#crazy handsome rich theme
doorajar · 1 year
Crazy Handsome Rich, Episode 6
Well, I'm in love--with the theme song ! Shen Li ? Anybody know anything ?
I'd love to see the lyric translation ... (hint hint)
And ...
The opening announcement is a hoot--who remembers another series where we read, instead of the usual disclaimers, a little fun-fest like this :
Crazy Handsome Rich is going to last episode. We'd like to say thank you to you that you watching since started. (sic) Please watch the series for entertainment and happiness at the same time. And see you soon. If you like our voiceovers. You can hire us:) Hahaha. Not funny ? Okay, let's watch our series !
And I think there were some previous openers in a similar vein ?
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Oh, and our funny friend Mon Varakorn gets to play crazy, here, which might be something he's been itching for ? Flame on !
"Crazy handsome rich isn't over yet. Don't get up anywhere."
You have to love these sloppy subs--perfectly in keeping with a loopy little 6-episode farce ?
What a goofball series. We haven't seen the like before--have we ?
The best thing about it for me is the theme song ... still. Anybody ?
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yutahoes · 3 months
(Part One)
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characters: stripper! Yuta x female! Y/N genre: chaptered, smut, fluff, angst word count: 2.5k words summary: Y/N has everything in her bitter life, not until she meets a sweet-looking stripper. warnings: matured theme, stripper au!, third person POV, rusty writing, curse words, shirtless guys, degrading words
Bachelorette parties. 
If there is any event that Y/N hated going to, this would be it. 
The girl hated to socialize. Hated mingling with girls her age, even younger than her, who wouldn’t stop talking about finding a nice husband or the newest Birkin from Paris. 
But bachelorette parties are better than attending board meetings. 
This is much better than the blind date her mother kept on pushing her through. 
That was the thought running through Y/N’s mind as she drank the pink bubbling liquid in her champagne glass, settling on one corner of the huge hotel room. She knew very well that it wasn’t champagne. And she was smart enough to know not to drink alcohol in these crazy events. 
The star of the night, a rich family daughter - although Y/N forgot whose daughter she was - was dancing non-stop along to the music. Y/N drank her juice to hide a smile. She knew that type very well, certainly a wild child. 
It wouldn’t be a surprise if a man in a police outfit entered the room and started stripping.
As if on cue, one of the girls entered the door giddily and announced that ‘the main event is here’. Y/N had to chuckle to herself, how predictable. 
One guy, with dark hair and tall height, entered wearing a black jacket without a shirt underneath. He started swaying his body along the sultry music which earned the excitement of the women around. Well, he has a nice muscular body. Another guy, wearing a sleeveless leather tank top, entered and started grinding his body at one of the bridesmaids. This guy is handsome.  
Wow, Y/N thought, they managed to book two strippers. How extravagant. 
The music got louder along with the screams of the girls at the party just as another guy with blonde hair entered the door. Unlike the other two who were dancing with the girls, he entered the door and took the center. The same as the first guy, who completely removed his jacket, he was wearing a leather jacket with no shirt underneath. His body was rolling, hips seductively swaying against the music. He isn’t even that muscular. Certainly, Y/N had seen better. But the way he projected himself, the way he felt himself along the music is rather sexy. Erotic, perhaps.
The girl found herself focused on the third man, watching his toned skin and taking note of the butterfly tattoo peeking from his waist. He is rather handsome, almost the same as the second guy. Where did they manage to book these guys? They don’t seem like low-class strippers like from other bachelorette parties she had been to. Instead, they look like high-class escorts. If there is something like that. 
Y/N shrugged, shaking her head, then finished her juice. 
Before she came here, she thought this bachelorette party would give her a reason to hate these events more. Watching the sensual performance in front of her, she was thankful that she chose to be here rather than elsewhere. 
“And tell the manager that we’ll be back tomorrow,” Johnny claimed, which made Yuta nod. “Yuta, be careful when going back to the club.” He rolled his eyes at that. He’s not a kid. He can go back himself. 
While heading down to the lobby, he started counting the money he had. One-third of the payment from the dancing gig and some cab fare. He’ll probably reach home, right? Why did the club decide to send the three of them to this far-flung place? When coming here, he saw how far the hotel building was from the entrance. And he doubts, at how high-class this establishment is, that there would be cabs waiting in the lobby. He could ask for a car, but that would cost so much, and Yuta hated to let go of his hard-earned money. 
To be real, he wouldn’t be in this job if not for Lee Taeyong. When he came from Japan with nothing but his dream to be a dancer, his friend helped him by offering to be a dancer in a strip club. It wasn’t the dream but it’s not too far from it. Besides, it gives him food on the table and a roof above his head. But all he does is dance, no extra services, unlike his two friends who left him alone. 
Yuta felt that he had been walking for some time now but all he could see was the endless road ahead, the lush gardens, and the lights of the hotel building. Who made this establishment? Why is it so anti-poor? It also doesn’t help that it’s late at night and he’s wearing tattered jeans with a shirtless jacket. Will there still be cabs outside the hotel at this late hour? Should he just book a hotel room? But that would cost so much. 
He’ll just continue this walk and pretend that he’s hiking like he does in Japan. 
He was startled when a midnight blue car stopped at his side, stylish and looking really expensive. The driver put down the tinted window, “Do you want to ride?” He was more surprised that it was a female driver. “It’s a long walk. I can drop you off at the gate.” Yuta glanced at the long road ahead then at the driver who was only looking at him in question. It is a long walk and she’s heading that way anyway. Nothing bad can happen, right? 
The guy gently opened the door and entered the car carefully before putting on his seatbelt. Even if this woman decides to kidnap him, he doesn’t have any money to give her. And she looked well-off. There isn’t anything else that he can offer to her. The girl might have sensed his nervousness as she lightly chuckled, “Are you really planning to walk that far? You didn’t have a ride coming here?” 
Yuta shook his head, “We took a cab here.”
“We?” The girl repeated before lightly glancing at him. “Oh, you were one of the dancers earlier.” 
“You were there?” The girl nodded. Damn, she really is well-off. 
Yuta felt like shrinking in his seat. What is he doing in this car? And knowing that she had seen him earlier, made him embarrassed. “Why are you alone?” She asked to cut the silence. 
Maybe she doesn’t know anything about his line of work. Or maybe she’s testing him. “They have a booking.” The girl repeated his term in a questioning manner, “Some girls from the party booked them for tonight.” 
“To dance?” 
“For sex," he blurted out loud before hissing at himself. 
“They can do that?” Yuta wondered if she was really innocent. Or maybe she’s part of the population who never cared. But her amusement is rather refreshing. “Then why aren’t you part of the booking or whatever you call that?” He bit his lip to prevent himself from smiling. She’s adorable. “I’m sorry. I’m too curious, aren’t I? You don’t have to answer that.” 
He cannot help but release a chuckle at that. “It’s fine,” he claimed, shaking his head. “I don’t do extra services. Besides, those two were more famous with girls.” 
The girl had to lightly glance at him before making a small sound of wonder. “Really? I thought you were more famous than the two of them.” Yuta had to raise an eyebrow at that. “I mean you were a great dancer, you’re as handsome as the guy with the cap, and you have a nice body. A complete package.” The sides of Yuta’s lips curled up at the compliment. That’s such a confidence boost. “And you have such a nice smile. If it was my bachelorette party, I would have paid for your extra service.” 
“Then will you book me for your bachelorette party?” He then stopped before staring straight at her, “If you haven’t had one.” He tried to check if she had a ring on her finger then sighed in relief seeing that there wasn’t. 
She laughed wholeheartedly and Yuta thought that she was very pretty at that moment. “I’m sorry but there will be no bachelorette party. Please don’t jinx it.” Yuta shrugged. He’s not in the position to ask but why? She’s pretty, she’s rich. And to be honest, she’s hot. Guys would surely go to war for her. He definitely will. 
To his dismay, he can see the gates of the hotel nearby which means that he had to get out of the car. But he’s still enjoying talking to her. 
The night was so dark. Y/N never realized that it was this late. There weren’t any cars around which is typical in this part of town. The headlights of her car kept blinking as she waited for the man earlier to get a cab or any ride to where he was heading. “You can leave me here. Thank you for the ride.” He insisted but she shook her head, reasoning that the CCTVs of the hotel saw her taking him, and if something happened, she would be the prime suspect. He laughed in response, making her swoon at the mischievousness of his smile. 
“Where are you heading anyways?” she asked, shouting through the whole passenger seat between them. She was seated in the car in front of him by the curb. The man pointed at the direction to the left and she giggled. “I can drive you. That’s also my way home.” But it was he who kept on shaking his head, not wanting to bother her. “Come on. You might not get home and I can’t just leave you here.” 
In the end, he went back in the car and promised to pay her the cab fee. The man claimed that he’s heading to their club named Neo as she hummed in answer. She remembered passing by that club once. And it made it pretty clear that they are some high-class strippers. “I’m Yuta, by the way.” he introduced. 
That was a nice name, Y/N thought. Japanese? Maybe a codename. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” 
“Y/L/N? Are you related to the owner of the Mozart Museum?” She nodded, whispering that it was her mom. “Wow,” he exclaimed. “You are rich rich.” 
“My parents are.” 
“That’s what rich people always say.” The girl giggled at that. “So what do you do in life, Miss Y/N?” 
She had to drum her fingers along the steering wheel while waiting for the traffic light to turn green. “I work in a research company.” Yuta only gave her a questioning look, “I oversee the company.” 
Wait, isn’t that…? “Like a president of the company?” 
“More of a manager,” she claimed casually then flashed a timid smile. “My dad is still the president.” Once again, an exclamation of awe can be heard coming from Yuta’s lips. “Hopefully, I can achieve his position soon.” 
She’s not just pretty, hot, and rich, she’s also very successful. God damn, she is truly the complete package. “And you are still single?” The girl gave him a knowing smile. How is she still single after all that? And the thought of not wanting to have a bachelorette party, meaning not wanting to be married, made Yuta think that it was a waste. “Don’t you feel lonely?”
Oh shit! That came out wrong. But it was too late to take back those words. She obviously heard it, evidence was the way she gripped the steering wheel. “Sorry. You don’t have to answer that.” 
The girl bit her lip before breathing heavily. “I think it isn’t that lonely. I have the freedom to still do whatever I want.” The muscles of her face eased as she smiled. “And trust me if you encounter those rich spoiled mommy’s boys, you’d rather be single.” Yuta giggled. He knew a few and he could attest to it. 
It was weird how Yuta felt like he could empathize with the world above him, the world of the rich, with every second he talked to this girl. She doesn’t seem like those stereotypical rich trust fund babies who would check their hair and make-up at all times and yap about finding rich husbands. She’s a well-established woman who knows what she wants. Totally admirable. 
Y/N, on the other hand, thought that she knew everything about the world. In her line of work and the society she belonged to, she obviously met a lot of interesting and intriguing people. But nothing prepared her for the mystery named Yuta. If he truly is Japanese, why is he here? What does he do for work? Dancing? Stripping? Why is he so humble and inferior when he looks way more handsome than those narcissistic men who were products of plastic surgery clinics? He is such a wonder. 
The girl pulled the handbrake of the car when they reached the front of a lighted building with a huge marquee that reads Neo. “It’s fancy,” Y/N claimed that made Yuta laugh, nodding. 
“Have you been inside?” The girl shook her head. “Do you want to go inside?” 
“I’d rather not. It’s late and I have some appointments tomorrow.” That’s too bad, Yuta thought. He doesn’t mind working a little extra tonight. 
The guy started fishing his wallet from his pocket, handing her some cash. “It isn’t much but thank you for driving me back.” But the girl shook her head, rejecting his money and claiming that it was not a big deal. Yuta felt embarrassed. Of course, she’s rich. This money would be nothing to her. Why did he offer it in the first place? “But I don’t like owing people anything.” 
The girl smiled warmly, “It’s fine. Think of it as saving me from worrying about someone tonight.” The guy laughed. “Besides, it was nice talking to you.” 
He asked for some pen and paper which she reached out from the glove compartment. Yuta started scribbling something on a piece of paper, “Then, if you feel lonely. Please come by the club and I’ll drink with you.” He handed her the piece of paper, “Free of charge.” 
“A lap dance?” She asked, reading his note. 
He smiled shyly. “That’s the only service I can offer that would allow me to use the private rooms. I can’t let a rich manager drink publicly in a stripclub, can I?” Y/N gave a small giggle before folding the paper and putting it in her handbag. “Just give the paper to the club manager and look for me. You do remember my name, right?” 
“Yuta.” she answered quietly. 
“Yuta Nakamoto.” 
Is that his full name? Then he must be really Japanese. And aren’t they using codenames in the strip club? Does his parents know his job? She lightly shook her head to stop the questions forming in her mind as he exited the car. What is it to her anyway? “Thank you for the ride, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N. Have a safe trip home.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Yuta Nakamoto. Have a good night.”
“See you later?” 
And she sped off with him waving goodbye like a small child. Yuta smiled to himself as he started walking to the strip club. 
This night was so bizarre.
Part Two
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paintingwhiteceilings · 3 months
can you make exo members as your childhood best friend? and with fem reader please! love your writing <3
❃EXO members as your childhood best friend❃
A/N: Hiii thank you so much for this ask! I am so sorry that it has taken me months to finally respond to it :’)  I spent the last few months birthing a 35.000-word, 65-page thesis so I didn’t have any time/energy left to do any creative writing. Regardless, thank you for this cute ask! It was fun reminiscing over my memories with my childhood friend that I have known since I was four months old. Thank you for being so patient with me the very long wait, hopefully, this makes up for it!
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✾ Xiumin and you became friends during recess in primary school. He noticed your classmates constantly picked you last whenever you played a game together during recess. Thus, whenever he was chosen to be a team captain, he made sure to pick you first, resulting in you two becoming close friends.
✾ Your mom adores him; heck, she prefers him over you. Xiumin has always been the perfect son; he got perfect grades, is polite, is handsome, cleans up after himself, etc. Whenever you call her, she asks whether you can pass the phone to him so she can ask her favourite child how he is doing.
✾ He is a very consistent friend. Regardless of how busy his schedule is, he makes sure to drop by your place regularly. If he can't visit you in person, he will have a four-hour phone call with you instead, where you two talk about everything and anything happening in your lives.
✾ At some point during your friendship, he had a massive crush on you. He never told you -and you might not have noticed it- but it was incredibly obvious to everyone around you as they watched him follow you with puppy dog eyes. Your mother still holds out hope that you will end up together.
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✾ You guys became friends all the way back in pre-school when Suho noticed you were having trouble learning how to tie your shoelaces. Five-year-old Suho wasted no time and offered to help you out, patiently teaching you how to do it. You have stuck together ever since, remaining close throughout your teenage years.
✾ Suho dragged you through secondary school; if it hadn't been for him functioning as your tutor throughout your educational career, you would not have had the grades you ended up graduating with. Nowadays, he mostly gives you advice on work and will look over contract details with you when needed.
✾ He was 1000% your wealthy, rich best friend growing up. His childhood birthday parties were incredibly lavish; he would take all his friends to theme parks when he was younger, his parents paying for every expense. Even nowadays, he never misses a chance to spoil you rotten, taking you on already-paid-for trips whenever he is able to.
