#cr 3 107
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I have to check but like? Nana said to Orym that his jobs not over yet?? Which means letters death DID get him out of the deal???
Because if she counted their lunar interlude as "everyone made it back" then he wouldn't have his powers still, right?
But if everyone making it back extends till the end of the mission, then Nana already faulted on her end of the bargain. Not everyone made it back. Letters literally died on the moon.
Idk I think Nana is going to say something along the lines of "normally I would have ended our little deal when you all stepped foot back on exandria. In that spooky little town in Eiselcross. But since you're such good friends with my fearne, consider it, the friends and family discount"
#silver sending stones#orym of the air ashari#cr spoilers#cr 3 107#im p sure it was 107#anyways#i think she'll be like “you and dorian will just have to come visit me”#which. fair.#but idk what nana os going to do#shes a fey#she makes deals and expects to collect.#so 🤷🏻#maybe orym will be trimming the emissary's leaves one day
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It's quite something to see that so many people want to full on dive with the Arch Heart's plan. It's basically another "trust me bro" type of thing except he doesn't push Bells Hells to make his plan, he let them decide. On paper the AH's plan is quite tempting, but a lot of it is based on theories and unknowns. Per Corellon Predathos isn't interested of mortals to the point of not even acknowledging their presence. I really like Orym's comment with the ants, he could just do a big swipe on Exandria with a "oops my bad" while chasing after the gods. No interest in them doesn't mean he will not harm them by accident especially when it will be a god scale fight. I find it a bit odd that the Arch Heart is willing to put the lives of his siblings at risk like that. He knows damn well that some of them will not/cannot leave and putting Predathos out won't necessarily yeet them away. The Knowing Mistress is still recovering from her wound she received from the Chained Oblivion, the Wildemother made it pretty clear that she cannot and will not leave Exandria, she's too tied up with it, the Everlight loves too much mortals to go (these are just the obvious examples). The Divine Gate would be gone and then what? The gods are not the only ones behind that thing. Beasts, devils, demons, and other entities will be down upon the Material Plane and those will not be chased by Predathos. It totally make sense for the god of beauty to find beauty in the unknown regardless of the risks especially with what's at stake.
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~ CR catch-up update ~
so .. that was something. small face Marisha will be haunting my dreams, fearne asked for uppies from her evil fey dad while contemplating whether or not she should kill him while a building was kind of collapsing on everyone, we had a 3 hr fight featuring the murder lesbian couple with a sick one-two punch with that incapacitation/disintegrate combo, then ABU SHOWS UP changing everything! damn
as per usual, Ashley pictured below was the vibe for this ep.
a little less than 3 months behind but we're trucking along.
#AH#shit is getting GOOD#well its been good#critical role#cr spoilers#cr c3e107#critical role spoilers#cr#cr catch up
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cr 106 & 107
Glad I rewatched 106, because I really did miss a lot while I feeling a bit under the weather last week, so I missed most of the actual infiltration. The main thing I remembered from last week was going "wow this is really the monsterfucker campaign" after all the flirting at Nana Morri's, lol. It really does amuse me that the entire group is so into Morri and Ira while sending shade in the direction of the gods, who apparently just needed to be more capricious and weirder and less-trustworthy in order to trigger Bells Hells' monsterfucking desires. (did the ending of 107 confirm or refute this feeling? lol)
(side note: I do feel sad for Birdie and Ollie. Given Fearne's upbringing and relative isolation, I understand why she flat-out refuses to feel that Nana Morri is capable of ever doing anything wrong or bad, but man did Birdie and Ollie get screwed over by Nana Morri)
The initial battle was quite exciting but the secondary battle was even more so. I am so glad that Imogen pulled the trigger on that second fight ("I don't want Predathos to be free!") because giving the go-ahead for the Unseelie army to help Ludinus until the Sorrowlord decides it's time to betray Ludinus genuinely would be an actual betrayal of all of the people that they just spoke to in Vasselheim (including Keyleth). I think it was Marisha/Laudna who would pointed out that they would then be responsible for killing all of those people on both sides if they did something like that.
Also: Laudna has disintegrate! Wow!
Bells Hells finally got a sign from a god that was obvious enough that they noticed it, you guys! Big moment! It only took a temple being magically being rebuilt before their eyes. Also, so excited that we're getting more from the Arch Heart here. (and so so excited about our special guest, Abubakar!). They wanted to talk to a god.
Arch Heart is like, okay, no more time for being subtle. We're playing hardball. Also, they're a total prankster, which fits, given that they're the patron of all things fey.
Also Ashton getting this direct refutation of their belief that the gods would immediately smite them if they knew that the gods had found out that they knew the truth.
So two of the gods want to "let go" (leave Exandria, presumably) while the others want to stay. "Try convincing my family to leave their children." They believe that the only way they can get the others to leave is to scare the ever-loving fuck out of them.
Abubakar's Arch Heart remains very very charming. Also I do not trust them, lol. They basically want the same thing as Fearne's daddy, don't they? Just for a different reason.
Their argument is that BH should sacrifice one of their own (Imogen or Fearne) in order to scare the rest of the god family off Exandria so that they can have their family back. Or at least that's how it sounds. "Make sacrifices for the greater good" -- but what is the greater good. That's the question that Bells Hells has to answer here.
Orym being like "idk if I think you actually have that much influence over your siblings" lol.
Also, there are way too many ??? in the Arch Heart's plans for my personal taste, but we'll see what Bells Hells thinks, I guess.
Literally everyone's plan who wants to use Predathos to do anything:
Step 1: Free Predathos
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit!
I haven't found any of their arguments convincing, lol.
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day 107/639 of yoongi's military service
this selca was posted on 140218 with the caption:
Hobi Hobi happy birthday heh #BTSJHOPEDAY '3')v
(trans cr: Iraide @ bts-trans)
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All the elements of the periodic table in the Kichwa language
Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, Sisa P. Chalán-Gualán, Santiago D. Gualapuro-Gualapuro, Simone Belli and Michelle B. Chicaiza-Lema recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education a proposal to adapt the names of the 118 elements of the periodic table to Kichwa (Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language; J. Chem. Ed., 2022 99 (1), 211-218, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00383).
