#coulnt let the day go by
koraesdoodles · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Sam Winchester! My first true love, my first real foray into Fandom. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Sam will always have my heart, no matter where else I go. All of the fandoms I've joined over the last four years have been, at least in part, to fill the void Supernatural left behind. These guys introduced me to "horror light" with all the fun of the horror genre but a little easier on the heart. Knowing I loved paranormal creatures and antics led me Gravity Falls, which drove me to a desire to learn to draw, which led me to comics, which led me to my man, Jason Todd. And falling in love with comics is what inspired my own story, Outlaw Odyssey.
But it always leads back to you ❤️ Happy Birthday, Sammy.
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th3casscad3 · 6 months
An Angel In Hell..
A Fallen Angel Emily X Male Reader.
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After The Meeting In Heaven, Emilys Questions And Comments Were Getting Out Of Hand. At This Rate Emily Would Tell All Of Hevean About What's Really Happening Between Heaven And Hell. Sera Couldn't Have That. She Wouldn't Have That, So She Did The Only Thing She Thought Would Protect Her. She Banished Emily To Hell.
Warning/Triggers: Banishment, Rejection From Hevean, Hell.
Emily Wouldn't Stand For Sera Rejecting Angel Dust Of Being Redeemable. He Had Proven His Worth, That Demons Could Change. Why Would Sera See That. Why Would Sera Allow The Exterminations. It Didnt Make Sense.. Every Time Emily Asked Sera About It, She Would Just Turn It Down And Ignore Her. Over Time This Really Started To Affect Emily. She Became A Problem To Sera. She Became A Dreamer Like Lucifer. She Saw The Good In The Demons And Talked About How Everyone Could Live In Peace, In Harmony. Emily Dreamed Of A World Where Hevean And Hell Could Unite And Be One. As Emily Kept Dreaming, Sera Only Grew More Anxious. Sera Knew That If She Didnt Stop Emily Soon All Of Hevean Would Know Of The Exterminations And Hevean Would Be In Shambles. No. Sera Just Coulnt Have That.. So One Day, Emily Was Banished From Heaven. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emily Opened Her Eyes To Find Herself Falling. She Tried To Use Her Wings But They Wouldnt Budge. Eventually She Found Herself In The Very Pits Of Hell. Her Eyes Widen And Her Heart Picked Up Speed. She Caught Herself Before She Fell, Using Her Wings To Help. " No.. no no no no! I Have To Get Back Up There! I Have To Tell- " Emily Was Quickly Cut Off With A Group Of Demons Running To Attack Her. She Screamed And Flew Off Quickly. She Knew She Wasnt Safe Here. With Ever Turn And Look Around All She Saw Was Fire, Blood, And Demons Either Fighting, Doing Drugs Or Being Intimate. The Sounds Of Hell Was Enough To Make Emily Panick. She Just Kept Flying. She Wanted To Believe This Was All Just A Bad Dream, That She Would Wake Up In The Morning And Be In Hevean Again. As She Was Flying She Saw The Fiant Sight Of A Hotel.. The Hazbin Hotel. Yes. She Thought. If She Could Get To Charlie, She Could Probably Speak To Lucifer Too! She Quickly Dashed Over And Knocked On The Door. To Her Surprise, It Wasnt Charlie Who Answered The Door. It Was You. Sera Gave You A Gentle Yet Panicked Smile. "Hello.. May I Come In. Please. Im Looking For Princess Charlie. " Emily Fiddled With Her Fingers And Tucked Her Wings In. You Smiled And Extended Your Hand Out For Her. She Looked You In The Eyes And Took It With A Smile. You Helped Her In And Closed The Door Behind Her. " Charlie Isnt Here At The Moment But She Will Be Soon. Let Me Guess... Fallen Angel? " You Gave Her A Warm Smile, You Could See It In Her Eyes That She Was New And In A State Of Panick. That, And It Was Obvious She Was An Angel. " Yes, But I Know About The Exterminations And I Dont Stand For Them! Which Is Why I Really Need To Talk To Charlie! " Emily Spoke With A Stern Tone. " You Must Be Emily Then, Charlie Speaks Highly Of You. I Admire You. You Stood With Charlie In Front Of A Whole Court! That Was SO BADASS! Ha! I Could Only Imagine How Scary That Must Of Felt, To Stand Up For What You Think Is Right Even When Nobody Else Agrees. Its Tough Shit. " Emily Looks At You With A Touched Expression She Smiles Again And Grabs Your Hand. " I Want All Of You To Be Redeemed, It Isnt Fair. Everybody Makes Mistakes. Some.. Bigger Than Others But Still! Everyone Deserves A Second Chance! And.. I Just Know They Are Keeping Something From Me.. They Banished Me For Dreaming About Untiy And Peace. For Wanting Something Greater Than Just Fighting.. But Why.. " Emily Kept Her Hand In Yours, It Was Comforting To Say The Least. You Simply Smiled. You Could Understand That Emily Was Going Through A Lot Right Now And Based On Charlie's Lessons You Know That Its Better To Be There As Comfort. So You Did. You And Emily Talked For Hours, Going Back And Forth About Hevean And Hell. You Discussed What You Thought Was Considered Good And Evil. You Talked About How Much You Hated The Exterminations Too! You Both Discovered That You Shared A Lot In Common. You Felt Yourself Wanting To Be There For Emily All The Time. She Was A Angel That Knew Very Little On Hell And You Vowed To Protect Her At All Cost. You Both Talked Until You Fell Asleep On The Couch, Hand In Hand.
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fic rec friday 10
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Rain-Check on Redamancy by @youraveragemushroom
Burnout these days usually came from working long nights at the Garrison. If Lance from five years ago could see himself today—working part-time to rebuild Earth and full-time as an instructor at the very same institution that gave him his crippling anxieties—he would probably shit a brick. Hell, five years ago he hadn’t even known aliens existed (although he always knew deep down that humans weren’t alone in the universe), and now he’s best friends with multiple! One of which had apparently texted him an hour ago.
Forgoing proper texting procedure due to fatigue and general doneness, Lance tapped on the icon to call back.
“Hello?” a familiar deep rasp answered from the other line.
“Hey, mullet,” Lance replied, pushing aside the papers in front of him to lay his head down on the desk. “What’s cooking?”
In which Lance finds himself ignoring how late it is and indulges himself in pining after Keith. Which becomes slightly more difficult when said object of his affections shows up in the middle of the night to rescue him from paperwork, stress, and the melancholy that came from being away from him.
the ‘god i wish you were here’ ‘look behind you’ trope will get to me EVERY single time idc. always makes me all stimmy bc its THE epitome of romance. this whole thing was so so romantic and full of parallels to the first episode to show how deep their relationship has gotten...i love me some romantic parallels fr
2. sweetheart by @jilliancares
“Sorry, babe,” Keith says. He even smiles, no doubt proud of himself.
And Lance knows it’s his fault. He started it, after all, but at least the biting term of endearment made sense when he was the one doing it. Keith had been talking to him like they were some old married couple. The kind who’ve been married too long and don’t love each other anymore and gripe over meaningless shit, only managing to piss each other off even further.
That’s why Lance called him dear. Because it made sense in the situation. It was a calculated insult. A strategic jab.
Keith, on the other hand, is weaponizing the term of endearment without any rhyme or reason, simply to get back at Lance.
Or: Keith and Lance have gotten into the habit of using pet names as condescending insults. They're not really terms of endearment.
ooooooo god endearments going from sarcastic to desperately genuine and the inherent hopelessness in that....whew boy. its def a Concept that u indulge and then you have to clutch ur stomach. i remember reading this as i was getting ready and brushing my teeth and the cliff scene made me gasp out loud and stop just to i could pay Full Complete Attention
3. don’t speak the language by @goldengalaxies
“More importantly” Lance says. “I am currently having a breakdown in this lift because look at him- I am so incredibly gay.”
“Lance!” Hunk buries his face in his hands. “He could speak English you know, your skills of deduction are really not that good.”
Lance ignores his warning in favour of groaning dramatically. “Oh, Dios mio, Hunk, he’s so gorgeous. Look at those muscles. He could probably bench press me.” Lance fanned himself. “Oh my God, fencing is my new favourite sport, fuck swimming.”
(or the one where Lance thirsts after a random guy in the lift who he thinks can’t speak English. lance is very wrong and hunk is very much done with his shit.)
let me tell u about this fuckin FIC. it’s hilarious, but i first read it before i meticulously started storing and bookmarking my fave fics, so when i wanted to reread it i couldnt find it. but i KNEW it was hilarious so i spent fckn hours looking for it, and it took me hours too bc i coulnt figure out which tags to filter. but it was WORTH IT. the entire concept of this fic is hilarious and makes me laugh. amazing work.
4. Whose bright idea was this? by IronScript
When Lance is captured during a mission with the MFE pilots, he wakes up aboard Haggar's ship, though the witch herself isn't there, so he figures why waste an opportunity? Then he finds something that he definitely hadn't expected.
All the while, he has no idea that back at the Garrison, his team and a few select others are watching his every move.
bro the idea that the team is panicked for lance’s safety and they desperately organise a rescue mission for him terrified that hes getting tortured and losing hope but by the time they find him he’s already got one foot out the door and has rescued himself is ENDLESSLY funny to me. like he really said ‘damsel in distress who’ and i love him for that lmao
5. Garfle! Warfle! Snick! by IronScript
How the game show episode actually should have happened.
