#could def write several pages on this
cityof2morrow · 5 months
Mod Organizing & Load Order Shenanigans
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Published: 5-1-2024 | Updated: N/A MOD ORGANIZING During the [first] "pandemic summer," I started reorganizing my game folders. I also started  a "conflict management" list, containing all the known conflict info from download pages, new conflicts I discover while playtesting, etc. It's 44 pages long at the moment....a testament to my unapologetic mod addiction. I encourage all simmers to keep a list like this. It’s very reassuring (and handy!) to be able to look up known conflicts or keep track of mods which have been merged (duplicate files can break your game FAST!).  **I won’t be able to share mine at this time but most of my info comes from the same pages where I download CC/mods - shout out to the creators who take the time to include this info.
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MY LOAD ORDER(S) I number my folders and use mostly lower case filenames to force the load order I want – these were the most important changes I made re: how I maintain a heavily-modded-but-still -very-functional game. With few exceptions, this has been much more effective than keeping track of the number of z's and cases. It also means I don't need to rename downloaded files - I just put them in the right folder. When I played exclusively on mac, I learned that numbering the store cc folders was the ONLY way I could get all the content to work. I never figured out why but I imagine it was because the mac series doesn't include expansions required for some of this content.
DETAILS (the codes) I put that grad school debt...I mean...those grad school research skills to good use and made up my own codes. Here they are... 0= files needed in every save aka my "essentials." These include repair files, shader/UI files, CEPs, global probes (like scriptorium, money globals, inteen checker, inventory checker, etc).
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1= mods that do NOT need a load order, some OFB-themed sets I want to keep separate from other CC - like the #co2bellabrand or upcoming #co2cdkseries stuff.
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2= mods that require a hard load order. As @episims writes HERE, this only works for mods with non-game-breaking conflicts between them. Only the last mod in the sequence will retain ALL its intended functions. The code for this section goes like this: [number]-[what the mod deals with in-game; i make sure to consider alphabetical order]-[load order number] -name of the mod(s)
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I have several global mods that need to load as close to LAST as possible. These folders all start with "2-z-[load order #]-." The "2" tells me they need to load in a certain order and the "-z" makes them load after all the other #2 folders.
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See Object Freedom 1.02 (@fwaysims, 2023) and Shiftable Everything (@lamare-sims, 2022) both load at #78? I don't have them BOTH in game at the same time, but giving them the same number ensures that the right load order stays no matter which one i'm paying with. 3 = build mode and neighborhood deco/defaults
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4= buy mode
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"ts1," "ts3," and similar labels = content that was converted for Sims 2.
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OTHER DETAILS I also label folders with certain "type codes" - these tell me things like whether they add permanent data to my saves (custom memories, careers, foods, etc. do this) or whether they are maxis-match. Here are some examples:
-BIN = mod files which go in the program folders -DEF = default replacement -MEM = this content includes custom memory data -MM = maxis-match or an add-on for default game furniture -ADD = content that is not maxis-match -NPC = this content includes or changes one or more NPCs -FIX  or -EDIT = this is a fixed or uniquely edited version of a pre-existing mod -BETA and -TEST = this mod is unfinished and/or a test version Remember, conflicts do not always mean something has to be removed from your game, nor are all conflicts unresolvable. No matter what kind of method(s) you use to organize your game – it’s just important to try/have at least one in the cut.
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CREDITS Thanks: Episims, PleasantSims, and all simmers who include load order/conflict notes. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Forcing the Load Order of Mods (whoward/Pick’N’MixSims, 2021 via sims2tutorials), Image(s) (Alexander, 2016), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik).
...Oh and yes...I AM in fact an INTJ/Capricorn.
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
Randomly had a mental breakdown in the car with my friends last night and today I'm thinking abt how professor!Kendall would react if that happened while you two were hanging out or whatever. Like you're grading papers/helping out and you've been stressed and you just kind of crack and he doesn't say anything, gets up, dims the lights in his office and moves his chair a little closer to you, puts his hand on the small of your back gently. He's there if you want to talk to him but he doesn't want to force you to. He just cares about you - far more than he'd like to admit, honestly - and he wants to make sure you're okay.
okay so like. i'm obsessed with this and i ended up writing a little blurb about this. also, i hope you are feeling better from your mental breakdown. i've def been there so i feel you!
All you have to do is get through this next hour.
You're hunched over the desk, trying to focus on the essay in front of you. Every so often, tears blur your vision, the words on the pages becoming fuzzy. You've read the same sentence several times over, comprehending none of the words as you try to will yourself into composure.
You're not sure what it is. It could be the immense amount of pressure you're under -- between school and extracurriculars and work. Maybe your period is coming or something, maybe it's that boy who ghosted you last week. Maybe it's the fact that you just feel like you don't know what the fuck you're doing with your life. It doesn't matter what the cause is, you feel something dark crawling around inside you, and sooner or later, it's going to come out. You just pray you can make it home before that happens.
Next to you, your professor snorts, you hear him scribble something down in the margins of the paper he's grading. He's the reason why you're so hellbent on not losing it. Of course, you wouldn't want to cry in front of any of your professors, but you definitely don't want to cry in front of Dr. Roy. He'd be the worst option of them all.
He asks you a question, but you're so lost in thought, you don't hear it.
"What?" you ask, looking over at him. He glances at you over the rim of his glasses.
"Are you almost done with those?"
"Oh, yeah," you look down at the stack. "Uh, yeah. Almost."
"Well, hurry up," he says. "I have a meeting later and I'd like to get this finished before that."
You nod and return back to your work, feeling his eyes linger on you for a moment longer than normal. He's not being cruel, you know that he's just stern by nature, the comment still upsets you in your already fragile state.
You've taken several classes with him, and now work as his TA, so you've grown pretty familiar in that time. Not to mention that you've had a pitiful crush on him since the first second you stepped into his classroom. You're still not sure if he knows. Sometimes, there's a gleam in his eye -- he'll touch your knee or squeeze your shoulder and give you a knowing smirk. It's hard to tell if he's flirting or just being polite. In the times you have tried to reciprocate, he always pushes you away. There's something you find thrilling in that uncertainty. It’s also equally terrifying. Does he really care about you at all, or are you just another student who will be forgotten by next semester?
Thinking about it too much makes the tears well up in your eyes again, and before you can will them away, some of them escape and land on the paper in front of you. You subtly swipe them away, but all it does is smear the ink and leave an even more noticeable mark behind. Quickly, you move the paper the the back of the stack before passing them over, and pray that he doesn't notice.
He says your name, and you turn to look at him.
"What is this?" he asks, pointing to the paper in front of him. You peer closer. "You need to write more legibly, this is incredibly sloppy work."
"Sorry," you say, looking down as more tears threaten to spill. "I will."
"Hey," he says, voice firm. "Look at me when I talk to you."
Very tentatively, you turn towards him, hoping the tears will evaporate in the time it takes, but they don't. He's leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, gearing up for a lecture on taking your job seriously, no doubt. "I'm sorry. I'll do better, Dr. Roy."
