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zonewaylee · 2 years ago
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soncee · 1 year ago
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Katara 🌊!!!
This urge to draw her probally came from the new atla live action. Idk if it's going to be good becuse my expectations are lowering with every new information we get. And i hate the whole art direction of the series. And don't even get me started on the costumes.
But putting that aside, ever since i watched atla 2 years ago, i couldn't wait to draw all the characters in digital medium ( : And here I am, finnaly doing so.
The patterns, tattos and jewerly are inspired by inuit coulture ( i know its not really accurate).
Anyway, I hope you like this piece
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cftr56784 · 1 year ago
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bigassbowlingballhead · 13 days ago
It was the cash me outside girl. Who’s apparently feuding with someone named Alabama?
An irl just sent me a video of some girl shaking her ass and said “I never thought I’d be on her side” and I have ZERO clue who this nice woman shaking her ass is.
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pine-rhyme · 6 months ago
Today we thinking what if Anastasia knew Māori. Do you think maybe she had a moko and John freted awkwardly around her the first days before he gathered his courage to finally salute her in Māori? Surprised but very kind she salutes back. John instantly becomes a puppy when around her and often attempts to speak his rusty Māori around her, like a secret they are both partakers into, immensely pleased that there are families out there that kept their traditions and languages even if it would have happened outside his control. But the she kindly stops him, forgiving herself that her knowledge of the language only goes as far as a few phrases. Her mother only knew very few words, she can speak even less than her.
This momentarily sets John aback but he offers to teach her (from the little he knows himself), so she could teach it to her children (gesturing towards her already visible stomach).
She laughs bitterly. She wouldn't want to keep him from more important business. But he still finds time to teach her. He desperately wants to reconnect with his coulture. He obsessively latches to Anastasia.
We don't know for sure what happens next. She becomes a sewn tongue? Takes the silent vow? Retreats into the tomb before her children come of age?
Thousands years later John with almost the same emotion and apprehension salutes Harrow with a very akward "kia ora". She doesn't understand. The language was lost entirely in time. He cannot manage to connect to her in any meaningful way.
He could have done better for her. He could have passed down the generational knowledge. He could have been her parent.
Except she wouldn't accept his teachings.
He renames his daughter Kiriona.
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ndcultureis · 1 year ago
Ableism cw
ND coulture is costantly having to mark people as unsafe to unmask around bc they keep using cluster B disorders as insults or talk about violently ableist media like it's "too nice to those freaks"
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syscultureis · 1 year ago
Plural Coulture for me is i think I'm merging. I have the amnesia thing and been doing good for a while now with no gaps. No signs of switching, no blacking out mid convo or softly over time to later front again. I will miss Three, Five and Seven.
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thenightfolknetwork · 1 year ago
I'm a musicaly inclined merperson. This isnt normally a problem undersea, but . . . I like the violin, and it doesent like the water. . . It wss quite a feat getting one. And keeping it dry. Old wood n all that.
I've taken to practising in shallow rivers here and there. And, unfortionately, caused somewhat of a scandal in the sapio community. Since I, as most merfolk do, not wear a shirt. This has turned out to be a big coultural "no-no" topside.
I hope I do not need to state the obvious; we are not indecent, we just do things differently. Which is why I stay midrif down in the water. And of course cover up any particularly sensitive parts above that in our traditional way.
Even so. There has stirred up "folk-lore" about me. As "the naked one" or "the fiddler in the river". . . And now I havent been able to practise because of. . . embarresment.
I love playing the violin. And, wearing a shirt could work, but getting me, it, and my violin is the tricky part. As my reputation is tarnished "for fear of drowning" its even harder hard to get the logistics together.
And well. I could find something the sapio's wear for water work. But Ive been informed by Drögr, a fellow water dweller with an even worse reputation than mine, that such garments have further "scandalous stigma" accosiated about them worn above water. Their norms are apparently very complex about such things.
