#court of darkness Roy
norel-ravenclaw · 3 months
Court of Darkness / Makai Nightmare
- Aesthetics 4/4 -
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Crown Prince Roy of Invidia
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Sir Grayson Hotz of Invidia
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King Klaus of Invidia
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Princess Sherry of Invidia
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Lord Dia Akadia, heir of the lost kingdom Tristitas
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Crown Prince Lynt of Akadia
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Valentino Maes of Akedia
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King Liam of Akedia
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Queen Norah of Akedia
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1booberrypie1 · 24 days
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leander-simp · 1 year
How the princes plus Lance, Lou, and Dia are in bed.
Most definitely silently moans and grunts while degrading you every here and there.
Prefers to be intimate in the missionary and lotus position.
He would probably be intimate almost anywhere if you are able to convince him to do so.
Last for about 3 rounds maximum.
How loud his moans are tend to vary on the location, per say either of your bed chambers. He will most likely let out moans loud enough for the entire academy to hear.
Loves to be intimate at any chance given despite the location.
Loves the missionary and cowgirl position but still does the other positions.
5 rounds maximum.
Praises you most of the time during your intimate session while letting out moans here and there.
Prefers to be intimate in the bedchambers so that no one can see how good he makes you and how intimate he can be.
Missionary position most of the time or cow girl if he is too tired.
2 rounds at best.
He is a praise machine.
Prefers locations that are private whether it be that bath tub or the S-rank dining hall during lectures.
Cow girl and doggy style positions are his favorite of them all.
About 4 rounds.
Silent moans and whimpers.
Either of your bedchambers, bathrooms or somewhere that he can lay down and sleep afterwards
Cow girl or reverse cowgirl position.
1 or 2 rounds depending on his drive during that day.
Praises, moans and whimpers the whole time.
His bedchambers or the dining hall.
All positions.
6 rounds maximum.
Aquia(? Aquawei? He is Guy's younger brother.)
Whimpers and cries. (He is crying due to sensitivity as he is sensitive.)
Always in his or your bedchambers.
Cow girl position.
2 rounds maximum.
Doesn't care about the location, just as long as he gets to be intimate with you.
Doggy style position.
3 rounds.
Volume of his moans vary on the location.
Missionary, lotus and 69 positions.
Mostly his bedchambers or in the forest.
4 rounds.
Moans, grunt, whimpers, cries (sometimes) all of it.
Doesn't care at all.
He's the headmaster, what are the students going to do if you both are being intimate in the garden? Or the library?
Due to his high magic capacity. He can go for more than 5 rounds. 7 rounds maximum.
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x-daedalus-x · 2 months
The court of darkness tag is looking lonely. Who’s your favorite consort and why?
My fav consort has to be Roy. He’s just so lovely 😭 and I adore his family (including Grayson obvs).
I’m painfully waiting for his second book to be released in English.
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
How I think the princes + Lou and Dia would react to MC’s death
I feel like Guy would be the type of person to silently morn and not say it aloud
He gets really quiet during the entire grieving process
He would distract himself by flying around with Ertl and with his work so he doesn’t think about MC as much
He misses her, even if he won’t admit it.
He would visit her grave every so often but would stay away if he knew other people were going there
He would put roses on her grave
Sometimes he would agree to go with another person if they said they were going but would act like he doesn’t care
“I might as well go. It’s been some time since I last visited anyways.”
His teachings become a little harder and he’s a lot harsher when dealing with the fangirls
Refuses to talk about MC and any conversation that involves her he avoids it immediately
He stopped complaining about Lynt cuddling up to him because it’s the most comfort he would get. He would never admit this though.
I feel like he would visit her twice a week and whenever it’s getting close to a holiday, the day of her death, or her birthday he would visit her more often
He just stands there at her grave for a while until he needs to leave because it’s too much for him
He misses her a lot.
He keeps all the gifts he gave her and then some so he has something to remember her by
Oh boy
Give this man a hug
He misses her a lot
Like Guy, he becomes more silent.
He buries himself in his work
His teachings also become a lot more harsher
It’s pretty scary
He would visit her whenever he had the time because after her death he just assigns people a lot more work then he use to to distract himself by grading all those papers.
