#creepy spooky reader anyone?
danger-bird · 6 months
"Obedience suits you, sparrow."
Ok,ok... listen....hear me out....... This story has been buzzing, festering in my hippocampus since yesteday, and now that I had time I slammed it out on a keyboard. It IS my OC-incert, so it's not technically an Ais x gn!reader, but I did avoid names in case a few crazy eyes, possession and a light sprinkle of amnesia is no biggie... Have fun, okie byee❤️ *scampers off , hides in their cave*
“Obedience suits you, Sparrow.”
Their small talk turned into a teasing banter quickly enough. They’ve been having a sneaking suspicion his worrying about them “almost dying again, running into a Soulless, or another roughneck”, is just him finding excuses to spend more time together. Not that they mind - even with his escorts, the walks always end too quickly.
They bark out a laugh as they turn a corner, slipping into the twisting backstreets behind the Wick. The night is cold, moonless - there are very few people outside, walking around the city.
“Since when? Either way, blind obedience is no fun - I thought you liked a challenge.”
It would be pitch black if not for the light seeping through the windows of the houses lining the narrow alleys. It’s dark – but not dark enough to miss the smirk stretching over his face.
“I do. Making it a challenge, then?”
“Do you want me to make it a challenge?” - they tease and peer up at his face, waiting for a reaction. His expression shifts somehow, but they can’t quite place in what way. He looks at them quietly, not saying anything, so they shift their gaze ahead and shake their head with an exhale, a light smile on their lips.
“Sparrows have been given wings to fly, Ais. I’ll never give you obedience like this.”
He gives a weak smile that drops immediately. His expression is unreadable. They hurry a few steps forward, trying to avoid his unnerving gaze.
He slows down, feeling his thoughts rippling at the edges, unfurling like a loose-knit cloth. His consciousness gradually sinks backwards as he quickly loses sensation in his skin, his hands, his face. The realization hits a moment too late.
Numbly, he can feel another presence emerging forward - a looming darkness casting an impenetrable shadow over his mind, wrapping its sticky tendrils around hazy thoughts, a horrible dread reaching forward…
In an instant, a sharp pain splits through his head, his awareness violently yanked forward like being pulled out of water. A low chime reverberates through his mind, overwhelming his senses… and keeping only his thoughts in focus, drowning out any other to barely a whisper.
“You can’t just take someone’s free will. You certainly can’t have mine. You can earn loyalty, my friendship… but that’s not the way to do it.”
They turn back to look at him, eyes radiating an unnatural shimmer: the color of blazing hot sunlight beaming off of molten gold. In the dim alleyway, their glow is bright enough to cast a light over their face, making their solemn expression that much more unsettling. Any other voices are now nothing more than a muffled babble. Their quiet, serene voice is stretching and twisting, almost splitting in two as it barely coalesces into an audible sound. Despite that, their words ring loud and crystal-clear in his head.
“A good heart means nothing without conviction… and a heart without conviction cannot be helped by anybody. Until your heart finds the conviction to seek out its own goodness, don’t come looking for mine.”
They turn around and take a few steps forward, stopping right before turning a corner and speaking quietly, still facing the street ahead.
“…Loyalty is not the same as obedience. It’ll do you good to learn the difference.”
They disappear behind the corner of a building without so much as looking back. The alley suddenly feels cold again, a drift whistling through the narrow streets between buildings and pouring onto the main street ahead. The dim light from a lone lamppost on the corner shivers before flickering out completely.
When they enter the Wet Wick, their head is swimming, unable to remember what happened after the alarming sense of unease washed over them back there. Mind still hazy, they drag themselves to the bar when Leander calls them over, Kuras keeping an eye on them as they approach.
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marvelfilth · 8 months
The Witches Trap
Part 2
Pairing: dark!Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
Warnings: ghosts, description of death, paranormal activity, gore, blood, a bit of horror ig, typical ghost hunting stuff, nothing too scary tho
Words: 5.5k
Summary: you go ghost hunting with Peter, Yelena and Kate. What could go wrong?
A/n: first time trying out some spooky stuff, so bear with me. Heavily inspired by Sam and Coby on YT.
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The way Yelena drives is far from smooth and sound, but she vehemently refuses to let Peter behind the wheel, so here you are, yelping and griping the sides of the driver's seat headrest like your life depends on it. You hiss when your head meets the roof, and Kate sends you another toothy smile from the front seat, her eyes flickering to look at Yelena every few minutes. You look to your right to check on Peter, but he is busy fumbling with equipment, his camera carefully stored away in a bag as he keeps checking the microphone.
You sigh and relax against the seat when the road finally smoothes out, and think about why you even agreed to this. Peter asked you to tag along for a new video for his YouTube channel, and by asked you mean begged you with his best puppy eyes and a bag of goodies in his hands. Apparently, if you agreed to go, Kate will go too. And if Kate goes, he won't even have to ask Yelena.
He was right.
So now the four of you are on the way to one of the most haunted places of America - Westview hotel.
"Are you sure this is the right way?" Yelena asks, turning her head left and right.
"Yes," Peter answers, glancing up for a second.
"Honestly, this is too creepy already," Kate mumbles, her eyes locked on the numerous dolls pinned to the trees surrounding the road.
"The owner probably made someone do that. No way they had this type of dolls back in the eighteenth century." You try to reassure Kate as much as yourself.
"Actually, the first doll like that was made-" Peter finally looks up with an excited glint in his eyes, and you immediately press your palm against his mouth, "No. I don't need to know that."
"Ha! Little Y/n is scared," Yelena laughs, but her laughter is cut short when a twig hits the side window, making her shriek like a maniac.
"This never happened," she grumbles when the laughter finally dies out.
Relaxing against the seat you try to remember everything Peter told you about this hotel.
It got notoriously famous in the late eighties, when a high schooler got possessed by a demon and later died in a psych ward. The room the girl stayed in was closed off for twenty years after that. You wonder if Peter managed to book it.
Another thing you remember is numerous sightings of a dark, cloaked figure appearing in most random places, whether it's a supply closet or a presidential suite. It always managed to scare the shit out of anyone who was unfortunate enough to catch its interest. You shudder at the mere thought of encountering that particular entity.
"We're here," Yelena cuts off the ignition, and leans against the wheel to take a look at the building.
Your breath catches in your throat the second your eyes land on the magnificent hotel. At seven stories high it stands proudly on a hill, overlooking the vast grounds. The facade is noticeably worn, but no less majestic - a blend of dark wood and stone, a balcony stretching along its entire length. A dark figure on the corner of the rooftop makes you squint, and you gasp when you realize it's a gargoyle, albeit a very rickety one. You make a note to yourself not to walk under it.
Yelena ushers you along, shuddering as she notices the stone figures. “The air here is kinda thick,” she mutters.
You nod, feeling your chest tighten. She's right - the air grows heavier with each step you take. You hope the hotel itself is ventilated enough.
When you finally step inside you take a deep breath, looking around the foyer and spotting who you presume is the owner.
"Welcome to Westview Hotel! My name's Agatha, I'm the owner of this happy little place and your guide for today. Hope you have the worst time of your life here!" Her voice is too cheerful for the late hours, and you cringe at the full on villainous laugh she lets out.
Peter goes to speak with the woman while the rest of you look around. Yelena plops on the loveseat, her backpack thrown on the carpeted floor near her feet, and Kate just stands beside you with her mouth hanging open - you're sure you're wearing a similar expression.
While the outside of the hotel looked somewhat old and weathered, the inside completely blows you away with its beauty. It's elegant, if a bit eerie, with a grand chandelier and high arches that make the space feel even bigger.
You frown, sensing someone's eyes on you, and notice Peter glancing in your direction every so often. You send him a questioning look, but he only shakes his head, his lips pressed together and his cheeks puffed.
"Do you think he's going to sacrifice one of us to that witch? Scarlet Witch, right?" Yelena muses.
"Yeah, but I don't think you're her type." Kate winks at the blonde.
You snicker at her annoyed expression, and stumble back, accidentally bumping into someone. You turn around, an apology on your tongue, only to choke on your words when you are met with an empty lobby.
Your friends stare at you quizzically, but Agatha seems to be lost in thought, her eyes trained on the space right above your shoulder, then she slightly shakes her head, her lips pressed in a tight line.
"Sorry. I thought I bumped into someone…" You trail off, your back burning, an eerie feeling settling in your stomach.
"Sure thing, buttercup." Agatha winks at you, her mood changed back to normal in an instant.
You shudder, looking back at your friends. Yelena whispers something in Kate's ear that causes the younger one to chuckle, and Peter has his camera pointed at you.
"We already got some paranoid activity ten minutes into the night," he blabbers behind the camera, motioning for you to explain what happened.
"Um... It felt like I bumped into someone?" Talking to a camera is weird, but you manage to explain what you felt. "... I think it was nothing though, just my nerves acting up." You force a chuckle, your eyes moving to meet Agatha's stare.
She moves closer to be in the frame, and tells everyone about how much the Scarlet Witch loves to mess with younger women, her favorite pastime in this hotel seems to be entertaining the ladies. However, her idea of entertainment slightly differs from yours, and you gulp when Agatha mentions her choking sleeping guests and locking them in elevators.
"This is going to be incredible, guys," Peter says to the camera, his excitement too contagious for you to worry about your safety.
The next two hours are spent walking behind Agatha and listening to her stories about various tragic deaths that occured in this hotel over the past hundreds of years. She stops every ten minutes or so in front of different rooms, each story worse than the previous one, and you shudder when she tells you a story of a woman buried alive in one of the walls, Agatha's hand casually resting on said wall.
She is telling you another story about a guy that danced on a ledge to impress a girl and fell on one of the spikes in the lobby, when you suddenly feel a tug in your chest. You stop, checking to see if anyone else felt that. Kate is staring at the ledge with her mouth wide open, Peter's busy filming Agatha and butting in with commentary (much to Agatha's displeasure), and Yelena grips Kate's hand so hard, you are sure she couldn't possibly see anything other than the wall in front of her.
You exhale and look around, trying to spot anything interesting, even though you've been looking at the same set of stairs for the past ten minutes. Strangely enough, you notice a door that surely wasn't there before, because you would've noticed it right away if it was.
While every part of this hotel was renovated, this door looks like it belongs in the past, with heavy iron hinges and a weird looking handle. There are no signs on the door, nor any numbers or words, and when something tugs on your hand, you follow the feeling.
You walk almost in haze, your friends' voices blurred in the background, unfamiliar warmth surrounding you, your chest lighter than it ever was and your mind in a euphoric state. You turn the knob and it gives in, the door rattling loudly as you tug it open, but before you could even glimpse inside, a hand slaps harshly on the wood, the door closing with a loud creak.
You blink owlishly, warmth gone and your head suddenly clear, as you take in Agatha's furious expression.
"It says 'Employees only'," she hisses through gritted teeth, and you step away from the woman.
"No, it doesn't, there's noth-" you choke on your words when you look back at the door, because now it looks like every other door in the room, 'Employees only' written in bold.
You look back at Agatha and apologize, but it seems like she doesn't hear you, her brows furrowed and her eyes flickering between you and the door.
"Okay that's hella creepy," Kate breaks the silence, her unoccupied hand digging in a pocket of her jeans to present a cross. "God will protect us." She puts it around her neck, and nods to herself.
"You don't even believe in God." Yelena jams her in the ribs, not letting go of the brunette's hand.
"You really should," Agatha casually advises, tugging at your elbow to move you further away from the door, "follow me, I'm going to tell you the story of the Scarlet Witch."
You cast one last look at the door and follow her down the hall to the very last room, something warm pressing at the low of your back to lead you. Shuddering at the feeling, you wonder why it is only you who feels something weird. Kate keeps sending you worried looks, but, other than that, she seems okay with Yelena's hand pressed firmly into her side. Peter isn't fazed at all, excitingly recording everything in sight.
Exhaling, you try to relax. If something here wants to harm you it wouldn't use such a gentle approach.
Or maybe it's just luring you in.
When you finally stop in front of room number 208 you feel a poke in your ribs, Yelena nods her head for you to look at Agatha, and you confusedly look up. Apparently, she wants you to open the door. Gulping, you move forward, your hand reaching on its own accord. You turn the doorknob with some hesitation, your hand trembling slightly. When you're met with a sight of a regular hotel room, you let out a quiet breath.
The walls are painted an unassuming beige, with green and brown accents, the earth tones bringing a feeling of calm. The four poster bed is pushed against the farthest wall, with nightstands on either side, and you could already imagine how soft it would feel to sleep in it. But the only thing that truly gets your attention is a floor to ceiling window and a french door, which hopefully leads to a balcony you spotted from the outside.
Agatha walks past you into the room, resting her weight against the foot of the bed. "It was locked," her eyes seem to be glued to yours as she speaks, "second locked door you opened today. I find that… interesting."
You are aware of Peter's camera being shoved right in your face, you're aware of Kate's hand reassuringly clasping your own, aware of Yelena's calming presence, but you are focused on something else entirely. There is this feeling again, now familiar warmth taking root in your chest, almost singing to you. You briefly close your eyes, savoring the sensation, wishing you could feel more.
"This is our most active room," Agatha says, "last year some teenagers decided to use a Ouija board in here and it got even worse. So you're in for a wild ride."
"This is nuts," Kate says from the other side of the room, trailing her hand over the painting of a burning witch.
"Oh, this actually happened here," Agatha drawls, taking note of your surprised faces, "almost a hundred young alleged witches were burnt at the stake here, on these grounds…" Agatha continues on with the story, but your eyes are stuck on Kate, on the other side of the room, your body frozen in shock. You can still feel what you thought was Kate's hand on your own, but with her standing on the other side of the room, and Yelena looking at you like you've grown two heads, you decide it's enough.
"Can you tell them to stop?" you shriek, stepping further into the room.
The warm feeling in your chest intensifies, the ghost of a hand sliding up your arm to settle on your cheek, turning your head to look at the painting. It's so gentle, so soft, it makes you lean your head in search of more.
"Them?" Agatha's voice grounds you. "I believe there's only one witch who is interested in you."
"What's going on?" Kate asks, moving away from the painting. Panic starts to rise in your chest, making you struggle to breathe. "Y/n, are you okay?" Kate's by your side in an instant, hands rubbing your sides, and you lay your head on her shoulder, silently reminding yourself that no ghost can hurt you.
"I thought you were standing beside me, I felt you take my hand, but you were on the other side of the room," you whisper against her shoulder.
"No. We're going back home." Yelena pales and tugs at your elbow, smacking the back of Peter's head with her other arm. "Your idiotic idea is going to give her a heart attack," she hisses and leads you to the door, hurriedly turning the knob.
It doesn't turn.
"What the fuck." She tries to open it again, and again, and again, until Agatha gets pissed and yells at her for trying to break the door.
"If she wants you to stay, you'll stay." She places her palm on the wooden door, and gives everyone a stern look.
"Say the word and I'll break that door open." Peter reappears by your side, looking guilty as ever, his camera now hidden away.
You take a deep breath and look around, now feeling much safer with all of your friends (and Agatha) by your side. The room looks like no one has touched it in years, and the warm, calming feeling in your chest only intensified after your little break down.
Maybe the witch just wants some company.
You meet Peter's eyes and manage a smile. "I survived Yelena's driving, I'm sure I'll be fine after this."
"Are you sure?" Yelena and Peter ask you at the same time.
"Yes, guys, I'm fine. I'm just not used to it like you are," you smile at Peter, and he nods in understanding.
He spent his college years filming in haunted places, a little hobby turned into a full time job as his channel grew bigger and bigger. Usually he invites his friend Wade to film together, but this time he really wanted you to come.
"Glad we settled that. Now sit," Agatha commands.
You take a seat on the bed, Yelena and Kate immediately placing their arms around you. Peter settles in a comfortable looking chair by the window, and Agatha stays standing, clearing her throat before venturing into the story of the Scarlet Witch.
"I'm sure you know that being a redhead, green-eyed, and exceptionally smart young woman in the 17th century meant one thing."
"Barbecue," Yelena mumbles, earning a scathing glare from the older woman.
"Yes. But here's the thing - the Scarlet Witch was never burned at the stake, and not because she was so good at staying hidden, but because she has never had a physical presence in this world, at least one that we know of. There's no proof of her existence, no paintings and no pictures, no sightings either."
Yelena shifts beside you. "Then how do you even know-"
Agatha cuts her off with another scathing glare, before continuing on. "We know because every single one of these poor women cried out her name before their inevitable death. They begged her to save them, but she never did."
"That still doesn't-"
"For the love of god, just shut up and let me finish!" The older woman shrieks, throwing her hands in the air. Momentarily closing her eyes, she clenches her jaw. "She never saved any of these poor girls, feeding on their fear, anger and desperation. She enjoyed what was happening. Hell, she spurged it on, manipulating minds, changing people until they became unrecognizable, and after this hotel was built she took charge, driving owners and residents away, leading people to their inevitable death, and lately possessing unsuspecting women. All of those poor people had one thing to say - 'it was the Scarlet Witch'." She shifts on her feet, turning to look out the window. "Hundreds of years of terror, but there was one good thing she's done. There was a particularly nasty witch trial, the poor girl was accused of seducing a priest's daughter. Imagine the horrors she was bound to be faced with if they got their hands on her. They never did, she escaped their clutches, and every single man involved in the hunt on the girl was brutally murdered. The girl died of old age in the safety of her own home, forever protected by the magic of the Scarlet Witch." Suddenly, her eyes lock on yours. "There's no trace of the Scarlet Witch, but there's a painting of the woman she saved. I'd show it to you, but for you it'll be the same as looking in a mirror, so I'll save myself the trouble."
Peter suddenly sits up straighter, nodding along to Agatha's words.
Kate slides her hand away from your shoulders. "Don't want to make her jealous or anything," she whispers, looking around.
"Do you say this to everyone or..?" You hesitantly speak up.
Her eyes turn serious, causing a chill to run down your spine. "Oh no, buttercup, you're a spitting image of the only woman she deemed worthy enough to save."
"She's not lying," Peter says, "that's actually the reason why I asked you to come." He sends you a sheepish smile, and shows you a picture on his phone. It's an old painting, weathered by time, but undoubtedly beautiful.
The woman looks just like you.
You gulp, your heart hammering in your chest. "Well, I'm not her."
"Maybe not. It's not like it matters." Agatha mumbles, standing up, a faraway look in her eyes. "She must've had her reasons to save the poor girl, and I suspect they were far from noble. Be careful." She looks at you one last time before turning to Peter. "Well, it's been fun entertaining you, but it's nearing midnight, so I'll leave you to your ghost hunting, or whatever it is that you're doing." Her lips purse at the numerous cameras Peter's unloaded from his bag.
"Wait!" You jump up, stalling Agatha. "How do you even know about what happened at the trials? Is there some kind of document?" You're aware of the absurdity of your questions, after all you are the one who experienced all of the activity so far, and while some of it could be blamed on your nerves or your brain playing tricks on you, the door accident still burns at the back of your mind.
"You don't believe me?" Agatha smirks, making you shift uncomfortably. "Don't worry, you'll see, you have a long night ahead." She sends you one last look, and easily opens the door before disappearing behind it.
You fall back on the duvet, pressing your palms against your face. The past hour puts an uncomfortable weight on your chest, and you struggle to wrap your mind around the fact that you're probably going to be targeted even more as the night goes on, either by your terrified, overly anxious mind, or the Scarlet Witch.
The warm feeling you felt when you first stepped into the room slowly disappeared, leaving you to wonder if it's done its job in luring you in.
"Okay, it's time to-"
"We're not using a Ouija board."
"- light up some candles." Peter says, looking quizzically at Yelena. "I'm not stupid, you know." He huffs, rolling his eyes.
You snort, shaking your head at your friends' antics. "Why do we need candles?"
Peter rolls his eyes. "To communicate with ghosts."
"Don't you have some fancy tech for that?"
"I prefer to keep it simple," he shrugs.
You share a look with Yelena. "And we'll be left talking to the AC," you mumble loud enough for Peter to hear and send you a middle finger.
"There's no AC in this room. Some people use flashlights, but I prefer candles. We'll also use a spirit box."
"We're not catching any spirits in a box, right?" You sit up, eyes darting between your friends.
Peter sighs and goes on a rant about his tools, explaining how everything works. To your great relief, you won't have to catch anyone, just put on a blindfold, some noise canceling headphones, and let some spirit talk though one of you.
"Sounds fun," Kate gulps.
"I'm not doing that." You shake your head, crossing your arms.
Peter looks up from the floor, where he adjusts the rem pod, the piece of equipment going off when he touches it with a tip of his finger, calibrating the sensitivity. "Yelena will do that."
It's almost comical how far Yelena's jaw falls. "And why is that, Parker? Why don't you let some spirit use you as a radio?"
"Um… my tarot reader told me you'll do best out of all of us."
Kate starts cackling like a maniac, clutching her stomach and bending over. You can't help laughing either, burrowing your face into the pillow to keep quiet.
Yelena continues arguing with Peter, and you decide to leave them to it and satisfy your curiosity. You smile at the questioning smile Kate sends you, and gesture to the balcony door.
You were right, it is the balcony you saw from the outside, stretching all the way to the other side of the hotel. You sigh and lean against the railing, taking in the view. If you thought it looked terrifying on the way here, it looks even worse from high up. Moonlight shines on crooked trees surrounding the land around the hotel, dark and menacing, broken branches hanging on the last threads. There is a well within walking distance, not too far away from where you parked the car. You swear to yourself you won't let Peter drag you over there, it looks way too creepy.
You finally relax, letting your eyes fall shut for a second, but a blurry movement to your left forced them open. You grip the railing, squinting.
"What the fuck." Kate's voice sounds from the inside, and you rush back just in time to see her exit the adjoined bathroom, snapping the door shut with a terrified look on her face. "No. Oh fuck no. Oh no, no, no."
Peter sits up, alarmed. "What is it?"
"There's blood on the mirror," she whispers, her hands shaking violently, "and in the tub, and on the floor."
Peter immediately gets up, taking the only camera that's been filming the whole time with him. You follow your friend, not paying attention to your shaking hands and your hammering heart.
When the door opens you see a pristine bathroom, so clean it's almost mocking. He inspects every corner from every possible angle, only to come up short.
"Guys?" Kate calls out from behind the door. "Are you good?"
"There's nothing he-" you freeze mid sentence when your eyes land on the mirror.
It's fogged up, one word clearly written.
Your name.
You reach out - not of your own violation, your hand guided by some unseen force - and touch the reflective glass right where your name is. You're hit with a vision, bits and pieces of what feels like distant memory escaping the prison your mind put them in.
You see a wrinkled face of an old man, his expression pure disgust as he spews something right in your face. The scene changes abruptly, and now you're in a dark cell, with only the moon to keep you company. Your heart clenches at the pure anguish you're hit with, the desperation drowning you, leaving you no room to breathe. There's a sudden blur, and everything turns blinding white, and then… you feel that warmth again. A woman stands in front of you, reaching out, her eyes glinting red. She looks ethereal, her skin pale, almost sheer, her unruly hair pushed back by a red tiara. You gulp, feeling the power radiating from her, chest aching with the need to submit to it.
You stumble away from the mirror. There's no warmth in your chest now, only pure, unconcealed dread. You lean against the door, palms pressed to your face. Peter doesn't dare breathe, his hands only shaking slightly as he makes sure to get it in the frame.
"Where did you just go?" He whispers, not daring to speak any louder.
You shake your head, blinking back tears. "Tell me you did this. Tell me it's a prank."
He looks at you, eyes full of fear. He bites on his lower lip, eyes wide. "I did this. I totally did this." He nods rapidly, ushering you out of the room.
Kate and Yelena wait on the other side, each holding a candelabra. You don't even bother to ask where they found them, heading straight to the balcony for a breath of fresh air while Peter explains what happened.
You look at the full moon, rubbing your chest in tight circles.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Again, and again.
The floorboards of the balcony creak, along with the railing, and you wonder if it's all gonna fall to the ground, and bury you in a mess of wood and cement. Maybe that's what the witch wants - for you to stay here forever.
You feel the remains of that need, that hunger for the witch. You long to see her again, even if it's just a glimpse, a whiff of her presence.
When you come back, the lights are off, and Peter is already asking questions, Yelena's terrified expression telling you everything you need to know about the answers they've been provided with.
The candle on the nightstand goes out, and Peter blinks, looking at you. "Weird."
"What?" You ask, looking around, hair on the nape of your neck standing up.
"He asked the ghosts if they wanted us to leave." Kate answers.
"That means they do." Yelena points at the candle.
You shiver, a breeze from the balcony making you curl in on yourself, eyes flickering to every dark corner of the room, flinching whenever you see shadows from the moonlight that look a little too ominous.
Someone is watching you, you're sure. A part of you hopes it's her.
"And why is that weird?" You ask Peter, watching as he collects the candles. You sigh in relief, glad to have missed the conversation.
"I thought they liked us - you - at least," he mumbles.
"Maybe they want us gone so the witch can have some alone time with Y/n." Yelena's brows jump up and down suggestively, and you can't help, but laugh, some of the tension finally seeping away.
That is, until the last candle on the nightstand lights up again, completely on its own.
Peter staggers back, dropping the stack in his hands. "No fucking way," he whispers, "that never happened before."
He pulls back to check the camera, making sure it's still recording.
"That's a yes, right?" Kate gulps, looking at you with wide eyes. "She wants you wants you. It's not a coincidence."
You take a seat on the rocking chair in the corner and close your eyes, reminding yourself that nothing here could ever hurt you. It doesn't really work when you still feel eyes on you. Your hands tremble, and your legs feel too heavy to stand on. Every sound is amplified, your senses going into overdrive, so when a clock stops ticking, you immediately notice.
The clock reads 12:08, the hands still for a moment, before resuming their course.
You're slowly starting to wish you never agreed to come to this place.
Agatha's words ring in your head. What if the witch thinks you're that poor girl? That'll explain the witches' interest in you. Maybe she made you see those visions to help you remember.
But… What if it's not even her that's been following you? What if it's one of the dark entities Agatha told you about? The thought makes you even more uncomfortable - you'd prefer the Scarlet Witch to haunt you instead of some dark, trapped soul, no matter how absurd it sounds.
"Hey," Kate approaches you.
You blink, and offer her a hesitant smile. "Yeah?"
"Are you okay?" She bites on her lip, her hands on your knees.
You nod, and take her hands in yours. "I'm fine. Just a bit shaken up."
She sighs heavily, head falling to rest on your lap. "Same," she mumbles, "I feel like a prey."
You rub her shoulders, hoping to ease some of her tension. "We'll be out of here in the morning."
She looks up, smiling. "Actually, we're not sleeping here. Peter said we'll try to talk to them one last time and then go."
You hum, wondering why the information makes you feel worse. Shouldn't you be relieved to leave earlier?
"Okay, come here," Peter calls, putting noise canceling headphones on Yelena's head.
Kate jumps up, her eyes lightening up at the sight of Yelena sitting rigidly on the chair, a blindfold and headphones in place. "Oh, this is gonna be good," she smiles, settling in front of the blonde.
Peter looks at you. "I think you should ask the questions."
You nod, biting on the inside of your cheek. You think of something appropriate to ask - something that would reveal information without offending any of the spirits here.
"Are we here alone?" You ask, and everyone turns to look at Yelena, awaiting an answer.
Yelena's head bobs up and down, like she's listening to her favorite song, but you know for sure it's just white noise.
"Hello," Yelena says, smiling slightly.
Not alone, then.
You nod, and Peter gestures for you to continue.
"My name is Y/n, what is your name?"
It's quiet for a little while, occasional squeaks from the balcony making you jump up and look around.
When Yelena doesn't answer, Peter decides to speak up. "Did you follow us here from the lobby? Was it you-"
"Shut up," Yelena barks.
Kate stumbles back on the floor, and settles against the foot of the bed. "Oh fuck."
Peter takes a step back, raising his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Sorry." He nods at you, urging you to continue.
"Do you not like him?" You ask.
"In… in the way…" her voice is unsure as she trails off.
"Peter's in the way? In the way of what?" Kate speaks up, looking at you.
"Deal," the blonde whispers, "owe."
Peter frowns. "You made a deal and you owe someone?"
Yelena purses her lips, tilting her head to the side like she can't quite figure out what is being said.
The bathroom door slowly creaks open.
"Are you in the bathroom?" Kate's voice shakes, and you take her hand, shuffling closer to the girl.
You exhale, looking at the open doorway with wide eyes.
Kate nods rapidly, her hand trembling. "There was a lot of blood. You scared the shit out of me."
Yelena chuckles, "Feed."
So whatever is here has been feeding on your fear.
"Who are you?" You ask again.
"You know," Yelena replies. "You all do."
"What's behind that door?" You have the strongest urge to go back there.
Yelena chuckles, shaking her head. “Go see for yourself.”
Light starts flickering, tears spring to your eyes, and you fight the urge to curl into a ball and cry. Yelena turns her head and sits up, leanings towards you.
"You forgot."
