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haanahaki · 4 months ago
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Drew some popular Carmen Sandiego ships as well as one of my personal favourites >:) (cracklebomb)
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lara635kookie · 1 year ago
Kinda toxic but I can see them working. Only a little bit, not so much. The thing is, having the context of Sheena and Black Sheep's rivalry in V.I.L.E. Academy and how Tigress's relation was with Evil Carmen, and even regular Carmen, it would be better for both of them to stay far from one another. They are not exactly healthy but they are somewhat entertaining(somehow), which saved them from a lower position, because wanting or not, they stand out for being similar to catradora(I mean I wouldn't know, I haven't watch She-Ra yet but I've heard people saying this so I'll take it). I'm not sure but it seems like they were enemies to lovers what Carmen and Sheena could be if done right so there's that.
Listen, I believe that you should marry your bestfriend but Carmen already has Gray and Ivy. Player is her best friend but her platonic best friend. In theory, they have a 4 year age gap and Player is 18 by the end of the series so they are legal. I mean Carulia probably has a 5 year age gap and people still like it so this fact alone would make PlayCarm better than Carulia. But the thing is, it would be so weird. As far as we know they only met personally once and they are family. But not family like husband or wife but as siblings, cousins. I just can't see it. Platonically speaking, they would probably be first place but since it's romantically, they just feel wrong. They basically grew up together and while their friendship definitely matured with them as time was passing by, it still never showed nothing romantic. They are just too platonically wholesome to be romantic. Their friendship is the cutest little thing already, we don't need romance with these two here. Moving on.
I know a good amount of people ship Mime Bomb and Neal The Eel(and I admit that they got some chemestry and would make a fun storyline) but still, I just think Neal The Eel is so gross and I hate him so much. Yes, this is solely the only reason why they are so low:Mime Bomb deserves better than him.
Now it starts the ships that are either too toxic, or wouldn't work AT ALL, or barely interacted(in the sense of almost don't know about the orther's existance). JulGray configurate mostly in the third category, because Gray saw Julia as just some A.C.M.E. agent and Julia saw Gray as "Graham Calloway, former V.I.L.E. operative Crackle that knows Carmen Sandiego". I also think it would be really hard for them to work, but they could in a way it wouldn't be toxic. Hard, but definitely not impossible. It would take a lot of effort and sacrifices I think neither of them would be willingly to take for the other tho. So as I saw them as the least worse ship, considering the others that will come after this, that for me are much worse, compared to any of them this one is "okay".
I've seen Crackle and Mime Bomb are a thing but...I really don't understand why tbh. It makes zero sense. Maybe that's the appeal? The imagination to create? I don't know but just like JulGray, they are "meh" compared to what's coming.
They both are technically legal adults(even if the age gap must be considerably big)...So that's it. I've got nothing else.
I don't like Dash Haber. I just think he is so ugly and so annoying for no reason at all, he just is. I hate him a little bit less than Neal The Eel but Neal and Mime Bomb still had some sorta kinda maybe chemestry that could be enemies to lovers and an almost potential interesting plot/storyline and these two...Just don't. I found out this is a popular ship and I respect it but in my sincere opinion, I can't see it. Zack just deserves so much better(and the age gap between them must be considerable either).
If they could put their differences aside they would be adorable but I just can't see it. They would be so toxic, oh my god. Them as enemies is so toxic in a way I can't see the lovers. Besides, he passes me straight vibes, which is the only reason why I putted HaberZack higher:Dash is probably gay and any sexuality for Zack sounds convinceable to me. So yeah, these two are a definite no.
Maelstrom and Roundabout are at the same page as TreyZack:They are toxicity all around. They are an interesting pair tho because I don't know if that's just me but I felt like Roundabout was constantly trying to get Maelstrom's approval. Even after he was already a part of the faculty. So it's basically the same thing as Countess Cleo:If Maelstrom treated his condition maybe they could work. But for toxicity points, they get the current score.
Shadowsan and Carlotta...Do they even know each other? If they don't, they probably will but just because they are Carmen's family they don't need to be romantically linked together. I guess they are so low because we don't even know Carlotta's face, even less her personality so we don't know if she is a good match for Shadowsan.
Okay, no. Just no. They are almost complete opposites. But not in the "opposites atract" kind of way. Because for this trope to work you gotta REALLY love, understand and respect the other, as well as doing some sacrifices and trying to adapt at least a little for them just like them for you(which I don't think Carjulia, HaberZack, etc could do even if they tried and this one they would never). I felt like Coach Brunt was the least liked among the faculty. Maelstrom literally left her to die(okay I know he would do it to everyone but still), Shadowsan and her clearly had beef, and Countess Cleo and Doctor Bellum's reaction to her soulmate The Mechanic was of almost disgust. Cleo clearly didn't want The Mechanic as a part of the faculty. I bet she thought something like:"We already have Coach Brunt, we don't need another gross one" so due to their differences that's their place. They barely interacted, like Countess Cleo and Doctor Bellum or Maelstrom. These three seemed close and often done with Coach Brunt. So they would be toxic(and Countess Cleo deserves better) and overall there are better combinations for them so that's why they place here.
