#crazy to think about how im a different person now than i was at 17
chrismcshell · 2 months
as a trans person who ultimately decided to keep my given name, i think it's funny how, if there's one name i'd consider my "deadname", it's the chosen name i went by when i was 17-19 years old. that one ain't me. maybe it was me back then but it sure isn't now
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Round 2 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side A
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
he’s literally a priest and he’s literally my little meowmeow. i don’t have words right now but i love him. thanks
What he is about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.
He’s a priest whose entire job is exorcising and hunting down demons. The Vatican does not want this. But he sure does do it!
i have nothing else to say but john ward shouldn’t be that fucking big why the fuck does the wiki say he’s 6’2 its not right it isn’t FAIR
Father Garcia is also a candidate but I wasn’t sure if you wanted more than one from the same series. I guess John does have a crisis of faith after all the stuff that happens but in 2/3 of the chapter 3 endings he continues fighting demons and stuff so ultimately he’s still catholic (he dies in the other ending so he doesn’t even leave the faith then).
hes so skrunkly and dumb, he makes mistakes then cries, hes too harsh on himself i want him dead but if he dies im gonna cry
look i know he’s atari graphics but he’s THE GUY ok?
he is *what i’m about to do isn’t approved by the vatican* incarnate -both literally and figuratively insane IT’S MORTIS TIME!!! and he mortised all over the demons
i want him in cat ears
He is so fucking traumatized and his faith is CONSTANTLY TESTED. He’s god’s soppiest little priest man and idk how he does it. But he remains faithful !! the bonus is that i have him in my brain (i have DID)
Performs an exorcism NOT approved by the vatican🙌🙌 fails and shoots that demon with a gun 🔥🔥🔥
so i’m not ENTIRELY sure if he counts as catholic because i don’t really know the difference between christianity and catholicism as i’m not personally religious (the creator of faith is christian). but basically he fails an exorcism then battles demons and a cult because they wont leave him alone
he's soo. idk how to describe him. he never takes out his earbuds (which are constantly blasting music), he's killed at least 99 (probably more) monsters by the age of 17, he thinks his boss is god, he dresses like a catholic priest. the autistic homophobic gay guy ever
He is a priest who can turn into a guillotine. Has killed at least a hundred people. He constantly wears headphones that play non stop death metal music at max volume claiming that doing so helps him hear the voice of God causing him to shout when talking so he can hear what he's saying and people have to repeteadly signal him to take them off so they can talk to him and when that inevitably fails knock the off. He eventually betrays the good guys after going crazy and allies himself with a demon who wants to take over the world. After beign damaged by a magic sun ray the left half of his faces becomes perpetually engulfed in flames.
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ashe-delta · 2 years
I am now reading this green tea bitch manhwa because it looked cute, last lesbian romance manhwa I read was Ring My Bell and I loved that shit.
This is like a half live reaction half thought out post so forgive how messy this post will be. I figured I’d try something different. It will also be long. The number in front shows what chapter the thought is on. TL;DR: It’s good and very sweet and cute. Ends a bit too early
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[3] this girl is a FREAK I love her so much
[4] Oh yikes that backstory is rough I don’t know about that one chief
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[5] god it’s so refreshing to just see people say “gay” after all the weird beating around the bush manga does half the time.
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[6] this is an EXCELLENT reaction image I’m gonna have to use this all the time
[6] why do I have a feeling half of this is just me going “they like me fr” over and over again
[6.X] the author’s non canon bonus panels are really cute to be honest I love that they aren’t even trying to act like they won’t get together
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[8] TRUE
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[9] hey swinging a bit too close to home there that one hurt. yowch [9] oh they’re lesbians they’re gay oh my poor heart
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[10] jesus FUCK she’s gay. Holy fuck you’re such a lesbian oh my god girl
[11] I think I just have a thing for stories about a seemingly straight person figuring out they’re gay because like Ring My Bell I find this turbo sweet
[12] Oh god. I am not immune to lesbians. holy shit. oh my god
[13] oh she’s absolutely not straight she’s fruity as fuck actually. my heart
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[14] Token gay best friends in straight media are out. Gay best friends in gay mediums are my new friend
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[15] I love her so much holy shit lol
[16] I’m going to be a puddle on the floor when this is over it’s literally over for me I can’t handle romance it’s so fucking cute
[17] oh wow she went straight to her mom that’s pretty brave. Although I guess not out of character for her. And she seems pretty cool about it too that’s fun good to see there to be no drama there.
[19] Hopeless supportive mom honestly goes so hard as an archetype
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[20] oh my god. Oh my gfucking god. Hoyj god fuck shit
[22] im not okay im not okay im not okay
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[23] oh my god I can’t it’s so cute
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[24] this is devolving into me just squealing like a school girl every chapter over how cute it is
[25] I could just read about them being mushy for 200 chapters and I still wouldn’t get bored
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[27] love that she starts as the straight person and ends up gayer than the protag
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[28] I’ve had a permanent grin on my face for a while now this is so fucking cute
[29] Wait the grin is gone why does she have to have such bad parents
[30] I don’t like her mom very much
[31] I unironically hope her mom dies of a mysterious illness I can’t believe she caught the homophobia bug fuck you mom
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[32] Supportive moms rule man
[34] That has got to be the most depressing time skip I’ve seen come on man
[37] The ending is kinda brutal how they had to not see each other for a whole year but I’m glad they get to finally live together in college it’s so sweet holy shit
This was very sweet and worth reading if you watch fluffy romance, I just wish the ending was a bit better because it was kinda out of tone compared to the rest of the manga (I honestly expected her to move in with her girlfriend since they seem financially well enough for it, it would make sense for the tone of the series). Regardless I fucking love lesbian romance
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 5 months
I am not patient so ima answer these now
ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?: my turtle wall <333
2. how tall do you wish you were?: much taller 😔
3. what color is your hair?: im a natural redhead :D
4. whats a rare fear that you have?: nit rlly rare i dont think, but I am TERRIFIED of deep water- like to the point of crying
5. are you single?: naur✨
6. has your heart ever been broken?: not really?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?: 2012 and Money Island SE
8. favorite coping mechanism?: Loud music and a weighted blanket 👌
9. whats your favorite love language?: defo physical touch. I am a veryyyy clingy person oncw I get comfy
10. how often do you get nervous?: really only before auditions (and ordering food)
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?: uh- cha. Who wouldn't??
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?: asl fs. I like being non verbal, so it would be helpful
13. where do you wish to live?: I wish I lived with my aunt and uncle in Everett
14. what’s something surprising about you?: I do cheer
15. when did you last shower?: last week I think? (I am ass at taking care of myself 💀💀)
16. when did you first join tumblr?: A couple months ago (I think)
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?: yerp. Probably my arms. Something meaningful. Idk it just sounds cool.
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?: A reoccurring dream I keep having is where my mom lets me go to school for one day to try it out, but something always goes wrong (I lose my schedule, miss my classes, etc.)
19. whats your dream job?: Actor/Voice Actor
20. whats your ideal date?: just doing something easy and fun, like going to the aquarium!
21. what do you wish you could do better?: take care of myself
22. what country would you live in if you could?: idk Canada? I mean they get free healthcare-
23. whos the best person you know?: my brother Asher
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?: I didn't, but my mom once walked in on my neighbor teaching me the wap when I was like 9
25. Already answered!!
26. when have you been most embarrassed?: I accidentally blew snot in the boy I liked in 3rd grade✨✨
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?: so far, Carrie
28. what are you best at?: Acting
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?: yuh
30. do you have siblings?: three- almost four- little s shits
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?: if i make it to adulthood
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?: dishonesty
33. whats your favorite current class?: ELA
34. how many people have you dated?: 4
35. how often do you wash your hair?: every time I shower
36. do you daydream? what about?: living w my aunt and uncle
37. where do you go to be alone?: my room. people kinda forget I exist lol
38. which parent do you like more?: my dad. They both suck, but he's at least a little better
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?: not being hateful
40. whos voice do you enjoy?: BEN SCHWARTZ!!!!
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?: bingus
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?: actually learn an instrument (I am learning drums tho!)
43. what do you wish you never did?: came out to my friends in the gc where my ma could see
44. do you believe in life after death?: sort of? Im pretty open to whatever, but I do like the idea of reincarnation
45. do you prefer book over movie?: the book is definitely 100% better than the movie
46. whats your favorite season?: Autumn
47. Answered!!
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?: yup! Pussyslayer the turtle <333
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?: 3rd grade when I drove a friend away by being to crazy
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?: nothing really, I thoroughly make sure the purchase is worthwhile before proceeding
51. do you have your own room?: sadly, no
52. whats your favorite book?: white rabbit
53. who’s someone you hate?: Colleen Hoover
54. whats your best hottake?: ???
55. whats your favorite game?: I don't really play video games, but I'd say either Minecraft, Unpacking, or Sims 4
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?: when I went to twin falls in Hawaii, and my dad swam me across the third one, under the waterfall. I cried.
57. are you a morning person?: aaaaabsolutely not
58. do you drink enough water?: definitely not.... Im very dehydrated
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?: Ion know dawg- i cant even remember most my childhood 😭😭
60. do you enjoy tumblr?: yeah! I just wish people would rebLOG INSTEAD OF LIKING.
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?: No(t yet)
62. whats your least favorite game?: fortnite
63. were you a markiplier fan?: still am motherfucker
64. how do you respond to compliments?: If its in person, I usually just say thanks and give a compliment in return. If its online, I usually squeal and giggle and stimm big before calmly replying 'ik✨✨' or 'ty!!'
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?: literally no idea
66. do you believe in marriage?: im kinda 50/50 here- on one hand I would love to have a wedding and get to wear a pretty dress. On the other, I don't believe in marriage as an idea- I feel like you shouldnt have to be legally bound to prive your love. But you do you boo <33
67. do you have a crush on someone?: other than Donnie? Nah.
68. do you like tumblr?: I do! So far everyone is really nice (but please for the love of Aphrodite REBLOGGGG)
69. were you a voltron stan?: naur
70. whats your favorite ship?: Leosagi
71. whats your favorite song?: atm im between Two Time by Jack Stauber and the entire Lucid Dreams album by Boywithuke
72. do you like loud crowds?: I would honestly rather be skinned alive
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?: nah
74. how do you sleep?: very little
75. do you bite your lips?: only when they itchy
76. do you use chapstick?: frequently. I have eczema so my lips are constantly dry
77. do you have any pets?: two dogs and three cats!
78. what color are your eyes?: blue-gray
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?: nothing, im perfect already✨✨
80. have you ever had surgery?: nerp
81. whats your least favorite animal?: mosquito
82. whats something that youre really bad at?: math (I had to use my fingers to count 7-3 the other day, then I had to pause and rethink my entire life)
83. do you have an sqishmellows?: just one, the lil panda
84. do you enjoy fast food?: meh. I prefer eating at home
85. do you like soda?: yup!
86. Answered!!
87. do you wear any jewelry?: mhm! I have a bunch if cute earrings, and I love wearing bracelets
88. what socials do you use?: just Insta and tumblr
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?: social studies at 73.24%
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?: all night
91. did you ever have bangs?: Nerp
92. what trends did you hate?: thigh high uggs because for some reason those were a thing
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?: the dress I wore today, so affectionately called the 'coffin dress'
94. Answered!!
95. whats your opinion on body hair?: if you want to shave, go ahead. If you dont, thats okay too! I don't like telling people what to do with their bodies. Personally, I don't like shaving. I like me the way I am, body hair and all!
96. whats your least favorite time?: morning
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?: its basically mandatory in my house
98. Answered!!
99. have you ever been to church?: I don't go regularly, but have been a few times. Not a terrible experience, but not for me.
100. are you lgbtq?: queer as hell baby
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ocd-kenobi · 2 years
So i came to your blog specifically because i really like and enjoy your metas of Obi Wan. I have a very specific question i wanted to ask because i see as this is something quite a lot of fanbase ponders over for some reason.
