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The cutest Harvest Moon designs, by @くろ丸 on pixiv!!
They also can be made into a calendar like this:
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tanuki-kimono · 2 years ago
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Kyûsu (急須, small teapot) and chôshi (銚子, sake decanter​) collection, put together by Edo-lover Nadeshico Rin. They based this handy chart on designs seen in shunga (春画, erotic woodblock prints).
The captions list famous artists and the erotic compilations where those items could be found. I don’t care much about shunga so I won’t link them here but feel free to search - and ofc ready yourself for naughty NSFW ;)
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galionne-vibin · 1 year ago
Yapool: Ace Killer. AK. Kira. Picture this okay? Women. Human. There's ten of them, probably all lesbians. They're all on bikes. You following me?
Ace Killer: What?
Yapool: They have a biking club. Super normal human stuff right? But then! They make a bike pyramid! And you know what they do next?!
Ace Killer: How would they make a pyramid-
Yapool: They turn into a fucking Choju!!! And they destroy Ultraman Ace right there on the biking trail!!!
Ace Killer: This is why Empera left you.
Yapool: Shut the fuck up and write this shit down I'm a fucking GENIUS!!!
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helena-frere · 1 month ago
Reasons i choose binding for my living activity, and didn’t flee with difficulties (mostly a note for myself):
- handwork, handcraft that cannot be imitate by the industry and its machines: perpetuating knowledge
- loads of steps and many techniques super challenging for the brain
- access to rare books, rare document that i can not afford nor see elsewhere
- possibility to train me to be always learning; learn to be learning as a way of living
- working with my body as a fuel and be resilient on environnement standard
- learn to diminish my needs as i don’t make a lot of money, ascèse-like training
- possibility to listen to podcast/ Watch movies while working: boost knowledge and analyzing skills
- possibility to get lost in work, and travelling through a rabbit’s hole
- possibility to work following my rythm, to slow my process and not trying to compete with capitalism economy
- books everywhere / beautiful wooden tools
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littlemssam · 3 months ago
Mod Updates
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
Ask to Go for a Walk & Bath (Dogs) Added some Tests so only Sims that are awake and on the Lot can ask NPCs to go for a Walk etc. The reason is that the Game let's NPCs that are off Lot despawn if all your Sims are asleep or off Lot. This Game Behaviour would replace your Butlers for example.
Can I come over? Just a small Text update to the "Can I come over?" Text
More Woodworks Added 130+ new Furniture Recipes from various Expansion Packs. Recipes from Packs you don't own will not show up.
No Auto Food Grab after Cooking Updated the Mod to remove Ingame Ressources
Woodworking Table Rework Reworked Mod a bit more to make better compatible with my More Woodworks Mods. Addon "MoreWoodWorks" is obsolete and not needed anymore, so delete it. Renamed the Script File, since it is only needed for the Simple Living Addon! So make sure to delete the "WoodworkingTable_Rework.ts4script" too.
Working Pet Water Bowls Update to add a Recipe for my "More Woodworks" Mod so you can craft the Water Bowls on the Woodworking Table.
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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marcymcgee · 1 year ago
It's kinda fun seeing a lot of post about the eggs safety and the fact that the reset (and ressources grinding that goes with it) will be a danger for the eggs, when you mainly watch the French.
Like yeah we saw that a lot of eggs got took down (looking at you Richarlyson), so the fear is rightfully here.
BUT, if you only watch the French you'll be unfazed by it all. Pomme litterally saved Baghera 5 times when she was down, crafted her and Antoine a full metal armor and a bag (if I remember), was gone for long periods of time to just come back with a lot of ressources.
And it just dawned on me how much like Étoiles, Pomme's admin must be. She was Antoine and Baghera knight in shining armor.
Can't wait for her mentor arc where she trains the new eggs in her survival camp (like the dojo of Étoiles)
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smille-c · 1 year ago
The thing that always stuck to me with qPierre as an "sometime" Aypierre watcher is how FUCKING SCARY he is.
Like from most pov qPierre is that kinda discrete but really trollish kinda guy, he plants mines let people explode their bases but apologize afterward and sometime even help rebuild.
