#couples winter pajamas
gullei · 10 months
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Couple Matching Breathable Cotton Pajamas Set by Gullei.com. Elevate your comfort with our stylish coordinated sets, crafted from breathable cotton. From restful nights to leisurely mornings, Gullei.com offers the perfect collection for couples seeking both style and ease.
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missacensnakelover · 10 months
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Ace and Ivy in matching Christmas pajamas here!
Made by me! (x)
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heliosundercover · 4 months
Special customer
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Special customer Redhood who gains the title by beating up some shady guys attempting to break into your bakery and apartment above it, and after the job was done, you begged him to stay around until you got a new security system installed. But even with it installed, he seems to be in the area. One night, you offered him a coffee, and now every night on patrol, he comes for his coffee.
Special customer Redhood, got a pretty sweet drink, not something a vigilante would drink. It was a black coffee with 5 pumps of caramel and a dash of cinnamon sugar. Something about the unlikely order was cute in a way.
Special customer Redhood, doesn't know that you have an alarm set, so you can wake up late enough to catch him and give him his coffee. One day he catches you, though. You come downstairs to check to see if he was there yet, and he sees you in pajamas, your hair up so you can sleep comfortably, 
 "Wait, were you sleeping?" He looks you up and down. 
"Nice pajamas" 
Only then does he look up the hours of the bakery, seeing that it closes at 10 p.m., whereas he's coming in between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. That was when he first realized how considerate you were.
Special customer Redhood finally asks you about your day after two weeks of him coming in for a cup of coffee and a weirdly comfortable silence while he drinks and unwinds from his long patrol.
"How was your day... You look exhausted." He took a long pause, realizing he didn't know your name, but to his surprise, you laughed, and after that one small gesture, he knew he wanted to hear it again. 
You and him talked for a few hours until his headset pinged that there was something suspicious going on in the area he was supposed to be patrolling, but here he was flirting with a baker.
He never got your name.
Special customer Redhood, gets the same thing every time, so eventually you give his order a special name. His own secret menu item. special customer, Redhood, who asks
"Did you name this drink after me?" When you say 
"One red cup coming up." The name was Corny, and it slipped up before you could stop yourself, and now you cringed as you could hear the smirk in his heavily distorted voice. His question was immediately met with denial. 
Special customer Redhood enjoyed talking with you and learning about you. He also liked how you weren't pushy, not asking anything that could put his identity at risk. Here's a list of things he told you.
He liked classic literature.
He had never tried matcha before you made him try your new matcha white chocolate cookies. 
He loved animals and always wanted a big dog.
His favorite color was green, which was surprising considering his choice of name.
He never went to college. 
New customer Jason Todd, who made you raise an eyebrow when he ordered a "red cup," had a barely noticeable smirk like he was thinking of an inside joke.  Your eyebrow raised a bit more when a younger-looking guy asked
"Jason, why this bakery? It's not even a real coffee shop; they just happen to sell three types of coffee and a special lemonade. And its super put of the way."
His words were met with a flick to the back of his head by Jason.
"Because I like it here."
New-ish customer Jason, who came in mornings ordering the same thing every couple of days every so often, had a person or two with him. But while Jason wasn't consistent, but you like him any.
Special customer Redhood, who had been planning on asking you out as Jason for months. It was now winter, and the snow on the ground made him think of you. He knew winter was your favorite season, and it was the first snow of the season today. He knew it had to be today. 
Innocent bystanders Dick, Damian, and Tim watched their brother go mad over a baker. A mix of happiness and impending doom lingered amongst the group they had started taking bets on when he would finally ask her out a while ago. And so far, Alfred is the closest to winning. 
Regular customer Jason Todd, who had run into the bakery with flowers in hand right before closing, Slightly out of breath, he asked 
"Will you go out to dinner with me? Saturday night at 8 p.m.?"
"Sure." You smile happily, accepting his offer  and you watch as his eyes light up and he hands you the bouquet of flowers. 
Boyfriend Jason Todd, who is surprised when you, after a year of dating, reveal that you've been suspicious since day one, All because of a stupid drink with a corny name. 
Boyfriend Jason Todd, who can't help but tease you,.
 "So it was named after me?"
Boyfriend and soon-to-be fiancée Jason Todd, who proposes to you on the roof of your apartment and bakery the whole roof was decked out with a vine covered arch and fairy lights. 
"So, will you marry me?"
He gets on one knee, opening a gorgeous engagement ring with your favorite precious stone inside. It was your dream ring, and he was your dream guy, and of course you said yes.
Fiancée Jason Todd, who pulls you into a passionate kiss when he hears the words leave your lips, couldn't be more excited to spend the rest of his life with you.
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fluffiematcha · 2 months
L O V I N G Y O U ᝰ.ᐟ
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pairing. jeonghan 𝖝 fem. reader. genre. fluff, est. relationship, married life au, comfort. word count. 1,5k. warnings. mentions of foods, mentions of menstruation period, kissing, terms of endearment, not proofread.
english isn't my mothertongue.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬. four moments in your relationship with yoon jeonghan, as a married couple.
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𝐢. he takes care of everything when you work overtime.
you finally come home after a long day at work. entering your apartment, you take off your thick coat and step out of your winter boots, sighing in relief at the feeling of lightness.
“welcome home honeybun!” jeonghan emerges from the kitchen with a warm smile, wearing a kitchen apron. he takes your coat and your bag from your hands and leaves to put them in your dressing room - yes, you have a separate room for professional clothes.
you slowly follow him upstairs, already drained of energy. you walk into the bedroom, go to the closet, pull out an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants then go to the shower.
once refreshed, you go down to the kitchen. you find jeonghan cooking, a fairly rare scene to see but quite pleasant for the eyes. your man looks so good in his househusband role. he notices you after several minutes of cutting vegetables when he turns around to get the jars of spices.
the corners of his lips turn up in an affectionate smile, a smile that he reserves only for you. jeonghan opens his arms wide, inviting you to come and cuddle him.
jeonghan looks so comfortable in his plaid apron, with his inviting smile and slightly tousled hair. you throw yourself into his arms and bury your nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. you allow yourself to relax in his embrace, and a feeling of relief envelops you.
you find solace in his arms. he is your home.
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𝐢𝐢. a ritual moment between you and jeonghan.
you cuddle together on the couch, nestled under the covers.
“how was your day?” jeonghan asks. he takes your hand in his and intertwines them. you enjoy the warmth that his body gives off on this winter evening.
“nothing so special. the usual monotony of the office. ah! i saw. . .”
you tell each other about your days in detail, laugh at hilarious or embarrassing moments, and comfort the other when something upsetting happened.
he doesn't pretend to listen, no no. you can tell by jeonghan’s expressions that he’s listening to you attentively. he nods while listening to you, laughs with you, sometimes even scoffs. ‘aigo’ even becomes his favorite expression.
phones are on silent, and the tv isn't on. it’s just the two of you in the quiet of your apartment.
it’s a ritual for your couple, a moment of reconnection between the two of you and disconnection from the outside world.
you’re enveloped in a bubble of intimacy, in a world where it’s just you and jeonghan. you live for these moments with him and he can't wait to find you and be able to spend time with you.
cuddled up together, everything feels fine when you're sitting on that couch.
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𝐢𝐢𝐢. “never let your anger last until the sunset.”
one of the most important rules in your relationship is to never let your anger last until the sun goes down.
“honeybun, can i come in?” jeonghan asks softly, hesitation evident in his voice.
it’s been two hours since you locked yourself in your room after the argument in the kitchen.
the subject of the argument wasn’t grave but due to the constant stress that jeonghan felt lately and your sensitivity due to your woman fever, the little bickering turned into angry cries and screams.
unable to bear any more of these thoughtless words, you storm out of the room and lock yourself in the bedroom.
jeonghan can hear your sniffles from the other side of the door. his heart clenches uncomfortably, knowing that he is the cause.
“it’s fine if you’re not ready yet. i will wait for you.”
you hear his footsteps walking away and then silence. your eyes start to feel heavy. without even realizing it, you fall into the arms of Morpheus, unaware that your husband has gone out.
several hours have passed since jeonghan left the apartment. he initially went out to get some fresh air and clear his head but ended up stopping at your favorite cafe. he comes out with three boxes and a bag, all filled with your favorite pastries, treats and drinks. he heads back, hoping that you will at least accept his peace offering.
when he comes home, he notices a post-it stuck to the hall dresser. “need you.” he read.
jeonghan takes a deep breath and then heads towards the bedroom. he knocks on the door twice then pauses before knocking six more times, a code between you to ask permission to enter.
he hears rustling sounds followed by your slightly raspy voice. “open.”
his hand trembles as he grabs the handle and turns it. as he opens the door, his gaze meets yours, sad but with a hint of longing.
jeonghan walks to the foot of the bed, places the boxes and bag on the edge and stands there, facing you.
he looks at you with a sad, desolate and repentant look. his eyes shine almost pleadingly.
seeing him in a so desperate state strikes a chord deep within you. you open your arms for a hug, a pout is painted on your face.
he rushes to hug you, sighing in relief when he finally feels your warmth against his body. his grip tightens tightly, leaving no space between you. “i’m sorry for what i said.” his voice trembles, and his shoulders tremble. you gently stroke his back in hopes of comforting him.
“shh, it’s okay. we’re okay.” you whisper in his ear.
jeonghan snuggles into the crook of your neck. his breathing begins to regulate itself until it becomes completely normal but his grip remains as tight as ever.
you're not complaining, finding your place in his arms is after all the best thing after an argument.
receiving your favorite pastries is also one of the best things after that.
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𝐢𝐯. a late night walk.
you guys decide to go out for a little walk, a little night walk to enjoy the warm summer air.
“don’t you want to drink something?”
“eh? now that you say it…”
“would you like us to stop by livvie café to get something to drink?” he asks as you pass by the establishment.
to be honest, livvie café isn't really your favorite place but looking at the café window, your craving for something sweet intensifies.
“why not. let’s go.”
you head towards the place in question and enter. you order a mocha to go. as for jeonghan, he orders a large iced latte, also to go. jeonghan jumps up and down while waiting, he seems eager to receive his drink.
once your orders are collected and paid for, you go out and continue your walk around the city hand in hand.
your husband sips his beverage quite quickly. “you could have just said you wanted a latte.” you tease him. he just smiles at you.
“something is wrong?” you ask, worried. it’s not really him to remain silent when you tease him.
“no no. just nostalgia. you remember this place, don’t you?” he squeezes your hand, a nostalgic smile appears on his face.
you smile too without realizing it. “of course. why would i forget it?”
this place is where you first met, 5 years ago. these 5 years spent by his side remain the best years of your life.
he made you feel loved, understood and special since the beginning of your relationship. he still does it until now.
coming back here brings back memories. this place remains an important place for the both of you.
“have i ever told you how much i love you today?” jeonghan cups your cheeks in his hands, smiling fondly at your cute face.
you pretend to grimace. “han, don’t you think that sentence is becoming a little too cliché?”
he chuckles, caressing your cheek with his thumb while keeping his gaze on you, you can clearly see the adoration and love he has for you in his eyes.
he leans forward very slowly. reflexively, you close your eyes. if he ever plays a prank on you, he can be sure to be buried six feet under in the next few seconds.
you feel his lips mold against yours in a tender kiss. he kisses you like there is no tomorrow. sometimes, others say the air is knocked out of their lungs but you feel alive in this moment. you melt under his touch, you long for his presence.
you don't feel butterflies in your stomach but rather a comforting warmth spreading through your body. his lips are soft against yours, his movements are slow, and he doesn't rush anything at all, enjoying this moment.
you pull him closer if that’s even possible. his touch is so affectionate, his kisses are soft and loving. the only thing forcing you to back away is the lack of air.
jeonghan doesn’t move too far away, he rests his forehead against yours. his gaze does not weaken. his eyes shine like stars, containing the light of galaxies within them. his cheeks are dusted with pink up to his ears and an idiotically loving smile tugs the corners of his lips.
“i love you.” he whispers.
“i love you too.” you whisper back.
you were fortunate to have met him, the man who became the love of your life.
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✎﹏ hey! if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading!
actually, this is my first time writing a kiss scene so i apologize if it's messy (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠). i will practice a little more to improve my writing!
again, thanks for reading this!
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lovepajamas · 2 years
High-quality autumn and winter pajamas for couples are here!
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Read more from https://thebestpajamas.blogspot.com/2022/10/High-quality-autumn-and-winter-pajamas-for-couples-are-here.html.
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luvfy0dor · 2 months
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“His Hands are in my Hair, His Clothes are in my Room ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol
Warnings; Nikolais and Chuuyas are hardly proofread, Nikolais was rushed, Nikolais nearly got scrapped, I don't like Nikolais, maybe a little ooc
Description; sharing clothing w the BSD boys
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A/n; GUYS OH MY GOD I GOT A 5 ON MY FIRST AP EXAM IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF AHHHHHH IM GONNA CRY also I'm sorry posts are so few and far between. It's so hot and hard to function. I know I said the exact same thing to excuse minimal posts in winter but like. its literally hot as balls and all I got is a puny ass 8yro fan and the occasional sip of iced water.
Osamu Dazai ★
• Dazai likes to take your old T-shirts to sleep in when you lend them to him for the night. After a few nights of having Dazai at your house, you wonder why your sleep-shirt collection has nearly cut in half.
You unlocked the door of your apartment and pushed it open with your unoccupied hand. The other arm held a large brown paper bag filled with gas station food and snacks for you and your boyfriend, who followed you inside. Once you set the bag down on the coffee table, you retrieved your keys from the door and closed it. When you came back to the kitchen, Dazai had already dumped everything out and was sifting through all the options. "The walk back from the gas station was hardly five minutes and I've already forgotten everything we got." He says with a grin, opening a bag of chips and eating a couple. He offered you some, holding the bag out to you. "Want some?' He mumbled.
"Yeah, let me just change into pajamas first, I don't wanna do anything until I'm comfortable." You said, shrugging off your jacket and starting to undo your belt before you even make it back to your room. Dazai followed suit, bag of chips still in hand. "Can I borrow some?" You nodded before taking off your shirt and tossing it in the laundry hamper, going through your closet to find a shirt for your boyfriend and yourself. "Thank youuu~" He plops down onto your bed, keeping the chip bag upwards so he doesn't get any crumbs or dust on your nice blankets. He watches you pull one of your band shirts over your head, admiring your body from his position on your mattress. He's snapped out of his daze when black fabric comes flying at him, but he catches it before it can smack him in the face. "Thanks, babe, you're so kind."
He switches his work clothes for your old ones, the big shirt nearly swallowing his scrawny torso comfortably. "Alright, I want snacks, come on." You gesture for him to follow you back out to the kitchen where the array of snacks was waiting for the two of you on the counter. There were numerous kinds of chocolate, and Dazai had grabbed a couple bags of gummies for himself. There were a few more bags of chips for variety, and you scooped everything up in your arms to bring to the living room. You dropped them all on the coffee table and grabbed the remote. "Alright, what movie are we feeling?" You ask, turning to the brunette man. "Uhhhhh, how about an action movie. Somethin' that looks exciting." He says, slinging his arm over your shoulder while he munches on sour gummy worms. Eventually, the two of you decide on a Godzilla movie, slumped against the couch with chocolate residue on the tips of your fingers from your candies. Dazai let out a long sigh as the movie came to a close, leaning into you and resting his head on your shoulder.
You ran your fingers through Dazais messy and slightly greasy hair, scratching his scalp and listening to his pleased, quiet hum. "Are you falling asleep or are you up for another movie?" You ask him, watching the credits roll on the TV. "I'm up for another movie, I just think I might be having a sugar crash." He says, groaning as he sits back up. You nod and grab the remote again, browsing through all the film options. Every now and again, your eyes involuntarily flickered over to your boyfriend, and you couldnt help but smile. He looked really cute in your shirt, and it almost made you wanna treat the movie like chopped liver and cuddle up to him.
