#credits to me for rose maiden oc
livewildlivefree · 2 years
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Desolate Paradise - Rose Maiden Protector
Another procreate sketch that I’ve finished with my art program, and I’m quite satisfied and happy with the results!
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sotwk · 2 years
The Task of Living (Thorin x unnamed OC)
Love Confession feat. Thorin Oakenshield 
Valentine 2023 Event by @sotwk
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Summary: Two years after his triumphant reclamation of Erebor, Thorin returns to his former village in Dunland, seeking the woman he has loved since long ago.
Prompt: “You have to come back to me. Because I cannot do this without you.”
Requested by and Dedicated to: @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady. Thank you for the request, the follow, and for letting me do a little something to help you feel better! This definitely turned out longer and more detailed than I had planned, so I hope it brings you some joy and comfort! <3
Word count: 2.4 k
Content: Romance, angst, drama, fierce dwarf-maiden, Everybody Lives AU, post-BotFA, King Thorin
Rating: T (Teens and up)
Warnings: Some sensuality
To Read on AO3: Link
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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The Task of Living
Third Age 2943
“Is she… is she yours?” 
You smoothed a hand over the unbraided chestnut curls of the dwarf-child on your lap and shook your head. "My sister's. You probably don’t remember her."
His coal-black eyebrows knitted together, but only for a second. "Rith," he spoke her name with a triumphant little smirk that made you itch with a desire to smack it off his face. He set down his tankard of mulled ale on the table and leaned forward, the rickety old chair creaking underneath this small movement. “And how is she?”
“She is dead,” you said flatly, enjoying the flinch that wrinkled his perfect features. “Killed in an orc raid on the village six years ago, she and her husband both.” You gave your niece a quick hug and set her down, patting her lightly on the back. “Why don’t you go and help your Grandmother with the stew?”
“She needn’t have bothered, truly.” His keen blue eyes scanned the single-room cottage that presently housed three women across three generations. Although his gaze seemed mostly curious, his interest suddenly made you feel embarrassed about the dwelling’s small size and worn-out shabbiness.
“Of course she had to,” you hissed, rising abruptly from your chair. “What else are we expected to do when a king shows up at our doorstep, with no forewarning, but to scramble to pay respects and offer up what little provisions we have?” 
Thorin rose to his feet, slowly, as though a dreadful weight burdened his stooped shoulders. Still, he towered over you, his regal demeanor undeniable despite his obvious attempts to dress in simple garb, with no raiment upon him other than the ancestral crown on his head. 
“A caravan is on its way here,” he said. “Two dozen wagons loaded with enough food and supplies for a year. Enough for this whole village and its neighbors. It should arrive in a few days. The cargoes are heavy and the roads are troublesome. I decided to ride ahead with my guard because…” He faltered, but took a breath and pressed on. “...because I could not wait to see you.”
Oh no. You backed up a step, subconsciously resisting the allure of his presence, the implication of his words. Before you could turn away, he spoke again, “Perhaps we might move this conversation outside. There is still light out; we can take a short walk.”
Perhaps it would be easier to breathe and keep a clear head outdoors with all the fresh air. As you exited the cottage, you felt Thorin’s hand cup lightly around your elbow, in a courteous gesture to help you down the steps. You jerked your arm away, irritated by the silly nicety reserved for soft, high-society ladies who likely kept his company now.
In the corner of your eye, you spotted several armored soldiers by the sheep pen, tending to their ponies. You marched on in the direction of the little brook that bordered your property, determinedly and defiantly, leaving Thorin to hasten his steps to keep up.
“If I may say so, you look well--” 
You stopped and spun around without warning. "Why are you here, Thorin?” You grimaced and corrected yourself. “Pardon me. Why are you here, your Majesty?”
“Thorin,” he said firmly, shaking his head. “You need not be so formal with me, not after so many years of friendship between us.”
Friendship. That word could not have burned you worse than a glowing hot iron straight out of the furnace. And suddenly it was thirty-five years ago, when you stood before each other in similar surroundings all the way in the shadows of the Blue Mountains, and Thorin told you with utmost conviction, that he could not accept your marriage proposal. 
And you exploded. All the grief and pain and anger that you had shored up behind a wall inside your heart flowed like fiery lava on the slopes of an awakened volcano. 
“Are you trying to hurt me?!” you cried. “Is that why you have come? Now that you have accomplished your great destiny to regain your throne, you thought it might amuse you to return to your former haunts and toy with the commoners you used to dwell amongst? Are you already so weary and bored of counting all the gold in the great Kingdom Under the Mountain?”
Thorin squared his shoulders and set his jaw against the accusations, incorrigibly stubborn as you had always known him to be. “I came to help. Both you and your kin.” He gestured at the house behind them, and the others beyond. “This land was also my home once.”
“It has not been your home for a very long time, Thorin.” You wrapped your arms across your chest, whether to shield yourself from the winter chill or from the dwarf who had shattered you irreparably, you weren’t certain. “Allow me to refresh the King’s memory since it has been so long: you abandoned it for the Blue Mountains. I was there. I left my own family and moved across Eriador to follow yours. But a humble life at the Lune would not satisfy you either, and you refused to settle and put down roots.”
At least not with me. You swiped at the corners of your eyes, furious at the tears that wouldn’t stop their descent. "You should not have come back here. We will manage well enough without Erebor's charity."
The old Thorin might have exchanged your rejection with biting words of his own; such was the pride that ran through the Durins' veins. But the face of the dwarf-lord before you softened as he continued.
"I came for you. To tell you I have not forgotten everything we shared together." The tone of his voice had changed; it cracked with desperation, pleading with you to accept his declarations. And then he uttered your name, and hearing it on his lips roused an ache inside you that was too much to bear. 
You started walking again, stomping over the thick snow, following the line of naked trees along the frozen brook. He kept up with you in determined strides, raising his voice to a near shout as his passion grew.
"I have thought of you every day since we parted. Every memory I had of you, I kept close, even though it burned me as often as it kept me warm, because I refused to surrender hope that this day would come for us."
You shook your head wildly and pressed your hands over your ears, as though these gestures would be enough to make him stop. 
“Amrâlimê, please...”
"Do. NOT. Call me that!"
You whirled around and punched him, slamming your fist into his chest, stopped by a wall of thick leather and muscle. While you considered yourself strong for your race, your strength fell short against a Durin. Thorin did not budge an inch, or even wince. Perhaps your predictable temper was the part of you least easily forgotten. So you hit him again. And again. Until you were pounding both fists repeatedly against his torso, his shoulders, his arms, anywhere you thought you could get him to feel just a small fraction of the agony he had put you through for over thirty years. Still Thorin refused to move or throw up any kind of self-defense. 
How dare he! How dare he address you as such, in the tender manner that haunted you for decades even after you left the Blue Mountains to escape the unbearable sight of him. The precious endearment he would whisper into your ear on occasions of stolen intimacy, sigh into your hair in moments of peaceful contentment, moan against your skin whenever he made love to you.
Through your rage, you sensed the guards approaching to rescue their lord, and instinct prepared you to turn around and fight back like a cornered animal. But Thorin raised his hand at them in a signal to halt, and he finally reached out to catch your flailing wrists, easily ending your assault.
"I love you. As Mahal is my witness, my heart has ever belonged to you alone." He encased your hands tightly within his and held them against his chest, tugging you to him. "And you love me still, I can see it, however wretchedly undeserving I am."
You could not even think of struggling. It was too late. He was too close now, close enough for you to feel how real he was--his piercing eyes, his strong, calloused hands, the scent of smoke and steel that clung to the very hairs of his warm skin. These were not just a fantasy conjured by delirious longing, or a dream from the nights you cried in your sleep. Thorin was here. Alive and well, and here. 
“I am truly sorry for all the pain I have caused you. Forgive me, Amrâlimê,” he murmured hoarsely, tracing the curve of your bottom lip with his thumb, sweeping down the softness of your jaw. “If I can have nothing else from you, I beg you to grant me that last kindness.”
That single moment of exposed vulnerability, of breathtaking sorrow and regret that radiated from him, reached you more than any of his expressions of passion. How much have the years changed him? The Thorin you knew could never bear to admit he was wrong about anything. Was it possible that rising to his kingship finally taught him humility? 
“You have my forgiveness.” As you spoke this pardon, the remaining flames of your anger blew out to nothingness.
And Thorin smiled, his sweet, gentle smile, rare as the most precious gem but many times as beautiful. Your own smile felt like it would break your cheeks. He pulled you into his embrace and you sobbed into his neck, wondering if it was possible to die of happiness. 
Drawing back, Thorin cradled your face between his hands, smoothing your tear-streaked cheeks, and rested his forehead on yours. “May I…?” Your breaths mingled in the soft whisper, and his eager lips already brushed yours even as he waited for permission.
"I may only ever kiss My One, whom they call Oakenshield," you said softly. "Where can I find him under the fine trappings of this great King?"
In response, Thorin gripped the heavy golden crown on his head and lifted it off. It slipped carelessly from his fingers and fell to the snow-covered ground with a dull thud. 
"Let me show you," he said, and waited no more. He kissed you with the hunger of years of longing, deeply and greedily, pausing only when you whimpered for breath you could not catch. He backed you up underneath a tree, which you leaned against to aid your weakening balance as Thorin pressed on, his mouth leaving your swollen lips only to descend your neck, worshiping every inch of skin he could access.
"Durin help me," he growled into the curve of your shoulder, exposed where he had nearly torn your sleeve off. His chest still heaved from exertion and barely restrained lust. "I must have you again." He raised his eyes to meet yours, and the look in them made you swallow hard, conscious of your own depraved desire for him. "But it should be in the proper way you deserve."
"You are the only one I would ever have," you said, combing your fingers through a section of his thick black hair, now beautifully mixed with silver stands. 
He took your hand to his lips, kissing your palm repeatedly before saying, "So would you return to Erebor with me?"
Your hesitation made him wrap both arms tightly around you, his entire body tense with the lingering fear of being separated from you again.
"You have to come back to me. Because I cannot do this without you."
"Do what?" you asked, caressing his beard to calm the anxiety you regretted causing him. "What task is it that the great hero of Erebor needs a humble peasant's help in accomplishing?"
"The task of living." Thorin cupped his hand underneath your chin and gazed at you with soft, earnest affection. "A life with you was the only treasure I ever desired, but duty forced me to deprive myself of it. But no longer. I have avenged my family and restored our honor and our house. I have led our people back home. The time has come for me to pursue my own joys and pleasures, and those exist only in you."
"But my lord. My love," you whispered, once again moved to tears by the gladness his words roused in you. "Am I still a suitable match for you now that you require a consort to rule a kingdom by your side? I am not fit for the legendary grandeur of Erebor." You gestured at your attire, from your unadorned hair, your plain brown wool dress with a patched up skirt and worn, dirt-caked boots. "Just look at me."
"Indeed. I look at you with great pleasure," Thorin said, with a smirk that immediately made you blush. "When I look at you, I see my dreams fulfilled. I cannot imagine providing Erebor with a braver, kinder, wiser, or more radiant Queen."
"If you would still have me, that is." He held out his open palm to you, revealing an item he produced from the folds of his robe. Fading sunlight bounced off the high polish of the small, silvery-grey stone. You gasped when you recognized the betrothal bead you had offered him so many years ago. He must have rescued it after you had flung it away in your heartbroken grief, and kept it safe with him all this time. 
"I fought through dragonfire and armies of orcs so I may live to see this day, so I may get a second chance to accept and wear this." Hope and fear battled in his intense stare, which bore down on you with heavy anticipation. "But now the course of my fate rests entirely upon you. Will you have me?"
He held his breath in the brief silence before you closed his fist around the bead and smiled. "I will have you for the rest of my life and whatever else lies beyond, Thorin Oakenshield." You placed a tender kiss on his knuckles. "So let us go home and see to this task of living… my King."
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Tagged by request: @aduialel @fizzyxcustard @lathalea @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @scyllas-revenge @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @heilith @absentmindeduniverse; @undeniableadrenaline
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faeaurore · 2 months
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independent,   highly   selective, canon divergent   &   low   activity   —   briar   rose   /   princess   aurora   aka   “the   sleeping   beauty”   …   will   contain   inspirations   from   the   original   perrault   fairytale,   disney's   sleeping   beauty,   maleficent,   greek   &   fae   mythology   &   the   tchaikovsky   orchestrated   ballet.   i   will   also   be   incorporating   my   own   headcanons   in   the   mix. 
exploring   the    themes    of    —     the   gentle   rose,   tragic   dreamer,   fae   blessed   maiden,   titania,   hair   of   gold,   heart   of   gold 
content    of    a    dark & mature    nature    will    be    present.   including    but    not    limited    to :  ideation of death, pregnancy, harming a child & more.  
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 I   suffer   from   a   few   health   conditions   which,   oftentimes,   leave   me   fatigued,   anxious   or   in   pain;   please   be   patient   with   me   and   expect   there   to   be   times   where   I   may   seem   completely   absent.   I   am   also   quite   the   busy   person.   If   I'm   active   and   I   have   seemingly   forgotten   our   thread,   just   give   me   a   little   nudge,   okay?   (   I   also   run   other   rp   blogs   &&   my   muse   may   fluctuate   )   .
OCs   &&   crossovers   are   always   welcome!   verses   will   soon   be   available   for   many   a   fandom   !
I   often   get   overwhelmed   sometimes   &&   may   disappear   for   a   long   time   to   focus   on   myself   and   those   who   are   immediate   in   my   life.   I   do   apologize   if   I   seem   distant   or   don't   answer   messages.   I'm   terrible   at   keeping   up   with   others   but   trust   me,   I   like   you   very   much.
 i   am   always   excited   for   a   ship,   though   i   do   prefer   chemistry   first   &   foremost.   any   &   all   adult   interactions   must   be   discussed   prior   &   for   muns   &   muses   over   the   ages   of   eighteen   !!!   if   you   have   any   ideas   for   a   pre-established   dynamic,   then   by   all   means   let   me   know   ! 
do   not   steal   any   of   my   headcanons,   icons   or   edits.
PERSONALS. DO   NOT   REBLOG   MY   HEADCANONS   OR   MY   EDITS.   THIS   IS   AN   RP   BLOG,   I   DONT   WANT   THEM   OUT   THERE.   I   work   hard   on   them   &   I   don’t   tolerate   that   sort   of   thing.
i   do   practice   formatting   but   please   let   me   know   if   anything   I   write   is   too   difficult   to   read.
 i   abhor anyone   who   supports   homophobia,   racism,   incest,   sexism,   ped**os,   or   anything   of   the   like. consider   yourself   immediately   blocked   if   you   come   to   my   blog   with   that.
  common   sense   and   courtesy   is   expected   here,   thank   you.   and   unless   there   is   a   user   who   is   considered   a   danger   to   others   and   minors,   I   will   not   be   participating   in   callout   culture.   i'm   not   here   for   interpersonal   drama.
  thank   you   for   your   time!   i   really   look   forward   to   writing   and   making   friends   with   you   and   your   muse!   cheers!
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prideofcornelia · 8 months
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a   selective   &   private,   original   interpretation   of WHITE   MAGE   from   Final   Fantasy   I   &   can   be   easily   integrated   in   other   FFs.   her   name   is   diana   &   she   is   the   younger   sister   of   princess   sarah   (   she   has   an   unnamed   baby   sister   in   the   original   game's   lore   ).
    ˚₊·   ͟͟͞͞➳❥   exploring   the   themes   of   :   a   maiden's   journey,   break   the   haughty,   the   burning   bright   flame   of   kindness,   a   blooming   rose,   tender   tears,   childish   arrogance.   
    this   portrayal   is   based   entirely   on   my   headcanons   with   some   influence   from   other   FF   media.   do not   take   or   copy   my   lore,   thank   you.
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♦️ I suffer from a few health conditions which, oftentimes, leave me fatigued, anxious or in pain; please be patient with me and expect there to be times where I may seem completely absent. I am also quite the busy person. If I'm active and I have seemingly forgotten our thread, just give me a little nudge, okay? ( I also run other rp blogs && my muse may fluctuate ) .
♦️ OCs && crossovers are always welcome! verses will soon be available for many a fandom !
♦️ I often get overwhelmed sometimes && may disappear for a long time to focus on myself and those who are immediate in my life. I do apologize if I seem distant or don't answer messages. I'm terrible at keeping up with others but trust me, I like you very much.
IMPORTANT : diana is only fourteen years old. she will not be subjected to shipping of any kind. do not approach me with creepy stuff; YOU will be hard-blocked immediately.
♦️ do not steal any of my headcanons, icons or edits.
♦️ PERSONALS NOT REBLOG MY HEADCANONS OR MY EDITS. THIS IS AN RP BLOG, I DONT WANT THEM OUT THERE. I work hard on them & I don’t tolerate that sort of thing.
