#cause val would be proud either way even though she REALLY wanted to kill him herself
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ladyoriza · 6 months ago
i need help
relevant Lore under the cut
ie the basis of Roz's faction, the Sisters of Oriza/the goddess she worships
In the most famous story that is told of Lady Oriza, she was a young noblewoman who inherited a Barony by the River Send after the murder of her father, Lord Grenfall, by an outlaw prince known as Gray Dick. After consolidating her power, she made it known to Dick that she had accepted the forgiving doctrine of the Man Jesus, and as a peace offering invited him to a great banquet at her castle Waydon. Naturally, Gray Dick initially found this suggestion to be laughable, and told her so. However, he was eventually swayed by her assurances that only Lady Oriza and Gray Dick would be in attendance, that Oriza's men would not be waiting to attack and that Dick's men were welcome to search the dining hall for weapons as a precaution. As a further precaution, Lady Oriza specified that during the banquet she would be naked in order to demonstrate her lack of any concealed weaponry, as also would be Gray Dick himself. This last appealed to Dick, as Lady Oriza was beautiful and athletic, and his confidence was running high after killing Lord Grenfall. He saw the chance for a strategic alliance, or even marriage, and his baser instincts simply relished the idea of watching her naked. So the event went ahead as planned. Oriza's men retired from Waydon, while Dick's men completed their sweep and found no blades, guns, spears, bows or bahs. And thus the banquet began, with the handsome outlaw prince at one end of the table and the fair noblewoman at the other. Here the accounts of the tale diverge, with some narrators describing just two courses, while others - those who are confident of their ability to hold their audience - relating as many as ten, each stage concluded by a mutual toast by Oriza and Dick to a lasting peace and/or each other's beauty. What Dick didn't know, or had been blinded to by his vanity, was that despite all of her appearances Oriza was not in the least in a forgiving mood, and in fact was only barely managing to conceal her boiling hatred for Dick, his lack of remorse and his uncouth table manners. At the completion of the final course, when she could bear it no longer, she stood up, still naked, grabbed the nearest plate - which had been secretly weighted and given a sharp edge - and hurled it thirty feet across the room with an arm honed by weeks of practice. As Grey Dick's headless corpse fell to the ground, Lady Oriza made the evening's final toast; "May your first day in hell last ten thousand years, and may that one be the shortest."
The above tale provides an origin story for the Oriza throwing plate, an intentional weapon designed to cause decapitation rather than an everyday object improvised for violent means. It is the primary weapon of the Sisters of Oriza, a matriarchal society whose stated purpose is to honour the memory of Lady Oriza.
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llamagoddessofficial · 11 months ago
I am already in love with the idea of Eclipse, and I am quite intrigued by the fact that it doesn’t respond at all to being called Nightmare. Is this because it is controlled a little more by Dream? Or is there another reason for it?
Also, are there other facts about him we may hear, pretty please?
OF COURSE you may hear more facts, dear Val. I've pondered up a few more things.
It uses he, they and it pronouns.
It seems very elegant and godlike. A combination of its intimidating stature, its overpowering aura, and how silent it can be when it chooses. It's eyelights can feel like they're nailing you to the ground.
When it's with someone it wants to talk to... say, a friend or lover... it's actually kinda silly?
It likes harmless pranks, it loves bad jokes. Its humour can be borderline childish - as if someone in there is trying to relive something. It adores anyone who engages with its antics, even a little, and telling it a joke of your own is a surefire way to draw its attention.
It likes animals and food, art and music, it has a fondness for gardening. Particularly trees.
Cats absolutely adore it, no matter the universe.
When it's feeling a particularly strong feeling, strange almost imperceptible shimmers of deep ruby red colour will start emanating from it. Like solar prominences.
It likes to stare. A lot.
... Though it knows it shouldn't, sometimes it uses its total knowledge of the emotions of others to say incredibly specific, deep cutting things out of nowhere. After an hour of silence, it looks right at you and says "i think she would be very proud of you."
