#if i had known that someone 5mins away from work could do it then well
baekuras · 3 years
Getting vaccinated to be safe is OUT
Getting vaccinated for a day (and a half) off is IN
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btswishes · 4 years
Love me for who I am now
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Bucky x Reader ( Chapter 2 )
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Summary: You apply for the Stark internship and end up getting it, so now you have 5 months to make a good impression to continue working with the Avengers.
A/N: Continuing my little experiment here with chapter2, a bit more filler for the story. Sorry for any mistakes made, hope you enjoy it even a tiny bit.
Word count:  2,903
Warmings: fights, harsh language, not part of the original MCU
Y/N- Your name 
Y/L/N- Your Last Name
   The suitcase made a slight thumping sound, when you laid it down on the floor next to your desk. Wasting no time books found their new home on the empty shelves, notebooks fell asleep in the dark drawers. Pens, pencils, markers and all your stationary soon followed suit and found their own little space to rest.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.” the silence in the room finally got overthrown by the voice of its new owner, asking for some help in the matters unfolding 
Yes Miss Y/N
“Would you put a timer for 5min from now please?” still focused onto your stuff, finding them a visible but safe from damage storage. Nothing could destroy as well as time and dust did.
Timer set for 5 minutes from now.
“Thank you.” The only thing left to do now was to get the clothes in the closet and move the tech to the lab. Hopefully Dr. Banner wouldn’t mind waiting a bit more, not like he seemed to but who knows, Hulk lived inside him after all. You didn’t want to take a chance and play with his limits. The closet was hidden inside the wall, stealthy I must say. Toothpaste and toothbrush, essentials and cosmetics. All was done, now.
      Ding Ding Ding.  
Timer is going off  Miss. Shall I turn it off or restart it?
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y. You can turn it off. “
  Your laptop and small bag were safely nestled under your arm, making your way outside the room.  For a moment you thought you got lost, but the orange tint of the sun’s rays soon pulled your attention in the right direction. Around the corner your nose caught the smell of caramel. Your head hesitantly protruded behind the pillar, as you called out to the man holding 2 cups in his hands firmly.
“Oh.” He jumped a bit, reaching out offering one of the mugs “ I hope you like it, we don’t have much selection when it comes to tea here. Coffee addicts you know.” he laughed out
“It is ok. Thank you very much.” Your leg levered and you swung onto the bar chair like it was nothing, taking a sip from the hot drink. You felt it warm you up slowly as it went down, melting away a bit of your anxiety. Once again your sight was captivated by the view. No one knows how much time passed since you got lost in the sunset, but it was nice. You could barely hear the bustling city from the 134th floor. It was only you, the sun and the room. Quiet almost like a safe serene space.
“Beautiful isn’t it.” Bruce shook you out of your little mind palace
“Mm? Ah, yes. Very much so. “ you puffed out some air with your smile, eyes forming little crescent moons “I feel like a cat, my attention keeps drifting to the glass unintentionally.”
“I understand you. I keep doing that myself and I have lived in the compound for quite some time now. “ the conversation was lighthearted, easily drifting over the main reason for your arrival “One would think I would be used to it by now.”
“Mr Stark made this place so calm. Big yet homey.” Your head scanned the area, words intriguing the doctor “ In a way it contrasts the inner state of most of the Avengers.” realized what just came out of your lips, your body stiffened. Oh man, way to ruin it - you thought to yourself “I am so sorry.” The mug clanked under the table, sending a vibration to his palm, as you bowed “I spoke out of place.”
“I think you might be on to something.” Your neck pulled your head up, a few strands of hair falling down next to your soft cheek. Bruce was still looking at the setting sun with a soft smile, his jaw exposing the beard to the light, coloring it a deep fiery yellow hue. There was something nostalgic in his dark eyes. “Most of us here have some sort of troubled past- lets sugar coat it a bit. This whole building, on the levels we use., is like a constant Zen state. It calms us down unintentionally. How do I say this...” He turned towards his coffee, laughing out almost silently.
“Maybe it offers you the peace you couldn’t have on the inside, masking the pain from past trauma. A way to indirectly cope with all that had happened, offering a haven to heal the past.” Bruce was listening to you, taking in your way of thinking and how right you were about something that had always been in front of his eyes ,but he had never noticed it before. Such a young girl, so much pain in her manner. He couldn’t bring himself to ask you about the weight inside your voice. It felt too close for him to do so. He had just met you after all, it is not like he could just straight up ask you about all your deepest and darkest secrets, that you might be hiding underneath your mature façade.
“Well, enough about our depressing past.” He pushed off the table “Lets get you situated in your new place.”Dr. Banner began walking in the direction of the lab, turning towards you from time to time. He was make sure you were close by and not lost somewhere in this maze of halls, corridors and who knows what else Tony could have hidden in these walls, for some unsuspecting person to stumble upon.
“I am sadly not familiar with your work like Tony is. He told me about you literally a few hours before you arrived, so you would have to excuse me for that.” You nodded with a smile, accepting the apology he didn’t even need to speak of 
“The lab is pretty big.” He unlocked the door and turned the lights on. It was exactly as he said and nothing like you had expected. The color pattern was the same tints, maybe a bit of blue mixed in as well, a dash of red. The tables and tech inside were state-of-the-art, high-quality and very well kept. Some weren’t even yet released or known to the public. Talking year 3054 up in here.
