#crab says DUMB stuff
crustacean-menace · 6 months
Being in environmental sciences and also anime makes for a fucked up and evil combo.
Be absolutely free to ignore, i do not come up with any conclusion worth reading here. Ravings of a madman. But know it involves One piece.
Today i wasted my morning looking into one piece worldbuilding, specifically the planet the story takes places in and its impossible landmarks and going too deep in a rabbit hole i am not sure i have the right amount of knowledge to delve into regarding Geology, Tectonics, Meteorology and also Astronomy.
All of which started from me seeing an image of Admiral Fujiitora, doing his funny admiral movement tech of "Fly across the sea on top of a chunk of ground he ripped out of the ground with gravity powers" and wondering how much this man may have impacted the soil microbial developement of each island by doing that, carrying ground bacteria, nematodes and all that as unwilling passengers of his trips.
And that turned into "hey, now that i think about it, how did life evolve around with so many insular communities cut off from the rest?" As insular evolution usually involves landmasses being connected at one point before getting separated and having speciation happen.
And that yet again turned into "Hey, how DID the geomorphology of this planet turn like that?" Which brought me to pull up my old geology, petrography, tectonic and orogeny notes and try to make sense of it.
Rinse and repeat, and now the final question is:
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We got islands with their own magnetism and climate, incredibly deep abyssal sea floors that can reach 10.000 meters in depth, a continental strip that encircles the planet much akin to something that could be seen on a tidally locked planet but that goes across the poles vertically, the whole grand line and reverse mountain and adjacent calm belts, Pelagic megafauna that would make Subnautica devs sweat in fear, four evenly distributed oceans that may or may not actually be connected somewhere but are officially distinct and separated and thus insular in their own.
The planet pretty much has fauna that mirrors our real world one, a moon similar to ours (if not even more satellites if a specific scene of the anime is to be believed), but unlike ours, dry surface is sparse with only the red line continent and the numerous islands which one of the characters state could be more than 20,000,000.
Of course, foolish of me to try and reason out how a planet from an anime could work realistically, but the scary part is that a lot of it could be explained by the one piece world being some form of Super-Earth, with a rampant volcanic activity to generate enough hotspots so that island can spring up much like Hawaii, and with powerful tectonics that push opposite plates into eachother creating the red line. Bigger planets means bigger and stronger atmospheric phoenomena, but nowhere in the way they happen in the series.
I reinstate, all these geomorphological and meteorological situations COULD BE theoretically plausible, but not all together. And yet life on it developed in a way comparable to the earth's own biosphere. Which is the most absurd part, because a planet like this would constantly be faced with extreme cataclysms every friday and at best i could only see the fish men and mermaids survive there.
And remember, this absurd spelunking trip into a rabbit hole of my own making started from seeing THIS.
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Rant over. Once again i wasted a morning being the Hubris-prone fool that can't watch anything without wondering about biological implications of certain factors the story definitely does not give much weight.
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multiversal-pudding · 1 month
Dumb/crack Roblox Pressure idea:
Sebastian getting 3 fingered webbed/shelled hands treated as body horror… except its working with the blocky player model instead of assuming he starts as human. The body horror is him growing hands in the first place /j
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crabs-nonsense · 1 year
Holy shit! I just realized the reason I couldn't fucking see darker art on my phone screen is because I forgot I turned the brightness way down last night and never fixed it. I feel so stupid.
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theantarwitch · 1 year
Tarot to find Lost Things
This is a basic dumb idea that I didn't see around a lot: Use the Tarot to find lost objects.
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You know, when you are not sure if an object is even in your house, why don't use Tarot?
I personally use my own Oracle but the basic Major Arcana should work fine, still I find important that the cards have a good amount of images, since what you will use to find the object, is based in the images that you see, not in the meaning of the card itself. For this, very minimalist decks, or basic playing cards may not be useful enough.
So, let's say that you are an unmedicated AHDH as me, so you need to find things because your brain just can't cope with basic order. You sits and start to ask. Where is the Thing? Is in this house, outiside, in a specific room? Then the spread can help you.
Usually I find a basic 5 cards spread useful in this case, but is mostly because I use an Oracle. If your deck have tons of images, maybe 5 are too much... Too much info can lead to contradict itself or turn confusing, so start with a basic 3 cards and see if you have to add more. If your deck have little amount of images, it can need 5 cards or more.
Cards where the "ambient" is outisde, probably mean "not in your house/ in other house or lost in the street" (The Fool, The World, The Wheel of the Fortune).
Cards with columns and chairs can mention a "inside the house" (The High Priestess, The Justice, The Hieropanth).
Some cards can point where in reference to other objects. The Magician have stuffs over the table, it can point things over a table or furniture.
You have pets? Maybe is close your pet, and for that, cards with animals can give a hint (The Strenght, The Chariot).
The cards with suns can hint that is "at sight" (The Sun).
Cards with moons and stars can point the Bedroom (The Moon, The Star).
Card with little light? Inside a closet! It have water? Maybe in the bathroom! Have plants? The garden! Chairs? Check close a chair or the kitchen! Fruits? Maybe close the fridge! Have clothes? Maybe on your bed!
What's matter, is that you focus in the objects that you see, and specially based on YOUR DECK. Since not all the decks are the same, it can have a lot of variations that you need to consider. Example, The Hermit have a light in his hand, which can point to be close a lamp, but if your card is an Hermit Crab, of course it will not mean the same. Be smart, be creative.
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Homestuck Reread: Act 3, Part 1/3 (p. 760-891)
Read the previous post here.
Time for the beginning of Act 3! An inauspicious start, since the Act begins with Jade's introduction.
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So I guess the "reader" is still acknowledged as a thing. And they're actively attempting to manipulate Jade. I wonder how much longer this will last for.
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Jade has so many interests, you guys! So many! And I'm sure each and every one of them will be relevant to her character as well!
Also, she needs reminders so she doesn't forget about the things she's interested in? What?
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Why does Jade have so many variants of fetch modus when none of these will ever show up again? Actually, the whole modus system continues to be really dumb and that's probably why it's rarely mentioned in the later acts.
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Jade's precognition again being treated as just a fun lil' quirk. Gosh, she's just so quirky, right fellas? So many modi, so many interests. She's just so silly and fun, right? Right???
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Honest confession time. When I first read Homestuck, I had no idea that a "eureka lemon" was an actual variety of lemon. Of course I've heard of crab apples, key limes, and mandarin oranges, but it never occurred to me that a eureka lemon was also a real thing. I didn't figure this out until years later.
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Wait wait wait. Hold the phone. Jade is a fan of old cartoons? When is that ever referenced again outside of the occasional mention of Squiddles (a show that isn't real)? What the fuck? John likes movies, has posters in his room, and name drops his favorites on a regular basis. Why does Jade not talk about any cartoons she likes???
Physics, gadgetry, and gardening are all shit that aren't ever mentioned again either, but I was at least aware of those things being related to her, at least on a surface level. Jade's whole thing (well, what I assume Hussie ostensibly intended to be her thing) is that she's this genius wiz kid. And her username is gardenGnostic, so of course horticulture has to be somehow related to her character. This whole cartoon thing is seriously new knowledge to me, though.
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Grandpa Harley was a real renaissance man with a multitude of interests, so it's natural that Jade takes after him. The problem is that Grandpa is dead and he's less of a character than he is this mysterious symbol that Jade both admires and resents. It doesn't matter whether or not he's fleshed out, but Jade is a main character, so by necessity she must be or else she comes across as half-baked.