The fangirls stop bothering him for a while because he’s scary when he’s mad and upset
He puts flowers and caramels at her grave
“I hope you enjoy them. They’re high quality caramels from Luxure.”
He reads aloud at her graves
He also doesn’t really talk but sometimes says he misses her to her grave
He tried using ancient magic on himself to make him forget about her a few times, each failed.
Knight tries to comfort him but he can only do so much
He sometimes talks to Knight about it
I think he would visit every 2-3 days a week and whenever it’s a holiday he would leave a gift at her grave
After everything settles a little for him he becomes slightly more lenient in his teachings and becomes like he was before
Whenever he eats caramels he thinks of MC
Acts like everything is fine but everything is not fine
Sherry has to force him to break his act because he acts like that even when he’s around her now
He still acts the same with the fangirls but avoids them a lot more and finds other ways to get to places he needs to get to. Grayson needs to make many excuses for him so he can leave.
He would leave (a lot of) flowers, tea leaves, and Invidian honey at her grave.
I feel like he visits her grave a lot, like 4 times a week
“I hope your life is peaceful. We all miss you….”
He talks to her about his day and what he did, he sometimes makes a picnic near her grave and eats lunch there, Sherry and Grayson sometimes join him.
Sherry needs to comfort Roy and make sure he gets out of that princely act everyday after he’s alone so he can relax. He talks to Sherry and Grayson about how he’s feeling but a lot of the time he hides it. Sherry is the one who comforts him the most
He tries to make everyone else feel better even if he’s hurting
He tries to distract himself by going on many dates with a bunch of men and woman. Sometimes it helps but sometimes he still feels the emptiness of her presence
When he visits her grave he reads to her and tells her about his day
He leaves flowers at her grave and he tells her story ideas
He also makes up stories
“Hello treasure… We all miss you dearly…”
He says that with a sad smile on his face
He acts like everything is fine but he’s actually really sad she’s no longer with them so he tries to make everyone laugh or at least smile. He bothers Guy a lot more because of his red eyes since MC had them, even if they weren’t her actual eye color.
He prefers to go on dates with Avari woman but still goes on dates with others from other kingdoms, it’s just mostly Avari woman now. Particularly ones that look similar to her.
If he sees something he thinks she would have liked at the market, he would buy it and leave it at her grave and put a protection spell on it so it can’t get dirty or be torn apart. After some time he brings that stuff back with him and keeps it. He also hides it.
Violet has to remind him to get out of bed because he really doesn’t want to
He misses MC a lot and doesn’t want a world where she’s not with him
He also distracts himself by writing, he even made a character that was based on her and added her to his story. This may or may not have made the story longer and more complex-
He’s still the same but he lies a lot more, mostly about how he’s feeling so no one else worries about him. Some of the S-ranks can tell though. They miss her too.
He hugs his pillow and pretends it’s MC. Sometimes when he’s cuddling with another girl he pretends it’s her, especially if the girl has similar hair length to her.
He would carry something she owned and keep it in his pocket. He would panic if he lost it
The poor baby
He sleeps a lot more because he dreams about MC
Believe it or not, he visits very few times. I would guess once a week, it’s mostly because he’s sleeping and because he’s too sad to visit.
When he does visit he sleeps there, Tino panics and tries to wake him up at first but then after a bit he lets him sleep near the grave. It somewhat helps.
He would leave flowers, pillows, blankets, and bread at her grave
He stays there for some time(mostly because he’s asleep-)
Tino’s job is harder because Lynt doesn’t want to wake up even more
He cuddles up to Guy more too because of his eyes and because Guy doesn’t complain, he does it more often. Not that Guy is complaining.
Any fluffy objects that MC owned he keeps and sleeps with. He wanted to sleep in her room one time but wasn’t allowed it because it would make it look different then from how it was left.
“I hope your eternal sleep is well and peaceful… I see you in my sleep every time, is it you that visits me?”
*goes to cry in corner*
He misses her so fucking much omg
He brings flowers and food to her grave and he eats there and talks about his day and does his homework there and he even decorated it one time with vegetables
He misses her so god damn much
He visits everyday
Every. Day.