I'll admit to being a Lance stan, but even people who don't like him seem to agree that he was really fucked over in this episode. So here's my attempt at it. Is it more realistic than what actually happened? I like to think so.
another ironscript fic bc they nail bamf lance. this is how the gameshow WOULD have gone if vld gave a shit about their characters like actually. like yes of course the team is proud of each other and capable of acknowledging mistakes. of course keith knows lance’s worth. of course lance is a badass. of course the team knows wtf theyre doing. love to read this when i get mad about the game show
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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lowcosmic · 9 months
cosmic, dont think that is good, at least not a good idea because im suffering literaly it seems that I dont learn for my errors becouse I know that drawing kokichi for a school cómic is not a good idea.
Let me explain to you ☝️🤓 (this is going to be long as a bible probably so its not necesary to read it)
Okay so one day my physics teacher tell us to make a cómic of time travels and well I have the wonderful idea of made a complete history of that becouse I dont know why if my mind heard the word "comic" think of a complete history of the theme that is required and well I dont know what to do so i think I kokichi and shuichi why?, well becouse shuichi is a detective and kokichi a líder so i made a history of a privarse detective (shuichi) that is investigating a case of people who have disappeared for years but without leaving any trace and well he finds that the ultime time that they were seen is in the base of an organization, and like the normal person he is, he go to base to investigate but the líder appears ( Kokichi) a he just thrown him to a portal (Lol) and well shuichi appears in a ship where there is all the missing people but when he cuestión him the people just say that they have only been there 10 minutes becouse they are time traveling ande well 10 minutes at the speed of the light can means years on moths in the world and the cómic en a becouse I have only tow hours to made that and well I have to go to the profesor rate them, and well is not the best history (becouse is not even well made Lol I just like the idea) but you know what is was the worst of this, then I see how all of my classmate just make a cómic of the teacher explain the theme and like "really?" "I waste two hours of my live doing this just to watch that all my classmate are more smart and me and finish this in like 5 minutes?!" Literry if dont cry un the class if becouse in cant but this thing will probably happen the next tuesday in my englinsh class becouse dont dude that are gonna see all my classmates whit a one Page cómic made whit a Ball like principal character and like the minimun of vignettes (10) in the cómic while i have a six Page cómic whit a kokichi out of character like main character and whith a story to explain just the tradicionts Lol and that my teacher probably is going to call me "otaku" just for my style.
In conclusión dont work to hard do a thing that's not even going to be worth a point, be like classmates and not dumb like, and NEVER never use your favorite characters for cómics becouse you know what was my idea when I made the cómic it was like "Oh yes I am going to use kokichi for this becouse I am always dodoling him in my notebooks so its gonna be very easy" NO! Like drawing kokichi is easy for me yes (In fact drawing him tendés to calm me donw when I am having a break down) but color him, yes like he is blank so is not that difficult rithg? Well the only problem here is the hair, and you are gonna sea "bit is easy to why a are you saying that" Well beocaouse color kokichi hair is a curse for me, the 4 years that I have been drawing I never can color his hair rithg and its a pain that I dint consider that when I was making the comic beocaouse now im suffering doing this while propaly all of my classmates have their cómic done and are being happy :(.
Besides this I have seeing your drawing and there are pretty! So dont say that you coulnt make it :3
(And sorry for me being a little dramática maybe)
and Ty , GOOD LUCK W/ UR COMIC 💕💕💕💕
( it’ll turn out amazing )
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aesteasis · 2 years
do you have any brazilian literature recommendations :))?
ooohohoho yes i do, im glad you asked >:)) grab some snackies and a water bottle, this is gonna be a long post.
most of what i've read from brazilian literature are classics and like books that are at least decades old lol (uni life go brr), so my recommendations will probably rotate around that. so lets go!
first of all, of course, i recommend Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis (black author btw!), it wouldnt be a br lit rec if i didnt mention this one at some point. this is like the ultimate classic i'd say, but im not recommending just for that. i REALLY enjoy unreliable narrators and this book is all about it. its a novel about a guy who marries his childhood love, but suspects she's cheating on him, but yk, he's a white man from the 19th century, he thinks he's always right and is privileged af and it shows in the way he tells his story, so his opinions arent that trustworthy. and the author knew very much what he was doing, and he did it on purpose.
still about Machado, i must mention his short stories. i really really enjoy grotesque and gothic literature (think the vibes of poe, lovecraft, gogol, dostoevsky, etc) and Machado nails at it. he's also translated poe's works to portuguese back in the day, so we know for certain there's some influences in there. well, i recommend Machado in genereal, my guy really knew how to criticize society with some great witty and sarcastic comments if you know where to look.
if you want more grotesque but is tired of reading stuff written by men, i recommend Julia Lopes de Almeida (who isnt as known as she should be, she was done dirty and purposefully neglected by ABL - brazilian literary non-profit society) and Lygia Fagundes Telles. both of them have some reeeal creepy stories, just the way i like it.
now, if you're into authors who dissect the human mind and master the stream of consciousness and love to relate to the thoughts of the characters of your books, i highly recommend Clarice Linspector. no one does it like her, my girl knows how to transform thoughts into a narrative and its insane, her books are really endearing to read imo.
but if you want something that will thresh the brazilian society (or well, any third world country's society i'd say) and expose every flaw about the system, racism, misogyny, colonialism and class conflict, i recommend specifically the books Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos (idk if theres a translation, but the title says Dry Lives), The Slum, by Aluísio Azevedo, and The Devil to Pay in the Backlands, by Guimarães Rosa (this one is sooo hard to read in portuguese bc it uses a lot of regionalisms from a region im not from, so hard that i actually got a copy in english to read for my finals lmao. but worry not, the english translation is much easier to understand. it also has some queer themes, both gender and sexuality wise, and its a literal masterpiece).
for poetry, i highly recommend Augusto dos Anjos, a personal favourite. im not that into poetry, but Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Cecilia Meireles are very good too.
there's so much more i could recommend, but these are the ones that come to my mind rn. idk if thats what you were thinking about, and sorry i coulnt bring anything contemporary, if thats more your vibes, but i really recommend all of these, for anyone, they're really enriching to read.
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baekuras · 3 years
Getting vaccinated to be safe is OUT
Getting vaccinated for a day (and a half) off is IN
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demonsman · 3 years
Oooo oki!!! Could I maybe then request one where Googlplier and the reader live together and Google goes out to pick something up and such and comes back from shopping and brought the reader several of their favorite drinks and the reader gets so excited that they kiss just give google a big ol' kiss but then gets really embarrassed and flustered over what they just did? I'm fine with any pronouns and I hope this is okay!!
Hello! here is my boy google! hope you enjoy this! ive only wrote about him once before, i hope i got this right tho!
pairings googleiplier x gender neutral reader
You had just got home from work. it had been a long day, now you just wanted to lay on your sofa and not move at all at least until tomorrow. so you slung your work bag on the floor and kicked off your shoes, and sat on the sofa, with your head resting on the back of the couch. you groaned as you felt your muscles en tense.
only now did you realise the missing android. he was normally there waiting for you. you shrugged it off, he was probably just updating or shouting at bing. you were taking your phone out of your coat that was lying on the back of the couch when the door opened. the blue clad android, shut the door and took off his shoes and coat. you turned behind and you smiled at him.
he gave you back an emotionless stare as he took off his hat. the hat gave you some good memories, you had convinced him it made him look more normal, and it was such a surprise that he listened to you.
"where have you been, google?" you asked him
"ive been to the shop. would you care to assits me unpacking the shopping" he asked. you nodded and got up. you followed him into the kitchen, no one was the other than the two of you. he was carrying two shopping bags which he put on the counter top. he started to unpack his, while you did yours. he finished his first, so he stood there and looked at you. his gaze waiting for your next command. he fixed his glasses. your bag was filled with normal things till you took out your favourite hot and cold drink, which had been sold out for goodness knows how long, and a wave of excitment just coursed through you.
a huge smiell took over you fave as you looked at both containers. he coulnt contain you excitment, you flung your arms around google and squeezed him. "thank you! thank you so much!", your momentum knocked him over a bit, but he regained balance, he didnt hug back till you pulled back slightly, you didn't think till you, planted your face to his and kissed him. He felt warm.
you let go instanly. you pushed back. it rushed over you. you just kissed google. you just kissed GOOGLE! blood rushed to your face, your ears burned and your heart was about to burst from your chest, you played with your fingers to try and get rid of some nerves.
"i-i'm so sorry google! i i dont know what just happened, uhm" he looked at you and fixed his glasses, he seemed embarrassed?, he looked away from you and cleared his fake throat.
" i knew you liked those drinks, and you had been stressed as of late. i'm glad i made you happy" he looked back at you, and put his infont of him, clutched together. " i wouldn't mind doing that again later. properly though" he said.
you almost choked and looked at him, you started to try and speak but you just opened and closed your mouth like a fish. you nodded and a small shy smile appered on your face.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Good day i am here to provide a drabble based on some of drugs anons ideas ;D
-🌌anon (oh, and i keep on forgetting to mention my pronouns im so sorry - she/her and they/them :) )
When they first stayed up so late, he passed it off as a natural reaction to the transpiring events.
Change was difficult, even if it was for the better, and outwardly they accepted it. But the initial... move still would put stress on many, so he let them do as they will regarding their sleep schedule, reasoning it'd only be a matter of time.
A week or so, they reasoned, but as every day dragged on past those inital sweet seven and they got sicklier and their skin started to have an undertone of silver compared to their former vibrancy, that's when enough was enough.
"Pray forgive me, S/O, but you can't keep going on like this." Barok had sighed as he just barely caught them from halfway walking into the wall. Yet, the smaller figure merely laughed
"What? Why not?" They grinned, the bags under their eyes curving up with their grin. "I'm making tons of progress with my novella!"
