#couldn’t find a place for the time she bet me 50€ that I couldn’t gulp the 3 white eggs (not cooked) left after cooking
suckmyballshoney · 4 years
F1 drivers as random stuff my sister did
Lewis : organized a party for the coming out of her trans friend
Valtteri : poured milk in the bowl before the cereals and tried to bite me when I called her out on it
Max : walked the dog with a knife in her pocket to scare the high schoolers that kept asking her for cigarettes
Checo : left notes everywhere in my room to ask for a burrito while I was right there on my bed
Charles : dressed up hot to get the attention of the cute girl she saw every morning on her way to school
Carlos : worked out for months to be able to open the pickles’ lid with no help
Lando : lost at monopoly and put 3 ton of pepper in my dinner as a revenge
Dan : called me to say she had a crush on a girl in her class and called me hours later to announce she was gay
Seb : helped all her friends go through a hard time and then complained when they called her ‘mom’
Lance : slammed into a lamppost while laughing at me
Esteban : stole one of my fave plushies and denied her act when I found it 10 years later
Fernando : called the younger students babies and then tried to be adopted by them by dressing as a tree for a costume party
Pierre : fought with me for years for my aunt’ massive panda plush
Yuki : tried once to wear heels just to be as tall as her friends (and failed miserably)
Kimi : out drunk all her friends and was the only one with no hangover the next day
Antonio : spent her life trying to have Rapunzel’ hair (and cut them short after coming out)
Mick : took her dog to school during pre exam week to cheer up her friends
George : led a revolution in her class against their software and gave a 5 minute presentation of why it’s shit to her teacher
Nicky : stopped eating nutella and emptied my pot the second she saw it bc she’s addicted
Alex : found a cat on a parking lot and called her Car
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 8
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 4,500+
⚠️Warning⚠️: Slight Mature Content
Blue. Everything was blue.
From the bubbles you exhaled to the sun streaming through the window. It was all blue.
Even though you’ve been staying here for about a week, you still couldn’t get used to waking up like this. Underwater. Trapped in a fairytale-like world.
Was this how Triton felt adjusting to the human realm?
“Mom?” As if summoned by your thoughts, you felt Triton shift in bed next to you. The mattress slightly caving in as the young boy cuddled close to your side. “You okay?”
You shouldn’t be the one asking me that, you can’t help but think. After all that happened last night, Triton should be the one more shaken up.
…What has this young boy gone through?
Gently, you reach down and run one of your hands through Triton’s hair. It’s silky and soft texture felt ethereal in the water-like environment. Like as if it was threads of gold tediously woven slowly by hand.
“Mom….?” Your hand pauses as Triton lifts his head to look at you. Blue… It must be because you two were underwater but Triton’s eyes were a striking bright blue today. Unlike their usual pale grayish version. Seems like everything would truly be covered in blue while you were here, “Are you sure you—“
“My, oh my. This is unexpected.”
At the sudden new voice, you jolt out of bed. It seemed like you couldn’t even get a bit of peace for a second in the place. However, as you take in the figure that was at the door you soon pause.
A butler? A human looking one at that. Was he perhaps a siren or mermaid? But he also had no tail…
“Hermes!” You feel yourself choke slightly at what Triton shouts. Hermes? As in the Messenger god? He looked nothing at all like the mythology books.
“Good day, Master Triton.” Hermes greets as Triton comes crawling out of bed and up to him. As you watch Triton start telling Hermes a story about something, you see Hermes' gaze shift from the young boy in front of him to you. Red… You are cut off guard as you notice Hermes’ eyes were a surprising color of scarlet red. As in the most ripe apples and cherries or that of a deep red ruby. However that wasn’t what entranced you the most. No, it was the unusual spider web irises that accompanied those pits of red.
“By the way, What brings you here, Hermes?” Thankfully at Triton’s question, Hermes' gaze turns away from you. Allowing you to release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You weren’t sure what it was but for some reason you felt like you had to be careful around him.
Hesitantly, you pull the covers off of your form and make your way out of bed next to Triton. You didn’t want to get closer to Hermes but you also didn’t want Triton to be left alone with the young man. Who knows what the god could be up to, “Master Zeus wanted me to return a special package to you.”
“A package?”
Nervously, you let out a small gulp as Hermes disappears back into the hallway to grab the mysterious “package”. Should you make a run for it? After all, it could possibly be dangerous. He could—
“Here it is.”
“Ack!” You can’t help but let out once you see what Hermes is holding in his arms. Did Zeus really order Hermes to go all the way to the mortal realm to grab that?
“Alexander the Great!” Triton cheers out as he grabs the ginormous king turtle from Hermes. Clearly happy to be reunited with his trusty stuffed animal. “Oh! I know the perfect spot to put you.”
You watch as Triton races across the room to a corner filled with fluffy pillows and blankets. Even here it seemed he built those nest-like beds. You wondered where he got such a thing from.
“Now, My Lady…”  Startled by the warm breath on the shell of your ear, you feel yourself freeze before shakily turning to look at Hermes standing close next to you, “I have a package from Zeus for you as well.”
“O-Oh really…?” You hesitantly say as you take a step away from the god. Was personal space not a thing for them?
“Yes, now if you would follow me.” Hermes states, gesturing to the door.
“Thank you but I’m going to grab it later. I want to stay with Triton for now.”
“Oh but my Lady. I insist.”
“I’m really fin—“ You are cut off as Hermes places his hands around your waist and proceeds to carry you out of the room. He was so fast you hardly had time to blink or even realize what he had done.
“We will be right back, Master Triton.” Hermes shouts out to the young boy as he leaves the room and makes his way into the hallway. Finally able to realize what is going on, you grab at Hermes’ hands on your waist. Futility attempting to get him to let go of you.
“Hey! Let go of me.” You shout out to the god. However, the only thing you got was a curious eyebrow raise in return.
“Oh.” Hermes let out as if suddenly realizing something. Interested you pause at your fighting, only to soon regret it as you see a dangerous gleam in his eyes. As if a mischievous plan was forming in his head, “I apologize My Lady, I wasn’t thinking. You must be used to the way Master Poseidon holds you.”
Instantly, in pure terror, you grab onto Hermes shoulders as he throws you lightly up in the air. Thankfully, you didn’t squeal too hard as you had already known what he was possibly referring to about how ‘Poseidon holds you’.
“Now, is this more comfortable, My Lady?” Hermes asks as he holds you bridal style in his arms. What in the world was with gods and their need to hold Humans, or possibly lesser beings, this way?
Now embarrassed, especially at how the maids and servants whisper to each other as you two walk by, you give up the need to fight Hermes. Knowing there was no chance in hell you would be able to get away anyways with how strong he was compared to you.
“Lord Hermes—“
“Please, just call me Hermes.” The messenger god states cheerfully as he cuts you off. As if he totally didn’t just kidnap you.
After letting out a small sigh in frustration, you continue, “Alright, Hermes. Where are you taking me?”
“Just to the main foyer, My Lady.”
At Hermes' simple minded answer, you feel your eyebrow twitch slightly. If you weren’t already afraid of the god, you bet you would have smacked that smug look off his face by now. You could clearly see now how Hermes was the Son of Zeus, “Okay… So, Why are you taking me there?”
“To meet someone special that Master Zeus invited.”
You swore to god.
“Who is that special someone?” You state, making sure to emphasize on your question this time. As if sensing your frustration, Hermes, clearly pleased with your reaction, smiles slightly.
“Scylla. You are meeting Lady Scylla.”
You feel yourself pause at the name, an odd sense of familiarity blooming in your brain. You had definitely heard that name before but… where….?
“Scylla, as in Scylla and Charybdis.” Hermes explains, his smile growing wider as he takes in the confused look on your face. As you ponder the second name, it finally hits you about why it had all sounded so familiar.
Scylla was a legendary monster in Greek mythology that lived on one side of a narrow channel of water, opposite to her counterpart Charybdis.
Scylla's description varied from tale to tale but she was often described as a female monstrosity. Her lower body consisted of six serpent-like heads on long snaky necks, each head having a triple row of shark-like teeth. Then, on her stomach were the heads of ferocious dogs.
However, it wasn’t her appearance or the fact that she was a monster that startled you the most. No.
Scylla wasn’t always a monster. No, she used to be a nymph. There are two tales that explained as to why Scylla was turned into a monster in the first place. One of them being, as well as the most frightening one to you, was that…
…Amphitrite was jealous of Scylla.
“W-why am I meeting with Scylla?” You questioned outloud to Hermes. Whose grin only seemed to grow once you asked him.
“Pardon me but it is much more fun if you find out yourself.” Hermes explained casually as he stops in front of a room. He wasn’t…
“Have a fun time, My Lady.”
And with that, Hermes proceeded to shove you in the room and close the doors behind you. That bastard… you knew you shouldn’t trust him.
“Are you Lady (y/n)?”
Freezing, you look across the room in the direction of the voice. There was no doubt that it was Scylla. But,…
You find yourself pausing as you gaze down at her abdomen.
“Pomeranians?” Instantly, after the word slips out, you cover your mouth. Great going there, (y/n).
Though, it wasn’t just the fact that the supposed ‘ferocious dogs’ were sophisticated Pomeranian that caught you off guard. The lady, well ex-nymph, before you looked about in her late 50s and was dressed quite modestly. Yet also very sophisticated.
“Yes, they are Pomeranians.” Scylla answers, seeming to take a pause as she sips from her teacup before continuing, “Now, as I asked before, Are you Lady (y/n)?”
“Oh, I apologize. I am Lady (y/n).” You answer back, not missing how Scylla eyebrows slightly twitch.
“…It seems I have a lot of work…” You hear Scylla mumble lightly under her breath as she proceeds to shake her head. What was she talking about?
“Oh, nothing. Please take a seat, Lady (y/n).”
Carefully, you make your way across the room to sit at the table. As you do so, you don’t miss the chance to notice how extravagant the room was. Not only was it made of marble and intricate gold carvings like the rest of Triton’s Manor but it also had a beautiful ceiling mural and, next to where the table that Scylla was sitting, a wall to wall and floor to ceiling grand window view.
As you take a seat down across from Scylla, you have to hold yourself back from gasping as you could now take in the full view. There were arrays of colorful Coral reefs and plants. Some that you have never ever seen, perhaps they only grew in the realm of the gods and were special in some way. However, it was past the Coral reefs that were placed outside the window that gained your interest. Far out in the horizon, stood what looked like a grand underwater city that looked fresh out of a futuristic sci-fi movie with its intricate buildings and colorful lights.
“Ahem.” At Scylla’s cough, you finally turn your attention back to the older woman, “I will now formally introduce myself. I am Scylla, a former nymph that worked for Lord Poseidon. As well as…
…Triton’s former Nanny.”
“I see.” You let out as you take in the information the woman has told you. It seemed like just how the other gods were different from mythology so was Scylla. But, you couldn’t write off anything about Scylla yet. You didn’t know her full intentions on accepting to come to see you here today. “Can I ask why you came to see me today, Lady Scylla?”
“Of course.” Scylla answers as she carefully places her teacup back down on its plate and looks at you, “I am not here to hurt you but rather to help you. My first duty in coming here is informing you about everything you need to know. From Master Triton’s childhood to Lady Amphitrite nature, I am hoping to tell you everything possibly important I have seen in over the millennia I have worked for the family.”
Now you understand why she was here. If you didn’t understand the inner workings or secrets of the family, it could honestly get you killed. And that could count for either Poseidon or Amphitrite. It also makes sense why Zeus specifically sent her as he still had the intentions of you replacing Amphitrite as Poseidon’s wife. So, knowing what makes Poseidon tic would be crucial.
“My second reason for coming here is to teach you the proper etiquette of the gods.”
You feel your thoughts come to a screeching halt at her statement, “Huh?”
“I’m going to be honest with you, Lady (y/n),” Scylla vocalizes as she shakes her head, “Since you are a human, you are considered at the bottom in our realm. If the citizens of Atlantis don’t like you, they will kill you. If you disrespect a god or goddess, they will kill you. If someone wants your spot on the throne, they will kill you. If you aren’t strong or smart enough, you will get killed. Respect, etiquette and knowledge are the three things that will keep you alive here…”
Scylla pauses as she looks around to make sure that no one was nearby to hear what she would say next.
“Lady (y/n).” Scylla starts as she surprisingly reaches across the table to hold your hands. “I know of Lord Zeus’ plan to make you the next queen. As a former Nymph, where my kind is often taken advantage of by gods just like humans, I beg of you. Do not. Follow. Zeus’. Plan. It will surely get you killed. To him, if you die, He will simply take another human or some other god to take your place. All he wants is Amphitrite off the throne.”
It wasn’t as if you already didn’t guess that from Zeus. You already knew, deep down in an unsettling feeling in your stomach, that he considered you lesser than himself. No matter how kind he seemed to act to you.
Also it wasn’t as if you were trying to seduce Poseidon or become the next queen in anyways. Your main objective, as it always had been, was to protect and care for Triton.
You are brought back to reality as Scylla lets go of your hands and stands up, “Come. We don’t have much time.”
“Right.” Instantly, you follow the older woman as she makes her way across the room. You didn’t know where she could possibly be going but followed her anyway. “A frame?”
You look curiously at, what you guessed to be, the decorative frame of a mirror. You had no idea why you two have specifically stopped here. Was the frame important in some way, like some sort of secretive family heirloom?
However, you soon doubt that previous guess of yours as suddenly, as if bent by Scylla’s mind and will, the inside of the mirror starts to glow. It continued to glow as the light slowly trickled to the rest of the mirror and once it was fully completed, Scylla moves out of the way and gestures to it.
“You want me to walk up to it?” You ask Scylla as you make a small step to the blinding mirror. Slowly as you grow closer, you reach out your hand to slightly graze its surface. Only to realize it wasn’t a surface at all. “W-Woah!”
You are caught off guard as you are suddenly pulled into the mirror by a great force. Hissing, your eyes stung by the ever so bright light. What is happening? You thought Scylla was going to explain to you about the family history. Could she possibly have lied and tricked you?
Amphitrite… Daughter of Nereus and Doris…
“W-Who goes there?” You shout out, startled by the booming voice. “Were you the one who pulled me in here?”
However, as if the voice couldn’t hear you, it continues it’s speech and you are suddenly placed into a white blank room.
One of 50 sisters, known as the Nereids…Amphitrite grew up as any other goddess…
An ancient stone wall suddenly appears right in front of you. It’s drawings and paintings seeming to depict the beautiful Nereids.
…However, that was far from the truth…
All of sudden the paintings come to life, some of the Nereids were killing and even poisoning their sisters.
…All of those sisters were filled with greed… greed to be ever so powerful like their father and it only seemed to grow when it was announced that Poseidon would choose one to be his queen…
The stone changes once more, completely wiped clean except for one lone woman in the center. A shining crown placed on her head.
…And Amphitrite came out on top. With most of her sisters dead or banished by her, she was now the lone survivor to gain all the power she desired…as the new goddess and queen of the sea…
…However,…Poseidon wasn’t how she expected….
You are startled as the full white room, even the ground you were standing on, changes. The room now taking on an elegant bedroom. A grand circle bed was placed in the center of the room. With Pillows and silk blankets scattered around in it.
A sudden loud creak catches your attention and you spin your head around. Caught off guard at who was in front of you.
“What are you doing here?” Poseidon's voice booms out as he glares daggers at you. His form no longer dressed in his usual attire but instead one made for bed.
“I-I—“ “You can’t possibly expect nothing to happen on our wedding night.”
Taking a step away from Poseidon, you turn and realize he wasn’t talking nor glaring at you. Instead, his piercing gaze was directed at a woman sitting on the bed. A simple yet sexy nightgown covering her form.
You have never seen her before with her long and deep colored scarlet hair, with her sea green eyes and pale clear skin. But you could at least guess who she was.
“Amphitrite. Leave.” Poseidon orders, as he turns away from the woman to shrug off his shirt, “I won’t be asking again.”
The woman only giggles in response, seeming not to take Poseidon’s threat seriously as she makes her way up to the male.
“Oh god—“ You can’t help but let out. Quickly covering your eyes as you see Amphitrite loosen her strap of her nightgown, causing the article of clothing to fall to the floor. What was the woman thinking?!
Even with your heart practically beating out of your ears, you hear Poseidon let out a deep sigh and the loud sound of heavy footsteps making their way past you. From what you guess, this was a memory of the past and the two couldn’t see you.
“W-Where are you going—“ Amphitrite voice is cut off as the door is shut with a loud bang. It is quiet for a moment. Yet it was only a moment. As soon afterwards, the loud banging and breaking sounds ring out around the room as Amphitrite takes her anger out on the area around her. “That fucking piece of shit!! I’ll show you—“
Amphitrite voice is once again cut off. Yet this time not by Poseidon but instead the blinding light as the voice changes the scene. Deeming it safe, you uncover your eyes and take in the new scene around you. You were no longer in Poseidon’s bedroom but seemed to still be in the palace. This time the bed was a simple queen one, it’s sheets covered in blood that scared you for a moment. That is until another item gains your attention.
A baby crib.
Amphitrite was furious about how she couldn’t get Poseidon to bend to her will. She believed that he should be groveling at her feet and craving for her affections…
…This only got worse after she found out she was pregnant with an heir that Poseidon didn’t care for….
Startled by what the voice was saying, you take a step towards the baby crib. That means this crib was…
You let out an audible gasp as you lean over the crib. An ever so familiar pair of pale blue eyes staring up at you. It was baby Triton.
Damn, you wished you had your phone on you to take a picture of this moment. He was just all too adorable.
At the pregnancy of the child, Amphitrite left it in the hands of a nanny. Not wanting to bother with a child that will only hold her back.
“Lord Poseidon. I beg of you, Please do not hurt—”
That voice… Hastily, you make your way across the room to the door that was slightly ajar. Standing outside was Poseidon, a couple of his attendees and Scylla. Scylla, who seemed to be back when she was a nymph, was on her hands and knees, begging something out of the god.
“Tch.” Poseidon lets out, seeming annoyed. You freeze as you see the male grab his trident and make his way towards the door.
“Lord Poseidon, Pleas— Ack!” As Scylla tries to bring her head up and grab onto Poseidon to stop him but before she could do so an attendee stomps on her back. Stopping her in her tracks.
“Do not come in.”
You back away as Poseidon makes his way into the room, shutting the door behind him. He wasn’t planning to…
You cover your ears as a loud screeching sound fills the room. It was coming from Poseidon’s trident as he drags the blade across the floor, Leaving long scratching indinents in the marble floor.
This is in the past, (y/n). You forcibly remind yourself as you watch Poseidon get closer to the crib. Triton is still alive, he’s not going to die here.
You freeze as the screeching sound stops and Poseidon lifts his trident. Uncovering your ears, you stare, mind boggled, at what happens next.
Poseidon… was whistling.
Was he attempting to soothe the baby before he killed it? What sort of Psycho was he—
“Ah! Stop!” You shout out as Poseidon’s trident comes barreling down towards the crib. He was going to actually kill—
Suddenly, Poseidon’s arm comes to a screeching halt.
“Bo ba ba booo.” Triton babbles away, seeming to attempt to imitate the song Poseidon had just whistled out.
“Tch.” Poseidon imbeds his trident in the marble before picking Trident up by the back of his onesie.
That’s not how you were supposed to carry a child! You could accidentally cause it to choke itself.
As you make your way closer to the two, worried about Triton’s safety, Poseidon once again whistles out. His gaze trained to the baby’s face.
“Boooo ba ba boo.” Triton lets out again, seeming to try his best to imitate Poseidon. Giggling slightly at the end as he reaches out towards his father and grabs a piece of Poseidon’s hair.
“You’re doing it wrong.” Poseidon mutters out as he brings his other hand up to Triton, the time adjusting his grip so that he was holding the baby by the armpits.
Poseidon whistles out once more. This time going slightly slower for the baby to listen.
Was this guy seriously attempting to teach a baby how to sing a song when he tried to kill it only seconds ago? Plus it was a baby for crying out loud.
“Hey! Get back here!”
The door comes flying open with a startling bang as Scylla trips her way into the room.
“I warned you!” Scylla screams out as the attendees' sword comes barreling down at her. However, thankfully, it never hits her. “L-Lord Poseidon-n…”
You cover your mouth as the attendee falls to the ground, his body separated in half by the trident Poseidon had just thrown.
“Silence.” Poseidon orders out to the rest of the attendees, who quickly release Scylla and back away. “You, Lady. Come here.”
Scylla freezes as she sees the look Poseidon gives her. About how she should know better than to make him repeat himself. Frantically, she makes her way over to the two.
“What’s its name?” Poseidon asks Scylla. Who grows pale as she watches as Triton pulls at Poseidon’s hair. Yet, surprisingly, the god of the sea doesn’t flinch nor remove the annoyance, allowing the baby to continue what it was doing.
“I-uh. L-Lady Amphitrite never gave the child a name...”
Silence. You let out a small gulp as you anxiously take in the scene in front of you. Poseidon definitely wasn’t pleased with this development.
“Pardon me, M-My Lord. May I suggest something-g?” Scylla stutters out as she anxiously twiddles her thumbs. She seemed to be on the brink of collapsing from stress and anxiety.
“Why…Why don’t you name the boy?”
Once again silence. However, it wasn’t as tense as the previous one. It seemed Poseidon was truly pondering Scylla’s suggestion.
“Triton.” Poseidon booms out. “His name will be Triton.”
“An E-Excellent choice, My Lord.” Scylla compliments. Yet, even though Poseidon accepted her suggestion, she didn’t seem pleased. “A-Another thing, My Lord. You aren’t supposed to hold a baby in that manner.”
Quickly, Scylla attempts to cover her mistake, “I-I mean-n! You can hold the boy however you want. It just that isn't the most comfortable manner! You don’t have to listen to what I suggest. Please forgive me.”
You are surprised once more as Poseidon gives Scylla the baby. Seeming to tell her to show him how to hold Triton without wanting to ask. You have grown to notice that his pride seems to get in the way of things a lot of the time.
It eerily, in a way, reminded you of what happened last night when Poseidon listened to your own suggestion. Would he act in a fit of rage this time as well? Could this be how Scylla got—
“Bah!” Triton shouts out, startling you out of your thoughts. Currently, Poseidon was attempting to cradle Triton the way Scylla had shown him. The nanny fiddled with her fingers as she worriedly watched the two.
“Booo ba ba booo…. Boo boo boo boooo… boooo….” Triton babbles out, this time somewhat replicating the song accurately.
Heh? You are startled at the sound Poseidon makes. Did he just laugh slightly?
Inching closer, you take in the look on Poseidon’s face as he looks down at Triton. As if his cold exterior had cracked ever so slightly, you could see a sliver of fondness in Poseidon’s cold blue eyes. A look that showed love for his newborn son.
…Yet, you thought Poseidon didn’t feel that way about Triton.
“My Lord.” Poseidon's fondness quickly disappears as he turns to look at Amphitrite who stood at the door. You could see an ever so slight smirk on her face. “I didn’t realize you wanted to visit our son. You should have told me, I would have come with you.”
Oh. Was it because…
“Zeus and Hera wanted to see the child.” Poseidon lies to Amphitrite as he gives the child back to Scylla. Seeming to believe her husband, Amphitrite's smile soon turns to a scowl.
“I see.” She bitterly spits out before walking away. Not wanting to stick around for any longer.
Once Amphitrite footsteps are no longer heard, Poseidon turns back to Scylla. Whispering in a low voice so that the attendees can’t hear.
“I’ll be back tomorrow. Same time. Don’t be late and don’t tell anyone.”
With that Poseidon walks away, his attendees quickly chasing after him. As Scylla seems happy with the new found development, hugging Triton tightly to her chest as she showers him in praises, you… didn’t know what to think.
…Couldn’t wrap your head around why your chest aches so much when you watch the two.
…What in the world happened between Triton and Poseidon that changed them…?
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Author Note: Just in case people didn’t see my notice about this yesterday. I decided to split Ch. 8 into two parts, due to it revealing a lot of things. So the second part will be up tomorrow (Friday). If there is any confusion, please feel free to ask or comment. I will be checking my tumble a lot today since I know this is a crazy chapter.
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy
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cades-outsider · 4 years
Older Johnny Lawrence X Reader *SMUT*
Warnings? SMUT! SMUT! Language! And praising!
Praise Me
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Walking along the side walk you smile to yourself as Cobra Kai comes into view, one of your good friends Johnny Lawrence had opened up his very own dojo. You knew his past with his sensei Krease, Johnny after much trusting had told you everything that Krease had put in his head and done to him.
Johnny explained that he was not going to put the kids in that situation Krease had done to him and his friends. Pushing open the door the famous bell chimes as you walk in, the door closing behind you.
Johnny comes out of the back drying his hands with a towel, he smiles once he sees that it’s you. "Y/n hey" he greets pulling you into a hug.
You inhale his scent which consisted of fresh green mint, causing you to swoon as you hugged back. "Hey Johnny" you giggle.
Oh how much he loved that pretty giggle of yours, it was music to his ears. "Where’s Miguel" You ask curiously as you both pulled away from the hug.