Jade has two pages dedicated to her interests, yet none of them are relevant to her character. She never talks to anyone else about gardening or anthros or anything like that. She doesn't use her scientific knowledge to help solve a problem. Her guns only serve the same basic combat purpose as the other kids' kind abstratus, but beyond that she isn't a gun nut.
One can point to stuff like John's interest in programming or Dave's love of photography as examples of extraneous character traits that don't ever manifest later on in the comic. But in Jade's case, it's nearly all of them. Hussie could've filled these pages with anything he wanted, but nothing would alter the existing perception of Jade being nothing more than "silly, upbeat girl who can see into the future." This is what I meant when I said earlier that she doesn't have any character to speak of. Or rather, she's just extremely shallow.
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And because Jade doesn't have enough quirks already, her shirt randomly changes designs. Wow! Incredible!
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These "manthro chaps" are honestly more unnerving and sexually charged than the smuppets. I don't ever see anyone reference them nearly as often, and probably for good reason. Unlike the smuppets, they're too close to resembling humans and are very uncanny. This feels like a deranged fetish thing, but it's being played off as more silly, quirky bullshit. "Slop trough" is a phrase I never want to read again.
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Right. Hating furries was very much en vogue back in 2009, I'd say more so than the present. However, Hussie is going to great lengths to portray Jade as one of the "good ones." Her interest in anthros is non-sexual in nature and she does not partake in "cringe" furry activities like wearing fursuits and engaging in sexual activities with other furries. As stated before, the manthro chaps are being depicted as wholesome make believe, not in a feral/pet play context (despite the fact that that's exactly what it looks like).
This is just Hussie taking pot shots at a subculture that has historically been a very easy target for ridicule. I'm not even sure why he decided to make Jade a furry in the first place if he was going to draw lines in the sand like this. What an incredible dickhead. And since this is written from Jade's perspective, it makes her a dickhead too.
There are a few times later on where Jade comes across as rude or judgmental, coming at odds with her otherwise unflinchingly polite and optimistic disposition. Needless to say, this does little to endear her to me.
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Like John, Jade also has a chest full of shit that doesn't end up mattering. Come to think of it, this whole intro sequence feels extremely drawn out, kind of like John's. John at least had the excuse of being the first character and he required a long intro in order to establish the tone and mechanics. We've gotten a good handle on things by the time we reach Rose and Dave, so their intros weren't nearly as involved. So why the fuck is Jade's taking so long? We know this whole routine, we've done it three times now. Can we get the fuck on with the story already!?
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This is a really bizarre sequence of pages where the "reader" is forced to match the memory cards of Jade's modus, only to fail at it repeatedly while both Jade and Hussie judge them for it.
Man... I know it's a common fandom notion that Jade is the most neglected and underutilized of the main cast of kids, but you seriously wouldn't have guessed that based on all these early pages. She feels more like Hussie's favorite, if anything.
Every passage he seems to talk about her with affection and a total absence of snark, not like the other kids who are regarded with bemusement at best or mockery at worst when they do something foolish. Here the derision is solely focused on the reader for their apparent cluelessness, and both Hussie and Jade are on the same side. C'mon, Jade's just offering the reader to play this game and they fail because they're obviously not as smart as she is. Serves them right for that earlier, boorish suggestion that this wonderful girl might be a, gasp, disgusting fursuit-wearing degenerate!
There's something a little off about how this then-30 year old man created this 13 year old girl who's so sweet and perfect in every way, and whom he dedicates so many pages showing us every single one of her quirks and all the amazing things she has in her home. But I don't really want to dwell further on this, so I'll be moving on.
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"But he does like his steak well cooked."
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"He does prefer his steak rare after all."
Well, which is it??? Does he like his steak well or rare? Does Hussie not know the difference between these terms? Has he never cooked a steak before?
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Dave Strider? More like Dave Simper. He is incredibly down bad. She's obviously not online, dude. Get out of her DMs. He's also facetiously engaging her with furry roleplay. God, Dave, get a clue! ERP is something only cringy furries do and as established previously, Jade is most definitely not one of those types of furries!
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The Midnight Crew get their own dedicated flash. These guys sure are getting teased a lot, despite just being characters from an in-universe webcomic. I wonder what it could mean...
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FINALLY we get to the Strider fight. Well, it's more like Dave vs. Cal rather than Dave vs. Bro. Not to try and crack open more Bro discourse, but the idea that people will try to equate Dave getting clowned on by a puppet with actual child abuse is absurd. I don't see how this is any different than the previous strifes John and Rose had with their parents.
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FUCK it was only for one page. We're back to Jade again. You know, if I had a friend who knew whenever I was about to have an internet outage and acted all smarmy about it, I would probably stop talking to them.
"Grandpa Moreau over there on Hellmurder Island" is a good line. Thank you Rose for providing some levity to this slog of pages I've been enduring.
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Another GameFAQs page, but this section is written by John for some reason. He brings up a great point about how nobody is reading these damn things. If you're some nudnik who truly gives a shit about how punch card alchemy works, oh boy do I have a page for you!
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Jade dislikes hunting and it was mentioned earlier that she'd never shoot an animal. It strikes me as odd that she has such a passion for guns, but not hunting. What does she shoot then? She's a "skilled markswoman" but do we ever see a shooting range or anything to practice her skills? I can't imagine there's much else to shoot on this island aside from wildlife.
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Grandpa Harley says Jade will grow up to be like the women in the photos he gets off to. I uh... I don't know how to feel about that. Other than perhaps it's for the best this old man is dead.
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Wow! Who's this rude customer? What a crazy guy! Oh well, he was blocked so I don't think we'll ever see him again.
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Finally at this point we take an extended reprieve from Jade. For the record, we're 99 pages into the Act. It took Rose 25 pages from her intro before the plot returned to John, and Dave 48 pages from his before turning back to Rose. (I'm not counting brief cuts to other characters for these counts, because the main focus is still on the recently introduced character). Nearly 100 pages of Jade showing off her house before going back to the plot. Augh!
Anyway, Rose actually reaches out and grabs the captcha card, which isn't something we've seen up to this point. This whole inventory system is weird, man.
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I think it's all but directly stated that Mom Lalonde became an alcoholic because she has known the exact date the world was going to end. A sad detail.
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Part 2 of the Strider fight ends with Bro yeeting Dave down the stairs. Again, I can't see this scene as serious representation of legitimate child abuse, especially with the fucking SBaHJ jokes at the end. The tone is so comedic and outrageous I don't understand anyone who takes it seriously.
Honestly, the earlier scenes with Dave roaming the apartment, being surrounded by weapons and sex toys, making comments of how he has difficulty accessing food, and being videotaped for Bro's fetish films paint a much better image of an abusive household than any of this strife shit. I don't want to try and argue that Bro isn't a bad guardian, because he definitely is, but there's this notion in the fandom that he does all this because he hates Dave and wants him to suffer, and I don't think that's true at all. His actions read more like neglect and carelessness, not malice.
You can make a list of all Bro's crimes, but hating his brother is not one of them.
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John wins his fight against the ogres. There's an earlier page where we see him getting the tar kicked out of him (with the same over the top slapstick animations during the Dave vs. Bro fight, mind you), but it's only after Nannasprite and Rose join to help that he's able to achieve victory. He really can't do anything on his own, can he?
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How about a "thank you, Rose, for beating those ogres for me"? Dickhead.
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No "thank you" for Nannasprite, either. Instead he asks her to carry him to the gate, since he already knows Rose can't do it. This kid really sucks.
Now that I'm a third of the way done with Act 3, I have to say Jade is some honest to god Mary Sue shit. I don't like using that term because it's been misused to the point of uselessness, but come on. Compare Jade to the three previous kids and tell me that this girl isn't the most ridiculous character in this lineup.