Yes it is about Obi Wan and Satine, from TCW. I don't have many thoughts about their supposed or so called relationship and i feel like its mostly glorified by the fanbase because she's created to be his love interest but my question is; do you think their relationship got to anything more than just pure pining for one another during their time together during a civil war? I see people saying this all over because they spent almost a year together but i was thinking back onto Obi-Wan's personal beliefs of the Jedi and everything they stand for, especially when he said he would have left the order for her back then if she said the word. The thing is though it's explicitly stated that they never confessed and acted upon their feelings back when they were young. And alot of people seem to take the whole "i would have left the jedi order for you" as in they definitely got intimate like THAT. This logic to me however is flawed because you don't exactly need to have sex with someone in order to confirm to yourself you truly love them right? And even so, what does it even matter? In brotherhood novel written by Mike Chen, Obi Wan ponders if he and Satine would have run away together, if she chose a different life and what they would bring to the galaxy with that decision. All while thinking about talking to Anakin about his relationship with Padme and at the end states that it took some time and discipline for both Obi Wan and Satine to find their way (idk how to take this tbh) but yeah, to me personally it just doesn't click, like it reads as a very poor attempt to pararell Anakin and Padme but just doesn't work? It doesn't make sense for Obi Wan to be in an all consuming love with a royal, let alone politician at that, he's not like that at all and his prequels counterpart is a perfect example of that. TCW is like a different character altogether but it really does feel like this with numerous different writers and different interpretations i guess.
To nitpick, doesn't Obi Wan say he would have left for her specifically after she confessed that she always loved him? Again it just confirms that they never acted beyond those feelings and if they did get intimate, it would have compromised Obi Wan's whole philosophy and duty, given he was a teenager back then like 17 or so when they met? It just doesn't make sense. Heck i think Anakin and Obi Wan make more sense due to their complicated relationship they had throughout their years together than Obi Wan's brief time with the dutchess.
Anyways im sorry for such a long ask this has been on my mind for weeks now and i wanted to send this to someone who has a good understanding of these characters. Hope this makes sense!
Hello my friend. I'm glad you got to get that all off your chest haha! You're not crazy and your reading is just as valid as anyone else's.
So, this seems all related to what I've been feeling lately which is: the clone wars tv show just isn't actually that interesting and deep. They wanted to make Obi-Wan a "whole person" so they gave him a straight love story. If you try, you can read layers into that to make it interesting, but that basic statement is why that storyline exists.
Compulsory heterosexuality is such a strong force and it guides showrunners, fandom, and on another level, characters.
Comp het in showrunners makes them see Obi-Wan's lack of female love interest as something that needs to be fixed.
Comp het in fandom leads fandom to see one line Obi-Wan says to mean that he definitely had straight sex with that woman and was in love with her because no societal forces (aside from vows) would stop him from doing so, while they do not assume as easily that, say, Obi-Wan telling another man "I loved you" means that they fucked.
Comp het in-universe for the characters means maybe he DID have sex with Satine or believe he was in love with her, but that doesn't necessarily even mean he truly was in love with her. Comp het provides filler words and narratives to understand your situation through het romance novel lenses and to trust those lenses more than your own instinct, and that is definitely a big part of how I (work to) understand Obi-Wan's relationship with Satine. But again, that's work I'm doing as a reader to make something interesting out of something that isn't that interesting to me.
Other work I do is along the lines of what you were talking about with Mike Chen: using that relationship to understand Obi-Wan's relationship to Anakin. Obitine-anidala is not an interesting parallel in and of itself, but there's stuff to explore: the ways that Obi-Wan tries to understand what Anakin is doing by relating this part of his past to Anakin's present; getting confused about their differences and attempting to conclude that Anakin just needs to behave differently (more like Obi-Wan) without accounting for other differences or his own uninterrogated jealousy; etc.
And finally, JUST to be petty, I don't actually believe Satine was that big of a deal when Obi-Wan was a teenager! There is nothing consistent in "canon" to help me believe that!! The storyline exists for TCW and then has been referenced by a couple of books to tie it in, but none of it actually makes sense. And I've read every book where her mention is shoehorned in and it all seems so forced for the sake of tie-in! When is this supposed to have happened? Before Master and Apprentice, apparently? When Obi-Wan doesn't think about her at all? Was he 15? Was he 17? Who hinges their whole life on someone they knew for a short while as a teenager? Does he actually only find her suddenly relevant again once Anakin is dating a politician? Is he actually just very talented at telling people softly selected truths instead of harsh ones (like sorry but "I would have left the order for you" is different from "I have always loved you")? Funnily enough, I just saw an Obitine blog complaining about the inconsistencies in canon about them, because, hey, if that's the storyline you're interested in, it's totally possible to do that work of investing in the storyline and trying to find the threads of it in canon! For me, it's not an interesting storyline, and so I'm just going to take the inconsistencies in canon to mean that Obi-Wan is anxious and gay and wrote a lot of conflicting mental narratives about this one friendship he had as a teenager because comp het is a powerful and confusing force. The end!
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angelvyxen · 2 years
Ok question how do I write a book like here’s the beginning of it in a way I scraped this tho cause I didn’t think it was good enough :/ ACTUALLY NO IM NOT ABOUT TO EMBARRASS MYSELF LMAO
It’s just idk how to describe a lot and plus idk how to make the characters talk it’s weird and idk why either can you give me some pointers + tips?
Ahh, a writing advice ask, it’s my time to shine lmao. You should have put in what you had so far so I can get a feel for your writing. If you feel comfortable, message me privately so we can talk (please do because I’m all excited now lol). Don’t discourage yourself or feel bad about your writing, most of what I write is hot ass sewage anyways.
The way you describe things and how your character talks depends heavily on if you’re writing in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person. All of my imagines are written in a mix of 2nd and 3rd person because I want to avoid falling into the Y/N style of writing, but if that works for you, that’s fine!
With character dialogue
• Try to avoid writing like you would text. EX:
“She looked a hot ass mess, lmao 🤣.” She said.
Nobody says lmao when they’re actually talking, nor do people use emojis when they talk. I know it may seem bland to write without them but steer clear of that, it doesn’t read well.
• Try to build a personality around your character.
I’m not too sure if you’re writing imagines or full stories, but either way try to give your character some kind of personality that would set them apart. This doesn’t mean that they have to have some kind of elaborate back story, but if you can think of little quirks for them it helps. When I wrote “You got me fucked up.” I kept in mind that Melo’s entire personality in that imagine was him being fucking crazy over his ex, so I made sure not to stray too far away from that. Sometimes people tend to make their characters seem like they have multiple personalities on accident.
If you’re writing about a person that already exists, you might not need to do this depending on what you’re writing about. With my imagines, I try to imagine how I’d think Melo would actually act but sometimes I deviate from that because he acts like an actual toddler most times. No shade to LaFrance lmao.
• Don’t fall into the ‘said’ trap
Try to have variety when you write the way your characters say things. You don’t always have to say ‘he said’ or ‘she said’, try to find other substitutes based off the emotion you’re trying to give off. Like blurted, announced, murmured.
There’s a big difference between,
“Because I don’t want you talking to him!” Melo said loudly, looking at you mad.
“Because, I don’t want you talking to him!” Melo snapped, his face contorting in rage as he glared down at you.
• Describe their expression.
Like the example above, try to describe the characters expression. You don’t have to do this every time, but adding it in when needed (I feel) elevates your writing,
With describing things
• Describing Things: People.
My biggest thing with this is to make sure you reread. Sometimes something will be playing out perfectly in your head and then you go over it and realize it makes no sense (I do this alll the time).
When describing people try not to go all 2013-17 Wattpad.
“Hi my name is Marie and I’m 5’2 and I’m lightskin and I have short curly hair all the way down to my back and I’m thick as fuck!”
No. Just no. I’m not saying don’t have short, thick, light skin characters but don’t describe them like that. Instead build up to their character description rather than having them spit out a long, run on sentence about what they look like. I like to describe characters while they’re doing something, like getting ready for the day or going to work, etc.
Here are some first person examples:
“I ran the lotion over my skin, loving how it brought out the natural glow of my dark skin.”
“After popping in my last contact lens, blinking a couple times to get use to the feeling, I looked at myself in the mirror. My full, heart shaped lips were coated in my favorite gloss and my almond shaped eyes were accentuated with the few layers of mascara I put on that morning.”
“I stood up from the chair, smoothing the wrinkles out of my dress as I fully came to my feet. I was wearing one of my favorite black, bodycon dresses today. It hugged my curves perfectly, accentuating my thick thighs and hips without making me look like a slut. Just the right amount of sassy and classy.”
Now, these aren’t perfect because I made them up on the fly but you can see the difference.
• Describing Things: Places
If you’re writing about an actual place, like if the characters are walking through uptown Charlotte, find pictures of place and use them to help you describe where they are.
Because I’m a crazy person who loves detail, when I’m describing a place like a restaurant, I’ll go on google and look at actual restaurants that match what I’m thinking of in my head and use that.
Try not to make every place sound like the same place if that makes sense. Not every restaurant has white table clothes, or chandeliers, or waiters who dress in crisp, black suits.
Additional tips!
If you want more describing words for things, consult google! Searching up synonyms for certain words has been my saving grace.
But, also bear in mind that you don’t have to use a bunch of big words to make your writing good. There are plenty of books written in good ole’ plain English. You don’t need to sound like Shakespeare to be that bitch in these streets.
If you want inspo, look at other peoples writing. That helps you get a feel for how you can write and how it will come off to reader, just don’t copy.
Proof read. Proof read. PROOF. READ! You may find some spelling mistakes or think of a better way to describe something.
If you want me to go more in depth, just hit my line. I hope this helped somewhat. 🫶🏾
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crymea-river · 5 months
leap years are for remembering
god sometimes i read the things i used to write on here or even in my old journals and i cringe (for lack of a better word) at how seriously i was taking things. this page is such a time capsule. i love it, im glad ive documented my feelings over the years but it makes me feel… weird. nostalgia is so interesting.
im having a really good and also strange time with (what i assume is) my adult brain. good bc i can trust my judgement better than i have ever been able to; things just make sense in an innate way now, a way that i struggle describe. strange bc i feel like i know myself less than i ever have but also way more than i ever have at the same time ? im the same person i was at 11 and 12 and 13 and 17 and 18 and 22, and its so crazy to me how different all these ages felt but theyre all me. they didnt really go anywhere, theyre all still inside me. i remember being 22 and still feeling relatively connected to my high-school-self but then just 2 years later i felt decades removed from her. and now i feel decades removed from my 22-year-old-self. the way i would reminisce on 2016 in 2020 is how im reminiscing on 2020 now. lol leap years are for remembering, i guess.
ive found myself reverting back to a lot of things i used to do and enjoy in adolescence. lots of silly topical things, like using pantene instead of all these expensive hair products ive tried over the years. i loved the way it made my hair smell back then and it made it so soft and who cares if it coats my hair in silicon or whatever ill just clarify it every few weeks itll be fine. im also finally letting myself enjoy things from back then that i was afraid to fully embrace for fear of being judged. thats a Huge fun part about getting older i’ve noticed, not caring what others think. id have told you back then that i didnt care about that, and on the surface i didnt. but it would get to me to some degree. i think my music taste from back then is a prime example of that (im not gonna elaborate i know what i mean).
i hope im making 11 and 12 and 13 year old me proud. and i want to tell 16 and 17 and 18 AND 19 year old me it gets better, but also to stop taking such trivial things so seriously maybe. life does not revolve around having a boyfriend (or whatever youd call those fuckers from back then). itll happen when its meant to and it will be so worth it. no one knows what they want at those ages. i barely knew what i wanted until it fell into my lap to be honest, and that only happened after i stopped yearning so hard for that shit and began TRULY enjoying my own company (and my friends’ obviously. love them). this is not where i wanted to go with this, i didnt want to talk about men. i think thats what cringes me out so bad about my old posts/entries, theyre allllllll (mostly) about bOyS. which was age appropriate i GUESS but idk it just brought me so much unnecessary stress lol. i learned eventually, and im glad i did so when i did.
all this to say im very happy. and peaceful. and i love the people i have surrounded myself with. i love being in love and i cannot describe in actual english words how thrilled i am that its with will. even 4 years into it.
being 26 is just so strange i think
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the-redeemed-anon · 3 years
Another day another post including c!Wilbur in big bad manipulators list with c!Dream and c!Quackity and i go "huh, is he tho?"