"Forgot about what?" You shudder, eyes darting between the door and Yelena.
"Our deal."
Peter darts to the other side of the room and snaps the door to the bathroom shut, his mouth set in a flat line. "We're leaving."
"She can't," Yelena singsongs.
"There's no deal. You're mistaken," Peter snaps, collecting the equipment.
"What deal?" You hesitantly ask.
Lightning strikes outside, a loud boom of thunder following. The painting of the burning witch falls.
"I own y-"
Peter tugs off the headphones, Yelena's mouth snaps shut. She tugs off the blindfold and blinks, brows set in confusion. "Are we gonna start any time soon?"
Kate groans, falling face first to the floor. "Fuck my life."
Before you yell at me - yes, there will be a part two
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noxturnalpascal · 1 year
The Hunted
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SerialKiller!Joel x F!Reader (8.2k)
DARKAU! POV will switch between Joel and Reader. This is dark compared to anything I’ve ever written before. I am a spooky girlie at heart and I wanted to give this idea some legs. If it’s not your thing, that’s okay. Spooky Halloween everyone!
Summary: This Ken is a Ski Instructor. This Ken is a Veterinarian. Well, this Joel is a Serial Killer. The canon Joel is actually kind of a serial killer too, if you think about it. But this version is No-Outbreak, 56-years old, and a Violent, Deranged, Serial Killing Loner. When a new victim practically falls in his lap, he doesn’t take the time to see that she could be his undoing.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. This is a little dark (for me). Murder, Dead Bodies, Sex, Kidnapping, Bondage, DubCon (they want it but they’re tied to a chair), creampie, blood, violence, semen, crime scenes.
A/N: This is: creepy plot with porn at the end. It’s my first posted tumblr story. Spooky Season is upon us!! Please be nice 💜
He’s been enjoying the silence of the cabin in the woods all afternoon. The only sounds surrounding him have been the soft bird songs and din of cicadas drifting through the open window from the outside, and the rustling of his own body moving about the small rooms inside. 
The sound catches him so off guard, that at first he looks around the inside of the cabin, trying to figure out where the hum could be emanating from. The cabin is not hooked up to electric, so what could be making that sound? Then he realizes it's coming from outside. He looks out the windows and sees a figure hunched in the bushes, a stone’s throw away from his front door. 
He steps to the front door and quietly opens it, watching her at the wood’s edge. It’s definitely a woman, he can tell by the double braids winding down the back of her head, ending in pigtails. She is wearing dark wash blue jeans, a green jacket, and has on a rust-colored backpack. He can hear her humming even clearer now, the melody traversing the short distance to his ears.
He watches as she stays hunched over, reaching into the bushes and rustling the leaves. Nearly a minute passes before she finally stands, wiping her hands off on her thighs. He notices a small wooden bowl at her feet, stuffed full with berries. She is sucking on her fingertips, stained a light purple, when she turns and meets his eyes.
“Oh!,” she says, startled by his presence. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone was in this ol’ thing.”
She gestures towards the cabin. She has a point. Even at first glance, the woods surrounding the cabin appear to be putting forth their best effort to reclaim it. The roof is covered in fallen leaves, moss and lichen cling to every surface, and the front steps - made of flattop logs - are sinking down, seeming to retreat back into the forest floor. And what he knows that she doesn't - yet? - is that the musty smell of the forest has permeated every square inch of the old log cabin’s interior, and everything inside of it. 
He puts on his warmest smile, softening the way his eyes are squinted, and blinks slowly. “Yeah, she’s not much but she keeps me honest,” he says, and he notices the way her body relaxes at his gentle, comforting tone.
“I’m guessin’ I’ve wandered too far. Sorry, I didn’t notice any signs posted.” The gentle lilt of her southern accent hits his ears like a sweet melody. 
“Yeah, state land ends at the treeline at the bottom ‘a that hill,” he gestures to the distance, her gaze following where he points. “But I don’t shoot or bite or nothin’, so don’t worry about steppin’ on my property,” he chuckles. He can see her continuing to relax under his welcoming reception. 
“I appreciate that. I’ve got one ‘a those little vans in the clearing down there, ‘n I expected more people to be around if I’m being honest.”
He notices she’s said I, not we.
“It’s gettin’ the end of camping season, so there’s fewer ‘n fewer out here, I think,” he waves his hand, hoping to convey how little he even notices the campers on the adjacent land.
“Well I’m sorry about stealin’ your berries. You want ‘em?” and she takes a few steps forward, closing the gap between them, holding the small bowl in her outstretched arms. 
The pigtails make her look young. So does the innocence in her eyes, which are partially hidden behind her thick-framed glasses. She stops short of the steps, still about six feet away now, still holding out the bowl. 
“No, ‘course not,” he gives her a sideways grin. “Those were gonna get eaten by birds before they got eaten by me. You enjoy ‘em little bird.” His guts twist at the smile that breaks out on her face. The way she looks down, almost bashful.
She turns to walk away and then stops, turning back to look at him. He watches her as she gives the outside of the deteriorating cabin another once-over, and then looks him up and down. “Can I ask you somethin’?” and before he can even respond, she continues. “Is it safe around here?”
His stomach clenches. He gently furrows his brows, “yeah, sure it is, why?”
“I’ve heard a couple things recently about people going missin’. Hikers and campers near here,” she gestures in a circular motion with her finger. “You heard anything about that?”
She is worried. He can tell because she looks worried. God, every emotion she has is playing across her face right now. He can read her like a book. She is so vulnerable. She’s a young woman camping all alone in the woods and she is worried. She should be.
“I haven’t heard anything myself, no. But that happens every year. People underestimate it.”
“Underestimate what?” she interjects, her doe eyes scanning his face.
“Nature,” he replies, and now he gestures around with his finger.
He gives her another soft smile and blinks his eyes slowly. She lets a genuine grin break through her worried features and she nods, taking in his response.
“I wouldn’t worry too much, there’s no one out here to cause ya trouble,” he offers, hoping she notes that he is clearly not a danger. “Besides, if anything happens, you can come back here.”
This time her smile falters a bit. He’s pushed too far. She’s worried. She’s alone. She’s not looking to seek refuge in a stranger’s cabin. He backtracks.
“I’m sure the worst thing that’s gonna happen is ya find a spider in your van,” he continues, “But please don’t come back here for that!” 
He gives a low chuckle and is glad to see she does the same, good humor returning to her now relaxing face. She gestures to the bowl of berries and flashes a toothy-smile as a thanks, before turning to retreat down the hill. He hears her call out a goodbye after she turns and he calls one back in response. 
He goes back inside and finishes watching her leave until the trees hide her departing figure. He has about seven more hours until dark fully takes hold. Seven more hours until he can seek her out in the clearing with the safe knowledge of remaining undetected. Plenty of time for him to finish prepping the cabin and get himself some dinner.
He thinks he might be getting too old for this. His lower back is aching, his thighs are on fire, and he’s had a stabbing pain in his neck for the last twenty minutes; all due to the fact that he has been hunched against this tree for over an hour. Usually he wouldn’t still be here. He’d have made some observations, taken some mental notes, and planned for additional reconnaissance later on.
But he doesn’t know how long you’re going to be here. You haven’t unpacked anything - not even a folding chair - to indicate that your campsite setup will be anything more than a one-night stay. If you’re gone tomorrow and he has missed his opportunity, he’ll regret leaving now. He has spent the last eight hours thinking about nothing but you. 
He’s thought about the way your delicate lips wrapped around your fingertips and the gentle melody you hummed before you knew he was there. He has thought about the kind way you offered him the berries you picked and the way your jeans hugged your ass as you sauntered away. What would your eyes look like if he took your glasses off, if he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, if he wrapped his big hands around your delicate throat?
No, he has to do it tonight. He can’t wait any longer. 
Your van is all black. Besides the windshield, there are windows only at the two front seats and the rear double doors. However, you have all the windows covered with blackout panels. Smart. You’re a young woman camping alone, keeping your privacy is a smart thing to do. And keeping peeping eyes out of your space is probably important to you.
You’ve been playing music inside the entire time, though he doesn’t recognize any of the songs. Sometimes he thinks he can hear you humming along. He imagines you’re eating the berries you picked from the bushes outside his cabin. Maybe you’ve changed into more comfortable clothing, maybe you’re sitting on your bed, maybe you’re reading a book. Maybe you’re even thinking about him. He tried not to make an impression earlier but part of him hopes he did.
He really can’t wait any longer.
He moves slowly, not just because his body is quite literally creaking, but because he has to keep his head on a swivel and continue to make sure there are no eyes watching him. He makes his way towards the van, choosing his steps carefully. His head moves back and forth, checking in front of and behind him, watching for any movement. The night is so quiet all he hears is the gentle wind rustling the tall grass and the constant cricket song.
He finally reaches the side door of the van. The music inside is louder from here but he still doesn’t recognize the song. He pats his pockets, obsessively triple-checking he has the supplies he’ll need. He pulls a small tool out of his shirt pocket and sticks it in the door lock. He feels rather than hears the soft click that he knows means he now has full access to you. 
He puts his hand on the door handle and inhales a breath, holding it with full lungs. He closes his eyes and imagines what he’ll see when he opens the door, warm light spilling onto him from the inside. What will you be wearing? Will you look excited to see him? Frightened? Will you scream?
“Hey there little bird,” he says quietly as he throws the door open. Confusion falls across his face. He looks down onto the floor of the van, where a single bluetooth speaker sits, still playing music. The single overhead light from the van’s interior barely illuminates the inside, but it doesn’t matter, since there isn’t anything to see. 
The inside of the van isn’t a camper. It’s an empty utility van. There are no seats and no wall panels. In fact, the entire inside of the van is covered in thick plastic sheeting, which vibrates a strange buzz from the reverberation of the bluetooth speaker.
He has barely taken it all in when he feels a pinch in his neck. He grabs at it with his hand but there is nothing there and before he can react further, everything goes black.
You hear a couple deep breaths and then some grunting. Maybe this means he’s finally waking up. You walk around in front of where he sits bound naked to a chair, and bend over, hands on your knees, face close to his, cooing gently for him to wake up sleepyhead. 
Standing up straight, you watch as he slowly opens his eyes, bit by bit, working to focus. He is blinking long, slow blinks, and his eyes raise to your face. His pupils start going big and then small, his eyes start rapidly blinking as his swirling thoughts begin to come back to him. 
Then you see it - recognition.
He crinkles his brows, the crease between them going so deep. His mouth begins to form a question but only a short, dry croak comes out. You can’t help yourself, you laugh at him. A quiet, melodic chuckle.
“Sorry, I think I gave you too much back there,” with two fingers you brush some hair off his forehead that has fallen forward. “I thought you were fatter under all these clothes, but you’re doing alright for yerself there.”
His eyes fall to your shirt - well, his shirt - and then to his own lap. He’s just realizing he’s naked. Then his eyes trail back up your body as he takes in the fact that you’re wearing all of the clothes you stripped off him.
His mouth opens again but you don’t let him even try to speak this time. You grab his face and his eyes snap to meet yours. “Remember when I asked if you knew anything about those campers and hikers goin’ missing?” You drop your hand from his face and step to the side to reveal a folding table set up behind you. Along the table you have laid an array of different souvenirs he had plucked from his victims. 
“You told me you didn’t know anything,” you continue, as you watch his eyes grow larger as they rake across the table, taking in the items he had hidden away in his cabin. “But honey, I think you know a lot more than you said you did.”
His eyes slowly come back to yours and you can’t hide the smile you now have plastered across your face. “I don’t-” he starts. You quickly shove your finger overtop his mouth in a shush motion.
“Don’t even try that honey, we’re way past denial now. I already found all yer little trophies.” 
Now he flexes in the chair. Your finger drags down his neck and across his shoulder as you walk around the chair, circling him. You watch him continue to strain, testing the ropes, checking to see for himself if you knew what you were doing when you tied him to the chair. You did.
“So what is this?” he mutters, “One a’ them yer friend? Your brother or sister or somethin’?” He continues to push against the unforgiving ropes. “This some kinda revenge plot you got brewin’?” 
You can’t help it, you laugh again. “Oh honey, is that what you think?” You place your finger at the top of his forehead and slowly run it down his face, “You think you’ve hurt me?” over his nose, “Think I’m your victim?” over his lips, stopping on his chin. You lean in and ghost your lips right over his. “I’m not your victim honey,” you whisper against his lips, “you’re mine,” pressing into him with a kiss.
You stand up and take a step back. “I know what you are. I know exactly what you are because I’m the same. Well, almost the same,” and you laugh again, breaking eye contact. “When I was young, my adoptive father recognized it in me n’ taught me how to direct it. He called it my dark passenger and I-”
“Y-yer what?” he interrupts.
“What?” You’re back to looking him in his eyes.
“Did you say your dark passenger?” He looks past the folding table strewn with his trophies and sees the ‘camper van’ parked with the side door still wide open, inside still covered with plastic sheeting. “Dark passen- isn’t that from that fuckin’ TV show? Dexter?”
“What the fu-,” you slap your arms against your thighs in frustration. “Don’t tell me you get fuckin’ Showtime in that piece a shit cabin. There wasn’t even a fuckin’ TV in that shithole.”
“Well I don’t fuckin’ live there sweetheart that’s just where I-” he stops short but just rolls his eyes at you. Then he gives you a look like he’s embarrassed for you. 
“Oh well excuse me for wantin’ to add a little flair to this situation!” you yell out to the ceiling. “I guess we can’t have any fuckin’ fun around here.”
“So what’re you gonna do now Dex, chop me up and take me out to the ocean?” a cocky fucking grin settles on his face.. 
“Jesus Christ what’d you watch the whole fuckin’ series?” You look down at his smug face. He thinks he has the upper hand again. This motherfucker. Naked. Tied to a chair. Still thinks he’s smarter than you. 
“You know how much fuckin’ work it’d be to chop your fat ass up?” and you watch his grin get wiped off his face. “Think I’m gonna take the time to dismember you? You? I could leave you just like this in a shallow ditch ‘n not one person would even miss you honey.”
“Then whatcha’ fuckin’ waitin’ for, huh?” He snarls, his smugness gone. “Get it over with, let’s go.”
You walk behind him and grab a second chair, dragging it noisily across the floor until it’s parallel to his own chair but facing the other way. You plop down in the chair and lean closer to him.
“I really don’t know how you’re still not gettin’ it,” you say quietly. You drag your finger along the ropes across the front of his chest as he lowers his chin to watch you. “But you are not in charge here.” He lifts his head and his hard eyes meet yours.
“Now… I’m gonna ask you some questions and you’re gonna answer me honestly.”
“And why would I fuckin’ do that?” he says calmly, quietly.
“Cuz otherwise I’m gonna call 9-1-1 right now. When they get here they’ll see I’ve done all their work for ‘em.” you hitch your thumb back to point it towards the table behind you. He sighs a deep breath and - growls? - under his breath.
You point to the table again and ask, “How do you choose your victims?” He shakes his head, tries to shift in his chair but the ropes are tied too tight to allow for much movement. You really do know what you’re doing. He still doesn’t seem to believe it, flexing his arms and chest against the ropes yet again.
“I don’t.” You give him a beat to add more to the sentence but he just stares at you with black eyes, mouth closed and tight-lipped.
“You’re gonna have to do a little better n’ that honey,” you gently coo. He suppresses another growl. You can tell that your little nickname for him is finally starting to grate on his nerves. 
“That’s my answer,” he grumbles, refusing to elaborate, staring ahead at the folding table.
“Okay hun, no problem,” you reply as you lean forward and pull a cell phone out of your back pocket. You punch in the lock code and begin to dial. You type in 9 and you see him watching you out of the corner of your eye. You quickly type in the 1 and then hover your finger over the button, ready to repeat the motion. You pause and look up, meeting his eyes.
“You wanna call my bluff or you wanna start talkin’?” and then you smile as you hear jesus fuckin’ christ muttered under his breath and watch him spend some more time straining against the ropes. “Get it over with, let’s go,” you repeat his words back to him in a bad impression of his gruff voice. His scowl deepens.
“I don’t,” he repeats. “I don’t choose ‘em.” He sighs, and you open your mouth to protest that he’s still holding back but before you can speak he continues, “I just take what’s there.”
“You don’t have a type?” 
“You seem to know everythin’, look at ‘em,” he nods towards the table where you have placed cut out photos from the missing posters next to the trinkets you found in his cabin. “Does it look like I have a type?” You remember the photos of men and women from all backgrounds on that table.
“So you just take whatever… whoever you can get?”
“Easier that way. Don’t have to go findin’ something specific.” He’s not making eye contact anymore, even though you have leaned in so far your faces are just inches apart. “Less suspicious that way too. Looks less like one person is pickin’ ‘em all off.” He shrugs, then quiets.
You lean back in your chair now, thinking over what he’s said. He’s been doing this for years. You could connect some of his souvenirs to known missing people but he had more items stuffed in his floorboards than you had pictures. So who knows how high his number really is.
“Is that all of ‘em?” nodding your head back towards the table again. His head is still down, seemingly very interested in a freckle on his left thigh. But you see a smile tug at one side of his mouth. He tries to hide it before you can see but it’s too late.
“Yeah,” he lies, unconvincingly. He doesn’t see you roll your eyes. God he’s shit at lying. 
You raise the phone up and wave it in front of his face, showing the 9-1 still dialed in. “Is that your final answer, honey?” He lets out a big sigh, like you’ve spoiled his fun. That’s right, we can’t have any fun around here, can we?
“Not exactly,” he grumbles. “Camping season is short ‘round here. Winter comes on quick. I have somewhere else I go sometimes,” he vaguely adds. He doesn’t elaborate further.
“Do you have sex with ‘em before or after you kill ‘em?” you ask, not even taking time to absorb his previous answer. His head snaps up to yours, his eyes wide.
“Do you have se-”
“I don’t fuckin’ do that,” he spits, face contorted in disgust.
“Yeahhhh. But that’s what they all say. And, spoiler alert,” your voice goes high and teasing, “they ALL do it.” His face is still tight, mouth curled into a frown. 
“Well I fuckin’ don’t,” he looks back down at the freckle on his thigh, continuing to curse under his breath how disgusting you are for asking. “Killin’ doesn’t get me hard,” he snarls.
“Oh honey, I don’t know why you’re goin’ all shy on me now,” you coo, he’s still looking down, shaking his head now. “I’ve been in your little hidey-hole, ya know. It smells like fuckin’ loam ‘n body odor. I took a black light. That place is truly fuckin’ disgusting.” You adjust your glasses on your nose and continue, “I didn’t find a single cleaning product in the whole place. And now you’re gonna act like you’re not in there sprayin’ blood and cum all over the walls?” He doesn’t raise his head but his eyes meet yours under his eyebrows to scowl at you. You lean in till your noses almost touch. “A black light,” you repeat.
“That’s a huntin’ cabin sweetheart, and it wasn’t always mine. So I can’t tell you what yer little black light saw but it wasn’t me doin’ - that - with any ‘a them,” he nods to the table. 
Now you consider what he’s said and decide if you believe him or not. He’s a terrible liar, right? Maybe. Or maybe he’s just been playing you this entire time. You don’t give a shit that he’s a murderer. Anyone would murder under the right circumstances. But sexual assault? That’s a line you’d never cross. In fact, most of the men you’ve killed have been guilty of it themselves. Pigs, all of them, who’d stick their dicks anywhere for a moment of pleasure. They deserved what they got. Is this guy one of them?
“Well like I said, that’s what they all say, n-”
He interrupts, muttering jesus fuckin’ christ again, and more curses follow in whispers. “Is there fuckin’ evidence that I did any ‘a that? Any… sexual assault?” he spits the last two words out with particular venom, speaking the term for the first time.
“You’re askin’ if there’s any evidence on the months-old decomposing body parts found half-eaten in the woods?” You poke the freckle on his thigh he’s been seemingly obsessed with. “Surprisingly, no, there was not any evidence of sexual assault found.”
“Well then, there ya go,” he grunts out, as if that settles it. He clearly doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. You can’t tell if it’s from shame, discomfort, or disgust. He’s doing a good job pretending it’s disgust. Is he pretending?
You try to ask another question but he is done talking. He won’t look up from his lap now. You even hold up the cell phone again but he doesn’t flinch. He knows by now you’re not going to dial the police. He’s shut down. So you get up and pull your chair away, disappearing behind him for a moment. 
When you come back in front of him you sit on his lap, facing him, straddling his legs with yours. He looks up at you with cautious eyes and opens his mouth to say something - but say what you’re not sure. When he feels the sharp poke just under his ribs he stops short. He looks down and sees the 5” knife you have pressed into the soft spot where his sternum ends.
“I guess it’s time then, honey,” you hum. The hand not holding the knife traces the side of his face. He looks almost sad for one singular moment before his eyes turn hard and all the muscles in his face pull tight.
“If ya expect me to beg, you’re wastin’ yer time.” His pupils are blown wide. “Just do it.”
“How about you stop bein’ so bossy on our first date?” You lean in and kiss him on the nose, then the right cheek, then the left cheek. “Well…..  Our last date,” and you kiss him on the mouth.
You press your lips hard into his and wait. When he doesn’t relent you take your free hand and squeeze his cheeks, hard, forcing his mouth open. Risking him biting your tongue, you push it into his mouth. Your gamble pays off when he doesn’t bite but instead pushes his tongue back and forth along the length of yours.
You wrap your free arm around his shoulders, bracing yourself and grinding your body down into his naked lap. You press your chest into his as your hand moves to the back of his head and fists in his wild curls. You continue kissing him, tongues wrapping around each other, lips moving sloppily across each other’s mouths. 
You move your wet kisses down his jaw, mouthing at the patches in his graying, scruffy beard. You grab a handful of his hair and squeeze your fist, tugging gently at the roots. He grits his teeth and groans, attempting to buck his hips up. 
Of course he can’t move against the restraints, but you grind down again, and you can finally feel that he’s gotten hard through the baggy jeans you’re still wearing. You let a low chuckle slip out.
“I thought killin’ didn’t get you hard,” you smile against his mouth.
“Who am I killin’?” he mutters, still simmering with anger at the topic.
Oh yeah, you giggle, your breath ghosting across his neck. “I guess I’m the one who it’s gettin’ hard,” you whisper. 
You can’t help it. The anticipation of the kill is thrumming through your veins. It’s always like this, the energy, the electricity. Killing makes you feel more alive. You usually aren’t making out with them though. Never, in fact. This time feels different. You’re not sure why.
You lick a stripe up his neck, rolling your hips over his hardened length, and now he bites, nipping gently at your jaw. You squirm and the knife pokes harder into his abdomen. He inhales a sharp breath through his nose at the contact. You silence any additional protest by kissing him hard on the mouth again.
You pull back, face flushed and panting. He is looking at you with wild eyes and puffy lips, his hair pulled at strange angles from your hands running through it. Do you want to fuck this guy? You just brought him here to kill him but now you think you want to fuck him. This is a morally gray area. He’s bound to a chair and you have a knife at his ribs. Can he consent?
“Why’d ya stop?” he huffs out, bringing your attention back to him. “Are we doin’ this or what?”
“It feels kinda fucked up,” you say meekly, the first time he’s seeing any hesitation from you. You look down, twirling the knife against the rope crossing his chest. “It’s not gonna change my mind ‘bout what happens here ya know.”
“I didn’t say it would,” he says quietly, and you look back into his eyes. His eyes are dark, like fresh brewed coffee. They’d be kinda nice if they weren’t about to be on a dead guy.
“You…. you want this?”
“Why not?” he immediately answers.
“Because I’m gonna kill you after,” and even though you’re sure he doesn’t need the reminder, you poke him lightly in the ribs with the knife again, leaving a little red dot from the tip. He doesn’t react this time. He just lets a small smile ghost across his face and his eyes soften as they land on yours.
“What a way to go.”
It’s all you need to hear. You get up and uncinch the belt that is the only thing holding his pants up around your waist. As soon as it’s loosened, the pants fall to the floor, the belt buckle tinkling as it hits the concrete. You’re not wearing any underwear but the view of your cunt is obstructed by the long flannel shirt draped over you.
You take the knife and stick it in the edge of the shirt about breast-high, just above where you have the first button done up. You slowly drag the knife down the placket, cutting each button off easily with the very sharp blade. The buttons clatter to the floor one by one and when you’ve reached the last one, the shirt opens up a bit.
It’s just enough to see the valley between your breasts, a line of your soft stomach, the patch of hair on your mound, and your pink folds peeking out between your legs. You watch him looking you up and down, devouring the sight of you. His brown eyes now black with hunger. Now you can finally take the time to admire his body. 
Yes you had stripped him naked and then tied him to the chair. The whole process had taken nearly thirty minutes. Your hands had been all over him, this grown man you had to maneuver while he was unconscious. But that wasn’t about sex. That was just a body. And you’ve had your hands on plenty of bodies. It’s not sexual. 
But now…. now you can really admire him. He has a long and muscular neck, a broad chest, and freckle-dotted shoulders with strong muscles that continue down his thick arms. He isn’t very hairy but he does have soft arm hair, a little chest hair, and a trail of hair that starts beneath his belly button and continues down to a large patch around his cock.
His cock. Now you can appreciate what you were feeling on his lap. Why does it look so good? Cocks shouldn’t look this good. It’s fully hard, leaking precum and leaning against his stomach, his balls pulled tight at the bottom. You’re surprised to notice his pubic hair isn’t growing wild, it looks as if it was trimmed but has grown out a bit. His cock is both a little larger and a little thicker than what you know to be average. It’s not the biggest you’ve ever seen but that’s alright. In this context you aren’t looking for something that’s going to destroy you. You need to be able to walk later, you’ll have a body to dispose of.
You look back at his face and his eyes are meeting yours. You wonder if he can see the same hunger in your eyes that you saw in his. He’s smiling again but this time it’s not the same cocky grin as before, this one is genuine and filled with excitement. Your heart is pounding. You feel intoxicated. Is this the thrill of the kill or the sex?
Double ropes make an X across his chest, fastening his torso tight to the back of the chair. His arms and wrists are also bound to the back of the chair, causing his arms to be extended stiff at his sides, hands dangling towards the ground. Another X of the double rope crosses his thighs, attaching him to the seat of the chair, and his ankles are tied to the chair’s front legs.
You consider for one brief moment if untying any part of him would increase your enjoyment but quickly decide that’s not a good idea. Even if you might want his hands on your body, if you find them on your throat, it could all get very messy very quickly.
You give your shoulders a slight shrug and his flannel begins to fall off your shoulders, brushing down your arms as it falls to the ground. Now you stand before him completely bare. You don’t miss the fuuuck he silently mouths. Jesus christ what is this guy doing to you? You swear you just felt your clit twitch. 
It is now obvious more than ever the effect he’s having on you, as your unobstructed cunt is so wet that the cool air hitting your thighs makes you realize you are a fucking sopping mess down there. Not wanting to wait any longer, you straddle his thighs again. This time you don’t put your legs on either side but rather rest your legs on top of his. Your feet rest inside of his thighs right under his balls and your ankles and shins lay on top of his thighs. This position is you going give you the best leverage to raise and lower yourself, since you know he can’t help with driving his cock into you.
You can see his arms straining against the ropes. By now he should have learned that they’re too tight for him to move but you think this might just be out of habit. He wants to touch your body, you can tell by the way he moves his head forward - the only thing he can freely move forward - and laps his tongue anywhere he can reach.
You grab his face with one hand and crash your mouth onto his, a mess of teeth and lips and tongues. With your other hand, which is still holding the knife, you carefully use two fingers to tilt his cockhead directly under you and you slowly sink down on it.
You both let out wanton moans into each other’s mouths at the sensation. You continue to press down until he’s seated all the way inside you, and then you pause to let your body adjust. He feels bigger than he looked. Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve been with anyone but this feels borderline painful. You don’t move up and down but rock forward and backwards ever so slightly, giving yourself some more time. He groans a little bit, maybe impatient but you don’t care, and you just smile against his mouth.
You feel your own wetness dripping out of you, down around him, and you feel like you’re ready to go. Pulling your face back from his, you look in each other’s eyes, almost tenderly. You put both hands on top of his shoulders, careful to have a good grip on the knife but not have it too close to his skin. You don’t want to be the one to do anything prematurely in this situation. 
You start slowly at first, ignoring the quiet groans coming from him. He’s not whining but he doesn’t sound or look pleased with the pace you’ve set if the pained look on his face is any indication. You continue moving but grab his face to ask you good? The pained look immediately disappears from his face as his eyes snap open. He grunts and mutters a quiet it’s been awhile before he closes his eyes again, trying to focus.
“Don’t you end this early on me,” you warn. It’s a little funny to you when you realize that his punishment for doing that would be death. It shouldn’t be funny but it is. Probably because you’re fucked in the head. He barely reacts and just mutters I won’t between clenched teeth.
Your pace starts to pick up and you alternate between quite literally bouncing up and down on his cock, and grinding forwards and backwards on it. Each time you switch movements he lets out a strangled groan, clenching his eyes tighter. You can feel your orgasm start to build as a little ball of energy deep in your torso.
