been here before! You must be a regular if Siobhan knows your name.”
“I used to be a regular,” he grunted as he waved away the drink menu, “The usual.”
“You got it sugar,” the waitress winked at him before turning to Riley, “What are you having tonight?”
After they gave their drink order and Siobhan left to fill it, Riley focused her attention on Leo, “Okay. You promised me details about the case so start spilling.”
“No, no, no, Ms. Brooks, nothing is free in this life. The price for what I know is you telling me what’s going on with you and my brother, remember?”
“I remember. But I’m not very trusting, so you first.” She sat a recording device on the table between them, pushed play, and looked at him expectantly.
Leo threw his head back with a laugh, “All right. I see how it is. You don’t trust the disgraced cop that you just met fifteen minutes ago. Fair enough.”
Leo passed along the information that he had gleaned from his interrogation while Riley furiously scribbled notes.
They discussed the case as the waitress came and went. When everything else had been covered, Riley asked, “What’s your connection to Katie Sloan?”
Leo nearly dropped his drink, “What makes you think I have-“
“Your entire demeanor changes when you mention her. You flirt shamelessly with the waitress and you’ve been eye fucking the blond at the table behind us for the last ten minutes, but when you talk about Kaite, there’s a tenderness in your tone and you keep steering the conversation away from her every time she comes up.”
“You really don’t miss a thing, do you?”
“I try not to. I’d be a pretty shitty reporter if I didn’t notice details.”
“Listen. Katie and I have a past and I don’t want to-“
“You want me to tell you intimate details about my personal life, I expect the same level of transparency from you.”
“Shit,” he stared at his beer bottle as he fidgeted with the corner of the label, “I just don’t want a hatchet job done on her in the paper.”
“I understand and if you’re worried about her being slut shamed for cheating on her husband, well I won’t do that but if she murdered a man-“
“She didn’t!”
“Leo, all the details are going to be public soon enough then every paper in the state will be reporting on it. I’m your best chance at spinning a more positive image for her and mitigating the fallout. Her husband is going to find out. There’s no way Liam isn’t going to bring both her and him in for questioning and you know it.”
“Fine,” he leaned back in his chair and raked a hand through his hair, “We dated briefly several years ago, before she hooked up with that Trent guy. That’s our connection.”
“That’s not why you were threatening him.”
Leo heaved a loud sigh, “No it wasn’t. Damn, you’re better at this than the cops, girl.”
“So, tell me why you were threatening him.”
“Can you promise me you won’t make Katie look like a horrible person in your story?”
“I can promise to do my best to spin her in the best possible light and minimize the damage, but I’m in the business of reporting the facts.”
“Fair enough I guess.”
When Leo was finished telling Riley the same basic facts he’d told Liam he sat his beer on the table in front of him with a thunk and gave her a pointed look, “Now I believe you owe me the story of why you showing up at the precinct rattled my brother so much.”
“Because something happened between us that he’s trying to convince himself he regrets.”
“Why would he want to do that?”
“He thinks I used him. Seduced him just to get confidential information for a story I was working on.”
“And did you do that?”
“No! Well…kind of…”
“So, which is it? Yes, or no? There doesn’t seem to be much room for grey area here.”
“Yes, I knew who he was, and he had no idea who I was. Yes, I targeted him specifically because he was the detective assigned to the case I was covering-“
“Starting to sound a lot like Liam was right…”
“No! I don’t have sex with sources in exchange for information. I will, however, flirt shamelessly. You’d be surprised how much information I can get out of a man just by showing him a little attention.”
“No, I would not,” Leo smirked as his eyes ran down her body.
“Anyway….” she rolled her eyes as she shifted in her seat, “My plan was to do a little flirting to see what I could shake loose. Get him to drink with me. Drunk people talk more. But your brother was an impossible nut to crack. Impenetrable. He wasn’t giving anything up!”
Leo laughed, “Yeah, that sounds like him.”
“I honestly gave up and if you knew me, you’d know how huge that is. I don’t give up easily.”
“I could have guessed that about you. So why does he think you used him for information if he didn’t give you any?”
“I’m getting to that! We ended up talking all night about things unrelated to the case and the attraction was real! I hadn’t planned on going home with him, but that’s what happened. Because there was a real vibe and we clicked.”
“I’m sensing a but in there somewhere.”
“We went back to his place, and it was…well, it was…” An involuntary smile pulled her mouth up as the memories of that night danced through her head.
Leo groaned, “Yeah, that’s far enough, please don’t paint me a picture!”
Riley laughed then her smile faded, “But I got up in the middle of the night for a drink of water. I didn’t want to wake him, so I found my own way around the kitchen. On my way back I noticed the file laying on the desk…”
“And you read it?”