"You look really cute." You say, playing whatever movie you absent-mindedly started in your daze. "Oh, I know, right?" He grins running his hand over his body. "As a matter of fact, I've never felt sexier." He teases, moving his eyebrows up and down with a smirk. You can't help but laugh at him. "Let's get you on a playboy cover." Before you know it, he's standing up in front of the TV. "Scrap the movie, you have me for entertainment instead." He puts his hands on his hips and strikes a pose, making you laugh some more. "You want some attention? I mean, I guess since you asked so politely." You stand up with an eye roll and pull him in, kissing him and running a hand down his side. He keeps one hand on your chin, tilting your head to meet his lips, sighing quietly each time your lips part for a quick moment. Soon, you both need more air then small gasps and have to pull away. He smiles and messes with the fabric of your own shirt. "How about we ditch this mess for now and go to bed, yeah? We can continue comfortably there?" He offers, You glance back over at the piles of snacks, opened or not, scattered acrossed the floor. Normally you'd make him help you clean up before doing anything else, but tonight you really couldn't be bothered and just wanted to follow Dazai wherever he'd take you. "Alright, let's go."
Chuuya Nakahara ★
• Everyone knows that Chuuya adores his hat, but not everyone knows he's got a decently sized collection of fancy hats on top of his closet. One day while rummaging around and trying to find one of Chuuyas button downs for him, you notice them all on the top rack.
"Chuuya, you didn't tell me you had so many hats!" You called out to him, standing back and staring at them all. Chuuya was currently in the bathroom, shaving his peach fuzz to keep his smooth face. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I've got a ton." He calls back, washing the shaving cream off of his skin. "They're pretty..can I try some of 'em on?" You ask, reaching to grab the one on the top of the stack. "Go ahead." He walks out of the bathroom with his towel around his waist, leaning against the doorframe to watch the little fashion show you were about to put on. The first one you grabbed was adorned with flowers of various colors. You placed it on your head and turned around, posing with your hands on your hips.
"What do you think? Vogue worthy?" You ask him. He smiles at you and nods, his arms crossed over his chest. "One hundred percent, that's peak fashion." He says genuinely, standing up straight and walking over to the closet. He reaches up and grabs another hat for you to try, switching it out for the flowers one. This one is a dark, reddish brown color. "This one's cute too." You giggle and head over to the bathroom to see for yourself. "Ooo, I'm not sure this kinda hat is necessarily for me." You giggle. "What do you mean? It looks great on you!" He says, following you in and hugging you from behind. "You only say that because they're your hats." You say, grinning.
"I mean, I guess not everyone is destined to look good in them like me." He says, squeezing your hip. "I gotta actually get ready for work now, I'm probably runnin' late." He says, turning around and dropping his towel. He tossed it into the hamper before getting dressed in his usual attire, spotting the button down that you had forgotten about in favor of his hat collection. "Okayyyy." You yawn, stretching your arms over your head and treading through the bedroom to start your own morning routine. You didn't have to leave for another hour, but Chuuya had to get to work within the next 30 minutes. After brushing your teeth, you notice Chuuya searching the bedroom for his usual hat.
"The nightstand." You point out to him. He sees it and lets out a sigh of relief, grabbing it and plopping it on his head. "Thanks, doll. I gotta get going' now, but I'll see ya tonight, okay?" He says, pulling you in by your waist for his daily goodbye kiss. "Yeah, got it." You smile before kissing him sweetly for a quick moment before he backs away. "Alright, I love you, see ya later." He playfully smacks your ass before letting go of you and heading out to the door. "Bye Chuuya, I love you, I'll see you later!" Once you heard him leave, you smiled to yourself and headed right back to the closet. You didn't necessarily have to get dressed just yet, so that gave you some time to try on a couple more hats on your own.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
• Fyodor doesn't mind letting you borrow his cape if you seem cold, or he'll simply wrap it around you and pull you into his side. He prefers the latter, considering it doesn't take much for him to get chilly.
Fyodor held your gloved hand in his as you both walked down the snowy streets of Yokohama. It was the winter solstice and you both decided to take a walk down one of the most popular roads and do some window shopping. By the end of the evening, the hand that wasn't occupied with holding Fyodors held a warm cup of hot chocolate that you sipped on periodically. "Have you enjoyed yourself tonight, Myshka?" He asks you, adjusting his ushanka and gazing up at the sky, noticing some snow start to fall. "I did. Thanks for coming with me, I know you have a lot of stuff to do." You respond, bringing the cup to your lips for another sip. He waves his hand dismissively. "That doesn't mean I can't accompany you." His thumb rubs over your knuckles as snow starts landing on his hat and your head, the street lamps illuminating the darkness with a tangerine-colored glow. You nod at his words, leaning into his shoulder and shivering.
"It's so cold, Fedya." You say, your head on his shoulder and your hand squeezing his tightly. He lets go in order to put his arm around your waist, pulling his long cape over your shoulder. "I know, the walk home isn't much further, don't worry." You smile and hold onto the old, worn material to keep it in place. "You're right, thanks." You say, feeling butterflies in your stomach. It never mattered how long you and Fyodor had been together, every affectionate action made you feel like you had just got together. He held you close with his cape still shielding you from the cold and adding a layer of warmth to your jacket. He would peer over at you every now and again, laughing under his breath at all the snow that was getting into your hair. "What's so funny?" You ask him, a smile spread acrossed your face. "You've got a whole bunch of snow on your head." He tells you. "It looks like dandruff."
You roll your eyes and yank the ushanka off of his head, placing it on yours instead. "There, now you won't have to look at it." You hold the fluffy hat on top of your head and try to prevent him from taking it back when he tugs on it. "No, you can get your own, my ears are cold." He says with a smile, eventually pulling it back into his own possession and patting it off. "I will say though, you look better in my hat than Dazai did." You give a proud smirk and rest your head on his shoulder. "I'd hope you'd think so." Your street comes into view and you pull him along as you speed up, wanting to get into the warm, cozy house as soon as possible. "I know running isn't exactly your thing but pick up the pace a little, I wanna get under the covers and cuddle." You tell him, getting closer to home with each passing second.
He picks up speed for you and listens to the sound of your feet hitting the pavement. It's not long before you've pulled him all the way home and you're unlocking the door, nearly spilling inside to get into the warm living room. Fyodor follows suit, unlacing his shoes and hanging up his cape and ushanka. You wait for him in the open doorway that connects the living room and the hallway, ready to curl up in bed away from the harsh cold. "Alright, I'm coming." He says, treading through the hall with you and opening the bedroom door. His hand rested on your lower back as you both walked to the comfortable mattress, crawling under the covers and pulling each other close. "Your cape is really warm and comfortable. You should wrap me in it more often." You say, scooching closer to him and letting his arm drape over your waist.
"Hmm, I guess that wouldn't hurt. You really like it?" He peers down at you, his head propped up on his fist. "Yeah, I might have to steal it, actually." You say seriously, making him click his tongue. "You're welcome to steal it if I'm not wearing it." He says, chewing on the inside of his cheek habitually. "Then expect it to be off the hanger more often then not." He smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead, laying his head down on the pillow. "Okay, that's fine, but right now you have me and the blanket to keep you warm." He murmurs, closing his eyes. "Well you're not contributing to that as much as the blanket, but whatever you say." You kiss his cheek and brush his bangs out of his face. "G'night Fedya, I love you." You say, resting your head on his chest, ready for sleep. "I love you too, y/n, sleep well."
Nikolai Gogol ★
• You always loved Nikolais outfit and couldn't help but wanna put it in one day. You were sure he wouldn't mind, after all, sharing attire was nothing foreign to your relationship.
It started with you trying on his blouse for fun, but then you decided the blouse wasn't complete without the vest, pants, gloves, collar, shoes, or hat. Everything fit you a little differently than it fit Nikolai, but it didn't matter, because when you walked over to the nearest reflective surface, you found yourself cute, and you almost couldn't wait for Nikolai to get out of the shower to show him. You just needed one more thing, his cape. You ran out to the coat rack by the door and swung it behind you and then over your shoulders excitedly, grabbing it by the edges and moving it around. You felt really fancy with his cape, swaying your body just to feel the fabric move with you. As a matter of fact, you were so caught up in how good the cape made you feel that you didn't even realize the bathroom door open.
"Oh, wow, dove! My outfit looks so good on you! I've never noticed how much the red gloves pop until now." You turned around so fast, as if you were sitting in silence and all of a sudden a full file cabinet tipped over and crashed onto a linoleum floor. "Wah-! When'd you get out? I mean, thank you, but you scared me!" You say with a nervous laugh. "I thought it looked cute." You murmur, starting to pull off the gloves, but he stops you. "Hey, wait, you should stay in it for a moment, I'm not done admiring you yet!" He tells you, walking over and grabbing your hands gently. He leans in to kiss you, his smile palpable on his lips. You hand falls on his shoulder, rubbing it up and down affectionately before pulling away. "You really like it that much, huh?"
He nods. "Ofcourse! Oh, I'd love to show everyone how wonderful you look. Would you let me?" He asks, squeezing your hands tightly. "Sure, Kolya, go ahead." He quickly skitters off to fetch his cellphone, returning with the camera app already open. "Pose." He says, watching you place your hands on your waist and cock your hip a little bit. "Ah, gorgeous." He says, spamming the capture button. "Okay, I think that's enough." He says, his cheeks a bit pinker than before. He tossed his phone onto one of the side tables and embraced you once again, resting his head on top of yours. "Come on, y/n, I'd like to see you in my whole wardrobe now!" He says excitedly, pulling you along back to the bedroom. You don't necessarily know what you ignited in him, but it was certainly something, and now you were preparing yourself for a god-knows-how-long fashion show for your boyfriend. Not that you really minded, ofcourse.
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A/n; another post that was supposed to have sigma and then didn't have sigma because I wanted to watch Jersey shore instead of write. ALSO I WENT TO THE DENTIST YESTERDAY terrible experience I cried but don't tell anyone I said that
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marthawrites · 4 months
Between the Covers
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Modern Aemond Targaryen x girlfriend reader
Word count: 3.4k+
Can be read as a one shot but reads best as part two to Summer's End, Autumn's Beginning
About: During a cozy night in at your place, Aemond discovers your new taste for “literature”. Upon confronting you about it he makes a deal. Part of you wants to say no… but, you ultimately agree to his terms.
Includes: Established relationship, fluff, teasing, banter, and smut featuring breast play (reader is implied to have sensitive breasts), minor vampire play, pussy eating, vaginal fingering, Aemond loses his mind at the mention of blood sucking, dirty talk, vaginal sex, and reader and Aemond say 'I love you'
Note: Hello lovely reader! This might be ooc for Aemond but it's ic for the Aemond in my heart! My heart and pussy wrote this so if you have a problem with it up take it up with them!! Reader is non-descript! As always, I hope you enjoy this fic ♥
Autumn turned to winter, then winter to spring, and things with you and Aemond were better than ever. According to Aegon the two of you were “disgustingly cute”, and Helaena, on more than one occasion, admitted how she’d never seen her little brother so happy. 
Alys, despite her best efforts, had been fully removed from the picture after the last big fight that had you and Aemond taking a long self-reflecting break. 
Perhaps the universe really did do you a favor by making you face an ugly side of yourself–jealousy, distrustfulness, suspicion. Was it fun to look at in the eyes? No. Absolutely not. But, it made you realize things about yourself which ultimately lead you and Aemond to give the relationship another chance: a real honest chance. 
He too was far from perfect and had his own baggage and scores to settle. But at the end of the day you two were fucking wild for each other. And that’s all that mattered.
While your third floor apartment wasn’t anything compared to the sprawling Targaryen estate, it was cozy and located in one of the nicer neighborhoods in King’s Landing. Any city had its slums and dark underbellies, but thankfully you didn’t have to deal with either of those. Inwardly you were convinced that if you did live in one of those shady places that Aemond would swoop you away to his own private quarter in his family’s mansion. The idea of moving in together had been hinted at a couple times and each time your belly–and heart–did flips. One day, sure, maybe. But, now? You hadn’t even been together for a year yet. Moving in together was a huge commitment.
Perhaps something to consider for your three-year plan. 
Or, one-year plan.
You both had a free day tomorrow, so Aemond took advantage of it and stayed the night. After dinner you took a shower and he waited in your bedroom, searching for something to watch. 
There were so many choices. Why was there always so many choices? It made it such a challenge to actually decide on something!
When you came out with damp hair and your favorite pajamas–a big shirt and cute underwear–you proclaimed, “I saw an A24 movie last night I think we’d both like!”
He looked over at you from where he lay lounging on your bed in black sweats and a white tee, barely contained amusement plastered on his face. “As much as I love those, I’m less interested in movies now that I’ve found this,” he said, holding up the latest book you’ve been reading. 
Oh no. 
Did you forget to put it back on your shelf? Warmth flooded your face. “Baela was talking about it and she talked it up so much I had to check it out!” You admitted a little too quickly, hiding an embarrassed smile behind a hand.
“Uh-huh,” he smirked. “Vampire smut? If you’re so bored by The Two Towers all you had to do was say something.”
Your eyes–no, your whole face–brightened with shared amusement. “What! No, it’s not smut. There’s plot!” You said defensively (perhaps not convincingly, though, with the giggle), as you hopped on the bed and straddled him. His slim hips fit so easily between your bare, soft thighs, it was almost criminal. Mischief sent his eye twinkling. You took the book from him and cleared your throat, preparing to read the synopsis on the back. “Listen, ‘kay? This explains it really well.”
“Already read the back,” he said, sly. “And comments on goodreads. Seems to be extremely popular with women. There were… lots of caps, exclamation points, sweaty face and fire emojis… rave reviews.” Sometimes when he smiled–really smiled–he had little dimples; they were out on full display, now. He ran his wide, warm palms up your thighs, thumbs skimming dangerously close to that delicate space between your thighs he loved so, so fucking much. “Do you want to know what my favorite part is though?” He asked as if it were a secret.
Goosebumps tickled your skin as he teased you. You didn’t bother to put a bra on and you suddenly became acutely aware of your t-shirt’s texture as your sensitive nipples tightened beneath it. How easily your body reacted to his. “What’s your favorite part?”
He took the book from you and opened it. Smirking, he read Baela’s note she left for you on a post-it sticky, his voice an octave or two higher: “‘chapter 32 might be the hottest thing I’ve ever read in a book. It will change your life.’” He peered up at you with an arched brow. “Have you got to chapter 32 yet?”
You were blushing and giggling and trying so hard to not rip the book from his hands and smother his taunting face with one of your many pillows. “Oh my gosh shut up you are terrible!”
He laughed. “You’re the one reading vampire smut!”
“There’s plot!”
Aemond flexed beneath you and the next thing you knew you were on your back beneath him. His long silver-blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and it hung over his shoulder threatening to tickle your face. “My pretty girl still hasn’t answered me,” he said as he pinned you down, lowering to nip your earlobe. “Or will I have to use compulsion to get it out of you, hm?”
You felt his grin against your neck, heard it in his question, and before you could stop yourself a little moan escaped your mouth because he bit you. Really bit you. His teeth, clean and sharp, clamped around a mouthful of your neck. He drew it into his mouth, sucking, and–fuck it was hot–you then understood why women in silly vampire books gave in so easily to the predator. You knew your pulse had to be jumping right there in the flesh he held between his teeth. All those giggles from before vanished and were replaced with small gasps. You squeezed your hands over his shirt-covered shoulders, answering, “n-no… I haven’t read that far yet.”
He relaxed his mouth and licked up the same bit of skin he’d been biting, kissing it softly. “Good,” he replied. “You can read it out loud to me now.”
That perked you right up. “Oh my god Aem! No!” 
“But I’m sooo curious to know what happens when she goes inside the castle. I skimmed the last chapter you were on. Something about him loving the smell of her blood, barely able to control himself around her, and she’s stuck there with him now?”
You were laughing again. “You’re such an ass!”
“Those are very important plot points,” he said smoothly, matter-of-factly. “And it’s chapter 31. So all the tension will lead up to the famous chapter 32.” He kissed you as he spoke; your mouth, jaw, neck, collarbone, whatever he could reach.
You were still laughing, but his kisses relaxed you, too. You pushed your hands up beneath the front of his shirt and gently scraped your fingernails over his abdomen. His chest. You felt his muscles quiver slightly beneath your touch. You loved how his body reacted to you. While stroking between the patch of hair at the center of his chest, and the trail of hair below his navel, you asked, sheepishly, “what if I get embarrassed?”