♦️ i do practice formatting but please let me know if anything I write is too difficult to read.
♦️ common sense and courtesy is expected here, thank you. and unless there is a user who is considered a danger to others and minors, I will not be participating in callout culture. i'm not here for interpersonal drama.
♦️ thank you for your time! i really look forward to writing and making friends with you and your muse! cheers!
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pinkrosethorne · 4 years
Favorite Fics
Updated 4/3/22 - List have been separated into separate posts because there are too many. I did not write any of these! Credit goes to the lovely writers that did. 
 Reblogs on @aphroditescreature 
Dick Grayson
Pedro Pascal + his various characters
Drunk Call {by hellcaster901
Vanity Affair  {by ohpedromypedro
Sensory Overload - 2 parts {by 221bshrlocked
The Sugar Daddy Collection - masterlist {by pascalslittlebrat
Shiny and New - 2 parts {by 221bshrlocked
Oberyn Martell
In a Name Only - masterlist {by forever-rogue
The Golden Rose  {by storiesofthefandomlovers
A Wolf Comes to Dorne {by cosmicbug379
Complete  -fluff {by absurdthirst
Never Alone - fluff {by softpedropascal
Unnamed - oberyn/reader/ellaria 
Taste  {by softpedropascal
Flames of Desires  {by santigarcia
Burning Bright - I live for this series - masterlist {by tropes-and-tales
The Rose and the Viper {by storiesofthefandomlovers
The Maiden of Summerwood {by youvebeenlivingfictional 
Footprints in the Sand - masterlist {by Ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa
Little Sparrows -masterlist {by autumnleaves1991-blog
Shades of Gray - Modern Oberyn Masterlist {by talesfromtheguild
Caught  {by toomanystoriessolittletime
Hidden Garden {by the-dendrophile-bookworm
All That I Am - masterlist {by asta-lily
The Mandalorian
Rough Day - Favorite chapter is four ;P {by no-droids /masterlist linked below
NSFW Alphabet 
Dust - ongoing masterlist {by etchedbox
(Dust) purity kink
Look like this  {by themand0lorian
Fever in My Eyes  {by 221bshrlocked
An Overdue Debt  {by mandoinevarro
Frozen  {by absurdthirst
Big {by cptnbvcks
Way of The Force - the squeal is out now! masterlist {by itsallaboutkey
The Path {by absurdthirst
Cantina Copulation {by absurdthirst
Blast from the Past -masterlist {by pedro-pascal-love
Of Constellations and Creed - alpha/omega perfection - masterlist { by Ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa
Show me, Feel me, Teach me - favorite chapter is two, but i’ve also re-read four several times :P -  masterlist {by parker-razor
Peace - alpha!Din {by maybege
Frankie “Catfish”
Home again - &pope {by absurdthirst
About the baby.. its yours -fluff {by forever-rogue
Neighbor!Frankie {by softpedropascal
Going Down  {by softpedropascal
Telltale Heart - literally is a  masterpiece {by astroboots
Maneater {br yourbucky084
Weeknights - ongoing {by frannyzooey 
Addicted - two parts {by absurdthirst
For Worse - fluff! {by blueeyesatnight
Mirror  {by softpedropascal
Mechanic Frankie  {by softpedropascal
Fix You - masterlist {by astoryisaloveaffair
“I don’t know why I’m crying.” - {by forever-rogue
Distraction fluffffff {toomanystoriessolittletime 
Hugs {f0rever15elf
Softball {by frannyzooey 
Proud {by softpedropascal
Finding Family {by absurdthirst
Second Chance  {by absurdthirst
what’s it like {knivesareout 
Golden, Like Daylight  - also a masterpiece- series completed {by wyn-n-tonic
frizzy ’verse - an oc but first person {by wyn-n-tonic
Sundress Season {by moralesispunk
fix you up {by starlightmornings 
sweet thing {by hopevenonthisside
Home {by charnelhouse
Honestly any frankie fic by softpedropascal is good but i’ve listed a few of my favorites.  
Pero Tovar
Dying Wish  {by absurdthirst
Needs  {by absurdthirst
Like Those Foreign Stars {by pedros-mustache
Javi <3
Quitter  {by say-al0e
Futile Devices - chapter five is my fav {by zeldasayer
Finally Home  {by absurdthirst
Cuddle {by softpedropascal
Marcus Moreno 
Unnamed - one shot 
Quarantine AU - masterlist {by absurdthirst
Libidine   {by absurdthirst
NSFW Alphabet  {by absurdthirst
Can’t Sleep Alone - fluff and a little bit of angst  {by girlwithanewplan
Baby Talk {by officerbrowneyes
Caramel Latte - masterlist { by moralesispunk
Don’t wanna miss a thing angst and fluff yessss{by buckstaposition 
Heaven  {by pedroepascal
Whiskey & Gin - favorite chapter is five! {by zeldasayer
My Cherry Baby  {by freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando
Chapel of Love {by absurdthirst
Sugar Sweet {by the-purity-pen
Diamonds and Daddies - masterlist {by dadolorian
Experimental Love  {by absurdthirst
Forget Me Not - masterlist {by Krissology
Starvation  {by absurdthirst
Henry Cavill + his various characters
Derek Hale 
First Time  *not xreader but its too good not to list* {by thorscock-y
Baddest Bitch  {by fandomnsfw
Wanted - no smut, angsty {by huntersanonymous
Bucky Barnes 
Lazy Mornings 
It ain’t yours
Green {by itsapeterthing
Cake {by itsapeterthing 
Aquatinted {by celestialbarnes
Grumpy {by honeysucklesteve
Dads best friend Bucky {by celestialbarnes
Coffee {by buckys-darling
Jason Todd (okay he is being added :P)
untitled {by littleredwing89 (slowly turning me into a Jason Stan... k!
Benny Miller
Use Me {by mylifeliterally 
Call me selfish {by autumnleaves1991-blog
Tell me lover, are you lonely? {by charnelhouse 
Will “Ironhead”
The Kiss {by rayslittlekitten 
Not to be weird  {by autumnleaves1991-blog
Touch me I’m Golden {by charnelhouse 
Written in the Stars 
Really Good Masterlists 
FATWS Series Masterlist {by cjsinkythoughts 
Bruce Wayne 
No droid’s star wars characters 
Team building -featuring all the tf boys
Series FATWS
Triple Frontier Masterlist 
Bloom Masterlist 
Triple Frontier Boys
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Three: Steaming Sessions
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A/N: This is the third part to my fanficiton ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below if you wish to be added to my tag list. 
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 1726
Warnings: n/a
Credits to Gif Creator
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As much as Severus hated to admit it, even to himself, thoughts of the young witch had persistently threatened to enter his mind the week following their initial meeting. Despite how badly Severus wanted to suppress his primal urges, he could not deny he had noticed her beauty.  An attractive witch of her age was a rarity in his life, and so he allowed himself the simple pleasure of a thought or two regarding the new Professor. That was until he actually got to know her. She had taken it upon herself to interrupt his last few weeks of solitude before his life was disrupted by masses insolent children. The once somewhat pleasant thoughts of the woman had now been replaced by anger and agitation. He had in fact been preoccupied in thoughts of Aria Dumbledore upon her arrival to his office on Tuesday morning. He was enraged at her boldness to contradict him and any thoughts he ever had regarding her attractiveness had for sure been killed during their most recent meeting, or so he told himself.
The following day Miss Dumbledore delivered a list of potions she wished to revisit with Professor Snape in order to give him time to prepare for their next session. The temper she had awoken within him remained, as her comments still lingered in his mind. Never before had he met someone so audacious, and brave he hesitated to add, that they would so cunningly insult him in such an underhanded manner. The rage inside him motivated him to test his apprentice's abilities even further. Inspecting the list in front of him Severus Snape began to devise a plan.
"You should have learned by now, Miss Dumbledore, that I am very much a fan of saving time and working as efficiently as possible." Severus begun, warranting an exasperated eye-roll from his coworker as she thought back to the caterpillar scenario. Clearing his throat and shooting her a threatening look Snape continued his speech. "In order to further prove yourself I have arranged for us to complete several potions from your list simultaneously. "
"You should have learned by now, Miss Dumbledore, that I am very much a fan of saving time and working as efficiently as possible." Severus begun, warranting an exasperated eye-roll from his coworker as she thought back to the caterpillar scenario. Clearing his throat and shooting her a threatening look Snape continued his speech. "In order to further prove yourself I have arranged for us to complete several potions from your list simultaneously. "
"I'm sorry?" Aria asked, not fully comprehending how his set up could possibly help her grasp the correct brewing method for each individual potion, especially since they were ones she had admitted she was not completely familiar with.
"As you proved the other evening you are very capable of brewing a potion on your own, with my help you should have no problem perfecting say four? maybe five?" He shrugged slyly.
"Five!?" Aria gasped. "You do realise Professor Snape that the list of potions I gave you were those I am unfamiliar with. I wish to spend the time going over them with you, so when the time comes I will have no problem helping the students. I fear this method may not be ideal in allowing me to master those fine details."
"Well then, Miss Dumbledore, I fear you do not have what it takes to match the skills I require in an assistant."
"I want to make it clear, Professor Snape, that I am not your assistant. I am to be your apprentice. This means it is your duty to train me as such. I will do as you ask of me, but believe me I will not be pushed around and made a fool of for the whole of this year."
"Then I hope this means we understand each other Miss Dumbledore, for I will also not tolerate the back chat I received the other day when lessons finally commence."
"Then I suppose we both have to respect one another’s wishes." Aria stated finally, circling the desk of cauldrons. Beside each cauldron she found the list of instructions. Taking the time to read each one carefully, realising these potions will take a little longer than she anticipated. "These cannot be completed in a day?" She questioned.
"Clever girl, you noticed." Snape retorted sarcastically. "You see now why I could not dedicate one lesson to each potion. The potions have different brewing times and can all be left to rest over night, this gives you time memorise the instructions between lessons. We will complete them over the next three days, giving us both the weekend free."
Complying to his wishes Aria set about collecting her ingredients and began brewing each potion one after the other. It wasn't long before Aria noticed the Potions Master get comfortable behind his desk, burying his head in another one of his dusty old textbooks, she knew he would not be attempting to assist her any time soon.
The day was long and tedious. Neither Severus nor Aria felt the need to engage in any kind of conversation at the risk pissing the other off. Severus was clearly a lot more used to the silence and spent hours behind his desk reading, occasionally making small notes in the margins of his book. Aria on the other hand felt every slight noise she made was amplified a hundred times over, hesitant to make too much noise at the risk of Snape telling her off.
The room quickly became stuffy and humid from the constant steam emitting from all five cauldrons. The young Professor struggled to work in her tight, un-breathable clothing, she had previously thought was a wise choice for her sessions with Severus. The witch peeled her thick locks of hair from her perspiring face, pulling it up into quick messy bun. Struggling to breath from the fumes, Aria took a short break, sliding off her uncomfortable shoes, hiking her skirt up to her thighs, to air out her legs and unbuttoning her blouse exposing her chest. This did not go unnoticed by the older professor, as he stealthily watched her over the top of his book, absentmindedly turning a page ever second or two. Aria let out a throaty groan, fanning herself down with a nearby notebook.
“Aren’t you hot?.” She panted.
Severus felt his jaw almost drop in awe at the woman's movements as she rose from her chair, reaching up to the sky to stretch out her bones, her skirt shifted further up her thighs as she did so.
"Can't we open the door or something." She gasped the heat getting the better of her. Severus wriggled uncomfortably in his seat, unable to take his eyes off her body. Her eye catching his, Aria awkwardly attempted to cover herself up. Shocked at the Professor's boldness, she began to roll down her skirt covering back up her legs, her chest on the other hand remained bare.
"Professor." She spoke again, trying to catch his attention.
"Umm, very well. If you must." He flustered, clearing his throat, embarrassed he had been staring in the first place, let alone been caught out.
"You don't tend to be around women much, do you Severus?" Aria questioned, seeing no reason either of them should pretend she hadn't just caught him looking.
"Professor Snape." He once again stressed. "And I don't really think that's any of your concern, is it Miss Dumbledore."
"Forgive me. I was just trying to make a little conversation." Aria found herself rolling her eyes at the man once again. "The day has dragged in after all, it might go quicker if we talk?"
"I prefer to work in silence." He retorted, carefully ensuring his eyes did not leave the page of his book.
"I'm just saying." She pushed further, ignoring his statement. "I don't blame you. Being stuck in this school 10 months of the year cannot allow for much of a private life."
"No it does not." Severus agreed, his eyes burning into the page, not seeing a word that was written.
"Still." Aria continued, going back to brewing her potions. "It doesn't mean it's impossible. I'm sure there's plenty of women in Hogsmeade willing to date, bar maidens and what not." She shrugged.
"That may very well be true Miss Dumbledore, but I am not interested."
"Men then." She stated, raising one eyebrow playfully, although she knew very well he did not bat for the other team .
"Don't be absurd." The Professor scoffed.
"What about hobbies." She chose to change the subject, turning up the heat on potion number 3. "What do you do for fun?"
"Read." Snape replied bluntly, motioning to the book in front of him, turning the page though no information entered his brain from the last.
The pair continued to talk for the remainder of the day, although Severus provided nothing but blunt responses to his apprentices enquires, he had to admit, he was not completely opposed to her company. Soon it came time for the potions to be taken off their heat and left to rest for the night. It saddened Aria knowing she had to go back to her quarters, having no one to speak to until it came time for dinner with Hagrid, and though she hated to admit it their conversations on bowtruckles and grindylows had become rather tedious.
Pausing as she reached her exit, Aria turned back to her mentor, who didn't even look up from his desk. "Professor Snape." She spoke to get his attention. "Do you fancy joining us for dinner? Hagrid and I, that is. I usually bring food down from the kitchens, so you don't have to worry about his cooking." She laughed nervously.
"Spending my evening in his cramped hut, being drooled on by that beast of his and discussing the best way to distinguish knarls from hedgehogs? Sounds like the perfect evening." He commented sarcastically. "Goodnight, Miss Dumbledore."
Letting out a short breath Aria Dumbledore flashed one last smile at the Professor before taking her leave. "Goodnight, Professor Snape."
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asunshinepuff · 4 years
 Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! Welcome to chapter one! This has been a long time coming and I apologize for the wait. Please give a follow to my co-author and best friend Luna ( @ladynightmare913 ) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help!
This chapter features one of my own ocs, and I really hope you like him! As always, a reminder that there is some lore included within this, however it will be explained over time so no worries. There’s no mention of lore for right now.
The Included lore on different types of merfolk will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. I will not take credit for it’s writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out! 
Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy! 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 1: The Tail of Fates
The gulls glided across the scorching sky, the sun beating down on the portmen docking the ships that traveled across the sea. The merry drunken men who stumbled their way out of the taverns filled with jolly music made their way to the docks. Wincing at the harsh rays of sunlight, the sweltering heat and humidity offers no reprieve for the men who indulged in the advantages of liquid courage to disregard their tasks. Merchants bring in goods from the islands that seemed worlds away to a mere boy at the age of fourteen.
The boy had medium-length tawny brown hair, tanned skin from days working out in the sun, and very bright amber-colored eyes which seemed to capture the same essence of the crystalized equivalents of the color. Dressed in a rather modest attire appropriate for his status - consisting of a white long-sleeved shirt, the sleeves were rolled up due to the heat, light brown slacks, and dark brown boots. Around his waist was a light blue scarf, supposedly what he had been found swaddled in when he was just a babe. He could never find the strength to part with it. The guilt overpowered him. 
“The beauties of the islands lads, best three days of me life mate.”
“Three days of only looking at the dames.” The sailor snorts a retort as he leans against a pillar on the dock. “They probably ran off in the other direction just at the mere sight of your pathetic self.”
The group of three jolly sailors laughed in merriment as the sailor who was sharing his tale shoved the other two in embarrassment.   
The boy had been sweeping the dock nearby the sailors, rolling his eyes at the stories. It was always the same. Seamen making port and bedding the beauties from the mysterious island that he himself has never traversed. Internally, he began counting the seconds till one of the sailors again made mentions of the maidens of the sea, and as always- it took only a count of ten. 
“I wager the beauties on that port can’t hold a candle to their maidens of the sea.” A sailor with three scars slashed across his face grinned. 
“Oh not this, again,” The first sailor, with a fancy for the beauties, with tattered clothes and blonde hair groaned. “Bloody hell mate, you say that cursed tale every time. The women of the sea, with a fishes tail.” 
“Aye, and you’d best heed it.” The sailor with three scars eyes his mates in suspicion. “Lest you never return to land, drowned like a dog and fed to the fishes.”    
“No one has seen those monsters for centuries mate. Let it go. It’s nothing but stories to scare sailors, nothing more.” 