He sees your face, hears the way your voice cracks on the last syllable, and immediately his brows crease, face falling. "Are you alright?"
Unable to hold back anymore, you shake your head and bury your face in your hands, hiding from him. You expect some sort of lecture about how you need to be less sensitive to his feedback, but it never comes.
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"It's not you," you mutter, feeling something hot and awful cutting off the air in the back of your throat. Then you choke out a sob.
He sighs softly, his chair creaks. You notice the lights in the room go dim, and he returns to you, pulling his chair a bit closer before sitting down. A warm hand lands between your shoulder-blades.
"What’s going on?"
"I-I don't know," you mumble. "It's....it's everything."
He rubs his hand back and forth soothingly, waiting for you to speak, but you don't trust yourself to do it without sobbing uncontrollably. You’re already embarrassed enough this is happening in front of him. So instead, you pitch forward, forehead landing on his knee, seeking comfort and desperate to be closer to him.
When you can't continue, can't elaborate because of how hard you're crying, he speaks again. "It's okay," he says softly. "You're going to be okay."
You shake your head no, unconvinced, staring down at his brown leather oxfords, the tears that are landing on the floor.
"Yes, you are, honey," you assures you, and you ignore the way the term of endearment makes you feel -- hot, and unsettled by how much you like it. "You are. You're just figuring it out."
Both his hands find your shoulders, rubbing them soothingly, and as you finally feel yourself capable of breathing again, you reach up to weakly clutch at one of them, his fingers intertwining with your own.
"Deep breaths, okay?" he says, and you take in a deep inhale. He repeats himself. "You're going to be okay."
You can feel the heat of his body close to yours. He seems so sure of what he's saying, deep voice right in your ear. Somehow, his proximity alone is working, you feel the tension melting away as he continues to murmur to you affirmatively, hands working out the knots in your shoulders. Instinctually, you move closer to him. Even if the two of you never come back from this, you decide you don't care.
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sock-to-the-third · 2 months
Ninth House
By Leigh Bardugo
Disclaimer: brief discussion of s3xual assault of a minor, non-con magical drugging
Wow! What a story! Bardugo has one hell of a way to write them. Previously I read their book Six of Crows. While waiting to read the sequel I dove into this.
Where to start? For one, I fell in love with the setting. Lethe and the Ancient Eight groups have such lovely identities that stand on their own. Personally, I could not get over how cool Manuscript was. From the way it was introduced by Darington as the most threatening of the houses to the magic items— so good. And of course, glamour is just awesome.
If the Manuscript was my favorite house, I’d have to say my favorite scene was when they entered St Elmo’s tomb at Rosenfeld. Just the heaviness in the air and all the worlds rolled off like a dark chocolate when I read it. Hmmmmm… too beautiful.
Bardugo also involves alot of literary references. Not only just in Darlington being a big ass nerd and loving to quote stuff but the way being a Dante or Virgil works to keep ghosts at bay doing literary quotes?
I did not know quoting old books would be both compelling and intimidating but IT IS.
As far as the actual story goes, there’s several different elements to it. I’m keeping the spoilers below the line but if you do read the book, be careful at Ch7 pg122-123 for the graphic rape scene of a minor and when Darlington and Alex visit Manuscript on Halloween night for a non-con drugging.
With that done, here we go with the fun stuff!
I’m the sort of person who will die for a good multi-faceted plot. Don’t get me wrong, Bardugo’s pros are pretty good but it feels rare in the book that a scene doesn’t contribute to something. From the way that the book jumps around from childhood past, recent past to present but also the different mysteries at play.
the golden boy Darlington’s disapearance (side note I love this nickname)
Tara’s murder
What happened to Alex before Yale
Disruption during rituals
These all coaless in a centuries long murder spree of a professor you love along with the Dean being in on it. In retrospect it makes sense but I don’t think I would’ve thought that.
The professor, Ms Belbalm makes sense, she did fuck up Alex’s name and it seems small but if you can’t be bothered to know someone’s full name isn’t Alexandra but Galaxy, maybe it’s a sign you eat people’s souls.
Compared to the Dean, like… you could totally see him just wanting to sweep it under the rug and not being involved. Plus he’s like kinda sucky at cleaning up lose ends. His incompetence with being emotional can be just assumed that he’s a sexist guy rather than a big baddy.
Also, I just love the mechanics of the ghosts and going to the afterlife and North (Bridegroom) turned out. The way he ties into it all is so satisfying.
Overall, loved the book and definitely will try my hand at reading the sequel. But fr, Ch7 shook me. Def skipping a few pages there. *shivers*
Sequel: Hellbent
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obscuremechala · 2 years
testing testing 123
i just got here so i wanna test things out, probably won't keep this post in the long run but maybe i'll forget this is up or something idk
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this is my profile pic, i drew it myself real quick and i don't feel like elaborating why. the url is a tad different bc i was thinking of sharing it on instagram (i didn't tho) and tumblr doesn't allow underscores apparently
but i digress
i don't have much to talk about but that's 'cause i don't have a prompt or anything this was just meant to be a test
one day i'll ramble about my story stuff bc there's a lot going on there but there's still a lot i need to figure out
hmm maybe ill do an intro or something
but probably not here i don't think it'll fit
ill test things in the meanwhile
italics? oooh yes
[redacted] (huh would that be unredacted or what is this a paradox)
awelkhfas ooh different fonts too
point 1
point 2
there are no points
what am i doing
idk man
i just got here and want to learn and maybe interact
i tend to just lurk on socials but i am capable of interaction
i just usually don't
friends are nice, i wish i could interact with mine more
testing testing one two three
moths are cute, i like moths
one of my fantasy races/species are inspired by moths but that's for another time
i don't expect anyone to actually read this
tho i do expect it'll take me some time to get used to things here
ive seen a lot of posts on pinterest while looking for writing advice and character design inspo, tho now my feed is 1/3 transformers, 1/3 pokemon, and 1/3 misc. tumblr posts
i also like robots and transformers
what if moth robot
hmm lemme think
i could def make it work in my universe, i shall ponder
anyway more tests
ooo smol
wonder what this does
color text nice
this song is great i found it a few days ago and have listened to it several times on loop
however i don't have spotify i just have youtube music
sad that they deleted google play music, at least i could listen to music outside of the app and with my screen off without paying money
i haven't actually played undertale, i watched a neutral run playthrough and have played deltarune, if i get the game id probably do a pacifist run
undertale music is good tho
there is no 2
what did that do
i don't really get it
maybe it'll do something when i publish this
ooo i should post some art
i don't have a lot tho
maybe i should redraw my old art bc i looked at some last night and yikes
apparently i only recently discovered decent anatomy/proportions and that was via mostly guesture poses
i have recently been shown the way of shapes and im watching a lot of character design and redesign stuff along with my hermitcraft
i never really got into miraculous ladybug but for some reason watching people tear into it and redesign the characters tends to pull me in like a moth to a light
it's funny bc i have no investment in what people are complaining about but im interested in how they make things better/different
also taking notes on what not to do so
i wish i could draw my characters, a good chunk are robots and hard to design, 90% of the rest of them are homemade fantasy races/species i have to actually conceptualize, and then the humans are kinda just there
bc i do have humans there just arent a ton bc i must make everything hard for myself
dw its fun for me it just takes a long time to actually hammer out
i wanna talk more about them but im thinking of better ways to actually organize my thoughts that just vomiting words on a page that no one will see anyway
it's gonna take some tome to figure out this place
maybe ill make separate blogs for original and fandom stuff idk ill explore the features more and get back to
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19, 25, and 27 for that ask game.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
Oh god. I have no idea when it started KJFKL I feel like I've always liked writing honestly. it sort of goes hand-in-hand with my art journey. I'd make characters, draw the characters, and I'd have stories for those characters too. It's so rare for me to make a character design without SOME amount of lore being made for that character. It's almost inevitable.