“This will be your desk, right next to me.”Bruce plopped onto his chair and waved at you “Hi, Hi.”
  He gestured for you to get yourself as comfortable as possible, which you almost couldn’t wait to do. Your fingers gently ran over the material getting familiar with it. Just with one look you already knew where everything was going to go, like it knew it’s own home. You had a tech bay, where you could check how systems worked, if they didn’t and building anything. It was amazing, just an arm’s length distance was possibility and creation itself. Excitement boiled inside you, eyes wide. Reaching inside the bag, you pulled out your work computer, your project tablet and made sure they were all connected to the internet and matched the Stark system interface. As soon as you saw the company logo you were all set up.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.” the silence danced hand in hand with your voice
Yes Miss. Would you like a run down on the desk functions?
“Yes please.” In a matter of minutes you realized that this wasn’t just some random fancy desk ,but a whole machine of its own. Interactive hologram functions, building station and program 3D design. It had it all. Bruce was shocked how easy you worked with F.R.I.D.A.Y. , naturally taking a lead and informing yourself at 100% capacity about what you will be working with. For a second Tony flashed before his eyes.
“What made you apply here?” he cut your investigation “I don’t mean to be rude but I saw some of your pre-university work.”
“No problem. I was mostly out of the country for a very long time, maybe most of my life. When I came back the Avengers were something I loved watching on the news.” The praise went over Bruce’s head unnoticed “ There was something nostalgic when I looked at you guys. Mr. Stark’s tech, the way everyone fought with ease, I don’t know how to explain it. I craved that in my life, almost like a forgotten world I was striving to immerse myself back into. “ a gentle crook of the neck and a smile eased Bruce from the question
“Well you made it here, so congratulations.” loud joyous clapping followed his words” I think I am talking for all of us, we will love having you around. So-” His face became serious, glasses finding the bridge of his nose onto his face, eyes sharp “Would you like to start with your job here miss intern?” he winked playfully waiting to see your reaction. Like a mirror ,you pulled your hair away from your face, rolled up your sleeves and flashed back the same look of determination. “Introduce me to your train of thought and your projects.”
“I work mainly with the structure and characteristics of vibranium. At first, I was focused on making prosthetics that pack a punch the same way the Iron Man suits worked and Sergeant Barnes’s arm- of course on a smaller scale. But then my mind started drifting towards the process before amputation, which was for a certain percent of people the healing factor. Maybe inside strength as well. ”
“As in incorporating it into medical technology?” this sounded too simple of an idea coming for someone Tony chose, yet Bruce kept listening. He was judging the book by its cover way too soon.
“Not exactly. Vibranium has a metal crystal structure that possesses ‘memory’ the same way other metals remember being indented even after getting fixed or straightened eventually. My theory has a few parts before I reach the main plan. Going on an atomic level, even deeper to its base structure, I change the connections between the atoms. They have the same functions as in keeping the shape, but missing that molding memory.”
“You are saying you can mold the bonds, selecting freely what function to remove?” Bruce pushed back off his chair, letting the idea enter his ear and stay there, feeding the interest on his face.
“I am not saying I can.” he was listening more and more with each passing minute “I am saying I did it. I am in the final stages of my project.” Your hands pulled out a flat disk of vibranium  “F.R.I.D.A.Y. would you do a double scan before and after I bend this?”
Affirmatively Miss. Scan done. Shall I offer a hologram?
“Please do.” Right between your two bodies you could now see the basics of the metal “ See how the bonds are thicker? I noticed, metal bonds just have to keep  the shape of the crystal structure. Not only did I make vibranium stronger than it originally was, but now if I bend-it.” Your voice strained in pair with your muscles, as you folded and unfolded the sheet. The second scan showed no memory intake not even deformed the shapes “I call this metal healing.”
“That...that is amazing, not even a crease to be noticed! But where are you going with this?” Bruce rubbed his face, still shook from what you just showed him
“It might sound stupid, but this isn’t even my main idea. You see, if we look at matter as one and the same, things start to add up. Everything on a molecular level has no difference. Bonds, and atom-placement dictate what the object will be, look like and how it works- properties if you wish. I looked at vibranium and human flesh as different parts of one thing, which lead me to believe enhancing people could be done without super soldier serums.”
“That is… truly amazing, but won’t the testing period be a sadistic thing. We are not HYDRA thankfully.” As great as this was Bruce had a point here “Human experiments are not a politic the Avengers will ever lean upon. As fellow humans nonetheless.”
“I am not planning to make another Winter Soldier. I already have control over vibranium on levels outside and inside hyperspace.” You pulled out a bottle of metallic looking dust. The top unscrewed easy and you spilled the contents like heavy silvery snow all over the floor. “If I take quarks from the human body and use them to make 1 proton from the atomic nucleus, I can theoretically program it to answer to the human body using the unbroken rule of our system.”
