#courier roz
ladyoriza · 2 months
every oc group has + love quiz
tagged by @adelaidedrubman for the uquiz, untagged for the oc meme and i don't even remember who i got it from. it's been A Past Two Weeks.
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(L-R unapplicable, Rosalyn Ashford (Skyrim), Samantha Toren (SCP, Outer Worlds), Roz Ashford (Fallout New Vegas). Isadora-Marie Toren DeSoto (Outer Worlds), Josephine Mendoza Ashford (Saints Row, Far Cry), Fauna Lamb-Seed (Far Cry), Hannah Lamb, PhD (Far Cry), Suze Ashford (Saints Row, Far Cry), Zoe Ashford (Oblivion), Sparrow Black (Fable 3), David Grahan (Fallout New Vegas)
Quizzes under the cut
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Love as a Choice You choose to love. Love does not come to you easily, but every day you wake up and choose it. It would be so easy, wouldn't it, to grow cold and callous and grim. But you rise to greet the world, making the conscious effort to find something, anything to love. When you fall for someone, you do not kid yourself of their flaws. Instead, you resolve to see them for who they are, mistakes and all and you love them all the same. Your love is work, and it does not come easy. Your love sweats and toils. It is calloused and sunburned; it bears scars and comes with stories. Your love is worn, but it is no less valuable for it. Being loved by you is like being loved by a gardener, a mother, a teacher. Your love may not always be the simplest, but it is worth the effort.
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Love as a Threshold Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
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Love as a Flaw Cowering, your love hides in the dark. In shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. Afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. When you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. Your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t want this. It’s a problem–– your problem ––and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. Get it out, just get it out now. You don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. Being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. It is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
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Love as Religion Devotion, that is the name of your love. Your love is an act of worship. Your love is like witnessing the birth of Venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. When you love, it is because you have found God in a lover. You have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. They are everything to you; they are your Maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. When you fall in love, it is as a baptism. You are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. Being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. It is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. You will never, ever bite back.
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microscotch · 2 years
“I arrived a bit late to this whole thing, but I honestly thought this bimbocast would be chill about it. Clearly I was wrong, literally the first thing this pile of wussies does is complain about the way I fly.”
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- “And you’re still alive, get over it.”
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“We’re waiting for this last chick to arrive, not knowing this girl was planning on committing murder by almost crashing HER LITERAL UFO into the house!”
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“Like, who on earth let that psycho onto the show, she’s a threat to society!”
-”I see the whole “earthlings are useless wimps” stereotype is true as well.”
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-”You’re insane!”
-”Bold words to direct at someone who almost killed you, now get out of my way, Leslie.”
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“So we’re all situated at the table waiting for our boss and in comes this dumpster fire on two legs. I was like “Come on, that can’t be the person running this show!” 
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-”Alright, I'll give it to you straight: I’m Toni and I’m your boss for the next few weeks. I want you to disgrace yourselves in front of these cameras and make me the wealthiest sim alive. You're gonna fill in my shitty bike courier job in the meantime and you BETTER do your job cause I'm gonna get in major trouble otherwise, so if I - uh - you get fired, you'll leave this rancid house. You'll also be off the show if you have a net negative relationship with all of your housemates. Got it?”
-”Roz, did you know that iguanas are cold-blooded animals, so their body temperature is reliant on the weather??”
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-”Um, Toni, were you high when you cast some of these freakshows?”
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-”Yes. Anyways, have fun making me rich!”
-”Oh yeah, so while we’re at that, how much are WE gonna get paid for this?”
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-”April what are you talking about, nobody here is gonna get any money.”
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-”We’re gonna get paid in fame and exposure.”
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“What person gets hired for a show WITHOUT getting paid? I’m just feeling so taken advantage of right now.”
-”Okay April it’s been two hours, people actually need to use this bathroom!”
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-”Hey Angie, I know we’re thinking the same thing, just letting you know that I didn’t get my nickname from nowhere, wink if you understand me. Angie??”
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“This bitch really thought she was gonna get paid to be on here, like, get a grip. Fortunately the whining stopped when the welcome wagon arrived ‘cause she became too busy going crazy over that one guy...”
