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mutumi-saito · 2 years ago
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untitled / 2023
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davransbilimleriposts · 4 years ago
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Size alın-terinin fotoğrafı yok mu derseler, onlara bunu gösterin... 
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ahmet1sstuff · 3 years ago
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delitay · 4 years ago
Çünkü aşı olmazsanız Covid olursunuz.
Covid olunca Dr. Ümit Aktaş bol sıfırlı uyduruk ilaçlarını size daha rahat satar...
Bu adam herkesten önce koşup aşı olmadıysa bende bir şey bilmiyorum...
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zaglurrahman · 4 years ago
N95 Mask
An N95 mask, or N95 respirator, is a mouth-watering particulate-purifying respirator made to the standards of N95, an air purifier of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), which means that at least 95% of the sand is purified. And that's it.
But it is not entirely oil-resistant; Another criterion is P95, where this oil-resistant will be effective. N95 is always used to refine particles. [1] It is a mechanical purification respirator that protects the user from gases or vapors but not from sand
 [2] These N95 masks may be associated with other respirators with their own rules in countries other than the United States. Such as the FFP2 respirator in the European Union and the KN95 respirator in China. However, somewhat different criteria are used based on their effectiveness in matters such as refining efficiency, test agent and flow rate, and acceptable pressure drop.
 The N95 mask requires a fine mesh of synthetic polymer fibers, also known as fiberless polypropylene fabric, [5], which is produced by a process called molten flow that forms an internal refining layer. And it is at this internal level that all dangerous particles are refined. [৬]
Whenever workers use a tight-fitting respirator, the fittest becomes an essential factor in protecting the respiratory system. In the case of OSHA, it is necessary to identify the correct model, style, and size of the respirator for each employee and check the correct fit. Also, other tight-fitting respirators like the N95 need to check the user's seal every time they are fitted. Facial hair may come out at the place where the respirator is applied. [৭]
 It is necessary to consult a doctor before using the respirator as breathing after the injection may be more difficult. In some cases, the use of respirators can lead to coronary heart disease, lung disease, and mental illness such as claustrophobia. [৮]
1. "NIOSH-Approved N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators - A Suppliers List". U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (in English). 2020-03-19. Date of collection 2020-03-28.
 2. "Respirator Trusted-Source: Selection FAQs." U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (in English). 2020-03-12. Date of collection 2020-03-28.
3. "Comparison of FFP2, KN95, and N95 and Other Filtering Facepiece Respirator Classes" (PDF). 3M Technical Data Bulletin. 2020-01-01. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2020-04-14. Date of collection 2020-03-28.
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At Medakit, we use cutting-edge technology to create life saving diagnostic solutions and address global healthcare needs. Our diagnostic tests produce rapid and accurate results without requiring complex and expensive lab equipment-placing immediate healthcare knowledge in professionals hands. With that knowledge comes the power to make decisions and save lives.
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distintomoda · 5 years ago
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occasional-daughter · 5 years ago
How to organise online classes using Notion
It’s been a mess. I get sent assignments over email, teams, WebUntis and some teachers just put random word docs with assignments in random folders and don’t tell us. So, to organise all that mess I use Notion. I have only had Notion for about a week but it has helped so much already so here is how I use it.
First, I made a table using a template.
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Now that you have a table, click on “tags” in the first row, second column. A little window pops up. The you click on “multi select”. Now you can decide what you want to use that column for. I’m going to use “Files & Media” because that’s the what I find the most interesting about this app (other things like text or number are also available in Excel so why would you download a whole app when you can make a table in Excel as well)
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Now click on a box in that column, you can add files and pictures now.
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This is what it looks like of you add a picture and a file.
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This is what my final table looks like:
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I have a column for my classes and then for each I have my assignments that I still have to do, the once I finished and the corrections my teachers sent us. Every time now that I am sent a document by a teacher, I put it in here so that I don’t have to scroll through my mails or files to find it. Once my zoom classes start, I will probably add a column to put the links to the classes there. One could also add the teachers email addresses. Notion is also very cute looking if you want it to be. You can add emojis and headers and there are multiple colours for the background as well as the font (and there are multiple fonts). There are also many different templates so that you don’t have to start from scratch if you want to build a page. It also synchronises between devices.
(Note: I have no idea if your files are secure or anything. It’s not really something I care about (I know I should but I don’t) so if that’s important to you do your research.)
