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artnerd1123 · 5 years ago
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figured i’d give these a redraw, since it’s pride month n all!!! canon lgbt+ time, lezgo :V
deets on the flags n such undercut
AFW cast:
Aiden: straight (he/him)
Roo: Biromantic (he/him)
Journal: Bisexual (he/him)
Ruffy: aromantic (he/him)
Evangel: straight (she/her)
Seraph: panromantic (she/her)
Nettles: doesn’t wanna pick a label, but def not straight (she/her)
TCOAS cast:
Molly Lily: Bisexual (she/her)
Creschendo: aromantic (he/him)
Nefrius: doesn’t know yet! (he/him)
Cassidy: panromantic asexual (she/her)
Shugar: lesbian (she/her)
Sergio: pansexual (he/him)
Kadar: straight (he/him)
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brbcrawlingtokorea · 5 years ago
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! 🧸
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Thank you all so much! I love you all ^3^
@creschendo, @kaiternity, @delhyun, @exotic-for-life
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sehurn · 5 years ago
🌼⚡️This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved!⚡️🌼
OMG Tam ♡ thank you bub! 
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nunbuchen · 8 years ago
LMAO ok… I actually liked(loved) wolf even since the leaked version with the terrible off-tuned Baek and shit haha and I used to listen to it a lot, like A LOT… One day my dad and bro entered the house and I was like ENJOYING such a terrible song, that day they lost all their hopes and faith in me and never trusted my musical taste anymore.
Send me a word & I’ll tell you a fact about myself based off that word
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lucasquirkymusicblog · 3 years ago
"I know this song but what is its name ?”
Chances are (very) high that all of you know the melody of “Also sprach Zarathustra”. You know, the “paaah paaaaah paaaaah, PAH PAH” song in “2001 : A Space Odyssey”.
This melody,composed in 1896 by Richard Strauss, is inspired by the eponymous Nietzsche philosophical novel. Its fanfare, repeated creschendo for 3 times, represents a sunrise. This aspect of elevation in the sound may be the original element that made Stanley Kubrick chose this track for his famous movie. A choice so good that now, few people think of a sunrise hearing these notes, but rather to space. This association is also based on the fact that the BBC, inspired by Kubrick’s work, used the same track for its televison coverage of space missions accomplished by Apollo.
Do you think it is a good thing that a song is known only by this mean ? Do you think  “Also sprach Zarathustra” should be more than “The Space Song ?”
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dojaejung · 4 years ago
Hello, since his birthday is soon please can you recommend me some Chen blogs?
hi!! of course 💛
@happykjd @dokyunqsoo @amaranth @dayafterdae @littlesunshinedae @punkzs @softxingdae @fychen @creschendo
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creschendo · 5 years ago
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exo-l revival week 6: minseok ⚡animal crossing version of 'beyond' by xiumin ↳ boarding pass and passport from dodoairlines
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x-exo · 5 years ago
sofi all i seem to follow are bbh blogs with a small sprinkling of pcy lmaooo do you have any good exo blog recs for me to follow ?? thank u and happy baekhyun season 💖
hii!! hmmm...maybe you're already following them but @tipannies @subaek @sefuns @pikayeollie @kimjuncottons @kaibility @iyeolie @chanshine @chengf @yixing-zhang @punkzs @jongzdae @chanyeolsolo @byunvoyage @kaiternity @baekhyuntella @baekpedia @byunls @xiuminscheeks @xiuhunsoo @kvncity @creschendo @vogueksoo @kyunqsoos
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artnerd1123 · 5 years ago
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ah yes, the angry chicken scream familiar himself,,, 
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loeychateau · 4 years ago
a content year in review // tagged by @do-kyngsoo
first creation of 2020 and most recent creation: my first creation of the year was my ksoo birthday post and my most recent is my secret santa set . I wish I had more time to make gifs and gfx but school has kept me rather busy this year.
favorite creation of 2020: i’ve been quite fond of this piece for no particular reason.  I individually created each frame of the box pixelating in so I guess seeing the effort end in a cool visual is part of why I like it so much. 
a creation you’re really proud of: I did this entirely on photoshop because I didn’t have after effects.  Creating each frame individually and moving the pieces a few pixels at a time for each frame and then custom making the effects took forever but I’m so proud of how it turned out. 
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: I’ve dabbled in the world of 3D a few times on this blog but this set was done from scratch and there are a lot of 3D elements. I wouldn’t say 3D is my strong suit, but I think this is better than my 3D work from 2019. 
a creation that took forever: Definitely Chanyeol’s bday gifset. cutting out each frame of the blossoming flowers took so long. Each flower was around 250 frames and each one needed to be cut out. Let alone animating the flower fireworks.  I think this set took 8 hours of nonstop work. 