“No!” The sailor yells. “I’ve seen them! The war didn’t wipe them out. They were the ones who scarred me face! There ain’t anything like it, to hear the songs of those maidens. You try to pull away, to drown it out with your thoughts, but ya can’t. There is no escape, it invades your minds, pulling you to the sea and into their webbed claws!” He grumbles out as he touches his scarred face tenderly. As if the scars were fresh, open with fresh blood spilling. 
“You lads wouldn’t stand a chance, I should be at the bottom of the sea, but these maidens be fickle things, they are.” He looks out to the sea, calm waves kissing the shore. “To see one, changes your fate. To hear one’s song, is your doom.” 
The boy paused momentarily as he heard the scarred sailor's warning. His thoughts race across his mind before he returns to the present when he’s called. 
“Oi boy!” A man from upon the ship called down, leaning overboard. “Come up here lad! There’s a job I need ye to take care of!”
The boy looked up to the adult man, he couldn’t discern fully from this far away the man’s appearance. The high rays of the sun give the wooden docks a shadow of coverage. He was rather reluctant to leave the cool reprieve, however, it would be worse if he neglected his duties of the port, “Be right there.” 
Walking upon the loading dock to the deck of the rather large ship, it was difficult to fight the urge to look around in a strange awe, even though it’s appearance is rather haggard and beaten. Although he has spent many a day upon ships for moments at a time since beginning his work a few years back, there was a certain mystery behind each ship that entered the ports of this bustling town. Each ship held a story behind its experiences. Each cannon battle, the waters of the seven seas it has traversed, the storms it has survived possible destruction, treasures it has held and lead its captain’s to discover. 
“Yes sir?” The boy looks up to the bulk of an angry looking man whose face always seemed to have a sneer. Even in his sleep. The bulk of a man was dressed in a shirt that looked two sizes too small, and a tattered grey coat that squeezed the man, fitting his frame with strain as his arms were always pulled back. His pants were faded from black to grey, his boots were old and worn. Smelling like a dead rat. His teeth were ghastly to gaze upon, yellow with brown stains, his breath could probably kill a man. His eyes were a beady black like the sharks that swam in the shallow waters, a bald head with black spots. A pity, he must’ve looked worse as a child. As most children do. He glowers at the scrawny boy before he looks away.
“Go search the taverns for this ships’ Captain. We leave at dusk. Blokes probably drunk beyond hell, feeling up the women.” He shakes his head as he waves the boy off with a mere wave of his hand. 
With a nod in confirmation, the boy exited the deck and headed off in search of the tavern so that he may find the Captain of the ship, rather grateful to being away from the rather disgusting first mate. If that bulk of a man looked that haggard, he could only imagine the Captain with a shudder at the thought. In the distance, he could see another ship that seemed to be a practical stark contrast. The masts that were open, were as white as the very clouds that floated in the sky, the wooden haul was a rich brown mahogany, the railings were painted gold like the sun. The sailors looked well-groomed, their clothes neat and fitted to their frames. 
The boy searched from tavern to tavern, until finally, he came across the Buccaneers' Oyster. With a sigh of exasperation, he opens the doors and enters the busy tavern hoping that this time he had finally found the correct one. The tavern was dark with dim lighting from the candles that were scattered about the establishment. The windows were the only source of natural sunlight that seeped into the tavern that reeked of alcohol and vomit. The sounds of clinking glassware and cheers from sailors echo all around, the soft giggling of women sitting on the laps of the drunkest of seamen. Ignoring the commotion, and his disgust at the reeking smells, he makes his way to the main counter where a man was the barkeep. The wall behind was lined with large kegs and the shelves were lined with clean pints.
“Excuse me. Do you happen to know if Captain Barclay is here?” The boy says, raising his voice over the loud cheering of the sailors in their merriment. The barkeeper doesn’t even spare the boy a glance as he simply points to the back of the tavern where a man was sitting, well more falling off his chair than anything, as he smiled stupidly at a lady. 
The captain in question was a tall lanky man with a hooked nose, horrible teeth, a large mole on the side of his neck, tanned skin, and green eyes. His clothes were an absolute mess which could possibly be vomit, or mashed potatoes. The boy was very much hoping for the latter. A white shirt with a red stain, rum possibly, short brown pants, and his shoes seemed to have vanished. Hopefully, the shoes walked away themselves, saving what little dignity they had, and drowned themselves in the sea. The stench dying with them. Or the captain had lost his shoes in a gamble. That seemed more likely. 
Taking a deep breath in preparation, he makes his way over to the back of the tavern so that he could finally fetch the man and get out of this place. The man seemed practically worse close up, if that was even possible. “Excuse me? Captain Barclay?” He asks, hoping to gain the drunken Captain’s attention and draw it away from the woman. “I was asked to fetch you by your first mate. And bring you back to your ship.” 
The man makes a small noise of acknowledgment as he turns to look at the deck boy. His alcohol glazed eyes look over the small boy before he shrugs him off and turns the lady he had in his lanky finger. “Bugger off boy, the adults are talkin.’” His hand waves him off with the pint of rum that sloshed to the ground in his sluggish gestures. “Now where we?” 
“Please sir, let me go. I do not work here. I am merely looking for my fiancé.” A pale soft face young lady pulls her hand to try to free herself from the seaman. Her soft brown curls bouncing as she turns her head to the boy. Her hazel eyes lock eyes with his, her skin pale from her bold green dress. Help me she mouths. 
The boy’s eyes widen a small fraction, trying to figure out a way to help the woman out of her predicament. “Captain. I insist.” He repeats, his tone much more firm and without argument. 
With a sneer, the lanky captain looked to the boy before he points at the boy with his pint. Standing up, he was two heads taller than the boy. “Listen boy,” he stumbles closer, the pint in his hands dropping what little rum it had to the floor. “I spent six months at sea, I ain’t about to let a lass like this slip past me, now runoff. Before I beat you.”     
“You chose quite a profession that allows you to be at sea for months at a time, Captain.” He says, looking up at the man, “Guess there’s sacrifices to make now isn’t there? And if you actually listened with your ears rather than another part of your body, then you would understand that this lady has no interest in you. And is taken.”
“Why you little rat!” The man grips the boy's collar, forgetting the pint, dropping it to the floor, letting the lady go as he raises his fist. “I’m going to enjoy this.” 
“You’re really going to punch a child mate? How low can you get?” A voice interjects as a rather handsome young man walks over. The tall young man, around the age of twenty-one, had short tousled red-brown hair, fetching blue eyes, and light tanned skin. Dressed in a black long-sleeved shirt with a light brown vest on top, a burgundy red long buckled coat with bright red accents, dark brown slacks, and black boots. On his left hip, a wide looking sword was sheathed in solid black and red with gold accents. 
“Who the bloody hell are you? Bugger off!” 
“No one of consequence. Just let him go.”
“Why the hell would I do that, a good beaten ought to teach about being respectful to his elders!” He looks away and aims for a punch.
The man scoffs, “As if you’re worth giving respect. The boy was just doing his job.” He steps forward and grabs the man’s fist in a hard grip as it nears the boy. “If you want respect, then earn it.” 
“Why you!” The man drops the boy and turns to punch the man who stopped him from giving the boy a lesson.
The man can’t help but roll his eyes with a sigh, “Oh for Heaven’s sake.” The drunk captain isn’t even able to reach him before he retaliates with a punch of his own, knocking the captain out cold. A satisfied grin falls upon his lips. The lady gasps before she quickly runs off after giving the man a quick thank you. The man turns to the boy. 
“Are you alright there boy?” 
The boy nods, looking up to the taller man who intervened. Why did he? He cannot help but wonder. Most people would've just ignored the ruckus and not bat an eye. “I’m alright. Thank you, Mr…” 
“Sandoval, Quinn Sandoval. But please just call me Quinn.” He smiles down at the boy. “What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you boy now can I?” 
“No, I suppose not.” He replies with a light chuckle, “My name’s Remus. Remus Lupin. It’s nice to meet you, Quinn.”
“Well, Remus, it’s nice to meet you as well.” He looks down to the unconscious captain with an exasperated sigh, lightly kicking his leg. “Best take him back to his ship eh?” He looks at Remus with mirth in his eyes before he walks over to the captain’s head, grabbing ahold one of his arms before pulling him up. “Grab his other arm will you? Let’s take him back to his ship. Although I doubt he will be useful.”  
Remus nods quickly before he walks over to the other side, grabbing ahold of the other arm to help hold him up. “Doubt he will as well, to be frank.”
The pair carry the dunkard back to the docks without much strain. Aside from the occasional bump to the head. They walk up to the ship where the first mate sees them approaching, walking down the loading dock.
“What the bloody hell happened to him? I have been waitin’ here for hours boy!” The bulky man marches to Remus. His face red in anger. 
“Well rather difficult to track down a man with this many taverns in this town isn’t it?” Quinn says in defense, looking down to the unconscious man before continuing an explanation, “Your Captain got himself plastered and in a tavern fight. I had to help the boy carry him back.” He glances at Remus and gives him a conspiratorial wink.
The first mate begrudgingly orders two men from the crew to take the captain onboard. He looks to the boy with a scowl. “What are ye waitin’ for, get back to work!” 
Quinn frowns lightly as he looks to Remus. “You work the docks?” 
Remus fights the urge to flinch at the hard scowl under the first mate’s gaze. He looks to Quinn at his question before nodding. “I do.”
Quinn can only nod once slowly in understanding. He looks to the first mate, then to the docks, then to Remus before he smiles. “Well not anymore.” 
Remus’ eyes widen as he looks quizzically at the man he had just met. “What?” 
“What the bloody hell are you talkin’ about.” The first mate growls out.
Quinn ignores the man as he looks over the young boy. “Tell me honestly Remus, would you rather work the docks for men like him, or come with me to my captain’s ship and actually live your life without regrets.” He looks back to the docks and the wrecked ship the bulky man sent the drunk captain to dock. “I know what I’d chose. And it wouldn’t be a life with little to no rewards.” 
Remus looks out to the sea beyond the docked ships, watching the sun’s rays reflect upon the blue waking waters as he contemplates. This man hardly knows him, practically just met him about half an hour ago, and yet he’s offering him a chance to sail? A chance to leave this place? How can someone be this trusting? 
He looks back to Quinn with a skeptical look, “Why are you offering me this? You hardly know me. I could be a thief for all you know.” 
Quinn smiles. “Because I like you, you have wit and you clearly are a hard worker. I have a good feeling about you.” He looks to the sea. “So, what will it be, Remus? A life of servitude, or a life of freedom?” He looks back to Remus.
Remus cannot help but smile in return, “Freedom.” 
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.44
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: It’s Christmas and the whole family comes together to celebrate.
A/N: Here we are. The final chapter! However, there will be an epilogue after this and then I’ll get to working on the fairytale AU. Again, let me know if you want to be tagged for The Chocolate Prince and The Lovely Maiden.
Tagging: @willymywonkers @holdmeicant @sleepiesapphicxoxo @frozenhuntress67
It was that wonderful time of the year where the snow fell, leaving a thick soft blanket on the ground, the windows of homes and shops would be filled with decorations on display, a certain sense of cheer filled the air, and families all came together. Christmas had come around again like it does every year.
Christmas had to be Rose's favorite holiday. There was just something about it that always made her feel so happy. Maybe it was because the snow always looked so pretty around the holidays. Maybe it was because the town looked festive when there were lights strewn about, windows filled to the brim with decorations, and the tree that always went up in the middle of town. Maybe it was because this was the time of year that always brought families together.
No matter what the reason, Rose loved Christmas. All the Buckets did.
Normally, Willy didn't give Christmas a second thought. He used to be alone at Christmas so he didn't bother to celebrate it. But that changed when Rose came into his life. When she told him how much she loved Christmas, he decided to give it a chance and celebrate it.
Turns out that Christmas was a whole lot better when you had a family to celebrate it with. And he loved how happy Rose got around this time of year. He loved coming home one day to find that she had the entire Garden Room covered in decorations, as well as the house. He loved how he found a large Christmas tree already put up and decorated in the living room. He loved hearing Rose break out into Christmas carols.
Christmas quickly became Willy's favorite holiday.
But this Christmas wasn't going to be any ordinary Christmas. This would the first Christmas with the twins. And the Wonkas were going all out with it. Normally, Christmas dinner would be held at the Bucket house, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Bucket. This year, however, Rose and Willy decided to host dinner for the first time. And their whole family would be coming.
Rose and Mrs. Bucket were cooking together in the kitchen. Every once in a while, Rose would look up and peek out the window. Every time she looked out that window, she saw her children playing together with their father and Uncle Charlie. She smiled at the sight.
"Look at them, mum" Rose said. Mrs. Bucket looked up from the vegetables she was cutting. She followed her daughter's line of sight. "He's such a wonderful father. A wonderful husband. He looks at me, and he looks Fleur and Dulce like we're his whole world. You should hear him telling them bedtime stories"
Mrs. Bucket didn't say anything. Instead, she just smiled, stared, and listened as her daughter went on about Willy and the twins. "Mum, why are you looking at me like that?" Rose asked when she caught her mom staring.
"Nothing," Mrs. Bucket chuckled, shaking her head. "It's just, you've been so happy for the past two years. Before Charlie found that ticket, you've worn many smiles on your face but you've never really been happy" Mrs. Bucket placed her hand on her daughter's cheek. "But now when you smile, it's not because you're trying to be strong for us. It's because you have truly found happiness in your life that we alone couldn't give to you"
"I find myself thinking sometimes where I would be right now if Charlie hadn't found that ticket," Rose thought out loud. "I'd probably still be working for Mrs. Mason, barely just getting by. Or, perhaps maybe I'd be stuck in a marriage that I didn't want"
"Or, maybe you'd still have met Willy somehow"
"You really think so, mum?"
"Of course I do, darling. He's your soulmate. If Charlie hadn't found that ticket and hadn't brought you along on that tour, you still would have met Willy one way or another" Mrs. Bucket seemed so sure about that.
Rose giggled. "Is dad your soulmate?"
Mrs. Bucket smiled, pushing a fallen strand of hair out of Rose's face. "Without any doubt"
A new voice called out, making its presence known. "Hello, Rose! Hello, Helen!" It was Priscilla. She had wandered into the kitchen. "Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas, dear" Mrs. Bucket smiled at the girl who overtime, started feeling like her own daughter.
"Merry Christmas, Cilla" Rose said. "Did you say hi to Willy and the twins?"
"I did" Priscilla nodded. "I swear, Fleur and Dulce keep getting cuter every time I see them"
Rose eyed the thick bag that Priscilla was carrying. She did not doubt that there were a bunch of toys and other gifts inside. "Cilla, what did we say about spoiling?"
"This isn't all for the twins" Priscilla defended. "There are things for Charlie and Jenny here. And at least one present for everyone else. That reminds me" She reached into the bag and pulled out a couple of presents. She gave the bigger of the presents to Mrs. Bucket, who in turn looked quite surprised.
"Priscilla, sweetheart, that's very kind of you, but you didn't--"
"I wanted to, Mrs. Bucket"
Mrs. Bucket smiled and accepted the present. She opened it up, revealing a small antique display case. But it wasn't the display case that made her eyes light up. It was what was inside it. "Priscilla, this china is beautiful" There were beautifully designed plates, bowls, and cups.
"I actually made it" Priscilla explained. "I have a knack for pottery"
"I never knew you liked pottery," Rose said. She was surprised that Priscilla never mentioned her talent.
All Priscilla did was shrug. "It's nothing serious, really. More of a hobby" She presented the other present in hand to Rose. "This one for you"
Rose smiled, taking the small present in her hand. She unwrapped it, revealing a velvet red box. Then, she opened up the box to reveal a piece of jewelry. It was a pendant of a terrarium with a tiny rose inside of it. "Oh, it's beautiful"
"I immediately thought of you when I saw that, and not just because of the rose," Priscilla said.
"Wait right here!" Rose said in sudden excitement. She ran off, disappearing behind the curtain that led to hers and Willy's bedroom. When she came back, she was wearing the pendant and had a gift in her hand. "Here," She handed the gift to Priscilla.
Priscilla grinned and she ripped the wrapping paper off. She gasped in delight when she found a sweater, made in her favorite color with her name stitched in cursive gold along the front of it. "Rose, did you make this?"
"Yeah" She bit her lip, waiting to hear Priscilla's thoughts on it. "Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!" Priscilla gave Rose a great big hug. "Rose, you're amazing, you know that? You're the best sister anyone could ask for"
"Sister?" Rose asked. Sure, she and Priscilla have been close for a long time, but she's never heard her call her sister before.
"Well, yeah. You're not just my best friend, Rose. You're my sister. You, Willy, and the twins? My family. Charlie and the rest of the Buckets? My family. Danny, Eleanor, Felix, Lucy, Jenny, and Harry? My family. Mrs. Mason and Dr. Wonka? My family. We're all one big family, Rose"
Rose smiled. She thought back to some wise words Charlie once said long ago.
