#covid makes me free :P
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Am I The Asshole for demanding my coworkers get themselves tested? I, M, (30sM) work with these guys (20s to 40s, all M) pretty regularly as a contractor on bigger projects, usually to handle the machinery they can't. It's fine, I get along more or less with most of them, and as long as I can play my video games at the end of the day, its all good. There's about 12 of us total. So it all starts in winter, you know how it is, flu and covid and all making the rounds again, so being responsible, we keep to ourselves. One of the guys, C, had recently put down a new dog he just adopted. The guys are all making a big deal out of it, but I don't care, its not my dog, and all that. Anyways, things start getting weird after that.
I don't want to name any names, and I don't know who did what, but someone threw out a whole bunch of test kits. Two of my other coworkers, F and B1, started really getting sick and had to leave. Someone fucked with the equipment, mine included. B2, my other coworker, just decided to work from home for now but it's radio silence, he won't talk to anyone.
Last time I went to work, I had to come back in through the backdoor because they wouldn't let me in the front, saying I probably caught something while outside. But I've been so cautious! I know I didn't catch anything, I know I'm still myself, I just want to get this done with and move on with my job! What am i supposed to do, work from home?
This is where I might be the Asshole: I got fed up and just demanded that everyone gets themselves tested in front of everyone else. So I grabbed a bunch of leftover tests, herded everyone in the lobby, and locked the doors. I tested myself in front of everyone, and I am negative, and should be free to move in and out. But the others, especially my boss P, is saying I am being extreme, I am threatening people, the tests are unreliable, I shouldn't have tied them to the couch etc.
So I've been wondering. Am I really the Asshole for wanting to find out who is still human and who is actually the Thing?
What are these acronyms?
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 2 months ago
Next up are the stories where eddie does (or presumably will soon) yell at his parents! We love to see it (and are eagerly waiting and hoping for it to happen on screen soon)!
🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 (diaz siblings reunited! All the buck, eddie, and adriana in the woods stuff had me on the edge of my seat and I can’t wait to read it all through when it’s published! Also eddie freaking out about his back nightmares coming true is really getting to me - poor guy!)
⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️ (oh boy an ominous warning from nemesis! I’m concerned! And seeing the accident that presumably killed eddie in the other timeline! I just want all three of my boys to get back home to LA so i can wrap them up in blankets together on their couch and feed them soup)
🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼 (how do i always forget about covid? It keeps sneaking up on me! But I’m loving the progression of buddieshannon - it seems like they’re getting close! And i really love the way you��ve created maddie and shannon’s friendship! It’s beautiful and it makes me laugh when i think about eddie and maddies completely no existent relationship in the show :p)
Also I’m curious (but obviously feel free to ignore if you want to keep the details to yourself), how far are these stories along in what you have planned for them? Cuz they’ve all come such a long way that I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re getting towards their ends, but you’re so talented at plot development that I know they could have so much more to come!
- PCA <3
Hey! Thank you - love this theme, too!
As to your last question - great question!
For Gentle on My Mind I am not sure. I planned it sort of like TWATYTK where I just sort of have things I want to reach and will write until I get there. But it won't be nearly as long.
For Firelight, I am well into chapter 7 out of 10.
For An An Angry Blade, I am almost done chapter 4 out of 6.
96 for 🌲 (Ahh thank you! Yes! Lots of angst!)
“Me believing it?” Eddie says. 
Buck nods. 
Eddie inhales. “Then why isn’t the rest of it gone, too?”
“Good question,” Buck says. “I guess it’s only one theory.”
“Worth… Worth keeping in mind,” Eddie mumbles, blushing. He feels embarrassed, all of a sudden. Like a princess in a tower.
Buck smiles a little lopsidedly. “Well, I love you.”
Eddie exhales and smiles back. 
“I know you do.”  
They return Adriana’s rental car in the morning, and with Buck at the wheel of Eddie’s truck, they head towards El Paso. It’s going to be a long drive. With Eddie, anxious as hell about confronting his mother and seeing Chris. With Adriana and Sophia, who don’t seem to like him. All good stuff. 
Adriana is quiet. Buck has found her rather frustrating this entire time, but then he remembers what she’s been through, and it’s hard to hold it against her. Sophia, though? Buck’s not sure what her problem is. He hasn’t done anything to her. In fact, he’s kind of been important in helping both her siblings. No big deal. But she’s still pretty frosty to him today. 
It doesn’t really matter, he supposes. It doesn’t matter if Sophia likes him. It’s not like it’s going to impact Eddie’s opinion. He makes his own strong opinions, and he loves Buck. Besides, they aren’t super close. Physically or emotionally. Eddie once told him they were, before Chris. She was still a teenager, and while he was too, he didn’t really get to stay that way.  Makes sense.
“So, Sophia,” Buck says, a few hours into the drive. Because while it may not matter that she doesn’t like him, he still really wants her to anyway. 
“So, Buck,” she repeats.
“You’re a vet, right?” Buck asks. “Like, not the kind Eddie is?”
“No, I served in ‘Nam,” she says flatly.
“Oh my god, you’re such a dick sometimes,” Eddie huffs. “Can you please be nice?”
Sophia makes a frustrated noise. “Yes. I’m a veterinarian.”
“That’s uh… That’s super cool,” Buck says. 
“Yep,” she replies.
“Hey, uh, did I do something?” Buck asks. “Because I know why your sister and I maybe got off on the wrong foot, but you and I-”
“It’s not you. You’re fine,” she cuts him off. “I don’t care… I mean, happy for you and Eddie, or whatever.”
“This is really cool and chill,” Adriana mumbles. 
“What does that mean?” Eddie asks.
“It’s nothing, Eddie. Don’t worry about it.”
“No,” Eddie shifts his body to turn and look at her. “It obviously means something, Soph. So just say it.”
She rolls her eyes. Buck thinks her expression sort of reminds him of Christopher’s, when he’s fed up or annoyed. She’s so familiar, for someone who is more or less a stranger. 
“Fine, Eddie,” she snaps. “Fine. You want to know why I’m being pissy with your boyfriend?”
“We haven’t actually labeled it,” Buck whispers. “But I’m cool with that if you are.”
Eddie doesn’t seem to hear this.
“Obviously or I wouldn’t ask!” He fires back.
“How long did you know what was going on with our baby sister before you told me?” Sophia snaps. “After all I went through looking for her!”
“I didn’t even know,” Eddie defends himself. “It was a hunch.”
“Well, you told someone else before you told me! And I’m sure you’re great, Buck. You seem fine. But you shouldn’t have seen my sister before me. You shouldn’t have known what happened to her before me.”
“My god, Soph,” Adriana sighs. 
“No, my god!” She snaps. “You have no idea what it was like, not knowing! It drove me crazy!”
“I’m sorry,” Adriana says. “But that’s not Eddie’s fault. Or Buck’s.”
96 for ⚖️ (Buck especially needs blankets and soup!)
“The stories differ,” the officer says. 
“SHE STABBED ME WITH HER CAR KEYS,” the woman shrieks. 
“Ma’am, we’d like to take a look at your wounds,” Eddie says patiently. “Would you come to the ambulance with us so we can treat those?”
“Finally, someone who knows what the hell they’re doing,” the woman snaps. 
The officer refrains from rolling his eyes, but Buck can see it’s a struggle. He guides her over to the ambulance behind Buck and Eddie. She sits down on the open back and Eddie inspects her injuries while Buck hands him supplies from the med kit. 
“These don’t look too deep,” Eddie tells her, checking over the wounds on her arms and torso. “I’m just going to clean and bandage them before you head out, okay?” 
“Head out?” The woman asks. “Head out to where?”
“I’ll need to bring you back to the station to answer some questions,” the officer says. “File a proper report about what happened here today.”
At that moment, Bobby walks over from Chim and Hen, who seem to have their situation under control, to here, just as the woman is growing increasingly exasperated.
“No!” She screeches. “No, you can’t take me to the station, I don’t want to go!”
“Ma’am, it’s protocol,” the officer says. 
“I won’t go!” She throws up her arms, jolting Eddie’s hands as he tries to clean her wounds. 
“Hey, uh, it-it really helps my co-worker if you keep still while he works,” Buck tries. 
