#crash landing on you fanfic
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frost-queen · 7 days ago
Forbidden love, one I accept (Reader x Ri Jeong-Hyeok)
Requested by: anon  Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @floatlosers, @alex��awesome–22, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown, @wildiefleur , @meyocoko , @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23, @melsunshine  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedrava-bitch-187, @erikasurfer , @slythetic  , @eliscannotdance, @p0nycurtis, @slythetic, @bitchybananaflower, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr
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“We have to go.” – Kwang-Beom spoke tugging at your elbow to get a move on. Suitcase in hand, you needed to leave yet your attention was elsewhere. Wanting to stall for as long as possible. Gaze fixated on the house. Hoping that the door would open. That he would come out and say his last goodbye’s to you. That was all you ever wanted.
You wanted to see him one last time before you returned back to South Korea. For over the course of time that you had been stuck in North Korea, you had numerous goodbye’s. Yet each one wasn’t the last. You didn’t want last nights short meet-up to be the last. Kwang-Beom kept tugging at your elbow, drawing you further away from the house. Further away from him and the life you were saying goodbye to.
“Please… just a moment.” – you asked him, turning your arm away so that his grip faltered. With a deep exhale, you shuddered out a breath. Staring longingly with summers blue’s at the house.
Wanting, wishing for it to open. Bringing your hand closer to your chest. Begging to see him again. Kwang-Beom reached for your elbow once more, turning you fully to him. – “He’s not here. If you are waiting for him, he isn’t here.” – he told you.
All your hopes shattering with a few words. – “We have to go now.” -  Kwang-Beom urged you, knowing you had a plane to catch. Nodding agreeable, you let go of all your hopes. Shoulders slouching with a loss. Getting in motion to follow him.
Kwang-Beom kept his hand on your elbow, guiding you through the fence towards the truck. Opening the door for you. You set your foot in the car. Standing up straight, to overlook the truck. To look back at the house and the closed fence with one last sprinkle of hope.
Hoping Kwang-Beom was lying and that he would walk out of that door any moment now. Yet the door remained closed. Lowering your gaze, you got down, settling in the passenger’s seat. Kwang-Beom coming to sit behind the wheel. His hands hovering over the steering poke. Allowing himself a moment to look at you. – “You’ll be home soon.” – he said to you. – “I know.” – you responded looking down at your lap.
Kwang-Beom took in a soft breath, riding off. The rising of the sun not for a few hours. The ride out of the small town was bumpy. The road wobbly and unsteady. The moment the ground became vaster, you let out a sob. Head falling into the palm of your hand. Sobbing quietly for it was all going to end. Kwang-Beom swallowed nervously. Glancing briefly back at you. Finding some understanding in your grief.
If he was being honest, he would miss your presence as well. Your bubbly personality that had invaded their serious and dull days A presence he became missing as you reminded him much like an older sister. One that could annoy him, but also make him laugh.
One that he grew to love. One that he was going to miss dearly. Kwang-beom wiped the back of his hand against his eye. Getting rid of the wetness forming in his eyes before they could become tears. Clearing his throat, he tried to focus on something else. Your sobbing died out with a loud sniff. Wiping your cheeks dry.
Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself. Staring out of the window at the setting sun on the horizon. By the time the sun had set with the morning glow, you were on the highway. The highway was empty and deserted as you had dozed off a bit. The sudden loud sound of an engine made you startle awake. Looking behind you to see a massive truck with metal plates in front speed up.
“What is he doing?” – you asked confused. Kwang-Beom saw the vehicle as well in the front mirror. Watching as it stepped on the gas, getting extremely close. Kwang-Beom stepped on the gas as well, feeling something is off. The truck didn’t seem to back down. Speeding up once more. Getting closer and closer till the tip of the metal plates bumped into the back of your truck.
The contact made you scream as Kwang-Beom had to grab the steering wheel firm. – “Are they insane?” – you called out, looking frantically behind you. Their engine roaring loud like a murderous monster. Another contact with the back of your truck. Letting out a yelp, your hands shuddered beside your face. – “Hold on!” – Kwang-Beum called out.
He turned at the stirring wheel, letting the truck swing to the left lane. Holding on tight, you nearly flew from side to side. The truck followed Kwang-Beom’s movement. Going for the left lane as well. – “Hold on tight!” – he shouted out, turning hard on the wheel. The car flung back to the right lane. Swirling from side to side. – “What is going on?” – you asked in a panic.
“I think they are on to us!” – Kwang-Beom said back letting the car swirl again to the left lane. Bullets bouncing off metal made you duck down with a scream. – “Stay low!” – Kwang-Beom called out moving a hand to you. You did as you were told, keeping your head low as the bullets flung against the truck.
Hearing a faint third motor, made you lift your head a bit up. Panting loud as your gaze fell on the scenery beside you. Beside the highway was a gravely path.  Blocked by some bushes, yet you could hear the third motor clear. Someone was there. Panic swelled up inside your chest thinking it was another one of them. The car swirled back to the right lane. Bushes suddenly ending as a motorcycle drove past.
Your eyes widening upon seeing who was riding it. Jeong-Hyeok. Gun in the ready as he fired at the murderous truck tailing you. Heart slowly beating that bit faster at the sight of him. Once again he was here to save you. Kwang-Beom saw him as well, panting loud. Feeling a bit more reassured now that his captain was here. – “Hang on.” – he called out as he saw that the truck was speeding up again. Speeding up that much it approached the side.
Kwang-Beom bracing himself for impact from the side, yet the truck drove straight past him. With quick pants, his hands had become sweaty on the steering wheel. – “Kwang-Beom!” – you let out, pointing firmly to the front. The truck had turned around. Facing with its snout right at your truck. Gasping loud, hands shooting up to your mouth in shock, you watched as Captain Ri jumped with the motorcycle up on the highway.
Kwang-Beom hitting the gas hard to not overrun his captain. You shot forwards, feeling your seatbelt kick in hard in your shoulder. Eyes wide staring at Captain Ri letting his motorcycle go side-ways. Rolling off as it kept sliding forwards.
Heart pounding intensely in your chest, eyes hurting from staring so wide open in horror. Watching as the motorcycle crashed into the truck. Getting under the wheels to release a blow. Captain Ri shooting at the truck. With a few bullets the engine caught fire. Exploding the hood off. Panting loud, he stumbled a bit back.
You were struggling to get your seatbelt off. – “No!” – Kwang-Beom said with a panic as you desperately tried to free yourself. The seatbelt cut free as you shoved the door open. Captain Ri slowly turning towards your truck. – “Jeong-Hyeok!” – you called out running up to him.
With pants he came nearer. Running up to you. – “Jeong-Hyeok!” – you repeated with bliss. Eyes teary that you had one last opportunity to see him. From behind him, you saw that the door had opened. A soldier stumbling out. Achingly he got up, raising his hand forwards with a gun. It made you gasp loud, Captain Ri just a few seconds away from you.
Shuddering out a breath, you grabbed him by his shoulders. Turning him around, clamping hard onto him. Feeling the sudden sting of a bullet cut through your flesh. A painful gasp left your mouth as you stumbled forwards. Captain Ri caught you, eyes wide with horror at the clear shot wound on you. Captain Ri saw the man who had shot you, drop down.
Looking over his shoulder, he saw Kwang-Beom with his gun up. The gun falling out of his hand a moment later as he grunted in pain. Captain Ri gasped loud, facing the front once more. Seeing how the second soldier had shot him as well. Jeong-Hyeok pulled out his gun, shooting him in the chest with two bullets. Dropping his weapon, he turned his attention back to you. Staring in shock at you. Hand hovering shakingly over your back.
Blinking with much effort, you let out a deep exhale. Knees becoming weak as Captain Ri stumbled to the ground with you. – “Y/n!” – his voice shaky with worry as his hand brushed up your cheek. Trying to get some reaction out of you. Kwang-Beom limped closer. – “Is… is she alright?” – he asked, wanted to know. – “She needs to go to the hospital!” – Captain Ri called out. – “But… but the flight, her way out…” – Kwang-Beom responded.
“Now!” – Captain Ri shouted loud, body trembling with rage. Kwang-Beom nodded shakily. Jeong-Hyeok picked you up, carrying you back to the car. Setting you in the back. Biting his lip, letting his gaze go away from you, he had to do a lot of effort to not cry. Your hand falling out of his. Kwang-Beom wanted to get behind the wheel as he stopped him. – “You are in no state to drive!” – he made clear. His soldier nodded getting in the back with you.
He let your head rest on his shoulder, holding your hand. Captain Ri stepped on the gas. Racing by the crash scene to hurry up to the nearest hospital. His knuckles white from grabbing the steering wheel so tight. Kwang-Beom held on tight to you so you wouldn’t shake around that much in the car. Going off the highway, Captain Ri rode to the nearest town. Stopping the car in front of the hospital.
Swinging the door open, he took you from his soldier. Carrying you inside in a state of panic. – “Help me!” – he cried out. Turning around with you in his arms to any willingly person to help. – “Help me!” – he repeated in a raging trembling voice. Soon some nurses and a doctor gave rushing over to him. Captain Ri laid you down on one of the rolling beds they had brought along. Grabbing your hand firm, he started running along with them.
Seeing you slightly move your head in discomfort. – “Hold on Y/n.” – he said with reassurance. – “Don’t leave me!” – he let out as a nurse came blocking his path. Feeling his hand slip out of yours as they went further with you. Him staying behind as the doors closed before him. Blinking rapidly, he wasn’t sure if he could keep his tears at bay this time.
“You can wait here sir.” – the nurse spoke gesturing  at some seats in the waiting room. Captain Ri walked over to it. Unable to sit down, knowing you were in surgery now. Pacing back and forth, he felt his anger boil. Wanting to curse at his own country for hurting you. In a fit of rage, he called it out, throwing some magazines against the wall. One of the nurses at the desk came running over, asking him to remain calm or he would be seen out.