✾ You guys have stayed at each other's places so often that you call each other's parents mom and dad. It is not unusual for one of you to have dinner with the other's parents without the other present.  
✾ Compared to the other members, he is less consistent with meetups, not minding it too much when a lot of time passes between phone calls. You can go months without talking to each other before sending the other a random TikTok or stopping by each other's place unannounced.
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✾ The two of you have a crazy story of how you met. You met Baekyhun shortly after moving into the same street. At the time, you were convinced mermaids were real, so you decided it was perfectly reasonable to dive into the river running next to your house to introduce yourself to them without actually being able to swim. Luckily for you, Baekyhun happened to be playing nearby and jumped in after you without a second thought, rescuing you from drowning. He still holds it over you whenever he needs a favour.  
✾ You have so many weird stories of when you were growing up together. You two would constantly get into trouble, most of it initiated by Baekyhun. It got to the point where your teachers decided to put you in different classes to prevent you two from pulling pranks during class.
✾ Your place is his place, and vice versa. On one occasion, you accidentally switched apartments; Baekyhun had gone over to yours whilst you had visited him. You still complain that he should cover your grocery bills as he tends to eat most of the food in your fridge whenever he is over.
✾ Baekyhun is such a loyal friend; he will always have your back and drop everything to come running when you tell him you need him. Baekyhun has friends he has known for over 20 years; he is a friend for life.
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✾ Your dad and his dad were best friends, introducing you to one another when you were two years old in the hopes you would become best friends, too. At first, you two were painfully shy, hiding behind your fathers to stare at the other strange kid, but after leaving you two alone for an hour, you two became quick friends.
✾ He acts very much like a brother. Chen can be super annoying, teasing you whenever he gets a chance, but he will drop everything and anything when you call him. He will not let anyone else -not even his members- tease you; it is only okay if he does it.
✾ You two give each other the best advice. You guys regularly call each other to talk about whatever problems and hardships you are going through. 
✾ Chen wasted no time in asking you to be one of the bridesmaids at his wedding. God knows how much you contributed to the two getting together and how much time you spent helping Chen plan the proposal. 
✾ Chen and his wife immediately called you to ask whether you wanted to be the godmother the moment they discovered she was pregnant. He cannot wait for you to have a child of your own so they can become best friends, too.
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✾ You two met in primary school when you were six, and your teacher decided to have you sit together. Chanyeol got super competitive when he discovered you had gotten a higher grade than him on a spelling test, resulting in a friendly rivalry. To this day, you two get along perfectly well, but the moment that grades or board games are involved, a war will break out.
✾ He 1000% bullied you into playing video games with him. Chanyeol even bought you a gaming laptop, trying to convince you to join him. Regardless of his schedule or location, you have a regular game night where you play random multiplayer games, affectionately yelling at each other.
✾ You developed a tiny crush on Chanyeol when you first saw him after he got his growth spurt. It did not last very long, however; you remembered he was the same Chayeol who once ate a crayon on a dare and puked the contents of his stomach all over your shoes.
✾ Chanyeol is the worst wingman. He is very protective over you, and, according to his opinion, nobody is good enough to date you. Whenever you go out drinking, he will lurk behind you, attempting to intimidate whoever dares to come up to you. This man might be secretly in love with you and absolutely in denial about his feelings.
✾ Chanyeol once wrote a song about your friendship, but he has not yet made up his mind on whether he wants to release it. Part of him feels he should save it for a solo album.
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✾ You met Kyungsoo as he is the son of your mother's best friend. His mother had asked yours to introduce you two as Kyungsoo was a painfully shy child, and she wanted him to have more friends his age. Initially, he was quiet around you, hiding behind his mother whenever she brought him over. However, he slowly came out of his shell the more you played together.  
✾ You two didn’t attend the same schools but remained good friends nonetheless. Whenever school would end, you would rush to meet up underneath a big old tree in the park near your house. You would sit there for hours, talking about your day or doing your homework together, until it got dark.
✾ Kyungsoo never told you, but you were the main reason why he pursued a career in acting and singing. You never failed to hype him up, giving him the confidence to put himself out there. He fondly remembers the countless karaoke nights where you would be his biggest fan, praising his skills when the song would end.
✾ He definitely developed a crush on you somewhere during your teenage years. Kyungsoo never felt the need to act on it, finding your friendship too precious to risk anything. His friends were very aware of it, though, teasing him whenever he would rush out the moment school ended to meet up with you.
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✾ You two met on a playground when you were three years old. Someone had pushed you off the wigwam, and Kai, seeing you cry, stood up for you as much as a three-year-old can stand up for someone else. He refused to leave your side after, playing with you until it was time to go home. You two have been close friends ever since.
✾ He insisted on you taking dance classes with him, thinking it was fun to have something to do together. It became your regular weekly meetup point, enabling you to stay connected even when you went to different schools. You would show up an hour before class would start, just so you could talk without being scolded by the teacher, and would take your sweet time walking home, squeezing out as much time as you could.  
✾ You recognize that Kai is incredibly handsome whenever you see him perform, but all you are able to see when he thrusts his hips is the same kid who once fell into a pond when he was collecting a bunch of rocks because he thought they were pretty and cried over a feather because he felt bad for the bird that lost it. Having so many embarrassing childhood memories of him is why you are still sane and not drooling over him.
✾ Kai bombards you with messages throughout the day; you once had over fifty notifications from him as he sent you every video and photo of a dog or cat he stumbled upon.
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✾ You and Sehun met during daycare and initially did not get along whatsoever. You two got into a fight when Sehun stole the stuffed animal you were playing with, resulting in the caretaker putting the both of you in time-out. Weirdly enough, you bonded over your time in toddler jail, becoming inseparable after you were set free.
✾ Sehun and you constantly bicker with one another, having no problem calling the other one out or, as you like to put it, keeping the other person humble. To those who know you well, they liken your dynamic to that of an old married couple. However, people who do not know your friendship tend to assume you hate each other.
✾ Sehun gets insanely jealous when you hang out with his members or other friends of his. You are his friend, and as much as he likes his friends getting along, the bratty part of him hates when you do not have time for him. He will become incredibly whiny when too much time has passed between meetups and when he feels like you are ditching him for your friends.
✾ Sehun is your favourite gossip buddy. He will randomly call you to tell you whatever drama he witnessed or caught wind of. If calling is not an option, he will instead send you a thirty-minute voice note explaining the situation in full detail. Your chat is basically a podcast where you update one another about people you do not know and drama that does not concern you.
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thequeenviana · 4 months
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Chapter 4
Pairings:Kim Taehyung x OC x Jeon Jungkook
(A short chapter)
Warning: This story is a work of fanfiction and is purely a product of the author's imagination. It does not depict any real-life events or individuals. While some characters may be inspired by real-life idols, their portrayal in this story is fictional and not representative of their true selves. Please note that this story may contain triggering content, including themes of abuse, gore, murder, humiliation, bullying, rape, and other mature and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those under the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable with such content, it is recommended to refrain from reading and kindly disregard this story.
"Thank you for joining us."
Jungkook's mother, Ella, expressed her gratitude to the new guest who arrived, with her husband, Jeon Ji-Sook beside her. Ji-Sook wore a bright smile as he interacted with the guests at their son's birthday celebration.
But then Ella turned abruptly to her husband, who passed on the gifts to the guard behind him. An expression of displeasure crossed her face.
"Where is he? He should be here greeting the guests!" Ella whispered sharply at Ji-Sook, who paused and scanned the room before catching the eye of his assistant, prompting the assistant to hurry over.
"Where is he?" Ji-Sook's tone was icy, making the assistant gulp nervously. Witnessing Ji-Sook's imposing presence, it was no wonder their son inherited his commanding aura.
Ji-Sook, a highly successful businessman alongside Kim Jungmin of the Kim Empire, was renowned not only for his wealth and status but also for his striking appearance. Despite his age, he still possessed a mature and attractive resemblance to a more seasoned Jeon Jungkook. Ella, once a top model, crossed paths with Ji-Sook, and their friendship blossomed into a widely known romance.
In his youth, Ji-Sook was a cold but a handsome figure, attracting numerous admirers who failed to capture his attention. He focused on his career, eventually reaching the pinnacle of success. Ella was the one who thawed his icy exterior, leading him to fall in love.
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Ji-Sook spared no expense to lavish Ella with gifts. He even went as far as eliminating any potential suitors who vied for her attention.
Deeply in love with Ella, Ji-Sook had committed countless sins for her and their family, determined to protect their bond at all costs.
"He'll be down shortly," the assistant assured Ji-Sook before heading off to fetch the man in question.
Turning back to Ella, Ji-Sook encountered her gaze. She had overheard their conversation but redirected her attention to the arriving guests, flashing a practiced fake smile.
The grand mansion buzzed with high-class guests exchanging pleasantries. Soft music played in the background as some guests swayed to the rhythm, savoring the evening together. The atmosphere was filled with joy and celebration, creating an ambiance of warmth and camaraderie as everyone enjoyed the night away.
"Hey, what's up with you? It's your special day, but you look like you're at a funeral."
Jungkook turned his head slightly from the royal blue couch where he was seated to see who had interrupted him to see one of his friends,Jung Hoseok, a 27-year-old who owned the Jung Hotels. He was not only rich but also a handsome actor with a charming personality that drove girls worldwide crazy for him. Who wouldn't be madly in love with him? With his good looks, fit body, and being a billionaire at a young age, everyone wanted a piece of him, and no doubt even mens were impressed by him.
But behind the camera, ofcourse he was a very different person,known to be ruthless and cruel and only the closed persons to him knew.
"Nothing," Jungkook replied in a bored tone as he turned back to the event happening at the bottom of the stairs, looking uninterested.
"Oh, no one's fawning over you today, huh?"
A smirk formed on Hoseok's lips as he stood near the staircase railing, scanning the crowd below. His focus, however, was on the grumpy Jungkook beside him.
It was surprising to Hoseok that every time he visited the Royale Mansion, he heard gossip about a woman named Yana. The rumors painted her as a promiscuous and possessive woman who was involved with two men at once. Despite the negative talk, Hoseok felt a strong desire to meet this woman whom everyone was talking about. Even though he had seen her before, she always ignored him, which bothered him deeply. She was the first woman to disregard him, despite his fame and allure that captivated women worldwide.
Jungkook sighed in annoyance and continued to sip his expensive wine, ignoring Hoseok's teasing remarks.
"Where's Nara? Why weren't you with her? Got bored, huh?" Hoseok's teasing tone made Jungkook frown in annoyance and let out a scoff.
"I'm just not in the mood, hyung. Stop it," Jungkook replied, trying to brush off the topic.
Hoseok chuckled and scanned the crowd below before his gaze landed on Nara, who happened to be looking their way, causing him to smirk. "Well, it seems like your woman really wants your attention."
Jungkook quickly clarified, "She's not my woman."
Hoseok turned to face Jungkook, a hint of concern crossing his face briefly before he reverted back to his carefree expression that charmed everyone around him. "That's new... I always thought she was, especially since you seem to defend her more than anyone else, especially to 'her' who was always there by your side."
Hoseok's words hit a nerve, causing Jungkook to stiffen in his seat, lost in his thoughts, and ignored what he had said and got quite in his seat, ignoring further conversations with the older.
"What were you two talking about?"
Just then,a new voice entered, making the two man snap their heads in its direction to see, Taehyung with his usual blank expression who seems to be always masking his true emotions, as he observed the interaction between Jungkook and Hoseok with his deep, calculating brown eyes.
It's fascinating how despite his intimidating demeanor, every woman seems to be drawn to him. With his sharp looks, intimidating personality, and billionaire status at a young age, he could easily be a character straight out of a fiction book - the ultimate dream man.
"Oh, here you are. We were just talking about that woman," Hoseok chimed in, drawing Taehyung's attention.
Taehyung's expression briefly soured at the mention of the woman who had been occupying his thoughts lately, driving him to distraction.
"And who was 'that' woman?" Taehyung probed as he joined Jungkook, poured himself a glass of wine, and settled in, waiting for an answer.
Hoseok, with a mischievous grin, leaned against the railing before responding, "Yana," teasingly. His grin widened as he anticipated Taehyung's reaction, which was evident as Taehyung tensed and averted his gaze.
"Where's that woman though? Didn't see her at the party, especially since it was Jungkookie's birthday," Hoseok teased, earning glares from the two men, knowing he hit a nerve.
"Shut it, hyung," Jungkook warned in a deep voice, but Hoseok simply chuckled before spotting a woman in a red dress in the corner, a smirk playing on his lips as he excused himself, "Well, gotta go. Have a woman to take care of, folks."
Fae had lost track of time, curled up in a ball in a corner of the room, sobbing in distress. She had been locked in the room for hours, feeling abandoned and forgotten.
Those two were the worst!
I hate them!
Fae cried out softly, burying her face in her hands, overwhelmed with emotion. However, her cries halted abruptly when she heard footsteps approaching her room.
"Wha—help! Please open the door!" Fae shouted in panic, her heart racing.
She heard the footsteps stops and then the doorknob began to shake as someone attempted to open it.
"Yana?! Is that you?"
"Yes! Please help me, Namjoon!"
"Oh God! Who locked you up here?!"
Namjoon's distressed voice reached Fae's ears as he tried to unlock the door.
"Wait, I'll call a maid to open it, okay?" Namjoon assured her, sensing her panic. He sprinted down the hallway, urgently seeking out a maid with a spare key to unlock the door to the room where Yana was trapped.
As Namjoon made his way to the room where Yana was locked up, he couldn't help but sigh in distress, wondering what had transpired and who could have done such a cruel thing.
Finally, the maid arrived with two guards and swiftly unlocked the door. Namjoon entered the room quickly, his heart breaking at the sight of the woman weeping on the floor. As she looked up, she rushed into his arms, seeking comfort. Namjoon's anger simmered beneath the surface as he tried to contain his emotions, focusing on calming the distraught woman in his embrace. Moved by her sorrow, the maid and guards quietly left the room, allowing them privacy.
"Young master," a guard greeted Jungkook, bowing respectfully before whispering something that ignited a fire within Jungkook. He stood up abruptly and stormed off, his fury evident in his hurried steps, leaving Taehyung puzzled. Taehyung stands up and followed silently, curious about what made his cousin this mad.
"That despicable woman, how dare she!" Jungkook muttered to himself, his pace quickening to a jog as he stormed down the hallway in a fit of rage.
Oh he will really thought that woman a lesson.
As Jungkook turn left in the corridor to the room where he Locked her down, he suddenly stopped in his track when he saw the door opened. His eyes darkened.
"What's wrong?"
Taehyung's deep voice heard next to him as Taehyung's eyes too followed Jungkook's,and see the opened door in the hallway.
He raised his eyebrows in confusion and looks back at his cousin who again walks faster towards the room,he didn't move first but then a scream was heard both men and a woman's,and it's really familiar to him, especially the woman's voice as he suddenly runs to the door to see the scene that was happening.
He's cousin on top of the tutor of his brother,Namjoon beating him to a pulp as he delivers continues punches fast that the man under him can't even move.
"Stop!please get off him!"
He turned his eyes slowly towards the woman who was thrown on the floor who had probably twisted her foot as she grips it in her hands while crying in pain as she shouted towards Jungkook to stop.