Like genuienly i would want to know, bc to me at least all like c!Wilburs "attempts at manipulation" were like.. blandly obvious and not that well executed?
Not enough to secure him the position of a Big Bad Manipulator Who had an Overarching Big Plan Before This Specific Interaction and Knows What He's Doing.
Bc most ppl who call Wilbur a manipulator point to this quote here
“Tommy, literally have you not noticed? Everyone who’s claiming to be on our side, they’re lying to us! Tubbo?! He’s lying to you man! He would drop us at the second he realises we’re not in the lead anymore!”
But like... this is like clearly c!Wilbur having a paranoid breakdown and unloading all the stress fear and worries that got progressively worse during pogtopia to c!Tommy. c!Tommy def didn't have tools to handle that and like shoudnt be expexted to but its not manipulative?? Of c!Wilbur?? At all??
Like the only two instances that i remember that like can be called manipulative is maybe this??
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing important. I just wanted to say that- I think you can come back from what you’ve said, you know. I’m just saying now, there is a chance that you could be President, you know, you could be- you could definitely get an executive power in the remains of L’Manberg. You could definitely be a leader of that, I have no issue with that. But, you need to understand that you’re gonna have to get on my good side, and I, you know.”
And the recent stone collection thing with c!tommy?
Im asking bc i can be blantly missing something but? I dont think i am?
- Music Anon!
Music Anon, you're back with another interesting topic!
Okay so I may have another perspective than most on the "Then let's be the bad guys" scene because, as I've said before, I have paranoid thoughts, so, for me, it's much much easier to put myself in Wilbur's shoes in that moment.
So, as far as I remember in Pogtopia, I would coin Wilbur's behaviour as persuasive. He was trying to persuade Tommy to his side, something that Tommy was free to ignore and not accept. Manipulation and persuasion are very tricky to tell apart, because it's two things that are very similar, and you can't tell them apart that easily. You know how all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares? Same thing here. All manipulation is persuasive, but not all persuasion is manipulative. There is a fine line between the two.
I googled it before I wanted to respond to this ask, but from what I gathered, you can tell persuasion from manipulation by these factors: coercion, withholding of truth and intention.
I want to compare Wilbur's case with our most blatant example of manipulation, Dream. Especially since it's centered on the same character, Tommy:
Coercion. The Dictionary defines the term "coercion" as "the use of force to persuade someone to do something that they are unwilling to do". I do not remember any moment in Pogtopia where Tommy was forced to act against what he wanted to do. The way he spoke to Tommy was always open to Tommy rejecting his ideas, which happened quite a lot. It's another thing if later, Tommy, of his own volition, agreed to what Wilbur wanted, like blowing up Manberg at the Festival.
Dream, on the other hand, we see it a lot in Exile. The threats to Tommy's life. The hitting. He was forcing Tommy to stay in Logsted and give up his gear. That's one box ticked for Dream, zero for Wilbur so far.
Withholding of truth. Here I am as stumped as you are. I want someone, who thinks that the "Then let's be the bad guys" scene is manipulative, to tell me where Wilbur is withholding the truth. The President line? this one? [“Tommyinnit, you’re scared that people are gonna think differently of you. Tommy, when I said you’re never gonna be president, you gotta understand, that wasn’t a challenge, that’s true. You’re never gonna be president, Tommy. And I can hear it in your voice, you’re trying sound like you know what you’re doing, so that you can prove me wrong. Tommy, none of us know what we’re doing. We’re fucked, we were fucked the minute we were thrown out.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 19:39)] or these? [“That guy Tubbo? You know? We love Tubbo… but he’s not on our side, is he? Let’s be honest. We act like he is, like, everyone’s always how like, oh it’s crazy how everyone’s against Schlatt.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:12:57, 8th Oct)], [“Everyone’s always saying how like, oh it’s crazy how everyone’s against Schlatt. No one’s against Schlatt. Everyone’s pulling the biggest ruse on us. Literally, they’ve got us all by the fucking scruff of our necks.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 17:59)], [“Tubbo’s like, ‘I’ll be your spy!’. And then we’ve got like Fundy who’s like saying to everyone’s twitch chats that he’s gonna revolt against us. And you’ve got Eret giving us fucking potatoes, that say fucking ‘I’m gonna be friends with you’. It’s bullshit! It’s all bullshit!” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 18:09)] Honestly someone tell me where Wilbur is withholding the truth here. I do not see it. He's just stating his opinion. I am someone who was around in Season 1, I watched Wilbur's POV only and I swear I thought too that Tubbo was a double agent for Manberg. I was sure of it. This is just Wilbur laying out his reasons to be paranoid and things he considers as true and his own opinions on matters. Opinions are not lies or truths. Telling Tommy that he will never be President, in his opinion, isn't a lie or the truth. It's just an opinion.
Meanwhile over in Dream's camp... Dream did withhold the truth. He lied about Tubbo's Compass, he lied about the Invitations, all of this he did to get Tommy to his lowest, to make him think that he is his only friend. This is the second box ticked for Dream, still none for Wilbur.
Intention. Here I need to talk about what paranoia is. Paranoia, to me, is a way of thinking fueled by fear. Wilbur's paranoia started because of the Final Control Room. Eret's betrayal deeply affected him, we can see it in quotes like this: [“Anyone caught in the crossfire is caught in the crossfire. That’s how it goes, you know? Eret especially, he is the most clear, the most clear cut traitor of them all. He was a traitor from the very get go. I have no, I have no remorse offing Eret.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:41:22, 8th Oct)] Wilbur's paranoia started from a betrayal, therefore, Wilbur's paranoia is centered on people backstabbing him. Of course he would start spiraling into a rant about how everyone is out to get him. Especially after believing his own son betrayed him. So, why tell that to Tommy? Simple, really. I personally do it, too: he was reaching out for support. When I have doubt about my train of thought, I go to someone I trust, and they help me by walking me through it, to figure out if my thinking was rational or if it was paranoia. I think this is what he was trying to do with Tommy, because he trusted Tommy, but also it was an attempt of keeping him safe. I have talked before in my Eight analysis that Wilbur is a naturally protective person. I think Wilbur was attempting in part to shield Tommy from another shock from betrayal, attempt which didn't get across to Tommy. Tommy was and is a teenager and even back then he had his own worries. He just didn't have the resources to help Wilbur, or even understand what he was going through, and he can't be blamed, and while the scene may have been scary for him, I do not think Wilbur had malicious intent with it.
Meanwhile, Dream had malicious intent. He did what he did in an attempt to isolate Tommy, to make him feel alone, so he could swoop in and mold him into thinking he was his friend. This ticks off the last box, Dream was manipulating Tommy, while Wilbur was trying to be persuasive.
While I agree that Wilbur is dipping into manipulative territory with the stone bit, I would say that doesn't make him stand in the line-up of manipulators alongside Dream or Quackity. I do agree however that he is a big persuader and his power lies in how he uses words to convince others to agree with him and join him on a cause (as discussed above, this is not necessarily manipulation). I hope this analysis helped out!
As always, the quotes are from @kateis-cakeis' masterlist of Ghostbur/Wilbur quotes. It’s a goldmine of a resource for analyzing Wilbur and I highly encourage you to check it out.
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
1. "Hi, my ex just walked in. Would you hold my hand please?"
2. "I didn't expect to see you here."
3. "Have you seen this dog?"
4. “That mouth of yours, does it ever stop making noise”
5. “Seven minutes in heaven is for virgin teenagers”
6. “Slam that door one more time and I’ll shove my foot straight up your cute ass”
7. “Jesus! Knock next time would you”
8. “You have money go and get yourself a hoodie that’s not mine”
9. "I hate roses, I thought you knew"
10. "Do you think I am an angel? Ha"
11. "I wanted to sleep but someone decided to die"
12. "I can kill you right now, what are you talking about?"
13. "Hi, I am lost, can you come after me?"
14. "When I first saw you I wanted to date your best friend"
15. "I am so funny and you are just jealous"
16. "If I have to choose... no"
17. "Stop breathing like that!"
18. "I just did my nails"
19. "I'm the best driver în the world"
20. "Will you marry me?" "No"
21. "I think I broke my arm" "So?"
22. "I think I love you" "Thanks"
23. "My arms are lonely, don't you think?"
24. "Apparently we are dating"
25. “Well it’s kind of hard to move when you’re sitting on my lap”
26. "Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?"
27. "If we elope, you think they'll kill us?"
28. "This is yours"
29. "You can’t just kiss me, laugh and then walk away."
30. "Are you using ass as a pillow?"
31." I find your lack of faith disturbing."
32. "And I took it personally"
33. "In here I am the boss"
34. "Oh, bite me!" "Where?"
35. "What will you do if we break up?"
36. "Where is my T-shit?"
37. "This is no time for sarcastic comments."  "There is always time for sarcastic comments."
38. "I’ll keep quiet, you won’t even know I’m here."
39. "The way you flirt is just awful"
40. "Don’t be fooled. I’m the epitome of mess."
41. " If you are on TV should I congratulate you?"
42. "And this, is why we can’t have nice things."
43. "That's what he said"
44. "I am scared of your boss"
45. "You should know, a lot of girls have a crush on me"
46. "Everyone is afraid of you"
47. "If I'm watching that movie one more time I'll lose my fucking mind!"
48. "I thought being on vacation will be stress free"
49. "My parents don't trust you"
50. "I don't think I should give my last name so easily"
51. “I really wish I could unsee that.”
52. “Who would’ve guessed we’d be sharing a room.”
53. “I feel like you have an unhealthy obsession with me.”
54. “Nah he’s fine, it’s the other one you really got to watch out for.”
55. “I have a suggestion.” “I’m not taking my clothes off so forget it.”
56. “You’re the genius, why don’t you tell me?”
57. “Have I ever told you your accent makes me swoon?” “Really?” “No.” He/she smiles. “ that’s why I’ve never told you.”
58. “I’m alive? How am I still alive?”
59. “You’re crazy! I love it!”
60. “Never have I ever is about to get a lot more interesting.”
61. “What did they do?” “Dude. They did the do.”
62. "You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!"
63. "Well this is awkward."
64. "Im too sober for this."
65. "Im pregnant." "Wall done, Virgin Mary!"
66. " I want to protect you."
67. "Kill that spider and maybe I'll forgive you"
68. "I have no one to go to the wedding"
69. "Don’t you dare touch _______!"
70. "I thought you were dead!"
71. "This is, without a doubt, the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in."
72. "Take care of you, please"
73. "If your best friend single?"
74. "Just remember, if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English."
75. "Why does everyone assume we're a couple?"
76. "Im craving something sweet" "Are you pregnant or something?"
77. " What is the magic word?" "I'll kill you în your sleep"
78. "When I see you my knees get weak"
79. "Finally you're single. Can I take you on a date?"
80. " So, I guess you don’t do after hours?"
81. "I know what I'm doing, I've watched two whole seasons of Grey's Anatomy."
82. "I can't believe I'm stuck here with you right now."
83. "Okay, this did not go as I planned it in the shower."
84. "I'm not going to sit around and watch you destroy yourself."
85. "You were my best friend"
86. "You did what?"