Im confused. Have. . . Am I. . . Indecent?. Should I just quit my passion?. I've only played as deep into their public woods as I could get. And I fear the violin would get hurt by the damp from all the extra further travel. And I wish to stress, I wear "our" clithes. Nit just theirs.
Thank you in advance
You said it yourself, reader – you are not “indecent”, you just do things differently. There is no reason at all you should feel yourself bound by the norms of a culture to which you do not belong.
Social taboos around nudity vary wildly from culture to culture even in the sapio world. The people who object to your clothing choices are not referring to any objective reality, or even universal sapio custom. They are, in fact, so profoundly blinkered by their own cultural lens that they're incapable of accepting the existence of other social norms.
It hardly needs to be said that this rigid world-view is not going to serve them well in life. But that is not your problem. You aren't responsible for managing other people's feelings, and you certainly don't have to adopt their customs and habits just to make them more comfortable.
You aren't doing anything wrong, reader. The naked body is not inherently obscene, no matter what genus it belongs to. And you do not have to cover yourself for the sake of other people's shame.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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landonknox · 1 month ago
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Me and Ashley Allen behind the scenes for Coulture Magazine
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7upofficial · 10 months ago
the way "latin" culture and "slavic" culture are polar opposites almost is fascinating to me. like an axis of coldness vs. warmth and another of spirituality vs. laicism, even though latin coulture could be described as warm and slavic culture could be described as cold. theres many customs we share but the perspective on them is totally different
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artcallednaturalviews · 8 months ago
World Live janega Show The world in a bill dick Or rather verdict Pull the blocks out Who falls Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure She pours her passions Upon all of US and the rest of the World Obviously not watching Due pray & wish Maybe notice will be next year With continued to lower more standards The better will be for! Besides, you’re insured! Maybe part of Pro25 Is to keep you lower! (Should been read as a commodity) Reserves are always low World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure El low The low By an x human Similar to the animals Near extinct in species If We (US) only defined ourselves prior Where did Covid coulture that petri go! Last alone drug test Now that other country has cloned you And we (cause I’m talking to sames) never get anywhere You’re And have been cloned No not you they threw that sample but The REST of Us sits in results You saw you We bleed near on another Under the concrete The palo deities Are you, Apache or Navajo ? Not even from this Continent! May have sum blood sequestered for Get ready Physical no nah physicol Realm My life depended on medical assurance Pay hold still don’t sick Paid for nothing Being healthy Diablo unhealthy and steaming with out a name before brought by Jesus lived in a den Never World Wide until White Man I wore multiple blue targets Now I’m Tiger Roaring for a sleep……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. How many the times………………………………………………. ………………added after Shut down Covid The dots not part of my family Just lost in Country Never believing in a World That other Dude, didn’t either The life 2024 years ago was flat We all global NOW Intellect Or Educated They all Leaders Fight against Scalp a Well it was near a closed (He was only twenty) Paid for however! It was Toucan fruit loops or fruity people’s Not the emplace of love Add chocolates Like chalk tasting corporations Empowering indivisible’s with Justice and Awe Under weather Who made out better! A world Wide Jane go show! Pad or plug Can’t somthing else In bleeding! You could haves it Just have it And irredisregard a planted Human In the other State Not have it They never add income brackets to deceased of our days! We could see who is killing who! I heard of how many Violent attacks (A not a one shot an ear) It trivial in violence politics Not for you or me Under 2nd That’s for them We never see! Unless covert and calculations Like don’t be violent or fallow the leaders! Not Honda commercial Or may be I am Don’t pull my buds on apocalypse Sinnister under neath wanting in Not counted as Refugee (If you can make it across a field) Prior to NFL sports Prior to the late unknowingly U S of A That rugby, that a bushel basket suspended That’s like swatting slave over in a plantation We have solo Soon to be Breakin’ Dancing in Olympic That USA made their own The owners did They did a round up World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure Is it to long now making you cough that was added in fees Better there than there And screwing me all up After Thelma and Lois I knew everything Add Requiem, a Blender