At first he didn't move and just watch the scene unfolding before his eyes, before striding out to the two mans who were beating up each other on the floor and separated his cousin while he signaled the bodyguards to get Namjoon off the floor who was now bloody and was half unconscious.
"You fucker! Don't you ever dare to step foot here again!!"Jungkook yelled furiously with murderous eyes glaring at the man.
Aware of Jungkook's simmering rage and the potential danger he posed, Taehyung realized the severity of the situation. Despite his cousin's seething anger, Taehyung knew the depths of Jungkook's restraint, acknowledging the dangerous path that could have been taken if not for his intervention.
As the maids and bodyguards arrived at Taehyung's request, Namjoon, now unconscious from the powerful blows delivered by Jungkook, was attended to. Jungkook's history as a trained underground boxer, known as "the killer," spoke volumes of his formidable skills. In the ring, there was no room for mercy, and Jungkook's opponents knew the consequences of challenging him. The aftermath of his wrath was testament to his prowess in combat and the repercussions of crossing him within the confines of the ring.
Aware of Jungkook's simmering rage and the potential danger he posed, Taehyung realized the severity of the situation. Despite his cousin's seething anger, Taehyung knew the depths of Jungkook's restraint, acknowledging the dangerous path that could have been taken if not for his intervention.
As the maids and bodyguards arrived at Taehyung's request, Namjoon, now unconscious from the powerful blows delivered by Jungkook, was attended to. Jungkook's history as a trained underground boxer, known as "the killer," spoke volumes of his formidable skills. In the ring, there was no room for mercy, and Jungkook's opponents knew the consequences of challenging him. The aftermath of his wrath was testament to his prowess in combat and the repercussions of crossing him within the confines of the ring.
One of the maids attempted to assist the woman who remained silent, her gaze fixed downward. When Taehyung raised his hand to halt the maid, he approached the trembling man himself, noticing the woman shift back slightly.
With a decisive motion, Taehyung lifted the woman into his arms, noting her quiet demeanor and the unspoken pain that weighed heavily upon her. Carrying her through the hallways, he made his way to his room, signaling his men to transport the injured man to a hospital away from the mansion, cognizant of the looming threat posed by his enraged cousin.
"When will you listen,huh?"
Taehyung whispered to the silent woman on his bed, noting her distant gaze and deep in thought expression. Despite her ignoring him, he remained unperturbed, understanding her pain and the turmoil within her.
"I've called the doctor; he'll be here soon," Taehyung assured her, sitting beside her and emmidiately she distanced herself,at this he grows annoyed and grips both her arms tightly that made Fae cried in pain and started pushing him off her.
"Didn't I told you to stop whoring around?!"
In a stern and intimidating tone, Taehyung questioned her actions, accusing her of behavior he found unacceptable.
"What's wrong with you?! Isn't this what you want,for me to leave you alone?!"
Fae, bewildered and frustrated, questioned his sudden aggression, struggling to comprehend his tumultuous dynamic.
She suddenly screamed, startled when Taehyung pinned her in the bed and climbed on top of her.
"There's nothing wrong with me,but what's really wrong is you whoring around!"
Fae closed her eyes in fear when Taehyung shouted violently at her and his face closed to her that made her turn her head to the side.
"P-please stop!Get off me!"
She started pushing him but in no vain as Taehyung only chuckled at her weak state under him but his eyes suddenly stops at her lips who was trembling along with her crying and hairs sprawled under her on the bed that made her a crying mess under him.
A beautiful mess.
Taehyung thought in his head.
And then suddenly something in him snaps at the thought to claim her, right there, right now as his eyes darkens at the thought as he can feel himself getting hotter by the second especially by the position they were in and before he can stop himself he slammed his lips on her luscious ones as Fae froze on her struggling.
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
► Why’d you only call me when you high? | Modern 「AU」
No girl had ever turned down his bed after one amazing sex, he was Aegon Targaryen, handsome, hot, fratboy, rich and cool. Why weren't you on your knees begging for his dick again?
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↺ pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
↺ a/n: THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME I POST THIS the💀💀 link of the masterlist of the story was preventing this part from appearing in the tags. This is situated in college. I don't usually physically detail the reader so that feels included, but personality is something apart. English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.
↺ warnings: mentions of alchool, cigarettes and sex.
Par two | Part three | Part four is avaliable
The mirror's image it tells him it's home time, but he's not finished, because you're not by his side. It came as a surprise to Aegon to find the bed empty after your delightfully pleasant start to the morning. He allowed himself to go back to sleep and you can't fully judge him as your bed was much more comfortable than the couch. Even so there was the same feeling as the time you walked away after sex and he hated it like fuck, why were you avoiding him anyway? To be correct, you weren't avoiding him, or pushing him away, you were just...
Driving him crazy and obsessed!
No girl had ever turned down his bed after one amazing sex, he was Aegon Targaryen, handsome, hot, fratboy, rich and cool. Why weren't you on your knees begging for his dick again? (Not even when he was pounding your wet walls hours ago did you beg). It touched him to the core of his ego, especially when you weren't with him the next morning, but he was too proud to let himself down initially — initially.
Aegon made interesting discoveries when he found your Instagram account. You were at the end of college and intended to enter graduate degrees. You were doing an internship in a lab and you had very beautiful photos in your feed. But make no mistake, he didn't spend a lot of time looking ok? (Yes, he passed), and it took almost a month for him to contact you again. The Targaryen discovered that you were in the circle of friends of Alys Rivers, Aemond's girlfriend, so getting her number wasn't that difficult. However, he was not entirely proud of the next approaches.
Maybe you were right, maybe he wasn't in love with you.
Maybe he just wasn't used to a detached girl who didn't care about pleasing him. Fucking hell.
Throwing the mirror aside and leaving the room, Aegon smiled to see you wearing only the Led Zeppelin T-shirt and grey panties from the night before.
Noticing the presence behind you as he prepares a tuna sandwich, your attention is directed sharply to the one responsible for squeezing your ass hard and leaning his body fully against you, resting his chin against your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Mmm, I always appreciate a good post-fuck snack, but I have to say I was disappointed you didn't have any cigarettes in your room.” He said close to your ear, voice low and breathy.
"Did I ever tell you that you're fucking loose?" Your tone was a little annoyed and surprised, turning around to see him wearing only black underwear. He's unbelievable. “I could be having visitors, you know.”
“But you’re not.” His shitty smile was so cute, it almost made you not want to tell him to fuck off. He loosened his grip on your waist and pulled away when he suddenly stiffened, walking to the bathroom. "Or is?"
“I wish I wasn't.”Your intonation was sharp enough for him to notice. “Also, someone called you a few minutes ago, Martin McFly.” You recognized the signature Back to the Future theme that spilled out of Aegon's phone.
“Back to the Future is a classic, and besides Jennifer, did you see who called?” He referenced you as Martin's girlfriend, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m not your secretary.” You yelled for him to hear fully from the bathroom, continuing to stuff your sandwich.
What were you doing? When would a fratboy be making himself comfortable in your house? And why was a part of you enjoying it? It was the complete opposite of your routine. You didn't like being alone, but you also didn't like communicating every hour of the day with someone. However, he wasn't interacting with you for many hours — just sharing the same roof.
"Are you hungry?" You asked as he approached.
“Mmm, are you going to make me a sandwich? He purred, stopping at your side of the counter.
"Of course not." Slapping the mayo on his chest, you walked over to the couch with your sandwich and a glass of juice.
“That is no way to treat your guest!”
"Technically I didn't invite you."
“Now you are being mean to a guest.” Aegon taunted. “Ok, I deserved this one, but I can order something to eat to make up for the misfortune at dawn.”
“Mmm, I would appreciate that. Although that's not enough, how many times have you called me these days? Four?" You asked, not making it easy for him.
“Mmm, I think I can make up for that too.” Approaching seductively, Aegon sat down beside you with a sideways smile as he took the sandwich from your hands and cupped both sides of your head to initiate a deep, desire-filled kiss.
You responded with equal intensity, grabbing the back of his neck with one hand and supporting yourself with the other to prevent him from laying you down on the couch. He tasted like your mouthwash, which had you licking his tongue before gently biting down on his bottom lip. “I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you? A boy so needy for me.” You teased close to his lips, breathing him in with the same sideways smile. He was a great kisser and his lips were so warm and soft.
Not as warm and soft as your. Or like your boobs or pussy. He hated that he loved your teasing. Nuzzling his nose, Aegon retorted almost seriously, "I bet you'd like that, princess."
“Maybe, but you don't deserve such a reward after bothered me repeatedly.” You purred, speaking close to his lips.
“You didn't seem too bothered earlier.” There was the shitty smile he liked to sport.
“Fuck off.” You went back to his orange juice.
“What do you want to eat?” He picked up the phone, opening the delivery app.
“Mmm, something with shrimp. Pasta with bechamel sauce and shrimp, if available.”
"Good taste. I will ask for the same.”
“Of course you will.”
Aegon mirrored her smile before returning to his cell phone and finalizing the order. As he loved to impress girls, the chosen restaurant was one of the most expensive in the city. "Done. So… are we friends now?”
Eyeing him curiously before nodding, you let out a sigh. "Are we?"
“Yeah.” He said, squinting.
"I really don't think so, not yet at least."
“Like… Okay, you're right. I just, I don't know. I mean, I don't know how to do that, you know? Be friends."
“My friends were always very strict, and when I got to college a lot changed. But I never had a friend, really a friend, you know?”
“What?” Your eyes widened. “That explains a lot.”
“But I want to try! I want to be your friend?"
"Do you want to be my friend?"
“Ask me how my day was.”
“Okay, so, how was your day?”
“Let me see, well I was sleeping and then this guy called me at 3:00AM and showed up at my house trying to have sex with me, but he was too high for that. So I let him sleep on the couch and when we woke up we had morning sex but you know, this guy is pretty slacker. Also, he suggested we be friends, but I don't think he really wants to and doesn't know how to do that.”
“Oh common, I really want to be your friend.”
“You are sexy, cool, confident and smart. And…”
He couldn't tell, you would automatically dismiss him. But he wanted to be honest. “You were the only girl who didn't care enough to stay. You are detached and I hate the feeling.”
"I knew it. You don't want my friendship, you just don't know how to handle that kind of treatment.”
"Exactly! At least for the last part, I really want to be your friend. I want to impress you.”
"And then? What will you do? Go away?"
“No, I'm not leaving. I really want to impress you! I want to make things right. Please give me a chance.”
You sighed, thinking avidly. “If I give you a chance and you play with me, I'm going to rip your dick off with my teeth.”
His eyes almost widened, almost. "Ok. As I intend to keep my dick, I won't play with you, I promise.” He smiled, no sexual overtures or ulterior motives, just smiled. “So… is it too much to smoke in your house on your first day of friendship?”
With an amused huff, you replied, “There's a wallet in a small box in the bathroom. And stop using that shit, it's bad for your health."
"We've barely met and you're already worried about me, that's friendship!"
“Fuck off, McFly.” What were you doing? A brief moment of awareness buzzed in your head at what Aegon was proposing. If this goes wrong, you know you're going to consider yourself a huge idiot for agreeing. Guys like him don't want anything serious, right?"
When the delivery guy arrived, Aegon was quick to put on his clothes and grab his wallet. Your eyes widened at the sight of the restaurant's logo, throat going dry. What the fuck?
“Dude I can't afford this.”
He just smiled. “I said I wanted to impress, baby.”
For: @julczimozart and @graykageyama
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iceprincessviviane · 1 year
Chapter 2 - The arrival.
Heritage series.
Paring: poly!BTS (demons) x Female!Shy!Skinny!Chosen!reader
Type: dark romance, horror au, soulmate au, poly relationship, slowburn, yandere.
Warnings: Horror themes, some religion themes (mostly demonic), gore, blood, manipulation, witchcraft, magic themes, death (side characters), mentionings of forced marriage, mentioning about past, loss, yandere, obsessive, possessive, swearing, low self-esteem,dealing with grief, sugestive content and silly jokes created by me. (If there is more to add let me know.)
Previous chapter. Next chapter.
Summary: Arriving in new, unknown place can be scary or anxious. Thanks God that welcoming is suprisingly warm and nice.
Author's note: please note that the whole place even if idea was based on Canadian town, is pure imagination. Also it's fiction so the same goes for all court and some procedures. Again if you are struggling to imagine a mansion, please search for Croft Manor from Tomb Raider games - Legend and Underworld mostly. A lot of its changed (we don't need this big pool and training area) but still I will try to describe and elaborate everything. English isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes. Taglist will be in the end of chapter.
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In the less than week Y/N was ready for a trip. Whole thing was discussed in details with officials. She'll arrive around 11 a.m local time and will be picked up by someone, then they'll drive to Grand Hillsam, this can be long drive around two or three hours. She searched the information about the town - it's not big, around 10.000 people is living there between mountains and forest, lake was nearby. In the area there are couple of really old wood cabins which were hunting/vacation houses for rich people from big city around one hour before - Welland where population was way more bigger, around 150.000 people and it had big car fabric and some high tech instances. Grand Hillsam was first a small village, but the rich people didn't want to live among common people or wanted to be closer to the nature so they started to build houses and mansions there. Y/N looked at the photos, yes the view was stunning, but leaving deep in the forest? Now it was easier with phones and Internet but then? Her distant family had to be crazy.
Her research told that indeed aunt Elizabeth, like she liked to say about late, last family member was part of old lineage, which was very powerful in that area their good luck ended unexpected around three hundred years ago and then they didn't come back to their greatness and before the IIWW family left the city. By the information given by the court, her aunt was living in London since the beginning and till the end of her days.
Y/N closed her notebook with little sigh, the plane was just about to land, so she put everything down, waiting for the end of a fly. Everything later went smooth, passengers were transported into airport from deck, than all the controls and taking bags. Someone was meant to wait for her, but honestly how they'll find each other. When she left the depart rooms, a lot of people were leaving with her and small crowd formed. There were persons holding signs with names and Y/N found herself looking at them in search of her's. Almost in the end of a crowd she found it, a tall man with black hair tie into manbun, leather black jacket and black jeans. A simple paper with Y/N written in the middle. He smiled, when she stopped and approached him carefuly.
"You have to be Y/N." He smiled and they shook hands gently.
"Yes it's me, nice to meet you." She smiled a little flustered.
"Welcome, I'm Jeon Jungkook."
"Y/N L/N."
He was tall and well built, but had cute face with sweet bunny smile. He screamed handsome and she felt little uncomfortable when a warm feeling spread in her chest, then on her cheeks.
"Let's go, the trip will take a little." He said and reached for her bags." And let me take those."
"Thank you."
Looking closer Y/N noticed the pierced lip and tattoos peaking out of sleeves. He walked confidently and her things didn't seem to be heavy for him.
"How was the flight?" Jungkook asked when they were leaving the airport and went into parking.
"Peaceful. I slept a little and read some documents send to me." She responded honestly.
"Actually my condolences." He smiled bitterly.
"Thank you, but I didn't know aunt Lizzie." Y/N shrugged a little.
The officials informed her that person which is going to pick her up will know why she is there to avoid any mistakes or being lost in foreign country. It was a good point. They reached a big, black pick up and he put her lungage in the back then opened door like a real gentelman. She thanked in small nod. Inside car strangely was smell of chocolate, when Jungkook got inside, he adjusted her seat and helped with belt.