You picture what it would be like if he could put his hands on you. You take your own hands off his shoulders and run them up and down your thighs, careful to not let the blade hit either of your bodies. You run them across your stomach and up your ribcage, grabbing your breasts, the cold blade of the knife pressed against one of them. You cry out at the sensation and notice he has opened his eyes now and is watching you intently.
You throw your head back, squeezing your breasts, and bring two fingers to pinch each nipple until they’re over-sensitive and stinging. You look back down and watch his face, inches from your breasts, mesmerized. Without warning you shove one of them right into his mouth and he greedily accepts it, tonguing and biting your nipple. 
You continue to move on his lap, driving his cock in and out, up and down, filling you up, hitting all the right spots inside of you. Your bodies are sliding against each other, lubricated by the sheen of sweat covering them. The sounds of your skin slapping echoes off the walls. The slurping noises of his mouth are turning you on even more. You can feel your orgasm now just below the surface. You know you’re close. 
“I’m gonna come honey,” you moan. Jesus fuckin’ christ you hear him grunt beneath you, mouth still full of your breast.
You push yourself closer to him, pressed up against his chest, his mouth popping off your nipple. You wrap both arms around his neck and pull him tight, rutting hard and deep on his lap. It’s just there, so close. Then he latches his mouth onto your neck just below your jaw, and he sucks. 
A white-hot release immediately hits your body, spreading from the core out. It hits you so hard that you actually scream. Your movements stutter and slow as you work through your orgasm, feeling your pussy contracting on his cock.
Seconds later you hear him against your neck, a long and drawn-out moan, as you feel him releasing repeatedly inside of you. You continue gentle rocking motions against him until you feel his cock still. His mouth is still against your neck, breathing heavy breaths in between curses of jesus fuckin’ christ, and holy shit.
You push yourself up off him using the leverage from your shins on his thighs just enough for him to slip out of you, your combined release dripping out onto his lap. You lay your head down on one of his shoulders, gently kissing his neck. At the other shoulder, your arm rests with the knife dragging up and down along where his carotid artery lies.
You sit like that for a while, both of you catching your breaths, getting your bearings back. You are vaguely aware of the mess on his lap you’ll have to clean up later. It’ll have to wait. You think that orgasm made you dizzy. You’re pretty sure your legs will be jell-o for a bit. You haven’t felt like this in a long time. Fucked out and cockdrunk.
He is the first to speak.
“Can I ask you a question?” he says tentatively, “before ya….  ya know.”
“You have a question for me?” you scoff, “I’m flattered,” which is true, even considering what you’ve just done.
“Were ya serious about doin’ this before? The killin’ part?”
“Well yeah, what makes ya think I wasn’t serious?” you lift your head to look him in the eyes just in time to see him roll his.
“Probably the part where ya pretended to be Dexter-” he starts.
“Oh my god I can’t wait till you stop breathin’ so I don’t have to hear about that again. I was just trying to- ya know what? Nevermind,” and you push the blade forward into his neck a little. It’s hard enough to pierce the skin. It draws a couple drops of blood but you’re mostly just teasing him, since you have no desire to clean five liters of blood off the floor of this rented garage. But you can’t help the thrill that shoots into your stomach at the way he clenches in fear.
His body relaxes after a few seconds when he realizes you haven’t pushed the knife in any further. He had clenched his eyes shut, not letting you see the panic in them. Now they flutter open and meet yours, barely able to focus, your faces are so close together.
“My question was somethin’ else,” he mutters, barely audible over the sound of your pounding heartbeat whooshing in your ears. You say nothing, just continue to stare at him wide-eyed, unblinking. “My question was… why. Why do ya do it?”
You are taken aback. Literally and figuratively. You physically pull back from him, resting on your heels back where his knees are. Your hands remain on his shoulders, one still clutching the knife against his neck. Someone is looking for the answer, you think to yourself. It’s almost sweet that he thinks you have it.
“I do it for the same reason you do it.” You scan his face, searching for that smug smile, waiting for deception to play across it, for something. For anything. It doesn’t come. He genuinely doesn’t know. “I do it because it fucking feels good, honey.”
He just keeps your gaze, nodding his head slowly as he takes in your answer. He doesn’t ask anything else or add to your answer. He’s just considering it. You get up off his lap and fold up the knife in your hand, dropping it on the floor on top of the discarded flannel. You walk behind him again and grab the pre-filled syringe you set up. This is the way you like to do things. Clean. Efficient. No stains or smells to deal with later.
You walk up behind him, standing so you are pressed to the back of the chair, his head resting against your bare stomach. You put your hands down on top of his shoulders, the syringe in your dominant hand tapping against his skin. He looks down at it and then tilts his head back to look up at you.
“Why me?” he asks. Not whiny, like most people are. Just a curiosity. Why him? Why did you pick him? Out of everyone in the world, why is it him? It’s almost romantic.
“I thought it’d be fun. I mean, it’s always fun. But I thought it’d be more fun than usual, huntin’ someone like me. Well, almost like me. I’m better at it,” and you tap the syringe against his clavicle a few times, “obviously.”
“Well you weren’t exactly playin’ fair, were ya sweetheart?” he says in an accusing tone.
“How do ya mean?” you ask, your eyes going wide, insulted by the implication. “You knew people would be lookin’ around and askin’ questions, maybe even the police.”
“Yeahhh,” he concedes, “but the police‘re idiots.” He keeps his eyes on you, watching you nod your head in agreement. “I didn’t think I was up against someone like you.” He pauses and then flashes you a cocky grin. “Someone smart.”
“Oh stop, now you’re just tryin’ to flatter me,” and you swat the syringe on his shoulder.
“I’m not,” he says, still smiling.
“Kinda seems like you are, ya ol’ flirt.” and you wink down at him.
“No, what I’m tryin’ ta say is…” and he finally looks away, staring straight ahead before he delivers the next sentence. “I bet you couldn’t do it again.”
“Do what again?” You continue to look down at him but he’s still looking straight forward, not meeting your eyes.
“Catch me.”
Now you’re annoyed. “Honey it really wasn’t that fuckin’ hard the first time. I highly doubt th-”
“But,” he interrupts, “I bet you couldn’t do it again.” His cocky smile is back, head thrown back staring up at you again. “You couldn’t do it now that I know you’re lookin’ fer me. 
You push off his shoulders and walk around the front of him. Bending over, you pull his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans laid on the floor. You’re gonna wipe that smug grin off his face once and for all. “Well Joel Miller,” and you read off his home address in Texas, “I really do think I could find you again.”
“Then do it.” His smile is gone. His face is expressionless. He’s just staring at you. “Find me again,” he taunts.
You drop the wallet back to the ground and sit down on his lap, almost considering what he’s saying. You run your hand on the side of his stupid smug little face, syringe still in the other hand. You lean your face to his and gently pepper his face with kisses.  
“Honey, I don’t want you sufferin’,” you coo between smooches. “Yer gonna miss me too much if I let you go.”
“How long you think I’d have to suffer?” he counters, “Hmm? How long you think it’d take you?”
“It took me less than a week this time honey. So probably not long,” you continue the kisses down his neck.
“Then come find me,” he growls, stilling your motions. “End my sufferin’.”
You pull back from him. Fuck. The thought of it made you undeniably excited. You were practically vibrating with anticipation and you weren’t even thinking about killing him anymore. This was about a chase. An honest-to-god chase with someone that might be something close to a challenge.
He had a point. You didn’t want to admit that to him, but he didn’t know you were looking for him. He had no idea there was someone like him in the area, whereas you had begun to suspect last summer, and had spent the last year putting pieces together and planning your trip this way. 
It did take you less than a week of moving around to different areas of the state land with your van, finding different places to camp, until you ran into him and his filthy little cabin. But you had spent much longer than that reviewing his victims, studying his patterns, and getting yourself into his mindset as best you could. 
He has confirmed your suspicions that he moved on after the summer to hunt somewhere else. But where else? Where he lives in Texas? Another off-the-grid cabin? It could be anywhere. It doesn’t matter. You’ll figure it out. 
The phone you’ve been threatening him to dial 9-1-1 with is actually his phone. You'd used his fingerprint to gain access while he was out cold and then changed the passcode to something that only you know. You can gather a lot of information on him from his cellphone. That will help and he doesn’t even yet realize you have it. 
You already have an upper hand on his little proposition. You’re already outsmarting him.
You press your lips to his one last time and stick the syringe’s small needle into his neck, pressing the plunger halfway down. With open eyes kissing him you see his eyes go wide and then shut. His entire body goes limp under yours, including his lips. His plush lips. You feel his heart still beating strong under your hand so you take the time to indulge, holding his head up and stealing a few more kisses before you have to start cleaning up.
Joel wakes a while later, how long he’s not sure, but the room he’s in looks very different. The van is gone, as is the folding table covered in trophies and photos of his victims, as are you. In fact, very few things remain in the room. 
His clothes are folded in a stack on the floor in front of him. Next to them are his wallet and truck keys. Finally, there is a folded note stuck to his leg. It’s pinned to him with your five inch pocket knife having been driven into his thigh.
The restraints around his wrists have been cut so that he can reach forward to take the knife out of his leg. When he does, the note drifts to the floor a few feet away. He ignores the searing pain and blood now streaming from the wound on his leg and manages to work himself free of the rest of the ropes. 
He moves to stand up out of the chair and immediately his legs give out, collapsing him unceremoniously onto the floor. He is free of the chair for the first time in - judging by the physical state of him - what has probably been half a day. With shaky hands he reaches out and picks up the paper where it had fallen, unfolding it.
In pretty, looping handwriting it reads: ‘Catch ya later!   xoxo’ 
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songforeddiemunson · 7 months
Haunting in Blackwood Hollow
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An Eddie Munson x F!Reader Miniseries
Series Summary: It’s the year 1991. Eddie and reader check into a rented house in the Appalachian woods, joined by Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin. Unfortunately for our gang, things in Blackwood Hollow are never as they appear.
Tropes: established relationship, Jonathan x Nancy, no mention of the events from ST, smut, comedy, fluff, scares, bit of whump (but nothing too crazy)
Series Warnings: Swearing, drinking and weed use, sexual and scary situations, minors please DNI.
Chapter One: Steve's Big Mistake
Chapter warnings: naughty language, mentions of drinking, weed use. This is largely setting the scene babes. Author's Note: Submission for @stcreators Event 5: Dynamics Submission for @somnambulic-thing, @allthingsjoeq, and @bettyfrommars event: strangerprompts (#14) {Okay so I took a bit of liberty with the prompt, but that's just how my brain wanted to do it! You know how that goes. ;) }
Word Count: ~2K
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You swore under your breath as the taxi pulled away, leaving you staring at the monstrosity you were meant to be staying in for the weekend.
“This is the last time I leave that jackass in charge of anything,” you muttered, prompting a snort from Eddie, who stood beside you.
You liked Steve. Loved him even, in the way that friends that have known each other for years did, who’d seen each other at their worst, thick as thieves, none of that ‘will they or won’t they’ shit, especially after you started seeing Eddie. But in that moment, you could strangle him.
Most of your group of friends had scattered to the four corners of the country, so when you all received your invitations to Joyce Byers’ and Jim Hopper’s wedding in the Smoky Mountains, you decided to rent a whole house instead of getting hotel rooms. Correction: Steve came up with the idea to rent a house, and admittedly it was a good plan. It would likely be cheaper to pool your resources, and you could all hang out in the common areas and catch up.
And then you saw the house.
It was a stereotype in peeling paint and dilapidated wood. The porch was creaky and appeared to be on the verge of collapse. Gnarled old vines and weeds encroached from every direction; you thought maybe it had been landscaped last sometime in the 1960s. A broken old fountain sat on the front lawn, with a scummy green puddle of rainwater gathered at the bottom, and there was a broken gate that hung loose on its hinges near the drive.
Eddie tilted his head in a manner reminiscent of a terrier as he surveyed the old structure. “I think it looks kinda cool, like that house in IT. The house on Neibolt Street, remember?”
You blinked at your paramour. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend the weekend in a house like that. It’s one thing to read about it in a spooky story, it’s another thing to actually sleep there.” He had the good grace to laugh at that sentiment.
“Fair enough,” he conceded.
Of all the houses in Asheville, Tennessee, THIS is the one he chooses? You thought bitterly as you made your way up the walkway toward the porch, stepping carefully on the worn wood and looking for nails that could be lying in wait to impale your foot.
You had no idea if anyone else had already arrived, and whether you were supposed to knock or just walk in. You had decided to try the former, but your knuckles hadn’t had a chance to make contact with the wood before the door was whipped open, revealing a clearly exasperated Robin.
“Omigosh you’re here!” she cried joyfully as she threw her arms around you. You let your weekend bag drop to the porch as you reciprocated the hug.
“Robin! I’m so glad to see you!” you cooed as you gave her a good squeeze then released her. “But what the hell is this house?”
“Right?! I feel like it’s right out of a Scoobie Doo episode or something. Talk about creepy. Eddie! Hi!”
“I’ve seen worse,” a deeper voice intoned from out of eyesight, shortly before Steve stepped into the foyer.
“Steve! It’s lovely to see you, but what the fuck?” you scolded.
Steve’s expression was so sheepish that you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“I know, I know,” he moaned, before putting his face in his hands.
“Come here and hug me, loser. I haven’t seen you in almost two years and you’re gonna make me sleep in the house from Amityville Horror?”
“Hey now,” Robin countered, “The Amityville Horror house was waaay nicer than this.”
“True. Eddie said it looked like the house from IT.”
“Oooh yes! That fits,” Robin said.
“What’s that? It?” Steve asked, never one to embrace pop culture.
You hugged Steve despite wanting to hurt him a little bit. “Nevermind. So what were you thinking with this house?”
“Okay so in my defense the pictures were much nicer in the Want Ad, and in black and white. I didn’t realize it was going to be so…”
“Shabby?” you offered while Robin said “terrifying” at the same time.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a shrug.
Eddie chuckled as he hugged his friends by way of greeting.  “Alright well, as long as the bed is clean, I don't really care,” he said. “This one is scared of spiders,” he said, gesturing toward you. 
“I am not, you are!” you yelled.
“I am NOT afraid of spiders,” Eddie replied defensively. “It’s those fucking centipede things with all the legs. I hate those things.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m sure there are plenty of things in this house to trigger all our phobias.”
The interior was a little less gloomy than its exterior, but that wasn’t saying much. The common room in which you were standing was decorated in 50 year-old wallpaper that was peeling and yellowing. The floors were hard wood but hadn’t been refinished since the wallpaper was installed, and the dusty old upholstery was flat and worn around the edges. 
“Where are we sleeping, anyway?”
“There’s three bedrooms, one with a queen and two with a pair of singles. I figured we could draw straws or someth–”
“Dibs on the queen!” Eddie shouted.
“Eddie, we have to–” you began.
“Nah babe. We’re a couple, and we got here first. You snooze, you lose.”
“I think that’s fair,” Robin said with a shrug.
“Nancy and Jonathan won’t love that,” Steve said. “But you can fight it out amongst yourselves. I’m staying out of it. Looks like you’re bunking with me, Robin.”
“I don’t care, as long as you don’t snore.”
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Nancy and Jonathan arrived about an hour later, and while they weren’t thrilled to be relegated to a pair of twin beds, they conceded that Eddie did in fact call dibs.
“I feel like we’re eighteen again,” Nancy laughed as she explored the kitchen for a clean glass for water. “Calling dibs and bunking up together. Feels like old times.”
“It does,” you agreed from where you were leaning against the counter. “I don’t know if I would use any of the dishes in this house though.”
“I might just make a store run, get some solo cups and paper plates,” she said as she put one grimy glass back in the cupboard with a look of distaste. “Any requests?”
“Oooh, cheez-its, snapple peach tea, pizza pretzel combos…”
“PBR,” Eddie contributed as he sidled up next to you and bent to give you a quick peck on the lips.
“Well of course,” Nancy said with a smile. “Can’t forget the beer.”
Robin poked her head into the room. “Grab a couple of pizzas! I’ll give you cash.”
You all pitched in for the snacks and sent Nancy on her way as the sun began its descent behind the trees. The rest of you gathered in the living room to figure out what to do for the night.
“Care for a toke?” Eddie asked, as he held up a joint he pulled from his jacket and set it alight.
“Yessss,” Jonathan replied with enthusiasm, leaning forward to pinch the little joint between his fingers.
“That didn’t take long,” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
“Lighten up, Harrington,” Jonathan said in a fragrant plume of exhalation, stifling a cough. “You could probably use this more than the rest of us. You’re too wound up.” 
“It’s true Steve, why are you always so stressed out?” you asked, taking a pull from the joint.
“I don’t know, I just feel like I’m the responsible one–” he began, but was cut off by a chorus of jeers and naysaying.
“You think you’re the responsible one, but everyone knows it’s Nancy,” Robin said, laughing.
“Yeah man, like…the King Steve days are over, you can stop trying so hard,” Eddie added with a grin.
“Okay, okay, I get it…” Steve said, accepting his ribbing with a modicum of grace. His voice trailed off, however, as his attention was pulled in another direction. “Hey what’s that?”
“What?” you and Jonathan asked at the same time, following his gaze. 
“It’s on top of that bookshelf…” he began, already getting up and walking toward it. He had to stand on the tips of his toes to reach it, and pulled it down, unleashing a cloud of dust and grime.
“What is it?” Eddie asked.
Steve brushed the dust off the cover before looking up at you with wide eyes. 
“It’s a ouija board,” he said.
“Oh shit,” Eddie said, laughing. "You can't be serious."
“What! No, no thank you!” Robin yelled.
“I dunno man, you might want to put that back and pretend you never saw it,” Jonathan added with a smirk.
“What, nah, that stuff isn’t real,” you said.
“No, it’s not,” Steve agreed. “It’s just a silly game.”
“If it’s just a silly game,” Eddie taunted, "why don’t we take it for a spin?”
“Oh man, no, don’t give him any ideas,” Robin piped in with her trademarked ‘mile-a-minute’ cadence. “Did you see the movie Witchboard? Well I did, and I didn’t sleep for a week afterward. Too scary for me. And it’s kinda weird that that thing just shows up in the spookiest house I’ve ever seen, and we’re in the middle of nowhere and…”
“What’s Witchboard?” Steve asked.
“Dude, watch a movie…” Eddie moaned while Jonathan doubled-over laughing.
Steve laid the box down on the coffee table. “Well, just because there was a movie about these things doesn’t make them real. The Princess Bride isn’t exactly real either.”
Eddie gasped with mock incredulity. “It’s NOT?”
“Have fun NOT storming the castle I guess,” Jonathan tried to say without laughing, which came out as a choked squeal.
“Inconceivable!” you yelled, making the entire room erupt in hearty laughter and dispelling some of the unease that had grown since the discovery of the ouija board.
“Jesus guys, are you that stoned already?” Steve asked with a smile.
“Eddie only buys the good stuff,” you said.
“Zero to zooted within three hits, or your money back,” Eddie said before taking another pull from the joint.
“Good to know,” Steve said sarcastically. “So are you guys gonna play with this thing or not?”
“Fine fine,” you said. “Eddie, let’s do this.”
He agreed, and you sat on the floor on either side of the coffee table. You opened the box, took out its contents, and each placed the index finger of your right hand gently on the planchette. You sat silent for a moment, not doing or saying anything, unsure of where to begin.
“Uhhhh,” Eddie said before dissolving into giggles.
“Ask it something!” Robin whispered, leaning forward in her excitement.
“Okay, uh…” you began, pausing to think. “Is there anybody here with us right now?”
It seemed like the entire room held its breath with anticipation.
“Is there anyone here in this house?” you repeated.
The silence ticked onward.
“Well this is thrilling,” Jonathan said with a snort.
“Give it a minute,” Steve said.
“Thought you didn’t believe in this stuff, Stevarino,” Eddie teased.
“I don’t, but–”
You thought you felt the planchette move ever so slightly. 
“Wait!” you gasped. “Did you feel that?”
“No, wait. Maybe?” Eddie whispered.
You sat motionless for a beat, but nothing happened. You began to think that it was your imagination when…
….suddenly the front door banged open with a loud smash, and every single person in the room screamed like a banshee.
“Jesus, guys!” Nancy said as she struggled to hold several brown paper grocery bags. “A little help here?”
“Oh fuck, sorry babe,” Jonathan said, and the rest of you sheepishly got up to help, leaving the ouija board on the table. You bustled into the kitchen to put things away and pop open cans of beer, laughing about the silly jump scare you’d all just shared.
What none of you saw, however, was the planchette on the ouija board slide over to ‘hello.’
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To Be Continued...
Sorry this one is short, but I needed to get it out. More is coming! As always, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of every fic writer!
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
(Right) Hook, Line, and Sinker
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*Banner by my love @persphonesorchid
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your horrible friends trick you into going to a haunted corn maze, where you inadvertently punch a zombie. Jungkook is, of course, in love.
Word Count: 12,353
Warnings: Smut
AN: This is the penultimate installment of the Autumn Leaves Collab, which is hilariously the reason I even made a Tumblr. We have one cute autumn-themed fic for each of our beloved boys by some seriously fantastic writers, so please go and check them out! Hope you all enjoy :)
(Right) Hook
It was a beautiful autumn day. The leaves were a gorgeous blend of crimson and gold, the temperature was brisk but not freezing, and the sun was kissing the horizon, setting the entire sky aflame in a blaze of unadulterated glory.
You couldn't have asked for a better day to be backstabbed by your friends. In fact, you didn't have any friends. Just terrible people who promised you donuts and cider and then turned around and forced you into a haunted corn maze.
Your best friend had laughed herself to tears watching your expression change when you caught sight of the sign and realization dawned upon your stupid, trusting brain.
"You betrayed me!" you screeched. Mijin dug the knife in deeper by cackling like the evil witch she was.
"It's your own fault for not looking up the name of this place beforehand," she snickered, wiping her eyes dramatically. You huffed and crossed your arms, sinking into your seat with no intention of getting out. They could drag your cold dead body from the car if they wanted to go into the maze.
"I'll pay for your donuts."
"... Okay."
"FUUUUUUUUUCK THIS!" you screeched, sprinting away from the terrifying clown that had leapt out at your group. Your friends doubled over laughing as you sped off, eager to put distance between you and the most recent jump scare.
In fact, you had been a little too eager to escape, and after a couple twists and turns you realized you were lost. Alone. In a creepy corn maze. While the sun was going down and probably also laughing at your idiocy. Fuck.
For a few slow, spooky moments, you struggled between your pride and your sanity. Should you call Meej and ask her to find you, and deal with even worse teasing later? Or should you just woman up and get through this maze to keep the last remaining shreds of your dignity intact? Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your pocket.
Well, that decided that. You weren't gonna go crawling back to her now. They would find your cold, dead corpse in the morning and she would cry at your funeral and you would sneer at the asshole from your new home in hell. If this wasn't already it.
The wind picked up and you jumped as the leaves of the corn stalks rustled tauntingly around you. Every little echo and noise sounded like another monster sent to get you, and a falling leaf made you jump and put your fists up for a fight. The shadows looked as if they were reaching for you with inky fingers, and you couldn't tell if your shivers were from the bite of the air or the chill in your chest.
In your head, you knew that it was all fake, that anyone coming at you was just a paid actor in makeup and costume. Unfortunately, your cowardly reflexes and adrenaline convinced your body otherwise and you crept through the maze like a very tense, jumpy mouse. You were so intent on the possible danger ahead, however, that you didn't notice someone creeping up behind you.
"Boo." You felt the barest whisper of hot breath on your ear and you froze. Then your body went on autopilot.
"NOOOOO!" you screamed as you automatically whirled to face your attacker. You weren't entirely sure what had happened, but suddenly the knuckles of your right hand were on fire and there was a collapsed zombie in front of you cradling his nose.
"Oh my fucking god," you gasped as you realized what you had done. You crouched next to the poor dude probably earning minimum wage, and rummaged around in your bag. Did you not have any tissues or napkins or anything?
"I am so sorry, are you okay? Wait that's a stupid question, your nose is bleeding, uh, fuck, shit, can I help? Oh god."
Your victim's shoulders began to shake and you panicked more - you didn't mean to make anyone cry for fuck's sake. Shit, who was the real monster here? Then you realized that he was laughing.
"Uh… zombie guy?" you asked stupidly, wondering just how hard you had hit him. He smiled widely at you. Unfortunately, combined with the costume makeup and the blood flowing from his nose, the gesture was not as reassuring as he intended it to be. You appreciated the attempt, though.
"I'm Jungkook. What's your name?"
You stared at the boy, wondering just what was going on in that head of his and just how hard you had hit him. Because you were raised to be a polite young lady and some of society's training stuck despite your attempts to fuck the patriarchy, you ended up responding automatically.
"I'm [Y/n]."
Why had you said that? Was your first name and appearance enough for him to figure out your full name and sue you? Was that why he had asked? Well too bad zombie conman, joke was on him because you were broke as shit. The safest thing would probably be for you to peace out and make yourself scarce, but you were still worried about the blood dripping from his nose.
"Um, I didn't break it, did I?" you asked timidly as Jungkook got to his feet. He offered you a hand up, which you took despite feeling like you should be the one helping him. His skin was warm despite the fact that he must have been in the maze for at least an hour already.
"I don't think so," he replied, dabbing at his nose with his sleeve and adding real blood to what was (hopefully) just fake decoration. "That was a mean right hook."
"I'm so sorry!" you blurted again, guilt filling you at his words. Wait, you weren't supposed to admit fault out loud if you were getting sued, right? You had watched that in a show somewhere.
"Nah, it was hot."
You blinked at him. Surely you hadn't heard correctly. By the way he was grinning at you - and it was not cute, considering you were now staring at a grimacing zombie covered in blood - you in fact had. This guy was not right in the head, and you began backing away slowly.
"Okay that's great!" you babbled. "I'll-see-you-around-bye!"
With that, you turned and sprinted away despite your protesting legs. You really had to start going back to the gym sometime. If you did, maybe your rusty skills would be brushed up enough for you to defend yourself from this weirdo.
Jungkook stared after you as the moonlight illuminated your fleeing form. Your feet barely made any noise as they pounded through the dirt and leaves, and he found himself even more enamored. You hadn't even given him enough time to tell you you were heading deeper into the maze instead of towards the exit. Well actually, that was probably a good thing. He had to be out here for a bit longer and this meant that you might still be around when he got off.
"Dude, what happened?"
He turned to see Taehyung who was dressed as a creepy clown and, in his opinion, looked way scarier than any undead creature could. Because clowns were real. And they could be anywhere.
"I think I'm in love," Jungkook sighed, unable to keep himself from poking his nose despite the way it made him wince. It was sort of like wiggling a loose tooth, except in this case it was a reminder of the beautiful moment he met his future wife. He was rewarded by his friend's very unimpressed expression, only mildly obscured by the giant red nose on his face.
"With someone who physically assaulted you?" asked Taehyung, crossing his arms and somehow going from creepy clown to bitchy clown. It was amazing what his friend could do with one tilt of his hips.
"I mean I got closer than I was supposed to because she was cute. And then she punched me."
Jungkook touched his nose again with a dreamy sigh as he gazed in the direction you had run off to. What were you doing now? Were you thinking about him as much as he was thinking about you?
"My head rang like a bell. Like wedding bells. Our wedding bells."
Taehyung closed his eyes in resignation, knowing his friend was a goner and probably already picturing your babies sparring with each other. If he was talking about the same girl he scared away from her group earlier, she definitely was pretty enough for any of them to get a little closer than strictly necessary for scaring. He opened them again and scanned his friend just to make sure he was really fine.
"Wait, do you have a boner?"
"She had perfect form, okay?!"
"I fucking hate you," you groaned as you sank down onto the picnic table bench next to Mijin. After what had to have been at least half an hour (the corn maze couldn't even possibly have been that big) of what felt like constant scary clowns and zombies and evil butchers popping out at you, you had finally found the exit. And of course your friends had already escaped and were sitting and eating donuts and drinking hot cider like the assholes they were.
"Yo, what took you?" she asked unsympathetically with a mouth full of cinnamon, powdered sugar, and deep fried dough. "After that clown, no one else showed up. We got done like twenty minutes ago."
"What the hell?" you whined, unceremoniously grabbing your friend's cider and downing it, wishing it had something stronger so you could forget this evening had ever happened. It definitely wasn't because you needed the warmth - you were sweating like a pig from fear and more physical exertion than you had performed in the last month combined. Were you just cursed? Wait no, you did not want your thoughts to go there right after that horrible experience.
And because it just wouldn't quit, Mijin poked your shoulder and pointed to where a familiar looking zombie was strolling towards you in a decidedly un-shambly fashion.
"[Y/n]!" chirped the zombie - Jungkook, was it? - as he waved cheerfully in your direction. Meej raised her eyebrows as you looked behind you and then pointed to yourself in confusion, as if he could have been referring to anyone else. Suspicion began to bloom in your mind.