Riley had the good grace to look ashamed, “Read it, photographed it, quoted it in my article.”
“Wow, that’s a really big but,” Leo shook his head as he signaled the waitress for another round, “I don’t know whether to be impressed or disappointed in you.”
“Liam was understandably furious and hurt.”
“You sound troubled by that.”
“I mean, I knew he was going to be mad, but I didn’t realize how mad.”
“That bad, huh?”
“That bad. We’re not really on speaking terms.”
“You want to know what the most disturbing part of that whole story is?”
“What’s that?”
“The part where you slept with my brother, putting yourself off limits to me,” his eyes glittered with humor as he tipped his bottle to her.
Riley scoffed, “I doubt you have any trouble attracting women.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Oh, I don’t know…the boyish good looks, the devil may care attitude, the sparkling blue eyes, the bad boy demeanor, those goddamn dimples!”
“What makes you think I’m a bad boy?”
“Oh, you’re definitely a bad boy,” she answered as she lifted her drink to her lips, “and a fuck boy. And I don’t do fuck boys. So, I was never an option.”
He watched her toss the drink back with amusement, “Seems like you’ve got me all figured out then.”
“I’m a good judge of character. You may be a fuck boy, but I like you, Leo.”
“Yeah. The fact that you wouldn’t sleep with someone your brother is interested in elevates my opinion of your character.”
“What makes you think he’s still interested in you? You just told me he was furious with you.”
“Oh, he’s still interested,” she told him with a cocky grin, “He just doesn’t want to admit it.”
“I think you’re right,” Leo choked on his drink as he nodded toward the door.
Riley turned to find Liam bearing down on them, his expression grim.
Riley slipped her recorder discreetly and quickly into her bag with the arm he couldn’t see as she turned her body to face him and shoved her belongings behind her, “Can I help you, detective?”
“Wow!” Leo marveled at the innocent tone of voice and flutter of eyelashes.
“You!” Liam addressed Leo first, “Please tell me that you did not divulge any confidential information relating to an ongoing case to a civilian…to a reporter no less!”
Leo threw his arms up in surrender, “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.”
“Fucking great,” Liam huffed under his breath as he spun on Riley, “And you….you know you can’t print whatever he told you, right? It’s unverified hearsay. He could be making stuff up just to get your pants, you see that, don’t you?”
“First of all, calling him an unidentified source close to the investigation and liberal use of the word alleges covers most of those bases. But more importantly,” She plunked her elbow on the table and leaned her chin on her hand with a smile, “What makes you think he’s trying to get into my pants and why do you care?”
“Yeah, okay,” Leo tipped the bottle back and finished his beer before setting it down in front of him with a clunk, “I’m just gonna….go….”
Liam never pulled his eyes from Riley, “That’s probably a good idea. Stay away from this case, Leo.”
Leo paused when he was standing directly behind Riley, “The case? Or her?” He grinned at his brother then leaned down to whisper against her ear, “Keep an eye on the bartender tonight. You might get the answer you’re looking for.”
“Hm,” she replied struggling to keep her eyes locked on Liam. If he knew the bartender had any information, he’d question him himself and forbid her from doing it. She’d let him know if the man had anything pertinent to add to the investigation.
Her eyes quickly swept the bar as she turned her head to smile up at Leo, “Thanks for the tip.”
“Thanks for the conversation. We should do it again sometime,” he winked at her before giving his brother a grin, “See you Sunday at dads?”
“Mm,” Liam grunted. The weekly Sunday dinner was a command performance at his father’s estate ever since the advent of his most recent marriage.
“Oh, you have Sunday dinner with your father?” Riley perked up at the personal information, “I think that’s very sweet!”
“You wouldn’t if you ever attended one,” Liam snorted.
“I would love to attend one! Was that an invitation?”
“Absolutely not!”
“I would be delighted to have you come to Sunday dinner as my guest, Riley,” Leo offered.
“Why would you do that?” Liam asked in dismay as Riley and Leo quickly exchanged cell numbers.
“Trust me, bro, I’m doing this for your own good.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you’re an idiot sometimes,” Leo told him with a wave as he walked away.
Liam watched his brother leave then turned back to Riley in consternation, “Are you seriously coming to my father’s house as my brother’s date?”
“Oh, absolutely!” She answered as she scoured the bar again, “Does that bother you?”
“No!” He lied. “So, what did my brother tell you?”
“No more than he already told you, I’m sure.” She decided to try and deflect his attention, “Hey, remember last time we were here?”
Heat flushed through him as the memory of the night they met flashed through his mind, “Don’t change the subject, Riley.”
“Oh, it’s Riley again? Not Ms. Brooks?”
“I was working. It’s called professionalism.”