No one's really sure if it's its own new entity, or a combination of Dream and Nightmare. Perhaps something in the middle. It doesn't seem to bear any ill will toward anyone the brothers disliked - though it definitely retains their old attachments, frequently following around people either one found important.
Despite how calm it looks, it possesses a deep and frightening protectiveness of those important to it. Its loved ones should never be in danger, not even for a moment. If it senses a desire to cause harm to anyone it loves, it doesn't hesitate to kill.
The reason it doesn't respond to Nightmare is unknown. Nightmare is very clearly in there, in the mannerisms and voice, in the interests and faint blue shimmer when its magic is observed from the right angle.
Perhaps he's enjoying finally resting, after all this time?
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fleecal · 6 years ago
5/22- AU Day
I mention gun, murder, mental hospital and blood in this. Nothing graphic, but just a warning.
Dr. Valentine Iplier fumbled with his keys as he opened the door of his new apartment. He recently got a new job and luckily found a really nice apartment for a really low price not too far away. As of today, he was finally moved into his new home and ready to start living in it. He walked over to the couch and promptly collapsed onto it. He closed his eyes, dozing slightly when he heard a voice, clear as day, whisper “He is awake but too afraid to open his eyes.” Val sat bolt upright and looked around. He swore he heard a voice, but obviously, there was no one else in the apartment. Must have been a TV in another or something like that. Just the same, he did not close his eyes again.
That night, Val had a strange dream of a beautiful young man, sitting over a typewriter in a dark room. He looked tired, his amber eyes were dull and unfocused, his dark shirt and hair were damp with sweat. He was typing furiously, muttering to himself. Every so often he would rip a yellowed page from the typewriter and throw it to his left, where it would disappear into the darkness of the room. Val tried to hear what the man was muttering but all he caught was the word “End” before he woke up suddenly in his new bedroom.
He got out of bed and opened the window to get some fresh air into the room. He had never seen that man before in his life. But, in a strange way, he was familiar. His voice was familiar.
Things went on like that for a while. A few more times, he’d hear things. Sometimes snippets of words or sentences like something out of a novel. “The deceptive clutch of a mirage.” “The deep blue darkness around him.” “One last panicked look around his dreaded entrapment.” It just became part of Val’s daily life and he didn’t really think anything of it. Probably someone on the street outside. People in other apartments. His own mind conjuring words. Nothing to worry about, he'd tell himself. On days he heard things, that night he would dream about the man at the typewriter; watching him type and mumble. It never occurred to Val that the two could be connected. Just some weird dreams.
That is, until one night, a few months after he’d moved in, Val was reading before bed when he swore he heard a gunshot rip through the silence of the night. He over dashed to the window to see what had happened. The street was deserted other than some evening cyclists and pedestrians. Nothing abnormal. Maybe someone was setting off fireworks, he told himself, and he just didn’t see them. But he knew in the back of his mind that wasn’t what had happened. It had almost sounded like… like it was in the apartment. Heart still pounding, he turned off his bedside lamp and lay down.
He didn’t expect himself to be able to sleep that night, but eventually, he found himself in the dark room again. But this time it was different. It was like he was actually in the room. It all felt so much more real than all the times before. He walked over to the man at the typewriter. Val could see dark, sunken bags under the man’s eyes and blisters on the man’s fingers. Val looked at his page. The words were so clear. The story was about a man named Icarus Yoon, a writer living in an apartment. He was a bestselling author but his books used the likeness of some of his neighbours without their permission so he wasn’t very well liked. One day, one of the neighbours confronted Icarus in his own apartment about the books. While Icarus was hashing it out with the neighbour, Icarus was shot from behind by another disgruntled neighbour who had entered the apartment unnoticed. Icarus lay on the floor, bleeding out for what felt like hours. Every time the man got to the part where Icarus should have died from his injuries, he would rip the page from the typewriter and start over, muttering things like “No, no. That’s not right. Almost done. How does it end? Needs to be perfect. How does it end?” Val watched the man continue to work until suddenly, he looked up, straight at Val and said in a clear but tired voice. “Help me.” Val was about to ask how he could help when he woke up.
