#your may add cynics
artcallednaturalviews · 2 months
World Live janega Show The world in a bill dick Or rather verdict Pull the blocks out Who falls Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure She pours her passions Upon all of US and the rest of the World Obviously not watching Due pray & wish Maybe notice will be next year With continued to lower more standards The better will be for! Besides, you’re insured! Maybe part of Pro25 Is to keep you lower! (Should been read as a commodity) Reserves are always low World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure El low The low By an x human Similar to the animals Near extinct in species If We (US) only defined ourselves prior Where did Covid coulture that petri go! Last alone drug test Now that other country has cloned you And we (cause I’m talking to sames) never get anywhere You’re And have been cloned No not you they threw that sample but The REST of Us sits in results You saw you We bleed near on another Under the concrete The palo deities Are you, Apache or Navajo ? Not even from this Continent! May have sum blood sequestered for Get ready Physical no nah physicol Realm My life depended on medical assurance Pay hold still don’t sick Paid for nothing Being healthy Diablo unhealthy and steaming with out a name before brought by Jesus lived in a den Never World Wide until White Man I wore multiple blue targets Now I’m Tiger Roaring for a sleep……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. How many the times………………………………………………. ………………added after Shut down Covid The dots not part of my family Just lost in Country Never believing in a World That other Dude, didn’t either The life 2024 years ago was flat We all global NOW Intellect Or Educated They all Leaders Fight against Scalp a Well it was near a closed (He was only twenty) Paid for however! It was Toucan fruit loops or fruity people’s Not the emplace of love Add chocolates Like chalk tasting corporations Empowering indivisible’s with Justice and Awe Under weather Who made out better! A world Wide Jane go show! Pad or plug Can’t somthing else In bleeding! You could haves it Just have it And irredisregard a planted Human In the other State Not have it They never add income brackets to deceased of our days! We could see who is killing who! I heard of how many Violent attacks (A not a one shot an ear) It trivial in violence politics Not for you or me Under 2nd That’s for them We never see! Unless covert and calculations Like don’t be violent or fallow the leaders! Not Honda commercial Or may be I am Don’t pull my buds on apocalypse Sinnister under neath wanting in Not counted as Refugee (If you can make it across a field) Prior to NFL sports Prior to the late unknowingly U S of A That rugby, that a bushel basket suspended That’s like swatting slave over in a plantation We have solo Soon to be Breakin’ Dancing in Olympic That USA made their own The owners did They did a round up World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure Is it to long now making you cough that was added in fees Better there than there And screwing me all up After Thelma and Lois I knew everything Add Requiem, a Blender
You can’t govern ur own bodies
Allow government to make you
Your medical insurance is always a top priority
Why couldn’t you
Be healthy
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mr-ribbit · 7 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
Channeled messages from your divine counterpart's higher self.
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Images were found on Pinterest. In this reading, I have used several oracles, including one I made myself. This oracle provides us with songs that may hold significant messages for us. You may want to listen to the songs as you are reading the channeled messages or add them to your playlist.
Group 1
Songs : Sweater weather - The Neighbourhood, MIA - Bad Bunny feat Drake, Find me - SIGMA feat Birdy Merlin oracle :
Everything is fine. Don't worry.
Guinevra Queen of Arthur - There is no king without a queen : you need both feminine and masculine. Combine your thinking, your sensitivity and creativity to your decision making skills and your actions. It is in this fair and balanced union that fruitful projects are birthed.
The power of mischief - Laugh, laugh and laugh : If life is being tricky, laugh with it. If it is burlesque, make fun of it. If it is cynical, fuck with it. Facing it's provoking, remember that the more time goes by, the less it will matter. So laugh it off!
Cavansite - Expand your consciousness. Tourmalined quartz - Restore your perfect light. Copper - Energize your whole world. Spirit animals : Arctic fox, black cat, white shark Key words : being your true self, leaving behind old beliefs, noticing the toxic patterns in and around you, spirituality, intuition, mystery, Bangchan stan
I know you are trying to reach me. I can feel you in the air I breathe, on the tip of my tongue whenever I wake up from a (wet) dream. I know you wish to find me sooner than later. That you long for me as much as I long for you. But the universe has other plans. And I'm too busy anyway. I know it's a harsh thing to say considering all the love you have for me. Believe me, I couldn't be any happier to have you as my forever after. My partner in crime. But right now isn't the time. I have so much left to do. So many things to cleanse and dust off. I cannot hold space for you, no matter how much I wish you were in my life. Yes, it's painful. Yes, I think about us every day. Yes, I want you more than anything in the world. But there are surely more interesting things for you to do than to worry about my whereabouts and my well being. I don't want you to lose sleep over me. I don't want you to deprive yourself of good times, opportunities, love for me. I want you to live. To experiment. To have fun. I want you to be the soul everyone talks about. The heart of the party. The sunshine that doesn't need anyone to radiate their light. I don't want you to wait for me in vain. I don't want to be a burden to you. I know deep in my soul that if we both give our best and be present for the things and people that matter to us, that if we both deliver then surely our paths will cross. I know deep in my heart that all paths lead to you. And I want you to believe that too. There is no such thing as making the wrong turn. So please don't reject anyone or anything just because you think I wouldn't like it. Live your life. Speak your truth. Be you. And love yourself just as much as I love you. Talk to you later. *sends spiritual hug*
Group 2
Songs : At my worst - Pink Sweats, Life goes on - AGUSTD, 3:00 AM - Finding Hope Spirit animals : Scarab, Scorpio, Dragon
Serpentine - Awaken your reptilian nature. Celestite - Tune in to your serenity. Kunzite - Open up your love channel.
Merlin oracle :
Once upon a time, Merlin - Raise your potential : You were born with considerable internal resources. Honor the gifts that were passed down to you. Raise your potential and embrace from now on what you were destined to be. You have all that is needed to succeed!
King Uther Pendragon - Serve what is dear to your heart : if you have rights, you also have duties. By honoring them, you will earn respect and love from those whom you hold dear. Ask yourself what you duties are in this situation and you shall know what to do.
Pixies spell - Let go : If you're feeling lost, discover new horizons. Keep your mind busy with light occupations to ward off worries. Letting go is the best way to find your way back.
The round table - There is no Grand or Little man : you are as respectable, capable, important as any other being. You are important to the fates that intertwine to create new stories. Dare to act, express, fight for and honor. Show what you are made of.
Keywords : Seonghwa stan, animal crossing, showing your true colors, arthurian legends, mythology nerd, heaven on earth
This time again I had a dream. A dream where someone or something took you away from me. When I looked deeper, I saw my reflection in the eyes of the beast. And I understood that the only thing keeping me away from you was myself. I am scared to death. Scared that you won't love me for who I am. I'm afraid that my anger and my fire will burn you. I am not an easy person to be with. More than once, I have disappointed people around me. I disappointed myself. I'm afraid that I can't make you happy and give you the love and respect you deserve. You are like royalty. And I feel like a mere peasant. I'm afraid I have nothing much to bring to the table. I fear that I will dim your light instead of protecting and enhancing it. All kings have a queen. But if I'm a peasant, how could I ever dream to stand by your side? How could I ever raise to your level? I feel like there are worlds between us and terrible beasts to be slain before I can ever get to you. The journey ahead seems frightening. And I don't know where it will lead. If the path were to take me through hell only to make me lose you, I would never be able to forgive myself. I would never recover. So please, don't break my heart. And if you can, save yourself. Don't burn your wings trying to get me out of the well I fell in. Promise?
Group 3
Songs : My Power - Beyoncé, Comflex - Stray Kids, Don't go yet - Camilla Cabello Spirit animals : arctic fox, sea turtle, scorpion
Jet - Claim your space. Bismuth - Rewrite your code with rainbows. Sodalite - Deepen your intuition.
Keywords : Changbin and LeeKnow stans, self worth, body image issues, speaking your truth, destiny, intensity, blues, mental wellness, Blue Monday, Jutdae, Black Panther
Merlin oracle :
Arthur's fate - Be the hero of your own destiny.
The power of authenticity - Go beyond appearances.
The power of mischief - Laugh, laugh and laugh!
I feel so lucky to have you in my life. When I think of you, my heart lightens up because I know how special you are. You bow to no one and yet, somehow, you chose to let me in. You chose to trust me when no one would. To believe in me when all abandoned me. Surely, you must be a wizard or some deity. An angel maybe. Because never would I have ever thought that someone would care about me so deeply. I have never met someone like you. Someone so brave and powerful, so loving and kind, generous, fierce and loyal to a fault. I'm so addicted to you. In your energy, I feel safe and protected. I'm usually the kind to appear strong and fight for the people I love. But with you, I feel like I can be myself and let my guards down. With you, I know I will never be judged. I know I can be vulnerable without fearing that you'll stab me in the back. People have done that to me before, you know? But I know you would never. I trust you with my life. I can't wait to meet you. Where you at? What you up to? Do you miss me? Cause I sure as hell do. I want you all to myself. I know you are my destiny. Let's have fun together, shall we? I love you to the moon and back. Don't you dare forget me! Oh and no matter what you think, you are amazing. Don't let people bring you down, sunshine.
