#cp fanfiction
Jason's body jerked on reflex when he felt someone grab his hand. Unable to pull away he swiftly looked down to face his assailant. The curses he was going to yell died on his tongue when he saw a little kid trying to pull him somewhere by his arm.
Dumbfounded, he asked, "What are you doing?"
"I'm kidnapping you!" The kid growled, feet skidding on the ground where his ratty sneakers couldn't gain enough traction to help the poor kid. "How are you so heavy?!"
Jason, in all his 6ft and 200+ pound glory, just stared at the kid whose hands were too small to even cover one of his, what was he? Five? Jason lifted his arm taking the kid up with it. The kid looked so shocked by this and Jason took the opportunity to start asking questions, "So what did you wanna kidnap me for?"
Snapping out of his shock the kid replied with, "You are very dad shaped."
The kid seemed to realize what he said and backtracked a bit, "I don't need you to be my dad-dad just my fake dad."
That clarified things a little, "Why do you need a fake dad?"
"To avoid the foster system! I heard Gothams is really really bad and I've been living just fine on my own!" on his own?! A kid this small?! "But im pretty sure someone called the child cops or something cause people in suits keep trying to catch me or talk to me."
Aka Danny finds out hes a clone and is deaged to his actual age and is roaming around Gotham in the DC universe as a homeless farel child who keeps doing deranged things.
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crxshed-skxlls · 1 year
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— ❝ Dual Purpose
Masky x fem!reader x Hoodie
Word count: 3k+
Plot: During a surprise home invasion from two strangers (Masky/Hoodie), they can't stop arguing on who is better than the other. Soon, Hoodie hatches the bright idea as you to be the judge...
NSFW tags: Threesome, Exhibitionism, degradation, biting/choking, oral sex (M & F receiving), bondage, rough sex, knife play, dacryphilia, dubcon, tongue piercing, overstimulation
TW warning// physical violence is used once (never again after)
Note: Sequel coming very soon... 👀
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You weren't expecting any of this. Well, you didn't expect the bickering persay. Your wrists were tied to uncomfortable zip-ties as you watch as these two strangers bicker like high school children. Though they were definitely contrasting in personality. The masked figure seemed more cautious, calculated, and irritable. The hooded man was the opposite, a slacker and pretty compulsive from the looks of it.
" You know I'm better with handling the possessions, you just deal with her. "
" Tch. Good my ass. Your shit at this. Last break in you tripped and fell on your ass. "
" Quit bickering and do your job, smartass. Just deal with her. "
The mask man growls, gesturing to you. You shiver with fear, not daring to utter a complaint. The other, a hooded man, had threatened to gut you if you made a sound. The creepy smiley face then looked down at you as the Masked man starts walking. It seemed the Masked stranger was more cautious with his work, while the hood slacked off. You noted this from their body language and the way they interacted this past 5 minutes. It wasn't long until the hooded figure looks as the other carefully examines your living room drawers, rustling like he was looking for treasure. Hoodie then looks back at you.
" Do you wanna bet, Timo--? "
" Don't utter that fucking name. You know better than to reveal that, Hoodie. "
The masked stranger whips around and barks with a husky tone. If you weren't so scared for your life, you would think that the man was a tiny bit attractive. Though, you at least earned a name. The name seemed simple enough, "Hoodie" for a hooded stranger. You keep attentive though, watching as the hooded figure cracks a sigh. You clear your throat though, wondering sarcastically if the others name was "Masky or something".
" Why does it matter? It's not like shes going to live another day, Masky. "
Wow. Color you shocked; you got the name right -- but that didn't stop you from shakily whimpering at the words. Not going to live another day rang in your ears as they continued. Masky narrows his eyes, letting out an exhausted sigh.
" What are you playing at? "
" How about we end this debate with a judge? "
At this point, you and Masky seem to tense in a confused glance at Hoodie. You attentively perks up at the word... What was Hoodie playing at? The yellow hooded man seems to chuckle under his mask, tentively fiddling with the knife as he steps forward once. Masky seems to examine the other.
" Now that I got your attention.. I have an idea. "
" Hoodie, I don't have time for your shit ideas. Spit it out. "
" Okay, okay -- jesus. I noticed you have been very tense recently, such as I... Sooo-- "
He interrupts his speech as he steps towards you. Your heart skips a beat as you try to scoot away, but hoodie crouches and catches your face with a gloved hand. Masky's eyes turn towards you and Hoodie with a look hidden under his mask. Hoodie makes you turn your head fully to Masky in a teasing manner.
" What if we let off some steam? "
" Wh-- why-- "
Masky's eyes widen as he catches on the idea. You are left in the dark as the two exchange looks. Masky shuts the drawer, not breaking his gaze. Hoodie snickers, soon turning your head to him. Your face was inches from his as he keeps his hand dug into your cheeks. You grunt at the pain, attempting to move but failing.
" You can't be serious. "
" C'mon.. She's quite a doll, dont you think? I think she would be the perfect Judge. "
You soon catch on to the idea with wide eyes. To start to squirm slightly, kicking Hoodie's leg. Hoodie hisses as he releases your face. He cursed out as he soon kicks back with much more force. The kick lands on your stomach, a pained cry comes from you. The stinging pain causes you to fall over. Masky looks at you, and you lock eye contact. You already had tears well up into your eyes, almost like a hurt puppy. You watch as Masky's throat bobbed as he gulps, breaking eye contact to look at Hoodie. The hooded man glares through his mask at you, making you flinch in fear.
" You don't get to answer yet, bitch. "
" Hoodie, this isn't a good idea. "
" What? Is the ugly duckling chicken? "
Hoodie taunts, making Masky groan at the comment. Masky looks at him, then at you again. The masked man sighs, ruffling his hair in what seemed to be frustration. You shake your head, tears spilling from your eyes as you curl up against the wall. You hopped that they weren't being serious, but at the same time you remained unsure from the two. You feel your stomach bubble weirdly, and not from the painful kick from earlier. Hoodie groans at your cries in a both annoyance and arousal. You peak up to see Hoodie's mask pulled up enough to show half of his face. You examine his tough jawline and his faint mustache. What made you flutter in a weird, sick way was the shit-eating grin on his face.
" So? What's it going to be? "
" ... What do I get in return? If I win. "
Masky cautiously mused, throwing up sarcastic quote hands at the "win" part. Hoodie's grin becomes a wicked smile.
" Now we're talking.. You get bragging rights and a chance to unwind. I mean -- who would let a good doll go to waste like this? She's so pathetic. "
You whine at the comment, causing the two to glance at you. Your trembling, looking up with pleading eyes as you watch the two.
" Please -- "
" What did I say, whore? "
Hoodie growls as he flicks his knife into your sight, his hand going for your face before --
" I'll do it!! "
You yell out as you quickly shut your eyes. You expect a stinging feeling, or a plunge of a foreign object.. However your met with a frozen silence. You peeked an eye open, noticing the two stranger's expressions. Hoodie stopped in place, the knife mere inches from your face as his mouth is slightly agape with surprise. Masky's eyes are wide with the same surprise.
" ... What - What did you say? "
" I - I'll be the judge. Just- Just please don't kill me. "
You stutter and plee with the hooded figure. Shock soon turned into cocky, unadulterated amusement on the man's face. Hoodie slowly turns to Masky with an astonished laugh. His knife lowers from your face as you open your other eye, watching.