On the other hand he is the most well ressourced islander, he knows Create and Security Craft like the back of his hand and he constantly knows what he's doing. He is Bad and Étoiles number one supplier in stuff tm making him one of the only person two of the most dangerous people of the server trust.
He compensate his lack of PVP skills with impressive machinery and just intelligence in general. He hides his face when commiting a crime he never admits to anything if he isn't with someone he trust, and most importantly he thinks and overthink every things that could go wrong with his plans everytime he does something.
(he's also an incredible builder but that's another issue for another Time)
This is just propaganda because i think he would make a great and terrifying villain <3
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alright so
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With what Antoine answered "They're not as interesting" (or something like that, i could go rewatch but too lazy) and then Osito's answer of "however this one is ressourceful and efficient", I'm guessing that the Minimes are what they're talking about, so the Federation was expecting them to get them.
We can also note that Osito says "This QSMP Federation's experiment", rather than a shorter and more logical "this experiment", implying that he's putting himself and Antoine as an external party.
We see also that Antoine and Osito did experiments that went wrong a long time ago
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We now learn that Antoine's experiments back then weren't ressourceful nor efficient on top of going wrong.
It ends with Osito saying he needs to go before "he" sees him, implying that Antoine and Osito are meeting behind the back of someone else (Cucurucho? Mr. Duck?)
Antoine used to work on experiments for the Federation. He and Osito made some that went wrong (the Codes?). Nowadays, Antoine and Osito still interacts, but they seem to be doing something in secret, having to keep it secret from a "he", possibly from the Federation. To note, Antoine was also surprised to see Osito, telling him he's not supposed to be here.
I'm going in full theory and hypothesis mode, but linked eith the theory that the guard who gave Cellbit his mission was Antoine (which... works pretty well so far I think), Antoine and Osito used to be part of the old Federation, the one we find the abandoned buildings of. They made several experiments that were deemed as useless and having gone wrong. At one point, the Federation changes to go in the direction we currently see, which disatisfies Antoine and Osito. So now they're working in secret together to shake things up. Maybe they have something to do with giving the islanders their memories back? (Antoine did help Aypierre remember through his dreams after all. and he was very interested to know if Bagi knew who was helping her remember) I'm getting too much into theory crafting now I want to rewatch all the relevant clips. Maybe I should try to find the one where the fed worker gave Cellbit the infiltration mission.
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hms-tardimpala · 1 year ago
A statement on ficbinding (according to me)
I've joined the book/ficbinding tag on tumblr a couple of weeks ago, and in that time I've seen some confusion and concern about what ficbinding is, so I thought I'd post a statement of how I see ficbinding and why I do it. (If you're an author and I redirected you to this post because I want to bind your fic, hiiii) (Fellow ficbinders, if you find this post a useful ressource, don't hesitate to use it yourselves)
What's ficbinding?
Ficbinding (also called fanbinding) means a reader is going to print your fic and make a book out of it. It goes from the simple single booklet stapled together to leatherbound gold-foiled volumes.
Are you gonna make money off of my writing?!
I wouldn't dream of it. Ficbinding is just another fandom practice: you can't monetize your fic writing because you don't own the universe you're writing about, and I can't monetize your fic because it doesn't belong to me. I believe there are professionals who bind fics for a price (on Etsy, maybe?) but I'm ethically opposed to it.
Why do you do it, then?
Love of the craft. I'm a craftsman, I love choosing the best fabrics, fonts and embellishments for a project and making something with my hands.
Love of your fic. I liked it so much I want it in my house! I'm not fond of reading on a screen, it drastically reduces the chances I'll re-read the fic (even if I want to). Printing your fic ensures I'll enjoy it for years to come. It's the best compliment I can pay you.
As a gift to a friend who doesn't have the skills.
And what, it happens whether I want it or not?