  Bruce blinked a few times understanding exactly where you were reaching “All work in favor of the body.” He said out loud, glasses sliding off his skin
“Exactly. If they get programmed correctly the metal will work for the body, under the command of the main system- the nerves and brain. Post that success I would be able to inject them with a liquid medium directly into the bloodstream. As they make their way to all parts of the body, they will get acquainted with the cells. I want to change them so they will be susceptible to hormones as well. Basically I want to make a metal compound that reacts like organic matter. It would be able, upon will, to pile around bones, create fibers, strengthening muscles ecc. Some could even carry other substances with them, or isolate toxic ones. Now their size and ability for diapedesis is still questionable. So far I can move them at a certain extend.” You swung your hand and the dust lifted off the floor cleanly in one swoop 
“That is amazing!” Bruce pitched his voice after seeing the floating cloud “Are you using some kind of device ?”
“No, this dust was modeled after me, I am the only guinea pig so no one was harmed in the making. I have to say though, it was quite painful till I got it right.” You laughed out uneasy, scratching your arm  
“ I could only imagine, taking your own tissue for this. What else could it do?”
“Well. I know that Mr. Stark isn’t into weapons anymore, so I pitched him the enhancing technique only. The dust’s only function right now sadly is shaping.” Your fingers danced as the vibranium cloud formed Captain America’s shield, before turning into a sword. “As long as I have enough information of structure, function and the way the object works I can make it.” Your footsteps were confidant and strong.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. the window if you please.”
Certainly Miss
   The clicking sound of the metal around the glass flung the object open. Your hand reached outside and pointed towards the sky. “My uncle had a deep interest in weapons so naturally I learned as well by listening to him.” The dust wrapped around your hand and formed a Heckler Koch pistols. With the pull of the trigger you shot into the air, making Bruce jump from the sound.
“I am sorry about that, I should have warned you.” You giggled stepping in
“That is a completely functional firearm. His breath normalized as his body took him right up to you, running his hands over the gun “ This is, something I can’t even imagine.” Eyes scanning every inch of it looking like a perfect mold “How does it look so solid? Smooth, no trace of it even being made from any smaller particle. ”
“Oh that, intra-atomic pressure. Kind of like gravity times 100 or more. If I pitched this to Mr.Stark I think the selling point would have been…”your fingers gently pulled the weapon out of Dr.Banner’s hand as the vibranium flew from the outside to the magazine “ It doesn’t run out of ammo since I call it back at anytime AND once in the body I can infest it.”
“It could travel through the blood stream and form clumps in certain organs!” he gasped
“I could have gone a bit more sadistic with this one, but I will stop talking now.” You laughed out sending your project back to its jar, securely tightened up. 
“How far is your limit? I mean is there a distance at which you can’t sense the partials, any mental fatigue or physical? You are amazing! This is something out of this world truly, no wonder Tony accepted your application. I wouldn’t be able to come up with anything closely resembling…wow.” He kept praising you each time his mouth opened
“Banner.” Light and confident footsteps accompanied the familiar playboy voice inside the lab
Welcome back Sir
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. medical bay on standby please.”
As you wish Sir
“I would appreciate it if you stepped back from my new intern and helped out a bit. We have injured coming in stat.” Tony waved his hand and Bruce pulled away from you, cleaning the couch on his side “You too miss intern. No slacking off just because it’s your first day. Treat it as orientation.”
“Yes Mr. Stark.” Panic rose up inside you again as you tried to follow what Dr. Banner was doing. Injured? Were the rest of the Avengers on a mission this whole time? It didn’t matter, you were mobilized as well and for a second it felt kind of cool, like you were also an agent fighting crime. The grunts and groans pulled you back to Earth as Captain America’s large frame stepped inside.  
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I need answers...
I saw your name again in old going through old Messenger chat, I decided to click and reread them even though I already know what's in. My questioning, a clumsy questioning, as if nothing was wrong with me that night. I explained you that I had a "little" blackout, knowing very well that I don't remember anything from 9pm to the time I woke up... This awakening, which still haunts me in my subconscious, I remember hearing an alarm ringing, opening my eyes and not knowing where I am... starting to panic inside, where am I? What happened? I lift the sheets, I'm naked, on the floor a wrapper... and then you ask me “how are you” and you tell me we had a great evening... An evening that I only remember the beginning: our discussions about travel, culture, advice for my studies, I drink your words as I always have, you have always been good advice since we have known each other, you were the big brother I never had...
An evening that was just a friends dinner in a restaurant, nothing exceptional, an evening during which I only drank one beer except for the shot of tequila before entering the restaurant, a bottle that you had brought back as a souvenir of the good old days.
Here we are back to that famous morning, when I locked myself in the bathroom of this hotel, I remember taking a shower, getting dressed, gathering my things quickly and ordering an Uber. My brain just went on autopilot, I don't remember the passed time between the hotel and my home, I just remember coming home and taking a shower and getting ready quickly for work and pretending nothing happened.
I called L. and asked him to come with me to the pharmacy to buy a morning-after pill just in case. I didn't really explain the situation to him, I have just told him to not ask any questions.