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omrfrkmzlm · 4 years ago
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"1 GRAM...⚖️
Dünyadaki toplam " CORONA " virüsün toplam ağırlığı 1 grammış..!
-420 milyon insanı eve kapattı.
-Ozon tabakasını onardı.
-Bir milyar ton petrolü depolarda tuttu.
-20 trilyon dolar kaynak tüketti.
-45 savaşı dondurdu.
-100 milyon insanı işsiz bıraktı.
-Binlerce şirketi iflas ettirdi.
-Hava kirliliğini %75 oranında temizledi.
-Üretim ve tüketimi alt seviyeye düşürdü.
-Bütün ülkelerin kapılarını kapattı.
-Dünyanın bütün gündemini değiştirdi.
-Tüm borsaları alt üst etti.
-Her türlü trafiği minimize etti.
-İnsan temasını sonlandırdı.
-Suya sabuna dokunmayı en üst düzeye
-Gezegenin tamamını kırmızıya boyadı.
-İki milyar talebeye tatil yaptırdı.
-Bütün teknolojileri alt etti.
-Milyonlarca insanın ağzına gem vurdu.
-Bütün insanları eşitledi.
-Dünyayı sarstı,silkeledi.
-7 milyar insanı şaşkına çevirdi.
Ama göreceksiniz ki insan,
" 1 GRAM "
bile akıllanmadı..!"
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smoothserg · 4 years ago
The Trump Administration Could Have Secured Another 100 million Doses of The Covit-19 Vaccine, With Out Paying Any Money Up Front, But Decided Not To... Now We May Have To Wait Until June or July Behind The Rest Of The World...
By Giovanni Russonello Dec. 8, 2020, 7:02 a.m. ET
For all of President Trump’s bullishness on the coronavirus vaccine, his administration declined to order additional rounds of Pfizer’s vaccine when offered the opportunity months ago, leaving the United States to wait behind other countries that made deals. 
How Much More Can They Screw Us Over?
Un-Fucking Believable....
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mielevodka · 5 years ago
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delitay · 5 years ago
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Psikiyatrist ve Psikoterapist Odalarının ortak açıklaması:
"Sevgili vatandaşlar! “Ev’de Kal” sürecinde hayvanlarınız/çiçekleriniz/beyaz eşyalarınız ile konuşmaya başlamanız NORMALDiR. Bize başvurmanıza gerek yok. Ama onlar sizle konuşmaya başlarsa işte o zaman bize başvurun."
Biraz önce kapağı açılmayan konserveyle iyi bir kavgaya tutuştum. Ardından şişeyle su içiyorum, üzerime su damladı. Şişeninde ağzını burnunu kırdım. Umarım normal bir durumdur. 🤔😬😡🤬
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gatitahhh · 5 years ago
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At the moment during Coronavirus 🤭🤭🤭
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distintomoda · 5 years ago
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D.ISTINTO - DON'T PANIC We have to fight with our brain! Don't stop! #distintomoda #coronavírus #covit19 #milanononsiferma #codognononsiferma #milanodoesntstop https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JYV6AirFE/?igshid=101qjrjyxr17x
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remoderno · 5 years ago
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Talvez, vamos precisar sentir a morte de perto ou ver pessoas queridas indo embora para o outro plano e entender o que é uma pandemia. Primeiro foram os asiáticos Mas não me importei Moro longe da Ásia Agora são os europeus Mas não me importa Eu moro no Brasil No momento, já há casos no Brasil Ah, isso é coisa de comunista É mentira Em mim, não pega. Inspirado em INTERTEXTO Primeiro levaram os negros Mas não me importei com isso Eu não era negro Em seguida levaram alguns operários Mas não me importei com isso Eu também não era operário Depois prenderam os miseráveis Mas não me importei com isso Porque eu não sou miserável Depois agarraram uns desempregados Mas como tenho meu emprego Também não me importei Agora estão me levando Mas já é tarde. Como eu não me importei com ninguém Ninguém se importa comigo. @bertoltbrecht A ignorância mata os ignorantes, mas contagia e mata quem nada tem a ver com a ignorância do outro. #somostodosum #coronavirus #virus #precauções #uniao #respeito #façasuaparte #façaadiferença #infectocontagiosa #ignorânciamata #covit19 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9y18m2BnXo/?igshid=1i2l3twa6vnvk
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mutumi-saito · 5 years ago
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