#coups x oc
finallydelight · 2 years
Heart To Heart | Ming Chapter
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February 5, 2023
''What are you really doing back home?'' 
Ming's head swiftly glanced up from the scattered leaves on the ground to her younger brother, whose eyes were already on her. She furrowed her eyebrows. ''What do you mean, Woo?'' 
The unimpressed expression on his face was one she didn't get to meet often. ''You always let us know when you're coming home, this time you didn't. So, what's up with that? Is everything okay, Noona?'' 
The ''home'' Jungwoo referred to was their house in Daegu, the one she had surprisingly turned up to a few days earlier. Her youngest brother was correct about saying that she would always let someone of her small family know that she would be coming over. Whether it was through text or via a phone call, she'd always let someone know. 
Ming should've known that someone would speak up about it, she hadn't expected that it would be the youngest of the family, however. Jungwoo never seemed like the observant type to her, he cared deeply for others, but normally he would wait for others to come to him. 
Despite the nonchalant tone in his voice, the concern was visible on his face. Ming never liked making her loved ones worried about her, it made her feel guilty for some reason. She opted to lie and explain to him that there were no other intentions than just wanting to surprise her family, but she knew her brother would look right through her and tell her to not speak such lies to him. 
''A lot of things happened back in Seoul and I need some time away, to be honest.'' It felt weird to her confiding to the youngest, the roles usually reversed. 
Jungwoo nodded, his eyes not leaving hers. ''What happened? Something with the members?'' His question didn't come across as nosey or invasive, he was genuinely interested. 
''No, everything's okay with the members,'' Ming assured him, ''it's just that…''
''There was this person that I really liked and they liked me back, but I made some mistakes that hurt their feelings. I went to talk to them and I apologized. I also told them that I loved them, but they, uh, told me that they think we shouldn't see each other anymore.'' She explained to him, describing the situation as vague as possible. 
The younger man took her words in, happy his older sister gave in and told him her worries. ''Oh, that's not fun, especially cause you know they liked you back.'' 
A sarcastic chuckle left her lips. ''Yeah, my heart's been ripped apart.'' The contrast of the tone of her voice and the words she said made her brother not know what to say, struggling to understand if she could already joke about the incident or not. 
''Well, you're a great person, so it's their loss anyway.'' He bumped their shoulders, a nervous laughter coming out. A small smile graced her face, her brother's support never failing to cheer her up. ''Thanks, Woo.'' 
''Things happen for a reason, you know? Whatever happens, let it happen.'' 
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February 27, 2023 
''Hi, bunny.'' Cheol walked into her room, watching her stare at the ceiling. Ming's vision didn't stray away from it, as if all her thoughts would go away if she looked at the leader. 
He figured she had sunken deep into her own mind palette, her nose scrunched up and her eyes looked very intense. Cheol laid himself sideways next to her, watching her. ''You don't have to tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours, but I think you could use some company.'' 
''I've been feeling kinda empty these days… like there's just something missing, you know? I haven't felt that in a while and it's just not a nice feeling.'' Ming spoke up after a minute of silence. 
''At first, I thought I missed my family a lot, so I visited them, but it didn't go away. I started working out again, I tried writing lyrics, I picked up my guitar again, I went on a small road trip with Soomin… hell, I even went cycling with Mingyu, I've tried everything.'' 
Cheol listened attentively, nodding his head to every word she said. ''How long have you been feeling like this?'' He asked her. 
Ming thought for a few seconds, trying to recall when the emptiness washed over her. ''A few weeks now, I think. A couple days before I drove down to Daegu.'' She answered him, not totally sure about the timeline. 
''Oh, poor kid… that's quite a long time,'' he caressed her head, sympathizing, ''I'm sure once we start rehearsing and performing again, you'll feel better.'' Cheol reasoned. 
The younger woman nodded, agreeing with him. ''Yeah, I think so too. It's been a long time since I've been able to properly perform with all of you.'' 
''It kinda sucks that I'm fully recovered now, but then Myungho gets himself injured.'' Ming sighed, being reminded that it's still 13 members performing instead of all 14 members. 
Cheol nodded, sighing as well. ''I know, it seems like there is some kind of curse around us.'' He laughed, pulling his phone out and typing something. 
''Yeah,'' Ming chuckled, ''but he'll recover quickly, his isn't as bad as mine was. He can go to rehearsals and watch, I couldn't even get out of bed.'' 
''We shouldn't compare injuries, Hao is super upset that he can't dance.'' Cheol semi-scolded her, looking away from his phone. ''Hey, uh, have you spoken with, uh, Canada?'' He wasn't sure whether she wanted to talk about the NCT rapper or not. 
Ming shook her head. ''No, but it's fine,'' she sighed, ''I guess I should focus on myself now, you know? We're both very busy people, so it probably wouldn't have worked out anyway.'' She told him, her words comforting herself. 
The leader looked at her in pity, mentally hitting himself for bringing the topic up. ''He's not too busy to spy on your Insta, though.'' He mumbled. 
Ming hit his chest, making the both of them burst out laughing. ''He's never been very subtle, I guess.'' She had been preparing for the special live broadcast for Carats' birthday when she saw her and Minhyung's name trending on social media. It had given her an immediate heart attack, scared that pictures had gotten leaked, but she calmed down when she read the articles. Ming didn't know how to feel about the fact that Minhyung had been lurking on her page, it was a conflicting matter. 
Cheol's phone vibrated against her mattress, making him check the notification he had received. ''Hey, uh, I gotta go,'' he sat back up, ''if there's anything, just call me, okay?'' He ruffled her hair, swiftly getting out of her room. 
''Okay, bye bye!'' 
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March 1, 2023
''Alright, we're gonna go out, because I can't watch you mope around in your bed all day any longer.'' Minghao pulled the covers from her body, making Ming quickly cover herself with her arms at the sudden cold. 
''No~'' she whined, ''let me rot away here in peace.'' Ming wasn't in the mood to leave her room, rather isolating herself from the world. 
Minghao sighed as he sat down next to her, caressing her cheek. ''Look, I get that you haven't been feeling your best, but all I'm asking is just one hour of your time.'' He simply wanted her to get out of the dorm and take in some fresh air. 
''Rehearsals are starting again soon, I'll go out then.'' Ming reasoned. 
The Chinese man shook his head. ''Come on, Yerimie! I'll buy you food!'' He tried to bribe her, knowing that promising her food would be his best chance at getting her up from her bed. 
He could see her contemplating his words, taking a few moments to think. ''Okay, but you have to give me anything I want.'' She slowly got out of her bed, wanting to change into something else than her pajamas. 
Minghao adamantly nodded his head, delighted he could convince her. ''Of course, let me know when you're ready.'' He exited her room, giving her some privacy while she got out of her clothes. 
It had been quite cold in Seoul from what she gathered, opting for baggy jeans, a gray sweater, a thick jacket and a white puffy hat to keep her head warm. Ming already felt her mood lift up a bit as she changed into her new clothing, maybe going out with Minghao wasn't such a bad idea. 
As soon as Ming stepped out of her room, the two made their way downstairs and into the night life of Seoul. They stopped at several street food trucks and seemed to be making their way towards the Han River, where they would calmly enjoy their food and the beautiful visuals. 
They had settled themselves against the railing, admiring the sight of the river and the bright stars that appeared in the sky. ''They have fried chicken in the little shop, you want me to get some?'' Minghao suggested, tilting his head towards the convenience store nearby. 
The question brought her back to her first date with Minhyung at Han River, where they leaned against the tree while drinking coke and eating their ramen, and fried chicken from that exact same store. ''Uh, I'm alright, thanks.'' 
''Well, I'm going to get some myself, I'll be right back.'' With that he left and walked to the small shop, not putting much pace behind his steps. 
Ming's attention fell back on the river in front of her, leaning her arms on the railing and watching the stars and Seoul lights reflect on the water. Her mind drifted to the events of the past weeks: going back home, supporting her members at Music Bank, celebrating Carats' birthday and her talk with Cheol. 
A weird feeling bubbled inside of her, she couldn't explain it and it scared her a little. Maybe it was a sense of realization of where the emptiness came from. Deep inside her heart and mind she knew what the missing puzzle piece was, but she wasn't ready to admit that to herself yet. She wanted to spare herself from the pain it would come with, avoiding her feelings and thoughts had always been her coping mechanism. 
During hard times, she wishes she could call up her mom and have her tell Ming what to do. There were many people she could call and who would be happy to give her useful advice, but the strengthening words of a mother could not be matched by anyone else. She would tell her daughter to take it slow, to take life as it is and to prioritize herself. 
Her mind returned back to the present as she could hear Minghao's footsteps approach, making her scratch her throat and fix her posture. 
''You called me Mark.'' 
Unlike she thought, it wasn't Minghao that had been creeping up on her. Ming quickly turned around, met with the young man she could recognize anywhere despite him being completely covered, so he was unrecognizable to everyone else. 
Her eyes widened, looking around in search of her member. ''What are you doing?'' 
''You've never called me that.'' Minhyung ignored her question. He took few steps forward, so he was standing right in front of her. 
Ming continued glancing around him, hoping no one was witnessing the moment. ''We're in public, are you fucking crazy?'' 
''I don't really care about that right now, Yer. I just- I want to say something to you, whether you want to listen to me or not, is your choice.'' She could see the cold breaths leave his mouth, smoking up in the cold air. 
Minhyung continued in her silence. ''First, I want to apologize for what happened at Music Bank. I shouldn't have approached you like that and especially not after what happened at the dorm,''
''I've been wanting to talk to you about what happened then, but I figured you just wanted me to leave you alone, which I understand. But that's not what I want to tell you right now,''
''When you came to our dorm, I had just gotten off a 13-hour flight and I was beyond tired, and fans were being invasive at the airport, and all I wanted was some sleep, and then you showed up and I- I don't know. You started saying all that stuff about Yeonjun and that you were in love with me, and all I could think about was the image of you two kissing,'' 
He took a deep breath, the words coming out too fast for him. ''When I woke up, I realized what I had actually asked of you and what that meant for us, and I fucked up. I don't want to not see you anymore, I don't want to pretend that I don't know you, I want- I want, ugh, fuck…'' 
''What do you want, Minhyung?'' Ming asked him, her eyes fully focused on him. 
His gaze fell upon her, the pair properly looking at each other for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. ''I want you. I want to kiss you. I want to go on walks with you. I want to be with you.'' He answered her question, almost out of breath. 
Ming's eyes welled up, the tone in which he spoke was something she hadn't heard from him before. ''You- you what?'' 
Minhyung's left hand cupped her cheek, his eyes not leaving hers. ''I'm in love with you, Yer,'' her tears must have had an effect on him as his voice came out hoarse and she could see tears forming, ''I don't think I am, I know I am.'' 
''If you want to, I would like for us to start again. We'll start again and we'll do it better, we'll do it differently this time.'' He added, his free hand grabbing her arm. 
Ming looked down at the floor, multiple tears falling down. ''Please tell me that you're serious, that this isn't some kind of cruel joke you're doing.'' She hated how desperate she sounded, but it couldn't be helped. 
''I mean it, I'm being serious.'' Minhyung couldn't fight the urge anymore and wrapped his arms around her, his hand resting on the back of her head. 
The two remained like that for a few minutes, reveling in the comfort each of them brought to one another. It was Ming who broke the silence first. ''How did you even know I was here?'' 
Minhyung chuckled at her question, wiping his hand over his dried tears. ''One of your members might have given me a scolding.'' 
She pulled away from him, her hands still holding onto him. ''What do you mean?'' Ming raised her eyebrow. 
''Don't worry about it now, I needed it.'' He brushed it off, pulling her back in. 
Ming was still overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events as she rested in Minhyung's arms, holding him close to her so he wouldn't magically disappear. The weird feeling had somehow found its way out of her body and she felt at peace. 
Her puzzle was complete. 
Taglist: @seolboba @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms @themalipirate
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Oc x canon cuz idgaf and I'm a simp
Haven't tweened something in years so I'm a little rusty and relearning stuff :p
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heydorothea009 · 6 months
Bread on Toast - A Future Man Fanfiction
Josh Futturman and his fellow coworker and best friend, Liv Branson, get roped into saving the world as time traveling saviors with, what were thought to be, video game characters, Wolf and Tiger. Not only are Liv and Josh completely incompetent, but they are also emotionally inept- will this cause the destruction of mankind? Only time will tell.
Warnings: strong language, (this is probably the episode you all have been waiting for) Josh puts on lingerie (and looks hot while doing it), alludes to Kronish and Leslie having sex, hijinks are about to ensue
Chapter 8: Operation: Fatal Attraction
A/N: hey party people, just wanted to pop in and tell you this is my favorite chapter :p
Tiger threw Josh to the ground faster than he had time to react. All of the sudden his back hit the ground and it knocked the wind out of him.
“Tiger!” Liv cried, also shocked.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Tiger yelled, stepping on his chest. “This was not the plan. You’re fucking up the plan!”
“This day was the turning point in Kronish’s life!” Josh gasped. “He was going to give it all up and sail away with his one true love, Leslie! Instead he stayed with his wife and kept doing research. It’s his biggest regret-“
Tiger rolled her eyes at Josh’s blabbering. “Wolf! Help me stand on his chest!” She called to Wolf, who was still excitedly checking out the Corey Hart poster.
“Tiger! Off his chest!” Liv snapped her fingers as if Tiger were a dog. “Let him breathe!”
“I thought you weren’t happy with him.” Tiger said flatly to Liv. “Why don’t you help me stand on his chest.”
“Tiger, let him speak!” Liv marched up to Tiger, ready to push her off of Josh’s chest, but realized she might suffer the same fate if she did that. Josh tried to sit up but Tiger just pushed him right back down with her boot.
“Tiger,” Josh’s voice cracked. “You said that if there was a way to save the world without killing anyone you would do it. This is a way.”
Tiger pursed her lips as she considered this. “How do we get him on the boat?” Tiger shot Liv a glare as she inched a little too close. “He gets to get up if he can come up with an actual good plan.” She hissed to Liv, who shrunk away, giving Josh an apologetic look.
“We already know Kronish is having an affair with Leslie. So, we just need to expose that-“
“Difficult.” Tiger interrupted, placing her hands on her hips and shaking her head down at him.
“-which will blow up his marriage-“
“Speculative .”
“-which was bad anyways because Marigold was already cheating on him too-“
“-which would give him the push he needs to leave. It’ll be a win-win for everybody!” Josh finished, sounding positive. “It’s gonna work. Trust me, alright? We’ll go back to 2017 to a world with no Kronish Labs…and if there is, well, there’s always a baby to kill in 1949.”
Wolf wandered back to the group holding two ice cream cones, offering Liv one. Tiger caught Josh’s attention again by slightly digging her heel into his ribs, making him wince.
“If you time trick us again, I'll burst your nut sack.” She stated, taking her foot off his chest.
Josh’s expression fell as he instinctively covered his crotch. “…okay…” he mumbled, sitting up. Liv held out a hand and helped him to his feet as she licked her ice cream. “Hey, Wolf,” he looked at Wolf, who was licking his ice cream as well. “We need some wheels.”
Wolf stopped licking the ice cream. “Oh, I’ll get you 100 fuckin’ wheels.” He said, growing excited.
“Oh, uh, no, we just need four. On a car.” Josh said, glancing at Liv again, who glanced at him too, trying to suppress a smile behind her ice cream, probably at how giddy Wolf seemed to be. Josh couldn’t help but grin too, her smile was contagious.
“On it.” Wolf nodded, diving back into the chocolate ice cream.
“Is that good, Wolf?” Liv giggled. Wolf was on cloud 9, he’d never had ice cream before.
“Fuckin’ delicious.” Wolf looked like he was making out with the ice cream. Liv snickered and scrunched her nose, going back to her own ice cream. Josh’s eyes were still stuck on Liv. He had no thoughts in his head, he’d even forgotten where they were for a second. He just watched Liv giggle at Wolf. He liked her laugh.
“What else?” Tiger’s harsh voice snapped him back to reality.
“We’ve, uh, we’ve got some shopping to do.” Josh said, looking back to Tiger, her eyes piercing into his.
“What.” She grumbled.
“I’ll explain when we get there.” Josh said.
“Are we going to get, like, era appropriate outfits, because we look stupid, Josh.” Liv said, referring to the janitor uniforms they both were wearing.
“Uh, if you want?” Josh shrugged. “You don’t look stupid though, Liv, I hope you know that.” Wolf hummed happily, licking some melting ice cream off of the cone. Tiger sharply exhaled through her nose and slapped the cone from Wolf’s hand. Wolf looked down at the ice cream, stunned. Tiger slapped Liv’s from her hands too and marched away. Liv frowned.
“Tiger,” Wolf growled. “I was licking that.”
“I don’t give a shit.” Tiger snapped as she stomped away.
“Jesus,” Liv muttered, trying to wipe chocolate ice cream off of her jumpsuit. “What’s her deal?”
Wolf sauntered after Tiger, and Josh and Liv fell slightly behind. “I thought I came up with a good plan, she stopped stepping on me.” Josh mumbled to Liv.
“Oh…she might still be moody from the police station.” Liv whispered.
“Maybe.” Josh whispered back. Tiger whipped her head around to glare at them.
“Could you walk any fucking slower? Come on! We don’t have all day!” She lashed. Liv and Josh both sped up. As they both walked closer to Tiger and Wolf, their hands brushed. Liv’s immediate response was to move her hand away, acting like she just needed to scratch her arm. Josh’s hand lingered for a moment as his brain buffered. He slowly copied Liv, moving his hand away and pretending he needed to rub his eye. Wolf stopped in his tracks and turned around.
“Okay Liv, you and me need to go find us a sweet ride.” He beamed.
“Actually!” Josh blurted out, louder than he’d meant to. “Wolf, you can do this on your own.”
“Are you sure?” Liv asked skeptically.
“Yeah!” Josh awkwardly folded his arms.
“I can go by myself?” Wolf asked, sounding stunned that Josh trusted him. Tiger pursed her lips and looked annoyed.
“Fine.” She gave an annoyed huff. “Wolf, get us a car.” She glanced at Josh and looked him up and down. She then glanced at Liv, then back to Josh, realizing she was about to be third wheeling. Wolf took off running.
“I won’t let you down!” He shouted as he ran off.
“Where are we going Josh?” Liv asked, combing her fingers through her hair. Josh stared at her for a moment. Liv gave him a weird look, making him blink and look at the ground. Tiger groaned. Yeah, she was third wheeling.
“Okay, so, we need to find a lingerie store.”
The moment they walked up to the adult shop, Liv started to separate from the group.
“Liv, where are you going?” Josh asked, sounding panicked. He didn’t want to be left alone with Tiger and surrounded by lingerie.
“We’re getting weird looks, I’m going to get an era appropriate outfit.” Liv said.
“Smart.” Tiger stated from behind Josh.
“Liv, can’t you wait?” Josh whined, he didn’t feel comfortable picking out lingerie for Tiger. He called his plan “Operation: Fatal Attraction”, like the movie, Fatal Attraction.
“Josh.” Liv sighed and pointed to the clothing store next door. “I’ll just be in there. You’re a big boy, go and pick out lingerie.” She poked him in the ribs. Josh’s stomach flip flopped and his cheeks flushed as she turned and walked into the neighboring store and stared longingly after her.
“…you’ve gotta be shitting me.” Tiger murmured as she marched into the adult novelties store. Josh snapped back to reality and followed her in.
“Wait- Tiger!”
“Do I seriously have to hang around…” she gestured to all of Josh. “…this right now?”
Josh frowned. “Ouch…”
“This pathetic, sad, little…puppy dog man?” She spat. People around them started looking.
“Tiger, that’s mean.” Josh mumbled.
“You’re a pathetic mess right now.” Tiger hissed through gritted teeth. Josh looked like a deer in headlights as she leaned down to his level. “Stay hard.���
“Stay hard.” Tiger repeated. Josh blinked obliviously. “Stop staring at Liv.” She squinted her eyes at him. “You’re supposed to stay focused.” Josh went beet red and turned to a rack of bras and started looking through them without responding. Tiger let out a heavy sigh and put her hands on her hips. “…sorry.” She hesitated before saying it, she wasn’t usually one to apologize and she wasn’t sure why she felt the need to do so, but she did. She took another deep breath in and out. “Let’s just get this job done. Why are we here in this skimpy clothes store?”
“It’s like the movie Fatal Attraction, you’re playing a psycho mistress like the one played by Glenn Close, but you will be posing as Leslie. In the movie she has sex with Michael Douglas, who’s like Kronish. We’re going to go into Kronish’s house, take some sexy pictures of you on his bed, leave it there for his wife to find, affair exposed, marriage over, future saved.”
“Or,” Tiger said, picking up some red knee high nylon socks. “We put a gun to his head and make him get on the boat.”
“No Tiger, we can’t force him. It has to be on his own free will, okay?” Josh shook his head, picking up a corset as holding it up to Tiger’s body. She tensed up and pursed her lips. “That looks right, right?” Josh muttered.
“Don’t touch me.” Tiger slapped the corset away and rolled her eyes.
“What about this robe?” Josh studied a pink lace and silk robe.
“I literally don’t care.” Tiger huffed. “Just get something and let’s get this over with.”
Tiger was annoyed the rest of the time while Josh held up different bra options for her to wear asking questions like “what size are you?” (She didn’t know) “what color looks best on you?” (She didn’t care) “Would you be willing to wear assless chaps?” (She was 5 seconds away from strangling Josh with said assless chaps).
“Why can’t Liv do this?” Tiger finally complained, slapping a thong out of his hands.
“Because-“ Josh froze. The very thought of Liv in any of this was too much for his brain to handle. “Because, you’re doing it.” Josh choked out. Tiger groaned. “Tiger, just go with me here, okay?” Josh sighed, making his way over to the section with lipsticks on display.
They bought the items they’d picked out and met Liv outside of the shop, who was wearing baggy jean shorts and a yellow tank top. She fit right in and Josh thought she looked really pretty. In the most platonic way possible, of course. It’s not like he was falling for her every time he looked her in the eyes.
“So, what is this?” Liv asked, snatching the bag from Josh’s hands and rifling through it. “Josh, are you going to seduce Kronish?” Liv teased, giving him a smug look and pulling out a tube of lipstick.
“Ha. Ha.” Josh snatched the bag back. “No.” He grabbed the lipstick from her hand and stuck it back in the bag.
“I’m psycho mistress, Glenn Close.” Tiger said. “I have pleasure sex with Michael Douglas.” Liv gave her a weird look.
“Fatal Attraction.” Josh added.
“Yeah, I know that movie. What does this have to do with anything?” Liv asked.
“We’re going to take sexy pictures of Tiger on Kronish’s bed and leave them for Marigold to find.” Josh said.
Liv nodded. “Hot.” A red car came squealing to a halt on the street next to them and Wolf proudly got out.
“What the fuck is this?” Tiger grumbled.
“1985 Pontiac Fiero GT, 2.8 liter V6, 140 horsepower, and four fuckin’ wheels.” Wolf proudly folded his arms and leaned against the car.
Tiger looked unimpressed. “And two fucking seats.”
“Where do Liv and I sit?” Josh asked.
“Liv can squeeze next to Tiger.” Wolf said.
“No.” Liv and Tiger said at the exact same time. They already knew how Tiger didn’t like when Liv sat too close.
“Josh,” Wolf opened the hood of the car to reveal a small trunk that held a man who was bound and gagged.
“Jesus Christ!” Josh gasped.
“Wolf! Did you steal this man’s car?” Liv scolded.
Tiger stepped forward and slammed the hood. “This car is useless.”
Josh turned to Liv with panicked eyes. “Is that kidnapping?” He asked frantically. Liv shrugged and looked equally as panicked.
“We’d be more successful if we took electrodes, attached them to a sewer clown’s nuts and told him to run.” Tiger narrowed her eyes at Wolf.
“Oh what? You wanna sedan? Fuckin- a minivan? We’re gonna look lame!” Wolf argued.
“I’ll make you lame if you don’t return this car.” Tiger demanded. “That’s an order.”
Wolf looked at Liv, as if she would say something different. “Fine.” He seethed when Liv didn't say anything.
“And- and return the guy please.” Josh spoke up as Wolf angrily got in the driver’s seat. Wolf growled and slammed the door. He rolled down the windows and shot Tiger a nasty glare.
“Can a fucking sewer clown do this?” He growled as he loudly revved the engine. He sped away and the tires squealed. The three of them stared after the car for a moment, Tiger looking pissed, Josh looking stressed, and Liv looking scared.
“Okay. We’re walking.” Tiger turned on her heel and started walking down the sidewalk.
“Tiger,” Josh spoke up. “We have to go this way.” He pointed in the opposite direction. Tiger rolled her eyes and walked quickly past Liv and Josh.
“Does she know where she’s going?” Liv whispered to Josh as Tiger walked further and further ahead.
“I have no idea if we even know where we’re going.” Josh admitted quietly.
“He probably lived in the same house in ‘85…right?”
“I hope so.”
There was a few minutes of awkward silence between them, save for Liv and Josh calling up to Tiger when to make a turn. Tiger would throw dirty looks back at them, but would do as they would tell her. She clearly didn’t like being ordered around, even when it was simply just directions to Kronish’s house.
“Hey Liv?” Josh finally said, clutching the bag of lingerie in his arms. “Are you still mad at me?”
“What? Oh,” Liv folded her arms and looked at the ground. “Josh, I wasn’t mad at you, it’s just that I felt embarrassed.”
“Why are you embarrassed?”
“Josh, I really don’t want to talk about it.” Liv sighed. “Please.”
“Liv, I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for bringing it up. I thought Jeri was lying and that it was crazy, I…I just don’t want you to be mad at me.” Josh apologized.
Liv’s body language shifted, uncrossing her arms and becoming less guarded. “I’m not mad at you, Josh,” Liv laughed lightly. “I promise. It’s just…wouldn’t you feel a little embarrassed if someone had told Jeri you’d liked her and she approached you about it?”
Josh nodded and shrugged. “Yeah, good point.”
“This doesn’t mean I don’t want to be friends, I hope you know. I promise I won’t act all weird now. I don’t ever want to lose you.” Liv said. Josh’s heart swelled as he slowed down and gave Liv a sentimental and sweet look.
“Yeah, same. You mean a lot to me.” Josh looked down at the ground and felt his cheeks get warmer.
Liv bumped shoulders with him as they walked. “I mean, you’re cool I guess. I tolerate you.” She teased. Josh looked back at her, a sappy grin spreading over his face.
“I see it.” Tiger stated loudly, turning right.
Josh and Liv both sped up. Sure enough, the name Kronish was scrawled in cursive along the side of their mailbox in front of their house.
“Rat pot.” Tiger muttered, ducking behind a car. Josh grabbed Liv’s arm and followed Tiger. Tiger went digging through her satchel and pulled out a pair of binoculars, handing them to Josh. “Find an entrance, we can’t just walk in through the front door.”
Josh peeked over the hood of the car with the binoculars. He looked around for a moment, when he saw a little white cat climb up and into an open window. “Bingo. I found our way in.”
Tiger popped up from behind the car, holding her hand up behind the sky and squinting. “Wolf was supposed to be here three fingers ago,” she said, measuring how far the sun had moved with her fingers. Liv and Josh’s eyes bugged out of their heads and they pulled Tiger back down. “He’s never late!”
“Get down, get down!” They both hissed.
“Maybe he got lost.” Josh said in a hushed voice, looking over at Liv, who was digging through the bag and pulling out lipsticks and examining them.
“Resistance soldiers don’t ever get lost, we’re born trackers. He could sniff out a sludge grub in a blood bog 20 kilometers away.” Tiger said. She looked up at the sky as she had a realization. “It’s gotta be the Biotics.”
“There’s Biotics here?” Liv asked.
“Yeah, after all our dicking around in history, they probably put deep cover guards on Kronish at every point in his life.” Tiger sank lower onto the ground. “Shit…he has the TTD. They’re gonna be tracking that.” She muttered. Josh looked over at Liv and they gave each other worried looks. Tiger looked at both of them. “I gotta go find Wolf.”
“B-but Tiger, this is our only shot.” Josh protested.
“You planned this op, you two are going to pull it off without me.” Tiger said.
“But-“ Josh started.
“You've got this. I trust you two, you’ve come a long way.” Tiger said, digging through the lingerie. “Now put on these assless chaps.” She threw some leather pants at Josh and stood up. “Saddle up.” Liv couldn’t help but snicker at Josh’s horrified face.
“Tiger! Tiger, wait!” Josh called after her as she began to walk away.
“And stay focused!” She turned around and pointed to Josh. “Liv! You’re the Josh babysitter now! Make sure you don’t, I dunno, distract him!”
Liv looked confused and blushed. Josh’s face grew more horrified and turned bright red. “I don’t need a babysitter!”
Tiger didn’t respond. Josh awkwardly turned to Liv. “I guess we-“
“Come on,” Liv snatched the pants from his hands and stuffed them back into the shopping bag. They both stealthily snuck across the yard and to the window.
“I’ll give you a boost.” Josh whispered, propping himself up on one knee. He boosted Liv up to the window and she pulled herself up. She awkwardly crawled through and fell right onto the ground in what she assumed was Kronish’s bedroom.
“Okay, Josh, hold on one sec, I- Josh!” Josh came through the window and fell right onto her. “Ow!” She groaned as Josh crashed into her, laying right on top of her.
He quickly scrambled off of her. “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” His cheeks were burning a bright red. Liv’s whole face was hot and her body felt like it was on fire. “Did I hurt you?”
“I’m okay,” she said, scrambling to her feet. “I’ll-“ she tucked her hair behind her ear. “Um, I’ll go and make sure the coast is clear.” Liv dashed towards the door.
“Yeah, okay, I’ll um…yeah…” Josh started pulling everything out of the bag. Liv snuck out of the bedroom and into the hall. After a few seconds she tiptoed back in.
“House is empty.” She said in a low voice.
A nervous tingle flushed through Josh’s body as Liv walked up next to him and surveyed the lingerie options. He shifted his feet awkwardly. “Okay, so, uh…I guess without Tiger here we can just have you put some of this on and-“
“Woah there,” Liv stopped him, holding up a finger. “Tiger clearly picked you to replace her.” She said, a smug grin spreading across her face. “She threw those assless chaps at you.”
Josh’s face flushed even redder. “Liv-“
“We can make it look like you’re a woman.” Liv said confidently. “Remember? I’m a great photographer.” She walked over to a nightstand and grabbed a polaroid camera. “You’re gonna want a cameraman.”
Josh looked horrified. “No, Liv-“
“You don’t want to see me in any of this.” She laughed walking back over to Josh, camera in her hands. Josh paused for a moment. He glanced at the lingerie and back to Liv. Thinking of Liv in lingerie again made his heart stop and his head feel a little dizzy. “Come on.” Liv said, shoving his arm.