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rainystarters · 7 months
๋࣭ ⭑𓆩✧𓆪🗡ྀ࿔ 〖 and other stories . . . 〗 a collection of dialogue + action prompts inspired by angela carter's the bloody chamber and other stories. some prompts usfw. add +reversed for the muse receiving the meme to perform the action instead. adjust details as necessary.
dialogue :
are you sure you want to marry him?
oh! how you must want me!
i had never been vain until i met you.
anticipation is the greater part of pleasure.
all the better to see you.
what is that key? the key to your heart?
every man must have one secret, even if only one, from his wife.
all is yours, everywhere is open to you.
but now... what shall i do now?
my darling, i cannot wait for the moment when you make me yours completely.
there is a striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer.
you are in some great distress.
any bride brought to a castle should come ready dressed in mourning.
oh god. i can smell the blood.
i thought all these were old wives' tales, chattering of fools, spooks to scare bad children into good behavior!
can't it wait until morning, my darling?
who can say what i deserve or no?
i've done nothing; but that may be sufficient reason for condemning me.
i have a place prepared for your exquisite corpse upon my display of flesh.
good fellow? i am no good fellow.
forgive me for robbing your garden!
all she wanted, in the whole world, was one white, perfect rose.
and what else was there to be done?
they are the death of any tender herbivore.
so late! you will want sleep.
you will come back to me? it will be lonely here, without you.
i will come back. soon, before the winter is over.
i am sick and i must die.
if you'll have me, i'll never leave you.
i think i might be able to manage a little breakfast today.
i have lost my pearl, my pearl beyond price.
if you are so careless of your treasure, you should expect them to be taken from you.
for all my pride, my heart is heavy.
if you wish to give me money, then i should be pleased to receive it.
i shall twist a noose out of my bed linen and hang myself with it.
you are a woman of honor.
nothing human lives here.
we have dispensed with servants.
take off my clothes for you, like a ballet girl? is that all you want of me?
all cats are cynics.
you read my thoughts, my love.
the woods enclose. the wood swallows you up.
all will fall still, all lapse.
it is easy to lose yourself in these woods.
i thought that nobody was in the wood but me.
there are some eyes can eat you.
sometimes the birds, at random, all singing, strike a chord.
eat me, drink me.
dive in and fetch it for me.
now you are at the place of annihilation.
and she is herself a cave full of echoes, she is a system of repetitions, she is a closed circuit.
can a bird sing only the song it knows or can it learn a new song?
beauty is a symptom of disorder, of soullessness.
a single kiss woke up the sleeping beauty in the wood.
be he alive or be he dead.
coffee. you must have coffee.
welcome. welcome to my chateau.
i rarely receive visitors and that's a misfortune since nothing animates me half as much as the presence of a stranger.
this place is so lonely.
now the village is deserted.
often i am so silent that i think i, too, will soon forget how to do so and nobody will ever talk any more.
i must apologize for the lack of light.
you have such a fine throat, like a column of marble.
i am condemned to solitude and dark.
i do not mean to hurt you.
i will be very gentle.
and could love free me from the shadows?
i've been waiting for you in my wedding dress, why have you delayed for so long.
you will feel no pain, my darling.
so delicate and damned, poor thing. quite damned.
the end of exile is the end of being.
it is a northern country; they have cold weather, they have cold hearts.
the devil is as real as you or i.
do not leave the path.
you are always in danger in the forest.
they are as unkind as plague.
fear and flee the wolf; for, worst of all, the wolf may be more than he seems.
besides, aren't you afraid of the wolves?
actions :
clasp. from behind, the sender places their hands over the receiver's eyes.
opera. through opera glasses, the sender watches the receiver.
choker. the sender fastens a gemstone necklace around the receiver's neck.
carriage. the sender locks the receiver in with them in their train compartment.
spine. the sender presses a kiss to the back of the receiver's bare neck.
cigar. the sender leans in and blows smoke in the receiver's face.
ermine. the sender wraps the furs around the receiver tighter as the snow falls.
keys. the sender silently enters the room and listens to the receiver play piano.
harem. the sender undresses the receiver before a collection of mirrors.
lazy. the sender brings the receiver breakfast in bed.
call. the sender calls the receiver and bursts into tears upon hearing their voice.
note. the sender discovers a love letter sent to the receiver from a previous lover.
death. the sender finds the receiver with the body of their latest victim.
hospitality. the sender watches from the shadows as the receiver take refuge from a storm in the sender's seemingly abandoned home.
servant. invisible, the sender feeds/washes/cares for the receiver.
hearth. the sender and the receiver talk past midnight by the fire's light.
hands. the sender falls to their knees before the receiver and kisses their hands.
bouquet. the sender has a hundred white roses sent to the receiver.
reunion. the sender lays eyes upon the receiver for the first time in an age.
bad luck. the sender hangs their head having lost a bet to the receiver.
voice. the sender sends their valet to speak their desires to the receiver.
powder. the sender dresses/makes up the receiver before an important night.
stallion. the sender grabs the reins of the receiver's horse and leads them away.
weep. the sender cries at the sight of the receiver in such a state.
dry. the sender brushes a tear from the receiver's cheek.
flush. the sender pinches the receiver's skin, watching it redden with blood.
prey. the sender guides the receiver's hands as together they skin a rabbit.
song. the sender sings and the receiver is spellbound, their feet following their song's command.
caught. the sender locks the receiver into a cage.
green. by the sender's command, the growth begins to take over the receiver.
tarot. the sender tells the receiver they are doomed to a sad fate.
stain. the sender touches the bloodstain on the receiver's white negligée.
wild. the sender rides hard through the night, chasing the receiver.
thirst. the sender sinks their teeth into the neck of the receiver.
china. the sender pours tea for the receiver and offers them biscuits.
blemish. the sender explores the receiver's skin and finds the mark of a witch.
wolf. the wolf reveals themself to be the sender before the receiver.
muzzle. the sender kisses the monstrous mouth of the receiver.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 22, Untold - Pt. 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, alcohol consumption, strippers,
Word Count: 1.5k
Previously On...: Tony expressed his concerns about you going on this mission.
A/N: When Tony Met Pocket!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
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Boston, 2002
The bass inside the club was pounding, reverberating through the air and your skull as you made your way onto the floor. The day had already been unbearably long, and after your shift tonight, you still had a mountain of reading to do for your Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms class. But, MIT courses didn’t come cheap, even at two classes a semester, and you needed every penny you could make from your shifts at Beantown Burlesque. It would make more sense, financially, to work a club closer to the college, but the idea of running into any of your classmates or, god forbid, your professors, made the extra time and money you spent commuting from Cambridge to inner Boston completely worth it. 
Not that you expected a lot of tips tonight. It would have been better if you’d been scheduled to work the stage before they sent you to the floor; you were always requested for more lap dances after the patrons had seen you work the pole. You’d just have to work your ass off to entice a couple of lonely men into the VIP booth. But that always came with the additional task of fighting off requests for additional “services.” You may have been desperate for cash, but you were quite done with having your body sold for money, thank you.
You made your way over to the bar, hoping to get some intel on tonight’s patrons so you could shoot your best shot. 
“How’s it goin’ tonight, Cherry Pie?” the bartender, Mac, asked, using the pseudonym you’d chosen for your stage name when you started at the club a year ago. 
“No complaints yet, Mac,” you said, gratefully accepting the glass of water he offered you– it was important to stay hydrated, after all, “but then again, the night is very young.”
Mac let out a gruff laugh as he wiped down a glass. “You’re too young to be so cynical, Cherr,” he said.
You shrugged. That was an understatement. “Any good prospects tonight?” you asked, leaning your elbows on the bartop.
Mac nodded his chin toward a group of young men sitting close to the stage. “That group over there’s racked up a pretty big tab so far. Think they’re from the MIT alumni conference.” That piqued your interest. Beantown Burlesque might not be the ideal place to network, but you’d honestly take whatever you could get.
“They seem decent enough?” you asked Mac.
“About as decent as any group of blokes that come here,” he offered. “But they’ve been pretty respectful so far; no one’s tried to put hands anywhere they shouldn’t.”
“Good enough for me,” you told him. With a parting wave, you sauntered over to the group, making sure to put some extra sway in your hips. As you approached, you surveyed the collection of men. They all seemed to be centering their focus on one man in particular– he was dark haired with a goatee and wearing a pair of tinted glasses and looked vaguely familiar, though you couldn’t place where you might have seen him before. You clocked his expensive loafers and custom Armani suit, and the way the others around him laughed a little too loudly at what he was saying. 
That’s the one, you thought to yourself. He had the money. If you were going to make your rent on time this month, he was the one you’d need to impress.
“You boys fancy some company tonight?” you asked once you approached the group. The man with the goatee leaned forward, a sure sign of interest, and looked at you over the lens of his glasses.
“Well, gorgeous,” he said with a smirk, “we're not ones to turn down an offer for good companionship, especially from someone as captivating as you. But let's be real, the question is whether you can keep up with us. Think you're ready for the challenge?”
Oh, this one was cocky. You could work with that. You trailed your fingertips along the tops of his shoulders as you made your way around to the table in front of him. Without breaking eye contact, you picked up the double shot of whiskey sitting there and downed the entire thing in one swig without flinching.
The other men in the group whooped and hollered at your display, but the man with the goatee just studied you with a peculiar look on his face. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” he asked.
“You can call me Cherry Pie,” you said as you began swaying your hips to the rhythm of the music coming through the speakers. 
“I didn’t ask what they call you here,” he said, leaning back as you put your hands on his shoulder and began swaying in between his legs. “I asked for your name.”
“You haven’t spent nearly enough to earn that, honey,” you said as you gyrated. 
The man laughed at that, then, reaching for his wallet, pulled out a handful of crisp, one hundred dollar bills. He gently tucked them into the waistband of your bottoms. “How’s that?”
You looked at the bills tucked into your underwear. By your guess, there was about eight hundred dollars there. You just might make rent, after all. “It’s a start,” you shrugged, beginning your tried and true lap dance routine.
One of the other men in the group let out a loud laugh. “She’s sure got your number, Stark!”
At the name, your eyes shot to the man with the goatee’s face, and it suddenly clicked for you. “Holy shit,” you breathed. “You’re Tony Stark.”
Stark smiled. “Guilty as charged, sweetheart.”