The authors explain that the Kichwa lacks scientific tools to respond to educational needs, triggering the gradual loss of intercultural diversity. To adapt the periodic table to Kichwa, they took into account the different linguistic variations of the language and the opinion of the speakers. This is the adaptation compared to the Spanish version, the language most widely spoken in Ecuador:
Lo autores explican que que el kichwa carece de herramientas científicas para responder a las necesidades educativas, desencadenando la pérdida gradual de la diversidad intercultural. Para adaptar la tabla periódica al kichwa tuvieron en cuenta las diferentes variaciones lingüísticas del idioma y la opinión de los hablantes. Así quedó la adaptación:
Kichwa Spanish
1 H Yakutiksi Hidrógeno 2 He Hilyu Helio 3 Li Lityu Litio 4 Be Wirilyu Berilio 5 B Puru Boro 6 C Killimsa Carbono 7 N Nitrohinyu Nitrógeno 8 O Wayrasamay Oxígeno 9 F Flur Flúor 10 Ne Nyun Neón 11 Na Sutyu Sodio 12 Mg Maknisyu Magnesio 13 Al Aluminyu Aluminio 14 Si Silisyu Silicio 15 P Puspuru Fósforo 16 S Salliy Azufre 17 Cl Kluru Cloro 18 Ar Arkun Argón 19 K Putasyu Potasio 20 Ca Kalsyu Calcio 21 Sc Iskantyu Escandio 22 Ti Titanyu Titanio 23 V Panatyu Vanadio 24 Cr Krumyu Cromo 25 Mn Mankanisyu Manganeso 26 Fe Hirr Hierro 27 Co Ankasi Cobalto 28 Ni Nikyl Níquel 29 Cu Anta Cobre 30 Zn Zink Zinc 31 Ga Kalyu Galio 32 Ge Hirmanyu Germanio 33 As Arsyniku Arsénico 34 Se Silinyu Selenio 35 Br Prumyu Bromo 36 Kr Kriptun Kriptón 37 Rb Rupityu Rubidio 38 Sr Instrunsyu Estroncio 39 Y Itryu Itrio 40 Zr Zirkunyu Zirconio 41 Nb Nyupyu Niobio 42 Mo Muliptinyu Molibdeno 43 Tc Tiknisyu Tecnecio 44 Ru Rutinyu Rutenio 45 Rh Rutyu Rodio 46 Pd Palatyu Paladio 47 Ag Kullki Plata 48 Cd Katmyu Cadmio 49 In Intyu Indio 50 Sn Istanyu Estaño 51 Sb Antimonyu Antimonio 52 Te Tiluryu Telurio 53 I Iwtyu Yodo 54 Xe Sinun Xenón 55 Cs Sisyu Cesio 56 Ba Paryu Bario 57 La Lantanyu Lantano 58 Ce Siryu Cerio 59 Pr Prasyutimyu Praseodimio 60 Nd Nyutimyu Neodimio 61 Pm Prumisyu Prometio 62 Sm Samaryu Samario 63 Eu Yurupyu Europio 64 Gd Katulinyu Gadolinio 65 Tb Tirpyu Terbio 66 Dy Tisprusyu Disprosio 67 Ho Hulmyu Holmio 68 Er Irpyu Erbio 69 Tm Tulyu Tulio 70 Yb Itirpyu Iterbio 71 Lu Lutisyu Lutecio 72 Hf Hafnyu Hafnio 73 Ta Tantalyu Tántalo 74 W Ulpramyu Wolframio 75 Re Rinyu Renio 76 Os Usmyu Osmio 77 Ir Irityu Iridio 78 Pt Platinyu Platino 79 Au Kuri Oro 80 Hg Mirkuryu Mercurio 81 Tl Talyu Talio 82 Pb Antaki Plomo 83 Bi Pismutyu Bismuto 84 Po Polunyu Polonio 85 At Astatyu Astato 86 Rn Ratun Radón 87 Fr Fransyu Francio 88 Ra Ratyu Radio 89 Ac Aktinyu Actinio 90 Th Turyu Torio 91 Pa Prutaktinyu Protactinio 92 U Uranyu Uranio 93 Np Niptunyu Neptunio 94 Pu Plutonyu Plutonio 95 Am Amerisyu Americio 96 Cm Kuryu Curio 97 Bk Pirkilyu Berkelio 98 Cf Kalifurnyu Californio 99 Es Instinyu Einstenio 100 Fm Firmyu Fermio 101 Md Mintilipyu Mendelevio 102 No Nupilyu Nobelio 103 Lw Lawrinsyu Lawrencio 104 Rf Rutirfurtyu Rutherfordio 105 Db Tupnyu Dubnio 106 Sg Syapurhyu Seaborgio 107 Bh Puhryu Bohrio 108 Hs Hasyu Hasio 109 Mt Mitniryu Meitnerio 110 Ds Tarmastatyu Darmstatio 111 Rg Runtihinyu Roentgenio 112 Cn Kupirnisyu Copernicio 113 Nh Nihunyu Nihonio 114 Fl Flirupyu Flerovio 115 Mc Muskupyu Moscovio 116 Lv Lipirmuryu Livermorio 117 Ts Tinisyu Teneso 118 Og Ukanisun Oganesón
Reprinted with permission from “Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language. Author: Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, et al. Publication: Journal of Chemical Education Publisher: American Chemical Society. Date: Jan 1, 2022. Copyright © 2022, American Chemical Society”.
(For an individual, for non-commercial purposes, permission is granted at no charge for a cumulative total of 4 or fewer figures, tables, or micrographs, or an excerpt of 400 or fewer words for a single article. Appropriate credit should be given. Appropriate credit should read: "Reprinted with permission from {COMPLETE REFERENCE CITATION}. Copyright {YEAR} American Chemical Society." Insert appropriate information in place of the capitalized words. Please save this page for your records and for publication in print provide a copy to your publisher).