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: I think it was Kai’s birthday gif
a creation you think deserved more notes: this one maybe? I posted it quite early in the morning so I don’t think anyone saw it 
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: I have not joined any new fandoms but I’ll use this question to shamelessly plug my favorite gifset from my shinee blog this year 
a creation you made that breaks your heart: I honestly don’t make a lot of sad content. in 2020 I really only had time to gif events like birthdays and comebacks so I guess I don’t have anything for this one.
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: I like the aesthetic of this one
a creation that was inspired by another one: I really do try to make original content so I try to avoid making anything that looks like someone else’s creation because art theft and plagiarism should be taken more seriously. After scrolling through my 2020 works, nothing really stands out to me as being inspired by another tumblr creator’s works, but I guess I could say that my bday set aesthetic for this rotation was inspired by this pantone color header image
a favorite creation by someone else: I love this one! The color palette is stunning and the set is very clean, visually appealing, and creative! Amazing work as always @creschendo
thank you to all the creators for all of the amazing work you do! I'll tag some of my favorite creators (there are many more than this!) @sefuns @byunvoyage @ohsehuns  @cytaoplasm @exo-stentialism @1oveyeol and @subaek . (if you’ve already done it don’t feel pressured to do it again)
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kaiternity · 5 years ago
get to know me better tag; 🌻
i was tagged (some time ago) by @creschendo​ - thank you a lot ♥
gender: female
horoscope: aries
height: 160 cm
hogwarts house: slytherin
fave animal: dog, lynx, jaguar
average hours of sleep: 6-7 hours
current time: 23:13
dogs or cats: ♥dogs♥
number of blankets: two when it’s cold, one when it’s warm, none when it’s summer xD
when i joined tumblr: april 5th 2014.
how i created my url: my first url was too long (and embarrassing) so i wanted to change it to something shorter and easier to remember, while keeping it jongin-related. while listening to vixx’s “eternity”, i was like hmmm why not combine it with kai and so kaiternity was formed :D
i’m tagging: @do-kyngsoo, @skylarwarau��, @babybaekuwu, @joninibear, @kiauraly, @ilovkji and everyone who wants to do it ♥
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renewed-thunder · 5 years ago
Re:Human (RP with @not-completely-human )
The skies over Iron City were as they ever were, the clouds traipsing across the expanse of blackness of night like ghostly whispers of nature sung in sweet soliloquy against the raging city noise as the moon shone full in its currently crimson splendor. A visiting demon among darting droplets.
Soon, however, this relative peace was interrupted at first by sapphire sparks akin to parsed lightning which gradually grew in intensity in fits of violent flashing until reaching their creschendo in the form of one last brilliant optical explosion. As this light died down, and if one had the sharpness of vision to see against the returning dark, a shape like that of a human skeleton could be witnessed plummeting to the ground from the display's edge.
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sanamorolls-moved · 5 years ago
for gif and gfx: x-exo, exo-stentialism, dayafterdae, pikayeollie, creschendo, byunvoyage, sefuns, subaek, and kamikoy are just a few~ and for updates: fy-exo, fy-kimkai, fyeahchanyeol, fuckyeahjoonmyun, happybbh, happykjd, fy-sehunoh
thanks queen! girl u have done it again, constantly keeping us informed & doing it flawlessly 💗
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sehurn · 5 years ago
passing it on! - *hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! 🧸
awn, thank you! *hugs you back*
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adreamingofguns · 6 years ago
My favorite part of the orchestral arrangement of IKSSE3 is how it starts out really intense but happy in a super manic way with the whole velorium camper i-iii and then immediately segues into oh God this murder is fucking happening huh and then IMMEDIATE drop off into bye bye beautiful and it's the weirdest sense of catharsis when it ends and light and the glass begins and it's this delicate incredible sound that creschendos into this phyrric triumph and then descends back into delicate tragedy and I'm out here crying over some dead ass hot robots that got burnt up by a star
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creschendo · 5 years ago
get to know me better tag; ⚡️
i was tagged by @delhyun! i loved reading your responses lia; it was fun learning more about you! 💕i hope this post doesn’t expose me too much.
gender: female
horoscope: aquarius
height: 5′3″ (160 cm)
hogwarts house: hufflepuff!!!
fave animal: dolphins, whales, tigers, pokemon
average hours of sleep: 5 hours?
current time: 5:00pm
dogs or cats: both but dogs slightly more
number of blankets: two when it’s cold, one when it’s warm
when i joined tumblr: april 2010. this blog started out as a multi-fandom/anime/cute blog. if you look through my archive, you will see my blog slowly transition into becoming at full-time exo blog, starting from my first exo reblog in dec 2013.
how i created my url: my old url was not exo related. when i became an exo-l (exotic back then) and started transitioning into a full-time exo blog, my blog underwent an url change. as a jongdae stan, i wanted to make a jongdae related url, thus: crescendo + chen = creschendo
i’m tagging @x-exo, @pikayeollie, @kaiternity, @nunbuchen, @ohhhappydae and anyone else who would like to do this!
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