#cow mandibles
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preserves42 · 1 year ago
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no context reference to the archive lecture I'm in atm
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cupcakeshakesnake · 6 months ago
I found the right half of a cow mandible, half submerged in the mud, at the exact same beach where I found the left half of a cow mandible a month ago.
So of course I thought, this must be from the same cow.
It wasn't
It was a different ass cow
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thegnomelord · 1 year ago
forgot to add on but i absolutely LOVE scorpions. under appreciated when they aren’t feared.
did you know that they dance, practically WALTZ as a mating ritual? i’d just love to have hunks like ghost in my arms when the rest are asleep as i guide him through the steps, humming a sweet little tune for a man who needs that sweet little thing in his life.
OMG yes I so just wanna be sweet with that man anon I love this idea!
CW:SFW, GN reader, Ghost, just dancing.
It's a quiet night, the crickets gently chirping to the warm night air, the rest of the lads having gone to sleep hours ago; But not Ghost, and not you, the only two souls still awake in the middle of the night.
You — because you're nocturnal, awake and energized when the sun sets. Simon — because the icy jaws of that damn coffin haunt him again, mocking him with what he's lost, his arms fizzling with shadows like the tip of the cigarette he's smoking on the roof. You had found him easily enough, not saying a word as you leaned against the railing and watched the stars, just. . . just letting him feel the existence of another person.
Simon doesn't say it, but he appreciates you being near him, gives him something to focus on other than the hollowness of his silent chest. He takes the final drag from the cigarette, snuffing it out beneath his boot. "Thanks." He says, voice rough like gravel.
You smile at him, the distant light of the lamps making the hard patches of exoskeleton glow a dim blue-green light. "No problem,". Ghost sees the way your tail slightly wiggles, your eyes setting him on edge. "Hey, dance with me?" You ask.
Ghost moves his head back as if he'd been slapped, blinking a few times to insure he heard you correct. "Whot?"
"You heard me," You shrug, straightening out as he does the same.
"Dance? With you?" He levels his gaze with you, his eyes turned completely black, not a hint of that warm brown you love so much. "May as well put a saddle on a cow."
"Oh fuck off," You snort, take a careful step as if you're facing another of your kin and you don't know if they see you as mate or as food. "C'mon, I'll lead, it's not hard." You say, placing one hand on his side, feeling the hard muscles beneath your palm.
Your heart beats just a little faster when he doesn't push you away, grunting a rough, "I'll step on yer toes." that you can't tell if it's a warning or a promise.
"Just don't lose your shoe, Cinderella." You grin back, your mandibles chittering happily as he lets you push him into position, one of his paw like hands on your shoulder, the other holding your own. Simon shivers at the contact, the obvious difference between your warm body and his corpse like temperature.
"Relax," You coo softly, talking him through the steps. He's a big mountain of muscle but in your arms he may as well be putty, clumsy as he tries to move along with the slow tempo you set. He tries to keep his attention on where his feet are, trying to grasp the moves despite how simple they are, irritation making the edges of his shape smoke with shadows at how he can't grasp it.
He steps on your toes more than a couple of times. "Told you so." He says the next time he does it by accident, but you just snort, pulling him closer so your chests are flush, a low chitter in your throat.
"I know, I know. But you're doing good." You hum, feeling your heat seep into his cold body. "Now stop looking at your feet and look at me."
Simon just grunts, but his eyes settle on you like you're the only thing that exists. You smile at him, squeeze his hand three times as a silent declaration of love, starting to hum a tune that's equal parts sweet hums and melodic clicks, soft and calming.
It takes a few minutes for Simon to squeeze your hand back three times, your tune ringing in his ears like a caress, a blanket for his mind. Slowly you can see the warm brown return to his eyes, the darkness crawling back to that grave without him.
"Gonna teach me how to tap-dance next?" He asks absentmindedly, his body almost warm enough as your waltz turns into mindless swaying.