87. "Can you just pretend to love me for a second!"
88. "You are enough"
89. "Take the shirt off"
90. "Your nickname is bitch"
91. "What do you want to watch?" "You"
92. "How could you ask me that?"
93. "Your mouth does this thing and I can't resist it"
94. "Are you allowed to drink?"
95. "I said Im done, leave me alone!"
96. "Don’t raise your fucking voice at me”
97. “Yeah, I remember the drill”
98. “Tell me again, slowly this time, why that dog is in my bed.”
99. “Gave you so much, but it wasn’t enough.”
100. “You and me, we were destined to fall apart.”
101. “No, you don’t know who you are until somebody breaks your heart.”
102. “I want to tell you everything. The words I never got to say the first time around.”
103. “It’s better to feel pain, than nothing at all.”
Song lyrics prompts
1. “It’s the little things about us, that I love so much.”
2. “Last night I told you I loved you // woke up blamed it on the vodka”
3. “It’s a better place since you came along”
4. “You make me love the things I hate  “
5. Just a paper sheet and half a cigarette are left in my hand
6. Your faith walks on broken glass
7. "And can you teach me how to dance real slow?"
8. "I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe"
9. "One night, you won't forget the rest of your life"
10. "We only said goodbye with words"
11. "I'll try to give you love until the day you drop"
12. "I like the pretty boys with the bow tie"
13. "Lets get drunk forget what we did"
14. Your kisses lift me higher
15. When you're ready we can share the wine
16. "And if you don't love me now you will never love me again"
17. "Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?"
18. "When there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove"
19. She's the kind of girl who only asks you over when its raining, just to make you lie there catching water dripping from the ceiling.
20. Now I understand, you're a human, and you got to lie, you're a man
21. The good and the bad times: we've been through them all.
22. Now I ain't educated but I sure ain't stupid
23. I grew up in the shoes they told me I could fill
24. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
25. A lover would just complicate my plans
26. And in the morning, i’ll be with you, but it will be a different kind
27. My heart is yours, it’s you that i hold on to
28. And with one kiss, you inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty years
29. I let go of my claim on you, it’s a free world
30. I’m in my bed, and you’re not here and there’s no one to blame, but the drink in my wandering hands
31. Cause you gave me peace and i wasted it, I’m here to admit that you were my medicine
32. Oh, dear diary, i met a boy, he made my doll heart light up with joy. Oh, dear diary, we fell apart, welcome to the life of electra heart
33. For you, I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind
34. Is it really me you're missing?
35. Remember that night?
36. How many times can I break till I shatter?
37. As long as I breathe, I’ll call you my home
38. "You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest."
39. "When we scream our lips don't make a sound."
40. "Please don't let me sink, wrap your arms around me and carry me home."
41. "This hasn't torn us apart so nothing ever will."
42. "A long time ago we believed that we were united."
43. "I miss the person that you were but I don't miss you."
44. "If home is where the heart is, why do I feel so fucking heartless?"
45. "I can't live, I can't breathe with or without you just go away."
46. "I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid I'll survive and have to watch you suffer."
47. "I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away."
48. "I'm not like you I just fuck up."
49. "All because of you I believe in angels, not the kind with wings, no not the kind with halos. The kind that bring you home when home becomes a strange place."
50. "I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again."
51. “I wish people liked me more.”
52. “How could I ever love someone else?”
53. “I guess you’re getting everything you want.”
54. “She probably gives you butterflies.”
55. “I hope that you’re okay.”
56. “I defended you to all my friends.”
57. “I never cared about what they say, only care about me and you” 
58. “Either way i’m gonna lose, so i’m just gonna keep on loving you”
59. “You know i’m bad at communication, it’s the hardest thing for me to do”
60. “Iwas your lover, i was your friend, now I’m only just someone you call when it’s late enough to forget”
61. “It’s fucked up but it’s true that i love you like i do”
62. “Well we both had nights waking up in strangers beds but i don’t wanna, don't wanna, i don’t wanna give up yet”
63. “Tell me I’ve got it wrong somehow.”
64. “I’m begging for you to take my hand.”
65. “I can’t make it go away by making you the villain.”
66. “He feels like home.”
67. “I’d be breaking all my rules to see you.”
68. “But I know you’re not scared of anything at all.”
69. “When can I come back?”
70. “I’m ready to owe you anything”
71. “I’ll always look best in your head”
72. “I know you know it’s wrong, but I’m ready”
73. “All I ever want is breaking me apart.”
74. “Let's talk sweetly like all our love is false.”
75. “You put a fire in my heart, painted blood on my stars, gave me faith.”
76. “I wanna meet your girlfriend, she sounds nice.”
77. “How is kissing me so wrong?“
78. “Can’t you see that I’m already yours?”
79. “I’ve been losing track of the romantic sh*t I’m tryna say but basically I love you"
80. “I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips, I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath”
81. “I apologize for all your tears, I wish I could be different but I’m still growing up into the one you can call your love” 
82. “I’m out of my head, of my heart, of my mind cause you can run but you can’t hide, I’m gonna make you mine”
83. "I never loved someone the way that I love you"
84. "It's the way that you know what I thought I knew, it's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you"
85. "I hope she gettin' better sex, hope she ain't fakin' it like I did, babe"
86. “I know we’re young and people change and we may never feel the same”
87. “I can’t change the world, but maybe I’ll change your mind”
88. "You don't own me. Don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay."
89. "Leave everything that is worth a single cent and just take me instead."
90. "And then I got you off your knees, put you right back on your feet, just so you can take advantage of me."
91. "Hey, I can't let you go with nobody. Cause I love you, baby."
92. "Tell me that it wasn't my fault and that I was enough for you."
93. "We were good at faking forever, I get it, whatever."
94. "Cause you had your chance and you blew it. Yeah, you ripped it up and you chewed it."
95. "Well, I'm too busy for your business. Go find a girl who wants to listen."
96. "Stop looking at me with those eyes, like I could disappear and you wouldn't care why."
97. "Oh, we could do whatever you want, but boy, don't go falling in love, you can't stay with me, all you'll ever have is one day with me"
98. "I pray the medication slow me down, but that shit doesn't work when you're around"
99. "Told her that I loved her once and now she'd kill for me"
100. "What the tell were we? Tell me we weren't just friends"
Who I write for
Formula 1
Daniel Ricciardo
Lewis Hamilton
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Esteban Ocon
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Lance Stroll
Sebastian Vettel
Mick Schumacher
Pierre Gasly
George Russel
Erling Haaland
Jadon Sancho
Giovanni Reyna
Jude Bellingham
Julian Brandt
Marco Reus
Roman Bürki
Emre Can
Mats Hummels
Leon Goretzka
Joshua Kimmich
Kai Havertz
Mason Mount
Christian Pulisici
Ben Chilwell
Gerard Pique 
João Félix
Ianis Hagi
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Virgil van Dijk
Jens Petter Hauge
Martin Ødegaard
Alexander Sørloth
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floatinginwords · 3 years
Saved by the Devil (17/?) - Thomas Shelby
Summary: Father and reader are reunited, Reader faces her past and future at once. (Im getting better kind of?) 
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader (Romantic)
Warning: Unhealthy father and daughter relationship.
A/N: This chapter took oh so long but I’m glad that we get to see this relationship between Father and Daughter in this one. Also i named the father George so sorry if you know someone named George. Comments and feedback is always appreciated and as always have a good night and take care of yourselves. 
Italics = flashback
George (L/N), your father was a man that everyone feared. You knew this ever since you were a little girl. You saw the air he prided himself with, the way people parted like the red sea whenever he walked, the way no one would look him in his eye. You used to worship the ground he walked on. You would cry on to your mother why you couldn’t spend more time with the man, she would give you a look that you didn’t understand then. She was horrified when George did decide to take you for a tour of his ‘office.’ She could do nothing but watch you bounce happily away on your father hand. You still remember the day.
 “You can’t take her, not there.” Your mother cried to him
 “Shes gonna need to learn sooner or later.”
 “Then later!” She yelled.
 He ignores her cries as he drags you along. You had a big smile at finally getting time with your father. You didn’t understand why she was against this.
The walk was brisk, you even stopped for a treat. You ended up jumping from one place to another. Your father talking to people, shaking their hands. You noticed how they looked to him like a leader. So you asked.
 “Im a boss honey,” He answered, “You will be too one day. You’ll help me run all this.”
 “Really?” you said
 “You just gotta be tough. Can you do that?”
 You nodded pulling off your toughest face. The next place he leads you is some old train tracks that aren’t used anymore. A group of men stand around in a circle. All of them waiting for him.
 “You brought a kid to this?” One of them says.
 “You got a problem with that?” George says cocking his gun you didn’t realize he had.
 The man shakes his head no and pints where the rest of them gather, “They got him over there.”
Your father no longer holds your hand as he walks ahead of you. You follow slowly. You can see the man in the middle of the circle. Looking worn down and beaten. Your father stands ahead of him, he plays with gun in the air. He talks words you block out. You just watch the man as is eyes loosely follow your father. He cries uncontrollable begging for his life. You see his body fall before you hear the gun. You don’t cry, you don’t say a word. Your father pats you on the head and says you did good.
 Soon he took you everywhere and anywhere, spending more time with him less with your mother. You became a different person as you became used to the violence. You saw different side of your father more than once but he still treated you like a good. He wanted you prepared for anything and you just wanted to prove that you could be. So learning wasn’t an issue and neither was the perfection you set yourself up for. You became a mini version of him, you didn’t mind unlike your mother who was just horrified. She fought for you to stay in school when he would convince you to leave. She wanted to to date, have a normal job. But you wouldn’t listen to her. You father was your hero at the time you saw nothing wrong with anything that was happening.
 “Your tainting her. Its not good for her to be around this stuff.”
 You listen from atop of the stairs, now only seventeen.
 “Son or daughter, my child is gonna learn the business and learn it right!” He yelled
 “Then ill tell the police, everything I know. Ill take her away or- or”
 “Are you threatening me?”
 “I want my daughter back! You’re running her.”
 “She’s growing up, deal with it.” He turns away from her, gives her the side eye before walking out. You go to sleep, hoping for them to forgive and forget.
 You wake in the middle of night for a glass of water when you found your mother dead. You cry for the first time over a dead body. Holding your mothers hand close to her face, hoping for  a reaction. Your father walks in and pauses. You can see through your lashes that his hands were stained red. You don’t say anything. He brings  out two shovels and hands one to you. George tells you nothing more but to dig in the backyard.
 You don’t. He scolds you for not listening, for not working faster. He digs it himself. He doesn’t look you in the eye as you watch his bury dirt on top of your mother. You share a tea later in the night. You just watch the inside of your cup, the steam rising up. He drinks his greedily, eating cookies as if it’s a regular Sunday morning.
That’s when your relationship changed. You begun to bicker and challenge everything he said or did. You couldn’t understand why he would do that. Or how he even could. You didn’t know what you could do, so you held the emotions in for a long time. Growing distant with your father. He confronts you on your behavior and you no longer hokd your tounge with him.
 “You killed her. Why?”
 “You wouldn’t understand.”
 “I had to bury her, do you know what that was like?”
 “In this business you’ll have to bury a lot more like her.”
 “she had nothing to do with it.” You state.
 He looks at your small figure, your eyes welling up with tears. “Don’t cry.”
 “Why did you do it? Why did you kill my mother?” You press the issue your voice growing louder wanting , needingthe answer. Wanting all this to make sense.
 “Why does it matter? So you can tell the whole city?” He turns on you quick.
 “What if I did, does that scare you?”
 “Watch your mouth girl.”
 “Is that why you killed my mother? Cause she didn’t watch her mouth.” He gets up quickly punching a hole in the wall near your face. You stay still as tears fall from you eyes slowly.
