#creative fulfillment
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screamingeyepress · 4 months ago
Interview with Audio Dramatist, Pete Lutz
Pete Lutz has spent years exploring different paths, still uncertain of a final direction for his life. Along the way, he’s had a rich and varied journey: married three times (the third time being the charm), served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, traveled the world several times, raised three children, and held a variety of jobs—including paperboy, farmhand, reporter, photographer, typist, firefighter, welder, instructor, recruiter, and customer service representative.
While these roles provided steady income, they didn’t bring him much fulfillment. For that, Pete turned to audio dramas. Since 2013, he has written over a hundred scripts and produced nearly as many audio dramas. Additionally, he has contributed his voice to hundreds of other productions. Despite starting later in podcasting, Pete is determined to catch up, joking that the one with the most completed episodes by the end wins!
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cozylittleartblog · 6 months ago
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bug doodles so i can say i drew something
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sourkreem · 6 months ago
Commission samples!
A few of the commissions I've done so far!
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DMs are open if you're interested!
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craniumknight · 11 months ago
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timber hearth block print
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maddielinwood · 4 months ago
Full disclosure I have basically no experience with fanfiction. I have never once read a fanfic and I've only passingly written maybe like... one or two. ever. However I do want to make an observation. Yall are brilliant.
I've only been on this site for a brief time, but I am very astounded and impressed by the amount of passion and effort you all put into your work. The art you make is just as valid and important as any other form of literature, because it is literature. You are making art.
A lot of people say fanfiction is cringe, but honestly I refuse to see it like that. One because I'm cringe, and two because art doesn't need to follow rules. You are stepping into worlds and characters that weren't even made by you, but portraying them in a way that connects with people profoundly. That's impressive stuff!
Fanfiction is art. It's literature. You are just as much of a writer as the people on the shelves. What you make is important to our craft. Keep doing it!
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ryegarden · 5 months ago
hiii Tumblr im still here and making art except I teach it now!!!!! I'm a ceramics TA at a university :) so that's taking up a lot of my time and brain but I'm hoping once I'm settled I will be able to build a routine for art and Etsy again. I have lots of gay little pins and access to a kiln again it's exciting. do you want to see the ceramics I'm doing??? Even if they're not explicitly trans (they are implicitly because of the transformative properties of the ceramic process but like. that's the subtext)???? should I make a separate blog for the ceramics??????
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imbecominggayer · 7 months ago
What Makes A Disabled Character "Good"?
A disabled character shouldn't be judged as a failure when they need caretakers and other reliances for the important stuff in life no matter their age
A disabled character shouldn't be mocked as weak or spoiled when they refuse to break their boundaries or be happy
A disabled character shouldn't be shamed when their medical problems impede on their sex capabilities or hygiene or anything else like that
A disabled character shouldn't be celebrated only when they do break the impossible odds since most characters never break the odds
A disabled character shouldn't be dehumanized when they act cheerful
A disabled character shouldn't be treated like a child when they aren't a child
A disabled character shouldn't be forced into leading an "idealic" life that wasn't built for individuals like them
A disabled character needs to be accepted by the author when they fail to thrive, to die, to succeed.
A disabled character needs to be created by an author who understands that life is complicated and that the things they think as "necessary" to leading a fulfilling life may not be in the cards for certain characters
A disabled character needs to be understood by the author as a disabled character who can't do everything an able-bodied character can do.
And when a disabled character is not fully independent, self-sufficient, and thriving, an author should know that even in these circumstances, fulfillment and joy can be found. Disabled people do it all the time.
Many people aren't breaking odds, being fearless activists, and thriving. They struggle. They break sometimes. They succeed sometimes. But in this life, they can find the ability to be content.
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seaquestions · 9 months ago
lately i’ve been feeling like this a lot,
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i don’t want to make the art people followed me for. i want to turn hockey players into furries.
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madebycoffee · 9 months ago
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Last year I decided to give back for my birthday, and while it was a lot of work- it was such a blast! So let's do it again lads.
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Do you have a need for some deco sims? Is there something you always need but no one has made? Have an idea but don't have the time or ability to make it yourself? Then do I have the event for you!
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What is the event?
Starting TODAY, May 26th, 2024 if you have a deco sim request, please send it to me via the form linked at the end of this post. DO NOT send them to my askbox! I will ignore any requests not submitted correctly! Thank you! If your request sounds like fun/inspires me I will make it, and then release the deco sims on one of the 11 days! Yeehaw!
When will this event take place?
I will begin sharing out deco sims on JULY 1st!! The final day will be my birthday, July 11th!
How many deco sims will you share out?
As many as I feel like! Last year I made 148. I would wager it'll be more this year, but it really depends on how many requests I get that I want to do!
Can I make more than 1 request?