“Your company’s network security sucks ass,” you told him, the words coming out of your mouth before you could stop them.
He quirked an eyebrow at that. “Excuse me?”
Fuck. “Uh, nothing, sorry. Forget I said anything.” You put a renewed vigor back into your dance.
“Um, no.” Stark said, grasping your wrist firmly enough to encourage you to stop dancing, but gently enough to let you know he posed you no threat. “I want to hear how a stripper knows the faults of my network security.”
You blushed at that. “I, uh, may have broken in the back door and temporarily held your system hostage for ten minutes last May,” you confessed.
“That was you?” Stark exclaimed. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he sounded… impressed. “You paralyzed our entire operation!”
“Yeah… sorry about that.” Well, you could kiss any further tips goodbye, that was for sure.
“Why’d you relinquish control back to us?” he asked. “You could have held it for ransom; we would have paid whatever you asked for.”
Huh. You had never even considered doing that. “Well, um, actually, I did it as part of a final project? For my Engineering Ethics and Professionalism course at MIT?”
Stark cocked his head at you. “With Erickson?” You nodded, and Stark actually laughed. “He still a narcissistic son of a bitch?”
You chuckled and nodded. “Sexist, too. He nearly shat a brick when he had to watch a mere girl bring a Fortune 500 company to its knees.”
Stark laughed, heartily. “I’ll bet he did! What I wouldn’t have given to see his face!”
“I set up a camera to record it,” you told him. “I can make you a copy of the VHS, if you want. I needed to capture the moment for posterity.”
From there, the atmosphere and your position in the group shifted. You were no longer the entertainment. Tony (he insisted you call him that) invited you to join him as his equal, and for the next several hours, he picked your brain, testing your knowledge and asking you questions about yourself, much to the displeasure of the rest of his group. One by one, they departed, until it was just the two of you. You were having the time of your life. You figured you’d never again have the opportunity to sit back and just hang out with such an icon of the tech community, and you were going to make the most of it. Now, here you were playing a game of Never Have I Ever.
“Never have I ever sheared a sheep,” Tony said with a grin.
“Why, Mr. Stark,” you said, bringing your glass to your lips (you failed to mention that, technically, you weren’t legally old enough to drink), “you haven’t truly lived until you’ve shorn the raw wool from an unwilling ewe.”
“You’re shitting me,” Tony said, laughing.
You took the glass from your lips without drinking. “You got me,” you told him. I grew up in Dayton. Not a whole lotta opportunities for sheep shearing there.”
A mischievous glint came into Tony’s eyes. “Your shift’s got to be almost over,” he said. “What do you say, Cherry Pie? Wanna go shear a sheep?”
“(Y/N),” you told him. “My name’s (Y/N), and I would fucking love to.”
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floralcyanide · 1 year
𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧!𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫
cillian murphy!oppenheimer x reader
DISCLAIMER: this is fanfiction. it isn’t real. Oppenheimer is a real person, however Cillian!Oppenheimer is not. he is a character. if you have something bad to say just keep it in the drafts (:
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“let's all go play Nagasaki, we can all get vaporized. hold my hand, let's turn to ash. I'll see you on the other side.” - 137 by Brand New
warnings: spoilers for Oppenheimer, descriptions of nuclear bomb/ explosion, fear
word count: 1316
author's note: I love Cillian so much, and he did so good in Oppy!! I just had to write about it. please keep in mind there are spoilers in this, don't read if you haven't seen the movie. also, there's only like, one other fic on here for Cillian!Oppy which is sad but I'm sure there'll be more soon. (:
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
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For the last few nights, Robert has woken up abruptly from his sleep. He’ll sit upright and pant, trying his best to catch his breath. It alarms you every time he does this despite him acting like it didn’t happen. But you know he doesn’t go back to sleep after because you feel him toss and turn until morning. Test day is tomorrow, and you can feel Robert’s nervous energy radiating off him. This was it- this was the epitome of his life’s work, and if it failed, he would be lost. And you’re torn between wanting it not to work for humanity’s sake and wanting it to work for Robert’s. 
You have worked alongside your husband for many years despite the pushback from society. But he knows your intelligence and insisted you be involved in the Project. He refused to have anything to do with it unless you assisted him. Lieutenant Groves reluctantly agreed, but he still knew just how capable you were to help with the Project. 
You’re very much a housewife outside of work, though. Despite being a knowledgeable person, you still have duties at home. You’re busy folding laundry when Robert exits the bedroom after getting ready for a meeting. It was the last one before tomorrow’s events. Robert doesn’t say much to you before bidding his farewell and heading out. It wasn’t abnormal for him to mumble a goodbye before putting his hat on and leaving without anything else said. He was reserved unless it was necessary to say something. That’s one thing you admired about Robert; he could be cynical and sarcastic yet humble and a man of few words. 
You would attend a later meeting that evening, so it’s possible you may not see Robert until bedtime. You aren’t worried about him not kissing your son goodnight or missing dinner. You mostly worry he won’t sleep enough.
Later in bed, you and Robert both lay on your backs, staring at the ceiling wordlessly. 
“How are you feeling?” you suddenly ask, breaking the eerie silence.
Robert opens his mouth before shutting it again, shrugging.
You sigh, turning on your side to face him, “I can feel you have nightmares, you know.”
Robert cuts his eyes toward you before giving in and rolling over to face you as well, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” you furrow your brow, “There’s nothing to be sorry for. What we’re- what you’re doing is incredibly stressful and world-changing. It’s normal to be anxious over it.”
“That’s exactly why I’m anxious.”
“Which part?”
“The world-changing part.”
You’re quiet for a moment before answering, “What do you dream about?”
Robert’s eyes study yours closely, searching for any instance of potential recoil from what he’s about to tell you. He searches even though he knows he won’t find it because Robert knows that you’d never leave him no matter what. Even if his nightmares were incomparable to even the most descriptive horror stories. What’s worse is that Robert knows no one has ever seen the results of a bomb the magnitude of the one he’s created. So it’s up to his imagination. And his imagination is one of grotesque imagery that he hopes won’t come to fruition.
“Death,” Robert says plainly, with a cold look, “Destruction. Everything in my dreams is obliterated by fire and disintegrates into ash, and even the ash turns into nothingness.”
You purse your lips, gently reaching your hand up to touch Robert’s cheek, running your thumb over his cheekbone.
“I don’t fear for me or for us. I fear for our children,” Robert gives a watery laugh, “And the world they’ll have to grow up in knowing that such weaponry exists.”
You tuck Robert’s head into your chest, “You are merely the creator, darling. You have no control over how they use your creation. And I know that worries you, but you cannot do much about it.”
“I know. You’re right. But the fact I’m the one responsible for such a destructive device,” Robert trails off.
“Your creation is for science exploration and nothing more,” you say, “Remember that tomorrow.”
When you awake at two in the morning to prepare for the test, Robert has already gotten up from bed. You figure he didn’t sleep and has already made his way down the street to prepare. You hurriedly get dressed, grab your son, and walk out the front door. You let your neighbor, one of the wives of another scientist, watch over your son while you and Robert are away. A vehicle has been sent to your home, probably by Robert, to retrieve you. The ride is quiet and bumpy. You figure they would take you to the main hall, but they keep driving into the desert. Everyone must already be at Trinity. 
Trinity is alight, with people who worked on the project scurrying around to find the perfect spot to watch the explosion. You climb off the vehicle and run to the tent where Robert resides with the others. A relieved smile grows on his face when he sees you walk in.
“I didn’t want to see this without you,” he says, pulling you in for a tight hug.
“Did you sleep at all?” you mutter into his shoulder.
“Unfortunately, no. But sleep can come later,” Robert says, returning to the detonation station. 
You cross your arms and walk around aimlessly, watching the scientists scramble to take their places and put sun shades on.
“Ninety minutes,” Robert says from behind you.
You turn around to look at him, a half smile growing on your face, “I’m proud of you.”
“And I’m proud of you, too. Without your suggestions, we may not be here,” Robert plays with a loose strand of your hair.
“I doubt that,” you chuckle, “Your brainpower alone has done the job.”
“I’ll see you on the other side,” Robert says.
After a little under an hour and a half of checking that everything was perfect and prepared, everyone took their places where they wanted to view the test. You’re next to Robert, with goggles on your face that match his. Both of you have ports to get a fantastic view. The countdown begins.
Everyone becomes dead silent as the bomb is detonated. The flash causes you to gasp, your eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness despite the goggles. When the light subsides, you see a mushroom cloud of nothing but fire beginning to rise to the atmosphere. Beside you, Robert grabs hold of your hand and grasps it tightly. 
“Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds,” Robert says with a haunting tone.
You remove your goggles along with everyone else as you squint against the harsh brightness. Before you is the most terrifying, breathtaking thing you’ve ever seen. A firestorm that is capable of mass destruction. A scientific miracle. But before anyone can relax, the sound of air rumbling and rushing toward the tent is heard. The sound of the explosion hits the viewing base violently. The blast wave smacks everyone as they brace themselves against the high wind. Once the hot gust of air subsides and the explosion tapers down, everyone begins to cheer and clap.
“We did it,” Robert says in disbelief before he looks up at you, “We actually did it.”
You nod, smiling at him proudly before engulfing him in a hug.
“I have destroyed the world,” Robert whispers in your ear, and you pull away to see an odd flash of emotion cross his face.
“You haven’t,” you whisper back, as people begin to approach your husband, “But you’ve changed it forever.”
As colleagues surround Robert and move him outside, you remain in the tent for a moment. You replay the mushroom-looking explosion in your head. You begin to ponder what the Manhattan Project’s creation will do for the world. And whether it’s good or bad.
Either way, everyone has been forever changed.
