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toorubbang · 6 months ago
do u guys remember the haikyuu fandom from 2016-2018? yeah
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rei-the-head-shaker · 1 year ago
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Stay positive! :D
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13a07s · 9 months ago
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My Moon
(Tadashi Yamaguchi)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to craziiwolf]
Requested by: Myself
[Idea inspired by Captain Jack Sparrow]
Word Count: 3,454
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Just Yams being a skeptical but engaged and interested boyfriend of a witch
Wicca Practices
Disclaimer; it's been a hot minute since I was swimming in the world of Wicca so my information might be off from mis-memory and Google being a lair. Please (nicely) correct me on any wrong information
Part two?
     "Where's my darling little star?"
     My head instantly snaps up from its lying position on my desk, turning toward the classroom door in search of my girlfriend. "Here I am," I call back, Tsukki's snicker following my eagerness. My eyes stay locked on her, getting more excited the closer to me she gets.
     The sound of her jewelry twinkling against each other mixes with the beating of my heart, the anticipation of her short walk from the door to my desk almost killing me. "There's the light in my darkness," she coos, settling next to my desk. The compliment - and just her in general - makes my cheeks heat up, embarrassment from everyone hearing her swirling in my head.
Her hands are in my hair instantly, petting me and adding to the growing embarrassment on my skin. "Good morning, Tsukki," she adds, taking a moment to greet my friend. Tsukki nods his head in acknowledgment.
     "Good morning, my Moon," I greet back, turning in my desk before wrapping my arms around her waist. I tilt my head, dotting her wrist and forearm with kisses.
Public displays of affection only add to my anxieties, but the small touches and kisses make her happy so I try my best to push my worries down. I always try to overcome them so my Moon can be wrapped up in a fraction of the intimacy she's always showering me with.
"Your jewelry is silver today," I point out, glancing over the bracelets my lips tumble over, the rings sliding through my hair, and the silver triangle earrings she has in.
     "Iron and lead, darling," she corrects, her nails gently scratching my scalp. "My horoscope said that my day 'will be made of the light of happiness. Despite the joys of the day, decisional difficulties will arise, turn toward the skies for wisdom'. So, tin for wisdom and lead for grounding to help hold onto my happiness."
     "And the triangles earrings because?"
     "Triangles help manifest a solid foundation and wisdom as well."
     My girlfriend is 'spiritual'. I'm never entirely certain what that means, but I've caught on to some of the things frowned upon in her religious practices. No blowing out candles, don't touch anything left in window sills, and under no circumstances am I allowed to touch anything on the little table with the red cloth.
     The few times I've messed up on the last one, I've been stuck on my knees, asking what she calls a deity for forgiveness. I don't remember what her deity is called or what deity it is. Roman or Greek or maybe one of the Christian ones. I don't know, but I know better than to cross said godly being though. I also know to greet said deity when I enter and leave the room.
     I've also learned a lot of things she does is for a reason, even if I don't understand the reasoning. She wears certain jewelry and colors depending on what she's trying to manifest. Whatever stones or rocks she has in her bag for the day depend on the same thing. Different things she cooks or weird jars she makes or other random things are more manifesting of my Moon.
     I might not understand but I find it interesting. As long as my Moon is happy I don't have an issue with how she chooses to manifest the things she wants for herself and those she cares for.
     "Want to hear your horoscope for the day?" She asks, a hand falling to cup my chin, the other one twirling the ends of my hair.
     My Moon tips my head up, my sight instantly locking on her sprinkling eyes. The feeling of her rings against my jaw is a nice comfort, one I've grown used to. "Of course."
     "You, my passionate Scorpio, will achieve a goal of yours today. Self-doubt will creep in. Don't let it fright you, for the stars are in your favor," she mutters, excitement to see how my day plays out lighting in her eyes.
     I smile up at her, gently squeezing her wrist as my thumb rolls over the pile of veins there. I'll admit some of her weird things and manifesting do come true, but most of the time I believe it's just a coincidence. However, seeing how the loose prediction aligns with my day is always fun. "Well, a goal I have for today is to pass the math test so maybe that'll be my achieved goal."