It was his turn to perk up. Pulling back, he looked down at you with a mixture of deviousness and softness that had your heart flipping. “Let’s make a deal.”
“Why am I have scared to hear this deal? But… okay, let’s hear it,” you replied, smiling and biting your lip.
“As long as you keep reading, I’ll keep eating your pussy.”
Yet another wave of heat rushed to your face and along your spine. You really, really hoped Aemond couldn’t see the blush of your features. Knowing him, however, he probably did… or at least saw the spark of desire, excitement, and embarrassment in your eyes. “You really wanna hear me read this stupid book?”
He nodded. “Yeah. And I wanna eat you too. So, why not both?”
“Well, when you put it that way…,” you mumbled in agreement, grabbing your book and opening to where you last left off.
Aemond shuffled triumphantly and smiled one of those smiles that if he did indeed have fangs they’d certainly be showing. He kissed your throat as he pushed the bottom of your shirt up, grazing his fingertips along your belly as he did so, not stopping until the softness of your breasts melted against his palms. Squeezing the sensitive mounds, he gave your neck one last little nip before lowering to your bared tits. He made a noise in his throat at the sight of them–your pretty nipples peaked with need–and he held each in a hand. Looking up at you he asked, "how long do you think you’ll last reading?” He squished your tits together so your nipples were as close together as they could be. Hot mouth wrapped around one and he sucked, greedily drawing it into his mouth. He relished the sensation as well as your gasp of surprise. He relaxed his mouth and let your tit free only to repeat the motion to the other one.
Fuck. He’d barely started, you hadn’t even begun reading, and you already felt warm tension pull in your belly. Your breasts have always been sensitive. Sometimes when you were feeling especially needy, and Aemond especially wicked, he’d suck your tits until you came. Part of you wondered if he meant to do that now with how he lavished them. “Shit–Aem! Not long if you keep this up…!” You moaned, biting your lip again as your eyelids trembled closed. “Haven’t even let me start yet..!”
A laugh rumbled in his chest. “You’re right…,” he said, slowly circling his tongue around and between your nipples. “Go ahead and start reading then, baby. I’ll get nice and comfortable between these thighs.” 
True to his word, he did. Your boyfriend meant to murder you. Without a fucking doubt. Straight up murder.
With a shuddering breath you began to read aloud.
Aemond kissed over your covered pussy, not yet bothering to move your underwear aside or take them off. He wasn’t trying to be especially distracting yet, but he loved knowing you were wet and eager for him. He kissed the insides of your thighs–that impossibly soft dip where your thigh met your pelvis–and even the underswell of your asscheeks as your legs spilled open. He knew right where your clit was. He licked over it through your panties. Teasing. Coaxing. Hoping to hear your voice warble with want.
It did. There was no way you’d be able to keep this up for the rest of the chapter as well as the next chapter. The main female character, a human, had just re-dressed into something suitable for dinner. In this case, a gown that complimented the color of her skin and shape of her body. And the main male character, a vampire, was waiting for her to finish. Before this, the tension had indeed been all over the place. Blood, desire, lust, everything sinful about the undying charisma of vampires. At the end of the chapter she walked downstairs only to make him utterly darken with lust. And, at the end of the chapter, Aemond pulled the front of your panties aside to finally give the full length of your pussy a hot, slow lick. You gasped in time with the main female character’s gasp.
“Think he sinks his teeth into her pretty neck and finally takes what he wants?” Aemond asked, low and somewhat muffled, as he turned his gaze up to your heated face.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. You half thought he was joking about the whole thing! But… then again, you knew Aemond pretty damn well by now and knew he wasn’t the prankster type. You moaned softly at the slow, wonderful feeling of his tongue on your clit. Then, you answered in a shaky breath, “it’s the temptation. He worships her. Or… at least her blood. He won’t tear her apart. He needs her.”
He made one of his classic little ‘mmm’s in thought. “Keep reading, baby. I’m dying to see what happens.” Another lick, another kiss to your most sensitive bud, and a gentle suck. 
Fuck–if he kept this up?! Pleasure rippled up your body in goosebumps and your voice shook as you read into the new chapter.
Somehow the book tension intensified even further. Between that, and how Aemond continued to slowly eat you, your head felt dizzy. Really, honest to God, you didn’t know how much more you could take. Then, the next line started to crumble some of that tension: “The vampire lord kissed the top of the lady’s hand, and when he did his fingers grazed the delicate webbing of veins on the underside of her wrist. Her scent bloomed beneath him. A perfume. His jaw ached with the need to consume. To consume her.”
Aemond picked up pace, too, as did your pulse. He balanced you on the edge of bliss and wouldn’t yet let you go. 
You began to stammer over words. You even left some unfinished. Because now you read a scene that was strikingly similar to your current situation. The vampire had his lady laid back and sprawled on the staircase, her skirts bunched high, his starved tongue feasting between her thighs.
Aemond groaned appreciatively. He worked you higher and higher, selfishly making it harder for you to read out loud, and savored each and every little dip and rise of your voice. His good girl. So fun, and playful, and willing to entertain his silly ideas. God, he loved you. He memorized all the signs of orgasm in your body. He could hear them. Feel them. He knew you were getting close, but he didn’t want you to come yet. There was still more to be read. Right before climax could claim you, he stopped.
“Aemond!” You squealed, near breathless. You looked down at him, accusatory, blissful eyes glaring. “Not fair!”
“Did I forget to mention I’ll only let you come when I want you to? Sorry, love, my bad.”
“How convenient of you,” you retorted.
“Do keep going though? I have a feeling he’ll need a taste of her blood now that he’s tasted her cunt.”
Begrudgingly, you did. And, as luck would have it… (did he read ahead while you were in the shower!?): “The vampire lord’s cock strained in his breeches, throbbing with a pulsing need that sent his mind to delirium. He never craved anything so badly as he did her.”
Aemond made more of those ‘mmm’s in agreement as he started to slowly work you up again. He pressed his tongue into you and let his nose rub against your clit. His hands rubbed and squeezed over any part of your body he could. Waist, belly, hips, thighs, anything; he loved all of it. He could lay here and do this all fucking night–vampire smut or no.
It became harder and harder to keep reading. Between little moans, whimpers, and firm bites to your lip, you kept trying. By now, the chapter progressed to both of them in various stages of undress on the staircase. “The vampire lord claimed her body with his hot, rigid manhood. At the same time he filled her with his cock, he sunk his teeth into her neck.”
After that you were no longer able to make words. A finger replaced Aemond’s tongue as his mouth lavished your clit. You dropped the book and neither of you seemed to care anymore. One of your hands gripped into his hair–more than likely making the sleek pull back of his ponytail a mess–while your other hand played with your breasts. Seemingly effortlessly, a second finger joined the first and your hips rolled in a desperate need for more. “A-ah yes!”
A soft dark laugh rumbled from him as he watched you from below. “You’re so fucking wet your pussy just sucked my finger in. I barely had to move it. Getting close again, my love?” He asked as those two deft, long fingers worked your inner walls with blinding precision. “I love how you were blushing and fumbling with your words when you read. Fuck–you’re so pretty with my fingers in you.”
A familiar tightness began to build in your legs. The inside of your thighs started to tremble. Your head, fuzzy as it already was, buzzed with your body’s anticipation. Pleasure. So much pleasure. Your fingers tweaked your nipples for that extra little push, and apparently that’s exactly what you needed.
Aemond’s tongue was on your clit again, quick and light compared to the harsh way he fingerfucked you. This time he didn’t edge you along.
Orgasm, beautiful and consuming, swallowed you into a starless dark. When you came back to yourself your head was heavy. The tips of your fingers tingled. Everything felt light. Like you weren’t quite inside your own body yet. “What the fuck Aems…,” you whispered, smiling like a dork.
That was one of the best orgasms and he fucking knew it. He had to know it. 
He carefully rolled away from you to let you catch your breath. “Better than the book?”
“Without question.”
He grinned as he watched you regain yourself. Once he was sure you were okay he pulled you on top of his naked form. When did he take his clothes off? “Always so sweet to me,” he said with that same grin. “I can still taste you on my tongue and need to feel you on my cock. Now.”
You didn't need to be told twice. Your body was ready for him as soon as he moved you atop him. He looked so good, so handsome, so devastatingly perfect as he sat there against your headboard, your bodies meshing together so well. His lean arms wrapped around you, nails scratching down your back, as you lined up with him.
The stretch was unfuckingbelievable. 
Moaning in unison, he rolled his hips up into you with one hand gripped on your waist. Your breasts squished against the firm planes of his. Your scent, your skin, your lust all around him. The squeeze of your cunt around his entire length had him half crazy. There wouldn't be any more teasing. 
You ground onto him, desperate to fuck him as silly as he had fingered you. 
One of his hands gripped the hair at the back of your head and tugged downwards, exposing the fullness of your throat to him. Your neck. He bit you again–all but sinking his teeth into your flesh–and fucked up into you with added fervor. 
“God!” You squeaked, whimpering through your surprise. “Yes, yes, yes, keep biting me..!” You pleaded, bouncing on him in time with his upward rolls.
That's how you both stayed–his teeth on your neck, your fingernails leaving pink scratches on his pale skin, grinding and fucking each other with raw desire–until climax washed over both of you.
You were both panting, a little sweaty, and intoxicated by each other.
A couple minutes later, amidst pillow talk and teasing one another, Aemond asked, “would you read more to me another time?”
You looked at him cheekily. “Seriously?”
“Yes. I’m very interested in the plot,” he said with obvious innuendo. “And I don’t think you quite understand what you saying words like ‘cock’ ‘cunt’ and ‘blood sucking’ does to me.”
That sent you into another fit of giggles. “You’re insane!”
He rolled on top of you and smirked down at you. “Well?” He asked, grazing the tip of his nose against yours.
“Okay, okay. Yeah, I will.”
Pulling the blankets up around your bodies, you turned on the movie you mentioned earlier. Aemond laid on his back and scooped you against him, legs immediately intertwining with one another. Sated. Happy; even as your skin pleasantly burned where he left dark hickies behind.
“Thanks for that. It was a lot of fun,” he whispered against the crown of your head.
“Yeah it was,” you agreed. “I love you, Aem.”
“I love you too.”
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
See comment section for my main taglist and Aemond taglist! To be added or removed from either, please hit me up!
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lennadanvers · 7 months
Pure Imagination: sleeping in his bed
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Eddie knows how you look when you’re sleeping. He saw you once.
It was winter. He remembers because he had been very, very cold. Everything outside was covered in snow, and his jacket was hanging, wet, on the back of his chair. His sweater wasn’t enough to keep him from shivering, but Eddie didn’t want to tell Wayne his old coat didn’t fit him anymore. All his paycheck was destined to keeping the heater in the trailer working anyway. So he was stuck being cold until he could save enough money to get a new one. It was already hard for him to focus in class as is, but the temperature made it impossible that day. So he started to look around for a distraction.
His eyes moved, as usual, towards your seat. He was lucky enough to have taken over a desk in the same row as you. On days like this, he was thankful people avoided sitting next to him.
You were wearing a fluffy jacket. It looked so soft and comfortable. He wondered how it would feel against his face. His eyes traveled along your side. High-waisted jeans, teddy bear jacket, arms on your desk, closed eyes…
You were asleep.
It didn’t feel like one of those scenes in movies where the pretty girl is sleeping and the guy stares at her delicate, perfectly calm face. You were pretty, of course. And he was staring. But you were actually relaxed. Your eyebrows had dropped (weird, because they were one of your most expressive features). Your cheek was flushed, and he was relieved to know your jacket did keep you from the cold he was enduring. Your mouth was a little open, and your hair was falling in messy strands everywhere.
It made his heart ache, how you could let your guard down enough to be vulnerable in a place like this. Full of people. Some of which could be pretty cruel. Most of which kept quiet and let it happen. Eddie shivered again.
But he wasn’t cold anymore.
That’s his favorite inspiration for days like this one. When he has stayed late at the shop, working in a car that refuses to start. He’s covered in grime, his nails black with grease. He put his hair in a ponytail this morning, and it’s giving him a headache now. Eddie needs a shower and some food, but just thinking of cold water and microwave dinner makes him want to cry a little.
He takes off his boots and walks in silence to his room. Everything is dark, and he takes a second to listen. Yeah, there it is. That sounds like your breathing, doesn’t it? It’s definitely not the wind. He nods to himself and turns the light on. Eddie didn’t make his bed before leaving, and the messy sheets look like a poor excuse of a nest.
It’s missing something.
Eddie blinks and there you are, yet again. Your hair is a disaster, all over his pillow. Your legs are at a weird angle, feet under the covers, hips flush against the mattress. Those pajama shorts are a little too short, and he can see your ass peeking out. One arm in trapped under your ribs, the other next to your face.
Your face. There’s a couple lines where it was pressed against the sheets. Your mouth isn’t closed all the way, and your eyebrows are messy. You’re not wearing any makeup. No lipstick or gloss, your lips completely naked. Your eyes look smaller without mascara and eyeliner, and your cheeks are flushed in a less-than-delicate-way.
Eddie stays at the door. He’s so lucky you let your guard down like this around him. You feel safe in his bed, don’t you? Beautiful. His sheets will smell like you when he gets in, warm and welcoming. He’ll lay his head next to your neck. He’ll look just as imperfect as you when he falls asleep.
Eddie stares at his empty bed before smiling to himself and stepping out, back to the hallway. He’s found the energy to go take a shower, after all.
Taglist: @whataboutbibi @hellfirenacht @daisyridleyss
713 notes · View notes
supernovafics · 7 months
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 4.2k words
warnings: explicit language, fluff, smut (minors dni), fingering (f receiving), protected sex
summary: in which after a long drive back from denver, you and steve are back in your apartment and can finally lean into the fact that everything has changed
author's note: i told myself that i was gonna take at least a little break after the last thing i posted for this series/universe, but then i got this idea and i had to run with it because i have no self control lmao Anyways! hope yall enjoy this!<3333
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Winter 1986
The first thing you noticed was that his hair was damp from his shower, and the first thing he noticed was the pajamas you changed into after your own shower; a simple black tank top and a pair of shorts because it was really warm in the apartment for some reason. 
You had initially come out of your bedroom to say a quick goodnight to him. It was almost eleven and after driving back home from Denver— a drive that actually felt a lot longer than the initial one— all you wanted to do was sleep for at least the next ten hours. You had especially been craving your bed at home during the final hour of the seventeen-hour car ride.
However, now you were looking at Steve and he was looking at you, and it seemed as if the current set of circumstances you were in hit you both all at once. 
You were completely alone for the first time since things changed, since you both jumped into being something more with each other. You hadn’t even kissed since that first night— although you both had desperately wanted to— because the timing was never right. A movie night led to all of you falling asleep in the living room Saturday night, and then Sunday night mainly consisted of you all trying to get as much sleep as possible to prepare for the long drive back home. 
Now it was Monday night and there was absolutely nothing bad about this timing. Even the exhaustion you’d felt before you took your shower and washed the entirety of the day away was long gone. 
You joined Steve in the kitchen where he was drinking a glass of water. “Hi.” 
“Hi,” He said as he set the glass down next to him and you leaned back against the counter across from him. 
That short exchange was the extent of the conversation at that moment. You could’ve shifted it in absolutely any direction right then— mention picking Harold up from Dustin’s house tomorrow since he’d been taking care of the hamster for the past few days, or even randomly talk about how you two would be back in your Film & TV history class tomorrow and you’d forgotten to do the reading— but you didn’t want to say any of that. 
After these last few days of pretending that everything was normal between you two around Robin and Eddie, it felt almost unbearably obvious what you both wanted to happen right here in this moment. But neither of you made any move to do it; maybe it was a little game of “who’d do something first?” that you two were unspokenly playing right then. 
Your eyes flickered down to his lips for the briefest of moments and you could feel your cheeks warm at him taking in the entirety of your form; the simple tank top and pajama shorts you put on with the initial thought that you’d be going to sleep soon after you did— now sleep was the last thing on your mind. You suddenly felt so exposed, but at the same time, you didn’t really feel that shy under Steve’s gaze. 
Still, though, you were feet away from each other, and neither of you took the plunge into finally acting on everything you’d wanted to for the last couple of days. 
