#craig dworkin
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marcogiovenale · 5 months ago
aug 29th, 'encounters at the end of the book': alessandro de francesco and craig dworkin, an online conversation
Alessandro De Francesco and Craig Dworkin in conversation at Encounters at the End of the Book August 29th, 2024 10am MT / 11am GMT-5 / 6pm CET  online, hosted by punctum books Subscribe and join HERE August 29th at 11am CT / 6pm GMT+1 time for an Encounters at the End of the Book event between punctum authors Alessandro De Francesco and Craig Dworkin. Register…
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rbolick · 11 months ago
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majestativa · 1 year ago
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Meaning plunges from abyss to abyss until it threatens to become lost in the bottomless depth of language.
— Walter Benjamin, Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing, (2011)
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peachmelbaesunpostre · 5 years ago
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dunkelwort · 2 years ago
E I S - Voices from Iceland: 77, 78, C2
E I S – Voices from Iceland: 77, 78, C2
EIS, with an essay by Peter Schwenger, LN 2022, ISBN 979-8831231823 (Paperback), 979-8831204735 (Hardcover)  [Eng-Ger-Se]  • buy: paperback: amazon.com | .it | .de | .se • hardcover: amazon.com | .it | .de | .se • read: archive | behance • listen: podcast • download: Peter Schwenger
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dayapart · 3 years ago
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lapipaylafuente · 5 years ago
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Una charla de Cinthya García Leyva sobre borradura y silencios a propósito de la intervención «Hoy el 70 % de los pobres en el mundo son mujeres», de Ghada Amer, en el MAZ
Algunas referencias que salieron en su plática/clase:
No Medium – Craig Dworkin
Jacob Kirkegaard – 4 Rooms
Susan Schuppli - Investigadora y artista en cuyo trabajo examina evidencia material de guerra y conflictos, desastres ambientales y cambio climático. Actualmente, su trabajo se concentra en la ciencia de los testigos de hielo y las políticas del frío
Breathing - Chaos and Poetry — Franco "Bifo" Berardi
Silence: Lectures and writings – John Cage
I was walking in silent streets – Elizabeth Veldon
«A canvas is never empty» —Robert Rauschenberg
The Aesthetic of Silence: Susan Sontag on Art as a Form of Spirituality and the Paradoxical Role of Silence in Creative Culture
Un lance de dados jamás abolirá el azar – Mallarmé
Listening to noise and silence. Towards a philosophy of sound art – Salomé Voegelin
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atmospheric-minimalism · 6 years ago
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Dworkin Craig Goldsmith Kenneth eds Against Expression An Anthology of Conceptual Writing
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experimentaltranslation · 2 years ago
2.2 Choose your own translation (syntactic translation) I
• The following is an experiment that I carried out using a sentence from P.T. Greach and Max Black’s translation of Gottlob Frege because it is the same text Craig Dworkin uses in his DEF, which adopts the Oulipian strategy of replacing each word in a sentence with its dictionary definition, and then replacing each word in the definitions with the definitions of those words and so on and so forth. Dwokin’s experiment is representative of a strong penchant in experimental translation for dictionary play, along with Jackson MacLow’s French sonnets and Tim Atkin’s Word Search #1 which all fell out of the holes in the basket of the above chapter. 
• A short source text
• Wordreference.com
• This can be done alone, or the word lists presented to players as in the first “choose your own translation” variation.
• Select one word from each list of translations, without changing the order of the word. This can be repeated as many times as is necessary or possible. 
• List of wordreference.com translations for each of the words contained in P.T. Greach and Max Black’s translation Gottlob Frege’s sentence: 
Original : On the introduction of a name for something simple, a definition is not possible ; there is nothing for it but to lead the reader or hearer, by means of hints, to understand the words as is intended.
- From Gottlob Frege « On Concept and Object, » trans PT Geach and Max Black, Mind (Vol. 60, No. 2 » 8, April 1951) : 168-180, taking from Craig Dorkin, from DEF, in Paris (ed. Andrew Hodgson). 