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-”Hey cutie, your cardigan is really hot! ❤” 
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-“Oh thank you dear, do you know what’s also “hot”?? My fiancee’s ginger sister ❤.”
-”Getting my pride hurt twice today, alright, time to get drunk and blackout so hard I’ll forget this whole day ever happened!”
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-”Aww, don’t be upset, April! Your ass is far too detox tea ad material for you to be this sad!”
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-”I can’t be the only one thinking it’s completely sociopathic to cast someone nicknamed “The Slaughter” instead of arresting them, especially after nearly killing everyone upon arrival!”
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-”You legit climbed into the hot tub to tell me that?”
“I got this weirdo’s signals and look, I’m not at all opposed to hatefucking, but I don’t go below sevens. I don’t care how turned on you get by near-death experiences, Roz.”
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“Not to mention because that creep kept ranting to me, ABOUT me I didn’t have a minute left to change when the cab arrived to take us clubbing. Asshole.”
-”Hey Namzib, sorry we didn’t interrupt your makeout session with Roz sooner!”
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-”Yeah, yeah, shut up, Tik Tok edition of Edward Cullen.”
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One trip to the house and back to the club later..
-“Dude, will you get going? Other people want to use the vending machine too!”
-”Hello there, young folks, it’s a nice day today! :)”
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-“Just come back later when you’ve made up your mind, for Watcher’s sake!”
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“So while Roz was about to lose his mind I couldn’t help but notice how virtually everyone but him in this house really wants me.”
“The boys...”
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“The girls...”
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“But I was standing like right next to him and everything he cares about is throwing a fit because some old dude blocked the vending machine! It’s so messed up.”
-”I love the young people! :)”
-”Roz calm the hell down!!”
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“Roz is just being totally aggressive right now, he’s making everyone look terrible. I was just like, calm down. It’s not that big of a deal!”
-“Stawp it, this is literally our first day and you’re making all of us look horrible, we’re gonna get thrown out!”
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-”Be real, after what I’ve seen earlier today that guy was clearly your type and now you’re pissed at me!”
-‘You’re being ridiculous!”
-“Look! Over there is another old guy you can pester, now leave me alone!”
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-“Would you degenerate move it already?!”
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heartbeetz · 3 years
I absolutely love hearing about other people's OCs, and I completely 110% agree with giving Cygnus a monster form!! -tenderlittleyehaw
@tenderlittleyehaw This is definitely an unfinished/messy drawing (I'll finish it eventually) but your ask convinced me. Monster Cygnus monster Cygnus monster Cygnus!!
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They're a big swan dragon thing
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rozzywell · 3 years
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Azuref my beloved....
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seasideluvr · 2 years
10-20 for any or all OCs :3c
mix n match mix n match :)
12. Have they ever had their heart broken?
ROSALIND: she took it pretty rough when sephiroth died :( if not heartbroken, very nearly
13. Have they ever nearly died?
ANTIETAM: so many times. when they got captured by the legion as texas red, anytime they were in the divide but especially when they ran into two deathclaws at once, etc etc
17. Do they have any pets? If not, what would they get?
MARIA: she considers rex her guard dog! she spoils him because he's the best boy :)
19. Do they like to stargaze?
ANTIETAM: definitely. makes boring nights when they can't fall asleep easier by finding constellations their father taught them
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conquerorworm · 7 years
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my fallout kids!
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presstointeract · 7 years
this old chestnut. major arcana tarot assignments, some of which are more fitting than others
fool (all of them but then this would be a short list)
the magician = ‘the inventor’; arkwright
the high priestess = ‘the mage’; io
the heirophant = ‘the missionary’; stiffcollar (who has a real name but stiffcollar is sticking too well)
the lovers = ‘the lover’, kieran
the chariot = ‘the courier’; wyn
strength = asta
the hermit = ‘the pariah’; indmira
the wheel of fortune = ‘the thief of fortune’; tasmin
justice = ina
the hanged man = ‘the hanged woman’; lucy
death = delilah
the tower = myrrha (this one should have a better name but whatever)
the star = zaire
the moon = nameless
the sun = saffron
judgement = ‘the detective’; roz
the world = ‘the skald’; sakine
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ladyoriza · 1 month
and to swiftie on main again but. this is (imo) the best track on tortured poets in large part bc of Florence and of course she sounds 100000000x better live i am very glad i was watching a livestream today
(also she's really hitting that Val energy huh. reinforcing my choice to put this on her playlist)
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ladyoriza · 1 year
From "soulmate au but make it horror":
"Of course the shrink is your soulmate," Jacob laughed, which in Hannah’s concussed state sounded more like a bark, "Talk about signs from god." “Yes, yes, celebrations. How is this working with the Reaping? She’ll need to be cleansed, we need to properly introduce her- of all the times to find your soulmate it had to be tonight?”