That morning, when Val went down to get his mail, he saw his neighbours William and Dominique Doom chatting by the mailbox. He greeted them tiredly, fishing out his key and opening his box. “Morning.” He said. Dominique nodded to the doctor, their expression as unreadable as ever but Will gave Val a wide grin. Sometimes Val wondered how two people who were so different could tolerate each other, let alone be married for almost seven years as Will liked to tell anyone who would listen.
“Good morning, chap! Late night at the hospital?” Will asked in a sing-song voice. Val shook his head.
“Had a really weird dream last night about a guy at a typewriter.” The doctor responded, looking through the letters he had pulled from his mailbox. Spam. Spam. Spam.
“Maybe it was the ghost of the man who got murdered in your apartment.” Will joked, causing Val to nearly drop the mail he was holding and look at the talk show host with wide eyes. Dominique elbowed their husband in the side.
“Will. Don’t scare him.” They warned, but Val shook his head.
“Wait, someone was murdered in my apartment? Can you tell me more about that?”
“Didn’t they tell you when you bought the place? Well,” Will began, as Dominique rolled their eyes and muttered something about going back upstairs and locking Will out, before leaving. “The man was a bit of a, shall we say, recluse. Not the nicest person either. Mostly kept to himself. Then, a year ago, he was having a dispute with a couple of neighbours when another man who lived here shot him in the back. I was home at the time, heard the gunshot and called the police but it was already too late. Poor guy. Least it was quick. Dominique and I live on the floor below you, so we didn’t know the people very well, but I think the one who shot him plead insanity and is in a hospital. The other neighbour moved out real quick after that.” Will finished, looking thoughtful, almost sad. Val tried to take in all the information he had just been given. That story seemed to match the one he’d read in the dream.
“What was the guy’s name?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Well, from what I know his real name was Hanuel, but he started going by Icarus when he emigrated from Korea. Kind of ironic in hindsight.”
“Thank you very much, Will. This gives me a lot to think about.” He said, closing his mailbox roughly and hurrying back to his apartment without another word.
That night, when Val went to bed, he knew he was ready. After the conversation with Will, he had gone back to his own apartment and spent most of the day doing research about the murder of Icarus Yoon. Will was right. He was a best-selling thriller author, who had emigrated to the states from Korea when he was five. When he was 25, about a year ago, he was shot and killed in his own apartment by a neighbour who mistook the yelling for Icarus attacking another neighbour. Paramedics tried their best to save him, but it was too late and Icarus was pronounced dead on the scene. He left behind only his mother. From what Val could tell, he didn’t even have any close friends. There was a picture of Icarus too, probably from the about the author section from his books. It was the same man Val saw in his dreams, though he looked less exhausted in the photo. The articles talked about his death like it was a great loss to the world of literature but Val just felt sad for his mother, who had to bury her son. As he drifted off to sleep, Val knew what he had to do and how.
Then he was in the dark room. For the first time, Val looked around and realized this was his living room, just unnaturally dark. He walked over to the man at the typewriter, whom he now knew as Icarus, and for the first time, Val noticed that his shirt wasn’t just damp with sweat but also with blood from a hole just below Icarus’s left ribs. He was typing away on his typewriter and muttering to himself, as always. Valentine took a deep breath before he spoke. “I know who you are, Icarus, and I want to help you.” Icarus did not respond, continuing to type and type and type, muttering to himself the same things.  That’s when it occurred to Val, among other things, Icarus kept asking how it ended. He didn’t know how the story ended because he was dead. Gently, Val put his hand on Icarus’s shoulder and began telling him the ending. “Icarus sadly passed away on the floor his apartment as the paramedics tried but were unable to save him. He was pronounced him dead at the scene. The man who shot him plead insanity and is currently in a hospital receiving treatment.”
“And?” Icarus didn’t look up from typewriter. Val frowned. What more could he want? That was the end. The end of the story he died. Wait.  No. That wasn’t the end.