He visits the moment he has the chance
He brings Sherry, Violet, and Thoma with him and comforts them and they comfort him
He talks to her grave about what he learned, what kind of food he made and ate, who he talked to, etc
He would bring her favorite foods to her grave and eat some too
He sometimes wants to visit her room but is scared he’ll ruin it
Again, he visits every single day. If he can’t he will literally cry thinking he will upset her in the afterlife
He makes it up the next day by coming by twice. Maybe even more if he misses more then one day. He would probably visit a lot more often as an apology
I think at first when she died, he ate less then normal but acted like everything was fine
He tries to make everyone feel better but refuses to talk about his emotions at first
Sherry has to force it out of him
Poor Rio cries to her and she comforts him and lets him hug her and he hugs her so tight then apologizes for hurting her
He spends a lot of time with Sherry because he’s scared to lose her too
He tries to pay her back whenever he can for comforting him and comforts her back
He becomes her overprotective brother figure
He makes a lot of MC’s favorite foods, even foods from Earth
Any gift MC gave him is now the most precious object he’s ever owned
He makes sure no one touches them
Gets obviously upset if someone does
“Hello Sunbeam! I made fried rice! It’s not as good as how you make it but I hope it’s good enough for you to enjoy in the afterlife!”
The first time he made some of her favorite foods and ate them, he almost cried
Actually no
He did cry
His tears could make an entire soup with how much he cried
Poor Rio ( T_T)
Sherry also cried and they comforted each other
The two became even better friends after that
They miss her dearly and visit whenever they get the chance with gifts and flowers.
The silence is deafening
He talks a lot less and goes drinking a lot more
He almost cried when telling Christoph MC is dead and he comfort Christoph when he cries
He visits MC with flowers and alcohol
The alcohol is for him mostly but he leaves some for her
Whenever he visits with Christoph though, he doesn’t bring alcohol
The two visit whenever they have the chance
He becomes really protective of Christoph after that
Lance and Dia surprisingly start talking to each other a little more because they know MC wouldn’t want them fighting
They fight less but it still happens
He sometimes visits with Hawke, Fenn, and Jasper and after they go drinking
Lance drinks the most, Fenn drinks the second most
When he’s drunk he vents about how he’s doing surprisingly easily, especially with Fenn since they both cared for her a lot
Him and Fenn go drinking together a lot more
Nothing happens other then good pals drinking and talking about MC for the next few hours
He visits her grave with Fenn sometimes
“Thank you for giving me the chance to be your friend. Me, Christoph, and everyone else miss you.”
Visits her grave a lot but other then that he doesn’t leave his room much
He plants mushrooms there and reads about them to MC’s grave
He also sings to her grave
He visits that flower meadow place and sings songs for her even if she’s not there with him
He made songs for her and sang them at her grave or when he’s alone
Him and Lance become somewhat closer but not much
Just talking a little more
He asked Rio to make a mushroom dish she has made for him before and thanks Rio then goes to eat it in his room
A lot of the time Jay needs to ask because Dia doesn’t leave his room
He goes to Lou and just stays in his office for a little bit and Lou doesn’t stop him
They talk about their memories with MC, sometimes even their past life memories
“If I could hug you one last time, I would. I hope this song reaches your ear one day.”
If he ever had a dream about her he would cry and go visit her grave and ask if it was her that visited him
He gets annoyed more easily now
On the rare occasion he would go to classes just to relive what it was like when MC was alive but it was never the same after that
Anything he kept from her gets hidden in his room
He actually went drinking with Lance one time and they talked for hours about her then visited her grave
Instead of flowers(though he does give flowers-) he gives her grave mushrooms
And I’m talking really pretty and rare mushrooms
Those fuckers glow in the dark
Now he can always find her grave if he’s out at night looking for it
He also now has another excuse to visit her which is to see how the mushrooms are doing
He visits her grave with Lou
Oh this is gonna break my heart
He falls apart
Work doesn’t get done unless it’s urgent or important, he doesn’t want to get up, the whole nine yards
He visits her grave more then any of the Princes combined
He visits her in the morning, the afternoon, at night, and if he can’t sleep. It’s like clockwork
Phinny and Nix literally have to drag him out of bed and have him do his job
When he’s around people he acts fine but once he’s alone?