Of course there have been bumps. Creative projects when you're a full-time student are, for lack of a better word, a pain in the ass to manage. NSN has been on a sort of impromptu hiatus for several months because of how busy university has been, and I'm always kinda sad when I think about it. But I couldn't handle both at once and the last thing I want to do is cause myself burnout. There are a lot of projects like NSN that I never completed or went through with because they were too big of a project for this little ghost to handle on her own on top of life stuff. I don't think I've ever really figured out how to not get over-ambitious with stuff, but I'm trying to make things easier for myself. At least a little.
Which actually kinda ties back to NSN again, honestly. I haven't posted any updates in ages, but I am actually working on occasion in the background on more solid planning for future pages. My plan is to have a strong foundation to build off of when my free time opens up more again. Can't say much about what I have in-store for it, but hoo. I am Excited.
And I have a few other lil ideas floating around in my head too for when I have time and resources. I mean, I do have this Whole Ass Country sitting here, and I think at some point I'd like to talk about what's been going on with That outside of the rps I've done with the characters that inhabit it. Not sure what that might look like yet, but. :) Perhaps
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
OH I AM SO FULL OF SO MANY OF THESE. I'm just gonna list a few faves because they're so fun (some of them I've def told some of you already, but have yet to subject the whole of tumblr to them):
-Fred is (was?) double-jointed somewhere in his hands. And he did, in fact, use this ability to freak people out. -Magician can do the tongue-flick thing reptiles like snakes and lizards do to get a feel for the space they're in. He often does it subconsciously in a new area, and it's so fast that it is near impossible to catch him doing it. -Also he can unhinge his jaw, have fun with that mental image :D -Xander has some of the best understandings of how intense periods can be despite never having had one, because one of his vampiric abilities is to be able to pick up on heavy bleeding.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Oh dear god I could almost make a list for this too tbh. I think as of recent, though, Corrupted!Cupcake is uh. Definitely up there. Since I don't think I've talked about this on tumblr yet: she was used as part of an rp I've been doing focused on her backstory (which I rambled a bit about here). It's funny, because I also loved playing her, but oh dear GOD the rabbit hole of angst that spawned from that was insane (to the point that one of my friends who was also participating had to message me to make sure I wasn't about to permanently destroy the relationship Cup had with one of her characters. We were treading THAT kind of territory). I don't think I've been so stressed and excited at the same time playing a character in ages.
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codehunter · 1 year
Flask+gevent - SSE times out with nginx+uwsgi
I'm writing a webapp, based on Flask, gevent and Redis, which makes use of Server Sent Events.
I've gone through several questions on StackOverflow, and extensive search on google, but did not find any suitable answer that works for me, so here I am asking for the community help.
The problem is with the production stack, nginx+uwsgi: the browser receives updates regularly (and refreshes as expected) for about 30 seconds. After that the connection times out and the browser does not receive any update anymore, until the page is reloaded manually.
Since the whole thing works perfectly on localhost, with standard flask development server (connection alive after 30 minutes of idle), I'm pretty sure that the issue is on the uwsgi/nginx config. I've tried all the nginx/uwsgi settings I could think of but nothing, it keeps timing out after some seconds.
Does anybody have a clue ?
Here some code and configs.
nginx relevant production settings:
location / {include uwsgi_params;uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/myapp.sock;uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME /srv/www/myapp/venv;uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /srv/www/myapp;uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE run;uwsgi_param UWSGI_CALLABLE app;uwsgi_buffering off;proxy_set_header Connection '';proxy_http_version 1.1;chunked_transfer_encoding off;proxy_cache off;}
uwsgi production settings
[uwsgi]base = /srv/www/myappapp = runhome = %(base)/venvpythonpath = %(base)socket = /tmp/%n.sockgevent = 100module = %(app)callable = applogto = /srv/www/myapp-logs/uwsgi_%n.log
this is the javascript that the template executes to subscribe to the channel (for the time being, the template just refreshes the whole page when the server pushes some data)
<script type="text/javascript">var eventOutputContainer = document.getElementById("event");var evtSrc = new EventSource("/movers/monitor");evtSrc.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(e.data); location.reload(); //eventOutputContainer.innerHTML = e.data;};</script>
This is the code I use to return the streamed data
from myapp import redislistfrom flask import Response, Blueprint, stream_with_contextmovers = Blueprint('movers', __name__, url_prefix='/movers')r = redislist['r']@movers.route("/monitor")def stream_movers(): def gen(): pubsub = r.pubsub() pubsub.subscribe('movers-real-time') for event in pubsub.listen(): if event['type'] == 'message': yield 'retry: 10000\n\ndata: %s\n\n' % event['data'] return Response(stream_with_context(gen()), direct_passthrough=True, mimetype="text/event-stream")
and finally the app is executed like this (DEBUG is True on localhost)
from myapp import appfrom gevent.wsgi import WSGIServerif __name__ == '__main__': DEBUG = True if app.config['DEBUG'] else False if DEBUG: app.run(debug=DEBUG, threaded=True) app.debug = True server = WSGIServer(("", 5000), app) server.serve_forever() else: server = WSGIServer("", app) server.serve_forever()
0 notes
villadiodatis · 3 years
at this point my brain is just blatantly connecting my thesis to Dean Winchester, so:
Dean and desire.
It's been proposed by queer theorists like George Haggerty that desire and act are equally transgressive. The mere fact of wanting disrupts the social order. The threat to hegemony comes from the possibility of transgression, the suggestion that something might occur, and so desire alone warrants punishment. This blurring of thought and deed has material consequences in works like Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, in which Dorian wonders if the portrait is changed by the consequences of his actions or his desires and attitudes themselves: “[W]as it indifferent to results? Did it merely take cognizance of what passed within the soul?” The inner self’s desires, once one is aware of them, can wreak havoc without one’s consent or will. 
And this is where Dean comes in. In 5.14 “My Bloody Valentine,” Famine says to Dean, “That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean ... You're not hungry, Dean, because inside, you're already dead.” 
I believe his transgressive desires at this point aren’t absent, they’re just so deeply repressed that they can’t be perceived. Growing up in a world where things like tulpas, which make thought manifest, exist, Dean knows perfectly well that desire is never just desire; it always has an effect on the world. So he subconsciously buried his desires. He didn’t do this voluntarily, but it happened, and that’s how we get Dean, who we know wants things powerfully and viscerally, as supposedly empty.