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tangibletechnomancy · 9 months
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The (Personal) Is (Political)
~7 hours, Dall-E 3 via Bing Image Creator, generated under the Code of Ethics of Are We Art Yet?
Or, Dear Microsoft and OpenAI: Your Filters Can't Stop Me From Saying Things: An interactive exercise in why all art is political and game of Spot The Symbols
A rare piece I consider Fully Finished simply as a jpeg, though I may do something physical with it regardless. "Director commentary" below, but I strongly encourage you to go over this and analyze it yourself before clicking through, then see how much your reading aligns with my intent.
Elements I told the model to add and a brief (...or at least inexhaustive) overview of why:
Anime style and character figures - Frequently associated with commercial "low" art and consumer culture, in East Asia and the English-speaking world alike, albeit in different ways - justly or otherwise. There is frequently an element of racism to the denigration of anime styles in the west; nearly any American artist who has taken formal illustration classes can tell you a story of being told that anime style will only hinder them, that no one will hire them if they see anime, or even being graded more harshly and scrutinized for potential anime-esque elements if they like anime or imply that they may like anime - including just by being Asian and young. On the other hand, it is true that there is a commercial strategy of "slap an anime girl on it and it will sell". The passion fans feel for these characters is genuine - and it is very, very exploitable. In fact, this commercialization puts anime styles in particular in a very contentious position when it comes to AI discussions!
Dark-skinned boy with platinum and pink [and blue] hair - Racism and colorism! They're a thing, no matter how much the worst people in the world want you to think they're long over and "critical race theory" is the work of evil anti-American terrorists! I chose his appearance because I knew that unless I was incredibly lucky, I would have to fight with this model for multiple hours to get satisfactory results on this point in particular - and indeed I did. It was an interesting experience - what didn't surprise me was how much work it took me to get a skin color darker than medium-dark tan; what did surprise me was that the hair color was very difficult to get right. In anime art, for dark skin to be matched with light hair and eyes is common enough to be...pretty problematic. Bing Image Creator/Dall-E, on the other hand, swings completely in the opposite direction and struggles with the concept of giving dark-skinned characters any hair color OTHER than black, demanding pretty specific phrasing to get it right even 70% of the time. (I might cynically call this yet another illustration against the pervasive copy-paste myth...) There is also much to say about the hair texture and facial features - while I was pleased to see that more results than I expected gave me textured hair and/or box braids without me asking for it, those were still very much in the minority, and I never saw any deviation from the typical anime facial structures meant to illustrate Asian and white characters. Not even once!
Pink and blue color palette - Our subject is transgender. Bias self-check time: did you make that association as quickly as you would with a light-skinned character, or even Sylveon?
Long hair, cute clothes, lots of accessories - Styling while transmasc is a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation, doubly so if you're not white. In many locations, the medical establishment and mainstream attitude demands total conformity to the dominant culture's standard conventional masculinity, or else "revoking your man card" isn't just a joke meant to uphold the idea that men are "better" than women, but a very real threat. In many queer communities, especially online, transmascs are expected to always be cute femboys who love pink (while transfems are frequently degraded and seen as threats for being butch), and being Just Some Guy is viewed as inherently a sign of assimilationism at best and abusiveness at worst. It is an eternal tug-of-war where "cuteness" and ornamentation are both demanded and banned at the same time. Black and brown people are often hypermasculinized and denied the opportunity to even be "cute" in the first place, regardless of gender. Long hair and how gender is read into it is extremely culture-dependent; no matter what it means to you, if anything, the dominant culture wherever you are will read it as it likes.
Trophies and medals - For one, the trans sports Disk Horse has set feminism back by nearly 50 years; I'm barely a Real History-Remembering Adult and yet I clearly remember a time when the feminist claim about gender in sports was predominantly "hey, it's pretty fucked up that sports are segregated by sex rather than weight class or similar measures, especially when women's sports are usually paid much less and given weirdly oversexualized uniforms," but then a few loud living embodiments of turds in the punch bowl realized that might mean treating trans people fairly and now it's super common for self-proclaimed feminists - mostly white ones - to claim that the strongest woman will still never measure up to the weakest man and this is totally a feminist statement because they totally want to PROTECT women (with invasive medical screenings on girls as young as 12 to prove they're Really Women if they perform too well, of course). For two, Black and brown people are stereotyped as being innately more sporty, physically strong, and, again, Masculine(TM) than others, which frequently intersects with item 1...and if you think it only affects trans women, I am sorry my friend but it is so much worse and more extensive than you think.
Hearts - They mean many things. Love. Happiness. Cuteness. Social media engagement?
TikTok - A platform widely known and hated around these parts for its arcane and deeply regressive algorithm; I felt it deserved to be name/layout/logodropped for reasons that, if they're not clear already, should become so in the final paragraph.
Computers, cameras and cell phones - My initial specification was that one of the phones should be on Instagram and another on TikTok, which the model instead chose to interpret as putting a TikTok sticker on the laptop, but sure, okay. They're ubiquitous in the modern day, for better and for worse. For all the debate over whether phones and social media are Good For Us or Bad For Us, the fact of the matter is, they seem to be a net positive-to-neutral, whose impacts depend on the person - but they do still have major drawbacks. The internet is a platform for conspiracy theories and pseudoscience and dangerous hoaxes to spread farther than ever before. Social media culture leaves many people feeling like we're always being watched and every waking moment of our lives must be Perfect - and in some senses, we are always being watched these days. Digital privacy is eroding by the day, already being used to enforce all the most unjust laws on the books, which leads to-
Pigs - I wrote the prompt with the intention that it would just be a sticker on the laptop, but instead it chose to put them everywhere, and given that I wanted to make a somewhat stealthy statement about surveillance, especially of the marginalized...thanks for that, Dall-E! ;)
Alligators - A counter to the pigs; a short-lived antifascist symbol after...this.
Details I did not intend but love anyway:
The blue in the hair - I only prompted for platinum and pink in the hair, but the overall color palette description "bled" over here anyway, completing the trans flag, making it even more blatant, and thus even more effective as a bias self-check.
The Macbook - I only specified a laptop. Hilariously ironic, to me, that a service provided through Bing interpreted "laptop" as "Macbook" nearly every time. In my recent history, 22 out of 24 attempts show, specifically, a Macbook. Microsoft v. OpenAI divorce arc when? ;) But also, let us not forget Apple's role in the ever-worsening sanitization of the internet. A Macbook with a TikTok sticker (or, well, a Tiikok sticker - recognizable enough) - I can think of little more emblematic of one of the main things I was complaining about, and it was a happy accident. Or perhaps an unhappy one, considering what it may imply about Apple's grip on culture and communications.
Which brings me to my process:
Generated over ~7 hours with Dall-E 3 through Bing Image Creator - The most powerful free tool out there for txt2img these days, as well as a nightmare of filters and what may be the most disgustingly, cloyingly impersonal toxic positivity I've ever witnessed from a tool. It wants to be Art(TM), yet it wants to ban Politics(TM); two things which are very much incompatible - and so, I wanted to make A Controversial Statement using only the most unflaggable, innocuous elements imaginable, no matter how long it took.
All art is political. All life is political. All our "defaults" are cultural, and therefore political. Anything whatsoever can be a symbol.
If you want all art to be a substance-free "look at the pretty picture :)" - it doesn't matter how much you filter, buddy, you've got a big storm coming.
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How to write a good Anti-Hero? How to find the perfect balence, lay out a good personality + backstory?
I love your blog so much! Your suggestions are so helpful💕
Writing a good Anti-Hero
I'm glad that my blog can be of assistance to you! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a well-rounded anti-hero:
Identify Their Key Traits: Start by identifying the key traits and characteristics of your anti-hero. Consider what makes them different from a traditional hero and how those traits contribute to their complex nature. Are they cynical, charismatic, or morally ambiguous? List these traits to have a clear picture of who they are.
Develop a Compelling Backstory: Create a backstory that justifies the anti-hero's behavior and motivations. Their backstory should provide insight into their past experiences, traumas, or circumstances that shaped their worldview. Consider how their backstory influences their choices and drives their actions.
Establish Their Moral Code: Define the anti-hero's moral code and ethical boundaries. Anti-heroes often operate in shades of gray, so their moral code may be different from society's expectations. Determine what principles guide their actions and explore the conflicts that arise when their code clashes with societal norms.
Flaws and Vulnerabilities: Give your anti-hero flaws and vulnerabilities that make them relatable to readers. Flaws could include arrogance, a short temper, or a tendency to push people away. Vulnerabilities humanize the anti-hero and create opportunities for character growth and development.
Motivations and Goals: Clearly define the anti-hero's motivations and goals, which may be complex and multifaceted. Determine what drives them and what they seek to achieve. Their motivations can evolve throughout the story as they confront challenges and face personal revelations.
Create Conflicting Relationships: Develop relationships for your anti-hero that challenge their beliefs and motivations. These relationships can include allies, enemies, or ambiguous connections. Interactions with other characters can push the anti-hero to question their choices and evolve as a character.
Internal Conflict and Dilemmas: Explore the internal conflict your anti-hero experiences as they navigate their choices and actions. They may struggle with the consequences of their morally ambiguous behavior or question the validity of their goals. Internal conflict adds depth and complexity to their journey.
Moments of Empathy and Redemption: Provide moments of empathy and potential redemption for your anti-hero. Show glimpses of their capacity for goodness or selflessness, even if it's buried beneath their rough exterior. These moments can create emotional connections with readers and open the possibility for redemption arcs.
Growth and Change: Allow your anti-hero to experience growth and change throughout the story. This can involve challenging their beliefs, confronting their flaws, or reevaluating their moral code. Their journey should be transformative, leading to personal development and self-reflection. Remember to demonstrate your anti-hero's growth and transformation through their actions and choices. Instead of relying solely on internal monologues or self-reflection, emphasize how their behavior and decisions shift over time.