Then, that same day, my college girlfriend called me, my double, the one without whom the group work and classes would have been nothing but long sessions of torture. I summarize the situation by telling her that I have a blackout and that I woke up in a hotel room without knowing how I ended up here. She jokingly replied that I'd better stop drinking and partying. She laughs. The following year in class, she brings back the subject in a funny way, saying that anyway, I'm such a party girl and I drink so much that I wake up in a hotel room with strangers. These words, at this very moment, made me understand that the fault was mine, and what was supposed to happen happened. It was my friend, I must have done something wrong....
I was 21 years old, I went out to dinner with a friend on a weeknight, an older friend who was engaged. 
It was by reading many testimonies that I managed to put a word about what had happened and that I discovered the phenomenon of sideration and traumatic amnesia. Our brain, that overpowering tool that knows how to put itself on automatic pilot. My brain just decided to suppress that moment and the following day, a banal day where I pretended nothing happened...
Coming back to that discussion, I had almost forgotten that you came back to me a year later to tell me that “you were sorry and you still didn't understand my reaction, that I am a great girl and that you missed me as a friend.” At that time, I didn't dig any deeper. 
Two months after that night I wanted to reclaim my life and somehow my body. I broke a few hearts in the process. The chicks team was born, they made me understand that my detached behaviour with regard to what happened was not normal and that it might be good to talk to a professional about it. Which of course I didn't do.
Then comes the period of self-loathing, followed by long introspection and memories coming back to the surface. 
Like the year I turned 18, when I was dating G. he took me into the bedroom during a party at our house, when I was drunk and couldn't even undress myself, it wasn't love either, nor was it envy, but rape. 
The following summer, with this boy I met at my workplace, a super nice client with whom I spent the beginning of the summer as a friend. One day after he drove me home, as usual, he asked me if he could charge his phone for 5min for the gps, I accepted. He tried to kiss me : I pushed him away, he tried again and started touching me, I told him no several times and I managed to force him out. He left and sent me a message telling me “what a great person I was and that he loved our time together, that he apologised for getting carried away but I had to understand that it was because I was "hot" ”. I blocked him, he came to my workplace several times. The start of the academic year is coming up and I find myself crossing into him at the library and university restaurant constantly looking at me and smiling at me... 
It has taken me a long time to regain confidence and re-dating, a little over a year. 
Then I met someone in the corridors of college, an angel...at first sight. It turns out he is violent as soon as he drinks. We were having a party with some of my college friends as part of a project, he came over and freaked out, spilled a drink on my girlfriend, hit a guy who was dancing with me and my friends and knocked the performer off the stage. The guards had to throw him out; he was waiting for me, furious, calling me non-stop. I started to get paranoid at night and always watch my back.
I had time to look back and think about those situations that were obviously "not normal" and not acceptable.
Situations that I wasn't aware of how there were impacting and affecting my relationships. What I thought I had forgotten came to the surface, first with the words of R., who, I quote, "forced himself to sleep with me". Then comes the break-up, I decide to embrace my single life and go out again, always followed by that shadow. This summer, on the beach, M. who stent above me to kiss me, I started to panic...then N. this feeling of déjà vu and anxiety at the contact of his body on mine. These flashes, real or imaginary, that my brain sends to trick me. 
All this to get back to the beginning of the story, I want answers. To find this missing piece of the puzzle, even if it is impossible. Part of me stayed in that hotel room.
I'm often told that it's complicated to know what I really think and that I'm constantly chasing guys. Making me understand that I am an easy girl and that I have to be careful because one day bad things will happen. Saying me that I didn’t seem to realize it and that the world isn't all rosy. I already know that, I have chosen to live the moment and not feel sorry for myself. 
I have the life I dream of! 
That’s why I just keep my thoughts for myself, I don't talk about this event. I don't want people to feel sorry for me or to change the way others look at me. Sometimes my mind gets foggy, and lately we all have time to think, maybe a little too much.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
is it really you?
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title: is it really you?
pairing: Jared x reader
rating: pg-14
fluff: soulmate au
H&H: free space (reincarnation)
tags: finding your soulmate, meeting for the first time, memories of past lives, finding eachother and never letting your S.O die, ending the cycle of reincarnation through some massive self exploration.
summery: there is none
mentioning @sweetness47​
created for @spnfluffbingo​ @heavenandhellbingo​
the beginning of your problems (what you know now as your first life) started with someone you love, someone who was yours as well as your lovers doom. the person who loved you was called “Cathal”, you were called “Caitir”. 
you were not betrothed to this man, but somehow you and he still found comfort in each other’s arms. the man who would soon take you both from this world was called “Seoc”. 
Cathal: to my love i present thee with this dagger, this is my gift for your hand in marriage. sweet Caitir forever is all we need, forever is all we shall have.
Caitir: brave Cathal, i shall accept your proposal for marriage. 
whilst “entertaining” Cathal in your chambers, you both were too preoccupied to notice someone sneaking in behind you. Seoc waited till both you and Cathal were asleep and then stabbed you both killing you both instantly. 
a curse placed on you both would reincarnate you both till such a time as the curse could be broken, but would the cycle end easily or have to be done the hard way. 