I also want to talk about what is considered transgressive here. Obviously queerness is part of it, but it’s more than that. In (white, straight, middle-class, mainstream) American society, the expectation is to settle down and be a law-abiding citizen. But in the world of Supernatural, in Dean’s world, his norm, his upbringing, was centered around a nomadic outlaw lifestyle. You get some fraudulent credit cards, you impersonate a federal agent, you do some grave desecration, you kill the ghost, maybe hook up with a grateful damsel, and move onto the next case. Wanting to get out of the life is taboo to John, and therefore to Dean. So transgression here consists of disobeying the way of life he’s always known, of embracing domesticity and being happy in it.
But what about Lisa and Ben? He achieved domesticity for a while with them, and he didn’t enjoy it.
Ah, but remember how he’s suppressed his transgressive desires? He wasn’t aware yet that he wanted to settle down. He only did it because Sam told him to before he died. He wasn’t entertaining or indulging in his desires, he was conforming to more expectations. I’d argue that he wasn’t aware of his repressed desires until Purgatory and Season 8, with the bunker. That’s when we start to see him getting more antsy about settling down and, more importantly, knowing that he wants to settle down, even if he doesn’t express it.
This is also why we see him engaging in supposedly transgressive acts like drinking and sex without truly hungering for them. They're not his desires, they're expectations, first from John and later from the persona he's built. At his core, just above those suppressed desires, as @minor-mendings pointed out in this sublime post, which is what inspired this meta, "dean's a puritan who thinks pleasure is illegal." He engages in acts that could be termed hedonistic or transgressive, but he can't take pleasure in them. For Dean, desire must lead to act, but act does not necessarily imply desire, and it's the desire that's dangerous.
If you've read this whole thing, thank you so much, I hope you got something from it, and I’ll leave you with this: literary/linguistic theory also has a concept called a “speech act,” which encompasses any words that perform an action. This can be a contract, a threat, something as simple as ordering food--or saying that there are “people, feelings that [you] want to experience differently than [you] have before, or maybe even for the first time.”
Or in other words, happiness isn’t in the having, it’s in just being. It's in just saying it.
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Forgotten Realms Things from the Honor Among Thieves Trailer
Here's some Lore™ I spotted after pouring over the shots from the DnD movie trailer and I'm obsessed:
The city is Neverwinter. Several things point to this
The city silhouette looks like Neverwinter
You can kinda make out snowflakes on the blue banners in the street and that's Neverwinter's emblem
The statue outside the arena is very clearly Lord Nasher, from his crown, to his Neverwinter Eye belt buckle to the bow in his hands which is shaped exactly like one of the fancy bow types from Neverwinter Nights
There's a shot of a volcano, which might be Mount Hotenow, which is near Neverwinter
The sun banners look like symbols of Amaunator, which is...interesting. Could also be a weird variation on the symbol of Lathander. There's a lot of fuckiness with that lore. Could maybe just be festival banners?
Chris Pine's character, Edgin, is a Harper. You can see his crescent moon+harp pin in all the shots where he's wearing armor. This fits super well with him being a bard.
All them bald people with tattoos on their scalps? Red Wizards of Thay. The lich-looking one? Probably Szass Tam.
Conveniently enough, there are notable Harper and Red Wizard cells in Neverwinter.
Michelle Rodriguez's character, Holga, is probably an Uthgardt barbarian if this is set in The North. Possibly from the Elk or Griffon Tribe, given the vague shape of the tattoos on her arms and the location of the story. I'm leaning towards Elk.
The shot of the battle where the black dragon flies overhead is between barbarians and warriors wearing black helmets with dragon wings on them.
The presence of banners with elk horns on them would give credence to Holga being from the Elk Tribe.
I think the warriors in black are Zhents, because the Zhentarim's emblem is a black dragon on a gold field, they are allied with a black dragon named Harondalbar, and literally the main character is a Harper, so the chances are high you're gonna have Zhents.
Alternatively, given the amount of dragons in this trailer, we might be seeing some Cult of the Dragon shit and those soldiers are cultists. Or the amount of dragons could just be an effort to live up to the title "Dungeons and Dragons"
The party goes to the Underdark.
I'm like 80% sure the city we see in the Underdark shots is Menzoberranzan, because why would they write any other Underdark city into Thee DnD movie? Also it's the right region. Cue me screaming about dark elves potentially being in the movie. EDIT: I have been informed by multiple people (thank you all) that the Underdark city is in fact most likely Gracklstugh, a duergar city, and the fat red dragon is Themberchaud. I defs need to read Out of the Abyss now.
The runes on the golden chest are Dethek, the script for several languages, including Dwarvish, Primordial, and Giant, but given that they're underground and there's a bunch of statues of dwarves, I think we know which language is on that chest lol
Those statues could be duergar specifically, given that we know they'll be in the Underdark, but there's no way to be sure. EDIT: well given previously stated info, it seems pretty likely.
The shot with the big rock hill (cairn?) could be the Surbrin Hills
That shot of the dead forest with the red ground? Almost certainly the Dire Wood.
Regé-Jean Page's character, the paladin Xenk, has detailing on his bracers and a tattoo on his hairline that look like a sun, which would suggest he follows Lathander/Amaunator
ADDITION: the snowy place is Icewind Dale, as confirmed by the creators+cast in interviews.
This is everything I could spot. If people spotted or have ideas about anything else, feel free to add.
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Hello, dear! I am a writer and new on Tumbrl! I also maintain an Instagram account and just created a Twitter and also a Wattpad to post my original short stories! I was wondering where and how I could find a nice writing community! I would like to share poems, live the writing process with people that are on the same path and, why not, even pen pal! Could you give me any tips? Much thanks! ♡
hey! welcome to Tumblr.
I know you only asked for a few communities but I decided to expand a bit more, I hope you don't mind. Please note these are only things I have at least some experience with, there is a lot more on the internet.
so for writing let's goooo!
Social and Chat Platforms:
Tumblr is def a good place to be if you're looking for a nice place to spread your work, I find it the easiest of all the social media channels to use. for poems and single-page short stories it is a good place to post. you can also find a lot of amazing pages dedicated to writing tips and challenges.
Twitter, I have it too but I don't use it at all, I'm more of the opinion that Twitter is something for people to follow others that they like but you won't build a following unless you are already well known. for writing, I think building up a community on Twitter won't be easy until you're pretty well known on other social platforms and bring people over from there.
Instagram I find harder than Tumblr but easier than Twitter, it takes a lot more effort than Tumblr due to its layout. I think Instagram is better for art-based stuff than writing but it can still be a relatively good platform.
Reddit, this is a good place to go, they have writing communities that you can use to post your work in if you're active enough people will start recognizing you in the posts and you can build a nice following and make some good writing friends.