"His mom called him, she said she needed to speak to him about something" Johnny shrugs throwing the towel on the beating mannequin as you like to call.
"How about we talk in my office" He says smugly, now that he had a office causing you to giggle.
"I’d like that Sensei Lawrence" You play along as he takes your hand and leads you into his office.
He goes to his fridge and pulls out one of his Coors Banquets Beers "want one?" He questions looking at you.
You debate for a moment before shaking your head "sure, why not" you start "-I gotta see what the hype is about these, they must be good if the Johnny Lawrence loves them" You tease as he takes the two beers and places them on his desk.
He sits in his office chair while you sit in the comfortable chair on in front of him "well then-" he stops for a moment to do his famous 'beer opening trick' "-here you go" he says handing it over to you before doing the same with his.
He holds his beer up in the air "to...." he hums as he thinks of nothing to celebrate to causing you to laugh.
"To Johnny Lawrence doing something he loves" You say rising your beer up hitting it with his gently.
Johnny smirks shaking his head before taking a sip, you do the same "Hmm, pretty good Lawrence" you chuckle as you hold the bottle in your hand resting it on your thigh.
"Speaking of love.... have you been seeing anybody?" Johnny asks taking a bigger gulp of his beer this time.
You chuckle "nope, I swear I grew up in the wrong time" You joke.
Johnny raises his brows "why do you say that?" He asks curiously.
You sigh "it’s just the men, well I can’t even say men. Boys, are so not gentlemen like at all" You say shaking your head.
"Why what are they like now?" He asks genuine.
"They are definitely not romantic-" you scoff "-they don’t open doors for me, or the don’t do any romantic gestures" you sigh "-there just not educated" you giggle at the last part causing Johnny to smile.
"Oh and the sex!" You groan throwing your head back "-the sex is just horrible" You finally let loose.
You notice Johnny’s hands grip his beer firmer as his hand starts to turn white before he calms down "seems like you get the young and dumb batch" he chuckles gulping down some more beer.
"Ugh, remember my last relationship?" You question.
"Oh that guy was a dick, I can’t believe he did that to you" Johnny says gritting his teeth.
"Me either" you say remembering the time your ex treated you so badly you ran to Johnny’s at three am at night, but he held you that whole night not complaining once.
"But you were there for me" You hum as a small smile forms onto your lips.
Johnny smiles "always" he says as your eyes connect, his beautiful icy clue ones piercing through yours as if he was reading everything about you in that moment.
  "Johnny I need to tell you something" You say breaking the already sexual tension.
  He clears his throat "yes?" He asks taking another sip of beer.
  'I'm into you' You think "I'm into older men" But you actually say.
  Johnny's eye widen, until slowly a small smile appears on his face now feeling confident that he could have a chance with you.
  "Let me prove to you that all men aren't like that" He stops for a moment "-let me take you out on a date" he finishes as he slides the unfinished beer in the trash beside him.
  You're taken aback but also excited seeing as you have kinda caught feelings for him "alright deal" you smile.
  Johnny smiles widely in return "great I'll pick you up at 7" he says with a small smirk.
  "In the firebird?" You smirk.
  "You know it baby" Johnny winks as you get up, getting ready to leave.
  He stands up "give me that, I don't need my gir-" he stops before shaking his head "-I don't need you drinking and driving" he says taking the beer from you and placing it in the trash.
You chuckle at his antics "I wasn’t even going to carry it" you say sticking out your tongue at him playfully.
"Hey. That’s offensive" He says 'seriously' as he leans on the wall.
"Oh I bet Sensei" You joke as you start walking out of the office.
"I’ll see you at seven!" You hear Johnny yell as he runs out of the office.
You turn around "I’ll see you at seven" you repeat as a blush forms over your cheeks.
Johnny rushes over to the door and opens it for you letting you walk out, as he does he kisses your cheek. As you walk out of the building and into your car, your heart races as you could not believe that just happened.
On the way home all you could do was smile, excited for your date with Johnny. Someone who you caught feeling for on the first day of meeting but didn’t know.
You make it home and start rummaging through your dresses trying to pick out something not to like 'desperate' as they call or something to revealing.
You finally just decide on a white well fit thigh high dress and some black heels. You weren’t insecure about your body, but sometimes you would get self cautious.
Deciding to go all out tonight you apply the littlest amount of make up and curl your hair.
Meanwhile, Johnny was throwing almost every piece of clothing he owned around his room, panicking as he couldn’t find anything to wear. With a frustrated sigh he throws all his clothes back in his closet before seeing a white suit catch his eye.
'That’s the one' he thought as he picked it up and slid it on. By the time you both were done it was around 6:50. Johnny was thankful that you only lived five minutes away from him.
He quickly got in his fire bird and made his way to you. You were more excited than anything. I mean how often is it that a guy you like asks you out on a date, and especially a decent guy.
Johnny arrived at your door at exactly 7 o'clock on the dot. Hearing a knock on your front door you walk as fast as you can to the door in heels, letting out a breath of nervousness as you open the door.
  Johnny looks up, his mouth gape open as he looks at your beauty "I- wow were matching" you say noticing Johnny's white suit that he looked mighty fine in.
  "-wow you look beautiful" Johnny says mind blown, I mean he always admired you and thought you were the most gorgeous girl but now you just looked breath taking.
"Thank you Johnny, you look handsome... as always" you compliment with a sweet smile.
The smallest blush falls onto his face, so faint you almost missed it. Johnny holds out his hand gesturing for you to take it "shall we go?" He asks as you take his hand.
  "We shall" You comment with a side smile.
He leads you to his well cleaned up fire bird, rushing to your side to open the door for you "my lady" he jokes, you giggle as you slide into the passengers seat.
"Thank you may gentlemen" You blush, as Johnny runs over to his side entering the car and cranking it up.
The drive was silent, comfortable silence of course. You both were just simply enjoying each other's company as you finally made it to your destination.
A small fancy Italian restaurant, Johnny gets out of his side and rushes to your side opening the door before you could even put your hand on the handle to get out.
You smile as your heart swells with joy and love, "thank you" you comment politely as you get out of the car.
Johnny closes the door and takes your hand "my pleasure love" He says grabbing your hand and walking you up to the door once again opening the door for you leading you in.
  A waitress leads you to your guys table handing you your menus and asks for your drink preference. Soon she leaves giving you some time to pick out your orders before bringing your favorite drink back and Johnny's coke.
  You both order your meals after she returns, before going back and putting your orders in. You rest your chin on your hand as you gaze up at Johnny.
Johnny freezes "what? Is there something on my face?" He asks wiping his clean face.
You chuckle "no of course not you’re just a pretty sight" you reply giddily.
He smirks "is that all you see me as?" He questions playfully.
"No I see you as much more" you wink as the waiter brings your food before Johnny could reply back.
She places the food on the table before quickly rushing off, noticing the long awaited sexual tension.
You clear your throat "so, how does it feel to be back into karate sensei?" You spark up, interested as you both dig into your meals.
"It feels great to be back, granted Miguel is my only student but he’s a good kid" He compliments with a small smile.
"Yeah, I’ve seen you guys practice he’s getting better" You say impressed.
"I know, he deserves so much more than I can give him" Johnny says looking down.
"Hey don’t say that, you’re doing amazing and I’m so proud of you. He couldn’t learn from anyone better" you say, completely dissing his thought.
Johnny looks up, both of your eyes connect. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife "you wanna get out of here?" He asks before putting his fork down.
"Yes" you answer quickly already getting excited for what’s to come.
The waitress comes over "we’ll take the check please" Johnny says with a smile that reads 'were in a hurry here' to which the waitress quickly nods becoming awkward.
Though she doesn’t move "uh- you guys didn’t finish so there for it’s on the house and you get to keep your meals" she explains grabbing two container boxes and handing them to you.
"Thank you" you say politely as you hand one to Johnny and the waitress quickly runs away.
"That was weird I’ve never heard of that before" you say as you put your food in the box, Johnny doing the same knowing you’ll both get hungry eventually.
"I know" He comments as he grabs your hand and quickly rushes you guys outside.
He places the boxes on the hood of his car before gently pushing you up against the passenger door and connecting his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.
You reply by pushing your lips against his firmer, before things could escalate to quickly and you’d give the whole restaurant a show Johnny quickly pulls away opening the door for you letting you sit, and getting into his side.
Nothing was said while driving, just heavy breathing as you both were excited for what was to come once Johnny made it to his apartment.
Soon you guys parked and Johnny quickly rushed over to your side of the door and helped you out. Before you could make it to Johnny’s door he placed his lips on yours. Your back hitting the door, he quickly pulls out his keys and opens the door letting you both in and closing it with his foot.
Johnny carries you over to the wall and pushes you up against it, not to hard but enough to make you weak. He reconnects your lips back together once again in a rougher kiss, still gentle.
He pulls away to trail slow and sweet kisses to your neck to which he immediately finds your sweet spot as you let him know by moaning.
He continues to abuse that spot as you start to speak up "Johnny.... more" you practically beg.
He caved in and taps your leg signaling for you to jump to which you do. The ends of your dress ripping immediately, causing you to gasp and Johnny to laugh.
"It’s fine I didn’t like it anyways" you say breathlessly as being turned on took you out of your thinking process.
You roughly place your lips back onto his as he carries you over to the kitchen counter roughly swapping everything away with his free arm before sitting you on it.
"Then you won’t mind if I take it off?" He asks for consent, shyly because he didn’t want to mess this up.
"Yes please" You say giving him permission.
As a gentleman he doesn’t finish ripping the dress but he pulls the zipper down slipping it halfway off til it wrapped around your waist.
Your strapless white bra being exposed to which Johnny admires as he places more kisses over your neck and the top of your boobs.
Johnny picks you back up before this time carrying you in his room placing you gently on his bed. "God your so beautiful" He compliments as he kisses up your chest, going down to your stomach.
He pulls the rest of the dress down, discarding it somewhere in the room. He runs his hand gently around your thighs and stomach.
You whine in pleasure he comes back up and places his fingers over the button on the front of your bra "can I?" He asks watching your eyes for any sign of discomfort to find none.
You simply nod giving your consent as he unbuttons the bra slowly dragging it down your body before discarding of it. Your breasts now bare to him to which you look away shyly as your hands start to cover yourself up.
"Don’t my love, you look like a goddess" he starts before placing kisses all over your chest "-you’re so perfect" Johnny finishes, love dripping with every word.
He swirls his tongue around your harden nipple causing your back to arch as a moan falls out.
He places kisses everywhere down your stomach until he gets to your soaking core. He tugs at the side of your underwear asking to pull it off to which you nod letting him do so.
Your bottom half now completely bare to him, he spreads open your legs resting his hands on your thighs. He kisses just above your core, slowly he trails more kisses until he finally connects his lips with your clit, sucking harshly but lovingly.
"You’re so beautiful" He praises once more as continues his assault on your clit, now slipping two fingers into your dripping core.
Wanting you to cum around his cock, he takes his fingers out before sucking them dry and licking his lips causing more moans to fly out your mouth
"You taste wonderful" he says as lust fills his bow darkened blue eyes.
He pulls his shirt off revealing his toned shaped body before discarding of his pants leaving himself only in his boxers.
"Are you sure you want to do this Y/n" Johnny asks sincerely.
"Of course I want to do this with you Johnny" You comply.
Nodding he removes his boxers letting his hard on slap against your core, both letting out a groan at contact.
Lining his cock up at your entrance he looks up at you once more only for you to nod your head yes.
He slowly slides his cock inside your core, feeling you clench around his cock causing him to moan you following behind feeling him stretch you out.
"I’m going to treat you so well" He says whilst rubbing your thighs slowly thrusting his hips against yours.
You moan "Johnny-" you whimper as he speeds up his pace more.
His cock hitting all the right places and more, thrusting at a firmer pace he grips your hips so he could go faster. Hitting your G- spot dead on causing your back to arch and a moan to escape your plump lips.
"You’re doing so good for me, taking me so well" he compliments as he try’s to contain his breathing and moans.
"Princess, you’re taking my cock in like a good girl" He praises as he slams his hips against yours finding a faster rhythm.
You whimper "so g-good" you stutter as Johnny leans down, readjusting his posture to kiss you.
You run your hands through his hair as you feel your climax reaching. "I’m close Johnny-" you moan aloud as you chase that burning sensation.
"Yeah? You’re going to cum for me beautiful" he continues to praise as he drops a hand down to your core and rubs your clit in figure eights causing you to arch your chest into his and cum around his cock, feeling him twitch as you do so.
Johnny follows behind as he cums inside you, filling you up as he continues to ride out both of your orgasms.
Gently pulling out his cock he turns over to his back and pulls you to lean into his chest. "Words cannot describe how amazing that was Y/n" he says feeling as though he was on top of the world.
You nod agreeing along "it was amazing Johnny" you compliment.
"Y/n.... I love you" Johnny says waiting patiently for your response.
You nuzzle your neck into his; lovingly "I love you Johnny Lawrence"
Thank you for requesting @peachymelon69 I hope you enjoyed!
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If We’re Quick
Pairing :: Ray Palmer x short/petite fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, Smut/NSFW, Size Kink, Thigh Riding
Word Count :: 1,773
Summary :: Ray convinces you that if you’re quick, the team won’t catch you
A/N :: I’m a whore for this man- HE’S SO SWEET
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Ray Palmer was the sweetest goofball you had ever met. He almost always had a smile on his face, finding the bright side to even the darkest of situations. His charm and small ramblings about his passions made you fall head over heels for the man, even if you tried to ignore those feelings of attraction at first.
Even before you joined the Legends, you refused to be romantically involved with any work colleague. All your previous co-workers had told you it was frowned upon to date within the workplace, gossiping whenever two people started seeing each other. 
So, when Ray asked you out on a date, it pained you to decline. Yet, somehow, you still ended up having dinner with him at Lana’s & Larry’s, a diner from the 50s.
You stared at him in shock, your heart racing as you stared up at him, a large nervous smile on his face. You gulped, looking down with sadness. At first, you felt overjoyed at his offer, but then remembered your own professional guidelines.
“Ray…” You mumbled. “Ray, I can’t go on a date with you, we work together. What would the team think?” 
Seeming to already think of this outcome, a small chuckle left Ray. “It’s not a date, it’s just dinner, so it’s not breaking you ‘no dating colleagues’ rule.” He gave you a small shrug and added, “Plus, I’m sure no one will notice we’re missing.”
You tilted your head back up, the corners of your lips turning upwards as you brushed some hair out of your face. “Well, when you put it like that, sure. I’ll have dinner with you, but, just as friends.”
You could visibly see him ease up, his shoulders relaxing and a small breath he was holding released. “Just as friends,” He repeated.
Each time Ray asked you out, it was always “just as friends”. Even on your fifth outing together, the kiss you two shared was only as “friends”.
A small Ma & Pa owned sweets shop in Bedford, England, from the 70s had a couple’s special each Sunday. If a couple kissed and showed the old married couple that they were in love, they could get a free bag of sweets each. 
The second you heard that, without hesitation, your hands reached for the sides of Ray’s face and pulled him down for a kiss. Your father taught you to save money and take any opportunity that benefited you.
At first, Ray was completely stunned, but it didn’t take long for him to lean down closer to you so you would no longer have to stand on your tippy-toes to reach him. You pulled away seconds after he placed his hands on the small of your back. 
He had a large grin plastered on his face and you couldn’t help but heat up, flustered by your actions.
The old married couple laughed a bit at first, calling the two of you “a cute young couple” before handing you each your sweets.
After that small event though, you each knew you couldn’t pretend to be just friends anymore. You two started to date, keeping it a secret from the rest of the team.
It was difficult, but, you managed, especially since you two had already been hiding when you went out on dates before.
Almost two months had passed, and the only person to find out was Nate. He found out a week after you and Ray started officially dating. It was a miracle only Nate had found out seeing as Ray couldn’t lie to save his life, let alone keep a big secret from his best friend. However, when Nate found out, he was of great help keeping your guys’ secret, especially for Ray. Not only did he help come up with excuses or lies to tell the team why you or Ray were missing, but, he also alarmed you whenever someone was approaching.
Having Nate’s help eased you, but also made Ray feel a bit too comfortable at times.
You stood in the med-bay, patching up a slightly scratched up and shirtless Ray, who sat right in front of you.
The team had a mission in Springfield, Missouri 1865. While in a saloon, a group of men began catcalling and hollering at you. Annoyed, you ignored them, and told Ray to do the same. He listened to you, even if he desperately wanted to tell the men to quit it.
You were hoping if you ignored them they would give up and leave you alone. Instead, they persisted and one grabbed your arm as you passed by. Ray wasn’t a “fight first talk later” kind of guy by any means, so you were surprised when he punched the man and thus started a bar fight. Luckily, Mick, Nate, and Amaya were at the bar and helped quickly end the fight.
No one had gotten any serious injuries besides Ray, who had a nasty stab wound on his shoulder. One of the men had a large knife and managed to only stab Ray in the shoulder an inch deep before he was knocked away.
“You’re lucky you didn’t get shot,” You told him right when you finished stitching up and bandaging his wound. 
You pushed away the metal cart that held your now used surgical needle, bloodied cotton balls, antibiotics that were used to clean the wound, and bandages.
When you walked back over, there was a small pout on your face. “You know, you could’ve gotten seriously hurt.”
Ray gave you a small smile, placing his large hands on your waist and pulling you closer to him. “I know, but you’ll always be there to patch me up if anything does happen (Y/N).”
He pulled you in for a small kiss, one you only indulged momentarily before pulling away, giving him a warning glare.
 “I won’t patch you up if you get hurt doing something stupid.”
His smile only grew before you leaned in for another kiss, this one lasting much longer than the previous one. He lightly nipped at your bottom lip and you parted your mouth, allowing his tongue to enter and explore your mouth.
Ray held you so close now you sat on one of his thighs, with one hand still on your waist and the other holding the nape of your neck. Your hands laid flat on his chest, body leaning into his hold.
You loved it when he held you, especially since there was an obvious height difference between the two of you. You felt small, but secure, when in his grasp. He loved the difference in build between you two just as much, being able to easily lift you up and hold you close to him. You were the perfect size for him.
You felt a small warmth building between your legs straddling his thigh, but it really only grew when you tried to scoot closer to him creating a small friction. He still wore the linen pants Gideon had made him, but you now wore thin black leggings(you changed your clothes right before going to help Ray). 
Without thinking, your body moved your hips again to create that same friction, this time causing you to moan softly into the kiss. Being the observant man he was, and loving the sounds of your sweet voice, Ray moved his hand down from your waist to your hips, beginning to help move you against his thigh. His hand pushed you down further and his leg pressed up against your core more now. You could feel a wetness begin to form and your mind slowly started growing hazy.
You pulled away from the kiss, panting lightly with a worried expression on your face. “Ray, we can’t. What if someone-”
“They’re all still working on the mission. No one’s here,” He reassured you. “But, if you’re that worried we’ll do this here real quick then go back to my room. Okay?”
He moved his other hand down to your hips and moved you again.
“Ray,” You moaned out.
Your head fell to rest at the crook of his neck, nipping and sucking small bits of flesh as he continued to guide you against his thigh. Slowly, the pace started to speed up a bit, your breaths growing heavier. 
Ray watched you with darkened eyes, how you held onto him, face flushed and moaning. He was getting more and more turned on by the second watching you. Once you were taken care of, he’d be sprinting to his room with you in his arms.
You were enjoying yourself so much, you didn’t even notice one of his hands slipped away from holding you until his hand went down your leggings and he pressed two fingers against your wet panties. He let out a low groan, feeling how wet you already were knowing you were close.
His fingers moved to begin rubbing your clit roughly, causing you to take a sharp breath. You could feel a knot tighten in the pit of your belly, your moans growing in volume, and your grip on Ray’s shoulders tightening. It wasn’t long after your body tensed up followed by a loud moan as you released.
Your body relaxed, falling and holding onto him weakly. Ray pulled his hand out, placing it back on your nape to give you a long kiss.
“We should really knock-”
The doors opened, revealing a stunned Sara, Jax, and Amaya along with an anxious Nate.
“-before entering,” Nate finished, letting out a loud sigh of defeat.
Your eyes widened, fear hitting you before a wave of embarrassment. Both yours and Ray’s faces began to heat up. Ray gave your teammates a sheepish smile, while you covered your face and turned away.
Jax quickly walked away, most likely to find and tell Martin what he had just witnessed. Amaya was quiet, but it was clear she was surprised by her expression. Sara gave you two a small scowl before turning on her heels to walk away.
“I have some money to give Mick,” She muttered, clearly upset she lost a bet.
Nate gave Ray an apologetic shrug. “I tried to stop ‘em,” He said before closing the doors.
When the doors were closed and you finally calmed down, you pulled your hands away. You stared at Ray with furrowed brows. “I told you-”
“I know,” He quickly cut you off. “But, now we can hold hands all time and annoy the team with how cute we are together.”
You tried to glare at his optimistic smile but soon found yourself smiling as you gave him a light hit on his shoulder.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Big Windup Coffee Shots #1-10
A collection of the Big Windup sentence starters/coffee shots I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories. Most are Mihashi/Abe centered.
1) Lee Abe, Ler Mihashi
“Yes,” Abe said absentmindedly, then realized who he was talking to and quickly retracted. “I mean, no!”
Tajima smirked at him. “Well, which is it? Yes or no?”
“Y-Yes, but…” Abe hesitated. He glanced around the dugout. Everyone was staring at him. “I…I’d rather you didn’t—” Suddenly he felt someone grabbing his sides and ribs from behind, startling a laugh out of him before he could whirl around. He stared incredulously at the perpetrator. “M-Mihashi?!”
Mihashi looked both like he wanted to die and like he had just become the happiest person on Earth. “Y-You’re ticklish, too, Abe?”
“Obviously!” Abe snapped. He didn’t usually try to intimidate the poor kid, but he most certainly was now. “Don’t touch me like that again!”
Then someone else hooked their arms under his, immobilizing him in an instant. Abe recognized Tajima’s voice as he told Mihashi to “get him!”
The pitcher hesitated for only a moment, then seemed to muster up his courage and go for it, reaching for his sides and ribs again.
Abe brought a knee up to try and defend himself, but standing on one leg while he was being tickled just wasn’t happening, and he quickly realized his only option was to surrender at this point. He tried to hold back his giggles as he did his best to snap, “K-Knohohohock it ohohohoff!”
“Get him, Mihashi!” Tajima countered, chuckling into the catcher’s ear. “Go for his hips – I bet he’s really ticklish there!”
“Don’t!” Abe barely had time to cry out before Mihashi was blindly following instructions, hitting – as Tajima had guessed – one of his worst spots with unpracticed but effective tickles. The catcher finally gave up the fight and laughed freely, struggling in their cleanup batter’s grip. “Stohohohohohop! Mihahahahahashi, plehehehease!”
Mihashi’s face turned bright pink and he quickly backed away, having reached his bravery limit for the day. Tajima let Abe go, ruffling his hair. “You should laugh more, dude! It’s a nice sound.”
Abe couldn’t bear to make eye contact with his pitcher. He covered up his mouth with the palm of his hand, grinning into it. Dang it, Tajima…!
2) Switches Hanai and Tajima
Tajima had started a new game during his off-time in the dugout, and he was having a blast with it. It had started as an accident; he’d meant to poke Hanai to get his attention, but Hanai turned just as his finger pressed into his spine, and the movement of his turning made Tajima’s finger slide down a little, drawing a startled yip out of the center fielder.
It was obvious it had been ticklish, and now Tajima wanted to know how many of his other teammates shared that reaction.
Mihashi was obvious. He jumped and yelped as he did all the time. It was nothing unusual for him to react so strongly. The others, though? The others didn’t seem to even notice. Five his teammates only jumped from surprise, or sometimes didn’t jump at all. They’d just turn to look at him oddly, and the conversation would flow onward like it hadn’t happened.
The only other two who seemed to react like it had tickled (besides Hanai and Mihashi) were Sakaeguchi and Oki. Having finished his rounds, Tajima decided to return to where it all began, finding excuses to swipe a finger down Hanai’s back any chance he got, making him yelp and flush and sometimes even giggle. Tajima was always keeping Hanai on his toes, but the team captain decided it was just about time for the tables to be turned.
One afternoon during a practice game against a neighboring school, Hanai snuck up behind Tajima and swiped a finger down his back in retaliation. He wasn’t disappointed when the cleanup hitter whirled around, a wobbly smile on his lips.
Hanai smirked. “So it tickles you, too, huh?”
“Y-Yeah, so?”
“It seems to me like you were asking for someone to try this on you.”
“Was not.” Tajima shrugged. “It was an accident, but then I had fun with it, so I kept messing with you guys. That’s all.”
“Uh-huh. Well, since I’ve got you all wound up now, allow me to help you relax.” Hanai grabbed Tajima’s ribs and pressed his fingers in, drawing a squealing giggle from his smaller teammate.
“Hanai! Wahahait, I’m not tehehehense!”