"At the expense of your health? For goodness sake, A rose can't wither at the expense of a daisy." Exasperated, he pulled away to allow them to collect the streen papers across the tiled floor, dropped out of surprise.
"...Can it?" They drawled, grogginess temporarily catching up before their wit returned. "Besides, i do believe my piece is prettier than a daisy. Didn't you claim as such ehen you first reviewed my draft? I think you said it was... a..." they yawned big and widemuch like a snake unhinging its jaw save for the lacking predatory intent."crnation..?"
"That is not the point, S/O." Barok half growled. "If you don't get proper sleep soon so help me i will burn your prior drafts."
"Please do..." impossible as ever, they rubbed their eyes without a care for the steel gaze overlooking them. Yawning once more, they turned away. "Now, if you'll please excuse me..."
They would be, for today, but one would not expect the other to be brewing ideas in their head aswell..
It took a week for the delivery to arrive, and how many times had S/O slept properly?
Once, bent over their desk like an overworked bobby. So, not properly, save for their transferral over to the bed so kindly provided for them but barely touched.
That'd change though, as barok oversaw the food sreved for the night's dinner and took out what'd finally get them to rest properly.
It looked like a salt or a spice when powdered upon their meal that they always ate when provided, making him wonder why they not sleep if they ate so heartily?
Again, that was going to change.
So the meals were set and they ate like usual. S/O noted how the steak tasted oh so slightly differently, but paid it no mind. Maybe it was their mind. Maybe it was a new treat, even if they didnt like the bitterness. Perhaps it was something exotic? Strange that barok didnt comment on it though...
They did note how much more jovial the other man at the end of the table was in the part of their mind that was still coherent. No more fretting over their sleep, but rather he just asked about their book.
How strange, but barok van zieks was quite the aloof one, so again, they paid it no mind.
They also noted how much more they were yawning, but the pursuit of art was too important, so again, they paid it no mind.
Maybe they simply coulnt, a half way dead diredness permeating theough their veins sprinting up to them
Only halfway up the stairs back to their chambers, when their legs wavered and gave out, and their grip weakened on the ornate baniser did any semblance of something wrong cross into their vision, but...
Well, at least barok seemed to arrive just on time, scooping them up into his arms.
"What did I tell you, S/O? You're lucky you only gave out a few steps up. You're lucky you didn't get hurt sooner."
...why did that sound so off? And what was with that glint in his eyes, the one thing they could focus on as their mind entered a shadowy haze thicker than the london smog?
"But fret not. I'll make sure you'll be well taken care of."
He smiled a chilling smile, and before any manner of slurred confusion could ask what was going on...
the world went black.
Perhaps the grim reapers curse was useful, if in small doses.
(I just started the end of chapter 5 in DGS so i apologise for any potential OOC-ness of barok or medical innacuracies)
😳 gah- well then....😳
I'm really not gonna add too much to this because y'all should appreciate this on its own but honestly 🌌Anon the way you can take the brilliant ideas that everyone shares here and make something that's brilliant also. Your contributions are amazing, thank you for sticking around here!!!!
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OC list of the MMO LESBIAN
SarapAlexandria Duvel <3 Vette
Sith Warrior
Human, brown short hair, 1,78, D cups, she likes dressin on armor that is bulkier than a tank or in a tank top and leggings. Dark eyes and light skin
Lesbian. LOVES toys in bed
Has a personal Dreagnough that she uses as a colliseum. She has taken into training new sith in combat. More than her apprentices they are more of gladiators for her to fight.
Kinda crazy. Likes to bounce around and do Tons of damage. She is feroucios about defending the Empire and believes that the republic is doomed. Has archived the impossible more than a dozen times so no plan is to crazy or stupid for her. Gratefully, her wife knows what is too stupid or too crazy and so she fixes those plans so her big sith girl can go fight monsters and other people.
Married Vette. Only she can make her laught so much that she forgets she is angry. The tiny girl is so adorable and so cute and jsut so horny for Alexandria that the two of them spend 3 months on a horny induced honeymoon. Even now after the war with zakuul they keep having more honeymoons whenever they get the chance.
She wasnt all that hurt by Quinns betratal. Like, hey man fatman told you to kill me so no biggie- But from now on you are my bitch and i will bully you over all this k?
Jaesa kinda bugs her. She is Dark side but not SO crazy but still she is kinda...tiny. Alexandria likes to challenge her to crazy stuff and she always gets on trouble with her, but Jaesa is so young and sometimes weak that 
Pierce is her best freind. A total madman when it comes to battle, a blootthirsty man that will not doubt in choosing violence but also super trusthworthy and she knows he will stop her from getting killed in stupid ways
For her Broonmark is her fluffy monster! Just point release and watch blood by spilled. She makes him shower after every bottle and use proucts on his hair cause she likes how soft he gets.
She remains a free agent causing chaos everywhere. She is not quick to kill always tho. If she got a good fight with someone she will usually let them live so they can fight again.
She is the most sexually proactive girl around. She will get every pair of cute or hot tiddies on a bed along side Vette. She is a bit dom and doesnt like playing sub, but she will play passive.
Master of Shien and Juyo, she likes to go crazy with a lightsaber and destroying the place but doesnt really like dual wielding
Seraphine <3 Temple
Sith Agent. New code name: Specter
Cyborg, mostly internal components on her eye, brain and bones. 1,96M, Long hair, usually red but she likes dying it. C cups, She wishses to get more tits but she has to be stealthy. She likes using loose clothes with lots of cleavege. She isnt a fan of bras.
Lesbian Switch. Likes bondage and public stuff. She can and will play any part on roleplay. From the scared virgin to the cruel dominatrix
A master of hidding on plain sight. Seraphine is the kind of woman who blends everywhere. She likes attention from the spotlight just to let it go 5 minutes later. She has the talent of being so likeable that any girl that gets close to her on bed, never gets mad with her for leaving or just going for another girl. She also has a perfect memory and will remember how you like to be touch, how much you moan or what kind of cnadies you like when you are on your days. She is as soft as she is Ruthless. She has never regret killing anyone for more than an hour. Unless she kils someone she has slept with she will pull the triger no matter what. This includes civilians, wounded and allies. After Chapter 3 she left the identity of Cypher 9 and became a shadow agent for the Empire. Her new code name: Specter. 
After the War with Zakuul she was left on charge ofthe Alliance by Darth Nox. Both the Ex Imperial Wrath and the Supreme Huntress stayed behind with her. 
She doesnt like Kaliyo. No. She is no fun. She likes to hurt and doesnt look after girls. She was particulary angry at her at the start because she would try to get on the way of her time with other girls. So Seraphine got Kaliyo a cute chasity belt and allowed her to focus on chaos outside the bedroom. That way they both can get what they want. Chaos and attention.
Vector is her special little guy. Confident. Trusthworthy. But really fun to mess up with. Seraphine tells him to do weird stuff just to get a laught at weird situation. She also helps him send money for Killik Joiners. She likes that he is simple
Lokin is a weird guy for Seraphine.He could do a lot of stuff with the ragkghoul virus but she likes that he is quiet and calm. She likes trying tea with him
Ensign Temple is the only girl that has kept Seraphine attention span for more than 1 night. She likes her a lot because she cant read her as well as other people and so she makes her angry just to learn more about her. She forgot how it felt to get to know someone through time and so she likes to keep her around. She also likes Temple is super organized and loyal
Seraphine can never choose fast between either a big rifle or a tiny blade under her dress. She likes how chaos erupts after a person gets shots down but she also likes to be close when her target takes their last breath
Arthemys Delos <3 Mako
Built like a tank, She likes lifting Mako to train her big guns. She is a cyborg with lots of internal components and a cybernetic leg (left) She isnt the tallest girl, she is 169 (nice) but she has the biggest tiddies. She carries two E cups that she loves to put on Mako’s face. She has black short hair
Total top but wont say no to being topped every know and then
Money,gambling, explosions and pretty girls, Arthemis cares for little more than that. As long as she can fire guns, gamble money and have a bed with a pretty girl on it she will do an job. She loves hunting animals and will almost never reject a bounty. What she wont do, is just say yes to any quest or mission. She can get money as easy as she can waste it and so throwin credits at her doesnt work. Only if the work isnt something she dislikes or too easy or boring she will do it. She has a few internal implants after playing with grenades when she was young.
Mako is hers. Hers alone. She wont let her go beyon her sight and will actually get restless for being away from her too long. Arthemis is possesive which Mako kinda likes.
The two of them likes being on top of eachother as much as possible but a extra pair of hands or tiddies make them both pretty happy. Most of the time, is actually Mako who gets the girl.
Gault is jsut too fun not to keep around. Arthemis wouldnt call him his best friend becuase she suspects the guys can be bought but he is fun either way. She like getting a lot of money with him and then wasting it all or just not taking the pay,just to mess up with him.
Torian is fun. Sometimes. He is a mandalorian and she likes fighting strong people. But Torian is a bit more serious that she would like. She doesnt like people dying because then she cant fight them again and so she doesnt like some decisions of the mandalorian. But at the end of the day the trust that the two share is one of a brotherhood.
Blizz. God Damm Blizz. When Arthemis got Mako on her bed and then into her family she thought she coulnt be happier. She was wrong. The little jawa makes everything better. As chaotic as her and even weirder than Gault, Arthemis just cant stop keeping the jawa around
Selendis likes using two big guns to shot down her enemies. She doesnt really enjoy going around in huge armor so she keeps herself kinda light. But her armor is still a bit big. Why you ask? Cause she loves the feeling of having not only a flamethrower but also grenades, missiles, hooks and electric weapons all stuffed in her body. 