Discord, there are several writing servers in discord. it's a good place to share work and make friends that are writers. It's a live at the moment type of thing so you can chat in real-time to people instead of waiting hours for a reply. I have my own discord as well for readers and writers and it's pretty fun. you can do writing sprints with other writers where you all write together and compete to see who writes the most words in a selected time frame. I personally love doing sprints while chatting on the voice channels with the other writers who are doing the sprints with me.
NaNoWriMo, though the NaNo challenge is in November it's a year-round platform where you can share how much you've written and what you're working on, there are forums to chat with other writers and you get awesome benefits when you complete writing challenges. you also have camp NaNo to do. I've made a few writer friends through this, and have gotten a lot of advice from published authors that also take part in the Nano challenge.
Pinterest, this may be a place to search for images but you can still use it, I've found a ton of prompts and writing tips, poems, and blogs from Pinterest. post an image and link it to one of your other social platforms. admittedly, you need to be active if you want your interest to grow.
Facebook, I do not use Facebook for writing, in fact, I'm rarely on there but I've seen the groups and pages dedicated to writing. It is def a good place to go.
TikTok, sharing tips and tricks, acting out the dialogue or playing out scenes from your own written work, reading your poems, and posting it on TikTok. This is a good platform for those types of things, if my house wasn't so noisy I'd be using TikTok to act out dialogue prompts.
Posting your writing:
Wattpad, for both original fiction and fan-fiction, I personally don't post on this site, it has a good setup for writers but not as good of one for readers, I find the search system annoying and it's super hard to find good stories, as a writer having your story discovered is not easy.
Commaful, similar to Wattpad but smaller, the community is a bit more engaging. this is better for short stories and poems, if you have a full-blown novel to post, I think this place is not for you.
fanfiction.net, for fanfiction, is a pretty good community as long as you're good enough at writing, if you post regularly your story can grow pretty easily.
Archiveofourown.org, my fav when it comes to posting fanfiction, is easy to use and easy for your story to be found. you can also post originals on this site but it's more geared to fanfics.
Royal road, my personal choice when posting original fiction, the community is tough to crack and can be harsh when criticizing. Fanfiction is also posted here. if you're not the best at writing don't try. you can link Paypal and Patreon for donations.
Quotev, this site is a bit teenier, I guess, it's fun, you can post short stories and fanfiction, make quizzes and engage with people quite a lot. the audience is young usually, so if your aim is young adults and teens it's a good place to build up a fanbase but don't expect critical feedback. the younger kids aren't the best at giving good feedback but their kind and supportive words are super nice.
Bookrix, I haven't used this one in a few years, but it was a nice place and a good way to monetize writing. they help with publishing, and they also have forums and groups that you can join. it's best if you're looking into self-publishing
Helpful writing software and websites:
Scrivner, this is a writing application, paid though, I use it myself. extremely useful and a great way to keep everything for your novel in one document without it being a complete mess.
Scapple, paid, mind mapping software, super useful for planning out chapters and connecting events.
WorldAnvil is good for worldbuilding, I used it for a while but I do my world-building on Scrivner now.
Azgaar's fantasy map generator, is my go-to for creating fantasy maps, it's free, you can customize and it has a fantasy city map generator connected to it so you don't have to stress about the city layouts either.
Grammarly or Hemingway editor, grammar checkers. Hemingway works with Scrivner if you have the paid version which is super useful but both have free versions. if you use Grammarly on the website it also saves your documents. it can't be organized but it's useful if you want a site to keep your written works.
One drive, free limited space, before moving to Scrivner I used One drive to manage my writing and keep everything organized.
and that's all I can think of at the moment.
if you want you can join us on discord with fellow writers
like my work? show some support by checking out my web novel - Throwaway Villain
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melissa-benoists · 7 years
lmaoooo i really fucked myself over with this paper
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
Hucow!AU Part 5 (FINALE!!!)
WOOHOO!! It’s finally Bruno’s turn, I saved best boy for last.  All parts combined in gdocs are 29 pages total, this is def the longest thing i’ve written in over a decade!! I hope you enjoy, and look forward to whatever i decide to write next
thanks, and enjoy!
as always. credit goes to @dark-side-blog2 for the wonderful hucow! au
WARNINGS: not sfw, yandere, duncon, noncon, sleep fucking, force feeding, manipulation, dark themes, afab reader, she/her pronouns, all characters 18+!!
After taking care of Narancia and tucking him into bed, Bruno returned to your room once more.  You slept like the dead, worn out from a long night.  Bruno smiled proudly, you had been wonderful for them.  Each bull, you had accepted their love, their passion, their essence and earned your place in the herd once again.  It filled Bruno with such joy, knowing that you were the perfect mate for them, for all of them.
You were caring and kind for Narancia, playful and fun for Mista, calming and gentle for Fugo, accepting and attentive for Abbacchio.  And for Bruno: you were everything.  For so long, there had been a piece of the puzzle missing in his life.  He had a family with no mother, no children.  
Bruno had met you first in a very dark part of his life-his herd was beaten, driven from his home in fear, on the brink of death with no hope.  And then, you had appeared, an angel hidden away in paradise, offering safety, shelter.  Much more than that, even, with a little bit of convincing, and a lot of planning.  He would have his family, his children, and you.
Bruno knew how to play the long game, how to strategize and manipulate, but he only did it for good reason.  He had to, you were too prideful, too stubborn to realize how much you needed him.  You were running a giant farm several acres large by yourself, no employees, relatives or neighbors to help.  Bruno couldn’t have that,now could he?  He and the other bulls took over the hard work and heavy lifting-eventually, after a lot of hemming and hawing from you.  Bruno managed to talk you into it; it was beneficial for both of you, a way for the bulls to earn their keep and for you to get some help.
The bulls helped with Bruno’s plan as well, in their own ways.  Mista put his cooking skills to use, making you healthy meals infused with lackweed (Mulgeo, a plant that encouraged your body to lactate) and pills that increased your sexual urges.  He’d even been adding charcoal to your meals to cancel out your birth control; it wasn’t necessary, Bruno had gotten rid of your birth control months ago while you were asleep, but Bruno appreciated it nonetheless.  
Narancia had gotten you to warm up to them very quickly, being as innocent and naive as he was, and Bruno was able to use him to display his parenting skills.  Yes, Narancia was a grown bull, and mostly treated as such, but he was still the youngest, and hard not to spoil.  Plus, the way you seemed to light up when Bruno would baby Narancia- it was clear your maternal instincts were awakening.  Good!  It was excellent practice for your own children.  
Fugo was admittedly the most awkward around you, it wasn’t really his fault, though.  He had the least experience out of the bulls with women, but Bruno could tell his true feelings about you.  So, he encouraged Fugo to show his strengths to you; mainly his brain.  There was an old tractor collecting rust that needed repairs, and you had lost several crops last season due to lack of irrigation. Fugo was able to repair them, thanks to researching some books and some help from you.  Plus, it was one less job for you to do, and another reason for you to depend on them.  Bruno knew Fugo was nervous, but Bruno was certain he’d be a good mate and husband.  He would make their children very smart.