As you can imagine, this is kind of a gray area legally. Nothing forces a ficbinder to reach out and tell you they're binding your fic. But this is fandom, and I personally view it as a community and consider that it's only courteous to let authors know I'm doing this. If I post pictures of my binding here, I want to be able to give credit where it's due, and since most authors are very happy to see their work bound, tagging them means they'll get a nice surprise when they open tumblr. I'll always do my best to find a way to contact you (ao3 comment, tumblr if you've put it on your ao3 profile).
I don't like strangers messaging me, is there a way to let people know I agree/don't allow this without talking to someone?
Valid, and there is! The simplest way is to write it in your ao3 bio, it's called a blanket permission or a transformative works statement. For example, mine says that I allow all transformative works (ficbinding is one, like fanart) based on my fics but that I like to be notified so I can gush about it and reblog/link to it, and I put my tumblr there to make it easy to contact me.
You can build a statement with this excellent tool. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page and you'll get a clearly-worded short statement to copy-paste into your bio (you can edit it, of course). The blanket permission is the thing ficbinders look for and as a digitally socially anxious person, let me tell you, it's a life-changer.
(Now, can I bind your fic, pretty please 🥺?)
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cadere-art · 1 year ago
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Text from the image:
The Gichan are the product of a long history of conquest, fueled by their much coveted mountain passes and watersheds. The culture of the Kingdom of Gichan is highly syncretic. It owes its mores and traditions in varying parts to the underlying cultural substrate, to the Ghøwout Empire's centuries of rule, to the practices of their neighbors and to those of the new Gichan regime. To defend its precious lands, Gichan has a well-developped military with a strong core of professional soldiers, Gichan's regime is indissociable from its military: all noble families have a strong military background and it is customary for nobles of all rank to serve as officers for years or even decades.
Gichan was originally the name of a small nation in the mountains up the Cianji River, which became legendary for their unabating resistance in the face of the early Ghøwout Empire. When Ghøwout's northernmost province rebelled and seceded, it took on the name Gichan as a symbol of their resistance against imperial rule.
Gichan society is strongly divided between its military and peasant classes, but its peasants are far from powerless. Peasantry in Gichan is much revered : it is said to carry the nation on its strong back. as it works the fields and crafts the goods that feed and clothe the nation's soldiers. This romanticized potrayal often impedes serious understanding between local leaders and military lords, but fosters an attitude of gratitude towards the peasant's hard toil. In the harsh Gichan lands, a satisfied peasantry is seen as a priority.
Gican society is organized as chains of villages, each with their own village leaders, trading spouses and ressources up and down the mountains. They are ruled in a roughly feudal fashion, paying taxes in labour and goods to local military lords which themselves defer to higher lords up to the Gican royal court. Like in Ghøwout, religious specialists are excluded from this hierarchy: known as chui-chuøn (t. wild men), they are traditional healers and spiritual leaders often living in relative hermitage. In a set of practices long considered uncivilized by the Ghøwout, chui-chuøn wear numerous pelts and animal bones as a symbol of their otherworldly connections and hermitage. Uniquely, chui-chuøn do not wear tail brooches, as a way to signal that they are apart from society and clanship.
The Gichan use a modified Ghøwout script and many ghøwoutish loanwords, but most Gichan do not speak the Ghøwout tongue. They speak a variety of dialects, the most common of which is Tchougougch. Much of the peasantry is multilingual, having learned the language of a neighboring community within Gichan or of the many foreign traders using Gichan's mountain passes.
Gichan's territory has often been coveted and contested, much to the suffering of its locals. The revolution that broke Gichan apart from Ghøwout was strongly backed by the people, who felt Ghøwout had abandoned them in the face of the invading Senq Ha Empire. The Senq Ha had come from overseas and taken the Peninsular lands like a wildfire, and were now at their door, but Ghøwout, weakened by illnesses brought by the conquerors and internal strife, failed to mount a defense for Gichan in time, allowing much of it to be conquered. After this betrayal, the people of the passes, under the rule of two different empires, united and rebelled under the legendary name Gichan. They became the first province to secede from Ghøwout, initiating the Empire's long decline, and one of the first major setbacks of the Senq Ha in their invasion of Uanlikri.