"Jungkook," you greeted as he came closer, ignoring the curious eyes of your friends. "Do you happen to know the reason I was constantly assaulted by horrifying creatures while my friends here made it through untouched?"
The boy grinned at you, and now that you weren't overcome with hysteria and guilt, you realized that even under his make up his eyes were large and mesmerizing. Wait no, he was a weirdo, why were you noticing how pretty his eyes were?
"Yep," he said unashamedly, his smile widening at your inadvertent pout. "I asked my friends to help."
"I said I was sorry!" you cried indignantly, crossing your arms and scowling at the reason your lifespan had been shortened by ten years. "You didn't have to torture me!"
His eyes widened in surprise, making them impossibly bigger and - dare you say it - cute.
"It wasn't for that!" he protested. "It was so I could catch you after my shift!"
"I - what?" you asked stupidly, now completely bewildered. Jungkook suddenly looked down at his feet, and his voice took on a more hesitant tone.
"I was gonna get a late dinner now, um, will you come?"
Mijin's eyes were now burning a hole into the side of your head as you resolutely pretended neither she nor the rest of your friends existed. What the fuck was going on with your life today? First you got tricked into a haunted maze and now the fucking zombie you punched was asking you on a date?
"Um, it's past midnight," you mumbled, unable to come up with any other response as your brain continued to buffer. The hopeful gleam in those large, innocent eyes did nothing to help. Neither did his adorably bashful expression.
"Okay, early breakfast. On me. Please?" he asked, voice taking on a begging quality. His lip began to jut out in a pout and even under the horrible zombie make up you noticed it was full and plump. "It's the least you can do after you punched me in the face."
At that your friends began to snicker and Meej outright snorted. You felt your own face begin to burn despite the nip in the air. And then your so-called best friend decided to punish you for ignoring her.
"Yeah, she's free," she offered, making you swivel and gape at her second betrayal of the evening. Never one to do anything by halves, she then proceeded to hammer the final nails into the coffin of your friendship. "And she has no plans tomorrow that would make her have to go home early."
"Great!" said Jungkook happily as he and Mijin ignored your indignant splutters. "Just let me get cleaned up and I'll be back here in fifteen."
He jogged away with annoyingly bouncy steps and you whirled on your Brutus.
"What the fuck?" you hissed, ire rising at the smirk on her lips. You opened your mouth to screech at her and she shoved a donut hole into it.
"He's cute," she said conversationally as you chewed hard, determined to give her a piece of your mind. You swallowed, took a deep breath to prepare for your rant, and she stuffed another one past your lips.
"There, there," she said, patting your head as you glared at her, cheeks full of delicious pastry.
"He seems like a nice guy, but keep your location sharing on and if you don't text me every half hour I'll come find you okay?" she said soothingly, patting your bulging cheek. "If it really was something nefarious he'd probably pick a girl who couldn't fight back."
You pouted and slouched in your seat as your other frienemies snickered. Fuck those NPCs. You didn't know them. They weren't even important enough to have names in this universe.
You sulked while you waited for your mysterious zombie boy. Why were you being forced on a sketchy late night date with a total stranger who liked getting punched? Meej continued to feed you donut holes, petting your head and back as if you were a baby. Unfortunately, it was actually working to chill you out because you were an easy bitch.
You glanced up at the familiar voice, gasped, and immediately began choking on the powdered sugar that flew into your windpipe. Jungkook had removed the zombie make up and clothes, and while he had seemed cute, you hadn't been expecting him to be a total fucking smoke show even with a swollen nose. Fuck location sharing, you would let this guy dismember you and thank him for it. From the way Meej chortled as she handed you more cider, she knew exactly where your mind was at.
"I-uh-yeah," you said suavely, getting up and tripping over the bench as you tried to get out. He moved easily to grab you before you could land on your ass and you felt yourself pressed against a very firm, muscular body.
"You okay?"
Oh no, he was even cuter up close. You gulped and nodded, unable to tear your gaze away from his large, sparkling eyes or his wide smile. His two front teeth were ever-so-slightly larger than normal, making him look like an adorably handsome bunny. Who happened to be ripped beyond belief.
A flash went off and the two of you turned to see Mijin, who was pointing her phone at the two of you. You quickly stepped away from him, wondering if your face was as red as it felt.
"Don't mind me," she said innocently, tucking it back into her bag. "Just getting a picture so if [y/n] goes missing I can give the police a lead. Jungkook, right?"
You glared at her, knowing that while it was kind of true, she probably also wanted to memorialize the stupidly dazed expression on your face. The upside was that the muscle bunny wasn't offended, which gave him points toward not being a Gen-Z Ted Bundy.
"Jeon Jungkook," he told your friend with a grin and a nod. "If that helps."
"Good boy," Meej said approvingly. "Have fun, kids."
She gave your butt a goading slap as you turned to follow Jungkook away, and when you turned to yell at her she somehow managed to throw another donut hole right into your mouth. Maybe she really was a witch.
As you walked towards the parking lot, it hit you that you were about to get into the car of a complete stranger. Granted he was a very attractive, nice-seeming stranger who looked to be about your age and whose full name you now knew, but still. This was what all those old stranger danger videos warned you about. The darkness of the night and the rustling of the leaves did nothing to lessen the creepiness of the atmosphere. As if coming to the same realization, Jungkook turned to you with an uncertain expression on his face.
"There's a Denny's about five minutes away from here, it's the only place still open for food," he explained, pointing his finger somewhere to the east. "You can tell your friend that's where we'll be."
"Denny's," you mused, shooting off a quick text to Meej. "You're a real romantic, Jeon Jungkook."
That bunny-like smile appeared back on his face and you felt your heart give a hop in response as the two of you began walking again. You couldn't tell if it was just because of him or also because you had eaten too many donuts.
"I also make some mean ramyun, but hopefully I'll get to show you another time."
"Hm, that's very presumptuous of you considering you're taking me to a Denny's after midnight," you teased. "Are you just that charming?"
"I hope so," he told you earnestly, the blush that rose on his cheeks doing more to endear him to you than anything else so far. You reached his car, and he gallantly - and cutely - scrambled to open the passenger door for you. When you smiled at him in thanks, he froze and stood at the door, gaping at you like a deer in the headlights.
"Uh… is everything okay?" you asked uncertainly, grin slipping off your face. Jungkook turned bright red and swallowed, shaking his head.
"Y-you're just even prettier when you smile," he stammered, before closing the door and hurrying to the driver's side. You barely heard the slam over the way your blood began to pound in your ears, and a small voice inside of you screamed that this was all way too good to be true and you were about to get murked. Another voice, one that sounded suspiciously like Meej, told it to shut the fuck up. Mijin had the unfortunate (or fortunate) habit of always being right, so you decided to listen to that one instead.
Jungkook still seemed flustered as he got into the drivers' side, which was absolutely fucking precious. It relaxed you further despite the awkward silence that descended as the two of you tried to figure out what to talk about.
"So… was that clown also your friend?" you finally asked, remembering the recurring horror that had kept you lost in the maze for so long. Jungkook grinned and nodded, though he quickly turned his eyes back to the road.
"Yep, that's Taehyung. Honestly I think his costume is the scariest," he confirmed, and you shuddered in acknowledgement.
"Yeah, zombies and werewolves and stuff aren't real. But clowns are, that makes it worse."
"EXACTLY! See, you get it!"
The awkwardness between you dissipated as you began to banter back and forth more comfortably, and you found yourself laughing outright more often than not. As it turned out, not only was this zombie boy a confusing mixture of sexy and adorable, but he was also funny and kind. You had a feeling you weren't going to come out of this night alive, but for entirely different reasons than you had initially expected.
The easy conversation continued through your late dinner/early breakfast, and you found yourself enjoying talking to him even more than the greasy eggs and bacon on your plate. He was just so sweet and cute, it was impossible not to like him.
As the food dwindled, you found that you didn't actually want this night to end. You realized you were growing increasingly enamored with this strange boy, but you weren't sure if he felt similarly after actually having a conversation with you.
Well, you were a strong(ish), independent(ish), woman who knew what she wanted, right? You were a twenty-first century girl! All you had to do was be brave and be the one to ask for his number!
You took one look at Jungkook's handsome face and sparkling eyes and decided no, you were not a brave, strong, independent woman. He was way too attractive for you to be able to grab life by the proverbial ovaries and just straight up ask him out. You let out an internal sigh at your own cowardice, then eyed the table where his right hand was idly drumming the edge of the forgotten menu. Do it, bitch, whispered the Mijin-voice in your brain.
Steeling yourself, you set your own hand on the table and crept it forward until it brushed against his own. He stopped talking mid-sentence and froze, then pulled his hand back as if he'd been scalded. His eyes were so wide it would have been comical if your heart wasn't currently sinking in your chest.
"Uh, I have to pee," he stammered, before bolting upright and almost running to the bathroom. You sat there, stunned and humiliated. That had actually been worse than just hearing no. What should you do now? Stay here and be awkward? Call Mijin and have her come get you?
Before you could fully make a decision, a beautiful guy who was decidedly not Jungkook plopped down into his seat. Another equally gorgeous boy sat in the empty space next to you, giving you a bright smile that squished his eyes into adorable crescents.
"Hi! I'm Jimin!"
"Why are we doing this again?" complained Jimin from the passengers' seat as Taehyung followed the car in front of them. "I'm tired, I want to go home."
"Because," said his best friend, "we all put enough effort into Kookie getting this date and he better not fuck it up."
"Wait, with that girl you told me to scare away from the exits?" he asked, suddenly interested. He sat up a little straighter in his seat. "She was super cute."
"Yep, and now I'm invested and I want to see how it goes."
They both sighed a little when they followed Jungkook's car into the Denny's parking lot. It made sense, it wasn't like there was anything else open or around, but still. Denny's? Taehyung parked far enough away that it was unlikely they'd be noticed, but when Jimin went to follow you and Jungkook inside, he tugged him over to the windows instead.
"Seriously?" he asked incredulously, staring at his friend in disbelief. "This is literally the creepiest thing we could be doing, and that's saying a lot considering where we work."
"I'm not hungry," Taehyung replied with a shrug, crouching behind a bush to hide his form from the parking lot. Jimin rolled his eyes but followed suit. When Tae got like this, it was usually better to just humor him.
"Man, she's really pretty," said Jimin, trying not to think about the fact that he was currently admiring a girl through the window of a Denny's while hiding in a bush. Surprisingly, the date actually seemed to be going well - you were laughing, Kookie was laughing, and you were smiling more often than not.
Honestly it was beginning to get boring and Jimin was feeling more and more like a stalker. And watching the two of you eat an absurd amount of eggs and bacon was starting to make his stomach grumble. He was cold, tired, hungry, and it didn't seem like things were going to get interesting any time soon.
"Can we go yet? I think he's doing fine."
As if on cue they watched as you tried to touch his hand and, in true Jungkookie fashion, their friend panicked and ran away. Taehyung gave him a pointed 'I-told-you-so' look, which Jimin ignored as he got up and dusted himself off before heading towards the restaurant doors. If Jungkook was too scared to properly flirt with a pretty girl, then his hyungs would just have to show him how it was done.
"Hi! I'm Jimin!"
"Uh, I'm [y/n]," you replied automatically, before cursing yourself for giving your name to a stranger for the second time that night. Should you be worried? Weird things definitely tended to happen when you sat alone at a Denny's after midnight, but they usually involved alcoholics or tweakers, not beautiful mystery men. Well, maybe they were alcoholics or druggies and it just hadn't destroyed their systems yet.
Seeing the trepidation on your face, the other boy gave you a reassuring grin that simultaneously relaxed you and made your face warm.
"I'm Taehyung. We work at the maze too. We - er - we came here to get some food, and recognized you."
A lightbulb went off in your head when he said his name and you gaped in shock. What the fuck? The creepy murder-clown was secretly also a hot guy? Was everyone that worked at that maze secretly a supermodel? They both laughed and you realized you had said the last bit aloud.
"That's really sweet of you," said Jimin, scooting a little closer to you with a twinkle in his eye. Despite the fact that he had probably been outside scaring people all night, he still smelled quite nice. "I'm not aware of that being a prerequisite, but if it is you'd definitely be a shoo-in."
You felt your face flush bright red at the compliment, but luckily you didn't need to respond because Jungkook chose that moment to return. He looked incredibly pissed, which was honestly pretty hot. And confusing. If he wasn't interested anymore, shouldn't he be relieved to have a distraction?
"What are you guys doing here?" he asked flatly, crossing his arms as he eyed the way Jimin was crowding your space. You were clearly flustered, and the way Jimin was looking at you made his jaw clench in irritation.
"We just wanted to get some food," said Jimin innocently. He smiled at you again and inched even closer, pressing his muscular thigh against yours. "But now that I'm here, I think I'm more in the mood for dessert."
Suddenly his warmth was gone and you realized that Jungkook had picked his friend up by his armpits like a dog. The effortless way he lifted him had you eyeing the stretch of his jacket across his biceps, and you recalled just how firm his body had been earlier. He deposited Jimin next to Taehyung with an uncaring thwump and sat next to you, right where his friend had been. His thigh was just as firm as Jimin's, and you felt your chest go fluttery at his proximity.
"Can I get you guys anything else?"
The tired looking waitress sighed when she saw the two new additions to the table, and while they ordered, Jungkook turned to you with that bright smile.
"Did you want anything?" he asked softly, leaning in closer so you could hear him. You were incredibly confused. First just a brush of your hand was enough to send him fleeing, but now he was sitting in your space and looking at you like you were the only person in the room. Maybe he really did have to pee that badly and you had bad timing? Either way, you wanted to prolong this time with him.
"Um, I could go for a milkshake," you replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and trying not to stare at how close his lips were to your own. "I don't know if I can drink a whole one though."
"We can split one!"
Jimin's voice broke through the small bubble that had enveloped you and Jungkook, and you looked across the table to see a cherubic smile on his face. You didn't know him well enough to know that this was actually his shit-eating grin, and you also didn't see the knives Jungkook was currently hurling out of his eyes.
"No way, she's gonna share one with me," he protested with an annoyed huff, before turning to you again and looking uncertain. "I mean, only if you want to."
Fuck, this boy was way too cute. You were getting an enjoyable whiplash from the way he switched between being possessive and shy. You nodded, unable (and unwilling) to resist the hope glimmering in his eyes. You gave your order to the waitress, who had started tapping her foot impatiently - not that you could blame her - and brought your attention back to the table.
"So you really punched our Jungkookie in the nose?" Taehyung asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. The full force of his attention amplified your embarrassment and you covered your face with your hands.
"Wait, what?" chortled Jimin, reaching across the table to tousle Jungkook's hair. The former zombie scowled and flicked his friend in the forehead, and the two began to stage an odd over-the-table battle. You slumped further in your seat.
"Your hand looks bruised, let me see."
Warm, gentle fingers pried your own off your face as Taehyung pulled your hand closer to inspect your knuckles. You fought down the urge to shiver as he brushed his thumb across your skin, and the small smile he gave you - more of a smirk, really - made your cheeks heat up.
"He's hard-headed for sure, but it doesn't look too bad," he said with an unfairly attractive arch of his brows. The hint of a smolder in his dark eyes made the gesture seem more suggestive than it should have, and you swallowed hard, unable to look away. "Want me to kiss it better?"
All of a sudden, your hand was back at your side, but now enclosed in another warm grip. You looked at Jungkook in surprise, though you couldn't say you weren't pleased at his attention. He laced his fingers through yours, and you marveled at how perfectly your hand fit into his.
"Leave her alone, hyung," the boy said with a glare, rolling his tongue against the inside of his cheek. You hadn't prepared for how hot that looked, or what it did to your insides, and your cavewoman brain short-circuited at the action.
"Are you going to kiss it better then?"
Oh fuck, you had said that out loud. You watched the glare evaporate off his face as he whipped his head to stare at you, then your joined hands. You could almost see steam coming out of his ears as his brain buffered, and your insecurity began to re-establish itself. Until he pulled your hand up to his face and brushed his full, soft lips against your skin, making you shiver.
Your own lips parted slightly in surprise as you stared at him, fully aware that your heart was pounding and your skin was tingling. His own dark eyes looked back at you, and the intensity in his gaze made you wonder if perhaps he wasn't so innocent after all.
"Is that better?" he murmured against your skin. You nodded, momentarily mute, and his happy smile took your breath away. In a burst of courage, you leaned forward and planted a soft peck on his nose.
"Just returning the favor," you said with a shy grin, ignoring the "ohhhhhhh nice one" from Taehyung. The dazed look on Jungkook's face was definitely worth it.
"You know, I think I cut myself shaving this - "
"Shut the fuck up hyung, you grow like five hairs."
Jimin's offended expression made you laugh, and some of the embarrassment you felt at the two other boys witnessing your awkward fumbles with Jungkook dissipated. His grip on your hand tightened as if taking ownership, which set your silly, weak heart aflutter. You relaxed a little further once Jimin's food arrived and he focused his attention more on eating than on sending you flirtatious glances. Until the waitress brought your milkshake.
"What flavor did you get?" asked Taehyung interestedly, eyeing the tall glass with poorly concealed mischief.
"Um… cookies and cream…?" you ventured with a frown, considering the coloring made it pretty obvious. Taehyung's cheshire grin widened, and from the corner of your eye you saw Jungkook's ears turn pink.
"Oh, do you like cookies?" asked Jimin, having been lured away from his pancakes by the promise of being able to tease his friend. You glanced between the duo, feeling like you were missing something.
"Uh… doesn't everyone?" you asked. Jimin chortled in glee at your response and you spared a peek at Jungkook, who looked resigned and annoyed.
"Well our Jungkookie here is the sweetest of all, wouldn't you say?" said Taehyung with a shit-eating grin. "And his cream-"
He was cut off by a stream of milkshake hitting him in the face. Jungkook glared at him from beside you, straw to his lips and pointed straight at his friend. You and Jimin burst out laughing at the shocked expression on Taehyung's face, and you couldn't help but want to rib him back for how much he had been teasing Jungkook all night.
"Well tell me," you drawled, "how does his cream taste?"
Jungkook choked from beside you, and Jimin laughed so hard he fell sideways into his friend's lap. Taehyung just grinned and wiped some with his index finger, then held it out to you.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" he countered, recovering from his surprise impressively quickly. Your jaw dropped in surprise, and as if he took it as an invitation, he brought his finger closer.
Only for Jungkook to lean forward and lick it clean instead. Which was not hot. Definitely not.
"Thanks, hyung," the boy said with zero expression on his face while Jimin gasped for air. You were actually starting to get concerned for his lungs. "The ice cream was good, tasted like there was some bullshit mixed with it though."
"Maybe Taehyung should take his head out of his ass," you said without thinking, then blushed when you realized you had acted as if you were with Meej and the rest of your friends. They were just so goofy that you had gotten too comfortable, too fast. You needn't have worried though, because Jimin had fallen to the questionably clean floor under the table and Jungkook was staring at you with an even dopier grin than when you had punched him.
"You're amazing," he breathed, making you blush even harder. To avoid having to respond, you took a large slurp of your milkshake, then sighed in contentment.
"Kookie, you invited her to the Halloween party already, right?" asked Taehyung, eyes amused. He clearly wasn't offended by your remark, and that helped you relax again. Especially because Jungkook took that sparkling gaze off of you to scowl at his hyung. His attention was making you feel too many things.
"I was going to, before you showed up," he complained, and you fought down the smile tugging at the corners of your mouth at how cute he sounded.
"Oh please, you ditched a pretty girl alone at a Denny's after midnight before we showed up," retorted Jimin, who had finally recovered and was running his hand through his hair to fix it. You couldn't help but giggle at the way Jungkook's plump lower lip began to jut out in a pout, and you squeezed his hand in reassurance.
"So what's this about a party?" you asked him, chest tingling at the way he immediately perked up and turned back to you. His eyes were so large and bright that you were left momentarily breathless.
"My roommate and I are having a Halloween party this weekend," he explained, looking adorably hopeful. "Um, if you're free, would you want to come? You're welcome to bring some friends if you want."
"If you give me your number, I can - OW!"
You suppressed another giggle as Jimin glared at Jungkook, who had not-so-subtly kicked him under the table.
"I'd love to," you replied, ignoring the two older boys. Jungkook's face lit up brighter than the moon outside, and you unlocked your phone and handed it over to him so he could enter his contact information.
He pouted a little when you did deign to get Jimin's and Taehyung's numbers as well, though he snickered when he saw that you named them TweedleJim and Taedledum. They did tone down their aggressive flirting - slightly - but by the time everyone had finished eating and paying, you wondered how purple the older boys' shins were going to be tomorrow. There had been a lot of kicking from your irritated date, and he had decidedly muscular thighs and calves.
"It was great meeting you," said Jimin as the four of you left the restaurant. The mischievous cast had returned to his face, and he pulled you into a hug that lasted far longer than necessary and only ended when Jungkook shoved him away. Taehyung didn't hug you, but instead took your hand and pressed his lips on your knuckles right where Jungkook had.
"Can't wait to see you this weekend," he said with a wink and throaty chuckle as the youngest ripped your hand away. He stomped towards his car, towing you behind him, and you gave a half-hearted wave to the two monkeys sporting identical grins behind you. You had to half-jog to keep from falling over, but the way Jungkook's cheeks were puffed out ever so slightly was too cute to be annoyed with.
Despite his irritation, he still opened your door for you, and your insides melted further. When he entered the driver's side, you took a moment to admire his pouting profile as he started the car. Then you grabbed his right hand, tracing the skin of his knuckles with your thumb.
"Jungkook, you know I think I like you a lot, right?" you asked, smiling at him. It was a little embarrassing to say aloud, but he seemed like he needed the reassurance after being teased by his shameless friends all night. His large eyes widened in surprise and a slow smile began to consume his face.
"Yeah?" he breathed, eyes shining as he looked at you. You noticed he had a cute mole under his lower lip.
"Yeah," you confirmed softly, gazing back at him and feeling your cheeks warm. You weren't sure who moved first, but then his soft lips were pressed against your own. The kiss was sweet, sweeter than the vanilla still lingering on his lips, and you sighed in contentment as you tangled your fingers in his baggy shirt to bring him closer. He complied, letting his own hands cradle your cheeks gently.
Then twin thuds sounded from either side of you, and you broke away to see Jimin and Taehyung grinning from opposite windows. You screamed in horror and clung to Jungkook before realizing who the fucking idiots staring at you were, and Jungkook swore under his breath.
"I'm going to murder them," he hissed as you laughed weakly and pressed a hand to your pounding chest. It had gone from butterflies to straight up heart attack far too quickly for your preference, and you whole-heartedly supported his statement.
"I'll help," you offered with a scowl as the two idiots gave you cheeky waves and scampered off to a different car. "Do you have an extra shovel?"
"Oh, I couldn't let you do physical labor like that on our first date," Jungkook replied innocently and you smiled in spite of yourself.
"But Denny's and getting harassed by your friends is fine?" you countered, though you placed a chaste peck on his cheek to show you weren't actually bothered. Despite the fact that you had literally just kissed, his cheeks flushed.
"We'll do something better next time," he promised, and your heart fluttered at the casual way he said it. Still, you couldn't help but give him a little shit.
"What makes you think there'll be a next time?" He whirled to look at you, eyes wide, and you began to giggle.
"That wasn't nice," he complained, that adorable pout making its way onto his face again.
"I'm sorry, what can I do to make up for it?" you teased, eyes flicking back down to his lips. He grinned and leaned forward, but a loud honk from what was presumably Taehyung's car startled both of you again.
"Let's get you home," he groaned, leaning back in his car. You laughed and took his hand, twining your fingers with his as he drove out of the parking lot.
"I mean, I doubt they'd follow us all the way to my place…" you said, brushing his hand with your thumb. Jungkook drove a little faster.
"You think I should've put a shirt on under this?" you fretted as the Uber driver pulled into the parking lot of a decently sized apartment complex. Mijin rolled her eyes as she adjusted the halo atop her cow onesie, which was the exact opposite of yours in terms of being revealing.
"You're the one trying to seduce a guy who's clearly already gone for you," she deadpanned, making you flush.
"We just met a week ago! How would you know?" you protested, checking the tape keeping your robe semi-decently over your chest for the hundredth time since you'd entered the car.
"I've read your texts, they're disgusting," she said fondly. "He texts you good morning and good night every single day with hearts and everything, it's pathetic."
"I think it's cute," you said defensively, making her laugh and ruffle your hair.
"That's because you're just as whipped as he is."
"Be nice to me," you warned. "Or else we can go back and you won't get to meet any of his hot friends."
"Bitch I'm the one who agreed to come in case this is secretly an enclave of hot serial killers."
"Er, not to interrupt, but is this the right apartment?"
You both looked at the Uber driver, who you had completely forgotten about, then at the building outside.
"Yep, thanks! Sorry about that," you confirmed, opening the door and hopping outside. You shivered in the cold and mentally cursed yourself for going the hot girl route instead of the sensible funny costume route. Then again, you had goals for tonight that hopefully involved a cute ex-zombie between your legs.
As soon as Meej got out of the car, you nodded to the Uber and scurried up the stairs to the proper apartment. Even without knowing the apartment number you could've guessed which unit was the right one from the music pulsing in the air.
You opened the door cautiously, not really knowing what to expect, and a wave of warm air and bass blasted out at you. There was a decent amount of people in the room, and you stepped inside with Meej in tow.
"So where's your man?" she asked, trying to scan over the sea of heads. You shrugged, also looking around to see if you could find him.
"You made it!"
You turned to see twin gorgeous boys wearing togas and wreaths, and smiled despite knowing they were probably up to something already. Mijin outright ogled, and you couldn't really blame her.
Jimin was a vision in white, with a golden belt bearing a sun motif and a laurel crown. Combined with his smooth, pale skin, he nearly glowed. Taehyung wore a green toga, with silver moon adornments and a small toy bow-and-arrow. It played wonderfully with his tanned complexion, and you stared for a moment despite being preoccupied looking for Jungkook. They were already gorgeous before, but in their costumes they truly personified the Greek gods they were dressed as.
"Hey guys," you greeted, but before you could introduce them to Meej they grabbed both of you and all but dragged you further into the house. You sighed internally. It appeared that their antics were already in motion.
"Where is she?" Jungkook complained from his seat on the couch as he pouted into his plastic cup. He had been daydreaming about seeing you again since pretty much the second he had dropped you off that fateful night. The two of you had made out for an inordinately long amount of time in your parking lot, and he had driven away with a happy heart and a raging boner.
Between that right hook, first date, and the constant texts you'd been exchanging throughout the week, it was safe to say he was completely enamored. Not only were you scrappy, but you were gorgeous, funny, and nice, and talking to you just felt right. And amazingly, you seemed to feel the same way. So where were you? You said you couldn't wait to see him, so why weren't you here yet?
Jimin chortled at his younger friend's expression, patting his head like a child. Which he definitely looked like considering he was sagging in his seat in a cookie monster onesie.
"She'll be here," Taehyung assured him with a grin. "If not for you, then for me."
Before Jungkook could respond to his obnoxious friend, a slightly slurred, high-pitched voice came from his side and he winced.
"Uh, hi Dina," he said with a polite smile at the girl dressed as a slutty cookie. So this was why she had pestered him to know what his costume tonight would be. He looked around for help, but of course his two friends had oh-so-mysteriously disappeared in his time of need.
The sound of the door opening drove Dina out of his mind, and his gaze shot hopefully towards the entryway. It was hard to see, but there you were with that friend who had forced you to go out with him that night. He needed to remember to thank her for that. She would probably be the maid of honor at the wedding.
Even from halfway across the room, obscured by other partygoers, you were so pretty he wanted to die. Had you somehow gotten cuter since he had last seen you? He shot up immediately, not even noticing that Dina had been trying to sit on his knee, and she was sent toppling to the floor.
"Owww," she whined despite not looking like she had hit anything. Jungkook sighed in frustration. He really did not want to deal with her right now, not when you were right there, but he wasn't an asshole.
By the time he had helped her up, made sure she was fine, and pried her clinging acrylic talons off his arm, you were nowhere to be found. With an annoyed scowl, he realized that neither were Jimin or Taehyung. His eyes narrowed. They wouldn't.
He found you in the kitchen, sipping a drink and being caged against the counter by Taehyung. Jimin was engaging your friend, who looked more amused than charmed. Your expression was decidedly patient, which soothed Jungkook's ruffled feathers somewhat despite the way his hyung was staring at you like the hunter he was dressed as. Then he got a full view of your actual costume.
He had thought he couldn't be any more attracted to you, but you had proven him wrong. You were wearing a silky boxing robe tied tightly over some criminally short shorts that revealed a very appealing amount of leg. Your knuckles were wrapped in athletic tape, and his nose and his dick twinged at the same time. You were perfect.
Jungkook would have taken more time to admire you, but Taehyung was way too close, and currently playing with the hem of your robe. Something in his brain growled mine.