You don't have to be related to someone for them to be your family. People who care about each other can be considered a family, whether you're related or not.
For a boy of thirteen, Charlie was quite wise for his age.
"Darling, why don't you go out there and say hi to your friends?" Mrs. Bucket suggested. "I've got it in here"
Rose kissed her mother before walking out of the house with Priscilla. All of their friends were crowding together with Willy and Charlie. The twins were now being held by Lucy and Harry respectively. Of course, Willy was the first one to see his wife. "Hello, starshine!" He beamed at her.
"Cocoa bean" She greeted back, wrapping her arms around him in a secure hug. Rose's eyes wandered to Fleur, who was being held by Lucy. But it wasn't her daughter's infectious grin that caught her eye. It was the sparkling diamond that was wrapped around Lucy's ring finger. "Lu?"
Lucy looked at Rose. "Yes?"
"On your finger, is that what I think it is?"
Eleanor went wide-eyed. "Wait, you and Harry are engaged!?"
Lucy shrugged, smirked, and made an attempt at a joke. "Who said it was Harry I was engaged to?"
"Sis, you're not fooling anyone" Jenny laughed. "We all know you two are googly-eyed in love with each other"
"Let me see," Priscilla said. She took Lucy's hand and inspected the diamond on her finger. Priscilla let out an impressed whistle. "That's quite the stone you gave her, Harry"
Lucy grinned and then eyed her fiance. "Even if I told him a simple plain ring would do"
"And I'm only getting truly engaged once" Harry quipped. He and Rose shared a knowing look. The two of them were never really engaged. It was more of an...agreement... of sorts. Luckily, it was one that was never carried out. Harry looked back at Lucy. "I wanted to make it special for both of us"
Lucy very well knew of what had transpired between Rose and Harry. They were both very honest with her about that. But, she was just glad to see that they had made amends and that they were now friends.
"Where are those little angels?" A happy sing-song voice called out. "Nana's here! And she wants to see all her angels!"
Mrs. Mason came running with Dr. Wonka not far behind her. The two of them were married now. The ceremony had been small and private, taking place at a courthouse with only Rose, Willy, and Charlie in attendance.
"There they are!" Mrs. Mason cooed once she saw her grandchildren. She squished their cheeks and kissed their foreheads, causing the babies to smile and giggle. Once she greeted the twins, she greeted the rest of her angels the same way, starting with Priscilla.
"Uh, Mrs. Mason" Priscilla mumbled through her squished cheeks. "What are you doing?"
"I did say I wanted to see all my angels, now didn't I?"
Mrs. Mason got through with greeting Priscilla, Eleanor, Lucy, Danny, Felix, and Harry all the same way. With squished cheeks and wet kisses on the forehead. She still saw all of them as her children, even if they weren't related to her the way Rose, Charlie, and Willy were.
"And where's my youngest son?" Mrs. Mason turned on her heel until she spotted Charlie. "Charlie, my dear boy! Come here!" She hugged Charlie as tight as she could. "I swear you're getting bigger every day I see you"
"And you keep getting kinder" Charlie said to her.
Mrs. Mason grinned wildly. "How does a boy get so sweet and polite?" She let go of Charlie, and then there was no saving Jenny from the inevitable hug. "And here's my sweet girl! Oh, Jenny, you just keep getting prettier"
Jenny blushed and giggled. "Thank you, Mrs. Mason"
"Charlie, you've got quite the girlfriend here. Don't ever let her go" Mrs. Mason advised, winking at the young boy.
Both Charlie and Jenny blushed deeply and glanced at each other. "We're not boyfriend and girlfriend" Charlie defended.
"Yeah. We're just friends" Jenny added. "Best friends"
"And that means in exactly ten years time, you two will be married" Mrs. Mason joked but at the same time, there was a hint of seriousness in her voice. Charlie and Jenny both muttered something about Mrs. Mason being embarrassing before the two of them ran off.
Mrs. Mason chuckled, shaking her head. She caught Rose in her sight and smiled at her. "And last but certainly not least, my beautiful daughter" She grasped Rose's face with a gentle grip and kissed her on both of the cheeks. "And my wonderful son" Mrs. Mason hugged Willy and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Hi mom" Willy greeted her, giving her a kiss and a hug back. He then let go of Mrs. Mason and walked over to his father. "Hi dad" He greeted before hugging him.
"Hello son," Dr. Wonka said, a grin coming over him. After hugging his son, he stepped closer to Rose and hugged her as well. "Hello daughter"
Rose smiled at that. It always warmed her heart when she heard Dr. Wonka calling her daughter. "Hi, dad. Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas"
Mrs. Bucket stepped out onto the porch of the house. "Rose and Willy, dears" Mrs. Bucket called out for her daughter and her son-in-law. "I need your help with something!" She flashed an almost mischievous smile at them, before disappearing inside the house again.
"Hmm," Willy hummed curiously. "I wonder what that's about" He wasn't blind to see the way she had smiled at both of them.
"I suppose we should go find out" Rose said. She and Willy joined hands and made their way to the house.
"That's weird," Willy said as soon as he and Rose entered the house. They found it empty except for all the furniture and the finished food that was sitting on the counters in the kitchen. "Moms not here"
"Mum!" Rose called out. There was no reply. "Come on, mum. Where are you? Are you playing some kind of joke?"
Willy looked around the room as his wife continued to call for Mrs. Bucket's attention. It wasn't until he looked up that he noticed something hanging off of the ceiling. It was a green plant with white berries and a red bow wrapped around it.
"Cocoa bean," Rose finally noticed her husband staring upwards. "What are you looking at?"
"Have you gotten any new flowers or plants recently?"
"No" Rose finally looked up to see what Willy was looking at. She recognized what it was right away. A smirk danced across her lips. "Oh, I see what you're looking at"
"What is it?" Rose didn't answer him right away. Instead, she started giggling. Willy's eyebrows furrowed and he looked back at his wife. "What's so funny, starshine?"
"You've never seen mistletoe before?"
"No" He looked back up at it. "I wonder why it's there"
"I'm thinking mum probably put it there"
"Now, why would she do that?" Wow, he really didn't know. "I'm sorry but it's just a poor choice for decoration. It doesn't do anything to tie this room together at all"
"Cocoa bean, it's not for decoration"
"No? Then what's it for?"
Rose grabbed Willy's face and tilted his head down so that he was looking at her rather than the plant on the ceiling. "Do you really not know the tradition for people who stand together under the mistletoe?" Her voice had softened into an almost sultry purr. Her thumb was stroking his soft and plump bottom lip, and she was giving him that look with hooded and glossy eyes that made him weak in the knees.
Willy blushed deeply as he looked her right in the eye. "No"
"When two people find themselves standing under the mistletoe, they're supposed to kiss, otherwise they'll have bad luck"
"Oh. So is it like walking under a ladder, or opening an umbrella indoors, or breaking a mirror--" Willy was cut off when Rose's lips were pressed against his in a passionate kiss. It didn't take long for him to ease into the kiss, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her waist. What they didn't see was Mrs. Bucket standing in the doorway of the nursery, watching both of them with a smile on her face.
She knew that her daughter and son-in-law had yet to kiss under the mistletoe. So, she set up the mistletoe and lured them inside the house.
Rose and Willy pulled away from the kiss, both of them with a dazed look in their eyes. No matter how many times they kissed, sometimes certain kisses still felt like their first one. "Wow," Willy muttered, breathless from the kiss.
Rose giggled. "Yeah, wow"
Willy smiled at the sound of her heavenly giggle. "I like that tradition. Can it only be done at Christmas?"
"I don't think so"
"Good, because I'm going to set up mistletoe all throughout the factory so you'll have to kiss me wherever we are, or else we'll both end up with bad luck"
It finally came time for Christmas dinner. Everyone was seated at the long table that was set up just outside the house and underneath a fluffy, pink cotton candy tree. Rose helped her mum and dad bring out all the food.
"Mum, all of this looks wonderful" Rose mentioned.
"Well, I did have some help" Mrs. Bucket smiled, winking at Rose. Once all the food was set out and she was back in her seat, Mrs. Bucket announced. "Everyone dig in and enjoy"
Everyone served amongst themselves and quickly got into feasting. Rose and Willy fed their children when they weren't feeding themselves. Everyone chatted, joked, laughed, and told stories with each other. It truly was like they were all one extended family.
'That's because we are a family'  Willy thought to himself.
Family. He really was beginning to like that word a lot.
"Mr. Bucket and I would like to say something," Mrs. Bucket said as she stood up. Mr. Bucket stood up as well and joined hands with his wife. "If we may?"
Rose nodded and gave an encouraging smile. "Please!"
Mrs. Bucket nodded and then looked at her husband, urging him to start. "We've celebrated many Christmases in the past. For us, it was never about the gifts or even the food we ate. It was about spending this special time of the year as a family"
"But no Christmas has never felt more like Christmas than it does now" Mrs. Bucket continued. "And it all has to do with our special family. Look at us. We went from being a family of six to a family of eighteen"
"And we couldn't have asked for a better one" Mr. Bucket finished off. He and Mrs. Bucket sat back down, indicating that they had said all they wanted to say.
Dinner continued. Rose noticed that Willy had fallen awfully quiet beside her. He had been talkative all night, especially to his children. When she looked at him, she noticed that he was in a dazed look, like when he used to get his flashbacks. But there was something different about this dazed look. It was the smile on his face.
"Cocoa bean?" Rose piped, placing her hand over his. "Is everything okay?"
Willy looked over to her, blinking as he broke out of his daze. "Oh, starshine. I feel absolutely wonderful"
"Yeah?" Rose smiled.
"I was just thinking about something"
"And what would that be?"
"Before I met you, I never realized just how lonely I was" Willy was looking right at Rose when he spoke, but his words weren't just directed to her.  "Looking back, maybe I was a little miserable because I was lonely, but my success made me blind to that. Now, I can't imagine a life without you, starshine" He looked to everyone else, realizing their stares were on him. "Or any of you, really. If there's a family out there better than this one, then I don't want to meet them because we're already a perfect family. You're all my family"
Everyone smiled in agreement and nodded to Willy's words.
"I say we make a toast" Priscilla announced. She reached over and grabbed her cup. She held it up high in the air. "To our great, big, and happy family"
Everyone else grabbed their drinks and joined in the toast. "To family!"
In the end, Charlie Bucket won a chocolate factory.
But Willy Wonka got something even better.
A family.  
And one thing was absolutely certain.
Life had never been sweeter.
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centuryofdean · 4 years
When Lightning Strikes - Chapter 18
Author Note:: So sorry for such a long update! Life has been hectic. I promise the next one won’t be so long!!
Author Disclaimer:: The Hobbit, Middle Earth and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. The story line and even some dialogue–also not mine. Instead I claim my Original Character Laurel and the adjustments to the story line.
Summary:: From when Laurel Took was small she dreamed of a man. Every time she dreamed of him, he could not see or hear her. Over time they are able to communicate–but he’s been dreaming about her too. Finally after years of anticipation Laurel takes the leap and kisses him. Only for her to wake up and dread the real world. Then lightning strikes and she finds herself in a familiar place, with a familiar face.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+. NSFW.
Warnings:: Language, Violence and Scenes of Sexual Nature.
Pairing:: Kili x OC (Laurel)
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The company and some of the people of the town were led into the large home. The man of the town, the Master they called him, settled us down in the dining room. All of the table and chairs were of course too large for us, but we made do by sitting on books and other items provided for us.
Soon the room was filled with food and ale. Each of the dwarves were indulging themselves in the supplied drinks and morsels. The room was very warm though it did not ease the chill in my bones. "Durin's day is in nine days," Fili murmured quietly from the end of the table we were sitting at. Laurel was once more perched on my lap, toying idly with the courting braid in her hair. The sight brought warmth to my heart.
"I don't fully understand what is going on I suppose," she muttered.
"Uncle was given a key to open a hidden door on the mountain," Fili supplied easily, "during the light of Durin's day is only when the door will be visible. Then, and only then, will we be able to enter the mountain without the beast that lies within knowing."
Her lips pursed together tightly as her eyes still combed the festivities. "What then? Slay a dragon when it sneaks upon us?"
"It slumbers in its horde of gold," I laughed softly.
Pine green eyes widened in astonishment, "Hasn't anyone ever told you lot not to poke the sleeping dragon?"
Together my brother and I smirked, a few chuckles leaving our lips in amusement. Of course we knew not to wake a sleeping beast. Honestly I did not know the true intentions of what was to happen once we got to the mountain. Master Baggins was acquired so that we could have him retrieve the Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain. Once Thorin had the stone, I knew not what would actually transpire. How were we to actually kill Smaug once we gained entrance to the mountain?
Soon Laurel rose to get food, leaving Fili and I alone.
"You have gone about this all differently than you should have," he spoke as soon as she was gone. It was one of a few moments that were actually alone. Usually Laurel was with us.
"Things are different in her world. Suitors usually make the first advance. Some women ask their suitors to court, but those are far and few between. Laurel is not the type for it though, she prefers for the suitors to do the asking and courting," I sighed, watching as she worked her way across the room to talk to each of the company members. Dwarrowdams were meant to initiate courting. Not the dwarves.
"She accepted the braid, but does she accept the courting completely? I know you mentioned you were having difficulty with her," he asked.
It was true, even if she accepted the braid I did feel as if she was still holding back. There were times where I could see the spark in her eye, the same spark that burned deep in my stomach when I looked at her. Other times she looked upon me with sorrow and guilt. The messages I saw were hot and cold and passionate and disdained. It did not make much sense at all.
The pain in my thigh flared fiercely for a moment, bringing a gasp softly to my lips as I clutched at it. "I am not sure. She seems to have not changed much at all on the subject, I still see the battle in her when she looks at me," I tore out. "Why is it not easy?"
Fili laughed full-heartedly, "Because you love her! All the other maidens were meaningless. If they did not fall for your charm, you moved onto the next one. Laurel is fighting you and you will not move on because you love her brother! I have not seen you look so struck before!"
Of course I loved her. There was no question on it.
"The jealousy was on her face when we were in Mirkwood," Fili murmured as he tried to remain silent.
"I would not doubt it," I muttered, "Tauriel has not given up on trying to obtain me as one of her playthings."
"Laurel was more concerned with her likeness of face."
"There is a reason for that," I groaned remembering the day I came across Tauriel in the pub.
It was about three years ago when I woke in the morning with a need that could not be met. Laurel haunted my dreams once more, though this time she was covered but in thin fabric that left nothing to the imagination on to what was under it. She was sprawled out across the sand on a cloth in the broad sunlight. Eventually she traveled into the water to swim idly. The water cascaded down her form and caressed her curves beautifully.
It was a very good image, but waking with it in my mind had me frustrated. It was only then that I discovered my attraction of her, but I felt ashamed and unfulfilled at the same time. That day I hunted until sundown only to come across nothing. To end the miserable night I ended up in the Gilded Ghoul with a tankard of ale to keep me company.
Tauriel entered the building with an air about her. Instantly I saw the beauty of the elf. At first the resemblance did not meet me. Instead I was struck by her perfectly sculpted face and the breath of her bosom. I was amazed how she sought me out to drink and talk with me. Soon our words became bold and I invited her back to my home for a more private conversation. We both had drank too much, and evidently were too loud trying to sneak into my room.
The elf maiden was taken with me and kissing me with earnest. Together we were tangled in my sheets, her body completely nude under me, my own still trying to catch up.
"Oh Kili," she whimpered when my lips attached to her breast.
"Mmmm, yes Laurel," I replied.
The elf didn't hear the difference in name, since it was so similar, but immediately I knew my mistake. When my eyes opened I realized everything that had transpired. She looked like a spitting image of my Laurel, almost. There were differences, but I had picked her just for her similarities to my human girl I had fallen for. That is when my door burst open to reveal Thorin.
"That elven maiden I brought home when Thorin burst in was Tauriel, I self-consciously chose her because of her similarity to Laurel," I muttered. "She is upset thinking I chose her because she looked like Tauriel."
Once more I amused my brother more than I should have. He clapped me on the back. The heat finally started to become too much for me to take, so I rose to retreat outside for the freshness of air.
The limp I walked with gave me away to my green eyed beauty, for she followed me the moment the night air brushed my skin. "Are you alright," she asked, hand touching the width of my back.
We walked a distance as the snow fell softly around us.
"I will survive," I breathed deeply through the pain. Once we came to the dock I settled down onto the wooden surface to gaze over the lake. Just on the other side was the mountain we dreamed about for years. The cold night air cooled my skin slightly.
"We are almost there," I grabbed her hand and held it tight as my thigh throbbed, "almost home."