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[ad_1] AUM as of Q2FY25 at Rs. 7,039 Crs, growth of 36% YoY Disbursements at Rs. 828 Crs, growth of 30% YoY PAT of Rs. 90 Crs for Q2FY25, growth of 50% YoY RoA for Q2FY25 at 5.6% India Shelter Finance Corporation Limited announced its financial results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal year 2025. The Board of Directors of India Shelter Finance Corporation at its meeting held today, approved the unaudited financial results for quarter and half-year ended September 30, 2024.Key Performance Metrics: Particulars (Rs. Crs)Q2FY25Q2FY24YoYQ1FY25QoQH1FY25H1FY24YoYAUM 7,039 5,181 36% 6,509 8% 7,039 5,181 36%Disbursements 828 638 30% 715 16% 1,543 1,220 26%Spread (%) 6.1% 5.9% 6.1% 6.1% 5.9%Opex/AUM 4.4% 4.6% 4.4% 4.4% 4.7%PAT 90 60 50% 84 8% 174 107 62%RoA (%) 5.6% 5.1% 5.6% 5.6% 4.7%Gross Stage 3 (%) 1.2% 1.0% 1.1% 1.2% 1.0% Commenting on the performance, Mr. Rupinder Singh, Managing Director, and CEO of India Shelter Finance Corporation said, "We delivered another quarter of consistent performance with sustainable growth in our AUM. We are pleased to report an AUM growth of 36% YoY to Rs. 7,039 Crs supported by disbursement growth of 30% YoY to Rs. 828 Crs. Growth in disbursement is driven by the expansion of branches, improvement in productivity and vintage of our branches. During the quarter we opened 24 branches across the nation as part of our stated branch expansion strategy, with this we have a presence of 260 branches across 15 states. During the quarter, ICRA Rating has upgraded our credit rating from A+ to AA - Stable, this will help us further optimize our cost of funds over the medium term."Profitability: Profit after tax grew 50% YoY to Rs. 90 Crs in Q2FY25 as against Rs. 60 Crs in Q2FY24 RoA improved to 5.6% in Q2FY25 from 5.1% in Q2FY24 RoE stood at 14.8% for Q2FY25Borrowings & Liquidity: Networth is at Rs. 2,489 Crs as of September'24. The company continues to carry a liquidity of Rs. 1,192 Crs as of September'24 In Q2FY25, the cost of funds was maintained at 8.8%Asset Quality & Provisions: Gross Stage 3 and Net Stage 3 at 1.2% and 0.9% as of 30th September'24 30+ DPD at 3.6% as of 30th September'24 Credit Cost for the quarter at 0.5%About India Shelter Finance Corporation India Shelter provides affordable home loans and loan against property in Tier 2 and 3 geographies in India. India Shelter provides home loans to customers from low-and middle-income segments who are building or buying their first homes. The company has strong distribution model with its Pan-India network in 15 states via 260 branches and maintains a granular portfolio. The company is being run by an experienced professional management team backed by marquee investors. [ad_2] Source link
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[ad_1] AUM as of Q2FY25 at Rs. 7,039 Crs, growth of 36% YoY Disbursements at Rs. 828 Crs, growth of 30% YoY PAT of Rs. 90 Crs for Q2FY25, growth of 50% YoY RoA for Q2FY25 at 5.6% India Shelter Finance Corporation Limited announced its financial results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal year 2025. The Board of Directors of India Shelter Finance Corporation at its meeting held today, approved the unaudited financial results for quarter and half-year ended September 30, 2024.Key Performance Metrics: Particulars (Rs. Crs)Q2FY25Q2FY24YoYQ1FY25QoQH1FY25H1FY24YoYAUM 7,039 5,181 36% 6,509 8% 7,039 5,181 36%Disbursements 828 638 30% 715 16% 1,543 1,220 26%Spread (%) 6.1% 5.9% 6.1% 6.1% 5.9%Opex/AUM 4.4% 4.6% 4.4% 4.4% 4.7%PAT 90 60 50% 84 8% 174 107 62%RoA (%) 5.6% 5.1% 5.6% 5.6% 4.7%Gross Stage 3 (%) 1.2% 1.0% 1.1% 1.2% 1.0% Commenting on the performance, Mr. Rupinder Singh, Managing Director, and CEO of India Shelter Finance Corporation said, "We delivered another quarter of consistent performance with sustainable growth in our AUM. We are pleased to report an AUM growth of 36% YoY to Rs. 7,039 Crs supported by disbursement growth of 30% YoY to Rs. 828 Crs. Growth in disbursement is driven by the expansion of branches, improvement in productivity and vintage of our branches. During the quarter we opened 24 branches across the nation as part of our stated branch expansion strategy, with this we have a presence of 260 branches across 15 states. During the quarter, ICRA Rating has upgraded our credit rating from A+ to AA - Stable, this will help us further optimize our cost of funds over the medium term."Profitability: Profit after tax grew 50% YoY to Rs. 90 Crs in Q2FY25 as against Rs. 60 Crs in Q2FY24 RoA improved to 5.6% in Q2FY25 from 5.1% in Q2FY24 RoE stood at 14.8% for Q2FY25Borrowings & Liquidity: Networth is at Rs. 2,489 Crs as of September'24. The company continues to carry a liquidity of Rs. 1,192 Crs as of September'24 In Q2FY25, the cost of funds was maintained at 8.8%Asset Quality & Provisions: Gross Stage 3 and Net Stage 3 at 1.2% and 0.9% as of 30th September'24 30+ DPD at 3.6% as of 30th September'24 Credit Cost for the quarter at 0.5%About India Shelter Finance Corporation India Shelter provides affordable home loans and loan against property in Tier 2 and 3 geographies in India. India Shelter provides home loans to customers from low-and middle-income segments who are building or buying their first homes. The company has strong distribution model with its Pan-India network in 15 states via 260 branches and maintains a granular portfolio. The company is being run by an experienced professional management team backed by marquee investors. [ad_2] Source link
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Social Boycott is not Permissible in Law
When a matter is Sub-Judice the parties in dispute are ought to maintain status quo till any decision is made.
Sri Ranjit Mondal v. The State of West Bengal & Others
WPA 11715/2023
Before high Court of Kolkata
Disposed of on 27.12.2023 by the Bench of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Jay Sengupta J with the observation that the respondent police authorities shall keep a sharp vigil at the locale, ensure that no breach of peace takes place and no order of a Civil Court is violated.
Surveillance shall include frequent visits to the area by police patrol.
To harass and demotivate the petitioner, the respondents supported by locals resorted to social boycott of the petitioner and his family members.