“A year later, a young doctor named Valentine Iplier moved into the apartment. He realized Icarus was still trapped there and looked into Icarus’s demise, figured out Icarus’s unfinished business and helped the writer finish his story so he could move on and finally be at peace.” Icarus smiled as he typed down the last words before giving a satisfied
“The End.” He took the paper out of the typewriter, but instead of throwing it, he placed the page on the desk before standing up to face Val. “Thank you, Valentine.” He sighed. Then Icarus gave him a kiss on the cheek and Val woke up in his bedroom, the morning light streaming in through the blind. He had crossed over. Val could feel it. Icarus was at peace.
Valentine didn’t hear things in the apartment or dream of Icarus anymore after that, as he suspected he wouldn’t. In a small way, he missed Icarus but he was happy he was finally able to rest.
A week later, Ji-Min Yoon was visiting her son’s grave when she found fresh flowers already resting in front of the headstone; white poppies. She smiled.
[Note: White Poppies represent Consolation, dreams, modern, peace]
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justgotawesome · 6 years ago
I really need to just write down my thoughts on things so this is a warning that below here I will be talking about things from the entire film. Actually wrote most of this yesterday but felt the need to see it another time in case feelings change. So if you haven’t been stupidly given it early like me (wtf Universal) please don’t read this. Okay here we go with SPOILERS ABOUT MANY THINGS
(this first bit turned out to be a long rant, didn’t realize I had as big an issue with the film until I actually began writing hahah) And again this is all just my opinion.
First off, I’m just gonna say this - I don’t think either sequel was a necessary one. The first film doesn’t warrant any continuation beyond wanting to be back in the world with the characters again. And then the 2nd film does that, but with a story that they made worthy of telling. The 3rd did not. Because again the 2nd film doesn’t warrant a sequel in the slightest either. Like that could have been it, same with the first, but it feels like they just wanted to have all the dragons leave. You know? Like they wanted that moment to happen and so they did a 3rd film. HTTYD2 doesn’t feel like they had one specific thing in mind and made a whole film for it, it feels like they came up with a bunch of ideas (time gap definitely helped) and kept rolling with them while adding more making a movie that feels natural and gives the story another chapter very different and unique but just as grand as the first. 3rd film feels like they had the one idea and then simply had to come up with other things so that one thing could happen, therefore making the other things not feel natural at all and instead forced. And honestly I don’t care for that one thing, it felt forced and unnatural too. All the dragons leaving just because it’s safer for them. The other films do show a world unsafe for dragons, but not by the end of each one. I mean if they had hinted at this more in the 2nd film it would have worked better in the 3rd, but the 2nd film was just all Drago, and at the end I personally didn’t think a single dragon was still “unsafe” in the above world. And at the end of this movie, the other bad guys that show up died! So what’s unsafe again? Each film ends with safety, why’d they still leave? Like I get it was more of “you’ll most likely never be safe staying with us.” but fuuck that. That whole moment was really weak storytelling.
I mean everything they did to get there was just too obvious, more convenient bad guys, Toothless finding a mate and having a “reason” to leave, a hidden world that Stoick was “obsessed” with but was never spoken about or mentioned in any other way before. Also why didn’t Toothless kill Grimmel immediately on that cliff? That was an odd moment considering everything that’s happened and was happening.
I feel awkward having used the word perfect before, I think I was just riding the emotions I felt during the final scene. I mean I doubt I’ll ever think any film is perfect, but my love for them definitely is. So despite all the main plots of this feeling unnatural, the supporting characters were sometimes true to themselves from and I love them so fucking much it hurts. So my love for them is perfect, despite the film not being so at all. Side-note, what was with that one weird fade in after the first “I’m with him, who else?!” to them flying away? It looked terrible, a simple cut would have been much nicer.
Anyway moving on.