 No longer were the two of you a pair. The father daughter duo was dead. He iced you of the business. Meeting happening without you, transactions with your knowledge. He treated you like a stranger he shared a house with. But every chance you got when you would see him. You questioned him, wanted him to feel bad. No answer at this point would satisfy you, you know that. But you hoped the guilt would eat at his soul for the rest of time. You were there to remind him. And he didn’t like that.
It was the day before you turned eighteen, when you were surprised with a knock on the door. The men claimed to be doctors as they grabbed you by the wrist, throwing you in their car, declaring you insane. You didn’t understand what was happening and that only made them laugh sealing their opinion on what state your mind was as you panicked. The doctors told you nothing but that your father had expressed concerns over your health. And that he was doing this for your own good. Being there made you feel insane but you tried your best to repeal the order to get out. But the doctors were well played off, some of the nurses being Georges goons, no one would let you out unless he said so. Until Tommy Shelby came in, of course you were finally free from that cage.
 So now you stand in front of this man, you had idolized and called father. A man who now is only a murderer, a thief, a low life, your enemy. You clench your jaw as he opens his arms to you. The wrinkles on Georges face crease as he smiles. He’s older in the face and hold a cane in his hand.
 “What? No hug?”
 “Fuck off.”
 “What a lovely choice of words. Im glad to see your okay. I meant to visit…” You glare at him, “but I’ve been busy. Its good to finally find you.”
 “You don’t have to play dumb. How long have you been following me. Ive noticed since a month ago.”
 “Hmm you’re slacking. Its been longer than that. You really think I would let my daughter be out and about, not knowing shes safe.”
 “I had hoped the rumors of your death were true. Guess I hoped too much.”
 “Ah yes your little hit on me. Didn’t go as planned did it.” He glances over at the smoke floating in the town miles from us, “Your work I assume.”
 “Did you do that to Trinity?”
 “It wasn’t anything personal. No need to throw a tantrum.”
 You huff and hold yourself back from stabbing right where he stood. “You had no right-“
 George interrupts you, “After the stunt you pulled. Asking Thomas Shelby to kill me in exchange you tell him a few locations. You know what he did when he found me. He shook my hand. The man helps me fake my death, im off to America. Can you guess where?”
 “New York.”
 “That’s right and its bigger and its booming, honey. And here you are sleeping with a man who lies to you, who is no different than me or the other men ive killed or hurt.”
 “Im not-not” You blush at the accusation your father throws to you. You had forgotten for a second how Tommy Shelby was involved in this. You remember asking him and never getting a clear answer. Especially when you were so unsure with what was going on, you should have pressed more. Not been so easy to trust him. You could have been more prepared for this, left the country sooner.
 “Listen, I’m just here to help you-“
 “By locking me up calling me crazy, or was it when you killed my mother, or had me followed or when you killed my friend.”
 “I understand your mad. But honey we are better as a team than not. Remember me and you fighting the world together.” He uses a funny light hearted voice. One that he would use only to manipulate you when you were younger.
 “What do you want from me?”
 He sighs, “I need a peace treaty. And the family’s got this son.-“
 You scoff, “Are you kidding me?”
 “its what best for our family. And honestly you have no choice in the matter. Ill drag you there myself if I have to.”
 “I’d like to see you try.” You pull put your knife and hold it out in attack position.
 “You’re gonna kill me, your old man,” He uses a mockingly sad voice before erupting into a mad laughter, “You might as well do it now cause you wouldn’t want me as your enemy.”
 “I think it might be too late for that.”  You press the knife against your own throat, pressing hard against your skin. You can feel a trickle of warm blood run down. Now George finally panics.
 “Hey, Hey! Don’t do that!” He yells.
 “Walk out of here and don’t turn back.  Now! “You command.
 Your father follows your orders because you knew it as well as he that in this game you were now an important chess piece. And he wouldn’t have no use with a dead bride.
 “I’ll be seeing you very soon.” He says as he walks further and further away. You watch until his figure is nothing more than a blur. That’s when you finally release the grip on your knife.
You sit down on the ground and quietly sob into your hands. You don’t know the time when you finally stop but its still night and still no train. You hear the sound of a lighter flicking on. You curse under your breath as you get up, ready to die tonight if it meant not being in your fathers plan.
 “You are really testing my patience tonight.” You say turning around. Only it wasn’t your father standing there.
 “Cigarette? You look like you could use one.” The deep voice says. And there you are, Face to face once again with Thomas Shelby.
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: You Getting Shot
Summary: you get shot and the boys handle the situation differently than expected.
Request: Anonymous said:
Mafia bts reaction to their s/o accidently or on purpose getting shot?
Warnings: angsttt, mafia!au, mentions of being shot. Taehyung is a dick in this im sorry, mentions of the boys wanting to murder the person who shot you, fluff, yoongi bloodlust,
W.C.: 2-300 for each member (1.7k)
Notes: Friday I am getting my puppy!!!!
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“Oh fuck.” Seokjin sighed as he watched you play with the guns that he has laid out on the table in the weapon room.
“What?” You laughed, confused on why your boyfriend is acting as if you are about to hurt yourself or someone. “I know what I am doing.”
Seokjin let out a nervous laugh at your words, cautiously walking up to you. The most feared mafia leader in the world is nervous of his own fiancée that is holding a gun for the first time. Not knowing what a certain switch does, you flicked it, and not knowing that the switch turns off the safety, you pulled back the trigger and a loud, ricocheting sound sounded in the room followed by a loud cry of pain coming from you.
Realizing what just has happened, Seokjin let out a loud curse, rushing towards.
“Oh, fuck!” You screeched, holding onto your thigh, trying to not pass out from the blood that is now covering your hands.
“You’re such an idiot, Jagi!” Seokjin scolded, picking you up bridal style, carrying you out of the room in a hurry to the headquarters doctors’ room.
“Did Noona just shoot herself?” Jungkook asked as Seokjin jogged passed him.
“Possibly,” you answered, doing the best as you could to not break down crying.
Yoongi was already having a bad day. Having to deal with the new rookies he brought in, getting threats from a gang in the east, and having little to none sleep. It was as if he was ticking time bomb ready to explode at any second.
The last thing he needed was getting a call from the hospital, saying that you were a victim of a crossfire shooting.
So, here he was, sitting in the most uncomfortable chair in the room where you were attached to tubes and wires, the agonizingly beat from the heart monitor mocking him. Tears were streaking down his face, face red and expression heartbroken.
“Hyung,” Namjoon spoke out, knocking on the door softly.
Looking up, Yoongi gave him a death glare, not in the mood to deal with anything. “What do you want, Namjoon?” Yoongi growled out, voice croaky.
“The gang from the east, the one who has been making threats… they’re the ones who shot Y/N.”
To say that Namjoon was scared would be an understatement – from all of the years of knowing Yoongi, Namjoon has never seen the look that Yoongi is showing, which is bloodlust.
“You’re so stupid!” Hoseok growled out at you, an angry look on his face. “You’re so Goddamn stupid! Why would you do that?” He clutched you closer to him, right hand adding pressure to your shoulder where you got shot at.
A laugh escaped your lips, which earned a glare from Hoseok. “What? You’d think I’d let you get shot by a crazy psychopath named Richie?” wincing at the pain that came from your shoulder, the action did not go unnoticed by your husband who then lessen the pressure he has on the wound.
“Yes! I am supposed to be the one who protects you, not the other way around.”
“You’re such a child,” you grumbled, shaking your head disappointedly.
“How am I the child?”
“Because you’re acting like one, Hope. In this relationship, we protect each other, no matter the consequences.”
“You could have gotten killed!”
“Yeah, and? I’d do it again just to make sure you are safe, because I love you dammit.”
Pulling you up closer to him, Hoseok pressed a kiss to your forehead, eyes closed to keep the tears from falling. Pulling away, he rested his chin on the top of your head, keeping you close to him as possible, body crouched over you in a protective manner. “I love you too, idiot.”
To say Namjoon was not surprised by the phone call that he got from the maknae would be an understatement. Namjoon knew that once you got into the car with Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung to go to the gun range to practice on your aim, he knew something bad would come out of it – and being right all the time can be exhausting.
“What do you mean she shot herself in the leg?” Namjoon sighed into the phone, pinching his nose from irritation.
“I don’t know, Hyung! We only had our backs turned for five seconds, and then we heard a bang! and next thing we know, Noona was crying and there was blood!”
“You allowed Y/N to hold a gun without any supervision?! You know how clumsy she is! She is worse than me, Jungkook!”
“That is factual, Hyung. But this isn’t our fault!”
“How is this not your fault? You were the ones with her! And my stupid ass allowed her to go with you three.”
“Can you please stop yelling? You’re stressing me out and I am the one driving!”
“You’re the one driving?!”
The sound of the call being disconnected told Namjoon everything.
“I’m going to kill all four of them.” Namjoon swore as he grabbed his coat and keys so he can meet you four at the hospital. “They’re so dead.”
You woke up to the sound of your boyfriend moving around the bedroom, failing at trying to be quiet for your sake. Sitting up, groaning at the pain the shot up your lower body, your movements caught your boyfriends’ attention.
“Jagia, why are up?” Jimin asked concern, sitting down beside you on the bed.
“Because I heard you, why are you up at 3:17 a.m.?” You asked, doing a one over on him. Jimin was wearing all black, his gun tucked into his pants and knife tucked into its holster on his calf. It was now silent confirmation that Jimin was going to kill the gunman who shot you at the drug store just a few days ago. “You’re going to kill him…” you trailed off.
“I am, he deserves it. He shot you, he deserves the consequences.” Jimin spoke harshly, the whole incident making him angrier by the second.
“Why can’t you let the cops handle it? they’ve already tracked him down, you don’t need to do anything else.”
Sighing, Jimin ran his hands over his face. Taking your hand into his, he brought your hand up to his face, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. “I know you don’t want me too, but I am still going to do it. I do not agree with our justice system, and I believe that they’ll let him walk and he’ll do it again. This will give me a sense of peace and knowing that he is gone will give me some sort of justice.”
Knowing that you cannot do anything else, and Jimin with his mind already set, it is a losing battle for you. Nodding your head reluctantly, you squeezed his hand. “I love you, be safe okay? Don’t be back too late, Jiminie.”
“I love you too, Jagi.”
Ever since you got shot, your boyfriend Taehyung has been distant from you. His actions have been bringing you more pain than the actual wound you got. Instead of taking care of you, the maids that he has have been the ones taking care of you. What makes you feel even more shitty is that he has not even came to check up on you once, and it has been a week since your accident.
Deciding that enough is enough when he decided to ignore your fifth call of the day, you ignored the protests from the maids and got up. Realizing that they cannot stop you, they decided to help you get dressed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie and shoes. Helping you down the stairs, Jungkook carried you out to the car, listening to your demands about taking you to the headquarters where Taehyung is at. Once you got to the headquarters, Jungkook helped you to your boyfriend’s office, giving you an encouraging smile before you knocked on the double doors. Hearing footsteps come your way; you began to feel nervous about the meeting with your boyfriend. When Taehyung opened the door, he held an irritated look.
“What are you doing out of bed? You shouldn’t be moving, doctors’ orders.” Your boyfriend scolded you, making you feel smaller than him.
“I wanted to see you,” you stated strongly.
“I’m busy right now, have Jungkook take you home.”
“Why are you acting like this?” You asked irritated, feeling hurt by your boyfriends’ words. “You haven’t even seen me this whole time, not once checking up on me. Do you not care?” Your voice shook at the end, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Please, Y/N, go home and stay in bed. It is not good for you to be out and about. I’ll see you when I get home.” And at that, he closed the door, leaving you all alone once again.
“Jungkook, I don’t need all of these blankets.” You explained to your boyfriend who is wrapping you up in five blankets.
“Yes, you do. Doctor said that you need to be on bed rest for two weeks due to your wound, so I am going to make sure you are comfortable because you will be here for a while.” Jungkook spoke out, ignoring your words.