We have John, the goofy cornball that likes pranks and watching bad movies; Rose, the smug pseud that likes the occult and writing lousy fiction; Dave, the aloof hipster that likes rapping and making shitty comics; and Jade, the genius manic pixie furry girl with a randomly changing wardrobe that can see into the future, lives on a private island full of crazy hi-tech gadgets, was raised by a radioactive dog, and likes physics, gardening, sharpshooting, bass guitar, and inventing.
Fuck me. If I was DM for a DnD session and someone submitted a character sheet like that against three normal ones, I'd tell them to leave. Why can't she just be a normal kid like the others? It's all so jarring!
Suddenly I'm wishing I was back reading Act 1 again.
Read the next post here.
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crabonfire · 2 years
could you do mercs reacting to their s/o infodumping about their hyperfixations? :]
I was working on another request when I saw this pop in and oh my gosh. Yes.
Mercs reacting to s/o who infodumps about their hyperfixations!!!
I also have a touch of the tism :)
characters: all mercs
warnings: none
note: ps as a ref I decided the s/o would have a hyperfixation on crabs because...I love crab
• aw
• honestly thinks it adorable...and tbh? I feel like Scout also has hyperfixations. He doesn't really realise it or even know what it is but he loves to nerd about things he's real into.
• he finds it cute your so passionate about this stuff!! Like yeah babe go off!! Talk to him about your silly little hyperfixations!!
• if you ever apologise for talking about it he will shut you up, telling you to continue about your ramble!!
"Ah...I'm talking too much-sorry you probably don't wanna hear about certain crab species."
"No no! It's interestin babe, go on. I wanna hear about Christmas crabs and what they do at Christmas Island."
I use crabs because that's what I'm fixated on...I love crabs...:)
• please don't ever stop talking
• finds it absolutely charming how into it you are, like the way you sometimes get outta breath from pacing around your room and talking 24/7 about it makes him happy to see you so happy
• like omg!!! ur so cute!!!
• even if your hyperfixation is about murder, or something simple like bugs, he still loves to hear you talk about it.
• if you ever apologise for talking about it, he will assure you it's okay and encourage you to talk more about it. He loves jt.
• finds it interesting!
• if you ever just spit out fun facts or explain stuff about your hyperfixations, he will shut the fuck up and listen, even asking questions about it.
• "Crabs are actually a quite aggressive species! Even the friendly type of crabs have their own limit to how friendly they can be. Did you also know that crabs are escape artists?"
"Yeah! That's why, any type of crab you have, make sure the tanks sealed properly. Even the tiniest nook they will somehow escape."
• if you ever apologise for it he will get mad. like why r u sorry he loves hearing u talk...especially about something your passionate about. Keep talking, he loves it.
• he will have a hand on his cheek, his eye half lidded with a dumb goofy smile on his face the entire time he listens to you ramble on.
• he loves it when you get so happy over your little silly hyperfixations.
• when u stim over new stuff for your hyperfixation he finds it adorable
(Ps baby girl don't be embarrassed abt ur stimming!! I've seen ppl say that they r and my little tootsie roll pancake it's normal and it's adorable!!)
• if u apologise he will be dramatic,
" gasp WHAT ARE YE SAYIN? do ye really think that I could ever hate yer knowledgable rambling?!"
But he will insist that it's okay, and that he finds it cute.
• it is very cute. please continue.
• "I love pom pom crabs...they are so cute. They are also known as boxer crabs or cheerleader crabs, that is due to the sea anemones they hold in their claws. Why do they do that you ask? Their claws are too small to catch food, so they instead ramble ramble crab nerd stuff "
"Mhm :)"
He will actually get into what your into, he wants to know how he can fuel your hyperfixations since they make you so happy. Like bugs? He got you your favorite! Want to know more about certain crime cases? Yo he found...a clue from the crime scene? How...what? Huh?
• he's super supportive, so don't even think about apologising. because he actually loves when you talk about whatever your into.
• he will listen to you in his workshop while he works, it's like an audio book.
• he loves when you get so happy and talkative when you infodump, he wants to kiss your dumb face whenever you just ramble on about it all.
• just like Heavy, tries to fuel it. Like,,,yas babe!! Get into your little hyperfixations WOOO
• he'd definitely ask a lot of questions to get you going, he loves the expression on your face from the happiness you get from answering them.
• "The longest living crabs I've seen from multiple crab owners I've done research on is...they mostly live only until 8 years depending on the species....that's so sad...not even a decade :("
"I want to kiss you so bad."
"what? engie what did you say?"
"Nothing, uh, that's terrible...I'm sorry honey."
• he definitely has a touch of the tism too,, bro is hyperfixated on his work lol
• definitely infodumps about his to you too, and he loves to hear about yours.
• he will do intense research about your hyperfixation to impress you and relate to you, it's quite nice.
• cute ass mf
• likes to write down notes about specific things you've said to him about your interests, likes to read them when he's sad and smiles when he remembers the fire in your eyes when you talk about it.
• he desperately wants to kiss you because of this
• he thinks it's charming that your so into all this...whatever it is, he will listen.
• also takes time to get into it!!!!
• loves it when you absolutely infodump outta nowhere, especially when yall are doing something else,,,its so cute :)))!!!
• " ramble ramble ramble "
"God, your so damn cute."
"HUH? WHAT? Continue."
It just slips sometimes, he can't help it your just so so cute.
• apologise and he will give you a quick forehead kiss, telling you that he loves you a lot, especially when your being a little nerd about what you like.
• he will never ever ever admit it but he finds it charming.
• he won't really talk much about it, pretending like he doesn't care, but if you ever apologise for talking he will automatically shut you up, talking about how interesting it is and telling you that as long as your happy so is he.
• buys you stuff that's related to your hyperfixation, out of nowhere too, it's always so sweet when he does it.
• it's like his white noise, infodump all day baby!!!
• he likes the way you smile more when you talk about your hyperfixations, even if he won't understand some, he will still try to, and definitely loves you just a little more for it.
There u go!!! Sorry its 11 and I'm on the verge of falling asleep,,,so there might be some errors...I hope u enjoyed tho :)
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patibato · 29 days
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-B02 - The Hair-Raising Sentai World is Too Sick!
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Momiji: Umm, what on earth is this…
Akuta: Huh!? What's with that reaction! Isn't it clearly a concept, no matter how you look at it!?
Momiji: Y-yeah…
Nanaki: About this concept document. It looks like there's a… crab…? Thing drawn on it.
Akuta: It's not a "crab-thing", it's a floral egg crab. Come o~n! You're just playing dumb now!
Kiroku: I… really, like… it… this, picture…
Ushio: We aren't holding an exhibition here.
Sakujiro: Let's set aside the quality of the art. The problem is the content.
Akuta: Ye~s, allow me to expla~in! Plea~se turn to page one of the document!
Muneuji: But there's only one sheet.
Akuta: To start, I think it'd be good if the concept had a boom-boom pow-pow action feel.
Every customer gets to feel like an action star! Right? Right? Just thinking about it is hype, right!
And so, the curtain rises on the "Tourism Sentai Tourism Rangers! ~Revenge of the Demonic Floral Egg Crab~"
Ushio: Rangers…?
Muneuji: Come to think of it, he was making a ruckus the other day about studying tokusatsu sentai shows. And that he signed up for a subscription.
Akuta: A giant demonic floral egg crab invades Asu-High! Its favourite food is the brains of tourists and meat buns!
Momiji: (What a harsh worldview…!)
Akuta: A trampled school building! Explosions! Students and guardians in a panic to escape! Who could they possibly call to help!
We, the Tourism Sentai Tourism Rangers, appear in a flash and save the day!