“Yeah, but I’m having fun with it, so I’m just going to keep messing with you.” The center fielder couldn’t help but chuckle himself at the silliness of it all. “Serves you right for being so cocky all the time.”
“Hahahahahanai!” Tajima cried, but he was beaming, and neither of them made any move to put an end to their newfound fun.
3) Lee Mihashi, Ler Abe
“Mihashi,” Abe grumbled, “you’ve got to sleep.”
“I can’t,” Mihashi whined back, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. “I’m trying to. I’ve been lying awake this entire time.”
Abe frowned. He’d woken up in the middle of the night and rolled over to see Mihashi staring at the ceiling, looking exhausted but still wide awake. He propped himself up on his elbow to get a better look at the pitcher. “This isn’t like the nights before Mihoshi. Why are you so worked up?”
“It’s just…t-this team we’re playing…they’re really good.”
“So I’m n-nervous that they’ll hit all my pitches.”
“They won’t.” Abe sighed. “Don’t you trust me by now?”
Mihashi looked at him in surprise, wide-eyed. “Of course I do! I trust you, Abe.”
“Then go to sleep.”
“It’s…it’s not that simple. Not for me.”
Abe was getting tired of this conversation. He sighed heavily and rolled over so he was sitting on Mihashi’s legs, yanking his blanket down to get at his ribs and underarms, tickling lightly. “Then let’s make it simple.”
“Eeep!” Mihashi squeaked, first trying to push Abe’s hands away, then opting to cover his mouth with them to keep his laughter quiet for the others in the room. He wiggled and giggled, begging as softly as he could. “Nohohohohoho! Abe, stohohohohop!”
“Not until I tire you out so much you can’t help but fall asleep.” Despite himself, Abe smirked at Mihashi’s smiling face, worming his fingers into his underarms and wiggling deep. Mihashi nearly launched himself off his bedroll for how hard he spasmed, laughter pouring from him in waves. Still, he kept his mouth covered up, determined not to wake anyone else.
“Plehehehehease! It tihihihihickles, Abe!”
“That’s kind of the point.”
Abe kept it up, kept tickling for several minutes until Mihashi’s giggles grew so tired he could barely get them out. When he finally let up and helped cover his pitcher in his blanket once more, it took less than a minute for his anxious friend to finally begin snoring. Abe smirked, satisfied, and Mihashi slept through the night with a smile on his face.
4) Lee Abe, Ler Mihashi
The bases were loaded, there were two outs, it was the bottom of the fifth inning, and the score was tied. But no one in the dugout was paying attention to that. Well, except for the coach, of course. All the boys who weren’t out on the field were staring at Abe, who had just let out the loudest shriek any of them had ever heard.
The poor catcher was blushing, too, which only made everyone stare harder.
Tajima wiped mirthful tears from his eyes, having been sent into hysterics laughing over the sound Abe let free. “You’re really that ticklish, huh?” he teased, patting him on the back. “I’ll be sure to remember that next time your temper flares up, buddy.”
“Shut up!” Abe snapped, shoving him away and turning his eyes back to the game. He ran a hand through his hair in embarrassed frustration but seemed determined to not be bothered by the stares around him.
Gradually the other boys turned back to the game as well, but even when Izumi hit a ground ball to advance Oki to home plate and take the lead, Mihashi’s focus never left his catcher. He hovered behind him nervously, working up the courage to take action. He’d really liked that sound; he wanted to hear it again, but he didn’t want to make Abe mad at him.
Then again, Abe was mad at him a lot.
As everyone congratulated Oki upon his reentering the dugout, Mihashi climbed up to stand beside Abe and grabbed his ribs from behind just as Tajima had done a moment ago, and just as he’d hoped, another shriek ripped from the catcher’s throat, followed by him whirling on the pitcher.
Mihashi flinched, but surprisingly hung on to his courage long enough to tickle Abe’s ribs from the front this time, pushing him against the railing, trapping him in place.
The catcher’s eyes went wide in the split second before he burst into laughter, feeling the heat of his blush on his cheeks and ears. “Mihahahahahahashi! Stohohohohohohohop! We’re in the mihihihihiddle of a gahahahahahame!”
But no one else seemed to mind the fun scene unfolding before them. The other boys smiled and laughed along with him as Mihashi kept it up, too addicted to the sound of Abe’s helpless giggles to show mercy now.
5) Lee Mihashi, Ler Abe
“Did you just lie to me?”
Mihashi froze, eyes wide. Abe glared at him. “N-N-No…”
“Shino’oka told me that she gave you three rice balls instead of two, like I asked.” The catcher’s voice was even, but his eyes were hard. “And then you ‘politely declined’ the third one.”
“I…I didn’t…w-want to have…more than the rest of the team,” Mihashi managed, doing his best to get the words out despite his fear he was about to get yelled at. “I d-didn’t know you a-a-asked her to give me t-three…”
Abe leaned in close to his face. “She said she told you and you still refused to eat it.”
Mihashi gulped, averting his eyes. “I d-didn’t want to b-be unfair to the others.”
“This isn’t about fair or unfair. It’s not like we’re in a war and these rations are critical. It’s an extra rice ball to help you regain the weight you keep losing. You can’t go below 50, Mihashi. You’re small enough as it is.” Abe sighed angrily, standing up to his full height. “You know what I have to do now that you not only refused the extra food – which I know you can eat – but then lied to me about it.”
The pitcher flinched, expecting Abe to start yelling. Instead he felt fingers in his ribs and he burst into surprised laughter before he could even think about trying to reign it in. “Ahahahahahaha! A-Abe?!”
“I can feel your ribs, dude. This is ridiculous,” Abe growled, tickling him even harder, fingers pressing into the grooves between his ribs, making him cackle hysterically despite himself. “You’ve got to eat more! The next time Shino’oka gives you extra food, eat it. No one is going to beat you up for it. We all know you need to gain the weight.”
Mihashi grabbed his wrists, trying to pry him off but far too weak to do so. “Plehehehehease, Abe! S-Stohohohohop, I’m r-reheheheally t-t-tihihihihihicklish!”
Somehow, hearing those words seemed to calm the catcher just a bit. He smiled a little, his voice softening. “Are you, now? Then you should have no problem remembering this lesson the next time you feel like ‘politely declining’ an extra serving.”
6) Lee Tajima, Ler Abe
“Ehehehehehehahaha! Ahahahahabe, why?!” Tajima squealed, barely able to hold himself up with one arm while the other reached across his torso to try and pry the catcher’s fingers from his lower ribs. Ten seconds ago he’d been doing sit-ups, and now his normally serious teammate had his legs trapped so he couldn’t even kick him away.
Abe allowed a tiny smirk. “I’ve kind of gotten used to doing this to Mihashi when he’s out of sorts. Which is a lot, to be fair. I didn’t really think about it, but I do think you need it.” He reached his other hand over now, leaning on Tajima’s shins to grab at his hips and squeeze.
Tajima giggled hysterically, his arm shaking from the effort to keep himself up, desperately trying to grab his tickler’s arms to try and ease the sensations even a little. “Stohohohohohohop! I d-dohohohohohon’t need you to t-tihihihihickle me!”
“Aren’t you the one always pushing us to tickle each other during games when we’re too worked up to focus?” Abe mused, sliding up to his lower ribs, pressing his thumbs into the place where they met his belly. “Do you ever consider that the tables could be turned on you at any time?”
“Of cohohohohohohourse! But we’re nohohohohot plahahahahahaying a gahahame right now!” Tajima finally gave up on trying to stay upright in favor of using both hands to try and grab Abe’s wrists to stop him. “Quihihihihihit it! Ahahahahahabe!”
The catcher quirked a brow, more and more curious the longer this went on. Tajima had to have a spot…right? Everyone did. “Nah, you know what? I’m having too much fun to stop now. I want to find your spot first.”
Tajima’s eyes flew wide open and he suddenly looked both panicked and elated, his giggles bubbling out of him faster than before. Encouraged, Abe smiled at him, hands flying everywhere he could reach, searching for the place that would make their confident cleanup hitter a mess of begging laughter.
Dang it, how did I get roped into this silliness with the rest of the guys? Abe thought, but he didn’t let it stop him. To Tajima he smirked and said, “All right, then. Where’s your tickle spot…?”
7) Lee Abe, Ler Tajima
“I think I’m stuck…” Abe muttered, his head and arms still trapped in his too-small undershirt.
Tajima rolled his eyes. “Dude, you knew it was too small when you put it on, and you’ve been suffocating in it all day. Why not just cut it off?”
“Because it’s still a perfectly good shirt. It just doesn’t fit.” Abe sighed. “Someone else can wear it. Can you just get me out?”
The cleanup hitter smirked. He knew he’d never have a more perfect opportunity than this, and he was definitely going to pounce on it while he could. His only regret was that Mihashi wasn’t around to see what was about to happen. Maybe it would help his nerves to see his catcher in stitches.
“Hold still,” Tajima instructed seconds before plunging his fingers into Abe’s sides.
“AIEEE!!” Abe squealed, jerking so hard he lost his footing. Tajima caught him before he fell completely, resuming tickling once he was safe from tumbling to the ground. Abe squirmed, his arms flailing within the small shirt but unable to come down to protect himself. “Stahahahahahahahap! Tajima – gehehehet me out!”
“Let’s count your ribs first,” his mischievous teammate suggested. “That shirt was so tight on you I think one of them might have broken. We can’t have that!”
“My rihihihihihibs are FIHIHIHIHIHINE!!” Abe lost his footing again, this time falling backwards in to Tajima’s waiting arms, and the cleanup hitter wrapped his arms around him in a hug, pressing his fingers deliberately into the grooves of his ribcage. “TAHAHAHAHAJIMA!!”
Tajima ignored his hysterical pleas, counting each set of ribs as he worked his way up to the catcher’s underarms, grinning like the Cheshire cat all the while. Unfortunately for him, once he reached the top of his ribcage and scribbled into Abe’s armpits, his laughter died down, replaced with gasps for air. “Aww, you’re not ticklish here?”
“N-No,” Abe replied breathlessly, trying to twist away. “Quit messing around and get me out of heeeeEEEERE!! NAHAHAHAHAHA TAJIMA!!” The catcher cackled so hard his laughter went silent, his knees wobbling in an effort to stay upright.
“Ooh, good spot, huh?” Tajima teased, wiggling his fingers into Abe’s lower belly, right above his waistline. “If only Mihashi could be here to see this. Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Abe shrieked with renewed hysterics, struggling against his teammate. “PLEHEHEHEASE!! NO MOHOHOHORE TIHIHICKLING!! JUST GEHEHEHET ME OUT OF HEHEHEHERE!!”
Eventually Tajima let him go, but only after another few minutes of making Abe laugh himself silly.
8) Lee Abe, Ler Mihashi
“Hey, Mihashi,” Abe said, coming up behind the pitcher. He’d tried to keep his voice gentle so as not to startle him, but it didn’t seem to do any good, because Mihashi jumped anyway.
“Y-Yeah, Abe?”
The catcher held up a bottle of sunscreen. “This might be a little weird but…everyone else is already in the water and I…kind of need help.”
Mihashi glanced at the bottle, then at Abe, then at the ocean where the rest of the team had already begun swimming. Suddenly it clicked. “Oh! Y-You’re not…going in the water, too?”
“Nah, not for a while. I’d like to just chill for a little while on the beach.” Abe jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “But we didn’t bring umbrellas, so I need to have sunscreen on. I’ve taken care of everything else, but I can’t protect my back on my own.”
“I can do it for you,” Mihashi said, picking up on what his catcher was subtly asking. He reached for the bottle, and Abe handed it to him, turning around.
“Thanks. I owe you one.”
Mihashi remained quiet as he uncapped the bottle, squirted some lotion into his hand, and reached for Abe’s back. He hesitated for only a second before pushing through his nerves and beginning to apply the sunscreen, starting from his shoulders and working his way down.
Once he reached the space between Abe’s shoulder blades, however, Abe jerked and let out a noise that made Mihashi freeze in his tracks. “I’m s-sorry, did I – did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to, I—”
“Relax, man.” Abe gave him a look that almost seemed…embarrassed? “I’m just ticklish there. I’ll hold still this time, I promise. Just don’t linger, okay?”
“O-Okay.” Mihashi blinked at him. Ticklish? He squirted out more sunscreen and started over, doing his best to be quick about covering his friend’s back with the protective lotion. Abe did stay still as he promised, but he continued to let out little noises and giggles here and there, even squealing once. By the time it was over, the pitcher wasn’t even thinking about it anymore, and he reached his hands around to grab onto Abe’s bare sides, squeezing hard.
“He-eeey!” Abe cried, giggling harder, wrenching himself away and whirling back around to shoot him a half-managed glare. He snatched the bottle back. “You done?”
“Y-Yeah…s-sorry, Abe, I just couldn’t—”
“Couldn’t help yourself. I know, I know.” The catcher ran a hand through his hair, though from frustration or lingering embarrassment Mihashi couldn’t tell. “I’m going to go lie down, unless you need sunscreen, too?”
Mihashi shook his head. “I’m…I’m going in the ocean now.”
“Okay. Have fun.”
Abe took off at a brisk pace to where he’d laid his towel on the sand, and Mihashi didn’t even realize at first that he was smiling after him.
I’m already having fun, he thought, then hurried to the water to where Tajima and the others were waving at him.
9) Lee Hanai, Ler Tajima
“If I catch you, I’m going to tickle you,” Tajima said seriously, staring Hanai down with a determined glare.
Hanai jumped, eyes widening. “You…you what?”
“You heard me.” Tajima smirked, putting his hands on his hips. “You challenged me to a race, but we both know I’m faster than you. I’ll let you get a head start, but if I catch you, I’ll tickle you. That should be good motivation for you to own up to your smart mouth, right?”
Hanai just stared at him. He hadn’t considered it a ‘smart mouth’ when he declared he could finally beat Tajima at something, but seeing him like this now made him hesitate a little. “Look, we don’t have to race…”
“Nope! Too late for that!” Tajima made a shooing motion. “Go on. I’ll give you a five second head start. Then I’m coming after you. And if I catch you…”
Hanai turned on his heel and sprinted for the opposite end of the field, heart already racing. What had he done? What had he gotten himself into? What was he thinking, challenging Tajima to anything?
Despite his five second head start, when Hanai dared to glance back Tajima was very nearly barreling for him, and one terrified shriek later the center fielder suddenly found himself face-first in the grass in his own territory, a weight settling on his back.
“Wait! Wahahahahahahait!” Hanai pleaded, bursting into giggles the instant he felt fingers in his sides. He spasmed, trying to roll over or kick his legs or something to get Tajima off of him, but nothing could move the immovable cleanup hitter, and soon the taller boy was shrieking with helpless giggles and pleading for mercy. “Tahahahahajima! Stohohohohohop! Plehehehehehease, you wihihihin!”
Tajima just giggled along with him. “I know. I just really wanted to tickle you, and this was a good excuse. Thanks for helping me out, Hanai!”
Hanai groaned through his laughter. Seriously, what had he been thinking, challenging Tajima to anything?!
10) Lee Abe, Ler Mihashi
“Pfffthahahaha – M-Mihahahashi, I – I – ehehehehehehehe!” Abe giggled, sputtering and tripping over his words with embarrassing squeals that made him blush even harder. He fisted his hands into his hair, kicking his legs, using every ounce of strength he had to not stop his pitcher.
Mihashi, for his part, didn’t even realize he was smiling at Abe as he tickled gently, squeezing his sides and skittering over his ribs. He’d never once gotten to be the one to make the catcher smile and laugh like this, and he was enjoying every second of it while he could.
“Mihahahahahashi!” Abe squealed, bringing his arms down instinctively as he trailed downward to his belly. He clutched his fists by his head, trying to hold firm. It had taken everything in him to admit to Mihashi that he wanted to be on the receiving end this time, and he knew it was taking everything in his friend to reverse his role, as well. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin it by protesting or actively stopping him. Not when they were less than a minute in.
“Are you o-okay?” Mihashi asked, slowing a little.
Abe was instantly desperate for more. He nodded emphatically. “Yes, I’m fine! Keep g-gohohohohoing – AGH, NO!!” The catcher spasmed, hands flying down to grab Mihashi’s arms, stilling the both of them.
“I’m sorry! I can stop—”
“No!” Abe cried, clutching him harder, making sure he didn’t move. “It’s okay, it’s just…just a reflex, I swear. I’m really…really ticklish there.” The catcher’s face was red as a cherry at this point. “Please. I want to try.”
Mihashi gulped nervously, then pressed his thumbs back into his friend’s lower belly, kneading gently, lighting up when Abe tossed his head back with laughter, kicking even harder than before. After a moment, the pitcher decided for both of their safety he’d better straddle him, so that’s what he did.
Abe’s laughter grew even louder and his eyes widened in surprise. “MIHAHAHAHASHI?!”
“Y-You said you wanted to try,” Mihashi said, switching from using only his thumbs to using all ten of his fingers to tickle Abe’s weak spot, and the catcher gripped his arms even harder as his laughter turned boisterous. “And…well…I do too, Abe.”
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kalaluchi · 3 years
chapter 03: Game Night
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Marinette found that she could say no to a lot of things.
She could say no to Chloe’s attempts to give her a makeover, she could say no to Kim’s challenges to a 50-meter freestyle race, she could say no to Nino’s invites to a movie screening with a bunch of friends. (Especially on a school night. Waaaay too much work to be done, sadly.)
And usually, usually, she could say no to her best friend Alya’s elaborate schemes.
But apparently not when it was disguised as a harmless game night with some of their classmates.
And definitely not when her best friend got her super ultra crush, the gorgeous Adrien Agreste, to be the one to invite her.
“Hey, Marinette,” he said, walking up to her one day. “I heard from Nino that Alya’s planning a game night this weekend. A sort of class bonding activity, I’m guessing. Seeing as you’re Alya’s best friend, I take it that means you’ll be there, right?”
Marinette suddenly wanted to strangle said best friend. Alya most definitely did not say anything about a game night the last time they talked. This invitation reeked of “Alya Césaire’s Half-Brilliant Plan #143” or whatever the brunette liked to call them. Marinette was fairly sure her best friend would try to pull something to get her and Adrien together.
(Not that she was complaining. She appreciated it, of course, but one still had to be wary when dealing with the great fairy godmother Alya Césaire.)
But more importantly-- how dare Alya not warn her that Adrien would talk to her that day. Then Marinette could’ve at least worn the new top Alya had said looked cute on her.
“Uh,” Marinette hedged, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse to avoid all embarrassment , “I’m actually not sure if I can be there since I have… things… to do. I also have...stuff.” She gulped. “Yup, that’s… that’s what keeps me busy… things and...stuff.” She smacked herself internally.
“Oh, that’s too bad. I was looking forward to seeing you there. I heard you’re a master at board games.” He chuckled, and, no, Marinette’s heart did not flutter and her cheeks didn’t burn at the sound. “But I get what you mean about… things… and stuff. Life of the busy, eh? Try to take breaks when you work, though, ‘kay? Good luck with… things and stuff. Uhm, see you around, Marinette!”
Marinette forced a smile as he turned away. Don’t cave, it’s for your own good, don’t cave, don’t cave, don’t--
“But!” Marinette added suddenly, causing Adrien to turn back in surprise. “If that’s the case, I mean, psh, what’s one weekend, right? I could… probably push my schedule back a bit, have some fun for once. I think I deserve this,” she said firmly, talking mostly to herself.
Adrien grinned, and her heart skipped a beat at the way his eyes shone with excitement. “That’s good to hear! I agree, you deserve this break. See you Saturday night, then!”
With that he walked away, leaving Marinette imagining that he’d said those words in the context of a romantic first date, perhaps a candle lit dinner after a cheesy film, and not in the context of a seemingly harmless game night where she was almost sure her luck would abandon her only for the fates would laugh in her face.
Alya told everyone the game night would start at 8pm. Naturally, this meant Marinette had to be at Alya’s place at 7:30pm, helping set up.
“So, what game are we playing,” Marinette asked, trying for a nonchalant tone as she opened a bag of chips.
Alya laughed aloud. “Ha! Nice try, Mari. But no spoilers. You’ll find out at the same time as everyone else. Now can you pass me those vases? I’m betting Kim’s gonna knock them over if we don’t put them away.”
Marinette handed them over with a sigh. “Okay, that’s fair. But I already know you’re up to something. Isn’t it just easier to tell me your plan so I can mentally prepare for it? Who knows, I might even choose to play along.”
“Plan…? I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Alya turned away, but not before Marinette caught the mischievous gleam in her best friend’s eyes.
She was about to press further, when there was a knock on the door. “Yo, Alya!” Nino’s voice. “Open up, will ya?”
“Coming!” Alya shouted back, carefully stepping around the pillows she’d set up on the floor. Just like that, the matter was dropped as the guests started pouring in.
There were about 10 of them, all talking lively as they sat on the floor around a table. Marinette started passing around bowls of chips while her best friend got the stuff for the games from her room. She tried to hold on to one last bowl though, eyeing the pillow-seats at the far end of the room and trying to come up with an excuse to go over there and hand Adrien the bowl herself.
She was halfway there when Alya suddenly appeared. “Esteemed guests!” she announced in a loud voice. “I have, behind my back, the game we will play tonight. We’ll be playing--” She paused for dramatic effect, making sure everyone’s eyes were on her. “-- the Modified Game of Life, aka Game of Life: Alya Césaire edition!”
Marinette inwardly groaned, her own plan forgotten. Handing the bowl of chips to a seated Juleka, she made her way to a pair of empty seats in one part of the room -- one for her, one for Alya of course. Despite her initial want to approach Adrien that night, a part of her told her she should be grateful she wasn’t seated next to him.
“Alright, everyone, settle down!” Alya said, obviously excited to be facilitating. She took her place next to Marinette and grinned. She moved to open the box… and paused. And looked around the room as if deep in thought. “Actually,” she said, “I kind of want to sit beside my boyfriend.”
Marinette’s eyes widened, knowing where this was going. “Alya,” she hissed, “don’t you dare--”
“Adrien!” the brunette called across the room. “I was wondering if I could sit beside Nino, but I don’t want everyone to move one seat up just for me. Is it ok with you if we switch places?”
“Sure,” the blond said easily, getting up.
All Marinette could do was open and close her mouth as her best friend gave her a wink and a squeeze of the hand. “Good luck!”
Luck? Why would Marinette need luck?
“Hey,” Adrien greeted as he sat down beside her. “You ever played this game before?”
“No,” Marinette said through gritted teeth, “I actually have not.”
“Ah. Me neither, of course. May the best… Life-er win, I guess?”
Despite her apprehensions about the game, Marinette had to laugh. “May the best Life-er win!”
The first few rounds, Marinette had to admit the Alya Césaire edition was pretty fun. Instead of the careers you might normally see in the game (doctor, engineer, accountant, etc.), this one had all sorts you could pick and choose from. 30 minutes into the game, Marinette was quite satisfied with her life as a professional fashion designer who lived in a 3.5 story all-pink cottage-house with her pet ladybug, turtle, bunny, cat, horse, and snake, and who loved to fight crime in her spare time.
Naturally, that was when everything went wrong. Okay… not everything. And not wrong, if Marinette had to be honest. But still.
Of course it was Adrien’s turn to draw a card (right after Marinette got her fifth paycheck. Score!). And of course it was one of those marriage cards. But with a twist. Of course.
“Congratulations!” Adrien read aloud. “You’re married to the love of your life, the person on your right. Collect 2000 for your honeymoon.” He turned to the right, where Marinette was staring straight ahead, stiff as a board, trying not to let the blush on her cheeks spread.
So that’s what Alya meant when she said good luck-- good luck, I hope Adrien picks up the marriage card. She turned to her in-game husband, and forced a smile. “Woah, look at that. Married. Fun.”
“Uh, Adrien,” Alya called out. “I think there’s an additional note at the bottom.”
“Huh, you’re right.” He read it silently, then chuckled. “It says, ‘call your new wife ‘babe’ to get another 500.’” He grinned at the blue-haired girl. “What do you say, babe? Do you want to live the rest of our lives together?”
The only thing Marinette wanted at that moment was to melt into her shoes from embarrassment, but instead she managed to force out a, “Sure thing. Babe.” For a second Adrien looked shocked, and she thought she saw a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. But then he laughed and it was gone.
Which obviously left Marinette wondering whether she imagined it or not. So much so that she lost focus on the game until it was her turn again. And just like real life, the game proved yet again to be full of surprises.
She began to read aloud, “Woo-hoo, you got kids! Spin the wheel to find out by how many your family has grown. Married? Get more people pegs to put in the car you share with your spouse. Unmarried? Get more pet pegs to put in your car, and maybe some doggy wipes while you’re at it.” She spun the wheel. Three.
“Perfect,” Adrien said good-naturedly, reaching for the bag of pegs. “I’ve always wanted three kids. What’ll it be? All boys? All girls? Two boys, one girl? Vice versa?”
Marinette mumbled something under her breath, trying to fight back a blush.