She completely ignores him.
“I will not go! You cannot make me!” She continues to protest, gesticulating wildly. Eddie has to move back to avoid getting accidentally smacked. 
“Everything okay here?” Bobby asks, frowning. Like he can see a situation unfolding.  
“I’m not going back to jail!” The woman cries. 
“Back?” Eddie echoes.
“No one said anything about jail, Ma’am,” the officer says. “We just need to take your statement and get some information-”
“No!” She yelps. She stands suddenly, darting out and away from Eddie.
“Wait!” The officer calls. “You can’t just-”
But the woman is trying to make a break for it. Buck and the officer start in her direction, but Bobby is closer. He manages to intercept her, stepping in her way and grabbing her arm. 
“LET GO OF ME!” She shrieks. 
Bobby keeps a firm hold on her. “Now you need to calm-”
He’s cut off by the woman reaching into the pocket of her jacket, pulling something out that Buck can’t quite see, and thrusting it into Bobby’s abdomen. Bobby’s breath catches. His eyes widen with a pained expression. 
“BOBBY!” Buck shouts, sprinting for him. 
He stops short, Eddie grabbing the back of his shirt, when the officer draws his gun and points it at the woman. 
An hour later, the woman - Carol, it turns out, her name is - has been arrested, and Buck is waiting in the ER. 
She stabbed Bobby with a pen. Hard enough to cause damage, but not sharp enough to kill him. Still, there was a lot of blood. And Bobby paled so much he passed out briefly in the ambulance. It’s not a blade wound. It’s not like the time Buck found Chim bleeding on the cobblestones out front Maddie’s apartment. But it’s not good. Not at all. 
“He’s not going to die,” Hen says firmly in the waiting room. She still needs to wash Bobby’s blood from under her fingernails. “We’ve all survived way worse than this, right? He’s going to be just fine.”
And Buck knows she’s probably right. She usually is, for one thing. For another, Buck knows it’s not the worst injury anyone has ever sustained. Bobby will get it cleaned and patched up and he’ll be just fine. 
But Buck is still furious. He has anger curling in him, tight and hot. Ready to burst at a moment’s notice. 
When Athena shows up, worried and just as angry as Buck that this has happened, she fills them in on what happened. The pieces they missed.
“The two women who were initially attacked, Carol Brandt and her sister, Vanessa, were visiting on a trip from Utah. Apparently, they’re local leaders in some sort of multi-level marketing scheme. Have been arrested before for an altercation with a former member of their downline. A downline which includes today’s perp, who followed them and confronted them about shady practices.” 
“So Bobby got stabbed over some essential oils?” Buck asks, tone snappish. “That’s what you’re saying?”
“I believe this is protein drinks, but yeah,” Athena confirms, pursing her lips. 
And Buck… He just can’t handle it. 
He stands abruptly, eyes brimming with tears. He feels so tired and frustrated and… And unable to cope. 
“Sorry, Athena,” he mumbles, then he makes a bee-line for the exit. He doesn’t give a reason or excuse. He just needs some air. 
63 for 🔼 (Haha yeah Eddie and Maddie need to interact, but for now, at least I've got imaginary Shannon & Maddie):
“You have to talk to her, Dad. Please, you do,” Chris begs. 
“Uh…” Eddie thinks. “What’s the name of the game, Chris?”
There’s a long pause. 
Ah. He doesn’t want Eddie to know. Well, that’s not lending credibility to his story.
“Because your mom likes to make you happy,” Eddie says. “So if she said no, there’s probably a reason. And I’m wondering if that reason maybe has something to do with the game’s rating.”
Another long pause. His eyes are downturned. 
“Christopher,” Eddie presses. “What is the game rated?”
“M,” Chris admits finally. “But only because-”
“Yeah, see. No,” Eddie says. “Your mom is absolutely right, Chris. You are too young to be playing a game with that rating.”
“But, Dad-”
“No buts, Chris. It’s inappropriate. End of story.”
Christopher’s expression twists with fury. He’s mad mad. Well, tough. Shannon was right. Eddie isn’t going to undermine her or let his kid play some traumatizing, violent game at his age. 
“I’m sorry it’s disappointing,” Eddie says. “I know you miss your friends.”
“It’s not fair!” Chris protests. “I don’t get to do anything with anyone. Not even you!”
Eddie’s heart hurts for his son. Here he is frustrated by too much time with his friends, while Chris is over there lonely. Sure, he’s got his mom. And he’s got his sister. But what good company is a baby, really? He’s needing something he can’t get right now, and it’s no one’s fault. It’s just the world right now.
“Chris, I know this is really hard-”
“No! You don’t!” Chris interrupts. “You get to be with Buck and do things every day!” 
Eddie sighs. “I know. I know it isn’t fair.”
“No, you don’t,” Chris grumbles. And then, without even saying goodbye, Chris hangs up the phone. 
Shannon can hear Chris call Eddie. Despite saying she would talk to him. Whatever. He’s allowed to call his father. Just… It feels underhanded, right? Trying to convince Eddie to make the opposite decision to hers without talking to her. She’s mad. 
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reactionimagesdaily · 1 year ago
REACTION IMAGES BLOG PATCH NOTES (aka the 10k follower celebrations got out of hand)
Hey everyone!
So it's been a hot minute since I announced that we passed 10,000 followers on here! I'm sure... well, I'm actually sure that most people won't be TOO fussed either way, but I did say I was gonna do some stuff, and I wanna stick to my word if nothing else xD
So! Let the celebrations begin! Firstly, I'm announcing a new QnA (I love those things) that'll last,,,, I'll say 2 weeks and go from there. Feel free to ask me about whatever you want!! If you want to cater to me specifically, my current big interests are Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect, and uuuuh Halo. (Also Bionicle remains a constant.) (Lots of scifi videogame stuff at the moment...)
[IK there's still some stuff in the inbox I need to answer/respond to you - I promise I'll get to those as well <3 thank you so much for your patience, if you've been waiting]
Secondly, here's a new song cover! IDK how many of you have played the game Divinity: Original Sin 2, but here's me singing Lohse's song; Sing For Me.
Thirdly: here's a new gimmick blog! I Was Not Joking. (Though, for my sanity, it's gonna be weekly instead of daily.) I'll be posting the images I have saved in my folder called 'feral screenshots' - it'll basically be a collection of cursed images/images with strange auras. I wanna say y'all know the ones, but if you don't, then here's an example of what we're dealing with:
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[Image ID: a person floating in a rubber ring in a swimming pool. On their head is what looks like a life-size Lego head.]
Introduciiiiing the Weekly Weird Images blog!
And Fourthly! It is my great pleasure to announce that we're adding alt text to all the images on this blog! Sorry it took so long to get round to T_T
And yes - I do mean we! To write out all the alt text for these images, I've on-boarded minion-in-chief/court jester aplomb @tizzytinkertilly! I (the reaction images guy) will still be handling every other part of the blog - she'll just be doing that bit. For the sake of my sanity xD
This is kind of a big change - both the addition of alt text, and the fact that this blog is no longer a single-person operation - so for the foreseeable future, the queue's been tweaked so that we only post 2 images a day instead of 4. (Fun fact! 2 images a day was the original MO of this blog, and then covid happened and I was like "I'll make it 4 a day because it'll be a nice thing to do for everyone while they're miserable in this pandemic :)" and then I never stopped (although you could argue that the pandemic never stopped either).) Maybe if/when we fall into a good routine and feel like we can do more, we can bump the rate of images back up, but right now this is a teething phase and I'm keen to slow things down for a little bit. :P (Tumblr has made some WEIRD mechanical choices for group blogs, I'll be honest.)
And, uh, yeah, that's all! Let the QnA begin- Hope y'all enjoy the song cover- Hope y'all enjoy the additional blog- A big welcome to Tinks and to alt text! Happy 10k followers, everybody!
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covid-safer-hotties · 5 months ago
Also preserved at our archive
This is the scientific version of letting nazis come hold conferences.
By Michael Hiltzik
On Oct. 4, Stanford University’s newly minted president, Jonathan Levin, opened an on-campus conference about pandemic policies by expressing the hope that the proceedings would “bring together people with different perspectives, engage in a day of discussion, and in that way, try to repair some of the rifts that opened during COVID.”