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spottys-rathole · 2 years ago
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This one's been in the "wip file" all summer long but with the current canon events I decided I might kick myself in the butt and get it done once and for all before anything lore wise happens again because I have a feeling whatever will happen to the eggs it'll make me want to scrap this and completely re-work on my designs again- And I redid Leo's three times so like hell no I'm moving on
Read below the cut to check out my train of thoughts but basically : The first drawing would be what I imagine the eggs to look like past 3-4 months while the second one would be them being 2-3 weeks, according to my own headcanons
[Closeups and headcanons under the cut - warning : it's long]
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Basically I have the common headcanon that while growing, the dragons kind of morph into taking their parents' physical traits. The "eggs" all kind of look very similar as hatchlings (As in if you were to see them without their accessories on, you would need to put them next to one another to be able to tell them apart). Similarly to Betta fish, in their first few days they are born covered with smooth white scales but as they grow they shed and become gradually more colourful (fish don't shed, reptiles do ik)
My intentions were to make them look Feration-like, since everything related to them is white (Cucurucho, the quartz paved offices, Cellbit's hair turning white etc) but that the more time they spend with the islanders, the more they would stand out from one another Other individual headcanons include :
Ramón has got a "skin" condition (it's all scales no matter the egg) that makes it so parts of his body will stay baby-white forever no matter the sheds. His scales would be ocher-like with a purple gradient otherwise (similarly to Leo)
Tallulah is able to walk without the use of any accomodation, but gets tired pretty quickly. She occasionaly uses crutches whenever she feels like it
Also she's got hearring aids
Chayanne's skull mask is that of a Nightmare Stalker that he painted on to look like Missa's
Richas and Leo have grown to be better swimmers than their siblings and can hold their breath underwater longer than any other
No matter the shape of the muzzle (Chayanne having a beak, Richarlyson having a calf snout) they all have carnivorous teeth
The clothes the kids wore during the first few days were either given by the Federation (but the eggs quickly outgrew them), crafted by their parents themselves, or spare clothes the islanders yeeted on them while waiting to get something better. I haven't decided which mofo(s) (affectionate) would be the designated one in my head to spend hours neatly tailoring custom-made outfits for every eggs but I'm brainstorming hard. Like I just want to imagine a parent being tired with their kid's clothes being too used and not fitting anymore so they spend whole ass afternoons making new ones all by themselves, and when the other residents see their kid walking around in those dashing new clothes they'd go "woaah where'd [insert kid name] get those ?", "oh ? oh those, it's nothing I made them myself but I'm a bit rusty", "no shit it's so good, it looks so much better than anything the fed gave to my child. They don't have a single holeless shirt left anymore" and that's how first parent ends up pulling all nighters sewing new clothes for every other eggs
Specifically for Pomme's baby denim dress : the butterfly and apple patches were clumsily sewed on top by Antoine because I said so
On kind of the same topic : Tallulah's first wheelchair is a standard wheelchair given by the Fed' that they had laying around in their hospital quarters, it quickly deteriorated because of all the mobs and the shit the residents have to go through on a daily basis and was fixed with the means at hand. Meanwhile her second wheelchair was custom-made by the islanders once they had more ressources, and designed by herself with all terrain wheels and storing space.
Tazercraft designed multiple prototypes and prothesis for Richas before finally settling on something that would accomodate to Richas' unguligrade posture better as he was quickly growing
Richarlyson likes to beat people's shins with his crutch (it is very effective)
Pomme wears a cornflower at her scabbard bc ofc
Despite Dapper not seeing shit without their glasses, it took a while for them to get their eyesight checked and even longer for them to agree to wear them Those are only the eggs that are still currently alive (🤞) Will I do the rest one day ? - probably, maybe, idk, depends on a lot of things ngl
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kate-blush · 2 years ago
Hi, I’m curious as to where you learned to make your pieces? When does someone initially find themselves in a metal working shop?