Besides Coach Brunt finding him handsome a couple of times and he being flattered about it in the Lupe Peligro episode, there's not really much about these two that isn't toxicity. Coach Brunt actually gives more to CarChase:both Carmen and Devineaux were crushed by Coach Brunt. So they are a no.
Thinking about them romantically makes me want to vomit. I feel like crying and throwing up. He is her father figure. And the age gap is at least more than 20 years old so yeah. Can't see it.
And we are done here. If you got here, thank you for reading. Bye!
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caramel-sandiego · 2 years ago
Tigress: Is there anyone here who's actually straight?
Crackle: *Tentatively raises hand*
Mime Bomb: *Pulls his hand back down*
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mimebomblove · 2 years ago
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bl0ss0mlily · 4 years ago
opinions on shipping in carmen sandiego?
The reason I love Carmen Sandiego is because it almost barely focuses on any romantic aspects and so it's up to the fans to interpret any couples as they will!
In fact, most of the ships I like are thanks to the lovely people on AO3 with their amazing fanfics (sometimes paired with amazing visuals!)
Here are the ships that I prefer/mainly ship:
Jeantonio (Whose isn't?)
ZackDash (Zackhabery? Haberzackary? It's a complicated name haha)
Anything Mimebomb, notably Slimebomb and Cracklebomb (Thanks to fanfiction!)
Carulia (Cute interactions within the series!)
Chaseulia (It's the 'bi wife energy' audio for me)
Tigerstar (A couple of chaotic gals)
CleoBellum (Well... I mean they're pretty close and it's cute.)
Paperbomb / Tigermimestar - Basically Paperstar and Mimebomb the unhinged duo with Tigress as the babysitter.
NealDash - I like the thought that since Countess Cleo/Dr. Bellum often have joint-missions, they're often paired. That and the thought that maybe they were in the same class together when they were younger is funny. I see them as the "insult each other but care very much about each other" friendship.
IvyDash - Same friendship dynamic as NealDash except Ivy does more of pushing around LMAO
Chasebomb - Chase is, for the first time, the rational one out of the two. It's the 'Let me see what you have - A KNIFE! - NO!' energy for me.
ChaseShadow - Tired dads. That's it, that's the tweet.
MechanicBruntDriver - It's the two chaotic beings and one rational one for me.
Any ships I haven't mentioned are simply because maybe I do like them, but not enough to make it on my list or they're ships I haven't actually considered!
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geeklikeagirlstudios · 4 years ago
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Aiden’s first #ValentinesDay out of the asylum and Graham wanted it to be special- puns and all! ⚡️💣
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minty-and-fresh · 4 years ago
Mime Bomb: miming to Gray um. I forgot my makeup at the island.
Gray: no shit?
Mime Bomb: mhm
Gray: uh what do I do? Do you need it?
Mime Bomb: (;_;)
Gray: okay I’ll uh, look for a place with some makeup- I- I don’t know makeup. I don’t even know what I’ll be getting for you. And you don’t write or talk anymore. 
Mime Bomb: welp, goodbye! I’m abandoning mission!  
Gray: NO-
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satansassistant666 · 4 years ago
*slams table* That’s it I’m making Mime Bomb headcanons concerning their tragic love life
-A nonbinary pansexual icon
-Had a huge crush on Crackle but didn’t say anything because they knew Crackle liked Carmen (Black Sheep at the time)
-Once Carmen left VILE, Mime Bomb took the opportunity to grow closer with Crackle and become his partner
-Then the mind wipe happens
-Mime Bomb doesn’t know for a time being and thought Crackle had just went on a very long solo mission until a concerned El Topo and Le Chevre tell them the bad news
-Mime Bomb is crushed by this news, but still keeps going on VILE missions, in hopes of finding Crackle once again
-Mime Bomb’s crush on Crackle slowly disappears, but they still miss him
-VILE then decides to assign them a new partner
-Enter everyone’s favorite slimey boy Neal the Eel!
-Oh boy does Mime Bomb hate him at first (those same feelings are returned by Neal the Eel)
-But Mime Bomb is a little entranced by the accent (who doesn’t love an Kiwi accent?)