“Y-you can choose,” she stammered. “I, uh, I think I want more… food.” She turned away, pretending to scan the room. It was only half an excuse. She really had wanted something 10 minutes ago, but she couldn’t at the moment remember what.
“You want popcorn? It’s right--” Adrien stopped abruptly, caught off guard to find himself nearly nose-to-nose with Marinette.
How cliché. Horribly, horribly, absolutely cliché. Marinette felt her face heat up, though she was frozen in place.
“Honey,” she breathed out, finally remembering what she’d wanted to get. Honey to go with the cereal in her bowl.
“Yes, honey?” Adrien replied without missing a beat. “What was it you wanted?”
“Uh, n-no, not, no, I meant,” Marinette sputtered, unable to finish a coherent sentence for a full 10 seconds. She was pretty sure her face was beet red, right down to her neck. She cleared her throat, and stood up. “I’m gonna go look for the honey,” she said, praying he didn’t notice her blush.
Well played, Alya. Well played. From then on Marinette swore to never go near a Game of Life again.
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ghostking-wenning · 4 years
Radishes, Chapter 6.2
This one’s a 2-part! Enjoy!
2.5K, Rated G, modern au, NingXian etc
Qionglin sat bolt upright in his bed. A thin sheen of cold sweat coated his body, the sheets tangled around his legs. His chest heaved and his cheeks flushed. A dream. It was just a dream! Oh, but what a dream it had been. Wuxian on his knees before him, looking up at him as he… oh god. Qionglin clapped his hand over his eyes, as if that would block out the memory of that vision. 
Tentatively, he stood on shaky legs. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realized he hadn’t made a mess of his sheets, aside from wrinkling them beyond recognition. Sure, he’d had raunchy dreams before, but never like this! Never so long, with such detail, with a specific person that he actually knew! They weren’t even boyfriends yet! They had only recently shared their first kiss! Why would his brain conjure up such naughty imagery? Such naughty sensations?
He shivered remembering the feeling of Wuxian’s hands… and mouth… all over him. It had felt so real, even though he’d never done any of … that. His dream had even replicated the scent of his cologne, the flavor of his favorite wine. Heat coiled in his belly as he remembered the way he squished him against the wall, leaning his whole body into him. Then all that heat immediately rushed to his face when he remembered the way he had simply submitted to Wuxian’s ministrations, baring his throat like a dog to a wolf. 
Really? He asked himself. Is that what I’m into? A wave of dread and shame washed over him when he heard an echo of the words “good boy” whispered in his ear and remembered how much he loved it.
“Oh god,” he groaned aloud. “I’ll never be able to look him in the eye again…” What a shame that was, too, they were such beautiful eyes. Especially when they were fixed on Qionglin with that searing heat as he-- 
“Nope!” Qionglin said, forcibly derailing that train of thought. A cold shower. That’s what I need. He peeled off his sweat-soaked nightclothes and headed to the bathroom. In the mirror, he was almost surprised to find his neck and chest exactly as they always were, not mottled in lurid red marks. He couldn’t bring himself to look any further down, so he hopped into the shower and turned it on full-blast, hoping the water would pressure-wash his filthy mind. He didn’t even flinch at the cold.
He lost track of time, but he eventually calmed down. He dried off and redressed himself in clean pajamas. It was still several hours before he needed to be awake. He laid down on the couch, so he wouldn’t have to change his sheets for the moment. 
Mercifully, the rest of his sleep was dreamless and deep. He woke to the sound of his phone chiming. He had a message from his sister. 
“Happy birthday, little brother!! I love you! We still on for dinner tonight?”
Oh god it’s my birthday! In an instant, all traces of sleepiness vanished. Somehow he’d entirely forgotten his own birthday. Am I seriously that clueless? He shook his head, rolling his eyes at himself.
“Thank you, jiejie! Yes, of course, I’ll meet you at 7!” He replied, tacking on a few heart emojis.
Granny didn’t allow anyone to work on their birthdays, so he had nothing to do until dinnertime. He slumped on the sofa and stared at the ceiling until his phone pinged again.
“Bring that little punk boyfriend of yours. I have to make sure he’s good enough for you.”
He knew Qing well enough to read between the lines: “This is not a request.” 
He didn’t even bother pointing out that they weren’t technically boyfriends yet.
Usually he would be elated to spend time with Wuxian on his birthday, but a) Qing could be … intense… he wasn’t sure if he was ready to introduce them yet, and b) he was convinced Wuxian would somehow read his mind and discover what a weird pervert he was. Maybe he’s busy! Maybe he won’t even come. He tried to reason with himself, but that actually just made him sadder. 
It took a couple of hours to build up the courage to text Wuxian. He was a lot of things, sure, but he wasn’t a psychic. (Right? That would be crazy… right?) If Qionglin could just keep his cool, he’d never have to know about his dreams. He took a deep breath and opened the message app.
“Hey, Wuxian! Are you busy tonight?” He cursed the way his fingers shook as he typed.
Not five minutes later, his phone beeped.
“Nope! What’s up?”
“I’m having a birthday dinner with my big sister, and I was wondering if you’d like to join us!” He decided not to mention that Qing wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“Wait, is it her birthday or your birthday??”
“Why didn’t you tell me!!”
“Happy birthday!!!!!!!!” 
“I forgot! I’m sorry!” It was fully true, but that didn’t make it less ridiculous to admit.
“FORGOT? Wild. Anyway I gotta go find you a present! Can’t wait to see you later!” A string of kiss emojis followed, and Qionglin giggled in spite of himself.
He gathered himself quickly and responded. “You don’t have to get me anything!!”
“Too late! I’m already out the door! See you later byeeee!” 
A minute later, Wuxian texted again. ���Wait, where and when am I seeing you?”
Qionglin snickered softly, an endeared smile growing on his face. He sent Wuxian the map link and enjoyed about four minutes of peace before remembering why he’d been so nervous about texting Wuxian in the first place.
Panic hit him like a train. Several trains, maybe. His heart skipped and his fingers tightened around his phone so hard his hand shook. Calm down, he tried to tell himself over the alarm bells clanging in his head. Calm down!! Through sheer force of willpower, he evened out his breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth, he repeated like a mantra.
He walked briskly to his bedroom, pointedly ignoring the rumpled sheets on his bed and snatched his anxiety medication. He popped one in his mouth and hastily gulped some water, and sank into his desk chair. Leaning back, he shut his eyes and waited for his heartbeat to calm. 
Something to focus on, that’s what he needed. Something hands-on. But if Granny caught him working the fields, she’d chase him away with a rake -- it had happened before. So he decided on target practice. He grabbed his bow from its stand in the living room and marched out to the woods. 
In a small, round clearing were a line of painted wooden targets he’d made himself. He liked to warm up starting from 30 meters, then progressively back away. He took a deep breath as he lined up his shot, shoulders flexing as he drew the bowstring back. The middle target, dead center. He exhaled slowly as he released the arrow, which made a satisfying thunk as it sank exactly into the center of the target. 
After landing perfect bullseyes into each target, he backed away to 40 meters, then 50 and so on. He felt perfectly centered; there was nothing in this forest but him, his bow, and his breath. 
He leapt about a foot in the air when his phone chimed in his back pocket. How was it already 5 PM!? Where did the time go? He thought, as he began to gather his arrows. It was well past time to get ready. He hurried back to his house, where a fat orange barn cat woke from its nap on Qionglin’s rain boots. It made a curious prrt noise as it fixed big yellow eyes on him. This was the one his little cousin had dubbed “Cheese.”
“Hello, Cheese,” he greeted, stooping to scratch behind its ears. “I’m sorry, but you can’t come inside.” Cheese purred and pawed at the door, but didn’t put much effort into following him inside. 
Hanging up his bow, he realized he felt much better, as if his thoughts sorted themselves out on their own. It was just a dream. It’s perfectly natural, and he’ll never even know! And if he found out somehow, I’m willing to bet he wouldn’t blame me at all. It was magical, almost, how archery relaxed him, even as it wore out his muscles. (His medication probably also helped, but he liked to think it was mostly archery.)
He washed his face, and pulled back his hair, fussing with the locks that were too short for his half-ponytail. Poking through his closet once again, he wondered if Wuxian would say anything if he wore the ghost shirt again. He decided against it, instead opting for a grey striped shirt and a dark blue cardigan that he thought looked pretty sharp. He may not have a lot of nice clothes, but he thought maybe he was getting better at dressing well. Well-ish, at least, he thought, tugging on his comfy-but-ugly sneakers, but it was those or work boots. 
He checked his pockets and whisked out the door to his car. He would probably still be on time.
He was not.
Fifteen minutes late, he scurried into the restaurant and scanned the room for his sister. At least for his birthday she might not scold him for being late. Soon enough he found her, looking polished and perfect as ever, in a tasteful dark red dress with her long black-tea-colored hair in a sleek braid. Across from her was none other than Wuxian, Qionglin realized with a start. What-- how did she find him? Why-- oh god what are they talking about? 
He stood stock-still for a few seconds, until Wuxian laughed brightly, the sound spurring Qionglin forward. As casually as possible, he strolled over and plunked down beside them. With any luck he’d missed the awkward small talk and Qing inevitably giving Wuxian the third-degree about what he does, and his intentions with her little brother.
“S-sorry I’m late,” he said, offering a sheepish smile. 
Qing looked like she wanted to say something about it, but Wuxian beat her to it.
“No worries! Happy birthday!” He said, grinning and reaching for Qionglin’s hand. 
“Mhm,” Qing agreed. “Happy birthday, hun.” She patted his cheek fondly, and he blushed, unable to hide his cheesy grin at the attention.
“Thanks…” he mumbled. “Um, so, I guess you’ve already met, so I don’t need to introduce you. I-- I hope you weren’t waiting too long, though.”
“Not at all! Your sister was just telling me about how cute you were when you were little,” Wuxian said, eyes twinkling with mischief.
Qionglin’s head whipped around. “Qing!” He complained, exaggerated betrayal written on his face.
She smiled deviously. “What? You were adorable! You used to hide behind me and follow me everywhere like a little duckling.”
Qionglin groaned and buried his face in his hands while Wuxian giggled. 
“He’s still adorable,” Wuxian said. “Absolutely too cute.”
“Yep.” Qing nodded. 
Well, at least they’re getting along… Qionglin thought. The rest of the evening went in a similar fashion, the two of them teasing him affectionately and relishing in his embarrassment. After dinner, they sat around chatting over glasses of wine. Qing reached into her purse and produced a small envelope. 
Qionglin carefully opened it and read the card. Tucked into the corner was a gift card to a ritzy clothing shop.
“I’ll take you shopping next weekend, if you’re free.” Qing promised. 
“Mm! Thanks jiejie,” Qionglin said leaning over to give her a one-armed hug. 
“Ooh, my turn!” Wuxian chimed in. From inside his jacket, he pulled a little bundle wrapped in red tissue paper. He handed it over, grinning proudly.
Qionglin untied the silver ribbon holding it together, and the paper unraveled. Inside was a packet of heart-shaped candies and a set of charming pins shaped like monsters: a werewolf, a sea serpent, an alien, and a ghost, much like the one on his t-shirt. Qionglin’s heart threatened to burst in his chest. Faintly blushing, he gazed up at Wuxian, who was watching him intently, eyebrows raised.
“Thank you…” he said, somewhat breathlessly. “I love these.”
Wuxian’s face split into his signature dazzling grin. “I’m so glad! I noticed you don’t accessorize much, and I thought maybe it was because jewelry would get in the way of farm work or whatever, so I figured pins might suit you-- I even made sure to get the kind with extra-sturdy backs so they won’t fall off!”
Qionglin chuckled shyly. “That’s… really thoughtful. Thank you,” he repeated.
Qing scoffed lightly. “Way to show me up,” she said looking pointedly at Wuxian, but she was smiling. She gave a small, approving nod. Apparently Wuxian met her expectations well enough. She stood gracefully and tossed her braid over her shoulder. “Well, I should get going, but you two have fun, okay? Dinner’s on me.” She bent slightly and gave Qionglin a firm hug and kissed the top of his head. 
Then she walked around him and extended her hand to Wuxian, who shook it graciously. She leaned in and whispered something to him that Qionglin couldn’t hear. 
Wuxian’s eyebrows shot into his hairline and he blanched. “Yes, ma’am,” he murmured weakly. 
Qing flashed Qionglin an indulgent smile and bid them both goodnight, before sweeping away, paying the bill and leaving, her heels clacking decisively.
Qionglin cleared his throat awkwardly. “S-so that’s my sister,” he said tentatively. “I hope she didn’t say anything rude.”
Wuxian laughed, light and breezy, like he hadn’t just looked scared out of his wits. “Nothing unusual, anyway. Just the shovel talk-- and a quick one at that. Very efficient. She’s cool, though!”
“Isn’t she?” Qionglin agreed wholeheartedly. “I-I’m glad you got along okay. She seems to approve. Of you, I mean. Of-- of us.” He felt his cheeks color slightly, savoring the word us.
Wuxian smiled again, and squeezed Qionglin’s hand. “Good. Because I plan on sticking around.”
When they finished their wine, they took a walk through a park to sober up. The moon was just beginning to rise over them as they strolled leisurely, hand-in-hand. 
“So, how old are you now? 23?” Wuxian asked, somewhat out of the blue, stopping and stepping off the paved trail.
“Mhm, exactly.” Qionglin said, following him into the trees. “Why?”
“For this,” Wuxian answered. He tugged Qionglin closer and cupped both sides of his face, then began peppering him with kisses, everywhere he could reach. Qionglin spluttered and tried to pull away, but Wuxian was unstoppable. He seemed determined to cover Qionglin’s entire face in a layer of kisses. “20,” he murmured, kissing his left eyebrow. “21,” he kissed the center of his forehead. “22,” he kissed the tip of his nose. “23,” he whispered, and at last kissed Qionglin’s lips, wrapping his arms around his waist and holding him tight.
When they finally parted, Qionglin was breathless and practically vibrating. He hid his face in Wuxian’s collar and snuggled close. Wuxian chuckled lightly and nuzzled his hair. “Happy birthday, Qionglin.”
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Fantasy (part 1)
Comethru Part 2 
Electric part 3
Characters: Steve Rogers x OC
Warnings: Smut (fingering), fluff
Word Count: 3,231 words.
A/N: So this interesting idea popped up in my head and I decided to write a miniseries about this. If you would like to be tagged, please send me an ask!
“So you say you wanna get away We don't need a plane I could be your escape Take you to a place Where there's no time, no space I could be your private island On a different planet Anything could happen Listen to the waves Let them wash away your pain” (Fantasy by Alina Baraz)
After returning the infinity stones to their original places, Steve went back to isolating himself, burying his emotions deep inside him just like the first battle before New York. His days usually spent with general errands with the rest of the Avengers, going on small scale missions, going for a run in the morning, finding a quiet place to sketch or spending time at the gym hitting punching bags until they reach the other side of the gym. No one exactly knew (maybe Bucky) why Steve went back to the “old isolated self” but Agent Y/N felt it was time to find out when she found Steve dragging another punching bag from the large mountain placed on the corner of the large spacious gym. Agent Y/N was a new recruit to the team after the Battle of Ultron who worked closely with Maria Hill and Fury, just like Maria she got really close to the rest of the Avengers especially Natasha, Sam and of course the handsome Captain America. She clearly remembered how her stomach flipped when she met Steve Rogers for the first time, the true gentleman he was that everyone always appraised him for. She thought the simple crush would fade away, but it intensified as she started working closely with the team and even when she had a few hangouts with Steve. However, she felt her chances became low after she had a heart to heart talk with Steve after a morning run and grabbing a cup of coffee, when he told her about Peggy. She decided to bury her feelings for him and lock it when she saw the emotion and love in his eyes when he talked about her, sensing the look of regret and remorse about how he promised her a dance, but he ended up sacrificing his life and then going to sleep for 70 years. However, Y/N had to put a strong façade and genuinely told him, that she’s here for him as a close friend and she’ll always lend an ear to listen. The possibility of her being with Steve went from low to worse during the conflict between Tony and Steve, causing him to go on the run and protect Bucky. She felt her heart break, when she saw Steve and Sharon share a kiss as she assisted her to help Steve, Sam and Bucky, all she got from Steve was a tight hug “Thank you for everything Y/N, for being such a good friend. I’m going to miss you” he whispered. That’s all she was to him, a good friend. She smiled back holding her tears “Hey, I promised you I’ll always be here for you” As soon as they parted ways, Y/N let the tears flood down her cheeks, thankful that Sharon didn’t ask her why she was crying assuming that this was a difficult time for everyone. Things were a bit better between them when they reunited during the battle of Thanos, thankfully she also survived the snap, but there were very platonic and awkward moments between them when they were alone. Now 3 months later things never progressed from that level, when she was his muscular back flex through his thin shirt drenched with sweat, as he grunted while hoisting the bag onto the hook. She gulped, thinking it was now or never to make things better between them even though she can’t be with him she still missed the moments she had with him. “Steve” she lightly whispered, she hoped he wouldn’t hear her, but her whisper managed to echo through the gym making him straighten his back and turn back facing her. The intense look on his face softened after he saw Y/N, her hair was wet and was wearing a pair of swim shorts, and a light hoodie zipped halfway up her chest giving a peek of her one-piece swim suit. She lightly bit her lip seeing drops of sweat fall across his jawline, and his blonde locks untangled in a mess and his blue eyes looking directly at her. It didn’t help either when he softly spoke “Y/N, what are you doing here?” he asked softly while walking to the bench next to her, slowly unwrapping the tape from his large hands. She cleared her throat, “Oh, um I couldn’t sleep so I decided to take a few laps to tire myself out” she explained while pointing her thumb backwards indicating she came from the pool area. He raised his eyebrows and had a playful look in his eyes, while he zipped his duffle bag “A few? I bet you did like 50, do you even know how fast and how long you can swim? And yet people call me the super soldier” he remarked placing his hands on his hips. She rolled her eyes at his comment but was glad to see him ease down a little, but it turned back to the dejected look on his face he had for the past weeks. “Steve” she started “Are you okay?” she hesitantly asked. She regretted asking him after she saw the quiet look on his face but then he looked down on the ground and let out a heavy sigh. 
      “I saw Peggy”, Y/N heart stopped after hearing Steve’s confession they were seated outside the Avengers compound, on a bench next to the large tree a reasonable distance between them. She faced him, knowing he had more to say, “Tony and I went to Shield’s headquarters and while getting the tesseract, an agent suspected us, so I was hiding from security and went inside an office.” She furrowed her eyebrows, curious to see where his story was going, but let him continue “When I looked around the office, I saw a photo on the desk, it was me before the super serum, I looked back at the door and realized I was in hiding in her office. I heard a door open from the other side and I turned to the windows covered with the blinds, and I……I saw her” his voice cracked a little when he said that. He didn’t wait for her to say anything and kept going, “She still looked the same, still so beautiful”, Y/N smiled sadly at what he said, it really showed that he loved Peggy. “After we defeated Thanos, and when the world was back to normal, I knew that I wanted to go back to her, I had to go back. So that’s why I chose to return the stones so that I can go back to her, but I was too late” he explained, and her heart broke seeing a tear roll down his cheek. “When I was outside her house, going to knock her door, I saw her from the window, she was with someone else, she was dancing with someone else. The dance that I promised her, and she looked really happy.” Y/N scooted closer and took his hand, interlacing her fingers with his, “Hey, I know your blaming yourself for what happened, but this shows that sometimes no matter how much we try, time is now always in our favor” she softly explained. “Just because you’re not with her, doesn’t mean you love her any less, in fact what you did shows that you really love her. You wanted her to see happy and people that love each other do that. Also, just because she’s not with you doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you or stopped loving you, having the picture on her desk meant that you were and are special to her.” Steve looked up, his eyes looking more relaxed and a small smiling in his face, a content look on his face after a very long time. Her heart eased, and she melted into his hug after he brought her into a large warm embrace. “Thank you, Y/N, and I’m sorry for shutting myself out, especially from you” She opened her eyes at his confession, and thought of a crazy idea, when she broke from the hug, he trusted her sharing his secret, now it was the time to share hers. “You okay?” he asked after seeing the serious look on her face. “I wanna show you something” she said, he nodded trying to contemplate what Y/N was saying “okay” he simply replied. “Not now, tomorrow meet me by the pier after sunrise” she explained. “Okay” he sighed, yet extremely curious what Y/N wanted to show him tomorrow, they shared a small hug before saying good night, but he was a bit caught off guard when Y/N turned back to him and said, “Oh and bring your swimming shorts.” 
      Just like Y/N asked, they met at her sailboat at the pier right after sunrise and she sailed to the deep blue sea, throughout the journey Steve asked a few times where they were going but Y/N had a small smile on her face and kept saying “You’ll see”. Half an hour later the sky became a bit brighter and the sun was shining on top of them, she stopped the sail boat with the calm sea surrounding their boat in all four corners. Steve had a big frown on his face, looking around the boat curios on what Y/N wanted to show him “Uh.. you wanted to take me sailing?” Steve asked still trying to piece the puzzles together. “No” she giggled, feeling excitement in her chest as she walked to the front deck of the sail boat. She slipped off, her loose white blouse and her shorts revealing a baby blue elongated triangle bikini top matched with white bikini bottoms. Steve raised his eyebrows seeing Y/N revealing so much skin, he never seen her wear a bikini but always a one-piece but that never made her look less attractive. She threw her clothes at the back of the boat and extended her hand to Steve looking at him with a big smile on her face “Come on” she eagerly told him, he followed suit and got rid of his shirt and khaki pants revealing his swim shorts. “If this is a prank you planned with Sam and Bucky, this won’t be good” he murmured holding her hand. She tightened his grip, “Hey” she said making him look at her, “Do you trust me?” she asked looking intensely in his eyes, that’s when he knew this wasn’t a joke, and he wouldn’t lie to say that he was a bit scared. He took a deep breath then softly smiled at her “I do” She grinned at him before saying “Okay, on the count of one…. Two…..three!”, the immediately leaped into the water.
       Once he was submerged deep into the water and opened his eyes, he was surprised to see the water clearly. He looked at Y/N and noticed she wasn’t holding her breath, and she gestured with her hands for him to stop holding his breath, he couldn’t describe what he was experiencing and feeling, he was breathing normally and that too underwater. Y/N then took his hand and they swam deeper, his eyes widened seeing the aquatic life around him. A pod of dolphins twirled around them and swimming to the other direction. They then passed by a mother and baby sperm whales. Chris felt he was in paradise when he was twirling with Y/N and when they were swarmed with a large group of baby jellyfish, adding a romantic feel. He looked at her, and his heart warmed seeing the glint in her eyes and dimpled smile on her face. They spent almost an hour underwater, swimming with turtles and playing with a pair of manatees. He really felt he was dreaming and was going to wake up any second, but what he was experiencing was real, after he followed Y/N back to the surface meeting the boat in front of them. Another reason he knew it was real, because he realized he was holding on to Y/N’s hand the whole time and he didn’t wanna let go. His heart sank when she broke the grip and swam back to the boat, him following right behind her.      “Sooooo, are you a mermaid?” he broke the silence, as they were lying on the towels and sunbathing on the deck. She opened her eyes and tilted her head facing him “I don’t know” she confessed. Steve furrowed his eyebrows in mere confusion, let alone he was trying to process how he managed to survive underwater for a whole hour without any extra oxygen. “Whatya mean you don’t know?” he asked a bit to eager. She sighed and sat up hugging her knees to her chest gazing at the calm waters. “I actually discovered these powers or whatever they are after I joined the team.” The crease on his forehead smoothened waiting for Y/N to continue listening intently on what she had to share. “It started a few months before Berlin, I was out on a holiday with a few friends and we went surfing. We knew a storm was coming later that day, but we wanted to catch a few waves because it was out last day. However, the storm came earlier than expected and my friends swam ahead, and I got stuck in the waves, and they kept getting rougher making it difficult for me to swim to the beach. I was swallowed by the waves, and I saw I was headed for the large rocks in front of me. Without thinking I jumped off my surfboard and dove into the water, I opened my eyes and realized I wasn’t holding my breath and I could see everything underwater clearly, the fish swimming around me unbothered my presence. After I quickly realized what was happening to me, I quickly swam to the beach, and swam to the surface a few feet from the beach, making my friends believe that I was swimming right behind them.” Steve didn’t know what to say, and soaked everything what Y/N told him, as he sat up and also faced the sea. “Does anyone else know?” he asked looking at her, but she didn’t meet his gaze when she slowly nodded her head, “Apart from you, I told Fury, Dr Cho and Shuri” Steve nodded slowly at her answer, and figured out why they kept it a secret, if the world got to know about her capabilities, people would be after her, especially the ones with a bad intention. Y/N said exactly what Steve thought after “We all thought, that while trying to figure out what’s up with me, it’s better to live with this secret, rather than exposing it to the world and staying in fear every second.” He asked one final question “Why did you tell me?” This time she faced him with a small smile on her lips, “Because I care about you Steve Rogers, plus you confided in me and shared what you were feeling these past few months. This is the least I could do.” His heart fluttered hearing her response and his eyes followed her movement, as she laid back on the towel closing her eyes trying to soak up the sun. 