This is case where a temple was illegally constructed in front of the property of the petitioner Ranjit Mondal. When petitioner objected to it there was social boycott of the petitioner and his family members by the private respondents and the locals residing there.
Petitioner approached Civil Court, Arambagh, Hooghly seeking order for restraining the defendant nos. 1 to 6 from changing the nature and character and possession of 3 feet wide and 40 feet long common passage existing in between the suit plot by way of encroachment.
Interim Injunction was granted on 22.11.2022.
Petitioner also made a complaint that private respondents are trying to disturb the possession and enjoyment of the property as a result police authorities have also come in action and proceedings under 107* Cr P C was initiated.
107*Cr P C in case of emergency when breach of peace is imminent, Executive Magistrate orders the accused person to agree to a bond which asks him to maintain peace for the prescribed period of time as the Judge thinks would fit.
Seema Bhatnagar
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5 Rekomendasi Wisata Kuliner Bandung yang Populer
memiliki banyak kudapan khas yang enak dan legendaris, salah satunya serabi. Kamu wajib, nih, cobain serabi yang dijual di Waroeng Setiabudhi.Serabi sendiri ada banyak jenisnya, seperti Serabi Solo, Serabi Kalibeluk, Serabi Laklak, dan Pinukuik. Di Bandung, serabi bisa disuguhkan asin dan manis. Panganan khas Jawa Barat ini juga sudah banyak dimodifikasi (fusion) dengan variasi pilihan rasa yang kekinian.
Alamat: Jl. Setiabudhi No.175, Setiabudhi, Bandung
Jam Buka: Setiap hari (14.00-22.00)
Harga Makanan: < Rp50.000 per orang
2. Batagor Hanjuang Astina
Jajanan pinggir jalan Bandung memang enak-enak, salah satu yang wajib kamu cobain adalah Batagor Hanjuang Astina. Wisata kuliner Bandung ini populer banget dengan bumbunya yang lezat dan khas.Memang ada banyak, sih, yang jualan batagor di Bandung. Tapi, Batagor Hanjuang Astina punya rasa dan aroma yang berbeda dari batagor lainnya. Sungguh sangat menggoda!Kamu bisa mampir ke Batagor Hanjuang Astina saat berwisata di Kota Kembang bersama teman dan keluarga. Dalam satu porsi, kamu bisa menikmati 6 batagor yang disiram bumbu kacang yang gurih.
Alamat: Jl. Astina No.5, Pamoyanan, Kec. Cicendo, Bandung
Jam Buka: Senin-Sabtu (09.00-21.00)
Harga Makanan: < Rp50.000 per orang
3. Paskal Food Market
Kamu lagi cari tempat kuliner untuk nongki? Yuk, mampir ke Paskal Food Market.Salah satu wisata kuliner Bandung ini cocok banget kamu kunjungi setelah seharian lelah berkeliling menjelajahi Kota Kembang. Tersedia hingga 1100 menu yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai selera, seperti Sate Maulana Yusuf dan Toko Bola Ubi.Suasana kulineran di Paskal Food Market semakin menyenangkan karena, pada hari-hari tertentu, ada live music-nya juga, lho. Hati-hati saja dalam memilih menu bagi kamu yang Muslim karena di sini juga dijual berbagai makanan non halal.
Alamat: Jalan Pasir Kaliki Nomor 25-27, Kelurahan Jeruk, Kecamatan Andir, Bandung
Jam Buka: Setiap hari (10.00-23.30)
Harga Makanan: < Rp50.000 per orang
4. Sudirman Street Bandung
Nih, buat kamu yang suka jajanan. Sudirman Street Bandung menghadirkan berbagai pilihan kuliner lezat seperti Bakso Goreng Pandu, Dapoor Jojo, Dapur Sotoku, serta berbagai kuliner Cina dan Indonesia lainnya yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai selera.Salah satu kuliner kaki lima di Bandung ini sudah berdiri sejak 7 tahun lalu, tepatnya pada tahun 2015. Mengusung konsep layaknya food court, Sudirman Street Bandung menawarkan banyak stand makanan yang cocok buat para pemburu kuliner.
Alamat: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.107, Karanganyar, Kec. Astanaanyar, Bandung
Jam Buka: Setiap hari (10.00-22.00)
Harga Makanan: < Rp50.000 per orang
5. Seblak Oces
Kamu yang suka makanan pedas pastinya sudah enggak asing lagi dengan seblak, kan? Makanan yang terdiri dari kerupuk udang atau ikan yang disiram dengan air panas dan diberi bumbu serta aneka topping ini memang punya cita rasa khas yang ngangenin.Nah, di Bandung, ada banyak, nih, tempat makan seblak yang enak. Salah satu yang bisa kamu cobain adalah Seblak Oces. Opsi wisata kuliner Bandung ini memang hanya menggunakan gerobak aluminium untuk menjajakan seblaknya, tapi tampilannya cukup modern, kok. Apalagi rasanya, bikin nagih!
Alamat: Alfamart, Jl. Purnawarman No.22, Babakanciamis, Bandung
Jam Buka: Setiap hari (10.00-18.30)
Harga Makanan: < Rp50.000 per orang
Cr: blog.cove.id
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nothing (besides everyone ignoring Orym's deal) has made me angrier than watching Dorian keep up this facade. Dorian Storm has always been a type of mask he's worn. At first he called himself a liar because of it. The happy go lucky bard was a way of escaping for him. He was escaping Brontë so he created Dorian. He didn't believe he was Dorian. Until the Crown Keepers made Dorian real. And for a while, he really believed he was Dorian. That he has this new family and new life and he could be who he truly wanted to be.
And then his brother came back and made his problems Dorian's problems. Until he had to put Brontë back on. Because even if the Crown Keepers + Cyrus called him Dorian, he was Brontë. He had to be who his brother thought he was.
When Cyrus dies, the thread to Brontë had snapped. He was going to see Orym, back to the Bells Hells, back to Dorian Storm. But the foundation of Dorian had shattered. Dorian was created in order to run from his place in life, family, Cyrus. Now he was gone. The Crown Keepers had fallen apart. His friends fell through his fingers and he couldn't do anything to stop it. He was once ready to side with a betrayer god for these people and now they're in the wind.