Poor cloud man needs a hug
He kept every. Single. Thing. She has ever given him
He learned to cook just so he can keep that memory of how she makes certain dishes and make them for himself when no one is around
He visits her grave with Dia and stays strong until he’s alone
He lets Dia in his office for as long as he likes, he even sometimes visits that meadow Dia goes to and listens to him sing
He sometimes joins the singing
Poor man is heartbroken
He just got his emotions and already wishes he doesn’t have them anymore
He asked the prince’s to look for her when she reincarnates
He also looks for her
He gives her so many flowers my god
It’s a rivalry with Roy because he also gives her a buttload of flowers
He forbade anyone from going into her room so it stays the way she left it, only he’s allowed to go in there
He uses his crystal ball to check on MC’s grave and old room
“Our lives may have been shared for only two of our many lifetimes, but I would never trade our time for anything.”
Before she was buried, he made sure her funeral was beautiful
Her dress was beautiful too
She looks beautiful in her casket
Is that weird to say?-
He didn’t want to let her go
He really wanted to revive her but couldn’t
He put a spell on her body so she wouldn’t rot and did the same to her casket so nothing would happen to it
Oh boy the moment he meets her reincarnation is crazy
He spoils her but keeps it anonymous
He keeps an eye on her so fucking much
It’s crazy
Makes sure she stays happy and if she’s struggling he anonymously gives her books from the library to study
Anyways back to the original topic-
He has a picture of her with him wherever he goes
If he lost that picture all hell breaks loose
He becomes a lot more silent and keeps his hood on whenever he’s around people even in his office because he doesn’t want others to see how sad his eyes look
He moment he sees her reincarnation though-
Bro it’s crazy
Wants to hug her but can’t
Spoils her instead
She’s so fucking confused but after some time she goes with it
The first time it happened she went to his office and said a creep is giving her gifts in her dorm and he’s so sad about it
Because he doesn’t want anyone in MC’s original room he gives her the room next to it
Ok back to the original topic again-
When he visits her grave he sometimes has tea there
He put the grave in a location not many people visit so no one disturbs her or can find it unless you were there at the funeral
New students that don’t know what happen wonder where he goes but he never says and makes sure no one follows him
Whenever the others come visit after they leave Colde, he makes sure no one knows about it so they can visit her in peace
He visits every place he and MC went together, he even visits places Vane and Vanum visited
He talks to her grave a lot, either about memories of when she was alive or memories of when they were Vane and Vanum
Lunas visits with him sometimes
I had fun writing this
I love angst ;)
Lol it’s giving the Past, Present, and Future series I’m working on
Send me ya’ll angst for court of darkness if you ever make it because I love that shit
I would gobble it up with tears in my eyes
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marutsuia · 9 months
Prologue || Court of Darkness (pt.1)
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Summary: Justice for the Court of Darkness MC! A rewrite of the prologue.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Thanks to @scrumptiousfirepanda for requesting! I got 2 requests for Court of Darkness, and I will do them both, but starting with the request for the prologue so that you have context! I not only wanted to make the MC stand up for herself, but I wanted her to not be magically useless, so I came up with some changes that I hope make sense. Enjoy!
"Voila! Today's offerings are served," You announced as you finished putting plates down on the table in front of the framed photos of your parents.
"Parentals... Today's feast consists of fried rice from the fridge, standard wilted greens, and delicious pork." You clarify to the altar, taking a breath as you bowed your head, in a silent prayer.
Your wide eyed, adorable black cat, stood next to you, "Mew." He said and you chuckled, "Saying your own prayers, Salem? What a good boy," You pet him, feeling his head nuzzle into your hand and his body move to match the shape of your palm.
"Are you hungry?" You asked him, opening a can of wet food. He meowed relentlessly, excited at the prospect of dinner. You chuckled and turned around, ready to put his bowl down, but instead of seeing him there, he was at the window, staring outside.
That was odd. Normally, he would be all over it. Nothing had ever managed to take his attention enough away from his precious wet food. Something immediately felt wrong to you, a pit forming in your stomach.
"Salem?" You called cautiously as you approached, warily opening the window to get a look. The moon was blood red, and you felt a chill. Something was definitely off. That's not normal.
When you felt the moon sucking you in, you instantly shut the window, "What is going on?" You asked as you felt a bout of dizziness overtake you. You stepped back, tripping over something as you began to faint, but you didn't hit the ground.