“This feels kinda weird, right?” You abruptly asked. “It’s the first time we’re entirely alone. And we actually don’t have to pretend that nothing has changed between us.”
“A little weird, yeah,” Steve answered as he finally stepped closer to you. “But, also, not really.”
He closed the entirety of the distance between you two and his hands found your hips. You could only smile up at him at first. The warmth from his touch made you inwardly sigh in contentment, and it made you want more.  
“Actually, you’re right. This isn’t weird,” You decided with a quick shake of your head. “Just different. Good different.”  
“Good different,” He agreed with a nod, smiling back at you. 
One of his hands came up to softly cup your cheek and you instinctively leaned into him, letting your eyes slip shut as he dipped his head down toward you. Your noses brushed and his lips ghosted over yours just for a second. It was slow and teasing, and you knew that he was doing it on purpose, dragging out the moment that you both had been craving since the first time it happened in your bed at the cabin. And at first, you didn’t mind it— his lips pressing against the corner of your mouth and then against your other cheek and then your nose— you could see yourself wanting every single kiss you shared with him to be as drawn out and as sweet as this felt. 
But then the anticipation became too much, and you were desperate to have his mouth against yours, so after his lips landed on your forehead, you whispered a soft and pleading, “Kiss me, Steve,” and you didn’t need to say it twice. 
From there it was as if a flip was switched and there was no longer anything slow about this moment. His mouth was against yours and you hurriedly kissed him back, already reaching up to thread your fingers through the damp hair at the nape of his neck. 
Just like it had that first night, this kiss felt so right and damn near perfect. You inwardly smiled and let out a happy hum against his lips, not wanting to pull away just yet although you could already feel yourself getting lightheaded. 
You pushed yourself up on the countertop with the help of Steve’s hands on your waist, only detaching your lips from his for the briefest of moments to do so, and then you gripped the sides of his t-shirt to tug him closer to you. He was standing right in between your parted legs and your chests were flush against each other, but that still didn’t feel close enough to you.  
There were probably a thousand things you wanted to say to him right then, mainly statements that would’ve started and ended with quietly muttered I love you’s. But, Steve fucking Harrington was a phenomenal kisser, and every thought you had in that moment seemed to vanish as soon as it came. He so easily turned you into a pile of want and need. 
You were able to catch your breath when he pulled away from your lips and tilted your head upward so that he could kiss along your jaw and then move down to your neck. When he pressed his lips against a particularly sensitive part of your neck, it elicited a soft whimper from you, and you could feel him smile against your skin in response. 
Steve pulled back to look at you, searching your face and seeing through you completely, he could probably easily read your current incoherent thoughts. 
Even though he was the one pretty much doing everything right then, he still looked just as fucked out as you felt; flushed face and disheveled hair, you couldn’t even remember running your hands through it or pulling at it that much in the past few minutes. It felt nice to see the effect you had on him too. 
One of his hands moved to your hip and started teasingly playing with the thin waistband of your shorts before slowly snaking its way inside of them. You sucked in a quick breath when his fingers made contact with the small wet patch at the front of your underwear. 
You were absolutely soaked, that didn’t surprise you in the slightest, but you still couldn’t help but shyly turn your head and look away from him. 
“You’re cute when you’re shy.”
You rolled your eyes and still avoided his gaze. “Shut up.”
Steve laughed at that. “Very, very cute, actually.”
You didn’t get a chance to say any sort of playful comeback to him because he started lightly teasing your clit through your underwear, which made everything you were about to say become lost on the tip of your tongue. His other hand moved to push the thin strap of your tank top off of your shoulder so that he could press a soft kiss against the skin there. Your brain was very close to completely short-circuiting, and you knew that he could tell that. 
You were barely able to keep your eyes open, but you finally met his gaze again. Instead of looking even the slightest bit smug about how easily he was making you fold with everything that he was doing, even with the subtlest of touches, there was only the sweetest look written across his face and it made you want to combust. It still felt a bit insane to you that any of this was finally happening in the first place. 
Steve’s hands hooked themselves into the waistband of your shorts and underwear. “Can I?”
“Please.” You were quick to nod at his question and were already lifting your hips a bit so that he could pull your bottoms off of you.
Your shorts and underwear were gone in one quick movement, hanging off your right ankle for barely a second before falling to the floor. 
Steve gave you a look that was so full of lust and adoration that it made you feel flustered all over again. It was a look that had never been reserved for you. But, now, it was, and you knew that it always would be if everything stayed this way.  
His fingers worked their way through your folds and teasingly traced up your slit. Your nervousness was immediately washed away when his middle finger slowly pushed into your entrance. The only thing falling from your lips was a quiet moan, and your hands found the edge of the counter and gripped tightly. Your eyes squeezed shut and you let out a louder moan when he added another finger inside of you. 
It all too suddenly hit you that it was him doing this to you right then— way too easily turning you into an absolute mess on his fingers. 
Your best friend. Your Steve. 
The softest laugh fell from your lips at the abrupt thought. 
“You okay?” He asked, and your eyes met his as you nodded because it was pretty much the only coherent thing you could do at that moment. 
You leaned in to press a quick kiss against his lips, but then your brain was once again reminding you of what was happening and you abruptly let out another little giggle.  
Steve gave you a curious look. “You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m okay, I’m good. And this is good too. Really, really good,” You assured him, somehow able to find your voice, even as his fingers continued their slow and steady movements inside of you. You let out a quick breath. “It’s just my mind keeps randomly reminding me that it’s you doing this right now, and that just seems so fucking surreal. Like, in a way, I kinda can’t believe this is happening. And none of what I just said probably even makes sense.” You let out another breath that turned into a moan. “Ah, but, anyway, I promise I’m so good right now. Really good.” 
Steve only laughed at your rambling and then pressed a soft kiss against your lips. 
His free hand found your hip again and he guided you to the edge of the counter so that he could hit a deeper angle with his fingers. 
“Shit, fuck,” You breathed out at the new feeling. You couldn’t even feel embarrassed at how quickly he was bringing you to the precipice and how quickly you were about to fall over the cliff because you just felt so fucking good. 
One of your hands let go of the counter and moved to find your clit; you just needed that little bit of extra pressure against the sensitive nub to fully send you over the edge. But, Steve was nudging your hand away before you could touch yourself so that he could do it instead. The pad of his thumb started stroking your clit almost too perfectly in quick circles and you had to bite your lip to keep from immediately screaming. 
“M’gonna come,” You were probably moaning too loud at this point, but you didn’t care. 
He kissed your cheek and then his mouth was right against your ear. “Go ahead. Come all over my fingers.”
His voice was low and could barely be heard over your moans and whimpers, but you still heard him perfectly. And with one particularly rough brush against your clit, you were squeezing tightly around his fingers and coming hard; heart pounding in your chest, ready to burst out of it completely, and seeing something equivalent to stars behind your shut eyes. 
“Fuck, fuck, Steve,” You whispered, head tilting upward as he continued fingering you through your orgasm, trying to prolong it for as long as possible. 
“You’re so fucking pretty,” He was smiling at you as you came down from your high and your bleary-eyed gaze met his. 
In that moment, you could only smile back and slightly shake your head at him in response. Your brain was now a complete pile of mush, to say the least. 
You let out a soft breath and leaned back, abruptly hitting your head against the cabinet behind you with a hard thud in the process. “Ouch.”
“Shit. Are you okay?” Steve asked as his hand came up to rub the back of your head and you leaned into his touch.
“Yeah,” You laughed a little. “I’m fine. It doesn’t really hurt.” 
“You sure?”
“Mhm,” You nodded as your eyes traveled downward and you saw how noticeably hard he was beneath the navy blue basketball shorts he was wearing. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, meeting his eyes again and smiling. You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you were reaching into his shorts and pushing past his boxers so that you could immediately wrap your hand around his length. 
“Jesus Christ,” He muttered as his eyes slipped shut and you leaned in to kiss his neck. You stroked his cock in a soft and teasing way and could only smile at the strained “Fuck” he let out.
“Is that okay?” You asked, lips right against his ear. 
“Perfect. Fucking perfect,” He answered in the quietest whisper before he dropped his forehead against your bare shoulder and then let out a soft chuckle against your skin.
“What?” You asked as you continued your slow movements. 
“You were right,” He said, letting out a quick breath. “This does feel so surreal. But, really, really good.”
You laughed a bit. “Told you.” 
After just a second, he pulled away from your shoulder and stopped your strokes by placing a hand on your wrist. 
You tilted your head at him. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t wanna cum in my boxers. I need to be inside of you,” He said, and you immediately nodded at his words because there was actually nothing more you wanted than that too.
The next few moments moved in a quick kind of blur, and when you would later look back on this entire night, it would feel as if simply fingers were snapped and one moment was switched to the next. Steve was lifting you off of the counter and bringing you to his bedroom after your soft words of, “We can’t do it here because we’ve ruined the kitchen enough for one night.” You were simultaneously laughing and kissing his face as he led you to his room, arms circling the back of his neck to keep you steady. 
He set you down at the foot of his bed and you moved upward. It wasn’t until your head was against his pillows and you were looking at him standing a few feet away from you that you noticed the difference between you two right then— he was still fully clothed, and all you had left on was your black tank top.
“This isn’t fair.”
You propped yourself up on your elbows. “I’m basically naked, and you still have all of your clothes on.”
He nodded at your words and then peeled off his t-shirt and slipped out of his shorts so that he was just in his boxers. “Is that better?”
You nodded and smiled at him. “Mhm, much.”
Your head fell back against the pillows again and he simply stared at you for a few moments, eyes traveling from your bare legs all the way up to the small smile on your face. 
“This slightly reminds me of that one game night we had at your house when we were sixteen.”
All you could do was laugh at the randomness of his words at first. “How can you possibly be reminded of Monopoly right now?”
“Not that night,” Steve said, laughing a little as he shook his head. He stepped into the bed and leaned over you, one hand brushing your side before settling on your bare hip. “The night when you invited some people from your school over too and someone suggested we all play strip poker.”
“Oh, that night,” You responded, quietly sighing in contentment at the feel of him tracing circles against your skin. You thought about the memory he was referring to. “That was the first time I saw you shirtless in a non-swimming or beach setting.”
He dipped down, nose brushing over yours before softly pecking your lips. “And that was the first time I ever saw you in just your bra and underwear.”
You playfully smiled up at him as you pushed a hand through his hair. “We really suck at poker.”
“Yeah,” He said, smiling back at you.
“And we both ended up making out with someone that wasn’t each other that night.” You weren’t entirely sure why you decided to bring that up when Steve was on top of you, settled between your parted legs with his boxer-covered hard-on pressing perfectly against your inner thigh. 
You almost regretted saying it for fear of ruining “the mood,” but then he was laughing and kissing you again. 
“And look at us now; finally making out with each other. Full circle moment.” 
You smiled again. “I think we’re doing a lot more than just making out, but yes, very full circle.”
You started playing with the hem of your tank top and Steve helped pull it up and off of you. He tossed it somewhere on the floor and one of your hands found the back of his neck to bring him toward you in a needy kiss. He pulled away after a second and started kissing along your jaw and then moved down to your neck, leaving deep red marks against your skin that you knew would probably be annoying to attempt and hide from your friends later, but you couldn’t really find it in you to care about that right then. You were tugging harshly at his hair, which elicited the softest sounds from him, as you let out your own contented hums because of how much you adored having his mouth against you. 
Everything felt so good right then, but it wasn’t enough. 
“I need you. Please,” You told him, hips bucking upward so that you could feel something more and Steve groaned in your ear. 
Your hands went to the waistband of his boxers, hurriedly trying to push them off of him. He moved away from you for a second, completely ridding himself of his boxers and then he started rummaging around in his nightstand drawer for a condom. 
Before this moment— Steve seconds away from being inside of you— things felt unreal and in some ways a little funny because of how surreal it all was, but now it didn’t feel that way at all. He was the one person that knew almost everything about you and now you two were doing one of the few things that you actually didn’t know about each other. Surprisingly, that didn’t worry you in the slightest or make you feel scared, and maybe that said everything you needed it to. Things felt so real and so fucking right, and that made you smile. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asked as he settled back on top of you. 
“Nothing, really. I’m just so happy this is happening right now.” 
“Me too,” He whispered before softly kissing your lips. 
When he slowly entered you, every thought was wiped from your mind and all you could do was moan at the feeling of him filling you up so completely. 
It was soft and sweet and everything in between. Steve moved slowly, pulling his length out of your dripping core until only the tip of him was inside of you before gently pushing back in. 
He swallowed your moans and gasps with his lips, and you couldn’t help but close your eyes, savoring everything you were feeling at that moment, even though you wanted to hold his gaze. 
“I love you,” He muttered against your warm cheek in between deep thrusts. He linked his fingers with yours and brought your intertwined hands over your head. 
At first, all you could do was nod in response because your mind was so far gone, but then you were finding your voice and whispering the softest, “I love you too,” in the darkness of his bedroom. 
Coherent words became lost from there, but with every haphazard and messy kiss that was shared between you two, everything was still conveyed. 
The nearly pornographic sounds of skin slapping against skin along with your moans and his groans filled the quiet. You both were probably being way too loud, and maybe now was when your neighbors would start hating you two, but it was hard to feel bad about it right then. 
Steve’s other hand suddenly firmly grabbed your hip so that he could push into you deeper, harder, which nearly sent you tumbling over the edge. 
“I’m so close,” You heard yourself whispering, and you weren’t sure how the three words were even able to form on your tongue. 
Steve’s hand moved away from your hip and started playing with your clit instead. 
“Shit, yeah. Right there,” You said and he continued his steady movements, not letting up in the slightest. 
Your orgasm hit you so abruptly, and you were coming around him with a loud cry before you could even realize it. How tightly you were squeezing his cock as you came only spurred on his own release. His forehead dropped against yours as he pushed as deep as he could inside of you and spilled into the condom.
Chest against chest, you found his lips in a slow kiss as you both came down from your highs and your collective breathing returned somewhat to normal. 
The exhaustion from the day was finally catching up to you and you were close to falling asleep, eyes already falling shut, but Steve’s warmth leaving your body woke you up. He was slipping out of you with a low groan and then getting out of the bed to toss the condom in the garbage can that sat in the corner of his room. As he did that, you maneuvered around so that you were underneath the covers and he joined you. 
Limbs became tangled beneath the blanket; his arms circling your waist to hold you close, your arms around his back and tracing mindless circles on his skin, and legs entangled. It was comfortable and perfect, and you were about to fall asleep just like that, but then an idea hit you.
Your eyes were shut and your face was buried in his neck. “We need to go on a first date.” 
You felt Steve’s soft chuckle against the side of your head. “We’ve already said I love you and had sex. I think we’re far past the first date.”
“We have to do it,” You told him. “And we should make it super cheesy and dumb.” 
“Fancy restaurant?” Steve asked, deciding to go along with the idea.
“Yes. And a movie too! Preferably, a very, very bad romcom,” You smiled into his neck. “Or, wait, actually I think a horror movie is much more first date appropriate.”
“Ah, yes, so I can put an arm around you and protect you from all of the scary scenes.” 
“Yeah, exactly. Even though it will probably be me doing most of the protecting because I know how you get with scary movies,” You said, and then let out a laugh when he playfully poked your bare side. “Oh, and we should dress up really nice for it too. I expect to see you in a suit, Harrington.” 
“Okay, well, in that case, you have to wear your prom dress,” He joked back. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, deal.” 
Steve held you tighter against him, pressing the softest kiss against your forehead, and you fell asleep to the feel of his steady breaths fanning against the tip of your ear. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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gullei · 10 months
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Let our Matching Bear Winter Pajamas Set bear witness to your love. The sweetest Christmas gift for married couples – order yours now at: https://gullei.com/products/matching-comfy-winter-pajamas-set-for-couples
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missacensnakelover · 11 months
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Ace and Ivy here in cozy matching pajamas!
Made by me! (x)
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idwt-money · 20 days
Cabin Fever
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MDNI 18+
1.8k words Noah Sebastian x fem!reader
CW: age gap, unprotected sex
(In my head, Noah is in his late 40s for this fic!)
It was cold and snowy outside. It was mid-winter and your dad, Joakim, thought it'd be a good idea to go out to his cabin in Washington. None of you expected it to snow this much, but nonetheless, it did.