Really wish there had been a third Stoick memory, like after the dragons leave and before the wedding, not exactly sure what he would be saying but I needed one more, maybe something with him and Val while she was pregnant to do with family Idk. And I hope they didn’t cut anything, if they cut a single second of Stoick I’m gonna be really upset. Gods Stoick not being there with Hiccup was painful throughout. And I’m gonna say this, so don’t hate me because we’re all going to be thinking it forever - Stoick never got to hug his grandkids. He never got to know them and love them and grow old with Val and be so proud of his son and daughter-in-law and all that they do. That fucking breaks my heart more than anything.
Glad Snotlout, Fishlegs, Tuff & Ruff got plenty of moments, even if all they had were comedic arcs again. There was just so much of them though, I loved that! Sure they did stupid things that didn’t make sense to further the plot, but whatever. All their armor was dope too. A little thing about Eret however, while he was there plenty, during the big fight at the end we saw no action from him? There must have been a cut moment, like he shows up and we don’t see him fight with anyone. Unless it was a bit into the background, there is one shot where he might be to the right but I missed it again. But still that was odd.
And the new dragon, really surprised it turned out to simply be a female Night Fury. I assumed it was a subspecies that was connected enough and therefore still able to mate with Toothless but nope so like why does she not look like him? There has never been a case of a dragon’s gender causing them to look so different. But then their kids are a mix between the two so wtf? And not gonna lie, it does seem like they wanted to make her more feminine. I mean again, I assumed it was a subspecies so both genders looked like that, but nope. Just a female NF. I don’t know, it’s weird, right? And why does Grimmel not care for her as much as Toothless, she’s another NIGHT FURY. Like he goes “not possible” to hearing about Toothless but seeing her he’s not all “WTF ANOTHER ONE? HOW????” that was weird too. EDIT: I’ve apparently learned it is a subspecies, weird that I assumed that going in, but coming out and from what the film told me I thought I was wrong. Grimmel says “A female...”, like what else is that supposed to mean? Oh well hahah. Design makes sense at least.
Speaking of Grimmel though, at first he seems like a completely different person and it was interesting but then really he’s pretty much just a Drago 2.0. Like it could’ve just been Drago again, he did HAVE a Night Fury cloak in the 2nd film so him having hunted them all to extinction would add up. Really interested to know what his actual arc in this movie was gonna be.
But still so many good little moments in the film, like gods they dress the sheep up like little dragons it was so adorable! And how much they built on Berk in merely a year, I don’t buy it haha. Something doesn’t add up there but whatever that place looked amazing. Oh and that Crimson Goregutter, what an awesome dragon that dude was.
Oh and I also have to mention the moment at the end where Toothless jumps onto the boat. It really bugs me. I understand completely he wouldn’t immediately recognize Hiccup (what with the beard and whatnot haha) but having it go on for SOOOOOO long and Astrid cowering and trying to make us, the viewer, uncertain, really fucking belittled their bond with one another. Like it’s been under a decade, if he was an old man, it would work, completely, but he just has a beard and kids what is the difference here? As if they’re telling us Toothless would that easily forget him, pfft. I at first thought he was messing with Hiccup but then it’s his hand that makes Toothless remember or something. That was a weird choice to make. (sigh) But then they fly together and that first shot of Hiccup’s hair blowing in the wind made me feel how I felt during the end of the last two and it was perfect for doing that.
To sum it up, I find that despite HTTYD’s proper ending to the story HTTYD2 was a great extra chapter in so many ways and that it also had a proper ending making HTTYD3 not really a story that needed to be told or worthy of it, aside from being back in the world with the characters again. Like everything that didn’t have to do with the main story was pretty good. Just seemed like all they had was the dragons leaving and so the whole movie conveniently pushes towards that but still having it not make any sense at all. Like nothing the main characters or story did made sense. I mean at the end, bad guys died, island’s more remote and safer, maybe just stop bringing back every dragon you free? I recently read an article with Jay and he said about the emotional stuff “not sad for the sake of sad” but that’s exactly what this film’s sadness at the end seemed to be, unlike the first two. Still, really happy it wasn’t a permanent thing considering how unnatural it was and that it didn’t end with Hiccup saying those final words to his grandkids or something.