Sitting down, he buried his face in the palms of his hands. Sobbing quietly that in the end he couldn’t protect you. He should’ve seen it coming and took the bullet for you. Not the other way around. You needed to be on that plane to get back to your country safely. He was supposed to get you out of the dangers of his own country against your origins.
He got startled feeling a sudden hand on his shoulder. With puffy red eyes, he looked up to a nurse holding a clipboard up. Not sure how long he had been crying or had dozed off. – “Your wife is out of surgery and will recover well.” – she told him. Knowing the nurse must have presumed you were his wife, he didn’t comment on it to correct her. Inhaling deep, he wiped his cheeks dry. Getting up to follow her to your room.
The moment the door open, he stopped in shock. Frozen to the ground upon the sight of you. Laying peacefully down in the hospital bed. The nurse gestured for him to enter, leaving with a bow. Jeong-Hyeok hesitantly entered the room more. Walking up to your bed. Kneeling down at the side of your bed. Fingers curling up to his palms with a lowered head.
“I…I’m sorry Y/n… I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” – he said with shame. – “I…I promise you to do better. To have you in my sight no matter what. That I promise you.” – lifting his head up to engrave his promise to you. Getting back up to his feet, he took a seat further away from your bed. Watching you. Keeping a close eye on you. Kwang-Beom entered the room a few hours later all patched up. Captain Ri shook his head. Letting him know you hadn’t woken up just yet.
Kwang-Beom lowered his head saddened. Taking his leave once more. Captain Ri returning to his duty of watching over you. Tugging you in better. Making sure the temperature in the room was just right. Closing the curtains more when the sun would shine on your face. Tending to the flowers he had bought for you. Making sure you could see them well when you would wake up.
Setting up scented candles, the one’s you liked the most to make it as comfortable for you as possible. Kwang-Beom and the other comrades coming in from time to time. Each time disappointed with the fact that you hadn’t woken up just yet. Captain Ri refused to move from his station. Staying even the night in the most discomfortable position on the chair.
Captain Ri got up, taking the burned up scented candle with him. Leaving your room to replace it for a new one. Taking one more glance at you with the morning glow behind you before taking his leave. Wincing with your eyebrows, you groaned softly under your breath. Moving your head in a restless way to slowly wake up.
Fluttering your eyelashes, waking up to the blissful morning. Pushing yourself a bit up, you sat up straighter. Feeling a numb pain in your shoulder. Touching your forehead, you felt some restrictions on your hand. Looking confused down at the infuse in your hand. Confused you looked around at your new surroundings. Your eyes falling on the flowers on the windowsill. The smell of a scented candle still subtle in the room.
The door slid open as it drew your immediate attention. Captain Ri walked in, eyes widening at you. Shocked to see you awake. So shocked that he dropped the scented candle on the ground. The shattering of glass startled you. – “You are awake.” – he breathed out. – “I am now.” – you responded hinting at the breaking of the glass.
Captain Ri leaned back into the hallway. – “Call in a doctor! She is awake!” – he shouted into the hallway. Doctors and nurses entered as Captain Ri stumbled back into the hallway. Turning away from your room. Bringing his hand to his eyes. Sputtering out a loud sob. Squatting down as he quietly sobbed with relief.
You tried to look past the nurses for him. – “Your husband is very sweet.” – one of the nurses said making you hum curiously. – “He hasn’t left your side for a moment. I have never seen a man cry and tend to their wife with such care.” – she giggled finding it sweet. Doctors and nurses left the room once more. Captain Ri reappearing in the door opening once more.
“Jeong-Hyeok.” – you said with a smile. He curled up a smile back, stepping into the room. Walking up to you. You opened your arms to him as he came sitting on the side of your bed. Leaning in to you so you could wrap your arms around him. Exhaling relieved at the comforting embrace from you. Your eyes widened briefly feeling his arms wrap around your waist. Embracing you with a deepening touch. – “Don’t ever take a bullet for me.” – he spoke. – “That is my job.”
You felt him remove himself from the embrace. Touching your cheek caringly with his thumb. Staring longingly back at you. Realising his feelings for you as they had became clear ever since the incident. Waking up from a dream. – “Jeong-Hyeok.” – you whispered out with slight furrowed brows. Trying to understand the meaning behind his gaze. Jeong-Hyeok curled up a smile.
“A part of me is glad you didn’t take that plane.” – he spoke. It made you blink caught off guard. – “For I can have you just a bit longer.” – he finished. Leaning in closer as he brought your face closer to him. Kissing your lips tenderly, caring and full of love for the South Korean girl that came from the sky.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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beatrixacs · 2 years ago
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I am cooking something for SeungDan on the side while writing Reylo in the meantime... 😉 Some ideas just won’t leave you alone once they sprout inside your mind.
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beri-allen · 1 year ago
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ao3: beriallen she/her, 18+
Bulgasal: Immortal Souls 1. a little more and i'll go (dan hwal/min si-ho; t; 1/1) 2. if our lives are ours, what shouldn't we do (dan hwal/dan sol, dan hwal/min si-ho; t; 1/1) 3. we had so much going for us (dan hwal/dan sol, dan hwal/min si-ho; g; 1/1)
Crash Landing on You 1. i carried you for aching (seo dan/gu seung-jun; t; 1/1)
Hannibal 1. only grab air (will graham/beverly katz; t; 1/1)
House M.D. 1. calendar girls* (allison cameron/thirteen; t; 1/1)
Memories of the Alhambra 1. room 601 (yoo jinwoo/jung heeju; t; 1/1) 2. magic hours (yoo jinwoo/jung heeju; m; 1/1)
Once Upon a Time 1. the human (wooden swan; g; 1/1) 2. memory serves (wooden swan; t; 1/1)
Please Come Back, Mister 1. wish i were here (han hong-nan/song yi-yeon; t; 1/1)
Queen of Tears 1. 5 times hong hae-in died (baekhong; t; 1/1)
Running Man** 1. might just as well (monday couple; g; 1/1) 2. four times jihyo holds gary's hands and one time she doesn't (monday couple; g; 1/1) 3. no good unless real (monday couple; e; 1/1) 4. another night (monday couple; t; 1/1) 5. fine (monday couple; t; 1/1)
School 2017 1. 3 times taewoon confesses and 1 time he doesn't (ra eunho/hyun taewoon; t; 1/1)
Search WWW 1. the theory of time (song ga-gyeong/cha hyeon; g; 1/1)
Squid Game 1. 항복 (surrender) (457; e; 1/1)
Story of Kunning Palace 1. the dreams of butterflies (jiang xuening/shen zhiyi; t; 1/1)
The Acolyte 1. bond/freedom (oshamir; e; 1/1) 2. dying breed (oshamir; t; 2/2) 3. heavy is the heart (oshamir; e; 1/1) 4. i once was lost, but now i'm found (oshamir; t; 1/1)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes 1. born liar (snowbaird; m; 1/1)
Twenty Five, Twenty One 1. we call it something different, something wrong, and something right (ko yurim/na heedo; t; 1/1)
Wednesday 1. slow, long, and excruciatingly painful (wyler; t; 2/2) 2. you have shrunk to the size of my thoughts (wyler; t; 2/2) 3. i predict a riot (wyler; m; 5/5) 4. the gift of the magi (wyler; t; 1/1) 5. the rite of spring (wyler; t; 1/1) 6. stop (wyler; e; 1/1) 7. the long game (wyler; m; 1/1) 8. the devil and the deep blue sea (wyler; t; 1/1) 9. interrupted remembrances (wyler; t; 1/1) 10. technicolor glasses (wyler; t; 1/1) 11. i put a spell on you (wyler; e; 7/7) 12. oh god, i think i'm falling (wyler; e; 2/2) 13. joyeux noël (wyler; t; 1/1) 15. in the heat of the moment (tynid, wyler, minor petroclair; e; 2/2) 16. the spirit is willing (the flesh is weak) (wyler; e; 1/1)
*imported from lj **rpf header & icon image credit: x
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starupabove · 2 years ago
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The Accidental Monarch
Romance. Action. Thriller. Chungmuro actress Yoon Seri has done them all and is about to take on the role of a lifetime: Queen of South Korea.
Available to read on Archive of Our Own & Wattpad
Story Cover by chummychurri
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theduchessofoxford · 1 year ago
Idk if we have any CLOY fanfic writers that are active here but I had a dream and I would love to see it written 😭 (but also can’t believe I still dream about this couple years after)
Jeong-hyeok and Se-Ri actually connected in Switzerland (the first time) so when she has her accident he knew who she was. He deliberately hid her, lied about her being his fiancé, and got his unit involved because he already loved her. So it was like the same story but they were in love the whole time! The angst let me tell you!!
If this inspires anybody I would give you my first born
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ladykyriaa · 1 year ago
Reading CLOY fanfics and it's so wild to see that we all have the same thought about how "Jeong Hyeok would be able to defect once his dad dies"
Like this is my second fanfic read that had his dad dying just so he could defect. Lmfao
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hauntingblue · 4 days ago
Oh my god why........ why would someone do this omg.... feminism would have saved them all... lesbianism too...