"I'd prefer you learn to twerk with the ass you have." Your mandibles click as you laugh lowly, grinning when it earns you a soft chuckle so you lean over to kiss him gently.
His skin tingles from your touch, like coming back from a cold winter to warm himself by the fire. He doesn't need to breathe but his chest still moves, stuttering as if lost for breath before taking in your scent as he holds you close. His heart's grown cobwebs over the years, yet being chest to chest with you, feeling the strong beat of your heart, almost fools him into thinking his own still functions.
His mind drift, losing focus of every inch of his body and just slowly swaying with you under the stars, his head tipping to rest on you. He lets you move the two of you however you want; So long as you don't pull away, so long as your warmth spreads trough him, so long as he can feel your heart and the rumble of your chest and the soft tune you hum just for him.
He almost feels alive again.
It's nice.
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What native Gallifreyan species are there?
Gallifrey has a diverse range of fauna, both native and introduced. Despite claims of minimal ecological impact, the installation of the Eye of Harmony and millions of years of Time Lord civilisation have significantly altered Gallifrey's original biosphere.
🦋 Invertebrates
Beatitude Flies: Begin as maggots and pupate into golden-winged nocturnal insects. They use nectar to create helium in their bellies and are attracted to light and decay.
Butterflies: Various species flutter across Gallifrey.
Bees: Essential for pollination.
Gullet Grubs: Likely to live in digestive tracts of larger mammals, or similar environments.
Blossom Thieves: Possibly insects that steal nectar or pollen.
Scrubblers: Likely small, cleaning insects.
Neversuch Beetles, Sandbeetles, Waspbeetles: Various beetles.
Dustworms: Likely live in dry, dusty environments.
Scissors Bugs: Possibly predatory insects with sharp mandibles.
Flutterwings: Gigantic insects (3 meters by 25 meters) that never land. Five races include Wild Endeavor, Mandrigal, Silver-Band, Blue Crystal, and Perdition.
Water-Sligs: Likely aquatic or semi-aquatic molluscs.
Web-Spinning Insects: Including spiders about an inch long.
Other dangerous invertebrates: There are also nasty creatures that live beneath big stones.
🐟 Marine Life
Singing Yaddlefish: Notable for their song, and they can be eaten.
Kittensharks: Hatch from eggs and presumably grow into Catsharks.
Axolotl Salamanders: Amphibious creatures with regenerative abilities.
🐍 Elapids
Taipan: A venomous snake, 10 metres long.
Venal Snakes: Possibly nest-stealers or highly venomous.
Bat-Snakes: Presumably flying snakes.
Dinosauria: 20-meter-long reptiles resembling brontosaurs with thick chitinous scales and serrated teeth.
🦅 Avians
Owls: Symbol of Rassilon.
Flurry Birds: Likely small, fast-moving birds.
Trunkikes: Game birds whose eggs are often eaten.
Air Diamonds: Fly in the upper atmosphere, possibly crystalline or bioluminescent.
Song Birds: Various species.
Gargantosaurs: Dinosaur-like creatures, twice the size of a hab-bloc, with two legs, vestigial wings (with purple and white feathers), and four eyes.
🦣 Mammals
Plungbolls: Thumbnail-sized furry creatures living in mountains, attach en masse to warm objects.
Taffelshrews: Edible rodent-like mammals.
Fledershrews: Bat-like, mushroom eaters, nearly extinct.
Cobblemice: Mice that sprout wings.
Rovie Mice: Field-dwelling, long-lived if kept safe, sometimes pets. They have short memories.
Moss-Rats: Possibly rodents that live in marshes with moss-like camouflage.
Vex: Burrowing animals.
Gallifreyan Womprats: 1-metre-long rats with fifteen legs.
Pig-Rats: Inhabit the Drylands, presumably combining porcine and rodent traits.
Flubbles: Small six-legged koalas.