"If you wish to sleep again it's okay." He showed his bunny smile. "But later road can get rough. I don't also mind a comfortable silence."
"We'll see." Y/N smiled plesantly shying away from his gaze.
Jungkook nodded and turned on engine which came back to life with a loud roar. He was driving smoothly and confidently, Y/N found herself glancing on hid hands and arm from time to time, but the view was getting prettier. When they left the airport town they drove into mixed forest.
"Sometimes during evenings or night it can be colder, especially with thick clouds and rain."
"Is it common here?"
"Well it can happen two or three days in a row. Sometimes there is a big storm and none is actually going outside, we had it last year."
"Thanks God I packed variety of clothes." Y/N giggled a little. "View is stunning."
"Wait till we reach the hills or mansion." He smiled cutely.
"You know where it is?"
"Yea... it's kinda hard to miss it, even that far and in that small town. I sometimes go for trips into wild and mansion is a little away from the main town. It's on the hill."
The drive went peacefuly, sometimes Y/N was asking questions about the town. It turned out Jungkook is local traveller and has known this place since birth. He's enjoyed all trips into forest and mountains.
"Would you like to stop by to eat something?" He asked glancing at her .
"Yes, it would be nice."
"We'll stop in Welland outskirts, I want to avoid car traffics and I know a good place here."
"Very well then."
As he promised they've stopped in bar which was near the road. Y/N ordered nuggies and some fries when Jungkook took whole ass two sets - burger with fries and chicken leg with fries. Well he was a big, built man probably he needed that much food. After eating he drove through back roads in Welland, as he said earlier to avoid car traffics. When they left town for good, she again started to admire the view. Road suddenly went up and seemed w bit challenging, but he was a skilled driver.
"Are there any wild animals?" She asked looking at thick, mixed forest.
"Shit I should warn you. Yea there are wolfes and bears along with deers and mooses. But don't worry I didn't see them that close to town. Your mansion is on the hill and surrounded by high wall with a gate. Nothing should come inside. If you would want to go deeper in the forest which is around manison - because actually it's the farest point in town, you can meet maybe something. Especially if you will go down to the lake." He said with a little frown.
"The town and area around must be very beautiful." Y/N said and smilled a little.
"It is." Jungkook replied glancing at her for a second.
Unwanted blush crept on her cheeks, so she turned head to again look at the forest. The drive was filled usually with silence, sometimes she was asking some casual questions, but didn't want to distract him, when road seemed a little difficult. Y/N played a little with a necklace, well the reason of the trip wasn't very plesant but she enjoyed it anyway. She didn't noticed how Jungkook's eyes traced the necklace and it's chain. He bit his lip and tried to focus on a road again.
Around the 4 p.m the have arrived in town, which was indeed was smaller and placed deep in the forest and mountains. It was stunning and Y/N could spent there a lot of time if circumstanced were different. He stopped on central square, which was surrounded with some shops, restaurants, big supermarket and town hall, in front of which Jungkook stopped.
"I believe mayor will have all the info you need. I'll wait here." He said putting on sunglasses, because the sun started to be a problem.
"Thank you." She flashed him beaming smile and got out of the car.
In her backpack were all the files she needed so, she entered the building. In reception she got to know, that mayor will be aviable in five minutes or so. She felt little anxious of her case, but after all assistant asked her to come in. Inside the room, behind the desk was older man maybe around his sixties, he got up and shook her hand firmly.
"Good morning miss L/N, how was the flight and drive? Mr Jeon didn't bother you too much?"
"No, he was very nice and helpful."
They both sat down and she took out the docs and her ID. He checked everything once again then lean on chair.
"So... the case is kinda important and complicated." Man sighed. "According to law, you'll inherit the mansion, but there is a lof of buts."
"Actually I didn't know that I had distant family." She sighed unsure.
"Mrs Elizabeth Balfour didn't know too. She only got to know, when she was working on her last will. Around year ago she got diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, she wanted to clear things before passing away. She meant to make an mansion a museum, actually she gave away most her things with historical records, rest went for charity." He said looking at his files.
"So why I have been called to court if she wanted mansion to become museum?"
"Well... it's about the general Balfour lineage will. Mansion is always passed to last family member, that will is above Mrs Elizabeth's will. It's going to become a museum only if it's proven that last family memebr can't afford to take care of mansion." He explained slowly.
"Well, it's kinda obvious. I don't know how rich the aunt was, but by the search and files I can tell that she was richer than me." Y/N smiled nervously.
"Yea, I understand that." Mayor nodded.
"So... now I need to give up on mansion officialy? It'll become museum and it's all?"
"I wish it would be that easy." He giggled. "Now the mansion need to be inspect and everything inside need to be write down and cataloged, unfortunately you have to be present during the whole process."
"Oh..." Y/N's eyes widened at the news.
"Don't worry, actualy Mrs Balfour cared about the mansion, it had general redo three years ago, the sweres, electricity and heating system was modernised. Also we have Internet here and good signal finally. The rooms aren't damaged or something. Mrs ordered to clear one of master bedrooms, when she decided to make it museum, so you can stay in the mansion not in motel." Mayor stated with encouraging smile.
"Sir are you sure? I won't destroy anything?"
"Well, it'll be difficult with those old, wooden furnitures. And you don't seem like some clumsy person." He joked a little.
"Well, I'm sometimes clumsy, but actually I love history and old staff like those." She admitted little nervously.
"Oh perfect, maybe staying in the mansion wouldn't be that bad? Actually I know it's kinda troubling, you are probably working but I can arrange some official files to prevent you being fired."
"It's all right I have already talked with my boss, I can do homeoffice. If Internet is good here, I can work."
"That's nice to hear actually. I hope we will make it work..." he sighed. "Another issue is that we need a specialist, which goverment must find and send here, only he or she can start cataloged things in the mansion."
"So now we have tied up hands?" Y/N asked with sigh.
"A little. We have old list of historical heritage, but the specialist need to describe their state and what it exactly is. We as common folks can only point that 'this' thing is in the mansion."
"How much is there?"
"A lot." Mayor frowned. "The list include all books, statues, paints, furnitures etc."
"Yes, there is a huge librrary."
"Oh my." Y/N huffed. "It looks like tough work, but I think, I can help."
"Thank you Miss L/N. I'll tell higher ups tomorrow about everything and I'll send you the list too. You need time to rest and accomodate yourself in the mansion."
"Thank you Sir." She smiled a little.
They both stood up and he lead her to exit, outside Jungkook was waiting in the hall, sitting in armchair. Mayor smiled at him.
"Can you take miss L/N to the mansion young man?"
"Yes, that's why I'm waiting." He also stood up.
"Great." Older man took off a two sets of keys from his pocket. There were more than fourty keys in total. "Those with red ribbon are keys for garden and cellars, blue is everything in mansion. A black key decorated with a rose is a main garden, silver key decorated with a crescent moon is the key for mansion and a golden key decorated with sunrays is for main gate."
Y/N took them looking at sets with little surprise, she touched the necklace. "What a coincidence..." she muttered.
"Let's go." Jungkook encouraged.
She nodded and they went outside, then into a car. He drove to the north, soon the view has been covered by trees once again. Road was still going up, after around fifteen minutes the mansion emerged from the corner, really the wall around was maybe six or eight meters high. There was some space in front of the gate but behind was a proper parking. They stopped and Y/N took the golden key and opened the gate slowly with Jungkook's help. It creaked just like in the movies, once they entered inside, green but a little neglect grass welcomed them. Right under the wall were parking places, on left side the stone road was leading to a mysterious garden with high hedge on right side was a nice space with big, spacious tree and old swing. The middle stone road was leading to mansion and probably once in time was decorated with flowers. A lonely nightingale was sitting on a tree, whole scenery was stunning, just like from an old tale.
"It's beautiful." Y/N whispered with shining eyes.
"Let me take the suitcase." Jungkook ofered with bunny smile and he went for that.
Mansion was big, probably had two floors except ground level and it went all the way back. The windows seemed to have all glass untouched and actually it didn't look as neglected as she thought it'll be. Jungkook came back with her bags. Actually she found it amusing how he was looking like total bad boy, but seemed to soft inside. The smile which mayor gave him in the office was genuine and he had to help in town a lot.
"Thank you." She said sincerely.
"Come on I'm lifting way more heavy things."
She lead the way inside and with silver key opened the mansion doors. Strangely the lock was very heavy to flip. Inside greeted them smell of old things and a lot of dust.
"I'll come if you want and oil all the locks in the mansion." He offered putting down the suitcases.
"If it won't be a problem. This on main door was a little challenge. I don't want to break the key."
"Do you have that much of strength little one?" Jungkook teased.
Y/N bit the lip and looked away. Currently they were in a little vestibule, on left were solid, heavy doors probably leading to cellars or working areas, on right decorated, wooden doors. In front of, separated by old, classic columns was a very big space, reaching the high of the main roof with fire place, coffee table and two couches. Some painting was above the fire. In the wall in front of them were two door on right and left side. In the middle on left wall were stairs, parting on left and right and those lead to first floor, which was also separated by railings and agains columns, but it had only four doors on both sides and next stairs leading to the second floor. So there was in count eight rooms on left on both floors and eight rooms on right. Through big window there was view on the garden, the closed part.
"That's a big space." Y/N turned around and looked at first floor.
"Yes I agree... that's bigger that I"ve ever imagined." Jungkook also looked around.
"One of the bedrooms should be usable." She went carefuly up by the stairs, which sometimes were creaking too.
Y/N opened the first door, he followed her but the bags were left down below. It come out that it was a nice little office with huge desk, big bookshelves and couch with coffee table, everything in old style and wooden pretty furnitures.
"Well it looks like place to work." Jungkook summed up.
"Yeah, I might end up using this."
They enetered the next room which came out as cleaned master bedroom. It also was giving the old mood. There was another desk, couch with coffee table, on left smaller room serving as old wardrobe, kingsize bed on little platform with canopy, on the right entrance to spacious bathroom, which was remade for sure not long ago.
"All right we found it." Jungkook smiled widely.
Y/N nodded looking around, she really liked how the mansion looked, the old vibe, a little mystery that it was kinda hidding.
"Well the rest of the mansion probably needs big vaccuming... I also need to figure out if everything is working and where are certain rooms." She said with little sigh." Not gonna lie, I am excited a little."
"Do you need any more help?" He asked honestly.
"Oh no, no please I took too much of your time."
"Well, for now I don't have too much to do, I might just help." Jungkook offered scratching his nape.
"I think, this oil will be fine." Y/N giggled nervously.
"Let me take the suitcases."
When he left the room, she looked closer at furnitures, well it could use some clearing. There was still some dust and wiping. He came back fast.
"Can I get your number if something would happen?" He asked a little awkwardly. "Also we don't usualy have a guests here, so I might be helpful with navigate through the city."
"It's good idea." They exchanged the numbers. "Also maybe you'll know then if I can rent a car?"
"Oh yes, I think I know someone who can rent a car."
"It'll be a difficulty to go to the town by feet..."
"Good, I'll talk to them, we'll see maybe tomorrow it'll be done." Jungkook nodded in excitment.
Y/N smiled at his energy and cute behaviour. He really was a good boy with bad boy looks for now.
"Won't you be scared to stay here alone?" He asked concerned.
"Now when you asked I might be." She looked around nervously. "I can lock the door here and when we saw the dust I can assume none was there in long time."
"Yea, I mean who would climb up the wall?"
"Yeah..." Y/N giggled nervously.
"See you tomorrow and remember to check the door and gate later." Jungkoom said and high fived her.
She walked him to the doors, he left waving to her. When door closed, silence started to ring in her ears. She decided to open all doors in sight and it came out that those on first level near the entrance - solid ones were leading to small storage probably once for servants and further to cellar. Decorated were leading into old fancy dining room with long table, big window and chandlier, also there was door to the kitchen, which was also modernised and working, after turning on fridge it started to get colder. Opposite doors in main hall were leading to big library - on left and ballroom on right. She decided to explore it later. It came out the rest of the rooms are bedrooms except the first one of the each floor - those were offices. Y/N came back to her room and started to unpack, the called her friends and boss. Signal was strong and net was working pretty fast.
When she ended the things in the room, her stomach get itself known and the night has fallen upon the city. The mansion was plesantly silent, it seemed like she got used to it pretty fast. Luckily Y/N packed some sandwiches and decided to eat them as supper, but deffinitely she was going to go on shopping tomorrow. She grabbed the small fleshlight in case and went to close the gate, in the main hall she kept smaller lighting on wall, but didn't use fake big chandlier on the roof and some fancy lightning on railings. The whole mansion didn't need to be lit up for now, so in some corners were dark spots and shadows. Y/N didn't seem to noticed when sometimes they would fade out when she was closer and darkened when she was far away. For sure she didn't noticed some shadows shifting. The gate closed with the same creak, she checked also all rooms, but they were closed and came back to master bedroom and started her night routine. Sleeping in such big building will be strange for sure and probably will include some small lamp being turned on the whole time, but nobody was going to know. When she entered the shower the shadow shifted outside the mansion, Jimin jumped out straight from it and landed quietly on stone path. He turned back looking at buliding, smirked and jumped again, turning into nightingale, then felw out into the dark night.
DOWN BELOW LIL SILLY PIC OF MANSION ROOMS PLACEMENT (you are allowed to laugh only three times at this so be carefuly with those.)
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@hadesnewpersephone @lalavione1309
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rancidpancakebatter · 2 years
This Post is About BLM and Tyre Nichols so Buckle The Fuck Up
I am a black person. I come from a small, rural town with two stop lights run by a railroad tycoon and "footloose" university. (It's a Christian school and among their vast restrictions is a rule that you can't dance unless at a wedding- hence "footloose"). In my experience growing up, I was the only Black American I knew who wasn't adopted by a rich white family.
My father entered my life when I was thirteen. Before then I was being raised solely by my very gentrified Mexican mother. I knew that I was black but not because I recognised that identity. It was because that is how everyone labelled me. I was not Mexican, I was not white, I was black. Anytime I celebrated my heritage people would grow uncomfortable because why would a black kid speak Spanish? Why would they bring homemade tortillas to lunch? Why would they have a quiñceanera? You are black, act like it.
Since having my father in my life- having his influence, seeing our culture, not through the characterized lens in the media but his- I would say I feel black now. That identity now comes from me, not others. But unfortunately, that growth, that journey, is seen as irrelevant.
I first learned that I was black on the playground in the first grade. A little girl asked me why my hair looked "that way"? At the time I had an afro. I told her I didn't know, it wasn't something I had thought about. She continued to question my appearance: my nose, my lips, my skin. When I wore box braids, years later, for the first time I was chased around that same playground. The children pulled at them; they told me I looked like Medusa. They had created a game in which they would freeze anytime I looked at them. This applied at recess, in the gym, in art class, during lessons, at lunch, in the halls, etc.
That is a very minor form of racism spurred on more by ignorance than hatred, but I have suffered from hatred as well. What I mean to say is I am no stranger to racism. So when I say that as a citizen of the US, I am afraid, I don't say that lightly. I have been stopped randomly by police late at night. I have been unjustly blamed for an altercation just because I was there, so I must have "aggravated the situation."