“I will be just fine in our bed where there is a TV and comfy bed. I don’t want to be on the couch for the next 14 days. I want to be in our bed.”
Looking up at you, bewildered at your statement, he stomped his foot like a child. “Why didn’t you just say that fifteen minutes ago?” He shouted exasperatedly; hands thrown up in the air.
“Well, if you would’ve just listened to me the first time, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
“I thought I was being a good boyfriend, but now it looks like I’ve failed once again.”
“Stop being a baby and take me up to our room so we can cuddle before you go and hunt down that man who shot me, okay? Please?”
Not needing to say anymore, Jungkook picked you up bridal style, running down the hall like a mad man, excited at the thought of cuddles.
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kojinnie · 4 years
tis is ranon! i wanna try the twisted match-up eventho it'll probably hurts. my worst traits would be
1. Not knowing myself well enough, having to ask others how i actually am from their eyes instead of looking through my own lense because I care of other's judgement better than mine.
2. I suck at handling compliment. Everytime anybody says anything good about me, I always get defensive by saying no, change the topic of the conversation, or saying "thank you, but [insert why i don't deserve compliment]"
3. Similar to the 2nd one, I have horrible horrible self esteem. I never really look at myself in a good light, I think I am horrible. Sometimes I feel like "im the worst" yet some of the times I feel like "woah I'm a queen". Even worse, sometimes I don't have the motivation to better myself in order to raise my self esteem.
My favourite(s) would be reiner and jean, you can choose the one with the worst(or whoever you prefer) compatibility with my traits. tears up already as I slip 1 dollar to your hand, whispering happy ending please..
Pairing: Jean x Reader
Summary: You accidentally meet Jean, your high school sweetheart, thirteen years later. While he has turned into a successful man whose face you'd see on TV a lot, you think of your life and what could have been with him, if only...
Tags: Angst/Fluff, coming of age, slice of life
Word Count: 3.6K
A/N: Oh Ranon my sweet child, hereby I present to thee... hopefully an antidote to the despair Yams had given us with 138. Hope you like it love!
Song mentioned: Linger by The Cranberries
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"It's nice to see a familiar face 'round here."
There was no word that could describe the feelings you had upon hearing that voice. A voice that was once the first sound you hear in the morning and the one you say goodbye to before falling asleep. A voice that you had not heard for what felt like forever.
You didn't have to turn around to tell who it was, "Jean?"
The two of you erupted in laughter, both surprised by the mere coincidence of meeting each other at this old and ran-down department store, on the outskirt of the town you both grew up in.
Jean was quick to pull you into a big embrace that you gladly came into. A familiar piece of warmth was his hug, and yet it had struck you as odd that it did not feel foreign at the closest, although it had been years since the last time you met him.
Jean had grown very tall. There was no longer his signature undercut as he had let his hairs to grow past his ear. His chiseled jaw hid beneath dark brown beard he now had. You pretended to check him out and be shocked with the view, "You really grew! Like grew, GREW!" as if you hadn't seen him on the news station or the daily mail. As if you didn't follow his Instagram with your second account. As if you never thought of him at all.
He held your shoulder and pulled away to look at you, "Thirteen years and you don't look any different."
Your face grew hot and the compliment sent an uncanny discomfort to your guts, "Ah the lighting sucks here - to my advantage, fortunately."
There was a disapproving look in Jean's eyes for a passing moment before he carried on with the conversation. He didn't expect to see you at the old department store the two of you used to roam in after school, he said. Neither did you to ever meet him again, especially here. A place so awfully ordinary for someone who had grown to be the best version of himself. Jean had finally achieved his dream to be a household name in the country as one of the rising young attorneys.
The celebrity status he had achieved, all the actresses and models he had dated - it all inflicted you with some kind of inexplicable pain. One that made you feel worthless, to say the least. Someone who used to be so close to your heart, had grown so magnificently, leaving you with the painful fate of being ordinary. Yet, still your face lit up in distant pride each time a mention of Jean’s name surfaced, be it from the passing conversation your friend had, or to see it announced by the news anchor for some big public case he was working on.
Jean said that he returned home for a funeral. His uncle died, and he needed a spare sandal. He didn't know any other store, as the area both of you grew up in had changed a lot. Leaving this old department store the only place he could remember.
You passed your condolence but he was more curious with what you were up to. You chuckled because he seemed so serious when he asked, "Didn't you move out to the city? Why the hell are you coming back?" as if the misplacement of seeing someone so glitzy in this boring, dilapidated town didn't apply to him.
So you answered, and Jean turned silent for a moment. He tilted his head downward, and you noticed that he was the same person with the same mannerism. Although he was no longer the 17-year-old boy who used to get all ruffed up in school fight, trying to defend you from some stupid jocks; nor was he still the tall, lanky kid from your Home Economics class that you gave your first kiss to.
Your mind couldn’t help but to race to all the what-ifs, and the presence of Jean before your eyes right now only made the wonderings more palpable.
Jean smiled faintly to your answer, “Congratulations,” he still made his way to pat the side of your head, something he used to do every time, “big step, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s scary.”
“So, who’s the lucky guy? Anyone I know from school?” Jean said, faking the enthusiasm in his tone, but you didn’t notice. Because in your mind, it would be an absurd idea to think that you would still have the tiniest bit of effect on Jean, for he had outgrown all the memories he ever had with you.
“No, no,” you tried to mask the bitterness that suddenly emerged on the back of your tongue, “we met at work. He’s a great guy.”
Indeed, he was. The reason why you returned home was because you were getting married, and your fiancée wanted to be close with your family, for he didn’t have one growing up. He was an exceptional man, he had this magnetism in him, with the way he perceived things, to the abiding tenacity he had in him.
Your fiancée was a man you knew you could lean on in the eye of adversity. That’s why you agreed to marry him. But then again, there was always a void inside your heart that had no resolve to it for so many years. Your fiancée was your foundation, and yet, perhaps selfishly, you still yearned for the childish laughter and the irreplaceable feeling of freedom you once had with the man standing tall before you. Whose glance never failed to make you feel the most at ease with.
“He must be a pretty great guy to get you,” Jean’s faint smile grew into a grin, he was trying to down play the commotion he started to feel within his chest, “what’s his name? So, I can picture him.”
You laughed, because it was only natural for you to do so in the presence of the first guy you had fallen for, the first guy to ever told you how pretty you were and how all your imperfections never mattered to him, the first one to bring your teary face into his embrace after a gruesome day, before saying, ‘I never thought it’s possible. But, crazy, seeing you cry hurts me too.’
However, you knew, that all those memories had passed by and you were happy with where you were now. “Reiner,” you smiled at the mention of his name, “my fiancée’s name is Reiner Braun. He’s… amazing.”
“Wow. Tough name. Probably someone I’d stay clear from in high school.”
Both of you laughed, and the two of you continued to talk, as you walked him through the desolated alleys to find the sandal that he wanted to buy, and Jean walking you to the towel aisle that you had meant to buy one for Reiner, only to find out that they had stopped selling towels since long time ago. The laughter and reminiscing persisted until the cashier row when Jean heard your stomach grumble. Both of you exchanged glances and broke into yet another laughter.
“Salerno’s?” Jean said, suggesting the pizza place off the highway, where you had spent so many dates with him back then.
“How could I ever say no to that?”
“Settled, then. Did you drive here?” Jean’s eyes gazed afar to the parking lot, strangely looking for the old car you used to drive back in school, before realizing that thirteen years had passed and there was no chance that sickly car could ever survive the time.
“No, actually Reiner dropped me and—” As if staged by the universe, your phone rung and Reiner was calling, “—right in time, it’s him!”
You walked away from Jean for a moment as he looked for his car key inside jacket. Across the line, Reiner was gruntling, his voice was hazy, “Babe—”
“Reiner, I bumped into an old friend!” there was a sing-songy tone in your words. Through the phone, Reiner chuckled, picking up the excitement in your voice, even though it was getting more apparent that Reiner was drowsy, “Anyway babe, can you get an Uber? I took the cough syrup your mum gave me, and now I’m sleepy as fuck. ‘Fraid I won’t be able to drive.”
You turned to Jean and saw him jingling his car key at you, before returning back to Reiner on the phone, “Rei, I think my friend can drive me home. I’ll be stopping at Salerno’s, do you want anything? The calzone maybe?”
Reiner yawned, “That sounds nice but—” yet another yawn, “I’m gonna pass out. Come home soon, okay? Tuck me in.”
You cackled at the buff man whining before you said goodbye and followed Jean into his car.
The trip to Salerno’s was nourishing with memories. The poplar trees along the avenue had been replaced by lines of billboards – from advertisement of real estate agent to divorce attorney, they all reminded you of how much the town had changed. Yet the sense of comfort you shared with Jean as you joked about all of the absurd things you saw along the way, had not changed at all.
If for one second you forgot that you were driving in Jean’s expensive car, and that you imagined he was wearing a shabby soccer jersey instead of a tailored-fit shirt – if you closed your eyes and thought that thirteen years hadn’t gone by between the two of you, it almost felt like you rode a time machine to a time when Jean was yours and you were his. And something about the thought of it just broke your heart.
When Jean pulled over at Salerno’s and found out that it’s past the time for dine-in, the two of you decided to eat at his car instead. Jean didn’t even ask what you want and he returned with exactly what you had in mind, the classic calzone, something you always used to have. He remembered.
The two of you laughed, bantered and joked at each other. It felt almost as if no distance had ever been laid out between the two of you, like you hadn’t lived an entirely different life, like he was the same person after all. He hadn’t once made you self-conscious like you thought you would, considering the amount of success he had attained for himself. You felt bad for accusing Jean of the worst, when all it was just a projection of your own insecurity.
“So, you’re getting married on the 15th, and your annoying aunt is not invited?”
“Yeah, thank God for the pandemic somehow. Legit excuse, when all I wanted was not to have her talk shit about Reiner on my wedding day,” you munched through your calzone, talking mindlessly, “as for you, sir, you’re invited. That’s a no-brainer. Hereby I invite thee to my humble dwelling. Bring your model girlfriend, please, so I can brag to my cousins.”
His grin subsided into a weak smile and then into nothing at all, as he sipped on his coke. Suddenly awkward silence loomed within the small space of his car.
“Jean,” you shifted in your seat as the guilt grew on you, realizing the error in your judgment, “sorry I was being presumptuous.”
“No worries, it wasn’t serious. None of it ever was.”
You nodded, engulfed in your own guilt for bringing a bad topic up. The silence let the radio’s murmur to become noticeable, and an old song had just been played through the local radio, a tune that you used to listen with him on the back of your old creaking car after a make-out session filled with enraging teenage hormones.
And I’m in so deep~
You know I’m such a fool for you~
You got me wrapped around your finger I—
Do you have to let it linger?
You sighed and finally looked at Jean with his head hanging low, “Do you want to settle down someday?”
“Eventually.” Jean answered nonchalantly, “Not even sure about the whole relationship thingy.”
“Oh.” An acknowledgment you voiced, before succumbing to yet another silence.
Jean called your name softly and when you turned to face him, he was looking at you. Even in the darkness of the parking lot, you could see his honey eyes gleamed in a look that was so familiar to you—a look of disappointment, “Tell me, how could you never end up working where you’ve always wanted to be?”
You were pulled even deeper into your silence as you looked away. Suddenly a hot rash of sadness started to swallow you whole, “I—”
You tried to voice out a tangible reason, but you had realized that all of it was your own doing. Your insecurity, your self-consciousness, the thought that you were never good enough for the thing you once wanted so bad; all of it led to a life unlived, and to have someone finally putting you in your place was embarrassing, if not painful, “—wasn’t sure if I really wanted it and—”
“—wasn’t sure if I was good enough to pass the test.”