Unnamed rounder rabbit-like creatures
Ounce-Apes: Might be tiny monkeys that are particularly agile.
Sealak: Perhaps a kind of seal, often eaten.
Bear-Ass: A donkey-like animal with bear-like qualities.
Horse-Cats: Probably a horse/cat hybrid-like species.
Sagittary: Horse-like creatures.
Pig-Bears: Can be trained as pets.
Wolf-like Creatures: With long snouts and black-and-white striped fur, almost as big as adult humanoids.
Broakir: Live in foothills, often hunted for food.
Baanjxx: Arboreal browsers that like to eat hallucinogenic cerub nuts. As a child, the Doctor was kicked by one in the head, apparently.
Gallifreyan Marlot: Purple and unique in all of time and space. Probably a bit cat-like.
House Cats: Revered as symbols of intelligence. Traditionally, Presidents kept them as pets.
🐱 Killer Cats (C.A.T.S)
Killer C.A.T.S: These sapient creatures possess instinctive precognitive powers and cat-like physiology. Known for their lethal gladiatorial contests, they despise Time Lord traditions and live in the Gin-Seng Sector of Southern Gallifrey. Their culture includes mercenaries and oracles; they are telepathic.
🏞️ Ecosystem Preservation
Though Gallifrey's outer ecology has suffered, the Time Lords have used technology to preserve many species. Extinct species have been collected, ensuring none become completely extinct. The more fearsome creatures are contained in the Death Zone, while xeno-zoos hold alien species from other worlds.
🏫 So ...
So there's your whistlestop tour of the species on Gallifrey. One day, I'll try to put these onto a species distribution map. Oh, by Rassilon's Beard, I just gave myself more work.
💬|🪐🌍How is Gallifreyan geography different to Earth?: The landscape of Gallifrey.
📺|🌳🍎The Fruits of Gallifrey
💬|🐾🐱What could be some biological traits of Gin-Seng cats?: Looking at who the Gin-Seng cats are, their biology, and their place on Gallifrey and in society.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any orange text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →📢Announcements |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts → Features: ⭐Guest Posts | 🍜Chomp Chomp with Myishu →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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luxudus · 1 year ago
A Home away from Home
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My end of an art trade with @grox-empire is finally complete RAAAAGHHHHH. It took me 4 months to work on this while getting distracted by other projects that you'll see in the near future hehehe.
The scene showcases Celeste and Altair's making planetfall on a T3 world. A temperate moon with an atmosphere so dense the sky is a light twilight gradient regardless of the sun's position. This world is still early in it's evolution as no macro predators have evolved yet and the largest animals are no bigger than a cow.
Here she is approached by an Inquisitive native. Who's species are generalist omnivores who forage the fan-blade "grass" with 2 sets of oral tendrils and come together to hunt smaller animals and watch for predators. Hunters that look nothing like the starbound visitors who bring them more comfort than caution.
Surrounding the 3 are several other species of this moon. To the right are a pair of coastal carnivores probing the sand for invertebrates with rudimentary electroreceptors. And scare off rivals and smaller pack hunters with the bright side of their electroreceptor flaps. A pair of flying "fish" closer related to the invertebrates of this world to any terrestrial natives. And large herbivore that rips plants out of the ground with spiraling tentacles and weaponized a skin cancer to transform their front mandibles into grooved horns to fight for mates.