So Dorian shows back up to Bells Hella and he's completely broken. The foundation of both of his lives has been thoroughly rocked. No brother. No Crown Keepers. The two things that forged Dorian Storm. He wears that mask so fucking well. Because he still wants to believe in it. He said it live on stage that he should "believe his own backstory". The one he made up. The one where he was a bard.
He wants to be Dorian so bad. He spends all his money on Orym, he spins the bottle so he can kiss his friends, he flirts, he blushes and giggles at compliments. Exactly how Dorian would, should.
But he wears the gold of the heir. He has a festering animosity inside his chest. He doesn't sleep. He's thinner than he was. He doesn't sleep. He sicks abominations after their creators. He talks to God's without an ounce of self preservation, daring them to strike him down. He does not acknowledge them as they taunt him.
The god of beauty and magic calls him beautiful and he does not smile.
#silver sending stones#cr spoilers#cr 3 e 107#dorian storm#got carried away in both the post and the tags again#this was supposed to be an add on from those tags yesterday#but i went off the fucking rails so hard im gonna have to make another post#and listen.#i know people are ✨ multifaceted ✨#but i think its interesting to peel apart the layers of dorian storm.#because i do think all of this is just dorian.#like the rest of us he would not be here if not for his family. his brother. the crown keepers. bells hella.#he is informed by the things that happened in the past. none of these identities could have happened on their own#but if we're looking at the arch as a whole#theres the bronte era. the dorian era. and then era where they got very muddy. and the era now.#i dont feel like he's suddenly a secret third person now#but you know how we all look at the past versions of ourselves and wonder how theyd feel about us now?#dorian just has names for them#and because there was a mixing of both his lives i think dorian is having a hard time reconciling into one#he tries very hard to be both himselves#the man contains multitudes for sure#and idk i just keep picturing him as a little bronte. and exu dorian is smiling and singing with him. he tells him all about their friends#and current dorian looking at them. afraid to approach. afraid theyll ask about their future. afraid to tell them.#but theyd probably figure it out. hes wearing gold after all.
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Ronda Cx general.
Johan, 29 años.
Fistula enteroatmosferica.
Sepsis abdominal.
Trauma abdominal penetrante toracoabdominal por arma de fuego de carga múltiple (14/06/2023). *Múltiples perforaciones a nivel del colo ascendente y transverso. *Perforación única del cuerpo gástrico. *Múltiples perforaciones sangrantes del lóbulo hepático derecho e izquierdo. **Hemotorax coagulado = drenaje por toracoscopia.
Pancreatitis necrotizante de la cabeza y el cuerpo.
Trat: Caspofungina + trimetoprim sulfa + metronidazol.
Subjetivo: paciente refiere pasar una buena noche, dolor controlado, tranquilo, tolerando VO.
EF: Paciente en aceptables condiciones generales, alerta, orientado en las 3 esferas, colaborar al momento de la evaluación. Mucosas hidratadas, anictericas. Abdomen blando, depresible, sin signos de irritación peritoneal. Fistula canalizada a bolsa de ostomia activa. Dos Drenes cola de cerdo a nivel del flanco derecho e izquierdo. Dos drenes a cavidad en hipogastrio. Extremidades sin edema.
Egresos por drenes: 27+77+0+11. Egresos por fistula 915 cc.
Paraclinicos: 26/08/2023: ALT 142, AST 148, Btotal 0. 34, Bdirecta 0. 22, Calcio 8. 3, Cloro 107. 2, Sodio 128, Potasio 5. 05, Cr 0. 53, PCR 8. 14, FA 809, PCR 8. 14, BUN 17. 8. Hb 8. 6, Hto 25. 3, Plaq 416. 000, Leucos 6700, Neu 4482. 24/08/2023: PCR 6. 56, ph 7. 41, pco2 26, HCO3 16. 5, BE -7, Lactato 1. 6, Hb 9. 7, Hto 28. 3, Leucos 9100, Neu 7553. Hemocultivos pendientes.
22/08/2023: Drenaje guiado por TAC: 10 cc de meterial hemopurulento muy espeso (necrosis infectada). Catetér bien posicionado.
20/08/2023: TAC de abdomen contrastado: Cambios postquirúrgicos intraabdominales, fístula entero atmosferica, colección peripancreática con catéter multiproposito en adecuada posición. Compromiso traumático en el lóbulo hepático derecho y riñón derecho.
11/08/2023: Arteriografia + embolización: sangrado profuso por lesión de una rama arterial en el ciego. Los pseudoaneurisma visto en la arteriogafía precedente ya no se identifican. Se cateteriza la rama lesionada. Se ocluye la rama tan selectivamente como se pudo usando dos coils fibrados. El control final muestra exclusión efectiva de la rama lesionada.
03/08/2023: TAC abdomen contrastado: persistencia de colección en la transcavidad de los epiplones con catéter adecuadamente posicionado, la cual se encuentra comunicada con herida quirúrgica de la pared abdominal anterior. - Fístula enteroatmosférica del colon transverso. - Fenómeno adherencial severo. - Probable artefacto de flujo en la vena ilíaca común y externa del lado izquierdo; se recomienda evaluación complementaria con Doppler venoso de miembros inferiores para descartar trombosis.
Paciente de 29 años, con antecedente de trauma penetrante toracoabdominal por arma de fuego de carga múltiple el 14/06/2023, con múltiples perforaciones y sepsis abdominal que ha recibido múltiples esquemas antibióticos, además curso con pancreatitis traumatica grave con necrosis infectado. Paciente venia presentado picos febriles, hemocultivos pendientes, sin crecimiento aún de MO, el día de ayer se ordena TAC de control la cual se encuentra pendiente. El día de hoy encontramos al paciente estable hemodinamicamente, mejoría de febriculas, dolor controlado, continuamos vigilancia.
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Bord Lfána
Ma y Bord Lfána'n shifflo y lfána i lîna llorwedd (gregysa) a lîna unionsyth (pileri). Ma fa'n câl i ddefnyddo drys sgwennifa swmpusâth a gwddonêtha arath. Ma fa'n cynrych yn dangos y gyfâth gregysol, sydd yn gwêd ar ol shifflo y lfâna ti cymenni gan u rif llutwynol, bydd patrwm darddall o u nota'n trawatu. Ma y bord yn câl i rannu i bedwar sgwâryn, sydd câl u enoa artala. Ma lfána miwn run artal yn noti nota cemicol typic wel arfar.