“Are you sure it would work?” Josh asked nervously.
“Put that lingerie on, Futturman. For the fate of the world.” Liv added, bumping his hip with hers.
Josh inhaled deeply and looked back at his many, many options. “Fate of the world.” He muttered. He looked at Liv and rolled his eyes (playfully). “Goddammit Liv.”
“Hey, Tiger’s the one who picked you.” Liv giggled, sitting on the bed.
“I am not wearing the assless chaps.” Josh said loudly.
“Good, I didn’t want you to.”
“You have to turn around, you can’t look.” Josh muttered as he started to sort through the lacy pieces of clothing.
Liv slapped his hand away. “Okay, I don’t trust you to pick out anything sexy here. You’re a boy. Let the touch of a woman help you out here.”
“You could have said man.” Josh pouted.
“Boy.” Liv repeated, picking up some fishnets. “Boy.” She picked up some leopard print panties and snickered evilly.
“At least pick something flattering.” Josh started unzipping his jumpsuit.
“Woah there, Mr. Eager!” Liv stopped him. “Clothes stay on for right now, no one wants to see that!” Josh thought about making a snarky remark about her liking him, but decided against it. He didn’t want to make her mad for real this time. Liv turned around with his first option, fish nets, a tiny little black corset, and the leopard print panties.
“This is the best photoshoot ever.” Liv said to him with a teasing smile. She was so looking forward to how stupid he would look. Josh huffed and took the lingerie from her hands.
“Turn around.”
“There’s a bathroom right there.”
Josh paused and looked into the bathroom. “Just…turn around…” he muttered again. Liv shrugged and turned to the wall.
“Okay, suit yourself.”
“What if I need help getting some of this on?” Josh finally admitted. Liv laughed.
“Then I will help you…depending on what you need help with.” When Josh was sure she couldn’t see, he quickly stripped everything off.
“This is crazy.” He muttered. “This is so, so, so, crazy.”
“Get dressed.” Liv snapped her fingers.
“How do girls wear stuff like this?” He complained, putting on the panties.
Liv leaned her forehead against the wall with her hands covering her eyes. “I dunno, I’ve never worn lingerie.”
Josh paused. “…really?”
“Putting on underwear,” Liv snapped her fingers again. “Feeling sexy and free.” She continued, loudly pep talking to him. Josh huffed and dropped the corset on the ground, picking up the stockings instead.
“How do I…?” He held up the fishnet stockings. “…Liv?”
“Oh God, don’t tell me you need help.”
“Help.” Nothing. “Please?”
Liv hesitated, but turned around and saw the sight in front of her. This was the absolute most she’d ever seen of Josh. She burst out laughing.
“Liv!” Josh whined and held up the fishnets.
“Oh so what? You don’t know how to put on tights?” Liv made her way over to him. Josh’s heart lurched and he got a tingly feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“There’s…a lot of holes…”
She pointed at the stockings. “Put them on like you would put on socks.” As Josh figured out how to put on the fishnets, Liv excitedly went through some of the other things on the bed. “Put these shoes on, your mom told me you could walk in heels.” Josh looked up from adjusting the stocking on his thighs to see Liv holding some chunky heels.
“My mom told you what?”
The heels made Josh about four inches taller than Liv (which was a first, they were the same height). She stood in front of him, putting a layered pearl choker around his neck. Josh’s heart was racing quicker than normal as he felt Liv’s fingers brushing against his neck.
“Looking gorgeous.” Liv teased, twisting the choker around so the clasp was in the back.
“Yeah,” Josh scoffed. “You’re probably loving this.” As soon as he said it he froze. Liv took a step away and gave him a stern look.
Josh’s eyes widened. “I just meant- ‘cause- you know? I look like an idiot right now.” He said quickly.
Liv narrowed her eyes at him, studying him, but visibly relaxing. “You’re a very beautiful woman, Josh.” Josh let out a chuckle, feeling his shoulders relax. “This is the best you’ve ever looked.” She teased.
“Oh I bet.” Josh said, picking up the corset again.
“Actually wait,” Liv picked up a lacy little shawl. “Try this instead.” She helped Josh put it on and took a step back to admire her work (and admire her work). “Amazing!” She sang. She picked the camera off of the bed. “Now pose.”
“What do I do?” He asked as she held up the camera to her eye.
“Be sexy.” Liv said.
“Easier said than done,” he muttered.
“Just…pop your knee and put your hands on your hips like this.” Liv demonstrated for him. Josh awkwardly copied. “Okay,” Liv snapped a picture and waited for the picture to develop. Josh wandered over next to her and watched as the photo slowly developed.
“Is that a good one?” Josh asked as Liv took the picture and studied it.
“We’ll figure out once it develops!” She shooed him away. “Go back over there and pose again, I’ll get a couple angles.”
As Liv snapped more pictures, Josh became more comfortable and giddy. Liv made him put on a couple more outfits, including the silky pink robe from earlier with a boa around his neck, a little leopard print number with feather trim and a spiked choker, red fishnets and lacy red shorts, and several others. He’d even attempted a bit of liner on his eyes (which ended up a faded, smudged mess in three seconds anyways. Liv also reminded him his face wouldn’t be in the pictures after he’d decided to do that). He’d caught Liv staring and her eyes lingering on him several times, and every time a surge of tingly nerves shot through him. He was never nervous around Liv. He decided to chalk it all up to the fact he was so exposed and definitely not because he liked the feeling of her fingers lightly brushing his skin as she adjusted his jewelry and his corsets. That was for sure.
Liv was turned around with her face pressed into her hands as he changed again. It looked like a sexy, lingerie tornado had hit the room. The one problem Josh found with putting on the panties was the fact his dick was enormous now.
“Ow!” He yelped, trying to shove everything into place.
“You good?” Liv asked, starting to turn around.
“Don’t turn around!” Josh yelped.
“Okay, okay!” Liv turned back to the wall. Josh did a little hop as he adjusted the underwear. Putting on a blue robe with feathers on the trim, he did a little spin for himself in the mirror, humming to himself. “You can look now.”
Liv turned around and couldn’t suppress a smile as she watched him check himself out in the mirror (she shyly did too). She walked over to him, picking up different chokers from off the bed and holding them up to Josh’s neck, seeing which one she liked best. She was humming too.
“What song are you humming?” Josh asked.
“What song are you humming?” Liv asked as she picked the spiked choker.
“‘Love Shack’.” Josh said, then tensed up, wondering if that sounded weird.
“Ah, the whole shack shimmy.” Liv quoted the song as she clasped the choker and pushed it around. “I was humming ‘I Think We’re Alone Now’.” She said. “By Tiffany.” She added.
Josh gulped as Liv’s fingers brushed down his neck. “That- that is such a good song.” Josh said, red all the way up to the tips of his ears. He was going insane, if Liv adjusted anything on his body one more time, he thought he might explode. At the same time, he liked when she was this close to him.
Liv shoved everything off the bed while Josh figured out how to lace up a corset himself, they were almost done. The last batch of photos they were going to do were ones of Josh laying on Kronish’s bed. Josh sat on the edge of the bed.
“Wait, stay right there.” Liv crouched in front of him, snapping a picture. She stood up and waited for the picture to develop. “Okay, let’s do a couple more and then we can put leave the pictures for Marigold to find.”
Josh sorted through the pictures they already had. “Too much dick…” he tossed a picture behind him. “Oh God, are my legs really that hairy? Nope.” He tossed another one. “Wolf’s dick is ruining most of these pictures.” He muttered, looking up and seeing Liv pretending the bedding was far more interesting than what Josh was saying, cheeks rosy. Josh pried his eyes away from Liv’s blushing face and back to the pictures, blushing himself. “We can sort through these after, let’s take some more pictures.”
Liv stood on the bed with Josh laying in between her legs as the two of them giggled and took more raunchy pictures. “I’m trying to only get pictures without your face.” Liv giggled as Josh made a face at the camera.
“Oh what? Am I too beautiful for the pictures?” Josh asked teasingly.
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night.” Liv giggled. “Mkay, I think…these are good right?” Liv leaned down to show Josh, who was still laying on the bed, the pictures that were developed already. He sat up and looked through them.
“Yeah,” Josh muttered as he went through them. “Yeah!” He looked up at Liv, impressed with her work. “That’s a woman!” He joked.
“Here,” Liv clambered off the bed. “Start looking at the other ones and then put them in here.” She placed an envelope on the bed next to him. “I’ll clean this shit up.”
Josh scooted to the edge of the bed and sorted through the pictures, putting the best ones in there. “Oh Liv, we should seal this with a kiss for Marigold!” He said with a proud grin.
“Yeah, you should do that with the lipstick, put it to good use.” Liv laughed as she shoved the thick heels into the bag.
“Will you…help me put it on?” Josh asked sheepishly.
Liv playfully rolled her eyes and dropped the bag to the ground. “Oh so you can walk in heels but can’t put on lipstick?” She teased, digging out a tube of fire engine red lipstick. “You better hold still.” She knelt on this floor in front of him.
Josh didn’t know what to do with his mouth, Liv put a hand on his cheek to hold his face in place. Josh saw the look in Liv’s eyes as she realized how close their faces were, he probably had the same look in his eyes too.
“Open- open your mouth a little bit.” Liv stammered, blinking a few times. Josh did so and she started to run the lipstick over his lips.
“This good?” Josh asked, rubbing his lips together.
“Uh…” Liv didn’t move away after she finished applying the lipstick to Josh’s lips. Josh didn’t move away either. They both looked at each other, faces just inches apart.
Kiss her. KISS HER! His brain screamed. His eyes darted between her lips and her eyes. It felt like they sat there for eternity, when in reality it was more of an awkwardly silent three seconds. “Do I…do I have something on my face?” Josh asked awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Liv looked like she wanted to move away, but was entranced. Josh’s face was on fire all the way up to his ears. The sexual tension between them was so thick, Josh could slice it open with a knife.
“Sorry…I…” Liv trailed off. She didn’t know what to say. Josh could feel Liv’s shallow breaths against his face. As their noses brushed, Josh’s heart jumped into his throat. He’d never realized how much he wanted to kiss her until right in this moment. His heart was hammering in his chest. Oh God. He liked her. A lot.
Liv’s brain was glitching. “Josh?” She breathed out, still not moving away.
“Liv…I…” Josh whispered. He glanced into her eyes. He’d always thought Liv was beautiful, but right now in this moment, she was everything. She’d always meant so much to him and he’d always thought it was platonic…but the way he could feel her breath on his lips and the way her eyes looked longingly into his, he wanted to throw that all away. He wanted to kiss her so badly. His eyes dropped back down to her lips.
Liv wasn’t thinking about every reason she’d ever shoved down her feelings for Josh, she wasn’t thinking about what would happen after they kissed, if they did. She was thinking about Josh, sitting in front of her with lingerie on and smudged makeup and how she thought he was gorgeous. Her heart was palpitating.
“Liv, can I…kiss you?” Josh breathed out. He moved in, just centimeters closer, aching to close the gap between them. Liv gave a small nod and reciprocated. The tube of lipstick fell from her hand as they both slowly and nervously moved in. His hands gently set themselves on her waist. Their lips shyly brushed against each other.
“My husband is coming home in a few hours…so we don’t have much time…uh huh…” They heard from down the hall. Liv and Josh pulled away with wide, panicked eyes. Marigold had come home and neither of them had heard. “Yes, come over now!” They heard her say. Josh and Liv scrambled to their feet. Liv had a light smear of fire engine red across her lips. Josh sassily threw the feather boa he was wearing over his shoulder as he quickly tiptoed over to the door, quietly opening it just a sliver and peeking out.
“She is having an affair, she’s on the phone with someone.” He whispered loudly to Liv as she feverishly cleaned up the last of their mess and shoved it into the bag. “This is even better than my plan.”
“I’m going out to get some champagne and run some errands so just let yourself in. Wear something sexy.” Josh could hear the smile in Marigold’s voice. He watched Marigold excitedly prance over to the front door, and slipped out of the room.
“Josh!” He heard Liv hiss. He tiptoed down the hall to see if she’d left, when she appeared for a second, back turned to him, to grab something she almost forgot. Josh froze mid step, balancing on one leg as she almost turned around and saw him, but instead just walked out the door.
“Josh!” Liv hissed from behind him. “What are you doing?”
“Meddling.” He hissed back, trying to stealthily sneak into the kitchen, despite the loud clomping of his feathery kitten heels he was still wearing. Liv followed him into the kitchen. While Josh was clearly in meddling mode, she couldn’t get the fact that they had essentially kissed about 2 minutes ago out of her head.
“What’s your plan here?” Liv asked in a hushed voice. Josh picked up the phone that Marigold was talking on earlier.
“I’m calling Kronish’s job,” He said. “To see when he’s coming home.” He opened the phone book next to the phone and pointed to a number that was circled. “Bingo bango.” He muttered. Liv stood close behind him, her chest almost touching his back as she tried to see.
Josh looked over his shoulder at her and glanced down at her lips. “Oh…you’ve got…”
“Oh, your lipstick’s kinda…” Josh’s lipstick had gotten smudged and Liv was wearing a little of it.
Josh looked back at the phone, giddiness bubbling inside of him as he thought about what had almost happened a second earlier. “So…”
“Not the time Josh, dial the number.” Liv was trying to play it cool, but her heart was hammering out of her chest and she felt like she might explode with excitement. What would have happened had they not been interrupted? She was dying to know. Josh dialed the lab Kronish worked at.
“Hello, yes, hi,” Josh started. “I’m calling for Dr. Kronish, there’s something important he needs to come home for…oh he’s already on his way home? Oh, he’s sick.” Josh began pacing in front of the kitchen counter, shooting Liv a thumbs up. “That’s wonderful news, thank you.” He hung up the phone. He sassily leaned against the counter.
“Piece of cake. Ooh! Cake!” A cake (presumably a birthday cake for Kronish), sat in front of both of them on the counter. Josh swiped his finger across it, gathering some frosting with his finger, and sticking it in his mouth. “Mm, Liv, try this frosting.”
Liv was distracted, squinting out of the window at a man walking up to the house. “Is he coming here-? That’s him! That’s Marigold’s lover!” She excitedly hit Josh’s arm. Josh’s face broke into a mischievous grin.
“Oh shit, did you leave the bag in the room?” He asked.
“Fuck!” Liv cursed under her breath. Liv and Josh hurriedly dashed back down the hall and into Kronish’s bedroom, finding the bag had fallen off the bed and to the floor. Liv scooped up all the items that had fallen out and haphazardly shoved them back into the bag. Josh bumped into the table and almost knocked a heavy, Easter Island head off of it. They heard the man open and close the front door. They exchanged panicked looks. Josh frantically (but quietly) put the statue on the other side table as he grabbed Liv and pulled her into the closet with him, the man’s steps growing closer and closer to the bedroom door.
Just as Josh slid the closet door closed Liv came to the realization that this closet was tiny. Josh had his body pressed against hers, and Liv’s back was pressed against the wall. Her heart was pounding, both from the adrenaline and the closeness. The man’s shadow moved past the closet and Josh held his finger to his lips as he watched like a hawk. They heard the sound of him walking into the bathroom and undoing his belt. Josh poked his head out to see if the coast was clear. He looked at Liv and signaled for her to follow. The two of them tiptoed out the closet, to the door, and backed down the hall, making sure the man didn’t walk out and see them. Josh turned around just as the front door opened. Kronish. He almost made a noise, but quickly caught himself, grabbing Liv, who was still backing down the hall, by the shoulders and pushing her back into the bedroom.
“Under the bed, go under the bed.” He whispered frantically in her ear, praying the man wouldn’t see them. They snuck back into the room just as the man flushed the toilet, Liv immediately dropped and rolled under the bed and Josh followed her. Both of their eyes were wide as saucers as they tried to catch their breath quietly. They could see the man’s shoes as he walked out of the bathroom. Kronish entered. Josh grabbed Liv’s hand as she grabbed his shoulder excitedly. “It’s happening!” He mouthed to her. Kronish was about to face Marigold’s secret lover.
“Elias?” The man asked.
“…what are you doing here?” Kronish said in a low voice. Liv and Josh were shaking each other, the plan was working! There was a few brief moments where they didn’t hear anything as Kronish slowly approached the man. Liv stopped shaking Josh’s shoulder, they both looked confused. They heard kissing noises. Liv’s eyes went wider. Josh grabbed Liv’s shoulder and looked at her in shock. Clothes started falling to the floor in front of them. Liv slapped her hand over her mouth to keep from gasping out loud.
“Leslie…” they both heard Kronish mumble. Their jaws hit the ground. Leslie. This was Leslie. “…Leslie I’ve missed you…” Kronish said breathlessly as the bed creaked under their weight as they got on. Liv and Josh looked at each other.
“This…this is complicated.” Josh whispered.
Kronish and Leslie went at it for 2 hours. 2 hours of Liv and Josh under the bed listening to their ruckus and the bed rocking above their heads. Liv had somehow dozed off with her head propped up with her hand next to him, the squeaking and loud moaning above them becoming white noise to her. Josh laid his chin on his arms, his eyes were also starting to grow heavy. The two of them hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in days (or years, if you counted all the time traveling). Josh couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d kissed Liv. Quickly, but they’d kissed.
Her head slipped from her hand and gently onto his shoulder. Josh tensed at first, worried she would wake up and move away, but after a few seconds relaxed as he realized she was out. He slowly and gently laid his head on hers, taking in a deep breath and letting himself relax for the first time in a while. Despite the erotic scene above them, the two of them shared a wholesome moment. For a blissful moment, there were no Biotics, they weren’t in the 80s, and there weren’t two people having very loud and passionate sex above them. There was just Josh Futturman and Liv Branson. Josh reflected on their friendship.
He’d met Liv on his first day at Kronish Labs three years prior; she'd only been there a month longer than him. He remembered how they immediately hit it off, teasing each other and cracking jokes the whole day as she showed him around. That day he had gone home and excitedly told his parents about his new friend. He remembered his mom begging him to invite her to their big Futturman Super Bowl party and how nervous he’d been to ask her. The way her face lit up as he asked and the way she enthusiastically agreed to be there was something he had never forgotten. That was the first time Gabe and Diane had met Liv, and they instantly fell in love with her and she attended every party they had thrown after that. In the beginning, Diane was always asking Josh if he liked her. Josh remembered blushing and denying it, saying he liked Jeri. He had liked Jeri, but it was becoming more and more obvious that he also had liked Liv.
He remembered the time a scientist had hit on Liv and asked her on a date, and how he couldn’t go to sleep until Liv called him to tell him all about how it went. He remembered secretly hoping that the date would go badly so Liv didn’t go out with him again. The two of them had stayed up until early the next morning talking about it, laughing at how awkward it had been. He’d been jealous. His heart immediately sank for Liv, who for three years had to hear about his more obvious crush on Jeri. He felt so bad. Liv was always a constant for him while Jeri hadn’t shown any interest until he got wrapped up in the grand scheme of the Resistance. Liv had been his world for three years.
His eyes had fluttered shut as he pondered, not noticing that Liv had rested her hand on his elbow as she slept. The little white cat from earlier snuck under the bed, meowing. Josh’s eyes flew open. Liv inhaled deeply and lifted her head groggily. The cat eyed them curiously, meowing quietly. Liv seemed to slowly be processing where she was, looking confused at first and then remembering everything.
“Shh!” Josh quietly shushed the cat. “Go away!” He reached over Liv and gave the cat a little push. The bed started shaking harder, knocking a book off of the bedside table to their right. Josh gave the cat another small push. “Not right now, go away.” He whispered. The cat walked out from under the bed. Liv and Josh saw the Easter Island statue from earlier go crashing to the ground as the bed rocked violently. It fell onto the poor cat. Killing it.
Liv and Josh couldn’t hold back their gasps of horror, which were thankfully drowned out by the noise Kronish and Leslie were making. Liv scooted over, poking the cat.
“Is it okay?!” Josh whispered.
“Oh my God, the cat is dead.” Liv whispered, starting to well up with tears. Josh remembered another memory about Liv: the time Liv cried on their lunch break the first time she saw a bin of dead possums at work. She didn’t like when animals were in peril. She tearfully pulled the cat back under the bed. “Poor baby…” she whispered.
Josh pressed his ear to the cat, wanting to hear if he could make out a heartbeat. He couldn’t. “It’s dead…”
Kronish and Leslie moaned loudly, seeming to be wrapping things up. Josh’s ears perked up and he looked up hopefully. “Finally.” He breathed out. Liv wiped her tears.
“And now…your turn…” Kronish said to Leslie. The bed began to rock again.
“Are you kidding me?” Josh whispered through gritted teeth. Liv’s forehead hit the ground as she gave a heavy sigh.
30 more minutes of Josh and Liv under the bed listening to Kronish and Leslie have sex went by. Liv slowly stopped crying (Josh had put his arm around her and pulled her in close to him as she mourned the loss of the cat they’d just met). Finally, the bed stopped rocking and the moaning died down, dissolving into content laughter. Josh and Liv glanced up at the bed hopefully.
“Leslie, can I ask you a very serious question?” Kronish asked, his laughter dying down. “Were you…meowing?”
Leslie chuckled. “I thought that was you meowing!” Liv and Josh tensed up, both looking at the dead cat.
“Oh, must’ve been my neighbor's cat, always coming through that window.” Kronish laughed.
“Well, I can’t blame him, I can’t stay away from you either.” Leslie said flirtatiously.
“Well, good, I wouldn’t want you to.” Kronish responded smoothly. “…Ever since 8th grade, I knew who I really was. But…I was just too afraid to act on it. But then I met you.”
Josh looked at Liv with a small smile. They both looked up as if they were grinning at Kronish.
“And you know what? Holding each other?” Kronish continued. “That’s the best part.”
Josh still had his arm around Liv. He rubbed her arm, she looked at him with a small, sappy smile.
There were a few moments of silence above them. “So, how did Marigold take the news?” Leslie asked.
“You haven’t told her?”
Josh and Liv’s faces fell. Poor Kronish.
“…I-I’m going to, I’m packed and everything. This is the hardest part! I-I’m thinking about Dear John-ing it.” Kronish said defensively.
“No, no, no!” Leslie interrupted. Liv and Josh frantically shook their heads in disagreement with Kronish. “You have to tell it to her face! You owe her that much.” Josh and Liv nodded in agreement with Leslie.
“Elias? Are you home?” Marigold was finally back.
“Marigold!” Kronish hissed.
“Shit!” Leslie scrambled off the bed.
“Hey honey!” Kronish yelled for Marigold to hear. Liv and Josh perked up, getting ready to dart out from under the bed and make their escape as soon as Kronish and Leslie were gone.
“Are you having doubts?” Leslie asked. “Tell her.”
“I just came home early!” Kronish continued to call out to his wife, fixing the sheets.
“I wanna hear it.” Leslie kept going. “I’ll be here for moral support, I’ll hide underneath the bed!” Liv and Josh looked at each other, panicked. “I’ll even hide in the closet!”
“That’s ridiculous, go out the window.” Kronish begged.
“Then I’ll see you at the marina tonight?” Leslie bent over, picking up his pants and shirt. Liv scooted back out of fear he might see them. Josh stayed, wide eyed.
“Of course.” Kronish sighed. They heard Kronish open the door just as the rustling of the blinds signaled that Leslie had climbed out the window. Liv crawled out from under the bed, trying to keep the rustling of the lingerie bag quiet. Josh rolled out holding the cat, he carefully tucked it into the bag, Liv looking away so she didn’t get sad. They tiptoed down the hall, hearing Marigold talking to the Kronish.
“What are you doing home?” She asked suspiciously.
“The truth is Marigold, I…uh…” Josh stopped right where the hallway wall ended. Liv came up right behind Josh, listening intently. “I…decided to come home early and give myself a birthday treat…” Liv and Josh nodded along, hoping he would tell Marigold the truth. “…and curl up with that mystery novel I’ve been reading.” He lied. Josh shook his head and Liv deflated.
“Why are you so sweaty?” Marigold asked. Josh turned to Liv with a disappointed look.
“That’s just from my heart racing, I’ve been trying to figure out ‘who done it’.” Kronish lied again.
“Okay, well, I have a surprise for you.” Marigold said excitedly. Josh and Liv pressed themselves against the wall again, trying to listen. “You are going to get back there,” Liv and Josh shoved themselves off of the wall, realizing Kronish was about to make his way back to his room. “And you are going to run me the hottest, nicest bath you can think of, mkay?” Josh grabbed Liv and they sprinted back down the hall as quietly as they could back into Kronish’s room. They froze as they got to the doorway, Leslie was climbing back in. Liv grabbed Josh’s hand and pulled him into a closet at the end of the hall.
“…’cause my hip hurts, but Mama’s feeling fancy.” Marigold called to Kronish. “Mkay, baby?” Josh could make out Kronish’s figure making its way down the hall through the slots in the door, they could hear him sigh.
“Josh,” Liv whispered from behind Josh. “You're stepping on my foot.”
“Sorry, Liv!”
The doorbell rang. Josh looked back out of the slots and Liv peeked over his shoulder. Marigold excitedly went to answer the door.
“Oh, you’re here!” She said in a hushed tone. “I’m freaking out! My husband came home early.”
“Marigold’s lover…” Josh breathed out. Tiger walked through the door.
“What?!” They both gasped.
“I am Glenn Close.” She said in an uneven voice. She stumbled as she began to walk down the hall. Marigold grabbed her and directed her in a different direction.
“Is she drunk?!” Josh shook his head.
“Your husband is attracted to me. Fatally.” Tiger sure sounded drunk.
“Where the fuck did she go?!” Liv asked quietly. As soon as Marigold followed after Tiger, Josh threw open the closet door, looking both ways before bolting into the room to the right of the closet. Liv stood for a moment, unsure of what to do. She heard Kronish’s footsteps coming out of his room and she dove after Josh into the study. Kronish’s footsteps were headed towards the exact room they were in.
Josh looked at Liv and hurriedly beckoned for her to follow him into the walk in closet. Just as they were about duck behind a dresser, Liv’s foot got caught on the rug on the ground. She tripped, falling right into Josh, shoving his back into the wall, faces almost smashing together. He caught her and they looked at each other with wide eyes, realizing that sound was loud. Thankfully, Kronish was too busy shoving things around on the desk in the main room, rustling through the mess on the desk.
“Where did I put that passport?” He mumbled to himself over and over.
“Are you okay?” Josh mouthed to Liv. She nodded slowly, still scared that at any moment Kronish might come and investigate what he might have heard. Josh and Liv stood behind the tall dresser, pressed together with arms around each other, looking at each other with panicked eyes. They were not good at the whole sneaking around thing.
“…So you might have to roll it up and cram it in there.” The sound of Marigold opening the study door was heard. They heard Kronish make a sound and duck out of the room.
Some sweaters that Kronish must have frantically thrown in his panic to run out landed on Josh’s head. Liv helped Josh pull the sweater off, getting his lipstick all over one of them that was a salmon color. Liv poked her head out to make sure no one was there. She grabbed Josh by the corset and pulled him out from behind the dresser, the two of them making a mad dash for the door that led to the dining room.
“Tiger!” Josh yelled in a hushed voice.
“Tiger!” Liv copied. Josh backed straight into a sculpture, almost knocking it from its stand. He quickly caught it and tried to rebalance it.
“Tiger?” Josh called out quietly again. Josh and Liv rounded the corner, heads swiveling back and forth to make sure they didn’t get caught. The front door swung open, scaring both of them. A pretty woman confidently walked through the door, hips swinging as she walked in.
“A Biotic!” Liv yelled. Josh froze for a moment and panicked. The woman turned and looked at them, raising an eyebrow.
Josh frantically pulled his phone from inside his corset. “This is a detonator!” He threatened, holding it as if it were dangerous.
“Really?” The woman rolled her eyes. “That’s what we’re doing?”
“Uh uh! Don’t move!” Liv pointed to Josh’s phone, backing away slightly as she approached them.
“You take another step, I press this button, this whole house is wired, it blows up, we all die, and your mission’s a failure.” Josh threatened. The woman rolled her eyes again. “You wanna test me, you wanna fucking test me? We’ll all die right here, right now, I’m loco!” Josh said, eyes wide like a mad man. Liv nodded along, eyes never leaving the Biotic woman as she stepped closer.
“Okay, you’re in charge. I guess I’m your hostage now or whatever…wait, I didn’t hear anything about there being two of you?” She looked annoyed.
“Yeah? Well, there are two of us.” Liv said, trying to sound brave and menacing. “And you are our hostage…?”
“I suppose you wanna, tie me up or something?” The woman was distracted, looking around the house like she was bored.
Josh was still holding out his phone like a weapon. “Yeah, uh, that’s actually a good idea.” He looked over at Liv.
“Go, go over to the right, go.” Liv shooed her over to the study. She lazily walked over to the study, Josh and Liv following her, Josh still acting like his phone was a bomb.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” He said. They made her sit in a rolling chair in the study as she dropped her bag on the ground. Liv went through the bag and pulled out fluffy handcuffs, ones with red feathers and ones with pink.
“Oh,” the woman drawled. “Those’ll cost you. It’ll also cost you more because there are two of you.”
“You can drop the prostitute act okay? We know who you really are.” Liv threw Josh the red handcuffs.
“Don’t threaten us, okay? This isn’t our first time.” Josh cuffed her to the chair.
“Okay, yeah, I forgot, you’re in complete control.” The woman said condescendingly.
“You have to stay.” Liv pointed sternly at her.
“Okay. I can’t really go anywhere.” The woman looked Liv up and down judgmentally.
“Whatever, perf.” Liv shot back as her and Josh slipped out of the room and back into the dining room.
“Degrading is also ex-“ they shut the door on her.
“Tiger!” Josh hissed loudly. “There’s a Biotic here!”
“Where the fuck did she go?” Liv whispered. Unbeknownst to them, Tiger had left to go catch up with Wolf. Again.
“Tiger!” Josh kept whispering. “Tiger? We need you-“
“Leslie? Is that you?” Kronish whispered from down the hall. Josh and Liv froze. “I told you to go out the window!” Josh looked at Liv with wide eyes. She looked to the counter and tossed the bag over it, hoisting herself up and dropping down behind it. Josh quickly ran around the counter to find Liv shoving things that had fallen out back into the bag. The dead cat was sprawled out on the floor. He scooped up the cat and the two of them hurried into the kitchen. “Marigold is in the bath,” Kronish was getting closer. “You can come out!”
Josh looked for a spot to hide the cat, putting it in a pot that was set out on the stove and shutting the lid. He looked over his shoulder, Liv was gone. He saw her hand pop out from behind the counter, beckoning for him to come hide with her. Josh turned and was jumpscared by Elias Kronish rounding the corner. They both jumped back in shock.