    Seconds later she felt something was blocking the light, she opened her eyes and saw Steve hovering her with an intense look in his face. She furrowed her eyebrows “Steve, what are you” but was interrupted when he crashed his lips into hers. Y/N felt her heart stopped and widened her eyes in shocked, she couldn’t believe that Steve was kissing her, on her boat in the middle of the sea. She closed her eyes and moaned when he nibbled her bottom lip, making her respond the kiss and open her mouth. They first shared a slow and soft kiss, taking their time to explore each other’s mouth and Y/N moaned loving how Steve lightly sucked her tongue at times. However, the kiss became eager and rougher by adding more bites in between, she gasped in the kiss when she felt Steve trail his feather finger tips down her neck, along the valley of her breasts, then her tummy and reaching her clothed core. She broke off the kiss and moaned loudly when she felt his fingers trail down her core, but Steve showed no intention of stopping. He laid beside her, leaving open mouth kisses on her neck and used his right leg spreading Y/N’s legs. She was feeling pleasure from all corners of her body, it took a while for her to realize that Steve slipped off her bikini bottoms and was gently gliding his fingers along her wet lips. “Holy shit” she whispered, and she felt herself getting wetter when Steve growled into her ears “So wet for me doll” She closed her eyes and held onto Steve’s head from behind when he spread her lips and teased her clit a little with his fingertips. He then slowly inserted a finger inside her pussy, both of them groaning in mere pleasure. Y/N had her head tilted against the towel and Steve’s shoulder, he breathed heavily into her ear while giving a few licks and nibbles “Fuck your so tight doll” as he slowly thrusted his finger in her pussy. 
       What Y/N was experiencing was beyond her fantasy, while he kept whispering sweet nothings and telling her she looked so sexy, he added another finger inside her. She moaned a string of profanities when she felt Steve curl his fingers and was hitting her g-spot. “Oh…. Steve!” she exclaimed, holding onto his wrist urging him to keep going “right there!” He started to finger her roughly, and she felt his fingers going even deeper and her breath becoming heaver when she felt the pressure starting to build in her lower abdomen. “Steve” she gasped, “I’m, gonna…. I’m gonna” barely managing to form any words with how ecstatic she was feeling, every nerve inside her feeling the pleasure he was giving to her. This time he hovered over her, his forehead touching hers “Y/N look at me” he panted, and she immediately opened her eyes seeing the desire in his dilated blue eyes. “Look at me when you cum” he whispered above her lips, Y/N whined in eagerness trying to hold the orgasm that was building below, but it took a few strokes of his thumb on her clit for her to let go. When she felt the wave of euphoria, she pulled Steve for an intense kiss, trying to muffle the scream of pleasure, her body jolted in excitement, but Steve placed his arm over her abdomen and glued her to the towel. After she started breathing calmly, he slowly slid his fingers out of her and what she witnessed was forever etched in her brain. Steve was slowly licking her juices of his fingers, his gaze never leaving her, and she could see the mischievousness in his eyes. Without saying anything, he pecked her lips and help her wear her bikini bottoms again. He then lied down with her again, spooning from her behind, placing light kisses on her shoulder and back every now and then and had his left hand interlaced with hers. Y/N knew there was no going back, she was crazily in love with Steve Rogers, all the emotions she tightly locked in her heart bursted. Yet her stomach churned, thinking if Steve felt the same way.
@imanuglywombat @southerngracela @justanotherloveaffair @et-lesailes @firstangeldragonranch @quaiderade @averyrogers83 @patzammit @jessestarr @firedolphin04
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Sweet Pea//10 Things I Hate About You
Request: Can you do a Sweet Peab imagine based on 10 Things I Hate About You? Thank you! ☺️
I changed some bits up and took some bits out, otherwise it would have been so long. But I still hope you like it! You have no idea how long I’ve been writing this for, so I hope everyone likes it!!
“So what you’re asking is for me to take a girl out because you wanna sleep with her sister?” Sweet Pea asked, taking a drag from his cigarette. Sweet Pea was wondering what was so wrong with this girl. You seemed nice. There had been rumours about you but there was also rumours about him and thats all they were. Plus how rude could you be? 
“Not exactly.” Reggie shook his head. “But in a way yes. Their dad’s really weird and says that her sister can start dating when she does. Which means I can’t take her sister out, if she doesn’t also have a date.” Reggie explained and Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Thats a really touching story, but not my problem.” He replied and Fangs laughed. 
“Would you be willing to make it your problem if I provide generous compensation?” Reggie asked and Sweet Pea looked at him before chuckling in disbelief. 
“You’re gonna pay me to take out some random girl?” He asked and Reggie nodded. “How much?” 
“Twenty bucks?” He replied, before Sweet Pea could answer, their attention was directed to you who had just shoved someone in order to get the football off them. Sweet Pea looked back at Reggie with raised eyebrows. “Yeah, okay. Thirty?” 
Sweet Pea thought for a moment, looking at Fangs before directing his attention back to Reggie. “Lets think about this. We go to the movies thats 15 bucks.” He stood up, towering above Reggie. “We get popcorn, thats er, 53. And she’ll want raisinets, so all together we’re looking at 75 bucks. Is this girl worth 75 bucks to you?” 
“This isn’t a negotiation. Take it or leave it, trailer park.” Reggie replied and Sweet Pea shook his head. 
“Wow. Not even worth 75 bucks. She is one lucky lady.” 
“50 bucks and we’ve got a deal.” Reggie thought about it for a second before reluctantly agreeing and handing Sweet Pea the money. “Nice doing business with you Mantle.” He smiled sarcastically at him before the whistle signifying the end of football practice blew, and the girls started to collect their things. You chatted to a few of your team mates before splitting up to get your bag. You’d just finished having a drink when someone approached you. “Hey.” He smirked. “How you doing?”
“Sweating like a pig actually, and yourself?” You smiled at him sarcastically. 
“Now that is a way to get a guys attention huh?” He asked with a laugh.
“My mission in life. But obviously I struck your fancy so it worked. The world makes sense again.” You replied and picked up your gym bag. He followed you laughing slightly, taking a few strides to catch up with you. 
“Pick you up on Friday then?” He asked and you scoffed. 
“Oh right. Friday. Of course.”
“I’m gonna take you places you’ve never been before.” He said with a smirk and you shook your head. 
“Like where? The 7eleven on the edge of Riverdale. We’ve already done Heathers and I know how it ends. I’m not going to any 7eleven with you. And no, you can’t buy me a slushie.” You said sarcastically and he laughed. “Do you even know my name, giant?” 
“I know a lot more than you think.” He replied and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. 
You scoffed. “Doubtful. Very doubtful.” You ended the conversation and walked away leaving Sweet Pea looking confused. 
“We’re screwed.” Archie muttered. Him and Jughead had been watching what was happening and he was feeling defeated. “I can’t believe I thought getting Reggie to pay him to take her out would be a good way to get to her sister.” 
“Hey. No. I don’t wanna hear that attitude.” Jughead replied. “I wanna hear you upbeat.” 
“We’re screwed!” He replied happier and Jughead smiled. 
“Yeah. Like that!” He said and Archie grumbled before walking away. 
“Have you ever considered a new look?” Your sister asked, walking into the bathroom. 
“I like the look I have Veronica.” You replied with an eye roll. “But how about you? I think you would suit some of the stuff I wear.” You replied with a smile and she shook her head. 
“No, thank you. I like the way I look. But I’m being serious. You could have some serious potential buried underneath all the hostility and bitterness.” She played with your hair and you slapped her hand away. 
“I’m not hostile. I’m annoyed.” You replied. 
“You should be nice sometimes. People wouldn’t know what to think.” She sat down. 
“I don’t care what people think. You shouldn’t care what people think. You don’t always have to be who they want you to.” 
“I like being liked.” 
“I know.” You rolled your eyes. “Maybe too much.” You muttered. 
You’d decided to go to the store, one to get away from your sister and her lectures, and two to get away from your dad and his lectures. Luckily they were mainly about your sister and how if she got pregnant, she would die. However your college choice was also thrown in there so you decided to leave them to argue. 
Walking out the store, you looked through the bag of things that you bought, deciding on where to go next. However, you were pulled from your thoughts when a familiar voice made you instantly annoyed. 
“Nice ride.” 
“Are you following me?” You asked annoyed. 
“I was in the laundromat! I say your car and came over to say hi!” He defended. 
“Hi.” You rolled your eyes and walked towards the car. 
“Not a big talker huh?” He asked, standing in front of your car door. 
“Depends on who’s talking to me, or the topic. My car doesn’t really excite me that much for me to want to start a full blown conversation about it.” You replied sarcastically and he laughed.
“You’re not afraid of me are you?” He wondered aloud and you laughed. 
“Why the hell would I afraid of you? They’re much scarier things in the world than a gang member who thinks he’s scary.” 
“Like what?” 
“Climate change. Poverty. Injustice, discrimination, walking home at night-” 
“I can walk you home at night.” He winked and you rolled your eyes. 
“Men who stop me from getting in my car.” You raised an eyebrow and he looked around before moving. 
“So you’re not afraid of me. But I bet you’ve thought about me naked.” He winked and you scoffed. 
“Am I that transparent?” You asked sarcastically. “I do love men that follow me around, and stand in front of my car.” You continued. “I want you, I need you. Oh baby. Oh baby” You deadpanned and he laughed, before moving out your way. 
“Good news! Me and Veronica went through Y/n’s stuff and found things she likes, which means we can go find Sweet Pea and tell him and then hopefully she’ll stop being rude to him.” Archie told Jughead happily and he raised an eyebrow. “Okay. Hopefully she’ll stop being as rude. Do you know where Sweet Pea will be?” 
“Yeah.” Jughead replied. “But you’re not gonna like it.” 
“Why not?” 
“You just aren’t.” He patted his back. “Lets go.” 
“You are right. I do not like it hear.” Archie sighed as he looked around the Wyrm. 
“I wouldn’t say that too loudly here.” Jughead whispered and Archie gulped. “Hey look. There’s Sweet Pea!” 
They walked towards Sweet Pea who was stood by the pool table smoking and talking to Fangs. 
“Hi. Sweet Pea.” Archie said quietly. Sweet Pea looked at him, and acknowledged the both of them. “So I found out some of Y/n’s likes. Feminism, angry girl music, and being rude to people. So do what you will with that. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out a date around that.” He listed and Sweet Pea looked at him annoyed. “Here’s a list of CD’s she likes.” He handed him a list and Sweet Pea sighed. 
Sweet Pea had been following you around non-stop for the past week. He had been at the club you were at the other day, he followed you around school. Hanging out outside your classes and you were starting to get really annoyed with him. However you were annoyed at literally everyone else so he wasn’t very different. 
But Sweet Pea was different. He was starting to grow on you. Especially when he called you ‘sexy’ in front of a club full of people, and then invited you to the dumb party at the weekend. He was persistent. You’d give him that. 
It was the night of the party and as usual you’re sister was annoyed at you for not being ‘normal’. This time because she couldn’t go to the dumb party. She had tried to sneak out but you’re dad had caught her and she was more than annoyed. She had eventually worn you down and you had somehow agreed to go to the stupid party, making her squeal in your ear and then hug you. 
Going the party was possibly the worst idea you had had. You had gotten drunk, danced on a table, and then knocked yourself out, luckily Sweet Pea had caught you and taken you outside. After that you couldn’t really remember much. Apart from Sweet Pea talking to you on some swings. Although, you weren’t sure if you’d imagined the swings. 
“You don’t care if I ever wake up.” You slurred as he sat you down. 
“Sure I do.” He smiled. 
“Because then I’d have to start taking out girls that actually liked me.” 
“Like you could find one.” You replied with a smile and he looked at you offended. 
“See that there. Who needs affection when I can have blind hatred instead?” He replied and you laughed, before nearly falling off the swing. He caught you and you laughed harder as he sat beside you. “Why’d you let him get to you?” 
“Reggie.” He replied and you rolled your eyes. Remembering the conversation you had with him earlier. 
“I hate him.” 
“Who doesn’t?” He said and you both laughed slightly. 
“Well. You know what they say...” 
“What do they say?” Sweet Pea asked and looked at you. Panicking once he saw you were asleep. “Fuck!” He jumped up and shook you causing you to wake up quickly. 
“What? Who said what?” You asked and looked up at him. “You’re eyes have a little green in them.” You said with a soft smile and a smirk appeared, however that quickly disappeared when you vomited on him.  
“Come on. I’ll give you a lift home.” 
“Thanks Sweet Peaaaaa.” You slurred and he helped you to his car. Once you were in and driving you smiled as the radio started to play. “I should do this.” You pointed to it and he glanced at you. 
“What? Start a band?” 
“No. Install car stereos. Yes, start a band! My father would loveee that.” You said the last part sarcastically and sighed, still feeling slightly queasy. He pulled up outside your house and you smiled at him. “Thanks for the ride.” 
“You don’t seem like the type that would ask for your dads permission to do anything.” 
“Oh so now you think you know me? I throw up on your shoes once and now you know everything about me?” You asked sarcastically and he laughed. 
“I’m getting there. The vomit didn’t really help though.” 
“The only thing people know about me is that I’m scaryyy.” You mocked. 
“I know that you’re cute.” He replied. “Plus, I’m no picnic myself.” He added and you looked at him. There was a few seconds of silence between the two of you and you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or the minor concussion but you really wanted to kiss him. He looked really cute in the light coming from the street lamps and his lips were looking very kissable. Definitely the concussion, you decided. “So whats up with your dad?” He asked, breaking the silence. 
“How long have you got?” You replied and looked at your house. “He wants me to be somebody that I’m not.” 
“Veronica.” You sighed. 
“Oh. Veronica. No offense or anything, I mean I know everyone likes your sister, but, she’s not nearly as great as you, or pretty.” He said casually and you looked at him confused, a slight smile taking over your face. 
“You know. You’re not nearly as vile as I thought you were.” You laughed before leaning in towards him and closing your eyes. You could have sworn you saw him lean in to and you were excited. He was cute and kind and funny, and he didn’t think the same as everyone else. Well, thats what you thought.
“Maybe we should do this another time.” He mumbled and you pulled back. Shaking your head, you stormed out the car, slamming it shut behind you. There was no way you were gonna show him that he made you cry. Nobody ever see’s you cry, especially dumb boys.  
“Excuse me. Have you seen this book? Its about feminism. I hear a lot of scary women read it and I thought you’d be the best person to know where it was.”  Sweet Pea asked and you rolled your eyes. You’d come to the library to avoid everyone, especially him and especially what had happened on Friday.  You didn’t want anything to do with him, he’d had his chance and he’d blew it and that was the last time you would ever be nice to anyone, let alone open yourself up to them. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked with a sigh. 
“I heard there was a poetry reading.” He replied. 
“You’re so-“ 
“Charming. I know.” He interrupted, his famous smirk appearing, which still made your heart flutter. “Wholesome?” He asked and you walked away. 
“Unwelcome.” You retorted, turning around to face him. 
“You’re not as mean as you think you are. You know that right?” He asked, following you. 
“You’re not as badass as you think are.” You challenged and he raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh. Someone still has their panties in a twist.” He said annoyed and you narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Don’t, for one second think, that you had any effect on my panties.”
“Then what did I have an affect on then?” 
“Other than my vomiting reflex. Nothing.” You grabbed a book and smiled at him. Throwing the book at him, you rolled your eyes once more before storming away. Hopefully he would have gotten the message this time. 
“You’re just to good to be true.” A voice rang through the speakers, and the team stopped playing. “Can’t take my eyes off of you.” It continued and you looked around. “You’d be like heaven to touch.” The entirety of the students on the field was looking around confused, unsure of what was happening and who was doing it. However you had an idea of who would be stupid enough to do something like this. “I wanna hold you so much, at long last love has arrived and I thank God, I’m alive. You’re just to good to be true.” You saw a figure standing at the top of the bleachers and squinted your eyes to see if you could see who it was. “Can’t take my eyes off of you.” They pointed in your direction and you rolled your eyes, however as soon as he pointed, Riverdale High’s marching band started playing a little away from you making everyone (including yourself) laugh in disbelief. Looking back to where Sweet Pea was stood, he had stopped singing and was now dancing idiotically on the bleachers making you laugh louder. “I love you baby!” He practically shouted, if everybody already wasn’t watching, they definitely were now and you shook your head at how ridiculous he was being. However you still smiled brightly at him. “And if its quite alright, I need you baby.” You walked further towards him as he danced his way down the bleachers and he smiled brightly at you. “To warm the lonely nights. I love you baby. Trust in me when I say.” He sat down, still smiling at you. “Oh pretty baby.” He stood up quickly and continued to dance. “Don’t bring me down I pray. Oh pretty baby. Now that I’ve found you stay. And let me love you, baby.” He sat down again and you laughed loudly. “Let me love you.” He finished, with an almost pleading look in his eyes. You smiled and nodded at him making him smile before the school security dragged him up and along the bleachers making you and everyone else laugh. He continued to dance, as they dragged him and everyone started clapping, which really just made him want to do more. He broke free and turned around, dancing as he ran away, making everyone cheer louder. Especially when he smacked on of the security guards on the ass. That especially made you laugh and he winked at you before he continued to run away. They eventually caught him after he ran around the bleachers for five minutes while the marching band played in the background. So now he was stuck in detention. But you were gonna bust him out. He had humiliated himself in front of practically the entire school for you so it was the least you could do. 
“Hi. Coach.” You said quietly as you walked into detention. “Can I talk to you for a second?” You asked and walked towards him. Sweet Pea’s head lifted from the desk and he watched as you approached the front. 
“What about?” 
“I have some ideas about how we could improve the girls football team.” You said quickly, standing in front of him. 
“Great!” He said sarcastically. “Lets talk about it later.” He added and you rolled your eyes. He was the worst football coach you had ever had, and everyone knew it. Including him. He turned to the tidy up the front desk and you looked at Sweet Pea who was smiling at you. You nodded your head towards the window at the front of the room and he looked at you confused. You continued nodding your head, gaining the attention of a few of the people who were also in detention. Everyone else seemed to understand what you were saying, but Sweet Pea. God he was an idiot. But he was a cute idiot so you didn’t mind. When he shook his head for a third time, still confused about what you were doing you rolled your eyes before whispering the word window, and frantically pointing to it. He continued to look at you confused and if it wasn’t for your football coach being stood right next to you, you would have sworn at him. 
“The window!” You whispered again and the coach turned to face you. You looked at him and smiled brightly. “As we know, we have a really big game with Greendale High, coming up.” You started to ramble, watching Sweet Pea out the corner of your eye. You hoped that he’d managed to figure out what you were saying and apparently he did because he stood up, making you panic and grab your teachers arm, turning him slightly. “You’re bicep is huge!” You squeezed his arm and he looked at you confused. “Oh my god!” You grabbed his other arm, turning him the other way. “The other one’s even bigger!” What were you doing? You asked yourself. You were pretty sure the rest of the class were asking that too. Surely there were easier ways to sneak someone out of detention, because this was just embarrassing. “You don’t take steroids do you?” You asked. Where is this going? You panicked. “Because I’ve heard that steroids can severally disintegrate your...package.” What was that!? Jesus Christ Sweet Pea better be grateful for this. You could hear the class laughing and your coach was looking at you wide eyed. “Not that I’m thinking about your package. Thats not the point.” You shook your head. 
“Lets hope not.” Your coach replied and you sighed. A floorboard creaked behind him and he turned his head, but you grabbed him, making his face you again. 
“The point is! They kick our butts every year and I was thinking that I would devise a plan that would help us finally defeat them.” You rambled and he nodded his head. 
“Which is?” He asked, then turned around, hearing something behind him. Sweet Pea hid behind a pillar and you grabbed him again, so he was looking at you.  
“That thing that you taught us.”
“What thing?”
“Misdirection?” You more asked than said and he looked at you confused. 
“I taught you that?” 
“Yeah. Or somebody else. Maybe the other coach. He was very misdirecting. Especially when it came to the authorities asking about his stash. But thats not important.” You shook your head. Sweet Pea was still trying to sneak out and you were hoping that this was gonna be over soon. Your pride couldn’t take much more. There was another creak and your coach started to turn around again but you grabbed his face, forcing him to look right at you. “Think about it. They’re looking left, and we’re running right. Bam! We score!” You explained, looking just behind him. Sweet Pea was almost out the window and you smiled slightly. 
“Okay? But how are we gonna get them to look left?” He asked. 
“Erm.” Both of you looked behind him and you panicked. “Like this!” You gained his attention again. Shit, what do I do? Fuck it. Pulling your shirt up you were thankful for the bra you decided to wear today. Your coach’s eyes widened and you could hear the class gasp and cheer behind you. Sweet Pea jumped out the window and you let out a deep breath. You smiled at your coach and put you top back before smiling at him.  “Okay. Well...now that you’ve seen the plan. I’m gonna go...and show other people. The plan!” You rambled before turning around and walking out the room. People cheered and clapped as you went and you smiled at them before finding Sweet Pea.  
“I can’t thank you enough for helping me sneak out of detention.” Sweet Pea thanked you as you walked around town. “It was very cool.” 
“No problem.” You replied with a proud smile. 
“I thought for sure I was busted when I was climbing out that window.” He laughed. “So how’d you keep him distracted?” He asked and you paused. Were you really gonna tell him that you’d flashed your coach just to get him out of detention. That would show that he had definitely had an effect on you, and even if that was true you weren’t gonna tell him that. Not yet at least. 
“I…dazzled him with my wits.” You nodded and he looked confused for a second while you tried to conceal a laugh. 
“So, whats your excuse?”
“For acting the way we do.” 
“I don’t like to do what people expect.” You replied, and looked at the floor. “Why should I live up to other people’s expectation and not my own?” You questioned and he pondered it for a moment. 
“So, you’re disappointed from the start and then you’re covered right?” 
“Yeah. Sort of like that.” You agreed. 
“Me too. You can’t be disappointed if you don’t have high expectation in the first place. Just like no one can disappoint you, if you haven’t got anyone.” He said and you nodded in agreement. “There’s only one problem with that though.” 
“Whats that?” 
“You screwed up.” 
“How?” You asked confused. 
“Because you never disappointed me.” He said, looking everywhere but you. You smiled softly at him. Maybe he wasn’t so bad. “So are you up for it?” 
“What?” You asked, slightly concerned. 
“That.” He nodded towards the paint-balling place and you smiled brightly at him. 
“Hell yeah.” You nodded and walked quickly towards it. “Hurry up, loser.” You teased and he laughed before jogging to catch up with you. 
You were well and truly kicking his ass at paint-balling. He said he was letting you win after you had gotten him out of detention but you knew he was lying. He was awful at it, only hitting you a few times, all the other times he was hitting basically everything but you which was making you laugh. But he didn’t mind being rubbish at it if it was making you happy. He’d do literally about anything to hear your laugh.
Right now he had tackled you so you were both lying in a pile of hay. He hovered above you, rubbing paint on your cheek. 
“Tell me something true.” You asked.
“Something true... I hate peas.”
“You are aware that Pea is in your name right?”
“Yeah. I know. Bittersweet irony.” He sighed
“Anyway, something real, something no one else knows.”
“Okay, you're sweet, and sexy, and completely hot for me.” He smirked. 
“Excuse me?”
His gaze flicked between your eyes and your lips and the next thing you knew his lips were on yours and he was kissing you and it was the best thing you had ever experienced. Sweet Pea was actually kissing you! Although you were kinda tempted to pull away just like he’d done to you, but you decided not even you were that mean. So you gave in and kissed back. Your arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him further towards you and deepening the kiss. 
Apart of you was mean though so after you’d kissed for an efficient amount of time you hit him in head with a paintball before quickly getting up and running away. 
After spending so much time with Sweet Pea you decided you would go to prom. You know, just to say that you went (not at all because you wanted to see Sweet Pea in a suit and spend time with him). At first you had questioned his motives as to why he had suddenly noticed you but he reassured you that everything was okay and that he actually liked you, and so that was good enough for you.   
As soon as you arrived you were getting funny looks from people and you were starting to feel self conscious as you were looking for Sweet Pea. However he found you first. 
“Wow.” He looked you up and down, a wide smile spreading across his face. 
“You too.” You replied, also not subtly checking him out. His smile grew as he gave you a rose and you laughed as you took it from him. “You’re so cheesy.” You teased. “But thank you.” You added and linked his arm with yours. “Where’d you get the tux at the last minute?” You asked as you wandered into the main hall. 
“Oh, just something I had, you know, lying around.” He replied and you nodded your head. 
“Where’d you get that dress?” He asked. 
“Oh, just something I had, you know, lying around.” You repeated his words and he laughed. “Listen, I’m really sorry I questioned your motives. I was wrong. “ 
Sweet Pea took a deep breath before looking at you seriously. “You’re forgiven.” 
“Okay.” You nodded. “Ready for the prom?” You asked. 
“Yes ma’am.” He replied and you laughed. 