     "Maybe," my Moon hums, disapproval mixed with it. "My intuition says otherwise but it's your prediction so I guess your intuition is what matters." Her lips press against my hairline, peppering kisses across it before she lets me go.
     Her hands instantly dip into her bag, scrambling around in search of something. My Moon pulls out a small velvet sack, one that I recognize as the bag she uses to store whatever rocks she wants me to carry in my pocket for the day. I can't help but enjoy her excitement as she dumps the rocks out, preparing to give me a lecture on them.
"Alright, today I focused on luck and trying to counteract self-doubt to help you get to your goal," she starts, fingertips toying with the shiny rocks. Instantly, my hand goes out, waiting for her explanation. "Jade for luck," she mutters, placing a pretty green stone in my palm. "Tiger eye for self-esteem, rose quart for self-love - "
"And tourmaline for protection," I butt in, knowing that rock for sure. It's the only one she gives me every day so I've caught on to what it is and what my Moon thinks it does.
"Yes," she giggles, peaking my forehead again, before snatching her shiny stones back. She carefully places them back in their bag before handing it to me. "I hope you achieve one of your big goals today, Tadashi."
"Me too," I murmur, my heart beating a little faster. I know my Moon would support me in anything I decide to do, but it's always nice to hear her so willing to support me. "I'll see you at break?" I ask, my eyes taking a peak at the clock.
"Of course," she chirps, another big smile on her face. "Remember, positive thoughts manifest positive things. Keep your thoughts positive," my Moon reminds me like she does every morning. "Bye, Tadashi! Bye, Tsukki!" She almost sings, another kiss to my head before she floats out the door, off to her classroom. I swear it feels like all the warmth is sucked out of the room with her.
     "Your girlfriend is weird," Tsukki grumbles, rolling his eyes at himself more than me.
     "Like your girlfriend of the week is any better. I swear she's trying to slide you in every time she's near you. You're just jealous I have a smoking hot witchy girlfriend."
     He rolls his eyes again, a soft grin on his face. "Your girlfriend is just average if even that. What do I care if she gives you dumb rocks like a penguin? Or that she says weird spiritual things to you? It's whatever."
     "Sure. It's whatever," I mock, a prideful smile on my face. Tsukki is rarely jealous of me. Most of the time I'm jealous of him, so it's a nice change of pace.
     My Moon's soft humming filters through the windows, Tsukki and I both looking toward the gym entrance, waiting for her. Some of the other girls are already here; the captain's girlfriend, Kinoshita's girlfriend, and a few of the girls crushing on Tsukki and Kageyama.
     When the humming gets louder, I quickly climb to my feet, making my way to the door. Tsukishima follows me, a few steps behind, and his pace is a lot slower. I recognize the tone as one of the soft lullabies she sings to her plants before bed. It's the one about lavenders and royalty.
When my Moon makes it to the door, her face lights up at the sight of me. "Hello my beautiful star," she coos, stepping forward to wrap her arms around my neck.
"Hi," I whisper, my cheeks heating up from her closeness.
"How was your last class, darling?" She asks, voice soaked in as much admiration as possible. Her arms are loose around me, fingertips barely toying with the cowlick in my hair.
"It was fine," I murmur, my fingers shaky and eyes scurrying around the gym as I rest my hands on her hips. "I'm struggling a bit with the new lesson. It's on trapezoid angles. It's difficult but I'm sure I'll be able to make my way through it."
"I know you will. You're so smart, Tadashi. A little more practice and you'll have it figured out." It feels like I'm melting into a puddle on the floor, my Moon's encouragement and pride in me making my skin sizzle.
My cheeks are stinging from how warm they are and from the grin on my face. This is why she's my Moon because she glows so bright that it makes me shine too. "I made good luck gifts for Tsukki and you," she hums, pulling away from me. "And the team of course, but Tsukki and you have special ones."