I could hear the hesitation in her voice as she paused before speaking, "Kili, Thorin may like me more now than before, but I was not given permission to live in the Lonely Mountain. I was only told I could come and go as I please."
"That is nonsense," I pulled her closer, "you have nowhere else to go."
"I will go stay with Bilbo as I was told," she murmured, "I already talked it over with him just moments ago."
Rage suddenly filled me to the brim. Why was it battle after battle with this woman? Did she not truly care for me as much as I cared for her? My hand snatched away from her own. "What of us? The Shire is almost one full moon's journey. It would be nearly impossible for us to be together," I muttered.
I jumped up and hissed as pain ripped through my thigh, feet thundering as I stomped down the dock. "Kili! Come back," she called after me.
"Why? I have fought hard for you to remain by my side, and you are going to deny me even still? How is that just to me? How is that what I deserve for everything that I have done," I roared. Soon we were toe to toe, her face gazing up at me with more than guilt. Her trembling hands rose to grasp at my face.
Suddenly I was weak and could no longer hold myself up. The ache and pain in my leg became so unbearable I crumpled to the ground I walked upon.
Soft delicate fingers traced my face and nose, holding me close to her. "You're sick." My eyes closed heavily. When they opened again her face and that of Fili's were staring down at me.
With tugging and pulling I was dragged by my older brother. The heat was burning me alive, the lushness of my skin was hot to touch. The weakness that held me was terrifying. Was this what it felt like to die? Never before have I felt such a dread in my core, one that had breath hard to find.
Laurel was banging on a door. When Bard's face appeared as seen us, he snarled in our faces.
"No! I am done with dwarves!"
Just as the door was attempted to be shut, Laurel put her boot between the frame and the door, slamming her palm against the wood, "Good thing I'm not a dwarf Mister Bard!"
They stared at one another for a long moment before she whispered just loud enough to hear, "He is sick, and we need help. We have no one else we can get that from but you."
Slowly the door opened as we crossed the threshold.
Previous Chapter << Chapter 17: Across the Chasm, Beasts Lie
Next Chapter >> Chapter 19: Admitting the Heart Knows Where Home Is
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ladynightmare913 · 4 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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Welcome to Chapter one! Apologies for the delays but life threw responsibilities. Thank you for your patience and a thank you to my co-author and dear best friend Olivia ( @asunshinepuff​ ), if it wasn’t for her, this story would not exist. 
This chapter includes the OC that my friend Olivia has created and I sincerely hope you like him. Hints of mermaid lore is included within the chapter of different types of merfolk that were inspired by the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We are not taking credit of her work. Now enjoy. 
Chapter 1: The Tail of Fates
The gulls glided across the scorching sky, the sun beating down on the port-men docking the ships that traveled across the sea. The merry drunken men who stumbled their way out of the taverns filled with jolly music made their way to the docks. Wincing at the harsh rays of sunlight, the sweltering heat and humidity offers no reprieve for the men who indulged in the advantages of liquid courage to discard their tasks. Merchants bring in goods from the islands that seemed worlds away to a mere boy at the age of 14. The boy had short tawny brown hair, tanned skin from days working out in the sun, and very bright amber colored eyes which seemed to capture the same essence of the crystallized equivalents of the color. Dressed in a rather modest attire appropriate for his status - consisting of a white long sleeved shirt, the sleeves were rolled up due to the heat, light brown slacks and dark brown boots. Around his waist was a light blue scarf, supposedly what he had been found swaddled in when he was just a babe. He could never find the strength to part with it. The guilt overpowered him. 
“The beauties of the islands lads, best three days of me life mate.”
 “Three days of only looking at the dames.” The sailor snorts a retort as he leans against a pillar on the dock. “ They probably ran off in the other direction just at the mere sight of your pathetic self.” The group of three jolly sailors laughed in merriment as the sailor who was sharing his tale shoved the other two in embarrassment.   
The boy had been sweeping the dock nearby the sailors, rolling his eyes at the stories. It was always the same. Seamen making port and bedding the beauties from the mysterious island that he himself has never traversed. Internally, he began counting the seconds till one of the sailors again made mentions of the maidens of the sea, and as always- it took only a count of ten. 
“I wager the beauties on that port can’t hold a candle to their maidens of the sea.” A sailor with three scars slashed across his face grinned. 
“Oh not this, again,” The first sailor, with a fancy for the beauties, with tattered clothes and blonde hair groaned. “ Bloody hell mate, you say that cursed tale every time. The women of the sea, with a fishes tail.” 
“ Aye, and you’d best heed it.” The sailor with three scars eyes his mates in suspicion. “Lest you never return to land, drowned like a dog and fed to the fishes.”    
“No one has seen those monsters for centuries mate. Let it go. It’s nothing but stories to scare sailors, nothing more.” 
“ No!” The sailor yells. “ I’ve seen them! The war didn’t wipe them out. They were the ones who scarred me face! There ain’t anything like it, to hear the songs of those maidens. You try to pull away, to drown it out with your thoughts, but ya can’t. There is no escape, it invades your minds, pulling you to the sea and into their webbed claws!” He grumbles out as he touches his scarred face tenderly. As if the scars were fresh, open with fresh blood spilling. 
“ You lads wouldn’t stand a chance, I should be at the bottom of the sea, but these maidens be fickle things, they are.” He looks out to the sea, calm waves kissing the shore. “To see one, changes your fate. To hear one’s song, is your doom.” 
The boy paused momentarily as he heard the scarred sailors warning. His thoughts race across his mind before he returns to the present when he’s called. 
“Oi boy!” A man from upon the ship called down, leaning overboard. “Come up here lad! There’s a job I need ye to take care of!”
The boy looked up to the adult man, he couldn’t discern fully from this far away the man’s appearance. The high rays of the sun give the wooden docks a shadow of coverage. He was rather reluctant to leave the cool reprieve, however, it would be worse if he neglected his duties of the port, “Be right there.” 
Walking upon the loading dock to the deck of the rather large ship, it was difficult to fight the urge to look around in a strange awe, even though it’s appearance is rather haggard and beaten. Although he has spent many a day upon ship for moments at a time since beginning his work a few years back, there was a certain mystery behind each ship that entered the ports of this bustling town. Each ship held a story behind its experiences. Each cannon battle, the waters of the seven seas it has traversed, the storms it has survived destruction, treasures it has held and lead its captain’s to discover. 
“Yes sir?” The boy looks up to the bulk of an angry looking man whose face always seemed to have a sneer. Even in his sleep. The bulk of a man was dressed in a shirt that looked two sizes too small, and a tattered grey coat that squeezed the man, fitting his frame with strain as his arms were always pulled back. His pants were faded from black to grey, his boots were old and worn. Smelling like a dead rat. His teeth were ghastly to gaze upon, yellow with brown stains, his breath could probably kill a man. His eyes were a beady black like the sharks that swam in the shallow waters, a bald head with black spots. A pity, he must’ve looked worse as a child. As most children do. He glowers at the scrawny boy before he look away.
“Go search the taverns for this ships’ Captain. We leave at dusk. Blokes probably drunk beyond hell, feeling up the women.” He shakes his head as he waves the boy off with a mere wave of his hand. 
With a nod in confirmation, the boy exited the deck and headed off in search of the tavern so that he may find the Captain of the ship, rather grateful to being away from the rather disgusting first mate. If that bulk of a man looked that haggard, he could only imagine the Captain with a shudder at the thought. In the distance, he could see another ship that seemed to be a practical stark contrast. The masts that were open, were as white as the very clouds that floated in the sky, wooden haul was a rich brown mahogany, the railings were painted gold like the sun. The sailors looked well groomed, their clothes neat and fitted to their frames. 
The boy searched from tavern to tavern, until finally he came across the Buccaneers' Oyster. With a sigh of exasperation, he opens the doors and enters the busy tavern hoping that this time he had finally found the correct one. The tavern was dark with dim lighting from the candles that were scattered about the establishment. The windows were the only source of natural sunlight that seeped into the tavern that reeked of alcohol and vomit. The sounds of clinking glassware and cheers from sailors echo all around, the soft giggling of women sitting on the laps of the drunkest of seamen. Ignoring the commotion, and his disgust at the reeking smells, he makes his way to the main counter where a man was the barkeep. The wall behind was lined with large kegs and the shelves were lined with clean pints.
“Excuse me. Do you happen to know if Captain Barclay is here?” The boy says, raising his voice over the loud cheering of the sailors in their merriment. The bar keeper doesn’t even spare the boy a glance as he simply points to the back of the tavern where a man was sitting, well more falling off his chair than anything, as he smiled stupidly at a lady. The captain in question was a tall lanky man with a hooked nose, horrible teeth, a large mole on the side of his neck, tanned skin and green eyes. His clothes were an absolute mess which could possibly be vomit, or mashed potatoes. The boy was very much hoping for the latter. A white shirt with a red stain, rum possibly, short brown pants and his shoes seemed to have vanished. Hopefully the shoes walked away themselves, saving what little dignity they had and drowned themselves in the sea. The stench dying with them. Or the captain had lost his shoes in a gamble. That seemed more likely. 
Taking a deep breath in preparation, he makes his way over to the back of the tavern so that he could finally fetch the man and get out of this place. The man seemed practically worse close up in person, if that was even possible. “Excuse me? Captain Barclay?” He asks, hoping to gain the drunken Captain’s attention and draw it away from the women. “I was asked to fetch you by your first mate. And bring you back to your ship.” 
               The man makes a small noise of acknowledgment as he turns to look at the deck-boy. His alcohol glazed eyes look over the small boy before he shrugs him off and turns the lady he had in his lanky finger. “Bugger off boy, the adults are talkin.’” His hand waves him off with the pint of rum that sloshed to the ground in his sluggish gestures. “Now where we?” 
“Please sir, let me go. I do not work here. I am merely looking for my fiancé.” A pale soft face young lady pulls her hand to try to free herself from the seaman. Her soft brown curls bouncing as she turns her head to the boy. Her hazel eyes lock eyes with his, her skin pale from her bold green dress. Help me she mouths. 
The boy’s eyes widen a small fraction, trying to figure out a way to help the woman out of her predicament. “Captain. I insist.” He repeats, his tone much more firm and without argument. 
With a sneer the lanky captain looked to the boy before he points at the boy with his pint. Standing up, he was two heads taller than the boy. “Listen boy,” he stumbles closer, the pint in his hands dropping what little rum it had to the floor. “ I spent six months at sea, I ain’t about to let a lass like this slip past me, now run off. Before I beat you.”     
“You chose quite a profession that allows you to be at sea for months at a time, Captain.” He says, looking up at the man “Guess there’s sacrifices to make now isn’t there? And if you actually listened with your ears rather than another part of your body, then you would understand that this lady has no interest in you. And is taken.”
“Why you little rat!” The man grips the boy's collar, forgetting the pint, dropping it to the floor, letting the lady go as he raises his fist. “I’m going to enjoy this.” 
“You’re really going to punch a child mate? How low can you get?” A voice interjects, as a rather handsome young man walks over. The tall young man had short tousled red-brown hair, fetching blue eyes and light tanned skin. Dressed in a black long sleeved shirt, burgundy red long buckled coat with bright red accents, dark brown slacks and black boots. On his left hip, a wide looking sword was sheathed in solid black with gold accents. 
“Who the bloody hell are you? Bugger off!” 
“My name is of no importance. Just let him go.”
“Why the hell would I do that, a good beaten ought to teach about being respectful to his elders!” He looks away and aims for a punch.
The man scoffs, “As if you’re worth giving respect. The boy was just doing his job.” He steps forward and grabs the man’s fist in a hard grip as it nears the boy. “If you want respect, then earn it.” 
“Why you!” The man drops the boy and turns to punch the man who stopped him from giving the boy a lesson.
The man can’t help but roll his eyes with a sigh, “Oh for Heaven’s sake.” The drunk captain isn’t even able to reach him before he retaliates with a punch of his own, knocking the captain out cold. A satisfied grin falls upon his lips. The lady gasps before she quickly runs off after giving the man a quick thank you. The man turns to the boy. 
“Are you alright there boy?” 
The boy nods, looking up to the taller man who intervened. Why did he? He cannot help but wonder. Most people would've just ignored the ruckus and not bat an eye. “I’m alright. Thank you Mr…” 
“Sandoval, Quinn Sandoval. But please just call me Quinn.” He smiles down at the boy. “What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you boy now can I?” 
“No, I suppose not.” He replies with a light chuckle, “My name’s Remus. Remus Lupin. It’s nice to meet you, Quinn.”
“Well, Remus, it’s nice to meet you as well.” He looks down to the unconscious captain with an exasperated sigh, lightly kicking his leg. “Best take him back to his ship eh?” He looks at Remus with mirth in his eyes before he walks over to the captain’s head, grabbing ahold one of his arms before pulling him up. “Grab his other arm will you? Let’s take him back to his ship. Although I doubt he will be useful.”  
Remus nods quickly before he walks over to the other side, grabbing ahold of the other arm to help hold him up. “Doubt he will as well, to be frank.”
The pair carry the dunkard back to the docks without much strain. Aside from the occasional bump to the head. They walk up to the ship where the first mate sees them approaching, walking down the loading dock.
“What the bloody hell happened to him? I have been waitin’ here for hours boy!” The bulky man marches to Remus. His face red in anger. 
“Well rather difficult to track down a man with this many taverns in this town isn’t it?” Quinn says in defense, looking down to the unconscious man before continuing an explanation, “Your Captain got himself plastered and in a tavern fight. I had to help the boy carry him back.” He glances to Remus and gives him a conspiratorial wink.
The first mate begrudgingly orders two men from the crew to take the captain onboard. He looks to the boy with a scowl. “What are ye waitin’ for, get back to work!” 
Quinn frowns lightly as he looks to Remus. “You work the docks?” 
Remus fights the urge to flinch at the hard scowl under the first mate’s gaze. He looks to Quinn at his question before nodding. “I do.”
Quinn can only nod once slowly in understanding. He looks to the first mate, then to the docks, then to Remus before he smiles. “ Well not anymore.” 
Remus’ eyes widen as he looks quizzically to the man he had just met. “What?” 
“ What the bloody hell are you talkin’ about.” The first mate growls out.
Quinn ignores the man as he looks over the young boy. “Tell me honestly Remus, would you rather work the docks for men like him, or come with me to my captain’s ship and actually live your life without regrets.” He looks back to the docks and the wrecked ship the bulky man sent the drunk captain to doc. “I know what I’d chose. And it wouldn’t be a life with little to no rewards.” 
Remus looks out to the sea beyond the docked ships, watching the sun’s rays reflect upon the blue waking waters as he contemplates. This man hardly knows him, practically just met him about half an hour ago, and yet he’s offering him a chance to sail? A chance to leave this place? How can someone be this trusting? He looks back to Quinn with a skeptical look, “Why are you offering me this? You hardly know me. I could be a thief for all you know.” 
Quinn smiles. “ Because I like you, you have wit and you clearly are a hard worker. I have a good feeling about you.” He looks to the sea. “ So, what will it be, Remus? A life of servitude, or a life of freedom?” He looks back to Remus.
Remus cannot help but smile in return, “Freedom.”
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livewildlivefree · 4 years
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Rosie Maiden treating her pack mates after battles Doodles.
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thewhiterabbit42 · 7 years
Gabriel’s Lament
Summary: He will never be able to save her.
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader (OC?)
Warnings/tags: angst, character death, reincarnation
Word Count: 900+
A/N: Written for @spnangstbingo​ and inspired by the amazing piece of art below.  Also written as part of a universe for an unnamed series that has yet to be written.  I’m still deciding whether to make it a reader insert or OC (hence the question above).  
Bingo Square Filled: Haunting
Special thanks to @sumara62 for her wonderful beta’ing skills and feedback that made my night :)  Also a big thanks to @nobodys-baby-now who lets me ramble about all my fic ideas AND introduced me to this piece of art which inspired this.
***Please do not repost or copy my work to any other site without my permission.  Giving credit does NOT count.***
Inspired by Marc Fishman’s art titled Gabriel’s Lament.
He will never be able to save her.  
It doesn’t matter how hard he tries.  How close he keeps.  How far he stays.  She is destined to walk a finite path along his infinite loop that only ever ends in heartache and strife.  
In every life she is different, and yet she is one and the same. The physical details may change, but what resonates within her is the constant; love, mercy, compassion -- life.  She is his call for justice, tempered; the absent temperance from his existence.  She was not built like him, nor he like her, and most days he is glad for it.  
Most days, it’s also his lament.  
It’s that difference that brings them here, time and again, to a crossroads inhabited by so many demons there’s little space for anything but desires and want.  His is simple: to right what has been done, and though he tries to trade the only thing he feels he still has, his offer falls upon eternally deaf and indifferent ears.
