mushroomnoodles · 9 months
tw/cw for sfw and non kink mpreg
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janitor ai session i have integrated into canon
so simon thought he could snatch a wishing statue after morrigan told him no. (he thought, if he was quick-handed enough..) it ended up being magically trapped- grabbing him and hoisting him in the air. he ended up barely making it out alive and only surviving due to quick thinking.
turns out he broke a leg and passed out in a village of mini animal people due to blood loss. he wakes up and gets scolded by a tiny bear doctor for being out in the ruins nine months pregnant. he's okay, morri's okay (a little mad) but the little bear doctor is very insistent. simon should be at home resting and waiting for his little one to arrive!
simon tries to inquire about the ruins and she's like, dude, what did i JUST say? he gets some lovely custom-made crutches (which make him feel absolutely ridiculous) and a ride home, where he's begrudgingly trying to take it easy and work on healing his leg. the cosmic energy inside him helped his open wounds heal rather quickly, but the bone is another story.
he's absolutely restless and irritated and feels like he's wasting time, and also feels really bad for letting morrigan down again. now even going out to get groceries is a chore.. sigh.
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longlivetv · 7 months
Today I created my own holiday called “handle your shit saturday” in which I had to actually deal with all the shit piling up in my house and actually do the projects I’d been planning and it was so satisfying and made me feel SO much better. If you’re struggling rn, I highly recommend, even if you just handle a small chunk of your shit, giving it a name made it feel all official and whatnot and somehow let me trick myself into doing things I’ve been putting off since November.
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Seal Team 6 (Counter Strike:Global Offensive) BDU Sets
Sorry for Long ass Hiatus, I Was On Big Project remaking Lots Of WW2 Uniforms Consist of Every Front that fought in this war while also trying to finish Lot Of Pose Shits that everyone Waiting :D but anyway to kill some time I Decide to Uploading long time Finished Stuff that I Forget to Upload...  Here We Go...
Tech Specs Uniforms: -New mesh -For male -Full body -Custom Thumbnail -2 Color Swatches -Each Uniform Got Unique Loadout Variations
Ops Core Helmet: -New Mesh -Unisex (Kinda Large Since it was for Accodomade Ski Mask) -Category:Earring -Custom Thumbnail
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@sssvitlanz @cctreasuretrove @exzentra-reblog
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crave-mp3 · 1 year
hiiii vic how r you <- being tormented by mr kurtis conners dyke potential
hi im alright but now im very intrigued. tell me about kurtis conners dyke potential (<- has a very very vague image of his face akin to a mirage and thats it)
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ofglories · 10 months
No one is here to stop him so it's time to engage in Wart Behavior.
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AKA Arthur sitting himself on top of the first parapet wall he finds and eating a (stolen) snack of bread, cheese, and an apple taken from the kitchens.
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canvaswolfdoll · 1 month
finally took the time to reach credits for tears of the kingdom.
i think i still prefer breath of the wild. it's nice to have ganondorf back and everything, but totk just felt like it had a lot of... busy work?
don't get me wrong, botw also had it's uninteresting sidequests, but totk added both the sky islands and the depths, but i didn't do much with either because they were huge pains to traverse and squeeze content and narrative out of. this is on top of gathering supplies to upgrade armor, and the default weapons being even weaker than botw weapons so now you're also gather and spending resources to make weapons usable.
plus the real meat and potatoes of the plot is with zelda in the past, which are small disconnected cutscenes that often repeat information.
i just miss when the zelda games had ordered progression so the (still light) plot could still have deliberate beats and link felt like he was involved instead of coming in to sweep up after the main party.
and that's not even touching on the mess the two games make of the mythology. i know people make fun of the timeline, but i find it a cool meta narrative exercise!
also bring back tired old man windwaker ganon. there's great pathos in a villain who's been dealing with this horrible reincarnation cycle that he's just going through the motions, well aware he's long lost sight of what his motivations were.
anyways, here's hoping echoes of wisdom tightens it's scope. i'm really hoping the navi stand in (tri) is the sentience for the triforce of wisdom, because that's funny.
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wowbright · 1 year
Today I went out on the ocean and saw puffins. They're so neat!
Also learned that indeed I am prone to motion sickness.