     My Moon digs around her bag, pulling out a thick jar no bigger than ten milliliters. Her hands cling to it, shaking a bit as her eyes are caught on the container. "This is the one for your team. I've never done one for multiple people so I'm a bit weary but I'm sure it'll be good enough. I... I, ah... used a yellow candle to seal it for focus and logic and clarity and such. Then... then there's mint - "
     "For protection," I butt in, settling my hands over hers, hoping it'll help calm her down. Mint is my Moon's favorite protection herb because 'it smells the best'.
     "Exactly," she chirps, her eyes settled on me now. "There's chamomile for calm nerves, sage for strength, bay, and rosemary for success, and then stormwater for energy and such. Well, and cause I think it makes it look like a cool globe," she rambles, shaking the jar at the end of her statement.
     A small smile rests on my face as I watch the different herbs float around in the vial. The white petals in the jar dance around with the yellows and greens of the herbs, making the container look like a globe made from a flower field.
     "What did you use to cleanse it?" I ask my usual question. I know it's something my Moon does before every jar of things she makes and it's something she doesn't usually mention, so when I ask about it she tends to get excited. She's always so excited to explain her things to me and I'm always happy to listen to her ramble.
     "Usually I use incense but there's this lullaby called 'Crow's Lullaby' so I cleansed your team's jar with a bell I rang to the rhythm of it."
     That's cute. My little spiritual girlfriend is so adorable and so invested in doing what she believes she can for my team. Tsukki is even touched by the gesture, his arms crossed over his chest, cheeks a bit pink, and eyes looking anywhere except my thrilled Moon.
     "Anyway," she starts, handing me the jar before digging through her bag again. "This one is yours!" She chirps, pulling out a smaller vial, about half the size of the one she made for the team.
     I look over the jar she made me. It's one of about twenty or so I've been given by my Moon. I keep them all unless she takes them back to 'correctly dispose and replace' them.
     There are a lot of things I have or do because of her. One of those things is a little baggy of whatever she has me keep by my bed for 'good dreams'. There's this white solid crystal slab she gave me too that she told me to put the sack on during the day to 'recharge and cleanse' the stones in the tiny satchel my sleep things stay in. Thinking of it now, I haven't had any nightmares since my Moon gave me that baggy.
     "For your jar, I sealed it with an orange candle for confidence. Mint for protection, of course. Then there's flickers of gold for success, black pepper to banish negativity, carnation for strength, cinnamon for luck, and finally, lavender for focus."
     "How'd you cleanse it?" I repeat, taking the small vial from her. I hold it, pressing it between my palms like my Moon has shown me how. As I listen to her answer, I try to manifest like she's been trying to teach me.
     Success and luck for the game. Focus, strength, and no negativity for my mind. Success and luck for the team. Focus, strength, and no negativity for my body. I continuously repeat my wants as I roll the jar between my hands, my focus not fully on the vial like it's supposed to be.
     "Apple Blossom incense, duh. I use Apple Blossom to cleanse everything for you." I know she does. Every witchy spiritual thing she's made me has always smelled like apples.
     My Moon pats my head, plopping a kiss on my cheek before she floats away to give Tsukishima his gift. "Tsukki," she calls, the airiness of her voice gone like it usually is when she speaks to someone who's not me. "Don't think I forgot about you."
"What's the point of giving me a jar of herbs if you made one for the team?" He grumbles, eyes and arms falling the closer my Moon gets to him.
"I have to make sure my boyfriend's boyfriend is taken care of, don't I?" She teases, focusing on her bags again. My Moon dances in her spot, shaking around the jar before holding it out to my friend.
"I'm not Yamaguchi's boyfriend," Tsukki hisses, reluctantly taking the vial. Studying it carefully before his attention falls back down. "What is in this tiny glass?" He asks, shaking it a bit, sights back on the spiritual jar.
My Moon's hands jump up, fixing how my friend is holding his jar. "For your jar, Tsukki, mint again for protection, there's acorn chucks for good luck, borage leaves for strength, lilac for luck, oregano for health since Tadashi says you're fingers get nicked a lot when you block, and sunflower petals for energy. Unlike the others, I sealed it with yellow string to help start the manifesting of a better friendship between us. I'm not used to using string for sealing so be careful shaking it."