Celeste is overwhelmed by the scenery and the local's curiosity. But not in a bad way. What she loves, life an nature isn't just here, but cranked to 11. She feels love on all sides, by the Aliens' curiosity, the moon's warmth, and Altair's support. For once, she actually feels like she can belong. She finally feels at home away from home
Everyone go check out Alistair's page and their end of the art trade!!!! and make sure to give em a follow :)
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crevicedwelling · 1 year ago
hi cervical delving, was wondering if you think isopods are more comparable to cows or horses IF we were small enough to milk / ride them. their many pretty patterns remind me of both, honestly. but i dont know much about isopods. i like to imagine owning large fields of them and they also large, but i hate the thought of putting them through the industrial torture cows go through... i understand there is a more comparable cow beast that ants milk, but
in my bugs-as-vertebrate fauna understanding I see isopods as rodents actually; they’re incredibly prolific and numerous where they exist, can eat anything and have these nasty little gnawing mandibles that can cut through whatever they want. being small enough to ride an isopod would be like riding a giant rat & probably either would kick you off its back and then eat you, bones and all. I have seen hungry isopods tear into their molting brethren and fight one another to eat live beetle larvae. they have been known to bite holes into the tarantulas and centipedes people mistakenly cohabitate with them thinking the isopods will “clean up” the enclosure. as soon as the predator molts they’ll clean the enclosure really well. isopods are a menace
millipedes are probably more your speed and I could imagine a relatively peaceful millipede farm with a bunch of big spirobolids munching on a bale of old rotten wood. not sure what you’d milk them for other than benzoquinone defense fluid. or in the case of flat millipedes maybe bottling their cyanide gas for chemical reagents
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breathing-rapture · 8 months ago
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AUTISM EXPLOSION 💥 💥💥💥 WE GOT MAILLLL FROM MY WONDERFUL COUSINS IN RURAL BC!!!! IM LOSING MY MIND I had to split this with my sibling (freakishness runs in the family ig) BUT I kept the black bear skull, the wolf skull, the rabbit pelt, and 2/3 of the little songbird skulls.
The other bones belong to a cow (skull + one mandible), a coyote (skull + one mandible), and a deer (the two verts).
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Also known as the "Skolex" in the Indus River Valley region., W. indicus is a very large species of saw-toothed worm, closely related and morphologically similar to its closest cousin, the now-extinct marine worm W. armstrongi.
Pale and carnivorous, Indus worms are native to the Indus river valley, characterized by long, white bodies, large venomous mandibles, and symmetrical pairs of parapodium (lateral outgrowths or protrusions from the body used to assist movement) on each body segment.. They tend to burrow in the mud of the river bed during the day, emerging in the cool of night to hunt easy livestock prey like horses, cows, donkeys, camels, but also occasionally humans. They will also attack potential prey who happen to walk over their sleeping place, though this is more likely to occur near sunset or sunrise.
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windmill-ghost · 3 months ago
I know jackshit about TF2 but I'd love a brief rundown of what bugs everyone is and how that changes their relationships with one another owo. also if they get cool bug powers that too.
Tysm for asking anyway you're too good to me.
I tried not to give the guys too many like, powers, just too keep the transformations from seeming too much like a good thing for them. They do get to do various bug things with their added body parts, though, and just have the benefits of having added size, more limbs, venom, or claws. Also, almost everyone has antenna and sensory hairs and have enhances senses from that.
Scout: Arizona wood cockroach (Okay he actually does get to do awesome quadruped tricks, also has mandibles and extra grabbing appendages)
Soldier: common green bottle fly (VERY limited flight, his sight is better but it doesn't help with anything because he still keeps his eyes covered, digestive enzymes in his saliva)
Pyro: southern flannel moth (VENOM in tail that is unbelievably painful and can cause health complications)
Demoman: red-legged purseweb spider (massive half-foot-long fangs and venom dosage that can kill a human, capable of producing silk)
Heavy: dog day cicada (bigass claws, piercing mouthparts, he lost his regular mouth, nose etc. but he can speak through his tymbals)
Engineer: cow killer velvet ant (VENOM that will kill you and hurt the whole time you are dying, also has mandibles)
Medic: tiger mosquito (really sensitive senses esp. smell, peircing/blood draining mouthparts, extra limbs that are dextrous even though they don't have fingers)
Sniper: virile crayfish (enough extra legs to make up for one of his arms being a big claw, also he had a big claw, green glands)
Spy: Carolina mantis (BIG grabbing appendages, mandibles)
In terms of their relationships... I haven't thought about it so much. The main relationship I've thought about is Spy and Medic, who are very antagonistic in this scenario... Medic does not take the metamorphoses very seriously until it become clear that he is not immune to it, and his amusement very much rubbed some teammates the wrong way. Spy was already having pretty much the worst time of anyone, and is now doing everything in his power to make Medic feel as awful as he did.