Then the older boy tugged you towards him by the tie of your robe and Jungkook went on autopilot, striding forward and ripping you away from his hyung. He opened his mouth to yell at Taehyung, until he realized he was holding you and his hand was touching warm, bare skin. He looked down and you stared back, mouth open and face pink. He looked further down and realized your tie had gotten undone. Your breasts were somehow still covered, but it was completely obvious you were wearing nothing underneath. His brain short-circuited.
Jungkook stood there, frozen and gaping, for an embarrassingly long amount of time. Then your friend surreptitiously stomped on his foot, and he came back to his senses. He was not about to let his hyungs see you like this.
You gave a squeak as he scooped you into his arms, clinging to the front of his onesie in a way that he quite enjoyed as he strode wordlessly out of the kitchen. He didn't even see Dina, who he almost trampled into crumbs in his haste to get you away. He quickly made his way to his room and shut the door behind him with his foot.
"Um, Jungkook?" you asked timidly, looking up at him with wide, confused eyes. He froze again when he realized what he had done, and that your robe was still untied and revealing a tantalizing amount of skin.
"S-sorry," he stammered, trying and failing to not ogle at the expanse of skin revealed by the cascading fabric. "I just… didn't want them to see…"
Your lips began to twitch up into a smile, and you brought your arms around his neck.
"Oh?" You asked softly, voice almost a purr. The look in your eyes made his heart stutter and his dick twitch. You brought your lips to his ear, and your hot breath sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. "And why's that?"
You licked the shell of his ear, tongue warm and wet, and something in him snapped. Jungkook tossed you into his bed, and crawled over to trap you between his arms. The flash of worry that he was going too far vanished when you grabbed the front of his onesie to pull him down and crush his lips against yours.
"Because," he said as he pulled back, slightly breathless. You were a vision below him, splayed out and licking your lips as you stared up at him with hooded eyes. "You're mine."
He saw your mouth begin to curve into a smile before he was on you again, hot and hungry and demanding. Your lips slotted against his perfectly, and the whimper you gave when he sucked your lower lip between his teeth added more fuel to the heat blooming in his abdomen. You evidently felt the same, because you wrapped your legs around his waist to bring his hips against yours, making you both gasp as his erection rubbed against your clothed core. Despite the tickle of his costume, it sent arousal flooding through you.
"O-oh, Kookie," you moaned as he turned his attention to the line of your jaw, planting soft kisses and nips until he reached the juncture of your neck and shoulder. Then he began to suckle harshly, making you gasp and tangle your fingers in his hair encouragingly. If his hyungs couldn't keep their hands to themselves, he'd just have to show them who you belonged to.
His hands skated across your bare stomach, making you shiver, until they came to rest at your covered breasts. Then he sat back, looking perplexed.
"Why isn't this moving?" He complained, tugging lightly at your robe. You burst into giggles at the confusion on his face.
"It's boob tape," you explained, and laughed harder at his uncomprehending expression. "It's basically double-sided tape for clothes. Did you never wonder how girls wear drapey stuff without nip slip?"
"I just thought it was some weird boob magic," Jungkook responded sheepishly, and you dissolved into giggles again.
"You're cute," you said between chuckles, then gasped when he ground his hips down hard against you.
"Cute?" he asked darkly, making your mouth go dry. He proceeded to peel the robe off your chest - luckily the tape stayed on the fabric and not your skin - and his gaze went molten. He stared long enough for you to begin to squirm beneath him, and you brought your arms up to cover yourself. His own shot out to grab your wrists and pin them on either side of your head.
"No, let me see you," he demanded, and the pure want in his voice went straight between your legs. His eyes raked over you like hot coals, the heat in them bringing a pretty flush to your cheeks.
"God you're so beautiful," Jungkook whispered reverently before descending again to devour you. You moaned into his mouth, wrists straining half-heartedly against his grip, and he took the opportunity to part your soft lips with his tongue. He licked into your mouth in hot strokes, and your thighs tightened around his hips in an effort to bring him closer. The whine you let out as his cock rubbed you through your shorts made him even harder, and he broke away from your mouth to trail wet kisses down your jaw and your neck. This time, he went past your collarbone to suck bruises that bloomed red and purple on the skin of your chest.
"Jungkook," you moaned breathily, trying to control yourself despite how good he was making you feel. The way he was pinning you down so easily despite how shy he had acted at the beginning was doing a number on you.
He paused to give you a boyish grin at complete odds with the way he was making your pussy clench, before dipping his head to roll your pert nipple around his tongue. Then he sucked hard and you keened, arching into the warm wetness of his mouth.
"Fuck, touch me please," you begged, desperate to feel his hands on you. His eyes darkened further and that innocent grin turned wicked.
"Anything for you, baby," he promised, and the pet name turned you on even more. He released your hands to explore your soft curves, and yours immediately went to the buttons of his adorable but currently unappreciated cookie monster onesie.
You were able to make quick work of them despite the distracting way he was nipping your neck and pinching your nipples, and you forced him backwards so you could shove the upper part of his costume off his frame.
"Oh, fuck you," you groaned when you got a full blast of his glorious body. Jungkook smirked as you ogled his abs, no trace of that stumbling boy left in his dark eyes.
"I mean, if that's what you want," he teased, preening under your gaze. You wanted to roll your eyes, but they were still glued to the hard ridges of muscle on prominent display.
"Shut up and take this off," you grumbled, shoving his onesie further down his waist. "It's tickling me."
Jungkook grinned impishly at you before obeying, and when he kicked his costume to some random corner of his room you sighed in a mixture of arousal and despair at the way his muscular thighs flexed. He was just so perfect, and by the size of the bulge straining against his boxer briefs he was going to be just as perfect there too.
You grabbed him by the shoulders and yanked him back down to smash his lips against yours again, not particularly caring that this kiss was much sloppier than prior. By the way Jungkook groaned against your mouth when your tongue skimmed his, neither did he.
It was even headier now, with his toned chest pressed flush against your breasts. You ground your hips against his with a breathy whine, raking your nails lightly down his back. When you squeezed his ass - yes, it was just as firm as you'd hoped - he bucked forward, driving his cock harder against you. You briefly wondered if you were soaking him through your shorts, then decided you didn't care.
When you began to wiggle out of your shorts, shy Jungkook made his appearance again. He pulled back, eyes wide, though he couldn't stop himself from licking his lips.
"A-are you sure? I was just… kidding," he said, as if you couldn't see his dick leaking through his boxers and you weren't half naked on his bed and begging for his touch. It was cute, but this sweet Jungkook wasn't what you wanted right now. So you pouted and began to push yourself off the bed.
"Fine, then I'll go see if Taehy-oof!"
Your gamble was rewarded as you were immediately forced back onto the bed, Jungkook's hard eyes blazing above you.
"I said you're mine," he growled, giving your nipple a hard pinch. You yelped at the mixture of pain and pleasure, and felt yourself grow impossibly wetter at the edge in his tone. You threaded your hands in his hair to bring him down for a kiss, but he paused, lips hovering over yours. "You're mine, right?"
Despite the aggressiveness of his actions, there was a hint of pleading in his tone, and you couldn't help but smile as your heart fluttered.
"Only if you're mine too," you replied, making his eyes light up. Jungkook had been yours since you had delivered that knock out punch to his nose heart. He closed the distance eagerly, and you lost yourself again in the heat of his lips and tongue. When one of his hands found its way between your legs, he groaned at how damp you were even through layers of cloth.
"Yours," you murmured, rubbing against his hand shamelessly. His eyes flashed and before you could process what was happening, your shorts and underwear were ripped off and you were bare beneath him aside from the robe halfway off your shoulders. His hand went back and you moaned as his fingers dragged along your wet folds before changing course to start rubbing light circles on your clit.
"You're so sexy," Jungkook groaned against your mouth as you bucked your hips forward, chasing the friction. He pressed his middle finger into you, and the sound that you made was almost enough to make him explode then and there. You were so hot and wet and tight around him already, and if you felt this good around a finger he couldn't wait to feel you around his dick.
You licked sloppily into his mouth, rutting against his hand as he pumped his finger in and out of you and swallowed your whimpers. When he added a second finger your breath caught in your throat, nails digging into the skin of his back.
"J-Jungkook," you gasped when he began grinding the heel of his palm against your clit while rubbing his fingers against your walls. He was working you up embarrassingly quickly, and when your orgasm hit it almost took you by surprise. Your body went rigid as waves of pleasure shuddered through you, and Jungkook hissed and pressed wet kisses all over your neck, working you through your high as your walls spasmed around his fingers.
"Wow," was all you managed when you came back to reality. It was partially due to the orgasm, but mostly caused by the beauty of Jungkook's flushed face and disheveled hair hovering above you as his hungry eyes drank you in. You tugged him towards you by his hair and kissed him hard for a moment before pushing him back a little and giving him your best seductress eyes.
"Fuck me now, please," you said sweetly, in a husky voice you were surprised came from you. Jungkook's eyes somehow went even darker and he almost dove to the side of his bed to open his nightstand, retrieving a condom he ripped open in record time. You giggled a little at his eagerness. Until he kicked his boxers off. Dicks were always objectively funny looking even at the best of times. So why did his make your mouth water?
"Is there anything about you that isn't sexy?" you said in a half grumble, making him laugh as he rolled the latex over his tantalizing length. He hovered over you, one hand by your head and another on his cock as he lined himself up, and you reached up to thread your fingers through his silky hair. He smiled down at you, eyes bright. Then he rubbed his tip against your folds and you moaned, tightening your grip.
"If it makes you feel better, everything about you is sexy too," he breathed, eyes filled with a mixture of adoration and lust as his lips fell to capture yours. All you could do was gasp against his mouth as he began to press his cock past your aching folds. Despite how wet you were, it was still a slow, excruciatingly delicious stretch, and he cursed, hips stuttering against yours.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, thrusting lightly in and out to coat himself further in your wetness. The feeling was definitely mutual, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to encourage him to go deeper. When he bottomed out, you both stilled for a moment to get your bearings, though he wasn't sure how much good it did him with you quivering beneath him and your walls hugging him so tightly.
"Please move," you finally whimpered when you couldn't take it anymore, giving a little buck of your hips that had Jungkook hissing. His lips crushed yours again as he began giving slow, measured, pumps that had you arching your chest against his hard pecs. He was glad he'd made you cum once because he didn't really think he was going to be able to last very long. Though that didn't mean he wasn't going to try again.
So when he angled his hips a certain way and you cried out and clenched around him, he maintained that position despite the way his thighs protested. He kept one hand on your waist, locking you in place, and brought his other to rub his thumb lightly against your clit.
"Oh fuuuuck," you groaned, head falling backwards Jungkook worked his magic on you. You were usually content if you could get on top and rub one out with a guy during sex, but this boy seemed determined to ruin you for anyone else and the worst part was that you wanted him to. He was hitting all the right spots and doing all the right things as if you'd been having sex for years, and between the thick drag of his cock and the attention he was giving your clit, you were hurtling towards the edge a second time.
"God, do that again," Jungkook groaned, and you hazily wondered what he was talking about, unable to think past the delicious way he was pounding into you. You didn't realize you were pulling his hair, and when the coil inside you snapped again you gave another hard tug with a desperate whine.
He fucked you through your second high, shuddering at the way your already snug walls squeezed him like a vice. The sounds he was forcing out of your throat were too much, and he felt himself starting to lose it.
"Fuck, [y/n], I'm gonna cum," he cursed, pace growing uneven even as his thrusts became harder and deeper. To his shock, panic, and disappointment, you pushed him off of you and onto his back. Then you ripped off the condom and engulfed him in the confines of your greedy mouth and he gasped, hips stuttering against you.
"Fuckfuckfuck," he choked, spilling himself down your perfect throat as you swallowed around him. Even after he was done, you kept swirling your tongue around his length as he moaned and let his head fall back against his sheets. You gave a little suck that had him whine and thrust against you despite the oversensitivity before you pulled back, looking way too innocent and cheerful for what you had just done.
"Taehyung was right, your cream's pretty good," you said with a wink, and he felt his entire neck and face go red.
"Oh my god," he complained, tackling you back down onto the bed and holding you against his chest as you giggled and wrapped your arms around him. The two of you lay there, snuggling and enjoying the post-coital haze.
"Hm?" he asked a little sleepily, opening his eyes and blushing at the cute way you were looking up at him.
"Did you mean it?" You looked sheepish, and he woke up a little more.
"Mean what?" he asked in confusion, and you flushed, looking uncertain. He brought his hand up to stroke your cheek, trying to reassure you even if he wasn't exactly sure what he was reassuring you about.
"Um… about me being yours. And you being mine," you mumbled shyly, avoiding his eyes. He felt his heart swell at the pink rising on your face, and he couldn't keep the stupid lovestruck smile off his face.
"Of course I did," he replied, holding you tighter and smushing your face into his chest. "You're my girlfriend now, you can't escape." Your muffled laugh was music to his ears, and you hugged him back just as hard until you finally pulled away, complaining you couldn't breathe.
"Okay, boyfriend," you said, eyes sparkling happily. He was elated that he had been the one to put that expression on your face. He was less elated when you began to clamber out of bed after kissing him on the nose.
"Nooo, stay here," he pouted, then tried to pose on the bed in an enticing manner.
"I want to, I really do," you told him ruefully as you blatantly eyed his abs. "But I can't just straight up ditch Mijin when I begged her to come with me."
"Oh yes, the maid of honor," Jungkook said with a nod, mollified by how disappointed you actually sounded. You looked confused for a moment before your attention was drawn by your robe.
"Ah shit, the tape isn't sticky anymore," you grumbled as you futilely slapped the fabric against your chest. Jungkook was momentarily mesmerized by the way it made your breasts jiggle before shaking himself out of his daze.
"I'll wear it, and you can wear mine," he suggested eagerly. It wasn't quite the same as seeing you in his clothes or anything, but it was close. You shrugged in agreement, slipping off the robe - which should not have been as arousing as it was when you were already basically naked - and tossing it towards him as you padded around the room to grab your shorts and the onesie. Jungkook stared at your ass for several enjoyable seconds before going to his dresser to grab some basketball shorts.
"This is… kinda big."
He turned around and felt himself torn between laughing and melting into the floor. You had put on the cookie monster onesie, which was sized for him, and were almost drowning in it. You had rolled up both the sleeves and the legs multiple times and yet it still looked hilariously large on your smaller frame.
"You look perfect," Jungkook promised, making your face flush that pretty pink again. Though you frowned when you looked at Jungkook, who was now wearing basketball shorts and your boxing robe. "What's wrong?"
"I… don't know if I want people seeing how hot you are…" you grumbled, eyes glued to his six-pack. Jungkook's heart fluttered when he realized you were jealous, and he grinned at your adorable pout. He strode up to you, enjoying the way you licked your lips when he cupped your face.
"How do you think I felt seeing Taehyung all over you?" he demanded, making your eyes widen before he bent down to capture your lips. Feeling you melt against him was enough to rile him up all over again, but when his hands began to wander you pushed him back a little.
"Fair enough," you replied breathlessly, sounding incredibly reluctant but firm. "Let's go."
You resolutely marched to his door and pulled it open, only to run into a very irate, very drunk cookie.
"Uh…" you began awkwardly, not exactly sure what this chick was doing here.
"Jungkookie, who is she?" the cookie wailed, pointing at you with a venomous glare. You would've felt more worried had Jungkook not looked so done with his life. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"This is my girlfriend, [y/n]," he said, shooting her point blank with the truth. By the way she reeled backwards, it might as well have been a real bullet. Jungkook took the opportunity to usher you past her, lock his door, then take your hand and tug you to the living. You were impressed at the speed in which he had done everything, and wondered just how many quick escapes he had to make from that girl.
"Nice costume."
You turned to see Mijin, Taehyung, and Jimin smirking at the two of you. A fourth extremely beautiful man had wandered somewhere near the vicinity and brightened when he saw you. Despite the pig nose and the blanket he was wrapped up in, he was still impossibly tall and handsome and broad. This had to be the last super hot guy in Jungkook's friend group, right? It was just impossible for there to be more.
"Oh! Are you Jungkook's mystery punching girl?" he asked cheerfully, seeing you with Jungkook. You blushed at the descriptor, and Mijin chimed in before you could.
"I'm Mijin," said your friend as she shook his hand, utterly unfazed by his weirdness. Well, he was a fucking dime so you supposed you couldn't blame her. The man beamed, making his eyes sparkle.
"Yep. It was love at first fight," she said with a grin, and you rolled your eyes at the terrible pun. To your surprise, the new guy's jaw dropped and he stared at your friend in wonder. Then he elbowed Jimin away from her and held out his hand with a charming smile.
"Then it's meant to be, because me Jin!" he said proudly, pointing at his wide chest and ignoring the way Taehyung facepalmed beside him. Meej chortled, giving his costume a very obvious once-over as Jin snickered at his questionable wit.
"Are you a pig in a blanket?" she asked, clearly vibing with her very handsome, very lame suitor.
"Holy cow! You got it!" Jin said cornily, and you heard Jungkook groan at the guy's terrible joke - considering Mijin's costume was exactly that. A cow with a halo. Unlike the rest of you - including a now pouting Jimin - your friend smiled widely.
"Yeah, can you believe [y/n] told me my costume was lame?" she asked indignantly, making Jin gasp in affront.
"They tried to say the same thing about mine!" he complained in commiseration, and the two of them cast peevish looks at the rest of you. You and Jungkook made eye contact and despite the short time in which you had known each other, you knew exactly what he was thinking. What the fuck is happening?
"Uh… we're gonna get drinks…" said Jungkook slowly, backing away from the two farmyard animals. He took your hand again and the two of you fled the scene, once again almost trampling a bawling Dina.
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles," you heard Mijin remark from behind you. All you heard after that was a weird squeaking, as if someone needed to replace their windshield wipers.
"Jungkook, is it weird to say that those two together scared me more than that maze?" you whispered loudly as he handed you a beer. He shook his head and stared behind him, shuddering.
"To never being that fucking corny," he pledged, holding his own bottle out. You nodded and clinked yours against his and took a much needed gulp. Then, unable to resist, you leaned in to kiss him. It ended up lasting much longer than you had intended, and when you pulled away he had a dreamy smile on his face. "I guess it'll be nice if the best man and the maid of honor are together though."
Jungkook distracted you with another mind-melting kiss, and by the time he released your lips, your legs were jelly. He noticed the way you were clinging to him and grinned that sweet smile at you before easily picking you up and setting your butt on the counter.
"Better?" he asked, nestling himself between his legs and tilting his head up to look at you upside-down. You giggled and leaned down to give him a peck, then stroked through his hair with your free hand. The two of you watched the party from the relatively quiet confines of the kitchen, where Meej and Jin where getting increasingly close and Jimin was now attempting to avoid the advances of a sad cookie while Taehyung laughed his ass off on the sidelines. It was odd how easily things had come together when you were the last person who would ever willingly enter a haunted corn maze.
Jungkook snuggled his head under your chin and you smiled, wrapping your arms around him and letting your hands rest on his bare sides. Who would have thought getting lured out of the house by the promise of donuts would lead to so much more? You knew Mijin would use this as an excuse to drag you out to more activities, but when Jungkook nuzzled your shoulder you found yourself more excited than chagrined. Fall might be ending, but your time with him was just beginning.
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wisteriaw0rld · 1 year
-ˋˏ ༻taisho secret༺ ˎˊ-
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✰synopsis: random headcanons of what you and Hashira’s do during halloween. Modern Au!
✰additional tags: gn! reader, fluff, not proof read! modern au
✰character order: giyuu, rengoku, uzui, obanai, sanemi, gyomei, muichiro, shinobu, mitsuri. (platonic headcanons!)
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!spooky season, part one!
˚ʚtomioka giyuuɞ˚
On halloween, the two of you just sit inside while watching movies. Specifically horror. You both make sure to turn off the lights and close the blinds so trick or treaters will assume that nobody’s home. When trick or treaters come anyways, he just hands them a singular starburst before closing the door on them.
˚ʚkyojuro rengokuɞ˚
The two of you are the ones that get kids excited for Halloween. The two of you go shopping together for new decorations every year. He definitely gets all the scary ones. Not only do you two go overboard on decorations together, but you also make sure to buy the best candy. Needless to say, the two of you don’t get a break since every second, a new truck or treated is ringing the doorbell.
˚ʚtengen uzuiɞ˚
You both go around scaring kids. That’s it. He buys costumes for you and him. His wives are completely against but the two you just sneak out of the house with scary costumes on, running around the neighborhood while yelling at kids and chasing them. One time one of the kids ended up crying. The child’s parents called the cops which ended in you and Uzui hiding for the rest of the night. Not the best Halloween you two have had.
˚ʚiguro obanaiɞ˚
He just judges people with you. Especially targeting little kids. The two of you just sit on a bench while staring at little kids and judging them and their costumes. When that gets boring, he straight up tells the kids rude things. 
˚ʚshinazugawa sanemiɞ˚
Tells ghost stories to little kids with you. Makes sure that they leave crying or absolutely traumatized. While you’re telling the stories, he’s playing eerie noises while jump scaring whatever dumb kids decided to come and listen to the creepy ghost story. He always makes sure that by the end of the story, you tell the kids that it’s all true. Even if there is no way in hell the story could possibly be true.
˚ʚhimejima gyomeiɞ˚
Makes full on goody bags for trick or treaters. And forces you to help him. Will literally walk around the neighborhood with goody bags full of candy and different snacks while dragging you along with him.
˚ʚtokito muichiroɞ˚
Steals candy. Whenever you go trick or treating with him, it ends up with the two of you stealing a little kids basket of candy and running away. He’s also the type of person to take the whole bowl of candy when a sign says ‘only take one.’ In his defense, he forgets what the sign says. He also loves exploring haunted houses with you. They don’t really scare him. But he enjoys walking through them with you.
˚ʚkocho shinobuɞ˚
Definitely the type to want to go to an amusement park with you on Halloween. She loves going out instead of staying in. Loves looking at Halloween decorations at parks with you. 
˚ʚkanroji mitsuriɞ˚
Doesn’t care what anyone says, she doesn’t believe anyone is too old to be trick or treating. Will probably just drag you along to where the other hashira’s live and just trick or treat with you there. She’s definitely going to feel tempted to take your candy. And how could you refuse? She also loves watching Corpse Bride with you every Halloween at night. 
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 3 months
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Corn Maze
Joel Miller x Wife fem reader
Summary: Joel and his wife Y/N visit a haunted corn maze with friends. They get separated,it’s up to them to find their way out.
Joel Miller and his wife Y/N had always loved Halloween, and this year they decided to embrace the spooky spirit by visiting a haunted corn maze. The maze was notorious for its elaborate scares and intricate pathways, making it the perfect place for a thrilling adventure. They went with a group of friends, including Tommy, Maria, and a few others, all eager for a night of fun and fright.
The night was crisp and cool, with a full moon casting an eerie glow over the fields. The entrance to the maze was decorated with flickering jack-o'-lanterns and creepy scarecrows, setting the mood for what lay ahead. As they entered, the group laughed and joked, trying to mask their nervous excitement.
The maze quickly lived up to its reputation. Shadows darted between the cornstalks, and eerie noises echoed through the pathways. Joel kept a protective arm around Y/N, who clung to him with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
“Stay close,” Joel whispered in her ear, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, I’m not letting go,” Y/N replied with a nervous laugh.
About halfway through the maze, the group encountered a man in a grotesque costume wielding a fake chainsaw. With a loud roar, he lunged toward them, sending everyone scattering in different directions. Y/N’s hand slipped from Joel’s grasp in the chaos, and before he knew it, they were separated.
“Y/N!” Joel called out, his voice filled with urgency. He could hear the distant shouts of his friends but couldn’t see anyone through the thick corn.
“Joel!” Y/N’s voice echoed back, sounding distant and scared. She tried to retrace her steps but found herself disoriented in the maze's labyrinthine paths. Her heart pounded as she navigated the narrow corridors, calling out for Joel with every turn.
Joel moved quickly, his senses on high alert. He pushed through the tall cornstalks, ignoring the staged scares and creepy figures that popped up along
the way. All he cared about was finding Y/N. “Y/N, where are you?”
“I’m here! Joel, I’m here!” Her voice was closer now, and Joel quickened his pace, desperation giving him a sense of direction.
Y/N stumbled through the maze, trying to keep calm. She knew Joel would find her, but the eerie environment was getting to her. Every rustle in the corn made her jump, and she kept glancing over her shoulder, half-expecting the costumed figure to reappear.
“Why did I agree to this?” Y/N muttered under her breath, trying to navigate the maze’s twists and turns. Suddenly, a ghoul leaped out from the corn, emitting a blood-curdling scream. Y/N screamed and bolted, her heart racing. She managed to find a narrow path and ran, hoping it would lead her back to Joel.
Joel was having his own share of scares. As he pushed through the maze, a group of zombies emerged from the corn, groaning and reaching out for him. He jumped back, genuinely startled, and let out a yell before quickly composing himself. “Alright, you got me,” he muttered, shaking his head with a chuckle.
After what felt like an eternity, Joel finally heard Y/N’s voice just around the next corner. He turned the corner and saw her standing there, looking relieved and anxious. “Y/N!”
“Joel!” She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. He hugged her tightly, feeling a wave of relief wash over him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, pulling back slightly to look into her eyes.
“Yeah, just a bit shaken,” she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. “I hate getting lost in these things.”
“Me too,” Joel agreed, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Let’s get out of here.”
As they neared the exit, the maze had one final scare in store. A figure jumped out from behind the last corner, grabbing onto Y/N's arm with a ghastly scream. Instinctively, Y/N reacted, her fear transforming into a burst of adrenaline. She swung her free hand and punched the actor square in the face, sending him stumbling back.
The actor, stunned and holding his face, managed a weak, “Hey, it's just part of the scare!” But Y/N, breathing heavily, was already pulling Joel towards the exit.
Joel couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "That’s my woman," he said proudly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they finally exited the maze.
The rest of the group, who had been waiting at the exit, looked on in surprise. Tommy burst out laughing, “Y/N, remind me never to startle you again!”
Maria smirked, “Well, I guess you showed them not to mess with you!”
Y/N, still a bit shaken but now feeling more confident, managed a smile. “I guess I did.”
As they walked back to the parking lot, Joel kept a protective arm around Y/N, occasionally chuckling and shaking his head. “You’re something else, you know that?”
“Hey, they shouldn't grab people like that,” Y/N said, feeling a bit more relaxed now that they were out of the maze.
“You’re right,” Joel agreed, kissing her temple. “But still, that was impressive.”
They drove home with the group, sharing stories of the night’s scares and laughing at the unexpected turn of events. As they pulled into their driveway, Joel helped Y/N out of the car, and they walked hand in hand into their home.
Later that night, after they had gotten ready for bed, Y/N lay beside Joel, feeling the day's excitement still coursing through her. As she drifted off to sleep, she felt a deep sense of security and love, knowing Joel was there to protect her.
Hours later, in the dead of night, Y/N's sleep was abruptly shattered by a terrifying dream. She found herself back in the maze, the eerie rustling of the corn and the ghastly figure chasing her. The fear was palpable, and she could hear herself screaming, “Joel! Help!”
She bolted upright, gasping for breath, her heart racing. Joel was instantly awake, his arms around her in an instant. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re safe, Y/N. It was just a dream.”
Y/N clung to him, trembling. “It felt so real, Joel. I was back in the maze, and someone was chasing me.”
Joel held her tighter, rubbing soothing circles on her back. “It’s alright, love. You’re here with me, and no one’s going to hurt you.”
As she calmed down, Y/N couldn’t shake the lingering fear. “It was just a dream... right?”
Joel kissed her forehead and smiled softly. “Just a dream. And I’ll always be here to make sure it stays that way.”
Y/N nodded, feeling the comfort of Joel’s presence. But as she lay back down, she couldn’t help but glance towards the window, half-expecting to see a figure lurking in the shadows. Joel pulled her close, his warmth enveloping her.
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
With Joel's steady heartbeat under her ear and his protective arms around her, Y/N finally drifted back to sleep, her fears fading into the night. Yet, a small part of her couldn’t shake the feeling that the line between dream and reality had blurred, leaving her with an unsettling sense of lingering dread.
The next morning, Joel woke up to find Y/N already up, making breakfast in the kitchen. The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air, and he smiled, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Morning, beautiful.”
She leaned back into him, feeling the comfort of his embrace. “Morning. I thought I’d make us a nice breakfast to start the day.”
He kissed her cheek, the warmth of their home washing away the night’s fears. “Sounds perfect.”
As they sat down to eat, Joel couldn’t help but tease, “So, are we doing another haunted maze next year?”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “Fuck no”
Joel busted out laughing and shook his head.
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
october eighth
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day eight: remus lupin you and remus fool around on a spooky path at night | 18+, minors dni, fem!reader, semi-public sex, unprotected sex | 1.9k detailed content warnings: fem!reader, semi-public sex (risk of being discovered, doesn't happen), unprotected p in v sex, fingering, little bit of dirty talk, little bit of praising, remus is a tiny tiny tiny bit mean, creampie
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“Are you trying to torture me?” you ask. A cold gust blows down the forest path and you shiver, pressing harder into Remus’s side.