Tsukishima doesn't believe any of my Moon's spiritual stuff; even now I can see it in his eyes, but he appreciates the offering. That I can see in the way he obeys her, holding the jar correctly, and the way his cheeks are dusted and huffy from her support of him. His eyes skirt toward me before dropping down again, caught on the vial mixture. "Uh... how'd you clean it?" Tsukki asks, trying to follow my example of the conversation.
"I cleansed it with moon water." My friend's face drops at the answer, his huffiness from not understanding my Moon's rituals and from always wanting answers. "It just felt right using it to cleanse your jar. I'm not sure why but Artemis and Apollo both seemed to agree on it. Let me tell you, it's rare they both answer so I figured they were right."
"Artemis and Apollo... as in... Greek Gods?"
"Ya," my Moon chirps, turning away from my friend. As she walks my way, Tsukki sends me 'she's crazy' eyes, making me grin. "My star," she purrs, her arms settling around my neck again.
     "My pinch server," Coach's voice booms from behind me, startling me and instantly making my cheeks heat with embarrassment.
     "Of course, Ukai-San," my Moon answers, pulling away from me. "I didn't mean to make a ruckus."
     "You didn't. I just don't need Yamaguchi in his head during the practice game. He has a new serve to try and I don't need you psyching him out." I want to crawl into a hole and vanish. I want to crawl into a hole with Tsukki and my Moon, then vanish. This is so embarrassing.
     She giggles, fingertips dancing over mine to take her present for the team from me. "I'm not going to psych him out. I do have a gift for you. Well, you and the team."
     Coach Ukai looks at the vial, confused eyes flickering toward me before he takes it. "This... this a jar of dirt... and water," he mutters, shaking the vial so it swirls like a globe again.
     "Pedals and herbs, actually, but ya."
     Coach looks at her again, slowly blinking as he shakes the jar some more, keeping it constantly on snow globe mode. "Is... the jar of dirt... going to help?" He slowly asks, skeptialness soaked in his words.
     My Moon raises her hand, ready to take the vial from him. "If you don't want it, give it back. I'll dispose of it properly."
     "No," he yelps, holding the present to his chest. "It's the team's jar of dirt now. Sorry, jar of flowers, herbs, and water."
     "Then it helps," she giggles, plopping another kiss on my cheek before she walks away. My eyes trail after my Moon, watching her greet the other girlfriends before settling next to Captain's girlfriend on the floor; the two girls instantly chatting.
     "Your girlfriend," Coach starts, pulling my attention back toward him. "Gave us a jar of dirt."
     "It's... um... a manifestation device for her religion."
     "What might that be?"
     "Wicca," I murmur, eyes cast toward my Moon again. I wonder if she has ever done a love jar or candle on me. Or maybe some other manifestation thing. I should ask after the game.
     "I don't know what that is."
     "Like modern paganism."
     "Like witches?" Coach yelps, clinging to the jar tighter. "Did she curse us? Why'd you piss off a witch?"
     I shake my head at him, a grin painting on my face. "It's a blessing for the team, Coach. She's trying to manifest success and strength and luck and etcetera for us."
     He stays quiet for a moment, the both of us looking at my blinged-out girlfriend. The grey - not silver, as I learned this morning - jewelry looks good on her, but I prefer my Moon decorated in gold jewelry. She insists with the nickname that silver would be better but I still like gold on her wrists more.
     "What am I supposed to do with the jar of dirt or pedals or whatever?"
     "Um... well... I hold my jar between my hands like this, but my Moon says touching it however feels right should work," I start, showing him how I to keep the vial pressed between my palms. "Then she says to just have good thoughts that align with the substances and just do whatever feels right with your hands. I roll the jar as I repeat my thoughts," I finish, twirling the jar between my palms to show him.
     "Am I supposed to do that?"
     I shrug, glancing at my Moon again. She's laughing, head tilted back as she giggles at whatever the third year said to her. "Since it's for the team I'd assume any and all members of the team can use it to manifest if they'd like."
     "What the hell are we supposed to think while we're holding the jar?"
     "Thoughts of calm nerves, strength, and success for ourselves and the team."