He was followed to the lectern by the conference organizer, Stanford public policy professor Jay Bhattacharya, who described the event’s goal as fostering “dialogue with one another rather than having a situation where the goal is to destroy people who disagree with you.”
He said he hoped that the conference would be a “model” for how to bring together people of divergent views.
If only it were. Within minutes of their opening remarks, their hopes were exploded.
That happened during the conference’s opening panel, which was labeled “Evidence-Based Decision Making During a Pandemic.”
Turning the conversation to the issue of COVID’s origins, panelist Andrew Noymer, who teaches about population health and disease prevention at UC Irvine, launched into a fact-free attack on Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci has become a target of relentless smears by right-wingers and congressional Republicans.
“I believe,” Noymer said, “that the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are that it’s ... an experimental virus that escaped from a lab and Tony Fauci is intimately linked to the funding for experiments that created this virus.”
There’s no evidence that the virus escaped from a lab, much less that Fauci as NIAID director funded any experiments that created the virus. No one on the panel called Noymer to account.
A few other low points during the day reflected the organizers’ having invited conspiracy-mongers and purveyors of long-debunked claims to share the stage with public health and science professionals who have spent the last few years battling a tide of misinformation and disinformation about the pandemic.
Stanford posted videos of all the conference panels and speeches on its website and on YouTube on Friday, expanding the potential audience beyond the few hundred people who attended the event in person.
As I mentioned in an earlier column about the conference, the idea that universities such as Stanford should be arenas for airing all opinions in a search for truth is simplistic and historically incorrect. Universities have always had, and even embraced, the duty to draw the line between fact and fiction — to determine when an assertion or opinion falls below the line of intellectual acceptability.
“Science and quackery cannot be treated as having scientific and moral equivalence,” John P. Moore, a distinguished biologist and epidemiologist at Weill Cornell Medical College who played a part in debunking misinformation about the role of HIV in AIDS during the 1990s, wrote recently. “Do NASA scientists attend conferences by people who believe the moon-landing was faked? Do geographers and geologists attend conferences held by idiots who believe the earth is flat? Of course not.”
Stanford did some things right. After the initial conference agenda was published in August, it was criticized on social media and in the science community (and by me) for mainstreaming an “anti-science agenda (and revisionist history),” in the words of vaccine expert and pseudoscience debunker Peter Hotez.
Several more participants were added to the final roster in a possible effort to balance the lineup. (It may be that the organizers approached some of them before the original announcement came under attack.)
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This effort bore fruit. In the first session, for example, health policy experts Douglas K. Owens and Josh Salomon of Stanford’s medical school educated their fellow panelists in the realities of crafting social policies in the first months of a deadly pandemic with little-understood medical characteristics or health implications.
Yet a persistent subtext of the conference was that the social interventions taken against the pandemic, such as business and school closings, mask and social distancing advisories and lockdowns, were generally worse than the disease. This echoed the position of Bhattacharya, a co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, a manifesto published in October 2020 that called for ending lockdowns and school closures and pursuing “herd immunity” through “natural infection” of almost everyone other than the aged and infirm.
During the opening panel, moderator Wilk Wilkinson, a blogger on the concept of “personal accountability,” offered the astonishing criticism that public health leaders “focused very narrowly on deaths from COVID, and often it came at the expense of other social values” such as “being able to visit people, ... or putting children in school as they normally would go to school, or attend funerals.”
It fell to Salomon to observe tactfully that “in the early part of the pandemic, in March 2020, “it made sense to focus on mortality. We all saw ... the stacks of body bags in New York City.” Over time, he said, social trade-offs from public health interventions can be weighed, as they are today. But if there’s a higher imperative for public health officials than reducing deaths from a deadly pandemic while it is in full cry, what is it?
As it happens, researchers have found that social interventions did succeed in reducing infections and mortality, a conclusion that was barely mentioned at the conference.
COVID death rates in U.S. states were reduced by restaurant, gym and pool shutdowns, vaccine mandates for school and government workers, and stay-at-home orders, according to a massive study published by the British medical journal The Lancet in April 2023. Infection rates were reduced by bar, restaurant and primary school closures; mask mandates; restrictions on large gatherings; stay-at-home orders; and vaccine mandates.
Social policies in place during the pandemic are easy to denigrate because their costs were evident but their positive effects were often invisible, Salomon observed. “It’s harder for us to recognize the lives that were saved, the hospital systems that were not overwhelmed, the ... illnesses that were avoided.”
Throughout the conference, anti-government paranoia and misinformation about pandemic policies were strong on the wing. Rutgers biologist Bryce Nickels — who has accused scientists of “fraud” for concluding in a 2020 paper that COVID most likely originated in the natural spillover of the virus from animals via the wildlife trade in China, not through a laboratory experiment gone awry — expressed the conviction during the panel on the origins of COVID that “the pandemic was caused by reckless research and a lab accident.”
Nickels insinuated that the scientists behind such research “have blood on their hands or culpability in some level.”
I asked Bhattacharya if comments such as Nickels’ and Noymer’s comported with his desire to eradicate from the debate over COVID “the goal ... to destroy people who disagree with you.” He hasn’t replied.
Levin told me by email that “revisiting pandemic policies, with the benefit of hindsight and data, is a valuable topic for study,” and that he thinks “we’ll learn more from that inquiry if we frame it around questions and evidence rather than ‘who was right.’”
Some presenters uttered evident misinformation. Consider Scott Atlas, a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and a former COVID advisor to the Trump administration, who attacked pandemic lockdowns and their advocates because lockdowns “failed to stop the dying, they failed to stop the spread — that’s the data.”
But this is a flagrant category error. No one argued that the lockdowns would stop the spread of COVID or “stop the dying.” They were consistently portrayed as policies to slow the spread and consequently mortality in order to relieve the crushing pressure on healthcare facilities and personnel long enough to enable them to get a handle on the pandemic — “flattening the curve” was the watchword. And over time, they succeeded in doing just that.
Then there’s Marty Makary, a prominent surgeon at Johns Hopkins University who made a name for himself during the pandemic by repeatedly predicting that the pandemic was on the verge of ending due to natural immunity, and was consistently confounded by the appearance of successive new waves of deadly COVID variants.
Makary related during the opening panel that he was frustrated because once data arrived about the social effects of lockdowns “there was no interest in evaluating” what was “the largest public health intervention in modern history.”
But that’s just wrong. Data-driven analyses of social interventions surfaced even in the earliest days of the pandemic — including a multidiscipinary symposium sponsored by Stanford in the fall of 2021, featuring 54 experts from academia, public health and government.
Up to this day, the medical, public health and social effects of the pandemic and pandemic policies have been the subject of unrelenting study — more than 700,000 papers by nearly 2 million researchers thus far, according to an estimate offered by Stanford epidemiologist John P.A. Ionannidis in his closing conference remarks.
The conference organizers wanted to congratulate themselves for producing what Bhattacharya described as “the first event where people of very different viewpoints about what happened during the pandemic are going to speak to each other in a way that’s constructive.”
But a conference in which conspiratorial delusions and outright falsehoods were treated as deserving the same respect as scientifically validated research, and in which the authors of serious virological and epidemiological studies, as well as respected public health authorities, were subjected to smears, was nothing like “constructive.”
Considering Bhattacharya’s expectation that this conference should be a model for others, then: Let’s hope not.
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voidsentprinces · 8 months ago
Having gotten through the Rite of Succession arc of Dawntrail. I feel like, Stormblood really did itself a disservice by dividing it between Ala Mhigo and Doma. We could of gotten an expansion this strong for Lyse to grow into being a leader of the Revolution had they maintained focus and stuck with the regions of Ala Mhigo. How Garlemald's reign effects each region and understanding the history. By giving us an "Oh shit, you're not suppose to be able to free Ala Mhigo yet" 12% through and then sending us trouncing around Kugane, the Ruby Sea, Doma, and the Azim Steppe for 65% of the story. Before sending us back to Ala Mhigo and padding the ever loving shit out of the last 23% of the story. Really makes me angry, that Lyse didn't get the shot she could of had that Wuk is for Dawntrail.