It felt as though a rift opened up, and you fell. Down, down, down. Deep into a pit of darkness. It wasn't like the kind of fall that you felt when you were about to fall asleep, no... This was much more real. The wind was whipping through your hair, and you could see your apartment getting smaller and smaller, and you could see Salem, standing at the edge, looking at you, alarmed.
Screams came through your throat, and you watched as Salem jumped down with you, the hole closing up behind him. "What the hell is going on?!" You screamed, continuing to fall at breakneck speed.
All of a sudden, yours and Salem's fall slowed, your hair no longer whipping in the rough winds, and you felt your body tilt backwards, almost as though it was being laid down by some sort of force, and your eyes felt heavy. No matter how much you tried to fight it, they closed, and you fell unconscious, feeling something tickle your skin.
The darkness faded away, and you were left laying on the ground, in a bed of flowers.
"Hello? You okay?" A distant voice called and your eyelids twitched, opening with a flutter. Your surroundings were different. In fact, they were like nothing you'd ever seen before.
"Ah, there you are. Time to get up I think." A young man with purpleish white hair tied into a braid, and an extravagant purple coat and purple eyes said with a handsome smile.
You sucked in a breath, sitting up on your elbows and moving back a bit, "Who the hell are you?" You spat. Before he answered, he saw as you looked around, panicked. An imposing building stood before you, in the lavish garden.
You gasped, standing up and rubbing your jeans down from the flower petals. "What the fuck kinda dream is this?" You mumbled under your breath.
"If only this was a dream. Then, there would be no rules and you and I could do whatever we liked. You have such lovely dark eyes, treasure. Care to take a turn with me?" You didn't miss the seductive, flirtatious tone coming from the man.
You took a step back from him, "Stay away from me!" You warned, scurrying back, but tripping over something, causing the man to reach out and grab you.
"Gods!" The second he grabbed you to steady you, his whole body was engulfed in a violet flame reminiscent of twilight.
You looked at it with wide eyes. Magic?!
"This should not be possible. I'm carrying a stone that prevents this," He said to himself, in shock.
"How can this be?" Another voice called, belonging to a princely figure with pink-blond hair, and that was when you realized you were basically being watched by a group of men.
"Fenn's radiating power," A sleepy looking blond man with green eyes said, surprised.
"So the light just now was your doing, was it? Explain yourself." A pale man with blue hair, blue eyes and clothes asked.
That was when you quickly gathered your wits and shoved the guy called Fenn off you.
"Making eyes at women again, are we?" An intimidating looking guy with dark hair and red eyes approached.
"Hm? Who and what are you?" He got closer to you and scowled, glaring.
He leaned down, meeting your eyes, "Get away from me!" You shouted and pulled away. "Your eyes are as black as jet... It cannot be." He continued to glare.
"Would I be correct in saying this girl has enhanced Fenn's powers?" The blue-haired man asked.
You don't say anything as you slowly start to back away while they're talking.
"Calm down, Guy. You, too, Toa." The guy in green urged. "You're frightening her." He said and moved to stand beside you.
"Are you alright?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder, and as soon as he did, his body was enveloped in a green fire. "Well, now," The guy in green said.
"My word!" Toa and Guy called at the same time.
"Such radiance... I daresay this is a magical flame." The princelike man exclaimed.
At this display, you shoved his hand off of you, taking more steps back. "It leaves you at a loss for words, doesn't it?" Fenn said, still glowing.
"She's something else, isn't she?" The man dressed in green replied.
"Guy, do you think she could be--" The prince asked.
"Yes. There is no doubt." Guy replied.
"You there." He called and approached you, causing you to try to back away faster. His gaze raked over your body, and unbeknownst to you, he liked what he saw. "Your name."
You refused to answer, glaring at him. You felt the corners of your mind begin to clench, as an uninvited force tried to enter.
No. Go away!
You gritted your teeth, clenching your jaw as you tried to stop it from entering, but Guy noticed and tilted his head to the side, driving his powers further. "I will ask you one more time. Tell. Me. Your. Name."
This time, you couldn't resist, "Y/n Y/l/n." You replied.
"Now then. Where do you come from?" He asked.
You fight your lips, pressing them into a line, but after a moment, you can't hold it back, telling him your entire address.
"What kind of a place is that? I've never heard of it." Guy scowled, angrily.