“So, after college, you never ended up applying there? Not even a try?”
You shook your head embarrassed, looking down at your shoes.
Jean sighed and laid his food on the dashboard, before reaching for your right hand and held it warmly into his grasp. He called your name which propelled you to look back at him, “Weren’t you the one who talked me into getting into law school? Even when I thought it was impossible? Weren’t you the one who wrote on my yearbook to-my-future-attorney when everyone was convinced that I’d end up working a mediocre office job? Or a mechanic in my Dad’s shop?”
Jean carried on, “I just… I just don’t understand. How could you have so much conviction for other people but—but yourself?”
You passed a grim smile, as vulnerability started to catch up with you, “Nevermind Jean, it’s passed. I am where I am now.”
“But, wasn’t it your dream?” Jean grew antsy on his seat, it was obvious that he truly didn’t understand, “The pages and pages and pages of diary you wrote about wanting to work there? What happened?”
You sighed, running out of words to say, until you caved in, “Maybe I never knew what I truly wanted.”
“Is that why?” Jean shot another look at you, there was an intensity in his eyes that you had never seen before. There you wondered what had happened to Jean’s life in all those years passed at your absence, had he led a difficult life before getting the success he was enjoying now? “Is that why you left me—because you didn’t know what you truly want?”
Jean understood the consequence of his action, he was a well-accomplished attorney after all. He also understood the vivid pain painted all over your face, but he was taking his shot. Years of wondering where had you gone, what kind of live had you lived – you never ceased to haunt him, all the what-ifs with you he always thought about whenever he broke off yet another meaningless relationship with yet another woman he’d never cared for in his life. Over the years, he’d taken a close look at you. He’d find you on the internet, he’d asked about you to friends of a friend that was still in touch with you, he’d ‘accidentally’ found your legal documents just to see that you had gotten your college degree one year earlier than him. He didn’t know why the thought of you lingered, you just did. Arriving into his dreams where he was seventeen again and unassuming, only for him to wake up disappointed at seeing a woman that wasn’t you in his bed.
For the longest time, Jean had fended for himself to be where he’s now. When survival had finally bore fruits, what else could there be for him? Still, he felt lonely in the embrace of another woman, still he felt the void persisted even if he spent his money on things he didn’t need. Jean never thought, that after years of dreaming to be the person he’s now, all he yearned for was to have a piece of simple, ordinary and innocent happiness he once had with you.
You were, after all, the only thing that could remind him of the innocence Jean had lost after years of grueling work as an attorney—seeing how corrupt and insidious men can be. So, when his wearied eyes landed on the sight of you this evening, in the alley of that long-forgotten Department Store, Jean had no choice but to finally face his haunting.
“Jean, it’s a long time ago,” you smile, cupping his hand with your free hand, “besides, I’m no longer your type, right?” A grin, a playful grin, painfully fabricated and Jean saw right through it.
You could feel the air had gotten thick in his car, and you shifted closer to the door. Jean let go of your hand as he moved closer to you, running his long fingers through your hair. His voice had gotten deep and you could sense a hint of pain in his words, “Maybe I never had a type.”
He dragged his gaze all over your face; your eyes, your nose, your lips – the way he used to reassure that you were so beautiful in his eyes despite the self-hate you inflicted upon yourself, “Maybe all I ever wanted was you and all I ever did with those girls was to try finding you in them,” he forced a smile, so stale, so painful, “to no avail.”
You could feel the air into your lung was compromised as you battled the tears, “Jean…”
“Out of so many things that I have been brave for, I was never brave enough for one thing that I needed the most: to tell you that it’s always been you,” Jean slithered his hands through your waist and pulled you into his embrace. He laid his head, heavy with loneliness and exhaustion on to the nook of your shoulder. For lack of better term, Jean was finally back home, as he muttered, letting go of all his inhibitions, “Baby, it’s always been you. It’s always been you.”
Your whole body was weak with emotions. The thoughts, the persistent ones – the what-ifs you could have had with Jean, the life you could have lived and the dream that could have been fulfilled. Without your permission, the tears fell to your dismay as you thought of one last thing remaining in your heart: Reiner. The way he smiled and listened all through your nightly despairs, caressing you close until you fell asleep, exhausted with tears dried up all over your face. The way Reiner whispered on to your ear, amidst your drowsiness, that he loved you and that he promised to make you whole, to fill the void you had always feared for. All the little things he had done without you asking, or the way he loved your family as if they were his own.
You cursed yourself for being surprised at how much you realized that you truly loved Reiner, even when you were in the embrace of someone you wondered about often. You realized, the best way to prove to someone that you love them was to stick around. And Reiner had stuck around, as much as you stuck around for him.
You left Jean long time ago for reasons you only vaguely remembered now, but life went on and sooner or later you should make it in your heart to accept it. You smiled and thought of your life. Sure, there was a lot of thing you need to patch up, but what is life if not persevering?
You pulled away from Jean, surprised to see a beaten look on his face. Far away from the dandy and sharp young attorney you would see on the news. Once, you loved this man, but years had passed and the one he wanted was no longer there. You were no longer the person you were thirteen years ago. You were no longer the girl Jean longed for, all he wished for was a passing ghost that you have left behind in your adolescence.
You caressed his cheek for the last time and landed a kiss to his forehead, “Jean, I’m so proud of you. How far you have gone. I’m sorry I wouldn’t be the one you’d share your future achievement with, but for all the things you have done to me, for seeing the good in me when I could hardly see it… I want to say thank you,” you smiled although pain was searing within your chest, “there’s a world out there where this would work out. But not this world.”
The unexpected rendezvous you had with the man whom you had given your first love to ended with both of you crying at each other’s embrace, until Salerno’s closed and turned off their lights.
When Jean finally dropped you at your childhood home, the place he used to spend all the times in, Jean smiled and pointed at your room with the lights still lit, “He’s waiting?”
“I think he’s asleep. He’s a deep sleeper, he forgets to turn off the lights every time.”
“Does he even fit in your tiny bed?”
“Well, you did fit.”
“For a time.”
“Yeah, for a time.”
“So, you’ll be Mrs. Braun?”
“Yep, Mrs. Braun I will be.”
Jean scoffed, pretending to be annoyed, but smiling nonetheless, “Lucky bastard, that Mr. Braun.”
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domesticated-feral · 3 years
Thank you @nacreousgore for tagging me, oh boy was this fun to do!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 52 works on AO3 as of writing this.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Since it's been a year that I've been writing on ao3, I've amassed a total word count of 149,243 words.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Only 2 so far. I used to write Twenty One Pilots bandom fics before and now I just write Teen Wolf fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So, I have 4 Sterek fics and one Stackson fic in my top 5; they are:
Yellow for Happiness and Purple, Because of Stiles (YFHAPBOS) - a good old falling in love Sterek fic with blind!Stiles and synesthete!Derek
Intoxicating - Stackson oneshot which has smut and possible interpretively werewolf!Stiles
Lunch with Sticky Note Compliments - Sterek in an office AU. It's literally what it says on the box.
Happiness in Your Arms - an abandoned WIP that's for some reason still on my AO3. It's sterek and takes place in the early 1910's. (I do not recommend reading this fic of mine..)
Sterek One Shot #2 - the second tw fic that I ever wrote on ao3. Didn't even bother to give it a title cause I didn't know what to title it...hah. it's also the last first person pov fic that I wrote until I transitioned to mainly writing third and second person povs.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
No doubt it's You Wish I Was Yours (And I Know That You're Mine) because of the overall dead dove: do not eat essence of the oneshot. After all, it's Void Stiles/Kanima-Werewolf Jackson who's under Void's manipulation.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
So, I have two contenders imo for this. Yellow for Happiness is one because the ending is cute, and the overall fic mood is happy if you average it out. Then there's To Fall For Him, which I recently wrote and the ending ends on a really happy note compared to the rest of the fic so the steady incline in fic mood makes it have one of the happiest endings. Although, most of my fics (expect for that void/kanima Jax fic) have happy endings. I'm all for leaving a fic on a bittersweet/good note y'know.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
I have yet to write a crossover, but I weirdly enough have a Five Nights At Freddy's x Teen Wolf crossover planned out in my Google docs. Don't know if it's ever going to see the light of ao3 or the internet.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Since I started writing smut only recently, I have been experimenting with many different types of smut, mix and matching a lot of things. Most of them are made with love so ig it's the loving kind of smut, excluding that one void/kanima Jax fic (again).
9. Do you respond to comments, why, or why not?
I def respond to each and every one of the comments I receive. It's not much since I'm only a rookie fic writer but every single comment lights up my day whenever I get them and I hope my response lights up their day too :D
10. Have you received hate on a fic?
Nope, so far I haven't gotten any hate on any of my fics and hopefully that sticks for a long time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
To my knowledge, nope.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Unless talking to my sister about fic ideas and about how the story is playing out and ranting about plot holes to her is co-writing a fic, then no.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
My otps change periodically and I multi-ship like crazy so I don't have an 'all-time' favourite. But atm, the most mind-space-taking ships are Stackson, Scerek, Scydia, Stalia and Sciles. Sceo and Sterek sometimes show up.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
One day, I aspire to have less than a 100 wips, but there's just a few select ones that I am not going to touch on ever again. Either out of sheer confusion of what the story is about or because I do not want to continue on them anymore. They are titled in my Google docs as;
• It's a Jacksciles fic now
• Smutty Sterek pls send help
• Look, when i find an angsty dialogue prompt and song (especially if it's by Panic! At The Disco) you know im defaulting to Stackson Second Person Smut + Angst mode in a heartbeat
• yeah, i have a specific trope i wish to write.
These are just some of them that either I rewrite completely or just not touch ever again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
The ability to write a lot in the spur of the moment. I can easily get into a writing mood if I'm not in a writing rut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The ability to write only in the spur of the moment. My motivation comes in either 5 hour feasts or 30 minute scraps. (easily burn-out able)
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It is cool, and I'd love to give it a try. Sometimes I deeply want to include my native language in the fics that I write, but the thing is that it's not known widely across the Earth.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Twenty One Pilots bandom!
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
I cannot choose one from all my word vomit creations, but I had a lot of fun writing these.
Cinnamon Rolls & Intimate Control - Stackson smut with the added bonus of Stiles making Cinnamon Rolls.
My Heart Races Whenever I Look At You - Sceo, Street Racing Au, so very cute
The fics that I have so far written for the Finding Your Soulmate: Werewolf Edition series - Scerek for now, the fics have been a delight to write and so far, the story is just getting started.
And a honourable mention, Perceptions of Perfection - SCACKSON, what more should I say?
Tagging: @scilessweetheart @shyawkwardwriter @nutellarghh @sequinedmonkey
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
‼️‼️This post contains lore spoilers from Ranboo’s 4/23 stream, “The Enderwalk Saga. Chapter 1: The Lessons”. If you haven’t seen that stream don’t read ahead unless you want spoilers‼️‼️
disclaimer: this isnt really an analysis as much as a bunch of commentary and half-baked theories.
-on the way to the mansion he was sort of talking to himself saying stuff like "i'm good i'm good" which m a y be a normal thing but also maybe it's not and it flew over our heads cause he talks to chats and donos like that so often
-again, this one may just be a normal thing but when he was climbing up the stairs in the mansion looking for foolish, he repeats some of his words like down to the exact same tone of voice and everything. 12:42,  "this mansion is way too big actually. this mansion is way too big actually." (why the repeated actually? seems odd to me but again it might just be a normal thing that i haven't picked up on). (right after) "okay okay lemme find him lemme find him" again repeated words in the e x a c t same tone.
-does everyone know about ranboo's silk touch hands ability thing? or was that just a techno and ranboo main character moment. bc if it was, how would foolish know that ranboo could pick up the full cake after it'd been partially eaten. unless everyone on the sever knows about that in which case this means nothing. but if they d o n t know... how would foolish know? ranboo wrote about it in the do not read book so maybe if it's not a publicly known thing maybe foolish got his hands on the book and read it??