“this curse placed on 2 murdered sleeping helpless. lovers written in stars for time cometh. these 2 coming together again and again as they are reborn, till the viscious cycle breaks, shall they live out normal and die for the last time. forever shall this incribed be to this dagger!”
today, one mild summer day in what we call Vancouver British Columbia in what is known as Canada. you are called YN, your job is wardrobe for actors of a hit tv show. this would be where you would soon re-learn the truth. 
the dagger you had received as a proposal present, was sitting as a long time artifact in a museum. you on the other hand were laying out the wardrobe for the 2 gentlemen you were working with that day. the same 2 guys that you worked with well every single day. 
you were picking some stuff off the floor completely not paying any attention to your surroundings, Jared (Cathal-present day) had no idea of your past lives either till this moment.
Jared wasnt paying attention to where he was going, he didnt see you. he tripped over your crouched form, instead of falling on his face he grabbed you, pinning you to the ground keeping both of your heads off the ground. 
he looks down at you, then the memories came to both you and Jared in flashes slow and fast. but in each memory was the both of you in this exact position. after 10 minutes of just layign there lost in eachothers eyes.
Jared: are you alright? Am I hurting you?
Yn: I'm alright and no your not hurting me. Did you happen to see..
Jared: visions of sorts after we fell ya I did. What does it all mean?
YN: it means I guess we know each other. It seems like we know each other very well. Cathal.
You say as if it was normal for you to call him that.
Jared: it would indeed seem as such Caitir. The question is what the hell happened to us to make us like this.
YN: obviously we have alot to figure out. let’s start with whatever happened to that dagger that i saw...
Jared shrugged helping you off the ground. 
Jared: we could check where it all began. up for a trip to cairo?
YN: i guess we don’t have much of a choice if we want to figure out what happened to us... figure us out... 
Jared ushers for you to sit beside him as he pulls out his laptop and begins looking for flights. found one on expedia the details were as follows for what was being booked:
one way flight from Vancouver to Cairo expected to take 21hr 41min to arrive
leaving vancouver at 1:20pm fly for 4hr 33min to montreal for a 2hr 12min layover
leaving montreal at 11:05pm (stupid time change) fly for 9hr 30min (over night flight meaning cuddles yay!) to instanbul for a 3hr 5min layover
leaving instanbul at 6:40pm fly for 2hr 20min to arrive finally in cairo for 8:00pm
you look at jared who also adds a hotel near the pyramids for you guys to stay in figuring you wouldn’t want to ruff it. 
Jared: before I finish purchasing, I want you to know that whatever we find out in Cairo, it might as well be the biggest discovery of our lives.
Yn: I know but aren't you the least bit scared of what we might find out... I mean it isn't like we can just...
Before you can finish speaking Jensen busts through the door.
Jensen: umm Jared what are you doing and with our wardrobe artist.
Jared: about that ya come sit down buddy there is something we need to well show you.
Jensen sits between you and Jared as he eyes you both very suspiciously.
Jensen: alright what's going on buddy your acting very strangely.
Jared and you both place a hand on either side of Jensen's head willing for the memories you both had just experienced to flow into his mind to see what you both did.
Jensen falls off the couch a few moments later, looking between you and Jared.
Jensen: so what the hell are you...
Jared: we are going to Cairo to figure this out. Cairo is where it all began for us, Cairo is where we will find answers. 
Jensen: when does your flight leave?
Jared: tomorrow afternoon. we have to be at the airport for 11am i think... 2 hours before flight leaves for international flights. we still have to pack and talk to Rob and the others to make sure I'm covered to go. That we can figure this out. For the entirety of our lives we have died and come back to find eachother for years now and we just want to figure this out. 
Jensen got up and began towards the door. 
Jensen: well lets go present this to Rob and the crew. and get set for your time away... it will not help to be unprepared for any of this. if what you showed me is true then you both have alot to discover and im gonna do whatever i can to support you both. 
Jared: thanks dude, now YN are you ready for whatever lies ahead of us?
YN: im ready to find out why we have only just remembered all of this now, how many times it has happened and the story behind it of course. 
that was how the journey started, after a very long conversation with Rob and the crew, you and Jared were cleared to go on your trip. going to your hotel first checking out and taking your backpack with you. 
you and Jared decide that you both should stay at the airport hotel considering it would just be easier. settling into the room, you sit down to make a journal entry. you did this every single day, but today felt like you definitely should document this. 
Jared came out of the bathroom to see you sitting on a pillow on the ground with a pen and a notebook. you were writing out your journal, you didn’t see Jared approaching. 
Jared came up to you placing a hand on your shoulder. 
Jared: what are you doing?
YN: writing in my journal. making sure that whatever happens we can document what the hell we go through on this journey. maybe just maybe one day we can look back on this and realize that this was destined to happen as it has so many other times before. 
Jared: look i know its alot to process and believe me i too am having issues processing this but i might have a way to take our minds off it. 
you finished the entry, and then closed the book. turning to face Jared smiling.
YN: what did you have in mind? 
Jared picks you up and kisses you, fierce are his lips against your own. his arms supporting you as your legs curl round his waist. he tears your shirt from the back as he falls while holding you onto the bed. 
the rest of that evening well the next few hours were spent in the bed. Jared now petting your hair speaks. 