“Oh, good Lord!” Kronish cried out in shock seeing Josh standing in the kitchen. Josh’s immediate reaction was to cover himself up, afterall, he was still in lingerie. Kronish’s eyes did a sweep of Josh in his fluffy black kitten heels, black fishnet stockings, leopard print panties, lacy black corset, feathery black boa and spiked choker, and messy eyeliner and lipstick. He looked concerned and frightened all at once.
“…Happy birthday…” Josh said in a small voice, hands over her crotch and chest as if he had anything to cover up. His mouth twitched as he tried to muster up a smile.
The look in Kronish’s eyes changed as he assessed the situation. “…Oh my God,” he whispered in a strangled voice. “You’re my birthday surprise?” Josh stared at him blankly, wondering if he should just go with it. “She knows…” Kronish whispered, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth.
“She- she knows?” Josh asked.
“You’re a gigolo aren’t you?” Kronish asked. Josh’s ears pricked up as he heard a light breathy laugh come from behind the counter. He looked down at himself. He really did look like a male prostitute.
“Yes…” Josh moved his hands to his hips and nodded.
“Marigold clearly doesn’t know what kind of men I find attractive.” Kronish looked Josh up and down again. Josh looked slightly offended. “But I can’t believe she was willing to hire a prostitute.” Kronish was shocked beyond belief.
At the same time it hit Josh and Liv that the “Biotic” was just a prostitute. “Oh…the Biotic’s a prostitute…” Josh whispered to himself. He heard the faint sound of Liv slapping her forehead and her head hitting the back of the counter. Josh covered it up by clearing his throat.
“If she’s willing to make this kind of accommodation…maybe this marriage will work after all.” Kronish said to himself.
“What? No! No, no! You have to leave her!” Josh said frantically.
“I don’t remember asking you.” Kronish cocked an eyebrow at Josh.
“Look, truth is I’ve been gigoloing- gigolo- gigoing- fucking dudes for money for a while now.” Josh said. “This is not the first time a wife has hired me to save her marriage, and trust me, it never works. Never.”
“Yeah? Well, maybe that’s on you.” Kronish looked Josh up and down again.
“Nuh uh,” Josh pointed down to his crotch. “You see this? I’m the fucking best, okay?”
Behind the counter, Liv was pulling at her face, trying to resist the urge to jump in. She couldn’t take it.
“Listen to me, you are in love with someone else.” Josh said gently. Kronish’s stance softened. “Someone who you have crazy, passionate, vibrant sex with for very long periods of time.” Kronish slowly nodded, looking at the ground. “But, most importantly, you found someone who you truly love to hold. Someone who sees you for who you really are…” Josh sent a quick glance over his shoulder to where Liv was hiding.
Behind the counter, Liv was listening intently, with her knees pulled in close to her chest, looking up as if she could see Josh. She could hear the tenderness in his voice. Her face broke into a sweet smile.
“This marriage that you’re in, it’s an anchor. It’s holding you down. You need to set sail.” Josh moved his hands in a wide motion, gesturing towards the horizon. Kronish looked confused about how Josh could possibly know that. “Metaphorically speaking.” He added at the end.
“Damn, you are one perceptive hooker.” Kronish said quietly.
“The best.” Josh reminded him.
“But you know what? You’re right.”
“I’m right?”
“Yes, I should set sail.”
“I can do this!”
“You can!”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!”
“What do I owe you?” Kronish reached for his wallet.
“Uh, fifty bucks?” Josh shrugged.
“Take sixty.” Kronish gave him that signature warm smile as he handed Josh the money. “You earned it.” He kept his hand out for Josh to shake.
“Thank you very much!” Josh returned the smile.
“Set sail.” Kronish muttered as he walked away.
“Set sail!” Josh repeated enthusiastically.
Liv popped up from behind the counter with a proud smile on her face. “Good job gigolo!”
“Not funny, Liv. We have to let that prostitute go.” He said in a hushed voice. They heard a knock on the door and froze.
“Hurry, just get to the study.” Liv hissed. Liv and Josh tiptoed into the dining room again, looking around as they heard Kronish talking to whoever was at the door. They darted across the dining room and burst into the study.
“We have to get you out of here!” Josh said to the woman frantically.
The woman was watching something on TV and laughing. She stopped when she saw them. “Oh, you’re back. Are you the good guys now?”
“We’re trying to be.” Josh said as Liv fished the handcuff keys from her pocket. “If the wrong person sees you right now it’s gonna undo a whole lot of progress I just made.” The cuffs fell to the ground as they uncuffed her.
“Uh, ‘kay, so, I’m not going anywhere until I get paid.” She said snobbily.
“I got sixty bucks?” Josh held out the money Kronish had given him.
“Sixty bucks? This isn’t a rest stop glory hole. Sixty bucks doesn’t cover the roleplay, cuffing, degrading, and this weird ass threesome.” She rolled her eyes. Josh and Liv eyed each other. “I’m calling Big Lou.”
“No, no, no! Please don’t call Big Lou!” Liv shook her head.
“The last thing we need is to add more people to this right now!” Josh waved his hands. “We’ll get you more money!”
“I’ll take a TaB too.” She said as Josh and Liv went to the door.
“The fuck’s a TaB?” Josh whispered to Liv as he shut the door.
“How do we get her more money?” Liv whispered.
Josh thought for a moment. “Find Marigold’s wallet.”
“She’s a bitch! I don’t mind stealing from her!”
“…fine.” Liv pursed her lips. They tiptoed back into the dining room, hearing Kronish laugh awkwardly at someone in the living room.
“That’s great, well, if you’ll excuse me, I need to talk to my wife.” Kronish said.
“Alright, but you’ll call me, right Elias?” The visitor asked.
“Yes, I’ll have Marigold call you, alright, bye bye now.”
Josh and Liv heard the front door close. Liv turned to Josh and nodded, ready to sneak into the living room to go snoop through Marigold’s purse. The door opened and closed again, and they heard someone muttering to themself. Josh and Liv stayed still, eyes wide, as a burly, scary looking man came walking past them, back turned to them.
“Fuck! Big Lou!” Josh crouched behind a stool as Liv stayed behind the wall. He went searching in the study. Liv and Josh bolted into the living room and found Marigold’s purse sitting on the coffee table. Liv picked it up and rifled through it.
“Got it!” She pulled out the wallet. A loud commotion came from the kitchen. Liv dropped the purse and they went running into the kitchen to see Big Lou had shoved Leslie to the ground, smashing into the sculpture Josh had almost broken earlier. The pieces of the sculpture lay scattered around him.
“Big Lou! Big Lou!” Josh called out. “It’s okay! We have your money.” He held out Marigold’s wallet.
“Hey! That’s my money!” The prostitute peered around Big Lou.
“What the fuck is going on here?!” Marigold came storming into the dining room in a robe, clearly fresh out of the bath. Kronish rushed in after her.
“This asshole sucker punched me!” Big Lou pointed to Leslie.
“This filthy pimp abuses this woman!” Leslie pointed at Big Lou and then to the prostitute.
“He’s not my pimp?” The prostitute looked at Leslie as if he were stupid.
“I’m a history teacher!” “Big Lou” looked offended. He looked over at her. “You’re a prostitute?”
“No! He’s the prostitute!” Kronish pointed to Josh.
“Neither one is the prostitute!” Marigold shook her head.
“Well, I’m a prostitute.” The prostitute said.
“And you’re so much more than that!” Leslie said to her.
“Shut the fuck up, priest.” She rolled her eyes at Leslie.
“You’re a priest?” Liv gasped.
“Reverend.” Leslie looked confused down at Liv and Josh, who’s jaws were on the ground.
“I don’t care who any of you freaks are, I just want Bunny back!” “Big Lou” wailed, leaving to scour the house.
“Hold on just a second!” Marigold pointed to Josh and looked at Kronish. “You thought he was the prostitute?”
Kronish paused. “…yes…”
“I mean, look at him.” Liv chimed in. Josh shot her a dirty look.
“And who the fuck are you?!” Kronish asked.
Liv opened her mouth to answer, but closed it, not knowing what to say. Josh looked at her with wide eyes. “I…” she looked between everyone, all eyes were on her. “I photograph him…” she pointed to Josh. “I photograph him…gigoloing.” She choked out.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Josh hissed through his teeth.
“You make gay porn?” Leslie looked disgusted at her. Liv shot him a judgemental look. Who was he to judge her?
“…yeah?” Leslie gave her a worried look.
“No, no!” Marigold turned the conversation back to Josh. “Why would I get you a male prostitute?” Kronish glanced at Josh and went back to Marigold.
“Yes Elias,” Leslie crossed his arms. “Why would she get you a male prostitute?” Everyone stared at Kronish expectantly.
“Uh, I thought…you wanted me to watch you have sex with him,” he gestured towards Josh. Josh let go of the bated breath he’d been holding. Leslie looked crushed. Liv took in a sharp breath and slowly shook her head. Marigold gave the three of them weird looks. She looked back at Kronish like he was insane. “I’ve shared with you my cuckolding fantasy haven’t I?” Kronish added.
“No.” Marigold said sharply. She scoffed. “Hm, I thought you were trying to tell me you were gay.”
Kronish let out an abnormally loud, forced laugh. “Oh, no, no. Just your old run-of-the-mill…” he trailed off seeing Leslie’s hurt look. “Cuck…”
Leslie nodded solemnly. “Obviously you two have a lot to talk about. I gotta go.” His eyes bore into Kronish. “My boat still leaves at midnight.” He saw himself out of the house.
“What boat?” Marigold asked rudely.
“I have no idea.” Kronish sighed.
“No! Don’t let him leave!” Josh interrupted. Kronish looked at Josh. “Come on! Be true to yourself!” He looked at Kronish, then Marigold, then to Liv. Liv furrowed her eyebrows. “He’s in love with someone else.” He blurted out.
“Seriously, who are these people?” Marigold shot Liv and Josh dirty looks.
“I have no idea. I have never met them before in my life.” Kronish clenched his jaw uncomfortably. Josh got a look on his face that Liv knew all too well. He was meddling again.
“Oh. Don’t you act like you don’t know exactly who I am, Elias.” Josh said, feigning dramatic heartbreak. He inched closer to Kronish, who backed away uncomfortably. “I will not let you treat me like some slut you can just bang a couple times and then throw in the garbage.”
“I don’t know what this man is talking about!” Kronish cried.
Josh looked back at Liv. She nodded for him to keep going. The prostitute stood slightly behind them, eating all of this drama up. “You thought that you could just come into my life and turn everything upside down and only think about yourself?” He was in Kronish’s face by this point. “You think that we can spend an entire weekend making love,” he looked back at Marigold when he said this, making sure she heard him correctly. She was shocked and horrified. Liv stood next to her, grinning from ear to ear with two thumbs up. “And then you think you can just ignore me?!” He turned back to Kronish. “You’ve got another thing coming, ‘cause you know what?” He turned to Liv, holding out his hand for the bag. Liv handed him the bag and he rummaged through it, pulling out the envelope with the pictures Liv took. He grabbed them and fanned them out so everyone could see. “I will not be ignored, Elias! Proof!” He showed the group. “Look what he made her take pictures of!” He gestured to Liv. “He roped her into this too!”
“What the fuck are these supposed to prove?” Marigold shouted.
“I’m calling the police!” Kronish threatened.
“Give me a 90 second head start?” The prostitute piped up. Josh turned to Liv with panicked eyes.
“Oh no, Bunny!” Someone cried. “Lord, no!” Everyone hurried to the kitchen, where the cat was found in the pot. “Big Lou” had been Kronish’s neighbor. “My Bunny’s dead!” He cried.
“The cat’s name is Bunny?” Liv asked.
Josh gave a small laugh. “If I’d have known that I would have hid it someplace else.” He elbowed Liv lightly, trying to crack a joke. Liv slapped Josh’s chest with the back of her hand as Kronish’s neighbor angrily turned to them. All eyes were on Josh and Liv. “Um…” he grabbed Liv’s hand. “We’ll…we’ll see ourselves out…” they turned and ran for the front door. Kronish followed them to the door.
“And you better stay away!” He screamed after them as they dashed down the driveway.
“Fuck free will! We should have done the gun thing!” Josh cried out as they ran down the street together.
Tiger had finally pinpointed where Wolf was. She’d tracked him all day, through the beach and park where she met an oracle on a bench who told her to let him be free from his ownership chain, and to Kronish’s house where a cunning wife oracle told her to tighten the ownership chain. Tiger knew exactly where Wolf would have ended up. Corey Hart’s concert. She approached the large crowd in front of the venue.
“Well,” she said as she spotted him right at the ticket booth. “If it isn’t the king of the public beach?”
“What took you so long?” Wolf asked, side-eyeing her. “Your tracking skills are slipping.”
“I consulted two oracles today.” Tiger said. “One said give you your freedom and you’ll come back to me. He was dumb and ate his own dog. The other said to rein you in with the illusion of freedom. She was impressive…but crazy.” Wolf looked at her, unphased. “And then I realized, your freedom isn’t mine to give or take. Neither one of us is gonna be free until we finish what we started.”
“You’re wrong.” Wolf said in a low, tired voice. “I’m free now.” Tiger furrowed her brows. Wolf looked her dead on. “Because I quit.”
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astrocalypse · 8 months
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An au (which is technically not an au for Malice) where these two know eachother and they don't get along. Adres lit them on fire after this. Malice fucking ate it up. Yay!
Fun fact: Malice's favourite places includes hell because there's so many things to mess around with
There's different versions of hell from other medias too so it's fun. They've met characters that reside in hell (like Alastor.. and they got permanently banned from the hotel(Charlie had to))
This looks like an art collab lmao
(Edited bc the grammar was shit)
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self-conscious-author · 3 months
Coup de Foudre - Chapter One - Running With The Wolves
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Beacon Hills Animal Hospital
It’s on a quiet Saturday afternoon that the McCall pack finds themselves in the back of the clinic. The weather is pleasantly warm, and the day seems to be going peacefully so far. But that can change very quickly in Beacon Hills.
They wait patiently as Deaton finishes with his last patient, a sweet old yorkie belonging to an equally sweet old lady.
”Alright,” Deaton says after locking the door behind them. “Now that we’re all here, I have something very important to tell you.”
That sentence alone has all of their attention. Is there already a new threat to handle? They’re already dealing with the after effects of the Nemeton, which, if the new girl Kira is right, ends with death. Not exactly a happy thought.
Deaton notices them all tense and smiles reassuringly. “It’s nothing bad, I promise. A friend of mine should be arriving in town tonight and I thought, given her background, you should all be introduced.”
“Background?” Scott crosses his arms. “Is she a werewolf?” 
“Is she evil?”
Allison rolls her eyes with a grin. “She wouldn’t be his friend if she was evil, Stiles.”
“Well, maybe she’s really good at hiding it, we can’t forget Miss Darach lady. She had everybody fooled. Especially him.” Derek levels him with an unamused glare when he lifts his arm out towards him.
Deaton raises an eyebrow before continuing while walking towards his bookshelf. “I’ve known her all her life, trust me she’s one of the good ones.”
“Well, what is she?”
He places a large, old book down on the table facing them. The dark brown leather is well-worn, showing the extent of its use. “She’s-“
“Hang on-“ Stiles interrupts, staring hard at the book now in front of him with squinted eyes. “You have a bestiary?”
“Of course, I have a bestiary.”
“So, we could’ve just-“
They all think back to when they were trying to sneak Gerard’s away from him, and sigh in defeat, with Stiles dragging his hand down his face.
Deaton huffs out a laugh before turning to a specific page and continuing. “She’s a Witcher.”
“A what?”
“Most Witchers hunt other supernatural creatures-“
Everyone tenses again while Derek crosses his arms. “How is that good?”
“Most Witchers.” He emphasizes with a look. “She, and her parents, on the other hand, protects them. Your mothers were actually close friends, Derek. The three of us discussed different matters on several occasions, and they only ever disagreed one time.” He points at the picture depicting a white haired man and woman with what looks to be glowing tattoos. The man holds a large sword in his grasp. “Here.”
“Woah.” Stiles whispers, leaning closer. “Witchers can quickly learn any known language upon first hearing it. They have superhuman agility, accelerated healing, enhanced supernatural strength, speed, hearing, and smell.. All to better catch their prey.” He clears his throat uncomfortably and shares a look with Scott. “Woah.”
“So, they’re kind of like a werewolf, you know, besides default google translate.” Isaac furrows his brows.
Deaton nods. “In Medieval times, a Witcher would travel around the world being paid to kill, hence the languages.”
Lydia makes a noise, motioning back to the book with her finger. “Wait, what’s with the glowing tattoos?”
“The ways to spot a Witcher are their silvery white hair and their glowing markings. Besides that they look completely normal, just like a werewolf,” He nods to Scott, Isaac, and Derek, and then Lydia. “or a banshee. A new mark appears on their skin every time they kill, or in Eira’s case, every time she saves someone, bringing them into her pack.”
”A Witcher’s markings glow on command or when in the presence of their mate.” Stiles reads, absorbed in the book in front of him. A Witcher’s eyes and markings can appear different colors depending on the situation the Witcher is in. When angry or asserting their dominance, much like an Alpha werewolf, the glow is red. When in pain or afraid, it is yellow.
“Like a werewolf mate?” Derek questions, receiving a nod in return.
“It’s similar,” Deaton says. “but a Witcher’s mate gains abilities similar to their own. They can also locate each other once bonded, even if they’re on opposite sides of the world.”
Witchers are unaffected by kanima venom and most poisons and diseases, as well as the bite of a werewolf. They are believed to have been created by witches, made to eradicate the more foul of supernatural beings which they themselves were not equipped to deal with.
While those who know of their existence may have need of them, many fear them due to the sheer magnitude of their power.
“Why doesn’t she hunt us like she’s supposed to?”
“That’s for her to tell you, Scott. Not me.”
He nods in understanding, quietly thinking for a moment. She definitely seems like someone they’d want on their side. And if Deaton trusts her, and Derek’s mother was friends with her mother- “Is it just her?”
“She has a pack, of how many I’m not sure. Last time I saw her there were six, including herself, but she could have saved more since then.”
“Well, I want to meet her.” Stiles looks up, and shrugs when he notices all eyes are on him. “What? It’s cool!”
Scott shakes his head with a smile. “Alright. We’ll all come back later tonight. Deaton, will you take us to her?”
Once the sun sets, the previously empty parking lot of the clinic fills with three cars, before emptying once more as they drive towards the preserve. Because apparently it isn’t only Derek that likes hiding in there, as Stiles points out, earning him another unamused stare from the sourwolf himself. Only Scott hears his grumbled, “I have an apartment now.”
They finally arrive at what appears to be a large log cabin and clamber out of their vehicles. “Okay, how have we never stumbled upon this?” Stiles swings his arms out towards the building.
Scott shrugs his shoulders with a shake of his head, having absolutely no idea, before following behind Derek and Deaton.
“I called ahead so she knows we’re coming, but I should still do the talking. They’re all very protective of each other.” They all nod in understanding, they’re protective as well, especially after what just happened to Erica and Boyd.
“This place is really nice.” Lydia whispers to Allison as they walk through the front door, with her nodding in agreement. It’s not massive, but it’s big enough to show there are clearly many people who live here. It’s neat, but not spotless. Already it feels lived in and warm. There are a few toys in the large open living room, telling them there is at least one child among them.
As they get closer to the back door they begin to hear the beat of a drum, as well as singing. But Deaton doesn’t seem surprised as he opens the door, revealing a fire with eleven people surrounding it.
What appears to be a married couple are dancing next to a grill with their daughter clapping to the beat from her place on the grass, a young boy sits next to her clapping and smiling as well. Sitting on the far side of the fire next to them, a red headed boy around their age appears to be trying to make a stern looking woman laugh; if one looked close enough they could see the corner of her lip tilting up slightly.
A large tattooed man with blond hair sits by the fire nearest them playing a set of four drums with his hands, with a curly blond haired boy no older than two standing in front of him, completely enthralled.
Sitting across from him is a boy and girl that look to be their age as well, watching a beautiful woman with silvery white hair sing, joining in occasionally themselves.
They’re all surprised to find the mysterious Witcher looks to be only a year or two older than themselves.
The short woman is sitting beside the man at the drums, singing in Icelandic, as Deaton quietly tells them, and smiling when the young blond boy gazes up at her.
She has a braid on either side of her head holding her hair out of her face, and is wearing an orange-ish brown dress that ends just above her knees, showing them that her arms and what they can see of her back are indeed covered in tattoos.
“She’s gorgeous.” Stiles’ awe filled whisper draws the attention of his best friend, only for a shock to run through him at the sight of his eyes glowing a bright white.
“Whoa, Stiles, what’s going on with your eyes?” 
They all whip around to stare at him, completely forgetting about where they’re standing and who could possibly hear them.
“Wha-what are you talking about?”
“They’re glowing.” Isaac whisper yells.
“What!?” He frantically rubs his eyes then looks back at his best friend hopefully.
“Nope, definitely still glowing!” 
“What the fu-“
“Could it just be something from the Nemeton?” Lydia asks, only for Allison to shake her head.
“I don’t remember my eyes glowing white recently.”
“No, you just hallucinated.”
Due to their attention being on the phenomenon of Stiles and his glowing eyes, none but Deaton notice that while the drums and masculine singing is still going, its feminine counterpart has stopped.
That is, until they hear a warm accented voice greet Deaton. “Velkominn vinur (welcome friend), it’s been too long.” 
“It’s good to see you, Eira.” The doctor and Witcher hug tightly for a moment before separating. “These are the people I told you about. Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski, and Derek Hale. Everyone, this is Eira Einarsdóttir.”
They all wave while Stiles gazes wide eyed until Lydia bumps him. His eyes finally stopped glowing once the Viking woman approached.
Now that she’s closer they can see she’s barefoot and has several silver piercings on each ear, and her eyes are a striking crystalline blue color. And when she smiles in greeting she reveals a set of sharp canines.
“Hale?” Derek nods. “I heard what happened, with the fire. My mother often spoke very highly of yours when I was a child. You have my sympathies, and hers.”
“Thank you.” It’s safe to say the teenagers are a little surprised, having never heard Derek thank anyone, ever.
“You came at the perfect time, my friend. Let me introduce you to everyone.” She smiles again, and if you asked Stiles he would swear his heart stopped beating, before turning so she’s facing more towards her pack. “This is Amy and Seán.” The teens, having heard their alpha, turn and wave at the newcomers.
Well, Seán waves, his dark eyes zeroing in on Lydia, Amy shyly lifts her fingers which causes Allison and Scott to smile.
Eira then points to the stern noirette and cheerful ginger. “Heather and Anthony,” The family of three and the young boy. “Laureli, Arthur and their daughter Clove, and Amy’s brother Oliver. My brother Bjørn on the drums.” The little blond comes running into her legs causing her to laugh before she picks him up and holds him close, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes. “And this is Ragnar, my son.”
That throws the pack for a loop.
Ragnar gazes wide-eyed at them all with the same piercing blue orbs as his mother. “Can you say hello, litli úlfur?” (little wolf) He doesn’t speak, but waves his little hand happily, causing the girls to quietly ‘aww’.
His mother places a tender kiss on his forehead before leading them all closer to the fire and her family. Now that Bjørn is standing, they can see he’s Derek’s size. “Deaton, it’s good to see you again.” And wow is his voice deep.
The two grasp arms. “How are you, Bjørn?” Deaton introduces everyone again and the large man responds with nods and handshakes.
Stiles finds himself standing next to Eira, somehow simultaneously jittery due to being so close to her while also feeling a warm sense of calm. It’s then that the small werewolf in her arms suddenly reaches for him, causing his eyes to go wide. “Oh- wow okay, hi.”
Eira gently deposits her son into Stiles’ arms, smiling as she watches Ragnar show him his little silver wolf medallion, causing him to quietly mumble something to him.
She directs her inviting smile to everyone once more. “Please, sit. Join us. I believe Arthur is finished with the food.”
Everyone from both packs proceeds to place themselves on the benches around the fire, after Eira introduces them, again. Heather gives everyone a hard stare, which they don’t take to heart, understanding the woman’s caution. Anthony waves at them all with a mouthful of his burger as he sits back down next to his stern counterpart, resuming his attempts to pull a laugh from her.
Clove hands Allison and Lydia each a daisy, before promptly running behind her mother’s legs, while Oliver simply waves at everyone from the ground. Laureli’s soft motherly voice guides them all towards her husband, where he ensures they all take something to eat.
Seán guides a very shy Amy over to talk to the girls, with the three of them perching on their bench, while he and the boys discuss lacrosse.
With everyone sitting down to eat, no one notices Stiles only just now placing little Ragnar at his feet for him to wander over to Clove and Oliver. Where he proceeds to plop down on the ground to eat hotdogs Laureli places in front of them.
“I can only smell a few werewolves.” Scott finally points out with Seán nodding in response.
“Me, Heather, Anthony and Ragnar.”
Eira, having heard her son’s name, ruffles his curls before sitting next to Stiles. “Bjørn is a werebear, so he’ll smell a little different.”
Sounds terrifying.
“Amy and Oliver are naiads, water spirits, while Laureli and Clove are dryads, forest spirits.”
The whole McCall pack listens closely, these being new creatures they haven’t heard of yet. “Arthur is actually a human from a family of hunters.”
Allison smiles at the mention of another hunter family protecting instead of hurting. It’s reassuring to know not everyone is like her grandfather, or her aunt.
“So, you saved all of them?” Derek chimes in from the other side of Bjørn.
“Most, not all.” She pauses to watch her family. “Bjørn was the first, he didn’t need saving,” They both quietly chuckle. “he never has. He actually found me.” Her eyes seem to dull and sadden, as if remembering something painful before brightening when her brother places his hand on her back. “Then we found Seán,”
“Oh boy, here we go.” He mumbles.
“He was playing the piano in a pub in Galway trying to impress a lovely young lady. It was absolutely beautiful- what was it again?”
“Uh.. it was Liszt.”
“Will you play some later?” He nods, making her smile before going back to the introductions. “After him we found Arthur, Clove and Laureli. They didn’t need saving either, but when I offered them a place among us they accepted.”
She smiles over at the happy little family. “Then it was Heather,” She doesn’t go into detail, knowing the she-wolf would rather her story be kept secret from strangers. “-then Heather actually found Anthony.”
They look over to see the redhead smiling proudly, having finally gotten Heather to smile. “She brought to our attention a young boy being abused by his human stepfather because he thought he was a monster.. Looking at him now, you would never guess the horrors he’s been through.” Derek grins softly across the space at Isaac.
“And Amy and Oliver..” She receives a nod from Amy and finishes. “were hiding in a crawlspace in their home from hunters, with their parents slaughtered in the next room.”
Her marks and eyes take on a faint red glow, remembering how she buried Amy’s face in her neck while Arthur enveloped little Ollie into his chest so neither had to see the carnage.
No one notices Stiles’ eyes also gaining a red hue. Until Amy smiles softly at her savior, bringing her back to the present and removing the glow from them both.
Now that he’s closer to her, Stiles trails his eyes along the side of her face, taking in every detail. He can’t help but feel like he’s seen her before.. In a dream maybe..
Everyone is relaxing and trading stories after finishing eating, with Bjørn mindlessly tapping his drums in front of him until it becomes steadier as Ragnar settles into his mother’s lap.
Eira begins to softly sing to her son as her body sways to the music. She leans her head against his own, watching him turn his medallion over in his hands.
Go run and hold to safer grounds
But don't you know we're stronger now
My heart still beats and my skin still feels
My lungs still breathe and my mind still fears
She smooths her hand along his curls before pulling him closer to her, settling his head against her chest.
But we're running out of time
All the echoes in my mind cry
There's blood on your lies
And the sky's open wide
There is nowhere for you to hide
The hunter's moon is shining
Stiles watches as she gently bounces her son on her lap, pulling a little smile from him, and silently decides her voice is his new favorite sound. He leans forward, placing his chin in his hand as his foot begins to tap along with the music.
I'm running with the wolves tonight
I'm running with the wolves
I'm running with the wolves tonight
I'm running with the wolves
I'm running with the
Stiles watches in fascination as the marks on her body begin to glow a soft pink color, beginning at her wrist where Ragnar traces his little fingers along a swirl, flowing up her arms and disappearing behind her back.
Before Stiles knows it the song is over, and his eyes are fading back to their rich brown.
〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰�� 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️
So, I’m finally rewriting this and thought I’d post it here as well as on Quotev and Ao3, incase there’s anyone on here who wants to read it 🤷🏻‍♀️
-No part of this story may be copied or reposted to any site for any reason without my consent-
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Award II
Alexia Putellas x Hardersson!Reader
Aitana Bonmatí x Hardersson!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You are finally rewarded for being the best
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You don't play football for the fame.
You've never played football for fame or money or awards.
You play football because you love it.
It's been apart of your life for as long as you can remember. Your parents still have your first Wolfsburg kit, back when you were a baby and couldn't do anything but cry.
The fame, the money, the trophies all just came along with the sport you love.
The responsibility of carrying your country and your club doesn't weigh on you much, not when you have such passion for the game and your teams.
The first time you felt such responsibility was on your youth team, captaining them to a successful Under-17 Euros. Then, the responsibility was back at Barcelona. You were made the third captain after half a season back from your loan to Lyon.
When you left, the responsibility stayed, being made the sole captain for your country. You've spent a year at Wolfsburg now, the club of your childhood, and the band for your club wraps around your arm in preparation for next season.
Denmark Youth Captain.
Barcelona Third Captain.
Sweden Senior Captain.
Wolfsburg First Captain.
You didn't play football to become a leader but somehow you've become one, moving from yelling orders from your defence to yelling orders at the whole team.
You are an expert keeper. You always have been.
People around you say you've made your mark on the game and you haven't even retired yet. People look at you for what a keeper should be, for how a leader should act.
(People whisper that all keepers coming up the ranks now try to mimic your style, your natural instinct and abilities).
It's only inevitable that you have the trophy cabinet to back up your skill.
Two World Cups sit in your cabinet. Two Golden Gloves as well.
Multiple Keeper of the Year trophies.
An Olympic medal.
A Euros medal.
And then awards for at club level too.
Liga F, Copa de la Reina and Supercopa sit in the apartment you used to share with Natalia with a Première Ligue and Coupe de France medal too.
Your Champion's League medals sit with Natalia's on the wall.
Everything you won at Linköping and Arsenal are at home in Sweden whilst your most recent Bundesliga and DFB-Pokal medals are at your apartment in Germany.
You are the greatest goalkeeper playing in the women's leagues at the moment and, while you cannot see it, everyone else knows it.
You've come to the ceremony to eat some of the bar food and maybe see some of your old Lyon teammates.
Talia has come to the ceremony to see you make history.
Alexia and Aitana are the ones presenting the award and just from the way they're smiling, Talia knows the result.
You've been ranked highly ever since your first nomination. That time, you'd ranked eleventh. Every time after that, you've finished in the top ten.
Your name is called and the world stops.