“Do not call me ma’am.” 
You had been dancing for a solid thirty minutes and you were actually quite enjoying yourself. The band has just finished another song and you and Sweet Pea were stood at the back clapping and laughing, as you danced. As another song started to play Sweet Pea cupped your face and pulled you towards him, kissing you sweetly, before wrapping his arms around you and swaying you slowly. 
“Milwaukee!” Sweet Pea shouted over the music and you looked at him confused as he spun you around the floor. 
“What?” You asked confused. 
“That’s where I was last year. Everyone said I was in jail but that’s actually where I was.” 
“Okay.” You nodded. 
“I don’t know Marylin Manson and I didn’t sleep with a spice girl. I don’t think. I think I would have definitely remembered that.” He added and you laughed. “My grandad was ill so I spent the most of the year on his couch, watching Wheel of Fortune and making Spagehttios.” 
“I didn’t have you down as the Spaghettios type.” You mused. “But its sweet.” 
“So, yeah. End of story.” He dipped you and you laughed. 
“No way.” You were about to start dancing together again when Reggie pulled him away from you. 
“What’s Veronica doing here with that cheese dick?” He asked and you looked at the both of them confused. You hadn’t seen your sister tonight but you knew she had come. Who was the cheese dick though? And why would Sweet Pea know anything about it? “I didn’t pay you to take out Y/n so some little punk could snake me with Veronica. Snake being the right word.” He continued and you looked at Sweet Pea. Did he just say what you thought he’d said? Sweet Pea wouldn’t do that to you, would he? He liked you, you liked him. You got along. But Reggie had payed him so he could go out with your sister. 
“You said there was nothing in it for. You said you liked me. What the fuck Sweet Pea?! I trusted you and you were payed to take me out!” You asked angrily and he looked at you guiltily. That was all you needed to see, storming past him. 
“Would you just give me a chance-“ 
“You were paid to take me out by the person I truly hate!?” You asked angrily. Sweet Pea had followed you out and you were so close to punching him in the face, that you had to physically restrain yourself. “I knew this was a set-up!” 
“Y/n!” He followed you. “It wasn’t like that, okay?” 
“Really? What was it like, a down payment now and a bonus for sleeping with me?” 
“No, I didn’t care about the money!” He argued. “I cared-I cared about you.“  He sighed and you shook your head. 
“You are so not who I thought you were.” You tried to turn around but he grabbed you and quickly kissed you. “Get off!” You pushed him off you before running away. He still wasn’t going to see you cry. No matter what he did. 
“I assume everyone has found time to complete their poem.” Your English teacher started the class. You were sat facing the front of the room and you could feel Sweet Pea staring at the back of your head. But you were strong, you were gonna show him just how over him being a dick you were. “Except for Mr Mantle, who has an excuse.” He laughed and Reggie looked at him. “Lose the glasses.” He told him and the rest of the class laughed while he took his sunglasses off, showing everyone his black eye. “Alright. Anyone brave enough to read theirs aloud?” Everyone in the class looked everywhere but at the teacher, you included. You looked at Sweet Pea and something inside you snapped. 
“I will.” You replied, slowly raising your hand. 
“Here we go.” Your teacher muttered as you stood up. 
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh..” You started to cry. You’d willed yourself not to cry during this. That you were stronger and that you didn’t need to cry in front of your entire class over some dumb boy. But he wasn’t just some dumb boy. He was Sweet Pea, and you thought he loved you, but apparently, for the first time ever, you were wrong. “even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” You sobbed, finally looking at him. He made eye contact with you for a second before looking away, and slumping in his seat. You sighed before quickly walking out of the classroom, wiping your eyes as you went.  
By the end of the day you just wanted to go home. Ever since your English class you hadn’t seen Sweet Pea, part of you was happy that you didn’t have to look at his stupid, pretty face. But the other half. The less rational one, missed his stupid, pretty face. At one point you would have happily stared at his stupid, pretty face every single day if you could. It made you happy. Now when you saw it you just wanted to punch him and cry at the same time. As you approached your car you noticed something in the drivers seat. Moving closer you gasped when you realized what it was and opened the car door to look at it properly. 
“Nice huh?” A familiar voice asked and you jumped. 
“A Fender Strat. Is it for me?” You asked confused.
“Yeah. I thought you could use it.” Sweet Pea replied and you raised an eyebrow at him. “You know, when you start your band.” He added and you smiled softly at him. “Besides. I had some extra cash you know. Some asshole asked me to take out some really great girl.” 
“Is that right?” You asked with a smile. 
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “But I screwed up. I err..I fell for her.”
“Its not everyday you find a girl who’ll flash someone to get you out of detention.” He replied with a smirk and you laughed. 
“Oh god.” You muttered, covering your face with your hand to try and hide your embarrassment. Sweet Pea laughed and you looked at him with a slight smile on your face. As soon as you looked at him, his fingers brushed a piece of hair out of your face and he kissed you quickly, his hand resting on your cheek. Instantly you kissed back, but pulled away soon after. “You can’t just buy me a guitar every time you screw up you know.” You warned and he laughed. 
“Yeah, I know.” He sighed. “But then, there’s always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine.” He added with a smirk and you laughed, as he kissed you again. 
You pulled away from him again and he sighed. “Don’t just think you can-” He rolled his eyes at you before pulling you towards him and kissing you again. This time, it definitely shut you up...well, for a bit. 
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WhatsApp? Part 6. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you
A/N: Sending a nod to Starlord’s direction with this one. ;) Also I am so sorry about the voice attributes rant, I studied special pedagogics and in here, voice, its attributes and the speech itself is a huge part of ENT studies centering around ears, throat, and neck...
A/N: I am sorry, @missdictatorme for no phone s*x. Ily by the way.
A song which I want to highlight for this chapter: Fallingforyou by the 1975.
Warnings: none really?
Tagging: @missdictatorme @songforhema
Read more here, babe ;):   Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five
If you like things in one place, you might like the series master list: H E R E
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The time had tendencies to stop when Steve so far, far away from you. 
You hadn't got a single clue where could be or what's he doing but you hoped he's safe and well. Sometimes you looked out of the window for ten minutes straight just thinking about where he could be. You checked your phone every morning and evening - nothing. He wasn't really messing around when he told you it can take a whole month before he comes back to you.
Deena, who was a self-proclaimed dancing teacher volunteered to lead the choreo. And she wasn't really bad at it.
At least you had your head all Steve-cleared off do could actually focus on your choreography for the big evening itself. It was somehow borderline racy but still PG-13 friendly as you thought it will be. May made sure it will be. You were dancing in sync, and you were grouped to trios for this one. You were basically repeating actions of the trio which went before you, it was simple yet good, or so you thought. You felt good about it at least.
You were in the last trio along with Deena and Marzia, another girl from your office so it would be double insured that you can't actually fuck up.
The girls made sure you acted all bossy - at some point, you started to use chairs to make it even more clear. That you were the ones being on the top during your dance. Before you could even dance in slight sync, it took you two weeks of every of your working day afternoon. Every one of you worked on it hard and it was paying off. Even you, probably the least talented person, or so you felt, could incredibly sway your hips. You didn't think that you can actually look that deductive yet you did.
Val told you that you were a killer - you took her only partially seriously because she was always friendly flirting with you.
Sometimes Peter came along. He was the sound tech guy every time. And then made fun of you when you accidentally fucked up. You loved that clueless boy so much.
"Okay. What do you think?" - You asked Peter, drinking from a water bottle. It was week three of you almost destroying your legs on those a bit too much tall high heels. You didn't want to wear them - your feet were swollen and hurt after every afternoon, but Deena shushed you off. It should look sexier than you dancing in Canada shoes and that Deena considered a pure fact.
"That you will kill yourself during that turn around with the chair in your hands." - He answered honestly with a childish smile, winging his feet in old Converse shoes from side to side. - “But there is a chance you will kill somebody else, so it's 50-50.”
"How gentle of you, Parker. You must be a real hit with the ladies, am I right?" - You nudged his shoulder, taking those devilish shoes off your feet, massaging them. He grinned at you.
"I can say obscene things like actually liking it out loud here, Y/N. And you know that!" - Peter laughed out loud, showing the gentle wrinkles around his hazelnut eyes. - "And since I ripped your tee off? May would have killed me if she actually heard me saying something nice about you!"
You had to laugh at his remark. You both were poking fun out that event since the next day Pete actually came to visit you, only May didn't find it as amusing as you two. Poor boy never got his free Oreo milkshake. And to be fair - Val actually started the beef with some pretty explicit jokes. And because you two were who you two were, it didn't take so long before you put that beef on fully.
"So continue calling me dumb. That will do. That's basically every girl's dream." - You nudged his head and left to a small cab to change your clothes. Your eyes just checked your phone as they were used to do all along those three weeks.
And your heart performed a fucking parkour jump at the sight of the green diode beeping at your eyes. The breath was caught in your throat when you gulped. Your hands shook by their will when you took the phone in your hands. It was a text from him. Steve was actually back.
As you opened the conversation, his promise popped directly in your head. A call. He promised you a fucking call. Steve willingly offered you to hear his voice. Three weeks ago. And now he was back. You were on cloud fucking nine. That was an offer you couldn't pass on.
Steve: I was so looking forward to texting you from the moment we took off. I'm back and well, Y/N.
Dear lord, you thought to himself, your eyes were firmly closed and you could feel a smile creeping on your lips. Thank you for keeping that man safe and well. Thank you for letting him come back.
Y/N: I missed you so much and I have so much thing to tell you! How was your little work trip?
You couldn't care less about being eager or too obvious with being excited about him being back. It was just natural for you to be excited. You had to tell Peter, so you changed your clothes the quickest way. You ran away from the cab looking like a mess with your bag over your shoulder with your smile looking better than a five-star hotel.
"Pete, Pete, Pete!" - You quirked in a high pitch. Peter wasn't sure if you hadn't got mad, looking at you with his puppy eyes in a horrified manner.
"Tell me that you have won a million dollars and I don't have to go to school anymore. I beg you." - Peter mumbled with a side smile. You shoved your phone right into his eyes and smiled widely. - "You're shitting me!" - He fangirled as hard as you had and performed your typical victory dance.
"Peter! Have you just cussed? We've talked about that!" - May shouted into your direction and you both freeze. Then you giggled.
"That means..." - Peter wiggled his eyebrows. Of course, you've told him about that call promise. He knew everything that happened with Steve. Not because he wanted to know, but because you rambled about Steve as much as he has rambled about Liz Toomes.
"You bet your favorite Lego puzzle!" - You hummed a tune and Peter laughed again.
"It isn't called a puzzle, to be honest..." - Peter trailed off the topic again, but you were leaving at that point, so you didn't take him too seriously.
"I don't caa-are." - You sang playfully and left the studio you rented for your choreography training, hoping you would get home as soon as possible.
The European job didn't go as bad as they were warned about but it didn't go exactly as smooth as Steve hope it will. He really got his hopes set high to be earlier at home. Sometimes he wanted to just take his phone off his bag, turn it on and text you that he and his friends are ok. But Natasha almost knifed him with her eyes every time that thought crossed his mind.
In the end, they were tired, really dirty, sleepy like 24/7. Even Sam, who usually tried to talk a big hole into others heads, layed in total silence. Now he was most likely dead on the back seats, covering his face with his forearm. 
Of course, you were the first thing on his mind when he got to his phone - after having a long-ass sleep, a great warm shower and a bunch of unhealthy food ordered from a near China restaurant. 
You texted back almost immediately, which made him smile and relax on the bed. He had a feeling that maybe you would be pretty pissed about his sudden, unexcusable need to disappear to a different continent because of a work a don't make me remind him that you still didn't even know what in the hell he's doing. But the better he got to know you, the more difficult and surreal saying his true identity to you was.
Almost unthinkable even. 
Y/N: So that promise, can I still count on it? 
You asked after he told you a little about his three weeks in Europe. He didn't lie but he definitely didn't tell you anything that could give you an actual image of what happened there - a lot of counterespionage from Nat, a lot of fighting and a lot of bad guy's blood spilling. He was giving you a gentle, sweet, careful silver linings to keep you safe. Those were his intentions - protecting you at all costs before knowing the truth. 
Steve: Of course. I am a man of my word. Today at seven p.m.? 
It was already five p.m. so two hours were remaining but he was sure it will be a terror for him. Maybe you'll just refuse to move this far behind the formal line today? He knew he's shitting himself at the moment.
Y/N: Okay. I'll be waiting, handsome.
Your hands literally shook as you panicked. 
You needed to calm down asap. It wasn't an eye-to-eye meeting with him nor it was an actual FaceTime. It was just a fucking call which got you so off-rail. This got you even more intensely than when you were waiting for a call from some office lady whether you got that job or you did not. 
It was Steve for god's sake. Not just someone. Steve. You felt like Lykke Li in one of those videos Peter showed you. She was extremely obsessing about a man, having his pictures all over her apartment, just wished he would take notice of her. 
You would do the same at that point if you actually got some of his photos. You were just one hundred percent sure. 
That one call was everything you could actually think about - you showered beforehand even tho he couldn't smell you through the phone just to feel pretty. You also did have a proper dinner so your liver would not do anything unplanned. You even tried some dumb yoga bullshit Marzia and Suzie thought you to calm yourself down. 
You felt so, so, so stupid for overreacting that strongly but then you reminded yourself that it is mysterious, funny and gentle Steve. And you panicked again, trying to imagine his voice. Would it be high-pitched or too deep? Would it be raspy or smooth? There were too many options - too many tembers, too many speed rates, and too many articulation options.
Maybe he stutters? Which would be kinda cool you hoped. Or maybe he has a problem with saying out loud some letters? Wow, you were overwhelmed for a slight bit at that moment. But no matter ho Steves speech will be, you told to yourself, you will not give up on him because of that. 
And let me say that you almost jumped off your bed when the phone rang in your hand with his name in the fucking middle of that, suddenly too small, screen. This was it. This was the moment.
You tried to breathe until the lowerest part of your lungs wasn't filled with air and then you quickly answered. That feeling of nervousness was all over your body, you felt partially numb and all you could say was that you marched around your room with your cheeks burning on fire. 
“H-Hey, hey.” - You mumbled out, which was a big win-win for you. You didn't stutter that much, just maybe breathing a bit too heavily. All you could hear was a chuckle from the other side of the phone. 
It almost sent you right to fainting. That was a sound of gods - you would bet your whole lego set on that. Holy goddamn shit. You jumped at the bed, feeling really quirky and cheese. You just fangirled over his chuckle. Great. You were going crazy. That was a fact. If Pete saw you acting around this clingy and cheesy, he would be laughing so hard.
“Hey.” - He answered with a chuckle under his breath, he sounded so calm and smooth, to begin with. (It wasn't the truth at all. But he was trying his actual best to appear cool in front of you.) - "Is everything alright out there? Am I interrupting you from something? I didn't mean to..." - And there he was. His usual nervousness got a hold on him eventually. That wasn't as smooth as he anticipated, but exactly make you like him more.
He was just as nervous as you were. You weren't acting like a total idiot after all.
"No. Of course, you're not... Interrupting anything. Don't be silly." - You laughed with a high, nervous tone, sounding like a boy in puberty. Well, damn. This was going so off rails so fast.
You analyzed his voice precisely. It wasn't super deep nor rough for that matter. He had actually really smooth voice which was just really nice to listen to. And he had to think you're an idiot.
"I can't believe I've done it." - Steve said all of a sudden stopping you in the middle of marching up to your bed again. One of your feet was on the mattress and the second one was still on the ground. You looked like a stretching ballerina.
"It feels so surreal, am I right?" - You chuckled, finally taking a hold of your own voice. You finally sounded like a grown woman.
"Exactly. It's... Wow. I don't know what it didn't cross my mind earlier. You could told me a lot of your stories so quicker and it would be much more fun."
"So you don't find reading my miserable life stories interesting. Okay, noted." - You teased him slightly. Steve laughed, saying a loud 'nooo!'. God, this man was just something.
"I didn't mean that at all!" - That was the first time you heard him actually giggled. He was doing it all the time because of your texts. But this was for the first time in real life you've heard it. The sight of you was messy - your eyes shone, your cheeks were rosy and your hair was not in the slightest order at all because your subconsciousness made you play with it. But you looked so happy and your smile way so relaxed.
"Why are you yelling so loud here, man?" - A completely different voice cut through the conversation. It was a bit higher than Steve's and it was way smooth with a seriously strong accent. - "Is that, oh damn." - The man laughed while you smiled at the ways Steve demanded the man leaving his room.
"I'm Sam! Nice to meet you, Steve's girl!" - He yelled before the door shut. Steve grunted out loud. That was so sweet.
"So you're telling them about me, I suppose? Was that Sam or James?" - You giggled, making Steve grunt again. Sam knew which moments to choose.
"That was Sam. I told them about you, however, the girlfriend thing is something Sam had made up." - Steve choked in defeated voice.
"Don't worry. It's fine. It made me laugh." - You calmed Steve down about Sam's behaviour. It was pretty funny and sweet for you. Sam to Steve was definitely like Pete to you. Best cheering up fangirling friend you could ask for.
"That was nice." - Steve commented at your laugh so smoothly without a single doubt in his voice.
"Thank you." - A dazzled sight came out of your lips.
You two talked for what seemed like forever. It was a conversation about nothing - just a constant back and forward with a lot of nervousness, thank yous and sweet voices.
Steve was dazzled by your voice. He could listen to it before sleeping, with his eyes closed. Let me, as the narrator, tell you - you were such sweet dorks. Both nervous, out of your minds basically. This one phone call actually meant something to both of you. It was your first form of actual contact, just hearing the other side and being so breathless and speechless because both of you actually existed.
The texting was fine, sure. But it didn't feel like this. It wasn't as real as this.
Nothing could tell him how you laughed when his dorky ass made you chuckle somehow. The way you spoke was so calm, relaxing him to death. Or texting couldn't reveal your voice raising up when you got excited about remembering something.
When Sam peeked into Steve's room, he stood there in silence for a moment or two. Steve was standing up in from of a window, looking down on the street, telling that Y/N something in a quiet, humming tone.
"I don't want to interrupt you." - Sam spoke quietly, freaking Steve he hell out. The tall blonde turned to Sam, covering the phone with his hand. - "But we're about to watch Footloose."
"I'll be there in a minute." - Steve nodded sadly. He didn't want this to end even if it was as dorky and cheesy as it was. But a movie night with his fellas after Europe was a thing Steve was looking forward to.
"I need to go, Y/N." - Steve started slowly and he would swear that his heart hurt at those words. - "We're about to watch something called Footloose?"
"Oh, my dear lord. You've never ever seen Footloose? Are you serious?" - You asked in an unbelieving voice. - "THE Footloose with Kevin Bacon? Steve, you really make me feel like you're not from today's world. Deena told me she hoped that her prom would look like the ending scene, but you know, Kevin Bacon never came." - You giggled.
His stomach shrank at that remark. He's not from today's world. He's the man out of time. And you have no idea, you just joked.
"I think it's exactly the one with Kevin Bacon, yeah." - Steve circled his hand around his waist, sounding nervously all of the sudden. What was he thinking about? Of course that his true identity would hunt him eventually down, even in his little personal bubble he created with you.
"Yeah..." - You sighed and shut up for a second. - "Let's call it a night today, what do you say?"
"You're right, I should go or Sam and James would start without me." - Steve tried to sound as relaxed as he could. You couldn't recognize he hides something - you've heard him for the first time. You haven't got any idea that something's off.
"Would you call me tomorrow? It's your turn." - He teased you, but you grunted a little, giving the answer away.
"I can't tomorrow, I'm at work, then we have a choreography training and we have a ladies night... I won't be at home at all. I'm sorry." - You said sadly.
"Don't be sad about that, Y/N. I'm not little. Just tell me when and I'll take some time for you, alright?" - Steve asked to make you feel better.
He slowly realized that this will be like a drug to him. Once he tasted it, he would need more and more of it to even survive. There was no turning back now. Phone calls were something new, exciting, something he wanted to do until the dawn comes. Just to feel that he haves you closer than normally.
"Hope that will be soon. Now, I'll go to sleep and you'll go and enjoy Kevin Bacon's amazing rebel-ish and dancing method acting, ok? And enjoy Footloose, like that song. It's amazing. Bye, handsome." - You said with a happy voice.
"Goodnight, Y/N. I'll text you in the morning." - Steve sighed with a soft smile on his lips, ending the call. Yeah, maybe it would be really difficult to tell you who he is and maybe you'll freak out at hell - but at that moment? He felt like a pretty attractive school girl realizing that she is falling for a nerd from her Chemistry class.
Beautifully numb and so glad he couldn't even express it.
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xxfanficnationxx · 5 years
Lacuna// Teen Wolf Rewrite
Wolf Moon Part 3
Last Part
Pairing: Stiles x Reader (Eventually)
Warnings: awkward moments, language, underage drinking, full moon
A/N: This part is a little longer than the others, I just wanted to fit it all, instead of having two very short ones. Plussssssss, Y/E/C stands for your eye color. 
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The car ride was a little bit awkward. You sat in the passenger seat. Scott was in the back. You decided to break the ice a bit. “so... I met your dad last night” they both look at you confused, you stutter, “I-I was jogging in the woods when I ran into him. Told me to go back home. Why was he out there?” The memory of getting attacked flashes back to you.
“Oh, you didn’t hear. They found a body in the woods” You turn to look at him.
“Oh woah, that’s crazy. I didn’t think things happened like that around here.” You say
Stiles just replies with a drawn out “Yeahhhh” and it went back to silence. Stiles kept looking into the rear view mirror, looking back to Scott. Scott was making faces to stiles almost to like he was nudging Stiles on. After Stiles looked away and shook his head, the three of you finally pull up to your house and when you go to open the door thought popped into your head.
“I don’t know if I’m being to forward but, maybe could I have your guys’ number to hang out sometime? Maybe see if a spark is still there” You chuckle. The two boys looked at you, smiling. 
You exchange phone numbers and exit the car, walking to the porch and getting your keys out to open the door.
“Yeah yeah, I know. But you never know. Maybe she’s cool. We did used to be best friends.” You head Scott say. You pull the hair over your ear, and look back at them. Focusing your hearing as they start to drive away.
“Well I don’t remember her looking like that. She’s kinda hot now.” Stiles says glancing at you. You smile, then wave, he awkwardly waves back. 
“Yeah it’s called growing up” Scott replies. You see him look at you out of the window with a quizzical look, almost as if he knew you were listening.
You got into the house and started researching your symptoms. Is it contagious? Some kind of rabies? You fell asleep on your desk, tabs upon tabs open about diseases and even some about lycanthropy. What is happening to you.
You awoke the next day to your phones alarm. Papers were stuck to your face, you looked very flattering. You turned off the alarm on your phone, and saw the battery! “Ughhh, Shit!” You forgot to plug in your phone last night. You quickly plugged it in and ran out your door, on a mission to shower quickly. You almost run into your aunt on your way there “Oops! Sorry!” She just chuckles and walks back to the kitchen. You reach for the handle of the shower and rip it off! “What the…” You say quietly, fumbling trying to put it back together. Since you were running late, all you could do was gently put it on the pipe, definitely not fixed. 
You aunt comes running down the hall, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She fumbles, bending down catching her breath, “They held me late today at work. You almost ready?”
You smile, still in your pajamas, then you run into your room. Forgetting about the shower entirely. 
You get ready for the day. Speed dressing, because you were already behind schedule.
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You got school and made it through the day, fairly easy. There was a scrimmage after school for the lacrosse team, Allison convinced you to go, and offered you a ride home after. On our way there she told you about how she ran over a dog last night and wanted to text you but she didn’t have your number. You quickly gave it to her and told her to tell you if anything like that happens again, to call you.
Allison said something about her locker and walked away, though you were too focused on the anger flowing from the halls. As you turned around a corner, you found Jackson and Scott. You dodged around the corner, hoping they didn’t see you. 
“Now, you listen Mcall…” Jackson says in a low threatening voice. You turn the corner and see them, you duck around the hall hoping they didn’t see you. “You’re going to tell me exactly what it is and who you’re buying it from, because there’s no way in hell you are out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost.” You were confused, did Jackson think Scott was doing drugs.
“Oh! You mean steroids!” Scott says. “Are you on steroids?” Next think you heard was a slam on the lockers. You were about to turn and help Jackson started talking again.
“What the hell is going on with you Mcall!” Jackson yells. Making your ears ring.
“What’s going on with me!” Scott says “you really want to know! Well, so would I! Because I can see hear and smell things that I shouldn’t be able to see, hear and smell. I do things that should be impossible, I’m sleepwalking three miles in the middle of the woods, and I’m pretty much convinced that I’m totally out of my freaking mind!”
‘What…’ you stumble back, the same things are happening to him, except the whole sleepwalking thing. You had to speak to him about it. Maybe you both have the same disease.