Selendis <3 Lana and Senya
Sith Inquisitor
Sith girl with piercing orange eus and long amazing black hair. She is 182 and as sith that focus on range combat, she took the luxury of enhancing her breasts to a nice DD cups. She doesnt like jewelry but she has a few tattoos. 
Lesbian. The one to dom them all.
No amount of girls is too much when it comes to Selendys
A proud, stylish and master manipulator Selendis believes that the empire can be improved but even in its current state is better than the republic. She is patient and ruthless and wont stop until the galaxy is back on order. She left the alliance and took overthe sith empire after letting Acina step down. Seriously, no killing her just “Try and stop me from getting the throne”
Khem Val is her personal monster. A warrior of another time which she swears wont ever be forgotten. She has taken into redacting whatever information the dashade gives her. She has task him ith protecting everyone she deems worthy of her interest
Andronikos is a fun and interesting man. He is a pirate with experience and a code. Hard things to find. Selendis enjoys him being slipery and smartass. She also enjoys the acces to the underworld the man provides. Over all she likes that the betrayed man has once more put his trust on someone. She wont abuse it but she prides herself of it
Ashara. The little puppy. She has learn about the dark side and the sith and yet she keeps herself on a reaching point from the jedi order. Still she has a point of view that is useful and welcome. She has teached her everything useful that she could learnt.
Talos. Oh Talos. A men of science and interest. Selendis has swear to protect the smart man just so he can see for once history being made instead of being discovered. Most of the time she has free, she will spent researching stuff with Talos and discussing history
Xalek. Selendis attack dog. A simple desire of the young Kaleesh allowed Selendis to craft a magnificent Student. Xalek belived that she was a god. And so Selendis tasked Xalek to forget about being a kaleesh god, and instead become a sith god. Strength, power, and victory.
Lana Beniko. From the first time Selendis met Lana she was intrigue. A sith that kept her rage and hate deep withing her, so she could serve the empire better. Selendis wasted no time in seducing the sith and keeping her under her control. But soon Selendis lost control and ended up loving her. Lana became her source of power. She would burn the galaxy for her. She also fancid her cute ass and the way she lost control.
Senya Tirall. Selendis doesnt do well with betrayal. And so after defeating Arcann, she was left quite angry when Senya saved him. So, after the war with Zakuul, Selendis threw Senya into a prison and slowly made her crumble. Telling her that both Arcann and Vaylin were death, Offering herself as the only ally, and then leaving her alone. Selendis broke Senya and put her back together in a way that she would enjoy. Despite being more of a pet than a lover, Selendis does love her in her wn special way, and wont let her be hurt.
Cassandra (Cassie) Jedi Knight <3 kIRA She tiny! She is 165, amber eyes,C cups she likes to hide on a sport bra and to fight, she has a few scars over her back and shoulder (horny origin) She specialies on Djem So but likes using two lightsbaers instead of one Lesbian Total Bottom girl. Tsundere (will be all agressive but you pet her once and she will melt on your arms)
T7-01 The crimemaster, Teseven will always be there to push Cassie towards any female individual just so Cassie can stop winning about not having a girlfriend. Each time it works, but Cassie ends up lossing the contact or getting pulled out from plannet by the council
Kira. Or like Cassie likes to call her, babe! Cassie was sweap of her feat by how chaotic her padawan was an how incredible persistent she was on taking baths together, giving eachother massages and just being close. Cassie lasted 2.6 seconds the first time she gave her a kiss and fron that day on, she is either fighting or on her girlfriend’s arms. Kira likes to tease Cassie and on nights she makes sure to give her all of her love
Doc. The best partner. Doc is always there for Cassie, wherever she is doing good or bad. Or doing ilegal or legal stuff. He knows Cassie will jump towards danger and he will be there to help her make the galaxy a better place Rusk. There are few things that Rusk hates more than the empire and one of them is how Cassie jumps on top of his back because she is to tiny to get food by herself. Even then, he will die for his little sister becuase he knows she will defeat the empire some day
Scourge. The big old sith might have forgotten what means love, pain or feelings, but he respects Cassie. He knows that despite her size the little jedi is more than capable of busting whatever walls appear on her way, even if it means tapping on the dark side. 
Bella Jedi consular <3 NADIA
She is a curvy girl. D cps on a tallish girl, 178, with a dump track ass. She is thick and she is SHY about it. She likes baggy clothes so her body doesnt show too much. She feels that healing people with her skills is the best call for her but she also agrees that sometimes throwin a massive bould to minnies is good
Qyzen.  Qyzen and Bella are good frends. Mostly, because Qyzen will gladly shoot anyone who calls Bella on her fat ass, and Bella will drop a boulder on anyone who calls him green skin or lizard. The two of them are the type of people who fixate on stuff and they enjoy their hobbies
Tharan. To be honest. Bella didnt think it thorugh when she got Tharan to come with. She was doing it mosly out of pity and because she needed some help. But mostly she just liked Holiday and would be more interested on keeping her rather than him. 
Zenith. Oh dear Zenith. Bella enjoys Zenith attiude. There is little more than that. She isnt as extremist as he is, but she knows that he will do everything on his power to defeat the empire and protect the inocent
Iresso. Oh Ireso is fun. Bella likes to bully him in little wyas. Sometimes she will just pick something ilegal to do to get on his nerves. Thats alls. Well he is all good and good for fights but Bella likes how correct he is and that she can make him mad
Nadia: Her love. Her mistress. Her everything. Everyone has thirsted for her body, and so Bella usually isnt ready to believe most words of love and affection, but Nadia persisted for months, being almost addicted to her body. And so one day Bella let her padawan into her bedroom and cried over her love. Nadia is the type of girl who will devote her heart and soul to her love. She CANT keep her hands off Bella’s body tho, which makes it hard for her to keep clean underwear around
Sarah Novadust
The lead singer and dancer of the Imperial Idol group “Royal Novas” 
A tallish girl (175cm) a bit petite looking but upclose you notice she has a good pair of thighs and some nice ass. She has GOLDEN hair. Not blonde. Golden. She keeps it on a long ponytail that reaches all the way back to her ass. She is a human girl of 22 years old with Purple eyes due to some alien grandparents
She leads the Royal Nova an Idol Group originated on the Empire. The group is formed by her, 3 back up singers, 5 back up dancers, 2 guitars, piano, drums, violin, and 1 trumpet. The 15 girls are all REAL close to Sarah.. More on that later
Sarah was born on Sarapin. She worked on being an artist since she was young, but when she was around 15 she was blacklisted from most musical firms on the republic over a incident with a manager that wanted to taste her body. Sarah left to spent some times with friends back on Balmorra when the empire attacked. FOr a couple of years she layed low working on some cantinas singing to earn a living. It was there when some sith lady saw her and brought her to Kaas City. Sarah would keep singing for more and more excentic public until she had the favour of enough people that she could stay safe and solo. Then after saving up for some time, she went and convinved a few sith lords and sith officers to put some credits on for a full on idol group. She invited friends and scouted for talent all over the galaxy
As an artist, Sarah likes mixing her young excitement with imperial overconfidense. She knows that playing it safe wont work and so she makes every song and perfomance into a way to improve herself more and more. With a big group of girls to help her she has managed to perform or even Dark council members and Senators from the republic. 
As a young woman, Sarah attracts a lot of people. She isnt the most strong willed person, nor she is particulary aggresive. That is excaclty the reason why each and every member of the Royal Novas is madly in love with her. Each girl looks over their leader as a little kitten to be protected. Of course, Sarah doesnt mind the attention and as long everyone plays nice, she will open her heart to the entire group. With 22 years old, a massive fallowing, more credits that she can count and a polyamourous relationship with 14 girls, Sarah's life is just the best
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vivinightingale · 4 years
I'm so sorry for getting to this late @secondaryrealm 🥺🥺 happy late birthday, I love you and hope you had a wonderful birthday.
Match up?
Hi Syd! So it's ma birthday today (don't worry you don't have to post this today or anything, take your time!) and I’d really really appreciate a Yugioh (DM) match up ^.^ I’m a demisexual woman, meaning that I don’t feel sexual/romantic feelings for a person until an emotional bond or deeper connection has been established. I’m mostly attracted to men, but have had romantic feelings for women before. 
I’m very creative in even more ways than writing, if I’m not writing I’m usually drawing, making crafts, sewing, or something of the like. I’m also a lover of geeky things, comics, fantasy, sci-fi, video games, you name it, especially if it’s something that’s geeky -and- creative like Dungeons and Dragons or other RPGs haha. 
Even though I’m usually very friendly I can still be closed off at times, and have trouble letting people in. However once I’m comfortable around people you’ll find that I’m pretty boisterous, I love making people laugh for example and have little shame when getting said laughter. My loved ones are the most dear thing to me in the world, blood relation or not, once someone is in my inner circle I would basically do anything for them and supporting them in whatever makes them happy is a constant priority. 
Unsurprisingly, I’m very introverted, meaning I can get very anxious around groups I don’t know and prefer to stay home most of the time. I like the occasional outing but it’s more like a “once a week” thing rather than a “let’s go out every night” type thing, you know? Honestly my dream relationship is spending most nights together just snuggled up watching TV, reading, or playing games (video, bored, or otherwise) together, and maybe having one day a week where we go out on a date night.
When it comes to my “type”, I think I can have feelings for many types, but something my s/o has to have is compassion and an open mind. I’m an extremely moral driven person and compassion is one of my main tenants, so to be with someone who doesn’t have a gentle heart would be very draining and tiring for me. So long as they’re kind and we have mutual love and respect for each other, I could work through pretty much any other personality faults or quirks and love them with all my heart.
