#cr kankri
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hraeiou · 6 months ago
Trollhandle Reveal!
alright i just uploaded page 4 of Before Us, and besides Aranea Serket being a hot mess, i came up with all twelve trollhandles! here they are (content warning for Cronus Ampora!):
Damara Megido: ghastlyAssistant
Rufioh Nitram: crotalineGlamour
Mituna Captor: ceaselessCatalyst
Kankri Vantas: absolutionsTorment
Meulin Leijon: geoselenicContortionist
Porrim Maryam: animaAdmin
Latula Pyrope: awesomeCoolkid
Aranea Serket: carefreeTwilight
Horuss Zahhak: antiqueGuardian
Kurloz Makara: capriciousAngel
Cr*nus Amp*ra: thirstyConqueror (lol)
Meenah Peixes: traitorAscendant
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nekropsii · 1 year ago
Okey, this is silly but today (17/12, when you're starting the yuri poll) it's my bithday. So in a way, this is kinda like a birthday gift for me. Thanks, nekro.
Also, I'm really happy you're making this poll and hoping people would talk more about the alpha troll girls in part thanks to this, cause all I see posted about the alpha trolls is usually about the guys (for some fucking reason Cr*nus and Kankri) so it's great seeing more bout the girls! They're all so interesting tbh
Hey, happy birthday, Anon!! Glad this is fun for you!!
No goddamn clue why those two are the most popular, especially in the specific way that they are. I've been here for about a decade and the answer to that question evades me to this day. Like, their characters fascinate me, the text behind them both is genuinely interesting, but... I honestly don't ever see people use that text, and I don't know where people are getting the characterizations they're getting of those guys from. Especially Cronus. People just delete both of their personalities and paste their OCs into their skin, sure, but Kankri tends to at least be vaguely recognizable- the same cannot at all be said for Cronus. When you sand down the points and edges of a dodecahedron, you just get a sphere... Which is a different shape entirely. That's a whole new thing, you know? You can't point at that and say it's a dodecahedron anymore. It's a sphere. The argument of "No, it's still a dodecahedron, I just sanded it down to be easier to hold" does not work, since it's literally not the same shape anymore. Shapes are defined by their points and edges. Characters are defined by their traits and narrative purpose. When you remove these things and replace them with something else entirely, you have a different character.
Anyways, it's really funny to me when people will fixate on the boys and men in Homestuck and completely disregard the women and girls. It's especially funny when people try to say its because "they're boring", as if the guys in Homestuck aren't almost always written to be total weenies... Which is especially true of the Alpha Trolls. The guys in that cast are total fucking weenies and I would rather die than be in a room with most of them- the one exception being Mituna, he's chill. Some people will look you in the eye and tell you that Snowman, PM, Vriska, Terezi, Latula, and Aranea are boring, or not as well written as, like, Dirk or something. Some people will look you in the eye, sincerely, and say that Kankri is just "More Interesting" than Meenah, or Porrim. And I get that sometimes certain themes just tickle your fancy a little bit more, but... Come on now. 90% of the time it's never about themes, and we all know it. There's a reason why so much analysis of them are so woefully... Dry.
This has turned into an overly long ramble... As always, and as expected of me. Lol. Have fun with the Yuri Poll!! In this house, we respect women. đŸ«Ą
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hskinhome · 11 months ago
Go message Meulin if this sounds familiar! @meulinmakesmatesprites
-Mod Nepeta
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Meenah Peixes, Rufioh Nitram, Kankri Vantas
Act 6, page 5398
MEENAH: sup nitram
RUFIOH: oh, hey doll... you were gone a crazy long t1me...
RUFIOH: good to have you back, though... yo, that bomb stunt you pulled was some crazy sh*t.
#thought you were hatch1ng a sweet f1duspawn w1th that th1ng tbh...
MEENAH: wasnt no thang
RUFIOH: don't sell yourself short... 1 don't th1nk 1 could have done that. you're pretty gangsta, pe1xes.
MEENAH: yeah i know
MEENAH: hey lets stop talking about how badbass i am a minute and talk about you
#wanna axe you things
RUFIOH: shoot, doll...