The truth is, neither soul can be sold.  His belongs to her and hers is lost; vanished, along with so many things they both once had.  He wonders if this is what keeps her wandering, forever traversing the earth in search of something.  The only thing she ever finds, however, is him.
It haunts him, knowing she will be out there again, at a time and place he’ll never know.  The thought that she could be there consumes him, drives him to distraction, until he learns it’s best for him to forget until she’s at his doorstep again.  It could take months, years, decades before she crosses his path again, and while time does not hold the same meaning to someone like him, there is something to be said about relativity.  
He sates his urges.  He eats to excess.  He stirs the pot and plays tricks on the lesser Gods and Goddesses purely for his own sport.  He takes maidens and concubines, and when those cease to amuse, he simply takes whomever catches his eye.  His cup runneth over in all things hedonistic and sinful that make him feel good.  It stuffs his wounds full of decadent distractions, and like paper thin gauze, it holds the aching emptiness at bay for a short while.  
The moment he sees her again, it all comes undone.  
He can no longer feel her being.  She’s come and gone so many times there’s no trace of it left to be found.  There’s nothing, not even the faintest echo.  He’s not sure what hurts more: the fact that the universe has forgotten such a rare thing of beauty, or that he remembers.  
He’s not the only one.  
She always finds her way back to him.  Sometimes, he swears, she knows, and as much as part of him longs to see that ever-changing, and yet always familiar stare, brighten with recognition, another part of him hopes that it never will.
His first wish may be to fix this, but his second would be to forget.  He wants nothing more than to slip within the solace of blissful blindness, to be ignorant of all that has transpired, and all that will continue to, breaking the chains of memories that refuse to stay buried.  Just like her.    
The knowledge he holds is a weight even his hands have trouble carrying.  Like towering boulders, some days there is nothing but that, blocking the rest of the world from his sight, enclosing him in the shadows, while those around him bask in the sun.  Some days it slips through his fingers like the finest grains of sand, the silky promise of relief smooth between them, until he realizes it will never come.  Instead of finding himself freed, it simply leaves him feeling hollow --desolate-- his hands clenching in hopes to find something, anything, still within their grasp.  
As always, he finds himself alone and empty handed… until she’s in them again.  Even then, it’s rarely for more than a few moments, and never, ever pleasant.  No matter who he is, no matter how much power he has, he will only be able to do the one thing he always has: fail her.  It will not end any other way than this, broken and bloody, the last vestiges of her vitality staining his hands an even deeper shade of red than they already are.
Yet, not once has fear tainted the luminescence of her stare.  No matter how terrible it’s been, no matter what horrors she’s seen, the moment he’s there, everything but the pain clears from her eternal gaze.
“I know you.”  It’s the barest whisper of air through vocal cords, dry and brittle, like the rustle of fallen, faded beauty that heralds the arrival of winter.  “Will it be long, Death?”
His smile is soft as he swallows his sadness, and he has no way of knowing how many shades of warmth and gold sing soothingly to her in these moments.  It’s a lullaby she has never heard, and one she never forgets.  For her, he is her reaper.  He will always be there in the end, holding her close, whispering words of comfort in these final moments, no matter how many times he must watch her pass beyond his reach.
He can’t tell her who he truly is, because he will never be able to save her, and knowing the truth would only take those few, lingering fragments that are left inside her and shatter them, just as certainly as it does him.
All my tags are open to anyone 18+.  Just send me an ask or a message to be added!
ALL the tags:
@girl-next-door-writes @sumara62 @fand0maniac @feelmyroarrrr @omgreganlove @jannalionheart @baritonechick, @lucifer-in-leather @stone-met @blondecoffeecake  @raspberrypuddle @ourloveisforthelovely @the-moose-of-baskerville @tistai @christinalibertymikaelson @room-with-a-cat @authoressskr @revwinchester @flufy07 @greieba @crowleys-poppet-queen-of-assgard @whinywingedwinchester @tardis-is-mine @jadesid @ccasnovakk @tangle-of-ivy @deaths-maiden @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester
Gabe Squad:
@theblackenedsky @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @pepperwoodatnight @lacqueluster @samikitten @a-vast-african-plain @kazosa @carryon-wayward-winchester @nobodys-baby-now @dlb1999 @ludwigs-a-monster @archangelgabriellives @a-wing-and-a-pen @tricksterxangel @cipherwheeldecoder @gilded-lady @thinkwritexpress-official @sherlockedtash88 @megasimpleplan4ever @azlinh @troubletrumble @nuvoleincielo @randommotion @the-bleeding-rose @fruitiplierq @gabrielthemessanger  @pizzamanteachings @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
@amandaecrn @onlyanothersocialcasualty
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asunshinepuff · 4 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Surprise!! Welcome to my first multi-chapter ficlet which is honestly entirely on-brand for me and I don’t know WHY I hadn’t done this sooner. I’ve been a little run down on writing lately and once this came to mind it was as if I was back to when I initially started writing. This is a wolfstar story, with Remus as a Merman while Sirius is a Pirate Captain.
Some of my own ocs will be thrown in here as well, alongside a few of my best friend Luna’s who is my co-author for this story. Her blog is @ladynightmare913 so please give her a follow!
This is sort of based upon Pirates of the Caribbean, There will most likely be many references to it and to The Little Mermaid and I don’t care. I’m doing it, cause I’m so excited for this.
I want to give a little shout out to Veronika ( @spookypotato ) and a thank you because if it wasn’t for your random idea this wouldn’t exist.
And a big thank you to my best friend and co-author/beta Luna (who I tagged above) for jumping on the idea to help with the writing since we’re both so obsessed with wolfstar and mermaids.
There is some lore included within this, however, it will be explained over time so no worries. Included lore on different types of merfolk was taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. I will not take credit for it’s writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out! 
Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy! 🧜🏻‍♀️
Prologue: Mermaids and Sirens
Across the seven seas, ever since man began to sail, there have been tales of creatures from the depths of the dark waters. Of maidens from the sea whose songs could drive any mad to hear their song. These creatures were only thought to be part of myths and legend, but those who've traveled across the seven seas would tell you the truth. 
They are not just myths and legends, these creatures were real, as real as the sun rising at dawn, and setting at dusk. 
That just to have a glimpse of them would change your fate. 
Merfolk that dwelled in the crystal blue waters. Mysterious, beautiful, and powerful, these mers live throughout the world undiscovered by those who walked upon the surface. At first, mers were revered by these sailors similarly to that of sirens, denizens of the sea whose songs were hypnotic to the ears of man- pulling those poor unfortunate souls to their watery graves of the deep, the two becoming interchangeable. 
Over time, the difference between these two species became known. Legends of the Mermaids began to be revealed, their powers and abilities spreading like wildfire. The humans on land began to desire their rare and mysterious powers and beauty of these strange but deadly creatures. 
The mers began to be hunted for a fetching price, coveted for their beauty, searched throughout the seven seas for their tears- said to be one of the keys for the fountain of youth, or, said to be made of pearls depending on who you’ve heard the story of mermaids from. Yet, what was unknown to the ears of men is that merfolk actually live among humans, more specifically, a particular species of mers referred to as shapeshifters. 
These shapeshifters looked identical to humans, but with two distinct differences, webbing in between their fingers and toes, and gills upon their necks, with faint scales upon their torso, but over the centuries this trait vanished. Allowing the mers who lived among humans to remain hidden within their communities by the sea. 
But not even the vanished traits could fool everyone. Throughout the centuries that merfolk have been hunted and preyed upon, there were families who made it their livelihoods to know and hunt down mermaids, and could sniff out the mers within minutes. These families drove out the mers from land and back to the water. But some didn’t make it back to the sea, some were captured and sold, while others remained hidden. 
Over the years, the mers went deeper into the sea, never to venture near the surface again. And no one has ever seen another mermaid in a century. Until now.
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Epilogue
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GIF not mine. Credit goes to owner.
Summary: It’s ten years later, and the Wonka twins do something special for their father’s birthday.
A/N: Here’s the official end to the series. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for The Chocolate Prince and The Lovely Maiden.
Tagging: @willymywonkers​ @holdmeicant​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​ @frozenhuntress67​
Ten years later...
Rose Wonka stood in the kitchen, scrubbing the dishes that were dirtied from their breakfast. As she scrubbed, dried, and stacked, she stared out the window, watching the ten-year-old twins, and their music teacher, Eleanor.
When it came time for Rose and Willy to get schooling for their children, they decided to let the twins decide whether they wanted to be homeschooled or attend public school.
The twins seemed to understand the difference between the two and made the decision to be homeschooled. At least until they decided that they did want to attend school with other kids. Luckily, they didn't have to worry about finding teachers because their friends stepped in to teach them.
Fleur and Dulce sat on the swings that hang from the large cotton candy tree. Fleur clutched a doll of her likeness in her hand. Ever since she received it, she never went anywhere without it. The doll (that had been named Lily) was very special to her because it was given to her by her brother. It also happened to have been made by Dulce.
It would seem that the young boy had a knack for making toys, as Lily the Doll wasn't the first one he had ever made.
Rose remembered one particular day when she was cleaning Fleur and Dulce's room.
The twins were usually pretty good about keeping their room tidy. But, there were odd days, like today, when their room was only a little bit messy. Like today. Fleur and Dulce were currently in a math lesson with Danny so Rose decided to clean up their room.
While she was cleaning, she had found two toys that she had never seen before. They were both yo-yos. One of them was baby pink with a floral pattern decorating the round edge and a golden 'F' right in the center. The other yo-yo was a sky blue color. There was a much simpler pattern outlining the round edge of the toy but it was still a pretty pattern, nonetheless. This yo-yo had a silver 'D' in the middle.
Rose decided to pay a visit to the classroom that the twins learned in for more serious subjects such as math, science, geography, and reading comprehension. The more fun subjects, such as music, arts and crafts, and physical education were taught within the Garden Room.
Rose stood in the doorway of the classroom, watching as Danny was going over multiplication tables with the twins. Rose let them finish going over five times five before she decided to knock on the door. Danny looked her way and smiled.
"Fleur, Dulce, look who's here!" Danny said.
The twins turned in their seats to see if Uncle Danny was either talking about mommy or daddy. Their faces lit up when they saw Rose, and they both leaped out of their seats to go and hug her.
"Mommy!" Fleur said excitedly.
"What are you doing here, mommy?" Dulce asked. Not that he minded that his mom was here of course.
"There's nothing wrong with mommy wanting to see her little angels," Rose said. She leaned down to give them both a kiss on the head. Then she looked at Danny. "How are the multiplication tables going?"
"I think they're getting the hang of it," Danny said proudly. "Dulce is getting it right off the bat. Fleur is having a little trouble, but luckily she's got her brother to help her"
"I'll get it on my own eventually," Fleur said, sounding almost disappointed with herself. "Sorry I'm not too good at math, mommy"
"Oh, jellybean," Rose cooed. "It's okay. I was never the best at math either. You just need to keep practicing and eventually, you'll get better"
Fleur's disappointed frown turned into a bright smile. "Thanks, mommy!"
"But there was something I found that I wanted to ask you two about" Rose reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out the two yo-yos. "I don't remember your daddy or me, or any of your grandparents, or any of your aunts or uncles, getting you these yo-yos"
Dulce's eyes lit up. "That's because I made them, mommy" He confessed proudly.
Rose's eyes widened. "You made these?"
"Yeah. In arts and crafts with Auntie Lucy"
Rose smiled, feeling incredibly proud of her son. "When did you learn to make them?"
Dulce shrugged. "I don't know. I just knew how to make them" He smiled up at his mom. "I think when I'm a grown-up I want to make toys. Like Santa!"
"I think you'd make a lot of kids happy, gumdrop" Rose smiled at Dulce. She looked at Fleur. "And what about you, jellybean? What do you want to do when you're a grown-up?"
Fleur didn't even need to think about her answer. "I want to make candy just like daddy does!"
Rose giggled. "I think daddy will be very happy to hear that"
Rose couldn't help but smile at the memory. She loved that her kids already knew what they wanted to do when they grew up.
Fleur had decided that she would follow in her father's footsteps and become a chocolatier. That little girl loved helping out the Oompa-Loompas whenever she got the chance to. She already knew everything about how all the candy was made. She knew every fun fact that you could know about chocolate and candy. Charlie had seen his niece's passion and decided that when it was time, the factory would be passed down to her when she was old enough.
Then Dulce had his dream of being a toymaker when he was older. That boy could turn any little trinket or scrap he found into some kind of toy. Mr. Bucket was always trying to find things that his grandson could use. It was becoming a common occurrence that Rose and Willy would find him making something. There was no doubt that one day, he would open up his own shop, selling all the toys he's ever made. Then one day, he'll open up the biggest toy factory in the world.
Or perhaps he'll move to the North Pole and work with Santa Claus like Dulce is always saying he'll do when he's old enough.
But don't worry mommy and daddy, I'll use the sleigh to come to visit you guys every week!
The oven dinged, indicating that the cookies she had in the oven were done. She put on her oven mitts and then opened the oven. The hot air hit her face like a wave crashing onto the shore of a sandy beach. She took the cookies out and set them on the cooling rack. Then, she grabbed a couple of glasses and poured some milk into them. Once the cookies were cool enough, she set the baked goods and the milk onto a tray and brought them outside.
"Jellybean! Gumdrop!" Rose called to her children. "Milk and cookies!"
Fleur and Dulce's face lit up. They grabbed hands and ran to their mom. The both of them patiently waited until their mom said that they could take their treats. And once they did, they made sure to thank her.
"How is practice going?" Rose asked her children. "Are you two ready for tonight?"
Dulce swallowed his mouthful of cookie before answering his mom. "Auntie Eleanor says we're really talented!"
Fleur nodded in agreement. "Yeah. She says we're going to rock daddy's socks off tonight!"
Rose giggled and then looked to her friend. "And how are you feeling about tonight, Ellie?"
"Well, Felix definitely can't wait to see my performance tonight," Eleanor said about her husband. She rolled her eyes but kept her grin. "Honestly, I feel a bit silly singing it, but Fleur and Dulce like singing it and they make it worth it"
"Well, Willy is going to love it, for sure," Rose said, smiling over at her children. "He's so proud of them, and he just loves them to bits"
An Oompa-Loompa had walked up to Rose. He was carrying a stack of colorful clothes in his arms. He gently tugged on Rose's skirt to let her know of his presence. Rose looked down at the Oompa-Loompa and smiled at him. The Oompa-Loompa returned the smile. He held out the clothes for Rose to take.
"Ah! These are the clothes for tonight, yes?" Rose asked. The Oompa-Loompa nodded. Rose took the clothes. "Thank you so much!" She bowed to the Oompa-Loompa, and the Oompa-Loompa bowed in return. Before he left though, the Oompa-Loompa made sure to greet the children.
"Mommy, are those our costumes for tonight?" Fleur asked curiously.
"They sure are. Auntie Lucy made them" Rose said.
"Can we go put them on now?" Dulce asked, not being able to contain his excitement.
"If you're done with your snacks then yes" Rose permitted. She gave Fleur her costume and then gave Dulce his. "Just make sure not to get them dirty"
"We won't!" The twins spoke in unison. "We promise!" They left to go get changed, but not without receiving kisses on their cheeks from Rose.
Rose grinned at Eleanor and handed her costume to her. Eleanor held out the dress in front of her, giving it a once over. "Wherever did you come up with this, Ro?" Eleanor asked.
"It's what the puppets wore" Rose answered.
Eleanor blinked. Had she heard that right? "Puppets? What puppets?"
Rose giggled, remembering that day almost ten years ago. "It was the day of the tour. For his grand entrance, Willy had these puppets singing a song about how great he is. It was quite a wonderful show. That is until the pyrotechnics got out of hand and melted all those poor puppets"
Eleanor just stared. Honestly, when Rose handed her those lyrics, she was sure that Rose had written it because of how much she loved Willy and thought the world of him. But, she supposed with an entrance like that, you'd never forget it. "There aren't going to be any pyrotechnics, are there?" That was all she asked.
"No, of course not" Rose quickly said. She pulled something out of her pocket. "Confetti poppers"
Everyone gathered in the ballroom for the twin's grand performance. The reason they were singing tonight was that it was their father's birthday today. And because their dad was always making their birthday special, they wanted to make his birthday special.
When the twins told Rose what they wanted to do, the first thing that came to her mind was them singing the welcome song from that day of the tour. She was even gonna have them wearing the clothes the puppets did, but of course, she was gonna leave out the fireworks. She didn't want her children to get barbequed.
Rose made sure that everyone was comfortable in their seats, especially her grandparents (yes, they were still alive and more lively than ever). Then she had to make sure all the children were comfortable.
Since the birth of their own children, Rose and Willy's friends had gone on to marry each other and have children of their own. It started when Lucy and Harry welcomed their daughter about a year after they married. Then, it was Eleanor and Felix who married and welcomed a son. Priscilla and Danny ended up together, also welcoming a son. And now, in about nine months, Rose and Willy would become an aunt and uncle.