I'm Tourism Orange! Kiroku's Purple and Nanaki's Turquoise! Pink is Muneuji and Ushio's Lime!
Ah, and when we appear there'll be an explosion of smoke in our five colours. That's a given when doing sentai stuff.
And so, with the evil defeated, peace is briefly restored to Asu-High, UNTIL—
Momiji: Wait, before you get to that, what's this Hishio bowl-like thing?
Akuta: The ones we had the other day were crazy good, so I drew that as a bonus.
Nanaki: Nothing to do with the concept, then.
Akuta: I'll continue now, thanks for your attention!
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Akuta: And finally the Demonic Crab and the Tourism Rangers put on the BEST live and revue, THE • END!
So? Whaddaya think~!?
Momiji: To summarise… is it safe to say the general concept is "sentai action"?
Akuta: Yep!
Nanaki: How long did you spend thinking about this?
Akuta: A few seconds?
Sakujiro: I suppose coming up with all this in a matter of seconds can only be considered impressive, but… it's rather incoherent.
Akuta: Incoherent! Yay yay!
Momiji: Sakujiro-san, Akuta-kun considers "incoherent" to be a compliment.
Sakujiro: My mistake, then.
Ushio: Its favourite food being brains is seriously gross, so definitely change that. And aren't there too many explosions? Why do you want to blow stuff up so much? I don't get it.
Akuta: Becau~se art is an explosion.
Kiroku: …How will we… make… the, explosions…?
Akuta: That's already settled with the egg!
Muneuji: But it's returned to the sea.
Momiji: Egg?
Nanaki: Ah—no, it's uh… an egg shaped bomb. We saw something like that on dazzle recently.
Ushio: It's just some stupid anime thing, don't worry about it. We're still kids, you know.
Momiji: (Regardless, popping up with such an out-there plan… I was careless.)
(I should've checked in with him more. I know he has a tendency to run wild, I should've kept his hyperness in check.)
Ushio: So? Our team name?
Akuta: Just what I said! The Tourism Sentai • Tourism Rangers!
Ushio: Th-that's so lame I can't even comment on it.
Momiji: (This is my responsibility. First, I need to get control over the situation somehow—)
Nanaki: …This isn't gonna work.
Kiroku: …
Nanaki: To start, we can't make a giant demonic crab, and harming the school would be…
Akuta: No no no, we'll have them act like it's happening!
Ushio: Being forced to act at an open day… no way.
Muneuji: Even as a show, I wonder if everyone visiting the school would enjoy this concept.
There will be people of all ages and genders. How about doing something with wider appeal?
Ushio: What would you do if someone got hurt in an explosion? Wouldn't it give us all social death for sure this time?
Probably best that you stop going "explosions, explosions~" so casually. For all our sakes.
Kiroku: … I feel… like… you haven't… thought… about… the budget.
Akuta: Ugh…
Nanaki: In the first place, nothing in here has anything to do with either Asu-High or Hama.
Ushio: Don't go on about crazy things, and come up with a proper concept already.
Akuta: …H-haven't you just been criticising me all this time! Even in JJ Park, after judging it they go "but" and praise it. Isn't there anything to praise me for!
Muneuji: I've been searching for some for a while, but all I've found are difficulties.
Akuta: Doh…
Kiroku: …I think… the, pictures, are… good…
Akuta: …
Goin' toilet.
*door opens*
Momiji: A-Akuta-kun…!
(His expression was uncharacteristically stiff… It might be best to get some fresh air.)
—Everyone! It's a bit early, but let's break for lunch.
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Momiji: (What are you doing, Akuta-kun…)
Nanaki: …
Momiji: Nanaki-kun! Do you know if Akuta-kun's in the conference room?
Nanaki: -… …I don't know.
Momiji: I see. Thank you.
Nanaki: …Right.
Momiji: (I think I'll go buy a bento for him and try calling out… I hope he cheers up.)
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Akuta: … …
Nanaki: Whaaat are you idling about for?
Akuta: Woah!? Nanaki, you scared me!
Nanaki: Got you. …Can I sit on the elephant too?
Akuta: Go right ahead~ Not like it belongs to me.
Nanaki: …I was thinking you might've felt down from earlier. You faced some pretty harsh criticism.
Akuta: …Aah~
Nanaki: Since I make music, I kinda get it—
Making art is like laying yourself bare. I'm familiar with the fear of exposing it to the public.
But you know… Even if it's not perfect, you can't make a start without doing that.
We became Ward Mayors for the purpose of starting all kinds of things.
There's bound to be hardships, as well as those who deny you—lots of them, in fact—
But no matter what, I think, "I have to make a start". …I'm sure it's the same for you.
Akuta: Hehe.
Nanaki: ?
Akuta: Thanks! You've got a gift for being kind. But I wasn't feeling down aaat all about it!
First off, people that don't understand how great I am are the ones who end up cramping my style—
So all I gotta do is say bye-bye to them. Simple, right?
In this world, we have "the freedom to not understand each other". S'what my uncle says.
Nanaki: …
Pfft… hahahaha…! And here I was, getting all worried. Should've known how tenacious you are. How fun.
Akuta: That~said.
This time, I don't wanna say bye-bye just yet. It'd be too easy, so no way.
Nanaki: …
Akuta: Ah, you want some? They're tasty. Kiroku came by and gave 'em to me without a word earlier.
Nanaki: Small baby cookies… seems like something he'd give. Thanks. Nom nom…
Akuta: Nom nom… By the way, are you making the music for our Hospitality Live?
Nanaki: Huh?
Akuta: Your songs are the BEST! I've wanted to get one from you from the start!
Nanaki: Aah… yeah, well, I guess… that's fine… no, let me think about it a bit more.
I'm actually holding back on making stuff for now.
Akuta: What!? Why!?
Nanaki: …'Cause… they…
They… all end up being lo… love songs.
Akuta: Huh~!?
Nanaki: I want to stop too, or like, I feel like I'm slipping into bad habits, so I've been trying to bottle up my feelings, but…
Akuta: Wha~t are you grumbling about? Anyway, we don't need a love song, y'know? A regular one is fine.
Nanaki: I know. But—haven't you ever had something you can't help but think about, asleep or awake?
Akuta: …
Nanaki: That's how I'm feeling right now. But I could say the same about you…
That concept you showed us earlier was completely cluttered with stuff you wanted to do.
Maybe it'd be a good idea to focus on one thing you think about often to use as a base.
Not movies or anything. Something that's come from inside you, y'know—
Akuta: Inside me… like what?
Nanaki: Like— l-love troubles, or something…
Momiji: Ah! Here you both are.
Nanaki: -…!?
Akuta: Oh, Sensei!
Nanaki: W-with that, I'll leave things here! Bye!
Momiji: …Nanaki-kun left, huh.
Akuta: Yeah. …Hmm… …
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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auncyen · 5 months
the start of a bonnie pov for act 5 au/cloud collapse, whoooo
Adults are dumb.
They said, they ALL said you could come with them to the House! 'Dile had taken so long to agree, you remember those agonizing minutes of silence when you had to chew your lip and fidget because you didn't want to talk and interrupt 'Dile thinking in case it annoyed her and she said no for that, but even she agreed!
You know she wasn't happy about it though. Even though you're almost a teenager, close to grown up, they still try to keep "adult things" from you. So when 'Za shooed you out of the clocktower's kitchen last night, you knew the only way you'd hear all the important stuff was if they thought you couldn't hear it.
...You still hadn't expected to hear them planning to leave you behind.