You suck in a breath, frozen in your seat like you're in the Champion's League final with only a one goal lead and the other team advancing on your goal with lethal efficiency.
You don't know what to do. You don't know what to say.
Your wife allows your tuck your head into her neck, not flinching as your tears drip down onto her suit blazer.
"It's okay, baby," Talia says to you," You deserve this so much."
She helps you to your feet, hiding your face as you wipe your tears where cameras can't see.
You force yourself to walk up the stairs to the stage without stumbling. You suck in a breath.
There it is.
The most prestigious award in football.
It was a few years ago now that Talia won hers. She'd had a standout season during her first as Barcelona's captain. She was lethal on goal for club and country.
There was never any doubt it would be here.
That's the way it always is.
Everyone always expects a striker or a midfielder. Sometimes, it's a defender. It's never been a keeper though, at least for the women's.
Second goalkeeper in history.
First female goalkeeper in history.
Aitana is the one nearest to you.
You're taller than her by a lot, towering over her but she still hugs you like you were little, like you were still the little girl she met when hunting down Pernille's shirt.
One of her hands comes up to cup your cheek.
"You've grown up," She says and you force yourself not to cry," You're so big now."
Alexia is next. You last saw her a few weeks ago when you came back to Spain for the weekend and attended one of Talia's games. Alexia made you come down from the stands and asked about Wolfsburg and how your season was going.
She was all business then and you'd been as vague as possible, in case she remembered something that could be used against you during the next rounds of the Champion's League.
But now, there's no hint of professionalism in her eyes as she pulls you into a hug.
"I told you," She whispers," I told you that you'd get this one day. Remember this feeling, okay? There's nothing better in the world. There's no one better in the world."
She pulls away and hands you the award.
You turn to the cameras, to the audience all on their feet clapping you.
You lift up your Ballon D'or for all to see.
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luvangelbreak · 6 months
Deprived | Twenty
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, smoking, suggestive? word count: 3.3k a/n: this series has been longer than I anticipated but I'm living for the slow burn so it's gonna be a while till we're done folks.
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pov: layla
I spent the next week couped in my room, refusing to leave as I quickly smoked the bag of weed Wes had given me. Allie had messaged me in concern multiple times and I finally built up the courage to reply to her a day after her last message.
Allie <3 Monday hey girl are you okay? matt has been off all day 1:30pm Tuesday if u wanna talk im here <3 5:37pm Wednesday im getting concerned pls message me if u need anything 3:47pm
You sorry just havent been feeling good im okay just need time alone 10:21pm
Allie <3 im sorry :(10:23pm
You its okay i'll be at school tmrw 10:27pm
Allie <3 okay! see ya then <3 10:28pm
I locked my phone and threw it lazily on the bed beside me, rolling over to face the wall where my window was cracked open. I was glad my dad was out tonight, having to deal with him for over a week straight was draining and I felt like it didn't benefit my self-loathing in any way. I sighed as my mind always travelled back to the look on Matt's face, the pure hurt in his eyes that I knew I caused.
Part of me was glad he hadn't messaged or tried to talk to me. It meant that I could push him away if I wanted to. I did just that without even consciously meaning to. I got scared and made it his fault in my brain but as I continued rotting in my bed, I realised I hurt him more than I ever meant to. It wasn't his fault that I was afraid of someone being close, it wasn't his fault that I let something so small set me off. I needed to make him realise it wasn't his fault and I was just not used to the affection and accommodation he offered me daily.
I barely slept over the past week and this night was no different. My alarm went off in the early hours of the morning and I knew I had slept a total of 4 hours from the way my brain had constantly been reeling. I dragged myself out of bed and trudged into the bathroom. I took an extra long shower to attempt to rid the disgust I felt towards myself.
After scrubbing my entire body head to toe, I jumped out of the shower and walked to my room. My entire body felt heavy and I felt tears prick my eyes when I looked over to the pink sweater that was still laying over my bag. I picked it up, realising it was the only clean sweater I had since I hadn't been bothered with laundry. I quickly slid it over my head before sliding on my black sweatpants and combat boots. I slid my leather jacket over the top, not bothering with any makeup as I lazily tied my now damp hair into a low ponytail. I grabbed my bag, quickly sprayed on some perfume and grabbed my phone off of my bedside table.
I quickly exited my house without food or water in my stomach and as I began walking down the road, I decided to light one of the last few cigarettes I had pre-rolled. I grabbed my headphones from my bag, slid one into my ear and plugged them into my phone. I clicked shuffle on one of my playlists and I let my feet drag on the asphalt as I slowly made my way down the streets of Massachusetts.
After an hour, I finally arrived in the parking lot of the school and I scanned the cars, my eyes landing where I saw the familiar silver minivan. I paused, letting out a heavy breath as I collected myself and began walking to the group of people in front of the car.
Nate was the first to notice me and he just looked at me with no expression before he turned back to the group. As I got closer I noticed the fact that Mia was standing beside Matt with her head leaned on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her back lazily and I felt a pang of pure jealousy run through me. I tried to shake it off as I got closer, knowing I had no right to be mad about it right now since I was the one who caused the riff between the brown-haired boy and myself.
"Speak of the devil," I heard Nick say when his eyes caught mine and I was a few feet away, standing uncomfortably as I looked between all of them. All of their heads turned to look at me, Allie being the only one who didn't seem like they were looking right through me.
"Matt, can I talk to you?" I asked quietly as I didn't dare to meet his eyes yet and there was an uncomfortable silence that fell over us, "Please."
"About what?" he asked, his tone short and I looked up to see his face completely expressionless but his eyes held such hurt and aggravation that it felt like it cut right through me.
"Last week," I mumbled, ignoring the pain in my chest of seeing Mia looking at me with a slight smirk. I focused in on the boy I had hurt, his blue eyes piercing in the sunlight.
"Now?" he questioned, not taking his eyes off of me and I just looked at him, the judgement of his friends radiating off of them. He sighed heavily before swinging his arm out from around Mia and I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders but there was still a pressure on my chest, "I'll be back."
I looked at the ground as he pushed away from the hood of the minivan and he walked past me. I followed behind him, not daring to look back at his friends as we walked to the back of the parking lot before he stopped to face me.
He didn't say anything for a moment as I looked up at him and he scanned me head to toe before murmuring, "That's my sweater."
"Yeah. I left it on my bag all week but I didn't have any clean hoodies for today," I explained and he hummed as I picked at the skin around my fingers, my nails too short to bite now that I had been picking at them all week. I nervously chewed on my lip before I said, "I'm sorry."
"It took you a week to say that?" he asked, his voice quiet but his words laced with pain.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. I know I reacted to what you said horribly but I just-" I cut myself off as I took a breath and looked down at the gravel below us, "I haven't had anyone take care of me the way you do. It scares me. I'm sorry."
I squeezed my eyes closed, chewing on my bottom lip far more aggressively than I intended but my heart raced as I waited for his response. I felt his hand fall under my chin and he lifted my face to look up at him, noticing now that he was slightly closer to me. He used his thumb to gently pull my lip away from my teeth as I fidgeted with the hem of the pink sweater.
"Why didn't you just talk to me?" he asked, his tone softening as he looked down at me and I shrugged dumbly.
"I am bad at talking about that sorta stuff," I answered quietly, my throat closing from the sadness that invaded my body as I looked up at him. I had no right to be upset right now, I was the one who fucked up and made this so difficult, but I felt guilt invade my entire body when I realised I didn't want to push him away. It was habit and I was always bad at breaking them.
"Don't do that again," he demanded softly and I pursed my lips as I pushed my sadness down the best I could as tears sprung to my eyes, "Or I swear to god I won't talk to you again and I don't want to stop talking to you. Ever."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you away. I just don't know how to deal with everything I'm feeling and I know it's shitty but I promise I'm trying. I have no right to be sad right now because this is my fault but I feel so horrible for making you upset. You deserve so much more than that and if I can't give that to you I understand if you don't want me to be around anymore," I rambled out all of my feelings and conflicting voices in my head but I was cut off by his lips on mine.
I paused for a moment to register what was happening before my body melted into his, his arms wrapping around my lower back as I snaked my arms around his neck. I pulled him into me, missing the way his body felt against my own more than I anticipated. It felt like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in my room for the past week with smoke-filled lungs. He gripped my hips, pulling me impossibly closer to him as I tangled my hands in his hair before he pulled away to breathe for a moment.
"You're an idiot," he mumbled before he leaned back in to kiss me gently again.
"I know," I mumbled against his lips and he ran his tongue against my rough lips, the sting of his saliva hitting the open splits on my lips from chewing them. I hissed and pulled away as he looked down at me.
"You need to stop biting your lip," he muttered as his eyes travelled all around my face, "And stop picking your nails. You're not gonna have any left soon."
"I've been stressed the past week. I can't help it," I whispered as I looked up at him in awe. I had forgotten the pure oxytocin that ran through my system when I was with him and I refused to let it go again.
"Pretty girl," he gave me a sympathetic look and I shook my head as I pulled away from his face slightly, my arms still slung over his shoulders.
"Don't feel bad. This was my doing and I will make it up to you," I answered sternly and his face broke into a small smile. I sighed, the weight being lifted off of my chest now and my body tingled with joy.
"All I'm asking is that you talk to me next time," he whispered, leaning down to place a peck on my lips and I let it linger before I pulled back and nodded.
"I will try," I scratched the nape of his neck lightly and he bit his bottom lip as my face dropped, "Don't look at me like that before we have to go inside. I'll drive us back to your house right now."
"I don't see you for a week and you're ready to jump my bones already," he chuckled and I raised my eyebrows.
"How else can I make it up to you, ya know?" I joked as let my mouth form into a smirk and he shook his head as he pursed his lips, "Does this mean I can come to your game this week?"
"Of course baby," he smiled down at me and I felt the butterflies erupt in my stomach again, promising not only him but myself to never let myself ruin this again.
"By the way," I let my right hand trail from his neck to his chest, playing with the necklace that sat comfortably on his collarbones, "Allie's brother was just dropping me home. He tried to flirt with me but I shut it down. I wasn't lying about that."
"I know. I overreacted. I'm sorry about that," he said softly and I shook my head, twiddling the pendant between my fingers as I looked up at him.
"I know how it looked. I would've been just as upset. You don't need to apologise for it," I mumbled, trying hard to convey my feelings as best I could to which he didn't respond verbally. He instead placed another kiss against my lips and smiled against me as he squeezed my hips.
"Matt!" I heard Chris's voice call from only a few feet away and we both broke apart to look over at him, "You guys done? We gotta go to class."
"I forgot about that," I joked and Chris just gave me a deadpanned look as Matt chuckled.
"We'll be there in a sec," he called to his brother who just rolled his eyes and spun around to walk back to his friends, "They're more pissed at you than I was."
"I can tell," I mumbled as I watched their eyes pour directly into me, "Allie messaged me though."
"She was the only one defending you," he told me honestly and I hummed as I looked back up to him, "I'll talk to them."
"Don't sugarcoat it. You can tell them I'm a dumbass who doesn't know how to deal with her emotions," I stated and he shook his head with a smile, placing a kiss on the top of my head before swinging his arm over my shoulders.
"Come on," he said nodding towards the group and I hesitantly began walking with him by my side. Their eyes stayed glued to us as we approached and Mia gave me nothing but a scowl with her arms crossed, "Chill out. We talked about it."
"That didn't seem like talking," Mia spat and I remained silent, letting Matt handle the situation as I looked at Allie who gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Don't Mia," Matt deadpanned and she only scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "We talked about it and I don't wanna hear it."
"Only took you a week," Nate raised his eyebrows as he spoke and he looked at me. I pursed my lips while glancing between them.
"At least it happened," Matt retorted before the bell rang and he sighed, "We'll talk about it later. Let's go."
He began walking with his arm around my shoulder still and I followed suit, Chris moving to stand on the other side of Matt as everyone else followed behind. We made our way to our classes and once we sat down, a weight fell back on my chest.
Not only did I have to make it up to Matt, I had to win back his brothers and his friends.
Pretty boy where did u go?? 12:23pm
You 🚬 be there in a minute 12:24pm
I locked my phone, sliding it into my pocket as I finished off my cigarette, throwing it onto the ground before I wedged it into the ground with my boot. I made my way back inside and straight to the cafeteria where I saw the group of friends sitting together.
"Hey," Allie beamed as she scooted closer to Mia to make space between her and Matt for me to sit. I smiled at her as I swung my legs over the bench and sat down. Matt placed his arm around my lower back as he continued his conversation with Nick.
"I don't want to wear a tie. That's why I got the red shirt," Matt groaned and Nick gave him a deadpanned look.
"It's prom. You're supposed to look fancy with a tie," Nick stated and Matt ran a hand across his face.
"We're all wearing a tie. Don't be a bitch," Nate pointed out and I tuned them out as Allie tapped my shoulder to gain my attention.
"You okay?" she asked quietly and I nodded with a hum.
"Yeah. Thank you for checking on me," I answered in a hushed tone and she shrugged with her sunshine smile that warmed my heart to know she wasn't annoyed with me.
"Of course. That's what friends are for," she said casually before she turned back to listen to the group conversation. I let her words hang over my head like a cloud.
That's what friends are for.
I don't remember the last time I had a genuine friend and her simple words struck me right in my heart. She had always been kind to me and from the moment we talked, she had been such a light in my life. I realised I not only wanted to share my emotions and feelings with Matt but also with Allie to show her that I appreciated her.
I wanted to be better for both of them.
"How long do we have to stay there?" Chris whined as he threw his head onto the table dramatically and Allie rolled her eyes.
"You're acting like you're being held hostage. If you don't wanna go it's fine," Allie responded, her tone quietening at the end and I could sense the slight sadness at Chris's distaste for prom.
"Al, I told you I'm going and I'll stick to that. I just don't wanna be there for five hours," he lifted his head up to look at her and she shrugged, eyes glancing at the table.
"We can leave early and go back to my house," she offered and Chris's mouth broke into a smile as he nodded.
"Works for me," he said triumphantly before sitting up again, resting his elbows on the table in front of him.
"How are we getting there?" Mia asked, looking around at the group and I just sat there in silence, deciding to go along with whatever plan I knew Allie had already set up.
"Meet up at my house at five thirty so we can take photos and make sure we have everything and then we will leave at like six-thirty to get to the hotel," Allie explained the plan and everyone seemed to hum along in agreement. I felt Matt's arm snake further around my back as he scooted closer to me.
"How are we getting there?" Nick asked and Allie smiled as she adjusted her ponytail.
"I got us a limo," she announced happily and Mia showed her first sign of happiness of the day as she squealed excitedly, "You guys won't drink right?"
Matt and his brothers shook their heads with a firm no and Allie turned to look at me and I shrugged, "Depends on what it is."
"Bottle of champagne in the limo?" Mia asked Allie and Allie nodded causing Mia's smile to widen.
"You're dad won't arrest us if we drink?" Nate asked, the half-hearted joke not landing well with Mia as she rolled her eyes.
"Not if he doesn't know," she pointed out with a slight smirk and Nate raised his eyebrows before nodding in agreement.
"Did you find a dress?" Nate asked, turning his attention to me as he attempted to make conversation. I assumed that in the time I'd been in my other classes and was outside Matt had talked to Nate, Chris and Nick since they weren't glaring at me anymore but they still felt slightly standoffish.
"No. I'm just gonna make my own," I explained and he nodded, his smile in a downturned smile.
"Mad impressive that you can do that," he complimented me and I gave him a half-hearted smile as Matt traced circles on my hip with his thumb.
"Thanks. I just hope I can finish it in time," I explained and I could sense Mia's disgust towards me radiating off of her but I was learning to tune her out like I had always done before Matt came into my life.
Suddenly the bell rang for our next classes and everyone began getting up. I stood up from the table before Matt spun me around and kissed my lips gently. I froze for a moment, shocked at the fact he did that in the middle of the cafeteria but I quickly reciprocated the action before he pulled away.
"See you after school pretty girl," he smirked at me before he walked away and I stood still for a moment as I watched him walk away with Nick, Chris, Nate and Mia.
"You guys are so fucking cute it makes me want to throw up," Allie rolled her eyes playfully beside me and I looked around to see people staring at me once again. I pursed my lips, my cheeks tinging red as I hid a smile and shook my head before I began walking out of the cafeteria.
@dsturniolo @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @pinklittleflower @thatcrazybitch-69 @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn @chrizznmetswife @ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix @lilsstvrn @sturniololol @sturniolowhore @jebbie-project-blog @jaxyy219
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rosewaterandivy · 5 months
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Summary: it’s always the best laid plans of mice and men, isn’t it?
Pairing: s.h. x f!oc
W.C.: 5.4K
Warnings: gilded age!au, miscommunication, a comedy of errors/manners, society snobs, a masquerade ball mishap, arranged marriage, steve ‘down bad’ harrington, and a reader/mc who doesn’t have time for this shit - she was educated abroad, she went to Vassar with Miss Nancy Wheeler, okay?!, back on my iliad bullshit (i know, i know)
playlist | m.list
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I. Coup de foudre
It’s a dreary December evening in Manhattan. The streets are damp and slick accompanied by the cacophony of hooves, equipages and carriages trundling down the way. Somber topcoats and fur-trimmed capes hide the tailored waistcoats of the men and ornate skirts of the ladies, as is to be expected with the current onslaught of weather. 
Small white flurries of snow that are sure to bring a swift end to laborious dinners and engagements at the club. And the man in the sleek black equipage himself is all too relieved about it— at least he would be released from the obligation of hearing his father’s friends complain about these upstart robber barons descending like a horde of locusts on Fifth Avenue.
A quiet night in his study would be a welcome distraction.
That is, if they can ever get home in this weather.
He can hear the whinny of the horses from up front and the soothing tones of the driver. The streets are probably close to icing over at this hour, making it difficult to find traction. 
Suddenly, the equipage swings quickly to the side and careens into something with a loud thud, sending its sole occupant straight into the door with a smack. He hisses lowly at the twinge in his forehead as the driver descends with a flurry of apologies.
He opens the door himself and steps outside before the driver can assist him. The white puffs of his breath speak to how quickly the weather had turned. He draws his coat closer and approaches the two drivers as they attempt to settle the horses.
“Gentlemen,” He greets, “What seems to be the problem?”
“Noting to worry about Mr. Harrington,” His man, Andrew, assures him, “The ice just snuck up on us is all.”
He nods taking in the damage, dents and scuffs on both vehicles but the horses appear to be fine. Reaching into his coat pocket, he brings out a small notebook and a pencil to scribble his information down for the other driver. Is about to tell the man to bill him directly when someone steps out from the carriage opposite.
The footsteps themselves are delicate and tentative. He tears his gaze from the driver’s, glancing back only to find a young woman emerging from the carriage. She’s holding her skirts in one gloved hand, shivering in the cold. 
“Is everything all right Jesse?”
Her voice is like music to his ears, melodic almost. And she looks like something stolen from a painting— bright and alluring.
The winter light is quickly fading, and the lamplighters were sure taking their time this evening. Her cape is dark, like his coat, but the split at the front reveals a purple skirt trimmed in demure black lace, signifying an exit from her period of mourning. 
Her man, Jesse, shepherds her back toward the coach, “Let’s get you back inside Miss, don’t want you to catch a chill.”
“Of course,” She says with a shake of her head, “How silly of me.”
And before Steve can embarrass himself in an attempt to introduce himself, she’s safely ensconced back in the carriage. Her driver returns and takes the paper from Steve, tucking it into his coat.
“Apologies gentlemen, but I must be on my way.” He pulls himself back onto the driver’s box, “Have to get the young Miss home to her brother’s, you understand.”
He tips his hat, and with a tug of the reins he’s gone.
Steve finds himself standing right where she left him, feet riveted to the very spot where she once stood. He must have taken a step toward her at some point, like an utter madman, probably startled the poor girl half to death.
Despite their disastrous non-meeting, he can’t seem to shake her from his mind. As if everything had been in black and white until she stepped down from the carriage and breathed color into his world, spring bursting forth at the sound of her voice. It sounds positively insane, even to himself, but if Robin were here, she’d understand.
Hell, she’d probably have a word for it too. 
Something French, inevitably.
“Mr. Harrington,” Andrew says, a hand tentatively resting on his shoulder, “Is something wrong?”
Steve blinks; a feeble attempt to clear his mind from thoughts of the mystery woman.
Andrew refrains from rolling his eyes, “Right sir, let’s get you home then.”
The journey back to the Harrington family manse was uneventful. The familiar brownstone facade came into view as Andrew swung the equipage onto the street outside the house. Luckily, the home was large enough that his late arrival wouldn’t be noticed. 
He thanks Andrew and watches as he takes off with the horses for the carriage house a few blocks away. Stepping into the house, he makes quickly for his study slipping through the door just as one of the maids turns down the corridor.
Steve shucks his coat onto a nearby chair and tugs off his cravat with one hand, the other pouring a healthy portion of bourbon into a highball glass. He downs the amber liquid too quickly, the burn welcome against his throat. 
After pouring another glass to sip from, he settles into a heap on a club chair by the window. Resting his jaw on a hand, he faces the glass panes, eyes trailing the flurries of snow outside, unsettled by the quiet of the street. His mind won’t stop racing, vacillating between kicking himself for not getting her name and hoping he’d run into her again, albeit this time under better circumstances.
Little did he know, that several blocks away a man was questioning poor Jesse about his whereabouts when a slip of paper was placed into his hand. He scans it quickly, face paling at the name scrawled there: Steven Harrington.
“How could you let this happen Jesse, really? The accident, I understand, but allowing my sister out of the carriage unaccompanied?”
“Sir, I had no—”
“I’ll not hear your excuses.” Christopher Fairchild balls his hand into a fist, the paper crumpling in his grasp. “You said he saw her, Harrington, that is?”
“Unfortunately,” Jesse admits, “I intervened as best I could and got her back into the coach. He seemed rather transfixed by her.”
His employer grunts, “Yes well, that is unfortunate. What if someone had seen her with that man, no chaperone in sight?” He turns to the sideboard and pours himself a drink, says with a scoff, “Not even out to society and potentially scandal-ridden.”
At this point, his wife, Marian, chooses to enter, having seen the young lady to her rooms and getting her settled for the evening. She places a tentative hand on his shoulder while Jesse trains his gaze to the floor.
“Darling,” She soothes, “Your sister is asleep as is the baby, don’t get yourself into a fit at this hour.”
He sighs as her palm moves in slow circles against his back and takes deep breaths. “Of course dear,” He sips from his drink and turns to her. “I just worry about her. All the work you’ve put into her debut and planning the ball.” Christopher places a kiss on the back of her hand, causing her to blush. “I don’t want it to be all for naught.”
She sighs prettily. 
“It won’t be,” Marian advises, “You’ll write to the Harringtons tomorrow and we’ll get this matter settled. And there won’t be a speck on your dear sister’s reputation, I’ll see to that.”
But, oh dear reader, where would be the fun in that? 
As we all know, the New York winter season is winding down rapidly, and do we not deserve something to keep us warm over the holiday? I would say so! 
So, in honor of her long-awaited arrival, let us give a hearty New York welcome to Miss Eleanor Fairchild! Fresh from the society of Paris and a graduate of Vassar along with Miss Nancy Wheeler, her debut this week is the talk of the town. 
Despite her indecorous brush with Mr. Steven Harrington, I am sure she will not have a shortage of suitors after the ball this weekend. 
But the question remains, my loyal readers, of who will take a shine to Miss Fairchild and step out from the long shadow cast by the Harrington name? 
Only time, and this weekly missive, will tell.
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Morning in New York was startling and nothing like waking in Paris.
House maids, lady’s maids, and valets moving up and down the stairs, knocking on doors to air out the linens and draw the curtains aside to let the murky winter sun stream through. There was, of course, the soft babbling from the nursery as Gus woke from his repose, the nursemaid and his mother close at hand.
A sharp knock sounded from the door just as you drew the bedclothes closer to you, content to roll over and sleep through the gray morning.
“Bonjour mademoiselle, vous permettez?”
“Oui!” You say, curious at the chipper voice now opening the door, “Sorry, yes, you may enter.”
“Merci, mademoiselle.”
The girl, your new lady’s maid, softly shuts the door and turns to regard the room.
It’s certainly larger than what you’d grown accustomed to in France. But then again, most everything was in New York, especially so since you hadn’t returned to the city in well nigh on a year or more.
The room itself is well-appointed and elegant, Marian saw to that; soft colors and fabrics, diaphanous and frothy, a subtle nod to Versailles no doubt. You hadn’t had much time or energy to give it a glance last night, more inclined to have a late dinner, divest yourself of traveling clothes, and pass out as soon as possible.
The lady’s maid continues her silent assessment as another knock sounds from the door. She steps to open it and let in the housemaid.
“Good morning Miss,” She greets with a smile, her voice rounded with a warm Irish lilt. “I ‘spect you’ll be needin’ a fire this morning.”
You nod just now noticing the chill in the air. She busies herself with the kindling and sweeping ashes from the fireplace. The maids exchange a few soft words before she steps out to get the firewood from the Useful Man down the hall.
“Apologies,” You say by way of greeting, “But I don’t believe I got your name?”
“Oh, pardonne-moi,” the lady’s maid curtsies briefly, “Je m’appelle Marie.”
“Marie,” You repeat, “Pleased to meet you.”
“Moi aussi, mademoiselle.”
And from there, the ritual of dressing began. The house maid, Louisa, lit the fire and spirited you out of bed to air out the linens. At Marie’s suggestion, she also tackled unpacking the various trunks placed near the dresser and closet.
“These are fine frills Miss,” She smiled, her fingers delicately folding chemises and hanging skirts or dresses. “The Missus said your debut gown came all the way from Mr. Worth’s shop in Paris, is that true?”
A soft sigh escaped you at the memory, ivory chiffon and silk revealing the décolleté and arms, gauze and tulle providing a tempting illusion of bared skin. A full skirt with bustle that would skim the floor accompanied by a small train. With gloves and a fan to match, of course.
“Indeed, it is,” You allowed with a cheeky wink, “But I think Marie would have my head if I touched it before Friday.”
Marie, for her part, merely smirked and continued her preparations for your bath.
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Across a few city blocks, a footman knocks on the imposing doors of the Harrington manse. The family butler, Campbell, just happens to be descending the stairs and takes it upon himself to open the door.
“Good morning sir,” The footman says with a bow, “Mr. Fairchild bid me to deliver this.” He hands over an envelope addressed to Mr. Samuel Harrington.
“Yes, well,” Campbell sighs, opening the door to let the footman in. “I’ll get this to him. If you hurry, Cook can scrounge up some coffee and a pastry for you. Just take the servant’s hall to the right.”
“Much obliged,” The footman says with a bow as Campbell starts up the stairs.
The handwriting on the envelope is neat, if a bit cramped. Must be the young Mr. Fairchild then, rather than his wife sending the correspondence.
Mr. Harrington’s study door is cracked open, the sound of papers shuffling to and fro on his desk as the butler enters. He briefly glances up to find Campbell, “Happen to know where I put those contracts, Campbell?”
“Perhaps the drawer on the left, sir.”
Mr. Harrington pulls the drawer open, “Right you are, good man.” And thereby loses himself to perusing the documents and thus ignoring Campbell.
“A letter has arrived for you sir,” He says stepping closer to the desk, “From Mr. Fairchild, it seems rather urgent. I have his footman waiting for your reply.”
“Hmm, well let’s have it then.”
He takes the letter from the butler’s hand and slips the blade of the letter opener under the paper. Retrieving the missive, he scans through it quickly, lips pulling down in distaste.
“See to it that Mrs. Harrington gets this,” He instructs, pulling out a new sheaf of paper and beginning his correspondence. “If she wishes to see my reply, she best be quick about it.”
The letter itself detailed the unfortunate meeting between Mr. Fairchild’s sister and Mr. Harrington’s only son. The man was understandably concerned about how it would seem should someone have happened upon them sans chaperone, as the young lady had yet to make her debut into society.
Mr. Harrington’s reply was cordial in an attempt to smooth things over— the Fairchilds, like the Harrington’s were of good stock, two families of the New York Four Hundred deemed to be unblemished and acceptable company by none other than the Grande Dame herself, Mrs. Astor. It wouldn’t be fitting for reputations to be sullied as the result of a simple misunderstanding.
As expected, Samuel’s wife, Amelia, swanned into the study seemingly in the midst of her morning toilette. Her hair was up, but she still wore her housecoat as her day dress had yet to be put on by her lady’s maid. Mr. Fairchild’s letter waved about in one hand, while the other pressed upon her chest as if to stop her racing heart.
“That boy of yours is going to give me heart failure.”
Samuel signs the letter with a flourish and lays his pen to the side.
“Oh, so he’s only my boy when he acts indiscreetly with the fairer sex, but he’s your son when he’s winning accolades at Harvard and breaking hearts abroad, is that it?”
She tuts and sits demurely on the divan, “Well, yes. Precisely that Sam.” She fans herself with the letter as her husband leans against his desk. “The social set have already written him off as a lost cause and we can ill afford a whisper of a scandal, especially now.”
Sam passes the reply to his wife and pauses, as if to choose his words carefully.
“Still moving forward with your plans to find Steven a wife then?”
“Of course, dear,” She answers brusquely, “There are many suitable ladies this season of decent breeding and passable looks.” She glances up and passes the letter back to him. “Your response is sufficient, send it off with the footman.”
Amelia rises from the divan and turns to leave. “Wake Steven and have a talk with him will you? I’ll send Maude out to the florist, he should write a note of apology for her to send along.”
“As you wish, dear.”
Amelia leaves just as abruptly as she appeared. Samuel sighs and furrows his brow, the inklings of a headache coming on. He taps his fingers against the desk and checks the time.
“Campbell,” He calls into the hall, “Have Calvin wake Steven and tell him to see my in the study.”
“Of course, sir.”
He takes a seat and settles himself behind the desk once more.
“And have Cook send something up? Coffee and breakfast for two.”
Awaiting the arrival of his son, Samuel Harrington turns and faces the bay of windows that look out onto the street below. He watches as Fairchild’s footman hops on the back of the coach and slides from his view. He contemplates his son’s options, admittedly there are few.
Such are the advantages and disadvantages in marrying a woman who’s as sly as a fox. It’s just a matter of out-maneuvering her; an entertaining and seemingly endless chess match that’s lasted even longer than their marriage.
But the silver lining in all this, he supposes, is that Steven Harrington, their sole child and heir, just so happens to take after his father in this respect, in that he’s crazy like a fox.
Funny how things work out, isn’t it?
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As for the young Mr. Harrington, well, suffice it to say he had quite the morning. The newly arrived Miss Fairchild, however, had a luxurious start to her day (that is, if one discounts the pulling and pinning of hair, the tugging on of stockings and tightening of corset laces).