#the song about infidelity reira was so sure wasn't about infidelity akdnksnsks now everyone thinks takumi is cheating akdnskns#but its the same thing with nana and yasu in the end... ren would understand... but nana doesn't qkdjksk ...so hachi didnt answer nobu.....#FIREWORKS BY THE RIVER??? NOBUUUUUUUUUUU OH MY GOOOD PLEASE!!! nana is reading shin's ero novel 😭😭 THANK YOU SHIN!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH 😭😭#so nana is getting married... and also starts talking like hachi... after she noticed nobu doing the same thing... also reira with takumi..#“i had enough money to take care of hachi and her baby” OH MY GOD PLEASEEEEE PLEASEEEE 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 tears in my eyes already#shin is so me... he was so excited for nobu to try to get hachi... PLEASEEE damn i hope hachi is sad as fuck i hope she had a horrible day#fourteen weeks.... three and a half months... FUCK!!! DONT NAME HER SACHIKO WHAT THE HELL!! BECAUSE OF TAKUMI???!! KILL HIM!!! BACK ON MY BS#REIRA KILL HIM!!!! omg shoji... serial cheater... but that was kinda cute.... remember when shoji cheating felt like an apocalypse... yeah#nobu looks like shoji 😭😭😭 girl the flashbacks youre gonna give her 😭😭 shin as misato... my otp truly if there was no evil in the world#OH WAIT THE LONG HAIR LIKE NANA WISHED FOR A BF FOR HACHI AKDJAKSK YES HES TONNA GET HER BACK!!! I BELIEVEEEEEEEEE I BELIEVEEEEE#THATS IT????? NO REUNION YET??? THE TEASER?? THEY END UP REUNITING AGAIN?? THATS HACHIS CHILD!! WITH BLACK HAIR LIKE NANA!!#where tf is nana... what sorrow... do not fuck with me rn... hachi wearing the wedding ring still... this can't be.... nobu id you dont have#and affair with this married woman... i swear to god.... HE HAS MONEY NOW!!! COME ON!! FUKCING SHOJIIIIIIII NOOOO GET YOUR PUSSY UP HACHI!!#OOOOOH SHE SAID FUCK NOBU IM GETTING BACK HACHI... that “i really want to see you. hurry up” that was criminal 😳 im normal about it#OH NANA CAME OUT SWINGING!! THAT WIG LIKE THE GREEN GOBLIN MASK!! CHRIST SHES GONNA GET HACHI BACK ONE EAY OR ANOTHER#shin telling thag to yasu... like he wouldn't know... christ please don't pull them apart (nobu and nana) that's so fucking sad man...#nobu went to tokyo to her... to play for her.... my god.... NOBU PLEASEEEEEEE NOOOOOOOP GET UUUUUUUP NOOOOO#WHAT DO YOU MEAN OKAY YOU WILL HACHI??? YOURE JUST GONNA ACCEPT TAKUMI CHEATING??? NANA CRASH THAT FUCKING WEDDING I SWEAR TO GOD!#she wanted to hold nanas hand like nobus 😭😭 but didnt bc she thinks she would think shes selfish?? FOR WHAT??? DOING WHAT BOTH WANT???#MY GOD!!!!! ENOUGH!!!! THE SONG I LIKE!!! ENOUGH!! WHERE IS SHE????#well i havent cried.... it broke my soul and spirit but i havent cried. thats something at least right. oh my god.#nana looking at the wedding ring... there is no fucking way man what the hell. heteronormativity is a prison#there must be some good good ending fanfics at least right....#well the answer is they have all changed and noticed that they did not need what they wanted as it wont make them happy#so now hachi has her house and nana has her rockstar title but nobody fucking wanted it like this.... christ...#i was like oh nana got la la landed already?? and she got la la landed again but worse. also hachi too. alright. whatever#how am i supposed to sleep now. what the hell and i can't even cry im just baffled by everything. christ#god please bring my family back together.... god please.....#why isn't nana there why is nobu why can't he still take the step forward omg.... HE HAS MONEY HE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU BOTH!! NANA CAN!!!!#watching nana
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lexcys · 4 months ago
★ observing rafe cameron x reader
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summary: you were trying everything to hide the fact that you couldn’t stop staring at rafe, unbeknownst to you - he was secretly hoping you were
a/n: this is a surfer!rafe x shy!reader btw!! also this is like pretty much my first ever fanfic so I have no idea what the fuck I am doing so sorry if this is literal ass 😭 no mention of a fem!reader besides the fact that the womans bathroom gets entered
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you felt the heat of the sun on your skin as you stepped out of the twinkie. the soft crash of the distant waves barely audible over the hum of the pogues voices
stepping onto the beach, a surge of excitement hits you. the day you and the pogues have been counting down to all week has finally arrived
you take one final glance into your bag, double-checking for anything you might have forgotten—sunscreen, snacks, a book, and a few other trinkets, satisfied you make your way over to your usual spot ready to take off your tshirt and shorts which hid your swim wear underneath, until you spotted someone out of the corner of your eye
rafe cameron
somehow the kooks had managed to pick the exact same date, place and time to visit the beach as you and your friends
while the others were hastly running towards the water stripping on the way down, paying no attention to the kooks, kie stayed back waiting for you
she was already in her bikini while your clothes weren’t even close to leaving your body and landing on the ground
''you coming?'' she asked, hand on her forehead shielding her from the burning sun
''umm'', taking a quick glance around you searched the beach in a, hopefully, unsuspicious way trying to locate rafe again
glancing down you turned your gaze elsewhere, you hoped the sudden heat entering your body was from the sun and not from the sight of rafe taking his shirt off
''I’ll join you guys later, I’m a little dizzy right now'', you spoke swiftly looking up at her, hoping to not get caught in the little white lie
all though kie nodded, the flicker of confusion in her eyes and a quick look behind you told you all you needed to know
you had never verbally stated your attraction to the him but you were pretty sure almost anybody could’ve guessed with the way you tensed up or seemed quieter and clumsier whenever he was in close proximity
taking off your top and shorts you shot a look over to the pogues who were already splashing and practically drowning each other. you giggled while settling down onto your beach towel before applying sunscreen and laying down on your stomach with a book in hand
even though your book was very interesting, the sight in front of you was much more enticing
rafe was currently riding a pretty common wave, yet you found yourself unable to stop staring
you adjusted your book hoping to hide the fact that you were practically ogling at the cameron boy
he was far enough out that you couldn’t make out the details but you still caught the way his hair stuck to his face, the way his body twisted with the rythm of the wave and the way he… kept turning his head towards you?
it seemed like he was looking for you, looking to see if you were watching him
cheeks burning, you try to push your delusions aside trying to find the passage you were reading earlier
you take another peek at him and by the the time you do, he was already out of the water, walking towards his friends with the biggest fucking grin, beaming with pride and confidence, already seeming to rave about the wave he just rode
hearing jj’s laugh you swiftly adjust and pretend to be reading your book that was definitely more interesting than staring at rafe’s wet body and stupid grin
while jj kept whining about how john b, supposedly, almost drowned him they both settled down on your left, luckily on the side where the kooks were lounging
fortunately he also kept talking which meant you were able to peep right past his face and steal short glances towards rafe
it was almost impossible for you to keep your eyes off of him. it didn’t matter where you would see him, you were always stealing glances or simply staring at him from a distance. others could call this stalking but you liked to call it observing, you liked watching him, but not in a creepy way, more so you were admiring him, he was pretty
you liked his side profile, the way his bangs framed his face, the way his eyes looked in the sun, the way his shirts hung onto his fit body - you noticed the way he was very articulate with his hands, which were always adorned with the same two rings, the way the corner of his lips turned downwards whenever he tried not to smile
noticing him facing you, eyeing your group, the staring quickly stopped
at this point the distance between the two groups was too small for your liking because of course the kooks had to settle down as closely as possible to the pogues - it was somehow impossible for them to keep their distance
given the short distance, whenever you actually were brave enough to look again it seemed like he was meeting your gaze, trying to maintain eye contact
heart beating way too fast and cheeks burning, you turn away from jj trying to initiate a conversation with sarah, who was sitting on your right
after a while of, luckily, managing to keep your head from spinning towards him, to meet his gaze - aside from the occasional looks to jj or john b whenever they were contributing to the conversation - you were desperate to get up, to empty your bladder
you dreaded getting up, fully aware that the beach bar was situated just behind the kooks, it meant walking past rafe and the mere thought of that unnerved you - every step would make you acutely aware of your surroundings, mind racing, until the very thought of moving felt like it might turn your legs into jelly
examining the scene quickly you notice half of the kooks gone, including rafe, they must’ve left when you weren’t looking - you feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders while also immediately feeling a certain misery overtaking you
this unrequited crush was spiraling out of control
strutting over to the bar you take notice of ruthie with another girl sitting at one of the tables and kelce talking to the bartender seeming to be cracking jokes instead of ordering
walking past them you try to keep your gaze relatively low to avoid any sort of interaction. turning into the small hallway of the bar you exhale a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding
the calmness doesn’t last long because as you round the corner to reach the toilets you spot him, standing in front of the mens bathroom, phone in hand and looking quite bored
before you get the chance to look away he lifts his head and notices you, he smiles - you smile back, a very awkward smile
relatively quickly you turn your head away and enter the women’s bathroom. your head becoming a blur, suddenly already washing your hands ready to leave the bathroom
he must’ve left already, right?
''topper are you fucking coming, man?!'', you catch rafe through the door
your plan of immediately leaving and paying him no mind, began to falter two seconds after stepping out of the bathroom
''hey, y/n'', you hear from behind you, shit
you freeze up for a second, caught off guard, before composing yourself and turning around
immediately drawn to him, you couldn’t help but notice the way his hair had dried in quite a messy way, his slightly squinted eyes and the slight smirk splayed across his face
''how are you?'' he questions before you had the chance to greet him back
''I’m doing fine'', you manage to exclaim, nearly tripping over your words before adding the usual ''and you?''
you dig in your mind trying to recall the last time you’d exchanged words beyond the usual "hi" or "hey''
apparently not completely satisified with your answer, he regards you for a moment, the stare causing a warmth to creep up your neck as you shifted uneasily
''why did your friends leave you all alone over there?'', rafe inquired with a raised brow - a hint of curiosity in his tone, ''they seemed to be enjoying themeselves''
letting out a soft exhale you answer him, attempting to maintain eye contact but faltering almost immediately, ''I wasn’t feeling so good'' was all you manage to muster before adding the word, ''dizzy'' in a rather whispered voice, as you lied through your teeth, hoping he wouldn’t see through it
if he did, he didn’t let on ''are you feeling better now?’'
you nod quickly, meeting his gaze
looking up at him with those almost innocent eyes, he can’t help but offer, ''are you sure? I can get you a glass of water'', an unrecognisable sweetness laced his voice, softening his usual edge
taken aback by his unexpected offer you hesitate before denying his offer by simply shaking your head
he let out a quiet snort, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he watched you struggle to give a simple answer
''what book were you reading?'', he asked, his smirk widening as he leaned further back into the wall, clearly amused at the way the conversation was turning into a playful interrogation, as if he found some strange satisfaction in making you squirm just a little bit
you froze, your mind going blank, searching for the title before realising you genuinely couldn’t remember, maybe because you weren’t actually reading the book
like a savior, topper emerged from the bathroom, a flicker of confusion passing across his face as he scanned the scene before moving past you both, muttering a quiet "let’s go," clearly directed at rafe
for a split second, it looked like frustration crossed rafe’s face, fleeting before you could overthink it, flashing you a smile he pushed himself off the wall and made his way past you
but before he completely disappeared out of view, he turned back with a smirk and called over his shoulder,
''hope you enjoyed the show earlier''
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kkai-zen · 2 months ago
ᯓ★ oh damn, i feel like a HOTSHOT
──── featuring ITOSHI SAE.