Also, thinking about this morning, I think this would be a good opportunity for the BLU Soldier and Demoman to bond.
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opheliajupiter99 · 6 months ago
MLP Broodmother Virus: Coming Up Golden
Applebloom: *Sniffles as she lays on her bed. Her big sister had confined her to her room, out of a desire to keep her safe. She believed her, even as far gone as she'd gotten, Applejack always had, at least what she believed, to be her family's best interests at heart. She laid there for goodness knows how long, when suddenly, a thunderous crash could be heard outside, the tearing of wood and metal filling the air. Not long after, she heard the locks beyond her door clicking, and the door opened, revealing Granny Smith. Applebloom quickly rushed to her and hugged her tightly* Granny! Granny Smith: *Hugged her back briefly, before pulling away* No time to talk, sweetie-pie, we gotta get goin'. Ya loon of a sister's busy with ya brother, so we gotta skedaddle. Applebloom: *Frowned, but nodded, following after Granny as they quickly headed down the steps, the sounds of wood and metal crashing rattling through the house once again as they gathered up their things and rushed outside. Applebloom at first kept her eyes down to the ground, but as she did so, she saw an enormous shadow shrouding both of them, and looked up instinctively, her eyes widening at what she saw* King Manchineel: *What was once Big Mac had become a towering monster, the crashing sound heard coming from his enormous form bursting forth from the barn he'd been housed in, the roof torn asunder. His already impressive strength had been increased tenfold amongst his insectoid changes, his mandible-like jaws clacking together, splatters of blood visible across his face, then let out a high-pitched shriek* Granny Smith: *Winced at the shriek, shaking her head and keeping her gaze forward* Don't look, darlin'! Just keep movin'! Applebloom: *Did as she was told, tears falling down her cheeks as her and Granny made it to one of the carts, Granny quickly fixing a cow into place at the front, where Big Mac would usually pull the cart, the pair hopping into the back with their belongings and heading off as quick as they could manage down a forest trail* Goldie Delicious: *Meanwhile, the elderly cousin of the Apple Family, was tucked away in her battered little hut, barely visible amongst the small hills of assorted junk and debris. Of course, anyone that knew her well knew the hut had been in this state long before the Copycat's arrived. She'd been relatively untouched by the invasion, her horde of cats proving a surprising deterrent to any that grew close. Besides, the Copycat's didn't want worn out mares like her, for food or host, so they hardly showed up regardless. But her peaceful existence was rocked a bit by the sound of a cart approaching, the mare pushing aside some pots and pans as she headed to the front door and swung it open, some of her cats clammering outside as she did so* Granny Smith: *Her and Applebloom arrived at the worn hut after what felt like an eternity of travel, hopping out from the back with a huff* Come on out now Applebloom, we're safe now. Applebloom: *Eyes were reddened, and her cheeks soaked, from crying nearly the entire ride, rubbing a hoof over her features as she rose her head to look at Granny. On the inside, Granny herself wasn't much better, but she had to be strong for the filly's sake. She hopped from the back of the cart, clip-clopping up beside Granny as she looked up at her* Granny? Granny Smith: Ya, sweetie? Applebloom: Is Big Mac...still there? Or is he...really, -really- gone? Granny Smith: *Sighs* I don't righty know, darlin'. But whether he is or not, he ain't safe to be around no more, ya understand? Applebloom: *Hangs her head, rubbing at her eyes once more* I...I guess so. *She looked to Goldie, who was still stood in the doorway, an empathetic look upon her features as she stayed quiet, to let the two talk* How long we gonna be stayin' with Goldie? Granny Smith: As long as we gotta, dear, as long as we gotta.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 1 year ago
Optimism dries up in Amazon as Lula drifts from climate priorities
Brazil’s president inspired hope a year ago but approval of a new highway shows he remains a concrete-and-oil state builder
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What a difference a year makes in the Brazilian Amazon. At the start of 2023, I wrote about the green shoots of the rainy season and feelings of hope inspired by the new president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who promised to strengthen Indigenous rights and aim for zero deforestation. Twelve months on, both the vegetation and political optimism are drying up.