Avoid Excessive Villainy: While anti-heroes may engage in morally ambiguous actions, be cautious not to make them excessively villainous or unsympathetic. Give them redeeming qualities or justifications for their behavior to maintain reader interest and empathy.
Consistency and Complexity: Ensure consistency and complexity in your anti-hero's personality. They should feel like fully fleshed-out individuals with nuanced emotions, motivations, and reactions. Avoid one-dimensional portrayals and explore the various facets of their character.
Reader Engagement: Keep readers engaged by providing them with a window into the anti-hero's thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This can be achieved through introspection, dialogue, or interactions with other characters.
There are some questions to help you develop a well-rounded anti-hero with a balanced personality and backstory:
What are the defining traits and characteristics of your anti-hero? How do these traits set them apart from traditional heroes?
How does your anti-hero interact with others? Are they charismatic, aloof, or manipulative?
What flaws does your anti-hero possess? How do these flaws contribute to their complexity and relatability?
What vulnerabilities does your anti-hero have? How do these vulnerabilities influence their behavior and choices?
How does your anti-hero handle conflict and adversity? Are they hot-headed, strategic, or unpredictable?
What defense mechanisms or coping mechanisms does your anti-hero employ to protect themselves emotionally?
How does your anti-hero's personality influence their relationships with other characters in the story?
What significant events or traumas from their past have shaped your anti-hero's worldview and motivations?
How do these past experiences contribute to their moral code and ethical boundaries?
Are there any formative relationships or connections in your anti-hero's backstory that have influenced their behavior?
What led your anti-hero to adopt their morally ambiguous or unconventional methods?
How does your anti-hero's backstory justify their motivations and goals?
Are there any unresolved conflicts or unfinished business from their past that drive their actions in the present?
How does your anti-hero's backstory create internal conflicts and dilemmas for them throughout the story?
Balancing the character:
How do you strike a balance between your anti-hero's morally ambiguous actions and their redeeming qualities?
What moments of empathy or vulnerability can you include to make your anti-hero relatable and sympathetic to readers?
How does the anti-hero's moral code and personal motivations create conflicts and challenges for them?
In what ways can you show the growth and evolution of your anti-hero's personality and beliefs over the course of the story?
How do the relationships and interactions with other characters challenge or influence your anti-hero's personality and choices?
What internal conflicts or dilemmas does your anti-hero face as they navigate their morally gray path?
How can you create opportunities for your anti-hero to question their actions, reflect on their choices, and potentially pursue redemption?
Remember, crafting a compelling anti-hero requires careful consideration of their traits, backstory, and journey. Aim for complexity, relatability, and a balance between their morally ambiguous actions and redeeming qualities. With thoughtfulness and depth, you can create an anti-hero that captivates readers and challenges traditional notions of heroism.
Additionally, if you need, you can find the post on villain redemption here.
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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sgiandubh · 2 months
C might mean well, but I find businesses using charity to sell suspicious.
Dear Provocative Anon,
What you say deserves an audio (there have been two of them two weeks ago, compensating for last week's silence). I have many things to tell you and please excuse the delay:
They really can't win, with people like you, can they? And that goes for both C and S, mind you. No matter what they do and try to promote as a side project, there is always going to be someone unhappy and vocal about it. When it's not you complaining 'business using charity to sell' is 'suspicious', there's the other fuckwit asking recently why S hasn't given all MPC's profit to charity, as Paul Newman did with Newman's Own.
So, I will be brutally honest with you, Anon. I have thoughts and questions about your own point of view and this is partially why it took me so long to answer you. It would seem you are not familiar at all with what is called 'corporate social responsibility' (CSR), since at least the Sixties. Which means, in a nutshell, companies who choose to focus part of their activity and dedicate part of their profits to charitable projects. It is done with various degrees of ethics, success and bona fides all around the world, and it is often used as a strong marketing and sales argument.
Think about these people, whose brand is probably immediately recognizable wherever you go, spare perhaps Pyongyang:
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I just picked this Coca Cola Foundation recent CSR project in Brazil totally randomly, using Google. Some might think it's just another cynical diversion: one of the world's biggest corporate profiteers, happily contributing to the current obesity pandemic (including in Latin America), suddenly showing one of its biggest markets they do have a conscience, after all, and a social one to boot. And addressing, at the same time, one of the continent's post-colonial bleeding wounds, which is to say, the organic imbalance between rich and poor, as far as access to means of production, land ownership and use and sales opportunities go. 480 farmers benefitting from Coca Cola's magnanimity is probably but a tiny drop of hope in an ocean of dour social injustice, but the truth is, Anon, if nobody does anything good, then nothing good will happen at all. It is as simple as that, and while their modus operandi is probably not exactly my cup of tea, you will have to admit it works, at least to some extent and for some people. Plus it greatly enhances the company's do-good, sensible and reliable global image, because of course, what happens right now in the state of Minas Gerais is but a tiny part of a bigger strategy.
Might I add that even those robber barons, à la Cornelius Vanderbilt or Jay Gould, who made their ruthless fortunes building the railroads of a still very young United States of America, ended up giving a very small part of their same fortune to various charities. It wasn't nearly enough what we would consider as 'reasonable', in 2024, but it did start a philanthropic trend, that took considerable speed after the 1919 Boston Molasses Disaster. The Sixties have just added more pragmatism and gave a name to what was, at its very start, quite an opportunistic endeavor.
Even so, Vanderbilt and Gould themselves did not invent anything, really. One should look to good old Europe to find what is probably the first big CSR project in human history, still going strong since 1521. May I introduce you to the Augsburg Fuggerei:
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[for even more pious charity: https://www.fugger.de/en/fuggerei]
Renting one of those wonderful Hansel and Gretel houses for less than one euro/year, plus three daily Hail Mary is something to behold, right? Jakob Fugger the Young, the guy who had this brilliant idea (which, might I add, is still run and operated by the Fugger banker family, even nowadays) was literally a ruthless kingmaker, a colonial trade and exploration pioneer, but also a religious bigot who flatly refused to extend his charity to Protestant families. Still, his pious dream goes on - the Fugger Family Foundation even actively plans its next 500 years. This is Germany, after all 😉.
Those people’s money stinks more of corruption and crime than S or C’s ever could, Anon. Still, they are remembered as benefactors, by many. History is seldom cruel to those who are willing to pay for their posterity.
But you know what, Anon? Compared to the Fuggers and the Vanderbilts and the Goulds, S and C are really small fish in an even smaller, fickler pond. I think they are doing it out of their good heart and I think they are honestly, genuinely responsive to the idea of giving a chance to young, struggling artists. But, in the process, are they also trying to market themselves as more approachable and less controversial, considering the (oh, I shall never tire to repeat this, with gusto) cosmic amount of bullshit plaguing their respective public images? My somewhat cynical answer is also yes, Anon. To which may I immediately add that it's not even important: all that counts are the tangible results of whatever good things they do with their booze and/or fitness profits.
Results and helping trigger a change in one's life is all that really interests me, Anon. It seems to bother you, though, so I will cheekily end this long rant with a couple of questions: do you have a problem with poverty? do you believe in giving people a (second) chance, or do you think only the rich are worth considering and valuable?
If so, I honestly pity you, girl. For the real indigent in all this might be you.
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vigilskeep · 17 days
omg thank you for the support... feeling emboldened to return and be gay in your inbox but i was just thinking about how neve might actually feel a bit put off by a more uncaring/cold assassin rook. she has that conversation with harding in the ign gameplay where she says that authorities being corrupt is how she is employed essentially, but given her character descriptions, i feel like she very much does care a lot and corruption is something she Really Wants To Fix, Actually. but authorities being corrupt is actually great for business for an assassin. i mean lucanis was literally introduced to us as "the magekiller" and one thing we know about him is he specifically targets corrupt magisters. like taking down corrupt officials is definitely great for neve, but i feel very interested in the toxic yuri potential of her butting heads with someone who doesn't care about saving the world beyond putting down an obvious threat because their background relies very much on the world being broken. if this makes sense? femme fatale rook also adds an extra level of distrust which is fun! but there's also so much yuri development potential here... learning to care through neve or rook always secretly caring and neve bringing that out in them. cynic4cynic and all that. this doesn't have to be about a romantic relationship either, it's interesting to me even for a platonic neve/rook relationship!
and this also could be a potential point of contention for neve and lucanis, depending on his own world views. this group being referred to as a found family makes the idea of them not getting along (at first at least) pretty interesting to me LMAO anyway yeah if lucanis shares this kind of view then it really is as you said: (crow rook voice) no lucanis you're not insane. and neither am i.
SORRY FOR THIS. but also thank you for supporting the lesbianism.
the thing that i certainly believe about neve is what’s been emphasised over and over in marketing: she’s a cynic, but a cynic with a heart of gold. she may be our hard-boiled detective who’s seen the worst of people and the worst of her city, but that’s never made her love her city any less or fight for it any less. she’s intensely idealistic in her ambitions and her commitment to the job, putting her own comfort aside to doggedly pursue any mystery she’s taken on.
i think that conflicts delightfully with an assassin who is more self-preserving in what they are willing to take on and has no such high ideals or sense of community, but has it in common with neve that they’ve come face to face in the same way with the worst of people. they could make each other better—neve could definitely stand to take better care of herself and perhaps even take more direct action, and this type of crow rook could probably do with a moral or two beyond World Destruction Is Bad—or worse! i really like your read on crow rook being dependent on the world being broken, and corruption being good for business. i also think the kind of worldview that the crows teach is that nothing ever really can change. it doesn’t matter what you do or who you kill, because someone just as corrupt will always take their place. there are no moral obligations because there is no fixing the world even if you did try. i’d be so curious to see neve’s impact on that... whether she could get them to believe in something, or their jaded outlook would rub off on her
neve definitely has trust issues and high walls up for whatever reason (i still believe in venatori ex-husband theory) so i love the idea here of really playing into that and making a rook she actually shouldn’t trust. i love that for you. yeah why put this all on her. why make anything easy
i’m definitely interested in lucanis and neve’s dynamic. they have a lot of similar worldviews when it comes to, say, the venatori, but i wonder if neve necessarily approves of lucanis’, uh... impulsive and destructive approach, to dealing with that kind of problem. or if lucanis’ sympathies necessarily mean he takes the shadow dragons’ chances of achieving anything seriously. super excited to see them interact
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mouse-of-dimitrescu · 10 months
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Riding Rapture ( NSFW )
( 𝙶𝚠𝚎𝚗 ' 𝙸𝚗 𝙵𝚊𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚌' 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 )
Part 2
WARNINGS: nsfw, it's dirty. Tell me if i need to add warnings
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘎𝘸𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘺 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘯 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘳.