It was not done right, in my eyes. And the improvement from Shadowbringers and Endwalkers narrative learning has shown me what they could of done with Stormblood. Which feels as rough around the edges as A Realm Reborn. And every time they bring back a character from Stormblood. They don't seem to really know what to do with them or they're caught in the condensced roughness of a Post-Patch where no one really gets to shine. Not even an Arc villain like Elidibus who mostly accomplishes everything off screen. (Though I imagine thats because of COVID so another example is Golbez just kind of being a nothing burger)
She should of gotten it similarly, Conrad or Meffrid should been allowed to slowly bring her to the larger regions of Ala Mhigo in its entirety. Learn of its people and beast tribes living in the realm and how they reflect on their relationship with the Mad King's reign, the uprising that followed, and how they have functioned for the last 20 years under Gaius's rule and how the recent arrival of Zenos and the increased presence of Fordola and her Skulls have oppressed them further.
But, Void, that would mean Doma would of had to wait for another expansion.
I hear you, but you know how Yoshi P is big about the sky as influence for a story? Well Stormblood was suppose to be colored by the afternoon and you know what comes between Stormblood's afternoon and Shadowbringer's night? Dusk. Doma could of been fully explored and realized with the addition of either larger Othard or Dalmasca as a point where we throw off Varis and fight him properly with Zenos defeated at the end of Stormblood. We could of still had Bozja which would continue our march to free regions from Garlean rule. This would of still allowed them to save Hingashi for later expansions as they seem to want to. And Dusk is the time between the nights coming and the days loss. The House of the Fierce operating in shadows now free to wander in the remaining light left by the freeing of Ala Mhigo previously, without Zenos to cause issues. We could of fought Varis, Asahi, Yotsuyu, and Elidibus through this expansion.
Just as the war machine starts boiling to ahead with Ghimlyt Dark we carry onto Shadowbringers and Endwalker in a similar fashion. Just as the world begins to ready to fully face off against the Garlean Capital. A new world is endangered by the revival of Emperor Solus who is, of course, Emet-Selch starting machinations in the First. We carry on as we do and of course, we never get to march on Garlemald because Zenos eventually reclaims his body, kills Varis, banishes Elidibus who we defeat on the First and Garlemald collapses in on itself.
It would of also of granted the Twins a wider area to bounce off of and with when they eventually bring what they've learned from Dawntrail back to the remnants of Garlemald and let them proceed wherever they're going with that.
But, hey, hindsight is 20/20 as they say. I just wish Lyse had gotten a better chance as Wuk Lamat and Erenville are getting cause...boy...Stormblood is ROUGH and Dawntrail is showing how far its grown to pull a similar arc with a similar character. Though I will admit that Dawntrail has the benefit of letting us explore each character in an era of long peace and not one of oppression and strife. So what do I know, eh?
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nikatyler · 1 year ago
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@nitrozem tagged me a while back and I'm finally doing it. Thank you! I'm gonna do my favourite vampire loser because of course I'm gonna
NAME: Ross P. Vatore. Yes he took his husband's surname, he was always gonna do it. And he never says what the P stands for. He hates it. But I can tell you. It's Petal. Ross Petal, like rose petals. You know. His parents thought they were being funny. But really, 18 yo me thought I was being funny.
NICKNAME: Babyface (by Lilith, because she thought he looked very very young, and people thought it too, he had to show his ID far too often 💀, this led to his mustache era but didn't make Lilith stop calling him that), Gramps (by his descendants, Pastel, Moss and [redacted gen 10 heir])
GENDER: cis man
HEIGHT: 1.85m
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: I've always imagined that one side of his father's family came from Ireland (sims-Ireland), the other from Italy (sims-Italy, again). I never really went in detail about his mother's ethnicity or nationality though, I'm not sure where December is descended from.
FAVORITE FRUIT: certainly not plasma fruit, he hates the texture 💀 He likes cherries.
FAVORITE FLOWER: He's the rose gen sim and I'm predictable, so. Yeah.
FAVORITE SCENT: ...am I gonna be predictable again. Thing is I'm bad with scents, long story short, my senses of smell and taste are weird (and not because of covid, they've always been like that) and that extends to answering stuff like this. Anyway yeah I'm going with predictable 💀
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Not a lot my dude, but he's a vampire, he'll be fine. It depends on the season, he sleeps more in the summer to avoid sunlight.
DOGS or CATS: Doggos
DREAM TRIP: Probably some old scary castle in Europe. We have a lot of them, can't pick just one. He'd probably do some Transylvania trip. You know, Dracula and all that. Even though this goddamn fanboy could probably tell you everything Bram Stoker did wrong but he'd still want to go to Transylvania anyway.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Just one and it usually ends down on the ground. Boy's got nightmares (daymares?) and kicks around a lot while sleeping.
RANDOM FACT: One time for Halloween he went as a Twilight vampire. Basically he just covered himself with far too much glitter and couldn't wash it off for days, and his home was glittery for ages too. 10/10 would do it again
Not gonna officially tag anyone bc this is old and I feel like I've seen everyone and their mother do it, but if you haven't and want to, feel free to say I tagged you <3
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counterintuitivecomics · 11 months ago
[VD: Comics, zines, and anthologies by Kimball and Laurel cover a dark table. K (pale hands, orange nails) and L (smaller pale hands) leaf through 8 comics/zines and 2 anthologies. End VD]
My partner @earnestattempts (Kimball Anderson) and I (Laurel Lynn Leake) are queer and disabled comics creators, and we want to share our work with you!
We made a short video showing off our weird artsy comics, and talking about stories that honor marginalized lives as inherently meaningful. Also about committing to disability justice and making more of our work free and accessible! To that end, we're offering some limited discounted slots for the pricier tiers too.
🌿 Kimball &/or Laurel Posts Tier: Never miss either of our behind-the-scenes posts, unless you only like one of us! We don't mind :P You also get access to an ever-increasingly captioned archive.
💭 Counterintuitive Releases: We mail you 4-6 printed comics every year, and share digital releases with you first. Plus posts!
📮 Monthly Mailers: Kimball sends you an exclusive experimental zine in the mail every month, plus you get the Counterintuitive Releases.
🐚 our free patreon post tag 🌱 my tumblr comics page & comics tag 🎐 kimball's tumblr comics tag 🎨 kimball's website 🐌 my digital shop 🍃 kimball's digital shop 👾 my comics shop 🦉 kimball's comics shop
Thanks for reading/watching! 🧡 Longer vid description under the cut.
[Longer VD: Comic books cover a dark table, while Kimball (pale hands, orange nails) and Laurel (smaller pale hands) point to their own names. They both do a silly finger wiggle as their voiceover introduces “Counterintuitive Comics”. L leafs through “Me Me Me”, where a noodle-armed Poly Morphous sobs against lush watercolors. K shows "Unfolding", a large greyscale comic featuring paper folded to reveal text and paintings. L flips through roughly sketched diagrams in her “Super Secret Mock-up COVID-19 info zine”. K shows “Holding Out”: Social Security letters, wobbly colored pencil forms resting in bed. L opens metallic ���Suspension” to show scifi trappings and character focus. K pages through small, wide zine “Winter”, with a character walking in darkness. L opens artsy risograph-blue “L3no2”: comics about anxiety and depression paired with scrawled, smeared text. K opens anthology “CBA: Uncomics” to their section: broken pencil panels and halting words floating over digital, painterly textures. Then L’s: colored pencil and marker abstractions of magazine layouts melting into unparsable forms. L opens K’s anthology “Inaction Comics” to K’s pages: soft digital figures seeking reassurance and reclining on a couch. A sharp-toothed watercolor version of L writhes in self-hatred on her pages. Finally L flips through “Poly Morphous #5: Sick of Being Sick” (mini with teal cover, pink pages, pencilled comics). She makes a heart shape with her hands. End VD.]
This is our first time figuring out video descriptions - we welcome feedback!
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billyjoelmutt · 3 months ago
United Universes Tour 2024! My Only Wish This Year!
It was then a jingle of a beat was heard along with a plane!
Dodger- “Hello whats this?! :3
Flash- “Oh I forgot to say that Triple D is coming down! With a surprise for you all!!! :3″
Indeed they were and when they landed on top of Dodger piano they started to sing!!