You tried telling him over and over that it wasn't a good idea, but the stubborn man he was, you and the band packed your bags and made the trip.
You all lived in LA, so the trip wasn't horrible, but it was undoubtedly cramped. you were squished between Noah and Nicholas.
Nicholas was considerably tall compared to you, but Noah was a giant. A giant with spider-like legs.
“Noah move your legs!”
“I'm really trying! There's not much space here!!” Noah whined as Nicholas laughed at your bickering.
Without saying, it was a long ride. You all had to stop at a hotel somewhere in Oregon because it was all too much for the group.
The day you arrived, the snow was already falling but your dad assured everyone it wouldn't get too bad.
In his defense, it did stop…until that night. It was ankle by the time you all woke up. That's when Jokiam and the Nick's went out to get a ton of groceries.
You were invited, but you denied. You loved the cold, but the snow made your pants wet and it was never something you enjoyed.
“Well, if you're staying here, Noah is staying with you.”
“What?! Dad, I'm literally 20! I don't need a babysitter.
Your father went on about how you shouldn't look at it as babysitting. More as someone to “keep you safe” just in case.
You rolled your eyes. It wasn't like you hated Noah. It was quite the opposite. You didn't trust yourself around Noah.
His tattooed muscles and deep voice was enough to send you into a frenzy. It made your cunt soaked and your knees weak.
Your dad left before you could protest once again.
“Well, looks like it's just me and you, y/n.” Noah said, his arms dropping to his side.
You sighed and went up the wooden stairs that led to your room.
“Don't look so happy about it!” He chuckled from the living room.
You smacked against your bed, letting out a sigh and covered your face.
You decided to busy yourself with reading one of the multiple books you brought with you.
You had picked up “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. It truly was a classic, but you hadn't read it before.
About 30 pages in and you noticed the sun starting to set. You had called your dad, wondering where he and the other guys had gone and what was taking so long.
“The road is blocked. We tried going around, but it looks like we'll have to get a hotel for the night. Sorry, hun. We'll be back as soon as possible.”
“So I'm here. Alone. With Noah?”
“Honestly, I'm not sure what your problem is with him! He's nice, y/n.”
After conversing (bickering) for a couple more minutes, your dad had to go.
You knew you'd have to go tell Noah. You were already changed into your pajamas and just wanted the night to end so your body and mind wouldn't have to go through the torture of being alone with him.
Being alone with his warm body..his cologne, which you could smell every time you walked passed him. His fingers, his hair…
You shook your head, ridding the thoughts from your conscience as you walked down the stairs, you heard him giggling at his phone.
His hair was long and gorgeous, it was all put up into a claw clip. You would have stood there and appreciated him from afar forever if he didn't notice you.
“Oh, um, Noah, my dad and the guys are stuck because of the storm. They're getting a hotel for the night and- AH!!”
Your eyes went wide as the lights in the house shut off.
“Fuck. It's okay, y/n. It's just the storm.”
Noah found his way to you, pulling your shaking and anxious body into his arms.
You were terrified of the dark. This was the worst possible scenario to find yourself in. You took in Noah's scent. His cologne was soothing.
“I have to find some..fucking, like..candles or some shit.”
You laughed at his tone. He sounded so clueless, like he was wracking his brain trying to figure out what to do.
“Here, take my phone, use the flashlight until I'm back. You gunna be okay, angel?” His hand caressed your face as he sat you down on the couch.
You nodded and took in what he just said. Angel? He had never called you any pet names before. You figured it was just the situation, possibly making him more sympathetic towards you.
You heard him rummaging through boxes as you sat on the couch. It was so fucking cold, you couldn't help but shiver. You had a sweater on but you could feel the coldness seep in through the fabric.
“Okay, I have candles set up in both of our rooms. We can hang out together until you are ready to go to bed. Sound good?” His voice was low and seemingly sounded caring.
It almost made your heart flutter. He took your hand and you stuck to him like a magnet. He must have felt you shiver against him in the process, because he helped you under the covers once you reached his room.
The candles helped tremendously, the room was lowly visible, it was better than the pitch black of the living room.
He crawled under the blanket with you.
“Noah? You don't-”
“Shut up…you're cold. That's all.”
You nodded and sighed as his arms wrapped around you. His hand came up, petting your hair.
You both started small talk. It was comfortable, not awkward and weird like it was with other people.
You looked up at him.
“I guess I am kinda glad you stayed here with me..” You gave him a sheepish smile.
“Oh yeah? You better be.”
Your body was warm now, no need to be in the position you were in, other than the factor of comfort.
Something switched in his eyes, as it did with yours. Your thoughts were once again running wild.
This is wrong. This is so wrong. He's twice your age, he's your dads friend. Your friends would consider him an old man for god's sake!
There was a burning deep in your stomach. Somehow, you understood that Noah felt it too. Your hands, which were once curled up into your chest, now rest upon Noah's bare chest.
You weren't sure when he took it off, but you didn't have any reason to complain. You were subconsciously tracing the lines of his tattoos. Noah pulled you closer and lowered his hand, now resting on your hip.
Your hand felt every dip and curve of his skin as it went up to cradle his face.
“I don't wanna sleep alone tonight..” You whispered, only loud enough for him to hear as if others were in the house.
He looked your face up and down before softly pressing your lips together. The kiss was intense and hot while at the same time, soft and sweet. Your lips intertwined together felt so right. Like this is where you were supposed to be.
You pulled away, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“You don't have to, angel.” He smiled before connecting your lips once more.
Your arms wrapped around his neck. This kiss wasn't like the last one. It was hungry and needy. Your tongues danced together and you pushed yourself against his body, wanting to be as close to him as humanly possible.
His hands dipped into your sweatpants, grasping at your ass. His hands were so warm, like fire on your skin.
It all unfolded so fast. You started to grind your hips against his growing bulge.
“I've been waiting for you for so long, y/n.” He was out of breath, the distance between your two faces felt stuffy and crowded but neither of you had anything to say about it.
“You have no idea…” You smiled back, your fingers now doing the same as his and peeping into his pants.
“Let me have it, please.” You said, palming at his bulge through his boxers.
He was quick to remove his bottom clothing along with yours. You didn't move from the position you were in. You threw your leg over Noah's hip, giving him full access.
He slid his tip throughout your wetness, hoping to make it easy to push into you.
As he did so, you gasped. He was thick and the perfect length. It stretched you out perfect.
You softly whined, moving your hips ever so slightly, hoping he would catch on.
He gasped as he started to fuck into you. The space between you felt almost non-existent. Your lips were ghosting over each other with each thrust Noah gave you.
Your breathy moans were hitting Noah's face. His jaw clenched and he littered your neck with open mouthed kisses.
“Oh fuck, this is so wrong.” You muttered.
“I don't care. You're too perfect for my cock.” Noah's words were low and caring, yet so deep and almost like he was growling.
Your heart felt like it was going to explode and your stomach felt like it was tying itself in knots.
“Don't. Not yet, baby. Don't want this to end…fucking ever..” Noah pulled you in closer and put his full body into his thrusts.
His body was grinding against yourself and his skin felt hot radiating onto yours.
Noah was barely visible under the candle lit room, but you could see every facial expression ever so slightly. His hair was sticking to his forehead.
It felt euphoric. It felt un-fucking-real. With previous partners, it had never felt like this. It felt like you were off some kind of party drug. Noah's cock was doing this to you? You almost couldn't believe it.
Noah's fingernails were digging into your skin on your hips, slowly dragging across your body.
The soft burn the scratches Noah gave you were all too much.
Noah, seemingly knowing you were close, barely sped up.
You dug your fingers into his shoulders before entering your orgasm. Your body convulsed against him. You felt Noah's cock pump thick ropes of his babies into you.
His grunts and jagged hip movements made you weak.
As you came down and back to reality, your chest was heaving and Noah gave you a kiss on your forehead.
“I can’t believe we did that.” Noah chuckled.
You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“You're my secret.” You said, kissing his chest.
“And you're mine, angel.”
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lustspren · 11 months
P.S.T EP. 9 | Superhero (Heroes & Villains) ft Ningning.
length: 7.9k words✦
Ningning & Male Reader
genres: little bit fluffy, oral sex, daddy kink, massage, blowjob, creampie, rescue mission lol
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Nothing more than a damn punished dog. That's what you were.
As expected, things took a drastic change from the night of the incident with Giselle. To begin with, the special treatment towards you by Noze and the rest of the staff was completely revoked, you still had your room and absolutely all the benefits you had before, but it was the tasks assigned to you that changed, this of course meant that now you were much busier than before, and the time you had to talk to the girls was quite little.
Giselle took some of the blame regarding the incident, and just like you she apologized to Noze for being so reckless, but Noze's Bitch Boss meter was through the roof. She completely forbade you from speaking to each other, not even by text message, for that she made sure to pick up both of your phones and delete your respective contacts, the punishment would only be in effect until you left San Francisco, but still it didn't make you or Aeri happy at all.
Karina, Winter and Ning were not very social towards you during those days either, the group was quite busy with agendas to attend to here and there, so you very rarely met in person, of course, this was the bird cage in which they had you locked up fault, all the time sending you along with the support staff and purposely keeping you as far away from the girls as possible. Ning, however, always left you a good night message and cared about you. You were very grateful for her closeness and warmth, but she wasn't the only bright part of that ordeal.
"And why are you in the dog house?" Yeji asked you on the other side of the screen while you were on FaceTime. You were in your room, lying on the back of the bed with the blanket up to your belly.
"Well..." you couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how ridiculous it was, "It was already after midnight when I received a message from Aeri, she wanted to meet at the hotel pool," you began to tell them, watching as everyone gathered to pay attention to what you were saying, "as you can imagine, things happened and well, when I took off the bottom of her swimsuit and the buttplug I forgot to leave them on the edge of the pool to take them later, I simply left them there, floating in the water," Yeji, Ryujin and Yuna couldn't help but laugh at you.
“You men really only think with your dick sometimes, damn,” Yeji mocked you between laughs.
"Hey hey, wait a minute," Ryujin intervened, "tell the story properly, I don't have any use for 'things happened', what did you do to her?"
"Why is it important for you to know?" you asked.
"Curiosity," she said, and at that moment you saw Chaery, who looked everywhere as if wanting to flee. Poor baby.
"Well, we kissed... I rubbed her pussy, and then I went under the water to eat her ass and pussy," as you told the story Ryujin and Yuna didn't even bother to hide their arousement, taking off their cotton shorts pajamas to put a hand in her panties, "then we went to her room and I fucked her ass."
"Fuck, I miss you eating my pussy daddy," Ryujin said in a seductive tone, rubbing her pussy under her panties just like Yuna.
"Julia unnie has been helping me play with my ass, daddy," Yuna said next to her, "I can't wait for you to come back so you can test me."
"Uh... I have to take a call, sorry," Chaery said, pointing to her phone, then disappearing from the frame. You sighed, knowing she wouldn't do such a thing, she just looked for an excuse to leave.
"Wonderful, now you've made these sluts really horny," Lia said with a sigh, even though you knew she was just as turned on as the two of them. You were about to respond when you heard a couple of knocks on your door. You already recognized that form of knocking, small knocks meant small hands. Noze.
“Fuck, I have to go,” you whispered into your phone’s microphone.
"Don't worry bitches, I'll take care of you two," was the last thing you heard Yeji say to Ryujin and Yuna before you hung up the call. You quickly stood up and went to open the door, meeting the dictator herself.
"Hello..." you said, watching as she entered your room in hasty steps without even asking first.
"Look, if it were up to me I would make you wait longer so you could get what you deserve," she said, crossing her arms in front of your bed.
"You deserve a chance to redeem yourself," she said with a sigh, giving in in exchange for her pride.
"Wow... big bad bug got a bit of a soft spot huh?" you teased.
"Shut your mouth," she warned, and you smiled, going to sit on your bed, "look, the girls had dinner a few hours ago with some fashion brands representatives, you know, discussing contracts and stuff, everything was perfect with the other girls, but it happens that Ning ate something that made her very sick and now she is sick to her stomach."
“Oh, shit,” the smile faded from your face, and your protective instinct kicked in.
"I need you to go pick her up, as discreetly as you can, and bring her here without anyone noticing how bad she looks."
"How do you know she looks bad?"
"How do you look when you're sick to your stomach? Like a Prada model?" Noze raised both eyebrows.
"Fair enough," you said, letting out a breath of worry as you stood up, "and why aren't you there with them? It sounds like something you should be a part of."
"I'm just their manager, I'm in charge of their schedules and group activities, so their personal dealings don't concern me."
"Well, understood," you sighed, grabbing your wallet, your phone, and the cap you wore a few days ago, "where am I going?" you asked Noze walking towards the door.
"Write to her, she'll give you the location," she sat cross-legged on the bottom edge of the bed, "hey, I'm serious, there won't be any third chances, so don't screw this thing up... you can do it,” her tone of voice softened at the end, as if she were putting aside her bossy role and speaking to you like the Noze you had dinner with a few nights ago.
"Everything will be okay, I promise... and thank you," you nodded, with a small smile as you opened the door and prepared to leave, "Wait, wait, are you going to stay here or what?" you asked with a confused frown.
"Yep, I'll sleep naked here while you're gone, and I'll be gone before you can see me," she said with her hands resting on the mattress. You put on a poker face.
"You cannot be serious."
"It's part of your punishment, now get out and close the door."
And so you did, leaving the room with a face of disbelief and closing the door behind your back, walking down the hallway you daydreamed for a second, imagining the scene of Noze sleeping naked between your sheets. You quickly shook your head, remembering that you had a damsel in distress to rescue. You ran towards the reception.
You had to contact one of the staff members to get you the fastest car they had rented, you waited for a few minutes at the reception until the car keys were given to you. You went out to the street, and pressed a button on the key control so that this beep, the car turned out to be a sedan (a Nissan Altima, that year's version. They spared no expense, apparently) in black chrome and tinted windows, perfect for your mission.
Getting into the car and settling into the seat, you took out your phone to write to Ning.
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Seven Hills was a very famous restaurant in San Francisco, so the mission was going to be a bit complicated, but you quickly opened Maps and set the course there, driving as fast as you could within the legal limits. When you arrived you stopped on the opposite side of the street where the restaurant was, as expected, you saw people with cameras positioned at strategic points that were more than obvious to the naked eye, you couldn't just walk in. You wrote to Ning again.
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Before getting out, you made a U-turn with the car and parked right in front of the aforementioned wide alley. You turned off the car and put on your cap so that it covered your eyes and almost your nose before entering the alley. Ning wasn't completely wrong with her assumption, it wasn't a window, but a large green door that you assumed was where they took out the trash. You made sure that no one was watching you and entered, inside everything seemed calm and clear, and after searching for a few seconds you arrived at the bathrooms. You took out your phone again to let her know you were inside.
You waited for a few minutes until she finally caught up with you. She looked incredibly beautiful, with part of her hair tied up in a high bun and the rest hanging down her back; a short black dress, with prints of white circles and colored butterflies; she also wore a golden jewel necklace, and carried a handbag in her hand.
"Oh my god, thank you so much for coming," she said as soon as she saw you, going to give you a shy hug that you reciprocated.
"It's nothing, cutie," you said, separating yourself from her, looking in all directions, "do you need to use the bathroom before we go?"
"Part of maintaining my image is that I can last until we get to the hotel, so no, let's go," she said, holding onto your arm with both hands, her voice didn't sound convincing at all, and she looked dizzy too.
"I don't think that affects your image at all, you're human," you insisted, looking into her eyes.
"Honey, please just get me out of here," she asked you with desperate eyes, breathing through her mouth, a sign that she felt like throwing up.
"Alright, let's hurry," you took her hand and took the lead.
Time proved you right, because as soon as you left the alley Ning stopped dead, took a few deep breaths, and finally let go of your hand to run behind a large trash can, she fell to her knees, and vomited. You quickly knelt down next to her and made sure to gather all the hair from her face while you caressed her back.
"Fuck, this is so bad," she muttered between labored breaths, her face pale and looking down.
"You're with me, don't worry, you'll be fine," you reassured her, giving her a few small back massages with your only free hand.