You joined your brother and sister-in-law in the dining room while another maid fixed a plate of breakfast for you; Pierce, the butler, stepped in to pour the coffee. You thanked them both and broke your fast, listening as Christopher and Marian discussed the events of the day.
“I’ll need to see to the accounts today,” Your brother said, turning his newspaper with a shake. “Everything should be in order before the ball this weekend.”
Marian nodded and sipped from her coffee cup. “I have some calls to make today, and thought Nell could accompany me.”
Christopher slowly lowers his newspaper and glances your way— don't feel obligated to do this, you haven’t been properly introduced into society yet.
Buying time, you take a bite from the flaky croissant on your plate and ruminate. In a way, both Chris and Marian are correct; you aren’t obligated to escort Mrs. Fairchild, nor would it be wise to turn down an informal introduction to those in Marian’s circle. She would, after all, be serving as your chaperone, and, along with your brother, introducing you to Manhattan high society on Friday at the ball.
Your debutante ball, to be precise.
At the time, Vassar was a welcome distraction and reprieve for being paraded around like a prize calf at auction. But then came the unfortunate illness and demise of your parents, followed by a year of mourning.
It would seem that your time of delay had finally come to its end.
After all, no one wanted a spinster for a bride.
Dabbing at the corners of your mouth with a napkin, you clear your throat and brace yourself.
“That sounds lovely, Marian. I’d be happy to escort you today.”
She smiles and makes to reply, but before she can open her mouth to do so, a knock sounds from the front door. Puzzled, the three of you glance at one another, clearly not expecting a caller at such an early hour.
Pierce nods to someone by the door, bidding him to open it. He quickly returns with a beautiful arrangement of flowers, only to set them to your right and hand you a card. Baffled, you take in the spray of purple orchids, white tulips, lemon geraniums, the sprigs of rosemary, and tucked away behind the hearty green stalks, the shy blooms of forget-me-nots.
Respect, sincerity, an unexpected meeting, remembrance, and affection.
“Well,” Marian prompts from across the table, “Who are they from?”
It’s only then that you recall the card in your outstretched hand. Slipping from your reverie, you thumb open the small envelope.
Miss Fairchild—
Please accept my sincere apologies for our run-in yesterday evening. I hope it did not startle you. I’ve liaised with your brother about the repairs, and in the meantime will give you use of my equipage and pray it will suffice. I also hope that you’ll enjoy the flowers and please know that they relay my deepest and most sincere sentiments.
Cordially yours,
Steven Harrington
P.S. Je vous prie d’accepter mes sincères regrets et ma sympathie à l’occasion du décès de votre proches.
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For the remainder of the week, Steve was a bundle of nerves. He’d written the note as his mother asked and even went so far as to accompany her to the florist, managing to slip in a few blooms that complemented the arrangement nicely. And if his mother didn’t happen to notice the errant sprigs of blue or the lingering scent of rosemary, then so much the better.
What he didn’t anticipate was the lack of a response.
“It isn’t done,” Miss Robin Buckley reminded him on their promenade in Central Park. “Until she is out to society, her brother is no doubt keeping her under lock and key.”
“You could provide the introduction,” He points out petulantly. “You’re choosing not to in order to entertain yourself with my suffering.”
“You cad,” She swats at him with her fan. “And no, I cannot. There’s a reason I fled to France after my disastrous debut, as you well know.”
And thus, Steve resigned himself to pining for a woman who barely knew of his existence, while the eligible bachelors of New York bided their time until her debut at the ball.
“For what it’s worth,” Robin says carefully as they round a bend, “There have been many deliveries to the Fairchild House, but yours was the first.”
He warms at the thought.
“That has to count for something, I suppose.”
She grins, “It will.”
They continue to walk, grateful for the brief break in the weather and discuss the evening’s festivities: who will wear what, how many dances until Robin steps on someone’s toes, how ostentatious the new money Vanderbilts will be.
They exit the park, parting ways as their carriages await. Robin catches a curious expression on her friend’s face, both dreamy and apprehensive. She lays a gloved hand on his arm.
“À cœur vaillant rien d'impossible.”
Steve glances down and says with a playful smirk, “Qui vivra verra.”
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On Friday afternoon, Marian and Marie carefully assess your gown while Louisa dashes to and fro with the pearls, no the diamonds.
“Sapphires? No, that would ruin the effect.” Marian muses and Marie agrees.
You, by the by, are seated on the bed in a chemise and loosened corset, bored stiff, as the two hem and haw over how to best display you for the ball.
Because that’s all this is really, an overblown dog and pony show in which you’ll be paraded around and shown off to great effect all to attract suitors. It was enough to make one queasy. God forbid a woman do anything on her own or without the approval of a man.
As if men ever did anything worth doing that a woman didn’t have to make right.
Having quite enough of their chatter, you shrug into a robe and pull its sash tight, toe on some slippers and make your way down the hall. At the end of the corridor, you spy the cracked door to Christopher’s study. He’s shuffling papers and muttering to himself as you slip inside.
“I think the accounts can handle themselves for the evening,” you say with a smirk, settling yourself on a chair by the window.
He chuckles, “I suppose you’re right, clever girl.” Sorting the papers into a single file, he looks up at you with a quirked brow. “Had enough of Marian’s prodding, I take it?”
You sigh and dramatically cast your head back, “That’s the worst of it— they haven’t even begun!” Warming at his familiar laughter, you continue: “If I’d known that this is what I’d be subjected to, I would’ve stayed in France.”
Chris studies you at that; your weary sigh, crossed arms, and face a mask. Can’t make heads or tails of if you’re serious or not. Is it too soon? Did you still need time to mourn Maman and Papa? But then your debut had been delayed so much already…
“Is that what you want?”
It’s a question you hadn’t expected from him. But suddenly you’re reminded that he’s your brother, the only family you have left in the world. The man who dropped everything and took the first ship bound for France to be with you at your parents’ deathbed. He had insisted you stay at the house in Paris until you’d recovered your own strength and sent Marian and Gus to keep you company while he saw to business at home.
And knowing him as well as you do, Chris wouldn’t ask something idly.
So you choose your next words carefully.
“I no longer trouble myself with wants.”
The lightest dusting of snow begins to gather on the windowpane. Soon enough, all of the city would look like a snow globe. A perfect winter wonderland for the evening’s festivities, and your favorite kind of weather— snow makes everything look softer somehow, muffles the sound, and blankets the world in swaths of pure white. Your mother adored snow, had somehow convinced you and Chris that she could smell when it was about to begin. And maybe that’s why you’ve taken a shine to it now.
Turning from the window with a small smile, you rise to exit the study and get ready for the night. Leaving your elder brother puzzling over your parting phrase.
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Steve could hardly forget your first meeting, but seeing you that evening nearly eclipsed the recollection. Without a cape and no longer in the purples and grays of half-mourning, you were quite a sight to behold.
And he wasn’t the only one who thought so.
Several men from the club, Hargrove, Hagan, and Byers, were scattered around the room sizing up the competition just as he was. Somehow, Edward Munson had been granted an invitation— with his railroad money and lack of pedigree. Regardless of social standing, each eligible bachelor in the room was jockeying for position; who would be the first introduction, the first dance, did her eyes fall on him or the man to his left?
Steve was well-versed in this routine, he’d been to enough debutante balls to last a veritable lifetime. Usually, he’d enter and make the necessary greetings before grabbing a refreshment and picking a wall to lean on because god help him if he was going to actually dance more than the bare minimum required.
But in this instance, things were different.
Namely, that he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about you since that fateful night. Despite the lack of interest from you (which was to be expected, really), he couldn’t help but think of you fondly. Descending from your coach to check on your driver and the horses, shivering in the evening chill, voice soft and sleep-worn.
There was also the fact that his mother was hovering somewhere behind him. She’d oh so fortunately seen Mrs. Fairchild as she was making her social calls earlier in the week and had received an informal introduction to you. She’d said as much at dinner that day and ever since then, she’d been subtly laying the groundwork for a possible courtship.
And as much as Steve did not want to bow to his mother’s machinations, he also desperately wanted an introduction with you. So he sips his drink and observes the goings on around him his attention turning to the grand staircase as someone announces:
“Presenting Miss Eleanor Joséphine Fairchild, escorted by her brother Mr. Christopher Fairchild.”
The symphony starts up as you descend the stairs to polite applause on the arm of your brother, eyes demure and downcast, your subtly rouged lips pulling into a soft smile. And Steve can hardly breathe— it’s as if the world slowed and went fuzzy at the edges, everything and everyone falling by the wayside save for you.
Because you are positively incandescent; beautifully angelic in your finery and reminiscent of Venus emerging from her shell. He feels as if he’s been struck, a warmth radiating in his chest, and wouldn’t be surprised to find one of Cupid’s golden arrows lodged there. And Steve knows a little of desire, of wanton lust; he is, after all, a man of privilege in a world that caters to his whims. But while this feels reminiscent of that— the heat, the wanting— there is also, oddly, restraint.
All eyes are on you as your brother leads you across the floor, smiling politely at those assembled, eyes never staying on one person for too long. You’re playing nice, presenting an unimpeachable image of the demure lady, it wouldn’t be done to favor one gentleman this evening. In fact, it would send the wrong message entirely.
Everyone present knows this; it is a game often played in polite society, even if its ramifications are— how shall we say it?— best left behind closed doors.
“A lamb and her shepherd,” His mother says, voice pitched low for only him to hear. “Bo-Peep will soon abandon his charge, and that, Steven, is when you will make your introduction.”
It’s all he can do to school his features and recede into himself; eyes glassy and blank, face a mask. Polite and charming, affable even. And while his mother thinks she is being helpful, it’s hard not to believe she isn’t pouring poison in his ear. Half expects her to say something akin to, “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't.”
She doesn’t, and for that he is grateful. Instead, she melts away into the background and loops her arm through his father’s. And, sure enough, your brother does eventually leave your side only to be replaced by Mrs. Fairchild, who slips your wrist through a dainty loop of cream ribbon with a dance card and a small pencil attached.
The room stills, a pack of wolves lying in wait. Drinks are set aside, conversations cease; Amelia gives her son an unceremonious push forward, her gloved hand on his shoulder tipping him toward the inevitable. Steve nearly stumbles from the shock of it all.
Because in one moment he’s just another man in the crowd, an eligible bachelor at yet another ball prepared to drink the night away. And in the next, his eyes lock with yours, and he feels himself falling. It’s hopeless to fight it, this gravitational pull you seem to have over him; haven’t exchanged even two words, and he’s already in your thrall.
He can see your chest rise with your sharp intake of breath, eyes widening at his approach. Steve’s trying not to spook you, really he is. He thinks back to his favored horse, Balius, the clomping hooves and fierce breaths, tries to calm you in the same manner— a slow approach, a small smile, and soft words.
And while he would never bow to the stubborn dappled stallion, Steve does bow to you and says, “Steven Harrington, a pleasure to meet you officially Miss Fairchild.”
Your eyes light in recognition, of his name or him he cannot tell. But you curtsy all the same and offer him your hand, as etiquette dictates. He takes it gladly, marvelling at the fine fabric of gloves adorning it. His finger finds the racing pulse on the underside of your wrist, running along it slowly.
Another sharp intake of breath at the sensation, a heat skittering underneath your skin as his fingers loop around your wrist, your pulse thudding in their wake.
He opens the booklet and takes his time writing his name, well aware at the gathering of eligible suitors at his back. He’s loathe to release your hand and leave you to all of this, the wolves at the gate, but as much as he wants to whisk you away from what is sure to be an uncomfortable and tiring evening, Steve is required, as is everyone else, to play the game.
And Steven Harrington is playing to win.
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Mr. Harrington—
It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance this past Friday, and thank you for your presence. I do hope the evening passed pleasantly for you and my apologies for not seeing to you more frequently, but other obligations, as you well know, prohibited me from seeking your company. Furthermore, I must apologize for being remiss in not offering my sincerest gratitude for the lovely flowers and the gracious use of your equipage. You are truly a generous man, and I am grateful for your friendship.
Cordially yours,
Miss Fairchild
P.S. Merci pour le sauvetage de Monsieur C—. Je n'avais aucune idée sur sa relation avec Mademoiselle C—. J’espère que vote intercession ne reflétera pas mal sur vous. Je vous suis redevable.
Steve’s postscript: Please accept my sincerest and deepest condolences on the passing of your parents.
Nell’s postscript: Thank you for the rescue from Mr. C—. I had no idea about his relationship with Miss C—. I hope your intercession will not reflect poorly on you. I am in your debt.
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
For the Hell of It - Rescue
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Characters: Jason Todd x fem!oc
Rating and warnings: T, brief description of violence.
Word count: 990
Summary: Red Hood comes to her rescue.
She woke slowly, sedately, to the touch of Jason’s fingers trailing down her cheek. 
Eyes shut, she leaned into it. 
The hand cupped her jaw, tilting her face up. There was no light scrape of rock hard calluses against her chin. The skin was smooth.
Andy’s eyes snapped open.
Black Mask looked down at her.
She recoiled. Or tried to. Her body responded slowly, groggy and jerky, against hard metal restraints. She was bound to a chair. 
“Red Hood’s squeeze, hmm? Lucky find,” he said. He wasn’t talking to her. He tilted her chin back the other way to look her over. “I knew he was just a man under that helmet.” 
A large man covered in tattoos stood behind him to his right. He looked down at her in disdain. 
“Anything you want to tell me, Miss Wright?” Black Mask drawled. 
She kept her mouth shut. 
The second man hit her on the face. Her head rocked back. Her ears rang. 
“He asked you a question.” 
She bit her tongue to stop her pained whine. 
“He doesn’t know you’re missing,” Black Mask said. “And he won’t, not for days. No masked maniac coming to rescue you. Your chances of getting out of here start and end with not pissing me off.” 
She looked at the nasty grins on the face of the two hulking enforcers standing by the door. The uncaring menace in the man who hit her. The mocking glint in Black Mask’s eyes.
“You’re not letting me out alive anyway,” she said, with mounting terror. It churned in her gut. 
Black Mask barked a hoarse laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll wring every last secret out of you before I do you the favour of letting you die.” 
One of the enforcers turned his head, his brow furrowed. 
Something rattled onto the floor, then blinding white exploded everywhere. Her vision blanked out entirely, one final image burned into her eyes: Red Hood standing behind Black Mask, with his gun pointed at his head. 
She was thrown sideways in her chair and landed hard on the ground. Guns fired with deafening reports, too loud for her to tell where or from who. Blind and still reeling from the impact, she felt the tattooed man grab her hair. He was ripped violently off of her a second later, and she went skidding sideways across the ground. 
Everything got lost in the chaos and noise, before a blow to the head knocked her out.
Andy woke to Jason’s hand in her hair. 
Her heartbeat picked up, foreign alarm she couldn’t name or understand in her throat, until she registered the familiar calluses against the small of her neck. Strong hands, scarred and rough, massaged her skin with all the gentleness in the world. She breathed out in relief, and her eyes fluttered open. 
Her head lay in Jason’s lap. He was reading a book, his wrist propped up against her shoulder. A gun sat on the bedside table. They were in a safehouse. She didn’t recognise it. 
She felt perfectly safe. It took her a moment to process why that mattered, and why her mind even presented it as meaningful.  
Her brows pinched and the side of her face stung at the movement. She brought up a hand, and felt butterfly strips across her brow. 
Patchy memory filtered in. 
Jason turned a page with his thumb, calm and measured. He radiated fury. It wasn’t at odds with the gentleness of his hold on her. His calm methodical rage was so dangerous it could burn Gotham to the ground if he loved it any less. 
“What happened?” she asked. Her voice was raspy and her throat sore. She had the vague idea she might have been screaming during the scuffle. 
“Black Mask’s second in command launched a coup and murdered his Boss,” Red Hood said, still looking at his book. “He’s trying to pin it on me to keep the support of Sionis’ loyalists. Nobody believes him.”
She remembered, sudden and clear as day, burned into her mind against the pure white of a flashbang grenade: Red Hood pointing a gun at Black Mask. A fan of blood and viscera, in a frozen still, exploding out behind the black skull.
She sat up. She stared at him. 
Jason hadn’t killed anyone in years. He wasn’t allowed to, or Batman would run him out of town.
The enforcers, any witnesses, they’d know what happened, they would have to be– he couldn’t have just walked out with her, she was dead weight, had he really–? Had he– For her?
A quiet, hard thought cut through her muddling. 
There had been a good reason Jason didn’t kill Black Mask during his initial rampage, and it wasn’t lack of opportunity. He had plans, counter plans, acceptable losses, and goals he wouldn’t bend on. Necessities balanced on delicate scales sometimes called justice but more accurately called reality. The power vacuum hadn’t been worth it.
And he’d done it anyway. He’d killed Black Mask, in the middle of Batman’s city, for her. 
He looked back at her, unflinching.
She lay back down, putting her head in his lap. 
He ran his hand over her again, carding it through her hair and burying it deep beneath her curls.
Those men, however many it was, died for her sake. 
Did their blood stain her too? Did it stream down from his hands onto her head, dripping through her hair to streak across her face? 
They would have tortured his secrets out of her, that hard voice said in the back of her mind. She was alive because Jason killed them first.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
He curled over her and looked into her eyes. The hard fury cracked and she saw the desperate storm in his gaze. 
“You don’t have to thank me for that.” 
I love you.
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jerzwriter · 3 days
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Hey guys! It's been busy, and I have not been feeling good about writing much lately, but I have a few Smuttember requests I wanted to get done. This is the first one, based on this ask, jealousy for Ethan x Kaycee. Thanks for the ask, Nonny. I hope you enjoy it.
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC), Tobias Carrick, Clarissa Stanton (F!OC) Rating: Mature Words: 2,500 ish Summary: Everyone is crazy about the new addition to the team. Dr. Clarissa Stanton is a rising star in the medical community, and Edenbrook is lucky to have her. She seems to warm up to everyone, well... almost everyone... and there is someone she's warming up to a little too much, and it's not sitting well with Kaycee. See how it all works out.
A/N: Participating in @choicesprompts Smuttember. #27 Jealousy, but also #17, Reclaiming, too. I didn't have much time to edit - so forgive errors. :)
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“Dr. Stanton, please report to the Diagnostic Team office. Dr. Stanton, Diagnostic Team office.”
It was innocent enough. Just one of the dozens of announcements heard over the PA system at Edenbrook Hospital on any given day. It shouldn’t have caused any alarm, but these days, just the mention of Dr. Stanton’s name made Kaycee’s blood turn cold. She clenched the pencil in her hand so tightly that it snapped in half, taking her and a nurse standing nearby by surprise.
“Dr. MacClennan,” the nurse smiled. “What did that pencil ever do to you?”
Kaycee replied with a pleasant smile, attributing the pencil assault to a lack of sleep and voluminous quantities of caffeine, but she knew that wasn't the truth. The innocent pencil was collateral damage in the cold war taking place between her and Dr. Clarissa Stanton, a war Kaycee was growing tired of.  
Clarissa was a new fellow at Edenbrook. She had come to them from “the most distinguished residency program in the U.S.,” as Ethan reminded everyone. Daily. “It was quite the coup for us to land her,” he had told the diagnostic team triumphantly as Tobias made an off-color comment about 'landing.' Kaycee had heard of her; of course, her research had been the talk of the medical community for the past couple of years, and she was excited to have the opportunity to work together. Still, Tobias’s comment piqued her interest, so she quickly Googled her name.
Kaycee raised a brow when she saw the image load on her phone. Clarissa was striking – a face that looked like the girl next door if the girl next door had been a teenage model. Long, light brown hair and big, brown eyes that managed to be innocent and sultry at the same time. Her LinkedIn photo showed her propped up on a desk, her legs crossed and wholly swallowed up by her lab coat. There wasn’t a skirt in sight.
She would definitely have to warn her new colleague about Tobias, but none of this mattered. What mattered was Dr. Stanton’s research on off-label use of psychotropic medications, which had led to breakthroughs in more conditions than Kaycee could recall. What mattered was the impassioned testimony she had made before Congress recently, which landed her in the news cycle for weeks on end. She was a rising star... a once-in-a-generation talent. And because God clearly played favorites, of course, she was beautiful too.
Later that day, Kaycee had lunch with Tobias, and she warned her friend to keep things professional and don’t dare scare her away. Little did Kaycee know that the beautiful newcomer was one of the few women on the planet who were immune to the charms of one Dr. Carrick. No, Clarissa had made it clear from day one that she had her sights set on someone else.
She had a friendly, approachable demeanor, bordering on flirtatious, and she assimilated into both the team and the hospital with ease. Her well-earned air of confidence sometimes bordered on arrogance, but she was charming enough that no one seemed to care. Clarissa was impressive, and everyone was smitten. She seemed happy to be a friend to all, with one exception. Kaycee.
It wasn’t for Kaycee’s lack of trying. In fact, she had to stop herself from fangirling when the new doctor first arrived. But while Clarissa ate up attention from others, when it came to Kaycee, she seemed annoyed and did her best to distance herself.
When Kaycee pointed this out, even to her best friends, they insisted Kaycee was imagining things as they, too, were taken in. She resigned herself to being the sole outsider in the Dr. Stanton fan society, but she could still learn from her, and they could still work together. There was no way Kaycee wouldn’t be supportive of another up-and-coming woman in the medical field; they faced enough and needed to stick together. But there was one thing Kaycee couldn’t continue to ignore.
“There she is!” The normally curmudgeonly Dr. Ramsey beamed when Clarissa appeared for the team’s morning meeting. “And what brilliant theories are you going to grace us with today, Dr. Stanton?”
Kaycee snapped another pencil in half under the desk. Tobias, the only one who noticed, raised a brow. Leaning in close, he whispered, “Pencils are no longer safe in your presence, MacClennan. What gives?”
She ignored him, but she couldn’t ignore the way Clarissa hovered close to Ethan throughout their rounds- again - today. Or the way she asked questions and made comments that felt just a little too… familiar. She watched as Clarissa’s hand lingered on Ethan’s shoulder just a little longer than it should and bit her lip when she erupted in laughter every time Ethan cracked a joke... bad jokes.
Still, Kaycee kept it together. She was a professional, after all, and she had nothing to worry about. Her relationship with Ethan was solid, even if their relationship was a secret to ninety percent of the planet. Her residency was ending in just months, he reminded her constantly, and they’d be Instagram official very soon. But right now, a few months felt like decades away.
That day turned out to be particularly grueling. Kaycee had been assigned to work in oncology with a miserable attending who did everything they could to undermine her at every step of the way. If that weren't enough, she learned the case she had been working on for the past week, the one she knew she was close to breaking, was miraculously solved by none other than Ethan and Clarissa by way of two doctors discussing it in the third-floor lounge where she had gone for a moment of refuge.
“You should have seen them working together,” one doctor said. “It was seamless – like they could read each other’s minds.”
The second doctor concurred. “They have the makings of a medical power couple for sure. Edenbrook is already on the map, but they could make it the favored destination.”
Kaycee swallowed hard. That stung... a lot.
She decided to check in on one more patient before she left for the day. Mrs. Withers was just the ray of sunshine Kaycee needed right now, always bright and cheerful no matter what was taking place. Kaycee needed some of that magic to lift her spirits, and it worked... temporarily. She was about to step out of Mrs. Wither’s room when she heard their voices in the hall.
“I still can’t believe we solved the Dorrant case,” Ethan all but sang. “I was beginning to think that would be one of our rare dead ends.”
No matter that I told him I was close to solving it last night, Kaycee thought as her jaw tightened.
“There are no dead ends, Ethan,” Clarissa ensured. “Only angles that haven’t been examined. We're clever enough to find those angles; don't ever doubt it!"
“I’ve got to admit, I love your attitude.”
Kaycee shuddered; she could hear the smile in his voice, and she was about to break that case!
“Hey, we’re both leaving work,” Clarissa started. “What do you say we go grab a drink to discuss... future opportunities.”
Ethan didn't so much as hesitate before accepting the offer, and when Kaycee stepped out of the patient’s room she watched them step into the elevator together. It felt like a punch in the gut. She didn’t like when that little green monster clawed at her, but right he was drawing blood. She felt invisible, she felt lost, and the one person who could make her feel better was part of the reason why, and now, he was out with Clarissa.
Kaycee didn't go home. Instead, she took advantage of having the key to Ethan's penthouse, and that's where she waited. When Ethan returned to his apartment later that night, Kaycee was there – wearing a hole in his carpet as she paced back and forth. He walked in and glanced at the clock, then Kaycee. He knew something was amiss.
“Kaycee,” he droned, dropping his keys onto the marble counter with a clang. “I didn’t expect you to be here tonight.”
“Oh, I’m sure you didn’t,”  she spat, her firey eyes laced with a touch of pain. “I saw you leave the hospital with Clarissa. You two looked really... close.”
Ethan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Kaycee, you know it isn't like that. We were just sharing a drink to discuss work. That’s all.”
But his answer did not suffice. She crossed her arms defensively before her chest, and her brows knitted together as she stood before him in the kitchen.
“Do you not see the way she looks at you? Or how she hangs on your every word? And she’s not like that with anyone else, Ethan, only with you!”
Ethan took a step closer. “Kaycee, Clarissa is a colleague. You have nothing to be worried about.”
“Don’t I?” she asked, disappointed with the level of desperation in her voice. “I was just a colleague once. Harper was once your colleague... don’t tell me she’s just your colleague and expect it to provide any comfort!”  Her anxiety was palpable as her eyes welled up with tears. “Ethan, I know it takes more than a pretty face to turn your head. But Clarissa isn’t just beautiful; she’s brilliant. She’s a rising star! Just the thing to make a sapiosexual like you take note!”
“Sapiosexual?” he chuckled.
“Don’t act like you’re unfamiliar with the term! You don’t get it, Ethan! She’s out there being all flirtatious with you, and I’m forced to keep our relationship hidden in the shadows like it's a dirty secret! Every time I see you two together, it feels like I’m the one who’s invisible. Like I'm the one who can be replaced!"
His eyes softened when he saw the extent of Kaycee’s pain, and he cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. “No one will ever replace you, Kaycee. No one. You’re it for me.” His voice was low, commanding, and sent shivers down her spine.
She bit her lip, too proud to allow the tears pooling in her eyes to fall. She took a cleansing breath and summoned her courage. “Then why do I feel like I’m fighting for you?”
His hand encircled her wrist, gripping it just tight enough to keep her from pulling away. “You feel that way because you’ve been bottling this up inside instead of coming to me. You haven’t given me a chance to remind you of what we are.” He leaned down, his lips brushing hers. “Let me remind you, Kaycee,” he whispered. “Let me remind you of who we are.”
Kaycee’s breath hitched; resistance was futile as he brought his lips back to hers, kissing her slowly, deliberately, as if she were the only other person alive. All the jealousy, frustration, and angst that had been consuming her melted away with that kiss, the heat between them igniting more with every passing second. He touched her with a wanton hunger that made her knees buckle. She leaned back against the kitchen counter so she wouldn’t fall.
This pleased Ethan, who was taking her in with a devilish grin; his hands began to roam over her body. Gripping her hips and pulling her against him, he lifted her onto the counter as she moaned softly, the frustration of the day unraveling as his hands claimed her and his lips traced down her neck to the sensitive skin of her chest. He unbuttoned her blouse.
“You think I want anyone else?” Ethan growled, his breath hot against her. “I’m yours, Kaycee. Every inch of me.”
Her hands fisted in his shirt, and she pulled him close, her body arching into his as she kissed him, biting his lip, relishing the control he offered her. He let out a low, primal groan as she worked her magic, taking back what was rightfully hers.
She hopped off the counter and led him to the living room, pushing him back on the couch. He didn’t fight her; this was just what he wanted. She shoved him into the cushions, straddling him in one swift movement, her blonde locks falling all around them. The air between them sizzled with a raw, palpable heat, and his heart nearly stopped when she lowered her hand and slipped her panties to the side. His hands gripped her thighs, grounding himself in the reality, the intensity of being inside the woman he loved. He swore all the air had escaped him. He was home.
“Do you think Clarissa could ever do this to you?” Kaycee whispered breathlessly in his ear, her hips grinding into him in a way that made him forget his own name.
“Not a fucking chance,” he rasped, pulling her closer, his lips devouring hers in a breathless kiss.
She kissed back harder, pouring proudly taking back all that belonged to her. She pressed her body against his as if to remind him she was the only one who could have him like this. His hands roamed up her back, their delicate touch sending chills down her spine. He pulled her closer to him as his hips lurched up to meet her. He needed her in every possible way; she was the only one who could set him on fire like this.
“Say it,” she demanded, her breath ragged, her lips swollen from his kisses. “Say it!”
“You’re mine, Kaycee,” he growled, his voice rough and heavy with desire. “You’re mine, and I’m yours... no one else matters.”
A satisfied smile spread on her lips, and his hands cupped her breasts as she threw her head back triumphantly. Heart, mind, and soul satiated; her body quivered around him, and sounds of pleasure filled the air as she found her release. Ethan’s movements became more erratic as he moved inside her; his eyes screwed closed to shut out the world, focusing solely on how they were joined, how he loved her, needed her, and wanted her more than anything he had ever known. He let out a cry as he reached his peak – his mind going blank as he emptied deep inside her. They collapsed together, silent, gasping softly as they tried to catch their breath, lost in the rapture they found themselves in.
There was no longer any doubt between them. He reached up and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, his finger slowly caressing the curve of Kaycee’s precious face.
“Feeling any better,” he smiled.
“Much,” she grinned, nuzzling under his arm. “I love you, Ethan.”
“I love you, too.”
Sleep came quickly after, as they were lost in a world of their own creation.
The following morning, Tobias was in the Diagnostic Team office when Clarissa came barreling in, two steaming hot cups of coffee in her hands.
“For me,” he smiled playfully. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Good," she grinned. "Because I didn’t." She placed one cup in front of Ethan's seat.
"Just for him?" Tobias questioned.
Clarissa shrugged nonchalantly. "It's to celebrate our win yesterday."
“With Starbucks?” he chuckled, raising his own cup of coffee to his lips. “If you’re trying to impress Ethan, that ain’t gonna do it.”
“What do you mean?” She asked, just as Kaycee stepped into the room, beaming as she placed a cup from Derry Roasters right next to Clarissa's offering.
“Tobias is right,” Kaycee smiled. “You have much to learn.”
Ethan entered the office and took in the scene. “I’m glad to see you’re already pouring over the documents for our next case,” he said sarcastically. “The initiative is heartwarming."
His face softened a bit when he saw Kaycee, who offered a clandestine wink. “Sorry, boss,” she grinned. “We were just discussing something far more important,” she motioned to his place at the table. “Like, what’s your favorite coffee.”
Ethan looked at the two cups, trying to stay diplomatic. "Let's just say I prefer local goodness over corporate greed."
"Damn!" Clarissa mock frowned. "I guess I owe you a cup from Derry's."