" Even better. We got an attractive freakshow to toy with. C'mon Tim, let loose. "
" What did I tell you, Brian.. "
" Hey! Relax. What's she gonna do, kill us? "
Tim and Brian.. Those names echo before Masky-- or Tim steps and joins the other man as he stands. They both look over you, their oogling making you feel small. Hoodie's smirk fades to a smile, flicking his pocket knife shut. Your almost relieved -- until he started speaking.
" Get up. I'll give the honors of Tim going first. "
You quickly attempt to get up, only for you to stumble as your shaky legs betray you. Hoodie giggles like a little boy as he watches you struggle, but Masky's pants tell more than his mask with this situation. You noticed the thick part stick out of his tight pants, revealing just how aroused he was. Hoodie soon turns around, seeming to go shove everything off your living room table. You flinch at the sound, only for Hoodie to motion you over. You pass Masky was you wobble over, his eyes boring into you attentively as he turns. You stop for a minute, making Hoodie's mouth form into a disgruntled line. You open your lips, and with a careful voice --
" I have one- one request. "
You emphasize the one as you speak, hoping that the two wouldn't attempt to silence you. Hoodie takes a moment to think, before sighing with a groan.
" Hhh- what is it? "
" I- I want to see your faces. "
" ... What-- "
The two men incline harmoniously, but you quickly intercept anything after that. You utter a wait as you step closer, your lips quivering slightly in nervousness.
" You want me to judge, right? We- Well I want to be able- able to judge you both thoroughly... "
You explain with a harsh breath. Your brain screamed against your actions-- logic telling you that you were insane for the request. Though, your body and fluttering adrenaline said otherwise. The two men exchange looks, only before looking at you again. You stand there as you hear Masky's footsteps, shivering as he stands behind you. Hoodie grins slightly. Your face flushes a pale pink, your tied hands balling into fists as they continued to stare.
" You really are a freak, huh? "
" mm-- mhm.. "
" ... Fine. "
" Do I get a say in this?? "
Masky scoffs, obviously defensive of his mask. Though, Hoodie takes off his mask. Your eyes widen as you lock eyes with Hoodie. He cocks an eyebrow, smirking at the small reaction.
" Tim, C'mon. It's not that bad. "
" No. "
He sternly replies, shoving you towards the brunette. You struggle to catch yourself, stumbling as you attempt to stand straight. Hoodie sighs with a tsk, taking you by the shoulders and moving you to sit down on your wood table. You look up at him, his smug look making you red in the face. He laughs at you, not even Noticing Masky next to you both.
" God, your a whore. Getting all hot and bothered by two strangers? Though, I'm flattered. "
He degrades you as he takes steps back. He looks at Masky, a grin on his stubble face. Masky looks on as Hoodie maneuvers on the other side of the small table, sitting on your sofa.
" Go on, you can start the show. Show us what you got, big boy. "
" Don't ever call me that again. "
Masky cringes by the taunt, only to get in front of you. His tall stature makes you more wobbly, watching as he takes off his gloves. He throws them on the floor, soon snaking a hand under your shirt as he stares into your eyes. You tense at his rough, calloused hands as you watch. Hoodie carefully watches. Masky seems to hesitate about something, only before going to your ear.
" Close your eyes. "
Masky whispers in a hushed voice. Your eyes narrow a little bit in curiosity before you feel Masky's hand rubbed your love handles. You finally take a breath as you look at the stranger.
" What? "
" Close your eyes. If you want more, close your eyes. "
You couldn't tell if this was a hint for consent, or he was genuine about it. Either way, you cautiously close your eyes. He seems to reward you with your compliance, hearing the sound of plastic drop to the table and Masky giggles. You gasp as you feel a nibble on your earlobe, sending tingles of weird pleasure down your body.
" Good, Good... Keep them closed until my say, understand? "
" What are you whispering about? Get on with it. "
Hoodie whines, but Masky ignores him. You nod in understanding before you feel Masky take off your shirt. You keep your eyes closed as you shiver at the feeling of lips on your neck. You can hear the faint sound of a click noise, and it seems to irritate Masky as he mutters out something between kisses. You dont dare open your eyes, but you are wondering what Hoodie is planning.. Or at least doing. Your thoughts are interrupted though as Masky takes off your shirt, the cold air of the room hitting your hot skin. Masky pushes you on the table, causing you to let out small gasp. You were now in your black, laced bra you always wore around the house. You hear Hoodie let out a hushed moan, making you want desperately want to see what he is up to. Masky continues his work, and you open your legs for him as his tongue dragged along your neck and his hands guide to your bra. You hear Hoodie stifle a rough groan, before letting out a whitty snicker.
" What a great show, Tim. Smile for the camera~ "
" Fuck off. "
" Wooah, didn't mean t-hah- to piss you off."
His teased tone comes out with a coo, and Masky growls onto your skin. You get a sick feeling knowing that you're being recorded, but you cant help to think about how Hoodie looked sitting there. You moan as you think about the bead of sweat on Hoodie's face dribble down as he palms his pants, holding his camera steadily to the scene as he watches. Your snapped out of it as let out another gasp as Masky lifts your bra up, exposing your tendered breasts. Your nipples were already hardened, and Masky let's out a soft grunt. You hear the sound of Hoodie getting up, the sofa creaking as he does. You tense up, moaning as Masky licks one of your nipples. You feel Hoodie bend down in front of you, and you bite your lip as Masky bites your nipple softly. You can feel Hoodie's hot breath as he chuckled, which made your core throb with neglect.
" Your enjoying this huh? It takes a special type of sicko to like this type of thing."
" You – haah- you like it too though. "
You sputtered out defiantly, making Masky let out a snicker of his own. Hoodie seems to pause, his hand tightly gripping your hair with a huff. He keeps your head up as you spill moans, only before yelping out as Masky bites your breast, feeling the sting as Masky sucks a mark onto you. Hoodie grunts watching you spill your moans out for them. It came as a surprise though as Hoodie pulls you into a kiss. You gasp, giving him time to shove his tongue into the kiss. Your pleasantly surprised as you feel the silver trinket in Hoodie's mouth, processing a tongue piercing. You moan into his moan as he groans in yours, Masky's eyes boring into you both as he pops off your chest with a slick pop. You feel hot as your body flares with pleasure, bucking your hips with want as you moan into Hoodie's mouth. Hoodie smirks in the kiss before pulling away. You feel a string of saliva break as he wipes his mouth. Masky starts to softly kiss down your abdomen. You hear Hoodie mutter suckup– only before turning his attention back to you.
" Do you want more? "
" Mmn – yes ! Yes I do– "
" Really now? What's the magic word. "
You groan at the extent of Hoodie's teasing. He snickers at you, only before bringing a hand to one of your breasts. You let out a whimper, feeling him squeeze the tender piece of flesh. You let out a harsh moan as you feel Hoodie press on Masky's marks on your chest. You gasp as you feel your pants and undergarments tugged down, revealing your wet cunt below. Hoodie chuckles at the sight, clicking his tongue. You feel as Masky teases your body, making you let out a whimper as you buck in the air.