“You sure it’s not called sour grapes?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
Riley pushed her drink away with a sigh, “Listen, I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times you want me to say that. I didn’t sleep with you to get information out of you. I slept with you because I liked you. The rest just kind of happened…”
“Even if I believe you, you can understand why it would be hard for me to trust you again, don’t you?”
“I suppose,” she agreed, “But what if I could tell you who Katie Sloan is having an affair with?”
His head snapped up in interest, “How could you possibly do that?” 
“Riley! Riley!” Max nearly tripped in his haste to make it to the table she was sitting at.
She smirked at him, “I already know.”
“Know what?” Liam demanded.
“Who Katie Sloan is sleeping with, I told you!”
“Okay, I’ll bite. Who? And how do you know?”
“Dean Collins, owner and proprietor of The Beat.” She tipped her head toward the bar.
Liam’s eyes traveled across the room to land on the owner who was currently leaning across the bar, his face inches from the woman on the other side of it, his expression clearly besotted.
Her blonde hair was tucked under the brim of a stylish oversized hat and she hadn’t removed her sunglasses but it was Katie Sloan.
They watched as Dean tossed the register keys to one of the waitresses then moved around the bar, taking her hand in his and disappearing up the stairs in the back corner of the establishment, into the living quarters above.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 1 year
Tag game
Thank you so much for tagging me @lizzybeth1986 😘
Currently Reading: The Age Of Empire by Eric Hobsbawm. History is my current obsession. Choiceswise, I think it was Crimes of Passion 1 or Queen B 2... It was a while ago... I don't know for sure which one was the last one.
Favourite Colour: Purple
Last Song:
Last Movie: A documentary about the events that led to a coup d'etat attempt in Venezuela during 2002 called Chavéz: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. Like I said before, History is my current obsession.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Sweet. I like savoury and spicy too (despite my little tolerance to spicy food 😅), but sugar is my addiction.
Currently Working On: Does daydreaming about it qualify as "working on"? Real life has been so time consuming lately that it took me four days to finish watching my last movie watched 😅 I do have many ideas for Hayden Young Appreciation Week, some half written WIPs for my Bloodbound series, Desire & Decorum AUs, TRR series and one shots, TWC one shots and a very messy sketch of a certain Choices character I miss dearly, but I don't know when I'll post them. (The sketch might never be posted though 🫣)
Tagging: @havenroyals @lilyoffandoms @princess-geek @andthatisnotfake and anyone who feels like doing this.
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karahalloway · 2 years
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I posted 1,327 times in 2022
That's 456 more posts than 2021!
115 posts created (9%)
1,212 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 128 of my posts in 2022
#drake walker - 71 posts
#the royal romance - 69 posts
#drake x mc - 54 posts
#harper gale - 52 posts
#trr fanfic - 48 posts
#less than noble intentions - 35 posts
#choices fic writers creations - 31 posts
#kara halloway - 26 posts
#sleepless in new york - 20 posts
#uncommon attraction - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 51 characters
#denim shirt and biker jacket…what else do you need?
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Just got a message from Tumblr support informing that my account has been restored and I am officially un-shadowbanned! (Apparently it was glitch at their end that was causing the problem... 😒)
But... it got sorted much quicker than last time, and I’ve got my account working properly again, so...
See the full post
65 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
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OMG guys... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Thank you so, so, so much!
It seems like only yesterday that I hit the 50 followers milestone, and now to have 100 lovely people who thought that the stuff I post on my account is worthy of their attention is just...
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68 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
TRR Round Robin - Part 9: Danger Zone
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In the universe that The Royal Romance/Heir fan fiction inhabits, the people are represented by two not necessarily separate yet equally important groups: The Writers, who come up with these fantastical stories, and The Readers, who eagerly consume them. One writer, @sirbeepsalot, was struck with inspiration and came up with the idea of a round-robin story based on The Royal Romance/Heir.
This is that story.
What’s happened so far?
Liam and Olivia were plotting a plan which Leo interrupted; Queen Madeleine and King Liam are hiding at Drake’s cabin with Max, but Drake has disappeared with his motorbike bike while Max texted someone, who turned out to be Bertrand. Riley Brooks, Royal Communication Director, played her part for the King, by giving a press release with fake news of Queen’s miscarriage, but has unknowingly revealed the whereabouts of the King and Queen to Eirik. Leo shot Anton dead and fled away from the crime scene with his lover, Olivia, and the secret contents of the box. Barthelemy has extracted the whereabouts of the King and Queen’s location from Bertrand at the point of a gun. Leo and Olivia realise that Liam and Madeleine are not at Valtoria and Drake has found a note.
Catch up here.