Cyn dou fil tri ar ucan (2023), ma cant dou now (118) ti câl u adnapod. Ma lfân cemicol, namyl yn câl i eno lfân, yn math llutwyn ta run rif o cadarnaolynnod miwn i gnouen llutwynol.
Ma y lfâna cemicol ta u rif , u nod ag u eno.
1 H Tarddadylfán, 2 He Oulylfán, 3 Li Mânylfán, 4 Be Belurylfán, 5 B Boracylfán, 6 C Glolfán, 7 N Nityrenilfán, 8 O Asitenilfán, 9 F Gorlifylfán, 10 Ne Newyddylfán, 11 Na Crasulfán, 12 Mg Magnisíalfán, 13 Al Alanwerwlfán, 14 Si Callestyrylfán, 15 P Plennyddylfán. 16 S Brwmstanylfán, 17 Cl Melenylfán, 18 Ar sugerylfán, 19 K Potashylfán, 20 Ca Calchylfán, 21 Sc Llychlynylfán, 22 Ti Titânylfán, 23 V Wenerylfán, 24 Cr Llifylfán, 25 Mn Dufagnisíalfán, 26 Fe Ârnylfán, 27 Co Pwcalfán, 28 Ni Gwenidwlfán, 29 Cu Tocynylfán, 30 Zn Dantylfán, 31 Ga Gâlylfán, 32 Ge Almânylfán, 33 As Arfelenylfán, 34 Se Llôrylfán, 35 Br Drewilfán, 36 Kr Cwatolfán, 37 Rb Ruddylfán, 38 Sr Trwynbendithylfán, 39 Y Yterylfán, 40 Zr Ârolylfán, 41 Nb Niobelfán, 42 Mo Plwmdwtylfán, 43 Tc Adîleticylfán, 44 Ru Rwshalfán, 45 Rh Rosylfán, 46 Pd Palasylfán, 47 Ag Arianylfán, 48 Cd Cadmosylfán, 49 In Injalfán, 50 Sn Alcamylfán, 51 Sb Cychylylfán, 52 Te Tirylfán, 53 I Ruddlasylfán, 54 Xe Wänolylfán, 55 Cs Glailfán, 56 Ba Trwmylfán, 57 La Gwalolfán, 58 Ce Ceresylfán, 59 Pr Gefellwyrddylfán, 60 Nd Gefellnewyddylfán, 61 Pm Promethëwsylfán, 62 Sm Samarylfán, 63 Eu Ewropylfán, 64 Gd Gadolinylfán, 65 Tb Terbylfán, 66 Dy Anoddylfán , 67 Ho Dinblocynylfán, 68 Er Erbylfán, 69 Tm Gogleddylfán, 70 Yb Yterbilfán, 71 Lu Parisylfán, 72 Hf Porthfarchnadylfán, 73 Ta Tántalosylfán, 74 W Mândrwmylfán, 75 Re Reinylfán, 76 Os Gwyntolfán, 77 Ir Bwadrindodylfán, 78 Pt Ariandwtylfán, 79 Au Ârylfán, 80 Hg Mercherylfan, 81 Tl Eginogylfán, 82 Pb Plwmylfán, 83 Bi Pwyswynylfán, 84 Po Polylfán, 85 At Anawalylfán, 86 Rn Pelytyrylfán, 87 Fr Ffrancylfán, 88 Ra Ropeletyrylfán, 89 Ac Peletyrwalolfán, 90 Th Ioulfán, 91 Pa Ropeletyrwalolfán, 92 U Wranwsylfán, 93 Np Nêfionylfán, 94 Pu Plwtolfán, 95 Am Americalfán, 96 Cm Cwrilfán, 97 Bk Berclilfán, 98 Cf Califfornialfán, 99 Es Einsteinylfán, 100 Fm Ffermilfán, 101 Md Mendelëfylfán, 102 No Nobelylfán, 103 Lr Lorensylfán, 104 Rf Rwthyrffordylfán, 105 Db Dobnalfán, 106 Sg Siborgylfán, 107 Bh Bôrylfán, 108 Hs Eselfán, 109 Mt Mîtnerylfán, 110 Ds Darmstatylfán, 111 Rg Röntgenylfán, 112 Cn Copernicylfán, 113 Nh Shapanylfán, 114 Fl Fflerofylfán, 115 Mc Moscfalfán, 116 Lv Lifermôrylfán, 117 Ts Tenesilfán, 118 Og Oganeshanylfán.