You huff, rolling your orb between your hands, but you're careful to keep a close enough hold so it can't slip away from you. Everyone went through a lot getting the orbs, and you need all five so you can all go in the House and Belle can kick the King's crabbing butt with everyone's help. You don't want to drop it or anything. But you gotta hold the others to their word, since APPARENTLY adults think keeping promises is optional.
Stupid adults.
You'd crept out of bed as soon as you woke up and saw the sky lightening, because you knew the others would wake up soon. Now the sun is starting to come up. You'd planned to make a hot breakfast for them around now. Instead you stopped by the boulangerie and asked the surprised baker for a favor, so now you have four warm croissants and one pain au chocolat. Because. You know they're probably going to be upset and come after you without remembering they have to eat. See, you can plan ahead because you're super mature and smart. They should know that!
They should know that you're not just going to touch Frin by accident, too. You can be careful! You listened to them the first time they told you Frin didn't like touch! They--
The orb nearly slips from your hands as you stop and turn your head, but you grab and clutch it close to your body as your head swivels in the direction of the rising sun.
The dawn
looks weird.
Near the horizon, there's. Patches of a weird shade. Or is it more than one shade? You can't tell what you're seeing, can't even tell if the shade is closer to lightless or darkless. You wonder if the drawing kid would know how to describe it.
Dawns don't usually look like that. Does the sky know it's a big day? 'Dile's told you a few stories from Ka Bue where big weird stuff like that happens, but she always said they were very old stories and people had almost certainly made things up to fill in forgotten bits, like how Frin would make up great big stories when he'd forgotten things. ('Dile didn't say that last part. It's just something you know about Frin--his memory's got more holes than stinky cheese, and often, instead of just saying he forgot to do something, he'll make a story about why he didn't do the thing that's so outrageous everyone knows he's fibbing. Everyone calls them out on it, even 'Za, but it doesn't bother them. He's not actually trying to lie, just wants to be funny. You don't get why they don't just 'fess up from the start.
You don't get a lot of things about Frin.
...Especially now.)
Even if some of Ka Bue's super old stories were real, Vaugarde doesn't have any stories like that. Sometimes people say they met the Change God, but they don't say the Change God actually did anything, and they definitely don't say the Change God put a weird new shade in the sky. So. You don't know what to make of it.
...You were already trying to get to the House ahead of the others, but you start moving faster.
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
yay, hehe! can i request the poly lost boys with a reader who does gymnastics/ yoga <33
Twist and Bend | The Lost Boys x Reader HCs
absolutely you can!
no warnings apply, this is short and sweet and filled to the brim with the Reader Causing Problems On Purpose
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Gonna preface these with a warning: i know nothing about gymnastics, and next to nothing about yoga
I never did gymnastics as a kid
And i’m a tiny bit afraid of gymnastics specifically as an adult
I'm afraid of breaking all my bones
They’re scary boys, spooky lads
But if you can bend like a gymnast?
If you can fold yourself into a pretzel?
You can be fucking terrifying 
Imagine it
The boys come into the cave, expecting you to be there
But they don’t see you right away
They look around, searching for where you could’ve gone
And they can hear your heartbeat, and maybe your breathing, so they know you haven’t left
Paul is in the middle of proposing that you’ve somehow turned invisible when suddenly
From high up
They hear a stone fall
And then
From a hole in the wall
One much too small, they thought, for a person to slide into
You emerge 
And you’re like, cackling
So it’s Spooky!
Frightening, even!
Paul jumps into Dwayne's arms!
And you, dear reader, are delighted 
Another scenario is this:
You’re standing in one part of the cave, facing away from the boys
Looking at a book, examining a vinyl record, whatever you’re doing it doesn’t matter much
What they’re doing doesn’t matter either (though let’s be honest, they’re probably doing smthn dumb)
Whatever it is, they call you over to them
And instead of turning and walking over like someone who can’t bend and twist like a pretzel
You bend
Put your hands to the floor
And then you fucking crab crawl over to them like a funky little nightmare creature (affectionate)
There are screams <3
Even david jumps a little bit
Safe to say
They were not expecting that
Which is just so fucking delightful 
Those boys are in control of most situations they find themselves in
It’s fun to throw them off balance
Rmr what i said earlier, about how i’m afraid to do gymnastics because i’m scared i’ll break all my bones?
Yeah, the boys have that fear for you
Humans are fragile, and despite the fact that you are Trained, they still have Concerns
Paul is the worst with this- you bend in a way that most people can’t and he just
Dwayne is also Concerned, basically to the extent that paul is
He just doesn’t voice his anxieties 
He’ll tell you to be careful every now and then, but otherwise, he seems unbothered
But that’s just because you can’t see him watching you like a hawk while you do your stretchy thing
David is also mildly afraid that one day you’ll bend the wrong way and hurt yourself, but he’s also Very Aware that you know what you’re doing
So like dwayne, he kinda just watches
And marko?
Marko is a fucking menace
Marko insists you teach him how do gymnastics every time he sees you do something cool
Marko has No Fear
And i mean, if you end up teaching the boys anything
Marko is the one who will break bones
Not you
You put a pause on teaching them stuff after that
No one complains 
(except for marko)
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inherstars · 4 months
Spring Thaw | The Last of Us (Part 1 of 7)
Fair warning, this is going to be completely self-indulgent tripe. I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish it, but I wanted to post it as I go in case it acts as brain candy for someone else.
Joel wrenched into the prayerbook fold of his handkerchief, barely muffling a sneeze.
Don’t say it, he thought.  I’m begging you, don’t say it.
Tommy, his own personal perpetual critic, remarked drily, “This is a bad fuckin’ idea.”
“I am aware of that,” Joel sighed, sweeping the checked cotton away with both hands, returning it to his pocket. “But I don’t got much choice.”
“You could say no.”
But that was dumb, and unlikely to happen, and even before Joel’s dark hazel eyes had cut to him with that wry, Really, though? cynicism, Tommy knew it was a lost cause.  Unless it somehow involved unicorns and dinosaurs -- and, quite possibly, even if it did -- whatever Ellie wanted, she was going to get.
He loved that girl to death, but god damn if she didn’t have her brother on a short leash since their return Jackson.  It was an absolute disaster waiting to happen, and he was as loathe to see it unfold as he was smugly curious as to how it would all play out.
Christ, Joel was still looking at him.
“Stop bein’ smug,” his brother accused.
Tommy held his hands up in defense. “I didn’t say anything!”
“You don’t have to.  You were being smug in your head.”
Maria inserted herself between them, as she usually did, giving Tommy a push aside with one hand as she shoved a jar into Joel’s.
“Elderberry syrup.  Best we got, under the circumstances.  Take a tablespoon every couple hours.”
Joel accepted it, tilting the little hexagonal jar in his fingertips, catching the diffuse living room light.
“This stuff actually work?”
“No,” Tommy smirked.
“Yes,” Maria corrected, just about done with both of them.  “How can so much stubborn run in one family.  Just take it and don’t listen to your brother.” She paused, checked with Tommy, and at his small smirk corrected, “...except for the part about how this is a bad idea.”
Joel pushed to his feet with a soft grunt.  Welp, time to go.
“We’ll be back tonight.”
“Bring a tent just in case,” Tommy called after him.
“Way ahead of you.”
He had, in fact, told Ellie to pack for an overnight.  Not that he didn’t intend to come back by that evening, but the April sun still set early in Jackson, and he wasn’t familiar enough with the terrain or the trail they were following to be absolutely sure they wouldn’t need to camp.  The hills surrounding town may have been cleared of Infected, but that didn’t mean there weren’t stragglers.  Or raiders.  Or unexpected challenges associated with the notion of an all-day hike with an adventurous teenager while he was clearly fighting a cold.