MEENAH: those wings
MEENAH: you was hatched with em right
MEENAH: or i guess pupated them
#when you hit puperty??
RUFIOH: ha, yeah that's r1ght... 1'm a "m*tant"... don't tell kankr1 1 sa1d that! he's my boy, but you know how he's not down w1th l1ngo l1ke that...
#lingo like... #you know... #regular words
MEENAH: ug dont even say it he will like teleport into our conversation with ghost magic just to shoosh you
RUFIOH: yeah... he does that to you too, huh... that's some crazy sh*t!
MEENAH: ok so you always had wings then
MEENAH: then i guess you arent secretly a god tier or
RUFIOH: nah... m1ght have been cool to go full on rogue... hey, maybe you coulda g1ven me l1ke, steal1ng po1nters... what as a th1ef and all!
RUFIOH: but naw, 1 don't th1nk 1 could have gone through w1th that... not 1ntent1onally 1 mean...
MEENAH: what why not
RUFIOH: 1 don't know... k1ll1ng yourself, that's... a heavy th1ng to do. 1'm not l1ke you, meenah... 1 don't th1nk anyone 1s... well maybe damara 1s k1nda... but maybe we shouldn't go 1nto that, hahaha. let unhatched f1duspawn l1e, you know...
RUFIOH: what 1'm say1ng 1s, you got game... and 1 can d1g that... but 1 was never as brave as people always thought... 1 don't know why they always thought that about me. maybe 1t's my w1ngs or my mohawk... or when 1 shout bangarang somet1mes real loud? makes 1t seem l1ke 1'm the sh1t, w1th b1g self esteem... but my self esteem 1s noth1ng really to crow about... 1 dunno...
MEENAH: alright so you never god tiered but i still dont get somefin
MEENAH: didnt you have a totally fuckin stupid robot body at some point or did i just imagine that
MEENAH: that whole period of time in our session was reel foggy to me i guess because i was dead for a while there
#maybe i got the ghost madness #could SWEAR you was a metal horse tho
RUFIOH: yeaaah...
RUFIOH: no, the robot body was def1n1tely a th1ng... 1 k1nd of blocked that out of my memory too, haha... that was... that sh*t was someth1ng else, yo! crazy...
RUFIOH: 1'm sure you remember how all that started... back when damara and 1 were st1ll dat1ng... r1ng any bells?
MEENAH: yeah
MEENAH: fuckin megido
MEENAH: do we really need to rehash that ancient bullshit drama
#bull #lol #wait... #why dont you ever do bull puns? #FAIL
RUFIOH: no, no... heh, just say1ng 1s all... 1t was that whole th1ng... anyway, that's when horuss was k1nd of mack1ng on me, remember... and 1 wasn't all about to vac1llate w1th h1m and her cause 1 knew how she was... d*mn, so jealous... so f***1ng crazy...
RUFIOH: so she made me a cr*pple, remember?
MEENAH: tag that shit homie
RUFIOH: d*mn, yeah... 1 mean, she busted me up... couldn't move a muscle... well, could st1ll flap my w1ngs well enough, haha...
RUFIOH: really, 1 thought 1t would be alr1ght, just flapp1ng w1ngs around... 1 could st1ll fly and just hang there l1mp... m1ght have been a dope look!
RUFIOH: but nah... horuss thought better of 1t. bu1lt me the robo-bod, wh1ch was pretty t1ght...
#l1ke l1terally... #screwed that sh*t together T1GHT! #dude 1s good
RUFIOH: lost my w1ngs though wh1ch sucked... and k1nd of awkward just hav1ng a real guy's head on top of a b1g metal body and mak1ng all those d*mn legs move the r1ght way, you know... trott1ng 1s hard work yo.
#espec1ally on sta1rs... #}:(
RUFIOH: better than be1ng a cr*pple though. 1 mean a quadr1pleg1c, oops, haha... but 1 guess you d1dn't know what happened after that, s1nce you and damara were k1ll1ng each other and all...
MEENAH: no what
RUFIOH: well... 1 d1ed. yeah... but...