You stayed watching over her for a few more long seconds, you would stay with her as long as necessary, but the sound of a shutter whipped you back to reality. You quickly turned around to see a paparazzi you hadn't seen sneak into the alley standing right in the middle of it, pointing the camera at you both and taking photo after photo. This was really bad, very bad.
You hated having to leave Ning there alone, but if you didn't do something right then and there, everything was going to go to hell. You stood up and like lightning you ran towards the paparazzi, a short man in his thirties with tan skin, greasy black hair and dressed like an NPC from GTA V.
"Oh boy, you don't know how much these photos will put a guillotine around your neck," the man said as soon as you approached, looking at the photos on his camera. His voice reminded you of Gargamel's, which made you even more disgusted, "Not only will she have her image ruined, but any intelligent person can spin enough dots and conclude that you're more than a friend." 
You clenched your fists tightly, controlling yourself not to give him the beating of his life right then and there. He wouldn't learn the hard way, his language was money.
"Listen to me, dog," you began, facing him less than a meter away, "do you know how much money is backing me?" Extreme situations required desperate measures, and that meant lying whenever necessary, "I can pay you three times what any journalist can pay you, and unless you want to get a life-ruining lawsuit, you're interested in negotiating with me."
"Then I listen to you, boy, because a juicy payment awaits me as soon as I deliver these babies," his laugh, disgusting and evil, screeched in your ears and made you snort.
"How much will they pay you for the photos?"
"Well, those are great shots and I'm the only photographer here, I'd estimate about 20 or 25k," as soon as you heard the figure your head hurt, you didn't know if he was lying to gain or what, but it was too much.
"I can offer you more than that, I assure you, I am SM's representative here in the United States."
“I don't care who you are, kid, talk to me about figures,” he seemed completely uninterested in the conversation, never looking you in the eye and always focused on something else. You took a deep breath.
"I offer you 30k."
"30k?" He laughed in disbelief, "I'm sure you in your position can offer more than that."
"Make it 60k."
“50, you son of a bitch, don't play with my patience,” you threatened, jaw clenching. The man remained silent and for the first time he looked into your eyes, seeing a threatening and extremely angry face. He thought about it for a few seconds, then finally spoke.
"Alright, 50k then," he nodded, and then took out the SD card from his camera to throw it on the ground between your feet, then he took out a card from his back pocket and handed it to you, you looked at it, seeing that it was a presentation card with his phone number and his photograph, "you have one week to fulfill the deal, otherwise you will find a leading article on the Internet about a prominent SM man who beat up a photographer so that he would not leak inappropriate things to the public."
"You're a fucking bastard," you said, holding all the rage in your chest, and then picked up the SD card from the floor. Before he left, he hit himself in the forehead with his own fist, which took you by surprise, "What the fuck are you doing?!"
"I must have insurance in case you want to scam me," he laughed, somewhere between triumphant and pained by the blow, "see you later, kiddo, take good care of that girl."
As soon as the man left you ran towards Ning, who was leaning with her back against the wall looking terrible. Her gaze was completely lost and weak.
"We're leaving, baby, come here," you wrapped one of your arms around her waist to secure her to your body and walked as fast as you could with her towards the car. You made sure no one was watching you several times and opened the passenger door, reclining the seat as much as possible so that Ning could sit relaxed and comfortable. You placed her inside the car, put the seat belt on her and you rushed inside too, you started the car, and you started driving again on the streets of San Francisco, thinking about how the hell you were going to fulfill that deal without getting into big trouble.
As soon as you arrived at the hotel, you parked the car right where you had taken it when you left, you got out and picked up Ning to take her to the entrance of the hotel that they had prepared for you in case of emergency. You were able to make her walk during that first stretch, but when you barely entered through the service entrance her legs trembled and she almost fell, you had to carry her on a piggyback ride to her room.
When you entered Ning's room you dropped her on top of the extremely messy bed, full of small mountains of clothes in every corner.
"Fuck… thank you, really," she said in a small voice, her head resting on a pile of clothes.
"You have nothing to thank me for," you began to gather up all of Ning's clothes and stuff them into your open suitcase, "I would feel terrible if something happened to you."
"I heard a camera taking pictures… did you get them?"
"Yep," you grabbed Ning's head, lifted it to remove the pile of clothes from under it and replaced it with a pillow, "It wasn't easy," you threw the clothes into the suitcase.
"Don't worry about that," you leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek and went to the bathroom, inside you opened the shower glass and turned on the water, adjusting it to a warm temperature, then you returned to her, "Come on, there's hot water waiting for you in the bathroom."
"Would you help me undress?" she asked, managing to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Uh... sure," you offered her your hands to take and help her stand up. Once she did, you closed your eyes and reached for the straps of her dress to start pulling it down in a rather clumsy way.
"May I know why you close your eyes, silly?" she asked with a weak giggle.
"You're vulnerable right now, I don't want to be a jerk and take advantage of it," you responded, managing to pull her dress down to her heels.
"You've already seen every part of my naked body, and that was consensual."
"I know, but this time you're sick," you groped her fleshy body looking for her waist, when you found the hem of her panties, you also lowered them to her heels.
"Honey, you're so cute, really, but you can see," she insisted, giving you a peck on your chin before you opened your eyes and admired her incredibly beautiful and hot body.
"God, I'm impressed by how good you look despite feeling this bad," you said, staring at her pretty round tits as you removed the rings from her fingers and the necklace from her neck.
"My legs and feet are sore from the last show," she sighed, "this was the last thing I needed."
"You'll be better soon, now go to the shower, I have to tell Noze that everything is okay," you nodded towards the bathroom, and she nodded.
"Will you come back?" She said taking small steps as she looked at you.
"Of course, I won't be long," you assured, and then turned your back on her to walk towards the door. You turned one last time, watching her beautiful figure as she went into the bathroom, then you walked out of the room to write to Noze.
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When you sent the messages you rushed to your room to go get some things you had brought on the trip in case of emergencies, massage oil, skin cream, moisturizer, and a pain relieving ointment that you personally used. You returned to Ning's room, and as you closed the door you heard that the shower was still running and that Ning was not outside the bathroom. You quickly left all the things you had gone to get from your room on the bed and ran to the bathroom, finding Ning still inside the shower, standing perfectly with her entire body wet, including her hair now loose.
"I was starting to think I'd run out of water before you got here," she said when she saw you, "would you join me?" you sighed in relief.
"I almost had a heart attack, I thought you had fainted," you said, taking off all your clothes.
"Oh come on, you're exaggerating," she said with a giggle.
"I've passed out for less," as soon as you entered the shower she turned around and carefully got on her knees, taking your flaccid cock in one hand and bringing it to her mouth, "Hey, what are you doing?" you said taking a quick step back.
"What? I already brushed my teeth and I feel better," she said, looking at you with eyes like a scolded puppy, "I wanted to reward my golden armor knight."
"It has nothing to do with your mouth or anything like that, you have nothing to reward me for darling," you took her by the arms and carefully lifted her to her feet, "the only thing I want right now is to take care of you," you said, looking into her eyes and cradling her face with both hands. Your gazes were fixed on each other's for a few long seconds until you broke the ice, "Can I… kiss you?"
"As much as you want..." she said softly, looking at your lips, and you leaned forward to kiss her. She pressed her chest against yours, and you wrapped your arms around her body to deepen the slow, loving kiss you shared at that moment. The moment she wrapped her arms around your neck and caressed the hair on the back of your neck you felt things in your stomach, strong feelings fluttering and growing gradually. A point of no turning back that would bring you more than one problem later.
"Alright... enough, princess," you murmured against her lips, and you both smiled, "turn around, please."
"Sure," she nodded before turning her back on you. It was time to bring out the skills that had put you where you were in the first place.
You put your hands on Ning's shoulders and began to apply pressure with your thumbs on her shoulder blades. She sighed in satisfaction, and you slowly moved your hands up to her neck and then back down to her shoulders. You continued lower, massaging up her ribs and down to her lower back, always with slow, nice movements for her.
"Are you enjoying it?" you murmured in her ear, noticing that she had her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.
"My god, yes..." she said, taking a deep breath, "You know? I've been putting others first for so long that I don't even know what it feels like to be pampered... I'd like to know what it feels like to be put first," That reminded you so much of a person that it even hurt your heart a little, but you preferred not to say anything.
"I'm putting you first right now," you said, massaging her waist.
"And I thank you for that, you really are like an angel."
"Well, I'm far from being an angel, darling, I just do what I think is right," you placed a small kiss on her neck, and continued with the massage for a while until you reached out to turn off the shower faucets, "Come on, I'll help you dry off."
"You have magic hands, you know?" She told you as you got out of the shower.
"That's just a little sample," you smiled, grabbing a towel and running it all over your body to dry it off, "go to bed and lie on your stomach, I'll be right there."
She nodded and left you alone in the bathroom, where you took advantage of the moment to wash your face thoroughly before going out to the room, where you found Ning already face down, her head resting on a pillow and her arms underneath it.
"Don't blame me if... you know, you see something wet," she said, hearing that you had left the bathroom.
"Oh don't worry, I know that's going to be my fault," you said with a smile, grabbing the pain ointment you'd brought with you to start spreading it over her feet, her calves, and her thighs as you massaged every little tense muscle. Ning's body began to relax more and more, and it was time to apply the ointment now all over her back and her arms.
The massage oil you had brought was quite light, perfect for situations where you wanted it to dry quickly and not leave the person's body oily for a long time. You began to pour it, first on her feet, massaging between her toes, sole and heel, then you went up to her calves, from where you poured long lines of oil that reached her ass, where you ended up with a couple of circles.
You massaged her calves, the back of her knees and her soft thighs, spreading all the oil very well in a delicate and silent way. When you were done there it was time to move on to what you knew would be your favorite part. You began to spread the oil over her two cute round buttocks, squeezing them every few seconds and rubbing parts of her pussy with your fingers or the backs of your hands. Her slit was visibly wet now, and you saw fit to move out of there so she wouldn't get too horny.
You now concentrated on her back, applying the same process as with the rest of her body, it was when you were massaging her shoulders that she started to fall asleep.
"Hey... can you stay the night with me?" She asked in a small, sleepy voice, as you gently worked her arms.
"Of course princess," you leaned forward, tucked her hair behind her ear and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
You continued the massage for a few minutes until she fell fast asleep, with her body now perfectly moisturized, relaxed and smelling very good. You took the things you had used and left them on the nightstand, to take your phone and lie down next to Ning and write to Noze again.
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When you finished the conversation, you left the phone next to your pillow, right on the edge of the bed, and carefully covered yourself and Ning with the blanket, to put an arm over her naked body and snuggle warmly against her. Her skin was extremely soft, and her body was like a small moldable cloud, you breathed in the smell of her hair, and when you gave her a kiss on her forehead she stirred until she lay on her side and put her face on your neck; her chest pressed against yours, and she raised one leg so that you could put yours between her, an extremely intimate position that once again revived your memories.
You tried to fall asleep, but you didn't get more than a light sleep for a very long time. All the stress of the day and the thoughts fluttering in your head like a furious wasp's nest kept you awake for hours that seemed eternal, you would fall asleep for about half an hour, and you would wake up again, when you were going for the fifth time you checked your phone, realizing that there were only two hours left until you had to be in the lobby.
You knew that you weren't going to get any more sleep than that, so you resignedly ran your fingers continuously along Ning's lower back, with your face resting on your hand and your elbow on the pillow. You admired her beauty in complete silence, watching her pretty face as she slept so peacefully that even she made you envious. She moved a little, and you stopped immediately not wanting to wake her, but when she returned to her sleep you continued running the tips of your fingers over the soft skin of her waist and her lower back under the blanket.
In one of those movements your fingers reached her ass, and there you found no turning back, beginning to trace soft circles on her buttocks before going up again to her back, where you caressed her from top to bottom with your full palm.
"Don't even bother stopping anymore..." she murmured just loud enough for you to hear, and you were surprised.
"How long have you been awake?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Since you started touching me like that..." she said with a mischievous smile, her eyes still closed.
"God, I'm sorry I woke you up," you sighed.
"You don't have to apologize at all, I like it," when she said that she put a hand on your abdomen, caressing it slowly, "go ahead, keep going."
You continued as she asked, gently caressing her back for a few seconds and purposely moving down to her butt to rub it with the palm of your hand, feeling the soft flesh of each buttock between your fingers. Ning sighed softly and began to pant, that was when she brought her hand to your cock, using her palm to rub it from your tip to your balls.
"Mmm... good morning then, I guess," you murmured, and she slowly opened her eyes to look at you with a little smile.
"Morning sweetheart," she murmured back, bringing your cock to full hardness in a matter of seconds. She wrapped her fingers around it and started moving her hand very slowly, making you gasp at how warm she felt. You unconsciously brought your hand between her buttocks, and with your fingers you began to gently rub her slit, feeling how her folds were beginning to get wetter and wetter.
"Fuck… is this what every morning is like with you?" you asked between gasps, rubbing her pussy as she slowly masturbated you.
"With you, yes," she whispered before leaning in to kiss you. Your lips were involved in a sensual and passionate dance that made Ning moan, while your hands slowly worked on each other's intimacy. You laid your head back on the pillow, and she rested half of her torso on top of yours, one of her tits pressing against your chest, "Can I suck your cock this time, sweetheart?" she asked against your lips after a while of masturbating each other.
"I'm all yours right now, so go ahead," you nodded, pulling the blanket off you with a single tug, revealing your two naked bodies.
"So all mine huh? I like the sound of that," she pulled away from you and positioned herself so that the side of her body was resting on one of your thighs, her ass facing you and her face just centimeters from your cock.
"And you? Would you be all mine?" you shot, grabbing one of her buttcheeks and caressing it gently, seeing her pretty wet pussy and her beautiful back. She looked at you over her shoulder.
"I've been yours since you looked into my eyes on that plane, you just didn't realize it."
-Oh my fucking god- you thought, completely blown away by how completely crazy about her you were becoming. Without noticing it your cheeks became hot, but you didn't have time to blush when she took your cock inside her mouth.
Her warm mouth made you moan loudly as she slowly took in every inch of your throbbing cock. You brought your hand to her waist, gripping it with your fingers and delighting in how Ning's soft lips clung just inches from your base. She began to gently suck up and down, using her tongue to swirl around your tip each time she went up and to lick the front of your shaft each time she went down.
You knew she was good at sucking cock from your episode on the plane, but there, the two of you alone, with the bright light of the California morning sun filtering through the sides of the blinds illuminating the room, and the cold temperature of the air, she turned your comfortable intimacy into confidence when it came to demonstrating her skills and pleasing you.
Her pumps sent shivers all over your body because of how good they felt, taking almost all of your cock in and out of her mouth with slow and sensual movements. You brought your hand to her ass to squeeze her buttock again, and wanting to return the favor you licked your index and middle fingers to take them directly to her wet slit, running your fingers between her folds again and again until you stopped to rub her clit in circles.
Ning began to moan softly against your cock, sending vibrations along your shaft and urging you to continue rubbing her pussy the best way you could considering what her sensitive spots seemed to be. Your fingers were soaked in a matter of seconds, and you took advantage of this to slowly introduce them into her pussy, which gave way without any complications so that your fingers could be impaled to the core.
Ning's response was to slowly take you deep into her throat, her nose resting against your pubes.
"Oh my fucking god Ning..." you said loudly, using your free hand to squeeze her butt cheek as you gently but consistently pumped your fingers in and out of her pussy.
After a few seconds, Ning coughed a few times against your cock and took you out of her mouth with a strong gasp of air. She looked at you again over her shoulder with eyes full of desire and her mouth half open, letting you see your cock soaked in saliva and how the tip connected to her lips with thin white threads. She dove back in, considerably increasing the pace of her blowjob for less than a minute until you stopped her.
She looked confused, but you subtly grabbed the back of her neck so she could bring her face closer to yours and you could kiss her. You shared a sloppy kiss for a few long seconds, your arm around Ning's waist and her hand running up and down your slick cock.
"Would you eat me, daddy?" She asked you with a low and sensual voice in the middle of a moan, while she ate your mouth.
"Why are you suddenly calling me that?" you asked back, visibly turned on by that. More kisses.
"I don't know… it just came out naturally," more kisses and more moans, "don't you like it?"
"Fuck, you drive me crazy, how can I not like it?" you squeezed her butt, "and yeah, of course I can eat you, baby."