The most severe drought in living memory has finally been broken, but the rains are late and weak compared with previous years. The Xingu River is far lower than normal for January. The pulse of forest growth is also fainter – the new vegetation does not push out as far into the road as it did last January. The neighbouring cattle pasture is faring even worse. The forage grasses, known as capim, were so severely burned that they have not grown back, leaving the hillsides brown and the cows emaciated. Several of the poor, skeletal beasts have escaped their fields and wandered towards our community in search of food. Local people say more than a dozen cows have died of starvation at this one ranch, and countless others elsewhere.
Less obvious, but in many ways more worrying, is the dearth of leafcutter ants. These large-mandibled insects are usually everywhere, slicing and carrying vegetation in columns to create fungal gardens in their nests, which spread out over dozens of metres in Gaudi-esque towers and mounds. Entomologists say these ants have the second most-complex societies on Earth, after humans, and they are the dominant herbivores in the South American tropics, trimming about a sixth of all the leaves produced in the forest. This stimulates new plant growth and enriches the soil. Not for nothing have these ants been described as ecosystem engineers.
Each day, I pass three big nests of leafcutters on my daily walk with the dogs. Just over a year ago, I ventured too close during the annual revoada, when the winged females set out on their nuptial flights followed by clouds of males. It is a sensitive time for the insects and the soldier ants were in fiercely protective mode. I was driven away with my foot bloodied and me howling with pain. Despite this, I have never ceased to admire these tiny, powerful creatures so I was dismayed to discover that all four nests are apparently lifeless. The mounds appear deflated, there is no newly excavated soil at the entrances, and not a single leafcutter ant to be seen. This is bizarre as a healthy colony can have 3.5 million members and they never previously stopped working. Entomologists tell me they may have relocated or been wiped out by the prolonged dry season. It is an alarming reminder that the weakening of forest resilience takes many forms and the impact of the drought remains incalculable.
Human-caused global heating and deforestation are parching the forest – and not just over the last year. Scientists have found the Amazonian dry season is getting hotter, drier and longer. Fifty years ago, it lasted four months. Now, it is five. This is causing a die-back of trees and other species that are being pushed beyond their survival thresholds. An ecosystem-wide collapse that would turn the Amazon into a savanna draws ever closer.
Lula knows this. In a speech at Cop28 in Dubai last November he told the world he was shocked that the region’s rivers, which are the greatest freshwater source in the world, are at their lowest level for more than 120 years. He said this was a global climate problem and called on other countries to make a greater effort. “Even if we do not cut down any more trees, the Amazon could reach its point of no return if other countries do not do their part.”
But his own government’s efforts to protect the forest and its people have been mixed. A first-year report card for Lula would show progress compared with the low benchmark set by the previous far-right administration of Jair Bolsonaro, but also failed promises, political weakness and worrying signs of regression.
Continue reading.