Hopefully this gives you plenty of insight into me as a person and you can easily see me with someone haha Thank you so much in advance, you’re amazing!!!
Honestly half way through this I already had someone in mind and i couldn't see anyone else.
I match you wwwiiittthhhh
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The ever adorable Yugi Muto!
Here is my reason why:
The day he met you, you were sitting in class by yourself looking through a reference book for your newest D&D character.
He noticed that you were by yourself, and coulnt help but remember himself in your position before his friends. So he decides to approach you.
At first it was really awkward, but he didnt stop trying to get to know you. Every day at lunch he would come to talk to you, and on the occasion play games with you.
When you finally opened up to him it was the most magical thing to him. You are so kind and compassionate that it was well worth the wait.
He was first to catch feelings for you, and though there were signs he didnt want to push his feelings on you so he waited for you to say something first.
When you did he was ecstatic, to have someone as sweet as you as his s/o was a dream come true.
So just for you he planned the perfect date. At his house with all his games, your favorite snacks, and we was gonna cook your favorite dinner.
The first date was a solid foundation for your relationship going forward. He shows just as much love and compassion as you do for him.
He knows that your introvert so he doesnt try to push to you go out, but when you guys do he keeps it just the two of.
And he loves your creative side, especially when it come to playing D&D with you. The stories and characters you come up with just amaze him.
The Pharaoh is honestly your guys biggest supporter. He seems how happy you make each other, and could think of a better match.
So while he share a body with Yugi he tries to make his presence none existence so you two can have your time.
But when the duel master cards come out, he is aaaalllll game. (He cant help it)
He just absolutely loves and adores you, and couldnt see himself without you. So after you graduate or feel like your in a comfortable spot in life he will 100000% ask for your hand in marriage.
So he never knows what it's like without you again.
(Side note: he knows how draining it is for you to be around Kaiba so he tries to keep it a minimum.)
(At one point he had to yell at Kaiba to go away because he kept presistining on duel)
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Gundham Tanaka relationship headcannons
Still no other mods but me and still no request but this blog is not even a week old so I wasn’t expecting anything but I’m bored so I’m writing again. Any way ya boi loves Gundham too much so I’m writing this! Hope all you fellow Gundham fans like this.
-mod Korekiyo
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Crush headcannons
Help this boi
He doesn’t know what to do
He’s trying to keep up his villan persona around you but it’s getting hard with how flustered you make him
He can act all dark and brooding as he wants but the second his crush says a word to him he is beet red and stuttering Horribly
You find it adorable obviously
He has no idea how to ask you out
He’s tried asking around but he doesn’t trust anyone’s advice
You end up having to be the one who asks him out
You coulnt watch this poor boy stutter much longer
First date headcannons
You guys go to a zoo obviously
You both love animals so much
You help him come up with a clever plan to sneak the four dark devas in with you guys
You hide one in your shoe, one in your pocket, one in his pocket, and one in his hair
You guys are completely gushing over the animals
Well, you’re gushing, he is trying to keep up his persona, but his eyes are glowing with excitement over the animals (but mostly about you)
Several times you catch him staring at you like an excited child looks at presents on Christmas morning
He completely denies it though
At the end of the day he walks you home
“I thank you for thine presence this evening, I am quite thankful that I was invited to spend time with you...”
He rambles on and on
Your able to shut him up and quit his act pretty quickly with just a quick kiss
You pull away quickly and and give him a warm smile
He stutters a bunch while his face reaches a shade of red you didn’t think was possible
In a surprising turn of events he kisses you back
This kisses is longer and softer than the first
You’re shocked at first before you melt into the kiss
You finally break away from the kiss and say goodbye.
You give the of the four dark Devas a little hug goodbye too
Relationship headcannons
He’s not a big fan of PDA really, hand holding is about as far as he’s willing to go
But at home....
This boy is a complete cuddle bug
His favorite thing ever is when you hug him from behind
He gets the goofiest smile when you do this
He lets down his whole villan persona when he’s around you.
You feel really special to be able to see this softer side of him
He definitely calls you “his dark emperor/empress” in public though
You guys have like 300 pets
You both are closest with the devas though
After a few years he eventually proposes to you
Both the proposal and wedding weren���t all that extravagant, but that’s how you guys like it
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Proud of the Man youve becomed.
Cw: angst, hurt and comfort flashback ment ,eye contact tw
Ok to rb.
Summary: recently V has gotten some of hud memories back, and with his old life coming to light once again he feels confused and upset, luckily for him, jerico Will go to the end to find his old memories and life.
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Jerico turns around in bed, searching for Vincent.
She sits up sighing, walking out of their room, into the shadow gallery-- V?!-- she calls Into the empty house.
-- kitchen!--answered V.
She walks there and sits on his lap,he hugs her waist and pulls her closer.
He sighed heavily pressing his head on her shoulder.
--you can lay down the gentleman act v-- jer said pressing a kiss to his mask.
-- I know-- he whispered-- its tiring, but I enjoy it,you know?
-- I know, but its going to tire you out-- she said lifting his chin up.
He takes off his mask and smiles softly.
-- oh what id do without you-- V added kissing jerico.
--im here when you need me vincent--she kissed him again.
Both stand up and he picks her up and walk to the livingroom and sit on the sofá watching the tele.
They talk softly hugging,v presses his forehead against hers and pulls her in for a hug.
--why were you awake?-- jer asked.
--i had...more flashbacks from my life before larkhill, my name was vincent....vincent weaving I think, i had Many aunts..mainly because they were married to other women-- he chuckles-- I was an artist..., me and mum used to dance togheter...
Jerico listens carefully as to what vincent said, he lays her on his chest and she hugs him tightly.
Sighing he adds-- I coulnt salvage anything of my other life, I think its for the best, letting it go...
Jer felt sad, she softly strokes his chest as he closes his eyes, pulling over the cover for the both of them she kisses his chin.
The Next day she went out, V was asleep, hed developed a very heavy sleep that let her sneak out more often.
She went all around london with evie, looking for any traces of Vs old life.
Jerico almost cried when she found some of his old paintings, a photo and a voice recording.
When she comes back vincent is with his arms crossed, no words was said but she understood he wanted an explanation, he never liked it when she went away, he was scared of losing her.
-- look-- jerico said handing him what she found-- you deserve to know who you were vin, evie and I found these
He almost drops them in surprise gasping loudly, the paintings-- I... how did you find these?--His eyes water as he sees the last piece,a portrait of his aunts dancing, and her mom.
He leaves the paintings aside and hugs her tightly-- you scared me to death you know that right?, but Im thankfull for this...
They sit on the sofá as he sees the pictures-- oh look, those are my aunts-- he said with nostalgia-- they are as ravishing as I remember them, oh and my mother...
Jerico looks at the old woman and smiles-- heh you two are identical...
He puts the pictures aside and grabs the cazzette. Rumishing around a cupboard to find its player.
When he found it jerico kissed vincent and squeezed his hand leaving him to listen to the tape.
He sniffs taking off his mask and scratching his nose.
"is this thing on? Oh there we go
vincent I hope youll find this tape,I know how hard things are now that you went away, we all miss you
but I know you, youre mammas Smart boy, youll give those bastardi (bastards) something to cry about
i hope by the time you hear this that you have a happy life my son, you deserve it.
I hope you have a wonderfull home, that you live with a partner that loves you as you are
I hope that youre happy with them,that they are happy with you
but most of all I hope youre true to yourself, Keep being that gentlemanly, Smart boy you always were, I hope you can Open up to your loved ones
i hope that you Keep being that emotional Man you always were
and if you changed thats alright too,we Will still love you vincent
Ti voglio bene figlio mio
Take care of yourself for mamma (mom) okay?.
I cant wait to see the Man youve becomed"
The recording ends with vincents mother and aunts saying "ciao vincent!" At the same time.
V breaks down crying and jerico bolts into the room hugging him tightly.
He cries on her shoulder and presses his forehead against it.
She caresses his back as his arms wrap around her waist.
He breathes in, looking at jerico, tears Rolling down his cheeks-- ti amo cara mia(i love you my dear)-- he whispered kissing her.
--yo también te amo( I love you too)-- jerico answered
They went to the kitchen and she gave him a glass of water.
Víctor,their Orange stripped cat purrs against Vs leg, he drinks the water and smiles picking the cat up.
-- ah Víctor always so worried about me
Jer smiles kissing vincent-- you know we should go visit your family again
The Man nodds-- its been a while hasnt it?, but first I want you to hear the tape with me, please?
She nodds and goes to sit with him
That night they went to the graveyard where Vs family was buried.
He talked to them as jer stood in silence holding his hand.
They left scarlett carsons and went back to the shadow gallery.
And as jerico held vincent closely they fell asleep, he still had a family, and he was becoming his own Man, one his mother would be proud of.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up 🎈
Hi I hope you are well in this time of confusion! I wanted to say I really like your account, and I was hoping you could do a match up for me!
Umm… I am a pretty weird contradiction haha. I am an INFP-T so I like my alone time, I’m also a Libra. It usually takes me a while to open up unless you somehow catch me on a weird day or if I topic I really like comes up, in that case good luck shutting me up. Once you get to know me, I am really friendly and sarcastic. I have a hard time controlling my emotions and I can be pretty impulsive if I don’t watch myself. My favorite season is winter because everything is peaceful. 
I’m Chinese-American I was born in the US and my parents taught me Chinese. I really like reading and watching anime. I am sorta musically inclined, I play piano and sing in my school’s chamber group. I also play soccer I’m the goal keeper and that consists of me yelling at my teammates, but apparently they like it because I’m the captain. 