After dating Gwen for two months, you began to notice the little things. She moved things about as if they were chess pieces. She would put down one thing and pick up another, always holding onto something. And when Gwen wasn't holding onto something, she was holding you. The day at the fun fair was a special occasion as you walked with Gwen's arm around your waist. She had a dark air about her that intimidated people — and this made you feel protected because it was your Gwen, your punkish, fashionable, badass girlfriend who could make heaven fall if she really wanted to.
Gwen had bought ou one of those sweet giant lollipops and you opened the wrapper, thanking her and tasting the sweetness. You had a massive sweet tooth which Gwen loved to spoil. While you ate your lollipop, your girlfriend took out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag and looking towards you.
Gwen initially refused to go with you to the fun fair, confessing her cynical notions: stating that the fun fair was a disguised cataclysmic distraction. You don't know how you did it but you managed to convince the oh so stubborn Gwen that the fun fair may be a lovely experience for the both of you. Gwen couldn't say no to you, finding your day's aspiration utterly adorable.
Gwen was wearing her black slightly flowy dress that came up to the middle of her fishnet stocking covered thighs. The half empty cigarette box sat in the pocket of her black leather jacket which covered her bulky jewelry. Her combat boots only made her taller, they were black too and slightly scuffed on the edges.
Gwen and you decided to take a walk around the fun fair to see what you could do there. Gwen, to no surprise, refused to go with you on the merry-go-round, the thought of her actually acceptinf the ride made you laugh. While walking at Gwen's side, you spotted a cute little beige teddy bear with a red ribbon, ready to be won at a rigged game. You smiled. Gwen noticed this and took the last drag of her cigarette before putting it out.
" Want me to win it for you, Dollface?" She asked, letting out the last puff of smoke before looking at you. A small smirk played at the corners of her lips.
You smiled and tried to force away a blush. " Yes please. " You licked your lollipop and followed as Gwen strided over to the game, handing in a ticket and picking up a dart. She thre the darts at the balloons and to no surprise, she was skilled. In a few moments, you were holding that small fuzzy teddy bear in your arms.
" Thanks." You smiled.
Gwen chuckled, her eyes sparkling as she looked at you. " God, why do you have to be so adorable?" Gwen pulled you close to her as you walked away from the game, she kissed the top of your head, making you smile.
An hour later, you managed to convince Gwen to go on one ride but she picked out the bumper cars which she became immensely rough with ( naturally ). Your girlfriend seemed to enjoy the experience quite a bit and when you finally got off the ride, she walked next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, her hand dangling near your chest. You felt her fingers fiddle with the gold thin chain around your neck and you smiled again.
" Enjoy that, Dollface?" She asked.
" I won't deny that it was thrilling." You let out a breath, your hands trembling slightly which made Gwen laugh lightly.
" Alright, let's get you some ice cream to calm your nerves." Gwen led you to a nearby ice cream stand .
She bought you a vanilla Ice cream as you requested and you watched her luck the chocolate ice cream off the cone. She watched you, secretly enjoying watching the way your tongue moved. However, you were completely oblivious to this. The evening dazzle began to wander over the sky, dimming the grounds. The fair lights were more luminescent than ever and you smiled, leading Gwen over to the Ferris wheel.
" You want to go on there?" Gwen asked, raising one of her eyebrows as she took abother lick of her ice cream.
" Afraid of heights, are we?" It was your turn to smirk. Little did you know that you had gotten ice cream on the tip of your nose, Gwen smiled and wiped it off with her thumb.
" Alright, fine, let's just finish our ice creams." She smiled and shook her head.
Once your ice creans were finished, Gwen and you stood in the line to the Ferris Wheel and when you hopped on, you were coming to the realisation that this may have not been a good idea. You felt your stomach churn at the thought of being high up in the air but you had to pull yourself together. You wanted to impress your girlfriend, not appear like a wimp.
She obviously noticed your nervousness and held your hand as the wheel began to move higher and higher off the ground. You squeezed her hand and occasionally glanced at her. The fair lights shone, creating a technicolour halo behind Gwen.
" You seem nervous, Dollface." Gwen teased.
" I overestimated my bravery." You admitted jokingly, through a nervous chuckle.
Gwen gave you a small light laugh and kissed your cheek, rocking the cart ever so slightly, causing your heart to leap into your throat. You screamed slightly, making Gwen raise her eyebrows.
" Don't move the cart. Do you want to give me a heart attack?" You asked quickly, panicking a bit all while making the foolish choice of looking down.
" Aww, you scaredy cat. It was your idea anyway." Gwen chuckled, making you smile playfully at her teasing.
" Maybe I just realised how easy it is to tilt the cart ant intrusively fall out. Now I'm remembering all those horror stories I read online." You shut your eyes and cursed yourself under your breath.
" Poor darling. Don't worry, this isn't the most thrilling ride tonight. I know one that can make you scream." Gwen said in a dark whisper, caressing your thugh and amking you squirm in your seat. Gwen had the audacity to turn you on while you sat at the very top of the fucking Ferris wheel.
" Fuck. Gwen, really? Now?" You asked in breathless disbelief. The things this woman could do to you in a matter of moments.
" Of course, Dollface. When we get down, let's get you another one of those sweet lollipops you enjoy and head back to my place." Gwen said, making you smile.
" I'd like that."
When you were finally back on land, Gwen walked briskly over to the stand and got you another lollipop which you put in your tote bag, thanking her. You both headed quickly to the car, hopping in. In the driver's seat, Gwen immediately turned on the ignition, her gold bracelet jingling slightly as she did so.
" Can we hurry?" You asked, buckling into the passenger seat.
" Desperate, are we?" Gwen asked with a small smirk and caressed the inner part of your thigh before moving the clutch and gear and driving out.
You drove along the dimly lit road. It was the beginning of the night and the longest car ride of your life. Black Sabbath played on the stereo and you tried to focus on the electric guitar, instead of the burning desperation in your lower abdomen. You tried to cross your legs to relieve the tension but Gwen quickly yanked your leg back in place.
" Don't even think about it, Dollface." Gwen said sternly, briefly glancing at you before looking back at the road, smiling to herself.
Upon your arrival outside Gwen's apartment, you both rushed inside and immediately closed the front door with a lock. You clung to her, pulling at her jacket collar and bringing her down for a kiss which she smiled into. While kissing you, Gwen took off your jacket and through it to the floor carelessly. You couldn't keep your lips off each other, nor your hands.
" Gwen, upstairs." You breathed out.
Gwen scooped you up and took you to her bedroom where she plopped you down gently on the bed, stabding in front of you. Your hands found the hem of her dress and you began to lift it up, higher and higher. Gwen smirked and began to quickly undo the buttons of your shirt, pulling it off entirely.
You tugged off Gwen's stockings and ran your hands over her long legs. " Dress... I want to see you." You looked up at your girlfriend with puppy eyes you knew she couldn't resist and her heart warned slightly. She easily slipped out of her dress, revealing her black lace bra and knickers. You were probably staring for too long — Gwen lifted your head up by your chin to face her.
" Strip for me, Dollface." She ordered.
You immediately obeyed and removed the rest of your clothes, chucking them elsewhere in Gwen's bedroom. As soon as you were undressed, Gwen pushed you down on the bed and straddled you. Her clothed cunt touching your bare one, making you moan.
" Gwen." You gasped when you felt Gwen's lips latch onto your one nipple, sucking it gently and eventually biting down teasingly. To Gwen's delight, you flung your head back and whimpered pathetically.
" Pretty girl." Gwen whispered against your skin which was now covered in goosebumps. " Can I use the strap?" She asked, wanting nothing more than to fill you up.
You nodded your head. " Please yes, Gwen. Please." You begged.
Gwen chuckled. " As my Dollface wishes." Gwen walked over to her set of drawers and returned to you with a long purple silicone strap-on, buckling into it.
" Gwen...won't it be too big?" You asked. Gwen smiled.
" Lie back and spread your legs for me, doll." Gwen gestured for you to recline back on her pillow. You happily but nervously did so and obeyed her command, spreading your legs, revealing your dripping your cunt.
" Awww, you're soaked, baby." She said softly, but there was a hint of playfullness in her tone. " All for me, mm?" She ran her index and middle finger up your slit, and coated the faux cock with your arousal as a lubricant.
" Please fuck me, Gwen. Please, please, please?" You whimpered, finding it extremely difficult to keep your composure. Gwen merely smirked.
" Oh Dollface, we're just warming up. Come baby, be a good girl for me and shut your trap. You take what I give you, and no complaints. Do you understand?" She asked, her voice growing stern as she leant over you.