But the fear I feel is not for me. At the end of the day, I am perceived as a weak woman and I am really good at "white-passing" with my language and mannerisms. However, my father isn't. And he shouldn't have to be. He dresses like a "stereotypical thug" with sagging pants, chains, and durags. He looks nice, I think he looks rather handsome, but I have watched WASP moms cross the street as we walk past them.
It doesn't matter that he is the sweetest man alive. It doesn't matter that he is so crazy in love with his wife and posts every craft she makes on Facebook to brag to all of his friends and family. It doesn't matter that he looks at me like I single-handedly hung every star in the sky. It doesn't matter that he asks for screenshots of my ios theme every week when I change it just so he can tell me it looks pretty. It doesn't matter that he still makes sure that he makes enough food for all of us and freezes my portion so I can have it when I visit. It doesn't matter that despite being a boomer he has a trans son and a queer, non-binary "daughter" that he loves and supports with everything in him. What matters is he's black, and he's dangerous.
Black men are killed every day in the US at the hands of cops. This upsets me of course, but it hurts me personally as well. How many others have nightmares where they get a call from their mother to tell them their father was killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time? How many others see the headline "Cops killed another black man" and hold their breath as they scroll to see if it was their brother? How many others make sure to keep their hands in their jeans pockets and their hood off so they don't look as threatening. How many others were taught what to do when pulled over in a car before they learned how to turn the car on? How many others live in this reality?
I see the conversation around Tyre Nichols and it breaks my heart. He was nine years my senior with a wife and child. He was active in his community. He liked to skateboard. He was a lot like me. And he was brutally beaten and murdered. That's insane. That could have been me. That could have been my brother, or his. It could have been my father. And my heart breaks for his family. I respect them for the spotlight they are taking. The justice that they are demanding.
Recently one of his family members posted a video of him. They said that when the body cam footage was released that it was going to circulate. That his death was going to circulate. And they wanted to share a video of him living. And I think that's really beautiful. Often times we get swept up in our anger, our fear, and we forget momentarily that their life was not just this one instance. Tyre Nichols existed before this.
I will always be afraid of when I will have to do the same thing. When I will have to beg people to remember that my father, my brother, were so much more than just victims. My father is a chef, he is a kind neighbour, he is an amateur gardener. My brother is loved, doing well in his transition, a shoulder to cry on, and the life of the party. They are such beautiful and important people.
So, I beg you. Be angry. Protest. Riot. Make your voice heard. Help this family try and right a wrong that can never be brought to true justice. But don't forget who they're fighting for. Say his name. But also share his story. Not just the ending.
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vee-crytraps · 6 months
Kiss Me More | Ch 4-5 | {Ornament}
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AN: Last part!
{Trigger warning/Themes Masterlist} First | Previous | Next | 
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“Fuck,” You pull away, reaching towards your ears. The once cold sting of the gold bracelet on your wrist was also absent. “You know what? Well played. I can’t even be mad.” “Welcome to the club.” Bruce chuckles, pulling you into your dance once more. "I'll have them replaced." During the silence that follows, you manage something else to say. “I think it’s cool,” You blurt out. Bruce simply raises an eyebrow at you, and you quickly backpedal. “No! No, not the…Selina stuff. Though you have to admit-" Bruce cuts you off with your name. “I mean the rail. And making the busses run for free was a complete stroke of genius. Everyone who really needs it can get a reliable ride to work, and all the uptown types who are terrified of poor people pay to take the nice new rail, which funds the busses-“ “I can do a little bit without the mask,” Bruce interjects, mirth in his voice.
It’s fucking genuine, and it makes you smile. “I’m proud of you, you know.” He continues, though he looks a little uncomfortable saying it. “I’ve always been proud. I know we don’t spend much time together, but-" “I understand,” you say, strictly out of politeness. It’s true and it’s not. You don’t want him to be too busy for you, and you don’t love being excluded from the ‘family business’. You just want time with him, the man your mother admired so much that she trusted you with him even knowing about the cape and cowl. “Just like…thanks. For taking me in and stuff. I know we've been having a lot of disagreements lately, and you have a lot going on, but I appreciate you looking after me-” “You’re my daughter.” Bruce says, with no hesitation. “You don’t need to give me some big speech. I don’t know what in the world compelled your mother to trust you with me, but I’m glad that she did.” “Well, she was hardly ever in her right mind,” you joke, and it makes Bruce crack a smile. “Everyone thought the whole funeral-of-the-century thing was totally nuts.” “Everyone who didn’t know her like we did,” Bruce assures you. “I think she was onto something. It was…a good last memory. “ There was a question you had that hung in the air. Once that you’d never had the courage to ask. So you let it end there. You may never really know what the inside of Bruce's head looked like. And if you were honest, you didn't really need to know. At the end of the day, you were content with what you had-the promise of a dead woman who loved you, and her reclusive billionaire best friend.
“Chelsea Conroy left a bloodied rabbits foot in my locker today. On one hand, I can’t really blame her. I mean, really. Everyone’s gone mad ever since I rocked up to dance on the arm of Bruce Wayne. He may be kind of a serious guy, but even I'll admit that he's hot enough to drive anyone crazy. On the other hand, it wasn’t like the paw of a squirrel or a raccoon or some kind of local bird she found crushed on the side of the road. I mean, it was a nice rabbit. White fur and everything. Jesus, I hope she didn’t buy a rabbit just to pull some sort of Godfather jr. shit on me. I wouldn’t put it past her, though. I’m a girls girl, but Chelsea is a D1 hater. And apparently an animal dismember-er. I wish my parents had just sent me to public school instead. These rich kids are serial killers in the making, and if Bruce doesn’t stop hanging around with his handsome face, I can’t be sure I’ll even make it to graduation. I told Bruce to let it go. He's stubborn as an ox, but I'm worse. He offered to help me bury the poor thing afterschool. There's family cemetery behind his manor, with a small section for pets. He said we could name the rabbit posthumously, even if we don’t have the whole body. I’m going to take him up on his offer. It's so fucking weird, but also? So…thoughtful.”- 12.03.2001
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
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Chapter Seven: The One About The Party 
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
Note: Drama is starting!!!
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
Tonight was an important night. Tonight, Taehyung invited Y/N and her friends to a party. Not just any party but a high listed party. It was a celebration for a magazine cover they recently had and the company organized a party for them. She didn’t look at the cover but she knew, no matter what Taehyung did, he would be handsome. She finished applying mascara as she stared at herself in the mirror. She was nervous. Nervous to be around rich people but she was nervous to be around Namjoon. 
It’s been three weeks since she met the guys and she went out with them a couple more times since. Each time, Namjoon would stare at her but she couldn’t tell how he felt in the expression. She never brought it up to Taehyung because Namjoon was his leader and she didn’t want to make things awkward. Whenever she tried talking to him, he would turn away from her and she would stop talking. Maybe she was outgoing for him or maybe too anxious. She didn’t want to ask because she was just nervous around him. 
“Y/N, does this look good?”
She turned around and smiled at Nikki who was dressed in a maroon mini bodycon dress with her natural curls, “You look beautiful.” 
Nikki smiled and clapped her hands, “Alright, me and Julia are going to take shots now.”
“Wait, don’t do that!” 
“Jungkook, I swear to god if you go through my shit one more time.” 
Taehyung placed his arms through the coat sleeves as he glared at the maknae through the mirror. For some reason, Jungkook didn’t want to wear any of his shirts for tonight. Saying “Hyung, your clothes are nicer than mine.” He fixed his turtle neck and saw Jungkook taking off his shirt, “Yah! Go to your room and change.”
“Is it because you need to hype yourself to see Y/N.” 
“Get. Out. Now!” 
He watched the younger man scramble to the door and closed it shut. He sighed to himself and rubbed his neck, “Fucking idiot...”
He glanced at the mirror and wiped his sweaty hands against his pants, “You got this. It’s just Y/N...You’ve been on a date with her before. This isn’t abnormal.” He sighed and glanced back at the door to hear Jungkook and Jimin giggling outside the wooden door. He rolled his eyes and walked towards the door with an annoyed expression. He kicked the door and heard them running away, “Assholes.” 
Y/N sat in the car (the car that Taehyung sent) looking at Nikki with suspicious eyes. She was too quiet and kept looking at her phone, more than usual. She crossed her arms over her chest and smacked her arm. Nikki looked at her with wide eyes and rubbed her arm, “Ow, what the fuck Y/N!?”
“Why are you being so quiet?” 
“I’m tired, I worked yesterday.”
She nodded her head and glanced at her phone that was on her thighs, “What’s on your phone?” 
“I’m looking at sales, is that okay, mom?”
“It’s fine.”
Marie snorted at this and shook her head, “Y/N, I’m sure everything is fine. I think you're just nervous for this party.”
Y/N sighed and nodded her head. She looked at Nikki with a frown, “I’m sorry.”
“It's fine. Dude, everything is going to be fine. What’s the-”
“Don’t finish that. Every time you say that something happens.” 
Nikki put her hands up and nodded her head, “Point taken.” 
The car stopped and she glanced outside to see a tall building and people dressed in fancy clothing. She glanced down and was having second thoughts about her outfit. It was just a plain black dress from Macys and she could already imagine people looking down at her. She was taken out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked to see Marie giving her a small smile, “You look great, Y/N.”  
She nodded her head and took out her phone sending a text to Taehyung that they arrived. She rubbed her hands together and looked at her girls, “I’m ready.”
Julia clapped her hands and opened the door, “I bet they have crab here.”
“Julia, you're allergic to shellfish.”
Y/N ignored them and walked out of the car as fast as she could. She walked past so many people and she was sure they were famous but she didn’t care about them, she only cared about him, “Y/N?”
She snapped her head to see Namjoon giving her a soft smile (he usually just gave her a blank expression so she was shocked), “Nam-Namjoon. Hello...” 
“Taehyung is waiting for you. I told him I would look for you because he was a nervous wreck.” 
“He was? Why?”
Namjoon shook his head and took a sip of his drink and she felt an annoyed aura from him the moment she asked, ��Because he likes you. Follow me.” 
The two entered another section of the building and there were less people here. She was assuming this was the VIP room when she saw alcohol names that she had never heard of before. She kept her distance from Namjoon because there was this unsaid tension between the two. She barely said anything to the older man but she could tell he didn’t like her. She didn’t understand why. She always made sure Taehyung was focused on his work and would give him advice about lyrics. All the other guys liked her and even Yoongi talked to her. It made her feel empty because Taehyung’s leader didn’t like her and that made her feel useless...
“Y/N, I’m so happy you made it!” She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the familiar deep voice that sent shivers down her arm. She smiled at him and watched Taehyung move towards her with his coat swinging in the air. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead as she closed eyes, relishing in the kiss. When she opened her eyes, Taehyung’s thumb gently rubbed against her cheek as she leaned towards his head. His eyes widened at this and let out a small laugh, “Of course I made it, I wouldn’t miss it.”
Namjoon let out a small cough and Y/N glanced at him (feeling small under his gaze). She could’ve sworn she saw a glare but maybe she was seeing things, “I’ll see you later Tae.”
“Thank you, hyung.”
Taehyung waved towards his leader as Y/N watched him leave. She watched him until she couldn’t see him anymore and the tense air was gone. Taehyung watched the whole thing with a worried look. He gently grabbed her hand, making her turn towards him, “Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine.”
She was about to walk away but he didn’t let her go, “Tell me, please. Was it something I said?” 
“Is Namjoon a cold person?” 
“No...is he being cold towards you?” 
She sighed and shook her head, “It’s nothing. Let’s have a good night, I missed you.”
“I missed you more, love...How long have you felt this way?”
The two walked towards a booth in the corner and she hugged herself as he wrapped his arm over her shoulders, “I think it's just me overthinking.”
“I can keep a closer look on him...”
She shook her head and leaned up, placing a kiss on his cheek, “No...he’s your leader. You need to respect him.”
“If he’s disrespecting you love-” 
“Tae, just drop it for me...please. I don’t want to create tension.” 
Taehyung sighed and kissed the top of her head, “Okay.” 
Extended Ending: 
Taehyung entered the hotel with the other guys but his eyes couldn’t leave his leader. How long did he make her feel this way? Yes, he had respect for him because he was their leader for years but making the girl that he was interested in feel so small angered him. He didn’t say anything when they entered the elevator. Jungkook looked over at him to see him staring hard at his reflection. He smiled and lightly punched his arm, “How was your night with Y/N?”
Taehyung smiled at this but he glanced at Namjoon who only tensed up. He ignored it and looked at Jungkook, “It was great. We shared fries and this one pink drink she wanted to try. It was good.” 
Jungkook nodded his head and let out a small laugh, “Y/N bought me some food too. She was mad that I was drinking on an empty stomach.”
“That’s good. I take it you like her then?”
“Who wouldn’t like her?”
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peachymilkandcream · 11 months
Hi! How about Levi takes her to an event and she is looking so beautiful he can't help himself. He takes her to a corner and fucks her while shoving his fingers in her mouth to keep her quiet. And when he cums in her he doesn't let her put her underwear back on so she is nervous and stiff the entire night because his cum keeps dripping out of her and she is scared someone will see it. When it dries down she relaxes so to mess with her Levi cums in her, again.
Levi x Evelyn -> Now You're Beautiful
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(A/N: Nothing is better than Levi staking his claim of Evelyn in public, I'm so freaking here for it-)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Every step Evelyn took made her dress sway and twirl, Levi had chosen it specially. Most women were wearing recycled dresses that went to the ankles or ground to avoid the lack of petticoats being noticeable. Even the well off were becoming poor, or their husbands were inconsiderate to keep their wives pretty. Levi was the opposite, he thrived on making her look as pretty as possible.
Her dress was tea-length of a deep burgundy, it was his favourite colour on her next to white. The rich tone complimented her dark hair and made her blue eyes more pronounced. Her white petticoats underneath were many as well, he wanted her dresses to be flowing always.
Pride swelled in his chest every time he heard someone whisper to a friend about the handsome couple, and they were, they both outshone those attending this event. Levi made a point to outshine even Queen Historia, even though the event was her birthday party. When Evelyn realized this from the looks people were giving them both she blushed bright red with embarrassment, unable to believe she would do something like this to Historia.
Evelyn social horror was of unimportance to him, making sure everyone knew he had claimed the most beautiful woman around as his wife was more important than a spoiled brat queen's birth. His world was her and her alone, the perfect puzzle piece bent and chewed slightly to fit in just right. For some level of social grace he fought hard to keep his erection at bay.
He had been distracted all night, staring at his wife the entire time and admiring her beauty. His desire burned for her, he had to have her right now. The way men were looking at her, the way anyone looked at her, it was driving him crazy. He needed to just be inside her.
Even though Evelyn was in a conversation Levi grabbed her arm and dragged her along until she was outside the building. Without allowing her to get a word in Levi pushed her against the wall, hiking up her skirt and unbuttoning his pants.
"What are you doing Levi are you insane? This isn't the place-!"
"Shut your damn mouth-" He forced through his gritted teeth, trying to keep his focus on dropping his pants and pulling her panties down.
He supposed some allowances could be made, she wasn't wet but since she had done such a good job at seducing him he'd make the initial slide a little easier on her. He covered his fingers in spit and rubbed them along her entrance a few times, working it in to make it feel like she was even just a little wet. He dipped his fingers in his mouth again to use the spit to cover his dick. It was the least he could do but it was something.