"Hard as it may be to believe, I suggest she may be a trespasser upon our world." Toa said.
"Meow!" Salem jumped out of a bush, causing the men to look surprised. You took this as your opportunity, scooping him up and making a run for it.
"No, wait! Please!" The princelike one shouted after you but you ignored him.
"Salem, where the hell are we?!" You shouted, as you made it to a colossal gate.
"Halt." You heard a voice call and looked up to see the men floating. "Where do you suppose you're going? Try not to make trouble, will you?" Guy glared and you glared back at him, your face and voice turning into one of anger.
"Go to hell!" You shouted, pushing the heavy gate open and continuing to run.
They continued to pursue you while having a chat as though they weren't chasing someone. "Guy, you mustn't glare at people. How many times must I remind you to be a gentleman?" Fenn asked, disappointedly.
"And you seem to have gotten to big for your britches since you got that magical boost. Does he look even more unhinged than usual or am I imagining things?" Toa replied.
"I am rather giddy; I feel as though I could do anything right now. And that was but a touch of her, imagine what a kiss could do."
"I'd rather die!" You screamed over your ragged breaths.
"Hey. Hands to yourself." Guy said, ignoring you.
"Don't scowl so... It isn't very becoming." Fenn smirked.
The princelike man suddenly descended in front of you, blocking your path, "Y/n, was it?" He asked and you stared at him. "I'm Roy. You needn't be so frightened of us, you know. We intend you no harm." He gave you a charming smile.
"I find that very hard to believe." You said, panting.
"We aren't the scary sort. You can trust us." The man in green also descends in front of you, and it gives you pause. These two seem to be the least problematic.
"It's not you I'm worried about." You clarified.
The other men descend too, "Let us test this theory." Toa called and you turned. Before your eyes even managed to focus on what you were looking at, Toa, grabbed your face, his cool hand chilling your warm cheeks, and his body was engulfed in blue flame.
You wrenched your face out of his grip, "Will you stop touching me?!" You shouted at all of them.
"Wait your turn. The first taste is mine." Guy ordered and you groaned, your heart hammering against your chest as you felt a burst of rage.
"Don't you dare!" You shouted, backing away as he advanced on you, and you bumped into the two men.
"Hold on, Guy--" The man in green tried to say, but Guy grabbed you by your waist. "A simple touch can accomplish all of this?" Guy asked, shocked, as fire exuded from his body, and you tried to wrench out of his grip.
"How dare you! I should go first." Toa retorted.
"Do. Not. Move." Guy ordered, ignoring Toa's protests as that force tried to weasel its way into your mind again. At first it took hold, and you stood still as a statue, as well as all the other men.
"I'm frozen!" The man in green said.
"All four of us at the same time? How is that possible?" Fenn asked.
"Her touch has amplified Guy's powers." Roy said.
"Your lips are mine and mine alone." Guy promised, leaning in closer. You felt more rage burst through your form, and as soon as he got close enough, with you trying to move and will your mind to escape this power, you felt the chain on your brain snap.
As soon as you realized you were able, you slapped him across the face. Everyone, who had been frozen before, were no longer under the spell due to your breaking it. But they still stood still as statues, jaws dropped as you moved out of Guy's grip and took off running once more, Salem still in your arms.
"That is quite enough." A man in an extravagant white cloak blocked your path, his hood covering his head and face.
"Headmaster," Toa called, still in the nonmagical trance you put on him by breaking out of a powerful spell and slapping Guy.
"Get away from her at once. That means every single one of you." The headmaster said an you took in a breath, trying to put some distance between yourself and this man encased in white.
"What do you want? Here to try to force me into submission, too? I promise you it will not work!" You growled, your tired voice brimming with fire.
"Poor dear. You need not look so petrified, you know." The headmaster said and you glared at him.
"Petrified?! No, sir, I am furious," You seethed, putting your cat down on the ground for a moment, "You're a headmaster, yes? These men are students?" You started and everyone watched with bated breath, "What kind of bullshit institution are you running, that your own students resort to acting like disgusting swine the moment they get the inclination of power?"
The headmaster stayed silent, listening to you, "Hey, woman--" Toa looked ready to stop you but the headmaster put up a hand to calm him, allowing you to continue.