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floatingcamel23 · 1 year ago
categorizing mobs 3 (special edition)
IM BACK LETS GOOO- today i bring you three unique categories of mobs. two are exclusively from minecraft dungeons while the last one is shared with all spinoff games. lets start!
this is the enchanted mobs. stronger, faster and harder to kill.
enchanted: ench cow, ench creeper, ench pillager captain, ench illager, ench sheep, ench enderman, ench piglins, ench enders, ench spider and ench skeleton.
next are the ancients. these are found in the ancient hunt.
ancients: ????? (i call this one the spore bull), abominable weaver, abyssal eye, ancient terror, barrage, cursed presence, first enchanter, frostwarden, grim guardian, haunted caller, oozing menace, pestilence conjurer, scuttling menace, solemn giant, seeking flame, the swarm, the tiny scourge, the tower, the unending, thundering growth, unbreakable one, unstoppable tusk, vengeful mariner, vigilant scoundrel, watcher of the end, wind beard, (the next ones are the unused ancients with no name so i gave them one.) ancient blaze (infernal storm), ancient cave spider (the poisoned mandible), ancient creeper (catastrophic explosion), ancient evoker (the undying), ancient spore thrower ( the spore horde), ancient ghast (white menace), ancient wildfire (blazing baron), ancient frozen zombie (the frozen), ancient husk (the famine), ancient icologer (the snowstorm), ancient jungle zombie (rain jungle guardian), ancient magma cube (mother menace), ancient mossy skeleton (camouflaged hunter), ancient piglin (nether crusader), ancient piglin hunter (wrathful boar), ancient redstone cube (the boulder), ancient skeleton horseman (the apocalyptic rider), ancient stray (winter siege), ancient sunken skeleton (rotten diver), ancient vindicator (the army), ancient wind caller (the storm caster), ancient wither skeleton (the plague), ancient wither skeleton archer (the plagued bowman).
the last one is from every minecraft game. they are actually in all games. the one and only, BOSSES!
bosses/minibosses: drowned necromancer, elder guardian, enderman, endersent, evoker, ghast, illusioner, pillager raid captain, vindicator raid captain, wildfire, all ancients, ancient guardian, arch illager, corrupted cauldron, heart of ender, jungle abomination, mooshroom monstrosity, nameless one, redstone golem, skeleton horsemen, redstone monstrosity, tempest golem, treetop whisperer, vengeful heart of ender, wretched wraith, giant cave spider, giant royal guard, obsidian monstrosity, warden, breeze, ender dragon, wither, PAMA, wither storm, giant enderman, giant ghast, giant magma golem, larger icy golem, prismarine colossus.
see you next time for pt 4!
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rattrapdadfigure · 2 years ago
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Inspired by 0livec0w’s post!! I just added/edited/expanded on some of the ideas!!
And pls keep in mind I used my own characters for this so pls don’t steal them ty! Ofc feel free to adopt the headcanon to your characters :)).
Top left: Icewing. Thin snout good for fishing. Inspired by gharials. Very spiky with antlers for horns. (Olivecow) Body tbd. Still chunky but like seals where they can scrunch or elongate the neck. 💀 Maybe legs like planocraniids. :))
Top middle: Leafwing. Horns inspired by horned marsupial frog. I thought Olivecow’s leafwing ears were very pretty and cool so I integrated that!! :3
Top right: RainWing. Horns based off of Jackson’s chameleon. Has a frill like a frilled lizard :)) venomous with large fangs. The irregular pupils are from olivecow :))
Middle left: Skywing. Beaked, thin ears, the horn on the nose starts right behind the beak and is more tapered/vestigial.
Middle middle: hivewing. Compound eyes with visible but vestigial pupils (for social reasons, eye contact etc). Pointy antennae, backwards sharp horns from olivecow. Their bottom jaw split in half like a snakes and also to mimic the mandibles of wasps.
Middle right: Nightwing. Double eyes because they can see into the future it’s symbolic lmao. Bat ears and nose.
Bottom Left: Seawing. Chonkers!! Spend a lot of time in the water if not all the time so blubber! Faux horns that evolved to be like that of a horned shark. Supraorbital ridges. And the spines on the webbing have evolved to be setae (mechanoreceptors). Round features mentioned by olivecow :))
Bottom middle left: silkwing! Very chonky when adolescent (without wings) like caterpillars!! They have to save up food. When they hatch with wings they can still be chunky or get thinner. Whatever their body type is! Vestigial fluffy horns like giraffes!! Proboscis tongues!