They were right.  This was a bad fucking idea.
Anyway, best not to tell Ellie.  He wasn’t sure if she’d worry, exactly, but she would certainly give him shit, and that was worse.
She waited for him at the base of Tommy’s porch steps, making impatient little hops in place as she gripped the straps of her pack.
“Are you done ruminating, or whatever it is you people do when you get together and don’t let me listen in?”
Joel came down to join her, mild.  “We weren’t ruminating.  And you listen in anyway.”
“Yeah,” she crabbed. “But I couldn’t hear anything this time.”
“Tough luck, kiddo.”  He inclined his head sharply in the direction of the main gate and they turned as one, Ellie’s steps quick and skipping compared to his own.  These days she moved with all the lightness and energy of a fawn, electric in the way she interacted with the world. She had friends now, and in-jokes with others, of which he wasn’t a part.  Watching her grow away from him was bittersweet, though he knew it was the way of things.  It was good she’d have that opportunity.
When she’d suggested the hike up to see the Little Lewis waterfall ridge -- just the two of them, “Like before,” in her own words -- he hadn’t had it in him to say no.  If she’d suggested setting nuns on fire up there he might have flicked his lighter a few times in consideration.
Fortunately, though the situation was a little less than ideal, the stakes weren’t that high.  Jackson’s surrounding topography made passage challenging for both humans and Infected alike, so although Maria’s crew still ran regular patrols, it was considered as low risk an area as one could expect outside the palisade walls.  He brought a rifle and pistol, Ellie brought her bow, and the rest of their gear consisted of the basics for an -- at absolute worst -- overnight trip.  He hoped.
Joel twisted aside and sneezed again as they waited for the gates to roll back, early morning sun glinting off the corrugated metal as the keepers rolled them back.  Ellie sent him a frowning look.
“You OK?”
“No complaints,” he said, but didn’t look at her.  No sense in getting her antenna up.  He waved to the guard in the tower as the way cleared for them, and they started through. “What about you?”
She blew air sharply through her lips, outpacing him confidently.  “Fuck you, old man.  If it wasn’t for me you’d still be sitting at home, whittling.”
Joel sighed a bit too loudly, hefting his rucksack higher on his shoulders as he made to catch up.
“You don’t got to rub it in.”
It wasn’t so much a trail as a desire path, a concept that Joel had to explain to Ellie in a way that made sense to someone with an entirely different concept of desire.  They didn’t need to hack any greenery out of their way, fortunately, but as the way increased in elevation so did the places where muddy patches were still iced over from an incomplete thaw.  A cold drizzle settled in halfway up, and they paused to don their rain jackets before continuing.
It was slower going than Joel liked.  Footing was dodgy in spots, the initial breakout sun quickly lost behind fast-moving clouds, but the distant roar of the river compelled them to follow it towards an undoubtedly impressive view.  Ellie called out birds as she saw them and Joel recalled them with -- what was to her -- startling accuracy, only occasionally wondering if he was fucking with her.  He was actually fucking with her a fair bit, but it was only ‘titmouse’ that made her really stop and give him a searching look.
“I swear to God,” he laughed.
“There are books, you know,” she challenged.  “Books about birds.  That I can and will consult with, when we get back.”
“Go right ahead,” he drawled, pausing to cough against an upraised wrist.  “Look up ‘brown booby’ while you’re at it.”
“You are definitely making that one up.”
It was well after midday by the time they finally made it to the first plateau, an overlook that stopped in view of Little Lewis Falls.  Joel was frustrated to find the way to the top of the falls completely blocked by trees felled in the last storm; the only way forward was downward, a perilous climb to the lower elevation that followed the river to the dam.  Ellie took her time admiring the view before coming back to him, clearly in debate.
“I really want to go up to the top, but there’s no way we’re getting past until they clear that tree.”
Joel relished the ability to lean his shoulder against a nearby cottonwood, regaining his breath.  He’d taken his handkerchief out to tend his nose while Ellie scouted the blocked path, but now it was safely stashed back in his pocket.
“Maria n’them probably don’t even know about it yet.  We’ll have to tell ‘em.  Get somebody up here to clear the trail.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, but quietly despondent.  Joel mustered himself upright, scratching his beard under the line of his jaw as he joined her at the edge and looked down.
“Well.  We can head back…”
“Yeah.”  Absolute disappointment. Sad day.  0/5 stars, would not recommend.
“Or…” He was a sap. A goddamned fucking sap.  “Suppose we could climb down to the bottom of the falls.  Follow the river a ways.”  He felt the sparking ignition of her excitement before he’d even finished the suggestion.  Why did he do this to himself?  “But I don’t know how we’re gonna get back up again.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Ellie dismissed excitedly, all bright eyes, freckles and you’re never going to say no to this kid again, old man.  He stopped and sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, hating himself just a little bit.
Ellie hopped in place.
“Come on, plleeeease?  Maria said the river’s really high and fast this time of year.”
“Yeah, she said that as a warning,” he pointed out.  “That’s what’s called a cautionary tale.”
“How is it cautionary if it sounds super fun?”
“On account of you being a little messed up in the head.”
“It’s probably all the cordyceps,” she dismissed. “I’m sure it’s fine.”
“M-hm.” He sighed and leaned on another tree, considering their options: back the way they’d come, with Ellie personifying a frowny-face emoji the entire way, or climb down the plateau and take their chances on the river.  He could see enough wear through the brittle April grass to suggest that others had passed this way before, so it was a safe bet there was a way back that didn’t involve reversing the nearly vertical climb back up to the ridge… but how long was it going to take to find it?
Don’t look at the kid, don’t look at the kid, don’t look at the--
Fuck, he looked at her.
“God damn it,” he sighed.  Ellie gave another, celebratory jump in place.
“Three points of contact,” he reminded her, yoking her arm and pulling her back from the edge.  “And let me go first.”
She said again, but more sedately this time, “Yay.”
Joel checked the way down, noting to himself the potential handholds, the potential hazards, of which there were more the latter than the former.  He backed down slowly, feeling for roots and crevices with the toes of his boots as he went.
“Watch where I’m going. Step where I step.  Don’t get creative.”
“I’m with you all the way,” she vowed, crouching down to wait her turn.
Continued here
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glitched-username · 2 months
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★..sooo, erm, based on your latest post regarding concepts with rottmnt g/t and stuff, a little concept has been spiraling around in my head based on - these parts of your rambles★ :
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★And this- has got me thinkinggg.. what if everyone who got mutated into an animal of some sorts just, as you said, let's the size take priority ?? Now this could go both ways, like- a person, depending on the species that they turn into after getting bitten by an oozequito (how is it spelled, help) has the misfortune of forming onto said size★
★Im, gonna give some very specific examples here★ :
|⭐| For instance, if a person transforms into some sort of a bug, it is safe to say that their size would reduce to just a couple of inches tall, maybe even smaller than that.
|⭐| They get turned into a bunny ?? Then their new found size should be about 10-20 inches tall-..I think- I dunno, (by the way, the smallest species of a rabbit is called a pygmy bunny and they can reach up to only 12 inches tall.. I think-)
|⭐| They happen to be close to an orca during the process of their mutation ?? They might just reach a length of 5.5 to 9.8 meters .. pretty big.