Thank you!
Hi there love! i hope you are doing well 💎! Thanx so much for your kind words dear <3 Thank you so much for the request and i hope you enjoy it, love ^_^
SO I match you with…………………… Kenshin
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You’ve been in Azuchi for a while now, and you were adapting really well. You made quick friends with Mitsuhide and Nobunaga. You hadn’t really reached the point yet with them where you completely opened up but you were definitely fond of them. Although you were still a little shy and reserved around them. You kept mostly to yourself and performed your duties as Chatelaine well. You were loved by all the staff and warlords, they loved the friendliness and warm vibes you brought into the castle.
One morning Hideyoshi came to your room for tea and to share some bad news with you. He had informed you that the dragon and tiger were rumored to still be alive. Honestly, you didn’t know what this meant, and only after Hideyoshi explained the backstory did a shiver go down your spine. The bad news was that if they truly were alive, then the Oda forces would have to go to war. Hideyoshi gave you a reassuring pat and said that the second part of the bad news was that you were to attend the next war council. 
You attended the council feeling a bit nervous. TBH everyone was a bit on edge with hearing the rumor. Nobunaga proclaimed that he himself wanted to scout and see if the rumors of their existence were true or not. Everyone was a little shocked. Even more so when Nobunaga decided on a whim to bring you along. Of course, you did not want to come along, but who were you to argue with the great Nobunaga. Hideyoshi had come to your room that evening to help you pack, and of course Mitsuhide had to come along as well to give you a “pep talk.” In the morning, you Nobunaga and Mitsuhide headed out to go and scout Echigo. The journey was long and filled with the two men teasing you. You coulnt help but smile at your friends and throw in a few of your own sarcastic remarks which surprised them. The three of you were disguised as street performers as a cover to enter into the city. You passed the city gates with ease and let out a breath of relief you didn’t know you were holding in. Nobunaga looked back at you and smirked.
Once you guys arrived at the market place in Echigo, Nobunaga stated that he and Mitsuhide was off to scout and that you were free to keep yourself busy. He then strode off; Mitsuhide gave you some money and a map to the inn that the three of you were to stay at that night, and he to was off. You were now standing alone in the middle of the street. You signed and began walking through the market. It was by no means as big and booming as Azuchi but it was nice and peaceful. 
As you were looking around, a soldier stopped you and asked you to perform for him. You were super confused. He definitly looked like a bit of a creepo, he then drew his sword and said that if you did not perform, he would have you locked up and thrown in the dungeon. Mitsuhide had warned you to be careful as people did not look kindly on performers in this time. You were freaking out, like what did this dude expect you to do. He raised his sword intending to cut you down for being suspicious when a black blur moved in front of you and gracefully blocked the soldier’s attack. The soldier’s eyes went wide when he saw who had blocked his sword. He got down on one knee and bowed his head, defending his actions by accusing you of being suspicious. Your savior simply narrowed his eyes and warned the man to leave if he valued his life. 
Your knees gave in, and you were now crouched down on the ground-hugging your knees. “You woman come with me.” You were so scared you couldn’t even move. Kenshin then crouched down before you and offered you his hand. You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but kindness. He gently took you small hand in his big hands and started leading you to a teahouse. You were still in a state of shock. Kenshin then ordered you some tea to calm you down. He didn’t know why he felt so attracted to you. Or why he was now sitting here with you trying to calm you down. As you calmed down, you managed to really look at the man who saved you. If winter were a person, then this man would be him. He was absolutely stunning. You sipped on your tea, trying to hide the blush that had formed on your cheeks from sneaking glances at the winter prince. The two of you didn't really talk, just stare at each other. Once you had finished your tea, and he walked you back to the inn you were staying at. He looked into your eyes once more gave you a small smile, bid you farewell and left. Not many words were exchanged, but he definitely caught your attention
The a few days later, you were back in the market walking around when you spotted the man who had saved you a few days prior. He was talking with another man who looked vaguely familiar to you, until things clicked. SASUKE! You ran up to the two of them and greeted your friendly neighborhood ninja friend. You then turned to Kenshin and thanked him for saving your life and calming you down. You were so freaked out that day that you realized that you hadn’t even thanked him yet. Sasuke looked at Kenshin and saw something he hadn’t seen since he started working for Kenshin. A soft, gently look with a small whisper of a smile gracing his lips. Sasuke was determined to play matchmaker, never had he seen his lord interested in any woman before. Much less call one by her name, he would usually just address them as woman. He decided the best way for the two of you to get to know each other was by inviting you to a banquet. Plus Sasuke would give anything to see the shock on everyone’s faces at seeing the famous God of war with a woman. You didn’t have any time to decline as he was now dragging you and Kenshin back to Kasugayama Castle.
You were feeling a bit awkward sitting beside Kenshin and sipping on some sake. Sasuke introduced you to all his friends in the castle. They like the oda forces were filled with a variety of different character. After he introduced you to everyone, you quietly retreated to where Kenshin was sitting. You didn’t know what it was about him, but you enjoyed the peaceful vibe he gave off. Noting felt forced with him, and the silences were always comfortable. The two of you sat in silence until a little bunny made its way up to Kenshin and hopped onto his lap, and then another and then another. Soon he was surrounded by sweet little bunnies. You couldn’t help but smile, and when Kenshin looked at you, his breath caught. He gave you a soft smile in return and asked if you would like to pet one. You were awestruck by his smile. Who knew the bunnies would spark you to open up so quickly to Kenshin. You were now having a full-blown convo with the bunny warlord. You had discovered the two of you had so many things in common, and you spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing away with the feared god of war. The looks of shock and disbelief that surrounded to two of you didn't go unnoticed but you honestly couldn't care less cause you were having the time of your life.
Kenshin especially enjoyed your sarcastic side, especially when it was aimed towards Shingen, you would throw a sarcastic remark his way whenever he would try and use his pickup lines on you. Kenshin definitely had developed a soft spot for you, even though he had only known you a few days. That night it was also the first time the people of Kasugayama Castle had seen Kenshin genuinely smile or even talk to a woman and they were all silently rooting for their lord. 
You were having such a good time chatting and laughing that you may have had a bit too much to drink and was now in no state to walk back home. Before Kenshin could even offer you a room for the night, you slumped down, with your head was comfortably resting on his shoulder. Kenshin couldn’t help but smile and pull you into his arm. The rest of the evening you spent cradled in his arms with you head resting on his chest. 
You woke up that morning in an unknown room. Before you could even freak out, you saw an army of bunnies surrounding you. You couldn’t help but smile at the cute bunnies who were now waking up along side you and cuddling closer to you. A maid came to get you and bring you to Kenshin’s room, where the two of you had breakfast together. You really enjoyed his company, and even though the two of you had not known each other long, you couldn’t help but fall in love with him. You were ruled by your emotions, and you impulsively proclaimed your love over breakfast. 
Kenshin gave you a soft smile. He was so happy that you felt the same way as he did. Before the two of you could even celebrate your new love, Sasuke burst through the door, announcing the arrival of unexpected visitors. As the two of you walked into the audience hall, you saw a very unhappy looking Mitsuhide and a very smug-looking Nobunaga. “So, I see my fireball has fallen for the very dragon we came to hunt down.” 
Kenshin didn’t care that you were an oda princess, or that the two of you were technically enemies, he simply wrapped his arms around you and death stared Nobunaga. This may have been an impulsive decision on your part, but nothing felt more right in your whole life. The four of you spent the whole day chatting and trying to come to an agreement when finally, a decision was made. Nobunaga didn’t want to give up his fireball that easily, but he wanted what was best for you. He after all had a soft spot for his lucky charm. They decided that as long as you were happy in Kasugayama, you were allowed to stay, but if you chose to come back to Azuchi, you would be welcomed with open arms. They also said that if Kenshin ever hurt you they would hunt him down and kill him for making their precious princess sad.
 Nobunaga and Mitsuhide were invited to attend a peace banquet that evening to celebrate your new life with Kenshin and to say goodbye. Even though the two sides were enemies, both vowed to do whatever it takes to ensure your happiness and not to involve you in any future wars. That morning you saw your friends off with a smile. Once they were out of sight you turned to Kenshin and gave him a small kiss, beaming up at him. He took your hand in his and the two of you walked back to the castle.
You love Kenshin so much, and you found that the two of you balanced each other out perfectly. You were a strong brave woman, a true Goddess of war. The people of Kasugayama loved you, and all saw you as a truly wonderful woman worthy to rule beside their beloved god of war. Kenshin loved you so much and has declared that he would devote his life to you. 
Kenshin love every part of you, he loved listening to your beautiful singing voice, he loved listening to your songs as you played the piano for him. His absolute favorite thing in the whole world was resting his head on your lap as you would caress his face and sing sweetly to him
Other potential matches………………Nobunaga
I hope you enjoyed it, love! 
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miraclealignersv · 5 years
Distance (Bucky Barnes x reader)
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Summary: y/n starts to have feelings for Bucky but she strays away from him due to past experiences.
A/n: this was requested by a lovely anon, thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
Y/n collided hard on the training mat, she groaned and closed her eyes as he breathing picked up.she had opened her eyes and saw Bucky extending an arm out to help her get up. She gladly took it as she pulled herself up with his help. This was routine now, it had been for the past month. She had grown accustomed to training with Bucky everyday from four to six pm and afterwards they would join the rest of the team for dinner and carry on to talk about random things.
‘’Ouch” she spoke as she rubbed the back of her head, a smile spread across her lips as Bucky rolled his eyes. “You know maybe next time don’t throw me that hard’’ she shrugged.