0 notes
3030900094 ZL50.3-9 shaft gear 6-34-42 XCMG ZL50G
3030900094 ZL50.3-9 shaft gear 6-34-42 XCMG ZL50G
4110001400 安全曲杆 Mail:[email protected] 29330069011 护板 Mail:[email protected] FZGAQ-02057 螺纹接头 FKCC01032 球头总成 6390600132 软管LGB103-014145 11221777 手电钻 世达51004 4120002369008 动臂LL3094G(炉前) 6373400864 轴套LGB302-130*86C1 14400121 箱盖 4120007672121 齿型风��皮带HA3083 29330086671 扳手 世达48102 29330040281 挡圈43213600000 F31Y1-24670 行星轮 RS626H 28350006031 支架 17004797 机油冷却器芯密封垫A3960317A3960317 5309000056 挖掘液压总成 26341016211 右侧围总成 3120900315 上架JU6700 4120009107 盖板 ZFJ LGLG29240028191 组合接头LGB143-23018-60 29030031031 支架 FXKAH-00911F CP涡轮机轴承油1603.3001 4110015194153 销轴40h7*N*110-1N0G 4090000257 弯管接头 5622115A2902 环 4110015689013 2016年挖掘机服务维修协议 4110000415054 散热器总成 7200000691 支架 29330033461 正时惰齿轮330-1002051A 28250012591 VRT205变速箱总成 6410006721 碟刹调整器 90654 6296000077 彩色纸箱 L968F 26171020161 法兰测压块 4110001005046 齿轮 11216866 滚动轴承 26010014151 小蓄能器支架 4110003252004 转斗油缸HSGF-190*90*553-1273A 4110001061042 左刀板 29170027601 L956-LNG轮式装载机 26290027211 胶管 26350006901 仪表孔盖板 4110003273180 胶管F7311517242424-1950-PG1500 29170107551 胶管F481CACE282816-730 F41900001804 放平护板 26261003501 加强板 4110001704112 加油口盖1002238163 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 29330034231 右配重 29120026601 耐磨套 11222473 挖掘机事业部涂装专检记录表质记49-1号 6390902447 连接销 5022211AA3 弯板 HBV-12-25A 4110001755057 离合器摩擦片(Z3080 ZHONGJIE) 6410007930 空调管(冷凝器-蒸发器) 11217704 E6225F标识包 29290019361 回转马达运转架 LGLG29150019311 变频器FR-D740-2.2K-CHT 380V 4110000560 传动轴座 4110002360004 垫片 4041000088 散热器总成 14637289 3211708550 停用-喷油器总成S1112010-45U A3-2903002122 板 29250203511 销轴 9200001444 缸筒总成-左24A230080 29120021111 制动鼓DZ90149446000 4110000846154 FRONT PLATE 6211000051 防滑链(30) L938 29330034431 活塞套件 LGS812H 驾驶室 11222915 铝合金梯子 4014000566 插头护套YY_DJ3021-2.36-10 28100008361 管夹 4110001005282 弯板焊接总成 29151002711 空压机3509090-D600 29110012031 SCUTCHEON,QUICK CHANGE FORK 4030000991 动臂板 26171026491 PLATE COVER 4043003606 履带500*46 LG938 4120005533127 938驾驶室 29010043481 STRIKER 29360024732 软管LGB129-010070 4120000556 沉头螺栓M12*70 6303003410 装饰板 4190003195003 后车架线束 29260041531 胶管F421SNCACF101005-440 26370002791 转斗缸总成 26130012501 软管LGB166-005050 6420002447 发动机电气总成 29370024972 GUARD_ASSY FOG_LEVEL2 4120004671 防呆丝座样板6 26330042591 控制面板GK33-5.0J-70 26361001151 发动机罩 29200008211 DECAL_VOLVO EMBLEM 6800000094 贯穿螺栓10000TB-A1 28250026411 罩板焊接 6410007245 REAR VIEW MIRROR_ELECTRICAL ADJUSTED HEA 6230000604 HYDRAULIC TANK ASSEMBLY 26010023251 摩擦片总成 JF-A-SM-6 6430000377 支腿油缸HSGL-120*70*386-800 4110001061236 停用-气门导管1007032-52D 4110000696079 镐钎 E6650HB 6410006025 CR海绵2 FFCJ33 T-NIPPLE 4190000536186 斗轴 4120016841 吸油胶管 11210173 红色后尾灯XH9-3-3 4110003706001 盖帽(右) 无 4120003877004 下叉 6233000324 歧管1J720-12312 26250002061 尖嘴钳 4110015164157 REAR FRAME; W/A; G970/G976 26190001051 驾驶室总成 14531097 28360002131 门替换总成 29010060681 E6500FB标识包 21909014271 卡子胶条LGB320-U500 29340027011 销轴LGB301-60*N*170-40Cr 1690600028 阀杆 6230000320 夹箍D42-107-31+B 29330044351 P-轴套LGB302-40*60B2 6410000428 蝶形密封圈8228-MA-00051 21909008891 活塞00800P F14E7-01490 钎杆TF220V Φ140*1300 4120002264408 停用-通气管C84DL-84DL004+A 6212001496 活塞24A080030 26331003511 切割机变速箱主轴 编号834(博世GCO2000用) 4110003472007 发动机出水管 29180011441 DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY 6212001046 大腔钢管 29280013291 LG822操作及保养手册 6242000224 停用-油底壳总成D04198188 28210006731 前大灯-R 6227000025 导风罩LY-LG958L-2A-00-001 29240015311 桥壳 14405613 停用-挺杆体C3931623 FLG6220-ZJGYF 放油法兰 4110002975207 刀柄 BT50-FBM27-200 16071168 26330034151 转向泵至优先阀胶管 LG2912002487A 海绵 29350011571 三角筋板LGB314-32*63*6 4120016884 卡子胶条LGB320-TA780 29330076173 琶形接头垫片C5289747 21906005791 门锁外开启把手 WS33002550112 29031011521 P-传动轴CDZP529 4120010834004 气室支架(右)DZ90149346040 26010024441 木箱 4190000831001 停用-管 14404115 主动螺旋伞齿轮 6410007959 入水管 L0530W3114G29A9 防滑板 11223718 螺钉M16x142 01017-11642 44010101080 29310010551 胶管F731C91C252512-1270 FDH60 LG946L高寒地区冷却模块 1690600069 板 6233000356 B877挖掘端破碎锤管路部分(去除件-标准斗杆) 4120015460 筋板 26120012901 空气滤清器体1000975875 6410000356 钎杆-锻打M型08000T-MF-A1 29290057991 右侧板 LG956L 26380009281 驱动螺丝335 M086HWAV0 铲斗总成BG240 20795867 6264000011 仪表台线束 28280002921 板 4110015708057 顶板 L968F 29290061212 堵头 ZL50G.11.13 29260049311 销16*70 51 240 010 29260035941 停用-右后支架 2120400252 板 29010022501 接头 F612650020002 风扇皮带 760*660*500 11218376 工作灯 