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summary: what happens when your famous pro-soccer player boyfriend ITOSHI SAE finds your Tumblr fan account for him?
contents: 18+ nsfw! MDNI. fem!sub!reader, dom!sae, p in v, porn w plot, established relationship, reader nicknames (sweetheart, pretty thing, dirty girl, slut, love), degradation, exhibitionism, mile high club!, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, overstim, creampie
a/n: second work for this series! it's kinda similar to the previous work i did for itoshi rin, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!
wc: 1.6k
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✰ .ᐟ your pro-athlete boyfriend ITOSHI SAE . . .
finds out about your Tumblr fan blog, "sae-dreams", on the private jet he booked to Spain when he gets curious about the nonstop notifications you're receiving.
your phone is constantly buzzing with all the interactions on your latest post—a smutty fanfic featuring sae himself, of course!
he scrolls through your blog when you leave your phone unattended for a moment.
he immediately gets cocky when he reads through your endless posts, everything from "fluffy bf!itoshi sae hcs" to "18+ NSFW possessive sae smut".
feels proud that he's got you that down bad for him. (aka, Sae loves how obsessed you are with him.)
drops subtle hints that he knows about your blog when you come back, but doesn't outright say it until after he's fucked you senseless.
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Bzzt. Bzzt. Bz-bzzt. Bzz-
Sae narrows his eyes at your phone. 
You’re too preoccupied admiring the stunning view outside the window of the private jet to notice, though. Humming to yourself, you tap out some rhythm on the armrest of your very comfortable seat, daydreaming about Spain.
“Aren’t you excited for Spain, Sae?”
“I’ve lived there for so long, so it doesn’t feel too special."
“Mm…yeah, I guess so,”
Sae murmurs, teal eyes still glaring at your vibrating phone. 
You pout. “Aw, c’mon, at least you’ll be able to relax in Spain instead of just training!” Standing up, you stretch your back and his gaze flits to you. “M’ gonna go use the bathroom,” you yawn, slipping through the spacious aisle and out of Sae’s view.
He watches your back vanish from sight before returning his gaze to your phone—which is still buzzing away. Who’s texting you so much?
Curiosity gets the better of him, and he slides your phone across the in-flight desk towards him before picking it up. Turning on your phone and flicking through the numerous notifications, he’s surprised to see that it's not texts, but rather:
sae-luvr-032, churchofitoshi, and 48 others liked your post.
stan-itoshi reblogged your post.
sae-sunshine started following you.
holywaterneeded, re-al-fan, and 50 others liked your post.
saeswetsock reblogged your post.
Eyebrow arching, Sae quickly swipes your phone open (because of course he knows your password), and taps open Tumblr. His eyes widen the slightest bit. What's all this?
Some time later, you crash back into your seat next to Sae (after exploring the way too luxurious bathroom). Your phone is placed exactly where you’d left it, but it’s not like you would’ve noticed otherwise—your attention is only drawn to it when you finally notice the incessant bzzt-bzzt-bzzt! of the notifications.
Picking it up, you blush the faintest pink at the reminder of your most recent blog post— [NSFW 18+] joining the mile high club with itoshi sae!
You quickly turn on 'do not disturb', deciding to check on your blog after you land in Spain; but naturally, Sae notices. 
“Who’s texting you?” He asks, a small smirk playing on his face.
You freeze. “N-nothin’, just a group chat,” you stammer unconvincingly.
“M’kay,” he hums, but there’s something suspicious simmering under his voice. 
“Y’know, I’ve really been into my fans’ social media accounts recently,” Sae muses. “They actually write a bunch of real interesting stuff,” he continues, leaning his head on his hand.
“Oh, yeah?” You force out a small laugh. “Mhm. Especially on Tumblr.” He forces down a chuckle at your barely-masked expression of panic. “Tumblr? Really?”
You can’t hide the disbelief in your voice. Itoshi Sae? The genius midfielder? On Tumblr?? There’s a thousand thoughts swirling in your head right now, and you don’t even notice the devilish smirk spreading on his face as he responds: “Yup. Tumblr.”
What if he finds my account? No, no way, right? Besides, it’s anonymous! He wouldn’t- he couldn’t possibly know it’s me, right?? You toy with your phone nervously as Sae watches, debating on what to say. But before you can open your mouth, Sae grabs your waist and lifts you onto his lap, facing him.
“Sae? What are you- hey!” You gasp as Sae dips his hand under your shirt, sliding his cool palm up your torso before pulling your bra up to expose your breasts. He doesn’t respond, only tilting his head up to admire your expression as he teases your nipples, already stiff from his ministrations and sticking out from your shirt. 
“A-ah, Sae, wai- mm!” Biting back a moan, you can’t help but grind against his erection as he squeezes at your nipples. He grunts at the friction, eyes closing for a brief second before he tears your shirt off and turns you around on his lap. 
Back pressed flush against his muscular chest, you whimper when a hand comes up to grab one of your tits, groping the soft flesh. The other hand other pops open the button of your pants and slips them off with ease before diving into your panties, already soaked with arousal. 
Sae bullies two fingers into your sopping hole, the pads of his fingers brushing and prodding at your most sensitive spots. In an attempt to muffle your whines, you slap a hand over your mouth—only for Sae to grab your wrist and pin it behind your back. 
“Ah-ah, sweetheart,” he purrs. “Wanna hear you make all those pretty sounds for me.” 
“B-but Sae- ah!” You cry out. “We-we shouldn’t do this- ah- on the plane- ngh!” Your cunt throbs as Sae starts massaging your clit in quick circles. He chuckles, breath tickling your ear. “Hm? You’ve really never thought about this before?” 
You moan, bucking your hips into his fingers, and when he promptly pulls out of you, you whine. “That’s what I thought,” he breathes, placing a soft kiss behind your ear. A pathetic croak slips out of your mouth as your dripping hole clenches around nothing, desperate for stimulation. 
You twist around, slamming your lips onto his with a bruising force, teething clacking together as your tongues clash. Your hands find the waistband of his pants, slipping them down to reveal his twitching cock standing straight and erect against his abs, drooling precum from the angry red mushroom tip. You’re panting for breath when you drag yourself away from his lips, but seeing your boyfriend’s flushed, uncharacteristically disheveled face makes it worth it. 
You almost smirk at him—but when he hooks his toned arms under your knees to pull your thighs to your shoulders, your eyes widen.
Now, Sae’s the one smirking at you. “What’s wrong, my love?” He asks, and you can hear the amusement in his voice. “T-this position- I- mmm- fuck, Sae!” you damn near scream when he slams his rock-hard length into you, bottoming out in your wet heat. 
“Shhh, pretty thing,” Sae murmurs, lips brushing the shell of your ear, and you think it’s absolutely criminal how he sounds perfectly relaxed. “Can’t be screaming and crying yourself stupid on my dick right now…not here.” 
You clench around his cock at his words. “But you like this, don’t you?” Sae teases, rolling his hips into you, andthe sound of your slick rubbing and sticking to his cock is so lewd that it has your head spinning. “We could be caught any second, with you moaning like that. Dirty, dirty girl.” He tsks, before driving the rest of his shaft into you. 
“Mmpf- Sae, s-slow do-o-o-own!” You’re sobbing, moans slipping out in choppy rhythms as Sae drives himself into you at a punishing pace.
You want to tell him to stop, afraid that some unsuspecting flight attendant could walk by any second, but he feels so delicious inside of you, the stretch of his cock stirring your insides up in a way that has you seeing stars.
The thrill of it makes your pussy flutter around him, dripping even more beads of slick down onto his length. “You really are a slut for my cock,” Sae groans, and with one more vicious thrust, you can’t help but cry out his name as you hit your climax with a violent shudder, squirting over his bare thighs.
Waves of euphoria crash into you, puffy hole trembling as Sae’s cock spurts hot, thick ropes of cum into you, distending your stomach. Your head is thrown back, drool leaking out of the corners of your mouth as you writhe in pleasure.
Gasping for air, chests heaving with exertion, and a fine sheen of sweat sticking the two of you together, you both slowly come down from the high of your orgasms.
You bask in the afterglow, still shivering as Sae pulls his softening length out of you. Cum drips out of your cunt, threatening to spill out onto the expensive seats, but Sae takes two fingers and presses the cum back into your overstimulated hole.
Moaning softly, your head falls back onto Sae’s shoulder as you try to catch your breath. “U-ugh, Sae,” you gasp. “You- coulda warned me, y’know…”
He lets out a breathless laugh, fingers still buried in your twitching hole. “Mm, but that’s not how you wrote it in your blog, right?”
You whip around, jaw dropping open. “So you did know!” You accuse, poking a finger into Sae’s chest. A smile curves at the edges of his mouth, and he brings a hand up to ruffle your hair.
“Let me read the rest of your posts, love.”
“No way!”
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anonymous-existences · 4 months ago
Crashes into your dashboard without consent and/or warning.
HELLO PEOPLE, I am here today because KWITE HIMSELF has inspired me to do this with his Omegaverse talk.
Welcome to my insanity,
DCxDP Prompt 16 :
Danny after his Parents found out about his phantom identity and didn't take it well used the infinimap to skedaddle and run away, he didn't think it would lead him to another universe causing him to crash land in unknown and odd soils of a new earth.