But no matter how many flaws I have with it, I do love this series with all of my heart and I’m never gonna stop caring about these characters as deeply as I do. And the first two films are so beautiful in so many ways, I truly wish we could stay in that world forever because it really is a perfect one. But alas.
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chase-stephens · 4 years ago
Seating Area - Jonah
Chase: Chase ditched Jeremy pretty quickly, "Hey Jonah, how's it going?" he asked sitting down next to his friend. "Way to go with Devyn by the way, she looks great" he said, proud of his buddy for such an incredible pull.
Jonah: Jonah smiled at Chase once he saw him sit down at the table. He had been meaning to catch up with him but for some reason he still hadn't. He missed his bud. "Hey, man. Things are getting better. How are you?" he asked, nodding his head. "Y-Yeah, she does." he told his friend, suddenly getting a little flustered. "Honestly I'm still kind of shocked about it all. I wouldn't have expected someone like her to be interested in me. Like at all."
Chase: "Things are going well, here with Gabrielle and kinda got all my ducks in a row" he said with a smile. He wasn't sure if he'd even told Jonah yet, he couldn't remember. "Finally got over your fear of female cheerleaders I see" teased Chase, "but you guys seem like a really good fit. I'm a big fan" said the boy. He was really proud of his buddy, and he did like the whole drama of it being his brother's ex. It was basically a telenovela.
Jonah: "That's great. I'm happy for you two." he said sincerely. Jonah knew Chase and Gabrielle were pretty much guaranteed to get back together, he could tell how much his friend liked Gabrielle. "How long has it been now for you two?" he asked, not really sure when they actually got back together. "Shut up." Jonah hit Chase's arm lightly, "Don't tell her about that. That's lame." he mumbled the last statement. "Thanks, things seem to be going good right now. I'm hoping not to mess things up with her." he nodded his head. "Speaking of messing things up, I haven't heard any drama involving you in a while. I'm sure that's killing you. Are you okay?"
Chase: "Overarching? We've been dating since the end of 8th grade, but we've been officially together for about a month now? She wanted to keep it quiet, but I know for you it's been obvious with the fact I keep dipping on games early" said Chase, knowing he didn't really need to explain to Jonah. "Oh don't explain to the hot senior cheerleader that you're dating that you're specifically afraid of hot senior cheerleaders? That's a tough ask" teased the boy, giving his friend a nudge, "You don't have to worry, for the first time in history I am going to keep my mouth shut" he added. "I mean, drama involving me is not a hot commodity. I've just been waiting for Chanel to do something wild, I voted for her for homecoming queen. I hope she wins and it pisses someone off".
Jonah: "Don't worry, I won't say anything. I mean I just assumed you wimped out cause you kinda suck at the games we've been playing." Jonah said as a joke. Chase was good at video games. "But it was also pretty obvious cause you talk about her all the time." he teased his friend. Jonah hit Chase's arm again, feeling his face get warm. "Dude I'm not dating her." he shook his head. "Wow, I'm forever in your debt." he said before shaking his head quickly. "No no, never mind. I don't want you using that against me later on. I am not in your debt." Jonah let out a sigh after Chanel was brought up, "See she's a cheerleader that I'm very much scared of." he stated. Jonah always made sure to avoid Chanel. She was dangerous. "I voted for Devyn, which I guess is pretty obvious." he nodded. "But are you talking about Valerie? I saw a little bit of their fight at that last big party but I left real quick. They're... definitely something."
Chase: "Ha ha, very funny" said Chase hitting him back, "I'll whoop your ass next time, see how you like it". Chase and Jonah were pretty even in the video game department, it was always pretty close. "Fine, you are free of your debt. Which you can totally pay me back for freeing you of said debt. Just like a debt for being out of debt with me" joked Chase. He was happy that his friend was clearly whipped by this girl, they really did live in simp nation. "Yeah man, all of that is crazy. Wren's a moron for keeping both of them around" Chase added. 