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Dallas- Oh yeah, yeah Last night I took a walk in the snow
Couples holding hands, places to go
Seems like everyone but me is in love
Santa, can you hear me?!!
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Destiny- I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss
I sent it off, and just said this
“I know exactly what I want this year
Santa, can you hear me?”
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Deja Vu- I want my baby, baby
I want someone to love me
Someone to hold
Maybe, maybe (maybe, maybe)
You’ll be all my own in a big red bow!!!”
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All three-Santa, can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He’s all I want, just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I’ll be waiting here
Santa, that’s my only wish this year!
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Deja Vu- Christmas Eve, I just can’t sleep
Would I be wrong, for taking a peek? ‘
Cause I heard that you’re comin’ to town
Santa, can you hear me?
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Dallas-I really hope that you’re on your way
With something special for me in your sleigh
Oh please, make my wish come true
Santa, can you hear me?
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Destiny- I want my baby, baby
I want someone to love me Someone to hold
Maybe, maybe (maybe, maybe)
We’ll be all alone under the mistletoe
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Santa, can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He’s all I want, just for me Underneath my Christmas tree
I’ll be waiting here
Santa, that’s my only wish this year!!!
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All three- I hope my letter reaches you in time
oh yeah Bring me a love,
I can call all mine,
oh yeah ‘Cause I have been so good,
so good this year Can’t be alone,
under the mistletoe
He’s all I want and a big red bow!
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All three- Santa, can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Tell me my true love is near
He’s all I want, just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I’ll be waiting here
Santa, that’s my only wish this year!!!
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They danced with there triple P partners!!!
Oh Santa, can you hear me?
Oh Santa Well, a whole new world, COVID free!
Underneath my Christmas tree
I’ll be waiting here
Santa, that’s my only wish this year
Santa, that’s my only wish this year!!
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(Credits to Disney, Putt Putt, Christmas Britney Spears all image makers and all blogs tagged!)
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gelo-p · 6 months ago
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Rank 26! ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
I did say last year that I might T100 MyGO. 😋
I'm gonna skip the part where everyone bitched about everything being delayed AF in ENdori - but for better or for worse, when MyGO finally arrived last week, I had amassed 57500 free stars, and quite a number of in-game energy drinks.
...And then immediately lost 40000 stars (and some tickets) just trying to roll for all of them. I had* to spark for Soyo, but whatever, I got all of them! I could start tiering!
(I don't remember how I had 27000 stars for tiering. 57500 - 40000 = 17500, so clearly, I got a bunch of bonus stars. Anyway)
I wanted to aim for T20, but it was immediately made apparent that I do not have the time for it. I had to drive a lot during this event, especially during the 1st few days, so it was impossible for me to even try and build a lead for maintaining T20. There was also a question mark hanging over my number of stars left; I think I could still make it, but it was a very tight fit. And so, with these in mind, I resigned myself early to just T30.
In the beginning, I did what any sane(?) solo tierer does: spam the Grand Room! The Legendary Room was empty AF, and the Standard Room was hit or miss whether the folks you'll get could help you sustain a high-enough average for tiering. That meant staying in the Grand Room, where I was often paired with other tierers (names I would later recognize as T10 hopefuls).
Did I mention the connection sucks?
It took forever (not Legendary Room forever, but forever enough) to get paired with other tierers in the Grand Room. Also, there was a really good chance of being disconnected. All in all, I was averaging just 544k points an hour.
So I friggin' tried Free Lives. The average? 657k points an hour. There was minimal risk of being disconnected, plus, there was no mental pain of having to wait for people to get paired with you! The downside of course is that Free Lives cost more stars to get to the same points compared to Multi Lives, but that's fine. It's my last event. I'm retiring after this. I don't need whatever leftover stars I'd have left.
It was difficult listening to EXIST and SAVIOR OF SONG over and over again, but you know who isn't tiring to listen to?
Adam Ragusea, the sponsor of this T30 attempt!
Of course he didn't sponsor me. But it was mentally exhausting listening to the same 2 songs over and over again, so at some point I decided to listen to music while playing in silent. Beatles made for the perfect tiering music, oddly. Then I switched to Scary Interesting. Did you know that if you never stick yourself into really tight spaces, you'd most likely never die of being stuck in really tight spaces? After that, I listened to Biographics, and now I'm an expert in plagues. During the final days of tiering, I rediscovered Adam Ragusea's videos (found his channel during Covid - hey, remember Covid?), and the rest is history.
I ended up parking at 28,000,077 points a day before the event ends, because it's hella difficult to park during Mission Lives, and so I was fine with that. I was keeping an eye out for T30 / T31 (I was T25 at this point), to see if they might move, but it really didn't seem they wouldn't anymore.
OWO, what's this? ENdori fucked up the gacha rates for this event during the 1st few hours? So now they're refunding all the stars and tickets - everything!! - that you might have spent during those first few hours?? Hey remember having to spark for Soyo?? They say that was it!!
Suddenly, I found myself at 23000 stars again.
And I had to assume that sooooo did eeeeeverybody else.
When I woke up this morning - the final day - everybody has moved, as expected. Not by too much, no - but enough that T30 could still mathematically overtake me. I had to leave the event 4 hours early (driving duties), so I wanted to be sure that there was nothing they could do to take T30 away from me. I broke my park, somehow found myself with the opportunity to re-park at a flat 29M, and the rest is... is it history again?
And so I left the event at T25, with 29M points.
When I came back to see the final results, my final rank was T26.
Someone really wanted T25 huh. ^_^;
My Bandori phone is dead. LITERALLY, it can't survive more than 3 minutes away from a charger. It's perpetually being charged. The battery is now at 67% capacity - capacity!! not charge!! - and iOS really thinks I should get it serviced. I think so too.
I'm tired. I don't think I can play Bandori anymore. I'm mentally checked out of the game. I'm happy I was able to get Popipa and Roselia to Level 50, and with all the members of Popipa to Rank 100.
Will I be back for Ave Mujica? I don't know. I might not be back for anything on January. Last December 2021 I decided to stop drinking alcohol, and this December, to commemorate 3 years of sobriety, I kinda want to celebrate by dying of alcohol poisoning. I'm only half joking. I sobered up to be normal, but it didn't fucking work! 🤣 So! If I stop retweeting stuff during December, then yes, consider me dead.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year ago
Writing Wrap-up and 2024 Goals
It's a weird year to be doing a wrap-up, because I did not post a whole lot this year and I'm not sure I even set any goals last January thanks to having covid and being sick and exhausted for weeks, which still kind of feels like it threw off my whole year even though that sounds dramatic. Whatever. I've moped enough about it being a bad year for writing; now, I want to look forward.
2023 Wrap-Up
In case you'd like to read the one fic I did post this year, it's "Before You Go", a Loghain/Maric fic for Dragon Age (3022 words, rated E), which I am still quite happy with! And though it's not writing, I also made a podfic of RosellaWrites' gorgeous fic "let them not make me a stone (and let them not spill me)" (and if you're not interested in podfic you should still go read Rosella's fic, seriously, it's great).
While November 2022 was the last time I made substantial progress on A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren (my Briala/F!Tabris longfic for Dragon Age), I did make a few attempts to chip away at the draft this year. I didn't keep any records of what progress I made, but lucky for me Scrivener has a writing history feature that can at least give me a ballpark, and... it says I added 17,326 words to the draft this year (all in the first half of the year), which, not gonna lie, seems unreal to me. The first half of this year is mud in my head, so the fact that I did in fact get some writing done is really encouraging.
Over the summer, FFXIV started to really consume me as I had finished ARR by that point and my investment in the story was growing, and I also started taking a more active leadership role in my tiny free company, and so for the back half of the year I've mostly been writing little snippets about my Warrior of Light Ariane and her adventures and relationships, some of which may become part of actual fics later. This totals out to about 19,500 words at the moment.
So I only posted about 3000 words, but in total I wrote almost 40K this year. Is that a fantastic year, no... but honestly, it's a lot better than what my brain has been telling me I've accomplished this year, which is nothing. :P So I'm glad that I sat down to actually find the numbers!
Onward and upward.
So what's next?
2024 Goals
Finish one longfic.
Write and post a one-shot.