Bottom middle right: sandwing. More lizard-like snout. Big ears to help with temperature regulation (fennec foxes, elephants, etc). Venomous fangs from olivecow.
Bottom right: mudwing. Cow alligator like olivecow’s headcanon. Cow horns. (My character has a double ear mutation).
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nightshadeandhare · 2 years ago
TW: Animal Bones and Insects
Everything under the break so you don't have to read or see anything you don't like.
Today, Bea and I started the degreasing process of four cow skulls, a partial porcupine skeleton and a few cat bones. The cows were from a local farm and the porcupine and cat were finds. The bones were buried on family land and recently dug back up. We were both madly in love with the little snails, spiders and the centipedes.
All photo credit to Bea. Shown are a complete cranium, atlas bone and mandible of a cow as well as the cranium and mandible of the porcupine.
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gamerkitten · 2 years ago
WIP Wednesday ft. a excerpt from the 1st contact roleplay smutfic I'm working on(and struggling with).
Cassia tensed as the door to her quarters slid open with a mechanical hiss, but did her best to keep her face a mask of indifference. Her captors had left her tied to a chair, stripped down to her undersuit, while they secured the rest of the ship. 
Her ship.
"So, you're the human who's been giving the Hierarchy so much trouble."
His tone was casual, almost lazy, as he drew closer to her. She raised her eyes, glaring at the Turian standing in front of her. He was in full armor, of course, a rifle strapped to his back, looking down at her through his visor.
She refused to reply, continuing to fix him with a stare that had cowed many a man throughout her career. However, he seemed unaffected,even amused as he circled her.
"I'm impressed," he drawled, "most of your species seem incapable of subtlety, but you've been hitting our supply lines and vanishing before we could respond."
"What can I say," she said with a smirk, "I have a great ship and a better crew."
He chuckled, " I'll give you that. But, you're obviously not as good as you think you are."
"We all have our off days," she said, " so, what are you planning on doing with me? Gonna drag me before your Primarch? Have me publicly executed?"
She tried not to flinch as he brushed a wayward curl out of her eyes, winding the lock around a talon before tucking it behind her ear.
"You overestimate your importance, Shepard."
"That's Commander Shepard to you." 
His mandibles twitched in the equivalent of a smirk, "Not anymore, I think. This ship, and you, belong to me. The Hierarchy won't really care what I do with you, so long as you're no longer a problem. "
"I don't belong to anyone." She growled, pulling against her restraints.
He caught her jaw in his hand, the tips of his talons lightly pressing into her cheek as he leaned down to meet her gaze.
"You do now," he replied mockingly, " I'll even get you a nice collar to wear so you don't forget; property of Garrus Vakarian."
To her credit, her gaze didn't waver, despite her heart hammering against her ribcage. 
"And what could you possibly want with me?"
He released her and circled behind, out of her sightline. She heard the clang of pieces of armor hitting the ground, her pulse spiking with the removal of each piece.
She shuddered as he leaned in, tongue tracing the shape of her ear.
"I have a few ideas."
Then she heard the gentle click of her handcuffs being released.
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goblin-enjoyer · 11 months ago
List of people much stronger than I. (In no particular order)
•main tanks
•raid and/or battleground healers
•full demoman mains
•people with any sort of motivation to figure out things about themselves
•people draw cool bug people with cool mandibles and the abdomen (bonus points if they do it in paint.net/mspaint) (people who are much better than me I mean) (so a lot of people lol)
•lucid dreamers
•beach dwelling wizards (self explanatory)
•people who can put in the effort to get better at things
•people who go by any pronouns
•gunner mains in deep rock galactic
•people who don’t need fans to sleep
•nsfw artists that are sex repulsed aces
•Tauren players not named after a cow joke(bonus points if they are a tank or healer)
•probably some third thing
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