Abbacchio could be a little rough around the edges, it's true, but he clearly had a soft spot for you.  While he would smack Mista and Narancia around when they got on his nerves or got ornery, you he respected and let a lot slide.  Bruno had seen you tug on his tail (admittedly by accident) , elbow him (after a funny joke), and even put flowers (that he was allergic to!) in his hair!  Abbacchio had taken it in stride, and even defended you when Mista’s teasing or the other shenanigans went too far.  Plus, Abbacchio’s skills as a lockpick let them sneak into your house when you were away or sleeping.  Very useful indeed…
 Bruno knew he had to share you, as much as he wanted you for his own.  He couldn’t hurt his herd, his brothers, who loved you almost as much as he did.  So Bruno was patient, he let them have their turns first, keep the peace….
But Bruno couldn’t wait any longer.
The timing had to be perfect, to ensure he had the best chances. He had snuck into your home months before, stealing and disposing of your birth control, and destroying your refill prescription.  Thankfully you were too busy and preoccupied to make a new appointment with the doctor for new medication, which Bruno appreciated greatly.   Digging through your trash, he was able to record and determine your cycle, in order to find out when you would be most fertile.  He would allow his herd many things,including you.
But his child would be first.
Letting the others go first- he allowed it before you were truly in heat.  They didn’t know why, but were grateful nonetheless, eager to claim you. 
He pulled back your blankets, after making sure you were deep in R.E.M. sleep.  Birds started chirping as dawn rose outside, but you were dead to the world.  So much, in fact, that when Bruno pulled back your bed sheets you didn’t so much as flinch.  You were still nude, too tired to put your pajamas back on last night; Bruno admired the early morning light glowing on your body.  Bruno kissed down your face and body everywhere the sun touched, relieved you were still asleep.  Bruno made note of every bruise and marking on your skin to treat later that morning, as he went lower and lower down your body.  Spreading your legs, you tasted divine.  You were definitely ready, too: now would be his best chance. 
 Licking the others out of your core, he heard you quietly whimper- he paused, waiting for you to stir, but you eventually drifted back to sleep.  You always were cute when you slept, the way you would sometimes talk in your sleep or kick your legs “Running.”  Bruno had learned a lot observing you, and intended to learn a lot more from you today.  He cleaned you out with his tongue and prepped you thoroughly-maybe it was petty of him, saving you all for himself, but Bruno was the alpha bull, and the perfect mate for you.  That’s why it was so important to not just get you pregnant, but pregnant with his children.  It’s what you, the both of you deserved.
Once Bruno was certain you were ready ( you were still soft and wet from last night, and pleasantly warm against his tongue and fingers)  he leaned over you, pulling your legs up against his shoulders into a mating press.  It terrified him how easily you slept, how dangerous it would be if his herd hadn’t found you.  What if someone else had found you before them, taken you like this in your sleep?  It worried him so, that’s why he had to do this, claim you and protect you from any rivals.
  Bruno stroked your cheek, before pressing inside.  Finally, after all this time, he was inside of you, warm and wonderful and all his.  You squirmed in your sleep,but otherwise accepted him without complaint.  Bruno was so happy he could cry, he settled for kissing your  shoulder as he pushed into the hilt.  Bruno couldn’t hold his urges back any longer, he thrust into you again and again, hitting against your sweet spot.  You cried out in your sleep, jumbled noises Bruno convinced himself were his name.  In this position, he was able to reach so deep, force himself as far inside as he could reach.  
His grip on you tightened, feeling the strain of the position, the slap of his balls on your ass fueling his desire more.  But it wasn’t enough, he had to make sure you felt good too.  He suckled your chest, licking your nipples the way he had seen you enjoy.  Your pussy was so wet he was able to rub slick onto your hard throbbing clit, careful to rub the raw skin gently. 
“Y/n, I’m so thankful to have found you, finally we can make our dreams come true~” Bruno whispered to you, desperate for you to know the feelings he’d held back for so long.
“I can hardly hold back with you; I’ve been waiting so long for this, and I can tell now that so have you.  Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, we all will.  Just give in, you can trust me.”  Bruno pleaded, close to the edge.  Bruno grit his teeth, it was about to end, all too soon.  Bruno wasn’t ready, he wanted to stay like this with you forever.  Relief washed over Bruno as he heard you cry out in release, tightening around him and bringing him to release.
“I’m cumming, y/n.  Please, accept all of me!”  He gasped,spilling his seed inside.  Tears Bruno had held back spilled down as his emotions overcame him, something he would only allow to happen while you couldn’t see.  He was certain this was the right thing to do, now more than ever.  You were his, all of theirs, safe and protected. 
 In the next months, you would become full with child.  Naturally, you would have to stop manual labor-which would be fine, you could depend on your sturdy bulls to run the farm for you.  And then when you had their children, you would need to raise them. Obviously, you had five capable mates to help you; taking turns feeding them, staying up on long sleepless nights, teaching them right from wrong.  So many precious memories to be made with you, Bruno could 
hardly wait.
As Bruno turned to leave you to rest, he saw you start to rise.
“...Bruno?”  You called weakly, and Bruno was by your side in an instant.
“Y/n?  What’s wrong, you’re up so early?”  Bruno asked, concerned.  
“...It’s hot” you groaned, reaching out for him.  Bruno’s heart fluttered, you called out for him.  He felt your forehead; admittedly sweaty, but not necessarily from illness.  
“You are a little warm.  Let’s get you out of these sweaty blankets and cleaned up.”  Bruno helped you out of your sheets, and ran to get a damp washcloth.  He returned quickly, sitting on your bed and wiped the cloth over your body.  Your body flushed, and whenever you thought Bruno wasn’t looking, you would glance over at him.  Bruno smiled to himself, you really were spoiling him this morning-he couldn’t be more delighted.
“Are you feeling any better?  You should take it easy today, you had a long night.”  Bruno said as he washed your stomach.
“Umm, yes, im-ahh!”  You jumped, as Bruno’s wash cloth reached your nether regions.  
“Relax, bella, It’s important to clean this area as well. We don’t want you getting sick now do we?”  Bruno continued, unfazed by your reaction.  You fidgeted a moment longer, but considering all that had happened, you relented.  What more could Bruno do to you?
He toweled you off quickly, patting you dry and then headed to your closet.
“Let’s find you something extra comfortable to wear today, shall we?”  Bruno asked, flipping through your hangers.  What a shame, most of your outfits were utilitarian and industrial, not befitting a mother to be.  
“Oh, Bruno, you don’t have to-”  You began, but Bruno cut you off.
“Here we go, perfect!  Ah, and this shade of lavender will look lovely on you!”  Bruno proclaimed, holding up a flowery sundress made of soft cotton.  Very comfortable, but not the best for farm work.  Bruno couldn’t be stopped though, grabbing some undergarments for you    (how did he know where you kept them?) and helped you sit up in bed.
“Let’s get you dressed, as much as I love the thought of having you nude all day, nothing will get done around the farm with the boys fawning over you.”  Bruno chuckled, sliding socks onto your feet for you.
“Bruno, please! I can dress myself!”  You pleaded, trying to pull away, but Bruno stopped you with gentle but firm hands.  