4043001468 BRACKET 14400443 6264000601 AUXILIARY MATERIAL(18/76/45/13/33/22/138 B631000093 灭火器箱 26441004771 弹簧6123074 6219000006 后车架 26260009171 工具箱 4110003210116 附件标识包 29290015551 合金丝锥 E326M18 4190015550 前窗焊接总成 4110003492081 挖掘快换装置(机械) 21909014241 板 4110000696007 右操纵箱支架 4110001597031 TPL激光发射源04-99-99999 4120011043003 右动臂钢大腔钢管 14659421 间隔环 0730.162.930 S=8,08 LG2938000861 驾驶室总成 26290024451 金属密封环C12BL-5L8854+A 26330032711 驾驶室前支板 4190004259 仪表台线束总成 L0550W3114A29A0 角钢50×50×5×265 MT86H 6264000379 电磁线圈 17123-6308-0 LG2943000467 散热器总成 28360001211 调整垫-喷油泵D04293928 LG958L 28280011081 止退垫(¢80mm) 4110003492056 弹簧R909443163 29370004831 7档变速箱手柄 F神钢75-JL 装载机产品服务管理手册 4110016162002 锁紧螺丝 28250011991 转角油缸HSC-FAM-63DL×90-E 4110002117014 导片129150-11810 4011000052 发动机左前支架 29110201831 航空通用润滑脂 长城 4110000129126 B877F EXPORT SELL MACHINE 6420001998 LG750矿用自卸车-7500311111900 20795675 29150010981 板 26240012741 转向器至右转向缸胶管 6264000812 胶管F462CACF151508-1620 29140019411 前铰接架 29010014002 密封件包 5111000600 曲轴后油封(385-9t) 29010015501 停用-螺栓 26240020771 上盖板 4120006268020 驱动轮 29170061392 控制���扩展 29290010591 大臂油封(440-00222) 29110013951 变速操纵总成 11161243 GASKET LG2912001991A 打码机 2120400132 HDMI转VGA转换器 CE-LINK 2291 4120004032013 机油滤芯器 6410006709 A型密封垫圈14Q20-08 MT86 11224139 支架 4110015901106 安全标识包 6410006437 筋板 飞科FS873 29031001051 手柄套13cm*32cm 29070007631 左桥板 26171020111 发动机罩 4110000556264 铲斗缸大腔钢管 29180012971 左侧门 11214186 电机制动轮ZDS1 0.4/3.0 4110002111085 INSULATING SHEET LGB401-D01 6391000269 水散热器310860-01 28060006031 熔芯 29410000561 驾驶室附件 29330093771 烟囱标志 6211000190 切削液 泰利德240 4120003304 LG956L轮式装载机-E5612115A39-变矩器密封件包 M086HWD41 支架 4120002263001 驻车制动总成 FF04292883 冷凝风机GKL33-5.0C-10 4120016598 制动分泵总成 4190003625007 锁紧螺母 28210002161 变速油温表 14405108 右下弯板 4110016358 垫片7114-11451 4110000560039 方管50×50×4×5600 26170013031 风扇610/7-7/32.5/PAG/2ZR/25.4/4*10/BC60 6291000062 驱动轮 29170081612 三角带B1850 Read the full article
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Ask or dare the elements anything.
Elements you can ask (118):
Hydrogen (H - 1)
Helium (He - 2)
Lithium (Li - 3)
Beryllium (Be - 4)
Boron (B - 5)
Carbon (C - 6)
Nitrogen (N - 7)
Oxygen (O - 8)
Fluorine (F - 9)
Neon (Ne - 10)
Sodium (Na - 11)
Magnesium (Mg - 12)
Aluminium (Al - 13)
Silicon (Si - 14)
Phosphorus (P - 15)
Sulfur (S - 16)
Chlorine (Cl - 17)
Argon (R - 18)
Potassium (K - 19)
Calcium (Ca - 20)
Scandium (Sc - 21)
Titanium (Ti - 22)
Vanadium (V - 23)
Chromium (Cr - 24)
Manganese (Mn - 25)
Iron (Fe - 26)
Cobalt (Co - 27)
Nickel (Ni - 28)
Copper (Cu - 29)
Zinc (Zn - 30)
Gallium (Ga - 31)
Germanium (Ge - 32)
Arsenic (As - 33)
Selenium (Se - 34)
Bromine (Br - 35)
Krypton (Kr - 36)
Rubidium (Rb - 37)
Strontium (Sr - 38)
Yttrium (Y - 39)
Zirconium (Zr - 40)
Niobium (Nb - 41)
Molybdenum (Mo - 42)
Technetium (Tc - 43)
Ruthenium (Ru - 44)
Rhodium (Rh - 45)
Palladium (Pd - 46)
Silver (Ag - 47)
Cadmium (Cd - 48)
Indium (In - 49)
Tin (Sn - 50)
Antimony (Sb - 51)
Tellurium (Te - 52)
Iodine (I - 53)
Xenon (Xe - 54)
Caesium (Cs - 55)
Barium (Ba - 56)
Lanthanum (La - 57)
Cerium (Ce - 58)
Praseodymium (Pr - 59)
Neodymium (Nd - 60)
Promethium (Pm - 61)
Samarium (Sm - 62)
Europium (Eu - 63)
Gadolinium (Gd - 64)
Terbium (Tb - 65)
Dysprosium (Dy - 66)
Holmium (Ho - 67)
Erbium (Er - 68)
Thulium (Tm - 69)
Ytterbium (Yb - 70)
Lutetium (Lu - 71)
Hafnium (Hf - 72)
Tantalum (Ta - 73)
Tungsten (W - 74)
Rhenium (Re - 75)
Osmium (Os - 76)
Iridium (Ir - 77)
Platinum (Pt - 78)
Gold (Au - 79)
Mercury (Hg - 80)
Thallium (Tl - 81)
Lead (Pb - 82)
Bismuth (Bi - 83)
Polonium (Po - 84)
Astatine (At - 85)
Radon (Rn - 86)
Francium (Fr - 87)
Radium (Ra - 88)
Actinium (Ac - 89)
Thorium (Th - 90)
Protactinium (Pa - 91)
Uranium (U - 92)
Neptunium (Np - 93)
Plutonium (Pu - 94)
Americium (Am - 95)
Curium (Cm - 96)
Berkelium (Bk - 97)
Californium (Cf - 98)
Einsteinium (Es - 99)
Fermium (Fm - 100)
Mendelevium (Md - 101)
Nobelium (No - 102)
Lawrencium (Lr - 103)
Rutherfordium (Rf - 104)
Dubnium (Db - 105)
Seaborgium (Sg - 106)
Bohrium (Bh - 107)
Hassium (Hs - 108)
Meitnerium (Mt - 109)
Darmstadtium (Ds - 110)
Roentgenium (Rg - 111)
Copernicium (Cn - 112)
Nihonium (Nh - 113)
Flerovium (Fl - 114)
Moscovium (Mc - 115)
Livermorium (Lv - 116)
Tennessine (Ts - 117)
Oganesson (Og - 118)
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