Danny now turned into homeless teen roams around Gotham and he gets weird looks from all these people everytime he walks by especially worried looks and even muggers don't wanna fucking touch him and only other fellow kids stick to him since he's like a reppelant, soon enough he learns about the world's A/O/B standards and how it's very odd that he's not any of those because he doesn't have a scent.
Danny tries to process this, thinking he might be in Sam's Fanfic Galore AO3 Bookmarks dumped in a collections specifically called "the fantasies that will never come true" and continues to avoid everyone and roam around Gotham, much like a normal homeless kid, they think he's sick cuz of the scent thing and they think he's just also as normal as them cuz the boy bites and has fangs and growls.
The bats find him once he recklessly and without hesitation snag the batmobile's and Red Hood's tires, unlucky for him they have trackers built on that shit and once they found him they're worried that he's ALSO sick because he doesn't have a scent and how he doesn't know about normal A/O/B standards and all that shenanigans, thinking he was an oppressed runaway child from someone in Illinois middle of nowhere somewhere where A/O/B was strictly not talked about or his parents deprived him of that knowledge.
Danny doesn't know how to tell them that he's from another universe because he's an anxious confuzzled teenager who thinks he's just hallucinating or this was Ghost Writer's doing which is impossible because he's said orange and that didn't change shit and then at some point the JL and JLD gets involved and only the JLD clocks the kid as an otherworldly semi-terrestrial child and a denizen of the Infinite realms.
Thank you for reading my insanity <33 ✨
🙋‍♀️salute and peace out.
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extinctlesspains · 3 months ago
Can you pls maybe write  something about kwon secretly being with chozen’s daughter who is in miyagi do. I got this idea cause of chosen and sensei Kim lol
(also I love your fanfics thanks for feeding us kwon fans 🙏)
𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦: 𝐾𝑤𝑜𝑛 𝐽𝑎𝑒-𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
𝐵𝑦 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠
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𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝐾𝑤𝑜𝑛 𝐽𝑎𝑒-𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑒
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒.
𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐾𝑤𝑜𝑛, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟, 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑧𝑒𝑛, 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝—𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑖 𝐾𝑖𝑚.
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑘𝑒𝑦? 𝐼𝑑𝑘...
The moon hangs high over the Sekai Taikai training grounds, its pale light casting long shadows across the dojo's courtyard. You stand silently by the wooden gate, heart pounding—not from fear of discovery, but from anticipation. Moments later, soft footsteps approach, and Kwon Jae-sung steps out from the shadows, his sharp eyes scanning the area before landing on you.
“You’re late,” he smirks, arms crossed.
You roll your eyes, slipping through the gate and closing it softly behind you. “Do you know how hard it is to sneak out when your dad is Chozen Toguchi?”
His expression softens as he reaches for your hand, pulling you close. “I know. But I’m starting to think you like the danger.”
A small smile tugs at your lips as you rest your head against his chest. “Maybe I do. Or maybe I just like you.”
For a moment, the world fades away. There are no rival dojos, no looming tournaments, no senseis watching your every move—just the quiet night and the warmth of being together. But reality crashes back in as quickly as it fades.
“We can’t keep this up forever,” you whisper, pulling away to look into his eyes. “If my father finds out…”
His jaw clenches. “I know. He’d never forgive you.”
“He’d never forgive you,” you correct. “He hates Cobra Kai. He thinks you’re all poison.”
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “And what do you think?”
You gaze into his eyes, seeing the vulnerability he rarely shows. “I think you’re different. I’ve seen the real you, Kwon. Not the fighter in the dojo, not the soldier under Kim Da-eun or Kreese's command—the person you are when it’s just us.”
He leans down, pressing his forehead to yours. “And I’ve seen you. The fire you hide, the strength you carry. You’re not just Chozen’s daughter. You’re... you.”
Silence stretches between you, heavy with unspoken words. Before either of you can say anything more, the distant sound of footsteps makes you both freeze.
“Someone’s coming,” you whisper urgently.
Without thinking, Kwon pulls you back into the shadows, pressing you against the wooden wall of the dojo. You hold your breath as two Miyagi-Do students, Sam and Devon, walk past, deep in conversation, oblivious to the hidden figures just feet away.
As soon as they’re gone, you exhale, looking up at Kwon. “This is insane.”
He smirks. “You knew that the first time we met.”
You punch his shoulder lightly. “You were a jerk the first time we met.”
“I still am,” he teases, catching your hand. “But you’re stuck with me.”
Your expression softens. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The Next Day
Training is brutal, as always. Your father runs the Miyagi-Do students through endless katas, drills designed to sharpen technique and test endurance. You move through the motions with precision, feeling Chozen’s watchful eyes on you. But your mind isn’t on the training—it’s on Kwon, on the way his eyes softened the night before, on the way his touch lingered as if he was afraid to let you go.
“Focus,” your father’s voice cuts through your thoughts, sharp and commanding.
“Yes, Father,” you respond quickly, forcing your attention back to the present.
Across the training ground, Kwon and the other Cobra Kai students are practicing under Sensei Kim’s strict supervision. He moves with lethal grace, every strike and block executed with perfect precision. But even as he trains, you notice his gaze drifting to the Miyagi-Do side of the courtyard, searching for you.
Sensei Kim notices.
“Your focus is slipping, Kwon,” she snaps, her voice like a whip. “Is there something distracting you?”
“No, Sensei,” he replies quickly, forcing his gaze back to the task at hand.
But the warning lingers. Sensei Kim isn’t stupid. And neither is your father.
That night, you decide to meet Kwon in the small grove behind the training grounds again. The air is thick with tension, but you need to see him.
“She suspects something,” Kwon says, pacing. “Sensei Kim. She’s watching me.”
“She’s always watching everyone,” you reply, trying to sound calm. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
He stops, turning to face you. “It means everything. If she finds out about us—”
“She won’t,” you interrupt. “We’ve been careful.”
“Not careful enough.” His voice is low, almost desperate. “This... us... it’s dangerous.”
You step closer, reaching out to touch his face. “But worth it.”
He closes his eyes, leaning into your touch. “What if it’s not?”
“Don’t say that.”
He opens his eyes, his gaze intense. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t.” Your voice is steady. “No matter what happens, we’ll figure it out.”
Suddenly, a sound in the distance makes both of you freeze. Footsteps again, but these are different—deliberate, heavier. You both press into the shadows, holding your breath. But as the figures come into view, your eyes widen in shock.
It’s your father, Chozen, and Sensei Kim.
You watch, stunned, as they move closer. At first, you think it’s just a serious conversation—two senseis discussing strategy. But then you see it—the way his hand lingers on her arm, the way she leans into him. And then, he pulls her close, their lips meeting in a kiss.
Your breath catches in your throat. No way. This can’t be happening.
Kwon’s eyes meet yours, equally stunned. He mouths, “What the hell?”
You don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Here you were, terrified of being caught, of your father finding out about you and Kwon—while he was sneaking around with Sensei Kim the entire time.
When they finally walk away, you turn to Kwon, still processing what you just saw.
“Well,” you whisper, a mix of disbelief and amusement in your voice. “Looks like we’re not the only ones with secrets.”
Kwon lets out a soft, incredulous laugh. “Guess the danger runs in the family.”
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yuukirita · 3 months ago
If I may humbly suggest another tiny sparkling friend for bee in the Baby Bee AU, Autobot Cosmos the local wandering UFO.
Some ideas I thought up for Sparkling!Cosmos:
He’d be obsessed with space and flying but gets lost a *lot* and gives everyone a spark attack every time. His alt mode (UFO/Flying saucer) is basically like the cybertron equivalent to a toy drone or maybe a Delivery drone and so runs on battery, meaning he can only fly for so long before his battery dies doubling his chance of getting lost and crash landing. Maybe his accent he had in G1 is kinda carried over, with his first language being quintisonnian, probably to help sentinel translate (risking Cosmos’ life every time) until he learned how to speak it, probably had to experiment on him to make it his first language. Him and bee first met after Bee escaped daycare, he found cosmos crashed and upside down and helped him get up. Cosmos is the youngest of the sparklings and Hot Rod can get really protective of the lil UFO. Sometimes he just wanders around in robot mode when he gets bored. His favorite prime is Quintessa due to her, and I quote him “being green and looking like an insecticon!”
Feel free to use or ignore any of these ideas as you please, I just thought it’d be cute for my favorite Autobot.
Ps: love the comics and other art you post and I plan on reading the fanfic soon! Your baby bee and cliff designs are so adorable!!! AAA!!
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FAM I LOVE COSMOS. HE'S JUST A LITTLE GUY. I adore him. He's in my top 10 fav Autobots, right along Tracks and Cliffjumper.
Him being in the sparkling au is a MUST!
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Right- about your headcanons, I have no problem with it. He can be the youngest. But if that's true then he never met Sentinel- Cuz he was prob in the baby boom batch :D
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beatrixacs · 2 years ago
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Chapter 3/3:
As Gu Seung Jun and Seo Dan share a loving kiss on the bridge (Episode 14), he reveals to her that it’s actually not their first kiss. Dan just doesn’t remember because she was too drunk on both occasions.
Short Canonverse Fix-it AU. Guaranteed Happy Ending.
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beri-allen · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
i also received the same ask from @wileyonce, @writerrose1998 & @chaoticstupiddm on my main + @therulerofallpotatos, so thank you lady, wiley, rose, and trashy + kira! i think my favorite 5 are (from newest to oldest):
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Wednesday) 5 times Wednesday tells Tyler a Story + 1 time she doesn't, or the Wednesday x Tyler "1001 Nights" AU. It's the longest one-shot I've written so far, and I think people who have read it (although there aren't plenty of them lol) really enjoyed it (at least i think they did?), so I'm glad.
I Put a Spell on You (Wednesday) aka the Wednesday x Tyler "Practical Magic" AU. It's the first AU I've ever written! And the longest fic I've done so far.