“Me?” he says. You can hear the smile in his voice. “Never.” His arm is warm and heavy around your shoulders. You’d walk faster if you were less glued to him but you’re not about to pull away. The path is scary.
“Why are we doing this, again?” You look over at him. Remus looks lovely every second of every damn day but in tonight’s light from the full moon he’s practically glowing. The scars on his face stand out and you want to trace them.
“Because I have something to show you.” The harvest festival you’ve left behind is a dull road back down the path. You haven’t seen another person in almost ten minutes, even though you’re still technically on the fair grounds.
“You better not have something scary planned.”
Remus smirks at you and presses his lips to your temple. “Have faith, love,” he says. “I’m not going to terrorize you.”
You roll your eyes. The path is well traveled though deserted. The trees around you are tall, the color of their leaves still visible in the moonlight. It’s not quite a proper fall night but it’s pretty close.
“Why isn’t anyone out here? Whatever you want to show me can’t be that great if no one else wants to see it.” You’re teasing and Remus can tell. He tugs on your earlobe.
“We used to come out here in the summer, actually,” he says. “Not so much this time of year. Bit nippy.”
“Yeah, and creepy.” You’re speaking in a hush for no reason.
“Well, we came to see who would be brave enough to sneak into that.” He points in front of you and as you see a massive house rising out of the shadows at the end of the woods.
“Remus!” you gasp. “Fuck, that is scary!”
He laughs. He laughs at you. Unbelievable. He tugs you close, arms around you.
“Rumor says it’s haunted.” You believe it. The house itself looms in a way that cannot be natural. The siding is chipped and rotting, the windows nothing but broken glass with torn curtains flapping in the wind. It looks like the perfect place to get murdered.
“We are not going in there.”
“No,” he agrees, “we are not.” His hand rubs up and down your spine, warming you through your coat.
“Did you ever go in?”
“A few times, with James and Sirius,” he says. “Most everyone else who came down here was only interested in the house.”
You frown. “Is there something else more terrifying and more interesting that you idiots hung around for?”
Remus smirks and you know he’s up to something. Your buttoned up, calm, collected boyfriend has a devious side that still manages to surprise you.
He leans down and presses his lips to your ear. “This is where we’d come to snog girls,” he whispers.
Your breath stutters in your chest and you swallow and embarrassing noise at his closeness. “Oh?”
“Among other things,” he adds. He turns you in his hold and walks you backwards until you’re back in the trees, off the path a little bit. Your back hits the bark of a trunk.
“Other things?” you swallow. You see where this is going but you’re not sure how far he’ll take it. Already you feel hot under your layers.
He steps back into your space, pressing you against the tree, and drags his nose down your throat, nipping at your skin as he goes. “Would you let me do other things to you, darling?”
“Remus,” you gasp. “Remus, really? In the woods? Here?” Anyone could walk by. And yet…your legs clench at the idea.
“No one will see us,” he says, pulling away to look at you full on. “We’re off the path enough, I swear.” He rubs the skin under your eye with his thumb. “If you don’t want to I will happily take you home and fuck you in bed instead —”
“I want to,” you rush out. It’s the truth. Your sex life is healthy and fun and you like trying new things with him, but this is…something different. This is hot in a way you didn’t think fooling around outside would be. You like it.
“I thought I was the only one who went a bit wild under the full moon,” he teases. Smug bastard. You slide your hand down his chest and palm him through his pants. He’s half hard already.
“Nope,” you say, popping the p. He grins wolfishly.
“Going to be quiet?” he says, whispering. The woods aren’t silent, but all you can hear is your own heartbeat and Remus’s breaths. You nod. “Good girl.”
You surge forward to kiss him. It’s teeth and tongues, sloppy but hot. Remus manages to undo his belt before leaving the button and zipper to you as he goes for your own pants, mouth never leaving yours until you pull away to spit in you palm.
He hisses when you get under his briefs to grasp his cock. It’s warm in your cold hand and you jerk him as best you can with his pants still on. “Fuck,” he gasps.
“What was that about being quiet?” you mutter. He kisses you again, tonguing into your mouth as he pops the button on your jeans. His long fingers find their way underneath your underwear and into your cunt and you moan against his mouth.
“Hush,” Remus chides. You pant into his neck, your grip on his cock haphazard as he circles your clit. “You’re soaked, darling,” he says. “You like this? Being out in the open like this? Where anyone could see how wet you are?”
You grasp his bicep with the hand not in his pants so you don’t fall over. “Oh my god,” you gasp. Who knew you were so into this?
“Not quite,” he teases. He slips two fingers into you and you bite down on his collar. “I’m going to fuck you right here against this tree,” he says, voice deeper than usual in your ear. “And then we’re going to go home and you’re going to ride me after I lap at your cunt until you scream.”
“Busy — ah — night.” Remus sucks on your pulse point and you clench around his fingers. He thrusts into your hand and then his touch is gone and you whine.
“Can’t have you wrecking my plan with those hands,” he says. “Step out of your jeans?”
You look around and see no one in the darkness. Remus pulls his boxers down a little further so he can free his entire cock and his balls. If you weren’t so desperate for him to fuck you right now you’d get on your knees, but instead you shimmy your pants down and step out of one leg. It’s not like you’ll be able to pull them up if someone comes by but not being totally bare makes you feel better.
“Now what?” The cool air makes your cunt clench and you can see that Remus’s pupils are totally blown. He crowds you against the tree so your back is against it once more and hooks one hand around your thigh to lift your leg. The mechanics of fucking like this worry you a little but you’re perfectly content to let Remus arrange you how he likes.
“Now I fuck you,” he says. He strokes himself a few times then lines up near your entrance, the tip of his cock brushing your clit for a few breaths.
You moan low in your throat. “C’mon,” you whine. Remus doesn’t wait any longer. He slide inside you in one movement, stealing the air from your lungs. He wraps one leg around his hip and taps the other. Between his firm hold and the tree, you’re fairly secure with both legs around his waist.
“So tight,” he says in your ear. “I’ve been inside you hundreds of times and you’re still so tight.”
You’re about to retort when some twigs snap in the darkness. You freeze and Remus stays where he is, face in your neck and arms steady, palms on your bare ass.
The trail is almost certainly out of sight but not far enough that you can’t hear a group of guys walking down it. “It’s not that scary, dude,” one of them says.
“Be quiet,” Remus reminds you and then he starts moving his hips. You swallow your moans as he drags his cock out and then in again, torturously slow.
“People used to fuck in these woods when we were younger,” another guy says. Their voices are already fading but it feels like they’re right next to you.
“If only they knew,” Remus continues. His lips are pressed to your ear, tongue darting out between every sentence. “I can’t believe they aren’t hearing how wet you are.”
You might explode. You might bite through your tongue. The group keeps talking but you can’t be bothered to listen anymore. There is laughter and under the cover of the sound Remus snaps his hips hard and you swallow a scream.
“Good girl,” he tells you. You clench around him. “They’re gone.” You can’t hear anything anymore except your blood pounding in your ears. Remus finally picks up the pace. The sounds must be obvious — your slick, his balls smacking into your ass, your panting. But you don’t care. The angle he’s getting is so good and it’s so hot that anyone could walk by and see you taking him and —
“How close are you?” Remus grinds out.
“Close,” you manage. “Close, Remus, keep going —”
“Me too,” he says after he licks a stripe up your neck. “Dirty girl, letting me fuck you against a tree, I’m not going to last long —
“Inside,” you blurt out. “Please, inside me, Remus.”
Your eyes are closed but he shifts his hold on you and uses one hand to grab your jaw so you’ll look at him. His pupils are totally blown and his eyes are wide.
“You want to — fuck — walk out of here with my cum inside you?”
You nod frantically and he grabs your ass again, picking up his pace.
“Anything, Remus,” you moan. “Anything, just — ah — don’t stop, I’m —”
His cock hits that spot inside you once, twice, three times, and you’re gone. Over the edge, head thrown back far enough that you thump it against the tree as you clench around him. He says your name like a prayer and his hips still as he spurts inside you.
“Fuck,” he hisses. You’re both panting and he gently guides your legs back to the ground even though you’re weak in the knees. Your jeans have almost come off the remaining leg entirely but you don’t care. Remus pulls out of you and without tucking himself back into his briefs he leans down to pull your panties back up your legs and around your hips, your jeans following. “Can’t lose any,” he says.
You laugh. “That’s filthy,” you say, breath still returning to normal. You can’t believe you just fucked in the woods.
He shrugs and puts his cock, shiny with you, away and fastens his belt.
“C’mere, Remus.” He obeys and cups your face with one hand. You kiss him gently, chastely compared to what you were doing before. “Let’s go home,” you say. “So I can blow you because I’m not kneeling on this nasty forest floor.”
He laughs loudly, so loudly you know that anyone walking by will hear. Good thing you’re not fucking anymore.
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here! promptober masterlist, find all fics under #fvspromptober23
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postmodernbeliever · 6 months
stalker - fox mulder x female reader
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at the fbi, your job is to watch who you're asked to. but on your own time, you watch fox mulder... and little do you know, he's watching you, too.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
my ao3 | word count: 3,518
content tags: sneaking around, embarrassment, stalking, longing, fox mulder is watching you, you are watching fox mulder, fox is a freak like you, fox likes weirdos, obsessive behavior, suggestive themes, you and fox just kinda eyefuck and nothing happens but god should it, cross-posted on ao3
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
they all call him spooky mulder. what a nickname, spooky- even in its mainstream use, it has not lost its effect. there was always something off about him, something unsettling, which piqued your interest. you liked it so much that you paid special attention. it was your nature to keep tabs; you watched him come and go from his basement office, all the while pretending to be down in the gutter of the j. edgar hoover building for any other suspicious reason than taking mental notes on him. 
sure, it may sound creepy, but this is your job- this is why the fbi has you on the payroll. you’re what they call “the eyes and ears”, and in a sense, you don’t really have a job. your cover is to work in the filing department, faceless and nameless, and keep things organized as they go off to different sectors. you are the one sending weapons to evidence (or elsewhere) and case files to agents (or not) at the heart of the organization, where you just become the signing-off signature. but that office, where you blend in, is how they use you best. orders directly from the top tell you who to watch and when to come forward with information. but they never assigned you to special agent fox mulder. as was his infamous passion project dubbed the X files, this was your unassigned interest within the bureau- he was your freakish fixation.
you followed his case files as they came to inconclusive endings. you noticed when his hair grew too long. you knew he liked the coffee from the break room by a.d. skinner’s office, but he liked the creamer they kept on the first floor, so he traveled cross-complex to make the cup taste just right. you’d read every report and drowned in his philosophical, metaphysical droning, admiring the prose so overdosed on sleep deprivation and the ramblings of a transcending mind. it was like twisted poetry, how he explained what each case had imparted upon him. the way he viewed sociology, the way he viewed intervention both divine and damned, the manner in which he proposed the forces at play work and how they are ever-changing and insurmountable… god, he really is a genius. everyone may think he’s insane, or that his work is a waste of valuable resources, but fox mulder’s mind was one to be entertained, one to be challenged. to let his power go misrepresented or his purpose go any less than unabated would be a crime (if anyone asked you.)
see, this is why it could be considered weird. you revered him like a deity, unapologetically idolatrous of his brainpower- and from a more internal, girlish yearning, you loved his face. god, that face. you had examined his personal files many times in the safety of your office, tracing invisible lines over the photographs of him; caressing the scrapes and bruises documented from altercations with suspects, drooling over his academy polaroids stashed away from old physical exams. he still looked as young and charming as he did in his old school photos. a young oxford man, beautiful, traumatized, in need of proof. his work demanded his darkest instincts and most disgusting thoughts, and you loved him for it, or at least the idea of what it turned him into. and as far as word travels, fox mulder bars no personality incontinuities. after all the stories of the blood he’s tasted at crime scenes and the horrific pictures of murders and monsters plastered on the walls of his murky office, he was more than just spooky. he was freakish, and uncomfortable, and alluring.
now, fox is no idiot. in fact, to even think your interest was going unnoticed was a major misjudgment of his perceptive abilities; the man is the best analyst in the crime division, for god’s sake. he's never missed a clue. yet somehow, in the midst of your innocent stalking, you’d imagined he never saw you standing in his basement hallway, or mingling in the first-floor break room by the irish cream. naivety never crossed into your work, but it clouded your visions when it came to him. he’d seen you every time, shifty eyes fidgeting with blatant secrecy. when the man who didn’t believe in random events saw you more than once, he began following your lead. 
fox mulder kept copies of your personal files on his desk and sifted through them often, trying to get any information on you to substantiate why you paid so much attention to him. aside from his widespread suspicion, he also had a sense for intent, and he felt you were of no harm. even lurking in the shadows, there was a comfort to your presence. that might be his creepy personality being used to unsettling beings, but he didn’t mind. he liked catching you looking. he liked the way your suit jacket never matched your pants, but always somehow coordinated even in clashing patterns. he liked how your hair curled like french fries at the bottom, wide and loose. he liked how your manicured nails were always dark and sharp, and blatantly against bureau policy. fox knew you were as new to the fbi as he, so not new at all, but a child to seasoned agents; he learned of your ridiculous retention of information, and that you read twice the clocked words per minute of the average american. he knew of your graduation from yale and your speedy completion of the academy, as well as your elevated skill for firearms, which immunized you from a majority of field training. he knows about your secret connection, yet not who it’s with, and that it’s ushered you into a disguised deep-level position. in less legal ways of determining, the agent discovered you were the president of your high school’s history club, as well as the chief editor of the newsletter, and your family had a summer cabin on the oregon coast. you were smart, valuable, integral, even- and your talents were being wasted under cover of the monotonous filing department. he knew more than you realized. but even with his disturbing understanding of you, fox couldn’t figure out why it was him you watched- you had no connection to him, no link to his work or anyone who aimed to sabotage it. of all your secrets, he seemed to be the biggest.
you’d never expected anything to come of your little infatuation, but fox mulder didn’t like to let things linger. so when you just so happened to be venturing into the basement for something in the archived evidence room, he went into pursuit. you swiped your key card in the automatic door, and he followed you inside and made sure to close it nice and loud behind you. the lock clicked, causing you to jump out of your skin, and he laughed.
“not a fan of followers, huh?” the man teased.
“you just locked us in here, sir!” you nearly choked. you’d never seen him up close and personal. his shirt was a wrinkled mess, but it looked so nice rolled up on his fair-skinned arms, and his hair was a lot darker in person than it looked in the pictures. so were his eyes. 
“sir? no, nobody calls me sir.”
“what should i call you, then?” you groaned.
“agent mulder. spooky mulder. basement boy. whatever floats your boat!”
“well, then, agent mulder,” you elected, “you just locked us in here!”
“is that what you’re worried about? don’t worry, i'm sure agent scully will come down soon enough. or maybe not. maybe you’re stuck in here with me.”
you pivoted and began walking down the first aisle of archives, trying to come up with something to grab to avoid blowing your cover. fox kept at your heels, poking his head playfully into your eyeline.
“looking for something… you?” he inquired.
“that’s agent to you.”
“no name? ooo… spooky,” he wiggled his eyebrows, and you suppressed the fluttering in your stomach. you thought in frustration, how dare he make wordplay hot?
“says you.” you negated.
“so you do know me!”
“everyone knows you, agent mulder.”
“oh, sure… but you’ve been watching me, haven’t you?”
you stopped between the alphabetized boxes marked by Hs and Js, biting your tongue. you watched as fox sauntered around to the front of you, leaning nonchalantly against the filing shelf and smirking. his hand raised to wipe his mouth, and you analyzed the rough calluses and ink splotches carving uniqueness into his knuckles. a deep cut rested along his thumbnail down to his wrist. you recognized it as a healed-over wound from an inconclusive case months ago- something he claimed to have involved lizard men.
“i- i’m not sure what you mean.”
“you’ve been following me around, taking note of what i do. i see you every day. sometimes in the break room, sometimes in the bullpen by the car desk, sometimes shooting guns down at the range room on saturdays like i usually am. you’re always… floating around.'' fox mused, running a hand through his thick hair. a few pieces curled agonizingly over the frame of his face, and you felt like dying.
“must be coincidences.”
“you know well as me that there are no such things as coincidences,” fox stated, “there are simply events that occur, and more often than not, they occur causally, or in my case, through spurious correlation, but nobody can ever seem to pinpoint the third invisible factor that links one event to another, except for me.”
“speak english, agent mulder, would you?”
“you’ve been following me, which caused me to notice you, which caused you to pretend you haven’t been, and so forth,” he sighed, “but you know what i’m saying, don’t lie. you’re a yale alumni, graduated summa cum laude with a double major in psychology and international affairs. you’re one of the smartest women in the building. so why are you acting dumb?”
your stomach flipped as he stepped closer to you, leaning down in all his six-foot glory to meet your gaze. swallowing thickly, you shoved your hand in a box labeled CONFISCATED Ka-Kz and fished out the first object you grasped: a bloodied kazoo. wincing in embarrassment, you waved it in his face and grimaced.
“i'm just down here for this.”
“for a murder kazoo.” he deadpanned.
you turned away and began heading for the door, but a strong palm wrapped around your wrist, halting your stride. fox tugged you back, and you tried to keep your drooling gaze to a minimum at how handsome he looked when he was searching for answers.
“if you tell me what you want from me, i'll let you go.”
“i don't want anything.”
“bullshit,” the agent rolled his eyes, “everyone wants something, agent, even you. you’re a bad liar, you know that? that’s why you’re not under deep cover.”
how little you know, you thought with a smirk. “well, not everyone is made for danger.”
“no. you’re just made for stalking.”
you seized up, “i am not stalking you!”
fox grinned, liking how worked up you were becoming. “then why are you always in the corner of my eye, agent?”
you huffed in desperation, weighing your options. you could,
a) keep lying.
b) tell fox the truth.
c) bang on the locked door and scream until someone saves you from spooky mulder.
none of your options were appealing, but you weren’t getting out of here if you didn’t choose. option A would drag it out, and option C would get him fired, so you only had one path if you wanted to control casualties and your level of embarrassment in one shot.
as he stood patiently waiting, tie so horrendously knotted that it took all your willpower not to tug him down by it, you gave in. 
“well, agent mulder, you… you’re interesting.”
“am i?”
“y-yes. you do amazing work. you catch killers. and you… write beautifully.”
fox chuckled softly, “you like my writing? what, are you the one who files my field reports or something?”
now may not be a good time to admit you tweaked the computer system to always assign you files submitted by agents between L and P in the alphabet just to be the sole individual who received fox’s files, so you withheld the truth a bit. it will come back to bite you in the ass when he looks into the signatures on his official paperwork, but oh, well.
“every so often,” is what you settled on. “you have something to say, and you say it like you’ve been contemplating the proper phrasing forever. it’s always so eloquent and intelligent and… fascinating.” you stopped praising him, feeling shame wash over you like a bad shot of vodka.
“well, aren’t you a regular fan?” fox rested his head against the filing shelf, eyes raising to the ceiling. his neck stretched open far enough that you could watch his adam's apple bob as he spoke. “glad to know my conclusions aren’t just the ramblings of a lunatic.”
“quite the opposite, agent mulder.” you blushed.
fox looked back down to you, and his puppy dog eyes bore holes into your cheeks. “i know a lot about you, you know. i know where you went to high school. i know you also use the irish cream for your cup of joe every day. i know you drive that baby blue car out in the garage, with the stupid “honk if you love labs” bumper sticker. but what i don't know, agent, or rather what i can’t figure out, is why you’re working in the filing department when you should be on an analyst team, or why you’re so insistent on following me around work. so, can you enlighten me with the truth?”
the truth. even when encountering you, his true colors show. you would be frustrated if it wasn’t so attractive how he interrogated you.
with a shaky breath as support, you said, “i want to know you.”
“is that all? you just… want to know me?”
“we don't work together. you’re too off-limits. my orders require me to stick to the mundane and watch from afar. but you, agent mulder, you are never mundane. you sit down here every day and crane over horrific cases, imagining the unimaginable, and all in the stuffy confines of a basement office that people would rather die than visit you in. y-you’re terrifying, you’re… fresh air.”
fox would never admit to it, but his entire body experienced pins and needles at the sound of your voice. in the least creepy way possible, you reminded him of the school librarian from his childhood- thin glasses, a loose blouse, and a voice thick and sweet, just how he liked his coffee.
“well, as the resident spooky one around here, i'd say you’re more freakish than me. you’re quite the stalker.”
“that's my business.”
you put the kazoo back in the box, frustrated you even attempted to jeopardize the secrecy of your nature for being down in the basement. fox’s hazel eyes followed your lethal nails as they replaced the object, and he wondered if they hurt when they grazed skin. a part of him really wanted to find out.
the man huffed, “so that’s it? no plans to kill me, or turn me in to the boss for my beliefs?”
“nope. just… watching from a distance.”
“you could watch up close if you wanted to. i could really benefit from someone so smart as you are, and someone who has such a knack for detail,” he teased. “you seem to have a way with words yourself, agent.”
“well, i appreciate the offer, but my hands are full as it is, agent mulder.”
“call me fox.”
in a flustered blackout, you blurted, “but no one calls you fox!” and the agent’s pupils blew wide.
somehow, deep inside, the idea of you knowing his secrets without ever speaking to him turned him on. you were a watcher, and as a profiler he’d even go so far as to call you a creep- a girl with a case of muldermania following his every move and sniffing the air when he walked past. he saw it in how your hands shook before him, how you craned your neck back in submission, how your eyes darted between his eyes and lips with fervor; how you swallowed nothing every five seconds in what he couldn’t discern between fear and anticipation. you had slightly sick motivations, so driven by the feeling his writing gave you and the idea of what it must be like to be inside his mind. and he liked it. he liked being studied, and understood, and having no say in it being done by a pretty girl like you. the man took another step closer this time, and you didn’t budge. this was one of his personal space invasions he’s so famous for- the kind people complain about when they’re put on the job with him. also the kind you’d dreamt of since you learned of his existence beneath the bureau.
“but you do when you think of me, don’t you?” he crooned, knowing how to play you from one freak to another. “when you think of watching me when you’re alone, and how we might interact. you call me fox in that pretty little head of yours, right? so say it.”
“come on, don’t leave me hanging.”
you licked your lips as the heat of his breath danced across your face, and you flushed. “a-as much as i'd love to stay and talk, i have my obligations. not everyone is at your whim, fox.”
in a hormonal lapse, fox let out a soft, “mmm,” and flashed his adorable grin for you to fuss over. “that's too bad, then.”
“but,” you interrupted, “if you ever need, um, proofreading… or help, i can- you can, uh, maybe leave me a note? or something?”
“on your desk? in the filing department, right? in that office with the blue walls and the photograph of you and your chocolate lab, the one who inspired your bumper sticker, agent?” fox revealed, showing his intellectual hand.
with a dry mouth, you mustered a meek, “yeah, that’s the one.”
“good. maybe i'll spray it with my cologne, so you can savor the moment.”
“excuse me?” you squeaked.
“come on, agent,” fox winked, “just a joke. unless you’d like that, y’know, i won’t judge.”
and of course you would. he smelled like dust and paper, with a little sugar left from the coffee he drinks, and a little smoke from the candles he lights when they turn the lights off on him overnight in that dark hole of an office.
“you live up to your name, spooky mulder,” you bit your lip.
“so do you,” fox agreed, “what would we do without our eyes and ears?”
“… what did you just say?” you could barely muster a voice.
“you heard me.” 
fox slipped a hand in his suit pant pocket and revealed your business card- not the filing office one, but for your cover. you have no idea how he’d gotten one, because the only place you keep them is in the locked safe beneath your desk. you were in bold, with your full name, position, boss, and reserved extension line. you thought of fox breaking into your office at night- while you were at home having dreams you’d never admit to- and sifting through your belongings, touching all that was yours, cracking open your secrets. you shuddered as he placed the card gently in your hand, his fingers trailing against the veins at the center of your wrist, where he could feel your pulse hammering.
the man slid past you in a split second, heading for the evidence room door and jiggling the handle upwards. when it unlocked, he shot a premeditated glance towards your mortified face and said, “somebody ought to get this fixed. see you around, agent.”
just about shaking, you stood in the aisle, dizzy from the sound of his departure and how every word fell from his lips with such intention. after a moment of weakness in which you let yourself lean against the filing shelf and catch your breath, you straightened out your blazer and made for the door. when you came into the hallway, you saw spooky mulder standing in his doorframe, thumbing through a file with his silver-rimmed glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. you turned quickly towards the stairs and left him to his devices, those being the file that was full of pictures of you.
all this time admiring from afar made you feel like a fool. now you were stuck with a lingering conversation and the overwhelming urge to visit the archives again, because someone downstairs had his eye on you. he knew you by way of his own eyes and ears, and there are a few things that aren’t in your files he’d like to learn. 
and to think you were the stalker!
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marilynthornhilllover · 11 months
S.O.S she's in disguise, S.O.S she's in disguise
Ghostface!marilyn x fem!reader
Warning: knife play, stalker, talk of murder, cunniligus,fingering, slight!softdom marilyn, slight teasing,neck biting, indecent language, fear, mommy kink, degradation kink, praise kink,body praise, and lots more!
A/n: this fic needs holy water honestly, posting this and logging out ( jk)🤣 please enjoy.🙌😌it's long I'm aware🥲 #kinktoberismychanceofmakingsinfulsmutfics 😌🙌
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Let's just say your new neighbor marilyn was one of a kind. She was beyond weird. Since the day she first moved in and you tried being nice to her, she was shy and introverted. You didn't take it to heart at first - couple times you tried being nice and she completely ignored you. after all not knowing what she went through or maybe she's just not used to new environments and people you let her actions slide but as time passed her shyness became rudeness.
She started to give off a vibe you didn't like at all, hence the reason everytime you saw her you'd pass her straight or turn a different direction.
At first it was a coincidence - seeing her in the same grocery store, hardware store, coffee shops, the mall but soon everywhere you went, every place, every corner you took you would see marilyn. And she would just stand there and stare at you, blankly. Sometimes she'd smile but on other occasions it was just straight up creepy.
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It was Halloween night and you had gotten off work early. As you walked home you saw brightly colored Halloween decorations, some were very terrifying while others were just creatively scary in a cool way. You smiled as you saw children rush pass you laughing and giggling with their baskets filled to the brim with snacks - mostly chocolate and small candy sticks. While others had chips and soda.
You saw your other neighbor's daughter, Ella who was just around the age of eight running up to you with the brightest smile on her face.
" hi y/n! Want some candy!" She asked smiling.
You chuckled as you brushed her frizzy hair back into its ponytail.
" hi baby! Thank you, but just one, you know all this sugar is bad for your teeth especially for kids your age" you spoke as she handed you a snickers chocolate, she hummed as she waved you a googbye and ran off. You watched her as she jumped along with some other kids her age before continuing your walk home.
As you got closer to your apartment you saw that the lights of your bedroom was on. Seeing this you froze dead in your tracks.
You had turned it off before you left for work early in the afternoon.
What was it doing on?
Before your mind was able to race and think of everything bad possible reason why your light was on and play tricks on you, your cell phone began to ring.
You took your phone out of your bag to see "unknown caller ID"
You considered picking it up before declining the call.
You sighed as the tiredness of the day and the walk started to kick in.
The night was still quite young but it was pretty spooky.
You walked up to your front porch and stared taking out your keys, when your phone rang again.
You groaned as you saw the the caller ID was still "unknown" you sighed and picked it up.
" Yes? What is it?" You answered harshly hoping to get the person to hear your annoyance and stop bothering you.There was along pause before you heard shallow breathing. Your eyebrow twitched as you tried to listen carefully.
" what the fuck?" You whispered.
" look if this is some sick game, you better back off! And stop calling my damn phone!" You shouted as you threw your phone down on the coffee table you had outside and turned towards your door to unlock it.
You turned back around to pick up your phone and it was gone.
" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" You shouted as you looked around to see if you saw anyone running away, but there was no one, no a single soul - Just cold air hitting your face and spooky ghost balloons staring at you from your other neighbors house across the street.
Your heartbeat picked up as you started to feel light headed. You backed up inside too scared to turn your back - afraid you'd be the one to disappear next if you do. You slammed your door shut and locked it, bolting the blots and placing the broom under the door nob.
You jumped as your house phone started to ring.
You never gaved anyone that number....
You breathe got caught in your lungs as you started coughing. Your eyes filled with tears as you slowly walked up to the phone hanging from the wall. You picked it up and placed it at your ear.
There was nothing.
No sound.
No voice.
" please whoever you are this isn't funny!" You whispered-shouted as tears rolled down your cheek.
" that slik purple shirt looks good on you, my love" you heard the voice say. It was discord, distant. You couldn't pick up who's voice it was or even the gender it sounded almost like a robot.
You looked down to see that you were indeed wearing a silk purple shirt. But you were at alot of places today, anyone could have seen you in the shirt.