Charlie and Jenny married each other a little over three months ago. And just recently, Jenny found out she was pregnant. Rose was the first one she told, feeling scared by the news. But Rose assured her sister-in-law that everything was going to be okay and that Charlie would no doubt be overjoyed.
Long story short, he was.
Once everyone was seated, Rose got up onto the stage and addressed everyone. "Welcome, our wonderful family! I'd like to thank you all for coming to this wonderful celebration for my even more wonderful husband's birthday!" Rose scanned the crowd until she caught Willy's eyes. The two of them smiled at each other. "For the first time, you will be witnessing the musical talents of our daughter, Fleur Wonka, and our son, Dulce Wonka. Tonight, they will be joined by their music teacher, Eleanor Hunter" Felix smiled with pride when he heard his wife's name. "Now, please put your hands together for Fleur, Dulce, and Eleanor!"
Everyone started applauding as the red velvet curtain providing as a backdrop for Rose opened. She stepped out of view and out stepped Eleanor with Fleur and Dulce on either side of her. Eleanor was wearing a dress with a candy design on it, and Fleur was wearing one with a flowery design on it. They both wore matching pink shoes and white aprons with a pink W on the front. Their hair was done up in matching pigtails.
Dulce on the other hand wore a white dress shirt with matching white pants. He wore a polka dot vest and a polka dot bowtie. He also wore an apron with a pink W on it, and a white hat with a pink W on top of his slicked-back hair. Finally, he wore a pair of black dress shoes.
Behind them, was a backdrop constructed similarly to the one that the puppets had used for their performance. Behind the backdrop, was another red curtain.
Willy's eyes lit up and his smile grew wide. He knew why this scene looked so familiar! He had his puppets sing to his guests on the day of the tour, and now his children were about to sing for him. Oh dear, he just hoped that the pyrotechnics were left out.
The music started up. The children and their music teacher being to sing in perfect harmony, and dance in perfect coordination.
Willy Wonka, Rosie Wonka
The Amazing Chocolatiers
Wait, hang on. Did they just sing Rosie Wonka? Eleanor managed to catch Rose's eyes and she threw her a wink. Rose grinned, confirming her suspicion. Eleanor had changed it to include Rose's name in the song.
Willy Wonka, Rosie Wonka
Everybody give a cheer!
They're modest, clever, and so smart,
They barely can restrain it.
With so much generosity,
There is no way to contain it
To contain it, to contain, to contain, to contain.
When it came to the musical break, Rose quickly rushed into the audience so she could grab her husband. Willy was confused at first but trusted his wife as she pulled him up on the stage. They waited behind the other curtain which concealed not just one, but two red velvet chairs. Willy sat in one, and Rose sat in the other. The two of them joined hands.
Willy Wonka, Rosie Wonka
They're the ones that you're about to meet.
Willy Wonka, Rosie Wonka
They're geniuses who can't be beat.
The magicians and chocolate 'wizes
The best darn pair who ever lived
Willy and Rosie Wonka here they are!
The curtains pulled back to reveal the couple. Once the music came to a complete stop, that's when Eleanor, Fleur, and Dulce pulled their confetti poppers. The colorful paper went flying everywhere. Everyone stood up from their seats, hollering and clapping. But no one was cheering as loud as Willy was.
"That was magnificent!" Willy cheered. He turned to Rose, took her face and his hands, and gave her a great big kiss. "That was truly wonderful!"
Rose smiled at him. "You sure it wasn't dodgy in the middle part?"
"No, no! Every part of the was wonderful! And that finale? Wow!" Rose couldn't help but smile as she thought back to the first day she met him. "I like this version more because it includes you! Did you do this for me, starshine?"
"It wasn't my idea," Rose said, shaking her head.
"Daddy! Daddy!" The twins called out to their father.
"Mommy says this wasn't her idea," Willy said. "Was it yours?"
"Yes, daddy" Fleur nodded her head.
"We hope you liked it!" Dulce said. "We just wanted to have a special birthday"
"Because you're always giving us a special birthday" Fleur finished.
"Oh, my precious jellybean and gumdrop" Willy cooed lovingly to his children. He pulled them both into a hug. "I loved it so much! And it gives me such a wonderful idea"
"What is it, cocoa bean?" Rose asked, curious as to what her husband's idea was.
"I've been thinking a lot about it, but I think I'm ready to open the factory to the public again. Start giving regular tours"
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes, starshine. I am" Willy nodded. He looked at the twins and smiled. "And I think before every tour, you two should sing that to the guests"
Fleur and Dulce started jumping with joy at the idea. "Do you really mean it, daddy?" Dulce asked.
"I sure do!"
"We won't let you down, daddy" Fleur vowed. "We promise!"
"Nothing you two do could ever let me down," Willy said. "I am proud of everything that you do" He looked at Fleur. "And I know that you're going to be an amazing chocolatier, jellybean" Then, he looked at Dulce. "And you're going to be a wonderful toymaker, gumdrop. You're going to make every child in the world happy with your toys"
The twins smiled like they always do when they hear how proud their mommy and daddy are of them. They brought their parents into a big hug and spoke in unison. "We love you, mommy! We love you, daddy!"
Rose and Willy looked at each other, smiling and saying at the same time. "We love you, too"
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centuryofdean · 4 years
When Lightning Strikes - Chapter 14
Author Disclaimer:: The Hobbit, Middle Earth and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. The story line and even some dialogue–also not mine. Instead I claim my Original Character Laurel and the adjustments to the story line.
Summary:: From when Laurel Took was small she dreamed of a man. Every time she dreamed of him, he could not see or hear her. Over time they are able to communicate–but he’s been dreaming about her too. Finally after years of anticipation Laurel takes the leap and kisses him. Only for her to wake up and dread the real world. Then lightning strikes and she finds herself in a familiar place, with a familiar face.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+ At this point in the story there isn’t much, but later on the M rating will come into effect.
Warnings:: Language, Violence and Scenes of Sexual Nature. Smutty Chapter Here!
Pairing:: Kili x OC (Laurel)
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The sunlight found me in the morning. After I relieved myself to the image of Laurel quivering beneath me by my hand, I was able to go back and pull her to my body and sleep soundly. The rest of the company was already up, including Laurel. I stumbled through the house and came to find everyone seated along a long wooden table eating fruit and bread once more. I spied the red-haired maiden at the end, so I settled myself next to her and picked the grape out of her fingers with my lips.
She turned to me startled, I offered her a cheeky smile.
The blush that took over her face was something to laugh at.
Then she refused to look at me. A hairy man taller than Gandalf approached me and poured milk into a cup and set it before me. The look in his eyes was animalistic. "This is Beorn," Laurel whispered softly, "our gracious host."
"Thorin Oakenshield," his deep voice boomed across the large kitchen, "you need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn?"
"Before the fall of Durin's Day, yes," Thorin replied curtly.
"There is still time," the skin-changer replied. "Your company should rest. If what Gandalf said is true, then you all have been running for a very long time. Trying to fight orcs will not be easy if one is not well rested.
"You may stay another night, and in the morn I will grant you the use of my ponies to get you to Mirkwood, but they cannot go any farther than that."
Once everyone was well fed, we ventured out into the enclosed lawn. Laurel had still yet to speak to me properly, but spare me looks here and there with red cheeks. Perhaps she was embarrassed of the dream she was having of me the night before. Thinking about my response had me feeling a tad embarrassed myself. I had touched her intimately without her permission, and that was very foolish of me--though I could not help myself.
With my name on her lips and her hips shifting in such an erotic way, I had to do something to ease the ache I known she was facing.
From my seat beneath a hearty willow tree, I watched Laurel approach Thorin and Fili. She motioned to her sword and then their own. My brother nodded ecstatically and then pointed to myself in the distance. Pine eyes sought out my own before red painted her cheeks once more. The action brought a chuckle from the depths of my chest.
The day wore on, and I watched as my kin taught Laurel how to handle a sword and fight close combat. Even with her small stature and lighter weight, they showed her how to use her attackers' weight against himself.
The sword she was given was of elvish steel and light, so it soared through the air as she swung it at Thorin. Both he and Fili shouted instructions at her, occasionally stopping and physically showing her moves and attacks. Sweat piled off of each of them earnestly. I twiddled with my arrows, sharpening the tips of them as I watched from afar. Eventually Thorin clapped Laurel on the back, offering her a smile before he and Fili started to make their way to me. She stayed in the meadow and practiced her footwork and swinging her sword, sometimes tossing it and opting for her dagger.
"You have chosen well nephew," Thorin chuckled, "she learns well and can fight with her spirit. If I had not known better I would have thought she was part dwarf."
Bilbo also joined us in the waning sunlight, "Boern showed us a spring to bathe in. The rest of the company is already on the way there."
"Are you coming brother," Fili asked.
"I will go later," I whispered watching uncle walk away, "when there is no one else around."
A deep laugh came from him, "I thought you had your fill last night."
I threw a sharp look his way before glancing to see if anyone heard, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm surprised no one else woke at the sounds you were having her make," he spoke softly with mirth in his eyes. "Did you not leave to go do the same for yourself after?"
With an instant I jumped, rage filling me at my foolishness that someone else had heard Laurel. I should have just woken her like I planned, instead I let greed fill me. "It is not what you think," I muttered, "she was not even awake but merely dreaming."
"Dreaming," his eyes widened in surprise, "you were moving and hovering above her. You kicked me in your haste!"
"Do not speak a word to anyone," I hissed, "she will not even speak to me."
"You touched her while she slept," Fili hissed outraged.
My head hit the bark of the willow we were under, repeatedly of my own doing. "Yes," I muttered disgusted with myself, "you did not hear everything she was saying while she dreamed. It was hard to not do more than that. I am ashamed of myself."
Fili whispered somewhat harshly, "It is a trying time brother, I understand. In your position, I do not know what I would have done myself. Just do not do anything foolish like that again, especially without her consent."
Once he left, I dropped back to the ground to watch Laurel more. Overtime she became tired and sat on the ground, soon after laying and kicking her feet in the air. It reminded me of the times that she would do that when we dreamed. Those times were simple and carefree without monsters and formalities.
Eventually the company came back through the woods, laughing and almost skipping. It was a long time before anyone bathed. I made quick work of going back into the house and grabbing a drying cloth of my own and a change of clothes. Fili offered me a bar of soap and directions to the spring down the path.
The moon hung boldly in the night sky, along with all the stars and colors that Laurel adored so much. It was a curved spring, I took to the far most side and hissed as the cooler water touched my bare skin. After a while it felt nice, easing the ache in my muscles. With the soap I washed the grime and sweat from my skin, my feet, and finally my hair. The feel of fingers working my scalp and nails digging the dirt up felt almost as good as me pleasuring myself.
At that thought my hand idly traveled down below the water toward my pelvis.
"Thank you Bilbo."
I froze at the sound of Laurel's voice. What was she doing here? I started to move to the shoreline, ready to grab my dry cloth and clothing, but stopped, afraid she would catch me. There was no reason for her to be mad at me for being here, seeing as I was here first.
Due to the curve of the spring, I was able to remain behind some foliage as I watched Bilbo walk off into the night. Even having a perimeter of stone and wood, a large forest surrounding the spring. Laurel started to remove her tunic.
At this I started to turn, ready to dress and flee back to the house.
Then I saw the dark red gash that lined her side.
Rage filled me at the thought of one of my kin actually striking her with a sword. I did not see either of them hit her with their blades. Fili had told me not to do something foolish, and watching Laurel undress from the shadows seemed very foolish.
Under her tunic she wore that odd small piece of fabric around her bosom that I had seen a handful of times. The undergarments that covered her bottom were also small and thin.
As she started to push them off I looked away and waited. After looking back I saw she was in the water from the waist down, her arms covering her chest as she shivered and emerged herself more. Finally she took a deep breath and dove under only to rise up moments later chattering her teeth. I was hard just seeing her partially bare.
Feeling like a perverse fool in the dark, I started to make my way towards her.
"Laurel," I murmured softly.
She jumped, covering herself as best she could and sinking into the water some more. "Kili," she hissed, eyes raking over my nude form. "What are you doing? I'm bathing!"
A chuckle left myself as I attempted to get closer, she moved backwards some. "I was here bathing well before you showed up," I offered my hand, almost close enough to touch her. In the depths of the water, one could not see me from just below my chest and downward. Laurel was crouching so that all I could see was her head.
"Will you please leave so I can wash myself," she hissed, face turning red once more. My eyes never left her's, watching as they traveled from my wet hair down to my bare chest.
I finally grasped her cheek, taking another step closer, "Why have you been avoiding me?"
As the words left my mouth, she turned away from me so that all I could see was the back of her head.
"I haven't been avoiding you," her voice came out softly, "I just…have been busy."
"Avoiding me," I laughed as my hands found her shoulders, thumbs working into her blades. "Your face turns red when you look at me. What has happened? You can tell me. I never shall judge you nor will I be angry."
After a moment she turned to face me, looking down into the water instead. She rose slowly to her full height, revealing he tops of her breasts that wanted to float into my view. My loins grew heated once more. "I know you won't be mad," she laughed softly, pushing her palms to her heated face. "It's just embarrassing that it happened, and even more so to say it out loud."
That was it after all. The dream. The palms of my hands met her shoulders, rubbing soothingly against them, waiting for her to say the words.
"Last night I dreamt," she whispered, eyed trying to hold my own and failing. "I dreamt…that we were having sex."
With her words I pulled her in closer to embrace her. The feeling of her bare breasts pushed against my skin was pleasurable, and I hissed when I felt my need press against her stomach. There is no doubt that she felt it.
"I know," I murmured into her hair, "and I have something to confess to you, and I hope you are not angry with me."
Her questioning gaze was terrifying, though since she was honest with me, I had to be honest with her.
"You woke me because of it," I laughed, "I thought you were having a horrible dream. Then you moaned my name and I could not bare wake you. I was under your spell. You called out my name, wanting release. I…touched you over your trousers. It was very wrong of me, and inappropriate. I apologize, I will never be able to apologize enough."
A new flush took her skin as her eyes widened at my words. Instead of slapping me as I suspected she would, she just placed her hand over her beating heart and looked into the water.
"I will not allow you to fight me any longer," I murmured capturing her once more, arms holding her waist to me. "Please let me put a courting braid in your hair."
She backed away, shaking her head, "Kili I can't. My father died when I was young. My mother loved him so much she wasted away. She isn't my mother anymore, she is a shell, just a body without a soul. I can't let that happen to me."
"You would not like to have a love with me? There is a chance that we will survive this journey."
"Then we can try to be together then."
"And what if one of us perishes?"
"Then I won't be as hurt."
A scoff left me harshly, "Will not be as hurt? I would be more broken-hearted if you perished and I never got to love with you. I know you feel for me in your heart somewhere. I see it in your eyes and feel it in your breath when your lips caress mine—when you breathe my name."
To show her my words I yanked her to me and pressed my lips against hers while my fingers worked into her wet locks. As I suspected, she kissed me back in hunger, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. She opened her mouth, snaking her tongue to meet and dance with my own. With a gasp I pulled her face away watching as she attempted to pull closer again.
"Nothing would change," I murmured, "the only thing is that I would wake up knowing that I can freely tell you how I feel, I would not have to dance around my words and watch you from afar.
"I can hold and kiss you whenever I would like, and you could do the same. There is nothing more I want, than having you. If either of us are to perish, let the other know that it was not one sided or in vain."
"What about Thorin? If we get back Erebor, he still won't let me be with you."
"Thorin…is getting used to the idea. He told me that he was wrong about you, you have the spirit of a dwarf."
Pulling away, she furrowed her brows a long while before turning and offering me her hair, "Alright. Afterwards we'll finish our bath and go back to the house."
"Not quite yet," I growled yanking her around so that I could hold her to me, "it is improper for a courting couple to be left without an escort."
With ease I pulled her up and urged her to wrap her thick legs around my waist. The heat of her quim squished against my stomach, her bottom tickling my member from above. Our lips met in a hurried kiss, her hands tangling in my hair as mine traveled to hold onto her arse. Soon my lips left her own to trail down the column of her neck; she still tasted of sweet apples. I wondered if all of her tasted of sweet apple.
My fingers worked the meaty flesh of her arse while I started to walk back to where my things were laid out. As the water started to reveal more of her skin, she shivered. "Where are we going," her voice was breathless against my ear.
"To lay on land so I can properly please you," I growled back nipping at her lobe. A loud moan left her lips, urging me to move faster. Once we were out of the water, I settled her onto my dry cloth and gazed at her naked beauty.
Laurel's skin was not pale but olive, sheen with water than dripped from the spring. Her handful of breasts were dusted with pert peaks, following down a thick with muscle abdomen into thicker thighs. One side harbored a dark red gash.