I got obsessed with old jewelry when I was 16 and visited Neues Museum in Berlin lol, it stayed in my head for such a long time and I kept collecting pictures but never thought I could start doing it myself. Then I studied sculpture for 5 years but in France they had a specific mindset and everyone was rejecting anything getting too close to craft so it was quite difficult to start a jewelry practice there and I knew nothing about it. 3-4 years ago I started an internship / assisting Tom (c0ldchain on instagram) and he just started jewelry at this time, so he learned me all the basics and we kept on learning more together. I’m forever grateful because he was the first person I met at this point who was already further in his practice and was so open about learning and sharing about what he knew. 2 years ago when I graduated I moved to Antwerp and I’m still here now, it’s a really nice city when it comes to jewelry making because it’s a lot of ressources. I found a sharing atelier and still working there now:)
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payenapwof · 2 years ago
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Please check out the official Instagram
Tail fin traits ▪︎ Coral horns traits ▪︎ Other traits
Physical description
Reefwings are rather small dragons. Most of their scales are quite soft, making their body more vulnerable than other dragons'. They possess stronger scales along the neck, and on their articulations, sometimes in the middle of the tail. They have got a pair of normal wings, and a second pair above, closer to the spine. The second pair is way smaller, they are barely considered wings. They're used for steering while swimming. They have a large fin at the end of the tail which comes in various shapes (See: tail fins traits). They occasionally posess smaller fins on the elbows (See: other traits). Their horns are shaped like coral. They have these horns along the neck as well, and sometimes a few on the tail. They have palmed wings and short claws. Their short canines are very pointy and curvy, so that they can open shells easily with them.
Reefwings can be of any color, but only pastel or pale tones, including white. They can have stains, spots, large stripes. Their eyes are any color.
Physical aptitudes
Reefwings are very fast swimmers. They can not see in the dark, so they avoid deep and dark waters. They are able to emit a sort of clicking, creaky sound, comparable to a dolphin and cricket, that can be heard easily underwater.
They can spit boiling water at their adversary, although this capacity is highly limited in use, as it requires a lot of water. Their throat and esophagus are entirely resistant to the temperature. They enjoy drinking tea that would burn another dragon's entire neck.
They can stay in and out of the water as long as they want, though they prefer to sleep in water, on algae and seaweed litter.
Reefwings are under a monarchy. The tribe is led by the Queen, currently Queen Catfish, who has absolute power. She has a council with a dragon to represent each of these: culture, food and ressources, military forces. The Queen makes the final decision, but can ask the three dragons to vote for different options.
Princesses challenge the Queen and their sisters and cousins to a swimming race to earn the throne. They can only do so once they are adult. The Queen can also decide to simply step down. The race lasts the whole day, and dragons stop working to feast and partake in games for the duration of the events.
Reefwings' currency are pearls. They have a huge oyster rearing to provide those. All harvested pearls go to the queen. The pearls are then redistributed to workers accordingly to their job. Doctors earn the most, followed by hunters and builders. Military forces make the least, but food and shelter are provided by the queen.
Reefwings love to make jewelry with seashells and pearls. You can tella dragon is rich if they are wearing several pearl necklaces and jewelry. Most dragons only have seashells, if not nothing.
It is tradition for a reefwing to craft a necklace with a scallop and other various shells, and give it to their partner as a sort of proposal. The other, if they accept, is to craft one in return. Dragons often wear their dead companions' Scallop necklaces as well as theirs.
Reefwings build houses out of coral, algae and rocks. Their houses are therefore alive, and habitats for fauna. Underwater writing is done on slate tablets, and they communicate through a sign language called Claw Language.
There are several parks where fauna and flora thrive. These environments are very important to reefwings, who like to gather here or roam and wander alone.
Each town has a common nursery, which is very heavily guarded. The egg can only be retrieved once the hatching day approches, however, you may visit your egg right after midday, for a few hours.
Young dragonnets are also kept in another space in the nursery, while their parents work. Keepers are paid by the parents.
All dragonnets in age go to school, where they learn about the Island and its history and dangers, as well as other activities they may choose, such as arts, sports, etc.... Obligatory subjects are history, geography, basic survival, and flora and fauna identifying. They learn a job directly with worker dragons.
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skrillchiller · 2 years ago
Unrailed! - Armed Detective Agency
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The Armed Detective Agency chose a steam engine.