“I'll keep that in mind darling’’ Bucky gave her a wink and a smirk, y/n blushed at the nickname and rolled her eyes as she bent down.
As she grabbed the water bottles from the edge of the mat she threw one over to Bucky who caught it and snapped it open. Y/n tilted her head as she stared at him. He stood there all sweaty in a pair of sweats and a tank top, his hair falling over his face. Her gaze drifted away and sighed in realization, that's what it was.
“You okay doll?’’ he asked as he walked over and took one of the towels from her arm, she froze and stared at nothing in particular before opening her mouth to speak. But nothing came, the deep realization hit her in that moment that she couldn’t really fully process it.
“I uh- yeah’’ she managed as she grabbed her own water bottle, Bucky only stared at her with concern in his eyes. Y/n slowly brought the water bottle to her lips and took a big gulp, again shocked with the realization that hit her. “I’m going to head up, I’ll uh see you later’’ she spoke slowly, Bucky only furrowed his brows and gave her a nod. She grabbed the rest of her gear and gave him a quick smile before heading out of the training room and far away from him.
Once she had gotten to her room she face planted onto her bed and let out a large groan. This couldn't be, could it? She couldt be falling for Bucky. Of course she liked him and had butterflies in her stomach whenever she would see him but she couldn't be falling for him. Y/n sat up and closed her eyes, the memories of her previous relationship came back to her all at once.The heartbreak and everything she felt after that relationship all came back to her in that moment causing a few tears to accumulate in her eyes.
Maybe she wasnt falling for bucky, maybe it was a dumb school crush and she was over reacting. She opened her eyes and brought her sleeve over her eyes and dried them before chuckling to herself. Yeah, maybe it was just her mind overthinking a dumb school crush.
The following day, she made her way down to the training room once again. But once she saw Bucky her heart pounded against her chest. She mentally yelled at her self, and in that moment she wanted to slap her self.
“It's just a crush you’ll get over it’’ she whispered to herself as Bucky made his way towards her with his million dollar smile plastered on his face.
“y/n!’’ he greeted as she set her gear down and turned to him. A small smile of her own appeared on her face as he came closer and closer. “Hey, so the team is heading out to a bar later. You wanna get dinner instead?’’ he asked, y/n opened her mouth to speak but instead Bucky continued.
“It’ll be just the two of us, you know like a date’’ he shrugged, y/n froze as bucky waited for a reaction or a proper response. She looked around and laughed awkwardly as she looked up at him.
“Sounds fun. Uh sure yeah” she spoke with a small smile, Bucky smiled wider and went to his position as y/n stanted in hers with a million thoughts racing through her head. She slowly turned to him.
“Ready doll?’’ he asked, y/n gave him a small nod as he charged at her. She ducked and pushed him to the side with the force she had, her mind went blank after that. The thoughts of the past heartbreak that was not long ago and now she was starting to accept that she had feelings for Bucky. She slowly turned around to Bucky charging at her, in that moment she couldn’t remember how to function. Last thing she saw before landing hard on her back, was Bucky coming at her with his metal arm.
Once she opened her eyes she let out a loud groan. She tried to get up but her right shoulder felt as it was on fire. She yelped and laid on the mat before seeing Bucky appear above her.
“Hey, are you alright?’’ he asked as he crouched down and helped her sit up. She grabbed onto her arm and closed her eyes a bit to distract herself from the pain. He stared at her and rubbed circles on her other shoulder waiting for her to say something.
“Yeah my shoulder’’ she whispered as she looked over. ‘’Think its dislocated’’ she observed before Bucky scoffed and shook his head with a smile on his face.
“Y/n we've trained nonstop this past month, how did you manage to get hurt?’’ he asked, concern filling his voice. Y/n shook her head and grabbed onto her arm.
“Just kind of distracted, I’m just going to head up now’’ she whispered as Bucky stood up and helped her carefully get up.
“You need help?’’ he asked as she walked away, turning to him slowly she saw the concern in his eyes and froze in place.
“No im fine, I’ll uh see you later’’ she spoke as she turned again and walked away.
Two days after the incident she had finally come out of her room, being greeted by Tony and examined by Bruce. They came to the conclusion that her shoulder was dislocated, the process of healing would last a while and she would have to wear a sling the first week.
She tried everything the week after her last encounter to stay as far away as she could from Bucky. She coulnt’ cope with the fact that she was falling for him and his damned million dollar smile. So instead she just altogether stopped hanging out in areas she knew he would be in. She had cried over these dumb feelings and what she felt for him too much.
As she walked down the hall of the tower, she reflected on her feelings. Y/n was petrified, she feared falling in love. After her last break up, she just decided altogether that maybe she would never fall in love again. SHe suffered and cried, all of those emotions and the pain that she felt then. She didn't want to go through that again, and it was for the better if she just ignored Bucky and ended all ties with him.
Her eyes glazed over as the tears threatened to spill, her mind raced with a million thoughts. Maybe Bucky wouldn't hurt her, unlike her other boyfriend. He would never do that to her. The thoughts clouded her mind and the tears spilled. Until they stopped the moment she ran into someone and took a step back. She looked up to see Bucky staring down at her.
“y/n” he smiled as he saw the familiar y/h/c standing in front of him, but his smile dropped the second he saw her puffy red eyes. ‘’Hey what's wrong doll?’’ y/n looked away and shook her head. The boy stood in front of her confused, both of them standing in the middle of an empty hallway.
“It's just-’’ she couldt finish her sentence, she just broke down crying. Bucky took a step towards her and wrapped his arms around her. She wrapped her arms around him and embraced the moment.
She pulled away from him and looked up to meet his worried gaze on her. She grabbed onto his arm and closed her eyes before wrapping it around his neck and pulled him into another hug.
“I’m just scared” she whispered into her shoulder, Bucky wrapped his arms around her. He was careful to not hug her too tight.
“Scared of what?” He questioned in a whisper. “Y/n?” He asked after a while, y/n only sighed and kept her eyes closed and her arm over his neck. A tear threatened to spill but she fought it.
“I’m falling for you and I’m terrified” she admitted, her voice broke after the last word. Bucky was well aware about her previous break up, he never mentioned it to her or brought it up. All he knew was it was a painful time for her. His face softened at the confession and held her tight before she pulled away.
“Don’t be scared doll” he assured as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes were puffy and red, he gave her a small smile before grabbing her hand in his. “You wanna get some food?” He asked, y/n chuckled and gave him a reassuring nod before he wrapped his arm over her shoulders.
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doctoroobleck · 5 years
The Wedding
The time for the ceremony was approching and Cinnamon was in the hallway, making sure her dress was okay and adjusting the decorative belt, shawl and jewelry. She made sure nothing was out of place and she didn’t accidentally snag or rip the skirt. After she saw everything with her dress, crown, and jewelry was okay she checked the time.
Maybe she could check on her parents and see if they were alright. After all, she didn’t want anything to happen on their big day. With that decided she went to find them.It didn’t take her long to find where Oobleck was. She peeked in the room her Dad was in. Both his parents were in there helping him make sure he was ready. When they spotted her she gave them the thumbs up.
“Everything is looking good. You should get to the alter Dad. The ceremony will be starting soon. I’m going to go check on Mom.” Oobleck coulnt help but smile at Cinnamon and nodded and gave her a thumbs up back.
“Will do Sweetie. Mom, Dad I think it’s time.” Oobleck and his parents made their way to the event hall and started their way up to the altar.
The young faunus left quickly. Time was short at the moment and she just wanted to make sure everything and everyone was alright. She breathed as she searched for the room Red was in when she noticed Ava standing in front of a door and walked up and gestured for them both to peek in.
The Beacon event hall was decorated exactly as Red and Bart had wanted it. Everything looked elegant and beautiful. Perfect for their ceremony. The guests had been seated, everyone was dressed very nicely and couldn’t wait for the ceremony to begin.
Outside the hall, Viola and Willow were doing some last minute touch ups to Red’s hair, making sure every strand was in place while Cinammon and Ava peeked through the door.
“Everything looks great Mom.” Cin whispered with a smile.
“She’s right. And Bart looks like he might pass out.” Ava snickered.
“I feel like I’m about to pass out.” Red mumbled. She was beyond nervous. She had wanted this for so long now. And the day was finally here. Viola could sense her friend’s nervousness and brought her into a hug.
“Everything will be alright Red. I promise.” Viola reassured her. Willow nodded in agreement.
“You’re a more perfect bride than anyone I’ve seen before. You’re going to rock this wedding.” Willow smiled and placed her hands on her hips. “You’re at least a lot more perfect than I was.“ Red rolled her eyes at the comment, but smiled nonetheless. Summer, who had been working on getting her own suit straightened out, looked at Red.
"You’re beautiful Red. If Bart doesn’t at least tear up at the sight of you, I might just have to kick his butt later.” Summer giggled, making Red giggle too.
Meanwhile at the altar, Fredrick Oobleck and his wife Elizabeth were fussing over Bart. He was trying to get them to calm down, but Elizabeth wasn’t having it. She kept smoothing out non-existent wrinkles in Bart’s tux and tie.
“I’m so proud of you Bartholomew. You picked a wonderful woman to marry. I’m a little sad to see how much you’ve grown up though. I still remember you being so small.” Elizabeth fussed. Bart rolled his eyes with a smile and took his mother’s hands in his own.
“I know mother. But please, save the stories for the reception” Bart pleaded with his mother, making his father chuckle as he took Elizabeth’s hands out of Bart’s and into his.