You took a walk to clear your mind, then finally made your way to the field. All the boys were on the field huddled and jumping. You found Allison and sat with her. You really didn’t like lacrosse, it was something else. You sat zoning out and thinking about songs in your head. That is until you saw Scott start to do flips on the field, ‘what the hell’ you thought to yourself. Coach told Scott that he was first line and everybody cheered. You even cheered, happy for your childhood best friend. 
You got home and began to get ready for the party. You really wanted to make this your whole debut. Your mindset of finding friends has really changed from the first day. Everyone seemed so nice and you didn’t want to go through high school as the lonely girl.
You did your makeup very glam, and did your hair nicely. Next was the outfit, oh dear the outfit. You didn’t know what to wear, you changed about 50 times. But the end product was good, maybe even a little bit too overdressed. ‘Please let this not be a jeans kinda party’. You felt a little tired, worn down, but you chucked it up to the bad night sleep.
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Your aunt let you borrow the moped, it was bright yellow, super worn but cute nonetheless. It had a matching yellow helmet. It sat in the garage most of the time so this was nice, maybe she’d let you keep it.
You arrived to the party and walked through the house. You immediately felt worse, the music caused you a bit of a headache. You never feel like this, Why now? You walk through the kitchen and see a lot of people dancing outside.
“Allison!” You call. She smiled super wide and walks over.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N you look so pretty. Now I feel under dressed” she laughs and points to her clothes.
“Oh please, you fit in. I definitely don’t” talking a bit loud because of the music. “Scott hey! I didn’t see you.”
“Hey Y/n, were gonna go dance!” He yells walking away, Allison’s hand in his. She turns to look back at you.
“Call me” you mouth with your hand up to your ear like a phone. She nods and laughs turning away to follow Scott through the crowd. You’ll have to find another time to talk to Scott. You don’t wanna ruin their date.
Just as you were going back inside for some drinks you ‘literally’ run into a familiar face. “Stiles?” You laugh apologizing.
“Y/n hey! I didn’t know you were coming here.” He looks at you, quickly taking a glance at your outfit.
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m overdressed…” You sigh looking down at your outfit. “The party’s I went to in Seattle were a bit different” you chuckle.
“Yeah I bet!” He smiles, that smile, made your stomach go all bubbly. Maybe you should talk to him. I bet Scott tells him everything.
“Can we talk over in the hall? Where it’s quieter, I need to ask you some questions.” You say with a serious tone. He looks at you concerned but nods anyway.
After finding a quiet place you begin to freeze. Should you tell him… you have to. What if it’s dangerous. “So… I heard Scott talking to Jackson earlier today. He said something about how he was seeing, hearing and doing things he couldn’t have before.” Stiles looked at you with wide eyes. You could hear his heartbeat rapidly increasing. “I think… I think it’s happening to me too” You say. He squints at you, then puts it together. He hits himself on the head and spins around.  
“Shit! Of course! You were in the woods the same night that Scott was, did you get attacked too?” He said the last part quieter.
You gulped. “Yes, something like a bear bit me and broke my wrist. It was all healed in the morning though. I don’t understand what’s happening… I mean… I..” You began to get dizzy everything spinning. You hadn’t had that much to drink. Stiles begins to grab you.
“Y/n are you okay?” Suddenly Scott zooms past us “Scott?” Stiles puts your arm over his shoulders and makes the way towards the door to follow Scott. Scott hops in his car drives off, Allison gets in the car with someone else it was all very fuzzy.
Stiles brings you to the Jeep and begins to drive. “Y/n I’m gonna follow Scott okay! Are you okay?”
You turn to him eyes glowing white, he yelps and starts to drive faster towards Scott’s house. Your head was in your hands you were breathing heavy. “Stiles” You say low, almost a growl “pull over”. You felt like, if you didn’t get out of the car, you were gonna pounce on him. 
“Pull over? We have to get to Scott’s.” He says panicking.
“Pull over…” you glance up at him. “Now!” You growl. Orange and black stripes forming on your face, eyes glowing bright white, fangs loud and clear.
“Ahh, oh god” Stiles pulls over. You immediately get out walking towards the woods. Your ears begin to curve and your claws grow out of your hands. You feel the fur grow on your jaw in the familiar striped pattern. Red, all you see is red. You run as fast as you can to the forest losing your heeled boots on the way. “Y/n!” Stiles calls out, you flinch at the sound of your name, you look back to stiles before entering the line of woods, your eyes flash back to (Y/E/C) ones. You heard a noise in the woods, and just like that you were back in kill mode.
You ran through the woods, all you wanted to do was run. Your mind coming back in waves as you begin to realize what you were doing. You hear leaves cracking around you as you look around, petrified. “Where is she” you hear some people say
“She’s safe, from you” you moved towards the people, then someone grabbed you.
“Ahh!” You screamed you managed to get down and growl at the attacker.Trying to look as threatening as possible. Teeth bared, eyes wide. You see Scott, at least it smells like Scott.
The Attacker jumps and tackles Scott. You immediately run after them. “What did you do with her!”
You stumble down the hill behind them. The strange man points to you. “Shh quiet!” There’s a pause “too late. They’re already here” he looks back at you “You, run!”
You run in an opposite direction as them, fighting all urges to get down on all fours. An arrow almost takes your head off. You look back to see men following you. Another arrow, this time you get hit in the stomach. You fly down falling on your back. You immediately get up and run as fast as you can, hands holding the arrow in your stomach. You run around a tree, leaning against it and rip out the arrow, trying to control your breathing.
You begin to focus on your hearing, trying to locate the men. “What the hell was she?” One man said. You located them about 30 feet behind you.
“We need to go, Argent will know how to deal with this” another man says. They turn and walk away from you.
Suddenly, the mysterious man from before appears in front of you. You gasp, he places his finger on your lips and mouths “be quiet”. His face inches from yours.
‘Wow, this mysterious man was a hottie.’ You thought to yourself, eyes wide. He grabs your hand and leads you somewhere, taking you to an old abandoned house.
“We will be safe here” he says and leads you into the empty cold house. He shuts the door and you slide down the wall.
“Who are you, who were they?!” You asked, still confused from earlier. Your eyes beginning to shut.
“Derek, Derek Hale” He says, “and those people, that’s a story for another time.” Laying you down on the floor. You felt like you could sleep for the rest of your life.
You awoke to the noise of revving, before even opening your eyes you felt something warm, and heavy on your shoulders. You open your eyes to see Derek. Still loopy, you chuckle. He turned to look at you. ”Good morning” he smiles a bit. “I’m bringing you back home.”
That’s all you remember, next thing you know, you’re in your bed, phone plugged in next to you alarm going off. You’re so out of it, you can barely sit up.
“Honey are you awake?” Your aunt walks in. Her look turns from happy to concerned. “Are you okay?” You nod your head
“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.” You say glancing at the time.
“Okay well, I worked a double yesterday. I think I’m going to go to bed, just take the Scooter, if you need to go anywhere.” She smiles. Softening your hair and placing a hand on your cheek before walking away.
‘What the hell happened last night’
End of episode 1!!! hopefully you’ve been liking it!
Taglist: @bolaurel​ @iclosetgeek​ @cutiepiemimi13​ @stilessarcasmqueen​
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Love Me Back - a.i. (3)
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Summary: Lacey Teller needed more, she found it in a sugar daddy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Swearing, emotional stuff, brief violence, scary situations
Words: 1.5k
Lacey laid in her bed, Ashton’s naked body asleep next to her. It had been two months since they started their arrangement, and Lacey was absolutely loving her new life and her new relationship. She didn’t quite know what to consider Ashton. She knew he was her sugar daddy, but she often wondered what Sims would consider them. Was she a romantic interest? Were they just friends? “Babe, why is the TV still on?” Ashton muttered, his voice laced with sleep. He laid his arm over her exposed torso and pulled her body closer to his own.
“Cuz I’m watching TV.” Lacey said, resting her head on Ashton’s bare chest.
“Mm, what are you watching?” Ashton asked, rubbing Lacey’s back and trailing his fingertips down her spine.
“Property Brothers.” Lacey hummed softly and lightly traced her fingers along Ashton’s bicep.
“Love this show.” Ashton mumbled, his eyes still closed.
“You’re not even watching it.” Lacey giggled softly and snuggled closer to him. “Can I ask you something?” She whispered, looking up at him.
“Depends on what it is.” Ashton said, opening one eye to look at her. “If you ask me to choke you, I will allow you to ask. If you ask me to put it in your ass, I will leave.”
“Stop, that’s not what I’m asking.” Lacey laughed, hiding her face in Ashton’s chest.
“Alright, then, what is it?” Ashton chuckled, laying his hand flat on her back.
“Why haven’t I ever been to your house? You’re here all the time, but you have a mansion of your own.” She asked, looking up at him again.
“My house isn’t part of this arrangement.” Ashton said, pulling his hand from her back. Lacey sat up as she felt Ashton’s shoulders tense.
“Okay..” Lacey mumbled, laying back down on her pillow. She turned back to the TV and tried to focus on Jonathan and Drew, but her mind was racing about what Ashton may be hiding in his mansion. As the show was coming to an end, Ashton had started drifting back to sleep. “Ash..?” Lacey whispered, checking to see if he was awake.
“Hm?” He mused, wrapping his arm around her again.
“My car has been making some weird noises and my check engine light has been on for a few days.” Lacey sighed, snuggling closer to him again.
“Mkay, I’ll drive you to school in the morning and take your car in.” Ashton yawned, burrowing his face into the pillow.
“Thanks, daddy.” Lacey pressed a kiss to his cheek and turned the TV off. They fell asleep in a comfortable silence, but the blaring of her alarm came much too quickly for both of them.
“I do not miss the days of setting alarms.” Ashton grumbled, rolling out of bed.
“Do you not set alarms anymore?” Lacey asked, getting out of bed.
“No. I own the bar, I go when I want. I don’t have a set schedule.” Ashton shrugged, pulling his jeans on.
“Sometimes, I hate you.” Lacey giggled and pulled on leggings and a lightweight pullover.
“Oh, I bet you do.” Ashton joked, pulling his shirt over his head and running his fingers through his hair.
“I definitely do.” Lacey said and walked down to the front door, grabbing her bag. She followed Ashton out to his car and got in, leaning back in her seat. The ride was nearly silent, the only sound being the lull of the road beneath the wheels as Ashton drove. He slowed outside the building and looked at Lacey.
“What time are you done today?” He asked.
“2:50, so be here by 2:45. My last class never goes the whole time.” Lacey said, sliding out of the car.
“You work at 3 today?” He asked, leaning closer to her.
“You should know, you schedule me.” Lacey giggled and leaned into the car, pressing her lips to Ashton’s.
“Alright, I’ll be here at 2:45.” Ashton smiled and watched as Lacey walked into the building.
*** Lacey was bored out of her mind in each of her classes. She would have taken a double shift of handsy customers over another minute of educational law. When her professor finally dismissed class, she was the first out the door. She sat on a bench and bounced her leg as she waited. She was about to call Ashton when a car pulled up with windows tinted like Ashton’s. She walked up to the car and the window rolled down. “Are you Lacey?” The older man spoke with an accent, but she couldn’t place it.
“I am, who are you?” Lacey asked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder.
“I’m Bill, Ashton sent me to pick you up.” He said, unlocking the door.
“Ashton said he was picking me up today.” Lacey said.
“He’s stuck at the bar and sent me to get you.” Bill said, watching as Lacey slid into the front seat.
“Well, thank you, then.” Lacey smiled and pulled her seatbelt on. Bill started driving and Lacey leaned back in her seat. “You can take me to the bar, I have a shift at 3.” Bill nodded and acknowledged her words, but he kept driving. Lacey’s heart started racing as Bill drove past the bar. “You missed the turn for the bar.” Lacey said, pulling her seatbelt off. Panic was setting in as Bill continued speeding down the road. “Where are we going?!” Lacey cried, trying to open the door. She scrambled against the door of the car, searching for the door lock actuator.
“You’d really jump from a moving car?” A voice spoke from behind her and her head was pulled back by her hair. She let out a scream as he pressed a knife to her throat. “Now, I’m going to ask you one question and I’m only going to ask it once. Where is Ashton?”
“H-He’s at the bar.” Lacey cried, gripping the armrest of the seat.
“No! You think I wouldn’t fucking look there?” He growled and pulled her hair tighter in his fist.
“He’s at the bar.” Lacey sobbed, pleading with God for her life. “I swear.”
“You know him better than anyone. You know where he would be.”
“I don’t! I thought he was coming to me.” Lacey felt like her heart was going to beat straight out of her chest. “I swear, I don’t know where he is.” He was about to ask her one more time, when Ashton’s face popped up on her phone screen with a FaceTime call.
“What perfect timing.” He chuckled and answered the call, holding the phone so all Ashton could see was Lacey’s face.
“Lacey, where are you?” Ashton asked, his eyes searching hers.
“I-” The grip on her hair was tightened and she gulped. “I’m fine, Ash. I promise.”
“Lacey, tell me where you are. I know you’re not fine.” Ashton said, his eyes settling on hers. Lacey immediately began to sob.
“I don’t know, Ash. I don’t know where I am.” Lacey sobbed. The sobs that wracked her body were cut short by a hand wrapping around her throat. She let out a strangled scream and gripped his wrist trying to pull his hand from her throat, but he just gripped harder. The hand around her throat flashed to Ashton and all it took was one glance at the snake tattoo coiling around his flesh for Ashton to realize who had Lacey.
“Baby, stay calm.” Ashton called, putting the car in drive and speeding down the road. “I’m going to find you.”
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findcalums · 6 years
So what’s the bet?
I haven’t wrote anything for Taron ever or wrote in a very long time. Enjoy :) Requested.
Contains strong language and sexual references*
Word Count: 2k
Taron walks upstairs to the club with his friends while holding a drink he just bought his looking over the bannister at all the people dancing and notices a woman who he cant keep his eyes off “Taron what are you looking at?” He shakes his head “nothing” before turning his attention back to his friend.
“Taron has his eye on a pretty lady already” all the lads cheer “no, no, no” he shakes his head in short movements “go ask her out, go and get fucking laid” he hits his hand against his head wondering why he was friends with these idiots “you never have a one night stand, I bet you couldn’t even get her to sleep with you” his other friend pipes up “i bet you 100 pounds you couldn’t sleep with her tonight”
“why the fuck would I bet money on women? I’m not a totally dickhead unlike you guys” they all scoff at this comment “pussy is what you are” Taron puffs his chest out “i’m not a pussy” they all look at one another before busting out into laughter “extra 50 pounds if you can keep her underwear” Taron now deciding if its worth it and he sees you at the bar even just talking to you would make his night you was very beautiful “ fine, whatever deal” He shakes their hands before heading to the bar.
Taron leans on the side of the bar near you and coughs hoping to get your attention as you keep looking around in your handbag but it doesn’t work and that’s when he leans closer to you and says hello which he may have said way to loud over the booming music.
You jump slightly and look to the side to see a very lovely gentleman wearing a blue blazer over a white top you repeat hello back and waited for him to continue the conversation but he seem nervous “erm can I buy you a drink?” Just as he finishes his sentence the bar tender places your drink in front of you and you smile at the gentleman who’s eye are now looking at your full glass of drink “maybe later? I’ll be here all night.”You tuck your hair behind your ear before walking away to your friends.
Taron looks upstairs as he sees his friends laughing at him, he sighs and stomps back upstairs to see them “she had a drink ok we are getting one later!” They all nod their heads with a very sarcastic looks on their face. Taron sinks into the seat and downs the rest of his warm drink.
An hour passes by and you make your way to the bar again looking around in the hopes of finding the lovely man who offered to buy you drink but no hopes of seeing him but Taron notices you looking around and he sprint downstairs, you feel the gush of wind when he reaches your side  “hello, hi, hey” he rested his hand on his knee completely out of breath “drink?”
“You seem a little eager to get me a drink” you turn to your side and tap your foot slightly “just wanted to a buy a drink for a pretty girl” you roll your eyes “I much preferred the nervous guy I met before” you turn your body back to the bar “Oh I’m still that same guy just 4 drinks extra” he puts his hand towards you “Taron” you shake his hand “Y/N” there is a pause before you say “I’ll have a baileys with extra ice” Taron smiles as he gets the bar tenders attention to order your drink.
You ended up enjoying Taron company as he was making you laugh and just general talk but you noticed his eyes kept looking upstairs and thats when you look and notice three men staring at you and Taron “are they your friends?” Taron takes a sip of his drink “erm, yes they are” you wave at his friends before they all stumble about trying to move away.
You raise your eyebrow and notice Taron started to look nervous again “so whats the bet?” Taron chokes on his drink “what?” He carries on coughing. “You heard me, Whats the bet? You get 20 pound to kiss me or something?”
“Ok, I promise I’m not a dick but the guys bet me 100 pound to sleep you” you nod your head thinking if you should slap him or tease him “and an extra 50 if I keep your knickers” you chuckle and lean closer to Taron “what happens if I’m not wearing any?” You was going to go with tease. Taron gulps “i… I don’t know” and the realisation of your comment  hit him “wait, you’re really not wearing underwear?”
“Run your hand over my arse” Taron looks over his shoulder unsure of what the hell was happening right now “excuse me?” You step closer to him and place a hand on his shoulder “Taron sweetie, if you run your hand over my arse you wont feel any panties” “oh I don’t need proof its perfectly ok” you take Taron’s hand and place it at the top your arse “i want you to feel” you feel Taron’s hand very gently graze your behind and very fast “yep, you really are wearing no underwear”
If lightbulbs appeared at the top of your head when you got an idea you would have one right now “So, if we fake the bet because your mate wont know any difference and I’m going to need somewhere to stay tonight” you look over at your roommate snogging a girls face off “she is so loud in bed, and you can also win the money” Taron nods his head “but what do I get out of this?” Taron thinks for a good minute “how about dinner one night?” “Dinner?” “Dinner!” You nod your head “ok, I expect a really nice dinner and do you have anything to eat at yours?” Taron smiles “i have cookies and jellybeans.” You take Taron’s hand and leave out the front door of the club.
You sit on the edge of Taron’s bed and he comes into his bedroom holding food and movies “i love a good movie night” he lays the movies out on the bed. You cant help but smile at his comment before looking through the dvds. “ok hell yes to watching the box set of Brooklyn nine-nine”
Time goes by and now you can’t stop giggling as you are currently trying to throw jellybeans into Taron’s mouth when you hear the front door close “who is that?” You asked worried “oh yeah shit, one of the guys is my roommate and the others are staying here tonight” you have a wicked grin on your face “do you want to have some fun?” Taron looks concerned “what do you have in mind?”
You step onto his bed and start jumping up and down “OH MY GOD TARON YES HARDER” his trying his best not to laugh and joins you on the bed bouncing up and down “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ME CUM FOR THE 10TH TIME” Taron starts to grunt “YES Y/N COME FOR ME” you make a very loud orgasm noise “YES DADDY” you place your hand over Taron’s mouth as you see him start to laugh and also holding a finger over your mouth to tell him to shh.
“Daddy kink, really?” He whispers before holding onto you on for balance as you stand still on his bed “for all you know they might give you an extra 50 pounds for me having daddy kink, we’ve gotta work hard for the money” you look up and down at Taron before yawning “take your top of” his eyes go wide “what, no” he snorts “actually why?” You grip onto his biceps and whisper “so I can wear in to bed” he almost loses his balance on the bed “maybe we should sit back down” you start to lower yourself back down.
Taron looks at you “why don’t you take your top off? And sleep in your underwear” You look at him with dumb arse look “because I’m wearing a dress and if I was to remove it I would be totally naked” Taron cant help but smile “oh yeah, i wouldn’t be mad about that” you slap his thigh in a playful way.
Taron removes his top and hands it to you, you stand up and go to pull your dress over your head “turn around, no looking” Taron respects your wishes and does as his told “fine but after we have dinner I’m expecting to see your naked body” you throw your dress at Taron “oof, what was that for?” You place his shirt over your head “you will not be seeing anything with that cocky attitude.”
Taron pulls the duvet back so you can get into bed “maybe we should go to bed since its *he looks at his watch* yeah shit 5 o’clock in the morning” you slip under the duvet trying not to flash your lady bits “do you want a pair of boxers to wear?” You shake your head no “maybe in the morning you’ll get a view of my arse, night” you say turning over on your side and Taron can’t help but laugh.
Taron wakes up and squints his eye at the clock reading 11:00 before rolling over and seeing you in his bed still and he cant help but smile, he pulls the duvet off his body and does get a view of your arse “very nice” he whispers to himself before he makes his way into the kitchen.
His mate are sat at the breakfast bar as soon as they see Taron they start banging their fist on it and cheering “SHHHH” Taron yells “she is still asleep in my bed” “so what kind of underwear was she wearing” Taron rolls his eyes before turning the kettle on “if you asking if I got her knickers, I did not since she wasn’t wearing any” they are so shocked that they just high five each other and Taron can’t help but jump on board with it.
Taron turns around as he hears footsteps “Taron?” You rub your eyes before seeing his mates and him all looking at you “oh I’m sorry I didn’t know people was here” you pull his top down your legs as you feel exposed but of course you knew people was here, you was just acting.
“i just wanted a glass of water before I called a taxi” Taron nods his head before throwing some lemon, ice and water in a glass and his mates are still looking at you “ok you can stop staring at her now” they go back to eating their breakfast.
You get dressed before heading to the front door with Taron he opens the door for you before stepping outside with you “i had a really nice evening” he looks down at his feet embarrassed “so did I, I’m still hoping you want dinner with me” you twirl the ends of your hair “i would love that a lot” you smile before exchanging numbers.
You hear the taxi beep behind you “well bye Taron” you give him a quick kiss on the lips and Taron shakes his head “not good enough” before pulling you into him and giving you a longer deeper kiss. You place your hands on his chest “how can someone be so shy but so cocky at the same time” he laughs before you walk away and get in the taxi.
Taron steps inside and as soon as the door closes Taron turns back to his mates who slam money on the coffee table Taron picks it up with a very smug look on his face before counting it out “whats the extra 50 for? They all say in sync “daddy kink.”
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jxpper · 5 years
9 - “Are you cheating on me?”
Lady, My Wife Blows You Away
“Are you cheating on me?” were the first words that left Joyce’s mouth when she heard the front door open. Her voice was quiet, yet somehow her words had a bite to them. She couldn’t look him in the eyes, fearful she may see a repeat of the past when it was Lonnie who would be walking in instead.
Read on AO3, or below the cut
The Hideaway. If you had asked Jim Hopper 6 years ago where his favorite place was, he’d tell you it was the Hideaway. On a good day, bad day, or just any regular day, you’d always be able to find him tucked away in that safe place. So, that was exactly where he retreated to after hitting a particularly rough patch in his marriage.
Money was tight. The kids were going through their own changes. Melvald’s was closing and Joyce was losing her job. Tension had risen to an all-time high in the Hopper-Byers household and before he knew it, Hopper found himself sitting in his favorite booth with a few empty bottles keeping him company.
For the 3rd time in a week, he was sitting in the very place he’d promised he’d never return to after dedicating himself to his family. He felt like a bum; like Joyce had lucked into marrying another Lonnie… and he hated himself for it.
It seemed like arguments emerged at every turn. Trying to readjust their lives to work out with what changes were coming — and it just wasn’t happening. Nobody could find a way to compromise, or one person had to compromise more than the other. It was bullshit, all of it. He couldn’t take it anymore, he had to leave; even if it was just for a few drinks.
As he spun the amber liquid around in his glass, his attention was brought to someone sliding into the other half of his booth.
“Well if it isn’t Christina Carpenter, right in my midst.” he huffed, a smile creeping over his face.
“James Hopper. As I live and breathe. I thought I saw you stewing alone in the shadows.” she smiled, taking a sip from her own can of beer.
“What the hell are you doing in town? I thought you were in California,” he asked, straightening up so he wasn’t slumped over the table.
“Thought I’d pay a visit to my hometown. A girl can only stay away for so long… I’m kidding. I’m tending to my Mother’s estate.”
Hopper’s smile slowly faded away. “I’m sorry about that. I heard that she’d passed. Sorry for your loss.”
“Eh, well. We weren’t that close. You knew her back in our prime, she was high strung and never let anybody get a word in edgewise.” Chrissy took another sip from her drink.
“She’s still your mother, Chris.” he retorted, his words holding no true conviction. “I know what you mean though,”
Chrissy stopped and looked down at his hand. “Wedding band? Thought you got divorced?” She instantly regretted her comment, remembering that the death of his child pretty much led to his marriage falling apart.
“Was. Remarried.”
“No shit!” came the chuckle he remembered fondly from high school. “Who’s the lucky lady?” she asked.
“Joyce. Joyce Byers. Well, now she’s Joyce Hopper.” the corner of his mouth curled into a smile before remembering all of the home life turmoil that had him sitting in the bar to begin with.
“Jim Hopper finally put a ring on it and shacked up with Joycie Horowitz? Jesus, took you two long enough. You know, everybody thought you two would get married at the first chance you got. Some of us even had a bet that you’d wed straight out of your graduation gowns. Speaking of which, Benny owes me $50 bucks for that one.”
Hopper gulped and studied the rim of his glass. “Benny died a few years back. Didn’t know if someone had told you or not.”