Jared: that was amazing. definitely took my mind off things. 
YN: that was an amazing way to loose my virginity. and i couldn’t have lost it to a better man. 
Jared: do you think this happens every time we reincarnate?
You shrugged but stayed right where you were knowing you were comfortable and safe. 
YN: no idea but im not ready to move can we just lay like this for the rest of the evening. we can eat in the morning. 
Jared: that’s why we got the continental breakfast. plus i think i owe you a new outfit. 
You looked to where Jared was pointing. 
YN: that’s okay i think i owe you new boxers
jared looks to where you are pointing. 
Jared: well we can do some shopping when we get to the airport. gift shops exist for a reason and money is no stranger. 
YN: that’s true. 
now that you both were settled into bed you both decided to get some rest. it was a long day the next would be, and being on a plane you both would probably sleep anyway. 
you both woke up the next morning to a phone call from the front desk, telling you there was breakfast and that we had to be at the airport within the hour for the 2 hour head check in.
you hung up the phone and watched as jared slunk to the shower. you followed cause he looked like he could use a pick me up. after some shower fun and getting dressed into something comfortable for the plane ride. 
you both head with your bags to breakfast. eating lots to avoid being too hungry later on, you decide that its time to check out and find the airport shuttle. getting to the airport you both get through check in and security and now its time to kill 2 hours. well that was easy, shopping and playing cards and crib and tic tac toe and buying some jewelry just for fun. 
then it was time to board the plane. doing so and the plane took off. you and jared holding hands you resting your head on Jared shoulder. you both cuddle for the flight to montreal planing to take a couples photo and pick up some souveniers along the way. 
same thing with instanbul except that flight was an over night so you both mostly took the opportunity to sleep. upon arrival in instanbul you both stretched and looked around and grabbed souveniers boarding the final flight to cairo. 
cairo in the evening damn it was gorgeous. just the way things were supposed to be. Upon this their arrival to Cairo, they took a shuttle to their hotel. The entire way there Jared held your hand, walking into the hotel you both go to the desk to check in. 
Clerk: checking in? 
Jared: yes under Padalecki. 
The Clerk types into the computer for a moment and then speaks once more. 
Clerk: ah here you are, ah your in one of our exclusive suites. Give me one second to grab your package that goes with it. 
You still holding onto the hand of the man you apparently have known for centuries, & just lost your virginity to night before last, made you all the more happier. The clerk a while later places a packet on the counter in front of you both. 
Clerk: this has all the information one could possibly need as well as a list of shops near by and when tours leave and some information on local legends. 
That caught both yours and Jared's attentions. 
Jared: local legends???
Clerk: oh yes, our most popular one is of a High priestess who fell in love with the prince of this region, but they were cursed and murdered for it by his father's advisor who grew jealous of the young lovers. The advisor used the Dagger the young prince had given to the priestess as a token of his affection to murder them in their sleep. He then lied to the prince's father about the whole thing. He was never brought to justice for murdering that young couple. Legend also tells of their curse. In short form, Destiny will reincarnate them for all time till they can somehow break the vicious cycle of reincarnation so they can finally live and die like normal people. 
you looked at the clerk, Jared knew you were struck, he was too but you knew what this clerk was saying had to be true. 
Jared: is our room key in here?
clerk: yes it is your suite includes a jacuzzi and fabulous egyptian royal inspired decor. as well as complementary royal silk robes. these keys will also get you access to the pool area and the buffet. welcome to the pyramid valley hotel, please enjoy your stay and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you have any. 
Jared holding the package walks with you to the elevator, he then turns to you while he continues to hold the bags and the packet.
Jared: are you ok?
YN: no, did you hear that story...
Jared: i know, don’t worry we will explore this more when we get into the room. amongst other things. tonight is all distractions, tomorrow we are gonna start checking this out. starting with this legend, then checking out where me and you back then would have been. 
you nod as Jared and you final approach to your room. once there you and Jared walk in and are instantly amazed by the sight of this room. 
jared closes the door behind you locking it before putting down the packet and the bags he was holding as he came up behind you. 
YN: is it distraction time?
Jared: its distraction time as long as we need... 
thats when he started kissing your neck and that was the night. that began the trip of your life. 
- after a very very passionate time in bed you both woke at noon the next day. it was time to make the start to your day.
-you didnt want to move, Jared grabbed his laptop to do some research, he had put the packet with his laptop so it was all in one swoop. as he kinda sat against the head board and you were still kinda curled but kinda propped. 
Jared and you make note of several locations to check out during your trip. this included the sphynx, the giza necropolis and a few more places. 
Jared: what do we want to check out first?
YN: the museum. maybe we can find some clues there first. 