Evelyn didn't expect to moan so loud as he pushed in, when he actually prepared her for the first thrust it felt nicer than usual. In order to silence her his fingers dug into her mouth, her saliva dripping around them as she moaned. Although the humiliation rising in her was immense, she never felt so degraded being brought into an alley to be fucked senseless like she was worth nothing. She could smell the alcohol on his breath, at least he had just chosen to get risky instead of getting violent and demanding her to do disturbing and degrading things. This she could handle, even though the brick was biting into her palms.
Compared to the outside air she was deliciously warm, all other senses had a slight blur, the only thing in focus the feeling of his dick pounding her pliable cunt. He was going to cream her, make her drip with him. The sound of the wet slaps turning him on even more. Her body was too perfect, bringing him to the edge again and again.
With the last spurt of cum hitting her womb Evelyn almost sighed, now they could return to the party as normal now that Levi had gotten out all of his aggression. She turned to pick up her panties but Levi was stuffing them in his pocket.
"I need those-"
"Not tonight you don't."
"Levi c'mon, just give them to me."
"I'll hold onto them."
"I can't walk in there like this!" She cringes as she feels a drop of cum splash onto the floor between her feet.
"You can and you will. Now come on." He pulls her with him as the rejoin the party, politely dodging questions about where they've been.
Evelyn was now beyond uncomfortable, with every few steps she took she felt the cum dripping out of her either onto her shoes or the ground. Her movements were robotic to avoid any more than necessary from coming out. As eyes glanced over her she wondered how many people knew, how many people were judging her for her husband fucking her thoroughly and leaving her filled.
"Care to dance Mrs. Ackerman?" She didn't see him from behind her but could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
"Not with you Mr. Ackerman."
He pulls her to him anyway, leading her onto the dance floor purely out of spite. "Don't be so sour, what do you have to be upset about? I just used you for your natural purpose."
"You had to do it here? Now?"
"Absolutely. It's amusing watching you behave like a doll, I didn't know you cared so much about my cum that you want to keep as much in as possible."
"I don't give a damn about your semen Levi, I just don't want anyone else to see it-"
"Why not? Want to keep that part of me all to yourself hm? "
"Don't be gross, we're in public."
"Never stopped me before." He twirls her around, stifling laughs as she looks around in horror for the droplets of cum falling out of her and onto the floor.
His grin throughout the whole ordeal remained the same, challenging her to speak out of turn and giving him an excuse to punish her. She bit her tongue, dancing with him for now, plotting revenge for later.
It had been pure torture, calculating every step to insure no one was slipping on her husbands semen, it was beyond humiliating. Finally it had dried in her, the thought was mildly nauseating but anything was better than looking superiors in the eye and hoping they don't notice the white fluid dripping down her leg. Levi throughout all of it had been nothing but smirking at her the whole time and offering little sarcastic comments to rub salt in her wounds. He'd had his fun, thankfully now she can get back to normal.
Or so she thought, until Levi dragged her into the bathroom and bent her over the sink. Those who tried to come in were met with the sound of Evelyn's muffled moans around his fingers, sucking on them to avoid drooling all over the porcelain. She guessed he could tell that her comfort had come back and what that meant, she should had pretended to be at least a little uncomfortable to hold him at bay. However when she felt him fill her pussy once again she turned to see that same infuriating grin.
"Ready for round two sweetheart?"
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Okay, today I finally got Black Flag and Rogue, and I’ve been playing Rogue mostly. I know that the gameplay for Rogue and Black Flag are similar because they’re made only months apart from each other but I still love them. I just decided to play Rogue because, ahem, Haytham, but also Shay being his handsome self.
The stupid thing is, I haven’t seen Haytham yet, but, I do have the recording memory of Otso Berg talking about which Templars influenced him to be who he is and the second person I got was Haytham. Before that happened, i was doing the little hacking on the computer. Ya know and blah blah blah, then the screen just jumped at me before going immediately into Otso’s dialogue. Just hearing him, hearing this man saying all this shit about Haytham made me wanna throw him off the Abstergo building. Even seeing his old man self, made me just have a mental comparison between the two and I’d still chose Haytham. Why? I got to know Haytham’s story better. I mean, I know he and Haytham aren’t perfect people but don’t talk shit about someone that you know basically had the same situation you did. Makes him an asshole to me. Always.
Also, I think Haytham, if he met Otso, he would say his line before meeting someone he knows is a problem, “Oh this is rich” before they fucking have an argument over who’s the better Templar Grand Master. To me, Haytham will always be more of a man than he is. I mean yes, he became ruthless and sort of an ass too after killing his grand master mentor figure, but he only did that over betrayal, over feeling used just to become this… big headed noblemen who can actually fence well and dress classy.
And you all know how Haytham gets me so damn riled up, with his smug ass and Smexy British noble voice, and just… me going crazy.
Anyways, theme is, Haytham is a classy son of a pirate and a lady who deserves better and wishing he could’ve made a pact with Connor and hunted and been a father to him; while Otso, can fall off the building then, if he doesn’t die, ship him off with his daughter somewhere where he doesn’t have control. Piece of… shiitake mushrooms.
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chrisevansluv · 2 years
He blocked YOU(?) when there are blogs that were literally mapping out Central Park until two days ago to understand if they arrive together? / But that is the point. Those ones don't need any help to look crazy. Lucy was posting criticism of hers and her anons, that made much sense. They don't want to risk that out there. Common sense can "contaminate" others fans who are kissing his ass now. With JS and MK, there wasn't facts that would make him look bad, unless people digged information, which only a small part of the fandom did. With AB, the age gap is on everybody's face. She looks even younger than her age. She made photoshoots and pics with a Lolita theme. He knows that can make him look bad, and he doesn't have career that Leo and Jake Gylenhall have. So he depends too much on his looks (that will fade) and on this family friend Disney lover dog dad prince charming image him and his team created. That's why that painted AB as humanitarian, speaking 5 languages and avoiding mentioning her age right near his at the article that announced the rs. He is much aware of it and how it can crack what he built. Which will won't honestly. They are worried for nothing. He is a rich white handsome famous dude in America. Nothing will touch him and they are worried for nothing. I actually think that acting this way can call more attention than doing nothing.
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When the boys finally reach camp, Jimmy’s shocked to find that they’re greeted with a shotgun.
“Woah, easy,” Jimmy raises his hands in surrender. “Hey now Mister- don’t shoot okay? We come on behalf of Miss Lili Harris.”
John lowers the shotgun and stares at him. “Lili Harris. She got my friend’s letter?”
“Yes sir,” Jimmy nods quickly. “And- and she sent us up here with supplies. For Mr. Kilgore and for all of ya. Coats, food, some wines, uh… a special gift chest for Mr. Kilgore. May- May we enter camp and deliver everything please, sir?”
“Cmon then,” John helps them navigate into camp and he, Dutch, and several others help to unload the items.
Murmurs quickly spread through the camp as all the items are discovered. Gun oil, fruits, expensive alcohol and juices… everything.
Arthur sits up at all the commotion. “John?” He calls. “Dutch? What’s goin’ on?”
John and Javier round the corner carrying the trunk of goodies for Arthur. “You never told us that your rich girlfriend was a Harris.” John snaps.
“What is all this?” Arthur asks.
“Gifts for you,” Javier explains. “From the girl herself. She sent all of us stuff. Warm stuff- and food- cheese! There’s a letter for you and everything but the men said this one is yours. All this is for you.”
“Thanks, boys.” Arthur nods and winces a little as he sits up more, carefully hanging his leg over the bed so he can sit forward and search through the chest.
His breath hitches at everything inside. Watercolors?! Traveling art kit?! A thick, warm coat?! How did you have enough-
Of course you did. You’re rich.
And you still thought of him. “My rich girl,” he breathes a laugh, carefully pulling out the letter resting in the chest.
My dear Mr. Morgan,
I am overly pleased to hear your name is not Tacitus Kilgore. Whole Publius Tacitus was a wonderful Roman historian, it is… quite a name. Thoight I cannot say mine is much better, as it is also Latin.
I am so sorry to hear about your injuries, once I contracted a disease so serious I was bedridden for months, I can confirm how stir crazy one goes. I hope you find some comfort and enjoyment in the art supplies I have sent, you have a true talent and I hope to help foster it. One day, I wish to see a piece of yours hanging in a museum. Maybe… gunslinger themed? Rich folks like myself would pay handsomely for a taste of freedom like that, I assure you. That’s just an idea, though.
I was happy to hear about your adventures! John sounds lovely. I’m curious, do you outlaws have wives and children running with you? From what you’ve described it sounds like you’ve got quite the family with you. I’d love to hear about them if you feel so inclined. I’ve included stationary and stamps as I imagine they are not an easy thing to come by up in the mountains as you are.
The drawings you have sent are so beautiful, it’s almost like I am there. I love my home but it’s always a treat to see new things. I’ve sent you strawberries and fruits from my fields, I hope they’ve arrived alright. Jimmy and Paul are two of my best riders so I have full faith in them. Please do not let them get shot!
As for you… I think your writing was quite eloquent and I hope your leg has healed some. I’ve included medicine and clean bandages to hopefully aid that process. Should you not heal properly… don’t worry too much about trying to survive. You are more than welcome here, Arthur. Any time.
As for me, I’m afraid my tales aren’t nearly as thrilling as yours. I’ve started a new charity, helping single widows take care of their children, and I’ve planted some blueberries in my south most field as I love a good blueberry tart. The apples have ripened as well and I’ve eaten so much apple pie I believe my cook shall quit if I even dare ask for another. (I’ve included a few jars of the filling as a treat for you and your men. It is not a pie but it is as good to eat with a spoon!)
Should you and your men find yourself back my way, feel free to come inside for some warm beds and good food. I always love company and stories, and I am sure your men have the best stories to tell.
If you need anything else in your travels, do not hesitate to write. Giving gifts is my favorite past time.
Do take care of yourself, Arthur, as I wouldn’t want anything further to happen to you. I have not, as you put it, found my someone special yet. The position is yet to be filled.
With kind regards,
Lilium Kay
P.S. the golden pocket watch is for Mr. van der Linde, Heather informed me he is a man of taste. The Irish setter puppy is for John, as I imagine a hunting dog is better company than the Mr. Javier.
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musicloverxoxo7 · 2 years
They’re the bad guys – feat. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung
Mafia!BTS maknae line   x   fem!reader
Summary: You’re just a junior employee. Until you walk in on your bosses plotting bad things. And who could better seduce their target than you, who has history with him?
Themes/warnings: smut with a story, nipple play, fingering, bit of breeding kink, unprotected sex (don’t fall for bad mafia guys and do that!!), exes to lovers, bad guys, bit of fluff
Wordcount: ca. 3.5k
I do not own BTS. They merely inspire me. None of this is related to their persons in real life.
It’s already been a long day and you’re not done yet. Most other coworkers have left their desks and are on their way home. Yet you still need to finish that stupid campaign. It’s the first solo one your superior has given you and it needs to be really, really good.
“Goodnight”, you say as the last coworker turns off her desk lamp and walks to the elevator. Now you’re all alone in the big space, surrounded by glass walls.
It’s creepy and nice and quiet at the same time. You work on the campaign another half hour. Finally, you decide to stretch your legs a little. Maybe the small kitchen still has some leftover snacks.
You walk along the well-lit hallway. Your heels clack against the floor. All doors are closed. Except for one. You hear low voices from within. You stop in your tracks. You’re pretty sure you’ve just heard the word “kidnapping”.
The voices within grow quiet. Suddenly, the door opens wider. One of the two big bosses of the company stands in front of you: Kim Taehyung. He looks outstanding in a dark green suit, his hair perfectly in place even at this hour.
“What are you doing here this late?”
His voice is soft, not accusatory.
“Y/n, right”, Jimin asks, appearing at Taehyung’s side. You still find it crazy that with hundreds of employees beneath him, Jimin seems to know everyone by name.
“Yes. Y/n. I’m working late.”
“Dedicated. I like that. What do you say”, Jimin turns to Taehyung.
“Might work. We know he likes them pretty.”
You blush at Taehyung, the most handsome man you’ve ever seen, calling you pretty.
“Would you like to do an extra assignment this weekend, y/n? It obviously comes with extra pay and a generous bonus. We’d only need you for a few hours on Saturday.”
“Uhm, why not?”
They both step back. Taehyung beckons you in. You step into the room. He closes the door behind you. The light in this office is low. There are curtains to shield the glass wall. The wooden furniture is welcoming. Much more inviting than the rest of the offices combined.
Jimin stands on the other side of the desk, rubbing his hand over his chin. You remind yourself that he’s your boss. Like, the big boss.
“Okay, y/n. What we’d like you to do is meet a prospective client. He’s a bit secretive, so it will be in a bar instead of our offices. We’ll provide a security detail, so you don’t feel threatened due to those circumstances.”
Sound dangerous. And thrilling. You think of the campaign you’re putting together. It sounds like a good work-balance to add some spice.
“And what do you want me to do with the client?”
As soon as that’s out of your mouth you realize it could sound dirty. You bite your lip and laugh. Jimin catches your eye and smirks along.
“Nothing like that. We’re thinking of taking over his company. Find a way to make that as appealing as possible. I saw the other campaign you’ve worked on. You can sell anything to anyone.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. Jimin saw your work?
“I like to keep my eye on promising employees”, he says, reading you right.
Not only do you have a security detail for tonight, you’ve also been driven here by one of the companies sleek, black cars. Here being a high-end bar with low lights and plenty of very rich people.
You’ve put on your favorite dress and a pair of heels that allow proper walking. This place is so exclusive that one actually has to make reservations. You approach the lady standing behind a high table, tapping away on an iPad.
“Excuse me? Table for two, reserved for Park and Kim marketing.”
“Thanks. Yes, got it. Please follow Hyeonho to your table.” She smiles and waves at a handsome waiter with slicked back black hair. “Table 7.”
Hyeonho leads you to table 7. As you approach, you spot a dark head of hair already at the table. The tables are in little round nooks, so you can’t see more yet.
“What drink would you like to have?”
“Club soda with lemon, please.”
“Noted. Here’s your table, ma’am. I’ll be right back with the drink.”
The waiter disappears quickly to another table that is waving for his attention. You turn to the table – and freeze.
In front of you sits Jeon Jungkook, your high school boyfriend. And college boyfriend. His hair is cut short, and you spot a lip ring. That one’s new. The leather jacket looks like painted onto him. Your insides feel like a maelstrom. Better get a grip.
“Hello. We’re supposed to meet here. I’m from Park and Kim Marketing.”
Jungkook turns his head to you and blinks a few times. His mouth opens, then closes. He gets up, steps out from the bench, and pulls you into a hug. Instinctively, you hug him back. He smells fresh and musky, and your bodies still fit together perfectly.
Finally, you step back and straighten your dress. Goodness.
The corners of his mouth pull upwards at the old nickname. Only you ever called him that.
“Please, take a seat.”
You do. The waiter delivers your drink and hurries off again quickly.
“I think he’s scared of you.”
Jungkook shrugs his shoulder non-committedly. You notice your security detail sitting at the bar, sipping on a drink. He seems at ease but keeps an eye on you.
“You work for Park and Kim now?”