" Pl- please– "
" Oh? Please what? Speak up slut. "
" Mmn- more ! Ah, fuck– "
" Hmmn, good girl. "
Hoodie laughs at your pleas between moans  as you hear the faint ziip of a zipper. Masky watches, observing your pretty cunt as it clenches to nothing. You can hear Masky panting, letting out small grunts as he ghosts his hands on your thighs before giving them a squeeze. You let out a groan, wiggling as you plead with the man in front of you. You feel your mouth salivate, drool dribbling down your chin.
" Heh – you hear that Tim? She so desperately wants it shes - hng- drooling. Won't you help the poor girl out? "
Hoodie pleas with a snicker, and Hoodie surprisingly obliges. You suck in a deep breath, gasping as you feel Masky's fingers slide between your folds. You moan out as he touches your swollen clit, finally opening your eyes. Hoodie gawks at how you look, sweat clinging to your red face as you tremble on the wooden surface. Though you can't help but eye his camera, aimed down at your cunt as Masky plays with your folds. The next thing you noticed made your heart stutter. Hoodie's manhood was present in front of you, thick and throbbing with neglect. His rendered veins pop out slightly, and he was definitely more average. Hoodie's face reddened as you drool over his dick. Masky doesn't comment as you peacefully open your eyes, but you gasp as he starts to lick at your folds, making you gasp.
" T– Tim!! FucK– "
You choke out loud, causing Masky's grip to tighten on you. Hoodie scoffs, continuing to eye you both as he aims the camera to your face. Hoodies statement earlier was definitely a lie. Ugly Duckling your ass, the way Masky's harsh eyes preyed upon your reactions made you already want to come. Hoodie watches with a groan as you then return your attention to him, your eyes dilated with want and need.
" Fuck.. You really are a cockslut, huh? C'mon, I got you help.. "
Hoodie breaths, aiming his dick to your lips. You moan out as Masky laps up at your wet folds, teasing your clit with wet circles. You look up at Hoodie with a heaving chest, watching as his smug face soon turns into a lustful need.
" .. Now help me, doll. "
Hoodie whimpers – whimpers out as you finally open your mouth with a hunger. Your tongue swirls around the tip of his penis, making him let out a sigh of relief as he pushes into your mouth. Your moans vibrate on Hoodie's cock as Masky inserts his tongue into your cunt, his nose pressed onto your labia as he slurps up your fluids. You feel your body grow hotter as you squirm and tense, arching your back in pleasure. Masky's moans dont help as they vibrate into you, making you loose some of your thoughts. Hoodie smirks as you squirm, groaning from the vibrations to his manhood. He soon bites his lip, shoving more of his cock into your mouth with a tight squeeze. You choke, but don't gag. Hoodie is pleasantly surprised that you dont have a gag reflex, causing his dick to twitch in satisfaction. He continues to throat fuck you through your high, you shaking and trembling as your suffocated. Soon, you come onto Masky's face, the brunette desperately lapping and drinking the sweet fluids you gave him.
" Good girl. "
You hear Hoodie breath, thrusting in your throat before pulling out. You gasp and choke for air, letting out a loud whine as Masky plays with your clit. The stings of overstimulation makes you arch more in broken moans and whimpers. You babble before Hoodie quickly shuts you up, shoving his slick cock back into your mouth. Masky grunts, his moans stuttered as he stands. He comes onto you with a growl, panting as slick white ropes on your thighs and cunt. You choke on Hoodie's length as he facefucks you, moans and grunts spilling out of him. He babbles, muttering praising remarks with subtle degrading terms. It was long until he let's out a drawn moan, burying himself all the way in the back of your throat. You spasm as you come with him, for the second time. He covers his sticky ropes down your throat, pulling out. He quickly keeps a hand covering your mouth, his eyes narrowing at you.
" Swallow it. "
He sternly muses, in which you shakily swallow his juices. He groans watching your throat Bob as you swallow, letting his hand release your mouth. The room is filled with panting, harsh breathes, and the stink of sex in the air as you three catch your senses. You feel your body hot and bothered, covered in different fluids as your head spins with a small headache. As you all start to get your sense, Masky is the first to speak up with his gruffed voice.
" So… Who is better? "
" Why is that even a question? I'm obviously the best. "
" Zip it. You're not the one that made her scream your name. "
The two banter on as you think for a moment. Your body is heavy as you watch the two argue. You groan, wiggling as you get up from the table. You feel yourself peel off the wood from the slick sweat. The two silence at once, anticipating your answer. It wasn't long until you giggle, which turned into a mused sigh.
" I don't know.. I might need a round two. "
" What!? You can't possibly– "
" I'll do it. "
Masky happily obliges, leaving Hoodie at a loss of words or taunts. He pauses, mouth agape before turning into a disbelieved chuckle. You watch as Hoodie silently clicks his camera off, plopping it on the table. Masky's eyes are full of delirious lust, and Hoodie swears he's never met such a freak like you. Something in you tells you that you are in for a loong day.
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myfandomrealitea · 9 months
The problem with trying to irrevocably tie what we create to who we are is that it then completely voids the freedom of being able to create things.
Fiction is not meant to be our reality. Its meant for all the things we can't do. For the things we shouldn't. For the things we want to do but will never get the chance to. Fiction is for being more than our reality.
What is the point in fiction if you want it to be intrinsically bound to who we are? To what we believe in? To what we dictate we must obey?
How much of our own history would we lose if your demand that we must only create what is sound and 'right' comes to fruit? What lessons will we fail to learn in the future because the fiction that taught them to us in the past no longer exists?
Those who huddle in a barren shelter will starve but those who venture forth might find a bounty.
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helloporcelain · 1 year
Hot Blood
fandom: cyberpunk 2077  pairing: johnny silverhand/fem! v  rating: explicit (18+)  tags: pwp, piv, thigh riding, light choking, happy ending au where johnny has his body/v is not dying summary: car sex on an extremely hot summer day in a cramped car before a gig to shoot up some wraiths? bad idea, probably. ∘°∘♡∘°∘ READ ON AO3 ∘°∘♡∘°∘
based off a prompt from @seeingstarks
The heat was relentless out in the Badlands when September rolled around. 
The temperature easily pushed over 103°, and sun rays were beating down aggressively on top of Johnny and V through the top of his car. A Porsche wasn’t made to be driven around such rough, uneven terrain, but Johnny had insisted on it. He loved his retro car as if it was a long lost daughter he finally had been reunited with. A little whirring, mechanical child on wheels from 50 years past. 
V typically vetoed no to the Porsche for gigs, but it had been a while since Johnny had driven them both and the job didn’t seem like it would be too driving heavy, so she relented and let him take the wheels. He really wasn’t the best behind the steering wheel, at least not since he had gotten used to an actual body (not that Johnny would ever admit it) and V preferred that Johnny got some practice out in open land and not run over innocent jaywalkers in the city. 
It was, however, definitely not V’s car of preference.
For one thing, it was a small car. V wasn’t a large woman, so why did she feel suffocated in it, especially if she was packing heat? It felt as if there was barely room for her to stretch her legs out, nevermind hauling a bunch of gear, guns and grenades around in there without setting something off and blowing them both to sorry bits. 
But Johnny didn’t seem to mind – it was one of the few times the muscles in his shoulders relaxed, which made the decision to let him drive it worth it in the end for V. Johnny had carried around a tenseness in his body ever since he came back, always on edge. He did his best to hide it, and if V hadn’t shared a brain with him, she might not have noticed. Johnny hadn’t fully believed he was worthy of a second chance, but V had believed nothing else more intensely. 