“He’s right. Let him have this moment right now free of stories. Besides, we should take our seats.” Fredrick stated as he lead Elizabeth towards their seats. Bart let out a relieved sigh. He was grateful he had his father and mother here. It helped with his nerves. But Fredrick had been right, the ceremony was about to start.
The room was filled with excited whispers as the time drew nearer. A lot of people had shown up. Friends, family and acquaintances alike filled the seats. Each one ecstatic that Red and Bart were finally getting married.
Back out in the hallway; Taiyang, Peter, Tyrian and Killua had arrived. They looked a little out of breath. Red was confused until Killua explained why.
“Sorry for being late. I thought I lost Bart’s ring. But we found it! I have both rings now. We’re good to go.” Killua reassured Red, showing her both rings tied to the pillow they had gotten for the occasion. There was a collective sigh as everyone started getting ready.
The doors to the event hall finally opened. The room fell dead silent and everyone stood up as the wedding party started walking down the aisle: Taiyang with Ava, Willow with Peter and Viola with Tyrian. Killua and Cinammon came after. Cin lightly dropping flower petals along the aisle as Killua lead her, making sure Cin was okay with all eyes on her as he held the pillow with the rings out in front of him.
As everyone made it to the end of the aisle and split to their correct sides, Taiyang nudged Bart lightly. Bart turned looking annoyed. But Tai just smiled at him.
“Be prepared to have your socks knocked off. Red looks beautiful.” Taiyang whispered. And Bart tried to take his advice and tried to prepare himself.
It didn’t work out so well.
When Red and Summer finally began walking down the aisle, Bart was floored. Red was gorgeous. Beautiful. There were no words to do her justice. He could feel himself getting teary eyed. The “ooohs” and “awwws” of the crowd didn’t really help with that either. But when Red finally made it to Bart and Summer took her seat, he took her hands in his.
“You look absolutely beautiful my love. But you always do.” Bart whispered. Red blushed, but before she could reply, Ozpin walked behind the altar and cleared his throat.
“You may all be seated now.” Ozpin exclaimed. Everyone sat down and Ozpin continued. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining in marriage of Bartholomew Oobleck and Red Fox. These two have been through more in their time together than most will go through in their lives. As such, they’ve created an unbreakable bond of love and trust that has conquered many hardships and has seen them to a light that few can achieve. It is with honor that I begin this ceremony for the both of them.” Ozpin smiled warmly at Red and Bart. “If you’d like, you may exchange your vows at this time.”
Red and Bart wasted no time in their vows. Both promising a love and happy future to each other. By now Red couldn’t stop the happy tears that flowed from her eyes. And Bart had a hard time holding back his own tears. Once the vows were finished, Ozpin spoke up, asking for the rings.
Killua smiled brightly and untied the rings from the pillow. He then gave Bart’s ring to Red and gave Red’s wedding band to Bart. He set the pillow aside and got back to his spot. Red and Bart smiled excitedly as they placed the rings on each other’s fingers. Ozpin nodded at them and continued speaking.
“At this time I ask that if anyone objects to this marriage that they speak now, or forever hold their peace.” The room went completely silent at Ozpin’s statement. There was a pause before Ozpin smiled. “Good. Now; Red, Bart, with the power granted to me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Everyone in the room exploded into cheers as Bart and Red kissed. There were a lot of tears and hugs in the audience.
But for that moment, Red Fox and Bartholomew Oobleck couldn’t even tell. They were in their own little world of bliss. Kissing for the first time as Husband and Wife.
(( Witten by @firebluevixen & @cinnamon-pineforest and a few little things from me )) 
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werewolfmind · 5 years
things keep happening. Mostly little things now, some of them random and inconsequential. But there’ve been some big things recently (and in years past) that have me CONVINCED I’m a claircognizant empath/medium
I’ll detail it below but if anyone has any reading or advice on how to strengthen/hone this? It would be appreciated. (Under the cut are detailed instances, about 6 paragraphs.)
(For the record, I am Christian, I don’t go near actual Wicca practices as far as spells or worship. I do however believe my empathetic talents were given to me by God. I believe in sensing energy and using it as knowledge, not manipulation of anything in the natural world. I worship God and believe knowledge (like science studies) and gifts like this are given to help us fulfill His plan. Anything that causes direct change, damage, or healing; rituals; and polytheistic worship I don’t believe in nor will practice. Things that are okay with me: - the use of stones, elements, meditation, and mindfulness to focus - the use of clairvoyance/sentience to guide others or self from danger/toward good - The warding away of evil - The protection of good - healing based on medicinal knowledge - the existence of demonic/angelic presences/guardian angels, as well as spirits and entities on Earth  - the “energies” surrounding us, whether they’re natural or spiritual, and the idea that all sentient things have emotional energy (auras)
The claircognizant/empath thing, well. I’m the most Sterotypical Empath tbh. I’m a Pisces, introvert, have anxiety/depression that STEMS from being an introvert...but it also stems from the negativity in my life. I sense when people around me are angry, sad, etc and when most of it is irrational or stemming from untreated mental illness..well, it doesn’t have to be aimed toward me for me to feel it. I can walk into a room and, without actually looking at the other person, know if they’re happy, sad, angry, stressed. I can feel the energy change when they leave, or feel the switch between emotions. Any time I’ve been wrong about it, it’s because I misinterpreted where/who the feelings were being “aimed” at by the other person.
I also get feelings about conversations and actions, which may be empath mixed with precognizance? The only “visions” I have are blurry-but-specific images tied to little mundane events, but a handful of them have been about life changing things. I can USUALLY tell when a choice will result in a bad outcome, even if there’s no way to tell (knowing that going into a dorm was gonna be hell, not because of my anxiety, but because of ONE specific roommate. Very specific feeling.) The feelings I get of “I need to text this person because theyre having a bad day”. The time my friend texted me a completely normal, routine question...and I got this sinking feeling in my stomach, knowing that conversation was going to be something I didn’t want to hear. (I literally had to tell myself “don’t be dumb, this is normal, why are you worried?!” I was right, and almost wish I’d just ignored the text)
Tying into mediumship, I’ve had dreams and very specific thoughts of my grandparents, days before they passed away, without being contact with them.
I’ve had one or two dreams where I believe a deceased relative has contacted me, but those only happen days after they’ve passed. The dreams are vivid, peaceful, and I can sense their spirit. Theyre also very ordinary (like sitting down and talking), and both times, I’ve learned something from the discussion that I’ve brought up later to other relatives and learned it was true. These are facts I’ve never heard before, even in passing. I’ve also been visited by someone I admire but have never met. I’ve had a dream of him comforting me and there’s been a few other times where I can feel his presence near me, like he’s watching over me. 
I know I can feel spirits/entities. There have been two in my house: one malevolent and one “neutral” one. The malevolent one always manifested as the feeling of eyes staring at me from one particular corner of my room. They would watch me move around, and I would get a feeling of dread and anxiety any time it was present. I could tell it wanted to hurt me. Once, I woke up with scratches down my leg--they matched the placement of 4 fingers, but they were going toward my feet, not my head, like they would if *I* had scratched myself. (The spacing and length also didn’t match up.) I got holy water after that. I’ve felt another spirit only once or twice, and it’s been in the living room area. It likes to move around me in a circle, studying me. I’m fairly certain it’s a woman. She doesn’t want to hurt me, but I can feel that she wants to reach out, maybe surprise me a bit? She wants a reaction, but means no real harm. 
I had a sleep paralysis episode about 10-11 years ago (never had one before, have only had ONE since) where I was lying in my bed, unable to move, and a shadow person was standing in the open doorway of my room. The shadow flickered slightly and stretched slowly out, like it was reaching out for me--then it would snap back into place like a rubber band being let go. Stretch...then snap back. It tried at least 4 times, and each time, it got closer to me. I don’t remember how I woke up. It’s the only thing I’ve encountered that I can’t tell the gender of, which matches up. (And I only read up on shadow people AFTER this encounter). I’m also fairly certain I’ve seen the same flickering shadowy shape out of the corner of my eye more than once.
I’ve also felt an angel at least twice. I’m not sure if it was the same one both times, but the first time, I was in my single bedroom apartment, alone, essentially having a nervous breakdown. I was miserable at the time, I felt so alone, I called my mom at 1 am just to feel like I existed outside of my 3 room tiny space.I talked to her, got off the phone, called her back still feeling the impulse to bolt from my apartment. I coulnt breathe, think, my whole body hurt, I was curled in on myself. Then suddenly, in the middle of my mom saying something (that wasnt really working to distract me)--in an INSTANT, I felt better. I felt safe and loved and protected and warm. I felt something wrap around my shoulders and body from behind, like a giant weighted blanket. But also like a person, like wings. Like LOVE. I can’t describe it any other way as cheesy as it sounds. I wasn’t exactly sleeping soon, but after spending 2 hours hysterically sobbing and feeling numb, I felt safe and okay, if not happy.
(tw, slight suicidal intention) The second time was about 7 months later. I was driving to my apartment in a bad rain storm. I made a dumb, preventable mistake and my car slipped off the road and started rambling through the bushes along the side. I tried to steer but I was being jostled around. It felt like it last for a while, because I have a clear memory of thinking “I’m about to die” and basically resigned myself to it. I had the impulse and took my hands OFF the wheel, which I knew was ALSO dumb and I SWEAR that time lasted several seconds. Then I had an impulse to put my hands BACK on the wheel...which led me to eventually turning the wheel JUST right so I hit a culvert, which bounced me back up onto the road. I came to a stop literally in the driveway of a church. 
All of these experiences have led me to believe I have a definite connection to the paranormal. Most of it is mundane inconsequential things, but the big things are undeniable. 
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