Book: The Royal Romance/Heir
Pairings: Liam x Madeleine, Riley x Drake (sorry... not sorry! I’m an unabashed Drake stan so... 🙃)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Swearing, kidnapping, torture
Word count: 1,000. On. The. Dot.
I am participating in @wackydrabbles with this post. The week 135 prompt is “Why did I let you talk me into this?” and will appear in bold below. 
See the full post
68 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
Sleepless in New York: Chapter 4 - Showtime, Baby!
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Series: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x OC (Harper Gale)
Rights belong to Pixelberry, most characters and some dialogue belong to them.
Synopsis: This is a short-story series written from Drake’s POV that explores an AU where Drake meets Harper (my OC from (Un)Common Attraction) by himself before the boys come to the bar on the last night of Christian’s bachelor party.
Masterlist: Sleepless in New York
Chapter Summary: The sparks fly (in more ways than one!) as Drake faces off against Harper...
Word Count: 6,700
Rating/Warnings: M (swearing, sexual tension, Drake going all out - change of panties advisable 😆)
Chapter theme song:
Also available on Wattpad
Chapter 4 - Showtime, Baby!
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75 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
(Un)Common Attraction: Dive into the Deep End Comic
The amazingly talented @blueberryarts18 has done it again! 🤗 She created a jaw-dropping comic that brings to life a pivotal moment from (Un)Common Attraction - Harper and Drake’s first kiss! 
I literally have no words... 😭 Every time she sent me a WIP of this comic, I squeed, loving watching the scenes come to life with more and more detail, until she sent me through the final, finished work and I was honestly rendered speechless...! It is a thousand times better than I had imagined it in my head - the colours, the facial expressions, the emotion in each panel... It’s seriously as if she looked in my head and saw what I saw when I wrote the scene... 🤯
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Extract of accompanying scene below the cut.
Extract from Chapter 21: Dive into the Deep End
Warnings: Swearing, minor smutty moment, major angst
"Now there's a million-dollar view if ever I saw one," I remark, taking in the beautiful vista.
"Worth the climb, isn't it?" murmurs Drake, leaning against the wall.
"Definitely! You get a workout and a view! What more can you ask for?"
Drake glances at me briefly before looking back out over the water. "We should start heading back before they send out a search party."
"Back the way we came, I'm guessing?"
"Or you could jump."
I stare at him in disbelief. "You're joking... That's a 30 foot drop at least!"
"Don't chicken out on me now, Gale," he replies with a cocky grin, edging backwards.
In the next instant, he becomes a blur of motion as he dashes forward and leaping into the air, throws himself off the cliff. I gasp as he twists into a forward flip before straightening out and diving expertly into the water below.
"Holy shit..." I breathe as I watch him resurface a couple of seconds later to let out a loud whoop of exultation.
"You comin' or not?" he calls, treading water as he looks up at me.
I gulp nervously as I stare down at him.
While I really did not want to jump, the alternative was to try and make my way back down the way we had come... And unfortunately, without Drake's help, that option would most likely result in a sprained ankle, if not something worse.
So, despite every instinct in my body screaming at me not to do it, I back up as far as I can go. Closing my eyes, I heave several deep breaths to try and calm my thundering heart. Then, pushing my self-preservation instincts aside, I rush forward and throw myself over the edge.
My mouth opens to emit a terrified shriek as I flail my arms and legs in a vain attempt to slow myself down, before I remember that I need to straighten up to avoid seriously hurting myself when I hit the water.
Lifting my arms above my head, I press my legs together and point my toes just before I cut through the cool water like a knife. With my lungs crying out for air, I kick back up, taking a ragged breath as I break through the surface.
"Oh. My. God!" I exclaim breathlessly, every inch of me tingling from the sudden rush of adrenaline. "That... That was..."
"Pretty intense, huh?" grins Drake. "Though in all the excitement, you seem to have dropped something."
I gasp in horror as he holds up my bikini top with one finger.
"Give that back!" I cry, lunging towards him.
How the hell did I manage to end up basically naked with both Christian and Drake just days apart?!
"Or what?" he taunts with a wicked grin, swivelling easily out of the way.
"I'll...I'll..." I flounder. "Oh, I don't know! But if you don't give it back, this instant, I swear you'll regret it, Walker!"
"I'll take my chances."
See the full post
76 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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zoey-wades · 4 years
Honeymoon (King Liam x MC)
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Rating: M (Drug Use, Substance Abuse, Violence, Self-Inflicted Violence)
Characters: Dark!Liam Rys x Dark!Lyra Frasier (MC) x Dark!Drake Walker
Summary: Fresh out of school and trying to figure things out, Lyra Frasier spends her weekdays going to a job she hates and her weekends in a drug fueled haze. And then she meets golden boy Liam. Lyra soon realizes that the violent underbelly of New York City’s elite may be more than she can handle.