"this isn't fucking funny asshole! You don't scare me! " You spoke, voice trembling as you wrapped you other around around your torso to clam yourself.
" you lost something, it's been found" the voice said again before they hand up. You jumped again, as your door bell rang. You placed your hand over your heart and exhaled through your mouth to calm your nerves, but nothing you did was working. Your palms were sweating, your hands were shaking, your anxiety was through the roof.
You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. You carefully walked towards the door and opened the spy hole, you looked around and saw no one, when you looked down you saw your phone. On the ground. You opened the door and quickly grabbed it before slaming the door shut again and locking it up once more.
Your phone was now in a clear - ish purple case with Polaroid pictures of you from when you were at the coffee shops, grocery store etc. Behind each picture had the initial, M.T. a message popped up as you walked back towards the kitchen. It was from your contacts.
M.T sent a video - tap to open.
This person took your phone and added their number into your contacts and now your fearing for what's about to happen next or worse - what this video contains.
With shaking hands you tapped the banner.
It was a video of a person in a white ghost face mask with a black cloak, they tilted their head to the side then brought up their hand to the camera waving a long slender knife. Once again tears formed in your eyes.
They turned the Phone in a direction and that's when you realized that they were standing in your back yard and the door was wide open. Your eyes widened as you rang into your living room and closed the door, but you realized that the lock was broken from three months ago and it automatically slides open from the wind at times.
At this point your heart was pounding out of your chest. You walked around the living room talking shallow breaths as you held your phone tightly in your hand, knife in the other.
You looked down to see another notification from M.T
" don't you think it's a little too late to be closing doors sweetheart? What's already in side can't be locked out." The message read.
You quickly went on 'phone' and dialed 911, but before you could place the call your phone randomly shut down, it wasn't dead, it can't be... it was just at 97%. You started to break down in tears as you slowly walked back into the kitchen. Stopping dead in yours tracks when you came face to face with 'the ghost face'.
" please! P-please, I'm begging you... please don't kill me" you muttered, your vision becoming clouded with tears.
They chuckled as they took a step closer to you at which you took a step back.
Rage builded up in you as you threw the fruit bowl at them to which they dodged with zero effort.
" this isn't funny!" You screamed. They gripped the knife tighter as they took slow steps towards you, you instantly regretted your actions. How stupid can you be.
" who said I was making a joke princess" they chuckled before pushing you hard against the walk behind you. You whimpered as you didn't even get enough time to react as they already had their knife prodding at your throat. They took off their mask and you swore you almost had a heart attack. Standing in front of you was no other than...
Marilyn Thornhill
Your creepy new neighbor.
She took off the cloak as she revealed her navy blue suit.
" didn't really think I'd hurt a pretty princess like you right?! Silly girl, mommy really made her baby scared didn't she?" She cooed as she caressed your face.
You were scared, happy, confused and flustered at the same time. The pet name and the way she addressed herself made something in you go off.
Your lack of answer had her chuckle, she examined your face and smirked. She reminded you of the sharp cold metal knife at your neck before she slipped her knee in between your thighs, hitching your your skirt more around your thighs and allowing her access to press her knee directly onto your clit.
Your head fell back against the wall with a soft thud as a soft moan escaped your lips.
" mhmh such a slut for mommy already? Whoring out yourself to me like this, I could have killed you darling" she spoke confidently, as she dropped the knife and started rolling her knee against your clit erecting a whimper from you.
" but you didn't" you spoke looking at her, eyes flicking from her lips to her eyes.
" but I could have" she whispered, coming dangerously close to your face. You gulped and looked into her deep brown eyes. They were filled with meaning, she may have held a knife to your neck but she truly meant no harm. Her pupils were delated, making them more brown. They were filled with lust, desire, need, want.
You don't know what came over you but suddenly your lips were on hers. How did you not notice how beautiful marilyn was. You were more focused on her being creepy and not your raging mommy issues. She was perfect. Her hair smelt like lavender, her perfume smelt like old spiced cinnamon, she also smelt like burn smoke, she was intoxicating. She was driving you off this clif you didn't even know was possible or even existed.
She roughly pulled down your underwear, ripping them in the process causing your to moan, giving her the perfect entrance for her tongue to slip in. You both fought for dominance but she obviously won.
She tapped your leg and you jumped up, wrapping both your legs around her waist she took you to the bedroom - how did she know where it was? You had no idea but you didn't care either. You both did your best not to break the kiss as she closed the door shut with her foot. She threw you on the bed and began taking off her suit.
You did the same, taking off your shirt then unclasping your bra before taking off your skirt, your panties were gone a long time ago. Marilyn took off her clothes, the both of you naked as the day you were born. You were enchanted by her. She had such great breast, perfect abs.She simply looked perfect when she was naked.
She smirked at your spaced out look, you ran your hands up her abs before she took them and kissed them breaking you from your trance.
You bite your lips and looked up at her with pure lust and need. Suddenly your pussy had a heartbeat for this woman, you needed her badly.
" What's the matter baby? Thinking of how well mommy's gonna stretch you out?" She asked and you swore your core became a pool. You were wet as fuck. You whined as you slightly arched your back.
Marilyn smirked as she leaned down towards you.
" patience tiger" she mumbled before she started kissing your neck. Sucking and biting the tender flesh, definitely leaving marks. Marilyn was driving you crazy and she knew it, and she loved it.
You moaned softly as her cold hands roamed your body, scratching and caressing areas, making you shiver.
She sucked on your pulse joint lightly.
Marilyn leaved hickeys all over your neck leading down to your chest, making butterfly hickeys. Your skin was her art book at this point.
" fuck marilyn I need you so bad" you whispered grabbing her hair and pulling her closer to your face. Making her moan. She smirked at your desperate exertion and kissed you passionately, she was making you feel hot and bothered.
" don't worry princess I'll fuck you so good that no other man or woman can ever make you feel as good as I do ever again" she muttered into the kiss before trailing down your body, leaving love bites on your skin. She sucked, bit and nibbled her way down your chest and stomach making you squirm.
She gently pushed your thighs apart and looked at your glistening cunt, smirking she looked back up at you.
" all this for me, my love?" She started running her fingers through your slit collecting your arousal as she began kissing in between your thighs, you moaned as you arched your back.
" fuck marilyn just fuck me already!" You shouted plopping yourself up on your elbows, marilyn looked up and you and smacked your clit making your jolt. You moaned as you layed back down, eyes rolling back as you felt a new pool of wettenes form from her actions. Your cunt was aching for her touch.
She came up and slapped you. She took your jaw in her hand and forced you to look at her.
" look to me you slut, this pussy is mine and I'll take how much ever time I want get that in your head, and i'm in control" she husked before ghosting your lips with a kiss, chuckling as you thought she was going to kiss you before going back down.
Marilyn opened your legs wider for her and licked up your arousal that was dripping everywhere making you let out a pornographic moan. She smirked as her tongue got to work. She sucked on your clit before releasing it with a pop and moving down to your hole, dipping her tongue inside making your grab the sheets and pull them tightly, your knuckles turning white.
" you taste so fucking good y/n, should given me this pussy a long time ago sweetheart" she mumbled as she ate like there was no longer any food left in the world, she was addicted already. Your eyes rolled back as you moaned again, you've never had your pussy eaten this good before and it was driving you absolutely crazy. She was taking you into oblivion already. You could feel the knot starting to form in your tummy.
She opened her mouth the widest she can and sucked in your cunt, sucking on your clit and flicking her tongue in and out your hole and teasing your clit now and then. Your legs Bagan to shake as your hips began to buck upwards. She was fucking you so good, it was unbelievable.
" Oh fuck mar! Shit! Mhmm" you were seeing stars, marilyn looked up at your disheveled state, hair flatten out on the pillow, chest falling and rising heavily, eyes rolled back, hands grabbing the sheets so tight she swore you'd rip them. The sight of you took her pride and self esteem leavels through the roof. She started sucking faster.
Your thighs began to close around her head but she she held them open wider with her hands, pushing them up a little towards your chest. Marilyn was eating you out like you were ice cream.
You grabbed her hair and tried to pull her off you but she was too deep in it, she was losing herself, and the pleasure was becoming a tad bit too much for you.
" shit! I'm gonna cum! Marilyn I'm gonna cu-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before your orgasm hit your like a wrecking ball. Your eyes were rolled into your head as your back was arched so much you wonder how it's not breaking in half.
She came up licking her lips as your arousal was still on her chin. She smiled at you as she kissed you passionately.
You moaned as you tasted yourself on her lips. She pulled away and looked at you deeply, it was so pure and filled with love.
" look at you, such a slut baby for mommy... mhm your a masterpiece honey." She whispered kissing your cheek before moving down your chest again. She sucked on your nipple making you sigh in pleasure. You didn't even know who you were or where you were. You felt as if you were on cloud nine. Your orgasm hasn't even waver off yet.
She was taking such good care of your body it was magical.
She squeezed your breast as she sucked on it like a baby. She released it with a pop and swirled her tongue around it before pulling as it with her lips them teeth making you let out a gasp before she did the same to the other one. She trailed kisses back down to your pussy as she reopened your legs again, your legs were trembling but she still managed to force them open.
She kissed your clit softly " such perfect pussy" she whispered blowing air on your puffy bud making you whimper as you turned your head into the pillow. She kissed it again, this time sliding her tongue down to your entrance and back up, your hips twitched and you moaned softly. " suck pretty moans, from a pretty princess"
Your body was on fire, never once did you or anyone make you feel this good sexual or in bed.
She came up once more and kissed you, she forced her tongue into your mouth as she kissed you deeply, this was she easily slipped two fingers into you, you moaned into her mouth, your hips bucking up off the bed. She pushed her fingers deeper into you, knuckles deep. She curled them making you moan loudly, the overstiumlation was kicking in. She slowly began moving her fingers in you, not pulling them in and out but flexing them.
She was massaging your spongy walls so good.
You turned to face her, opening your eyes slightly, as the dimly lit room made everything more erratic. You looked at her and she looked at you she was so proud of the way she was making you feel. You opened your mouth to tell her something but a loud pornographic moan slipped out inside as she began thrusting her fingers in and out of you deep and slow, not rushing anything.
" fuck... mhpm marilyn?.." You moaned her name like a question but it came out more prayer like.
She chuckled as she kissed your forehead. The way she was fucking you now was sending you insane. You were losing your dignity for this woman. She was so rough when she was eating you out now she's soft as ever with her fingers.
" Yes my love?" she asked going a bit faster now, hitting your g-spot with every curl of her fingers in you.
" fuck! You fuck me so fucking good" you moaned biting your lips as your eyes rolled back, the room was filled with her fingers working in and out of you and your moans. She kissed every inch of your face as she picked up her pace. Her curled fingers were now making wave movements causing your hands to fight to pull the bed sheets but she was faster grabbing them and holding them tight as your orgasm pushed you off the edge more and more.
She kissed your ear and whispered.
" squeezing my fingers so good baby, go ahead and cum for me" with that being said you did just that. She waited for you to ride out your high before removing her fingers and licking them off. She gently choked you as she kissed you deeply.
After you both calmed down you turned to look at her.
" how the fuck are you so skilled with both your mouth and fingers" you asked cupping her face and kissing her.
" What can I say, I'm a perfestional" she muttered lazily before pulling away smirking at you, before biting her bottom lip.
" Well I'm addicted" you mumbled, rolling your eyes playfully, before moving closer to her, cuddling into her warm body, she held you tight and kissed your forehead. You both were extremely exhausted.
" Oh yeah, well your my drug" she whispered before you both fell asleep.
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nnewhanni · 1 month
please write lily lily lily lily ohhh lily morrow i need her so bad
chill kill | lily morrow
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. chill kill - red velvet
genre: smut/horror
synopsis: you’ve always had the feeling that someone’s stalking you.. is this really a dream, or is it reality it’s own self..?
pairing: yandere!lily x f!reader
warnings: smut, blood, mentions of killing, etc.
note: spooky season is right around the corner, so why not celebrate early with a yandere lily smut? and thank you so much for requesting more lily. i’m now working on all the parts for “roll the dice” so stay tuned for all 7 parts to the dice story! WHO’S ALSO EXCITED FOR NMIXX’S COMEBACK?! (fe3o4: stick out)
divider credits: @k1ssyoursister and @sweetparty
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the start of this story begins where you were walking home from school at 11:00 after helping a teacher with their night shift. but all of a sudden..
a loud scream was in the distance, but was it from pain, or playing? you decided to shake it off, thinking it was a little kid out in the distance playing with their friends. after a while, there goes footprints approaching behind you, getting louder and louder. you were getting annoyed, so you decided to turn around, yet nothing’s there! “y/n, get ahold of yourself..” you say to yourself. you always convinced yourself even when you were a little kid to just not believe in ghosts! unless.. this is reality?
when you finally reached your home, you felt the back of your neck being tightly grabbed, and a hand being wrapped around your mouth tightly, muffling your scream. it wasn’t long enough until you were passed out, asleep on the ground. you felt someone’s arms pick you up, and put you in the back of their car trunk.
a few hours later, you wake up, completely shocked at your new location. “wait.. this isn’t my house.. where am i..?” you say as you look down at your arms, knees, and upper body. you’re tied up, as if your at someone’s mercy..
“i see my baby’s woken up..” a voice comes from the stairs of the basement you were in. but wait.. why’s that voice so similar? as the footsteps got louder from the voice coming down, the person turned on the light, revealing themselves in a black leather jumpsuit, a hoodie on top of their head.
“let me go! let me go! who even are you?!” you yelled at the man—wait.. is it really a man? the mysterious person chuckled darkly, shaking their head. not even a few seconds later, they removed their hoodie, and jumpsuit, revealing a girl in a wolfcut, with the same school uniform you had on. it couldn’t be.. LILY?! your eyes widen as if they were gonna pop out of the sockets, and you use the bit of your feet back the chair into a wall, trying to stay away.
“l-lily?! what the hell-” she cuts you off firmly, moving closer to you as she speaks. “you’re not scared, are you..?” she preforms a creepy giggle. i mean, you have a bloody uniformed girl in front of you, you’re tied up, she has a knife, so really.. what kind of question is that?? you wanted to scream for help, but your attempt got your mouth duct taped in a second.
“don’t be so loud, pretty girl! we don’t want anyone hearing your screams, right?” she asks, her possessive tone never leaving her mouth. you shake your head yes, knowing that your ass would get sliced if you even said no to any question she asked. “so, y/n.. tell me why you think it’s funny to talk to other girls, when you’re clearly MINE?” she starts the interrogation, your body trembling with fear. she forgot that she duct taped your mouth, so she lightly tears it away from your mouth, so you can speak.
“w-wha-?! i’m not yours!” you say, completely in denial. “y-you’re not here.. i’m in a damn dream..” you try to convince yourself, but it just keeps coming back to you that you’re completely in reality. even lily slapped her cheek and your cheek to convince you. “you’re here, princess. i’m here too!” she giggled again, as you attempted to scream for help, but your mouth immediately got closed by her hand, muffling it completely. “stop being so loud! you don’t want anyone to hear you, right?” you could only preform head shaking at this point, shaking your head no.
but lily? oh she was not happy with that. every time you wanted to shake your head no, she gave you a glare that screamed “you better say yes”. so you just kept nodding your head in a fake eager manner, trying to convince her that she doesn’t have to hurt you. the girl covered in blood looks at you with a suspicious look, but actually believes your act.
that is, until she notices your sweat. she held her knife close to your neck, you nearly could feel it cut into the side of your neck. “don’t fool me with that bullshit. you know I own you, so stop acting like you ‘already know’ it.” she says, her voice low and eerie. she notices the skirt you had on, and obviously decided to take matters in her own hands. “you’re right.. I don’t own you, that’s what i’m gonna do. and I know just the way to make a girl get a wife instantly..”
her words made your expression turn into a dumbfounded, confused expression. what was she talking about..? (I KNOW YOU KNOW..) she immediately unties you, and made you stand in the corner. she throws you an outfit, you immediately catching it. “it’s for you! now go change.” she demands, keeping that sweet, yet not sweet smile on her face.
after you change, you walk out in frustration, looking down at her outfit choice as if fashion disaster was an actual person. however, she beams with excitement, yelling out “aww! you look adorable..” you can already tell you and her are gonna have agree to disagree conversations. “you call this cute?! i look like a stripper!” you retort angrily. that just only makes her giggle more. before you even know it, her hand shove you on the bed, starting to kiss you hard while being pinned underneath her.
as you pulled away from the kiss after so long, you noticed her 10 inch cock revealed immediately to you. she wasn’t wearing panties?! typical.. as she noticed you staring, she drags you up on all fours, positioning herself behind you, pushing beside your entrance. you notice the position you’re in, but you decided to just give in and take it?! well, you did kind have experience with other girls.. (haewon, sullyoon bae) she thrusts forward, your eyes shooting open, and moaning louder than your screams you would normally yell out. she starts pounding into you, not even giving you a damn chance to even try calming down! you let out loud moans, her grunts mixing in with them. it wasn’t long until she then spoke again. “i’m fucking cumming. you need this warm cum in that pussy, huh?” you nod frantically, before she lowly moans, filling your womb with her seed. she pulls out, admiring the way it drips from your pussy.
“well now that was a chill kill..” lily says, pranking you to see if you thought she was gonna kill you for real. and you fell for it. but she laughs jokingly, and pushes you on your knees, her cock immediately pushing deep in your mouth.
nah, sweetie, she ain’t done with you yet.
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skellys-selfships · 2 months
God Z x reader (gender neutral) headcanons
!!SUGGESTIVE CW!! mentions of gore and sex (nothing explicit)
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{ my big spooky man deserves sm more love <3 if there's any God Z enjoyers out there, HI!!! }
• God Z may be a monster, but he's a gentleman beneath his beastly nature
• When you awaken, you'll find him sitting in the most sinister fashion, BUT he's prepared tea and biscuits for you!
• He'll tell you many tales of all his killings
• He overly embellishes many of his stories, but it's so charming jusr how happy he sounds
• When you first met him, he was frustrated that you didn't find him frightening
• He soon saw it more intriguing, your fearlessness as a test, a game
• What he never expected was for you to dig so deep, remind him that he even HAD a heart, and show him just how touch starved his old soul really was
• He loves when you help him sharpen and clean his claws, he's got a lot of pride in those claws
• He cleans his teeth with the bones of his victims 💀
• One of the few ways to tell he's genuinely happy and not just being completely maniacal, is when his tail wags
• He absolutely MELTS when you touch his shell, tracing your fingers along the veins
• You weren't supposed to know this, but his ears are sensitive :)
• He never thought anyone would exactly find him ATTRACTIVE
• He views himself as terrifying, mighty even, but never thought anyone could see him the way you do
• He almost makes purring sound when the two of you are alone, when you caress him
• The bleeding from his chest scar, eyes, and mouth never ceases, you've grown used to it
• He apologizes far too many times when he bleeds on you, it's not like he can control it 😭
• He's rarely ever sexual with you, he's far too respectful and has many old fashioned values about these things, it's usually up to you to initiate these things
• It's not that he's shy or inexperienced, you just gotta drag it outta this old man
• God Z loves to dance with you, amongst the aftermath of his treachery, in the deepest darkest places where no one will disturb you two
• He loves playing older, "creepy" music to slow dance to with you
• He has trouble kissing you, seeing as he has no lips
• God Z shows his affection by nudging you and trying to nip at you (without breaking your skin)
• He's a very festive fellow, he goes all out on birthdays and holidays, in his own ghastly way :)
• He would literally kill for you
• If you ask him not to, he'd roll his eyes and agree, in an exasperated tone
• God Z may not smell the prettiest, but he's awfully warm to sleep next to
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autismnation · 1 year
Scare 2
Summary: Part 2 to this. You and Hobie get to know each other a bit more via a makeup session.
Pairing: Gender Neutral Reader x Scare Actor Hobie Brown
Warnings: Fluff. Gwen makes an appearance because I love her. British slang that may or may not be bad but I’m British and hoping it’s the second one. I’m not confident in this but it took me a month to write so take it my brain’s dying. Maybe abrupt ending? Like I said my brain’s dying. Comedy too (I guess? I hope you laugh.) 2nd Person POV with no Y/N. Hobie has fans. Hobie’s also a little less flirty this time. One (1) single mention of Pavitr because I also love him. Not a warning just wanted to say I love him.
Words: 1.3k
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An hour later, your mind’s sole focus was Hobie. You couldn’t think about anything other than Hobie, his scary makeup, his cool clothes, and the fact that you were standing right outside his break room.
“You can’t go in there,” the man standing outside raised a hand to stop you. “It’s for staff only.”
“I’m meeting my friend in there,” you protested, hands fidgeting with the ring said friend had given you, before quickly adding, “And he works here.”
The man only snorted in amusement. “Yeah, good try.”
You blinked a few times, frustration welling up inside you. Squinting at the man’s name tag, you tried to reason with him, “No, Greg, I’m telling the truth. His name’s Hobie and he—“
Before you could finish your sentence, the door to the break room opened, and the person you were talking about poked his head out.
“Ah, there you are,” Hobie chuckled. He grabbed your shoulder and tried to pull you into the room, but Greg stopped him.
“You know that’s not allowed.”
Hobie struggled to hide an eye roll. “Mate, come on, just do me a favor.”
Greg pursed his lips, sighing. “If I get in trouble—“
“You won’t. Promise,” Hobie said, and then he pulled you inside the break room.
Songs with a spooky theme played quietly, used as background noise whilst people chattered. Most were in scary costumes and the few that weren’t were in the process of getting ready.
Lights lined the ceiling, glowing red. There was a table pushed to the side and piled full of foods and drinks. A crowd gathered around it, playing a game of tossing bloody red popcorn into each other’s mouths.
The mood was light-hearted and joyful, despite the creepy decorations in the room.
Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, Hobie kept you pressed against his side as he navigated the room. You were glad for it. You were never scared of anything but you had to admit that all of these strangers in scary costumes were intimidating.
“Greg’s so bloody uptight,” Hobie scoffed. Then, he tilted his head to one side as he thought for a moment, “But he’s alright most of the time, and he keeps the creeps away.”
You arrived at what you assumed was Hobie’s space. It was a desk stained with paint and makeup, a mirror hung on the wall with bright lights around it. The desk was messy, rubbish strewn all over and makeup containers opened like he left in a rush.
“So, this is where the magic happens,” You grinned.
“Oh, oops,” was all Hobie said as he grabbed handfuls of the rubbish and tossed them in the bin.
You watched Hobie as he did so, studying the way his brow furrowed and his makeup creased. He was a unique individual, you had to admit. You’d never met anyone as confident or as fascinating as him; you barely knew the guy and yet here you were in his dressing room, wanting to know more about him. Hobie certainly stood out from the crowd and you didn’t understand why, but he had an energy about him that made you smile. Oh, and he was obviously hot as hell.
“You got a starin’ problem, love?”
“What?” His words shook you out of your trance and you found him looking at you, “Oh, no, your makeup’s just really nice.”
“Want me to do yours?” He asked.
“That’d be cool,” You admitted, eager to be turned into something frightening—and to feel his touch.
Smirking, Hobie grabbed you by your shoulders and sat you down on a nearby chair. One hand rested gently on you whilst the other grabbed products and applied them.
“So, how long have you been a scare actor?” You attempted to make conversation.
“Only about six months,” Hobie replied as he spread some sort of primer over your face, “I wasn’t arsed about it at first but my mate was really into it and didn’t want to do it on her own, so ‘ere I am. And it’s fun make people jump, innit?”
“I’m usually the one jumping,” You responded.
Hobie shook his head, “Nah, no way. You’re tough as nails. Your friend, though—their screams might’ve fucked up my ears.”
You laughed, “The whole reason I’m here is because of them, actually. You know, to make them less scared.”
“Where are they?” Hobie questioned, “Did they get too scared and went home?”
“No, no, they become obsessed with the skull cotton candy that’s here,” You chuckled, “I physically couldn’t drag them away from the stall.”
“Hell yeah, that stuff’s great, I always have it when I’m Hank Marvin,“ Hobie smirked.
“When you’re what?”
“Starving,” Hobie laughed when you stared at him like he’d grown two heads. Then, he did a double-take at his desk when he tried to grab another makeup product, “Where the hell—“
“Looking for something?” A younger kid—a girl with blue and pink tips in her hair—appeared out of nowhere and held out some colourful eyeliner.
“That’s mine, you plonker,” Hobie said as he ruffled the girl’s hair. Then, he uncapped the eyeliner and cupped the kid’s face, bringing her closer, “Hang on, Gwendy, you’ve mucked it up, mate.”
With a few quick strokes, Hobie fixed her eyeliner while she stared at you with wide eyes.
“Is this one of your groupies?”
“I’m not a groupie,” You said, unable to hide the annoyance in your tone.
“They’re a friend,” Hobie said and your heart warmed. He scoffed in response to the kid’s question, as irritated as you. Though it quickly melted away and he affectionately patted the kid’s shoulder, addressing you, “This is Gwen.”
“Nice to meet you,” You offered her your hand after telling her your name, but she ducked away from it.
“I’m messy, sorry,” Gwen said before grabbing a packet of wipes out of the mess on Hobie’s desk and scrubbing their hands with it.
“Those are mine when you’re done,” Hobie scoffed—though it was full of endearment. He clearly adored the kid and vice versa.
Even though Gwen’s costume was spider-like, it had many similarities to Hobie’s. The most striking ones were that they had the same makeup and Gwen was wearing a shirt that was clearly created by Hobie.
As Hobie continued to do your makeup, applying some eyeliner on you, he wrinkled his nose, “I don’t have groupies, Gwendy.”
“Tell that to the people who edit you on TikTok,” Gwen replied teasingly as she swept some makeup to the side and sat down on his dressing table.
“I would but that app is a piece of shit that destroys your attention span. I’ve told you that a million times, mate,” Hobie grumbled, “I don’t have it for a reason.”
“Wait, are you guys serious? People make edits of you?” Your eyebrows shot up and Hobie pushed them down with his fingers before continuing with your eyeliner.
Gwen nodded, “Yeah, people go crazy over him. His hashtag has, like, thousands of views.”
“Wait, seriously? Like, genuinely? Actually?” You found it hard to believe. Not because Hobie wasn’t worth it, he absolutely was; he was attractive and charming. It was because you hadn’t come across any of these edits.
“Yeah, and it’s bloody weird. They don’t even know me, and they pick the worst music known to mankind. They’re out of their goddamn minds if they think I’d like MSI.” Hobie groaned before turning to Gwen, “You and Pav need to stop sending me those edits. I already said I don’t wanna see ‘em.”
“You should be glad you can’t see the comments.” Gwen grinned.
“Wait, hang on, I wanna see this—” You began to say but she cut you off.
“You really, really don’t. The comments are the worst part. But the attention’s good for business, though,” Gwen pointed out.
“Yet my wage is still the same,” Hobie grumbled before stepping back from you and gesturing to the mirror, “Have a look, mate.”
Gwen shuffled out of the way so you could see yourself properly—and you broke out into a grin. You were wearing the same makeup as Hobie, matching with both him and Gwen.
Hobie clapped you on the back as Gwen grinned at you, “You’re one of us now.”
And you definitely felt like it.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Rome 0-0 it’s Spooky Anon :P, I have a request for you :) could I perhaps get a part three to the uncanny valley reader? Where maybe one of the bonten guys gets hurt and they realize the safest and closest place they could go to get patched up is the reader’s apartment so they go to his apartment and the readers apartment is like filled with stuffed animals and stuff like that and the reader is like wearing a hello kitty tee shirt and is doing skincare or something silly like that :) it’s ok if you don’t want to! Have a swag day :) -Spooky Anon 👻
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Sure my dude
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Ran isn't sure how he ended up here, bleeding out and somehow the only safe place was (name)s house.
(Name) opened his door, standing in hello kitty fuzzy pj pants and an ' I ❤️ TOKYO' oversized shirt with a face mask, face deadpan, not smiling like usual but he still looked... Unatrual.
"Coffee? Tea? Whiskey?" (Name) offered after he fixed Ran up, the elder Haitani taking in the information brokers home.
It was filled with cute things and stuffed toys, the three kittens he had seen (name) take were here, bigger now and sleeping on an expensive looking cat tower.
"O-oh... Tea please" Ran said looking at (name) who had a face mask on and a head band that ran also has keeping his bear up.
"I have a spare room you can stay in till it's safe, don't worry the kittens won't bother you while you sleep" (name)s voice never changed in tone or pitch as he unblinkingly stared at Ran, the Bonten executive unsure how to react "thank you, I apologize for the intrusion"
"Its alright, I don't get much company anyways" (name) said before abruptly standing "pardon me"
(Name) left ran alone for a bit, the elder Haitani resting on a hello kitty plush and a fleece dreamy like design on it rested on his lap as he drank the tea hesitantly only to find he quite enjoyed this flavor, it was like chocolate and marshmallows.
