#cowgirl fiction
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that-one-pumpkin-cowgirl · 4 months ago
Wanted: Dead or Alive
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There had been a $5,000 bounty for Nadine’s head alone which made Stevie wonder just how many mustangers she had killed these past years. Unfortunately, she didn’t know about that. What mattered to her this month was fixing the boulder near the stables that was trapping the animals inside. She didn’t even know how it got there in the first place. She was worried that, without her assistance, the animals would soon perish. She was going to take care of that boulder, no matter how it got there. No animal would suffer under her watch. Stevie agreed to help out especially since Lenneigh was one of the horses stuck inside. Lenneigh, indeed, was a zombie — but that didn’t make it any easier for him to not worry. Lenneigh was a good horse and they had been through some tough scrapes together.
“Alright, let's get to work,” Nadine said determinedly. “We'll need to roll this thing out of the way.”
They got into position on either side of the boulder, easily ten feet across, and began pushing with all their might. But the massive rock refused to budge, no matter how hard they strained. After a few minutes of fruitless effort, Stevie paused to catch his breath. Nadine panted and said that they needed leverage. She looked around, eyes landing on a fallen tree a short distance away. Together they manhandled the trunk into position. Stevie wedged one end under the boulder while Nadine braced herself on the other. They heaved upward with all their strength. Slowly, grinding against the dirt, the boulder began to roll. The log tilted further, applying more pressure, and with a grunt the rock popped free and tumbled past the opening. The animals inside rushed out to freedom. Lenneigh galloped straight to Stevie, nosing at him affectionately. He wrapped his arms around his neck, relieved to see him safe.
“Good work.” Nadine nodded. “Now we just need to figure out how it got there in the first place.”
Stevie led Lenneigh to his stall, giving him an extra handful of oats as a reward. When he turned back to Nadine, Nadine was crouched by the boulder, examining the ground intently. There were boot prints and it looked like someone pushed the boulder into place deliberately. Perhaps someone wanted the stables empty for a reason. Stevie’s mind raced with possibilities. He initially thought it might be a mustanger, someone from the stables who wanted to keep the area clear for some reason. Perhaps they were trying to hide something or prevent anyone from getting in. But the more he considered it, the less likely that explanation seemed. The mustangers were usually straightforward, not prone to such underhanded tactics. Just then, both Stevie and Nadine looked up to see a figure approaching. Nadine’s heart raced as she instinctively straightened up.
Before they could react, the man stepped forward, pulling out a badge. “I’m a Pinkerton detective.”
Nadine slowly rose to her feet, eyes narrowed at the Pinkerton detective. "What seems to be the problem, officer?"
"Miss Nadine, you're under arrest for horse theft and murder.” He turned to Stevie. "You're welcome to go, son, but I'd advise staying away from this one if you want to keep your hide intact."
Nadine glanced at Stevie, a grim look in her eyes. She could see this detective wasn't going to listen to him. "Stevie, I think it's best if you head on inside now. This is between me and the law. Take care of Zoe and Peponem for me, will ya?"
Stevie hesitated, not wanting to abandon her, but one look from Nadine told him arguing would only make things worse. With reluctance he led Lenneigh away, casting worried glances over his shoulder. He felt a pang of guilt wash over him, as memories flooded back of a past mistake — a time when he had turned his back on a witch in desperate need. That choice had haunted him, the consequences reverberating long after the moment had passed. But now, he was forced to do so. He could only hope that things worked out for her unlike Ravenna.
Now alone with the detective, Nadine dropped her polite façade. "Alright mister lawman, you've got me at a disadvantage. But before you drag me off, why don't you tell me exactly what evidence you've got."
The detective gave her a thin smile. "You'll get your chance to plead your case soon enough, missy. For now, your alibi don't mean squat — I've seen countless outlaws use willing fools like that boy to provide false testimony. Hands behind your back now."
Nadine growled under her breath but complied, knowing struggling further would only make things worse. The detective snapped the iron cuffs around her wrists with more force than necessary. She held her tongue, following him to the waiting cart with as much dignity as she could muster under the circumstances. The detective was kind enough to tell her that there was a bounty on her head at a very high price. She supposed that it was due to her being a woman and having her skill with weapons, scaring the local mustangers.
The courtroom was packed when they arrived, every local having turned out eager for spectacle and drama. Nadine took in the hostile faces with a cool gaze as the sheriff announced the charges against her — ninety counts of horse theft and fifty counts of murder. The Pinkerton took the stand, outlining his purported evidence and multiple eyewitnesses placing her at crime scenes. But when pressed, he refused to name a single accuser, claiming they feared retribution from her and her outlaw gang. From her seat Nadine hissed in disgust. This so-called trial was already a travesty, with her given no opportunity to confront her accusers or dispute the Pinkerton's vague claims. But then a faint glimmer of hope — as she scanned the crowd, she spotted Stevie near the back, along with a few other ranch hands who knew her character. Maybe not all was lost yet. She caught Stevie's eye and gave an almost imperceptible nod, hoping he understood her message to speak on her behalf if given the chance.