Author’s Note: I haven’t updated this thing since uh......last year? I’m bad at making a writing schedule for myself. I think, the way TRR has been going as a series, I just haven’t had the motivation. But when I separate this world from that one, it helps a bit more. 
Honeymoon Series
ooo. Prologue.
oo1. Honeymoon.
oo2. Midnight City.
oo3. C.R.E.A.M. 
It was bad enough that Liam’s father was ill; he also had to be stubborn as fuck.
Liam winced as his ailing father lifted the shaking glass of whiskey to his lips, determined to keep drinking despite what the doctor and his wife told him about the effects on his body. Liam cleared his throat, earning a single passive glance from his father across the desk. 
“Oh come on,” Constantine groaned, licking the droplets of liquor from his chin, “Not you, too. I don’t need anymore shit about what I do in my free time.” 
Unwilling to take advice from those he deemed inexperienced, Constantine was an unwavering force in a world of deeply complicated decisions. Liam patiently rested his folded hands in his lap, training his expression to convey as much stoicism as he could in the given circumstance.
“You don’t seem to understand that this,” he motioned towards the glass, “is the reason why Sebastian Clark was able to fly under your radar for so long? What would’ve happened if Walker and I hadn’t figured him out? Who knows what he could’ve gotten away with--” 
“That rotten, coked out fucker,” Constantine spat with a wave of the hand, “Good riddance. I didn’t need him poisoning my ranks with his bullshit.” 
“That’s what I’m trying to explain,” Liam leaned forward in his seat, speaking slowly to emphasize his next point, “We don’t know that he hasn’t. And the fact that he was in your ranks for as long as he had should be worrisome. Who knows what else is going on that we don’t know about.”
“My men are loyal to me,” Constantine stated plainly, “One bad apple doesn’t always spoil the lot.”
At the age of 67, he’d been away from the action for quite some time. Evidence of a hard youth decorated his face and body in the form of scars and bones that didn’t quite heal correctly. Liam couldn’t remember a time when his father didn’t look tired. If he hadn’t seen a photo of a young Constantine with his own eyes, he’d believe the man just came into this world with a shock of white hair and bloodshot eyes. His stepmother half-joked that Liam’s older brother, Leo, caused their father to gray prematurely with his gambling and sex addictions.
On the other hand, Leo had to get it from somewhere.
Liam watched his father struggle to take another sip from his glass before averting his gaze to a family photo on his father’s desk. Teenage Justin and Liam sat side-by-side, unsmiling, with neatly pressed suits on in front of their equally serious fathers. Why Constantine kept that particular photo on his desk, Liam never understood. Nothing about it exuded warmth. 
“Did Justin ever talk about a girl around you?” Liam suddenly asked, refocusing on his father who swirled his whiskey in deep thought. 
“A girl?” He repeated in thought, “Once or twice. Usually he was asking advice on how to keep them tamed, you know?” 
Constantine attempted a conspiratorial smile that Liam didn’t reciprocate. 
“Did he mention any specific names?” Liam pressed on, “Or descriptors?” 
Constantine raised a brow and sat the sweating glass on a wooden coaster, “What is this about?”
What was this about? Liam wasn’t entirely sure. There was something about the girl, Lyra, that intrigued him. How was she able to dip in and out of their world so easily without leaving any footprints behind? Who did she know? 
After dropping her off back home the previous afternoon, Liam did some quick research into who she was. Aside from a few high school choir competition press reels, she was an otherwise ordinary woman. 
“Well I...” Liam chose his words carefully, “ran into Justin at the bar, talking to a girl. You know we never really see him with anyone. So I was just curious.”
There was a brief pause between the two men, and the grin returned to Constantine’s face, “A hot piece of ass, huh? Thinking of getting in there?” 
Liam said nothing, but fidgeted with the rings on his fingers. His father wasn’t technically wrong. But god damn if the wording didn’t make him feel like the grossest piece of shit. 
He decided to drop the subject for another time.
“Sorry to push us off topic, Dad,” Liam quickly corrected, “But, back to my original point...how do you know for sure Clark was the only shady one in the group?” 
Constantine considered this, tapping his pen on the wooden desktop, “What reason would I give them to turn their backs on me? I’ve been with these men for well over 30 years, I fed them,” he counted on his fingers, “clothed them, put their kids through school, made them dukes in their own respects. They made their names on my back, and they think they’re gonna fuck me over!” 
The sudden exclamation caused the man to cough violently into his arm and then into a handkerchief. Liam instinctively jumped to his feet, and rushed across the room to fetch a glass of water for his father. 
“I’m fine!” Constantine croaked, attempting to catch his breath, “I just got a bit overexcited.” 