“You don’t like them?”
“That obvious?”
“The corner of your mouth is pulling downwards.”
“Ah, I forgot how well you know me.”
“Knew you”, you correct.
“It’s only been 3 years, y/n. I haven’t changed that much.”
You nod towards the lip ring. He waves his hand dismissively.
“I also have some new tattoos. You can see them later if you want. I mean, I’m not that different a person.”
His insistence on that makes you a little suspicious. Is he going to reveal something that will make you think otherwise any second?
“So why have those two sent you?”
“They say they want to take over your company. I didn’t know you work in a marketing-related field.”
“I don’t.”
Your suspicion grows. You feel as if there’s a crucial detail that has been left out.
“Maybe they’re expanding?”
“That’s one way of putting it”, Jungkook mutters. When he sees your questioning eyes, he chews on his lip ring. Seems like he does that nowadays when thinking. You file that away for future reference. Then you mentally slap yourself. You’re not going to see Jungkook again. Period.
“They’ll make it worth your while.”
“They’ve already been trying to do that for the past half year. Say, y/n, do you have any idea what work Park and Kim do?”
“They lead one of the biggest marketing companies in South Korea”, you say, completely confused. Any dummy could find that out on the internet in 2 seconds.
“That’s what they have their people do, yes. But what do they work as? Have you ever seen them work on any marketing campaigns?”
“Uhm, no. I guess they have CEO stuff to do. That’s where we come in.”
You shake your head. Jungkook is not making a lot of sense yet.
“What are you trying to get at? Just spit it out already.”
Jungkook chews on his lip ring again, takes a sip from his drink. From the looks and smells of it, it contains about as much alcohol as yours. Aka none. Another one who wants to keep his mind sharp.
Suddenly, Jungkook slides along the bench until he is sitting next to you, though still at arm’s length. What in the world is going on?
“Listen carefully, because I won’t repeat any of this.”
You see movement in your peripheral vision and stop Jungkook from saying anything further. Your security detail comes to your table. He does not look amused.
“You okay, ma’am? The guy bothering you?”
“No, not at all. We went to high school together. Just catching up.”
He looks relieved and walks back to his seat at the bar. Jungkook leans in as if to take something out of your hair.
“Tell me if you’re bugged”, he whispers. You shake your head.
“Follow me. Quickly and quietly.”
You step out of the booth and grab your handbag. Jungkook takes your hand and pulls you along. You come up in front of a locked door behind booth number 7. Jungkook pulls out a keycard and unlocks it. He pulls you through and closes it behind you. You follow him a few steps down and to another door. This one leads to a side alley; you see as you step outside.
Jungkook sets a quick pace. You just about manage to follow on your heels. He leads you to a parking lot. You spot his black motorbike. The one that has been his pride and joy since college times. Once next to the bike, he pulls out an extra helmet and hands it to you.
“Hurry, love.”
You don’t notice he’s called you by the petname until you push up the skirt of your dress and sit down behind him. The closeness feels very intimate. But you’ve made your choice. Something isn’t adding up and you’d trust Jungkook over your bosses any day. With your arms around his waist, you zoom off into the night.
The ride through night-time Seoul isn’t long. Ten minutes, perhaps 15. All the colorful, blinking ads and company signs make everything seem harmless. In your stomach, though, you know it isn’t.
Jungkook parks the bike in an underground garage. It’s not particularly well-lit. Stiffly, you start to climb off the bike. Maybe you’re taking too long, because Jungkook places his arm around your waist and pulls you off. Your feet finally touch the ground, but your legs feel wobbly.
“Give me a sec.”
“Still not used to it?” He smiles, holding you against his side.
“How should I be? I’d never ride with anyone but you.”
Outside the garage, there’s the sound of a car driving by way too fast. Jungkook’s eyes narrow. He crouches down, lets you fall over his shoulder and stands up again. It all happens too quickly for you to react.
“I can walk again, I think.”
“Not risking it now, sweetie.” He walks towards a staircase.
You grind your teeth. The leather jacket feels weird against your face and Jungkook’s hand is a bit close to your ass. Granted, he has to hold you in place. But does he have to touch you for that?
You know you’re not making sense, but you’re feeling mad. Your bosses tricked you into something. And Jungkook probably tricked you into something else. Right this moment, you’re tired of men.
Jungkook climbs three sets of stairs with you, acting as if you weigh nothing. He’s not even out of breath when he sets you down in front of a door. You cross your arms in front of your chest while he unlocks the door.
“Welcome home. Come in, love.”
Your gut instinct tells you to follow him, so you do. He closes the door and locks it with a floor bolt, a dead bolt, and a chain. You watch him with your eyes narrowed. Jungkook straightens up and sees that.
“It’s to keep others out. You want to leave, tell me.”
And why would you not believe him? You’ve known him since he was a scraggly teen with huge eyes, asking to borrow an eraser.
“I think you have a few things you need to tell me. Right now.”
“Alright.” Jungkook leans against the door. “Park and Kim don’t only run the biggest marketing company in South Korea, they also run the biggest mafia empire.”
“What does that have to do with you?”
“Except for mine.”
“Except for your what?” Your jaw drops as you connect the dots. “You are part of organized crime?”
He inclines his head.
“How long…”
“My mom has been running it since I was about three. I took over right after graduating from college.”
“Is that why you left me out of the blue?”
“Romantic partners don’t do well on the side of someone like me.”
“Then why did you spend so much time being with me? You could have just left earlier. I thought-“ You break off. No need to go there. Your throat suddenly feels tight, and you have to swallow hard to not cry.
Jungkook’s eyes are soft, sad.
“You thought I’d give you a ring instead of breaking up.” You nod. “I was going to. The night before our graduation, they got my cousin. He was supposed to take over the business from my mom. She’d prepped him for years.”
“Did he-“
“Yes. They thought I wasn’t prepared and would be a pushover.”
“Which you aren’t.”
“At least not as much as they want me to be.”
Jungkook pushes off the door and slides out of the leather jacket. He hangs it up on a hook. The black t-shirt does absolutely nothing to hide his defined pecks and slim waist. Your eyes snag on his nipples. You bite your lip. You can’t be thinking about that in such a situation. Get a grip. You shake your head.
“Wait. You said you were going to propose?”
He rubs his neck, suddenly shy.
“Uhm, yeah. I already had the ring.”
Your eyes widen. Plot twist after plot twist tonight.
“So, what now”, you ask.
“I’ll make some arrangements. In the morning, a car will bring you to a safe house. We’ll get you a new identity. You can decide where you want to go.”
“But my life is here. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to ruin any chance of ever seeing y-“ You break off. What once was is gone now. You can’t have it all back just like that. Jungkook is watching you very closely.
“Finish that sentence, love.”
“If you want to have it, finish the sentence.”
“I don’t want to ruin any chance of ever seeing you again.” You close your eyes as your cheeks warm.
“You want to see me despite the danger? Despite what happened to my cousin? You want to be my weak spot? They’ll know to get me to do anything, they just need to get a hold of you.”
“Maybe they already found that out. That’s why they sent me.”
Jungkook frowns. For a few moments, neither of you speaks.
“You’re right. It’s a mighty big coincidence. And Park and Kim are well connected. Did you apply to them for a job, or did they invite you for an interview?”
“They invited me after a shared campaign with my old company did extremely well.”
“Mh. It’s possible. It doesn’t matter right now, though. Get some sleep, sweetie. I’ll make calls.”
Your heart sinks. There you thought you’d made your desire to be with him clear. Maybe he just doesn’t want the same. You head towards what you think might be the bathroom.
“Hey.” Jungkook comes after you and slings his arm around your waist. You stop. “I’m not sending you away. But I need to talk with some people and see if anyone leaked something about our past.”
“You can stay by my side for as long as you want to. As my best friend, or-“ Jungkook pulls until you face him. His face is a few centimeters above yours. Instead of continuing the sentence, he closes the distance. Your lips meet. All softness is forgotten as urgency takes over.
He backs you into the nearest wall and presses his thigh between yours. Your hands slide under his t-shirt and run over his smooth skin. His strong, muscular thigh feels very good between yours. You rub your core again it, breathing harder at the pleasure.
Your hands move to Jungkook’s nipples. You give them a twist and tug. He groans, detaching his lips from yours. He tugs his t-shirt over his head and stands in front of you half-naked. You notice that his sleeve of tattoos is nearly complete. His hands return to your ass, moving your hips against his. Your breath catches as you feel his hardness. It’s been too long.
You twist his nipples back and forth again. He exhales a moan. The sexiest sound in the universe, definitely.
One of his hands slides up your thigh and under the waistband of your underwear. His fingers find your sweet spot and draw circles on it. He has your legs shaking in under two minutes.
“JK… JK… I…”
“Let go. I’ll catch you.”
A few more circles and pleasure spasms through you. You grab onto his shoulders, riding out the high. His thighs and other hand have you secured so you can give into the warm, powerless feeling that floods through you.
He gives you a few more moments to catch your breath, before hoisting you up.
“Come on, love. Let’s continue this in the bedroom.”
It’s only a few steps into the bedroom. Jungkook lowers you onto the cold sheets. They feel nice against your burning skin. Hovering over you, Jungkook places gentle kisses on your cheeks, your jaw, your neck.
You reach out your hand and slide it down his stomach until your hand hits his pants. You undo the button and zipper and run your hand over his boxershorts. He inhales sharply but returns to leaving trails of kisses all over your body.
You apply more pressure as you keep running your hand over his erection. When he still doesn’t stop, you twist a little and pull down his boxershorts. You wrap your hand around him and guide him closer.
You push aside your underwear. His head makes contact with your wet folds. You run it over your clit a few times.
Jungkook has buried his face against your neck.
“Ride me.”
You let go of him. He lays down on the bed, getting rid of his clothes in the process. You just dump your underwear. You climb on top of him. It reminds you of the first time you had sex. When he got insecure and asked you to be on top first. He doesn’t look insecure now, gazing up at you. But his boyish smile reminds you that, like you, he is only 25.
“What, you’re not going to ask me what would happen if the pill doesn’t work”, you tease. Like he did during your last year of college, the first time you didn’t use a condom. He smirks.
“Well, you said “if it doesn’t work, we’re having a baby. And you better be there to help me raise it.” Worked for me then, works for me now, love.”
The confidence with which he says it makes you feel things. And that he still remembers that.
You rub yourself against his erection. His hands come up to grip your waist. Finally, you hold him upright and push down. With his thickness, it’s a nice stretch. You move slowly at first, adjusting. Then you start bouncing up and down faster while rubbing your clit.
The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room.
“Mh, JK. You feel so nice.”
“Yeah? Like me better than all the others?”
You chuckle.
“What others?”
Jungkook grunts as you start moving your hips back and forth more.
“Three years? Not one date?”
“Plenty of dates.” You’re panting. Jungkook is working with you now, pushing up into you. “Plenty of kisses. None I wanted to take into bed with me.”
“You drive me crazy, woman.”
You want to laugh, but a moan comes out instead as Jungkook stills your hips and his thrusts become harsher. You keep working your clit the way you like it. You whine as another orgasm quickly heads your way.
Jungkook feels you clenching around him.
“Cum for me, love.”
As if this were the magic formula, you slump forward, coming apart. Jungkook holds you against his chest, fucking into you hard and fast.
“Please… please look at me”, he pants. You raise your head and meet his dark, sparkling eyes. A few more thrusts and he stills too, the veins in his neck prominent as he breathes through his mouth.
He pulses within you. His cum filling you up feels warm and familiar.
“You know what?” Jungkook tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “I hope the pill does work until we’ve settled you securely in Busan with me.”
“And after that?”
“After that we can start planning a family, if you want.”
Part 2
© musicloverxoxo7, 2022
Please do not copy or repost my work. Doing so will make you legally liable for stealing intellectual property.
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sunasjellyfruit · 2 years
Sugar!Daddy Kuroo headcanons
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Don't ask me why but this idea has been in my mind for a few days (kind of a few months at this point) and I've been unable to think about anything else.
It has taken me two months to write this, I might be back or I might disappear again, who knows.
Warnings: sugar daddy themes, money, smut (not really detailed), daddy kink, swearing, choking, edging, spanking (those three only mentioned), rich Kuroo basically.
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Saturday night and you were tired of swipping to the right as the only thing you saw were old-perverted faces and unappealing messages.
When you started having some problems paying your university and a part of your rent, your friend (jokingly) suggested to get a sugar daddy, and you quickly laughed at it thinking it was a crazy idea.
Well, after trying numerous jobs (sometimes two at the same time), saving as much money as possible, selling stuff you didn't need or use, your financial problems didn't disappear .
And thats how you ended up in that stupid website searching for a sugar daddy, loosing all the hope you once had.
You gave the website five more minutes, if a decent option didn't appear within those five minutes then you'd give up.
But then, a completely different profile appeared, your pulse even started shaking while reading it.
"Kuroo Tetsuro, 27 years old. Businessmen, no attachments." And a few photos that definitely made your heart skip a beat, even if his face wasn't completely shown.
He had a very nice and sculpted body, and he looked extremely fine in that suit.
Without a second thought you swipped to the left (for the first time), praying to be the chosen by that handsome (and rich) men.
It was alredy late, so even if you were excited and nervous at the same time, you tried to go to sleep to get some rest.
When you woke up at late half-past eight, a few notifications popped on your phone screen. You had to read them three times to understand what was happening.
"Kuroo Tetsuro likes your profile too." "Kuroo Tetsuro has accepted your request." "Kuroo Tetsuro has sent you three messages."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You exclaimed trying to unlock your phone, too nervous to even remember the password.
"Greetings Ms.Y/N, I see you're interested in the offer."
"If you can, meet me at XXX (think of a direction guys hehe) at 9:30 am."
"We will discuss the terms of the agreement there with some coffee. Hope you're okay with the idea, if not you can contact me through this chat, at least until we meet."
Oh god your hands were really shaking. The coffee shop he had asked you to go wasn't exactly near the location of your house, so you would have to run to get ready if you wanted to reach the place on time.
In the end you were able to dress in something decent and take a taxi, so you reached the coffee shop even five minutes earlier.
The hurry hadn't let you think about what was happening, but in the door of that fancy place you realized three things: first you had no idea how that man looked like, second you were in a really fancy coffee shop in a plain black shirt, a pair of jeans and your hair was in a messy bun, and third you really were going to be someone's sugar baby in the next few minutes.
"Good morning Ms.Y/n, I see you're already here. That's good, punctuality is a quality I really appreciate." A deep and velvety voice brought you to the world again, and for some reason you knew it was him.
When you turned around you felt impressed, a tall and sturdy figure that looked at you with deep dark eyes, almost piercing your soul. Even if he was wearing a black facemask that covered half of his face you could guess that he was smiling, proud of the reaction that he was causing in you.
He was, indeed, incredibly handsome.
"Ladies first." He pointed while opening the door. "Thank you." You muttered, trying to maintain a steady voice.
Even if he let you enter first you had to follow him through the place, which made you appreciate his broad shoulders compared to your small figure. "You like what you see I guess?" He asked with a smirk, he had taken his facemask out letting you finally see his whole face. "I do, I can't complain." You said lifting your face. "Well, let me tell you that I share that same idea about you."
Gosh he really knew how to make you flustered in just a few seconds.