“Oh my God.” Chrissy’s mouth fell open. “You can’t be serious. What happened?”
Hopper scuffed. How would he even explain it to her? “Some people thought it was a suicide, some people think differently. It’s kind of a long story, we shouldn’t talk about it.” Damage control and deflection. The ways of the lab were rubbing off on him.
“Alright, then let’s talk about why the hell you’re sitting in a secluded bar when you’ve got your dream woman at home. I heard through the grapevine that Lonnie ditched, but I wasn’t sure when you’d swoop in and finally win her heart like you’d tried to for 18 years.” she laughed and leaned in, her brows cocked in a way that he knew all too well. It was the signature Chrissy Carpenter ‘You’re not going to run away from my questions’ look.
“We’re having some problems right now. Money is tight. Got one in college, two in junior high so that’s a whole battle of its own. Just kind of a rough patch.” he admitted weakly, trying not to think too much about it. What was the point of drowning his sorrows in whiskey if he still had to talk about his problems?
“Alright, guess I gotta be your shrink now, huh?” she replied, earning a small snort from Hopper. “You won’t solve any of your problems if you run away from them. You should know this by now, Hop. What happens when you run away from your problems? Bigger problems arise and your once small problems become unfixable.”
“I guess…”
Chrissy rolled her eyes with a shallow smile before taking another sip. “Okay, that didn’t work. How about this, what would you say if a woman came up to you right now and said 'Wanna go screw behind the dumpster out back?’ What would you say?”
“I’m married,” he replied simply.
Chrissy groaned. “No! No. Why are you married? What is it about Joyce that you love so fucking much that you can’t even handle it?”
“She’s… she’s just the best person in the world.” he furrowed his brows, realizing that lately, he hadn’t been paying attention to how much he loved Joyce.
“And she’s incredible. She’s passionate and has the biggest heart of anybody I’ve ever met. She loves our kids, she holds our family together like glue.”
“Yeah? Keep going. What else would you say to that random woman who just asked you for a quick fuck?” Chrissy smacked his shoulder, riling him up more.
“I have yet to meet someone as… as sexy and funny and courageous and as strong as her.” he paused, his gaping jaw turning into a smile. “Lady, my wife blows you away!”
Chrissy leaned back into the booth, a true smile growing in her expression. “Then what the hell are you still doing here?” she asked without any real question in her words.
“Leaving. That’s what I’m doing.”
Right around midnight, the front door of the Hopper-Byers’ house quietly opened up. Through the vague light from the living room lamp, he could see Joyce’s silhouette sitting on the couch.
“Are you cheating on me?” were the first words that left Joyce’s mouth when she heard the front door open. Her voice was quiet, yet somehow her words had a bite to them. She couldn’t look him in the eyes, fearful she may see a repeat of the past when it was Lonnie who would be walking in instead.
Hopper exhaled a breath that he didn’t know he was holding. With a prideful smile making its way onto his face, he moved to sit down next to her on the couch. “No.” came the whisper as he shook his head, finally making eye contact with her. “Never.”
The look in his eye was enough confirmation to Joyce that they would survive whatever they were struggling through. Gently, he guided her head with the back of his hand towards his lips and pressed a kiss to her forehead. They’d be just fine.
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themindmates-blog · 5 years
Chapter 17 - In all but name
With each passing day, Ylina could feel herself growing more and more anxious. Of course it had only been a few days since Ser Rodrik left, but still, she couldn't stop herself from worrying. Especially not when Bran and Rickon constantly asked her about their loyal master-at-arms and she couldn't give them a proper answer. 
There had been no word from Torrent's Square, which could mean one of two things: either the battle was so thick not one of Ser Rodrik's men could spare a few moments to write their lady a letter or Ser Rodrik and the 150 men he took with him had lost the battle the moment they got to it. Neither of those looked too promising to the Starks and Ylina knew it. That was why she made a point of showing Osha all the hidden pathways they had under the castle for the lords and ladies of Winterfell to run if they ever needed to. Meanwhile, she also made sure to talk to the 250 men she still had in her guard. She made sure to spend almost a whole day discussing strengths, weaknesses and battle  plans if Winterfell ever happened to be attacked. Because, as much as she worried about her brothers' and son's safety, Ylina knew an attack to Winterfell meant much more than simply losing her home.
If Ser Rodrik was right and the attackers were sworn to the Lannisters, she knew she was in a bad position. Should Ser Rodrik lose his battle, Winterfell was the next step and, with 250 men, no matter how good they were, Ylina knew she wouldn't be able to hold the castle much longer. Even from Southerners. And should she lose her hold on the castle, it would be a blow to Robb's image. She knew it. She knew that if her castle was taken from her, it would make Robb look bad in the eyes of many of his men, since about half of them didn't even like the idea of Ylina being their lady to begin with.
Ylina knew it. She had too much at stake, but, unlike her brother, she didn't even stand a chance. So she did the only thing she knew she could do at that point: pray.
Going to Godswood seemed almost foreign to her now. Ylina wasn't sure when it was the last time she did it. She couldn't remember the last time she stained her dress, kneeling in front of the big tree in the middle of the woods and whispered the words under her breath. Maybe it was that day, after her fight with her Mother after Bran was pushed from the tower. Maybe it was the day after Robb and Theon left to war. Maybe it was the day the news of her Father's murder got to her. She wasn't sure, but in any case, she was glad she still remembered the words. She was glad she still knew how to plead for the gods so they would be kind to her brother, so they would be kind to Ser Rodrik, so they would be kind to her, so they would allow Winterfell to come out unscratched from this war.
Apparently, Ylina was saying her words wrong, however, because not a second after she got back up to her feet and shook the dust from the skirts of her dress, one of the messenger boys of the castle approached her carefully.
"A letter from Deepwood Motte, my lady." He said, handing her the paper.
With a frown, Ylina looked at the gloved fist stamp that represented the Glovers. Pulling it open, her eyes scanned the letters rapidly, before she let out a frustrated groan.
"Find me Maester Luwin and send him to my study. Now!" She demanded, as the messenger bowed at her and watched as she passed by him with certainty in her steps.
"My lady." He mumbled before quickly running off to obey the young woman.
Ylina’s thoughts were flying at a fast pace through her mind. Now, Deepwood Motte was a way more strategic place to attack. The Glovers were a very powerful and ancient house in the North, but they were proud people, always ready to prove their strength, which made them reckless. Ylina was sure Lord Robett Glover had sent all of his sons to war with Robb and, at least two thirds of his army and if she knew it, so did the Lannisters. So if they were attacking Torrent's Square now, why not attack the greater House with, more likely than not, the least amount of armed men?
Still, one thing didn't make sense… Deepwood Motte had received its name for a reason. The Glover's castle was surrounded, if not for the dense Wolfswood, then for the sea of the Bay of Ice. How could the Lannisters attack there? The only reasonable answer to that, was that they attacked with ships, but whose ships?
"My lady?" Maester Luwin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and, running toward the closed door of her study, Ylina pulled it open, quickly motioning for the man to step inside. "I understand Lady Glover sent you a message."
"Yes. She sent me a message alright." The girl answered through gritted teeth, giving the old man the letter she had been crushing in her hands without even noticing. "Told me at least 20 ships were approaching at their bay and shooting fire arrows to the soil without a second thought."
"Deepwood Motte under attack?" Maester Luwin frowned, trying to make sense of the situation.
"Not any attack. From the sea." Ylina noted, pacing around in the room. "Tell me, Maester, if it is the Lannisters attacking us, how could they possibly be doing it with a fleet? They don't have it. They fight in land!"
"I-I wouldn't know, my lady." The Maester stammered, unsure of what to say.
"Well, neither do I. But what am I supposed to do? I have a third of the man power Winterfell used to have. I sent 150 with Ser Rodrik. If I send another 150 to aid Lord Glover, that leaves me 100 men here. How can a 100 men protect Winterfell? Besides, who would lead the men up to Deepwood Motte? Half of them have never stepped foot in the Wolfswood. I can not…"
Ylina stopped rambling the second she heard a knock on her door. Cursing under her breath, the girl walked there and pulled it open, staring at the guard in front of her with fire burning behind her grey eyes. The guard gulped down hard, knowing his lady was angry and, as much as he knew her to be just and kind, he had never seen her in a moment of proper rage, so he wasn't sure what she could actually do.
"Forgive me, my lady, but there are men outside the walls, waiting to come inside."
"Men? Whose men?"
With a frown, Ylina turned to Maester Luwin and, when the man shrugged, she sighed.
"Very well… Send them in." She decided, as the guard bowed at her and left.
Turning to her Maester again, Ylina fixed the sleeves of her dress before running her finger through her hair to make sure it looked at least somewhat presentable.
"We are not fighting off the lions." She said, causing Maester Luwin to agree begrudgingly.
"Who are we fighting then?" He asked.
"I don't know yet." She admitted, meekly, before turning around to leave her study. "But I bet everything it isn't the Lannisters."
Ignoring the clicks of her own boots against the stone cold floors of the hallways, Ylina quickly made her way from her study to the common room. As soon as the guards pushed open the doors for her and she stepped inside, she noticed three men in the middle of the room. Upon recognizing her, the three of them kneeled to the floor, faces to the ground as Ylina came to a stop in front of them.
"My lady." The three of them mumbled, causing Ylina to sigh.
"No need for that." She dismissed gently, as the man in the middle lifted his eyes to meet hers. Nodding at the sigil stamped in the chest of his armor, Ylina spoke up again. "House Bolton, I assume."
"Yes, my lady." He smiled, quite proudly, only daring to raise to his feet again when Ylina waved her hand at him. "My father is away, fighting for your brother and we are proud bannermen of the King in the North."
"I see." Ylina nodded. "Thank you, my lord."
"I am no lord, my lady." The man said, as Ylina frowned at him.
"Oh, forgive me. I thought you said your father…"
"Aye. My father is Lord Roose Bolton. But that doesn't make me a lord in itself, my lady."
"Snow?" Ylina asked gently, finally understanding what the man was talking about.
"Ramsay, if you will, my lady." He said, bowing his head again.
"Ramsay." She repeated, as the man smiled at her. "And may I ask you what you are doing here, my— Ramsay."
At her correction, Ramsay smiled.
"It came to my knowledge Deepwood Motte is under attack, my lady." He said, as the girl frowned.
"How?" She asked, as the man shrugged.
"My father was a very good friend of Lord Glover's. Our families have always had… Deep ties." He said. At that, Ylina nodded. "As soon as the castle was attacked, Lady Glover sent word to me. I suppose she sent word to you, as well, my lady?"
"She did."
"In name of my Father and his ties to good Lord Glover, I would like to lead a party to Deepwood Motte and attack those who dared to attack us, my lady." Ramsay spoke up, once again bowing his head at her. "I understand I couldn't do it without your permission, however, so I…"
"How many men do you have, Ramsay?" Ylina asked, suddenly, as the man took a second to recover from his surprise of being interrupted before answering easily.
"200, my lady. The rest is off fighting our war with his grace, your brother."
"200 good man?" She asked, as Ramsay nodded. "Were I to give you another 50, would you take me with you?"
At that, Ramsay visibly hesitated. Ylina's face remained unreadable, already expecting that reaction from the young man. His clear green eyes were wide as they stared at her impassive grey ones. His internal debate was clear to anyone who as much as spared him a glance: how could he deny a request from his lady? At the same time, taking a woman to war? And not any woman… The lady of Winterfell, Stark in all but name. He looked back at one of the men he had brought inside the castle with him, probably the chief of his guard.
"My lady, I don't think…"
"Your men are good." She interrupted him again. "Boltons are known across the lands for their battle skills. Your ancestors were strong, resilient and, some say, a bit cruel. But their blood runs in your veins and your soldiers learned from people of your trust. You might be a Snow, Ramsay, but I can see it in you. You are a Bolton, in all but name." 
"My lady…"
"And, should we come back victorious from this battle, I am sure King Robb will be grateful enough to grant you what you yearn for the most." She said, taking a step forward as her face stood mere inches away from his own.
"And what would that be, my lady?" He smirked, causing the girl to chuckle slightly before returning the same mischievous expression he was sending her back at him.
"King Robb will be happy to officializate you as a Bolton in repayment for your services, my lord." She said, emphasizing on the last words, knowing they would, most likely, make him give in.
Ylina watched as Ramsay looked back at the chief of his guard once again. When the older man shrugged, Ramsay turned back around and fixated his green eyes on Ylina.
"As you wish, my lady." He said, as the girl nodded with a smile. "Do you have a weapon?"
At that, she scoffed.
"If I have a weapon? It's almost as if you haven't heard all the stories about me, my lord." She repeated, as the young man chuckled. "See that your men are fed and rested. We will leave at sunrise."
At that, Ramsay nodded, waving at his men for them to leave. He watched as Ylina spun around to leave the room as well, but before she could, in a bold move, he grabbed her by the arm and made her stop to look at him.
"Thank you, my lady." He said, causing the girl to shake her head.
"Don't thank me. Not yet. We haven't won." She sighed, before opening a small smile. "And call me Ylina."
"Ylina." Ramsay repeated, the same way she had when she learned his name. "Thank you for your kindness."
"The hospitality of Winterfell is yours, my lord." She said with a gentle smile. "As it is anyone's who fights under the Stark name."
And as Ramsay watched her go away, he was sure. Ylina was a Stark. She might not have their name anymore, but their blood ran in her veins and it pumped her heart and that would definitely work in his favor when the time was right. Because if there was one thing the whole Westeros knew, was that the Starks had one flaw that would always, eventually, lead them to their deaths: honor.
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azrielsiphons · 7 years
Prequel; Azriel-Centric Stories Set Before ACTOAR (ch. 5)
This is a collection of interconnected short stories about Azriel’s life before any of the events of ACOTAR through ACOWAR.
Make sure to read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 4.5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Read the follow up fic, Shadows and Darkness: One and the Same
Time Frame: 50 years after Rhys is made High Lord 
Summary: Azriel comes back to Velaris after a scouting mission in the Autumn Court. While home, he breaks a tradition that he, Rhys, and Cassian had set almost 50 years ago.
“This is bullshit,” Mor snapped, her boots clacking against the tile as she hurried to match Azriel’s heavy stride. “I have the right to know what you saw.”
“That’s not for me to decide.” Azriel’s voice was low, laced with something… heavy. “Ask Rhys about it.”
“Rhys thinks he’s protecting me by keeping everything hidden,” Mor scoffed.
“Is that so bad?”
“I decide what’s good for me, Az. Just me.”
With a sigh, Azriel came to a stop, turning to face Mor head on. Her brows were raised, arms crossed and hip jutted out as she waited on him to speak.
“I know you do,” he said softly. He could tell Mor was inspecting the bags under his eyes — far worse than usual. “Tell Rhys as much, you know he just wants you to feel safe. If you pester him enough he’ll tell you everything I’m going to tell him.”
“Why can’t you just tell me now?”
“You know that’s not how it works.”
“I outrank you in case you’ve forgotten.”
Azriel laughed, the sound carrying not even a hint of humor. Mor sighed, rolling her eyes. It was a cheap shot and they both knew it. They never pulled rank in their Circle.
“Fine,” she muttered. “But just tell me one thing. Are they all still alive?”
Azriel took a deep breath. He knew who she was referring to. He’d spent the last two weeks on the outskirts of the Autumn Court, monitoring Beron and his sons. Two weeks of barely held restraint as he watched and listened to the males who had almost destroyed Mor. Had humiliated her, left her in that forest for him to find, barely hanging on to that thread of life.
“They’re alive,” he said softly. Mor’s eyes flashed. He had a feeling she was neither content nor disgruntled. She likely felt something horribly in between. “For now.”
Mor only nodded, hand reaching out to rest on Azriel’s arm for the briefest of seconds before turning on her heel and striding off to who knows where. He watched her leave, his mind flashing back to a day when a different female had stormed away from him in—
Now isn’t the time, the shadows whispered in his ear.
With a deep breath, Azriel shook his head and continued his trek to meet Rhys and Cassian. Along the way he passed Amren laid out on a chaise lounge with a glass of what certainly didn’t smell like wine. She raised it in a toast to him with a vile smirk. He kept walking.
“…about him. He’s the only one of us who never mentions her.”
Azriel froze, his enhanced hearing picking up Cassian’s voice several meters away from Rhys’s office. He could hear his brothers from this distance, but they couldn’t quite detect him yet.
“He copes differently, you know he does.”
“That doesn’t make it healthy, Rhys.”
“Well what do you propose to do about it? Sit him down around a fire while we all share our favorite memories of—”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“I’m not. You remember how he was when we first… Look, he’s better. We all are. I won’t push him to talk or open up because that’s only going to make him shut down.”
“I still think there was something more. Something he didn’t tell us.”
“Of course there was something he didn’t tell us. He’s Azriel.”
“Well she didn’t tell us either.”
There was a long pause. Azriel clenched his fists at his side to keep his hands from shaking.
“I won’t pretend to have always understood why she did the things she did,” Rhys said softly. Azriel barely picked it up. “But L—”
Azriel strode forward, making his steps heavier than necessary. The conversation silenced immediately.
“There’s the second best bastard I know,” Cassian said with a grin as Azriel rounded the corner. “Myself being the first of course.”
“Always humble, brother,” Rhys muttered, though his voice carried fondness. “You alright?” He directed to Az.
Azriel nodded, leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms. “Mor cornered me on the way in,” he said bluntly. Rhys cursed. “I told her to come to you, so prepare yourself for that conversation.”
“I’ll talk to her,” Cassian said. “If that’s alright with you.” He looked at Rhys.
Rhys nodded. “No, that’d be better. She might not throttle you if you’re the one delivering the information.”
Cassian barked a laugh. “We’ll see about that.” He turned back to Azriel, perching on top of Rhys’s desk. “Well? What’d you learn?”
Over the next several minutes Azriel recounted what he had seen at the Autumn Court — which wasn’t much. The rumors that Beron was growing his army exponentially didn’t seem to hold any weight. And Azriel’s spies inside the Court reported that nothing seemed to be especially amiss.
“Sounds like someone is trying to stir up trouble,” Rhys muttered. “And for once, it’s not Beron himself.”
“Tamlin has several young new scouts,” Azriel weighed in. “They might have seen him training his guard and jumped to conclusions.”
Rhys nodded, loosing a breath as he rolled his neck. “Well, I hate that I sent you on a fool’s errand. But at least Beron isn’t getting war hungry again.”
“Remind me again why any of them are still alive?” Cassian asked darkly.
Rhys offered a weak smile. “Politics, brother.”
“Well your politics can suck my cock.”
Rhys laughed, and Azriel offered a small smile. In other circumstances, he would have laughed at Cassian’s immaturity. But not then. Not on that day.
Rhys must have sensed the feelings stirring in Azriel’s chest and he looked over at his friend and spymaster.
“Still planning on drinking with us tonight?” He asked.
Azriel shook his head. “No, not tonight. I… need to spend it alone.”
“Az, come on,” Cassian said.
“Let him be—”
“No.” Cassian held out a hand to Rhys. “This is tradition. It’s what she would have—”
“Don’t.” Azriel’s voice was as low as death, his narrowed eyes saying as much. Cassian only scoffed, shaking his head.
“It’s hard on us, too,” he said quietly. Azriel went still, though his shadows swirled. “And you know I’m right. It’s what she would have wanted.”
Azriel did know. He just didn’t want to admit it because it meant thinking about her.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” was all he said. He ignored Cassian’s calls out to him as he snapped out his wings and flew from the House of Wind to the waiting city below.
Azriel stood with his hands in his pockets, watching the sun over the docks. He hadn’t been to the spot in years. With reason.
The sky changed colors as the sun continued its descent beneath the waves. The salty air reminded him of the Summer Court. He briefly wondered if Dorea was doing well - the last he had heard of her was that she had given birth to a healthy young boy. That was almost ten years ago.
With a deep breath and a shake of his head, Azriel returned his attention to the sky. Continuing his thoughts of the Summer Court would only result in memories of a blue dress that matched his siphons and a seer whose words still occasionally haunted his dreams.
The horizon became a canvas of orange and pink, slowly giving way to a stunning shade of violet.
It was that that had Azriel turning on his heel and striding into the bar he had come all the way out to the docks for. He wanted to try somewhere new, and anywhere but Rita’s where Mor would be dancing the night away, coping in her own way on this terrible day.
Stepping inside, several eyes turned to look at the Shadowsinger, but none with contempt or disgust. No one’s eyes lingered on his scars or his shadows. They mostly looked at him with intrigue, knowing that he was in their new, kinder High Lord’s Inner Circle as spymaster.
Azriel strode for the bar, taking a seat on the stool with a graceful maneuver of his wings.
“We might have to get bigger chairs if you start coming here regularly.”
Azriel looked up at the male bartender speaking to him. He had dark brown skin, short curly hair and eyes of the brightest blue. He smiled widely as he tossed a cleaning rag over his shoulder, bracing his palms against the bar.
“I bet those wings get in the way of all sorts of things,” he mused curiously.
Azriel shrugged. “The benefits outweigh the irritations. Whiskey, please.”
The male chuckled, pulling out a glass and a bottle of whiskey. “I mean it though,” he said as he poured. “We can get bigger chairs. We want to accommodate everyone we can here.”
“Do you own this place?”
The male shook his head. “No, it’s my father’s.”
Azriel only nodded, taking the glass and throwing it back in one. The male whistled.
“Rough night I take it?”
“Not yet.” Azriel tapped the glass on the table and nodded for the male to pour again. He obliged.
“My name is Dask, by the way.”
“Azriel,” the shadowsinger murmured, taking the glass with a sip rather than a gulp.
“Oh I know,” Dask said with a grin. “You’re in the High Lord’s Circle. I’ve seen you around, just never in here.”
Azriel chuckled humorlessly. “It’s not personal. I tend to avoid the docks.”
“Why is that?”
Azriel tensed. “Bad memories.”
“Ah.” Dask nodded, pursing his lips together. A moment passed and he reached out, taking Azriel’s unfinished glass and filling it to the brim. He slid it back with a smile. At Azriel’s questioning look, he only said, “On the house. For the bad memories.”
Azriel nodded his thanks even though he knew from experience that no drink could successfully drown out what was forever rooted in his heart. Not that it didn’t help, which it did. So he kept drinking.
Over the rim of the glass, Dask met Azriel’s eyes, holding the shadowsinger’s gaze. The corners of his lips turned up in something much more than mere curiosity.
“So the shadows,” Bask said. “What do they do?”
Azriel chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “You know most people don’t ask.”
Dask shrugged. “Call me curious. And call you tipsy. What are they for?”
Azriel couldn’t argue with that logic. And the male was harmless enough. “I spent a long time in darkness,” he said quietly, without emotion. “Decided to make it my own.” He took a sip.
“So I take it you’re not so scared of the dark anymore?”
There was a pause. “No. No, it doesn’t frighten me anymore.”
Dask nodded, pulling out another glass and filling it halfway. He held it out as a toast. “To darkness,” he said with a smile. “And those shadows of yours.”
Azriel’s eyes flashed imperceptibly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed heavily. He raised his own glass, clinking it against Dask’s.
“One and the same,” he whispered. Dask looked at him curiously, but didn’t question the words. They drank, draining their glasses.
Dask caught Azriel’s eye once again, his brow raising in question. Azriel sighed, looking Dask up and down unabashedly.
Might as well, he thought to himself as he tapped his glass once again.
Everyone has their own coping mechanisms after all.
Hours later, Dask’s soft breathing was the only sound inside Azriel’s small townhouse. The male was lying on his bare stomach next to Azriel, his face smushed against the pillow as he breathed deeply in his sleep. Azriel lay next to him, the sheets tangled around his naked waist. He had an arm behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling.
Silently, he slid out of the bed and pulled on a pair of loose cotton pants. Without even a glance back at Dask, he grabbed the bottle Dask had slipped them from the bar and winnowed to the roof.
The moon was high in the sky as it was well after midnight. With one hand in his pocket and one on the neck of the bottle, he took a long pull, lifting his gaze up to the stars. They just didn’t seem so bright anymore.
That icy rage ever present in Azriel’s chest began to boil up as his eyes trained on those bright spots in the sky — those stars that used to bring him such comfort. Now looking up at them all he felt was… empty.
He was filled to the brim with emptiness. The ultimate paradox of pain.
With a broken cry from deep within his soul, Azriel hurled the bottle as far as he could. It sailed through the sky, blocks over, shattering atop a nearby building. He couldn’t find it within him to care who he disturbed.
With heavy, shaking breaths, his chest heaved. Sweat dripped down his temples, the muscles in his back and arms contracting as he flexed his fists.
Downstairs, he hears Dask grab his clothes and slip out of the bedroom. Good.
With one last labored exhale and a single tear falling down his cheek, Azriel shoved his hands into his pockets and looked up to the stars once more. The stars that didn’t shine so bright in a world without the female who had been a star in her own right.
His whispered words were carried away by the sea breeze she had loved so much.
“Happy birthday, Lena.”
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