Do one exchange.
Outline an original novel.
Write a poem.
Send out one piece.
Tentatively my immediate plans are to get started outlining and then writing my Ariane/Haurchefant fic. I'm on the fence about February. On the one hand, it would be great to come back to my Briala/F!Tabris longfic for Femslash February, but on the other hand there's a high probability I'm going to be playing Endwalker by that point and I have no hope of keeping my head in Dragon Age during that time, so it's probably best not to commit to it. Dragon Age fic might be best saved for after I've caught up on MSQ when there are (hopefully) a few months still left to wait for Dawntrail and I can take a little break to let it marinate while I work on something else. My enthusiasm for the Briala/Tabris fic has not waned despite the long hiatus, and just yesterday I was reading bits of the draft and getting excited again, so I do hope to finish that this year and get to share it with you.
The alternate candidate for February is either keep working on the Haurchefant fic or in the case of a miracle in which I actually finish it this month (hah!), move forward with the next one I have planned, an Urianger/Moenbryda. That's unlikely but we'll see. I know I still have things to learn about Urianger in Endwalker, which I'm very excited for.
As for what exchange(s) I might do this year, I'm not sure yet! I haven't seen any announcements yet that Chocolate Box is running this year. Black Emporium and FemslashEx are both strong candidates for me. We'll see where I am when those roll around, or maybe something else will catch my eye!
Edited to add: Oh, yeah, also at some point we're supposed to get that final season of Red vs. Blue. I have a few outstanding projects in RvB but the main one that really matters to me is Radio Silence, my Carolina lost years fic. I'd love to use the series' send-off as a kick in the pants to finally finish that one, whenever that happens. We'll see!
Finally, I am making a conscious effort to reclaim my writing time, which traditionally has been the morning between 9 and noon because that's when my mind is the sharpest, but over the past I basically let that slip entirely and be taken over by either housework or gaming, just writing on the fly when something came to me. I'm not morning gaming anymore unless it's for a good reason (timed event I need to catch, etc, which is rare, and finishing yesterday's roulettes is not a good enough reason because the queues are slower in the morning and it just ends up eating more time than it needs to, they happen every day, it's fine).
On to 2024. Looking forward to it.
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starmanbyler · 2 years ago
very important question ANY GCSE ADVICE i'm starting my gcse courses and i'm acc panicking sooo do u have any revision advice or anything!!!
and a fun question!! if u could be any animal for a day what would u be
first advice, don’t panic too much yet. or at all. i was freaked out when i started doing my gcses, but for now all you need to do is focus in lessons and if there are things you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask questions or look stuff up so that you aren’t left behind, because trust me, being confused about certain topics when everyone understands can be very frustrating. so if you need to do some extra revision to work on weak topics, that’s cool, but you will be fine if you don’t. at least take note of your weak points so you can focus on them later, because you’re saving yourself some unnecessary time. id suggest having a little notebook for that kind of thing.
if you want to revise this year (i’m assuming year 10) then i’d suggest maybe half an hour to an hour per subject in a week. and btw i did NOT revise at this point at all. i did revise for physics towards the end of the school year (like march-may) because i had a gcse a year early. but unless you’re really behind and stuck then just do the best you can and only intervene if you notice there are things you don’t understand, because again, this will really help in the long run.
i’ll be honest i didn’t start revising for the rest of my gcses until april this year. most of them i revised the night before. not to brag but then got 98877776666 😭 so in some cases you will do alright even with little revision. but you know yourself better than i do. look at how you do currently in exams and whether you struggle a lot without doing revision or not. some people tend to naturally be better at taking in and memorising content, but others need to work a bit more to solidify it which is totally okay and very normal. so if you do struggle then you should try and revise properly for the actual exams. start out just revising when you have specific topic exams throughout the year. revise for like a week before (cus these aren’t that important) and focus FIRST on your weak topics. that’s the key thing. don’t skim through easy stuff just cus it’s easy. it won’t help you much and is just a waste of time. you need to be honest with yourself and really try to improve the parts that are holding you back. try out different revision techniques every so often or when you have exams to see what works for you. i can’t give many specifics since i don’t know how to revise but there are a lot of resources and ideas online. some that worked for me are:
flashcards (i used quizlet over and over to memorise case studies and vocab)
free science lessons is a GOD
also mr salles is good for english! there is a little community on youtube of english teachers that i found helpful (and i’m doing a level now so hey i guess they worked) also just youtube in general is good for a lot of things, revision advice, actual specification content + explanation and whatever you want to find
if you play around with these now (and anything else you find useful) then you can be more prepared for actual exams.
when it comes to mocks (y10 and y11) they aren’t as important as people act like. unless there is a sudden awful outbreak of covid and they have to cancel exams (which is unlikely in a year or two), your mock results don’t have much effect. they may make you feel bad (i can promise you mine did) but even just a little bit of revision can make a difference come may of year eleven. from february mocks to gcses, i went from a 5 to a 7 in biology, and a 5 to an 8 in geography. i didn’t revise at all for mocks, and i did a day or two last minute for my gcses. i’m not saying that’s a good idea… but what i’m saying is that a little goes a long way. so don’t panic if you don’t get the results you want in mocks. i do suggest revising for mocks, to practice revising and so you have a better understanding for real gcses, mine is sort of a cautionary tale that just happens to have a happy ending. but if you don’t because you’re tired or struggling, don’t beat yourself up about it like i did, because it just makes you mad at yourself and it doesn’t help you motivate yourself. use this as fuel to try harder for the real exams.
id say for actual gcses, start properly revising in the january of year eleven. january is mainly mock revision, but after mocks, you can focus more on the right topics from march-may. and make sure to continue revising before each exam. it can work to just go over your weaknesses over and over again until it’s basically branded on your brain. even if you forget these the second you walk out of the exam, you will still succeed. especially with right-wrong answer kind of subjects (maths, science and maybe geography) gcses are 1% inspiration, 19% motivation and 80% memorisation. that’s probablt an exaggeration, but my point is, it’s okay if you don’t really have the capacity to fully comprehend every concept, just memorise things so you can regurgitate it into your exams. no harm done really. it’s only important to fully understand the subjects you plan to continue onto a level and beyond.
i knoww this is mostly year eleven focused so it might not be as relevant now but trust me the main point is do not stress right now. you are safe so don’t freak yourself out. it’s good to try and get ahead if you have the motivation, but now is your time to have fun and relax before all the academic pressure piles up. not slacking off, but just don’t worry! especially when it’s just september. you don’t need to start immediately, just try things out and work your way up to a system that works well for you!
and out of interest, what gcses did you choose? (besides the obvious maths english etc) and does ur school make you do religious studies?
and good luck of course!! i sincerely hope you do really well and you deserve it :) just work hard and do your best really.
also, if i was an animal for a day it would not be any bug cus i’m dead. if i had a human brain maybe so i wouldn’t act like an idiot and annoy people. or a dog because they’re chill. and cats can climb shit so maybe cat.
anywayssss love you i hope you have the best time at gcse cus i’ll be real with you i wish i could go back sometimes. sixth form is super interesting but way less worry free; so save your worrying for later!!
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can’t believe i just put a lana gif in a post. lmao
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year ago
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Title: Mobility: A Novel
Author: Lydia Kiesling
Genre: literary fiction
Content/Trigger Warning/s: discussions and mentions of major historical events and natural disasters, including but not limited to 9/11, the BP Oil Spill, Hurricane Harvey, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Summary (from author's webpage): The year is 1998, the End of History. The Soviet Union is dissolved, the Cold War is over, and Bunny Glenn is an American teenager in Azerbaijan with her Foreign Service family. Through Bunny’s eyes we watch global interests flock to the former Soviet Union during the rush for Caspian oil and pipeline access, hear rumbles of the expansion of the American security state and the buildup to the War on Terror. We follow Bunny from adolescence to middle age—from Azerbaijan to America—as the entwined idols of capitalism and ambition lead her to a career in the oil industry, and eventually back to the scene of her youth, where familiar figures reappear in an era of political and climate breakdown.