Jonah: "Oh suuuure, I haven't played too much in the past few weeks but I'm sure you haven't gotten that much better." Jonah said jokingly. He looked at Chase with a blank stare as his friend went on and on about not being in debt... but then also meaning he was in debt? If there was something the two shared in common, it was there ability to ramble. Jonah was usually the quiet friend but a nervous Jonah could really ramble. "Dude I just got a headache hearing that." he chuckled under his breath. "I'm surprised he hasn't blown up on either one of them. Like I know he's a relaxed guy but they really put him through it. You think they'll go at it again tonight?" 
Chase: "I gave myself a headache too" said Chase with a laugh. He was a little tipsy. "Knowing Chanel ... absolutely" he replied with a smile. Chase was really looking forward to whatever shenanigans the night had to offer.
Jonah: Jonah had secretly hoped no one would fight. He just wanted everyone to have a good time tonight. "So how's Gabrielle and Chanel? I know they don't exactly mix well together." he asked. There seemed to be a common theme with Chanel and her friend's girlfriends. "Does she ever get pissed off that you're friends with Chanel?"
Chase: "Like oil and water. It's never pretty" said Chase with a shrug. "Almost all the time, it's kind of the worst. I wish they would just get along, but honestly I am not going to push them. They'll find something someday to get mad about together. I'm just glad she's not Val, Chanel will never come around on that. To be fair though, Gabrielle has a problem with Chanel not the other way around ... so it's kind of on Gabrielle to just get to know her if she wants to. But, again, I am not going to push it. She never liked my cheer friends in Long Island either" Chase explained. 
Jonah: "That's rough buddy. But I get you, you don't wanna get in the middle of things. I would know. Not pretty." Jonah said, trying to laugh it off. Things were going well for him so brining up the whole situation didn't seem so bad, especially when he was talking to Chase about it. "Hopefully they'll come around and be cool with each other some day."
Chase: "That's the hope" said Chase as Gabrielle came up and was upset and grabbing keys. "Duty calls" he said as all of that started. 
Jonah: Jonah could tell Gabrielle was upset as she walked by. "Good luck." he said, raising his brows as he watched his friend leave. 
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ashleypotter8230 · 8 years ago
I want to talk about Riverdale but there's none to talk too without spoiling things so I'm going to vent here. I have like 2 followers anyway, hey Gia and Sarrah Haha. 1. Jughead's and Betty's relationship is so beautiful because they make each other stronger and Jughead being there for Betty, helping her through her INSANE family couldn't mean more. 2. Cheryl has so many demons. One second she's a kind peach and the next she's a psychotic bimbo. I did not like her at first, I mean who could. She called Jughead a HOBO IN THIS EPISODE! I already don't like her but that just added to it. Anyway I do feel bad for her because she must be going insane with everything that's going on with her. She must feel lost and alone. She has no close friends. She didn't force her way into Archie's life in this episode. She must be falling apart. But she really does need someone to keep her sane, like Jason did before he died. About Jason, this murder of her brother must have messed her up even more. Jason kept her sane, they were twins too so that must be a even harder blow. I don't completely dislike Cheryl, she just needs some help. But I am afraid what she is capable of. 3. I love Val. She is such a underrated character. I wasn't a huge fan of Val and Archie's relationship in the first place, so I honestly wasn't surprised when they broke up. Like they dated for like 2 episodes. What was the point of that haha, wish they could have just been friends. 4. Veronica is such a strong and confident character. Getting a bigger taste of her past in this episode really showed you how she changed. When she started to break down and cry, I almost started crying. To see such a strong character be a human like me is crazy to me for some reason. She has the confidence like I want. It's unfair that her dads mistakes became her problem. 