-14:53-ish, they're talking about the war room and how it was for tubbo or whatever and ranboo says, and i quote "he prepares for lore but he's never gonna do it." now funny thing is at first i couldn't tell if he said "war" like in reference to the war room or "lore". but after playing the clip over and over i can say with ALMOST 100% certainty that he said lore. there is a definite L sound at the beginning of the word. which either means a) this was a slip up (doubtful bc he said later that there were no mistakes), b) he broke the fourth wall because they were supposed to be rping at that point, or c) i'm completely wrong and he said "war" which leads down an entire other road of possibilities
-15:17 "are you a book reader?" "*checks inventory for do not read book* uh yeah i'd say i'm a book reader-" dunno how i didn't catch this the first time I HATE THAT DAMN BOOK
-15:18 there's blue in his hotbar. where did he get the blue.
-16:40 "it's like a metaphor- i have two minds: i have my normal self, my normal little shift-dancing self, and then the builder one. the builder one is demanding. it's a very demanding mind." ranboo then lets out a weird sigh after this. i feel like what foolish was talking about was an indirect(?) parallel to ranboo in and out of enderwalk, there's how he normally is, trying to do best for others, and then there's enderwalk, meeting up with bad guys and "demanding" things (its very late as i write this i really don't know what i'm talking about)
-17:11 "you have your panic closet" i'm sorry his what now 😀 no but seriously how the hell did i miss some of these
-18:04 "you're asking me if i remember?" very funny ranboo thank you for making jokes in these trying times
-19:38 why did foolish hold the grass block- most of these observations probably mean nothing but- h u h - is that- i'm too tired for this
-19:54 "i never properly thanked you for the deal you made with me" so foolish got something out of this deal, we're not sure if ranboo did. "the green cardboard box" again do you mean dream's house- but seriously the only people i can think of on the server that are associated with green are dream and sam. and i have no idea what cardboard box could be referring to.  foolish got a lime colored shulker from drista
-20:30 "we're supposed to only talk about it at a certain location" hmm now where would that be? panic room maybe? cause like usually after doing a big thing in the enderwalk state ranboo wakes up in the panic room so maybe?  the deal was that they only talk about it in his house
-21:52 how does ranboo receive(?) the lessons? like are they whispered to him in his mind or is he seeing them as words in front of him like we see? hmm
-"Lesson 14: If you have the opportunity to gain a favor, take it." "gain a favor" don't you usually ask people for favors though? how does one "gain a favor"? anyways i'm pretty sure lesson 14 has to do with the deal foolish was talking about. (the deal explained because i now have info: at some point a bit ago foolish met up with ranboo and asked to make a deal, he'd gotten a shulker box from drista. the deal was that ranboo would have ownership of the box, it would be under his name but foolish rents/borrows it indefinitely. ranboo negotiated that if he took ownership of the box he would get a "war favor"  from foolish where if something happens that creates sides, ranboo can ask him a favor that could change his side. but why would foolish want ranboo to have ownership of the shulker you may ask? well i have an answer for you. a theory actually but still. basically since drista technically isn't supposed to give out shit on the server if someone where to have that stuff then they may get in trouble. foolish wants to be able to use the shulker but if it gets found he doesn't want to get in trouble, so he can blame it on ranboo seeing as it's under his name.)
-22:16-ish "i still have this from when you *can't understand whats said here*" well i guess that sort of explains why he had the grass block? idk man (info update: he had the grass block from when ranboo threw it at him telling him to calm down like what ghostbur does with blue)
-31:35 "i figured out how to cause it" how to cause the enderwalk state
-39:01 "it's all for the greater good" okay well when are you gonna start thinking about yourself and not everyone else for once huh. self care bitch.
-40:31 he started holding the axe when he was looking at sam- gonna say it i really don't like that axe ahahah- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE THE AXE IS NAMED "axe of ender" I DONT LIKE THAT I DONT LIKE THAT AT ALL
-41:53 is there something?? physically keeping him from telling sam??? or maybe it's sort of like his enderwalk state taking control to make him shut the fuck up??? so many questions and approximately zero answers
-43:18 ranboo raising his voice legitimately scares me 😀👍
-"Lesson 27: Do not reminisce on what you have lost for it will weigh you down." showed up when he was thinking about and REMINISCING about the community house 👀👀
-"Lesson 53: Never fully trust anyone." showed up literally after he said that he thinks he can trust the other people on the server enough to tell them about what he did
-"Lesson 67: Leave no evidence of what you have helped with." this is different from the others because there doesn't seem to be at least a semi-direct connection to it? unless maybe at the time ranboo was near something he may have "helped with"? not sure about this one
-"Lesson 94: DO NOT LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" yeah yeah i get it i get it he's fucked up some shit in enderwalk i don't feel like analyzing this thanks
-okokok the experiments are that he's been e x p e r i m e n t i n g on how to purposefully induce the enderwalk state. and we know now that it wasn't from the pain of the water because on the stream afterwords he said that it's caused by the intense fear of something happening. and so the "side effects" of the experiments is that since he's in enderwalk more often(?) he starts remembering more things from it
-dude honestly the whole sam part hurts so much this man is scarily good at acting
-46:46 "i cant put you in the prison you wouldn't be able to see michael anymore" bestie that's the point he doesn't want to accidentally hurt michael or tubbo in the enderwalk state—
-okay but there's no way that sam couldn't tell that ranboo was at least TRYING to confess to something- i feel like he definitely knows more than he's letting on because usually like when people do bad shit or admit to doing bad shit he's like in Prison Guard Mode™️ (he literally cut off ponk's arm because he stole some keycards or something) and whatever and idk what he knows but he definitely knows something and is trying to protect ranboo. or he's trying to manipulate him or smth either one works—
-50:38 "you are a good person" "i am?" you can hear my heart shatter. "yes you are" "i don't think so sam" "i do, even if you don't" "i really don't think so" and there it goes again
-51:25 hello badboyhalo i see you to the left of ranboo
-52:44 "but then my curiosity got the best of me" curiosity killed the cat, bitch
-52:54 "there's ninety three, ninety four, ninety- theres so many reasons!" SEE!! NOT ONLY ARE THERE THAT MANY LESSONS THERE ARE REASONS THAT CORRESPOND IM S O SMART—
-52:56 "i don't want to remember anymore!" *quietly brings forth my theory that when ranboo loses a canon life his memory gets wiped*
-53:13 "ive opened pandora's box" isn't the prison?? literally called pandora's VAULT??? so this m a y be a stretch but i'm thinking that maybe this could be taken in the literal sense that he "opened" the prison and let dream out (the sirens at the end of quackity's stream confirm that dream is indeed out)
-53:42 mans just straight up walked through a ghost i—
-55:37 so are we just gonna ignore the eleventh page of the book? "he's alive, but hopefully soon dream won't be"??? alright nevermind it's most likely bc when tommy came back he recruited ranboo in his plan to kill dream
-55:47 notice how he writes "what am i?" as opposed to "who am i?" no elaboration here idk what it could be
-56:08 just so it's clear for anyone who doesn't know- he's wearing armor at this point, and i'm like 90% sure that when he wears his armor water can't hurt him. and i saw someone say somewhere that like with splash potions when thrown it turns into a gas-like thing? so again, it didn't hurt him, he didn't get hurt. he said in the chill stream that he wasn't comfortable making it where his character had to hurt himself to do that. the thing that causes the enderwalk isn't pain, it's intense and sudden emotions like fear and stress. thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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flowerwebs · 2 years
i’m a mutual and didn’t feel like putting my name on this publicly, but say something if u want to talk about this more! if u don’t then just ignore this lmao
i’m in my early 20s and the idea that 17 is the end of your childhood is just nuts to me, frankly. in some ways it can feel like that, but i’ve have felt myself become more child-like as i get older. my mum and i are more friends than anything so now our relationship consists of me sending her memes and bugging her and shit. my friends and i are planning a super elaborate peter pan ensemble fit for halloween. we went to a museum and my friend took pictures of me posing the same way as every statue. if you want to go play hopscotch, you can go play fuckin hopscotch! taking on more responsibility for yourself doesn’t mean your childhood ends; it means you get a do-over where this time, you get to PICK all the fun and silliness and enjoyment that you have so you KNOW that you’ll enjoy it
tldr don’t sweat it! growing past 17 is just childhood pt ii electric boogaloo
aww thank you !!! im actually really excited for my bday (i’m planning some fun stuff with friends, also looking forward to stuff like actually learning more how to fully do things like drive), but i’m just scared about now having to seriously think about applying to stuff like college and planning a real career for myself. i have friends who are already graduating in june, and it’s so crazy bc not to be cliche or anything but the times we spent in middle school or on the elementary school playground feel like yesterday, you know? it still feels so surreal to just register that some of them r headed off to ivy leagues in the fall.
but i totally get where ur coming from, op; i remember i had this discord convo where someone said to me that ur twenties seem like an extension of your teenage years—u just have more independence, which sounds great. some scientific studies say adolescence ends around age 25 or 26, actually; it’s nice to know that i still have a long road to go. i’ll think i’ll rly enjoy attending university and pursuing a degree, but i’ll still say true to myself and the values i have now (or maybe they’ll change, but that’s okay—like i used to be this completely different person even a year ago and i like that i’m constantly evolving, always learning stuff). society’s concept of what childhood “is” and “isn’t” is completely stupid; it’s more of a concept really, a concept abt finding innocence and joy in the small things, imagining and dreaming as much as possible, being both soft and strong. u keep those ideas for all your life long, when you think abt it; u never rly become the monochromic world that an “adult” is supposed to entail.
thank u sm for ur advice, op !!! i hope ur peter pan ensemble fit goes well 💖 that trip to the museum sounds fun, i’ll look forward to fun times with my family too in the future
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studyblr intro post... 3 years later
Found this account again after a couple of years. Crazy to find all of my old posts from when I was 14/15 and super invested in studyblr, seeing all the posts being anxious about getting into a good college... I have a cat now, itachi, and he's my little prince. I'm no longer depressed. I havent used a leuchtturm in years. Im a completely different person than from who I was then.
Well. Not entirely. I still love peter parker, thats for sure.
But now? I'm Ahri. A 17, nearly 18 year old incoming college freshman at NYU . Crazy how things work out huh? I have a post a few years ago, sobbing about how MIT was my dream school. I remember crying because I wanted to follow Peter Parker's footsteps so bad. His story has been apart of my life since I was little.
I didn't even end up applying to MIT. It wasn't the college for me. But life is funny, because in a few months I'm gonna live my life exactly where Peter Parker was anyway. New York City. I will be independent for the first time in my life and take the same subways he (fictionally) did. I'll study and live and love and be happy in NYU, a college that is the perfect fit for me. STEM related, but with so much spontaneity and artsy-ness too, somewhere that is full of diverse people and ideas. The city that never sleeps. My new home.
I'm so happy. I'm 17, and getting ready to live my dream life. It really does get better.
I'm majoring in Computer Science at NYU CAS with a minor in Game Design at Tisch, and it's still crazy to think about.
I didn't think I'd ever get to a point where I would love my life and what I'm doing in school, or even care about it. But now that I know I'm in at NYU, I'm more motivated than I've ever been in my entire life. I'm rediscovering my past love for physics too lately, maybe I'll even decide to double major. I feel smart, accomplished. I feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. So I'm reviving this studyblr and dedicating it to 14 year old me, who didn't think I would ever get anywhere in life. You did.
I'm so proud of myself :,)
I'm so excited to get to know all of you in the studyblr community again, for real this time. And I hope I can give some insight for any future Violets about what going to NYU is like as I find out myself! More oversharing diary tumblr posts to come in the future.
With love,
Your favourite neighborhood studyblr <3
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