#creeping shadows
chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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I said I would talk a bit about whenever I find Aria picking the Light-side option over the Dark-side options, so coming at you with another headcanon post! This one is less of a surprise to me, but it’s still interesting enough to make a talk-y post about so here we go: this Imperial scientist...medic..whatever guy, on Hoth. The Light-side option is to heal him and let him run off, Dark-side option is to let him die of hypothermia. Of course, in this instance, Aria picks the LS option. Not necessarily out of the goodness of her heart but purely because she is, after all, a sleeper agent and she understands that letting this guy die means one less medic for the Imperials. Therefore, healing him up and letting him go is a no-brainer for her. Also as far as the scientist guy goes, from the Consular storyline. I do headcanon that she lets him live for the same reason, although he never actually gets to the Republic as a prisoner of war, as instead Aria’s father sends someone to “intercept” the soldiers taking him prisoner so he is returned to the Empire to work under her father; because again...why kill him, or risk letting him go to the Republic where he can squeal about the Empire’s secrets to the Republic/the Jedi when Noctis can just as easily send another Sith (possibly Vano, but not sure on the timeline and how that would line up. So it might be Vano in the final draft or it might end up being some other rando depending on how that works out as I get to writing that part lol) to pick him up and ensure none of this gets to their enemies ;)
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ducktracy · 2 months
there are a lot of evil people in the world and a lot of darkness in the world and so it’s very important for me to stress that now more than ever is the time to spread kindness and compassion. combat the evil by not only not partaking in it, but actively refuting it. destroy the notion that being compassionate or generous or kind to someone is uncool or embarrassing or even scary. be the change you want to see. start a chain reaction. positivity only breeds more positivity. do an act of kindness for someone so that that person who is too afraid to do it themselves can see you, realize that they’re not alone, and perhaps sheepishly follow your example. and then the next person who is too afraid but sees that person can do the same. when bad news comes out about bad people or horrible atrocities in the world it’s such an easy impulse to despair, and obviously it’s important to feel what you need to feel. grieve. be angry. be sorrowful. be empathetic. but dust off your pants and get up and be a part of a chain reaction that, no matter how small the scale, and spread compassion and love and care. all the reasons why you might not—“it’s hard! it’s scary! people will make fun of me! it’s useless because there’s too much evil!” are all grade A arguments as to why you should. you have no idea how many people you could inspire to do the same. even if it doesn’t get you anyway far, you can at least say you have the nobility of trying. please choose love and please choose life. you are worth loving and you are worth inspiring others to love
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still absolutely losing my mind at lockwood in the creeping shadow when george asks “do you remember what we found in the tunnels” and lockwood, with a big ass grin thinking he’s being so clever goes “i found lucy :D”
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goryhorroor · 6 months
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horror sub-genres: found footage
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darkfluffydragon · 7 months
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White Lily Cookie's braids were giving me a hard time so I decided to draw how Pure Vanilla's appearance would look instead lol. I was going to make him a jester like the faeries but then remembered that Shadow Milk Cookie likes plays and stories. A story wouldn't be fun if everyone was the same character, and Pure Vanilla was supposed to be more of a main character, unlike the faeries. So, going with the jester theme, I decided to make him a puppet king instead!
His appearance doesn't change in the animation because Shadow Milk Cookie figured that it would hurt White Lily more if Pure Vanilla Cookie betrayed her while still looking like himself. Casually planting seeds of doubt in her mind.
I also realised kings have knights, so I'm giving PV a knight :D (to be designed later). Also, I headcanon that Shadow Milk Cookie is a theatre kid who likes dancing.
edit: I spelt Knight wrong in the image XD
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staynayo · 5 months
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George invading and burning down a whole facility because he thought Lockwood and Lucy died – I NEED TO SEE THIS IN ACTION 😩
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narinick · 8 months
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Lockwood and co my love!
One of my favorite scenes from the creeping shadow! Do you recognize it?? The bluewhale line cracks me up every time.
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captain-hooks · 10 months
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"That's simply the most incompetent bit of first aid I've ever seen." [...] "It was a pretty decent effort for two a.m."