"I am not an object. I will not be used as such. Not by any man. Magical or otherwise. Get your pigs under control." You spat and picked up your cat, ready to walk again, but the headmaster stopped you.
"Let me go." You warned, but he wordlessly raised his hand in command, and you felt something wrap around your neck. You touched it, feeling a chocker with a pendant hanging off it.
"That little bauble will be your salvation." He offered and you looked at him in confusion.
"No doubt, you are overwhelmed, having found yourself here of all places." You looked at him, a glare still present in your curious eyes, "This world is entirely unlike the place from whence you came. It is the magical realm." He explained.
"I beg your pardon?" You shot, your voice incredulous.
"The human world in which you live is divergent from our own."
You swallowed hard. "This is too much. I am in a phantasmagoric nightmare." You put your palm against your face, your voice sounding exasperated. "This is no nightmare." He said.
"Your very existence here will shake this world to its foundations. You, not only have the ability to give others power, but your own powers in themselves are stronger than anything this realm has seen." He clarified, raising his hand to perform some kind of spell.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, but you tried to fight it. This was no time to fall asleep. "Don't fight it, child. That strength of yours will be put to good use, if nurtured." He said and you continued to fight it, standing up on your own two feet.
Everyone watched you with bated breath, as your forehead began to collect with sweat. Your body was warming up from fighting against the magic, and having already fought and broken Guy's powerful spell, you were worn out.
Your vision began to tilt and you fell onto the ground, whole body slick with sweat, but your eyes were still open. "Very impressive, Ms. Y/n. But I must urge you to rest." The headmaster said and you shook your head. "No... No..." You could feel your consciousness slipping, and you desperately tried to get a grip on it, but it just became harder and harder, until you couldn't fight it anymore.
"You are a rare and wonderful creature. But until you learn to hone that incredible power you hold within you, you represent nothing but an evil omen to the magical realm." The way he said it made it sound like you had the ability to be the strongest villain their world had ever seen. As though if you weren't trained and given the right direction, you could reduce their world to nothingness, with your own two hands.
And everyone should be frightened.
You felt something wet touching your hand and your eyelids twitched a few times, slowly opening. "Salem..." You mumbled, opening your eyes.
"Good morning, milady." You heard a smooth, elegant voice call and you looked over, seeing Salem with wings and his mouth opening and closing.
You screamed, jumping and accidentally falling off the bed. "What the hell?!"
"Are you alright?" He asked, and you stared at him dumfounded. "You can talk!" You pointed out, shocked.
"I understand your surprise, having never been to the magical realm before, I'm as thrilled as you are!" Salem exclaimed. His voice kind of suited his pitch black appearance. It was a little bit deeper than you would have thought, but still fitting. He had a posh accent, too, and you were dumfounded.
"All will be well, milady. You have nothing to fear as long as I am with you." He nodded, assuredly puffing out his chest and naming himself your protector.
"Lord have mercy..." You huffed, desperately, wondering what would become of you, now that you realized this was no dream.
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lesserpane · 9 months
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Roy... 😄 at least he didn't say it out loud
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breykurenei · 5 months
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Roy's most rare expressions are shining in this event
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khrystinekhaos · 5 months
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fingerless-glovez · 2 years
Rio: I think Toa is mad at me.
Roy: What makes you think that?
Rio: *passes Roy the letter in his hand*
Roy: "Voleri, I hope this letter finds you before I do."
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This girl needs to prioritise better like, girl your dude was just about to leave the country and like stop being a prince… and you’re concerned about his jacket 😂
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norel-ravenclaw · 1 year
You can pick which consorts you want to do but can you do Court of Darkness headcanons on how they would deal with MC losing her memory? Like completely losing it, not like the event Lost But Not Forgotten
Please and thank you 🙏
Memory Loss
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Fandom: Court of Darkness (otome game)
Featured characters: Literally every major character I know of
Genre: Angsty Romance
Rating: sfw
Description: What if mc completely loses their memory?
WARNINGS: | angst | mxw | wxw | gender neutral |
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They’re devastated that you forgot them, but they can’t bring themself to risk your mental wellbeing by pushing. You’re afraid, confused, and they only seem to add to that. If you ever catch them staring at you, maybe… maybe they’ll try again.