"Another time," Ethan smiled, taking a long sip from the cup as Tobias slid the Starbucks his way.
"I'm not as particular," Tobias winked.
They reviewed today's cases, and with marching orders given, Ethan was the first on his feet. He walked with purposeful steps toward Kaycee, placing a kiss atop her head before she had a chance to stand. "Have a good day, sweetheart. I'll meet you for lunch."
Clarissa's eyes went wide, choking on her iced latte. Tobias wore a wicked grin. "I thought you two were under wraps until her residency was over," he smirked. "Jesus! You only have two-and-a-half months left!"
Ethan looked back over his shoulder, a smug smile on his lips. "As if we're not the worst kept secret in Edenbrook anyway." With a wink in Kaycee's direction, he was out the door. Kaycee sat back in her chair. The warmth inside her had nothing to do with her beverage of choice. The stupid grin on her face made that perfectly clear.
"You all right there, MacClennan?" Tobias asked.
"Yes," she replied. "I'm perfect." After all, today was going to be a much better day.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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the12thnightproject · 1 month
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Chapter 18:  Mitsunari POV - The Anger Emergence. Mitsunari discovers jealousy. (Events from previous two chapters).
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
CW: Snake
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Camouflage versus concealment: Concealment is that act of hiding something, covering it up so that no one can see it. Camouflage is the use of color, pattern, shadow, light and dark to make something less visible, visually fooling the eye into not seeing something that is not hidden.
Personal comments: Until recently, my emotions were concealed not only everyone around me but also myself so well that they might not have existed at all. In the past few days, I have experienced fear, joy, anger, hope… and feelings that I did not know existed, never expected to experience; feelings that I do not even know how to categorize.
And now, I must learn how to camouflage them.
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"Halt. Do not move." Instinctively, Mitsunari froze at the sound of authority in Hideyoshi’s voice, and in the process nearly overbalancing on the step. He tightened his arms around Okatsu. No, he refused to trip and fall, not when he had such an important bundle in his arms. Okatsu let out a dismayed sigh, and for a moment hid her face in his chest. Mitsunari wished he could pretend she was doing so because she wanted to be closer to him, but he knew her well enough to realize she was trying to avoid Hideyoshi’s eyes. "Did you not leave the mine early to rest your injury?”
How to respond? He didn’t want to lie to Hideyoshi. Not again. He didn’t want to lie any more than he had to… even presupposing he could come up with an effective story this quickly in any case.
Okatsu rescued him, lying as easily as she did everything else. "We did, and we did. We spent the afternoon in the garden, and Mitsunari let me rest my foot in his lap."
Hideyoshi didn’t look happy with that explanation. Did he not believe her? Mitsunari hurried to back up the story. "Yes. It was elevated."
There was a shocked little peeping noise from Okatsu. "My foot. It was elevated, as Mai instructed. It was very restful."
Without another word, Hideyoshi took Okatsu out of Mitsunari's arms. "I’ll carry her." The sudden emptiness left Mitsunari feeling bereft – and that emotion was replaced by something else when he saw her wrapped in Hideyoshi’s arms. It felt almost like … anger? He had an impulse to grab his sword and run Hideyoshi through.
Horrified, he squashed that impulse down.
Where had it come from?
He was still trying to puzzle that out when he caught Okatsu silently trying to tell him something. What? Save her? From Hideyoshi?
Her lips moved again.
He… still had no idea what she wanted him to do.
Her hand was resting on Hideyoshi’s shoulder. She waved it at him and he realized there was a paper tucked between her thumb and her palm. Where had she gotten pap- The note!
She wanted him to check on Hikosane. Mitsunari paused, not entirely sure he knew where to find him. In his room? In the garden?
Hideyoshi glanced over his shoulder. "What is wrong?"
Mitsunari told the most believable lie he had ever told in his life. "I’m going to go get a book."
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Over the course of a long search, Mitsunari discovered that Hikosane was not in the gardens, not in the archives, and not in his room.  Nor was he in the armory… although one of the Genba maids and one of Mozumi’s personal guards were, and Mitsunari hastily retreated after stumbling through a long apology for interrupting them (he hadn’t been aware that particular activity could be performed standing up). Eventually, he tracked the boy down in the kitchens, where he was playing suguroku with a page.
Winning, in fact, and the page was more than happy to turn over his part of the game to Mitsunari and return to his duties. “Good luck, Lord Mitsunari. You may need it. Hikosane is very good at this game.”
Once the page had left, Mitsunari studied the board. “Hikosane, are you well?”
“Of course, Lord Mitsunari.” Hikosane smiled as he rolled a combination of numbers that allowed him to move more markers closer to the finish. “Why do you ask?”
“I am making conversation.” Mitsunari didn’t want to come right out and tell a small boy that he might be in danger. “Has anyone pushed you down the stairs recently? Or have you nearly been shot? Or stabbed? Or… been standing under something heavy that mysteriously fell?”
There. That would gently lead up to the topic, he thought.
“You believe I am in danger.” Hikosane stated it calmly, but his hands were shaking.
Perhaps… that had not been the best way to go about it after all. Okatsu was better with the child. She would know what to say. “Er. It is possible. Will you come with me to talk with Okatsu? We can come up with a plan to keep you safe from potential assassins.”
Hikosane swallowed loudly. “Assassins?”
Why had no one written a book on how to talk to small humans?
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By the time Mitsunari returned to their quarters with Hikosane in tow, it was fully dark outside. Okatsu was lying on her stomach on the futon, puzzling over the note. She had a brush and a scroll, and it appeared she had been researching whether it was a code, for the scroll contained several lines of nonsense words. She sat up and set the materials aside when she saw them.
As soon as he crossed the threshold into the room, Hikosane got right to the point. “Mitsunari believes I’m in some danger.” Though Mitsunari appreciated directness (from any person, be they adult or child), given the way Okatsu was frowning at him, he must have done something wrong. Maybe he should have done a better job at keeping the information from Hikosane.  “He didn’t tell me in so many words. I guessed from the manner of questions he asked.”
“We don’t know.” Okatsu suddenly smiled at Hikosane, and Mitsunari realized he hadn’t seen her smile very often, but when she did smile, it felt like a sunrise. Unfortunately, the sun was rising on Hikosane, instead of Mitsunari. “We were given a message, but it was vague.”
Hikosane curled up next to Okatsu to read the note, and though this was only a child, Mitsunari felt again that same rush of anger he’d felt when Hideyoshi had scooped her into his arms. “I see. The truth is, I am in danger, I have always been in danger – this is something that has been told to me as long as I can recall. The question is, am I suddenly in more danger? Immediate danger.” His hand went to the child sized sword at his waist.
At the reminder that there were more important things to worry about that his own feelings, Mitsunari sat down too, ready to push emotion aside to deal with the problem. “Yes. That would be the dilemma. Have you experienced any unusual accidents in recent days?” When Hikosane shook his head, Mitsunari continued, “what about illness?”
“Last month, I became sick after something I ate. It tasted odd, so I only had one bite.” Hikosane shrugged. “However, that may have been an accident.”
Okatsu seemed thoughtful. “Was anyone else sick?”
“No… but.” Hikosane suddenly looked appalled and tears came to his eyes. “Two of the dogs died the next day.”
Poison. He could tell Okatsu was thinking the same thing.
Hikosane launched himself into Okatsu’s arms, hiding his face in her shoulder. And this time, Mitsunari didn’t feel angry at all. If anyone had earned the right to Okatsu’s hug, it was Hikosane.
Once the embrace ended, Okatsu asked him, “Are there people here who you trust – people you know will not try to harm you?”
He counted the names on his fingers “You. Mitsunari. My father – though I do not see him often. My sisters.”
It was unlucky for Hikosane that he only had sisters. Sisters who were like Shohime, instead of like Okatsu. An Okatsu sister would be a great advantage to the child. But at least her fiancée was young and likely able to protect Hikosane. “When Shohime marries Iekane, would you be able to go to them for long periods of time?”
Hikosane’s hands balled into fists. “I hate him! He smiles too much.”
“I thought smiling was a good thing?” Wasn’t it? Mitsunari realized he smiled a lot too. Was that wrong? But... “I like it when Okatsu smiles.”
“I do too.” Hikosane looked like he was about to crawl into Okatsu’s lap, and Mitsunari started to get that mixed up angry feeling again. “Iekane smiles when he means to frown. I don’t trust him. You do believe me, don’t you?”
“I do.” She ruffled his hair. “I … don’t like being around him either, so how about this? When he is around, come over to me and we can protect each other.”
Why didn’t she like Iekane… had the man also threatened Okatsu, or accosted her the way Mozumi had? Why hadn’t she told him? Did she not trust him yet? He wanted to pull her close, and comfort her somehow. But he couldn’t think of what would be the correct way to do so without being as free with her person as the other two men.
During his mental debate, Hikosane said something that Mitsunari missed. He hoped it hadn’t been important.
Hikosane bowed. “I should return to my room before someone looks for me.”
Since Okatsu stood up and seemed determined to accompany him, Mitsunari got to his feet as well. After all of this, he didn’t want her to have to return to their rooms by herself. There were too many potentially dangerous people about.
Hikosane took Okatsu’s hand, and then, to Mitsunari’s surprise, he discovered that Hikosane’s other hand had found its way into his own. Interesting. In a sense, Hikosane felt like a link in a chain that connected him to Okatsu. It felt… warm, also to be allowed into this circle of trust, and Mitsunari realized that even without the presence of Okatsu, he would like Hikosane for his own sake.
Once, they reached his room, Hikosane bowed again and thanked them, after a hastily covered yawn. He thunked down on his futon.
Mitsunari had half turned to leave, already mentally preparing to ask Okatsu what she knew about Iekane, when he heard the noise.
The blanket undulated, and his eyes focused on the snake that was already honing in on Hikosane. “Hiko! Do not move.” To Okatsu, he asked, “Mamushi?”
There was fear, and the urge to shield Okatsu, to shield Hikosane, and under that was the terror that he would not be able to save either of them. He pushed that away. A snake was a sword. Its actions were just as predictable as that of a warrior. It was threatened and it would strike where it deemed the closest threat was. Right now… that was Hikosane.
What tools did he have with him? Sword. And, Okatsu must be armed as well, he knew she never went anywhere without at least –
Yes, she was reaching for a knife she had strapped to her ankle. Was she as good with a throwing knife as she was with a bow and arrow? “Can you hit it?”
“I’m … I’m not sure.” She frowned at the snake, which still had its full attention on Hikosane.
If Okatsu threw the knife and missed, or didn’t do enough damage to the snake, it would bite Hikosane. If Mitsunari approached it with his sword, the snake might bite Hikosane before he could get to it. Therefore, they needed to divert the snake’s attention, first. In his mind, he could see how to accomplish that and the steps that immediately would need to follow.
“Hikosane – on the count of three, Okatsu will throw her knife behind and to the left of the snake. As soon as it turns to look at the knife, you are to roll to the right.” He spoke softly, trying not to agitate the snake further.
With the calmness and skill of the best warriors, Okatsu sent her knife sailing over, and behind the snake. It bounced off the wall and clattered to the floor. The snake hissed and turned its head.
Hikosane rolled off the futon.
The snake turned back as if to strike, but Mitsunari knew where it was going, where it would be, and got his sword there first.
Even before the two halves of the snake hit the floor, Okatsu had Hikosane wrapped in a hug. “He is not staying in this room.”
“It is probably safer now than it ever will be. Whoever put this snake in here will be counting on no one coming in until morning.” But even as Hikosane spoke bravely, he looked at the dead snake with apprehension.
While she comforted Hikosane, Okatsu glanced around the room, possibly seeking additional deadly traps. Mitsunari took the opportunity to hold her hand again. “I forgot. You did say you are afraid of snakes.”
She shrugged slightly. “I’m not fond of things that can kill me. It’s good to be alert for that kind of thing.”
Though she had seemed less worried for herself, she had kept hold of his hand, and that made Mitsunari feel warm inside. Hopefully, this meant that she finally trusted him.
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"You don't like Iekane.” Mitsunari made it a statement, not a question, though he kept his voice low. After a brief discussion, they had brought Hikosane back to their room, figuring he would be safest with them. He grabbed his night clothes and slipped behind the screen. "Is there a particular reason? Or a feeling?"
"Would that matter?" There was a note of challenge in her voice, that even Mitsunari could pick up on.
"I trust your feelings either way.” He struggled a bit with his sash, not wanting a repeat of the time he had gotten stuck in his clothing. Luckily, this time it wasn’t tangled or twisted around. He freed himself on his own and kicked his kimono out of the way. "But if he has actually done something, I would like to know what he is capable of."
Her hand whisked the kimono off the floor. "Remember when I said someone locked me in the crate? That was him."
The mixture of anger and confusion that he had felt earlier was nothing compared to the sheer rage that swept over him. For a moment, he couldn’t see or hear, it was all a whoosh of hot anger. If Iekane had been in front of him in that moment, Mitsunari would have cut him down faster than he had the snake.
Someone had punched at the screen.
It was him.
He’d punched it.
And then the need to assure himself, to confirm, that Okatsu was ok had him rushing out and yanking her into his arms. She was ok. She was alive. What had happened to her had happened years ago, and if he had anything to say about it, nothing would happen to her again. But Iekane had been here all day. She’d had ample opportunity to confide in Mitsunari. But… she hadn’t. "Why haven't you told anyone this?"
She mumbled something too quiet for him to hear, so he reluctantly let her go.
"I confronted him the other day. He said it was an accident." She shrugged. “That I had gotten confused. And meanwhile, he was robbed and unconscious for days. Eventually he was adopted by the previous daimyo… who apparently recently sickened and died. So. That’s where he’s been.”
As stories went, it sounded less than likely, but Okatsu knew Iekane better than Mitsunari did. "Do you believe him?" He realized he was still holding his night kimono, so he shrugged into it.
"It's a plausible explanation, but... no. I don't." Okatsu made a circular motion with her hand, and Mitsunari turned around. Then her hands came around his waist, and he was momentarily thrilled until he realized she was fixing his sash. "The problem is, without Aki- my lord- I have no way to prove it. It's his word against mine."
She slipped behind the screen to change, and to distract himself from the delicious sounds of silk fabric sliding across her body, Mitsunari instead pictured Iekane, and what he would do to him when he found him. "I will take your word. That being the situation, what are his skills? Lying and manipulation - poisoning- for its likely he killed the previous Daimyo. What else?"
"Pretty much anything I can do, so can he." There was a long pause, and a relieved sigh, and Mitsunari wondered what she was doing back there. Focus! Enemy. He concentrated on her words. "I'm a much better archer- he's better with a sword."
Then she emerged from behind the screen, and her hair was flowing all around her shoulders, still wavy from being confined in that elaborate hair-bundle she’d been wearing it in, and everything left his mind except … her.
"Your hair is pretty." He reached out to touch it, only remembering just in time that that would be an invasion of her person.
"Er. Thanks." She looked away from him, then her eyes grew big in surprise. Hikosane had fallen asleep across her futon. There was no room for anyone else.
That was… ok. She could sleep in his futon. Mitsunari could sleep on the floor, if needed. But it was probably for the best. He would stay up and attempt to figure out what to do about this Iekane problem. "You can take mine.  I will be awake formulating a strategy.
"You will not. You need sleep. We all do. Your strategy will be better after a good sleep." Okatsu was all business as she briskly climbed under the bedding. "There's enough room for two. I trust you."
She trusts me! But the sight of her, warm, flushed, her hair a bit disordered, and the thought of pressing up against her all night long almost overwhelmed him. No. Did he have that much control? "I am honored, but… You... should not." He didn’t even have enough control to refuse the offer. He carefully perched on the edge of the futon. "Perhaps a short nap."
"Even if you weren't the most trustworthy person I know, it's not like you would do anything with Hikosane in the room." Okatsu rolled onto her side, facing the window – they could, potentially lie down back-to-back.
A little hurt by her automatic dismissal of him, he lay down, keeping a hand space between them. “That is a good point, I suppose. Although an untrustworthy person might not care."
Was it that she found him trustworthy? Or did she not consider him worthy of sexual interest?
"Go to sleep, Mitsunari."
"Goodnight Okatsu." He reached over and squeezed her hand, just to remind her that even if he was “trustworthy,” he still was human.
He would be lucky if he slept at all.
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In the end… he slept. Some. Okatsu was a restless sleeper, who talked in her sleep. Nothing that gave him any information about how she felt about him, unfortunately. Nothing even that made any sense, either, simply random phrases, like, ‘where’s my IC card?’ ‘missed the bus’ and ‘wiped-out on the half pipe.’
What did make sense though, was shortly after sunrise, she was relaxed, curled into him and once again, Mitsunari had that feeling that together, they simply fit, that they added up to something that was important and strong.
He couldn’t revel in that insight too long though. As she unconsciously burrowed closer, a physical need for her, to be inside her, flooded through him. It was almost painful in its intensity, and if he didn’t-
Oh. She was awake.
Was she aware?
Could she tell?
She was smiling though. If she could tell, perhaps it was ok?
"Good morning Okatsu." He said it as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Hikosane, not wanting the moment to end. He put the palm on his hand on her cheek, the way he had done weeks ago when she was injured. The way he had done the first time he’d noticed they fit.
She didn’t move. Mitsunari didn’t either, waiting for a signal to do something, to move, either closer or away. Cautiously he lowered his head. If she didn’t want a kiss, surely she would say no, or move or…
She was going to let him kiss her!
"We have a problem! "Hikosane yelled from the doorway.
Okatsu leaped away from him, while Mitsunari got tangled up in the blankets, and in his frenzy to escape, banged his head against hers.
Hikosane was in danger, that was certain. But at the moment, he was in danger from Mitsunari.
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@bestbryn @lorei-writes @katriniac @lyds323 @briars7
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Prolouge 1 : The withered rose of a Deracinated Heart; Mary.
The Beating Embers of Van Der Heart.
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Descendants x male Oc (you can read it as a self-insert if you want).
TW: Sexual assault. I allude to The Mad Queen being sexually assaulted making her pregnant to Eli; so warning! If you wish to skip, I’ll just color the paragraphs of her assault in red so just skip those.
Word Count: 1k - It's shorter than the teaser but has more plot and story.
Little a/n: This will mostly focus on the Mad Queen (the mother of Eli, the male oc of the story)
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Mary Elizabeth Heart. The once vibrant royal Red rose of Wonderland. Once a great ruler but somehow got a madness that cursed her to be a tyrant, sentencing countless of heads to be severed. Her half-sister Mirana Heart De Marmorea, was the daughter of the neglectful Red King and Marble-Like Concubine; was forced to over throne her. With a coup, Mary and her vessels who let her paint the streets blood red, were all imprisoned and stripped of their titles and power.
Now Mary was forgotten, no more was the Red Queen. She now was a withered rose, she was now the Mad Queen. Thrown to the land of the lost and forever remembered as a tyrant. Her and her still remaining loyal vessels left, however she birthed a baby. A child she got the day of her departure from Wonderland. Now a new blooming flower is thriving out of the withered rose that was once so beautiful.
Mary didn’t actually want him at first, nor did she expect to have him. But then she was seeded with a harsh hand on her when she was still chained to the wall and imprisoned in the dark dungeons of the Castle. In those dark hours of the night she was deflowered, her petals plucked rather harshly by a disrespectful knight; one that was supposed to only keep watch of her. She screamed and shouted but her sins towards others made them no longer care for her. Her past vessels can only listen to the nightmare all calling out for help with her in their individual cells but still, no one came.
She screamed so much that night that the day after she could no longer speak; while she was still a mess and tears stained her face, clothes ripped and hair messed with. It was never reported to the White Queen even when one of her vessels knew. She was more anxious and more ‘insane’ that morning after.
Surprisingly that day after Mary was harassed, the truce and peace of kingdoms was sent to wonderland. No matter how much Mirana the White Queen wished to hold onto her sister; to find a glimmer of hope that she will get better and everything will go back to before. To achieve peace, she had to send her to the land of the lost alongside everyone who they battled; no matter the history.
“For all nations to unite, we propose for you to send your villains to us. We shall make sure to contain them,  away from all their harm. For us to not be at each other’s throats anymore because of the sins committed by these villains.” written in a vibrant deep gold lettering. It was marked with the blue rose and golden accessories that symbolized the beast king and beautiful queen of Auradon.
For the people the greatest villain of their land was Mary, their Mad Queen. Mary Elizabeth Heart, The Red Queen was now just a faint nightmare to them. The White Queen’s vessels hold a ceremony the night of her departure, nor only as a celebration for their evil tyrant’s punishment; but also for their unity with the other nations. 
As the Queen, Mirana held her stance of being a leader and was at the ceremony with a gorgeous gown and beautiful crown that wonderful night. However as the half and only sister of Mary, she held her one last time before her departure towards Auradon’s land of lost that dreadful morning. Saying farewell and tearing up a quiet storm, this however was done behind closed doors. She wasn’t supposed to show empathy or sympathy for the former tyrant no matter what, for if the people saw this; They would riot.
Mary even in the curse of the madness still understood not to lash out or hurt her sister once she held her. In some twisted way she was thankful for the banishing, after experiencing that night. She was thankful she was gone from there. She knows if she was to be there for a little longer; it’ll happen again.
However once she was at that land of the lost, together with the few vessels that decided to still be with her till the end. She found out she was pregnant, a life inside her. Given by the man who now was her nightmare day and night; that made her no longer wish to be near any man she didn’t know beforehand. She hated this, she didn’t want to have it nor can she remove it.
She gave birth to it, but for half a year did not ever want to look or touch it. Only when they were alone one night when the baby was crying, did she finally look at it. He had her eyes, her hair, her skin. It looked like her, mimicking almost everything she looked like but on a baby boy. It was crying, asking for anyone to comfort it. Then while she was just staring at it a few inches near it, something snapped.
Her madness that would cruelly curse her and fog her mind, stayed down. Her sanity came back and she realized it was crying for help just as she was that night. She could help it, she could ease his pain. So just as she wished for someone to have helped her back then, she cared for him. They both cried while she held him close, she didn’t want to let go of him now. He became a beacon for her sanity, she still would have it but she would learn how to live with it.
The child was now finally named by Mary to be Eli, a name mimicking her’s. Eli Van Der Heart, the one and only child of Mary Elizabeth Van Der Heart. Now being banished and dethroned she was now severed from the royal family of Hearts. Now just being Van Der Heart; meaning now they were only “from Heart”. The new baby now being the blooming flower that this withered rose would look after and nurture.
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An: HELLO, I FINALLY FINISHED THE FIRST PART OF THE PROLOGUE. This introduced the birth of Eli and a glimpse into The Mad Queen (here Mary Elizabeth Heart) and The White Queen (here Mirana Heart De Marmorea).
I might get to work on the next part after a small break from this. Also I plan to have multiple chapters for the prologue, to flesh out Eli and his relationships with the other VKs and also to flesh them out. Since personally I didn't feel like they had much character in the beginning other than just being the children of Villains and going against that.
I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS! its the official start of the story! also if you wanna get tagged just tell me! i'll make a list <3
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I finally finished it!!! The universe acknowledged my cries!!
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heydorothea009 · 5 months
Bread on Toast - A Future Man Fanfiction
Josh Futturman and his fellow coworker and best friend, Liv Branson, get roped into saving the world as time traveling saviors with, what were thought to be, video game characters, Wolf and Tiger. Not only are Liv and Josh completely incompetent, but they are also emotionally inept- will this cause the destruction of mankind? Only time will tell.
Warnings: strong language, SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI PLEASE AND THANK YOU), porn with plot ig, Wolf misses cocaine 😔
Chapter 10 (pt. 1): Prelude To An Apocalypse
“Any…any chance that’s good?” Josh asked, leaning back to look up at the tall tower. This was not the Kronish Labs that Liv and Josh knew.
“That’s the Kronitorium,” Tiger said, fear seeping into her voice. “That’s where the super cure was engineered, where the Biotics were born.” She looked frantically from the tower to Liv and Josh. “This building isn’t supposed to exist for another fifty years.”
“Fifty years?” Josh looked at Liv and then back at Tiger. “Well, Kronish should be long gone by then.”
“Kronish was only supposed to cure herpes. That research was the basis for the super cure, which didn’t happen for years after he died.” She was sounding more and more frantic, voice breaking. “So, whatever you said to him drove him to work on the super cure himself. What the FUCK did you say to Kronish?”
“Nothing! Nothing, we didn’t say anything!” Josh blurted out, backing into Liv, away from Tiger’s wrath. Liv looked at him with a guilty face. They did say something. “I mean, you know, we had to get him on the boat, so we told him to follow his heart and choose love,” Liv slowly shook her head at him. “And…maybe we may have peppered in, like, a little bit of detail about his future…”
Tiger took a menacing step at both of them, hands outstretched as if she might strangle them both. They both took a scared step back away from her, cowering. “What?” She lashed. “You never tell anyone about their future, that is time travel 101! I even know that and I didn’t go to your stupid made up time travel college!” She spat.
“Maybe there’s still time before the cure’s released.” Liv interjected. “Maybe we can go back in time and fix this!”
“Maybe there’s, like, a really cool solution that we don’t know about yet…in the future!” Josh added.
“No, no, no,” Tiger pointed an accusatory finger at both of them. “There is no ‘we’. Coming back for you and thinking you were our savior? That was the biggest mistake I’ve made in my life.” She said to Josh. “There’s only one way to fix this, and I’m doing it by myself.” She stormed away from them, clutching the TTD tightly.
“Tiger, wait!” Liv called after her.
“Tiger, where are you going?” Josh took a few steps after her.
“Far away from you, fuck nose!” She shot back at him.
“Don’t give up on me!” He gave a defeated groan as Tiger flipped him off and stormed away at an impressive pace. He turned back to Liv, who looked at him with a worried expression.
“Josh…” she whispered. It was the possum incinerator all over again.
“Come on, let’s see what we’re dealing with here.” He grumbled quietly, breezing past her as he made his way over to the Kronitorium. Liv rushed after him. As they entered, their eyes grew wider, not recognizing a single thing about the building. People were scanning their hands to enter into the main labs from the lobby.
“Okay…” Liv muttered, intertwining her hand in Josh’s, staying close to his side.
“Shit,” he muttered back, realizing they probably would not have clearance. “Should we…should we try?” He whispered.
“I mean, we technically worked here, I think…” She looked around the lobby again.
They nervously approached the scanners, gripping onto each other’s hands tightly, scared that if they let go they’d somehow lose the other.
“Excuse me, can I help you?” A voice said from behind them.
They turned their heads to look at the person. Carl the Biotic who Tiger and Wolf killed stood behind them. Josh and Liv jumped.
“Holy shit!” Josh blurted out. “Carl!”
“Do I know you?” Carl asked, towering over them, not in a threatening way, but in a protective security guard way.
“No,” Liv said. “I’m- I’m Liv Branson, this is Josh Futturman. We work here, we should be in the system.” She said, trying not to sound nervous.
“We just forgot our IDs.” Josh said, remembering how both of their IDs were left back in the 80s. Dammit.
Carl looked to another security guard who typed “Liv Branson” into the computer system. Immediately a picture of Liv and Josh (Josh in lingerie) appeared. Their faces fell. The computer blared an alarm. Carl and another security guard seized the two of them without another word, throwing them out of the building.
“Ow! Ow! Okay!” Carl shoved Josh away from the door. Liv was pushed out next to him.
“Come back and we’ll have you both arrested.” Carl said sternly.
“…okay…” They turned away from the building, confused. “How did they even have that picture?” Embarrassment was evident in Josh’s voice.
“Go away, go away!” Somebody from a bench behind them was whining. “No, no, no!” They looked over to see Stu Camillo trying to eat his lunch, shooing pigeons away from him. Josh broke away from Liv’s side to inch closer to him in shock.
“Stu!” He said. Stu’s head snapped up, his eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“D-did I take your bench? I-I’m sorry!” He stammered, leaping to his feet.
“No, Stu, it’s me- it- what are you doing?” He asked as Stu hurried away, looking back at them repeatedly.
“That was weird…” Liv muttered, appearing right next to Josh’s side again. “Stu isn’t in charge here?”
“What the fuck is going on with this timeline?” Josh swore. He sighed and took Liv’s hand again. “Can we…can we go back to my house? I don’t know what to do right now.” He sounded defeated. “We don’t have a job, no one seems to know us here, I just want to see my parents.”
“I wanna see your parents too.” Liv said. The walk back to Josh’s house was tame thankfully, and as they approached Josh’s house they both felt relief settle over them. At least something was familiar. The familiarity was gone the second they entered the house. Josh slowed down as he took in the sight of his- no, someone else’s house, and Liv softly gasped behind him. The wallpaper, the decorations, nothing was the same.
“Is this even your house?” Liv asked quietly, beginning to panic.
“What the…” Josh exhaled, taking in the sight. It was so modern, with a touch of Asian cultural aesthetics. Whoever’s house this was, it was boujee as hell.
“Oh! Hey, JFUTZ!” A man’s voice excitedly greeted them, making Josh and Liv both jump out of their skin. Paul and Tracy from the video game store got off the couch to greet them. “You’re home earls bro!” Paul said cheerfully.
“How was Macau, you rock that shit?” Tracy excitedly walked up to them and saw Liv. “Oh! Paul, he brought home a girlfriend!”
“Ooh! JFUTZ! This your girl?”
“Wow! Trend alert! Say goodbye to leather and mesh, huh?”
“Hello retro!”
“How was the tourney? The crowd looked sick, like, bigger than BlizzCon. Like, sick, dude.”
Liv slowly turned to look at Josh’s overwhelmed face. “Um. Yeah, yeah it was bigger than BlizzCon for sure.” He tried saying as naturally as he could. Tracy and Paul looked at Liv, expecting her to introduce herself.
“I’m Liv.” She said.
“Nice to meet you Liv, Josh’s girl.” Tracy winked at her. Liv gave Josh a look, bumping his hip with hers. Josh’s brain finally caught up to what Paul and Tracy were saying about Liv and he looked at her with pink cheeks.
“Yeah, yeah…” his eyes were soft. “My girl.” Liv’s eyes practically had hearts in them.
Paul and Tracy melted with awwws. “You guys are, like, couple goals!” Paul said.
“The…um, thing was crazy,” Liv spoke up. “There were like, so many people.” She wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but she sure was acting like she did. Josh was still looking at her with love struck puppy dog eyes, processing the tingly feeling he got from calling Liv “his girl”. “We’re kinda jet lagged right now, so….”
“Jet lag? JFUTZ flies private, I thought they like, engineered out the jet leg or something.” Paul chuckled as he and Tracy walked into the kitchen. Josh and Liv followed close behind.
Josh snapped out of his trance. “Private?” Paul and Tracy both stopped what they were doing and gave him a confused look. “Oh, yeah. I think it’s a new- uh- new thing they’re figuring out-“ he cut himself off, realizing what was missing. “Hey, uh, where are my parents?”