~thats exactly what you did, you both got dressed and hit the museum. you both walked in and found out that the museum director who was kind enough to speak with you both was a firm believer in what you both had told him. he decided to show you some of the stuff that had been taken from both of your areas. this was to include the dagger. yes you had found the dagger. now the last thing that he told you both was that the dagger had to be taken to the spot where it all first started and you had to plea to the triple goddess, she would grant the curse to be lifted and reveal who Soec is to you in modern day. you both got the location of the original incident from him and decided to go into the halloween costume shop and grab the egyptian outfits. making sure to bring them with you both when you would go the next day to this place that will hopefully end your curse once and for all. Waking up bright and early the next day you both rent an atv to get you both to the sight. A little cavern within one of the pyramids there was no way in there except for this one entrance. It was sealed when you both arrived. But unlocked when both your hands touched the door. Must have been sealed with some pretty powerful stuff. Going inside you both saw what seemed to be a cavern which had been untouched by dust or anything for centuries or eons if you will. It would soon be your greatest feat. But Jared held the torch in one hand, your hand in his other and you carried the bag on your shoulder. Looking at the surrounding architecture, you both made sure you were safe but this seemed very very familiar to both of you, it was like a secret passage or something. We head back to the story now with a conversation between you and Jared.~
Jared: I know there is something bothering you. Is it the feeling of being in here. 
YN: yes it is… Something isn't quite right about any of this. That dude at the museum seemed a little too excited about all of this. But you know what, as long as we figure this out and stop this curse normal is what we shall be eternally, or ya know as long as normal lasts. 
Jared: whatever happens in here know that this will not change how I feel about you. 
Yn: nor I about… Holy shit… Jared look! 
You point ahead and Jared looks where you are pointing seeing the gold architecture turn into columns and statues of anubis and then blood on an alter shaped bed, with a canopy draped over. 
YN: this has to be the place. The blood, the hole in the canopy. Don't touch anything yet we need to change into our outfits. 
You and Jared careful not to touch anything get changed. Then you pull out the book and place it where it looks like it went. Suddenly the room shook. 
Jared: what's happening? 
YN: I think it's time for us to call on the triple goddess. 
Jared: well whatever we do we should do it quickly… 
you went over to the book, and opened it to a marked page, you brought it to the bed and sat beside Jared, both of you now finding it easy to read the arabic pages. 
YN:  نحن نلتزم بدعوة الإلهة الثلاثية ، فلطالما تجولنا في هذه الأرض ، ولفترة طويلة انتظرنا في دهشة. حان الوقت الآن ، نتمنى الآن أن تتعفى هذه اللعنة التي وُضعت علينا في اليوم الذي قُتلنا فيه ، وأن نتحرر من حياة التناسخ هذه. يا إلهة ثلاثية ، أرسل لنا لخدامك المخلصين علامة متواضعة للتأكد من أنك قد سمعت دعوتنا (we adhere to the call of the triple goddess, for too long we have wandered this earth, for too long we have waited in wonder. now it is our time, now we wish that this curse placed on us the day we were murdered be appeased, that we be freed from this life of reincarnation. oh triple goddess send us your faithful servants a humble sign to be sure you have heard our call)
that was of course when this light radiated from both you and jared, then a figure appeared before both of you.
Anubis: i am anubis, i am your guardian High priestess Caitir, in this time i would like to say the curse shall be lifted once the one who killed you both originally is dead. you will find him back where you both have come from, he has been living among you both, pretending to be your friend. but really was unfazed when you showed him your little secret. Seoc goes by...
a flurry of rage and anger filled both you and jared. that cut your trip short. you got reimbursed for the days you didn’t stay, as you both flew back to vancouver. you waited till it was night fall then approached this person at the studio...
the announcement of yours and Jared’s arrival seemed not to phase this person, after he had been a dear friend to Jared for many many years, and a loyal person to you. neither of you could understand why he would ever do such a thing. 
Jared: Jensen, why did you do it?
Jensen turns to face you both, he once more didn’t seem surprised by the fact that you both were back early. 
Jensen: what exactly do you think i did?
Jared: why did you kill us?
the cast and crew backed away from you Jared and Jensen as you three began to glow, the final showdown had begun.
Jensen: because i had to raise my status with your father Cathal, this bitch here was just a side piece that got in the way...