Still, she regretfully contemplated the decision as sweat dripped down her forehead, onto her bare lashes. He rolled the front windows down to get some kind of breeze because the AC was weak. V had been bugging him to get it fixed for weeks but Johnny had stubbornly snapped that he didn’t “want some fucking Night City idiot fucking around with his car.” 
V wiped her damp forehead with the back of her palm and let out an annoyed huff, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. She had picked out some denim shorts that day, yet it was still too hot and now she had to experience the displeasure of her thighs sticking slick to the leather material. 
“Toughest solo in Night City,” Johnny drawled, looking at her over his sunglasses. “But she can’t handle a little heat.” V pulled a loose bra strap back up on her right shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“I get that you’re already going to hell Johnny and okay with this heat hellscape, but some of us would like to not be slowly cooked to death.” She paused, reading something on her holo and continued, “I already messaged Claire and she’s going to fix it and you’re going to let her do it without complaints.”
Johnny grunted in disapproval but didn’t put up much of a fight. Instead, he looked out the window and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel in rhythm to an old rock song she was not too familiar with. Everything that mattered to Johnny was rooted in nostalgia, and V was included in that now.
He pulled up to an abandoned gas station just outside of Rocky Ridge and parked the car behind the building just slightly so that they would still have a view of any cars coming down the road. The gig would have Johnny and V wait around 30 minutes before the targets – Wraiths – rolled in as sundown approached. 
Kill them all and make out with some equipment that Saul needed. Simple gig.
V groaned, tossed her seatbelt off and reached towards the dashboard of the car to tinker with the AC settings – with no luck. The little bursts of air coming through felt like pathetic little hiccups, and her entire body was dripping in sweat. Johnny leaned back and watched as V jabbed her fingers at the console for a solution.
“You wouldn’t have survived a day in Texas, princess,” he muses, shifting his seat back. “Get used to it, we’re going to be cooking here for a minute till those motherfuckers roll in.” 
V gave him a cranky scowl. “Your obsession with this car is concerning on a fundamental level.”
Johnny opened up all the windows and pulled out a cigarette to light up, and V took a deep breath in preparation for the smoke that was about to cloud her senses. After a deep drag he let his left arm hang out over the door and she continued on her rant. 
“You have the most advanced cars in the world at your fingertips, and yet you prefer…” her arms flung wildly around the little space available. “…this stupid broken car!”
V caught a glimpse of how she looked in the mirror and she definitely looked a little crazed. Her cheeks were flush with pink and her usually pin straight hair was turning frizzy. Johnny was right, she wouldn’t have lasted even an hour in the humid Southern summers. She looked back at him and took in his appearance. Sure, Johnny was sweating too, but he looked unbothered. He had chosen to wear his leather pants regardless of the weather that day and he didn’t even look like he was struggling with them. 
At that exact moment, she resented how good he looked.
“I take offense to that V. I’ll have you know…” Johnny took another puff of his cigarette before offering it over to V. “This was a fucking chick magnet.” She accepted it and begrudgingly started to smoke. He wasn’t a part of her anymore, but the cravings still hit her if she saw Johnny smoke first. It was exactly what she needed, and she felt herself relax slightly after the first exhale.  
“Oh boy, here we go. Gonna regale me with stories of your drug addled sexcapades?” She took another long hit, quickly put it out, then tossed it out the window on her side of the car. “I know they were desperate for some rockstar dick, but I highly doubt they actually enjoyed the cramped experience. Only teenagers fuck in cars.” 
Johnny gave a crooked smirk. “Au contraire, V. Au fuckin’ contraire.” His hands went to the sign of his seat to pull it down, taking up more of what little space was left in the backseat. He leaned back and put his arms above his head, and closed his eyes in a show of shush, I’m daydreaming now.
“Fucking preem experience having a chick bounce up and down on me in here. Such a compact space means you’re forced to fit all up against each other, and it’s tight. Doesn’t get old.” 
V fiddled around with her rifle, making sure the bullets were all loaded. She rolled her eyes at him, but her curiosity was piqued slightly. It was an automatic reaction, something she couldn’t control even when her mind signaled: not now ! The second Johnny started being suggestive at all – V couldn’t help it – her body would react without her brain’s explicit permission. 
They had already fucked twice that morning; sleepy, leisurely sex in bed, then he had come up behind her in the bathroom while she was drying her hair and had bent her over the sink. Not that V was complaining. Johnny had been insatiable ever since they had settled into “normal life”, but she never entertained anything during a job. She was a professional, after all.
“Sure,” she said, giving her gun a wipe down. “I bet they loved bumping their heads and getting thigh cramps.”
Johnny responded by taking the rifle out of her hands and pulling it out of her reach. She made a noise of surprise and tried to rustle it out of his arms but no luck, her arms were short and he was leaning back with it. “You won’t get it back from there,” he commented.
“Not funny Johnny,” she scolded. “The Wraiths could be here any second. Give it back.” 
“We know when they’re coming, V. Saul has their routes down to a fucking T.” 
His eyebrows wiggled annoyingly in the direction of his lap, signaling for V to climb on top of him  to retrieve her gun. Her lips went flat in disapproval for a beat, before she twisted her body around, scaled over the drink holder and gingerly into his lap. “You’re so pea-brained,” she said. 
The space was cramped, though it did help that his seat was leaned back a bit. She could feel the heat against the thick material of his pants permeating against her legs. Her brain paused on the sensation against her, before reminding her why she was on him in the first place and she leaned forward to grab her gun. V failed to grab it – Johnny quickly tossed it behind the back of his chair, too out of the way for her to retrieve it in the current position.
“Dick,” she grumbled. V tried to move over him to reach behind, but his hands found their way to her hips and he squeezed down firmly, keeping her pressed against his right thigh. 
“I think I might love summer,” he said. She squirmed against his hold but he just held her down tighter. Johnny’s cock hardened and strained against his pants. “Know why? Because you wear these hot little shorts like the fucking cocktease you are.”
V’s eyes glazed over briefly as she checked the clock out of nerves – they still had 20 minutes before any of the Raffen Shivs were due to show up, but she wouldn’t apologize for being too sure. She snapped out of the thought as Johnny groped at her tits, rolling his thumb over a hard nipple through her white tank top. “One hell of an outfit to wear to a possible shootout, V.”
He leaned forward to kiss her mouth, before trailing down to her jaw and neck. She looked down at him, her heart rate increasing quickly at the thought of fucking him. It would be stupid. It would be reckless. 
“I didn’t wear this to get your dick hard idiot,” she breathlessly replied in between his wet kisses. “Earth to Johnny. Normal humans dress appropriately for the weather.” 
“Then take it off,” he shrugged, tugging at the cotton material. V let him pull the top off over her head, tossing it over to her seat. Johnny didn’t have her take off her bra, instead opting to pull it down so that her tits popped out over the cups. He leaned forward to take a nipple in his mouth, sucking and twirling the nub in his mouth, all the while palming his cock through his pants.
If V was pink earlier, she was full on lobster red now between the heat of the car and the flush of the grind against his leather pants. She had opted out of underwear that morning, mostly due to having put off laundry for so long that she ran out of panties. And now that decision had come back to haunt her as every twitch against him ran a shock through her clit, begging her to roll against him harder.