10/10 wouldn't do it again
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labyrynth · 1 year
um…question for any of y’all that listen to the magnus archives…if a person is hypothetically very prone to heebie-jeebies…is it like…manageable? or is it going to make this purely hypothetical person afraid to walk down the hallway at night;;;
bc it sounds interesting but. i am. nervous.
#moi#tma#the magnus archives#for reference#i can better handle horror that is more easily divorced from reality#i guess?#or like…#if the horror is like…easily contained?#like the horror is more on a realistic scale or setting but also it’s happening Way Over There and not Over Here#see also: the horror has already been taken care of (it’s dead or managed or subdued or sealed or whatever)#so like#example of easily divorced from reality: alien#we don’t have space travel and also this specific circumstances were unusual#and the scary thing was handled (no i will not be considering alternate endings at this time)#example of easily contained: the thing (it’s more or less contained and also is Way Over There and isn’t going anywhere)#COUNTER example to easily divorced/contained: Us (i think that’s what it was called?)#specifically because it just so happened to be set. in the town i went to college in.#and that is very distinctly NOT Way Over There#it’s not even kind of Over There. It’s Right Here. SPECIFICALLY Right Here.#um. forgive me if my examples are kind of limited in scope. i don’t. partake in a lot of horror.#i only watched alien and the thing bc they were assigned for class. and i pointedly did NOT watch Us#bc i read the first line of the synopsis and went ‘that’s where i am currently living 🙃’#look i just wanna be able to turn off the lights and not have to high tail it to my room#bc i’m scared of The Creepies Coming To Get Me#i am a complete wuss 🥺#but tma sounds interesting
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lisandyk · 1 year
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(ID in alt text)
just a regular noelle.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I feel like FEH's nature as a gacha game ocasionally causes IS to have to twist certain characters around so they can better sell them to FEH's audience, like the Fallen Corrins; they're taken from the end of Chapter 5 of Fates, a chapter where they're stuck in their dragon form, have practically devolved into a feral animal who attacks anyone they see, and whose maximum speech capacity is to grunt and roar in pain/exertion/anger.
Since a character that's completely incapable of speaking would be less desirable for the average player than someone with actual voice lines and confessions, they wrote themselves into a corner and had to invent a weird version of Chapter 5!Corrin where they've already gone on their rampage and returned to normal after Azura calmed them down, but for some reason are stuck being forced to unwittingly use their draconic powers in exchange for severe pain and an urge to give in to that side of themselves again; none of that tracks with what actually happens in chapter 5, where they show no signs of struggling to control themselves after regaining consciouness, especially not to the extent the Fallen ones do, and are very quickly given a dragonstone by Azura to make sure they can't go berserk again and can control their dragon powers properly.
The Fallen Corrins explicitly say that their friends and family helped them regain control of themselves and that they're ashamed for hurting Azura, so unless these Corrins both hail from a world where their dragon blood is inexplicably significantly more powerful and possessive than it ever was in Fates proper AND were summoned into Askr during the ridiculously short time-frame between being told that they went berserk and being given the dragonstone to stop that from happening again, the entire concept is broken from the start; all because IS couldn't just market a mute angry dragon to their playerbase in their gacha game.
It's the same reason they did what they did with Fallen Linus; sure, a mindless mute zombie isn't the most interesting of characters, but there was no need to include that version of the character into FEH if IS already knew they wouldn't sell well without heavy changes to the source material in order to make them more marketable.
I still note they made mute!Soren an unit lol
More seriously, as a rule of thumb, I'd prefer if FEH kept characterisations the character had in their original games even if, as you said, some alts definitely need to be... modified.
You mentionned the Fallen Corns, but in general, a lot of Fallen Heroes fall under that banner, Fallen Julia exists for the last half of the last chapter in FE4, Fallen Ike is an AU, Grima(sses) were created from scotch and glue, Fallen!Bilthis apparently cares about her kid (obviously an AU lol), etc etc...
I still am completely baffled at what they did with Fallen!Vigarde like sure, he was given lines from his zombie self in FE8, but the part where he goes "my power is to great for this vessel" or something is completely bonkers, Fomortiis only possesses one dude from that family, and that dude is Lyon. Remove Fomor-Lyon moving zombie!Vigarde's strings, and Vigarde is barely something more, uh, "sentient" than Monica (yes, the one from FE8 if you're wondering).