The Creeping Shadow, Jonathan Stroud
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skeletal-fish · 6 months
I'm obsessed with the difference between how Lockwood and George react to Lucy (inofficially) rejoining Lockwood and Co in The Creeping Shadow. Lockwood is so desperate to get her back that he forgives her for leaving immediately, whereas George is so furious and heartbroken that he shows her the cold shoulder for nearly the entire book. They both refuse to address the problem in their own way: Lockwood by pretending it doesn't exist, and George by holding a grudge and refusing communication with Lucy on an emotional level. It's such an interesting look into how they deal with conflict and their personal feelings on Lucy leaving.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 3 months
Lucy, when she first meets Lockwood and Co: Lockwood is pretty handsome, but ugh cubbins is SO annoying
Lucy, literally two books later: This is my only real home, but I cannot allow the person I love most to die for me. I will leave the only people I care about (including my beloved George) behind and start again because the pain of Lockwood dying paralyzes me with fear
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madcat-world · 9 months
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Creeping Darkness - IrenHorrors
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @sullustangin​ ! Sorry this one took me a while to get too aaaa, but thank you for tagging me <3
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagging: (no pressure, as always & only if you feel like doing it, if not feel free to ignore! :3) @actualanxiousswampwitch​ , @darth-bagel​ , @outcastcommander​ , @elaphaemourra, @tearlessrain, @mercurypilgrim and anyone else who feels like doing this one! Yes, I promise I mean you! :D
I’m gonna start by posting the first lines of fics I’ve recently posted/written, then I’m gonna throw some extra ones in there, for pieces that are done but I just haven’t gotten to put on AO3 yet, or the next chapter of an in-progress fic that isn’t done yet (lookin’ at you, Creeping Shadows ¬¬ XD) 10. Ni’kasi had feared the worst when Elana Thul had holo’d her to give her the news of the ambush at House Organa and that Urtel hadn’t reported back.  (and all their words for glory...well they always sounded EMPTY. A oneshot from Kas’s portion of the story, By The Stars. Centered around the Urtel Moren plot point from Alderaan and the effect his death had on Kas & her future motivations re: the Empire)
9. They're on Alderaan now, getting ready to take off and leave the planet behind them.  (Duende. Another By The Stars oneshot, from a prompt game here on tumblr! aka the “Andronikos is very horny over Kas but too damn stubborn to ASK and she’s having way too much fun baiting him about it” fic lmao)
8. D'leah had been rather surprised to catch the eye of her Wai Tarar across the sea of other Sith Lords and Darths, decked out to their nines in glitz and glamour in the manner she would have well expected of the High Sith families that associated with her father.  (Strikhedonia. Technically a twoshot with Kiss With A Fist (which is the next one down). Set pre-game storyline, during the Ahaszaai dynasty. D’leah finally admits she’s DTF, much to the relief of every single one of their family and friends who were getting sick and tired of their UST. XD These two fics about Sith mom and Sith dad haven’t got as much attention as the others, but I honestly had a blast writing them both :D hahaha)
7. Of all the Wai Tarar that could have possibly been assigned to accompany her on this mission, it had to be this one. (Kiss With A Fist. Comes chronologically before Strikhedonia (above), and set in the same timeline, a few weeks after the events. (Wai Tarar is just High Sith for “Royal Guard”, essentially what will become the Imperial Guard in the red armour etc etc.) The “You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” D’leahssai fic, essentially.. 🤣 )
6. Aria was jerked from her fitful memories by the groaning of the shuttle’s hyperdrive.  (Creeping Shadows. ~The~ first line of Creeping Shadows aka the prologue. Where it all kicked off! 🙌 Pretty self-explanatory, this sets up Aria’s introduction as well as building some ominous undertones for the Big Reveal (tm) that’s about to happen in Ch 8 & 9, I promise I have not abandoned this I am going to work on it again one day...)
---- (all the ones below this bit are WIPs so don’t have links yet as they’re not posted anywhere (yet), but I wanted to do 10 so I’m cheating so I can do 10 😛)
5. Everyone’s staring. ... ...the Empress' muscles are wound tight as coils, ready to strike at a moment's notice. (How To Pacify A Sith. an Alliance-era oneshot, set after Crisis on Umbara flashpoint. This is one that’s been finished for a while but I’ve not had the time to do the formatting in order to post it on AO3. Koth talks Rai down from flipping her shit on Theron over the betrayal; Theron really owes Koth for this one and let’s just leave it at that lol)
4. The Fleet was a refreshing change of pace, no Jedi Masters breathing down her neck or silently judging her for wanting to put away a quick drink before they moved onwards to board the transport to Coruscant.  (Also Creeping Shadows, but the first line of Chapter 8, that I’m still working on because every time I get in the headspace to work on it something weird IRL happens and then I don’t get to work on it for ages bc the moment is gone. One goddamn day I will continue this story lmfao)
3. The slave pits of Dromund Kaas were dark, damp, and dingier than the wildest imagination could have painted a picture of, a "can't imagine it unless you've been there" sort of unpleasantness.  (first line of the prologue of By The Stars, Kas’s “main” storyline part of Subterfugeverse, which hasn’t started public posting yet because I want to get a lot further into Creeping Shadows and get a lot more of a writing...schedule, of sorts, going for myself before I try anything ambitious like working on two longfics at the same time)
2. Of all the times she had imagined speaking to one of her uncles again, suddenly now that Abaron stood before her, Ni’kasi felt herself rather tongue-tied.  (Also By The Stars, first line of Chapter 2, when Kas rocks up to the Korriban Academy and finally runs into her uncle Abaron again for the first time in like 70 years. This one’s gonna be emotional folks, that’s for damn sure ;-; I wish this meme was “favourite line” instead of “first line” so I could post the real good one /jk )
1. One thing led to another, over and over and over again, if Khem and Ashara left them unattended for too long, they’d end up in the Sith’s quarters.  (this one is such a new WIP that it doesn’t have a proper title yet, just a really silly and very literal placeholder until I can figure out a decent one to convey the proper point across :) “All of Kas’s emotional development happens during smut scenes and I’m just rolling with it now”. Basically the smut fic where Kas and Andronikos become truly serious/exclusive. it’ll be a good one! Explores a headcanon of mine regarding how Sith treat people knowing their “real” name vs. their Darth name/title, and why. I’m really excited to get this one done, I like this headcanon a lot and I can’t wait to share it properly with you guys!! <3)
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cosmonautroger · 3 months
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Virgil Finlay, Creep Shadow, 1942
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thinking of george who was really hurt by lucy leaving the agency bc he was left to try and help pick up lockwood but also himself bc she really did see and understand him in a unique and personal way
like lucy and george have such a special friendship, they understand each other so fully even without saying any words, just by the way they read each others body language. like imagine losing one of your best friends and your other best friend becomes even more reckless to try and cope and you’re left in the middle
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sankta-wraith · 4 months
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Why is no one talking about the fact that Lockwood wore the tie Lucy gave him when he went to try and get her back
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biscuitrule · 10 months
No because I’m sorry but Lockwood and Co should be Percy Jackson level popular
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