You can’t govern ur own bodies
Allow government to make you
Your medical insurance is always a top priority
Why couldn’t you
Be healthy
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kelolololol · 1 year ago
couple years ago i would NEVER describe myself as patriotic bcs patriotism was defined (ofc mostly by school) as "going to war to fight for your contry" and it was always "these young people, almost your age, were dying for this country and youre just making yrself cozy!!!!" and mostly bcs of that i couldnt separate folklore, community and art from government but now ive learned my lesson and now ik that being patriotic is loving your coulture and being proud of yourself, not of how much bloodshed was caused to gain boarders
another sad thing is that we must separate society from government
alsoooo to add on the war thing - mandatory recruitment in the army is the biggest bullshit ever bcs you basically want to make a shield from flesh that wont even do its job properly and be a big fucking ballast
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soncee · 6 months ago
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Aegons fits ( he is such a dilf in my mind)
Aegon had long beatiful hair, argue with a wall
Tell why HOTD is so ducking unoriginal when it comes to costumes/world design. Like why are targs at the HEIGHT OF THEIR POWER dressed like some midd lords or merchants. Like I'm sorry but the costumes this season were so ugly I can't. I hated every single of Rhaenyra's dresses ecxept the red one and the dragon riding one. But everyone else? Unoriginal or poorly made, basic or straight up ugly. Men had better fits then women. The targs are souposed to be the descendas of the most technologicaly advanced empire in the history of planetos. Where the fuck is their coulture? Cultural clothes, dances, traditional armor, practices... Why aren't any baby dragons with the targ children in the red keep / dragonstone? Where is some ancient martial art? And the season is so underwelming. Oh and abaut Alicent : everyone is yapping abaut the shift in her character, but inconsistency was already there in the 1. season. In ep 6 and 7 she is a bitch, but then Nyra and her in some way made peace with each other ep 8 at the dinner scene and in ep 9 she is the inconsisten alicent everyone hates in s2. And wtf is Daemon even doing. And half of the actors can't act on this show. And my dilf's crown is the ugliest crown I have ever seen in a TV show. Why doesn't Baela have short hair? WHERE IS MY BLOODTHRSTY ELITEST BITCH QUEEN RHAENYRA AND HER EVIL RESENTFUL EX BESTIE?
W H E R E D I D G O O D W R I T I N G GO !!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I'll try posting oce a week/two weeks becuse school started
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blackshoeblog · 1 year ago
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Repost from @mario.bemer (Grazie Mario!) Super Trunk Show NY. Such a pleasure to meet up with old friends and meet new ones. @mario.bemer #truemariobemer #mariobemer #sandra #shoes #handmade #goodyearwelted #handsewing #supertrunkshow #friends #clientes #artisan #artisanal #quality #coulture #consorzioverapelle #cuoioditoscana #florence #firenze #madeinflorence #madeinitaly🇮🇹 andrel42
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i-like-it-freaky · 2 years ago
If there’s any Butch Dawson/Freaky/JPEGMAFIA fans curious about Llamadon, JiveTofu is a great channel from around that time that has a handful of neat vids. Promos, old music videos, Freaky puking, ect.
Very interesting stuff.
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wonusite · 2 years ago
So i just read a post on reddit about a girl whose native language is eng learning danish for her bf
Now think about svt men learning your native for you cuz you are so dear to them and they want to learn more about you and your coulture
I cant
Also my native language is similar to chinese and korean and (this is my red flag but) i feel like i could learn korean easyly and chinese if i tried and can you imagine their shock and adoration when they learn what you have been doing to surprise them, i feel like (especially c-line) would be so ready and eager to teach you about their coulture and help you learn harder phrases
stop that’s the cutest thing ever! 🥺
actually i think you’re right. like they would all be so endeared and smiley that you want to learn their native language and just be so eager to help you!
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