I Predict a Riot (Wednesday) While I wrote 2-chaptered fics before this one, I see this as my first multi-chapter fic, so I'm pretty proud of it.
I Carried You for Aching (Crash Landing on You) A character study on Seo Dan and a fix-it fic because I was in denial about Gu Seung-jun's death in canon. Like I said in the tags, the writer can suck my (non-existent) dick!
Wish I Were Here (Please Come Back Mister) I chose this one because there are only 3 fics on ao3 for this drama, and mine is the 1st one! That's how unpopular this drama is lmao. But for some reason, I'd still get kudos years after this fic came out in 2016, and the latest comment I got was from February 2023! It always makes me happy whenever I get a notification email regarding this fic.
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writtenbyan-aries · 2 months ago
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Summary: Reader deals with her breakup with Chris while at a movie premiere
Warnings: swearing, kinda angsty sad!reader, breakup, hiding emotions, arguing, fluffish end
Word Count: 4.3k | unedited
there’s an edit I made within this fanfic - enjoy
Your leg was bouncing under your gown, growing more rapid as the car grew closer and closer to the venue.
“Hey.” Deana, your manager, lays her hand on your knee, “You can do this.” She raises her brows, “You know you have the right to walk away and not answer a single question about..”
She trails off but you know what she’s talking about.
You nod, “Right, yes.”
“Once we pull up, I’ll get out and you just give me a knock on the window when you’re ready.” She gives you a sympathetic look, “Okay?”
You nod, feeling the burn of the tears you’ve been trying so hard to hold back make its way to the surface.
You fan your face, tilting your head up towards the roof as you feel the car come to stop. Your heart started to race, you felt like you were about to throw up.
“Just give me a knock.” Deana gives your leg one last squeeze and gets out, quickly walking around to block the door from being opened by anyone but her.
“Fuck.” You gasp, “Fuck, okay.”
You take a few deep breathes, calming yourself before looking out of the window. Your hand raises and your knuckles gently tap against the glass and within a second, the door is opened.
You get out and snap into the facade of being okay, happy, and like you have it all together. You put on the mask thats covering the heartbroken, feeling like your world is coming into a crash landing mess as you walk to the first mark on the red carpet.
And the media personnel doesn’t hold back.
“Y/n! Y/n! Why are you alone?”
“Where is Chris?”
“Y/n, did you and Chris split?”
After a few more flashes of the cameras, you move down to the next mark, still ignoring the yells as the next round of photographers pick up where the last left off.
“Care to comment on where Chris is? Y/n! Y/n!”
“Will Chris Sturniolo be joining you tonight?”
Hearing his name over and over felt like stab wounds to the gut, you wanted out of there. You wanted to be anywhere else but here.
As you turn to give the photographers a shot of the dress, you notice Natty Staler has her eyes on you, and she was ready to invade anything she could.
She was a very invasive interviewer, if there was something to be uncovered, she would be the one to do it, or at least try.
You walk to the third mark for the photographers, and to your surprise, and what felt like a breath of fresh air, they said nothing about Chris. They just commented on the dress, asked you to turn to get a few shots of it.
You smiled, “Thank you.”
“Remember. You have the right.” Deana mumbles as she walks you up to Nat. You put on a big, fake smile, “Hello, Nat! You’re looking absolutely gorgeous tonight!”
She smiles, "Girl, I can say the same about you! How are you tonight?"
"I'm good. Feelin' good. Excited to finally see this movie put together." You lie, fully expecting your mind and attention to be elsewhere all night, "I hear it's pretty good, so."
"Well I would hope so. It's named one of the biggest movies of the year! How crazy is that! Speaking of biggest things of the year." she tilts her head as she motions to you, "Where is Mr. Big YouTube Star Loverboy at night, huh? Shouldn't he be here supporting his leading lady?"
Ouch, you laugh it off, "He had other arrangements for tonight, which we both are totally okay with." You glance at Deana and she furrows her brows, giving you another sympathetic look.
"Now what could possibly top this? I know his channel with his brothers is huge right now, but still." Natty laughs and shoves the microphone back into your face. You shrug, "He has his own career just like I have mine, so no hard feelings."
There was hard feelings. A lot of them, really.
"Well I hope he's watching the livestream of this tonight." She turns to the camera, waving, "Hi Christopher."
You can feel your skin igniting, "Enjoy your night, Nat. Ben should be making his way down any second." You don't even give her a second to respond, you just turn away and walk to the next mark for photos.
You felt your stomach turning.
“One more then we can go inside.” Deana lays a hand on your back and you nod, “Good.” You sigh, forcing another smile as you walk up to Phoebe Valia, another invasive interviewer.
“Girl.” She shakes her head, “You.” She points, “Are looking extra fabulous tonight! How are you!?”
“Nervous as hell.” You laugh as you look around, partly speaking for both situations, “this doesn’t feel real.”
“That.. you’re at the biggest movie premiere of the year, or that you’re here alone, because baby, we gotta talk about that.” She laughs, “Why are you here alone?”
You laugh off the tears that want to form, “You know how it is when you’re famous. Not everyone can be in the same place at the same time, you know.”
That didn’t make any sense, you think, but just roll with it.
“Are you excited to see this movie?” You change the subject and she gasps, “Is that even a question? Come onnnn!”
You smile, “You’ll have to message me after and let me know what you thought. I’m going to go in and find my seat, these heels are killing me.”
You turn, leaning into Deana as she walks beside you, “I think I’m going to vomit.”
“Okay, let’s get you to the bathroom.” She wraps an arm around your waist and leads you inside. Once you find your way to the bathroom, you lock yourself in the stall and close your eyes as your face points up towards the ceiling.
You take a few deep breathes, quietly talking yourself out of spewing your early dinner all over the place.
You shake your head, laughing how you’re picturing yourself right now. You felt pathetic. You were a star, and yet here you were, crying over some boy in the bathroom at your event.
But he wasn’t just some boy.. he was everything.
Your everything.
You swallow and push yourself off of the wall as you reach to unlock the stall door. You check your makeup in the mirror and walk out, “I need to sit down.”
Deana nods and you make your way up to your seat.
“How much longer of this, Dee?” You look over at her and she sighs, “Well, we have the opening speech, the movie, and then you have to give a small speech afterwards.”
You groan quietly, closing your eyes as you hang your head down, “So three and a half more hours of this?”
“I’m afraid so. I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.” You give her a smile and stare at the blank screen.
“Hang on, babe. Let me just-“ you set your phone down on the light post, leaning it back against the metal. You hit record and spin around, running to jump onto the bench and without hesitating, you leap off.
Chris catches you, his arms wrapping tight around your waist as he spins you around. You cling to him, giggling into his neck.
He laughs, “What the hell?”
You lean your head back, smiling before your press your lips to his, “I’m shocked we didn’t fall to the ground.”
He smiles and shakes his head, “nah, I’ll always catch you. Even if you leap off a bench towards me.”
A hand on your shoulder snaps you from your daydream. You glance at it, then up to the owner, “Oh, hey, Ben.”
He gives you a smile, “I’m excited to see our project come to life.”
You give him a smile, “Me too.”
He nods and walks down the aisle to his seat and you look back towards the screen, letting out a sigh as your mind runs wild once again.
“Chris! I swear to god..” you grip his forearms tighter, “If I go into the pool, you’re coming with me!” Chris’ laugh fills your ears, “You won’t, okay. I promise. Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do, baby.” You smile as you keep your grip on his arms, “you’re just full of surprises, okay?” Chris moves you to a certain spot and spins you to face a specific way, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
You feel his hands leave your body and you stand still, listening to the shuffle of his footsteps behind you, "Okay. Three. Two. One!" He takes the blindfold off of your eyes and you gasp, "You have got to be joking!"
"Happy birthday, babe." Chris kisses your head, "I know you've been saying you've wanted a bounce house for your birthday since you were a kid and you never got one, so."
You turn and hug him, "Thank you." He kisses your head and slides his hand into yours, "Now come on. Let's bounce!"
"Alright everyone! It is with great pleasure to introduced tonight's director and producer of honor, Mr. Josh Henries!"
You clap and stand up as everyone else rises from their seats. As soon as he starts to speak, you sit back down.
"Firstly, I’d like to say how much of an honor it is to have such a talented actress play the lead in this movie. As soon as I started writing the script, I was like, yeah, I need y/n y/l/n." He chuckles, "Can everyone please give another round of applause to our leading lady here tonight. Y/n!"
The spot light is on you, and so is a big fake smile as you rise to your feet, waving and looking around, "Thank you!"
As soon as the spotlight is off of you, and your ass is back in the chair, and your smile is gone. All you can think about is how loud Chris would be clapping for you, cheering you on like he was the only one there.
“I’ve been asked tonight, a few times actually, what my favorite scene to film in his movie was, and I think it was the beach scene.” Josh chuckles, “There’s just something about- well, actually. I shouldn’t say too much.”
The crowd boos and you cover your eye roll by gently swiping under your eye. You continue staring at the floor as you feel your heart start to beat out of your chest.
You missed Chris, and you missed him bad.
“Who comes to the beach when it’s this cold out.” You shake your head as you stuff your hands into the pocket of your puffer vest.
Chris shrugs, “Um, we do apparently.” He wraps his arm around your waist, “It is kind of cold.” You laugh, “I told-“
“Shh.” Chris cuts you off, “Let’s just forget about that and enjoy not having people around.” He laughs as you guys walk up to the water.
You watch as he beds down to grab a seashell, your happiness turning to worry as you see a wave coming in. You gasp, pulling your hands from your pockets as you grab him to drag him backwards as you laugh, “That’s a big wave!”
“If I would have went down, you were coming with me.” Chris pecks your cheek and you roll your eyes playfully, “Yeah, I guess that’s how it goes.”
You catch yourself smiling as you think about the happy time with Chris. You shake away the memory, sinking down into your chair a little more as the lights dim.
You turn your focus onto the no longer blank screen, but no matter how hard you try, your mind just keeps going back to those memories you don’t want to lose.
