#craft asks
spotsandsocks · 5 months
your knitting is so cool! i love the best i can do is an unfinished square with a couple of holes in them 🙈
😊😊 thank you! You’re very kind. It’s a tricky business knitting - kinda like magic if you think about it! Turing wool into things. You should see my felted things! They’re much better 😆
I’m sure your squares are lovely even with holes and maybe the holes could be useful sometimes- maybe a little poncho for a 🐭
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wellpresseddaisy · 2 years
For the crafty asks 💖🍓💌 :)
💖 Which one of your creations are you the proudest? Show off!
My wedding dress. It's not very good, looking back with a lot more experience in garment construction (I hadn't discovered shoulder slope or alterations for the short waisted yet), but I'm still proud of it. I made it out of a gold silk/cotton blend because white makes me look tubercular. Also the fabric was washable. 
This is the top of it. I don't have a very good picture of me standing in it where it isn't sort of wrinkled from the car ride over.
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🍓Do you have a dream project? What would you craft if you had infinite time and money?
An entire wardrobe for specific eras - one for the 1920s, one for the early 1930s, one for the mid-1930s, and one for the late 1930s (specifically 1939, one of my favorite fashion years). Everything would be done in cotton, silk, linen, or wool, likely self-drafted because why not?
This would include knitwear because in this fantasy I have finally learned to knit properly. 
If I could ever wear corsetry, I might dip a toe into the late 19-teens. Those fashions were adorably bonkers. 
💌 Do you know other bloggers who inspire you to create? Recommended a few!
For sewing and vintage fashion (sadly a lot of blogs have gone defunct as people migrated to Instagram or Patreon):
About my Buttonbox
My Life 100 Years Ago
The Fashionable Past
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reality-detective · 4 months
Good instructions for assembling a paper airplane that won't fall down for sure. 🤔
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professional chinese cosplay-wig makers displays her products (cr: AAAA专业理发彩妆师琦姐)
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hatekawa · 2 months
is there any of your turtle art that youve never shown us ?
oh, a lot!! I can show you some!
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these two are my unfinished fanart of @lara-cairncross's fairy au
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some fanart of @rufwooff's TMNEBT au (does this count as turtle art? jk jk)
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and some other random stuff
I never shared any of these before because I either didn't like them or wasn't confident enough to post them
But now!!! Now I dont really care sdkhjbgfkhsdbng
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cozymochi · 4 months
Spare Tia and Jamil dynamic 🥹 spare them
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triona-tribblescore · 10 months
Ouch! don't attack me with Donnie and baby Mikey😫
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originalartblog · 11 months
Im gonna cry all the tinies are just...so smol??? N cute??? I LOVE THEMB 🥺😭💕 -gently places an assortment of candies down for the tinies and leaves a bowl of Halloween candy for the ADA-
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they'll still be working on their candy stash come December
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gummi-ships · 3 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - The Caribbean
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wellpresseddaisy · 2 years
💚and 🌈for the craft ask game if you don't mind :)
💚 How long have you been crafting and how did you get started?
I think the correct answer is 'on and off for a really long time'. If we go with crafting in terms of really getting down to doing things properly, over a decade. I got my first sewing machine about then.
I've been cooking and baking since I was about 10, though.
🌈 Do you have certain colours you gravitate towards when creating?
Navy. I'm an incurable navy-lover. Also blue-based reds, burgundy, and most shades of green (just not the acid greens). 
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frozenjokes · 5 months
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I just think he deserves a glitter bazooka
Scar, standing directly in front of the glitter bazooka: cub I can not allow you to use the glitter bazooka. I am looking you in the eyes. You are a danger to yourself and others. I am telling you that you can not use the glitter bazooka. Hand over the glitter bazooka.
Cub, with the glitter bazooka:
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snuize · 1 month
I love the Arthur papercraft!! If you're doing another, can you make a John Marston one? Maybe Red Harlow, so it'd be the 3 Red Dead protagonists?
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Arthurs got a friend :D
Link to Arthur, Javier and tutorial for feet
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
When you posted about twst not having the same foods it made my brain go... "what if their bf really tried to recreate the food based on description only"
Imagine Azul toiling away in the kitchen trying to re-create Bugals from scratch
Jade testing out different combinations of potions to recreate coca cola
Floyd trying to make the grandma candy that taste like strawberries
Jamil fighting with spices to make hot cheetos
Trey baking Twinkees and oatmeal cream pies
Lilia trying to make Macdonald fries but just creating poison
They all understand how food can help with homesickness and they want to do everything they can to help, even if it is trying to make something they have never had before
The ultimate love language is devoting time, money, and materials to recreated your lover's favorite foods. In our world, this could be going to your partner's parents or grandparents to learn their family recipe for a dish, cookie, drink, etc. Or it could be trying to look up a dish that they had growing up, but can't remember. Or maybe it's a cultural dish from their home country that they loved but haven't been able to have because the ingredients are available nearby. Painstakingly measuring, making, tasting, failing and failing over and over again to get it just right. Love is the ultimate love language.
So I think it's beautiful to imagine Azul trying to recreate your favorite dish based solely how you described how it looked, smelled, and tasted. Making the lounge's kitchen a mess until he can get it just right.
Trey calling his parents to describe the sweet treats and cookies you described. They're digging through their recipes so that he can combine and take what he needs to recreate them.
Jade has full confidence in his potion making skills, yet is dumped when you can only describe your favorite soda as "sugary and fizzy." He racks his brain over and over, taste testing the concoctions himself until he's positive they won't poison you, then bringing you into his little sessions to remake your favorite soda together.
Jamil, familiar with some spices and chilies you describe, but the others sound so otherworldly, messing around with the ingredients he's familiar with to make your favorite foods and snacks. He knows they'll never be the same, but that he they are good enough for you to want to stay.
Floyd is nothing if not determined. If he can't make you that candy you love so much, he's going into the ends of the earth to find you his world' equivalent. Don't question how he managed to get over a hundred different candies, some incredibly rare, others expensive as hell. His father has connections and money, it's nothing to spend on you.
And Lilia…well. He means well. It might be better to let him watch you make some of your favorite dishes, as well as you can when you're missing ingredients. He can watch and slowly start to understand, as you burn and hiss from the splattering oil, why food is a love language for humans too.
Food is a timeless love language. If it doesn't mean time and effort, it means money and sharing an experience that makes you happy. It's shared by nearly every culture, in your world and theirs, for a reason. Love is giving food when you're poor, love is the cuts and burns on your hands and arms, love is in the taste on your tongue, love is the smell you wake up to. Love is the effort, the time, the care. Love is food. And they love you.
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themarginalthinker · 11 months
'oh it must be so fun and cool knowing how to knit-'
it is. but I also experience the Madness
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somerandomdudelmao · 5 months
Why do I have a feeling you had the biggest hyperfixation on how echo location works cause holy suit that's super detailed <- knows nothing about echo location
This is a funny story.....but it's actually based on my experience playing Minecraft. About two years ago I was playing on a server and my old, dying and barely conscious laptop went crazy at some point and stopped showing block textures. They disappeared, but the hitboxes remained. So in a way I was playing being blind, but still seeing all the players and animals. Sometimes through walls. It was very annoying but very interesting. Especially when the other players recognized that I couldn't see anything and started building extra accessibility things. Like railings, steps, and special paths that I could use to reach their houses by orienting myself to the sound of footsteps on the material of the path.
...yeah I also know almost nothing about echolocation ._.
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