Lynt, Lance, Knight, Dia, Grayson, King Gilbert, Dewi, Hawke, Kieran, Lunas
If there’s any way to keep you in their life, they’ll take it. They’ll go slow, be your friend. Help you with classes and take you to town. But they won’t let anyone tell you that you were in love before.
Jasper, Toa, Rio, Lou, Tino, Aquia, King Liam, King Aiden, King Klaus, Sherry, Malik
From the moment you wake up, they’re by your side. Study dates and real dates, flowers and letters. You may not remember them, but they won’t rest until you fall in love with them all over again.
Roy, Fenn, Guy, King Addis, King Louis-Ernest, King Roc, Violet, Sewan
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snowmortesimps · 2 years
How I imagine the concorts would react to MC(Snow) building a blanket fort in her room...
Guy: (Opens door and stops in the doorway)… Snow: (draping the last blanket over a chair) Oh! Allo Guy, what do you think? Guy: What in the Creator’s name is this? Snow: A fort… Guy: …Why are you like this?... (Walks away, shaking his head) Snow: (Throws small pillow at him) Fine! You weren’t invited anyway, party-pooper!
Toa: Snow, I…What are you doing? Snow: Building a fort! Can you clip that clothes pin on the sheet there for me? Toa: (Begrudgingly does so) You realize, I would hope, that this is little more than a construct of laundry? Snow: <_< No…it’s a fort…and I’m the Queen! Toa: Queen of the laundry pile? Snow: (Pouts and glares at him)  Toa: Please do be sure to clean this up… Snow: ……Yes, Sir…butthead…
Roy: Miss Snow…ah? What’s all this? Snow: (Pokes her head out from the ‘doorway’ of the fort) This is Fort Morte! How go’eth thee?! Roy: (Confused, but amused) In peace, preferably. Snow: Wonderful! I’d hate to have to declare war on such a handsome Prince. Roy: Shall we discuss treaties over tea, fair Lady of the fort? Snow: (Giggles and pulls back the blanket) We shall, indeed, good Sir!
Fenn: Oh my! What a charming little hideaway! Are you planning to use this to get cozy with me? Snow: Not the intended purpose, I assure you… Fenn: You wound me, Treasure…but if not for intimate acts of secluded passion, what is the reason for this? Snow: It’s my fort! And it’s a no hanky-panky stronghold… Fenn: How does the fair maiden of the fort feel about cuddles? Snow: (Deadpans and pins a sign on a blanket reading “No pervy Princes allowed” )
Rio: ‘Lo Snow!...Woah! What’s this, then? Snow: (Beaming) Rio! Do you like my fort? Rio: It’s amazing! Snow: I was hoping you’d think so. Want to come in? Rio: Absolutely! Hungry? Snow: (Squeals with joy) You brought snacks! Come in!....Watch your head! Lynt: (Yawns) This is a lovely place for a nap, Precious. Snow: I had other plans for this fort, but that does sound nice. Lynt: It’s a fort? Snow: Of course! Come inside, Lynt. It’s comfy! Lynt: Say no more. (Climbs inside) …Aren’t you coming?
Dia: … Snow: Oh, Dia! Allo. Have you come to try to invade Fort Morte? Dia: …This is a fort? Snow: Yes…do you want to check it out? Dia: … Snow: I have a grow-your-own-mushroom kit… Dia: Why didn’t you begin with that? (Enters fort) Snow: …He’s so cute…
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x-daedalus-x · 1 day
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Roy’s book 2 is out!!
@chirp-a-chirp I’m sure you’re as excited as I am~!
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atomsminecraft · 1 year
Roy: Alright students! If you had a spirit animal what would it be?
MC: I’d be a unicorn because nobody believes in me…
Roy: Very imaginative 😄👍
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Therapist Rizz
-In the Devildom:- Leviathan: I feel like my therapist is flirting with me. MC: And how does that make you feel? Leviathan: Pretty good, actually. MC: Yay! -In Twisted Wonderland:- Malleus: Are you Broca's aphasia? Because you leave me speechless. Yuu: All three levels of my psyche agree, we need to start dating. -In Saligia:- MC: I think I've just been classically conditioned by your beauty. Roy, a lil' flustered and proud: My, my. How the turns have tabled. -In Bound Arlyn:- Summoner, to Alpheratz: Baby, all i see in my Rorschach Tests is me and you!
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