Yes! Make as many as you want! Put them all into one request in the form, or send in multiple. :D Send them in at any point BEFORE the deadline!
The deadline for sending in a request will be Sunday, June 23rd!
Make your request via this google form! Please read the disclaimer on the form before making your request!
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If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! Anything related to this event will get the tag '#11daysofdecos2024'
If you would like to see the deco sims I released last year, check them all out here!
Other deco sims are linked on my poses & deco sims DL page!
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thebramblewood · 1 year ago
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Now, what on earth could Caleb be up to? 🧐
@moonfromearth Do you think Veronica would mind being Lilith's blood dealer in these trying times?
Previous / Next
Caleb: [humming under breath]
[humming more loudly]
[continues humming]
Lilith, I'm... [hesitates] I don't mean to disturb you.
Lilith: [irritably] You already have. What do you want, Caleb?
Caleb: I'm going out. I've got errands to run. I'll be back before sunrise, obviously.
Lilith: I don't suppose you'd swing by the hospital and swipe me some blood bags?
Caleb: You know the answer to that.
Lilith: [heaves dramatic sigh] Wonderful. I'll have to hit up Veronica and beg like some common addict.
Caleb: Lilith... [trails off uncertainly]
Lilith: Speak your mind, brother, or I'll have to probe it. I know how much you hate that.
Caleb: [visibly cringes] That won't be necessary. It's just that it's not like you to sulk, especially over a human. There'll be others.
Lilith: I'm not sulking. I'm practicing self-care. Isn't that what you're always preaching, meditation over murder? Hmm, that's catchy. You should put it on a t-shirt.
Caleb: You're incapable of having a serious conversation.
Lilith: I'm busy, and your conversation topics are boring and played out.
Caleb: Fine. I'll be back in a few hours.
Lilith: I'm sure I'll barely notice you're gone.
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durchdenspiegel · 3 months ago
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Getting back in the saddle (and getting messy)
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javierduffy · 2 months ago
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stuffand also things
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good--merits-accumulated · 2 months ago
really really want to write something w/ Todd or Neil being a doctor
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ell1th3gh0st · 2 years ago
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But I love my friends, they make me feel alive again [Laugh / Cry - Bears In Trees]
But I love my friends / They make me feel alive again / Or at least they remind me / That I'm not even dead [Reverberate - Bears In Trees]
inspiration in the tags, thank you bears in trees i love you <3
fun fact: i, like previously, sketched this on my phone very quickly, but this time I actually knew what I was doing!!
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mrs-trophy-wife · 5 months ago
You can move into any state, for all states are already completed. All you need to do is step into the state, for it to be transformed from a shadow to the only substance. Think of your desire and it’s a shadow lacking form. Enter it and it is the only reality.
—Neville Goddard
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alilarew23 · 1 year ago
who are you not being?
so often when people talk about the law/manifestation the go-to phrase (second only to “affirm and persist until it shows up❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ or until you die❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️” lmao) is “be the person who has it!”
aka how would you think how would you feel how would you talk how would you carry yourself what would you do what would your energy be like—who are you?
the “you” who isn’t desiring.
the you who already has.
the you who already is.
which, yeah. that’s key. absolutely.
but i want to flip that statement on its head for a hot second and make you think, so humor me.
you want something, yeah?
been affirming for your specific desire and for self-concept ceaselessly for months but “nothing is happening,” you “haven’t had any movement,” you “feel like giving up”…well clearly you’re still in the state of trying, which is an easy problem to solve, but instead of me writing yet another post telling you how to solve it (fulfill yourself within, stop desiring), i want to ask you, and i want you to answer honestly—and this may require some meditation on your part, or what one of my homies and me call a “self-talk walk”—why, on a deep, maybe subconscious level, ARE you still in the state of trying?
meaning, what are you avoiding by not having?
who are you not being?
put differently, if you were forced to take every got damn ounce of the energy you’ve been putting into trying to get your desire in the physical world into something else, what would that something be?
do you know?
does it exist?
does it scare you that you don’t know, or that it maybe doesn’t yet exist?
fight me on this if you want to, but the way i see it, the point of the law is not to get.
it’s to stop desiring.
it’s a return to the true self, to the god-self.
it’s inner fulfillment, which is the state in which we are most present, most loving, most creative, most all-the-other-beautiful-things-that-make-life-worth-living, and i guess—i don’t know, man.
i’m not inside your brain-body so i cannot do this for you, but maybe, just maybe, if you sit with yourself in the quiet for a bit and ask yourself, “who am i not being? and why am i not being it?” and let the answer arise without judging or suppressing or fighting it, you will finally be able to shift out of your perpetual trying state and make space to let the magic in.
to be the magic.
i love you/i believe in you/happy investigating!
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