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carriiieee · 5 years
The Pyramid Scheme
Note: long word blocks of what happened before actually going into long word blocks of explaining what happened. - - - A few days ago, Kyle and I stopped by Trader Joe's for some quick grocery pick up. Of course, my mind was solely on the Sharetea afterwards, and we only parked in the 45min lot. As we browsed the dried fruit and nuts aisle for our oatmeal toppings, our view was immediately obscured by a young couple. The friendly guy, after sizing up Kyle quickly, asked Kyle whether the shoes he was wearing was Merrell's. After Kyle confirmed, the guy asked about whether the shoes were worth buying and started a conversation with him. Meanwhile, I didn't really feel the need to nudge Kyle to leave, which left me to shift my attention to the girl instead and start a conversation with her. It turned out, the couple are employed in biology labs at UCI. The girl and I talked a bit about our career trajectories. Since I had a background in STEM, it was easy to relate to her and to the fact she has hit a wall in her career because she only has a bachelors. There's really no way to climb higher unless she goes for a higher degree. We discussed a bit about her prospects of pursuing a PhD or masters, and she wished me luck in my endeavor to finish my PhD soon. Overall, it felt like a very normal conversation. At a good stopping point, I glanced at Kyle to see if he was done talking, but the other guy redirected the conversation to all four of us. After finding out that we just recently got engaged and moved in together, which they did as well last year, the guy asked us about how we spend time together after work. Of course, being me, I jokingly complained how after work everyday, Kyle naps for 2-3 hours before he could actually pay attention to me. The guy laughed and said that they feel the same way. After work, they are just too burned out to really cherish the time of being physically together. Then this became a discussion of how time with family and loved ones are important, how work does get in the way, and he's glad that another couple feels the same. Then, out of nowhere, from my perspective, he said that they were recently connected with this other couple who were able to retired early, the girl at 28 and the guy at 32. He then told us how that has significantly increased the quality of life for the other couple. He then spewed out a bunch of other things that were directed towards this idea of improved quality of life without explicitly telling us how the couple has done it. Then, kind of leaving it at that, he asked about me and what I do. That went on for another good 5min or so before the couple said, oh we should leave you to your grocery shopping. It was great to meet like minded people as you, and just as a last thing, let me know if you want me to connect you with this other couple to see how they retired early. Again, I was so aloof, and said, oh no. I'm good. I just want to focus on graduating right now, and looked at Kyle for his response, which he said, I am also good. Both of us have a very aggressive life plan with retirement funds and investments. I was SO confused as to why he worded that way, but I wasn't paying attention to what they were discussing before. The guy laughed and said, of course, look at him, he's wearing Patagonia, as to insinuate that both of us are pretty well off. I kind of took offense at that, because being well off wasn't a privilege or a lucky happenstance for us, it was something we created from scratched. After they finally left, Kyle immediately asked me, do you know what happened? What do you mean? It's a pyramid scheme, like Amway. I was going to ask them if it was Amway. Amway. That keyword rang a bell and I vaguely remembering reading a HBR on this. A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members into its network by promising its new members a share of money taken from every additional member that they recruit. The new members often have to pay a hefty fee upfront to purchase the company goods, tangible or intangible, to "sell" to other people. As newer members recruit more underlings, a portion of the subsequent fees they receive is also kicked up the chain. For those sitting at the top of the pyramid, whether they actually do work or not, get a share of that money. It is a constant funneling of money from the bottom to the top. This scheme is usually unstable with the bottom 95% earning no money and actually losing money. Thus, the pyramid scheme is usually illegal in many places. Example: Young Living https://static.youngliving.com/en-US/IMAGES/incomedisclosurestatement_image_us.jpg. 94% of all its members are distributors who earn a median of $0. This is ridiculous. Essentially, as the guy was conversing with Kyle, Kyle picked up cues that the guy was trying to recruit us for one of these schemes. He was going by the book, step by step. First, you spark a conversation, usually by making a connection with the person; what can you say to someone by only looking at them. Second, you talk a bit and once you feel comfortable enough, you basically try to gauge whether the person is interested in making his or her life easier by either retiring early or making however much money. Lastly, allude to a second party, not yourself, to help set up a meeting to describe more about the opportunity. I asked Kyle how he knew these details, he said that he knew many people when he was in college who tried taking advantage of their network by selling goods to and recruiting people. It ruined several of his friendships with people. I then asked why he didn't just stop the conversation and pull me away. He said that the insert of the "other couple" was rather late in the conversation so he couldn't be sure until then. Besides, I looked like I was having fun talking to the other girl, lol. (But I really just wanted to get my boba and not get a ticket in our 45min parking lot.) I wondered why they didn't target me, since women may be more gullible in some sense, but Kyle pointed out the fact that for what I was wearing then, there were really no physical cues for them to pick up as conversation starters. For him, it was Merrell and Patagonia. It seems that they might be looking for rich people. I had to think a bit about this deduction and whether it made sense. If the company was selling actual tangible goods, going for the rich people seems futile. I would think rich people already have somewhat of an expensive and established taste in brands that are known for the quality. People can be extremely loyal to brands. It is less possible for them to sell lesser known and random brands to the rich people. However, if they are selling a "lifestyle," which I guess seems to be in line with what the guy was saying, then rich people is probably a good starting point because only they have the means to improve their lives by spending a couple of extra bucks. For more those who are making only sufficient income to get by day to day, they cannot spend their money on something as a "lifestyle." I also pointed out that the girl didn't really make a move on me, to which Kyle said, yeah, maybe because she was just bad at it. This also takes me back to a time we were at Target, and this guy, younger than us, talked to Kyle for so long asking about how he was able to style his hair a certain way. I asked, could he have tried to do the same thing? Maybe, but he never brought himself to get to that point. I felt cheated. I thought they were genuine people. Kyle thought less gravely of the situation, for they are not hurting anyone. However to me, certain practices don't actually have to "hurt" anyone to be unethical. The pyramid schemes are scams that exploit the masses. They are very old forms of fraud and con tricks. Modern technology has greatly increased their potential to be a worldwide issue. The model promises lucrative commissions for those at the bottom, which for them, it is an opportunity to get rich fast. But in reality, the model is exacerbating the gap between the rich and the poor. This post is getting too long, so I'll stop here. I hope everyone is more aware of these sort of tricks, and this Reddit post (as we all know a super reliable source :P) has some great comments on the warning signs. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2kw7gv/eli5_what_is_a_pyramid_scheme_and_how_do_i/
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