🗝 locomotive (moves the train)
🗝 crafter (crafts rails)
🗝 storage (stores iron and wood for the crafter)
🗝 tank (Filled with cooling water)
🗝 milk (after having animals connected to it, you can drink milk to enhance your skills)
🗝 light (the distance of sight increases)
🗝 transformer (transforms wood to iron and iron to wood
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Fukuzawa Yukichi 🗝 refills cooling water 🗝 keeps everyone in check 🗝 still tries to find a way for cooperation with the other teams 🗝 tries to not engage in too many fights
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Edogawa Ranpo 🗝 responsible for the coordination of the way and ressources 🗝 never wanted to be there in the first place 🗝 likes the warmth of the locomotive, so he isn't leaving it very often
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Kunikida Doppo 🗝 resource gatherer 🗝 tries his best with keeping everyone safe 🗝 tries to keep track of the amount of resources that are available at that moment 🗝 mechanic 🗝 second most likely to jump out of the train, just to save it
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Yosano Akiko 🗝 medic 🗝 does not leave the train very often 🗝 only leaves, when there are fights over resources to join the fight 🗝 might also leave if resources are scarce and they need a helping hand
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Dazai Osamu 🗝 Protector and spy 🗝 keeps track of the other teams 🗝 protects the resource gatherers 🗝 would be the first one to jump out of the train to safe it 🗝 probably the most determined to win (bcs of chuuya and fyodor)
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Atsushi Nakajima 🗝 Protector 🗝 protects resource gatherer 🗝 gets targeted a lot for some reason 🗝 lowkey doesn't want to be there
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Junichiro & Naomi Tanizaki 🗝 are inseperable 🗝 work with storage 🗝 hide the train and/or resources because they are scarce 🗝 responsible for the transformer 🗝 as long as their together, they don't mind being on the train
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Kenji Miyazawa 🗝 takes care of the animals at the milk wagon 🗝 resource gathering because of his strength 🗝 actually really likes being on the train
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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demacianpuppet · 1 year ago
You know that the worst thing with the new lore retcon is? Riot Games haven’t actually done anything to solve this problem at its source, which is 100% a bad faith manager who knows nothing about his job and has all other power and no good will to do anything.
Because every single problem they try to “solve” wouldn’t have existed in the first place… if they simply would have listened to the narrative writer in the first place.
Then Riot Games finally started to earn their “s” in the name, they probably had discussed about canon and if it is shared on all of their Runeterra IPs. It seems that they clearly decided against it back then - because making sure everything is canon you have to manage so many different teams, which is so much ressource and time. I can almost understand it. They clearly didn’t care enough about their IP to do the work properly but it is, on a manager level, more than reasonable.
The actual problem starts with the Sentinel of Light event. I know, we all hate it and it was obviously an awful lore for so many reasons. And the fault was because the skin writers wrote the light novel instead of the normal writer… which is not really what happened.
First of all, I’m pretty sure the narrative writers worked on that event as well. Second, this whole event was a mistake of management. People enjoyed the Spirit Blossom Light Novel, which was light-hearted, so they thought it would work with SoL.
So some higher up said it had to be like the SB event. The narrative writers explained that it wouldn’t make work for this kind of story and this resulted in firing three writers, some who have done some of the best work in the Runeterra IP.
The event flopped, because surprise, people don’t like if their champions are treated like dirt and Riot Games apologizes… without truly gasping that the problem was.
After that and the success of Arcane, the higher up didn’t do anything with lore (aside from the Riot Forges games, which have been in development for some time).
They told us that they are moving away from written media, because the engagement is not high enough, while refusing to give us a tab in the League client or fix the Universe website.
They say they want to do more interactive media, but this is awful for archiving purposes (see the Briar teaser in the client) and takes so much more time and resources to do.
A longer short story can be written, edited and translated into a few weeks and it would all take less time and resources than any cinematic.
Cinematic and written media are not even competing in the same narrative niche. Cinematics are great but these are just so much more shallow, in the end.