When (name) returned he was without mask and headband, hair a little messy and not doing that creepy smile and ran hated to admit that he was rather cute, like a confused and deadpan bunny.
(Name) didn't react to anything physically, keeping that same expression but he preferred that over his meeting expression.
"Sooo, what do you do for fun?" Ran asked (name) who stared at him in a bored and blank expression, tilting his head slightly as if to think over his question "people watch"
"People watch?"
"I like to sit in the park and watch people go about their lives, imagine what they do in their day to day, maybe they're going shopping with friends or maybe they have a big presentation"
"Do you go out with friends?"
"Oh I don't have any friends" (name) said sweetly, the uncanny smile forming on his face and that's when Ran realized that that expression and demeanour was a reflex for when he was uncomfortable.
They were making him just as uncomfortable as he was making them.
"You watch cat videos?"
"You wanna see some?"
And that's how the two spent their night, Ran seeing the fucking freak of nature (name) in a new light as the broker fell asleep on his shoulder and ran carried him to bed, noting now he had no pictures of friends or family on his wall.
(Name)s room was very soft looking, even more stuffed toys and blankets as he set the man in bed and put a blanket over him.
Texting the other Bonten members as he lay in the guest bed in a room that was equally soft and full of plush toys what happened was an experience as he relay his experience at (name)s home was an experience.
He left before (name) woke up, making sure to feed the man's cats and prepare coffee and a small breakfast as a thank you.
That was the kindest anyone's treated (name).
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deejadabbles · 11 months
hiii friend <3 for the Halloween drabbles:
🏚️ haunted house + "Don't be scared, I'll hold your hand" withhhh Echo!
Excellent combo, my friend! And with Echo no less, I was very excited to write this so thank you for sending it in! Also, I just realized IDK if people assumed this prompt was for a haunted attraction or a supernatural haunted house sooooo because several peeps asked for the prompt, I'll do both! This time around we're going with supernatural, I hope that's okay <3
The Hidden Room (Echo x GN Reader)
Summary: You and Echo get sent to a place that's totally, definitely not haunted....probably. Rating: G (but minors DNI) Word Count: 1.821 (what is self control at this point?) Warnings: Creepy atmosphere and dangerous situations, reader is not having a good time but at least Echo is there to comfort you. Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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“We’re going to die.”
The outlandish words earned you one of Echo’s infamous side-eyes, but the flat tone of finality earned the smallest of smirks. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“Dramatic?!” you shouted in a distinctly dramatic tone, the word ringing in the vast forest surrounding the two of you. “Echo, we’re out in the middle of nowhere, about to go into a mansion that looks like the inspiration for the Haunting of Hill House!”
“And Cid’s cutting us a decent check to do it,” was Echo’s bland reply, though, even he was looking at the abandoned home with a scrunched up nose.
Could anyone really blame you for getting the creeps from the situation? You had driven nearly an hour away from the city to this random ass plot of land with nothing but trees for neighbors, only to find a house that loomed up into the night sky like a decrepit specter. Seriously, even setting aside the gothic ambiance, just the rotting state of the house alone should be cause for concern, one good breeze might knock the thing down with the two of you inside.
Unfortunately, Echo knew you too well and, with a shrug, he started for the front door of the murder house. Kriff, he knew you wouldn’t stand out here by the speeder bike alone, in the dark, or let him brave the spooky manor by himself. With a muttered curse under your breath, you followed after Echo. The supposed forgotten family riches Cid mentioned better be worth all this!
Inside, Manor McCreep was even worse. Thick layers of dust and forgotten belongings were to be expected, but the white sheets over furniture, the broken grand piano, the grand staircase with a shadowy upper landing- yeah, Echo owed you big time for agreeing to be his partner for this one.
“We’ll split up, but keep our comms open the whole time in case one of us gets hurt,” Echo suggested, shining his flashlight slowly over every creeping shadow.
A part of you wanted to tell him how ridiculous it was to even say the phrase “split up”, but another part wanted this to be over with as soon as possible, and covering more ground meant faster results. “Fine, but we stay on the same floor and in the same wing.”
“Agreed,” he hummed, narrowing his eyes at a corner where a torn painting hung ominously on the wall.
And so, like the leads of any horror vid, you two parted ways through the dark. 
Echo could tease you for being dramatic all he wanted, but you took full advantage of the open comms and gave him a running commentary of every room you went through. “Oh, the kitchen, complete with rusted knives that’s probably dried blood, perfect!” “A conservatory filled with weeds that’ll come to life and kill me any minute, nice.” “Ah, the library, filled with ancient tomes of unspeakable curses, I’m having the time of my life!”
Your partner must have appreciated the antics that filled the silence, because his deep voice crackled over the channel, meeting your sass blow for blow. “Make sure to dodge the blades when they start levitating.” “I knew we should have brought that paranormal weedkiller.” “If there’s a curse to make Tech’s goggles fog up when he’s being a smart ass, make sure to grab it.”
You smiled every time he quipped back, comforted by the reassurance that he was still there, close by. It was almost possible to forget where you were as you rummaged through the rooms for this rumored treasure. For the most part, all you found were yellowed flimsi documents, broken furniture, and more signs that one wrong step would send you falling through the rotted floor.
Of course, the true potential for horror came flooding back to you when you opened a door to a study and found nothing but a porcelain doll sitting in the middle of the room.
“Absolutely kriffing not.”
Slamming the door shut was the only solution to that room.
Fortunately, by the time you had found that little horror, Echo was done searching his half of the first floor and the two of you reunited in the entry hall. Unfortunately, he had not found this treasure trove either, which meant it was time to climb that eerie looking staircase to the even creepier second floor. At least your lights lit up that shadowy landing.
Said landing was a wide, open space, with dust covered bookcases and broken end tables lining the wall between two dark hallways on either side. To add to the spook factor, a howling wind roared from outside.
“So,” Echo hummed, the light on his chest plate shining to the right, “do you want eerie corridor number one?” He turned it to the left, “Or eerie corridor number two?”
You opened your mouth to quip back at him- only to pause when you shivered at the breeze that should have been outside. You turned in the direction of the wind, narrowing your eyes at the solid wall that certainly shouldn’t have had that much air coming through an old crack or two.
“Do you feel that?” you whispered to Echo, raking your own light over the bookshelves.
His eyebrow lifted as he followed your gaze, of course, being covered in his armor and body glove under that, he probably hadn’t felt it unless it hit his exposed face. He did notice something, though, and walked over the bookcases. That skilled hand of his ran along the bottoms of the old wooden shelves, then he gripped one and pulled.
The bookshelf swung open as if on a hinge, and revealed a dark doorway.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t there be a sketchy secret passageway?” you sighed.
Echo huffed a laugh, “Well, what better place to hide the family fortune than in here?”
“I acknowledge that you are completely right but- Echo, have you not read any of the horror novels I’ve recommended to you? Secret passageways are never a good thing! We’re bound to find some madman’s journal detailing unspeakable monsters of the H.P.Starcraft variety!”
All he did was give you that look, then walk into the secret room. “Come on, sooner we find it, sooner we get out of here.”
With a heavy sigh you followed him again, running your flashlight over every nook and cranny so you could set your mind at ease that there wasn’t anything lurking. In the shadows. To your relief, there was no long passageway of certain death, but instead it immediately opened into a small room. There wasn’t much in it, just an old desk with a matching chair, and more bookcases that mostly looked empty. Above the desk was the source of the wind: a window that had three of its four panes broken.
Wordlessly, you two got to work searching, you taking the desk, Echo the bookcases. Of course the desk drawers were locked, and you had to dig out the multitool from your belt to open them.
In fact, you were so preoccupied with trying to jam the drawer open, that you didn’t think much when you felt someone step up behind you.
You didn’t know why Echo was standing over your crouched form, but you went on with your work, letting out a satisfied noise when the desk popped open.
“Nothing in here but old tax documents and…a first draft of a romance novel?” You said as you flipped through the pages.
 Echo chuckled, “Wonder how bad the smut is that they felt the need to write it in here.”
“Maybe they just liked the privacy…” 
...Wait, Echo’s voice hadn’t come from above you. A glance to your right told you he was still rifling through the shelves. Despite the fact that there was something creaking the floorboards directly behind you.
Every hair on your body stood on end as you wheeled around- and your light illuminated a gaunt, bloodless face with sunken sockets for eyes.
A scream ripped from your throat as you fell back against the desk, dropping your light in your fumbling attempt to reach the blaster at your hip. Another cold breeze whipped painfully across your face, just as Echo called your name.
He was beside you in an instant, a hand on your shoulder, “What is it? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Wha- how the kriff had Echo not seen the person looming over you?! Blaster in one hand you quickly grabbed your fallen flashlight and shone it over the spot they had been. 
But of course, there was nothing there.
“B-behind me,” you inwardly cursed the stutter in your voice and swallowed hard as you continued to scan the area with your light, “There was someone behind me- Echo I swear I saw someone!”
Echo’s hand gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, “Hey, it’s alright, I believe you,” he threw an cautious look around the room, then slid his hand down your arm to lock with your own. “Don’t be scared,” he murmured, that steady baritone almost managing to calm your thundering heart. Then Echo slowly started to rise, pulling you with him as he kept his eyes out for danger, “I’ll hold your hand while we-”
He was cut off when the desk chair threw itself across the room and shattered in a burst of splinters against the wall.
Your man did not need to tell you twice. With more grace than you thought you could manage, you sprang to your feet and ran for the hidden door, Echo holding your hand tight as you did. Just as you both cleared the doorway one of the bookcases fell over, blocking the secret room from visitors once again.
The carnage didn’t stop there. As Echo pulled you down the stairs, an end table grazed your cheek as it flew through the air, certainly aimed at your head. Paintings fell off the walls and floorboard ripped themselves up as you both thundered through the entry hall. The moment you two practically jumped past the front door something else smashed against the wall, narrowly missing one of you.
Unfortunately, holding on to each other caused one, then the other, to lose balance and both of you tumbled down the porch steps. As if on instinct, Echo’s arm went around you protectively, holding you as your bodies rolled across the ground in front of the haunted manor.
The moment you came to a stop, both of you looked up at the house. The wind gave one last mournful wail as the front door slammed shut, sending quite a clear message.
You and Echo both seemed to hold your breaths for a moment, waiting until, all at once, the horrible wind and sounds from inside died, as if they had never been there to begin with.
There was a heartbeat of dead silence, then, “Echo?”
“I’m going to kill Cid when we get back.”
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EDIT: click here for an extended ending in my reply reblog lol
Tag List: @sev-on-kamino @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade @littlemissbshine @funeralreunion @chubbyhedgehog @ladytano420 @trixie2023 @mssbridgerton @wizardofrozz @vithepotato @mythical-illustrator
52 notes · View notes
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🍂 pairing: namjoon x reader (platonic) 🍂 rating: pg 🍂 au: "over the garden wall"-esque 🍂 genre: autumn?? a lil spooky, a lil whimsy, a lil mystery; not quite angst, not quite fluff 🍂 this part: You learn a bit more about Devil Town and what you're doing here... and maybe bargain part of your soul away in the process? It's hard to tell. 🍂 tw: blood! 🍂 wc: ~4.1k 🍂 track: Devil Town ~ Cavetown: "You said something dumb again, she's mad, at least that's what they say." (sub-track, Female Robbery ~ The Neighbourhood) 🍂 devil town masterlist 🍂 main masterlist 🍂 an: part two is late but here! thanks to @theharrowing for being my beta and shout out to @sailoryooons for providing me with the creepy autumn vibes songs for the rest of these! i hope you enjoy reading this, please let me know what you think!!
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"All that was lost is revealed..."
You blinked.
You didn't remember closing your eyes, and you certainly hadn't meant to. This time, when you opened them, a warm wooden ceiling greeted you. You soon registered the bed beneath you, rather than the wood of the bench from the forest.
You only blinked.
How had time passed so quickly? It was dark when the Fool originally led you to this room, this temporary space for you to reside in.
It was dark, wasn't it?
You couldn't remember the exact details. Was it light outside when the Guide found you? You couldn't see the sky through the trees, but surely you would've been able to tell the difference between day and night.
You looked out the window. It was still misty. The streetlights were on, or lit, or however they were producing light. There seemed to be no change from when you first arrived here to now.
But you had definitely slept.
You didn't feel any rested though.
You felt like you had only blinked.
You stood up, brushing your fingers through your hair, roughly working out any tangles you found. This was a strange place, with strange people, but you wouldn't find the way home by remaining in this room and blinking. You pulled the wardrobe open and decided to change clothes.
The shirts and skirts and pants hanging were all rather plain-looking. Simple colors, basic patterns, and perhaps a little too big for you, but you didn't mind. You chose a white turtleneck sweater and black trousers, nothing that would draw anyone's attention to you.
A large part of you dreaded opening the door, dreaded descending the steps, wanted to stay curled up in the safety of this room. You didn't know why. Why would you be so scared of a doorknob, or a small flight of stairs?
What if the doorknob squeaks? What if the stairs creak?
What if I get caught?
And who was going to "catch" you, the Fool? He seemed friendly enough, offering you a place to stay. He wasn't nearly as ominous as the Guide was.
Nothing would happen. You would be fine.
Turn the knob, open the door, go downstairs. You did it quickly, in order to shut out the voices in your mind that told you to stay safe. The world did not end.
You were okay.
The Fool was up and about, dusting off some of the taller shelves. He turned when he heard you coming, offering you that same dimpled smile.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
You ran your hand through your hair again, a nervous tic you couldn't remember where you got from. "I'm not sure? I don't feel rested at all…" you trailed off, once again looking around at the shelves full of book and trying to not feel so off about it. " How long has it been?"
Was it truly only a blink or did you actually sleep a day away? You only had a month to figure out how to get home.
The Fool finished dusting the shelf he was on as he spoke to you. "Time and sleep work differently in the Unknown than what you're used to. Don't worry about it too much, you'll adjust soon."
Well, that didn't help you feel better at all.
You let the Fool continue his work, giving yourself a chance to really look around at the place you were staying at—beyond the bookshelves.
The wood was dark, and a lovely rug was placed in the center of the shop. There was a table with a set of chairs over in a corner, made of the same cool wood, with a runner draped across the table in the same design as the rug. There was a silver tea set out, but no tea had yet been made.
Try as you did, your gaze kept coming back to the closest shelf, and you couldn't help yourself anymore. "Can I ask you something?"
The Fool followed your eyes, "Is it about the books?"
"Book," you corrected him, "it's about the book."
He smiled again, and this time you wondered if it was a bit condescendingly. "No, books. They are different, you just can't tell yet." He finally stopped dusting, walking over to the main counter where you had first seen him. There were stacks of the same book again, this time decoratively placed on the corners. You followed, and stopped on the opposite side, leaning onto your elbows.
"Different how?"
"You're a very curious person," the Fool said instead.
"I just wanna know where I am and what I'm doing here, it can't be that hard to tell me that."
"You're in Devil Town," he told you, "and figuring out why is a part of being here."
That was a first. The Guide hadn't mentioned anything about that. You cocked your head a bit, asking, "What do you mean?"
"Most people don't get the option of coming to Devil Town," he explained (and you were grateful to have an actual explanation). "They simply move on to the Great Unknown, without much prompting or help. Lost souls like you —like all of us were at one point—only come to Devil Town because we're looking for something or we're running from something."
Whatever you're running from, it won't catch you here. It can't.
That's what the Guide had told you before you met the Fool. Had the Guide already known why Devil Town appealed to you?
But he also said he couldn't tell you what you were doing here, in the Unknown, in Devil Town. Was that meant to be a clue? A loophole he could exploit to point you in the right direction?
Was remembering what you were "running from" the way to going back home? (And, if you were running from it, did you really want to go back to it?)
"Which one were you?" You asked the Fool, instead of the plethora of other questions bouncing around in your head.
His smile didn't drop, but it did turn the tiniest bit harder. "I don't remember," he answered dismissively. "Now, are you ready to choose who you are?"
"I still don't understand what that means." No one in Devil Town had actual names, the Guide had told you that, but you still didn't understand why. Simplifying a person down to a single label was wrong; people were so much more multifaceted than that.
"Look around the shelves and find the blank book," the Fool instructed you, gesturing to the shelves behind you. You didn't really want to look at the shelves, but figured there was no true harm to be found.
It wasn't like one of the books was going to open itself up and bite down on your hand or anything.
It didn't take you very long to find what he was talking about. On the third shelf from the top, on the second bookshelf, there was a book that didn't have anything on it. It was the same brown the rest of the books were, same height and thickness, but the title was missing. You carefully pulled it from its place and took it back to the counter.
 "Good, now what was on the spine next to the book?" the Fool asked. You looked at him strangely for a moment, because couldn't he see what the title of all the books was? But he also said they were actually different, and you couldn't tell yet...
The longer you spent in the shop part of the building the less you liked it.
"It said 'the Runaway'," you answered, still put off by the strange name. It sounded less like a book title and more like what someone here would be called.
"Hmm, interesting," he mused to himself as he inspected the book you brought.
"What's interesting?"
"That means you're in Devil Town because you're running from something."
It won't catch you here.
What were you so afraid of? What were you running from, and why were you scared of getting caught?
"So I'm the Runaway?" you asked, just to clarify that's how this was working. "That's my new name?"
"That is who you are," the Fool stated, like it was never a question in the first place, then handed the book back to you. "And this book is now yours."
"But, this one was blank, the one that said 'the Runaway' is—"
"Look again," he cut you off. Hesitantly, you turned around again, looking at the bookshelves.
You were suddenly in an entirely different bookshop. The shelves and décor hadn't changed, but the books on the shelves were all different now. You slowly approached the nearest shelf, letting your fingers graze across the spines, some fat, some thin, some tall, some short. All different colors, all different titles.
"Everyone gets a book," he continued as you gazed in amazement at the books. "It documents who they were before Devil Town, and the choices they made once they were here, and how they ended up staying."
"Can I read them?" Someone must have figured out how to get home.
"No," he answered, sounding disappointed, "no one can."
You turned to look at him. He looked different without his dimpled smile, more somber and serious, and you didn't like it. "Then why document their lives at all?"
"If we knew why—"
"It wouldn't be the Unknown," you finished for him, "yeah, whatever." You were getting real tired of that excuse. It might be the Unknown but surely there were still some things that were known.
A few of the book titles caught your eye, and you wondered who these people were. One particularly thick book was titled "The Daredevil", while another one, much smaller and thinner, was "The Protector".
And maybe part of you was looking for "The Guide" or "The Fool", and since you couldn't read them anyway there wasn't any harm in looking.
"You'll probably meet some of these people as you explore the town, and you can ask them your questions."
You sighed and finally let your hand fall from the books. "Guess I'll start that, then." You were torn on exploring the town, on meeting the people here; part of you would love to stay here with all the books.
But you couldn't read them anyway.
So you turned and started towards the door, not really ready to venture out into Devil Town, but knowing there wasn't much else for you here helped your feet move forward.
"Wait!" The Fool cried, causing you to turn back to him. "There's one other thing."
He looked unsure, like he didn't want to tell you what other thing was involved but he had to. "In order for you to leave with the book, and for it to start documenting, there's something we need to do."
You weren't sure you wanted to do whatever it was, but you also felt like you didn't have a choice. "Oh..kay…" you breathed out as you walked back to the counter.
"Place the book down again and give me your hand." You followed his instructions for the third time. You held your hand out for him to take; his wasn't cold, but it wasn't warm either. In his other hand, he pulled a small paring knife from behind the counter and your eyes went wide.
"This may hurt."
That was your only warning before his grip on you tightened and the knife slid across your palm, leaving a perfectly straight, shallow line in its trail. The Fool then flipped your hand over, pressing the cut on the cover of the book. Blood seeped out of the cut, onto the cover, in between your fingers, probably leaving behind a messy, bloody handprint.
You looked up from your hand to glare at the Fool, still holding it in place, still keeping his gaze down. He was muttering something under his breath, but you couldn't make out the words or read his lips. Then he looked up at you.
The Fool's eyes glowed yellow-white, nearly perfect circles, and his body turned shadow-black. All the light from the room was sucked out, channeling itself in the book and into him. The hand holding yours down resembled claws. You tried pulling away, but his grip was iron-tight.
"Let me go!"
"Common souls plain as bread must hold me o’er ‘til better fall dead."
His voice was deeper, more echoing and booming than you had ever heard. You grabbed onto your trapped wrist, hoping to get enough leverage to slide free.
You blinked.
The Fool let go of your hand and you fell backward, landing ungracefully on your behind. The light had returned to the shop, and the Fool looked normal again, all dimpled smiles and normal eyes.
"Sorry about that," he said, ducking his head a bit, as if he were embarrassed, as if he didn't just go through the quickest and most traumatizing transformation. "I've found that just cutting people is faster and easier than explaining it to them."
You couldn't care less about that at this point.
"What was that?!" You demanded to know as you pushed yourself up from the ground.
The Fool had the audacity to look confused. "What was what?"
Your eyebrows shot up. Was he actually doing this right now? After what he just said to you?? "All the darkness and the glowing eyes and the creepy sayings!!" You glanced back and forth between him and the book sitting on the countertop. It looked like your bloody handprint had already dried, somehow.
(And if you were paying attention, you'd notice that the cut on your hand had healed entirely as well.)
"What glowing eyes and creepy sayings?" He asked you, still playing dumb. "I cut your hand and put it on the book, nothing else happened."
He was actually trying to gaslight you right now. He had to be, but you couldn't imagine why that would be the route he was taking. Why not just tell you that he couldn't tell you what happened, chalk it up to being in the Unknown or whatever? Why was he outright deliberately lying to you?
"Ugh!" You screamed out in frustration, not the most clever thing you could've said but it was all that you could think of in the moment. You grabbed the book off the counter and stormed out of the bookshop, just barely hearing the Fool sigh behind you:
"I said something dumb again, didn't I?"
You stomped along the streets, passing people dressed much better for the chilly weather than you were. You knew there were jackets in your wardrobe, but you were too mad to go back for one right now.
Also, you couldn't really go back at this point. You didn't know the layout of the town (the Guide hadn't really given you a tour or anything, just dropped you off with the Fool) and there were no posted maps anywhere. You didn't want to disturb anyone out and about, either, so you settled for calming down a bit and walking around until you found a bench to sit on.
And you sat there, on the bench, your book in your lap, your limbs shivering ever so slightly, and you watched the people roam about.
You weren't sure where exactly you were, or how long you were there,
You only blinked.
At one point, you looked down at the book in your lap, red handprint looking up at you like it didn't know why you were so upset with it.
"I'm going home," you said out loud. "Do you understand, mystical book that's now blood-bound to me? Home."
"You're going home?"
The new voice shocked you, and you looked over your shoulder to see someone in a long, bright red coat, black pants just barely sticking out the bottom. His silver hair was being blown by the gentle wind, and his wide eyes looked at you intensely.
"Who are you?" you asked him, feeling nervous around this new person. You didn't want to have another encounter like you just had with the Fool.
"That doesn't matter right now," he dismissed your question, then bit his plump lip. "You said you're going home?"
"Not yet," you admitted to him, though you weren't sure why. "I've only been here a day, I think."
"So there's a chance you could still stay." He perked up at that idea, and that made you more curious. The Guide and the Fool had both been pretty ambivalent about you staying in Devil Town or leaving, but the newcomer was excited about you sticking around.
"Why do you care? And who are you?" You tried asking again, hoping this time he would tell you. Then a familiar voice rang closer.
"There you are!" The Fool ran towards you—still sitting on the bench, your book now being clutched closely to your chest. You wished it was something else, something softer. Something you were more used to holding like this.
A teddy bear, perhaps.
The Fool was slightly out of breath when he stopped in front of you, something large and black draped over his arm. He started handing the object to you when the person behind you spoke again.
"Fool," he said in way of greeting, voice colder than when he spoke to you.
"Loner," the Fool nodded to him, barely acknowledging him.
You turned again to look at the Loner, at the one the Guide had specifically told you to stay away from. He looked the most harmless of the ones you had met so far, what could have been so bad about him?
"Is she yours?" The Loner asked the Fool.
"For the time—" The Fool started to answer, but he was cut off.
"Because she has a book now."
"Yes, but—"
"So shouldn't she be on her own?"
"Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here?" You asked, starting to get upset all over again. You looked back and forth between the two, wondering what the Loner meant and still why you were supposed to stay away from him.
"Yes, sorry," the Fool addressed you for a moment, before looking at the Loner again. "I can take care of this," he insisted, "please go."
It took the Loner a minute to respond. "Alright."
Then he turned and walked away, without so much as a goodbye to you. You watched him retreat, even as the Fool sat down next to you.
"I'm glad I found you," he said quietly.
Your gaze shot to him, and your anger was reignited. "Why, so you can tell me more creepy things and then pretend they didn't happen?"
"No, I—" He broke off with a sigh. "I'm sorry about what happened, because clearly something did happen."
"And you just don't remember it?" You still didn't believe him, but perhaps his apology was sincere. He did look sorry for scaring you off, at least.
"I don't," he admitted, "truly." The Fool let out another sigh, looking away from you now. "I was thinking, maybe I should tell you some things about Devil Town and how it all works."
Well, that would be a start, both to him making it up to you and to you better understand why you were here and how you could get home. You took a deep breath, holding the cool air inside your lungs for a moment before exhaling and responding.
"That would be really nice, actually."
So the Fool sat down beside you and finally offered you the black object. You fussed with it for a moment, turning it this way and that, before discovering it was a long jacket. He had brought you a jacket but had foregone one himself.
You wrapped the fabric around your shoulders, huddling into it, grateful for the way it helped shield you from the chill. "Thank you," you told him, then met his eyes. He had a hint of that smile on his face again, but his eyes were still somber, carrying the weight of whatever he was about to tell you. After a minute passed without him saying anything, you prompted, "Well?"
"Well," the Fool repeated. He took a breath of his own before delving into it all. "Due to the nature of being in the Unknown, there's not a lot that we know about Devil Town. What we do know is what we can remember, and that gets documented in the books."
You both looked at the book now sitting in your lap as he continued, "It's Devil Town that chooses who you are. When you're in this probationary time like you are now, it pulls from your life before, but if you manage to stay in Devil Town you can change who you are. I was the Bookkeeper before I was the Fool."
"Why did it change?"
The Fool sighed, long and heavy, before answering. "Because I made a very foolish deal with a very powerful entity in order to stay here, and part of that deal is what I believe happened with you back at the shop."
"All the darkness and the glowing eyes and the creepy sayings?" You repeated your words from after that moment, this time asking rather than accusing.
He nodded, "I don't remember what happened, nor what purpose it serves to the Beast who offered me the deal. But I am sorry that it frightened you."
The two of you sat in silence for a bit as you absorbed all this information. The more you learned about Devil Town, the less you wanted to stay here, the more you wanted to make your way back home.
Somewhere in between the soft rustling of wind through leaves, or distant steps and quiet chatter among people, you thought you heard a twig snap behind you. Your head turned to look over your shoulder, to see if perhaps someone was there.
There wasn't.
But it reminded you of the new person you had met before the Fool found you. "Why did the Guide warn me to stay away from the Loner?" you asked, still gazing behind you, waiting to see if he would appear again. "He seemed nice enough."
The Fool huffed a laugh. "The Guide is just overprotective, don't listen to him. The Loner is… well, he's alone, and he's been here longest of us all." You turned to look at him again as he continued. "The Guide probably thinks that the Loner will try to convince you to stay in Devil Town, but the Guide doesn't wish this for anyone. He would rather people travel to the Great Unknown. Himself included."
"Well, I don't want to stay in Devil Town. I want to go home." You believed that if you said it enough, you would manifest the right path into existence, or perhaps get enough clues to get you there on your own.
"Time changes all things," the Fool smiled, dimples prominent on his cheeks. "You may not feel so at the end of the month." He finally stood, stretching his arms over his head, then turned to look at you. "Take the book with you as you explore. As long as you're on probation, you can read through it."
"But once my month is up—"
"It will join all the others on the shelf. If you do go home, or end up in the Great Unknown, then your story will stop there. But if you come back to Devil Town, it will continue to document your happenings."
"Any advice for exploring?" you decided to ask before he left you alone again. The Fool's hands were in his pockets, and he looked ready to leave back to the comfort and warmth of the bookshop.
"Be careful who you talk to, and more careful who you trust." The Fool warned you. His warning sounded awfully similar to the one the Guide had left for you, albeit less sinister. "And stay away from the river," he added, almost as an afterthought, "especially if you're by yourself."
With that, the Fool turned and began walking away, back to his little shop, and you looked down at the book—your book—once more. It hadn't changed at all since you came to this bench, but it felt bigger than before, more important now.
You couldn't remember how you got here, but the book would document everything that happened to you while you were here. And before your month was up, you could read through it. Was this how you got home? Exploring and remembering and piecing things together?
You curled the book to your chest again, huddling further underneath the jacket. The Fool had told you time moved differently here, so you decided to make time move.
You blinked.
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🍂 thanks for reading!! 🍂 tagging: @secfir
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