Without warning, Gwen dipped her middle finger inside if you, swirling it around incredibly slowly. You let out a little sound and furrowed your grow, wantonly bucking your hips up, trying to gain more friction where you needed Gwen the most. She added a second digit but her pace remained torturously slow. Gwen kept an eye on your face, watching every reaction, seeing every wrinkle on your slightly sweaty skin. Gwen eventually got tired of your hips bucking up all the time and took a drum grip on your hip with her free hand, pressung you back down on the bed firmly. You wanted to beg but Gwen told you to keep quiet. You wanted her to go faster but if you did so, she may stop entirely so you lay there taking what she gave you.
Eventually, Gwen found some mercy coursing through her veins and began to gently rub her thumb against your clit in soft circles that made you squirm under her.
" Pretty doll, are you ready for my cock?" She asked, her voice tinted with amusement.
" Yes please." You breathed out with relief. She removed her fingers and you felt the tip of her strap rubbing against your soaked entrance and you gasped when she began to enter you, stretching your walls further and further apart.
Gwen let you adjust to the size for a few moments while toying with your nipples, rolling them between her fingers. A few moments later, she began to move her hips again, entering you fully. Making you groan out in pure ecstasy. Her name rolled off your tongue, leaving your mouth slightly agape. Gwen began to pick up her pace and watched watched at your head flung back as she slammed into you without mercy. You were both breathing heavily now. Your hands found the sheets beside you and you gripped on them, fighting the urge to close your legs. Gwen noticed this and you felt her hands wrap firmly around your inner thighs, pulling them further apart, so it hurt slightly.
" You're taking me so well." Gwen whispered, her breathing uneven. She watched as the cock disappeared into your cunt and came out more soaked than before.
One of your girlfriend's hands let go of our thigh and her fingers met your clit, causing you to moan loudly at the sudden, much needed friction. She quickened the pace of her hips, making the sound of your wetness and your moans the only music that mattered in the moment. Her fingers sped up, circling and brushing over the sensitive bud.
" Gwen! Fuck! Oh Go—" you screamed as you felt yourself nearing your climax.
Your walls clenched tightly around the cock. The moans that spilled out if your mouth became more loud and pornographic, more difficult to contain. Your legs shook violently and your knuckles turned white as you clurched the sheets tighter than before. Gwen noticed this and didn't stop, she merely leant down close to your face, licking her lips.
" Cum on my dick, Dollface." Gwen commanded in a low whisper.
Her words were enought to send you over the edge. You came with a scream of Gwen's name and profanities that left your dried up lips over and over again. The feeling of the cock inside you and Gwen's fingers working at the bud made your brain go numb. You squeezed your eyes shut for those last moments of primal ecstasy, all you could think of was her. Gwen. Gwen. Gwen. Gwen.
When you had begun to calm down, Gwen slowed down her pace and caressed your thighs which were spasming with the aftershock of pleasure. Her breathing was uneven like yours and you fluttered your eyes open to see her. You have Gwen a small smile and she caressed your cheek.
" You did so well for me, Dollface. I'm going to take it out now, okay?" She asked for a small nod, which you gave. You felt slip out of you, unbuckling the strap and putting it aside to deal with soon later. Gwen came to cradle you in her arms.
" That was....so good, Gwen." You breathed out, trying to come back to planet earth.
Gwen smiled and kissed your head. " Tired?"
You nodded. " Somewhat. Been a long day, may I..." just as you touched Gwen's thigh, she smiled and shook her head, taking your hand and kissing it.
" No Dollface, don't be greedy. You can have your breakfast in the morning." She smirked.
You smiled and looked up at Gwen. " You mean the lollipop you got me?" You played innocent, which made Gwen laugh.
" If that's what you like to call it, pretty doll."
Hope that was okay ❤︎ requests are open
Pt 2??
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hadesoftheladies · 1 year
if you're a radfem (or feminist in general) chances are you're dealing with these: repressed anger and the effects of gaslighting
if you're exhausted a lot (without strenuous physical activity and lack of sleep), find yourself having outbursts of strong emotion, feeling desperate for a form of escape, fantasizing about drastic measures, anxious and "forgetful" about memories you have, nervous about speaking about your experiences . . .
here's some tricks on how i've been coping:
-boundaries. if you can cut off people (irl or online) that cause you to spiral into hate, frustration, anger at their ignorance/malice, do it. even if it's a musician whose one song you like. or your brother or dad. limit time as much as possible with them. the less access they have, the less relevant they become, the more energy you conserve.
-do art! create something, it doesn't matter what it is. express those emotions! make sure you're doing it in a judgement-free zone. it's important you don't become a critic at this time. do messy, honest art (sometimes i write short scenes of gay/lesbian characters to cope with the homophobia in my life, and it makes me feel MUCH better and less cynical, sometimes you need to create beauty to remember it exists in the world)
-get out! get out into nature, if you can. if you can't immerse yourself in some form of it. try watching a potted plant for a while or watch insects. take interest in the mundane aspects of life. see that leaf curl? that ant? you're part of that. when you see the clouds, remember they are part of the cycle. the earth grows into its beauty as you do. the moon is the sky's cycle tracker. you belong to this world. you belong in it. this is your home. revel in it.
-if you can, and if you want to, hang out with animals. animals are great companions with none of the misogyny, internalized or otherwise! they don't mind if you cry, either. seriously, if you need non-draining, non-complicated companionship, animals are a good option. it's also good to remember you're a simple animal sometimes, with simple needs. sometimes all you need is a nice belly rub and a little treat.
-cultivate female friendships where it's safe to rant and also not all about ranting. your friendships should be a comfort, not a chore. you need irl community. if you can access it at this time, if you can find a way to cultivate it, please do. it may save you
-it is okay to enoy things despite the evil in the world. you don't have to be an activist 24/7. go watch your favorite movie. listen to your favorite comedian. and let down your guard while you're enjoying that little something. it's important you don't fall into analyzing things.
-for the gaslighting, start having conversations where you make it explicitly clear that you want the other party to ONLY listen. also, JOURNAL, even if it's just a paragraph or two sentences. write down the small important facts of your day. you'll either build a more reliable memory or come to see how reliable your memory is. just don't hang out with people that are constantly testing you. that is not an environment where you develop healthy trust in yourself.
-fight back! these are some ways to heal from the bruising of the world, but honestly? you need to acknowledge how RIGHT and GOOD your anger is. and one of the best ways to do that is to fight back! do something that addresses part of the injustice your heart is screaming about. it doesn't have to be big, it just needs to help someone and address the situation. address the alarms in your brain telling you something isn't right and you have to do something about it. scratch that itch! do that something. you will feel really good
please feel free to add any other tips you guys may have for cultivating joy, hope and energy, because we don't have to be miserable while/for doing the right thing
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ask-morpho-knight · 2 months
To The Dark-Winged Disaster:
Wanna show off your collection of souls?
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One of my most notable but also my hungriest warrior, Amaterasu! The suns themself bow to her will! Together with her brother and his wife she defeated m- … MIGHTY Orochi, the eight-headed dragon that escaped Yomi and threatened to consume the stars themselves. Naturally I had to add a soul of such magnitude to my collection! Although she tends to listen to her father, the Dream Eater, more than she does to me…
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My sleepiest warrior, Suanoo the storm mage. Discipline may not be his strong suit, so much so that he was kicked out of the heavenly circle, yet he more than makes up for it with raw battle power. When he found out that a young water mage went up against Orochi on her own he did not hesitate to rush to her aid, such is his bravery. Unlike Amaterasu, he is loyal towards me and I tend to call him to my aid more than her.
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Once but a humble sake brewer who stood up against Orochi on her own to protect her home. Kushinadahime used her hydromancy to weaken the beast by filling its belly with sake. She serves me to this day as my closest assistant, especially during the gloomy days.
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Ah, Tsukuyomi… sibling to Susanoo and Amaterasu, the moon to her sun and his storm. They have a bit of a… quarrel going on with Amaterasu ever since they disrespected food. As a result I hardly get to call upon them without offending her. Although they tend to be… rather unpleasant to be around with their cynical attitude. They’re an ice mage like no second.
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kyriefae · 1 month
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Being a Whovian is sincerely so much fun.
This show is so many different things to so many people but what I think truly makes it special is not just the change it forces on us as an audience but the way it pushes us subconsciously to give up on purism.
"Your Doctor" was <insert amiable character traits> but the current one doesn't represent that same persona? Pity. Almost like we can be different people all throughout our lives...
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You ever hear someone say like..."it's fine it's just not for me"?
I wonder how many people who say that about the newest Doccy Who seasons genuinely think in their heart of hearts "actually this is garbage and you should agree with me that it is garbage" because those two are not the same thing at all! 🤭 Ugh, I can't help my incredulity sometimes. Maybe the internet adds to the expectation of toxicity. ...or I just spent a lot of time growing up around cynical assholes that hated fun. *shrug*
More to the point! 😅
Pick an era of this show; pick a doctor and you'll be transported to a world more or less unique to them. That's pretty cool if you ask me. They still have that silly multidimensional blue box; they still have two hearts (even if it didn't become canon until their 3rd incarnation)...and yes they still pick up stray humans (...usually young, petite British women from whatever decade said Doctor conveniently and sequentially visits).
But maybe to really hit home on what I mean about this show tackling purism in its audience's mind...it's always been a silly sci-fi show meant to elicit joy and wonder out of children. Additionally so, to help adults retain that same joy and wonder in their own lives by reflecting on the excitement that comes from infinite possibilities only possible when traveling with a genderfluid space alien that wears extraordinary clothes and hands out candy like it's already gone out of style. Oh and you become the universe's only hope the moment you step into another time or location lol.