With that you subtly moved away from her and left her with her head resting on her pillow. You settled between her legs and lay face down, with your head between her thighs and your face a few centimeters from her pussy. You dedicated yourself to first placing small kisses on her thighs, licking the inside of them while you and she looked into each other's eyes every few seconds. She bit her lower lip, and gently played with her tits, imploring you with her eyes to devour her.
You had no intention of making her wait, so after a few more kisses around her pussy you planted your tongue flat between her silky folds and licked very slowly upwards, finding your way to her clit to kiss, suck and lick it again and again. Ning's moans were your cue to know which spots to hit and which not to hit, and before long she completely melted thanks to your mouth.
You grabbed your hands on each of her thighs, putting gentle pressure on them while your tongue worked as best you could on her clit. Ning brought one hand to your head and tangled her fingers in the strands of your hair to pull it gently, her body squirming very slightly, and her other hand playing with one of her tits, then you realized that was the only part of her that you had not touched yet.
You let go of Ning's thighs and moved your hands up to rest on her pair of soft, round mounds, squeezing them like two stress balls and using your fingers to play with her hard nipples, all while attacking her pussy with the dedication and perfection that a princess like she deserved.
Ning brought her hands on top of yours as you massaged her tits, and as the pleasure built inside her body, her thighs slowly closed to the point of making a sandwich with your head in the middle. Her skin felt soft on either side of your face, like two clouds that you were more than delighted to be between.
You doubled your efforts, eating out her pussy with rapid licks and perfectly controlled sucks that drove her crazy in a matter of seconds.
"Oh god daddy!" she moaned loudly, holding onto your wrists tightly, "I'm going to cum, please don't stop!" Her pretty prayers did nothing but urge you to continue eating her pussy ferociously, and in a matter of a few seconds Ning exploded in a maelstrom of moans and spasms. Her thighs pressed on either side of your head, and you had the feeling that she was holding back with the intention of not hurting you, a detail that you found adorable.
You collected her juices and licked her with gusto throughout her orgasm, and when her body relaxed she released your head from between her thighs. You stood up and knelt between her legs.
"Did my princess like that?" you asked before leaning forward and Ning grabbed your face to kiss you between gasps.
"Fuck, I loved it," she moaned against your lips, "but I need your cock inside me, daddy," she reached between your bodies and grabbed your cock to rub it between her folds, "fuck me, I'm begging you," she continued kissing your lips, and placed small kisses on your chin.
"You don't need to beg so much, baby," you said softly, returning her kisses but all over her face, "go ahead and put it in yourself," you dove into her neck, giving her little kisses and licks. Ning obeyed your order, and guided your cock to her entrance so that you only had to push forward slightly and bury yourself completely inside her silky pussy.
"Fuuuuuuck!" Ning whimpered, desperately searching for your lips to kiss between heavy pants. You reciprocated her kiss, your senses completely overwhelmed by how soft and wet her pussy felt around your cock, completely disappeared between her folds.
You had never felt a pussy like hers, so silky, soft and wet, she already drove you crazy, but that only made you now completely obsessed and at her mercy.
Ning grabbed her legs around your torso, and you began to slowly pump back and forth, your cock sliding in and out of her pussy as if it were molded especially for you. You rested your forearms on either side of her head, and she wrapped her arms around your neck as you moaned into each other's mouths.
You gradually increased your speed, and that led to more muffled whimpers against your mouth. She caressed the hair on the back of your neck, and then moved her hands down your back to do exactly the same, other girls would have scratched you there in all the pleasure, but she made sure not to hurt you in any way, she just limited herself to press your skin with her little fingers.
You lowered your head and took one of her tits into your mouth, it didn't surprise you to realize how extremely good it felt to suck on her nipples and lick around them, at this point you knew that every corner of Ning's body was like manipulating a cloud of cotton candy.
Her moans were released into the air, loud and passionate as you fucked her at a faster and more consistent pace, without reaching the point of being harsh with her but giving her deep thrusts that she felt in every hidden corner of her body. She grabbed your head with both hands and tangled her fingers in your hair, pressing your head down to sink between her delicious tits, which you sucked and put into your mouth hungrily.
You continued thrusting in and out for about another minute until Ning gently tugged at your hair; you knew she was going to cum, so you lifted your head from her tits and dove back into her lips, lovingly cradling her face in your hands as you gave her the final thrusts. Ning soon exploded a second time, this time around your cock.
Her spasms were present once again, this time stronger, more intense and abundant, she whimpered loudly against your lips, and her legs wrapped around your torso to hold herself in place as you continued to pump slowly through her orgasm. After a few seconds, her spasms stopped, and you separated from her lips to straighten your back, she let go of your torso and opened her legs wide open, staring into her eyes with a blushing face. 
"You... you fuck me so well... and you don't treat me like I'm an object," she murmured, looking at you with bright, loving eyes, "you're so... so... god, you drive me insane," you You were holding back as best you could from running away and screaming at the sky, once again your cheeks felt hot, but this time you did blush.
"Once I cum inside you you'll feel like heaven, then," you said with a mischievous little smile, hiding your red cheeks. You pulled your cock out of her pussy, and being already quite well lubricated and slippery, you pressed it against her butthole slowly, but Ning stopped you with a hand on your abdomen.
"No, honey," she said breathlessly, "I want to give you that, but I'm not ready right now, I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for, I will gladly fill that pretty pussy of mine," you leaned down to give her another small kiss on the lips before knelt up, grabbing her legs by the back of the knees and putting them together to insert yourself again inside her pussy.
"Oh yes daddy, please fill my pussy!" Ning moaned as she felt you again deep in her pussy, "your princess needs that load."
Concentrated and determined to give her what she was demanding, you began pumping in and out of her again, resuming your rapid thrusts but this time adding a bit of roughness which she received without the slightest complaint. Her tits began to bounce, and her body began to shake with each of your crashes against her.
Ning had started moaning too loudly, so she grabbed the pillow her head was resting on and used it to bite it, muffling squeals and grunts against it as you fucked her fast and hard. Your breathing was extremely agitated between your gasps and your moans, a product of how good her wet pussy was making you feel.
You put her legs over your shoulders and leaned forward, pressing her knees against her tits as you began to pump now up and down, your hands resting on the mattress on either side of her body. Ning held on tightly to the pillow, biting it and looking at you with crystallized eyes that let you know how extremely good you were making her feel.
All the pleasure she had been building in you soon took its toll, you felt a tingle in your stomach, and completely unaware of yourself, you began to fuck her now with absolutely all your strength. Ning bit the pillow again, now muffling screams against it, and a few furious thrusts were enough until with a strong thrust you began to spill your thick, hot load into Ning's pussy.
As soon as she felt your cum inside her walls, Ning had another orgasm, twice as strong and intense as the previous one, she buried her face against the pillow, and her pelvis began to shake and tremble up and down. You couldn't do anything but moan like crazy at the overwhelming sensation of cumming inside a girl you felt so attracted to.
"Do you like daddy's cum inside your pussy, princess?" you asked between gasps, moving slower as you made sure to leave absolutely every drop of your seed inside her. Ning removed the pillow from her face and threw it on the floor.
"My god, you don't know how much I love it, daddy!" she responded with a squeal, arching her back and throwing her head back.
You let her legs free and she spread them out to the sides of her so you could lean forward and kiss her, and when you stopped pumping your cock you realized how exaggeratedly wet she felt.
"Wait, you squirted?" you asked in the middle of the kiss, looking into her eyes. She looked confused.
"I don't know, I didn't even know I could do that," she replied, and you stood up again to slowly pull your cock out, letting the cum flow freely down her slit and onto the sheet.
"Well, apparently," you said with a giggle, "I'll go get you something to clean-"
"No! Wait," she said, bringing two fingers to her pussy and collecting a significant amount of thick liquid to take it to her mouth, taste it and swallow it, "give me the rest with your fingers," you were speechless for a few seconds.
"F-fuck, sure," you said, scooping up as much cum as you could with your fingers to bring it to Ning's mouth, she sucked them hard, looking into your eyes until she got them completely clean.
"I've been wanting to swallow your cum ever since that time on the plane when that bitch Jimin took what was mine," she said matter-of-factly, as if she hadn't made you rethink what the hottest thing you'd ever seen was. your life.
"The wait was worth it?"
"It was worth every second, that was amazing," she sighed with a small smile, "if I have to get sick to be pampered and feel loved, I will definitely do it more often."
"God, please don't do it," you laughed, and lay down next to her, "there's no need, believe me," she picked up the first phone she could get her hands on (yours) and checked the time.
"We still have 45 minutes before we have to leave, can you cuddle with me a little longer?" she asked you in a small, adorable voice.
"Of course, sweetie," you gently took the phone from her hand and settled a pillow behind your heads. Ning rested her head on your chest, wrapping an arm over your torso and a thigh over your abdomen to cuddle warmly against you. You hugged her with both arms, snuggling her against you to give her a small kiss on the head.
"Would you... tell me more about yourself?" she asked shyly, and you smiled.
"I'll happily do it, ask and I'll answer."
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pandoa · 9 months
all i want for christmas is you!!
christmas & winter fluff headcanons with all of the twst characters!
~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
(not so) mandatory christmas/winter special from yours truly <3 merry christmas and happy holidays c:
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♡— ace trappola pulls you into an ambush of snowballs along the sidewalks of the road as you two walk home on your way back from a days worth of work at nrc. the impact is sudden, leaving your cheeks turning cold the instant the sphere of softened ice hits your face. your eyes meet the twinkle in ace's eyes as he laughs mischievously and reaches his hand into the snow beneath him to conjure up another frozen weapon. he smirks with triumph as he grins a boyish grin that has your heart racing, excitement and challenge coursing through your veins as you turn to get your own snowball.
ace scoffs as you walk away, appalled that you decided to turn away rather than give him your attention, "what, can't handle that fact that i wo-?"
he spoke too soon.
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♡— deuce spade has a surprise for you. and it's killing him not being able to tell you. the surprise consists of a neatly wrapped box his mother helped decorate and a very, very, very thought-out script he'd been rehearsing since november. only the best for you, right? deuce has worked hard to put together your present, going so far as to ask cater for an online link to "cute gifts to give the person you're confessing to during the holidays" on magicam to try and help him brainstorm the perfect gift for you. with that and the knowledge he's learned from you regarding human holidays, deuce has managed to put together something he hopes will show you the words "i. like. you." in more ways than one. he just... really wants you. to like him back, he means.
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♡— cater diamond wears matching holiday pajamas with you. he sees it as it's trending all over the internet as cute couples with the same berry red plaid pajamas and matching black hoodies fool around on camera as they all dance playfully together, a memory he'd like to recreate with you. he ropes you into the silly tradition, stopping by your dorm to force coax you into the festive attire. you really have no say in this, and the ever-present phone camera pointed towards both you and cater prove it. you may not even be dating... but that doesn't stop him from persuading you to match with him in the name of you both being "cute for the holidays." in reality, though, he's having the time of his life right now as people in his comment section begin to assume that you two were truly a couple. it's not a crime if he doesn't correct them, right?
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♡— trey clover hosts a gingerbread house contest with you. and only you. the idea springs up when you mention the tradition in your world, and trey being the observant man he is, decides that it wouldn't hurt if you two both did it, too. it was well in his element anyway. there was no harm in hosting it as along as you seemed to be enjoying it. designating an entire day to first make the gingerbread from scratch, trey then promptly invites you over to heartslabyul to finally decorate separate houses of sweets. he gives you one set of gingerbread and the other to himself before starting a timer which will signal the beginning of your contest. may the best house win~
oh... what do you win if you do end up creating the best house?
trey will let you decide that :)
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♡— riddle rosehearts reads you sweet stories before you go to bed. it's after a long and chilling day as the weather outside prevents either of you from going out, making the both of you stuck to your own devices as you spend the day lazing around the dorm, cozying into your comfiest and warmest attire. you wrap yourselves into as many blankets as possible as you nuzzle into the plush cushions of the couch. riddle, whose face was a light shade of pink (whether that be due to the cold of the temperature or his a little closer proximity to you), then begins to recite a few stories he's memorized by heart as his voice lulls you into sleep. the evening grows darker and colder, yet you and riddle grow warmer and content as he finishes his story, realizing you'd fallen asleep, and softly smiles at you before making sure you were securely tucked into your blankets.
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☼— jack howl takes you to go see the beautiful lights of the holidays. at first, he acts indifferent to the festivities of the lights, not really paying them any special mind as he goes on about his day. but when he found out that you personally do find enjoyment in seeing the lights, he makes it his unofficial duty of taking you to see this custom. he asks you in the most awkwardly endearing way; his in denial tendencies showing as he refuses to admit that he's bringing you because, well, he cares for you.
"you like... to see the lights, right?"
"oh- no, i don't really care if we go see these or not. i can live without them."
"but you want to see them, so i guess we coul-"
"wait! i mean- no, i did not say anything. just shut up and come with me."
give the boy a break. he just wants to see you happy~
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☼— ruggie bucchi handmakes you a present. it's simple and adorable, although don't say that to him out loud. he knows it is, but... just don't admit it out loud, yeah? he begging you. ruggie works hard to make you this present, going so far as to start preparations weeks before he ever gives it to you. it wasn't too difficult to make, in actuality, it's just that he had made sure every detail was meticulously checked constantly for the best results. thinking of you that entire time making the gift, ruggie is eager to find out your reaction once you open the present. on the outside, he looks as if he really couldn't care less of what your reaction will be. but on the inside, the young man hopes that you'll come to like whatever his nimble hands have made for you.
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☼— leona kingscholar is a lazy man. but, sometimes, maybe lazy works out in your favor? you think about this as you and leona lay together in the comforts of the warm cushions of the couch you both had squeezed yourselves on, both laying horizontally as you tightly squished yourselves on the couch as if it were bed. leona lays next to you, his breathing slow and steady as he naps with his arm draped over your waist like a blanket. usually, you'd be pushing this man to wake up and get on his nerves for being so "lazy." but now, you find yourself relaxing as your head rests against his chest—feeling the warmth of his body radiating onto yours. and with the freezing snow falling outside, it was hard to resist this moment of peacefully cuddling the typically more arrogant housewarden. it was comfortable, and that was all that mattered.
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❋— floyd leech trades (purposefully) silly gifts with you. you both make a challenge for yourselves: whoever gives the most obscure gift wins. and both of you intend on beating the other. you really couldn't remember how the idea first started, though... all you remember is telling floyd of the traditions in your world and then bam. a brilliant idea struck both of your minds. the process is chaotic and strenuous, but the amount of "weird" items you and floyd find while searching is quite amusing. especially in sam's shop of wonders. but despite the laughs you share with him, this is still a competition. whoever out-sillies the other will win. the challenge is on.
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❋— despite the winter festivities taking place, jade leech decides to take you to a more... tropical celebration during the holidays. he brings you along to see the seaside as he pulls you into the clear waters of the ocean for a swim, the heat of the sun contrasting the the cold your other friends were probably currently experiencing. a holiday in the heat isn't unheard of, actually; you just didn't expect for jade to invite you of all people to accompany him, let alone with the trip only consisting you and him. he guides you into the slightly deeper side of the waters as his merform is now seen with you grasping his hands in the ocean. the cold water and heat of the island is a nice change of pace for once as you let jade take both of you wherever he wished, with you keeping your hold on his hand the entire time.
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❋— azul ashengrotto takes a day off from working to spend time with you, even if it was just for a day. with work constantly filling his mind, it's sometimes difficult for him to spend time with you outside of your visits to mostro lounge or the occasional spotting and waving in between classes at nrc. but! this time is different because today, azul makes it his goal to take work completely off of his mind as he makes his way to your dorm. mostro lounge should be perfectly fine without him for 24 hours... he left jade in charge, so he knows business is in capable hands. once he picks you up from your dorm, azul decides it would be more gentlemanly of him to let you choose a place for you two spend time at. anything. he needs to make up for all of those times he'd been so caught up in matters at octavinelle, of course.