Johnny let go of one breast and moved onto the neglected side, biting down on the nipple. She let out a whining sound of pleasure as she held her arms against his headrest and rocked against him faster. “Fuck. God damn it, Johnny.” Her clit was growing swollen against the denim fabric of her shorts and the clumsy pace of her fucking his thigh. 
He pulled away from her chest and a hand moved up to finger his old dogtags that she wore, which were now jingling in rhythm with her grinding. “That’s my girl.” 
His fingers wrapped around her throat and gently squeezed. “Yeah, that’s right, baby. Use me. Make yourself feel good.” She let out a choked moan when her clit passed over some kind of raised, ridged material in his pants. 
She rolled her hips against him, angling to make sure her clit continued to hit the same spot again and again. Johnny wanted to fuck her, badly, but wanted to watch her come apart like this even more. V’s body was slick with sweat, and he knew she would find it annoying in the aftermath, but Johnny loved how completely natural of a state she was in. 
Something organic, something real, and something only his to witness.
“So fucking sexy baby. Should see yourself right now. Making a mess on me. Could cum just looking at you V.” 
“Idiot,” she gasped. V worked herself at a frantic and shameless pace, and he pulled her face closer to his so he could kiss her. She could feel the pressure building in her soaked cunt, letting out moans that were muffled by Johnny’s mouth. The kiss was messy as he sucked on her tongue and their saliva dribbled down her chin. 
V lurched forward when her orgasm came crashing down like a lightning bolt, her climax shaking throughout her whole body. V’s hips bucked against his leg as she rode out the rest of the wave, completely engulfed in the embrace of his arms, face buried into the crook of his neck. Johnny was drenched in sweat too, smelling vaguely of soap, but mostly smoke. 
After a few seconds, Johnny chuckled and brushed V’s damp hair away from her forehead. She was distinctly aware of the painful erection he still had straining against his pants. “My stupid broken car still has women creaming their panties 50 years later.” She nipped at his neck and shifted her body up against him to press on his hardon. 
“That’s where you’re wrong, Johnny. I’m not wearing any panties.” 
Johnny let out a groan and his hands squeezed her shoulders, pushing her back down on him. One of his arms shot to her shorts and pulled at the zipper ungracefully. “Get these off,” he growled. V leaned back and looked beyond the car towards the road. Still empty, but her brain issued a huge red flag at the thought of rogue nomads popping up behind them and popping one in their heads…
She could picture the tombstone – RIP V, she died doing what she loved most: Johnny Silverhand. 
Ugh. Bad idea, V chided herself silently. 
Then she said it out loud too, still not entirely used to him not being able to hear everything she thought. “Bad idea, Johnny. We don’t have time.” 
Johnny went to work on his zipper, tugging his cock free from the restraints of his oppressive pants. He started slowly stroking and she couldn’t see his eyes through the lenses of his dark glasses. “V, you can either ride my cock now or I’ll jerk off and you can walk back to camp with cum on your shorts. Your choice.” He stroked faster and his eyebrow furrowed as she considered the decision with 15 minutes left on the clock in her head.
It was awkward to lift herself up from him to take her shorts off but she managed to peel them off and fling them to her seat. She wasn’t confident it was very sexy to watch her do this, but Johnny was still intently watching her as he masturbated, and she suddenly was very aware of the hot air on her naked lower half. 
V tried to look down between them as she lined his cock up with her entrance, letting the tip slide between her folds. Johnny was already leaking precum, and before V got the chance to lower herself, he grabbed her waist and yanked her down to sit on his cock. Her eyes popped wide as he sat her down all the way, no space, not an inch in between them. 
“Johnny,” she gasped. 
“Ride my cock V, need to feel every fucking inch of your pussy.” 
One of Johnny’s arms curled around her waist, the other one landed on her thigh as he slammed her down onto his dick. V readjusted the angle so her legs weren’t caught in any tight crevices, and when she was finally comfortable she started to move quickly against him. Johnny groaned when he felt the fullness of her weight, the tightness of her cunt fully engulfing him. 
“Love how needy you are for my cock V, fuckin anywhere, anytime, my fucking girl.”
Johnny was barely holding it together. His glasses were rocking about, threatening to fly off with each violent slam that V pushed down on. Her wetness was soaking through everywhere, mixing with their sweat, making the car smell like a hotbox of pure sex. 
“Fuck, Johnny, you know I can’t say no to you,” V panted, holding herself steady. “You’re– so fucking deep.” She spread her thighs a bit wider, as much as the space allowed, Johnny clutched her tight as he continued his rocking pace against her, so profoundly deep inside she thought she may have felt it in her stomach.
His hands were digging into her so hard it was going to leave a bruise after. V was so tight, Johnny groaned like a man who was in the process of losing his mind. “Fucking made for my cock. My fucking perfect cocksleeve.” 
V leaned in to capture his lips, biting down on them to make them bleed.  She had to admit: no matter how many times they fucked, she still got the same butterflies that lurched in her body with how they fit perfectly. As if it was proof that there was a God somewhere and he did actually craft their bodies with the intention of them finding each other, somehow, half a century apart.
She held him against her as she began to rock her body, her clit rubbing against his body with every roll of her hips. Johnny groaned as they kissed, and V knew he was close to coming. His hands wandered down to grip her ass tightly, impaling her down on him with more force than she could hope to do on her own. “Johnny,” she gasped. “Need your fucking cum in me.” 
Sweat rolled down their bodies like droplets of rain. The combined body heat was making it hard to breathe, but she let her hands wander to his throat anyway. V didn’t do the choking too often, but thought herself a giver sometimes. Johnny was close, his fingers were digging a death grip into her and his pace was becoming erratic. She closed both her hands around his throat and squeezed, holding her gaze on his face.  “What’s taking so long, you want them to see me riding your cock babe?”
A grunt of approval resounded deep in Johnny’s chest. V’s toes curled as she felt him impale into her once more, a sudden and violent rope of cum shooting into her core. She choked Johnny a bit harder as she slowly rocked against him, taking in the feeling of her pussy milking his cock for every drop. One hand left his neck and wandered down to feverishly rub at her very swollen clit, her orgasm crashing down quickly in sparks. Johnny and V clung to each other, skin sticking to skin; neither one wanted to be the first one to get up from the mess they’ve left. “Eight minutes,” she finally said, breaking the silence.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you were constantly checking the clock the whole time, because I did, you little control freak.” Johnny replied, fidgeting with his glasses. She leaned back to put her tank top on and laughed. 
“One of us has to try and keep us alive,” she smiled. They both looked at each other with soft eyes until a loud sound in the distance caused them to stiffen up. “What the fuck was that?” They both whipped their heads around and craned their necks to see a gaggle of trucks looming back in the gas station. A couple of heads were pointed their way, some shouting and pulling out their guns. Johnny sheepishly watched as V frantically hopped over to her seat to pull on her shorts.
“Fuuuck me. What did I say, Johnny? What did I say!? Any second!”
V was in a fit of panic, and all Johnny could offer up was a shrug. "Saul was wrong." 
She slapped his forehead (to which he simply responded: ow) and haphazardly threw out a grenade in the distance, hoping it would buy them another few seconds. 
“Pass me my rifle. Now.”
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the prompt “careless” from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 197
Drarry microfic: poisonous
Cw: being poisoned
“I can’t believe you were that careless!” Draco exclaimed. He ran around the room, taking ingredients left and right and throwing them into his cauldron. “You know those plants are dangerous!”