1. allumé.e, sur, dessus, au bord de, dans, selon, suivant, pour, à, en, le
2. le, la, les, l’
3. introduction, lancement, présentation, initiation, insertion, recommandation, 
4. de, en, à, moins, d’entre, parmi, au sujet de, à propos de
5. un, une, les, certain, la, R, par, le
6. nom, prénom, patronyme, appeler, nommer, baptiser, mentionner, ��voquer, citer, réputation, célébrité, personnalité, vedette, notoriété, renommée, connu, réputé, de marque, désigner, qualifier, dire, accuser, incriminer
7. pour, servir à, pour ma part, au goût de, pendant, depuis, à la place de, en faveur de, à cause de, en raison de, car, parce que, afin de, à destination de, de, malgré, à, que, sur
8. quelque chose, quelqu’un
9. facile, élémentaire, enfantin, simplet, simples
10. un, une, les, certain, la, R, par, le
11. définition, netteté, résolution, description, définition
12. est, a, se tient, fait, coûte, soit, se sent*
13. ne… pas, ou pas*
* these two to be taken as one obviously
14. possible, probable, crédible, éventuel, envisageable, faisable, réalisable
15. là, là-bas, il, là-dessus, sur ce point, voici, voilà, 
16. est, a, se tient, fait, coûte, soit, se sent
17. rien, zéro, vide, néant, nul.le, moins que rien, 
18. pour, servir à, pour ma part, au goût de, pendant, depuis, à la place de, en faveur de, à cause de, en raison de, car, parce que, afin de, à destination de, de, malgré, à, que, sur
19. il, elle, le, la, l’, lui, ça, ce, branché, chat, loup, ils, elles, le.a meilleur.e, le truc, un truc
20. mais, sauf, hormis, à part, excepté, ne… que, seulement, que, mais vraiment 
21. à, vers, en, sur, de, contre, pour, fermer, avec, envers, jusqu’à, quant à, en ce qui concerne, concernant, pour ce qui est de, dans, moins
22. conduire, guider, diriger, mener, causer, provoquer, amener, vivre, principal, premier, première, en tête, en l’air, plomb, mine, interligne, avance, piste, indice, introduction, exemple, direction, exemple, main, tour, première carte, fil, câble, laisse, client potentiel, vente potentielle, passer devant, attaquer, influencer, démarrer par, viser, faire avancer, devancer, démarrer 
23. le, la, les, l’
24. lecteur, lectrice, liseuse, relecteur, livre de lecture, maître de conférences
25. ou, ou bien, ou encore, soit… soit, ni… ni, ou alors 
26. auditeur, auditrice
27. de, par, près de, à coté de, devant, d’ici à, en, pendant, selon, après, fois, à, quart, sous, avec
28. signifier, vouloir dire, penser, penser vraiment, être sincère, parler de, avare, radin, méchant, piètre, simple, bas.se, mauvais.e, malveillant.e, usé.e, éliminé.e, super, sacré, d’enfer, du tonnerre, moyen, moyenne, moyens, vouloir, impliquer, être  
29. de, en, à, moins, d’entre, parmi, au sujet de, à propos de
30. indices, pistes, astuces, trucs, laisser entendre, faire allusion à, indications, soupçons, pointes
31. à, vers, en, sur, de, contre, pour, fermer, avec, envers, jusqu’à, quant à, en ce qui concerne, concernant, pour ce qui est de, dans, moins
32. comprendre, entendre dire que, croire, ratifier
33. le, la, les, l’
34. mots, paroles, formuler, bruits, nouvelles, ordres, mot de passe, évangile, 
35. aussi, comme, ce que, alors que, à mesure que, au fur et à mesure que, puisque, comme, bien que, en, en tant que, 
36. est, a, se tient, fait, coûte, soit, se sent
37. prévu, désigné, voulu, délibéré, promis, promise
Resulting translation and retrotranslation into English: 
Au bord du lancement, parmi certaines, accusées de quelque chose élémentaire, une définition ne se sent pas envisageable. Voici est rien, à la place du chat pour ce qui est attaquer la lectrice, ou encore, l’auditrice à côté du tonnerre parmi les soupçons, à croire les paroles en tant qu’est prévu. 
English translation : On the edge of the launch, among those accused of something elementary, a definition does not feel conceivable. Here is nothing, in the place of the cat for what attacks the reader, or even the listener next to the thunder amidst suspicions, which could be taken as words insofar as foreseen. 
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limpingarcadia · 3 years ago
The mine sinks, by steps, like an inverted ziggurat to some forgotten empire in theocratic thrall to the worship of annihilation. Stepped like a Mayan pyramid, climbed downward from the inside, one rung per day, to reach the level at which sacrificial blood leaches up through porous floors, filtered by the limestone sponge of lithic alveoli interceding in divinely breathed, elemental, alchemical exchange, the mine is a temple to negative space. The razing by its tracked pneumatic priests enshrines a geometry of absence.
“Helicography” Craig Dworkin
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marcogiovenale · 4 years ago
foto dal workshop del 7 luglio 2021, all'istituto svizzero di roma
foto dal workshop del 7 luglio 2021, all’istituto svizzero di roma
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rbolick · 1 year ago
Books On Books Collection - Inscription 3
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carvalhais · 6 years ago
At the same time, as I have tried to demonstrate here, Zen for Record makes clear that even the most abstract and cerebral works of conceptual art cannot be separated from those material and technical supports. There is no single medium, to be sure, but media are inescapable. Friedman’s record lays bare the structures that other audio works might seek to conceal, but which they can never elude or avoid. This is an important lesson, because after all the talk of “dematerialization” of the art object in the 1960s, and after the futile challenge made by “idea art” and “information art” to the institutions they opposed, conceptual art has been to often imagined as immaterial (in both senses of the word). Zen for Record proves both positions wrong.
Dworkin, Craig. No Medium. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2013.
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heard-journal-blog · 6 years ago
Samples from Craig Dworkin’s UbuWeb paper “Unheard Music”, featuring John Cage, Steve Reich, Mieko Shiomi, Yves Klein and more.
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dunkelwort · 2 years ago
E I S - Voices from Iceland: 31, 40, 42
E I S – Voices from Iceland: 31, 40, 42
EIS, with an essay by Peter Schwenger, LN 2022, ISBN 979-8831231823 (Paperback), 979-8831204735 (Hardcover)  [Eng-Ger-Se]  • buy: paperback: amazon.com | .it | .de | .se • hardcover: amazon.com | .it | .de | .se • read: archive | behance • listen: podcast • download: Peter Schwenger
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smallpressdistribution · 7 years ago
Michael Cross' beautiful press Compline has a new website, with many free PDFs of work by Sara Larsen, Craig Dworkin, Joan Retallack and so many more!
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