Despite his protests, Constantine took the glass and sipped from it slowly. It hurt Liam to see his father deteriorating so quickly. A part of him felt like Constantine believed himself to be invincible. A smaller part of Liam felt like his father was simply just giving up. He had to put on an air of confidence, as he was at the top of the pyramid and could not show weakness. But as he grew older, cracks in the foundation began to form. Cracks that Liam had been working to seal. 
Liam loved his father. There was no doubt about that. But every day the work grew more difficult. Liam could almost envision the empire crumbling at his father’s feet, all because he was too stubborn to fix the loose bricks. 
As if reading his mind, Constantine sat the glass down and looked over his son, “You do know that I love you, right, kiddo?” 
There was a faraway look in his eyes, a look Liam saw once in a while. And he always wondered where Constantine went when that happened. 
“Yeah, I know, dad.”
Sadness darkened his father’s features, “Despite the issues that your mother and I had,” he cleared his throat, “I did love her. And I think you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m always going to be proud of you.” 
A pit formed in Liam’s stomach and he reached across to grab his father’s hand, “Hey, what are you not telling me?” 
And just like that, Constantine switched the darkness off, a confident grin returning to his face. It didn’t reach his eyes. 
“A man can’t tell his kid he appreciates him, anymore? Lighten up, Liam.” 
Liam sat in the garage of his apartment building to smoke and attempt at shuffling through his thoughts. Maybe it was counterproductive. An hour after leaving Constantine’s office, Liam learned of another potential fuck up in his father’s ranks. Someone was making trade deals on the low, and informing a rival company of some arms delivery pick up spots before they arrived for a cut of the profit. He passed the message along to Drake, who responded with the same concerns regarding Constantine’s failing leadership. 
Liam was only one man. Though he was sure he didn’t feel an ounce of the pressure his father did, the stress he felt nearly crippled him sometimes. He briefly allowed his mind to wander to Lyra and what she was doing. Did she know how much he envied her life? She didn’t answer to anyone, she could leave the city if she wanted to, she never had to constantly look over her shoulder. Lyra carried herself with the air of freedom he could only dream about. Clutching his phone in tatted knuckles, he almost considered texting her. But truly, what would he even say? 
“Hey, I know we only spoke once and you gave me your number because you wanted to pay me back for the gas (which you still don’t have to do). But what does freedom feel like?” 
Right now, Liam imagined she was laying across the secondhand sofa in some old college sweatshirt, watching YouTube, her mind a thousand miles away from him. He’d never even seen her apartment. But he had a feeling she had a lot of plants and a collection of decorated whiskey bottles on her kitchen counter. She seemed like the type. He caught himself chuckling at the thought and frowned. Ideally, he’d just let her go. He could never bring her into this world, she was too good for it. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that he could grow to like her. 
The shrill ring of his phone cut through his thoughts, sharply pulling him from a moment of escapism he didn’t even know he needed. 
“Hello?” Liam answered, attempting to mask his disappointment. 
“Idon’tknowwhathappened! Idon’tknow!” A shrill voice cried on the other end between sobs. Liam pulled the phone from his face, and realized it was his father’s assistant, Penelope, calling from an unknown number. Alarm bells went off in Liam’s head, and he turned the ignition in his car. 
“Pen, what happened?” He asked, sitting up in his seat. 
“I just came in and he was....! I don’t know what happened, Liam! I was gone for an hour!”
“What. Happened?” Liam asked, again. His heart began to thud in his ears, and he gripped the steering wheel, “Just fucking tell me. Spit it out-”
“Constantine shot himself!”
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ramseyy · 3 years
Can we just agree that the abuse toward Kiara in TRR is racist? I've seen so much hate directed towards her and for what? Having a crush on a guy.
Olivia, the white woman, in book 1 kisses Liam and gets hardly any abuse but one of the only women of color in that book likes a man and gets abused for it. There's a clear divide in how both of these characters are treated.
It's racist. Plain and simple
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axwalker · 3 years
CREEP: I’m a creep
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Pairing: Drake Walker and Lexie O’Brien -- Book TRR 
A/N 1 This came up to me after I got an ask from @nestledonthaveone
I was listening to my iPod on my way home from work yesterday & Radiohead's Creep came on. One of my favorite songs, and I think the lyrics are great for an angsty Drake fic. It reminds me of him. Could you please write an angsty fic inspired by the song? I love how you write angst!!
I used to hear this song when I was a teenager, so when I read this ask, I immediately wanted to write something angsty but situated in high school.
This is part one of two. 
I hope you enjoy it @nestledonthaveone 💕
A/N 2: Because they’re younger than usual, I decided to change my  FC --just for this fic. I’m still picturing Michiel and Valerie when they’ll be older though. 