Harry sighed from where he was sitting on the examination table. He had lost count of how many times he had been here. “I’ve been through worse.”
“You—” Draco turned around, his silver eyes ablaze. He pointed a long finger in Harry’s direction. “You are unbelievable.”
Harry huffed a laugh, a fond smile on his lips. He stood from the table and stumbled his way over to Draco. “I love you,” he said softly as he fell into Draco’s arms, ignoring the searing pain that shot up his back. “You’re amazing.”
“Oh, Merlin.” Draco sighed. “The poison must be spreading quicker than I thought when you’re spouting such nonsense.” He led Harry back to the examination table, making sure he was comfortable. “Hold on a little longer,” he continued. “The antidote is almost done.”
If Harry wasn’t currently fighting the side effects of the poison streaming through his veins, he would have thought he saw a deep blush on Draco cheeks when he turned back around.
Prompt from March 28th
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Writing Captain Presley nudging his boat into a tributary from the main river has become shockingly…suggestive.
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I was not prepared for this, they don’t teach you this in fanfic school, y’all.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 days
So, I watched a gameplay of all three Class of 09 games. I will just say this, the teachers being pedos and creeps in all three games is the least surprising thing in this series.
Also, the creator got exposed:
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mail-me-a-snail · 1 year
Valentine is done Here but now they're gone Romeo and Juliet Are together in eternity -- or, v learns the right ending is not always the happiest one; sometimes, it's not an ending at all.
happy phantom liberty launch day!! this is the last fic in the "your heart is on my sleeve" series :] ill keep writing for silverv as long as the inspiration flows, but this branch of their story is over <3
chapters 2-4 coming in the following days; keep an eye out for those :3
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thedirtiwalkoniswet · 1 month
I love ao3 as the next person, but I'm on germanys side when they banned it, because of the sheer amount of child pornography on the site. (Mind you they distinguish between child (under 14) and youth pornography (14-18), so we're talking VERY young)
I do appreciate that there's a space for people to write freely about whatever they want, and the tags do allow you to avoid fics you don't want to read about, but I still feel sick about what some people write about.
Because why, why are people writing about 4 year olds getting r/ped in graphic detail? Why are people READING about that? What made you look at the tags and think "oh yeah, THAT'S entertainment" ????
Like, sorry, but the only possible reason I can think of is that the people behind it are actually sick and read this because it's arousing to them.
Nowhere on the internet can people post cp so freely, without it literally being illegal.
The fact that tags like "extremely underage" are widely used, is SICKENING. And I know that the site was literally created for writing sick shit, but where does this cross a line? Is it impossible to cross a line on this website?
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Halloween prompts no. 19
Danny is flung into a new dimension by Skulker and they continue to fight above a strange city. Danny makes sure to end it quickly after that in case he attracts the attention of yet another person or group of people who want to hurt him for whatever reason..
He flies into a nearby building only to discover a freaky mad scientists lab and finds a clone of someone named "Robin". The clone was appearently a baby that they were planning on brainwashing and raising in a cult like setting to kill the "Bats"
"Jee, is the rodent problem that bad?!" Either way he decides to kidnap the baby and destroy everything in a blaze of glory. No child soldiers on his watch. No siree! He then portals his way home.
What he did not count on was him immediately running into his parents in his ghost form with a very alive baby in his arms. They stared eachother down in uncharacteristic silence, one afraid that they would hurt the baby with thier reckless firing and the others staring slack jawed cause why does he have a baby?!
The whole of Amity Park is also asking this question. Many assume its his, despite his age because teenages parents do exist, plus phantom kept calling it "his" baby so...
Others are worried that he might have just taken a baby from a dangerous environment and decided to keep it not realizing how much work a baby is. (Spot on) Both theories raise questions about how ghosts view families and how they reproduce. Upon asking Phantom he turned bright green, made a witty one liner and bolted.
Frostbite calls Danny in to give a check up to both him and the baby and uses this time to get a DNA sample from the child, and with a bit of ghostly magic he tracks down the parents and contacts them by straight up ringing thier doorbell. He and Alfred get along immediately.
Eventually Frosty tricks Phantom into coming back to Gotham and reveals the babies paternity in front of the batfam and the bird in question (whichever one) is freaking out a bit, "I'm too young to be a father!" style and Dannys like, "Cool. Cause I have no intention of sharing! Byeeee!" Before vanishing. Frostbite wants a nap.
Cue batfam following Phantom back to his dimension via Frostbite only to discover various people in Amity Park have also grouped together armed with ghost hunting gear to capture Phantom and get the baby away from him. Yeah, they know the kid has good intentions but hes only 14 and its not good for him or the baby. So they're effectively acting like undead CPS.
About time.
Anyway, Danny realizes he can't revert to his living form because his ecto signature would still ping on the equipment as Phantom and thats not something he wants to explain right now. Or possibly ever. With that being said he refuses to abandon his child. Hes only had them for two weeks and they're already his whole world.
Sam keeps telling him this was stupid and even Tuckers concerned. "How will you take care of a baby, dude? You can't even balance your hero life with you real life" Okay, fair. Jazz then started talking to him about talking to the babys father to at least get some help raising them and Danny finally agreed. For the baby's sake.
Bruce is so relieved when he finally gets to see his grandchild safe and sound.
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peridotamethyst · 5 months
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1jet2unknown · 10 months
Working on a Chen Yi x Ai Di fanfic and need some inspiration. General setting is the birthday party of ChenAi and among other things they are exchanging presents, celebrating another year of beiing alive.
I do have some ideas but they all just don't seem perfect... soooo: Anyone have any funny/cute ideas of what they might be gifting each other?
I'm looking for something that is a bit funny but in itself 100% caring for the other, all while representing their unique characters.
Would be happy for any ideas you might have ^^
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the prompt “slide” from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 63
Drarry microfic: smooth sliding
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Prompt from June 13th
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Rosey, when asked about CP 🥹
When I say this is an absolute GIFT -I mean it!
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kukuandkookie · 11 months
wip titles meme
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @crimsonrainseekingflower! 💕💕💕
Thank you for the welcome surprise—another one I finally discovered once I looked at my notifications and stuff! Fortunately this time I’m remembering to make my own post haha. 😆
I hope you don’t mind if I also divide by fandom, and these only vaguely include a couple art wips!:
Grave Matters
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time AU!?
Just a Dream (is this unfortunately a lame-ass title 😔)
Haunting You
Singles’ Day
Bingqiu White Snake (animated movie) AU
Waiting for the Tree Branches to Bloom Again
Safe from the Storm
I See in Both Your Eyes (Something Indigo)
AU: The Lion King II??
Family Meal Goes “Wrong”
TLJ’s Lament
狗哥狗哥,你真了不得 (Gou-ge, Gou-ge…)
Slavic Vampires…
CNY Dumplings Competition
Enchanted (because we’re doing this now, I guess)
Limb Regeneration What If?? 🤔
Of Costumes and Candies (Something Orange)
Something Old, Something New, and… (Something Blue)
I Ship My Rival x Me AU
I Have to be a Great Villain AU
Happiness Just Out of Reach
Lost and Found
Words to Heart
Breathing Smoke Into the Lungs
HORRIBLE NEW IDEA: Maybe title: Just Enough. Just Enough for Me
Love Letters (that’s all I got so far *insert deepfried emote here*)
Daycare AU???