RUFIOH: that's l1ke... wow, long story... guess you never heard... 1'll tell you some other t1me, 1t's th1s whole crazy th1ng. but...
RUFIOH: 1 was dead, r1ght? and horuss k1ssed me back to l1fe... but just my head 1 th1nk... he was probably stand1ng on some mounta1n str1k1ng a pose l1ke a f***1ng gangsta, probably f1ght1ng a hoofbeast w1th a flam1ng mane and all...
#hope someone pa1nted that sh*t... #1nstant masterp1ece
RUFIOH: so yeah, next you saw me 1 had my normal body aga1n... 1t was cool of h1m to help me all the ways he has.
RUFIOH: and yeah, we went out, me and h1m... for a long t1me after that, k1nda off and on, even after we d1ed... 1n case you were gonna ask...
MEENAH: i wasnt
RUFIOH: r1ght... haha... too much 1nformat1on 1 guess? sorry doll.
RUFIOH: 1 always wanted to thank you for stand1ng up for me... you know, when she cr*ppled me... even though 1t cost ya... that was pure class, pe1xes, 1'll never forget 1t.
MEENAH: man i wouldnt have had to if you could just stand up for yourself sometimes
MEENAH: i mean being paralyzed notfishstanding
RUFIOH: heh... yeah... 1 guess...
MEENAH: you are the only guy in our group who was ever even close to being pretty cool
MEENAH: everyone else sucks but you were almost alright
MEENAH: you were always such a pushover though
MEENAH: pretty lame bro
KANKRI: Excuse me. Meenah, "lame" is an a6leist slur, which in this c9ntext is REALLY inappr9priate. Tagging y9ur j9kes with "ir9nic" trigger warnings really d9es n9t excuse the 6ehavi9r. I'll thank y9u t9 refrain fr9m using such terms in the future.
#Als9, when walking, 6e careful n9t t9 flaunt the health 9f y9ur legs.
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inland--empire · 11 months ago
"Cr*nus and Kankri are the best Alpha Trolls"
Like come on!!!! Porrim, Damara, Latula and Mituna are right there!!!
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69ywivez · 5 years ago
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toon-damien · 6 years ago
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That’d... be nice thanks...
{Damien gave a tired smile}
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=) .gm fuck1pq f1n- d*nt w*rry acb*ut m-h

{despite his claims he hasnt slept much.. well he had a five minute nap because of his lusus forcing him too}=) .-hy uya car- amy fucka1ng wa7? d*-s yy h-ahlth c*nc-rn ha?

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be nice Damien.. CF is just c0ncerned ya jerk.. -Enziro gives a sad honk-
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=) .what-v-r.. h- kan m1nd hjs *wnz damm bu1snus

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cronus-ampora-hateblog · 4 years ago
i dont like cronkri, infact i just hate cronus, he doesnt deserve a matesprite, moirail, kismeisis, or auspistice, why ship him with any of the dancestors when the trash can is RIGHT over there!
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honey-cubes · 7 years ago
Long version of what I’m trying to say
Ya know while all this dumb fucking discourse is going on about @crusadersquest-page and @gumballpard and all that shit over gay cookies I follow multiple blogs that are all on different sides being all pissy and stuff and I’m just here ignoring it bc it will only grow and y’all remember what happened in the ew fandom. That shit was bad.
All I’m saying is people have different headcanons. If you think a character is straight, you can think they’re straight. If you think a character is gay, you can think they’re gay. It’s all headcanons at this point YALL ARE FIGHTING OVER HEADCANONS AT THIS POINT. This sad. This real sad. Y’all hit rock bottom of reasons to argue.
Just stay out of it. It only gets worse. I guess gum and crusade and everyone else needs to calm the fuck down. Some people see characters as lgbt! Some people see characters as straight! It really doesn’t matter!
But there is one thing I will agree on. They shouldn’t have used terms like “special snowflakes” and stuff like that. State your opinion in a respectful way. Not screaming why you hate something with a burning passion. You could have said something like “i see why people make the cookies lgbt but can’t there also be straight cookies too? Just my opinion.”