From Hannah's proper timeline:
"So. This settles Jacob's debt to us. He has lost things he will miss, just like my friends. He will never be himself again, just like everyone else he's brainwashed. And I will leave him alive, because death settles nothing. And Joseph, while I truly wish I could see your face when you get here, I have other business to finish up. So remember that this is what happens when you fuck with my people." Suze reached over and picked the camera up, there was a brief shot of the room, the bloodied tools, the cases of nails for the nail gun.
and from way later in Roz's timeline:
“Ulysses, I….” She held his face in her hands, and sighed, “I love you, okay? I come here to see you because I love you. I ask you to come back with me because I love you, and the thought that this might be the last time I see you is making me sick.” There was no point fighting the tears, he'd seen her in all states. “I meant everything I said. I know you think I was rambling, but I meant every word of it. It's not home. Not without you.” She dropped her hands to rest on his shoulders, “I don't feel crazy when I'm with you. I'm not afraid of being sick when I'm with you. I know I'll die if I stay here, but it's going to kill me to leave.”
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ladyoriza · 1 year
OC ship tarot motif
saw @g0dspeeed do this uquiz and immediately had to do it
tagging everyone who reads this post
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Hannah Lamb and Joseph Seed
the devil + the emperor there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise.
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Fauna Lamb-Seed and Carmina Rye
knight of pentacles + the magician if there's something you want, you will GET IT. nothing escapes your fingertips. after all, you're the power couple. your pairing sparks pure cosmic energy. you're fiercely driven to your goals - whether that be status, fortune, or power. you're also fiercely protective of one another. with the knight's earthy energy, you both prefer to purposefully make your way towards your ambitions, rather than playing cards too early or acting too loosely. meanwhile, the magician's half makes gives you a little fire. if they get too close, onlookers and threats to your relationship may get burned.
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Roz and Ulysses
ace of cups + ten of cups your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did.
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Samantha Toren and Max DeSoto
the tower + the lovers meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards.
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ladyoriza · 1 year
“You’ll punch right through their giant helmet, we’ll take out the rest of the leaders. Without them, the lower ranks will scatter. Some might even surrender, if they weren’t born into it,” Val explained, as Roz watched the convoy approach in the distance, “On my whistle, you shoot.” Roz nodded, “It looks like it’s mostly slaves, and whatever else they could take,” The brahmin didn’t seem to be carrying too much more than they were used to, so either they’d been traveling for a while, or there wasn’t much left to take. “They’ll be here soon, get ready.” Val reached over and squeezed her hand, “I know you’ll aim true, you always have.” Then she stood, and made her way over to the other ambush spot with the rest of their sisters.
from the next chapter in IBDOYG, which is in fact being worked on- Roz's first combat experience with the Legion and one of the many, many rescue missions she went on
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ladyoriza · 1 year
oc + ship themes
cause i feel like it. gonna be loooong (and this isn't even everybody) so have a cut:
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(and Ethan)
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Garth and Sparrow: Hozier - Work Song (was is ever anything else lmao)
Sam and Max: Hozier - De Selby (Part 2)
Roz and Ulysses: Vance Joy - Missing Piece
Suze and Johnny and Aisha: Alt-J - Tessellate
Fauna and Carmina: The Daughters of Eve - Hey Lover
Hannah and Joseph: Sofia Isella - Hot Gum
Hannah and Staci: Vance Joy - I'm With You
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ladyoriza · 1 year
@josephseedismyfather tagged me in this uquiz yesterday and now I am home and can do it! i think most everyone's gotten to this one but if you haven't, reading this counts as being tagged.
What Color Does Your Love Feel Like?