Both geopolitical exploration and domestic coming-of-age novel, Mobility is a propulsive and challenging story about class, power, politics, and desire told through the life of one woman—her social milieu, her romances, her unarticulated wants. Mobility deftly explores American forms of complicity and inertia, moving between the local and the global, the personal and the political, and using fiction’s power to illuminate the way a life is shaped by its context.
Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/mobility-lydia-kiesling/18547461
Spoiler-Free Review: Godsdamn but this book makes me FUCKING ANGRY! I mean this in a good way, by the way, as this is frankly speaking a pretty good read.
Look, it’s not every day that a book pisses me off, but this one pissed me off in the best possible way, with its focus on the sheer hypocrisy of white people - specifically privileged white women - when it comes to the much larger suffering that everyone else around them experiences. From the moment she is introduced all the way to the very end of this novel, Bunny/Elizabeth thinks of no one but herself. Her disinterest as a teenager can be forgiven, I suppose, because I think a majority of teenagers are self-centered little shits to varying degrees - and I say that as a teenager who was pretty self-centered myself. The few who aren’t are rare and far between.
But later on, as she grows more and more comfortable in her place in the oil industry, you can practically SEE her convincing herself that what she’s doing, what her industry is doing, is right and just and not as problematic as everyone thinks it is. Worse, one can also read how she twists her WILLFUL IGNORANCE into a VIRTUE because IT BENEFITS HER TO DO SO. It’s just so INFURIATING to see that happen, since she has the privilege and the opportunity to do better, and yet: SHE DOESN’T!
The funny thing is, SHE GETS CALLED OUT ON IT! There are several moments throughout the novel wherein she is forced to confront how she doesn’t take a stand on anything, for just sitting on a fence, for thinking only of her own comfort, and while she sometimes pauses to think about what the other person’s saying and wonder if maybe they’re right, you can almost FEEL her flinch away from anything that makes her uncomfortable. THEN she goes RIGHT back to thinking any line of thought that makes her feel “safe” and one gets to watch as she chooses the path that makes her feel better, even if it comes at the cost of other people’s lives. They’re not HER people after all, how can she consider the plight of some nebulous entity who lives half the world away and whom she’s never met? This takes a chillingly exploitative turn towards the end of the novel.
I’ll admit, for a few moments while reading this I wonder if there’s anything she could have realistically done to actually take a stand and do something. The size and complexity of the oil industry is mentioned repeatedly throughout the novel; at various points Bunny/Elizabeth herself says that she can’t understand all of it, no matter how hard she tries. And when one is faced with something THAT big, that has the capacity to mutate into a new form to avoid accountability and instead re-emerge stronger than ever— How does one fight against something like that? Seen from that perspective maybe Bunny/Elizabeth’s reticence can be understood, even sympathized with, but after a certain point even this sympathy evaporates because it becomes clear that she’s CHOOSING to remain complacent.
But the interesting thing is, all this rage at Bunny/Elizabeth and the life she’s chosen can easily be turned on oneself. You read this book and wind up asking yourself: “Am I actually doing anything about the way the world works? Am I doing enough?” These are important questions, in my opinion, and applies to a lot more issues than just the theme of climate crisis that this book’s built around. None of these questions are comfortable or soothing, and the potential answers are likely to be less so, but they’re questions we need to ask regardless, if we don’t want to face the same kind of future Bunny/Elizabeth faces at the end of the novel.
Overall, this is an infuriating read, but excellent precisely BECAUSE it’s infuriating. It reveals some very uncomfortable truths and make the reader as some very difficult questions, leading to answers that are probably even MORE uncomfortable and difficult than the questions themselves. But the novel also emphasizes the need to ask those questions and find those answers, because seeking only to live in a bubble of comfort, unbothered and undisturbed by the wider world’s troubles, means living a life devoid of compassion and empathy, and only leads to a future where the entire world suffers.
Rating: five oil tankers
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osaka-lilac · 2 years ago
okay i’m finally free and can do this tag game cause i was busy sorry for the wait lol
tagged by @killingevie @arodynamics-xo and @formula-red <3333 i love u guys
1. are you named after anyone?
yea! i’m named after my great aunt and she’s pretty cool and she’s super sweet. my full name is a different spelling of alison krauss, she’s a bluegrass singer that my parents like, bonded over. she’s pretty cool actually
2. when was the last time you cried?
uhhh probably when i was still getting over my ex and it was still raw. i got close to it during a rush at work literally today and i had like 5 orders to do alone and i got scared and i just like. profusely apologized for the wait and they were like “well you shouldn’t be alone anyways” and i was like idk sorry i guess
3. do you have kids?
no and i don’t plan to for a long time. i’m literally 19
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
not really? i’m bad with detecting sarcasm a lot when it’s subtle but when you do the whole fake voice thing, then i get it. idk if it’s just the social anxiety in me or what
5. what sports have you/do you play?
so i dabbled a bit in elementary school and middle school but sports have never really been my thing. i did basketball camps in elementary school but i was not good at it, and then i did volleyball camps from fifth grade to seventh grade. i was part of the volleyball team in seventh grade but i wasn’t good and i wasn’t like already part of their crew so i wasn’t treated very well. but i joined tennis in eighth grade and i loved it and i played it up until my senior year of hs when covid cancelled our season. i was more into music, i did band and played french horn in middle school, and have done choir and theatre from fifth grade all the way up to my senior year.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
i’m good at reading people’s faces. i can tell if someone doesn’t like me even by the twitch of an eyebrow. but usually i notice their eyes and smiles first. windows to the soul, am i right? i’m really bad at eye contact when people are also looking so it’s a bit awkward lol. i also love people’s smiles, and i’m able to match emotions p well
7. scary movies or happy endings?
so i used to be big into happier movies, like i would actively avoid movies that made me feel bad cause i didn’t want to feel like that. but once i took my film class in my second year of college i’ve appreciated movies that make me sad and uncomfortable. there’s so much i missed on by being afraid of feeling bad. i really enjoy psychological horror/thrillers, but i’m not into super gory or jumpscare-filled horror movies. think like full metal jacket, ones that make me feel scared in a tense way rather than just violence, although fmj has both
8. any special talents?
depends on what you call special. i did art for two years for college so i’m not too bad at that. i can sing but i haven’t sung in a non-private manner since high school so i’m pretty rusty. i’m not really that special when i think about it and i’m pretty ordinary. but i can make good coffee i guess.
9. where were you born?
north-eastern wisconsin and i barely have left the state in my life other than week-long vacations to florida as a small child that i barely remember.
10. what are your hobbies?
i still draw in my free time, even though i’m still working through my burnout. i like walking around town and driving for fun, i read and play video games but i’ve kinda been falling out of that. i like animal crossing, minecraft, destiny 2, and f1 21 (the only good one on xbox game pass). but i’m not very good at racing games yet cause i don’t have a wheel, i’m on controller. if you consider my hyperfixations hobbies, im big into f1 rn but in the recent past i’ve been really into total drama island, and mcyt (but i barely talk about that anymore)
11. do you have any pets?
yes! back at home i’ve got two cats named rudy and hermey, they just turned 19 in may and they may sound old but they are still kicking it and oh so sweet. they’re brothers and i’ve had them all my life and i love them. i also have a corgi who’s like 7 and she’s super sweet and bouncy and i love her
12. how tall are you?
5’4.5” ~ 162.5 cm [i tell people i’m 5’5” to fuck w them >:) ]
13. fave subject in school?
i liked art, choir, and english a lot. i actually loved writing papers about things i read and my teachers kept them as “examples” to show future students if they were confused so i take that as a personal W
14. dream job?
if you had asked me this like. 8 months ago i would have told you i would like to be a storyboard illustrator for movies or tv shows and stuff like that. however i am so burned out of everything except mindless sketch studies that i don’t know if i want to do that anymore. i’ve been oddly into engineering lately (literally only because of F1) and even though i didn’t enjoy math as much i’m willing to put it aside and work at it for the sake of a possibility of working for F1 one day.