Short version of what I’m trying to say
noun: opinion; plural noun: opinions
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
"I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
synonyms: belief, judgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint, outlook, attitude, stance, position, perspective, persuasion, standpoint; More
sentiment, conception, conviction
"she did not share her husband's opinion"
as I see it, to my mind, (according) to my way of thinking, personally, in my estimation, if you ask me, for my money, in my book
"in my opinion, the green tiles clash with the yellow walls"
the beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
"the changing climate of opinion"
an estimation of the quality or worth of someone or something.
"I had a higher opinion of myself than I deserved"
a formal statement of advice by an expert on a professional matter.
"seeking a second opinion from a specialist"
a formal statement of reasons for a judgment given.
a lawyer's advice on the merits of a case.
Shortest version of what I’m trying to say
Y’all need to calm your tiddies
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irninfidel · 5 years ago
Geez kankri is such a compelling character and yet either people hate him or he gets flattened into "cr/onus's boyfriend" and that's it. Like...all his most glaring traits are direct results of his upbringing! The pretentiousness, how defensive he gets, his rebellious nature, but also his blind faith in other people and his genuine desire to Be Good...
Please give me more interactions with Kankri being younger and only recently not culled...like, he's even more naive than he already is, and he's so idealistic...and also so funny please don't let's forget the implication that he goes ashen for darn near everyone.
Like. Let your muses talk to him about their experiences! Especially when he's like six sweeps, he just wants to hear what lusii are like, and how they found out about their signs, etc. He's such a good good character I can't do this
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ezee-street · 7 years ago
Nsfw kurcrokri? With double penetration please?
Here you go my dude, a lil sloppy in my opinion but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.
Heat had always been a problem for Kankri, due to his celibacy. He however, over the sweeps, had learned how to adjust
and everytime after he was filled with regret, but in his time of need he gave no shits.And it was that time again.He was sat back in his desk chair, desperately stroking his bulge while he messaged Cronus.CG: Cr9nus
CG:I have t9 ask y9u for a fav9r againCA:Say no more Kan, you’re knight in shinin’ armour is on his vwayUgh. Kankri sat back and sighed shakily,continuing to stroke himself. Any minute now and Cronus would be here
they would pail and all of these hellish urges would be gone. His laptop let off a notification ping and he whined, looking at the computer.CA: Hope you don’t mind but I’m bringin’ Kurloz vwithKankri widened his eyes, oh no, no, no. He went to type, but his hands were covered with prematerial. He got up and went to grab a tissue in the living room and as he wiped off his hands his front door opened, revealing Kurloz and Cronus.“Hey Kan, so, you’re a horny mess again?”Kankri widened his eyes and quickly covered his bulge and nook,”Cronus!” His face was a bright red as he looked between the two highbloods. Oh he had never felt so vulnerable
or aroused..in his life.Kurloz chuckled and signed quickly,’No need to fret brother, motherfucker is just here to help.’“Trust me Kankri, Kurloz is amazing at sex, just trust him.” Cronus closed and locked the door.A look of hesitance crossed Kankri’s face. Ugh, okay, fine. His bulge’s angry lashin had decided for him, he needed to be fucked and at this point he didn’t care how,”Fine.”Kurloz grinned and took a step closer, activating his chucklevoodoos. Kankri felt himself tense before relaxing as his eyes flickered indigo and Kurloz searched through his mind as if it were a catalog.“YOU GOT SOME KINKY ASS FETISHES IN HERE BROTHER.”Kankri whimpered and flushed darkly,”I..I don’t know what you’re talking about.”“SURE BROTHER, YOU KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT.” Kurloz then released Kankri and looked to Cronus,’Stand in front of him and pick him up.”Cronus blinked and nodded, doing so which caused Kankri to gasp with surprise while his legs snapped around Cronus’ waist,”What are you going to do?”‘You’ll find out soon enough brother, just let Cronus get started with you.’A smile formed on Cronus’ lips as he took no time to wait pushing his bulge deep into Kankri’s nook, pulling a shaky moan from the mutant. What caused Kankri to whimper softly was the feeling of Kurloz’s bulge rubbing over his ass.“Kurloz
?”Cronus chuckled and gave a sharp thrust,”Just relax babe
Kurloz is gonna make you feel so good.”“But-” He was cut off by Kurloz using his chucklevoodoos once more“RELAX MOTHERFUCKER, YOU’RE IN GOOD HANDS.” With that Kurloz slowly slipped his bulge into Kankri’s ass.Kankri’s body fell limp and he let out a low drawn out moan as the two thrusted in tandem. Cronus chuckled,”Hows that feeling babe?”“G-good, so good..” Kankri smiled lazily, moaning with each thrust,”You two feel so good inside of me..”“Damn..hah, Kurloz what did you do to him?”‘Just made him more comfortable with himself and everything’“Faster, please..”They smiled and of course they obliged, thrusting quick and sharp. Kurloz chuckled and nuzzled against Kankri’s neck, tickling him with his hair. Kankri could feel himself losing it, his head felt light. He was going to climax

He let out a wail with a cry of the others name as he released red over the three of them. He panted and wailed as they continued to thrust, both finishing inside him.