5. Hermione Lodge, Veronica's mom, has to deal with so much crap that her prisoned husband caused. She doesn't deserve it. Before she was doing what she thought was gonna help her husband and family. She isn't perfect. But I don't blame her. Her husband has caused SO much pain to so many people and is even ruining Veronica's reputation. She should see that as a sign to get out. 6. Archie is the biggest flirt I know. If we're being honest he is a VERY annoying character. Now I'm not saying I don't like him. He is a great guy and so caring to his father, like Archie would take a bullet for his dad, no doubt. I also don't blame him at all for not liking Betty in the beginning of the season, he can't force feelings. I just hate that he can't make decisions on his own. He always makes decisions that end him up in tricky situations. I just wish he was a bit smarter when thinking. Like Mrs. Grundy, come on now Archie what was that?!? Also the fact it's only been 9 episodes and he kissed 4 girls annoys me. But Archie is like that in the comics. Archie is a great guy though who never wants to hurt anyone and wants to make everyone happy when it just isn't possible. In that way he reminds me of myself. 7. Every episode makes me love Betty even more. She is so concerned about her sister that it drives her crazy. While she was going through her own problems she was still right there to comfort Veronica. But I'm ready to get a glimpse of Betty's dark side. I know that girl is depressed and has some type of mental health issues because you can tell she bottles things inside. 8. I was gonna talk about Bughead more either way and I'm thinking of maybe writing a whole post just about Bughead, which is Jughead plus Betty by the way, some day. Anyway the way Jughead comforts Betty in this episode has me love their relationship even more. Cole Sprouse plays the character SO well. He makes the perfect Jughead. But I know some people win this fandom is just obsessed with the kissing and every little thing they do. And not that I'm not, but what draws me to Bughead is how perfect they are for each other. I think the writers knew that and that's why their relationship is so strong. Jughead grew up with a family that fell apart. He doesn't see his sister, Jellybean often and I know that must kill him. He has so many issues of his own going on but the way he cares about Betty's issues means so much. I can't explain how much I loved the scene where Betty was falling apart in front of him and he was giving her a long speech on how not to give up. His voiced cracked. Betty was crying and I'm surprised he didn't start crying. That scene showed me what a strong relationship they have. If the writers mess that up I'm gonna be pissed. Betty is such a positive girl on the outside but in the inside she is falling apart. When the boy she liked, Archie, didn't like her back it killed her. As getting rejected by your crush would to anyone. But the fact that she found love with someone she probably never thought she would is beautiful. Jughead helps her out of her dark times and is there to listen to her vent. Gosh, I love their relationship SO MUCH. 💕 9. My favorite scene from this episode is either the one where Jughead tells Betty not to give up. Btw I LOVED the scene where they were kissing on Betty's bed (Don't worry nothing bad happened, they were just kissing for like a sec until Betty's mom walked in, I honestly don't think anything would happen because their relationship is so much stronger then jumping right into sex) but I just loved the embrace and Jughead making sure Betty knows how strong she is. I also liked the scene where Veronica breaks down because you just see such a vulnerable side of her that you never see. 10. Lastly, I want to talk about the promo for episode 10. Betty throws a Birthday party for Jughead's 16th birthday. But why does Jughead not seem happy? I know from reading articles that Bughead gets tested in this episode, but I don't think I'm ready for it. I told myself going into to being in love with Bughead that I want them to have a realistic relationship. Of course their gonna fight, which I am okay with. I kinda want to see it because I KNOW it will make them a stronger couple. But I don't want it to break them apart. That's not realistic, they wouldn't split up they are too perfect for each other. I know people who are perfect for each other split up but Bughead won't. Because the world will end if they do. I'm just not ready for this Bughead fight. Also WHO IN THE WORLD IS JUGHEAD PUNCHING?!? URG I can't wait a week. I can't believe I waited a week for this episode. My heart is already overwhelmed. Not sure if anyone will actually read this. Sarrah I feel like you will, so hi pal thanks for sticking through me being obsessed. Gia you probs will start it then jump through to the end. If you do read it, I'm proud of you. Let me know I will buy you a cookie 🍪. It felt so good to vent about the show, even if it took me a hour to write. Time just flew by. Be ready for next Thursday. It's probably gonna be a even longer vent because there's a Bughead argument. 😬.
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