“At the dope ass condo you put them in!” Tracy reminded him enthusiastically.
“World’s greatest son alert!” Paul pointed at him and raised the roof, imitating some kind of bird sound.
Josh looked at Liv with an even more confused look. He looked back to Tracy and Paul. “Would you excuse us for a moment?” He grabbed Liv’s hand and led her towards the stairs. Paul wolf whistled at them.
“Sure thing you two, don’t get too loud.” Tracy winked after them. Before Liv or Josh had time to process what she’d said, they were up the stairs and walking into the bathroom, and shutting the door behind them.
“Where the fuck are we?” Josh whispered, looking amazed. Liv looked around at the glass sinks, the bamboo wallpaper, and the impressively big shower.
“Woah…” she breathed out, pointing to a control panel on the wall. Josh walked over to observe it, still amazed at how high tech everything was. He fumbled with his phone as he got it out of his pocket and sat on the toilet. “What are you doing?” She asked, leaning over him and looking down at his phone, everything was upside down.
Josh looked up at her with a goofy grin as all of her hair dangled in his face. “Googling myself. Sorry, Bloogling myself…my name is Joosh here?”
“That name was stupid.” She giggled as he poked her side.
“Shut up Liv, you don’t have to call me that.” He chuckled as he kept scrolling through the articles about him. “I gave a TED Talk?” His smile grew bigger as he scrolled through pictures that came up. A few key words caught his eye. “…‘Fortune off AOL shares’? Is that-“ Josh flipped his phone around for Liv to see. “Is that Uncle Barry?”
“He took your advice!” Liv said excitedly as she looked at the picture of JFUTZ and Uncle Barry accepting an award. “‘Founder of the Robotics company ‘Future Man’!” She read. “Josh, this is amazing!”
Josh scrolled past pictures of him on magazines, videos of him promoting a sports drink called ‘JOOSH’, and the fact is net worth was 6 Million Euros. “I think that’s a lot of money!” Josh gasped, showing Liv. Liv knelt next to him, watching as he continued to deep dive.
“I’m in Ibiza!” He showed her paparazzi pictures of him. “…I have a Bentley.” He gasped excitedly, leaning back, head hitting the control panel.
“Engaging, rainforest mode.” A robotic voice said. Liv and Josh looked around as mist began to sprinkle down from the ceiling.
“Rainforest mode?” Josh raised his arms up, as if he were welcoming the mist. “My life rules!” He cried, ecstatically, wrapping his arms around Liv and pulling her in for a kiss. “My life fucking rules.” He grinned into the kiss. Liv let Josh pull her into his lap as she deepened the kiss.
They spent about 15 more minutes in the bathroom. Josh kissed down her neck, finally finding the spot that made her pant in his ear (and made his dick twitch). As Josh kissed along Liv’s collar bone, pulling her collar down to gain more access to her skin, the mist shut off, making them both pull away, faces flushed.
“Maybe we should…”
“Yeah,” Liv got off his lap and pulled Josh into one last kiss as they exited the bathroom. They walked down the stairs as nonchalantly as they could, clothes and hair both damp. Paul and Tracy were wiping down the shelves and dusting off picture frames in the living room.
“Oh, you guys don’t have to worry about that. I’ve got someone to do that for me, right?” Josh said.
“Oh yeah, yeah.” Paul dropped the rag.
“We alerted the crew as usual, but if you’re super jet lagged we can tell ‘em to fuck off.” Tracy said.
“The crew? No, don’t tell them that, I’d love to see the crew!” Josh said excitedly. He had more friends than just Liv in this universe?
“Oh! And your present is getting here from Japan today!” Paul said.
“No way! A present?” Josh looked excitedly at Liv.
“Just got an alert this morning that it will be delivered today.”
“That’s- that’s so exciting!” Liv said, not knowing what they meant by present.
JFUTZ’s friends showed up, and Liv and Josh knew none of them. As more and more people showed up and crowded the living room, Liv felt more and more uncomfortable. Josh was having a blast with his crew, while Liv sat next to him, her leg bouncing nervously. She always liked when it was just her and Josh, and she was finding that she wasn’t a fan of the crew.
“My prediction is, hear me out, Governor Amal Clooney.” Josh said to a group of people. The topic of conversation was which celebrities would go into politics in the future. “I give it until 2023. Mark my words.” Josh said as the people laughed and shook their heads. Liv slipped her hand into his. Josh’s head snapped over to look at her. “You okay?” He asked softly. She hadn’t said much since the house began to crowd.
“Mhm.” She lied.
“Liv.” He whispered.
“Yo Joosh! Want some JOOSH?” Tracy called, holding a bottle of the sports drink up.
“I’m okay, thanks though!” Josh called back, hand sliding over Liv’s thigh. “Liv,” his voice dropped back to a low octave. “Do you want to get away from the crowd?”
“…kinda, but- but if you’re having fun-“
“I’m not having fun anymore, you look overwhelmed.” Josh stood up, holding a hand out to help her up. “Let’s go check out my room, we haven’t seen that yet.” He suggested, giving her a warm smile. They walked upstairs, going unnoticed by the absolute ocean of people in his living room. Walking into Josh’s room, he gently hugged her. “I’m sorry, I thought the crew would be, like, a normal sized friend group.”
“It’s okay.” Liv gave him a small, grateful smile. Josh’s new room had his bed in the middle, right under a giant light up sign that said “SIN” that hung on a chevron print wall. “Oh! Sin!” She laughed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.
“Oh, JFUTZ…” Josh laughed awkwardly, his cheeks heating up. Liv bumped her shoulder into Josh’s.
“You’re JFUTZ, dipshit.” She teased. “You hung that on your wall.” She poked his arm.
“Nuh uh,” Josh playfully rolled his eyes.
“Yuh huh,” Liv grabbed his face and peppered it with kisses. Josh’s eyes squeezed shut and a dorky grin spread over his lips. Her arms stung around his neck. “So, Joosh-“
“Don’t call me that.”
“How does it feel to have accomplished so much?” She asked in a teasing tone.
“Come on, Liv, that wasn’t really me, that was JFUTZ. I’m just Josh.” Josh blushed.
“A humble man, I like it.” She teased.
“You like it?” He was grinning from ear to ear.
“Hey now, don’t let your ego get too big.” She grinned that suggestive grin that she got whenever she made a dirty joke.
Josh chuckled. “Dirty jokes are banned.” He joked, rolling his eyes.
“The sign welcomes it.” She nodded to the “SIN” sign and pushed away from Josh, strolling away casually to examine the room.
Josh immediately missed her arms around him. He missed her body being so painfully close yet far away from his. Liv had been in his room plenty of times before, but this wasn’t his room. Seeing her sit on his- no- Joosh’s bed still somehow made his heart thud. It was technically his bed though, right? In some way?
Liv had said something to him, but he didn’t hear it, he was thinking about kissing her again, missing the feeling of her lips molding against his. He wanted to taste the flavor of that same tropical scented lip balm she'd used for three years, and wanted to feel her fingers in his hair. He wanted her. She was right there, and the little glances she kept shooting to him alluded to her wanting him too. He knew she did, he saw the way she looked at him in lingerie. Too bad they didn’t have that anymore.
“Josh,” Liv giggled, adjusting to sit cross legged on the bed. “I asked you a question.”
Josh sat on the edge of the bed. “What?”
“I said, would you decorate your room this weird if you could?”
Josh glanced around, shaking his head. “Absolutely not.” He glanced at the chevron patterned walls.
Liv motioned for him to sit closer to her. Josh sat on the bed, cross legged just like her. “Is your bed this comfy at home?” She asked.
Josh pressed his hands into the mattress. It was some kind of memory foam bed, and it was a thousand times nicer than his old one. “This was probably hella expensive, I wish.”
Liv laughed. “It’s really nice.” She giggled as she grabbed his face and kissed him deeply, feeling Josh eagerly kiss her back, hands moving to her waist immediately. God, she loved that feeling. She uncrossed her legs, moving onto her knees, hovering over him. Josh’s lips never left hers, instead he craned his head upward as she moved up. She pulled away so she could look down at him. There was a glimmer in his eyes, she guessed it was one of arousal.
“This is really nice.” He whispered, face flushing. “How long do we have in this room?” He asked breathlessly.
“Back in the 80s you said only 15 minutes, and then you said 16, but how long do we have now?”
She smiled down at him and laughed, climbing into his lap. “17.”
“17 what?”
“Hopefully not seconds, I hope you last longer than that.” She grinned, the same glimmer in her own eyes. His eyes widened. Oh. Oh!
“Yeah.” Their lips crashed together. The kiss was electrifying this time, Liv couldn’t hold back an excited little groan.
Josh pulled away, pupils enormous. “You can’t do that to me, Liv.” He muttered, cheeks glowing redder and redder.
“I can and I will.” She wrapped her legs tightly around him and recaptured his lips. Liv swore Josh’s eyes rolled back.
Josh’s hands moved to the nape of her neck, tangling themselves in her hair. Liv let out a small groan, feeling him play with her hair.
“God. Do you know what you’re doing to me right now?” He mumbled, eyes fluttering open as she pulled away to catch her breath.
“I can feel it.” She muttered in his ear. Josh’s dick was pressing against her thigh, making her feel dizzy.
“Oh God… sorry…” Josh seemed embarrassed.
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Liv tilted her head down at him. “It’s the reaction I was hoping for.”
Josh’s hands traveled down her back and ran over her thighs. “Can I tell you something?”
“Oh, what? Are you a virgin?” She teased.
“What? No!” Josh’s face twisted with a mock offended look. “No, I’m not a virgin! I was going to tell you that I think your legs feel nice wrapped around me, but now I don’t want to.”
“Well, you just told me.” Liv teased, squeezing her legs. Josh couldn’t help but let out a little whimper.
“Shut up, Liv.” He managed to breath out, grabbing her hips. His whimper paired with his grabbing her hips only made her want to do it more. So she did, squeezing her thighs harder around him, feeling his erection dig into her thigh more. Josh muffled his whining against her mouth, addicted to her. He kissed so gently, his lips moving against hers felt so perfect. Liv had kissed other guys, admittedly not that many, but enough to know that this was the most intimate and dizzying kiss she’d ever received. Probably because she’d secretly been fantasizing about this moment every night before she fell asleep for years.
She unbuttoned a button on his shirt, feeling his hands shyly wandering her back, clearly wanting to go down and grab her ass, but seeming too shy to go through with the action.
“If you want me to take my shirt off, you could just ask.” Josh said, unbuttoning the rest of the buttons and pulling the ugly pink shirt off.
“Ugh, finally.” Liv teased, running her fingers over his collar bone. “You know you’re allowed to touch me anywhere, right?”
“I know.” He said shyly. He saw the way her eyes lit up when he shivered at her touch, the way her fingers dragged over his chest and collar bone. “You’ve seen me like this before.” He said, playfully rolling his eyes and grinning.
“I just think you’re really pretty.” Liv dragged her fingers up the side of his neck, making his eyelids flutter at the feeling.
“Liv…” Was all he could manage to say quietly. Liv seized the opportunity to pull her own tank top off, throwing it over to join Josh’s shirt on the floor next to the bed. Josh’s eyes were wide as his brain malfunctioned. His eyes flicked between her own and her nude colored bra. She laughed at his shock. He looked at her like he’d never seen a woman in just a bra.
“You sure you’re not a virgin? Or are you just really into boobs?” She teased. Josh looked up at her eyes sheepishly. It was definitely the latter option. “Josh Futturman, you’re a boob guy? I’m actually not surprised.”
“Hey, hey!” Josh shook his head. “They’re in my face right now, what am I supposed to do?”
Liv’s lips ghosted his as she whispered against them. “You could always touch them?” She suggested, reaching behind her to unclasp her bra.
Josh couldn’t believe what was happening, he felt as though time had stopped moving. Being here, this close, this intimate with Liv was the first time he felt happy in forever. As she threw her bra aside, Josh stared into her gorgeous brown eyes with his pleading hazel ones. She was completely topless in his lap and yet he couldn’t tear his eyes away from hers. He looked so pathetic and needy. And she liked that. A lot.
“You’re allowed to look at me.” She giggled softly.
Josh gave her a shy grin. “I know, I just think you’re just really pretty.” He used her own words. Liv covered her face with her hands, giggling shyly. She could feel Josh’s eyes drift down to her boobs. Josh looked back up at her hands covering her face. He pulled her hands down gently. Liv’s face was tomato red as she giggled. “I’m allowed to touch you, right?” Josh double checked.
“If you don’t I think I’ll scream.” She grinned.
“Well…” Josh grabbed Liv’s hips and rolled over on top of her, making her squeal. His mouth immediately attached to her right boob, hand skimming up her side and cupping her left boob. Liv gasped and let out a shaky moan. She felt Josh’s mouth vibrate as her moan caused him to moan too. Her head rolled back into the bed as he pressed kisses around her hard nipple, before taking it into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it.
“Oh God…” She panted and let out a heavy sigh, feeling Josh’s other hand wander down and caress her hip through her jean shorts. Josh had never enjoyed something so much in his whole life, sucking on Liv’s tits while listening to her whimper and pant was absolute heaven.
Josh looked up at her through his lashes, watching her jaw slack as she squirmed. He moved his mouth around, sucking and kissing anywhere he felt her breath hitch and her body twitch. Oh, she’d have hickeys for sure. As much as he wanted to stay at her boobs forever, he missed her face, so he kissed up the valley between her breasts, up her collar bone, and up her neck, cupping her breasts with his hands. He rubbed his thumbs over her breasts as he trailed kisses over her jawline and up to her lips. “Okay, maybe I am a boob guy.” He admitted, his hold on her slacking. Liv used the opportunity to roll him over so she was on top again, straddling his waist.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” She giggled. Josh eyed the hickeys forming across her boobs with a proud smile. “My eyes are up here.” She teased, lightly rocking her hips against his. Josh’s hands shot out and grabbed her hips as he let out a strangled moan.
“Holy fucking hell!” He felt Liv’s hands trail up and down his stomach as he closed his eyes, trying to keep from cumming right then and there. Her giggles taunted him. “You’re going to drive me insane.” He felt her fingers land on his belt.
“Yeah?” She taunted. Fuck. Her teasing tone made him melt under her. He opened his eyes as he felt her lift off of him, finding her shimmying down her shorts, stripping down to just her underwear. Josh took the opportunity to get up and take his own pants off, staring at each other as they realized they didn’t have many layers left separating them. “Damn.” Liv breathed out, staring at the absolute rocket in Josh’s boxers. “I’ve gotta admit, I’m a little intimidated.” She said shyly, laying down amongst the pillows on the bed.
“I think I might be too.” Josh had to steady himself as the lightheaded feeling from all the blood in his body rushing to his dick finally caught up to him. “Oh God, I’m-“ he let out an embarrassed chuckle.
“Oh! Josh, we can stop if you’re not feeling-“
Josh looked up at her with pleading eyes as he got back on the bed. “No! I want to, trust me, I want to so bad.” He practically whimpered. The sound of his whimper went straight to her pussy. Shit, was she into that? She held out her arms, wrapping Josh in them as he settled down on top of her. His lips immediately found her sensitive spot on her neck, making her whine in his ear. “I like that sound.” He whispered, a sneaky hand moved up to pinch her nipple. She moaned again, louder this time. He brought his face up to hers with a cunning grin. She glared at him playfully and rolled on top of him again, this time exploring his neck with her lips. “Oh Liv, I-“ he was interrupted by Liv finding the sensitive spot, immediately folding and moaning loudly.
Liv smirked against his neck and got to work, leaving hickeys down his neck, hickeys that would be covered by his shirt, but she would know they were there.
“Liv…” he moaned, as she kissed around his collar bone.
“Hm?” She looked up at him innocently, but her hands playing with the waistband of his boxers was anything but.
“Jesus, Liv, just take them off.” He begged, needing some sort of relief. Liv grinned as she shook her head. “Fuck you.” He mumbled.
“What?” She asked smugly. She got off of him and took her own panties off. Feeling Josh’s eyes all over her as his jaw going slack made her feel even more naked than she was.
“Hachi machi,” Josh breathed out. “You’re gorgeous.” Liv couldn’t hold back an amused look.
“I thought I told you to never say that again.” Liv laughed, sitting back on the bed.
“Liv, I’m serious.” Josh was suddenly nervous to touch her again. “I think you’re perfect.”
Liv looked at him, hearts in her eyes. “You think I’m perfect?” She cooed.
“Your smile, your- your eyes, your hair, your laugh…” Josh listed. “Your…your body, your moans.” He tacked on the end. “And your…everything.” His eyes raked over her, giddily. “God, you’re- you’re everything.”
“My moans?” She grinned.
“God,” Josh gathered her in his arms and pulled her back to him. “Your moans are music to my fucking ears.”
Liv straddled his lap again. “I like when you moan too.” She wrinkled her nose as she grinned at him. “You whimper. A lot.” Josh bit his lip as she traced her fingers along the band of his boxers.
“I won’t last any longer if you keep teasing me.” He said quietly.
“Lame.” She snapped the band against his stomach teasingly. He moved her hips off of him, pulling down his boxers. Liv’s jaw dropped. “Oh my fucking God!” She cried. Big was an understatement. A gross understatement. Even Josh was surprised.
“Holy fucking-“ he gasped, staring down at his own dick with wide eyes. “Surprise?” He looked back up her face, trying to read her reaction.
“How- what- will that even fit?!” She asked, her thighs squeezing together, Josh couldn’t tell if it was out of nervousness or excitement.
“Liv, we don’t have to…I don’t want to make you feel-“
“Oh God, Josh, I want to. Don’t worry, I want to. I wanna ride you.” An evil glint sparked in Liv’s eyes. Josh was floored and even more horny. It was definitely excitement.
“I said I wanna ride you.” Liv said again, leaning forward so that their faces were closer. “You know? Sir Mix-A-Lot?”
“Oh- oh, I know,” Josh stammered, heart thrashing against his rib cage, imagining all kinds of scenarios of Liv on top of him. “You wanna…come here?”
“You got a condom?” Liv asked, eyes dropping down to his dick again.
“Shit!” Josh cursed. Josh rolled off the bed and stood at the night stand to his right, rifling through it, praying he’d find one. “I got one!” He pulled out a condom labeled “JOOSH” with his face on it. “Oh. I sell condoms too.” Josh looked up at Liv, who sat patiently on the bed, looking at him in a way that made his heart hammer even harder, his face flush, and his dick throb. “You’re pretty.” He said as he tore open the package.
Liv got visibly flustered. “You’re…prettier.” She said back.
“I don’t think so,” Josh rolled the condom on.
“How long would you say that is?” Liv studied his penis. Cute moment over. “Like, what, 8 feet?” He got back on the bed.
“8 feet?! Neither of us are even that tall.” Josh laughed lightly, before looking at her seriously. “Liv, are you sure?”
“I’ve been sure for a while, Josh.” Liv said. “Joosh, if you will.”
“If you call me Joosh while you’re riding my dick, I think I might cry.” Josh laughed nervously as Liv got closer.
“You don’t want me calling you Joosh?” She teased, hovering over him.
“No. Josh is fine.” He looked nervous. “God, you’re making me anxious.”
Liv’s face fell, looking worried. “Why?”
“Because you’re hot.” Josh said dumbly as he blushed deeper red.
A wave of relief washed over Liv as Josh sat up on his elbows. “You might snap me in half.” She said quietly, referring to his massive fucking horse cock.
“Oh God, I hope I don’t.” Josh’s eyes widened with surprise as she pushed him back down onto his back, dangerously close to lowering herself onto him, but of course she wouldn’t, she was teasing him. Of course not only was she a fucking tease normally but also in bed too.
“You wanna find out?” She asked quietly, batting her eyelashes down at him innocently, but her tone was the exact opposite. Josh's eyes were full of lust and excitement as he looked up at her, nodding as he was unable to formulate words.
He sat back up and kissed her roughly as she sank down onto him as best as she could, lips unattaching as they both reacted. Liv let out a surprised sound as her brows pinched together and she gripped his shoulders for support. She slapped her hand over her mouth. Josh held eye contact with her as he gripped her waist and inhaled shakily, trying to keep it together. He wanted to make sure she was enjoying it first before he let himself do so.
“God…” she finally moaned. Josh let a breathy moan slip out too. They both were gripping each other, panting and trying not to get too loud, but failing miserably. She rolled her hips, making his eyes roll back, much to her delight. He panted, repeating her name along with a string of curse words over and over again. Liv’s nails were digging into his shoulders and she moved, fitting as much of his (Wolf’s) dick as she could inside of her. She chose not to think about the fact that she was technically riding Wolf’s cock.
“Liv- Liv…” Josh whimpered, clearly trying to last as long as he could. She could feel by the way he was trembling and pulsing inside her that he was right on the edge. He’d been that way from the moment he’d been inside her.
“Josh,” She moaned into his mouth as she messily pressed her lips to his. Josh’s eyes rolled back again as Liv threaded her fingers through his hair and her nails lightly scratched at the nape of his neck.
“I’m gonna cum.” He moaned against her lips.
She pulled away with a teasing grin. “Oh- oh yeah?” God, even while she was riding his dick she was teasing him. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her tits as she continued to move up and down, and up and down, and up and-
Josh whimpered and whined, hands finally getting brave and sliding to grab her ass. Oh yeah. She was definitely into that. “Li-“ Josh couldn’t even finish moaning her name as he whimpered and buried his face in her shoulder. “Liv, I’m so close.” He moaned.
Liv’s head rolled back as she panted, letting out a whimper herself as she rode him like her life depended on it. “I’m really close too.” She whined, hand snaking down to touch herself somewhere that needed attention. Josh took the hint and replaced her hand, rubbing circles on her clit. “I’m really, really close.” She gasped, kissing his lips again. She let her hips roll again, Josh’s eyes rolled back and shut as his free hand shot up to the small of her back, pulling her body flush against his as he tried his best to move with her hips, slumping against the headboard for support.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered breathlessly, opening his eyes to look directly into hers. “You’re so fucking beautiful- Jesus!” His stomach flexed as he couldn’t hold it in any longer. That feeling drove Liv over the edge too, her body tensing around him. Josh kept his fingers rubbing circles on her clit, knowing he was doing something right by the way she was panting and cursing under her breath, her movements slowing down.
“Jesus, Liv…” Josh whined, watching her struggle to keep it together, and he loved it. That did it. She steadied herself by digging her nails into Josh’s shoulders as she came.
“Josh, oh God, oh fuck, oh Josh-“ Her repeating his name was like a choir of dirty angels singing to him. She collapsed against him, eyelids heavy from exhaustion, burying her face in the crook of his neck for a moment. She pulled her face away to look at him with her glossy eyes, cheeks glowing and flushed, and her eyelids still half lidded. “You’re- you’re okay?” She breathed out. Josh looked equally as flushed, his hair messy from Liv raking her fingers through it.
“I think I should be asking you that.” He chuckled wearily. Liv hadn’t moved off, twitching and heaving around his cock.
“I’m fine- I’m fine.” She panted. “You feel really good.”
“Jesus,” Josh gasped as she squeezed around him accidentally. “You feel like heaven.” He sharply inhaled. Liv kissed him gently on the lips, smiling. No one had ever told her that. She slowly lifted herself off of him, slumping down against him. Her lips grew more intense.
“I like this feeling.” She whispered as she pulled away. Josh’s fingers trailed around the small of her back and up her sides. She pushed herself up, sitting against his lower stomach as Josh’s fingers made their way around to her stomach and up to her tits.
“Remember what Kronish said about holding each other being the best part?” Josh whispered, motioning for her to lay down on him.
Liv gave a tired chuckle. “I do.” She laid on top of him, kissing him deeply. He rolled them both onto their sides as they kissed lazily, both giggling and pulling apart.
“It really is the best part.” Josh said as he pulled Liv into him and he buried his face in her neck.
Tiger helped Wolf sling his right arm over her shoulder as she helped him up the steps to Josh’s house. Tiger had ditched Liv and Josh and traveled to the 40s where she did NOT kill baby Kronish. Instead she became his nanny. For years.
Wolf had not in fact died like Tiger alluded to, instead he stayed up until the 90s, becoming a famous chef, feeding famous people from all over the world.
Tiger had come back to present day to find Wolf was dead, immediately finding his suicide note in the form of a recorded message left behind in their sewer lair. She traveled back to find Wolf right as he was about to end it in front of their good friend Skarsgaard, giving him another slice to the face to match his three scars on his right cheek.
Wolf was going through it, he couldn’t walk super well, he needed help standing up straight. Tiger, in full 40s attire with her gingham dress, kicked open her door to Josh’s house, only to be met with stares of random people.
“Um,” someone said, blinking at them. “Are you here for the party?” People were wearing headsets and pointing remotes at a huge TV, blending and drinking smoothies, and nowhere in this obnoxious and loud sea of people were the two little people they were looking for.
“Yes.” Tiger stated, adjusting her hold on Wolf.
“Where’s Liv?” Wolf asked, sounding pained. “And Josh too, I guess.” He grumbled at the end.
A sea of hands pointed towards the stairs towards Josh’s room.
“Thank you, strangers” Tiger nodded at them as she helped Wolf up the stairs.
“Liv has probably missed me so much, I never got to say goodbye.” Wolf said dramatically. An entire section of his suicide message was dedicated to her, saying how he loved her so much and wished she could have tried the food he made, thanking her for being the first to tell him how amazing the chocolate he made for the Kronish Ball was. It was sweet. Sickly sweet. It had made Tiger a little jealous even though the rest of it was dedicated to her.
“She’s fine.” Tiger sighed as they reached the top of the stairs. “They’re probably plotting how to get into the Kronitorium in Josh’s room.”
As they reached Josh’s room they paused. They could hear the strangled sounding moans coming from inside. Whimpers and moans.
“What’s going on?” Tiger pressed her ear to the door, assessing if there was a threat. “Wolf, do you hear that?” Wolf pressed his ear to the door too. “Are they being held host-“
“Fuck yeah, they’re fucking.” He nodded approvingly.
“They’re fucking what?” Then Tiger realized. She looked at Wolf with a horrified and disgusted look. “They’re having pleasure sex?!”
Their cuddling turned into a sloppy make out session, which turned back into touching each other and Liv back on top of Josh.
“You’re wet.” Josh muttered teasingly, tracing under her boobs.
“And you’re hard again, horn dog.” She retaliated, pressing her ass against his erection.
His muscles tensed. “Liv, you’re going to make me cum again.” He whimpered and looked at her with those puppy dog eyes.
“Maybe you should make me cum again too.” She grinned. Energy coursed through her body. Josh’s eyes lit up.
“How do you feel about being eaten out?”
“Josh Futturman!” She slapped his chest. “That’s inappropriate!” She teased, as if barely 40 minutes ago they weren’t moaning each other’s names inappropriately.
“Read the sign, Liv.” He pointed above him. She got all giggly as Josh turned the tables, flipping them over so she was underneath. “You didn’t answer my question by the way.” He began kissing her neck.
“I wouldn’t mind…” She gave a small squeal as she felt his tongue right under her jaw. She covered her face and giggled as he eagerly kissed down her boobs, down her stomach, all over her hip bones and thighs, and then finally to her pussy…
Josh actually loved eating her out, he could have spent forever with his head between her legs, enjoying the way her back arched off the bed as he spelled his name and her name in cursive over and over with his tongue over her swollen clit. He’d pulled her to the edge of the bed, slinging her legs over his shoulders as he knelt between her thighs on the floor. The way she kept moaning his name spurred him on, pressing kisses to the insides of her thighs to tease her every time her moans got loud and sounded like she was about to reach her climax, his revenge for the years of teasing he had to endure.
“You fucking suck, I hate you.” Liv whined as Josh evilly kissed the apex of her thigh.
Josh lifted his head, a giant grin on his face. “I fucking what?”
“I’m going to fucking kill you I swear to God.” Her hand moved down to do it herself, but Josh intertwined his fingers into hers to stop her.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” He asked. She was a mess, she could barely comprehend what he’d said.
“What? Shut up.” She huffed, squirming.
He chuckled, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “You’re so pretty.” He said sweetly as he smiled, climbing back up her body and getting on the bed.
“You’re lucky you are too.” Liv grabbed his head and pulled him down to her lips, tasting herself on his tongue. She was learning a lot about herself sexually today.
In the almost 2 hours they had been in his room, Liv had discovered that Josh was very, very sensitive. Everywhere. She discovered she particularly liked to run her fingers over the nape of his neck and feel him shiver, and every time she’d done it, without fail, he gave an involuntary whimper. She liked that.
Josh pulled away, narrowing his eyes at her. “What are you smiling for?”
Liv was grinning from ear to ear at the sound of his whimper. She really liked that. “Nothing.” She pushed herself up to her elbows. Josh sat next to her and pulled her into his lap again.
Of all the ways he held Liv, his favorite was to have her in his lap (he really just liked when she was on top of him, turns out). He lightly tickled her back as he looked deeply into her eyes. “You okay?” He asked softly.
“I mean,” he lightly chuckled at her adorable confused face as he drew his fingers up and down her shoulder blades. “I mean, like, after…everything.”
Oh yeah. They’d lost Wolf. She looked away. “Yeah. You helped take my mind off of it.” She gave him a small, sad smile.
“Yeah, you did too.” Liv rested her forehead against his, closing her eyes solemnly. She didn’t want to feel sad. She was in Josh’s naked lap for Christ’s sake, she didn’t want to be sad at all.
“How many more ‘JOOSH’ condoms do you have in there?” She nudged her head towards the bedside table. Josh flushed red, as if they hadn’t already done that.
“There’s a lot in there.” He murmured, fingers trailing around her stomach.
“Wanna use one more?”
Josh didn’t answer, instead he gently moved Liv off of him and reached over to open the drawer and grab another condom with his face on it. After rolling it on, Liv pushed him down, climbing back to straddle him. He wasn’t complaining, he rather liked the cowgirl position. They were laying on the bed sideways, Josh’s door in their peripheral. Liv steadied herself, placing her hands on his chest as she sank painfully slow down on his dick again. He let out a strangled moan, trying to keep his hips from bucking. She didn’t make a sound, just her mouth falling open and her eyes screwing shut as she took in as much as she could. He held her hips tightly, fingers digging into her.
“You’re perfect,” Josh groaned, looking up at her with those eyes again. Her eyelids fluttered open as her eyebrows pinched together, letting out a moan. Josh quivered and whimpered in response.
“Tiger, you can’t open the door.” Wolf huffed. “They’re charging in.”
“I know.” Tiger kept her ear pressed to the door. She could hear the way they were moaning and mumbling sweet nothings to each other. Gross.
“Charging in is actually a private thing.” Wolf said, steadying himself against the wall.
“You sound like Josh.” Tiger muttered. “God, if I hear him tell her she’s ‘perfect’ or ‘beautiful’ one more time, I’m going in there.”