Kankri panted, thinking it was all over. That was until he was dropped onto his platform, the two swapping sides,”Nooooo.”
“RELAX.” Kurloz shoved into him, thrusting much faster than before,”YOU’RE GONNA FUCKING COME WHEN I TELL YOU TO THIS TIME.”
” Kankri closed his eyes tightly when Cronus pushed into him. Okay
maybe Kurloz was right
this was rather pleasureable. Really pleasureable.
Sounds of skin slapping and Kankri’s rampant moans filled the room. He was getting close again, however he couldnt
Kurloz said he couldn’t.
Cronus chuckled and marked up Kankris neck, grunting occasionally as he thrusted,”I
I’m getting close chief.”
Kurloz nodded and hummed,’come’Cronus did just that, then Kankri, then Kurloz.
Cronus slipped out and sighed, watching Kurloz cradle Kanrki in his arms,”YOU OUGHT TO INVITE ME OVER MORE OFTEN MOTHERFUCKER
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thiefofbreathvevo-blog · 7 years ago
alphas, what the hell
kankri: kayn cree
damara: dam mar ah
rufioh: roof ee oh
mituna: mih tuna or mee tuna, sometimes
meulin: mew lin, pretty simple
porrim: poor rem
latula: lah too lah
aranea: i think this is an Actual Name, just, ah rain ee ah
horuss: whore russ :/
kurloz: cur loh sz
cr/onus: crow nuss
meenah: mean nahh
ok is it like canon that aradia and kanaya are pronounced ah rahd ee ah and kah nahyah or something bc everyone ive heard pronounces then like that. to me theyre a ray dee ya and ka nay ya
is it canon?? am i the only one that pronounces em like that??????
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69ywivez · 5 years ago
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Wh9le traditi9nal art dump.
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69ywivez · 5 years ago
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He does what he wants, dude.
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69ywivez · 6 years ago
Doc: *from a safe distance away* *yeets over a crab plush*
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CR: i appreciate the gift, d9c dear.CR: 6ut er. why are y9u all the way 9ver there?
he nods towards doc. 
CR: i kn9w y9u might 6e afraid 9f me after.. that.CR: 6ut y9u d9nt need t9 6e *that* afraid 9f me. CR: i w9nt hurt y9u.
he pauses, biting his lip a little. 
CR: 6esides, i called y9u 9ver 6ecause my acquaintance needs a little help. 
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69ywivez · 6 years ago
new post because the rb chain is getting a little much
(( @a-bunch-of-idiotic-trolls​ )) he sees Damien out the window and hobbles quickly over to the door, having a little trouble walking normally because of the cast on his left leg. he turns the knob and swings the door open so he may enter. 
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CR: hell9 dear. i trust y9u didnt get t99 l9st 9n y9ur way here CR: welc9me t9 9ur hum6le hive, make y9urself at h9me
he gestures out into the lobby. the floor is hardwood, and theres an orange couch, a tv, a medkit on the floor, and a pile of blankets. doc somewhere in there as well.
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