     "Then what?"
     "Just keep it under the bench, I guess," I answer, shrugging my shoulders for the millionth time. I'm not the one to be asked these things. "I keep the ones she gives me for about a month before she takes them to do I don't know what and she usually replaces them soon after."
     "If this works you can't break up with her until after the season."
     "I've been with my Moon for almost two years. The only way my terms will let her stop being my girlfriend is when I upgrade her to fiancé."
     "Cute," Coach mumbles, rolling the vial between his hands as I showed him. "Disgusting, but cute. Come on. Let's go do your girlfriend's manifestation thingy before the game starts." My heart skips a beat at Coach Ukai's orders. I don't know how I expected him to respond, but it makes me giddy that he's supporting my girlfriend's rituals. I can't wait to tell my Moon she's glowing for more than just me now.
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auspicious-goblin · 5 years ago
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okay but has anyone informed craziiwolf that her officer daichi / school teacher suga drawings are basically canon 
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otak-ool · 5 years ago
Can someone tell me what happened to @craziiwolf ?
I just got back into really enjoying anime and Haikyuu!! again so I'm going to look up my favorite artist and their tumblr is ???
Pls can I find them somewhere else? Another url? Twitter? Install? Anything???
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kkumri · 7 years ago
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happy birthday @craziiwolf ♡♡ cass’ blind!kageyama au!
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kaishinoya-blog · 7 years ago
First off, Cass’ art is so amazing, I can never get enough of it! I’ll sit there for hours instead of doing my homework looking at her art 😂 Honestly, this has to be one of my all time favorite artists 👏 @craziiwolf
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sevendeadlysinsss-blog · 8 years ago
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Suga-mama from @craziiwolf’s Daycare AU 💕
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ironrosewriter · 8 years ago
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Look what just came in from my new buddy @craziiwolf. Thanks Cass! You're the best!
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glowmaeda · 8 years ago
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aaa it arrived! this is the cutest ever~ @craziiwolf
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rei-the-head-shaker · 1 year ago
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#songoftheday It's good to start the day with a song that give you energy! Let's stay positive today, no matter what!
"Today will be a perfect day, everything will be ok!" - Craziiwolf
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ndeyedraws · 8 years ago
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Here is a happy Yams to bless your timeline! 😚 This is the first time I drew a person with wings omg . The Haikyuu Winged!AU belongs to the incredible artist @craziiwolf, her art is amazing :') I can't believe I did this piece for 4.5 hours straight. What made it so long was because some of the progress lost midway due to power loss on my laptop. Kind of frustrated at first but I just couldn't leave it hanging, so I kept going 😂 My neck feels weird after.. . I'm so sorry, Cass, I think I've failed to make glowing freckles.. [kinda] Works for the stars, though.. :') . #khwingedau #fanart #haikyuu #yamaguchitadashi #craziiwolf #drawing #mydrawing
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wolfiesworld · 4 years ago
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Happy Birthday CraziiWolf!
The pattern they had didn’t come out well because of my shading and such but I think it was a fair sacrifice!
Please support me on my kofi and if you want a commission please message me!
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art-of-the-wild772 · 6 years ago
This is why people need to write down the stories they read.
In my case: fanfiction.
Also, voice reveal XDD Idk how well you can hear it tho. And background reveal!!! AAHHHHH AREN'T THOSE ANGELS CUTE?!
Art by craziiwolf over on instagram. Go check em out!!
A bit of info on what everything means:
First is number; favourites/want to read if not read; title; site; not/finished; not/read; chapter
In brackets:
Ship; AU; main tag/s/things that help you remember what the fic is about
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sblackeditie · 6 years ago
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like or reblog if you save; credit @hexploseriot
credits to fanart artists craziiwolf
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yui-chan96 · 8 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou & Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Craziiwolf, winged au, khwingedau Summary:
¿Cuales son los pensamientos de Kageyama?
 Basado en el Winged AU de @craziiwolf
Well, I don’t kow if you’ll understand it because is written in Spanish but since it’s based on one of your wonderfuls AUs I decided I should let you know :)
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