Wolf’s eyes looked loving at the door, as if he could see inside. “I knew he thought that about her.” He said quietly.
Tiger finally huffed and yelled over the loud TV and loud people downstairs for Josh and Liv to hear. “Are you two done yet? You’re just whistlin’ dixie in there, we’ve got very important matters to discuss.” No response. Their moaning continued. The bed kept squeaking. Tiger looked annoyed.
“Tiger, don’t.” Wolf held a hand out to stop her, but it was too late. She threw the door open.
“Oh my God!” Liv and Josh both screamed, Josh quickly sitting up and pulling Liv against him to cover her somewhat.
“…Tiger?” Josh blinked in disbelief. Tiger looked between them, disgusted. When she threw open the door they had been kissing (rat hole to rat hole) with their tongues halfway down each other’s throat.
“WOLF?!” Liv cried, almost climbing off of Josh, who still was inside her. Wolf gave her a double thumbs up and a wink, but he looked like hell.
“Woah there, naked girl!” Josh held her tightly against him.
“You two are gross.” Tiger tried not to gag.
“I think this,” Wolf weakly pointed between Liv and Josh. “Is beautiful.” He leaned against the door frame for support.
“Can you, uh, maybe shut the door and let us get decent? We can celebrate and be reunited after we have clothes on.” Josh protectively covered Liv’s body by wrapping his arms around her.
“Just…get your dick out of her, Futturman,” Tiger mumbled, averting her eyes as she closed the door.
“My dick- Hi Liv!-“ Wolf was cut off by the door shutting. There was a moment of embarrassed silence between them.
“I have a feeling that will be the first of many.” Liv whispered, rocking her hips again.
“Liv!” Josh gasped.
“Just let me help you finish.” She whispered back, sliding herself up and down.
“Fuck…” Josh squeezed his eyes shut, face contorting with pleasure. Liv exhaled shakily against Josh’s shoulder as she moved. “You gonna cum too?” He whispered, stumbling over his words.
Liv panted in his ear. “Mhm-“ She felt Josh grip her hips. One of his hands moved up and reached her boob. “God…” she whispered, trying to keep quiet, knowing Tiger and Wolf were just outside the door. “You’re so pretty.” She complimented him, still panting in his ear.
“You’re prettier.” She could hear him trying not to moan loudly. Liv let herself sink deeper into Josh’s huge cock, starting to see stars.
“I think I can feel you fucking everywhere” She gasped.
Josh trembled as he spread her legs a tad wider. “Jesus fucking Christ…”
“We can still hear you.” Tiger’s voice was muffled from the other side of the door. Liv and Josh didn’t give a shit, they were so wrapped up in each other.
Liv knew her legs would ache later. “Fuck!” She whispered as her head rolled back. Josh took the opportunity to kiss her neck as her pussy spasmed around him, cumming all over him. As he tried to kiss down her throat, his lips fell to her shoulder as he came, hugging her close for support. They sat, panting and sweating, hearts pounding for a moment. The door creaked open again, this time Wolf peeking in. Josh protectively wrapped his arms around Liv again.
“Not to interrupt, but, um, do you have any coke?” He asked quietly. “Like...cocaine?”
“Wolf, I’m so happy to see you’re not dead, but I’m gonna have to ask you to wait a sec.” Liv panted.
“Right, sorry.” The door quietly closed.
Josh carefully lifted Liv off of him. “You’re messy.” He quietly teased, referring to the cum on his lap.
“Shut up.” Liv tiredly punched his arm. Grabbing a shirt, and some boxers, Josh hurriedly got dressed, promising Liv to go into the bathroom and get a washcloth to clean them both up. Trying to sneak out of his room, he was met with Tiger staring intensely at the door.
“Jesus!” He jumped back.
“Glad you got your dick wet.” She said dryly. “Now come on, we need to focus.”
“Good lord, can’t I go get a washcloth from the bathroom real quick?” Josh pushed past her and Wolf to the bathroom.
“Well, good day to you too, Future Man.”
“I saw you this morning and you were mean to me.” Josh called out over the commotion still happening downstairs. He emerged with a wet washcloth. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to provide Liv with aftercare and then I will let you guys in my room.”
Before he could hear their responses, he slid into his room and closed the door. Liv was still on his bed laying on her stomach flipping through a magazine with his- Joosh’s- face on it. “Hey stud,” she flipped the magazine around to show him pictures of him- Joosh- posing like a douche bag with the words “THE NEXT GENERATION” typed boldly over the top.
Josh grinned at her adoringly. “Shut up, Liv.” Seeing Liv laying naked in his room was giving him an adrenaline rush. “Let me clean you up.” He said as she sat up.
“Why thank you, Josh. Also, no offense, that sweater? Ugly as hell.” His sweater was eye offendingly bright with yellows, oranges, and a few splashes of other colors with random letters all over it, looking like they were smashed together and fighting to be at the front.
“What, you don’t like it?” Josh looked down at it.
“No.” Liv laughed, taking some of the sweater in her hands and trying to study it. “Is it supposed to say something? It has a lot of P's. Oh and there’s an S. And an A.”
Josh shrugged as he gently washed her thighs. “I don’t know, it was the first thing I grabbed.” He kissed her forehead.
After he was done, Josh grabbed Liv a less ugly sweater from his closet (she had a big opinion on every single one he pulled out except for a plain white one). She stole a pair of boxers with his face all over them, claiming, “They probably look cooler on me than they did on you.”
“JFUTZ.” He corrected as he watched her pull on her baggy shorts.
“Also, are we not going to talk about how JFUTZ has boxers with his face all over them?” She snickered and looked at him. “You’re technically him-“
“But I would never buy something like that.” He laughed. The door swung open.
“I’m really glad you’ve bonded. Really glad- it smells like an orgy in here.” Tiger rolled her eyes.
“The smell of love.” Wolf said in a low, slightly teasing voice as he strolled into the room. “So, you never told me, do you have coke in here?”
“No.” Josh looked annoyed. “How do you know what an orgy smells like?” Josh muttered, raising an eyebrow at Tiger.
“Wolf!” Liv flung herself at him. “Wolf, we thought you died!”
“Almost did,” Wolf held her tightly, looking so happy he might cry. “Almost did.” He looked up at Josh over Liv’s shoulder. “Hey Josh.”
“Hey Wolf, glad to see you’re not dead…where the hell were you guys by the way?” Josh eyed Tiger and Wolf’s clothes.
“The 40s.” Tiger said.
“The 90s.” Wolf groaned as Liv squeezed too tight. She let go, uttering apologies over and over to him. Wolf moved away, distracted, throwing the covers off of Josh’s bed.
“You’ve got to have coke in here somewhere.” He muttered, digging through the pillows. Liv watched, offended.
“The 90s? Wolf, you stayed in the 80s into the 90s?” Josh was shocked. “You’re telling me years of your lives have happened since this morning? Liv and I have been here for like…2 hours.”
“Time travel’s a real mindfuck.” Wolf said, grinning, but looking like he was in pain. “Is that different wallpaper?” He asked, finally noticing the room. “Are you sure you don’t have any coke?” He looked between Liv and Josh.
“Wolf, I already told you no.” Josh said.
“You think those space pirates downstairs have a hookup?” Wolf asked hopefully.
“First of all, those are my friends, not space pirates.” Josh said.
Liv made a face that showed her thoughts exactly, are you sure about that? She made the face behind Josh, but Wolf and Tiger caught it.
“Second of all, you need to clean up, Wolf.”
“Yeah, Wolf, you’re concerning me.” Liv said, folding her arms. “You don’t seem okay.”
“Okay, look,” Wolf put on his nicest smile. “I appreciate the concern, but I think if I just had a little cocaine I’d be able to think straight.” He was met with the unbelieving and concerned stares from Liv and Josh. “And then I’ll quit, I swear!”
“Crack is fine too, in a pinch!” He sounded desperate.
“God, Wolf. The 90s hit you hard.” Liv said sadly.
Tiger huffed. “Okay, enough of this jibber jabber, alright? We gotta skedaddle.” Liv gave her a weird look. She spoke in the most non-Tiger way she’d ever heard. “If the Kronitorium exists, then we don’t know how far along Kronish is with the cure. It might already be out there!”
“But we don’t even have a TTD, what are we gonna do?” Josh asked.
“We gotta find out what we’re up against in that building.” Tiger said.
“We can’t even go into the building, and I don’t think that you should either.” Liv said. “We tried to go in and they threw us out.”
“How about this,” Josh spoke up as Wolf groaned and crouched down in front of the closet, holding his knees to his chest. “Liv and I stay here and help Wolf get clean, and you can handle the recon, Tiger.”
Wolf barfed into the closet, making everyone groan and look away, having Kronish Ball flashbacks. “I puked in your Jordans” He groaned. Josh looked heartbroken, he didn’t know he owned Jordans until then.
“Well, it’s not gonna be pretty, this little angel has got the devil up in him.” Tiger walked over to Wolf, crouching down and rubbing his back comfortingly.
“Oh, we can handle Wolf.” Josh said. “And I know just where to send you.”
Josh sent Tiger to go track down Stu, the only employee he knew personally who still worked for Kronish as a scientist. He was hoping he might have some information on Kronish. Liv strapped Wolf down to Josh’s bed, repeating apologies over and over.
“Wolf, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but I have to do this-“
“You know, I opened a restaurant in the 80s.” Wolf said, sweating buckets. Together Josh, Liv, and Tiger had stripped Wolf to a white tank top and his boxers after he vomited all over himself.
“Really?” Liv was half listening as she put a strap around his right ankle.
“I named a dish after you, Liv. It was a dessert, a chocolate truffle. I missed you a lot.”
Liv looked at poor, poor Wolf. He looked awful. “I missed you too Wolf…in the few hours I didn’t see you.” She smiled softly.
“I did cocaine up my ass too.”
“Oh.” She made a face. “That’s…that’s really something, Wolfie.”
“I can’t believe you had sex with Josh in this very bed-”
“Hey Wolf, let’s talk about something else.” Liv interrupted him loudly..
Josh poked his head into the room. “Hey Liv, you wanna come downstairs soon?” He asked. She looked at the sweaty and vomit smelling mess that was Wolf.
Be with the random strangers that Josh thinks are his friends or risk being puked/shit on? She thought to herself. “I’m coming.” She sighed.
As they walked down the stairs Josh was beaming. “I’m a video game programmer here. I made the games they’re playing downstairs. In VR.”
“I thought JFUTZ made those games?” She smirked at him. He blushed as he realized what he’d said.
“Yeah, I meant JFUTZ.”
The VR video games that Joosh made were amazing. Liv didn’t know you could snowboard and shoot yetis at the same time, but she sure did after playing Snowboard Pro 3. The crowd had died down a bit, and Liv was actually able to catch a couple of the people’s names. In the kitchen, a guy named Xolo showed her how to make the “perfect” smoothie.
“Your boyfriend is, like, super into clean living.” He said, blending the apple cider vinegar, strawberries, spinach, and a bunch of protein powders together.
Liv didn’t think it looked appetizing at all, but she nodded along. “Cool!”
“I’ll make you one too.” Xolo grinned at her. “I can make you a pina colada one!”
“You better make one for Joosh too, he loves pina coladas!” She said with a big smile, high fiving Xolo over the counter.
Liv and Josh bounced from the kitchen to the living room, trying more of Xolo’s smoothie creations, which were actually quite delicious, and playing video games. Liv prefered sitting on the couch, watching Josh excitedly play the different video games Joosh had developed. As much as the energy was thriving in the room, she still wasn’t sure she liked “the crew”, except for Xolo, she was still on the fence about Paul and Tracy. She watched the TV as Josh crashed into a tree in the game, bringing him to a “GAME OVER” screen. She listened to Tracy and Paul snicker at his loss as Josh took off the headset and looked embarrassed.
“I died pretty fast.” He mumbled.
“Yeah, uh, that’s a tricky level.” Paul said, doubling over with laughter as he looked at Liv and Tracy. It definitely had been an easy level. Xolo brought Josh another smoothie.
“Hey, thanks man.” He said gratefully, taking a sip. “Ooh, Liv, this one’s peach.” He turned around, holding the cup out for her to try. A lull in the conversations around let Josh and Liv hear Wolf groaning and crying upstairs.
“Josh!” He was crying. Josh looked confused.
“I’m surprised he’s not crying for you.” He muttered to Liv.
“Who’s Josh?” Someone asked.
“I’m shitting your bed again.” Wolf cried. Josh inhaled deeply, trying to keep his cool.
“I think that’s why.” Liv whispered, looking apologetically at him.
“You’re coming with me.” Josh whispered.
Entering Josh’s room almost made both of them pass out. “Oh, God, Wolf!” Josh recoiled. It smelled like death and puke and shit.
“Come here Josh, please come here.” Wolf groaned.
“Please come here, come on, come on, buddy.” Josh inched closer, shooting Liv a fearful look. “I just need a bump and 20 bendy straws.” Wolf wept.
“Wolf. No, there’s no coke here. Turns out, JFUTZ’s body is a temple,” Josh said as Wolf thrashed against his restraints. “He’s really into clean living and I respect him. We got super fruits?” He offered.
“Yeah, Wolf, we’ve got a lot of things, but all healthy. No coke. Sorry.” Liv said, standing at the foot of the bed.
Wolf was throwing a fairly silent tantrum as he thrashed around.
“I mean, try some of this super smoothie,” Josh held out the smoothie cup for Wolf. “It’ll pick you right up.” Wolf head butted the cup out of Josh’s hands. It spilled all over his face. “Jesus!” Josh backed away.
“COKE!” Wolf cried out. Josh turned to Liv looking pissed off.
“Wolf, we’re only trying to-“
“COKE!!!!” Wolf screamed at Liv, shaking. Josh rolled his eyes and took Liv’s hand, leading her out of his room.
“Poor Wolf,” Liv said sadly as she followed Josh down the stairs.
“He’s an asshole.” Josh grumbled. Liv punched his arm. Hard. “Liv!”
“He’s an addict in recovery, you’re the asshole.” She said sternly.
The front door swung open in front of them. Tiger was back. “Hey.” She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw them. She was holding a plate full of food covered by Saran Wrap.
“What’s that?” Josh leaned forward curiously. Tiger covered the plate with her hand.
“It’s leftovers from the meal I made for Stu. I pulled a little 40s charm on him and he let me into his house to make him a home cooked meal. Got some information outta him too. Where’s Wolf?” She asked.
“Tied to Josh’s bed. He’s not doing too well.” Liv said, jabbing her thumb up in the direction of Josh’s room.
“He’s probably starving!” She scolded Liv and Josh. “A home cooked meal can solve anything.” She marched past them and up the stairs towards the room. Hearing Tiger say the most house wife things in her deadpan and stern voice was so strange.
Josh turned to Liv. “She wasn’t always like that, right? Or am I crazy?”
“We’re both seeing the same thing. The 40s really changed her.” Liv said.
“Wanna play Snowpocalypse?” Josh asked, completely changing the subject.
Liv paused. “Um,” she blinked. “You can. I’ll just, um, I’ll watch you again…or something.”
“You worried I’ll actually be better than you at this one?” He teased. Liv had been way better than him at every game they’d played so far.
Liv shrugged. “No, I’m kinda just sick of video games.” She said.
Josh deflated. “Oh…that- that’s okay, we’ve been playing for a while anyways.”
Liv pursed her lips. “Mhm.” She tried not to let her annoyance show. The entire time since they’d emerged from Josh’s room it was all they (mostly Josh) had done. Liv had talked to Josh’s “friends” more than he had. And she still didn’t really like them. “Go have fun playing…that snow game.”
“I thought you were gonna watch?”
“I will! I’m just gonna go make sure Wolf’s okay.”
Josh nodded understandingly. “Okay, okay, go make sure he’s not puking all over Tiger.” He joked, giving her a small smile.
When Liv approached Josh’s door she heard Wolf sobbing. Great. She thought. He was still bawling. She opened the door to find him crying, but smiling too. He had a mouth full of roast in his mouth. Tiger sat next to him, feeding him the food on the plate.
“Wolf?” Liv asked.
“I can taste it!” He sobbed happily. “I can taste it!”
Tiger was smiling down at him as she fed him. “He can taste it.” She repeated, shrugging. Liv liked this new maternal Tiger, she wasn’t as mean and snippy.
Together Tiger and Liv cleaned Wolf up, Tiger helped bathe him and Liv threw JFUTZ’s bed sheets in a garbage sack. Wolf looked a lot better as he sauntered back into the room in a fluffy white robe with a towel wrapped around his head.
“Hey, Wolf,” She said gently, holding her arms out for a hug. Wolf fell into them graciously.
“I’m so sorry I yelled at you.” He mumbled into her shoulder. “I was half hallucinating back there. Corey Hart sang to me.”
“Oh my God,” Liv pulled away, laughing. “I’m glad to see you’re doing better now.”
“So.” Wolf smirked down at her as he stood up straight. “Tell Wolf, what’s going on with you and Josh?”
Before Liv could answer, Tiger was in the doorway, back in her regular Tiger attire. “Go get Josh, we need to have a chat.” She said.
“O-okay.” Liv looked confused and slightly scared. She slowly walked down the stairs to see Josh with the headset back on, imitating the motion of skiing. There was a whole group of people behind him on the couch cheering him on.
“Oh my God! I’m flying through the sky!” He exclaimed. Liv marched up behind him and took the headset off of him. “Hey! I was just about to stick my landing in Snowpocalypse-“ he turned around to see it was Liv, folding her arms. “Oh, hey, it’s you!” He grinned at her. “You should try this one Liv, it’s really fun.”
“I’m good.” Liv muttered, dropping the headset on the ground. “Tiger wants us upstairs. Like now.”
Tiger had gotten some interesting information out of Stu Camillo. He’d invited her over to his house after she helped him clean up his spilled groceries in the parking lot of a gas station, to which she’d offered to make him a home cooked meal. Stu had told her Kronish was secretive, frighteningly so, and that he’d been hiding away for years working on his project. Stu had told her that no one in the lab knew what they were working on, but Tiger knew, the super cure. He told Tiger that in two days' time he would reveal what it was. That was a relief to her, they still had time.
JFUTZ had turned his parents' old room into some sort of meditation/dojo room, that’s where Tiger wanted them to meet. Tiger told them to change into something quote, “more moveable and less disgusting” (she said that last one straight to Josh). Josh changed into a still eye blisteringly neon green tank top and shorts, while Liv opted to change back into her yellow tank top.
“Alright, so,” Tiger clapped her hands loudly to get everyone’s attention. Wolf sat in the corner clutching a smoothie, still in his fluffy robe. “The information I got out of Stu is a little alarming. Kronish is two days away from releasing his research. We need to kill him AND destroy his research AND blow up the Kronitorium. This is our only chance.”
Josh stretched an arm across his chest. “Wow, so we’re going full on T2.” He said.
“Judgement Day.” Wolf said from his corner. “Arnold was a frequent customer at Wolfhart’s, and a good friend.” He sighed, reminiscing. “Oh man, we had some sexcapades.” He sipped his smoothie.
Josh looked at Liv with raised eyebrows. Tiger waved her hand, trying to get the attention back on her. “This mission calls for a much bigger kill team but…this is all we have…so…we’re gonna have to train you guys up.”
Liv and Josh nodded, knowing this was coming. “Okay, um, athletic stance and start sparring with one of you guys, or each other, or…” Josh asked.
Tiger and Wolf started chuckling, looking at each other and shaking their heads. Josh turned his head to Liv, worried he’d said the wrong thing.
“Spar, oh, no, I think we’ll, uh, I think we’ll have you start on someone around both of your skill levels.” Tiger stepped over to a crate, taking the top off. An uncanny valley life sized doll with enormous tits sat inside. Josh and Liv both recoiled in shock.
“What the hell is that?” Liv asked. “And why is it so creepy?”
“I do not know why you have this, but she was on your doorstep, and, um, she’ll do.” Tiger looked at her two new students. “So let’s begin.”
Pt. 2
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the-madara-squad · 1 year
17th July - 23rd of July
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A week to celebrate all members of the Uchiha clan! Share & reblog the event to your favourite artists.
Day 1 - 17th July 2023
Uchiha kunoichi/ Brotherhood Shine a light on the women of the Uchiha clan, art, stories, headcanons // the meaning of brotherhood/sisterhood for an Uchiha
Day 2 - 18th July 2023
The clan of love/ Uchiha Hokage  "When an Uchiha comes to know a strong feeling, it's as if a torrent is unleashed". Any and all things related to love, romance and passion // Any Uchiha as Hokage. 
Day 3 - 19th July 2023
Modern Uchiha/ Timeswap AU What would the Uchihas be like as a modern family in 2023 and how would they interact with the world around them // What would happen if the Uchihas from different generations got swapped around in the Naruto timeline?
Day 4 - 20th July 2023
Uchiha traditions/ Uchihas Online  Headcanons, art, or stories about the Uchiha Clan's traditions and customs, jutsu’s origin (including your original creation) // Imagine how the Uchihas would interact in the online world of social media.
Day 5 - 21st July 2023
Uchiha x shonens / Chat with Madara AI An Uchiha comes across an other shonen or an other shonen character meets an Uchiha *suggestion : demon slayer, one piece, FMA, bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, dragon ball ect… // Use our exclusive homemade AI bot in this link and chat with the man himself, Madara. Share with us the convo you had with him.
Day 6 - 22nd July 2023
What if...?/ Uchiha x OCs Scenarios canon divergence ( *suggestions : What if the clan aligned with Madara? What if Fugaku had led the coup? What if they stopped the 9 Tails? What if Izuna survived? What if Itachi lived? What if Shisui succeeded? What if Obito never met Madara? What if Sarada was raised among her clan? ect ect…) // Introduce us to your OCs and/or self inserts who are paired with an Uchiha! use a picrew and our blank OC sheet to create your perfect pairing ! - Solo Picrew for OC : LINK 1 || LINK 2 - Couples Picrew : LINK 1 || LINK 2 - Solo OC sheet + UchihaxOC sheet :
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Day 7 - 23rd July 2023
Sasuke's birthday ! All about Sasuke! You have to organise the perfect birthday for Sasuke, what would you do? Who would you invite? 
!! RULES !!
1. Use the hashtag #uchihaweek2023 or #uchihaweek
2. At least one Uchiha-born needs to be the focus of your art : Main Uchihas : Sasuke, Madara, Itachi, Obito, Fugaku, Mikoto, Izuna, Tajima, Izumi, Shisui, Naori, Kagami, Sarada, Indra (yeah… technically not an Uchiha but he fathered them all!) Minor Uchihas : Inabi, Tekka, Uruchi, Teyaki, Yashiro, three unknown Madara’s brothers
3. Loose interpretation, and/or NSFW version of each prompt is allowed except inc*st and paedo***.
NB: incest concerns family relationship : parent/children, grandparent/grandchildren, sibling/sibling, first cousin/first cousin. A clan is different, by definition it's a mix of different family lineages which see themselves as descending from the same distant ancestor (in this case Indra).
4. If you need help to brainstorm your ideas, join our Uchiha Week channel in our Madara Squad discord HERE
5. Send us comments/asks/DMs or contact directly our mods @al-hekima-madara-blog and @margretesonigiri for more informations !
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thesixenthusiast · 1 year
ruby – eddie roundtree
part two (part one, part three, part four)
pairing: eddie rountree x fem!oc (may change to x reader) warnings: drinking/drugs (billy/daisy's addictions) word count: 1.5k author's note: please bear with me in this, if there's a few time mix ups just with the order of things, please do let me know but i'm trying to find an equal balance between the book and show and it's a little difficult lol
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BILLY DUNNE: At one of our gigs we were talking to Rod Reyes, he gave us some pointers, told us what to do and what not to do, and then he told us to go west. We were all out of school by then and decided maybe it was the best option for us.
ROD REYES (tour manager, The Six): The band had the look they needed, Billy was a natural born rockstar, the long hair, the deep voice, that deadpan look when he doesn’t get his way. Juliet had the rockstar look down, she had this long hair, big hair too, and dark makeup that she never really learned how to use properly.​​ The girls wanted to be her and the guys wanted to sleep with her. And her voice.. she had this raspy voice that she never seemed to tire out. I told Billy, I told him, get her out from behind you, get her out of singing back up, sing a song or two with her, mix things up, people’ll get bored of just hearing you. Most importantly, I told them to get the fuck out of Pittsburgh.
GRAHAM DUNNE: The six of us decided to move out to L.A..
The Six settled into life in Los Angeles, renting a house in the hills of Topanga Canyon. They prepared to begin recording their debut album. Teddy, along with a team of technicians, including lead engineer Artie Snyder, set up shop at Sound City Studios, a recording studio in Van Nuys, California.
The band, Camila alongside, started getting their name out there. They played gigs at clubs and bars, doing near-anything to make a name for themselves on the Sunset Strip. Not too long after, they decided to record an album.
“I feel fully content with my decision to not take your bedroom, Warren,” Juliet hummed in response to Warren’s bragging over having the only bedroom with a bathroom, “Very few people would consider a stray toilet in the corner of your room to be a bathroom, I am proudly not one of those people.” Eddie waltzed into the kitchen, where the group was situated getting ready for the day.
“I’ve been thinking,” he started, taking a seat next to Juliet, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, “We need a new name, The Dunne Brothers isn’t cutting it for us.”
“Thank you!” Karen yelled, propping herself up against the counter to face the rest of the group.
“I agree, but let’s be realistic,” Juliet reasoned, “you’re never going to get six people to agree on a name.” She leaned against Warren’s shoulder, who was contributing little to the conversation due to how stoned he was.
“We could take the easy way out,” Graham piped in, “The Six.”
“The Six,” Warren hummed, nodding blissfully at the suggestion.
JULIET OPAL: The Six. [Smiles] Warren admitted later that he only liked it because it sounded similar to “The Sex,” I don’t think that was a big part of it for anyone else.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Julie really liked the name, that was a big part of it for me.
GRAHAM DUNNE: We finished the album, we were going on tour, we needed a real name, it felt right. Plus it was kinda my idea. [Smiles]
Karen and Juliet were draped across the living room carpet, attempting to escape the California heat as the fan that was weakly shackled to the ceiling rotated above them. The girls were taken out of their silent daze with a yelling and laughter radiating from the porch as the rest of the group made their way inside mumbling something about a wedding.
The girls sat up, exhaustion dissipating from their bodies when Camila announced that she was pregnant and her and Billy were getting married that night. They jumped up, Juliet hoisting Karen up from the rug and her sleep deprivation-ridden state, and ran over to congratulate the couple, pulling Camila away from the group and to her closet to pick out her dress.
Later that afternoon, Juliet stood in the dimly-lit backyard, and strung pieces of aluminum foil through the various trees and rosemary bushes speckled across the yard. Eddie crept up behind her, grabbing her wrist, which ultimately led to her dropping the wad of foil into the grass, and spinning her around to face him.
“Eddie!” She looked down at her spilt decorations with a lackluster expression, though a grin was pulling on the corners of her mouth, Eddie made sure not to miss that.
“No, eyes up here,” he lifted up her chin with his other hand and smiled at her, grabbing her other hand and intertwining their fingers as he started to dance with her, “I need practice for tonight, don’t want to make a fool of myself on the dance floor. What time is the minister getting here?”
“I’d hardly call it a dance floor, it’s the same bed of grass you passed out on last week and Warren puked on yesterday,” he laughed, spinning her and then pulling her closer as they continued to dance, “He’s supposed to be here in 40 minutes, but it’s L.A., no one is ever on time, it’s anyone’s guess.”
“Well,” he licked his lips and cleared his throat before continuing to speak, “then you have plenty of time to finish decorating once we’re finished.”
“Nuh uh, I need to help get Camila ready too, pre-wedding jitters. You’ll understand someday,” she leaned her face in closer to his before whispering, “that poor woman.”
“You wound me, Julie, you really do. But alas, a woman’s job is never done,” he stopped moving and let go of her hands, “I’ll finish up here, make her feel real pretty.” He smiled, she quickly ducked down and scooped up the mass of foil and handed it to him, before scurrying inside.
INTERVIEWER: What can you tell me about that night?
JULIET OPAL: Oh, I don’t know. What’s the maturity rating on this?
“Smile for me,” Warren teased, positioning himself for the perfect shot of Camila and Billy, “I need a nice big smile, Billy, knock off the frown, it’s the happiest day of your life!”
“Your lens cap is on!” Camila leaned forward, pulling it off and tossing it to Juliet, who caught it with one hand and handed it to Warren, who stuffed it inside of his pocket and immediately returned to trying to get the couple to pose.
WARREN ROJAS: Mescaline is a powerful drug.
Juliet laughed as she watched the numerous failed attempts at photographing the wedding and muttered something about how maybe Warren should stick to music, before she was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around and was greeted with Eddie smiling at her, his hand extended towards her.
“May I have this dance?” He smirked, raising one eyebrow at her.
“Oh, of course,” she took his hand, tilting her head to the side and smiling, “if not all of your practice will have been for nothing.”
He pulled her away and the two of them found a position only a few dozen feet away from the rest of the group, who was still struggling to take photos. They danced, her head resting on his right shoulder and his hands around her waist, before one of them got the courage to break the comfortable silence.
“I can’t believe they’re gonna be parents,” she marveled, “I still feel like I’m new here and my biggest concern is trying to make him like me. When did we stop being little asshole kids who bummed garages off our parents for practicing space?”
“I’d like to think when we left Pittsburgh, but I think we still are,” she laughed, leaning her head into him.
“Do you think you’ll ever be like that?” He raised an eyebrow at her, “I mean like, ready to settle down? If we get to where we want to be, if we’re as big as we came out here hoping to be, is it even in the cards for us?”
“I think it’ll be tricky, but it always is, whether you’re leaving for a 30 city tour the morning after you get married, or if you just don’t know if you can do it with the kid staying in one piece.”
“I guess so,” she got quiet, swaying to the humming of the music until Eddie eventually decided it was time to rejoin everyone else.
The next morning, Juliet loaded her bag into the van, crawling into the passenger seat next to Eddie behind the wheel. After finalizing her spot, she climbed out and walked over to Camila, throwing her arms around her and leaning into her ear.
“Don’t be a stranger,” she looked at the tears welling up in her eyes before continuing to speak, “I’ll watch out for him for you. Call me if you need anything, I’m serious. I’ll drive back to California from Boston to bring you orange juice if you run out, I’m here.”
Camila hugged her back and Juliet shielded her from the group as she wiped the tears from her eyes, then she climbed back into the van, a stoic expression taking over her face. Eddie noticed and placed his hand over hers on the console, bringing her attention to his face. He nodded and gave her a weak lipped smile. As the group piled into the car, the energy lightened and Eddie let out a “alright, let’s get out of here,” before pulling onto the road.
JULIET OPAL: And then we were off.
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