-Okay maybe they do start developing a crush on Neal the Eel but won’t say anything 1. because they’re a mime and gotta keep up an aesthetic as long as the makeup is on and 2. past heartbreak, they don’t want another Crackle incident
-Anyways Masks of Venice happens and the whole boat incident happens where Mime Bomb ditches Neal the Eel
-They feel bad for ditching them afterwards
-After Neal is taken out of custody and let loose again (thanks to Roundabout), Mime meets up with them again and drops the Mime act to apologize for ditching him like that
-Neal is shocked because Mime has never done this before
-Neal accepts the apology and reconciles with them
-And thus starts a hopefully not so angsty as Cracklebomb love story
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carmen-sandal-eggos · 4 years ago
For crackle Bomb shipping, I hc that mime Bomb is nonverbal and mildly autistic and Crackle is a good boyfriend who helps out when MB gets overstimulated or has a meltdown.
Y e s
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brookreader · 5 years ago
Can you list all your Carmen Sandiego ships?
Sure! Let’s see, I’ve got Carulia/Jule Thief, Jeantonio, sort of Carmivy and Zaccarm (I go back and forth between ships and familial relationships for those ones), Julivy, Carulivy, Zarray (Zari x Graham), maybe Cracklebomb, umm...
Oh, also Dexter Wolfe x Vera Cruz and maybe Vera Cruz x Chief (I just think it’d be interesting if those two had History) and/or/aka Chief x Cookie Booker (that one is 100% @snowflake-apocalypse ‘s fault for having such good ideas).
Okay, I think that’s it. Thanks for the ask, anon!
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I would like to thank @coulrosaurus on Twitter (and tumblr apparently) for existing and giving me the cracklebomb content I crave
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caramel-sandiego · 3 years ago
Tigress: Have you.. have you slept together?
Crackle: Only after we have sex
Mime Bomb: *facepalms*
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sunshinehp15 · 5 years ago
Hello! Bela here. So, sorry to bother you, but what Carmen Sandiego ships do you like? Wouldn’t wanna send in ships you, well, aren’t in on.
Jeantonio, TigressXBlacksheep (idk what the ship name for them is) and CrackleBomb (i’m in rarepair hell and its great) 
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aristotle97 · 3 months ago
never seen cracklebomb but i have followed for more
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Drew some popular Carmen Sandiego ships as well as one of my personal favourites >:) (cracklebomb)
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brookreader · 5 years ago
Can I get some Crackle/Mimebom? I feel like an idiot, but it feels like they would've had good dynamic 😳
Yeah! I assume you mean romantically, but if I’m wrong feel free to send another ask.
Both of them always kind of thought the other was cute, but they didn’t really interact much during their year at the academy, other than Crackle occasionally calling Mime a weirdo
After that first caper in Morocco, Gray was doing some self-reflecting and decided to apologize to Mime Bomb for being a jerk
Mime was a bit surprised but didn’t hold a grudge, and talked with Crackle about what had happened with Black Sheep
After that they just kinda naturally started hanging out
At first their conversations were very faltering, but Graham actually learned how to interpret miming pretty quickly once he focused on learning
Gray also started learning Filipino Sign Language (which Mime Bomb speaks) on his own, and surprised his friend one day by sitting down and casually starting up a conversation. Mime Bomb was so excited that he leaned over and kissed Crackle on the cheek. After that the two started dating
Mime teaches Gray how to do his makeup. Graham only agrees for his partner’s sake at first but ends up loving it and walking around with a full face of makeup pretty much all the time
They usually just do pretty casual dates, like getting food or seeing a movie
They’re both fairly big on PDA, they’ll walk around holding hands or leaning on each other pretty often, but they don’t kiss in public since they don’t want to draw too much attention to themselves
Gray’s pretty touchy with all of his friends, so no one really sees this as a sign of a romantic relationship
They both like to listen to opera music. Mime Bomb actually knows a little bit of ballet that goes with some songs
Crackle is the only one on Vile Island, apart from the faculty, who know’s MB’s real name
Mime Bomb is horrified when Crackle gets memory wiped, though he doesn’t express it to anyone
He sneakily does some research and finds where Graham’s working now, and starts hanging around there
He’s interacts with Gray sometimes, but it’s really hard to be around him when he doesn’t remember a thing. He forgot FSL and once again struggles to interpret miming too, so logistically conversations are hard
Graham thinks the mime who’s always hanging around the Opera House without even trying to collect any money is kind of a weirdo, and yet something about him seems to draw him to him
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sunshinehp15 · 6 years ago
1, 3, 7 mime bbomb
1, He is. . .an evil little boy... and he’s doing so we ll  ... ? 3, probably the scene where he’s interacting with Tigress while pretending to be a normal street performer
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7, C...CrackleBomb.. 
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