Next the sheriff droned on and portrayed her as a cold-blooded monster undeserving of mercy or fairness. Nadine wanted to leap up and throttle the man for his slander, but knew losing her temper would only confirm the audience's low opinion. So, instead, she coughed dramatically and wrote down each of their names. At long last it was her turn to address the court. Standing tall, she demanded to face her accusers face to face, as was her right. But the sheriff waved it off, saying the testimony already provided was proof of her guilt.
Nadine turned to the jury with passion and sincerity. “Good people, I am no saint and make no apologies for the fights I've had to survive in this harsh land. All I ask is to confront my accusers face to face, as the law decrees! If anyone here believes I received a fair trial, let them vote their conscience. But I think deep down, you all smell the stink of injustice the same as me.”
A lengthy pause as the jury deliberated. At long last the foreman rose, an expression of conflict on his weathered features. “We, the jury, have reached a verdict. We find her guilty on all charges.”
The sheriff smirked in satisfaction. “The lady is guilty as charged. The sentence for these heinous crimes is death by hanging. Your last death on Earth will be on May 7 and may God have mercy on your soul.”
“I don’t even believe in your God,” Nadine spat out. “And if I’m going, I’m taking you all with me. Only difference is that I’ll make it to the other side.”
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cowgirlp1xie · 10 months ago
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Oh how much easier my life would be if I was this bitch
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fightingwithallreality · 5 months ago
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Colorado Summer (1999) written by Larry Bograd and Coleen Hubbard, illustrated by Sandy Rabinowitz [source]
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silverlining-ships · 2 months ago
Jasper in 1D !! (bonus: + Silver in the outfit of your choice)
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we're matching :) <3
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katieaki · 10 months ago
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Read Pony Express, Lesbian Weird Western for dykes and dyke appreciators. This is the last time you’ll see Lou smile, so enjoy!
Start here!!
For your zooming pleasure:
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elite-workshop · 3 months ago
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Sketch of my robotsona as a cowgirl for funsies
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cupidsberetta92 · 3 months ago
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I'm so sorry to those who thought Jill was going to be cool. She is the lamest person on earth.
First... Prev... Next.....
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chlorophyllcrimescene · 5 months ago
waist deep in the still born day, been practicing for this moment, been running our fingers through it for months. do you see the vision? the silent saloon and the archaic factory? you and me with engine oil on our cheeks and callouses on our palms. hello my name is harrison and i got my face smashed into the loading dock last week. flask at my breast, oblivion at your hip.
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stacydrumartist · 3 months ago
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Cosmic Cowgirl. Oils
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browsethestacks · 1 year ago
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Cowgirl Romances (1950-1952)
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seraphicsapphics · 7 months ago
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Week 1: On the road again//Greener pastures//Break away from the herd
For the record, I wasn't gonna do yeehawgust this year but the prompts fit these characters from my play, What She Were Tryna Savour, really well, so here's a messy lil moment from act 3
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japhoriaa · 1 year ago
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1865. you strolled across a ranch, watching the horses. until you felt a hand on your shoulder. a girl who stood about 5'5 with curly , shoulder length hair & brown skin stood infront of you before speaking;
𐚁 , howdy!! & welcome to my ranch. you wanna ride horse? she asked, with a slight southern drawl.
well.. here's all the requirements to join our ranch.
now that y're done with that, how about i show you the around?, - oh! and i almost forgot to introduce myself!!
alright! now, here's all the horses. you can pick whichever you'd like to ride and go from there.
and dont forget your sadle, 'kay?
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theoutlawsburden · 9 months ago
Lassos and Cherry Wine | Character art
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Hello to the second first post showing off the main character of my story!!
For those uninitiated, my story 'Lassos and Cherry Wine' is an original Western story about a (fictional) outlaw by the name of Julius Slater and his gang!
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Here he is!! My sweet southern jackass!! My silly little unreliable narrator <3
Silly little fun fact, the inspiration for Julius was Ned kelly and Billy the Kid (specifically played by Tom Blyth, watch that show its so fucking good 😫)
(Cuz of the inspo, I'm so tempted to draw Julius in Billy's outfit for the silly goofies, so if that pops up on here, that's why. <3)
Anyways!! Heres the link to the story. It's got cowboys, its got gay's uhhhhhh it's got hot people!!!
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katieaki · 2 years ago
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My post-apocalyptic lesbian cowboy interactive fiction has updated! You can read it on twitter or compiled nicely into a (free) patreon post! YOU (yes! you!) can vote in a little poll as we go along to determine this woman's fate. Lou (left) is a rider for the Wasteland Pony Express & our main character. Venus (right) is the dancehall girl she is in love with/in a weird situationship with/will be leaving behind as she sets off on her big trip across the Wasteland with a mysterious and glamorous redhead!
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chronicowboy · 1 year ago
none of you understand how slay my lesbian cowboy pinterest board is
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monkeyssalad-blog · 4 months ago
1949 illustration by James Schucker
1949 illustration by James Schucker by totallymystified Via Flickr: For the story Sleep All Winter by Richard Wormser and Dan Gordon. From Esquire.
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