15. eye color?
green with like. brown highlights. it’s not hazel but it’s also not fully green. i’ve been told i also have blue around the outside which idk about that. it’s like the dark blue ring with green and very little brown highlights.
uhhh i’m a little late to the party for this so idk who’s been tagged and done this already but i’m gonna tag @toffee-and-tandoori , @racingliners , and @tinyweltmeister as well as anyone else who wants to do this :)
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hertwood · 10 months ago
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
i have several fic ideas that have just petered out and i'm resigned to not finishing. it's not about not sharing them, it's about making peace with never finishing them. (i also have several fics i havent touched in months but im DETERMINED to get back to but that's a separate problem.)
one of those is, sadly, femdomverse 3 (and everything else i had planned). i have shared bits and pieces about it before, and it was going to be called "points present" bc she leaves a pair of her underwear as a ~treat~ for getting his first points ladkfjasldkfjaslkjf
i think my big problem with femdomverse was just down to teething problems. i wrote fdv1 on impulse in under 24hrs, i dont think i would've even finished fdv2 if i wasn't trapped in my appt with covid (thanks covid.) it sorta grew into a much larger idea than it started as and trying to figure out planning it out once i was already in the middle of it. i think it was a good lesson for really taking the time to think out longer projects fully before i post anything in the future.
but fdv still has such a place in my heart and its spirit lives on in my other girlfics!!!!
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
this is such an interesting question because i spend very little time thinking about this. i write what i wanna write and if yall like it thats just a bonus :P new ask game tell me things i do as a writer you find annoying??? lol i suppose one thing i do a lot is talk about fics and just not get them finished or posted in a reasonable amount of time. WHICH ANNOYS ME TOO TO BE FAIR. idk. let me know~
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ooooooh gio for u. as a treat. i'll talk abt my sargewood fic idea. this doesn't really count as a wip yet bc i haven't written anything yet, BUT circling back to the first one, planning out longer forms fics is important for me in the writing process. i've only talked abt this with care in DMs so i guess this is its first proper public sharing.
so, it's an au where kyle never really got into racing, he and logan knew each other in carting but kyle's career petered out and he and logan fell of of touch. for logan, his career progresses as we know it irl, until he gets dropped at the end of the 2024 season and he ends up without any sort of drive, goes back to florida in a sort of career limbo. and runs into kyle again!!!!!
but!!!!! surprise!!!! kyle's a dad! (this was all thought up around this btw. i was like how do i make singledad!kyle as a concept into an actual story with substance.) kyle and a high school ex had a baby, kyle realized he was gay so they broke up, she's very very smart and got into law school or smth so she's off doing smart businesswoman shit and kyle is the primary parent who gets child support. (amicable coparenting!!! just to be clear!!!!)
so with all of logan's new free time he can spend all this time with kyle and his kid to the point where lines start to blur and he now has all this free time to unpack any feelings that might pop up. writing a chaptered fic would be so so daunting but i think it'd be a good challenge for me, i just rly need to sent aside time to rly work on outlining everything i want!
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
i'm not quite sure how to answer this question aldfjaslfjasldfja i'm big on. feeling morally neutral abt the fiction we all write. HOWEVER i do know that like, oscarmark is ~controversial~ and i do have this wip. that i havent touched in a while but i love the concept so much i still rly want to get back to at some point. the wip actually predates fdv and i originally was like 'oh i'll just anon post it i'm too embarassed' but now any embarassment abt the wierd shit i write is GONE lmao. i did talk abt it in the replies of this post and thats the most i've said about it before. it's really just a contrived silly little plot all just to set up oscar being fucked over the side of a boat. which is public sex technically which is also a crime. its v self indulgent its very For Me i hope i can take it out of wip purgatory someday :'(
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youreallydontrecogniseme · 1 year ago
What hit me during the yearly rewatch of V for Vendetta is that even though Poland technically wasn't totalitarian during the last 8 years, the level of our public television, especially during the last year, has been nothing short of the same as in the movie.
Consider the following snapshots:
- Daily news praising the great hero, minister of justice and procurator general in one, for miraculously freeing the bandit who attacked somebody just because of the rainbow bag they were carrying.
- Dedicated materials trying to vulgarily link LGBT+ community or sexual education with p***philia.
- Typical daily news: material centred on the opposition leader, drowning him in slurs, lies etc. I recall there were even instances of red-coloured pictures of him to make him look more devilish.
- Traditional debate between parties' representatives just before the election - every single question extremely biased and focused on proving how the ruling party is the best ever and opposition is but traitors. On one instance two presenters (did I mention their legendary salaries?) even allowed themselves a personal attack directed at the opposition leader.
- Another incident happens: spying on the opposition's personal lives with Pegasus software (yeah, they used special forces for that), few hundred thousand sold visas, trying to take over the courts, money fraud regarding buying respirators during COVID, election-that-didn't-happen... Every single time the state TV immediately serves some blatant lies to cover it up - or a material praising how the government is awesome with no mention of anything that's happened. Once it even straightforward contradicted the statement of the Polish armed forces, as far as I remember.
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copyrightcreep · 1 year ago
You know the drill, all of the questions >:)
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alright you evil critter. time to do the typing.
who is/are your comfort character(s)? Astarion and Karlach from bg3. space core from portal 2. Alex Danvers from supergirl. Luz and Vee from The Owl house.
lighter or matches? matches
do you leave the window open at night? sometimes. but usually, yes.
which cryptyd being do you believe in? werewolves and skinwalkers
what color are your eyes? mixture of green, blue/grey and brown
why did you do that?
hair-ties or scrunchies? hair ties
how many water bottles are in your room right now? 2. one i use for work and one for when i'm at home.
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? hot coffee in the morning, ice coffee when relaxing
would you slaughter the rich? with much glee and different ways to do so yes.
favorite extracurricular activity? biking and people watching!
what kind of day is it? murder on the brain, pain in the limbs kinda day
when was the last time you ate? an actual meal? at 10 am. is 2 pm now.
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? yes.
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) of a bunny called Mochi. but not of human kids no.
can you drive? n o p e aha.
are you farsighted or nearsighted? near-sighted
what hair products do you use? shampoo, conditioner and a hair mask.
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? if you asked. absolutely.
do you say soda or pop? f r i s d r a n k but soda in english
something you’ve kept since childhood? trauma. uh i mean. a stuffed animal i got since birth. his name is Mousey.
what type of person are you? i act very indifferent at 1st but i will flipping do anything if you get my trust. and i will share everything when safe.
how do you feel about chilly weather? love it. i can't feel cold all that well so i thrive in winter months.
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? i'd bring snacks and a nice fluffy blanket maybe a picknick. talk and eat until night and then stargaze all night
perfume/body spray or lotion? body spray
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? a lotta stuff. but i'll go with my mom's death since it's most recently been on my mind.
about how many hours of sleep did you get? uh. like 6?
do you wear a mask? during covid, yes. regularly? not unless it's required for work.
how do you like your shower water? a lil shy of burning my skin off
is there dishes in your room? yepp. kinda always are
what type of music keeps you grounded? 2 types. emotional stuff i relate to. and vibey music.
do you have a favorite towel? yes, it's a white one with rainbow squares. i love it!!
the last adventure you’ve been on? probs when i was a kid running trough the forest with my siblings.
is there a song you know every word to by heart? oh boy do i. nearly every song from icon for hire, smash into pieces and a bunch from Florence + the machine
what’s your timezone? CE(S)T. the S is for Summertime
how many times have you changed your url? nada on this blog haha
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? no one i actively speak to. but @stephlastname comes the closest with like 7 years.
a soap bar that smells good? bars of soap elude me.
do you use lip balm? i should. but i don't
did you have any snacks today? had some chocolate snacks.
how do you take your coffee? 2 zoetjes or 1 packet of sugar and 2 milk.
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? whatsapp and discord
what’s your take on spicy foods? occasionally very good. but my childhood makes it rough to enjoy them.
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? Past: Hitler, Present: Putin, Personal: an old teacher who didn't 'believe' in adhd.
can you remember what happened yesterday? sorta, feels like walking trough mud to remember.
favorite holiday film? the 1st home alone
what was the last message you sent? dang right i want to!!
when did you first try an alcohol beverage? oh jeez. i tried wine when i was like 7 or 8. beer around the same time. somebody gave me a bunch of vodka when i was 17. i almost forgot the time where my mom let me drink a whole glass of bacardi cola when i was 9
can you skip rocks? NOPE. i flipping suck haha
can i tag you in random stuff? absolutely and please do!!
thanks for the askkkkkk
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