Hmmm. Prince x Princess AU?
Xi Yang Yang AU
Followers Milestone Celebration
Teacup scene
I Think My Uncle Ships Us Help
I’d Like to Try Staying Awake (for You)
Breaking the System (aka Fuck the System? Literally or—jk jk lmfao)
Bonuses include the latest chapters for I’d Rather Spend My Whole Life Asleep (With You) and To Tame a Beast, except the former doesn’t have a wip title. The latter does in the sense that the chapter title is Pixiu!
Putting the Musing in Amusement Park
This Venerable One Will Not Be Outdone
What You Left Behind/Do You Also Miss Me?
[The] Romance of Wolf/Husky and Haitang
Ghost Bride (Corpse Bride but Chinese?? And Reincarnation)
Fifteen Growing Up Flirty
Out of the Closet (and Into Your Arms)?
The Prince and the Pauper (but based on The Princess and the Pauper because I’m a criminal who hasn’t read the original 😂)
Wo Jia Dashixiong Naozi You Keng but with an Erha Twist
TW WARNING FOR THIS ONE but Passive suicide ideation fic
IDK WHAT TO WRITE FOR CWN’S BDAY… GOD SOMEONE SEND HELP GFGKDFHGKSDFHG (this one has a more polished but still wip version titled CWN Birthday Fic: Past, Present, or Future, I Want to Celebrate With You 😆)
Jiaoren CWN
Priest CWN & demon MR…hehehe (now a Dianran AU?)
More Than Just Puppy Love
Flower Shop…Redemption…Thingy?
From Wanton Wants to Wonton Wonders
A Taste of What Could Have Been
First Bow to Heaven and Earth
Hidden Love AU
Mo Ran pulls a Bing-ge
Mind(-Reading) Games
Stone Lion
Swallowed Flowers
Confessions (Role-Swap AU)
TXJ Week (help we’re way past that now 😔): De-Aged Fic
A Tear in My Heart aka Read You Like an Open Book aka To Leave a Piece/Page of Me in the Nooks and Crannies of You?
Shi Mei Jiaoren Fic: [I’m] Afraid to Live Without Breathing
I also have a lot of Erha and SVSSS fic ideas that are unfortunately just blurbs in my ideas document right now and not full-on wips so they don’t have any titles I can share. 😔
First Times, Second Chances, and Third Time’s the Charm…s (?) (Link Click)
Missing a You of Another Time (Link Click)
Danmei, xianxia-esque story (Link Click)
Call of the Wolves (specifically chapter 78)
Chuju the Chou
Papillon and Akuma’s Story
Papillon and Akuma Role Reversal AU Story
Circinus and Pyxis
Smoke & Mirrors
Dimension Hoppers
Take Me Back to Hell (All Saints Street)
I’ll Love You Until All the Stars Fall from the Sky (The Legend of Luo Xiaohei?)
Fengxi like Shade in Firewing (The Legend of Luo Xiaohei)
Mafia AU Xuanli x Laojun (The Legend of Luo Xiaohei)
Continuation of Falling for You (White Cat Legend)
How Could I Ever Ask You to Love Me? (White Cat Legend)
My Shadow It Follows Me
The Us of the Present Could Perhaps Be Just as Tender as the Us of the Past (Scissor Seven)
A Conversation With a Dead Man (MDZS)
Magical Girl AU (MDZS)
Xue Yang’s Regrets (MDZS)
Ao Bing and Nezha in a shoujo high school AU… That’s it. That’s the whole idea (Nezha 2019)
Surprising the Un-Surprise-Able (I Have to be a Great Villain)
Xianxia AU (Kiss the Abyss)
Breathing New Life (Kiss the Abyss)
I Will Chase You to the Ends of Time and Space (Kiss the Abyss)
A Family Outing (Beryl and Sapphire)
Just Some Gay Little Dudes (Beryl and Sapphire)
Steven Universe AU (Beryl and Sapphire)
Something as Sweet as You (I Ship My Adversary x Me)
A Present to be Cherished (I Ship My Adversary x Me)
I Ship My Adversary x Me and 严禁造谣 Crossover? AU Swap?
Additional misc wips I haven’t touched in forever are the latest chapters for The World Doesn’t Deserve You (MDZS) and Frostbite (All Saints Street). 😅
And as a bonus, these aren’t at all “official” yet but the more I read for some manhua the more I’m tempted to write fics for them… For example, a fic for Blemishing the Contaminated or My Lovely Troublemaker season 2 would be so cute, even if I don’t exactly have any clear or obvious ideas for them. 🥺
Phew, wow. I had way more wips than I expected AKFJSKFHSJS. Some are honestly just super half-baked documents tucked away in a folder with only a title and outline, but I hope something here was of interest to you guys. 😆💖
As for tagging…
I also don’t think I’m capable of tagging as many people as I have wips otl. So I hope you guys don’t mind if I tag just a few of you!
@ezrathesplit @levia-kun @yumichanhamano @softdekus @rongzhi @azunshi
(Of course, if you would rather not, feel free not to do this!)
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cyberpunkren · 11 months
Blood & Wires
Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077
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Pairing: Ren x RiverWard
Raiting: explicit
Summary: Amidst thrilling bounty hunting missions and perilous confrontations, Ren and River discover that, despite their differences, they share a common commitment: unmasking the mega-corporation and restoring justice in Night City. But as they delve deeper into the depths of the conspiracy, they also find a connection that goes beyond friendship and professional collaboration.
In the heart of betrayal and danger, love blooms in this tale of action, intrigue, and romance in a cyberpunk world filled with bright lights and dark shadows. As Ren and River fight together against ruthless foes and deadly conspiracies, they also fight for a love that defies all odds.
Author notes: this is going to be a long series so... im ready for it because I haven't seen a lot of stories of River and im obsessed!!! This is a brief summary of what's to come. Hope you all enjoy it
This is the chapter II of the series I'm doing, hope you enjoy it!!!
Ren's path
Ren's alarm clock jolts her from her slumber at the crack of dawn. 
"Good morning, Heywood," Ren murmurs silently as the city that never sleeps greets her with its endless car honks and the constant waft of filth that haunts the city. Ren had a childhood marked by tragedy on the streets of Night City. When she was just a child, a ruthless cyberphycho killed her parents in a senseless act of violence. This tragic event left Ren orphaned and traumatized, struggling to survive in the shadows of an unforgiving city. 
After the tragedy, Ren was taken in by the Heywood district, which became a kind of maternal figure to her. The people of the district rallied to care for the orphaned girl, providing her with support and protection in the midst of Night City's cruelty. Although the city could be a dangerous place, Heywood offered her a refuge and the opportunity to grow up in a safer environment. 
Throughout her childhood, Ren developed a strong will and unwavering determination to face the challenges presented by the city. The loss of her parents and her experiences on the streets shaped her character and drove her to become the brave and determined bounty hunter she is today.
 As always, her routine begins with a rigorous morning workout. Hand-to hand combat and target practice keep her peak in condition. After a refreshing shower, Ren dons her hunting suit and prepares to head out into the streets of the Night City. 
As she rushes down the apartment building's stairs, she decides to make a quick stop at the neighborhood cafe, where she often runs with her friend Max. Max, a skilled hacker, has been her friend for years, and although Ren is unaware, he secretly harbors deeper feelings for her. 