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Sometimes when we love something, we take it very seriously no matter how absurd it truly is at its core. We may not even notice we're doing it but any criticism of Doctor Who really ought to be taken with a grain of salt (and spread out at the very edge of creation...just for good measure). No need to get all salty over a television show. 🧂
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So yeah. Being a Whovian, for me, is having the freedom to dive head first into an ocean of lore whenever I desire and really explore storytelling from several perspectives. Albeit many of the early years were written and directed and produced from the perspectives of white, straight men in the U.K. and stories with misogynist stances that heavily limited the functional roles of women in the context of said stories and were also affirmed by narratives and protagonists that failed to question any of it. *clearing throat* Oof, there was a frog back there!
All the same, our heroes of yesterday battled styrofoam monsters breaking through plywood walls built on cardboard sets represented by painted miniatures dangling on strings over a starlit portrait meant to look like space. Even when they couldn't help but be a bit cringe, they were still a silly lil sci-fi show playing at games of the imagination. Like children at play.
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Now, we have this beautiful and talented man standing at center stage:
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He is all the play; all the heart(s); all the joy we have known in this character but decorated in his own unique way.
My love for this show has evolved and I intend to allow it to continue doing just that. Hopefully we can continue to see the Whoniverse do just the same...instead of getting too caught up in the past. 🫣
Anywho, that's all for now.
Kisses 😘
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kirain · 6 months
Hi! I love your metas and I had a question if you don't mind. I love Barcus but I'm a bit confused by the Ironhand gnomes and why they were so mad at the Gondians? Did I maybe miss something?
Omg, I'm so glad someone asked me this! Thank you, anon. I broached this exact subject with my friend a few days ago, and I'd already considered writing a post about it, so this was the kick I needed! Barcus is hands down my favourite NPC (perhaps of all time) and the gnome plight is easily my favourite side quest in the entire game, so I'm excited to share what I've learned!
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To preface, I'd like to mention that most gnomes, according to D&D lore, live in clans and keep to themselves. This is especially true for deep gnomes, as the Underdark is an exceedingly dangerous homeland. Their people are often enslaved by drow or duergar, or eaten by other nefarious creatures that lurk in the shadows. As such, they have become a profoundly somber and cynical race, relying only on each other for survival. They're also extremely wary of strangers, as Barcus perfectly demonstrates when we first meet him.
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Now, a history lesson. The Ironhand Gnomes, who at some point left the Underdark, worked in Baldur's Gate for generations, providing the city with the best mechanomagical inventions the populace had ever seen. Though they still kept to themselves and worked in isolation, they were well respected by the citizens, and flourished enough to inspire other gnomes to seek a new life in the city as well. This may not have been their goal, but whether they meant to or not, they brought gnomish innovation to the forefront of one of the most multicultural cities in all of Faerûn.
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More importantly, the Ironhand Gnomes worshipped a lesser deity called Gaerdal Ironhand, who Wulbren's ancestor, Wolverforce Bongle, allegedly conversed with. Massive however, in all of my research, I haven't been able to find any evidence that he was truly capable of such a feat, nor is he ever referred to as a "Chosen" by either himself or anyone from his clan. Therefore, it's possible this is nothing more than an unsubstantiated claim made by zealots. A book called Ironhand Gnomes: Our Grievances can be found in the gnome hideout in Act 3, verifying some of this information, but it's glaringly biased against the Gondians, with radically religious and violent undertones.
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But where did this hatred come from? Well, according to the book, the Ironhand Gnomes shared some of their expertise with other clans, and some of those clans took what they learned and opened their own workshops. The Gondians, who worship Gond, did particularly well, constructing their own factories and becoming quick competition. They even built a Gondian Church in the city, and attributed their success to Gond; god of craft, smithing, and inventiveness. For whatever reason, the Ironhands didn't appreciate this and accused the Gondians of stealing their methods and designs, as well as pointing out flaws in their "shoddy" craftsmanship.
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However, Gondian work was relatively flawless, as well as artifice-based, meaning it relied on science and raw materials. The Ironhands specialised in mechanomagical inventions, meaning they imbued their engines with arcane influence. This put the Gondians and Ironhands at odds with each other, as Gond espoused artifice supremacy, whereas Gaerdal Ironhand, according to Wolverforce, accused Gond of being a thief. So yes, we've reached the crux of the issue—religious turmoil. Both gods, I should mention, are good-aligned and easily misinterpreted, so of course that adds another layer of complications.
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In response to the Ironhand's accusations, the Gondians started slandering the Ironhand clan, losing them favour in the city. In other words, the feud quite literally became a he said/she said situation, with both clans acting like petty children. Whether or not the Ironhand Gnomes taught the Gondians a few tricks, they weren't owed credit for their inventions. That would be like my friend showing me how to use Adobe Animate, then demanding credit for all of my artwork thereafter ... and all while criticising it. And the Gondians, though attempting to protect their reputation, had no right to spread lies about the Ironhand clan, not all of whom participated in the drama. They could've let their work speak for itself.
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But this war of finger-pointing dragged on, with both sides losing and gaining support from confused Baldurians. Eventually, the Ironhands became desperate to get the upperhand, rousing Wolverforce to experiment with the thought-to-be mythical runepowder. This led to what became known as the "Unfortunate Runepowder Incident", wherein the overweening Wolverforce caused a massive explosion, killing himself and countless others in the blast. Wulbren blames this tragedy on the Gondians alone, and many Ironhands seem to feel it was the root of their exile, but there's more to it.
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In reality, the Ironhand Gnomes were banished from Baldur's Gate because they aligned themselves with Sarevok Anchev, the Bhaalspawn who tried to destroy the city in the first game. For some reason, Wulbren completely glosses over this detail, likely because he can't bring himself to admit the Ironhands are responsible for their own downfall. In fact, he brushes it off, as if it's some insignificant happenstance that deserves forgiveness without merit. After all, it happened over a century ago. Then, in Act 3, he says a painfully backwards line about how he thinks the Gondians would've joined Sarevok, if given the chance. But they did have a chance, and they didn't join him. The Ironhands did. As far as I'm concerned, this highlights Wulbren's extensive denial.
Which brings me around to Barcus and why he's such an endearing character. He doesn't care about ancient feuds or gnome supremacy. He made a name for himself, despite his clan's reputation. The Gondians never saw him as an enemy, and he in turn saw the value in their work. He prefers diplomacy and open dialogue, and he abhors violence to the highest degree. With a little hard work, he proved that the Ironhand Gnomes could've redeemed themselves without resorting to such extreme and radical measures; which is why I will always argue for him to take leadership. He's the best. He's everything. He is the shining future of unity and creation.
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lurkingshan · 9 months
Random BL Grievances, 2023 Edition
Listen. I was going to be nice. I was going to listen to my better angels. Shan, I said, there is no need to hate, it's all love! Just let it all go! But then my Tay Tawan was cruelly ripped away from me and @my-rose-tinted-glasses gave me inspiration. So fuck it, we ball. Hateration turned up to 11, let's go.
Worst Waste of a Good Start: Jun & Jun
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Remember when this show started and it was all about scent kink and extremely horny energy, and then suddenly that all evaporated so we could add a bunch of side plots and do four different love triangles instead? Yeah I'm still mad about it!!
Most Overused Metaphor: Dangerous Romance
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Hey y'all, did you know windmills need wind to power them?
Rudest Boy: Lomfon, La Pluie
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The audacity of this boy. The chaos he sewed. Look at this scene! Immediately after this he not only plotted a secret date with his situationship's brother, he kissed said brother without consent. He made Tien cry. I may have forgiven your lanky ass, but I sure didn't forget!
Worst Retcon: Naughty Babe
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This is not Men in Black and you can't just mind wipe me into forgetting these two already worked through half these issues in Cutie Pie. Not to mention suddenly turning a dog into a CGI tiger!! Thanks to Nat and Max for their service though those sex scenes at the end did help me cope.
Biggest Audience Betrayal: Minato's Laundromat 2
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Plot contrivance amnesia! In my painstaking slow burn self acceptance journey that I have spent two entire seasons on. I will never forgive them.
Most Egregious Lack of Threesomes: Only Friends
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You put me through all that messy drama and all those teases and I did not get to watch even one (1) threesome? Just a couple of kisses and everybody vacates the pool. I ask you, what was the point of Boeing if he wasn't here to fuck everybody! For shame, Jojo.
Most Undeserved Forgiveness: Eun Ji and Tae Hyung, The Eighth Sense
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These two assholes are really up there amongst the worst friends in drama this year. I don't care what Jae Won says, I do not forgive you. Ji Hyun should have kept that petty energy for the both of them.
Biggest Character Letdown: Sand, Only Friends
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Eternally pouring one out for the rougher, more cynical version of Sand who was wielding a baseball bat in the trailer. I don't know what happened to you, my guy, but you live on in my heart.
Most Baffling Dropped Plot: Thyme, A Boss and a Babe
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Why was Drake even in this show? What was the point of all that plot set up in the first half if they weren't going to resolve it?? Why wasn't Thyme the mole??? Make it make sense.
Most Obvious Lack of Purpose: Between Us
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How on earth did this happen? You have literal years to write a compelling sequel story for a wildly popular side ship and this is all you can come up with?! Aside from a couple nice sexy scenes at the start, this show really had no idea what it was about and nothing interesting to say.
Biggest Waste of Everyone's Time: Absolute Zero
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New Siwaj, you're getting the triple dose on this list!! And AZ is your biggest sin this year because what the fuck was this! You had all that money, all that talent, all that time at your disposal, and this is what you did with it. UWMA squad was lined up to see you finally do another masterpiece, and you delivered this mess instead. What is going on with you, sir, I feel it's time for an intervention.
Worst Derailing of a Good Show: Step by Step
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You didn't think this post was ending without me mentioning this disaster, did you? An all-time cautionary tale in how to waste a good slow burn. Jeng deserved better and so did we.
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