Fauna Lamb-Seed and Carmina Rye soft fresh green Nice breeze, bare feet and freshly cut grass. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's protecting your eyes from the sun but enjoying the light rays still, it's laying on the grass and feeling it tickle your neck. You look to the side and they look back at you, full of hope and plans too. You plan together and laugh all day and your sunburn will feel like them. Your love is delicate, hesitant. A well curated binder full of collages for a future you can't be sure will come, but you keep going, you keep planning, you keep squinting at the sun and smiling, and running your hands through the grass so it will smell better. You keep holding onto the bright sky even as the sunsets, even as the starry night stares back. But you keep on holding, you keep on dreaming, you close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin and convince yourself that the sunburn is good, it's something to hold on to, just makes it linger a bit longer. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's sweet and wonderful and it keeps love alive, makes the world a better place. You run your hands through the grass, clench your fingers tighter and keep making plans. And I can only thank you and hope I can learn to love like you someday.
Hannah Lamb and Staci Pratt warm burnt orange Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
Hannah Lamb and Joseph Seed deep staining red Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
Samantha Toren and Max DeSoto dark stormy blue Sinking ships, raging seas and tumultuous hearts, love isn't easy for you. It's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? Can I? Do I? Feelings are hard and they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. Your heart screams and cries inside you and you... You can't, you won't. You're scared. And love is scary, it's hard and sometimes it just doesn't work out. People leave, people hurt, people change their minds. And you and your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed and able to simply not feel. And yet, you do. It rages, it fights and storms inside you and you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. It's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. So you snuff it down with water, cold and calming and blue, blue, blue. But being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. It's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down bellow the waves and become one with the water, with everything. It's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. You're the good and the bad, the violence of the storm and the watery peace right after. You're the blue, blue feeling and loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one will hear and burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. Your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast and deep and all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss and yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you.
Roz Ashford and Ulysses bright sunny yellow Sweet tasting popsicles, summer dresses and shielding your eyes from the sun. Your love is the excitement of something brewing, something growing. It's the almost childish bubbling giggles of something new, but with the potential to stay. It's wide smiles, blinding sunny light and warm bodies that gravitate to one another. It's the the softness, the willingness, the slight holding of breaths in a crucial "what if" moment. It's the impatience too. The bouncing on tiptoes to see further than your eyes can reach, the holding out for a future that never seems to come even though you're ready, you're so so so ready. It's the constant feeling of warm sand beneath your feet, holding out for the crashing waves. And still you wait, dry and impatient and with burnt soles of feet. Your love is sour candy, enjoying it as your nose scrunches up from the aftertaste of it. It's hands that grab and take hold, that reach and ask them to stay and hope and beg and wait. It's bubbling excitement sure, but it's also demanding, focused, driven. It's love like a plan, with a path and route and a clear destination. And you bonce on your tiptoes, and burning, waiting for the soothing water, the crashing waves, you hold onto the melting popsicle, you wait and wait and wait. It's tiring almost as much as it's lazer focused ambition, deeply rooted desire and the unrelenting hope that it will work, that it will come. And it does, I promise it does. The waves crash, the beach floods and the pain passes, the water cool and soothing and you can let yourself fall in, sinking, sinking. And it's good, it's perfect, what you were hoping and more, holding and embracing you and welcoming you into the stillness you always knew you were reaching for.
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ladyoriza · 2 years
Benny: Hey good morning baby. I drank the last of your coffee. And you're out of eggs. Also one of my guys found Vulpes.
Roz: who let you into my house???
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ladyoriza · 2 years
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tfw your father sucks shit so you join the frumentarii at the ripe old age of 14 so you can travel north and call your grandma to come kick his ass
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ladyoriza · 2 years
Oh fun fact I actually do have a legionary OC I just don't do anything with him???
He comes from The Worst Timeline in which Roz is taken and sold off to Joshua when she's still a teenager and she gives him absolute hell, and a son.
David, son of Joshua. Looks like his father, with his mother's hair. Unendingly loyal to his Mother, he joins the Frumentarii with the single goal of heading northeast to rally his family in the Sisterhood to free her. I think if I ever did a Legion playthrough I'd play as him, but it's such a different story I don't think it would work.
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