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✰— jamil viper holds your hand in his as he places your hands in his pocket while you walk together. it's another cold day as you're all bundled up in cozy winter jackets when jamil notices you trying to warm your hands up by huffing warm air into your palms. after watching you do this a few more times, the young man walking beside you wordlessly takes your hand in his and gently places both his hand and yours into the fabric of his own pocket. you see him do this as a small flush of your cheeks adds to the already red tint of your face due to the cold. jamil makes no effort in acknowledging his actions, however, as he nonchalantly continues facing forward, ignoring the way you seemed to be left a little embarrassed but smiling by this simple gesture. but that doesn't mean jamil isn't also as equally as giddy as you. he just knows how to hide it better.
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✰— kalim al-asim shares a hoodie with you. and i mean, actually shares it. literally. as in, he climbs into your hoodie as you're still wearing it and innocently wraps himself around you, his face resting against the shirt you have underneath your hoodie as he uses you as some sort of blanket. the piece of clothing is oversized enough for both of you to fit in at the same time, so it was perfect. as kalim climbs in to join you, he cuddles himself against you as the warmth from both you and the hoodie engulf him, making him feel like a little woodland creature nuzzling itself into your pocket. it's just that... the pocket was much bigger, and much more closer against you. kalim finds comfort in this space with you, so you may be stuck there for a good while~
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♪— epel felmier wakes you up to the letters "i ♡ u" written in the pristine snow outside as you look at him from the window, smiling at him as he grins back at you. it's a little early in the morning at epel's home as you wake up to the sound of small snowballs tapping against the window. getting up from out of your bed to see what, or who, was throwing them, you're then met with the sight of a distant epel on the ground, waving up at you as he points to whatever he's written in the snow. your heart melts unlike the snow as you chuckle at what he's written using his footprints in the white snow, the gesture sweet as you see how proud he was with your reaction.
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♪— rook hunt sings and serenades you with holiday love songs outside of your dorm's doorway. they're love songs that you had taught him yourself, but that honestly just makes the moment much more romantic and lovely than it originally would have been. with only a guitar in his hands and a bouquet of flowers resting in the quiver strapped along his back with his arrows, rook begins to play you a few songs you taught him from your world, all of which centered around love and the holidays. what other things would make this moment more perfect? the young man also goes to write you his own song as he performs it for you, french both naturally and lyrically intertwined within the words of his song. once he finishes his serenade, he takes off his hat as he places it against his heart, lowering his head in a bow fit for a gentleman.
"my only christmas wish is you, mon ange."
this huntsman truly does know how to make a person swoon, doesn't he?
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♪— vil schoenheit subtly gives you a wink from the stage as he performs. with the winter season brewing, vil was set to perform for an event along with many other celebrities in twisted wonderland. he invites you along with other pomefiore students like rook to come watch as he sings and dances on the stage like a star you just couldn't bring yourself to turn away from. so obviously in his element, vil continues performing before he catches your eye looking at him from the audience and flashes you a quick wink. the wink was fast and fleeting, one second he was there glancing at you too, and then gone off to the other side of the stage the next. no one else had caught the sight of his wink your way as you stood there, concealing a smile as you returned to cheering and singing along as the image of vil smiling at you filled you with a certain type of joy.
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✤— idia shroud tries his best to keep you warm. walking through the chilly temperatures of the outside, idia notices how your body seems to shiver, causing the generally isolated housewarden to glance at you with a look of concern as you both continue to walk. he debates with himself whether or not he should offer his jacket to you, the idea itself just making him shrivel up in embarrassment. what was this? some cringey shoujo manga? his mind is in conflict with itself as you two walk side by side in silence with idia's expression growing more and more furrowed as he anxiously thinks to himself. minutes pass by with you still silently shivering until idia shakily places his jacket on you. welp, yolo, idia thinks as he avoids the way you look back at him from the corner of his eye, the embarrassment all too much for him.
yolo, indeed.
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♛— sebek zigvolt thinks he'd be good at ice skating. for one reason or another, you manage to challenge the boy at ice skating. and he proudly accepts. even though you both know that he has zero experience in skating. zero. it's amazing how you even managed to get this boy out of the rink without any fatal wounds as all he does on the ice skating rink is fall down rambunctiously and yell because he claims that you had another student "curse" the ice, causing him to fall down almost every two minutes. in reality, though, sebek just lacks any semblance of grace when it comes to the ice. he won't accept defeat from a mere human, however! no, no, no... you both will be staying there until sebek can successfully skate through the entire rink without falling! onward, human!
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♛— silver makes the true magic of the holidays happen as he uses his magic to make a reindeer fly, just like in the stories you'd always tell him about your world. he knows that, in your world, those stories are merely fictional, but he wishes to show you something beautiful during your time in twisted wonderland. so, he makes a few of his woodland friends fly as he guides you into the forest he typically spends his time in, showing you sights you'd never seen before as you both hop onto the back of the reindeer and see the world in an entirely different point of view with silver and the reindeer guiding you through the stratosphere.
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♛— lilia vanrouge catches you in a mistletoe "trap." you're completely caught off-guard as you search for him all over nrc after getting an ominous message from him reading only the word "help", making you rush through the entire school in search for your precious fae lover. you're speeding through the halls until the frightening, but still adorable, face of lilia suddenly pops up in front of you with a playful grin before promptly placing a light kiss to your forehead... all while he hung upside down as he held... what looked like mistletoe above both of your heads???
"i must say, (y/n), your world has very fun traditions. we should do this next year as well~"
you look at him at first with confusion until it registers in your mind as you see the familiar red and green plant in his hand.
wait. how did he get that in the first place-?
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♛— malleus draconia showers you with gifts. constantly. all throughout december, malleus manages to give you more gifts than you have ever gotten your whole life. and he doesn't stop either. you can't even comprehend how he found the time to find all of these for you... or how he hasn't run out of gift ideas just yet. your dorm is almost overflowing with gifts just from him as you sort through piles of items and wrapping paper, the dorm looking even more disheveled as you attempt to organize the chaos. the instant he found out about the "season of giving," malleus made all of the effort to do just that. give, and give, and give, and give... you get the point. and it's only for you, of course. who else would the fae prince use this much effort for? only you.
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a/n: i will rise from the dead whenever it comes to christmas
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cloudwisp · 9 months
𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 · 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬
contents: fluff. established relationship. mentions of petty gojo because you refused to wear his clothes one (1) time. 900 wc.
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“Baby? Humor me for a second.” You offer your boyfriend a soft hum in response as you’re preoccupied with applying your skincare, and wait for him to translate his typically busy thoughts into words. “How come you never wear my clothes anymore? You know that I like—no, love it when you do. I even made sure you know that I do. So, what gives?” Satoru huffs slightly, crossing his arms over his chest from where he’s sat upright on the bed, a deep pout lining his bottom lip and you snicker to yourself at the sound of him huffing.
You should’ve known that nothing ever gets past him, even something as small as trading his comfortable shirts and hoodies for your own sleepwear when you’re staying over at his place. With a small turn on your heel and a couple of steps, you raise an eyebrow at him when you’re under the threshold of the bathroom door. “Is that why you’ve been acting a little weird lately? Because I decided to wear the clothes that I brought with me?”
He nods his head firmly, and that explains why he was tugging on your pajama set when you got ready for bed the other day. Saying that you’re going to catch a cold in the middle of the night, and you should change into something of his that’s much more insulating and comfortable. You insisted that you were perfectly fine as you are, and he rejected your cuddles when the chilling winter night seeped through your bones and you were huddling behind him in hopes of stealing some of his warmth.
(He eventually caved in and kept you warm throughout the night, he doesn't have the strength to keep up the charade when he knows that you need him because he loves you so, so much. But he's also a huge told-you-so because you should've listened to him).
“Yeah. You used to love wearing my clothes and now you hardly do anymore. Why’d you stop? Do you not like me anymore? That’s what it is, huh? Just tell me, I can handle it.” His eyebrows furrow and his frown deepens at the distressing thought, and he mumbles quietly,
“—Actually, don’t tell me.”
Your expression softens as you make out a small laugh. He's being such a big baby right now, but you never anticipated that not wearing his clothes could lead to this. You move towards him, with your weight dipping into the mattress and your hand reaches to sweetly cradle his cheek and you urge him to meet your gaze.
“Baby, you’re not making any sense right now. Of course I still like you—I love you, a lot. I really didn’t mean to upset you, but a few weeks ago I stained your favorite hoodie and I was afraid of another accident happening again so I avoided wearing your clothes… especially since I never realized how expensive they were.” You admitted to him, and even though you tried every remedy you searched in online forums to remove the stain, your trials and errors led you to replace it entirely and it cost you a pretty penny.
Satoru takes a few seconds to process this information, a small smile appears on his lips after you reveal the secret you’ve been hiding. He finds it endearing how much you care about him and anything related to him. “Angel, it’s okay~ If that’s what you’re so anxious about, I won’t make a fuss if you ruin something of mine. I promise it doesn’t matter to me, I can deal with the small stains and have it taken care of. So just don’t think twice about it, and you can borrow my things whenever you want.”
“And here I thought you’d be more upset with me for being careless.” You feel lighter and relieved when he starts comforting you instead of admonishing you, and Satoru shakes his head as he brings you onto his lap, securing his arms around you lovingly and pressing a kiss to your forehead. The slight tension that was present in the room just moments ago has completely dissipated and you feel warm in his embrace. “Thank you, and I promise I’ll be much more careful when I do borrow anything from you.”
Satoru appears satisfied with your answer, his hand traces your side in a gentle caress and he plants another kiss on your smooth skin. “You know I’d never get upset at you over something so small.” He then pauses, considering a possible situation where he’d feel a fragment of the emotion. “I’d be more upset if you wore someone else’s clothes, though.”
“Oh? Even if you weren't around and there was an emergency and I needed a sweater to keep me from freezing to death?” You quip playfully, and he somehow feels like he should’ve seen that one coming and lets out a chuckle.
“Fine, fine. I’ll admit it. You could wear someone else’s clothes during emergencies. And not just because you’re feeling a little chilly!” He’s being mock-serious, which elicits a giggle from you and him melting with a simper in return. He pulls you closer to him so that your body is pressed against his and you sigh contently.
“For both our sakes, let’s just hope that never happens.”
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j-onedrabbles · 10 months
Matching pajamas
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❄︎ PAIRING: CHANGBIN X READER ❄︎ CW: DAD! CHANGBIN, FEM!READER, MENTIONS OF PREGNANCY ❄︎ WC: 1.1K ❄︎ NOTE: this barely followed the original plot
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     Shopping alone was dangerous. Especially when it was the holidays. Every store had a lot of cute things out, decoration and clothing-wise. Y/n walked around the store, she and her fiancé's three-year-old daughter, Nari, in the cart, trying to grab everything she could reach. 
     “Should we get new pajamas for the winter?” Y/n asked her daughter as she grabbed her hand away from a rack
     “Yeah,” her daughter agreed 
     Y/n made a detour to the clothes. First, she grabbed a few winter items for her daughter— not that she needed any. Between her and Changbin’s family, the rest of the band, and sometimes their families, her child was spoiled with clothes, toys, you name it. 
     Y/n found a couple of cute pairs of holiday and winter pajamas for her, put them in the cart, and moved to the adult section. She picked up a couple of things for herself and Changbin. Finding pajamas that matched the set she found for her baby. What made it better was they had both her and Changbin’s size in stock. 
     She grabbed both and put them in her cart. She grabbed a few more things she needed before getting in line and checking. 
     Changbin was working late at the studio but promised he’d be home before Nari’s bedtime. One of his favorite things was putting his little princess to bed. Somehow he always made it happen, even when he was halfway across the world. 
     Nari insisted on wearing her new jammies to bed as soon as they got home. It was laundry day so Y/n tossed all the new clothes in with their other stuff as well. Her daughter happily played with her toys till dinner time. 
     Changbin came home tight as Y/n finished drying Nari off after her bath. 
     “Let’s put on our new jammies for Daddy,” Y/n smiled at her baby who jumped excitedly in her towel before grabbing the fuzzy clothes off the counter. 
     “Can you and Daddy wear your jammies too?” Nari asked, stepping into her new footie jammies.
     “Of course baby. Should we show Daddy together?” Y/n asked zipping the jammies up
     “Yeah!” Nari smiled. 
     Y/n brushed her hair out before sweeping her off to her bedroom only to find her fiancé lying on the bed. The producer looked over at the two and smiled
     “Did you get a new set of jammies princess?” Changbin smiled as he sat up and Y/n set her on the bed. 
     “Yay!” Nari crawled over to her dad as Y/n walked over to their dresser “And we got you some too!”
     “You did?” Changbin wrapped his arms around his daughter as he pulled her into his chest. Y/n smiled and tossed him his pair of pajamas.
     “Let daddy shower and put his jammies on then maybe we can watch a movie before bed?” Y/n suggested
     “Movie!!” Nari agreed before trying to get off the bed. Changbin helped his daughter down. “Mommy jammies too!!”
     “Mommy will put her jammies on too. Can you go make sure all your toys are picked up baby?”
     “Okay!” Nari ran out of their room to clean before Changbin pulled his lover down to the bed.
     “Matching jammies?” he asked kissing her neck 
     “Thought it would be cute for the holidays. Don’t think so?” Y/n faux pouted at him
     “No baby, the matching pajamas are great! We’re gonna look so cozy,” Changbin smiled and attacked her face with kisses. 
     “Go shower stinky,” Y/n giggled, playfully pushing him away
     “In a minute. Haven’t seen you all day,” Changbin replied
     “Oh! I have another surprise for you!” Y/n remembered and got out of his arms. Walking over to their closet and pulling a gift bag out.
     “Early Christmas gift?” He asked, sitting at the edge of the bed before taking it from her hands. 
     Y/n smiled as she sat next to him as he opened the bag, took out the tissue paper and gripped the fabric inside the bag. He pulled it out and set the bag aside. Unfolding the little fabric and reading the writing while she wrapped her arms around him. 
     “SPEARB's second single coming this summer!”
     “Are you…” Changbin looked up and down at her
     “Kept saying how you wanted another one,” Y/n smiled 
     Changbin's smile widened as he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her, “I like this better than the pajamas.”
     “Don’t tell your daughter that,” Y/n joked as patted his chest and got off his lap, “Shower and get your pajamas on Papa Bear.”
     Changbins grabbed the fabric she tossed at him and got in the shower to wash the day away as Y/n switched into her pajamas and found her first baby putting her books away. 
     “Good job baby.” Y/n congratulated her daughter 
     “Need blanky,” Nari said before running off to her room. Y/n sat on the couch and waited for either her daughter or fiancé to come back.
     Her daughter waddled back into the living room, a large SKZOO blanket the group had customized for her as soon as Changbin told them about her pregnancy. Putting it up on the couch then running off again.
     “Where are you going princess!” Changbin caught his daughter and lifted her. Her little giggle scream made his heart melt.
     “Dwaekki! Need Dwaekki!” She yelled.
     “Oh! Let’s get dwaekki,” Changbin carried her to the room and grabbed the SKZOO before joining his fiancée on the couch. 
     “Got everything?” Y/n asked 
     “Yeah!” Nari snuggled up between them with her Dwaekki. 
     “Picture!” Changbin announced as he held up his phone. Nari got up and hugged her dad and Y/n leaned in. Changbin snapped a couple of photos before he was satisfied. 
     “Like your jammies?” Nari asked her dad, petting his shoulder. 
     “I love my jammies, princess. Mommy did a good job picking them out.” 
     Nari plopped down on her dad's lap as Y/n threw the blanket over the three of them while Changbin grabbed the remote and turned the TV on to find a movie for them to watch. Opting more for Nari’s favorite. 
     Changbin wrapped his arm around his fiancée, bringing her closer to him and kissing the top of her head. It was rare to get to have nights like this. Snuggled up in matching pajamas on the couch while both his girls cuddled up to him. 
     Nari fell asleep on her dad's lap, clutching his SKZOO animal like every night. “I hope we have another girl,” Changbin whispered to Y/n
     “Should I go back and get another pajama set for next year?” Y/n joked 
     “No. Just buy new ones next year. And every year after that.”
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TAGLISTS ❄︎ @starlostastronaut @want2besomeoneelse @aylinbsx @143lix @princesspanda16 @manuosorioh @delulu18 @shaylaxo @chillichillicrabcrab23
© 2023 jonedrabbles. Please do not copy, translate, or republish my works anywhere.
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