A/N3: I’m participating in @wackydrabbles Prompt #105   It's definitely ... interesting.”
Thank you ladies! 
WARNINGS: Parental abuse. Eventually some lemons.  ALL MY FICS ARE 18+ 
Tags in the comments. 
I’ve always loved sunsets. The entire sky is painted orange and pink, streaking with white light and many other colors; I can’t take my eyes away from it. Sunsets remind us that no matter what is happening in our lives, the sun will be out again tomorrow. It’s raw, beautiful, and comforts me—the thought of the sun watching over me. I sit on my porch, my knees against my chest. I’m wearing a white tank top and jean shorts to fight the intense heat that invades Cordonia in early September.  I fix my eyes on the sky, wishing a miracle. Something that takes me away from my father and his new wife. Away from the pain of losing mom.
“What are you doing?” The voice is so resonant, deep, and rasping. Slowly, I sit up and look around, pushing my long, brown hair out of my eyes. I raise my head, and I see him. Drake Walker. 
 My breath catches, and I cross my arms over my breasts, knowing the thin material of my shirt isn’t keeping me remotely modest. What is he doing here? At this time, no less. I go to school with Drake. We’re both sophomores at Valtoria High School. He’s six foot two, with strong shoulders, and has a knowledge of life in his eyes that boys our age simply don’t possess. We have five classes together, and he sits through them like a statue, his chocolate eyes unreadable. Tall, dark, and angry. Handsome in a hard way that makes the other girls nervous when he walks down the hallways. Not me, though. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve stared at him from behind my locker door, breath trapped in my lungs, wondering what he’s thinking of behind his brooding eyes. 
“I asked, what are you doing? This isn’t a safe place to be alone at night. You should get inside.” 
“Inside is no safer.” Why would I say that? My first time talking with this boy, and I tell him my deepest secret? His eyes narrow at me.“I mean, there’s not a lot of crime in this part of Portavira.” That loosens the tension in his broad shoulders. “I’m looking at the sunset. I love it. It’s so beautiful and wild.” I bit my bottom lip noticing his eyes dip to catch the action. 
“It’s definitely ... interesting,” he says, noncommittally. “There are things I like more.” 
“Like what?” I ask. 
He shrugs but looks back down at me, wrestling with something. He lifts a hand, brushing the very tip of his fingers down my cheekbone. “You,” he rasps.
Drake’s deep brown eyes look at me with something I’m only on the cusp of understanding. Is it…lust? His fingers move down my jaw, traveling slowly over the hollow of my throat to tease one of my tank top’s straps. “I like you. I can’t seem to stop…wanting. Wanting you to look at me. Wanting you…period. It’s why I sit behind you in all your classes, O’Brien. You don’t know that?” My knees start to tremble. I’ve always wondered how we end up in the same classes every single semester. He’s arranged for it to happen? He…likes me? That much? Say something, dork. Don’t act like it’s not mutual. 
 As if I haven’t lain my bed after school, when no one is at home and touched myself while thinking of Drake Walker. I must be doing a terrible job of keeping that secret to myself because Drake’s breath begins to grow shallow. “O’Brien.” He drops his forehead to mine, the pads of his thumb rubbing the soft skin of my neck. “Have you ever been kissed?”
I can’t talk, so I shake my head. 
“Please,” he groans. “Let me.” 
My head is spinning. “Let you what?” 
“Kiss you. Finally.” His hands move to cradle my head, making me feel delicate, like something special. His minty breath is close to my ear, setting off an ache low in my belly. “I need to kiss you, O’Brien. I need it.” He leans down and kisses the corner of my lips in the most torturous, exquisite way. My heart is beating wildly in my chest when he puts his soft lips on mine for the first time. My first kiss is an amazing one. He bends his head, and his mouth finds mine with soft pressure. I thought he would be rough or impatient may be clumsy, but I didn’t expect the gentle way his lips caress mine. The way he coaxes my own lips apart before I’m even aware of it. My knees buckle, but he holds me firmly against him. He kisses me as if this wasn’t our first time but our last. It’s the most erotic moment of my life, but all too son Drake leaves my lips. I only feel urgency. Want so deep that it burns inside of me.  It has existed between us all along, hasn’t it? Not one-sided. A yearning pull between two people, orbiting each other in the earthly, incongruous setting of school. 
Drake opens his mouth to say something, but my name is shouted in the distance. From inside the house. With glittering eyes, Drake drops his hands to his side, though it obviously pains him to do so. He gives me a chaste kiss on my cheek. One second later, the back door of my house opens, revealing my father, his imposing frame backlit by the interior. 