★You get the idea- well, you pretty much formed it.. Unlessss, the sizey thing was just a hiccup that occured because the mutant-gen was still in testing and stuff- ?? (or is it empyrean ?? Fuck I gotta go to the turtle-pedia- ) ★
★either way, it would make for a pretty cool, ermm, concept to add to the 'ROTTMNT' universe- !!★
★..(and imagine the tons of g/t content we could feast on (⁠☆‹ ☆⁠) !!)★
★yeah ermm, your rambling is quite cool by the way anddd, (I hope that..i dunno, you meet a giant in real life that just so happens to be like rise!raph)★
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Oh, Draxum 100% would not have wanted the animal height to take priority, he just didn't think of the way heights would be affected with the mutation. Many dangerous/strong animals are actually much smaller than humans (wolves, spiders, monkeys, etc.) so he would be more interested in trying to find a way to prioritize the human height to a certain point. Super dumb way I could phrase it but, it'd kinda be like
if(HumanHeight > AnimalHeight){
HumanHeight = Height;
AnimalHeight = Height;
idk if that makes sense but that's how I view it (can you tell I'm a fucking donnie kinnie lmao). And this is also my excuse so that the other mutants that appear in the show are still their OG sizes instead of getting to the heights of crabs and pigs. Would also make it funnier when the rogues gallery are giants compared to the turtles and yet the turtles still manage to kick ass.
Honestly Draxum would only recognize the boys as his creations by their height and is just like "well, they still have lou jistu DNA and survived THIS long... maybe I can still work with this?"
Anyway currently writing some stuff based on this au and I'm starting with the first meeting with April, which if you read my thoughts on how that would go... teehee
And Imma be real, I'm projecting hard when I write about giant raph stuff, because I would love to have that mystic power. idk who assembled my tiny 5 foot 2 self in the factory but I am ridiculously giant coded lmao. I would lose my mind immediately if I got some borrower friends. I even got a tiny handheld robot guy that I love because he's a tiny robot friend :))
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rotationalsymmetry · 10 months
Getting irrationally angry about the way people keep spreading that one post about Biden's eulogy for Kissinger having crab rave energy.
I think it is irrational because a lot of people are sort of...only just figuring out politics on here, and in that context it is good to talk about deciphering political language and how it's possible to criticize someone or something without using the sort of language you would use at a demonstration. And most of the post is about that.
I do not like the continued campaign (I'm not sure it's even a self aware campaign) to smush everything left of center into the same thing. Democrats (as in, politicians and voters for whom the Democratic Party platform basically represents their political position, as opposed to people who side with the Democratic Party in practice as being somewhat noticeably less awful than the Republicans) have a closer world view and ideology to Republicans than to leftists.
That is a simple statement of fact and really should not be a surprise to anyone who is remotely familiar with any of the words I used.
It is ludicrous to expect coalition between two groups that have less in common with each other than one has with the group they're supposed to ally against.
And that's even before you get into the vast discrepancies between how this stuff is supposed to work in theory (elected representatives vote for what their constituents want, mediated by their own conscience/common sense/potentially better understanding of the situation; what the Dems (politicians) say they want is what they actually want) and how it works in practice (to a large degree, elected representatives vote for what their largest campaign contributors want, mediated by personal greed or pride; the Dems (and the Republicans) have a large gap between what they campaign on and what they actually want.
Anyways, no, there isn't crab rave energy. Biden disagees with and disapproves of Kissinger. He may be horrified by some things Kissinger is done, I don't really have a good sense of Biden's internal world. He's also...running the United States government. It's not like there was an Evil Advisor and now the Evil Advisor is gone and there's a Good King again like some sort of fairy tale. The US government is the same government even when there's an administration change and it mostly does the same things.
This is in the same line as "but Biden was advocating for a ceasefire behind the scenes! And yeah he's funding isreal but the US and Israel are allies so he has to" yeah? You think the people are shouting Genocide Joe because they want the US to be allied to Israel but in a kinder, gentler way? That they want Israel to keep on as usual but be a little bit nicer? They want the state of Israel to stop existing, or turn into something that is no longer an apartheid state, or something. Not "well of course things were fine before the last weeks of bombing", but "things have been awful for decades and just took a turn for much worse." It's a very big political difference and it's irritating when people elide it.
Especially when they're presenting themselves as the smart, politically aware people in contrast to those dumb radicals who don't even know what they want. We know what we want. You just don't like it.
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lysteriaposts · 2 years
i wanted to make a review but um... it took me like a week to finish the whole thing.. which should say enough.. and honestly i don't really feel like rewatching the majority of the episodes lol. i'll just give my reasons for the tiers instead.
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this is probably my most unpopular one yet.
the only emotional journeys i connected with this season was topper, rafe and pope.
cleo could've been there if they actually focused more on her as a person rather than being thrown into a relationship and having that be the focus of her arc, same with kiara. still, i find cleo / pope duo way more watchable than jj / kiara. and she is a nice character.
i actually wished we'd seen kiara be kidnapped half of the season at singh's so that, a) the reunion actually feels more earned b) her and rafe's scenes were gold and probably the most interesting things for her character this season c) we could learn more about the "new, evil villain" and his motives. instead he felt out of place.
as for singh, he could cut it with the "you knows" ....
topper and kiara delivered on the comedy this season though, which is one reason they placed higher.
jj's whole "i don't want to be loved" thing felt half assed and he didn't crack me up the way he did s1-2... the humor felt kind of cartoonish (crabs 🫥). i still don't like how they dumb him down to an actual caricature, it was endearing and believable in s1 but it's just gotten worse each season for cheap slapstick. it's not funny.
i wanted more conflict between him and pope and their friendship
i didn't need jj / kiara to be honest... had no relevance to what was going on, and felt very dry. like they were trying to churn out something that just isn't there, and i didn't recognise the characters either.
rafe just elevates any scene he's in and any character he's with. i give props to drew 'cause even though the writing feels more serious for his character than the others, it probably wouldn't come across as good as it does without a good enough actor. luckily enough he's been spared from most of the corniness on this show.
the john b/sarah/topper thing is repetitive but i'm glad we got to see a story where topper isn't villainised (in the show, just by the pogues). he saved sarah's life, yet gets used and discarded. she keeps making the same mistakes, and the john b/big john stuff was just atrocious. he suddenly trusts the dad who abandoned him for years over his ride or die friends? the gf who sacrificed everything for him?? yeah ok dude.
the complete absence of rose but wheezie especially is unrealistic as hell. i don't understand why new, annoying characters are introduced (limbray.... singh... jb's dad) when they don't amount to anything in the end and there is no investment in them. we could've seen so many good family relationships and dynamics, how does the completely overlooked youngest sibling view everything? actually an episode from her POV would've been hilarious and also insanely interesting.
as much as i prefer ward over jb's dad and liked him as a villain... he didn't play a big enough part in this season to keep (he is also irredeemable). i think they could've killed him off in s2. and rafe could've dealt with the aftermath of that this season instead of s4.
the treasure thing felt contrived and way too much for one season. i don't really get the pacing, they don't need to find something new each season they can take a break once in a while and have like every other season be more obx / character focused. and the rest plot. that way when they do find something it feels much greater! what they did over the course of these three seasons could've easily been stretched to six seasons with better writing and giving the story room to breathe, develop a lot of other things etc... instead of making up "blackbeard" 💀
there's much more to say, and a lot of issues with the production and more nitpicky faults, but these are probably my biggest issues with the story. in the end it was a very disjointed season, probably my least favorite so far.