I ranted enough about how I fucking hated the FB between Lyon and his possessed self - maybe to sell Lyon as something more than a mere tool played and sacrificed by Fomortiis who preyed on his ambitions - and if that was supposed to sell me more on Lyon, then good job devs, FEH's Lyon is, imo, not FE8!Lyon thus not the character I care about.
Granted, I rant and rant and rant, but I'm also someone who's overjoyed when, saaay, FEH pisses on the source material when the source material sucks, like Julia has more characterisation in her base intro than in her entire game(s) because the devs see her as something else than a falchion with legs, and I've already ranted about Fodlan, but in general, IS seems to want to "correct" some stuff that came out wrong in earlier games (or piss on certain lolcalisations).
And it's always kind of difficult, with seasonal units, to come up with lines, like take Deghinsea for instance, all of his lines in the games are, hm, very serious and not light at all. And yet, he has a cute Halloween alt that would feel in-character, so to say, with the giant bald lizard we kill at the end of FE10.
But when it comes to creating a new unit from scratch (Altina? Ullr?) sometimes things work because the new thing created from scratch feels coherent with the world they're supposed to come from, and sometimes it's way more, uh, muddy (Elimine?). And you can bet I'll be overjoyed if mythic!Willy is released, or mythic!Indech/Macuil, even if it means the devs will have to invent a lot of things to make those characters feel like characters and not... pixels with new skills (but then they didn't care about that when they made Nerthuz...).
In the end, I think it's still the old discussion when talking about a fanwork, is something OOC or IC ?
And even if Heroes was developped by IS too, like the base games, sometimes the OOC comes out too clearly. Sometimes, everything works because the fanwork that is heroes works. It all depends on the twist IS uses to, as you said, sell characters.
I just hope that potential remakes won't use FEH as a base (with the twist they brought to characters) but use the... game being remade as a base, even if it clashes with the FEH characterisation.
Like, I'd hate it if a Sacred Stones remake characterises Eirika only as the naive princess depicted in the FE13 DLC or the "I want to be like my brother" brave alt, while removing the "Enough. Hold your tongue." part of her character.
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tacticalphotography · 2 years
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orcelito · 1 year
feeling like
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this right now
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See here's the thing about 10/03 in FMA. We love to celebrate it as FMA Day and solemnly remember that a couple kids burnt down their house and all that, but here's the thing. Here's the thing. Y'all forgot that Edward was an eleven year old edgelord wannabe.
So just remember, if you will, what it's like to be eleven and thinking you're so cool and burning down your house for the ✨symbolism✨ because you ~can't afford to look back~ and then when you get your government license, you chicken scratch the date into it because you need to ~never forget~ that you burned your house down and can never look back because y'know, you'd forget that super easily if you didn't write it down in your diary pocket watch.
Just humor me for a second.
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protoformx · 1 year
haing a moment of desperate need to get away from living with my mother my god
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nekoprankster218 · 2 years
So the recent Nanahara Alliance event has made me realize that I love villains who were once completely pure or kind only for a tragic event to 180 their entire personality or even their whole worldview
They could've just made Orochi a generic bloodthirsty mythical monster, especially since her source material was already that, but they didn't. They made her a guardian of humanity that cherished her priestess so much that the cruel betrayal of that priestess for the sake of others' greed completely changed her. What's extra interesting is that it's not just a simple, "I want revenge for that day." From what I'm getting from her dialogue, she still recognizes humanity's capacity for innocence and kindness - which is why she wants to kill them while they're still in that state, before they either fall to temptation or are betrayed by those who fall. She wasn't just enraged by that day in her past, but her ideals also so twisted but still making sense for her original self.
It's so fascinating to see these types of villains in stories. For one, it reminds the viewer that pure evil is not the only way one become a villain, and that even those who seem innocent now can be become corrupted by anything. And in the case of them going at odds with protagonists with the same motivations and beliefs that the villain once had, I can think of a few different questions that add to the tension: What if the heroes end up like the villain? What if the villain bonds with and is changed by the heroes, only for the heroes to be betrayed? Would the villain spiral again like in the past?
Also as a side note: I also really like Minato's motivation throughout the storyline. I think it's more realistic and relatable - we don't just want to protect our loved ones, but we also want a safe future for ourselves to just live without worrying about conflict and heroics (even if we don't always actively think about it).
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i still haven’t grown out of my childhood habit of just fucking eating butter
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