“Alexis!” I start to tremble; I try to speak, but I can’t. ““What are you doing out here this late?” There’s a tight smile in his voice. “Did you come out here to retrieve the handyman?” I do a double-take, noticing the strain forming around the corners of Drake’s mouth. 
“Yes.” My father chuckles, coming forward to clap a hand down on Drake’s tense shoulder. “He’s here to repair a leak in the attic. Liam called you by the way.” Drake can’t look at me now, his gaze cast over my shoulder. Empty. A minute ago, we were equals. But my father’s words have called into focus one very important thing. I’m rich, and he’s very poor. It just didn’t matter. To me, it still doesn’t. But the economic divide between us is deepening by the second. 
“Why don’t you get to it?” My father suggests to Drake, his tone hard. “Alexis has to study. She is going places.”
 I down my gaze to the ground, humiliation burning up my throat. My father is an expert at belittling people, and he’s just done it to Drake. I want to say something to make it better, to defend Drake, but I know I’ll only be making it worse. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to offer Drake an apology. At school. I’ll talk to him then. 
“Yes, sir,” Drake responds stiffly, turning on his boots and stalking toward the house. Behind his back, my father reaches over and digs his thumb into my bicep until I double over, releasing a silent scream. He lets go a moment before Drake glances back over his shoulder, eyes hooded, and my expression is serene. Because I know better than to let anyone see the pain. My father has never been physically abusive, but his temper is getting worse. He hated mom and he’s taking it out on me. As soon as we’re in the house, I run up the stairs to my room and lock the door, leaning back against it. Listening to Drake’s boots walk back and forth in the attic. More than anything, I want to go up there. Feel his hands on me again. Cherishing hands, instead of hateful ones. I ache for that. For him. But an hour later, Drake leaves, and that’s when I face the consequences. My father knocks on my door. When I open it, the look on his eyes let me know it’s going to be worse than usual. 
“If I ever see you talking to that boy again, so help me God, I’ll kick you out of this house.” His face is contorted with rage. “Then, I’ll ruin him, too. I’ll make his life even harder in this town. You know I can do it. I can have him cast off that filthy land and no one will ever hire him again. Is that what you want?” 
“No,” I whisper. 
“No,” he sneers, mocking me. “Never look at him again. Do you hear me? My daughter does not associate with penniless dirt. The only boy you’re allow to date is Liam Rys. No one else.” 
“I won’t. I promise.” 
“See that you keep that promise. Or you’ll both pay the price.” And I pay a good deal of it that night when dad slaps me for the first time. The next day at school, I don’t look at Drake in the hallway. I don’t pause in the doorway of our classes, absorbing the sight of him waiting at the desk behind me. I simply keep my head down and try not to show the bruise on my cheek. On my body and my heart. I could never have predicted he would hate me for it.
 Two years later 
I walk past O’Brien in the hallway and slam my fist against the locker to her left, making her jump. Shame, frustration, and resentment have been like a poison inside me, rotting my bones every second of the last two years, ever since that night in her garden when she tricked me into thinking she felt the same. Maybe she did. Until her father reminded her that I’m nothing but a poor handyman. Yeah, she remembered pretty quickly that she’s better than me. Good enough to date a rich quarterback like Rys but definitely not a low life like me. Rich, stuck-up brat. What’s worse is that she fucking ruined me with those lips. She brought me to my knees. Made me reveal myself in ways I’ve never done with anyone. And now? Now she’s left me lonely and fuck-starved for two years. Obsessed with her, unable to let her go and hating her guts for it. Because she won’t even look at me anymore. I’m nothing but the dirt beneath her spotless sneakers. Two years ago, I decided that if she was going to make my life hell by ignoring me after what we shared, then I could return the favor. So I do. By tormenting her. That’s the only term for it. I torture her, and I hate that—I fucking hate it—but so be it. My jaw is close to shattering as I watch O’Brien calmly collect the books from her locker and hurry toward our next class. On top of being a bully, I’m also a masochist because I still trick the school into having the same five classes every year. My aunt Leona works in the front office, and she feels bad for me because of my dad dying and my mom abandoning me when I was still in middle school, leaving me in the trailer alone. Not bad enough to invite me to live with her family, but bad enough that she slips me O’Brien’s schedule every semester so I can match it to mine. Before I follow her, I stop at her locker, sliding something in it, and continue on my way. When I walk into class behind her a moment later, I slow to a stop in the doorway at the sight of Rys kneeling to speak with O’Brien where she sits at her desk—cajoling a smile out of her. She refused to date him two years ago, but fucking Liam didn’t get the memo. No one has as much money as his father in this town. If  Rys is asking her out again, she’d probably say yes. If I let it get that far, which I won’t. I never do. She’s mine. Only mine. 
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