Ren enters the cafe and finds Max at his usual table, surrounded by electronic devices and cables. He looks up and smiles when he sees her walk by in. "Does Nigh City's bravest bounty hunter need her morning caffeine fix?" Max quips as he gestures to an empty chair across from him. 
"Wel, you know I can't start the day with a decent cup of coffee," Ren replies with a smile. As they enjoy their drinks, they discuss her upcoming mission, and Max offers some technological advice that might come in handy. As they chat, Max can't help but feel a mix of admiration and unrequited love for Ren, emotions he carefully keeps hidden. Knowing the past of Ren. 
After bidding Max goodbye, Ren readies herself to face the day's challenges and head to the underground bar where her next bounty awaits. The city never stops, and Ren knows it better than anyone. 
The underground bar, known as "The Neon Shadow", is a clandestine meeting place where hackers and criminals rub shoulders in search of valuable information and secret deals. Ren meticulously prepares for the mission. 
Before entering the bar, Ren syncs up with Max. 
"Are you there already?" 
"Yes, Max, I'm starting to smell the stink of poorly places chrome in these sons of bitches'flesh," Ren's murmurs as she scans the crowd in the underground bar, her cybernetic eye discreetly analyzing people for clues. 
"Be careful this time. I don't want to pick you up again by your pretty hair to take you to see Viktor," Max responds, concerned in his voice. 
"I don't think Viktor has had time for me lately. He's too busy with another patient," Ren sighs. "I should go check on them. Misty must be devastated by the loss of Jackie. I didn't know him well, but I know he was one of the best Valentinos. Have you heard the news about what happened? I don't know how they got themselves into that mess."
"And I hope you never find out or you'll end up like them," Max warns. "I don't know how his chum survived. People say he's turned into a cyberphycho"
"Well, I'm going in," Ren concludes as she is prepared to confront Arachnid and the uncertainty that looms over the mission. 
As she scans her surroundings, Ren notices an individual who seams unusually nervous and avoids eye contact. This could be Arachnid. She discreetly scans him and confirms his identity. 
"Max? Confirmation?" Ren asks happily knowing this man was scared to death. 
"Why is it that the ones with the toughest nickname turn out to be the most terrified, Max?" Ren whispers through the holographic device. 
"I don't know, all I know is that lately, you've been way too lucky. I swear, I sense something bad, like in those old space war movies."
"Max, it's Star Wars please! A little more retro culture. And yes, I also have a feeling that something bad is looming over us, chum, karma can't be that good to us, or that's what Misty says. But as long as we enjoy this mediocre place and make some eddies."
As Ren and Max exchange these words, Ren can't shake the feeling of impending danger. The dimly lit bar, filled with shady characters and the buzz of clandestine deals, only adds to the tension in the air. Ren takes another sip of her drink, her eyes constantly scanning the room, alert for any sign of trouble. 
Meanwhile, Max, back at their safe virtual hideout, keeps an eye on the bar through the security cameras, ready to assist Ren if things take a turn of the worse. He knows that Ren's instinct is usually spot on, and he's prepared to act swiftly to help her in any way he can. 
Max is a tall, lean man in his late 20s with a hacker's signature edgy style. He has shaggy dark hair that falls messily over his forehead, partially obscuring his sharp, intelligent eyes. His pale complexion is a testament to countless hours he spends in front of computer screens. Max often sports a black leather jacket adorned with various cyberpunk-inspired patches and a t-shirt featuring obscure references to old-school pop culture. 
A pair of stylish augmented sunglasses, which he often pushes back onto his forehead, adds to his mysterious and slightly rebellious appearance. Max's fingers are agile and nimble, well-suited for intricate keyboard work. He's always seen with a holographic device, constantly fiddling with it to access information, communicate with Ren, or hack into systems. 
Max's personality is a blend of tech-savvy brilliance and a quirky sense of humor. He's fiercely loyal to Ren and would go to great lengths to protect her.  Despite the dangers of Night City, Max maintains a cool and composed demeanor, but there's a deep sense of concern for Ren beneath the surface.
Ren positions herself next to the bar in the filthy and repugnant bar to speak quietly, without drawing attention with Arachnid. A few words could be enough to apprehend him without any problems, as he was alone according to Max's observations on the security cameras.
"Arachnid, do you think you can escape this? You're surrounded, and there's no way out."
"Oh, Ren, you've always been the tireless hunter, haven't you?"
"Oh, what a surprise, how do you even know my precious name?" 
"Of course I know it, how can't I know one of the legends of Hellwood? Ren the bounty hunter, even though that's not your real name..."
"For you and all this scumbag yes, It's Ren, nothing more and nothing less, just Ren. And now with the deal..."
"Let me tell you, you don't know who you're dealing with. I have influential friends in dark places."
"Your threats don't impress me, Arachnid. You've committed crimes, and you'll pay for them. There's no escape."
"You know something, Ren? You might be right, that there's no escape. But that doesn't mean I'm the only one with secrets to hide."
 "Speak, Arachnid. You don't have much time."
"Maybe you're right, maybe not. But there's something you should know before I hand you over. Night City is about to change forever, and not in the way you imagine."
"What are you insinuating, Arachnid? Speak plainly."
"You'll find out soon. I can't reveal more. But keep in mind that nothing is as it seems in this city."
Suddenly, a police patrol surrounds the place, and all the scum in the bar flee for their lives. Of course, everyone had a record, not even the bartender was clean. In cases like this, the NCPD doesn't get involved; they know how dangerous these people can be, especially cyberpsychos, and it wasn't a good night to call Max Tag, they were a pain in the ass, even for the NCPD.
"This is the end of the road, but I might come to visit you in prison and maybe bring you some flowers,"
Arachnid, though with a defiant expression, knows he's cornered. The police surround Arachnid, handcuff him, and proceed to take him into custody.
"Thank you, Ren, you should work with us more. You're really good at this, chum," says Watson, Ren's partner who gives her the toughest cases of the police.
"You're welcome, chum, but you know I don't get along with the NCPD. Too much corruption, even more than in this dive of a place."
"Not all of us are like that, Ren, you know it."
"I only do it for the eddies, Watson, and because I don't let down my lifelong chums."
"Goodbye, Ren, and thanks again. They'll transfer everything to you tomorrow without fail."
Ren nods and watches as Arachnid is escorted out of the bar. As they take him away, Arachnid glares at Ren with resentment and unfulfilled promises.
Ren observes the scene with determination, knowing she has fulfilled her duty. As the police move away with Arachnid, Max approaches Ren.
"As always, a job well done, chum."
"Yes, Max, but I can't help but think about what Arachnid  mentioned earlier. Night City is on the brink of change, and we don't know in which direction."
After the mission, Ren and Max find themselves outside the underground bar, where the night in Night City is still alive. Max looks at Ren with concern in his digital eyes.
"Ren, would you like to grab a drink? We could celebrate another job well done."
"Not today, Max. Today is the day when everything happened." sights deeply
Max nods, understanding the reference to the tragic loss of her husband.
"I understand, Ren. If you need anything, I'm here."
Ren bids farewell to Max and walks away from the bar, lost in her thoughts. As she strolls through the illuminated streets of Night City, she takes a small photo of her husband from her pocket. She gazes at the image with nostalgia and affection, reminiscing about the happy times they shared.
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