From surprising him with a trip you’ve been keeping a secret and watching his face light up when he finally figures it out, to dancing in the snow with him and almost wiping out which causing your laughter to ring through the street lamp filled night.
Your heart was hurting, and it was hurting in a way it has never hurt before.
All those days, weeks, months. The two whole years you’ve spent together, down the drain for something you didn’t really think was a good enough reason, but that didn’t matter.
Chris seemed to have made up his mind and hearing his voice speak those words over and over again, I just think we need to break up then, broke you.
You take a deep breath, “I’m sorry- I-I-“ you shake your head, standing up as you make your way out of your row and down the steps to the bathroom.
You couldn’t hold it back anymore.
You could still hear his voice, feel him holding your hand and pulling you into him as you walked down the street.
All those nights you spent at the beach watching the sunset as he ran his fingers through your hair, gone.
You let out a gasp, covering your mouth to stay as quiet as you possibly could while everything came out at once.
You couldn’t figure out what went wrong, where everything took a turn for the absolute worst. The day before the breakup, he was sending you snaps, complimenting you and smiling non stop as you got your fitting done for the dress you were wearing right now.
Was it the distance from you always traveling? Was it the pressure of being a big movie stars boyfriend?
You felt bad, but at the same time you didn’t have it easier either. Chris’ fans didn’t hold back, saying he could have always done better, but was that the thing that broke the camels back?
Did he finally realize he could have, could do better?
You take a deep breathes, shaking your head as you press your sweaty palm to the cool stall, “Fuck. Okay.”
You exit the stall and stop when you see Deana, “I’m not even going to ask.”
“Thank you.” You walk up to the mirror and she walks up next to you, touching up your messed up makeup, “You’ll get through this.”
“How?” You ask with a laugh, “He was.. everything to me. I thought things were so good.. you know.” You shake your head, looking down, “Just last week, when I had a few days off, we laid out in the rain and he told me he wasn’t going anywhere. He pro-“
Your voice breaks and your eyes close, “Don’t cry.” You whisper to yourself, “Don’t cry. Don’t cry.”
“Maybe you just need to talk to him?” She shrugs as you look at her in the mirror, “Maybe a conversation, you know after things settle, would help?”
You shrug, “I don’t think anything can help with this.”
You pull your phone from your purse and your heart starts racing, “Someone..” you click on the article that was sent to you, “Someone talked about it.”
You show your screen to Deana and you can feel your tears welling up again as you read it, “Insider dishes on recent breakup between Chris Sturniolo and Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Who the fuck..” you lay your hand over your eyes as you start to cry, “What the fuck? Why can’t- this is not.. oh my god.”
“Do you have any idea as to who it was?” Deana asks and you shake your head, stopping when a name pops into your head, “Actually. I do.”
You swipe into your messages and call Junie.
“Hey, aren’t you at the premiere right now?”
“Um, yeah. They’re playing the movie right now.” You sniffle, “I just have a question.”
“Are you okay? You sound like you’ve been crying.” She asks and you roll your eyes, coming straight out with it, “Did you talk to anyone about my breakup with Chris?”
Her silence tells you everything you needed to know.
“Why?” You snap, “Why the fuck did you think you had that kind of authority to speak on something that doesn’t even fucking involve you?”
“I didn’t think they’d put the article out tonight.” She sighs, “I-I- y/n, please. I didn’t mean any harm by it, I actually thought it would help you.”
“We broke up three days ago, Junie. This isn’t-“ you stop, letting out a huff, “There’s nothing you can say that will help the hurt I’m feeling right now. I don’t give a fuck if you thought it would help, actually. No. Please, tell me how you thought it would have. I would love to fucking hear this.”
“If Chris sees that it’s official maybe he would have came back? I don’t know, it just- I’m sorry. It sounded like a good-“
You cut her off, “No, fuck this. I’m at the biggest movie premiere of my life and you just had to go and take that away from me.”
“Y/n, I didn’t think they’d put the-“
“Yeah, yeah, you said that.” You hang up and take a deep breath, “It was Junie.”
“I had a feeling.” Deana rubs your back, “Do you need anything?”
You shake your head, “No.. I just.. need to go back in there and act like this doesn’t affect me.” You swallow, “I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.” You nod, “Do I look okay?”
She reaches up, dusting on some powder and swiping away some run away mascara, “I think you still look beautiful.”
You smile and nod, taking a few deep breathes before making your way back up to your seat.
A few people around you asked if you were okay and you told them the same thing, “I’m good. Just a little too excited about this movie.”
But that was really far from the truth.
You knew there were some fans of Chris and you that were here tonight, so you knew things were going to spread like wildfire, hell, they already are.
You stayed off your phone, even though you felt it vibrating non stop on your purse the whole movie, you managed to keep it together.
You were now on stage, receiving a standing ovation for your movie and that didn’t even dull the pain of the open wound in your chest.
You forced a smile, waving and clapping along as the director made his way back up onto stage, “I cannot thank this cast enough. They put their hearts, their souls, their everything into making this movie a reality and dare I say, they went above and beyond.”
The crowd claps again, cheering you and the others on before the director raises his hand, “It has been a pleasure to work with each of these individuals. They each have something about them, that when put together, they’re just.. absolutely unstoppable.”
He looks at you and that feeling like you’re about to twinge returns, “How about a word from our leading lady now, huh? Y/n Y/l/n everybody!”
You walk over to him, taking the mic as you continue to force a smile, “Um. Wow.” You laugh slightly, “This movie.. I mean, did you guys like it?”
The crowd erupts into cheers, yells, and whistling.
“I’m going to take that as a yes.” You laugh, “I just want to thank Josh for taking a change on me and allowing me to play this character. She has been such a good thing for me to take over, learning things on and off screen is always a pleasure and, again. I cannot thank you enough.”
You motion to your cast mates, “I also can’t forget these people. They have been there on the good days and the bad days, for all of us. We have became a family and I will forever cherish each of them in my heart forever. Thank you all so much for coming out, I can’t wait for it to hit the theaters. Thank you.”
You hand the mic back to Josh, clapping as you make your way back to your spot.
“That was so good!” Your cast mate, Angie, leans in, “I love you!”
You pull her into a hug, “I love you!”
Once everything was done, Josh walks up to you, “I don’t even have words to say to you right now. You have me starstruck all over again.” He opens his arms and you walk up, giving him a hug, “This is just the beginning for you, y/n. I can’t wait to see how far you go.”
“Thank you.” You smile, stepping back, “I’ll see you at the after party, right?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You nod and walk over to meet Deana. She hands you your bag and you let out a sigh as you pull out your phone. You scroll down your Lock Screen, eyes scanning over each message, which is practically the same, just worded differently.
Tell me it isn’t true!!
Girl! What happened!?
Noooo you and chris were my favorite couple! How could this happen!?
Who leaked your breakup to the fucking paps?!
Your eyes searched for any kind of message from Chris, but there was nothing. You roll your eyes as you see texts from Junie.
Y/n, I cannot express how sorry I am
Please, understand that I really thought it would help.
I didn’t mean to cause an uproar, I’m so fucking sorry y/n
“Junie is acting like an apology is going to help.” You scoff, “Screw her. She literally made my life a living, fucking, hell.”
You notice two girls walk up to you and you brace yourself, “Hey.” You smile at them and the one girl smiles, “Can we get a picture with you, please? We loved your movie!”
You nod, “Of course. Deana here can take it.”
You put your arms out, wrapping them around each of the girls and smile. Deana takes a few and the girls step away, “Thank you so much!”
“You are so very welcome!” You smile, waving as they walk away. Deana looks at you, “Oh, Josh came up to me before he went on the stage and he said he wants you to engage with the audience, tweet out something about, who came to see the movie, what did you think. Something along those lines.”
“Of course he did.” You mumble, tapping on twitter. You scroll, and scroll and scroll. Every other tweet is tagging you asking about the breakup or making some sort of comment.
You tap on the button to make a tweet, typing out a quick, straight to the punch tweet and hitting post.
A video catches your attention, and you can’t help but watch it. A part of you felt like you shouldn’t, but you just couldn’t take your eyes off of it.
Deana lays a hand on your arm and you look up at her, quickly wiping a tear from your cheek, “I’m.. good.” You sniffle, “Really. It was my own-“
Your lip quivers and you close your eyes, “I miss him so much, Dee.”
She frowns, pulling you into a hug, “I know, sweetheart. I know.” She rubs your back, “You’ll get through this. It won’t be easy, but I promise you there is sunshine waiting to poke through these rain clouds.”
Your body jolts as you try not to cry loudly.
“I-I.. I-I.. I really, really loved him, Dee. What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing, honey. Sometimes, good things have to end so they can come back and be greater than ever.” She takes a deep breath, “Y/n.”
“Hmm.” You mumble against her shoulder, and she pushes you to stand up, spinning you around. Your heart falls into your stomach as you see Chris standing there with a big bouquet of flowers.
“Oh.. my god..” you wipe your face, walking over to him, “What-“ you shake your head and he takes a deep breath, “I can’t do anything without you. As soon as you left to catch your plane, I realized I fucked up, majorly.”
“I shouldn’t have left.” You mumble, “I should have stayed and fought for us.”
He shakes his head, “You couldn’t miss this. It was a big night for you, y/n.” He reaches up, wiping a tear from your cheek, “I couldn’t miss this. I know, it probably wasn’t the same as me actually being there, in the seat next to you, and I’m so, so, sorry I hurt you.”
You shake your head, “You don’t have to be sorry, Chris.”
“I do. If I wasn’t so caught up in my own head, I wouldn’t have ruined this night for you. I seen you get up and run out and I didn’t know if seeing me would have made things worse or not, so I just stayed in my seat and figured I’d just wait and hope to catch you before you left here.”
“Thank you for coming.” You whisper, sniffling as you wipe under your eye, “I’m actually really happy you came.”
“You’re the best thing in my life and I made a stupid mistake. I wasn’t going to let you go. I don’t want to, I never did.” He sighs, “I’m so sorry.”
You reach out and pull him in to a hug, “I love you.”