“Bella, please-let me take care of you the way you’ve taken care of us.  It’s only fair, isn’t it?”  Bruno smiled, tugging your socks up to your ankles.  He held a white pair of panties out for you, “Step in, dear, one foot at a time” You groaned, turning an adorable shade of red Bruno loved, but did indeed let him slide the panties up and onto you.  He convinced you to skip a bra today (Bruno wasn’t completely selfless) and slip into the sundress, snug as a bug.
“Much better!  Now, do you want to see if you can get some more sleep?  You didn’t get many hours of sleep last night, and your body must be very sore.”  He asked you, stroking your cheek.  “Well, maybe later, but-”  You began, only to be interrupted by your growling stomach.  Bruno chuckled, “Ahh, of course, let’s get you fed shall we?”  he winked, placing a hand on the small of your back and escorting you to the kitchen.
You tried to make yourself breakfast, really you did, but Bruno wasn’t giving you any leeway this morning.
“Please, Bambina, let me cook for you.  You always make the rest of us meals, and I’m not completely hopeless in the kitchen.”  He told you, sitting you on a kitchen chair, rolling up his sleeves.  True to his word, he was decent in the kitchen-more than decent, in fact.  Bruno fried up a pig’s worth of bacon, crispy and fried with a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Eggs, sunny-side scrambled and over-easy, just a little bit runny and fresh from your henhouse.  And the cru-de-ta, a mountain-pile of fluffy home batter pancakes, smothered in homemade syrup and creamy smooth butter dollops piled on top.  Bruno piled your plate to the brim, sure to give you only the crunchiest bacon strips and roundest pancakes, with plenty left over for the boys.  It was a miracle the other boys hadn’t woken up yet, but you supposed they were still wiped out from the night before and needed a little more rest.  
Bruno didn’t mind one bit, enjoying the one on one time with you he rarely got.  Sitting patiently for him like a good mate, letting him clean you, dress you, even feed you. Bruno was determined to spoil you, so you would never want for anything other than him again.  Looking around your plate, you asked Bruno, “Sorry, but you forgot to grab a fork and knife.  Would you mind?”  
Bruno smiled, unblinkingly, “Oh no, I didn’t.  Open wide~”  He cooed, stacking a silver fork full of your breakfast.  You looked at him incredulously, “Seriously?”  
Bruno didn’t relent, smile unwavering, “You wouldn’t turn down all my hard work and this delicious food, would you?”  
You wanted to argue with him, you really did.  For every inch he gave you, he took a mile, and it was starting to be humiliating.  But for whatever reason, Bruno always made you cave.  Besides, after everything you’d been through, he’d never hurt you, always gentle and caring.  So, against your better judgement, you sheepishly opened your mouth for him.
Bruno lifted the fork into your mouth, watching your lips close around his fork.  You savored the buttery rich flavor of the pancakes, the spongy texture bouncing lightly in your mouth as you chewed.  To say it was delicious would be an understatement; you were starting to consider letting Mista and Bruno handle mealtime more often.  Bruno bit the corner of his lip, watching you eat your meal.  You wanted to pout, not give Bruno the satisfaction of knowing you enjoyed being babied like this, but you couldn’t help smiling as you swallowed bite after bite, opening your mouth and even leaning forward.  Each bite was better than the last; the salty sweet bacon grease and runny eggs soaked into the pancakes, soaking up the flavor medley and sending your palette into overdrive. 
 Bruno loved every minute, watching you let your guard down for him, licking up syrup from your chin, even letting him wipe your cheek clean with a napkin.  Your stomach puffed out as you ate through your meal, it excited him to know he did that to you, and that your stomach would soon be even more distended and full with his baby.  Your plate was nearly clean, but you didn’t think you could eat another bite.  Bruno had given you so much already, and it was all delicious and rich, and had no more room.
“Please, Bruno, I’m full to the brim.  I’m sorry but I can’t eat anymore.”  You groaned, clutching your stomach.  
“Oh please, just another bite, bambina~  you’ve done so well, you’re almost done.”  He cooed, forking the last bits on your plate.  You tried to excuse yourself, but Bruno stuffed it into your open unsuspecting mouth.  You nearly choked on the utensil forcing your way into your mouth, a sugary syrupy mess that was starting to nauseate you.  It was too much, too rich, but Bruno held your mouth shut.
“Please, y/n, you have to eat more.  Think of our children, won’t you?”  You froze, as you remembered everything that had happened last night with a wave.  You looked at Bruno, mouth still full and ready to vomit.  His gaze tore into you, more serious than he had been all morning.  In fact, the last time he looked at you like that…
Bruno rubbed your back, as your eyes watered and spilled over.  Poor thing, were you already having morning sickness?  No worries, it was only natural; he would take care of you. You were having trouble breathing, not sure if it was the food or the panic setting in.  
“Come on Bambina, you’re almost done.  Just swallow it all down, you can do it~”  Bruno hissed, as he plugged up your nose.  Bruno sighed, watching your eyes bug out; he didn’t want to be harsh with you, but what other choice were you giving him?  You needed to follow his orders, that’s how he kept you safe and happy.  “Now, y/n”  
Despite the lump in your throat, you had no choice but to swallow, the lack of oxygen making you gag.  How could you forget who you were dealing with?  How could you let him take advantage of you again and again?  You wiped the snot and tears from your face, catching your breath.  You flinched as a familiar hand reached out and grabbed your chin.  Bruno turned you to look at him, his face calm and smiling as if nothing had happened.
“There, Bambina, that wasn’t so bad was it?  You have to let me take care of you, okay?  We don’t want you hurting yourself do we?”  He asked, voice soft and patronizing, like he hadn’t just force fed you against your will.  You wanted to run away, but didn’t know where to go.  It didn’t help any as you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.  
“Yo, y/n!  You’re up already?  I thought we wiped you out last night!”
“Guess we’ll have to try harder next time.”
“Are you okay, y/n?  You look ill.  Maybe you should go back to bed.”
“Ohh, it smells so good!  Did you make breakfast for us, y/n?”
You were surrounded.  No way out.  Five strong angry bulls that had taken over your life, your home, even your body.  You couldn’t trust them, not any of them.  There was no escape.
“What’s wrong, bella?  Are you crying?”
“Don’t cry, y/n!  There’s nothing to worry about, we’ll take care of you!”
“You can count on us, y/n.  We’re mates, after all.”
You were trapped.
 You opened your mouth to scream, but it was no use.