An americano with a glass of ice next to it was already waiting for you in the table, and there also was a piece of what seemed to be a red berry cake in your sit.
"I took the liberty of ordering something for you to eat, the cakes here run out quickly." He explained, taking a short sip of his black coffee after speaking again. "Now, what has brought us here."
A shiver ran down your spine when he took some papers out of his briefcase and left them right in front of you.
"This are some simple rules that you must follow. If you feel like something should be changed we can discuss it now. And if you want to add some restrictions you can do it, as long as we both agree with it." He explained, and you nooded at his words like a good girl.
"Of course Mr.Kuroo. I will wholeheartedly and undoubtedly agree to every proposal." You said, after all he was going to pay you for,
"Oh? So submissive from the beginning pretty girl? I like it. And y/n, drop the formalities." Fuck, the pet name. He was driving you crazy.
Just a bit older that you, too handsome to even describe it, with an incredible body (at least in that black suit) and with a gift for words.
You cleared your voice before speaking, taking a moment to drink your coffee. "Of course. After all it's going to be easier for me to call you just Kuroo." You murmured with a small smile. He answered with another smile and with a movement of his hand he asked you to read the papers.
Rules of our agreement. 1) There won't be any romantic attachment between us. 2) We will meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday in this direction: XXX at nine pm. Be punctual, unpunctuality will be punished. 3) You can ask me whatever you want, if you behave you'll get it. You can use my contact if you ever need something, or to cancel a date for a justified reason.
"I think everything's okay. The rules are clear so I won't change anything for the moment." You said, surprised because everything was easier than what you had imagined. "Perfect. I will pay you every Sunday, two thousand dollars per week if that quantity is enough for you. As it's stated, if you ever want something and I get it for you, it will be out of your salary, so think about it as a present."
Two fucking thousand dollars each week. That was more money than what you needed, you had to accept the offer. I mean, with tremendous man in front of you of course you were gonna say yes, you already wanted him to fuck you right there (not with all those people looking of course).
"Sounds perfect." You accepted, trying not to sound too excited. "Great." Kuroo extended his hand, that handshake will meant that the agreement would be signed, and you felt proud when your hand didn't shake when his hand surrounded yours. "I have to go now to work, I could only take a rest of forty minutes. I'll see you in three days then pretty girl."
You nodded, still too impressed by his imponent figure to say a lot. "Oh and, you can come here as often as you want, the waiters will charge your drinks to my bank account. Your breakfast is already paid, so you don't have to hurry to eat it and then leave without a word." He explained with a proud smirk. "That's nice to know. Have a nice then Mr.Ku- Sorry. Just Kuroo."
Those three days were truly the longest even if the university had managed to keep you busy most of the time but it was finally Thursday and, after taking an extensive shower and spending half an hour in front of your almost naked wardrobe (you had to sell your clothes in a desperate try to get some money) you found yourself 5 minutes earlier in front of the door of the hotel room in which Kuroo had cited you.
"I see your here on time, puntual as the last time. Well done pretty girl." His voice startled you just like the first time you saw him.
Kuroo was already there, looking at you with a smirk even when you could appreciate that his jaw was tense. He looked stressed for some reason, but you didn't thought it was the right time to ask.
Not waiting for an answer, he unlocked the door with a magnetic card and walked in, looking back to make sure that you were following here. Once you both were inside and he had closed the door he stood right behind you.
"Do you want a drink?" He asked, pressing a hand on your lower back, sending chills all over your body from anticipation. "No, I'm not thirsty." You answered. "Not yet. Then, let me take your jacket, it's gonna get hot in here."
Fuck, that made your legs tremble, but you managed to let him help you with your jacket without gasping everytime his hands met with the skin of your arms.
You stood there while Kuroo walked towards a luxurious sofa which had a small round table with two glasses full of a dark liquid. Actually, the entire room was very fancy, with large windows that allowed you to see almost the whole city, an enormous king size bed and other furniture.
The moment he sat and held a glass, he made a sign indicating you to approach him. And you did, you wanted to be his good and obedient girl after all, but you didn't expect what happened next.
His hand grabbed your wrist, and you found yourself falling right on his lap when he pulled you towards his body. His smile grew bigger at your gasps, your bodies being so close that you could even see some small freckles on his neck.
Your legs were on either side of his body, while one of your hands had ended up almost on his shoulder to get some support. On the other side, both of his hands were now on purpose on your thighs, the smug smirk on his face revealing you that that was exactly how he wanted to have you, almost trembling even when he had barely done anything.
"I've had a really stressful day today pretty girl." He admitted, taking a sip of his drink before leaving it on the table to focus all of his attention to you. "Really? Do you want me to do something to help?" Yo asked knowing well why you had come there on first place. "Yeah, you probably can do one or two things that would really help me..." He groaned, his voice falling deeper when your hands went under his jacket suit.
He eyed slightly your lips, as a silent way to ask you for permission, and right when you nodded his mouth crashed into yours with passion. His hands squished the side of your legs and travelled up to your hips, and his lips devoured you as if he had wanted to do that for an eternity.
Kuroo was an expert kisser, he made you want more from him the moment your lips separated, and you whined lightly making him chuckle. "Shh don't worry pretty girl, we don't need to rush things." He reminded you, leaving small kisses in your jaw and neck which made you hold your breath for a few seconds. His hands moved under your shirt, leaving soft touches in the skin of your waist before grabbing it firmly.
"May I take this off?" He asked lifting your shirt a bit and looking at your eyes. "Please." You almost begged, and Kuroo's smile only grew bigger. You didn't feel cold when your clothes left your body, it was only starting to feel more and more hot in that hotel room. He didn't even let you a moment to feel insecure, starting a path of kisses in between your chest.
"No bra for the next time." He warned, and you clasped it off almost immediately, letting it fall between your bodies. "Much better now. You are so pretty y/n, such a perfect body." He praised you, and the combination of his words with his kisses made you hold a groan.
Kuroo lifted you easily and carried you to the luxurious bed, your heart beating loudly against your chest, you even thought that Kuroo could hear it. "Are you nervous?" He asked you, supporting his weigh above you with one arm while caressing your leg with the other. "Just a bit." You admitted, and he kissed you gently. "Can I taste you?" He asked again, taking your breath our of your lungs. "Yes, please."
He's a tease okay? It was your first time together and he behaved, but he took his time with you, he wanted to taste every inch of your body. Oh Lord, and he did. After almost twenty minutes eating you out your legs were shaking and you could not hold it anymore.
"D-daddy, please." You begged with tears almost falling from your eyes. His shoulders shaked a bit from hearing that name. "If you don't like my teasing then why are you moaning so much?" He laughed, kissing your clit and making you squirm. "I need you to take me, I can't wait anymore." You said. "Are you sure? Once I start I might not be able to stop." He warned, looking at your body and biting his lips. At this point the only clothes remaining were his boxers, but you could see his prominent boner, so hard that it seemed painful. "I've never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly."
He again started gently, but girl he had warned you. He was feral. So hungry, so horny at the same time. And none of you felt like one round was enough. That night was pure bliss for both of you.
He gives me big dick energy. Like, maybe not the longest (he's long if you were asking hehe) but he's definitely thick.
Thicker than what you expected.
The moment you woke up you felt an unfamiliar and sharp pain on your lower body. However, being covered in silk sheets and surrounded by a comfortable warmth made it worth it, even more if you remembered the last night events.
When you looked around you found yourself alone in that colossal room and even if it was nine a.m. (you had worked up quite late) you allowed yourself to take things with calm. Wednesdays were a good day, you only had university practices in the afternoon.
After a short shower (Kuroo had cleaned you up last night but a morning shower was always welcomed) you picked up your clothes from the floor and went home to have breakfast because, after all, you couldn't afford spending your money on food you already had at home.
Your routine kept like that for more or less three months, when Kuroo started taking you on "dates". They were mostly always dinners at some fancy restaurant, in which you tried to know the other a bit more, and later he would take you back to the hotel to fuck your brains out.
The first time you told him you didn't have a nice dress or a suit to wear, he showed up the next day with three different combinations for you to choose. Since then he also started taking you on "shopping dates", which led to you two eventually spending entire days together.
Some of Kuroo's favorite moments where the first time you gave him head (your mouth was so warm and you were so skilled at it that it only took you seven minutes to make him cum), the first time he let you be on top, riding him, and when you surprised him wearing a lingerie set.
You learn to be obedient (and puntual) after the first punishment in which he spanked and edged you until you were on tears.
Or the time he "accidentally" broke one of your cheap necklaces after choking you but you told him that it wasn't a problem. The next day he showed at your door with a super expensive necklace with some diamonds or pearls or something like that. You had to beg him to return that back because it felt too luxurious for you.
And he was like, "what? Don't you like it?" Yes Kuroo honey we love it but, cheap necklaces work as well. Your hands are a really good necklace too 😔🖐️
Over all he was a really good sugar Daddy.
One of your most memorable memories is in fact one of those dates. "What do you want to do on Sunday? I've got some free time and we can go somewhere." He asked you with almost his entire focus in the small cubs of ice that decorated the bottom of his glass. He had been very tense the entire night.
"There is a comet crossing the sky tonight, we could try seeing it." You said, but after a few seconds of complete silence you realized that he probably wasn't listening to you "Kuro?" you called him and that seemed to bring him back to reality. "What?" He murmured finally looking at you. That disappointed you, if he was stressed, unfocused or not in the mood he should have cancelled your meeting. You curled up a bit, naked on his bed only covered by the silk sheets, you felt cold.
"Nothing, we can go to that restaurant that you really like." You ended up saying. After all you were there just to please him.
After that you expected to go on the same date as other days, in a fancy and neat restaurant surrounded by rich people, but you were clearly wrong the moment Kuroo picked you up at your entrance driving himself in his car.
"No chofer today?" You asked him sitting in the passenger seat. "We are going on a private date today, so no, no chofer." That intrigued you. A private date? He had always told you what you two would be doing on your dates, and this clearly surprised you, which made Kudo smile.
After a 20 minutes ride, when he stopped the car you found yourself in the middle of a vast and green wine farm. "What's this and what are we doing here?" "This is my wine farm, closed at the moment except for us, and we are here to watch the comet. I thought that's what you wanted to do." You looked at him for a few seconds wanting more than ever to kiss him. Instead of that you genuinely smiled, muttering a quiet timid "thank you"
"Oh and I also have food from "that restaurant I really like", so you better eat because you will need energy for our future actions. I'm not going to hold back tonight pretty girl."
Yeah he always listened to what you wanted. A 10/10 sugar daddy and even a better partner but that's for another headcannon.
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
September - November 2021 Reads
Hi, it’s been a while! I went on a little break and things got a bit crazy but here are my September - November reblogs of JK fics (x f. reader). Please note the angst, fluff, and smut descriptions. Much love to the authors (reblog, comment, but please be kind) and to our sexy, handsome, and adorable bun jk 🐰
*’read for’ are guides for me!
Sugarplum elegy by @bymoonchild (a, f, s) - fwb au, college au (read for a well-written fic with great smut, character dynamics, and gentle and caring jk)
Keep your seatbelts fastened by @joyfulhopelox (s) - strangers au (read for sexual tension and hot smut)
Personal space by @gguksgalaxy (f) - best friends au (read for something short and sweet and a bed sharing moment)
Caught by @parkdatjimin (f) - roommates au (read for something light, heartwarming, and wholesome with funny and awkward moments)
Fight for you + Epilogue by me (a, f, s) - bodyguard au
Bonus by @minyfic (s) - workmates au (read for flirty and sexy jk with hot smut)
Lonely hearts club by @dovechim (s) - friends au (read for annoyingly cocky but whipped jk, hot smut and fun banter)
Put a spell on you by @ggukseoulcafe (f) - royalty au, knight jk (read for something short and sweet and a whipped jk)
An endless summer by @seoulnotes (f) - strangers au (read for cute moments during a Eurotrip with a light and chill vibe and charming and rich jk)
Mugs and kisses by @sunshinerainbowsbts (f) - strangers au (read for absolute fluff to get you in the holiday spirit and something to make you smile, with shy and thoughtful jk)
Fetish for blood by @jjungkookislife (s) - fantasy au, vampire jk (read for charming jk, hot smut, and charming and playful characters)
How to get away with kidnapping by @parkdatjimin (f) - brother’s best friend (read for protective and dependable jk and a little playful but comforting MC dynamics)
Paralian pt. 1, pt. 2 by @kpopfanfictrash (a, s) - fantasy au (read for great worldbuilding and storytelling, themes of family, politics, and morality, great characterizations and ensemble)
Lunar violence by @taetaesbaebaepsae (a, f, s) - fantasy au, werewolf jk (read for a good ensemble of werewolf ot7 in a rockband, good storyline, and hot and sexy moments)
Sanctuary + When night falls I am your escape + ‘Cause I’ve been aimin’ for heaven above by @bangtaninink (f, s) - fwb au (read for something light and fun with captivating characters,and fun and sexy and unproblematic dynamics)
 Something wicked comes this way comes by @softyoongiionly (a, f, s) - boyfriend jk (read for fun and loving characters, good buildup and details, and a creative and emotional way of discussing a difficult topic) 
A (small) step forward by @lavienjin (a, f, s) - husband jk (read for a nice, quick read with a good mix of angst, fluff, smut)
I gotta make sure you get home safe by @taetaespeaches (f) - roommates au (read for a quick read of all kinds of sweet, tender, domestic, intimate, and playful moments written so well)
Queen of Ice by @readyplayerhobi (a, f, s) - royalty au, fantasy au, bodyguard jk (read for great magical and royalty setting, pining and tension, and interesting characters)
 Pub golf by @taleasnewastime (f, s) - strangers au (read for a fun ensemble and banter and hot jk and sexual tension)
Papillon by @satnin-darling (a) - exes au (read for well-written pain and heartbreak all throughout) 
Should I go play the lottery too? by @jungkooks-kookiee (f) - boyfriend jk (read for something quick, soft, and a pick-me-up read)
The ebb and flow by @xbaepsae (f) - fantasy au, Percy Jackson au, demigods au (read for a fun rivalry and loveable MCs and side characters)
Benny by @hamsterclaw (a, f, s) - workmates au, hospital au (read for hot smut, flirty JK, NJ, and YG, a refreshing OC, and funny and soft moments)
Tempter (the twilight creature) by @themfchase (a, f) - fantasy au (read for good imagery and metaphors, a beautifully painful love story, and captivating MCs)
Home by @moon-write (f) - childhood best friends au (read for something sweet, soft, and very comforting)
Violet hair and lip rings by @hazytaezy - neighbors au (read for something fun, mutual pining, and MCs’ quirks and chemistry) 
Stardust by @emoboijk (f) - soulmates au (read for soulmates’ physical torment when apart then how it falls together when they meet, and good descriptive writing)
Snowballing: A holiday story by @sintatae (f) - workmates au (read for something soft and fluffy with a romantic feel)
With other members:
‘How members feel like’: Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook by @darlingjoon (f) - (read for the heartwarming and accurate way each member is described and the poetic way it was done)
The dis-ease files by @triviafics (a, f) - workmates au, hospital au (read for short, sometimes heartbreaking but comforting reads of members as surgeons and tender, emotional moments that will make you cry and smile and be introspective about life)
  (monthly reads masterpost)      
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