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florenceisfalling · 1 year
if i spend money on tumblr products its not because i have some fucking moral imperative to tumblr its because 1.) im allowed to buy myself a little treat and encouraging intense scrupulosity over like four bucks is bananas 2.) i would like this site to not fucking die seeing as it is the home of my growth as an artist and individual over the past 4+ years
yes they are owned by a corporation but that corporation would love to trim off any excess that loses them money and currently this site is making very little money
i understand feeling upset that people are spending money on a little png on this website but consider for a fucking second that its not about the damn crabs or whatever
its a bunch of people who are scared they are going to lose their primary online platform - which, if you're going to pull up the stupid morality discourse, fun fact! a lot of disabled people who are bound to their homes or beds really need the social circle they have here - and are grasping at straws to try and help the platform stay in existence
i understand that some of you arent as online but gen fucking srs stop acting like everybody can just step away from the computer and be exactly perfectly fine and cool if this site implodes. think of every piece of artwork, writing, animation, etc. that exists here. this site has contributed more than most things to my relationship with the person im engaged to!!!!!!
and all of you who log on to complain about people giving money to tumblr literally wouldnt have anywhere else to 1. complain 2. post your shit 3. ask for donations if it wasnt for tumblr dot com so!!!
i hate how this site is run i hate the bias in moderation i hate all the dumb fucking updates i am furious constantly too!!! but what are the other options??? "make your own website" and promote it/share it where? "use mastodon" and convince every single friend i have here to do the same?? "why dont you try ____" well you see i have literally tens of thousands of posts&reblogs id have to move over/archive for that. "just go offline" thats not a feasible option for people!!!!!! for real!!!!
edit im not even saying buying stuff is going to make a difference . im saying stop fucking calling it bootlicking when someone wants to not lose a decade of media to a site crashing
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maklodes · 1 year
Could a blogger coop acquire Tumblr, y'know, like REI? If Automattic were willing to sell?
It wouldn't prevent bankruptcy, fundamentally, unless there were other changes (coops can and do go bankrupt if costs exceed revenues. I've even personally owned shares in a coop grocery store that went bankrupt before.), but it would still be cool to have a social media site that was a coop. People are talking quite seriously about their willingness to invest money in keeping this site going. It would be cool if we could actually invest in it and not just give money to Automattic in the hopes that Tumblr looks better on their balance sheets.
It wouldn't require everyone get familiar with any sort of new system, as a federated version of Tumblr would, and people who didn't buy into coop membership could keep doing their thing without changes.
I know "create a coop that buys tumblr!" sounds like one of those dumb Tumblrina ideas, but are we getting to the point where we say "what have we got to lose at this point?"
(The answer: money. A bunch of us could buy into a coop, then get all the money taken by creditors and still end up with Tumblr being bankrupt and shut down. But we're already doing that with crab day and stuff. So other than that, what have we got to lose?)
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hello-nichya-here · 11 months
GoT or HotD? Any particular reasons why?
Depends on which half of GOT we're talking about here.
Game Of Thrones seasons 1-4 VS House Of The Dragon season 1
GOT's first four seasons had it's problems, a few show original plots that were just dumb (see Dany losing her dragons in season 2), and the closer it got the point where D&D were going to be without new books to adapt AND ignore the stuff they set up in previous seasons, the worse the writting got, but overall, it was still a pretty awesome show, with a few episodes that were masterpieces even in season one.
House Of The Dragon however is a show that ranges from decent to good, with a few scenes that are absolutely great, but no masterpieces yet. In my opinion, the show was being held back by it's one HUGE flaw: the pacing.
The war between the blacks and the greens is a long conflict that just DEMANDS some time skips, because the show can't afford to make 20 damn seasons to FINALLY get to the point of Rhaenyra and Aegon, both now adults, to be at each other's throats.
HOWEVER the first season had too many time skips. It was sort of okay in first half of the season the since the most time that ever passed between episodes was 2 years, but still, a time skip every other episode could get a little jarraging. Then suddenly, in between episodes 5 and 6 we jumped A WHOLE DECADE ahead in the timeline. And then in episode 8 we jump a few years ahead yet again.
I legit am wondering if the writers/showrunners were scared that the show would not have enough time to develop a fanbase and get canceled after season due to how bad GOT's ending was (hell, a different spin-off was canceled BEFORE airing) and thus decided to rush the plot as much as possible to get to the "good stuff" right away in the hopes that it would get enough people watching for the show to be given a fair chance.
Sure, this means season two will be the official start of The Dance Of The Dragons, but it still means we didn't see lots of stuff that could have been pretty interesting.
The deleted scenes of Daemon's "heir for a day" speech and Viserys asking him the same questions he asked Rhaenyra before making her heir, and realizing Daemon could NEVER be a good king. Alicent and Viserys' wedding. The reactions of the main characters to Alicent's first pregnancy, and then later on the birth of her first baby boy, aka a threat to Rhaenyra and Daemon AND a major win for Otto.
Daemon and Corly's fighting a whole ass war against the crab-feeder. More of Alicent's attempts of patching things up with Rhaenyra. Criston Cole and Alicent bonding. Daemon's marriage to Laena and his relationship with his daughters. Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor and her affair with Harwin. Alicent first realizing Rhaenyra's child cannot possibly be her husband's.
More scenes Rhaenyra and Daemon processing the death of their lover/spouse (and the deleted scene of Daemon comforting his daughters) and then rekindling their affair. More scenes of Laenor struggling to fit into that whole political plot and wishing he could just start a new life somewhere. More of Rhaenys and Corly's dealing with the "death" of their son. Helaena on her own AND her marriage to Aegon.
Seriously, imagine that in the first season of GOT, Ned was executed in episode 5 and the Red Wedding happened in episode 10. Sure, you showed audiences "the good stuff" faster - but you showed it WAY TOO FUCKING FAST!
I genuinely do think the content we got in this first season of HotD would have been much better if it had gotten around 24 episodes instead of 10, or was split in three seasons of at least 10-13 episodes ("Season One" being the years between episodes 1-5, "Season Two" being the longest season and the years between episodes 5-7, and "Season Three" episodes 8-10) because as it stands it feels like a part of the story is straight up missing.
I will say that, thanks to budget, a lot of it LOOKS better than the first seasons of GOT, and it really shows that it was the Targaryens at their most powerful. The Iron Throne is MUCH better, and not only can I actually tell the dragons apart, but now everytime I see Dany flying without that special dragon saddle and just holding onto Drogon for dear life, it looks REALLY silly. Seriously, her brother taught her to speak High Valirian and commands in said language to make the dragons obey, what dragons eat, and a fuckton of things about Westeros but he NEVER mentioned "And they used a saddle so they wouldn't fall mid flight"?????
(They also did a better job at showing how dragons do whatever the fuck they want, rider be damned)
Got seasons 5-8 VS HotD season 1
Easy choice. House Of The Dragon wins. Is there even the need for me to explain it? The lack of the line "You want the good girl, but you need the bad pussy" already justifies it. Plus, one episode aside, I can actually SEE the stuff that is going on, while GOT's second half looks like the budget for the dragons and ice zombies came at the expense of cutting all the money meant for lighting.
Also, while HotD is telling it's story too fast, it at least HAS a story to tell. The second half of GOT feels like filler that exists solely because HBO wanted to keep making money despite the fact that there were no more books to adapt AND that Dumb & Dumber were clearly incapable to come up with an original ending OR set up the ending Martin had already told them was his plan.
Bonus: House Of The Dragon VS Fire & Blood
While House Of The Dragon has it's flaws and I do worry about how they'll build up to the, frankly disappointing, canonical ending - or if they'll go nuts and do their own thing, and if said will be good - I still like it better than I liked literally any part of the book version of the story for one simple reason: the characters actually have some redeeming qualities, or are the very least charismatic assholes.
I could not fucking stand the book characters, and the constant "is this the actual truth or this unreliable narrator lying to me?" did not work as well as it did in the ASOIAF books because all of said unreliable narrators of Fire & Blood are completely removed from the actual events they're describing, so I found it hard to give a shit about any of the players in said events, since I had no way of knowing if any of them were as good/bad as they were being described or if it was all propaganda.
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