"What happened here," I asked breathlessly as my hand trailed down the cut.
"Orc," she hissed.
"You practiced with swords all day, moving and irritating it. That was foolish," I muttered. My eyes traveled further.
At the appendix of her thighs was a light coating of ginger hair. A deep groan left me as I pressed my lips against her chest, trailing off to the side so that I could lick at her dark nipple. She gasped, hips jutting forward. One of my hands found the other breast while her fingers tugged at my hair.
I rose so that I could kneel between her legs. The hand that was caressing her breast left to hold her stomach, the other coaxing her leg to fall to the side so that I could touch her quim. Slowly she eased them open, allowing me to see her nether lips glisten in the light of the moon. The twitch of my manhood at the sight had me hiss. As I watched her face, she took a deep breath. One finger touched her bare flesh—she gasped—then I slid my finger up to lightly skim the nub of nerves I knew to be hiding, the action easier due to her great wetness.
A loud moan ripped through her, causing me to use my lips to silence her. Last thing I needed was the company hearing her and coming to investigate—only to find us naked in the throes of passion.
Her tightness hugged around my finger, causing me to gasp at the warm slick heat that I wanted to be emerged in completely. Her walls were clenched and trying to push out the intrusion. "Shh little doe," I murmured kissing her softly, "relax. This is all I am doing tonight. I swear to it."
When her body fell back to the ground, I started to move in and out, with the same ease I would if it were me instead of my finger. It was slow, but the beauty of her face as she found pleasure was something I would never forget. Her juices flowed over my fingers easily, covering them as I added a second finger. Another moan sounded through the night, mixed in with my own groan. Her hips started to trust in time with my movements, her breath coming shorter. With my thumb I touched the bundled gem above her opening again, stroking it in time as I pounded my hand into her.
Finally she clenched all her walls and screamed the loudest, moaning my name.
She rode my fingers until her body slowed, breathing erratically. Her eyes opened dazed and half lidded as she gazed upon me. A quick glance of my hand had me twitching again, she was bare and open before me, my fingers were covered in her essence. When I gazed on her again, I brought my hand to my mouth and slowly sucked on a finger.
It was purely sweet like apples, with a husky feminine taste and smell, one that screamed her name. A pleased grunt left me while she gasped, her hand trailing down between her legs. At the sight I reached down and grasped myself, a hiss leaving me at the feel of her juices on my bare member. The pleasure from touching myself with her warm wet heat was extraordinary.
With my own eyes half lidded I pleasured myself to the image of Laurel naked before me. I watched as she ran her fingers into her own quim, gathering her wetness. Stunningly enough, she grasped me with her slick hand and started to stroke. Another moan tumbled from my lips as she pushed me to my back and started to squeeze and pull at my flesh. This felt even better than when I was doing it. The pressure started to build, almost painful because I was so full. My hand sought out her breast, pulling and tweaking her peak as she pleasured me.
"Tighter," I hissed, fisting both hands at my sides.
She followed my instructions, gripping me tighter and moving her hand more furiously.
"Thank you Kili," she whispered, pressing her lips to my hip bone. "that was better than when I do it."
At her words I found release, unfortunately it spurted all over her chest. The sight so glorious, causing me to spasm harder and spurt more. She gasped softly as she worked my flesh until my thrusts stopped.
"I am sorry," I muttered, pulling her face down to mine for a kiss, "I did not mean to spend myself all over you."
After another eager kiss she rose, offering me her hand. "It's okay," she whispered when we were both standing, "let's hurry and wash so we can get back to the house."
Previous Chapter << Chapter 13: By the Valar, If Only Dreams Were True
Next Chapter >> Chapter 15: Mirror Reflections Within Sickness
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centuryofdean · 5 years
When Lightning Strikes - Chapter 10
Author Disclaimer:: The Hobbit, Middle Earth and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. The story line and even some dialogue–also not mine. Instead I claim my Original Character Laurel and the adjustments to the story line.
Summary:: From when Laurel Took was small she dreamed of a man. Every time she dreamed of him, he could not see or hear her. Over time they are able to communicate–but he’s been dreaming about her too. Finally after years of anticipation Laurel takes the leap and kisses him. Only for her to wake up and dread the real world. Then lightning strikes and she finds herself in a familiar place, with a familiar face.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+ At this point in the story there isn’t much, but later on the M rating will come into effect.
Warnings:: Language, Violence and Scenes of Sexual Nature
Pairing:: Kili x OC (Laurel)
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Fili explained to me of when Thorin told them they were the princes of Erebor, but Fili was the crown prince. This meant that he was the first heir whereas his younger brother would be the second runner up. That day Fili experienced hatred from his brother for the only time in their lives. Although they were ten years apart they were inseparable, so the month of jealousy from the younger brother took a toll on their relationship.
During a pause in our conversation, a bird called above from the trees. In one fluid motion I drew my bow and notched an arrow trying to be mindful to my companion and not hit him at all. With concentration, I tried to mimic the call, surprising myself at how well it came across. The bird shot out from the trees, larger than I had thought. Lining the tip of the beautiful arrows I had, I released and prayed that I had anticipated the flight of the bird correctly.
Pride filled me as the bird was struck and started to fall from the sky. It was up ahead more, so it would land before we would reached it.
"Did you just shoot a bustard," Bombur called from ahead, looking back.
"I dunno really, I shot a bird," I replied jogging ahead to try and find the carcass.
In the foliage I could see that were was distress through the leaves. It took a moment, but I found the animal laying in the bottom of a small hill. It wasn't the largest bird around, maybe fifteen pounds if I was lucky, but it was some meat to eat.
Not being mindful where I stepped, my heel hit a stick just right and caused me to slip and slide down the hill before me.
"Son of a bitch!"
The scream ripped through me as I felt pain go through my ankle and then the rest of my body as I tumbled down. I halted to a stop next to the dead bird, breathe coming to me in short gasps as I tried to regain it. In the distance I could hear muttering and the sound of thudding boots. In moments Bofur, Nori, Fili and even Kili were above me and looking at the scene.
"What happened," Kili muttered breathlessly.
"I slid on a stick and fell down the hill. Hurt my ankle I think," I closed my eyes and I began to set up. Once I was able to stand up, I attempted to put pressure on my foot. Instead pain stabbed all around. "I twisted it. its gunna swell, dammit!"
Nori started to poke at the bird, checking to see if it were truly dead. When he found it to his liking, he picked it up and looked it over some more. "It won't be much," he chuckled, "but it is better than bread and vegetables! Good shot lass!"
He and Bofur ran back up the hill, yelling about the catch. The brothers turned to follow. The limp that I acquired left me struggling to get up the hill we came from, I actually slid backwards a few times, hissing and wincing at the pain that would shoot through my joint. Fili stopped with a sigh, giving me a look over his shoulder and gestured to his back, "Jump on Lady Laurel, I will assist you to the top."
I saw Kili's back straighten, but he did not turn backwards to see me climb his brother's back. Fili was not helping in this battle of jealousy. It was awkward to say in the least when his hands grasped just under my knees and hike me up higher on his shoulders. I grasped them in front of me, trying not to squeeze my thighs around him.
Once we returned to the group, we found them to be sitting and starting a fire. "We will rest here for the night and continue in the morning," Thorin stated, throwing another look of disdain my way. 
Bombur had the bird plucked and beheaded, he was working on cutting the meat and slicing it up. By the looks of the slices he was evenly making, there would be enough for everyone but not enough to fill the pits of our bellies. Not all of the fifteen pounds of that bird were meat for eating. 
I was set on one of the logs that was pulled close to the fire. Toeing off my boot, I looked at the swollen ankle. It would be better in the morning when we were ready to leave. "Wish I would have saw a deer instead," I muttered, "rather hurt myself over that than some skinny bird."
The chuckles and laughs that Fili produced were always deep and full of mirth. Almost like a father or an uncle it seemed. Kili's were much more child-like and pure excitement. Occasionally they turned sultry. Sometimes they slipped into a deep sensual laugh, those were nice, maybe even my favorite. The dwarf in question rose from the opposite end of the log and snatched his bow off the ground, trudging into the forest.
"Where is he off too," I muttered. Ori, whom took a seat next to me shrugged.
The stew was done shortly, everyone tucking in and eating earnestly. Gandalf ate quickly and rose, "Thank you for the find Laurel, but I must be off to attend to something quickly. I will meet back with the company on the other side of the mountain in a few days."
No one said anything, just because from what I could tell was Gandalf left and came back frequently. Night soon fell and Kili had yet to return.
"Is anyone going to go look for him," I asked his brother, "what if something happened to him?"
"He is probably hunting," he responded simply, "or he is waiting for you to follow him for a quick romp."
I choked on the stew, "E-excuse me?"
The blond erupted into laughs, patting me on the back to assist me with my choking. Just as tears threatened to spill over my cheeks from the harshness of the stew going down my windpipe, I saw Kili emerge from the woods, pulling something behind him.
"Durin's beard," Fili muttered, rising to get a better look.
Behind Kili was a large animal, and once he got closer to the fire I was able to see it was one of the largest bucks I ever laid my eyes on.
"Oh he's pruning himself alright," Dwalin chuckled from across the fire.
"Pruning," I asked confused.
"It's the process of a dwarf making himself more presentable for mating," Fili muttered as Kili drew closer. "He is going to present you with the deer, he expects you to prepare it."
"Why," I muttered back.
I did not receive my answer though. Instead Kili came to a stop, panting softly before me, dragging the beast of a buck and dropping its hind legs. "When you're done Bombur will cook it."
No other words were said. Instead he crossed to the other side of the fire and stared intently at myself.
"He is proving that he is more suit for you. You said you wanted deer," Fili laughed poking the dead animal, "so he brought you back the biggest one I have ever seen, showing he can provide. Normally he would cook it after you prepare it, but Bombur makes everything taste better."
"Has anyone got a rope," I asked. I got a lot of head shakes and 'no's.
Of course.
Pulling out the dagger I was given, I slipped to the ground to sit in front of the animal. I would have to make the best of it I suppose. The dagger was sharp and made it easy to cut into the belly, but not too deep so that I didn't cut the intestines. It was messy to say the least, I had to keep scooting to keep from getting drenched in the blood. Fili handed me leather ties so that I could tie essential parts closed to keep the meat pristine.
"If you look at him," Fili whispered lowly, "he is stroking his beard. He would normally be braiding it to show its thickness and length, but since he does not have much length, that will not do him much good.
"Soon he will probably end up braiding his hair for the same reason, and eventually he will remove his shirt to show his body to you so you can see his strength."
"Dear lord," I muttered, "jealous barbarians."
I struggled when it came to cutting the sternum, but when I put my weight into it I was able to get it all the way through. Next I had to remove the skin, cringing because it was my least favorite part. Fili attempted to help me move the carcass so that I could remove the skin on the opposite side, but I nudged him away. Shortly after I heard a soft growl, my eyes darting up to find Kili bent over with his fingers in his hair, glaring at his brother. Each of the dwarves were talking quietly, watching me as I worked.
"If the maiden needs help with the dressing of the animal," Fili continued after he backed away, "the dwarf that presented it should help. He sees me trying to help you, which he takes it as me trying to help provide for you."
Jesus, they were fucking barbarians.
"We won't all be able to eat all of this thing," I muttered, "so we'll just eat half of it I suppose. It won't last through the night anyway, it will spoil."
I started to cut out steaks. They were big steaks, enough to have one or sometimes two for each of us. Bombur rose and waddled over to me to take five or six steaks at a time, rinsing them with a couple of water pouches they had. Once all the steaks I cut out were taken and cleaned, I wiped at my forehead with my wrist, probably smearing blood everywhere. I dared look at Thorin to try and determine his mood. It was then he decided to stand and speak.
"The Halfling fed us earlier, and thanks to Kili we were fed again, tonight we feast like kings," he roared in cheer. The rest of the dwarves shouted as well, each rising to thump Kili on the back. His dark brown eyes never leaving my form, raking over all the aspects.
"I want the antlers," I told him plainly as he looked at me. It was a nice eight-point rack, nice thick bases and almost perfectly even on either side. 
Surprise didn't take me when he rose and borrowed Dwalin's axe, tossing it over one shoulder and pulling the deer by one leg over to the side of our camp site. He returned within ten minutes, presenting me with the top half of the scull and twelve-point rack. He must have rinsed it as well because there was little traces of blood to see. I set it aside and watched as he disappeared with the deer carcass.
"Must have really made him jealous," his brother laughed once more. "Have never seen him pruning before."
When he returned, he grabbed a plate from Bombur and a steak, kneeling before me and handing me the plate. "Thank you," I whispered, picking up the warm meat with my bare hands and started to tear into the meat. A soft smile tugged on the corners of his lips, he rose and returned with another plate of his own; and pushed his brother from the spot next to me to take his seat.
The group—and even myself—burst into a round of laughter. The tension was finally gone, and everyone started to talk again as if nothing ever happened.
"Are you done pruning yet brother," Fili slapped him on the back.
The steak was marvelous, one of the best deer I had ever eaten. It was juicy and cooked just the way I liked it. I felt as though I was a mess, because the juices dribbled down my chin, not to mention I was covered in blood. The plate sat next to me, and I sighed in contentment.
Kili bent down, slipping his arms around my knees and back, "Come along now little doe," he muttered, "I will take you to clean up."
"Little doe," I laughed softly in question.
Since night had fallen, soreness started to creep in and tried to drag me to sleep. All the walking and the hour it took to prepare the deer had me almost exhausted. As Kili carried me bridal style through the trees, I released another content sigh and let my head fall back against his shoulder.
"You had nothing to be jealous of," I muttered, pulling on the large braid he placed in his hair. A scoff left him. "I am serious. It's your brother of all people, I would never do that to you."
We arrived at a smaller stream, Kili kneeling down to set me at the edge of it. He ripped a piece of fabric from this shirt and wet it before bringing it up to my face. The ice cold water had me bolt to awareness, but grateful for the wake up. I didn't want to fall asleep before we got back to the camp. Once my face and neck were cleaned of blood and leftover deer, he attempted to try and wipe the blood from my clothes.
"Don't worry about it," I took the rag from his hands and continued to wipe my own. "And stop pruning or whatever they called it, I can clean myself."
"I apologize," he muttered, "I just saw Fili and you laughing and smiling with his arm around you—I just saw red. Then he carried you on his back…"
The moonlight lit the trees and shimmered off the creek, all the stars and beautiful hues of blue and purple amazing me. Kili kicked his feet above the water’s edge in tune with my own.
With a sigh I crawled into his lap so I sat astride, throwing my arms around his waist. "You don't ever have to think of that of me," I sighed, "I just don't know if I can give you what you want Kili."
"What is it you think I want?"
I had the hinting suspicion that sex was one of the things, but I would not say it was the only thing. Kili may have chased a lot of elves, but through the years he's come to care for me at least as a friend. As of late I could tell that it ran deeper than just friendship, or a quick romp in the woods as Fili said.
"For this thing between us to progress," I murmured, eyes trying to find his own for confirmation of what I said.
"This is true," he whispered, smile evident while he cupped my face, "not just physically Laurel, I want everything."
"I don't know if I can give you everything."
"Can I at least have something for now," he asked breathlessly.
If it made him happy, I suppose. With a small nod I threaded my fingers through his braid, tilting his head to mine so that I could taste his lips. The last and only kiss we shared was heated and hurried, not even real. This time I was determined to make it last and mean something.
Just as I remembered, his lips were soft and velvety against my own, but real. It was a feeling I would love to feel all over my body. His one hand grasped my hip to pull me closer while the other fingered my hair as well. A jolt of pleasure came over me when he slanted his mouth open, tongue seeking out my own. The first touch of it tangling with mine had me moaning softly.
Kili grunted, hands leaving my hair and picking me up completely to throw each of my legs around his waist. At this position I could feel the hardness in his pants pressed up against my bottom. I kissed him back with more heat, my lips pushing back harshly as I pulled his head closer to my own. Every movement was pleasure spiking right to my core.
One of his hands fisted in my hair and yanked my head backwards so his lips could attack my neck. A louder moan ripped through me, coming out as a mewl at the last second. Teeth started to nip at my neck while his other hand slipped over and unknowingly undid the buttons of my vest. Another gasp left me when his hand encased my clothed breast. It felt good, too good.
Finally we were both making noises of pleasure, his hand fondling me while I took the time to kiss his neck and experiment biting him as well. In moments we were rocking into one another, the best jolt of pleasure I ever felt going right to my core. Heat and tingling bliss radiated from my center as it rubbed up against his length through our clothes.
"Oh Kili," I moaned, "too much."
His hands moved from my breast and hip to cup either side of my face where he pulled me into another soft kiss.
"Thank you little doe," he panted, "that was glorious. I will have prune around you more often."
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