So, we have a higher up who clearly knows nothing about narrative writing - instead of listening to the people who know their craft, they fire them and produce an event which everyone acts like never happened.
At the same time, they lack the insight and/or willingness to make lore more accessible and try as usual to explain that “people are not engaging enough with it” even if enough people complained about the lack of updates outside of Riot Forge.
(I promise you, if that higher up would have any power over Arcane, the quality either would have suffered immensely or it would have never been made. Quite simple.)
And I promise, that higher up earns so much more than these three narrative writers they got fired.
However, this is a tech company. So of course we can expect that kind of person to ruin even more lore. Because of course they keep their job even though they know nothing about the power of well-written IP.
It is that simple - you don’t develop lore to make money with it, at least not a video game like League.  You create it for customer loyalty. This is not 2013 anymore. The main selling point back then was that League could run on any PC. It still does, but the competition is much higher. Fortnite, Roblox, cheap Steam Games.
It is not that easy to win over the new player but you have to make sure to keep the ones who are still playing. And making them invested in the IP is an excellent strategy.
Somehow, they are unable to grasp that.
It is a pity that so many good writers have to try to create good work while your management is only trying to sabotage them. Only for them to be erased because their management was unable to think more than two weeks ahead. That a pity indeed.
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jaffre · 2 years ago
been having some tsini worldbuilding thoughts so im just going to ramble
so. important part of tsini culture/development as a species is symbiosis with their home tree and the fungal network that connect nearby trees. i imagine that every tree/tsini burrow within one network is considered a "city" of sorts.
im gonna have to work on a few different species of trees that tsini usually take residence under, which each offer a different advantage, i think. its important to note that the tsini always take good care of their tree so its advantageous to the tree to spare ressources for the tsini. and thats without counting the mycorrhizal network that's also beneficial for both of them, and the tsini also takes care of that.
anyway, the first tree im thinking of is something like this, where the tree developed some lower branches to form a bell shape to protect the entrance of the burrow from predators and weather.
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depending on how big it is, it allows the tsini to have some above ground installations.
as a sidenote, i dont think the tsini have many predators, they're probably up there in the food chain, but i imagine their babies are still very susceptible to being eaten by creatures, so its mostly to protect them.
im still unsure about the composition of a burrow, but i was thinking about interburrow communication and above ground interactions.
so, each burrow had a fungal room, with access to the mycorrhizal network, which, for those who don't know, is a real life thing that's super cool where fungus envelop the roots of trees and connect many trees together, and the trees share nutrients with one another! and the fungus carries it for them in exchange for some sugar.
now, im obviously taking a lot of liberties with it cause i love the idea of mushroom net. tsini have develop ways to communicate with one another, probably using different chemical cocktails to trigger the fungus to send signals, maybe even carry whole chemical sequences to another burrow, which can then be decoded by the recipient. something like that. probably keep those in vials and pots. i keep imagining the room as having a pool of sugar water that the fungus can dip into whenever it needs it. and the tsini can refill it as needed. like a power source.
for above ground, i keep picturing a marketplace. a large area above ground with some construction, where tsini meet and trade. to stay on theme, built from fungal bricks, self-repairing etc. probably part of the network still. traders with baskets and carpets is how i see it. carrying them like this:
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im thinking this is probably also where they have some big craft engines. like, a kiln if they want to make earthenware or glass. altho im unsure how much a kiln out of fungal bricks can last, im sure the fire would kill it. and i need to look up what alternative sources of fuel besides wood they can use. like, they can probably use trimmed branches, and a kiln probably isnt something thats going to be fired all the time. maybe they use stone for the kiln, and whenever they're handling fire? im still working on it
not sure what produce they sell. i do picture them cultivating other kind of mushrooms for consumption, and collecting fruits. i did originally envisioned them as hunters, eating their prey raw and whole, i think they have a mouth that's ripe for that. their diet probably evolved to be more omnivorous or rely less on meat. altho i picture fruit collecting more as a way to produce sugar for the network than for direct consumption, but both are probably true.
mmm. thats kinda where im at for now. if you have thoughts feel free to comment!
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