“I love you more than anything.” He presses a kiss to your head, “I don’t ever want to fight like that again, I promise I’m going to be better.”
“Do you want to come back with me to the hotel? I need to get ready for this afterparty.” You look up at him and he nods, “I would love that.”
Thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much! I’ll catch you in the next one!🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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serxinns · 4 months ago
Ok sorry if I'm taking up some time but something related to a picture I saw has literally been on my mind and I need some sorta short fanfic about it 😭
So basically, Yandere Fantasy AU Bakusquad where they are all dragons (Except Bakugou being a Barbarian) and a traveler reader who is incredibly hurt so is under the care of them all.
I mainly want this because I recently broke my wrist (which is now healed up) and idk 😭🙏
The Lost Traveler
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Yandere! fantasy Bakusquad x gn! reader
A/n: I kinda went off on this onw hehe but I hope it was worth the wait! I hope you enjoy!
Tw!⚠️: injuries, reader getting hurt, weapons, drowning, possessive and obsessive behavior, stripping off clothes (in a non sexual way ofc) nudity (if you count reader being in their undergarments, yandere behavior, and more don't read if you can't handle it
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"After them!" You heard a man yell out to his group as they chased you, but you didn't look back you didn't want to look back your main priority was safety you looked around the woods to see if there was any hiding spot but to no avail, the men kept shooting their arrows towards you as you barely dodged them. You held on to your bag tightly you didn't know how you had come to this conclusion you just went into town trying to grab some things and these men tried to rob your mother's spellbook so you kicked one of them in the groin he released you from his grasp and you continued to run
"I got this" one of the men grabbed their bow and arrow, your eyes widened in horror as he aimed for your leg and you were getting ready to dodge untill a sharp pain hit you in your upper leg you screamed in agony and dropped to the floor clutching your foot the bandits all surrounded you chucking you grabbed the book tightly not wanting those monsters getting it
"Now, now, brat, why don't you be smart and give us the book, and we'll let you go"gt.he man had a devious grin on his facfaceu spat at him, "fuck you, you'll have to kill me 1st!" The bandits snicker and laughed "Very well then.." one of the men got a weapon and held itches towards your neck your eyes widen trying to squirm off from his grasp but he pinned you against the tree hard with a final attempt you kicked him in the groin with ur shoe his grasp became loose as he howled in pain now clutching his area kneeling, "you little shit..." the crew all held their swords at you you the began crawling backward with the book praying they'll be someone to protect you
You then began to slip on something; you quickly looked behind you to see a waterfall right behind you, you gasped, wanting to crawl back, but the bandits were in front. You were at a dead end "Nowhere, the run, little shit, just give us the book!" He sneered, you had to act fast for you and the book, you look at the waterfall again hesitant you began crawling closer and closer waterfall until you felt the cliff and the loud crashing water beneath you, one of the bandits snicker th t up to what you were about to do "don't do anything stupid ya hear just give us the damn book!" He shouted you looked at him with one last glare and let your whole body go holding the book tight while you fall
You closed your eyes ready for the impact and pain, you landed in the roaring water you desperately tried gasping for air using your good arm to swim back up for air but it'd currents were too strong you tried grabbing some sort of branch or rock but kept crashing into them hard your body began to feel tired and ur eyes droopy from all the pain and energy "is this how I die.." you thought as you slowly close your eyes surrendering to the wrath of the water as they took you
"Aha! Gotcha!" The dragon yelled as she caught a fish with her claws she examined the fish making sure it was big enough for her friends and place it in the bucket her stomach growled in hunger she looked down and then looked at the fish, "..one fish wouldn't hurt" mina looked both ways and all around when the coast was clear she grabbed a small fish and was about toneat until a voice called her "Pink scales you better not be eating our dinner like shitty scales!" The Man said angrily, "Ughh bakugo, it was just gonna be one!" Mina whined as she reluctantly dropped the fish
"One less of our dinner!" He scolded, taking the bucket and carrying it with him. "Plus, it looked like you already had some!" He looked at her with a hard glare as she smiled sheepishly the barbarian was about to yell at her until he spotted something floating in the water he shoved the dragon away to view it closer he realized that it was a human being floating around in the river katsuki quickly went in the river not caring about hid clothes getting dragging the human out of the water "it's that a human?! Are they breathing?" She shrieked looking worriedly and concerned
Katsuki then felt the human skin it was cold..katsuki then led his head toward its chest the heart was still beating but it was barely breathing.."Mina take the human to our cottage.." he ordered Mina nodded and quickly placed you on her back and transformed into her dragon form katsuki then hopped on her back and signaled her to fly, she then carefully launched into the air making sure nobody falls then soared through the sky
As they were soaring, Katsuki took the time to examine you; it seemed like you were not from here but maybe from another region judging by your clothes, and he didn't mention it, but there was a book in the human's hands. He observed it closely. It seemed like it was from a powerful being..but he didn't know where it was from, until then he may have to keep it for a while just in case for safety
Mina roared making Katsuki snap out of his thoughts when he looked up he realized that they were home he grabbed you and jumped off Mina while steam came out of her turning her back into her human form they carried the human to the house and placing them on the couch "Mina take off through clothes and check for bruises" Mina nodded she carefully took off your closes leaving you with only your undergarments on she blushed a but reminded herself to focus, the poor human was covered in red and purple bruises and had a broken wrist Mina gaze soften feeling pity for then poor human
"The human has a bunch of bruises and a broken wrist" Bakugo scoffed "that probably gonna take half of my healing power so I'm only gonna heal them on certain areas and patch up the others letting them heal themselves" bakugo then let Mina carry the unconscious human to give them a warm bath, bathing off the dirt and gunk in their hair and gently handling them with the best of her abilities the most she saw the bruises the more angrier she seems how dare someone could do this to a precious little thing when she was done she quickly wrapped them up in a towel and carry them in the bedroom where there were already a set of warm clothes for them to wear..
You were panicking all you could see was black you couldn't move your body it was like you were wrapped in something, it was suffocating, you tried to scream but you couldn't hear your own voice nor you couldn't hear anything just emptyness and eerie silence, you wanted to get out of here you wanted to see if you have that spellbook you wanted to survive, are you even alive anymore?! You were breathing rapidly wondering what did you do you be in this hell
Then a soft humming rang in your ear it sounded...familiar like something your mother would do to comfort you when you were feeling ill or had a very bad day, the humming made you calm..peaceful even, your panicking began to die down as well as your breathing you squirm around trying to break free from whoever or whatever is trapping you but to no avail, then saw some light in your vision it became bigger and lighter...
You slowly opened your eyes, all you could see was a blurry red figure hovering over you humming the same tune you heard back there you blinked a couple of times to get your vision more clear, and there standing above you was a boy with red scales forming on his shoulders and large pointy like horns with red eyes staring the back at you, with a yelped you tried squirming away but her strong hands were keeping you still "Please don't struggle your weak at the moment" he said petting your hair softly trying to calm you down
"Where am i.." the red hair chuckled as if that was a silly question to ask "your home can't you tell?" He answered softly as he continued to hum confused you were about to ask what did he mean by that untill another voice could be heard "did the human wake up yet" there revealed a another dragon with blonde hair and a black lighting strike on he turned his attention towards you and his eyes brighten "they're so small!" He has as he poked your cheeks curiously wanting to feel what a human skin felt like "they're also soft as well!" He giggled happily the red haired dragon quickly swat his friends hand away as the dragon whined
"They're still healing Kaminari be gentle!" Kiri scolded him The yellow dragon softly glared at him jealous from the red dragon hogging you "would you stop fighting infront them? the poor thing is barely gaining conscious" there appeared a dragon with black hair scolding at the 2 dragons "now come on the foods almost ready" he said as he gaze at you with a soft smile the headed back to the kitchen ok now you were confused who were these people? Why are they're saying this is your new home? Are you going crazy or what
Your thoughts were then interrupted again with Kirishima picking you up and carrying you to the kitchen and plop you down to your chair you awkwardly thanked him as he happily sat down at his spot, that's when smell of the food hit your nostrils it smelled so good you even drooled a bit which you quickly wiped off with your arm embrassed hoping nobody noticed that "heh someone's hungry" the dragon away you assumed to be Sero said smirking at you as your face lit up in embrassament you looked away
"Well I haven't eaten in a few days of course I'm gonna be hungry" you protested as the black dragon chuckled "whatever you say sweets" he shrugged laying against the chair patiently waiting for the meal "dinners ready!" A loud booming voice was heard a blonde male with orange eye "Guess the little shit is awake" he grumbled "Katsuki language! Don't call the human that!" Kirishima scolded katsuki scoffed
"Don't fucking tell me what to do shitty hair you ain't the boss of me!" He said yelled the two started bickering back and forth while Kirishima wrapped his Strong arm around you protectively you tried pushing it off but it seems like he was too busy to noticed or he didn't care "boys stop arguing when our human is awake!" "Yea I bet they're starving right about now!" A purple dark then came in along with a bubbly pink dragon skipping in the kitchen the 2 boys shut themselves up and they then fix yourself and themselves a meal
it was cooked fish with a side of veggies the aroma was addictive making you go wild, fish wasn't always your favorite meal but those last few days of living off of eating berries and small animals this was a actual proper meal for you you devoured the food in seconds not noticing how the others were cooing and just adoring how cute you were, after the meal you were about to head yourself out grabbing your spellbook and thanking the kind people for the care untill a hand grabbed you by the shoulder
"And where the fuck are you going?" Bakugo said with a stern tone "Uh I'm going out I need to get back home" "in this condition? Your still hurt pumpkin no way we're gonna let you go out exposing yourself to the dangers" you didn't noticed jirou infront of the door now everyone else gathered around you looking weirdly at you...
"Why don't you stay for a few nights atleast untill your injuries healed!" Kirishima suggested you thought about it for a moment the trip back home would take rather long considering that you barely even know your way back they then carried you off to their bed all cuddling next to you
You were their human now you were a gift for them and them only those monsters are gonna pay for what they done to their little darling~
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