It’s not like anyone would hear you, anyways
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ganondoodle · 4 years
yr brain? galaxy level. i wanna hear all ur lore and stuff
you know what ? im gonna write the basic plot for soogas backstory here now too-
- his parents were both sheikah soldiers serving the royal family, they were nearly never home so he barely even knew them and was pretty much living on his own from a young age on
- they both died while on a mission far away, but that didnt change much for him other than him having to find a way to earn money himself now
- when he was a teenager he was recruited by the royal family (he wanted to tho) which is also where he met Hibiki (my only real zelda Oc .. sorry gotta involve them now- this is how they look, although they are older here than when sooga first met them
Tumblr media
i think i forgot to post this on tumblr lmao; anyway they are an artist and a bit older than sooga)
- since they were both outcasts with no relatives that cared about them they quickly became friends (tho it was def more one sided at first bc Hibiki is a way more extroverted ) tho Hibiki has been a bit longer in the army so they rarely went on missions together and only hung out during breaks or when they had both time off
- even after years of training they both stayed in the lower ranks of the army and never managed to climb to a higher one, part of the reason was that Hibiki didnt do a good job of being a spy, not bc they were detected, they just never had much information to report for some reason and Sooga always defended them when they got bullied by higher ups for it (you know how he threatens ppl) which in turn made him less liked and got him almost kicked out once (and yes, Hibiki did have a crush on Sooga but he never realized that even tho they made it REALLY obvious)
- you know the story how link got appointed as zeldas bodyguard ? with him deflecting a laser from a malfunctioning guardian to protect the princess ? yeah, so in my hc, while he did deflect it it didnt straight up hit the guardian back but rather was simply redirected and although Hibiki tried to pull Sooga away it still hit the left side of his face which is how he got that big af scar and lost his eye
- he survived and of course Hibiki was there to take care of him whenever they could, but the more time went on while he recovered it was made clear that the higher ups wanted to kick him out of the army after his wound healed bc they didnt think he was fit to fight anymore missing an eye (thats what they said but it was pretty obvious they just wanted a reason to get rid of him) 
- Hibiki reassured Sooga they would do everything they could to convince them otherwise bc they knew that all he ever wanted to do is be a strong and respected soldier serving the royal family, but who would listen to the worst spy in the whole army .. he got kicked out anyway of course and was forced to work as a farmer (more like help other farmers really) 
- from then on Hibiki was trying to be a better spy, so they could earn enough respect to maybe get the army to welcome Sooga back into their ranks
- but one day when Sooga returned from some field work he noticed a new grave at the corner of the village, and asked who died, it took some time for him to find out it was Hibiki who fell in battle bc after they left the village they never returned so the other villagers forgot even their name, the army brought their body back into the village since they were borne there and didnt have any living relatives
- that was what pushed his resentment for the kingdom and the other sheikah over the edge really, he stole some ancient hidden away sheikah scrolls from the elder of the village and used them to teach himself some techniques ... or at least TRIED to, the only one he was able to manage was a half functional clone, which he used to fake his death and live a live in the shadows, staying away from settlements out of fear of beign recognized
- he made his way into the gerudo desert where he never went to before, and in a cold night snuk undetected into the yiga hideout in the search for shelter since he wasnt equipped for that kind o extreme weather .. tho he didnt realize what he just did
- in the morning he was found after all and, understandably, attacked bc wth how did that guy even get in here ?? after he managed to survive for pretty long given the circumstances, he tried to flee but was stopped by master kohga himself, and while kohga was monologing about .. stuff, Sooga realized this might be his chance to live a proper life again and that pretty close to what he always wanted, so he promptly asks to join them
- positively surprised kohga of course cant just accept him into the clan like that, i mean Sooga was wearing sheikah clothing and got UNDETECTED into their hideout and took a nap there for several hours before being found, thats suspicious as hell
- after being put through several tests and challanges he is accepted into the clan after all-
- now fast forward post calamity (just a few years tho) the topic of Soogas origins comes up and he tells kohga alot but is interrupted bc koh ask him if the friend he was talking about was “a kinda weird artist” ... turns out Hibiki died in a clash with the yiga clan and ... was killed by kohga himself.
- Hibiki always carried a sketchbook in a bag around with them, and the clan took it after their death bc they thought it might contain useful info, it didnt, but since the sketches in it where pretty good they kept it anyway even if it was only half readable since it got soaked in blood
- that is a reveal that tested soogas loyalty to the clan like nothing else could (everyone in the clan including kohga, was expecting him to turn against them again, but were still waiting for him to actually betray the clan)
- sooga didnt turn on them tho, reason was, he managed to seperate the pages of the sketchbook that were stuck together from blood and discovered finely detailed art of the hideout, of its interior too and even of kohga as well
- Hibiki never had much info to tell their superiors bc they snuk around the hideout when on a mission but never with the goal to rat the clan out. they secretly admired kohga and the clan, even wanted to join them for a long time, but never got to do it bc they didnt want to leave Sooga behind but also .. they were afraid to tell him bc he was so focused on becoming a good sheikah soldier they were sure he wouldnt feel the same; they were torn between wanting to join the yiga but afraid of destroying their friendship with sooga ..
when they got into that fatal fight with the clan, kohga didnt even attack them with the intend to kill and they could have easily dodged or parried the hit, the reason they didnt was, ironically, bc they were so stunned by admiration of seeing their idol right in front of them they didnt move a muscle until it was too late...
this got longer than i thought, maybe i went into too much detail here, but anyway this is a summary of the backstory i came up with for Sooga, it doesnt end here tho, this is more like the story of how sooga became part of the yiga; after all of this comes alot more tho it wouldnt make much sense to add that here too xD 
sorry for the long af post, i hope its somewhat understandable ;__;
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percabeth4life · 4 years
Sorry to just jump in here and drop this on you, but i saw a blog once call percabeth an abusive relationship???? and i was like ?????? but none of my friends read pjo so i cant ask them for thoughts, how about you?
Oh boy anon so this is a thing.
Percabeth is abusive is a common thing those that hate percabeth or ship something else and want to validate it say, and why I have the “anti-percabeth” tag blocked.
I’ve seen people say Annabeth just giving him a dirty look was abuse, people will reach for anything done between them that isn’t perfect, usually to justify why their ship is better.
Honestly, I’m open to most ships. Percabeth is my main but if you ship things that’s totally fine, even if I don’t like it I won’t say you shouldn’t ship it. I read non-Percabeth ships, but a lot of people feel a strong need to insist a ship is abusive if they don’t like it.
It’s fine to just not like a ship.
First off lets preface all of this with a warning that I’ll be discussing abuse here so if that’s upsetting skip it.
It got long, like very long (word count is nearly 3k), so it’s all under the Read More, there’s a TLDR at the very bottom.
Now then, what is abuse?
There are two definitions that pop up with a quick google search
Use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse. 
Treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.
If you look up the legal definition (law.cornell) used to define abuse there are more options, but I’m leaving out 2, 3, and 4 cause 3 and 4 def have nothing to do with this and definition 2 is in regards to child abuse.
Abuse, generally: physically, sexually, or mentally injuring a person.
Now if we want to go deeper in lets define physical and mental abuse. I’ll be leaving out sexual as that has no bearing on this particular situation.
Physical abuse is defined by healthyplace.com as
Non-accidental use of force that results in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. This includes, but is not limited to, being slapped, burned, cut, bruised or improperly physically restrained.
Now lets expand on this.
Something that is pointed to specifically is the mentioned intent. “Non-accidental”. It must be purposeful harm.
Now, I will also point out that Physical abuse doesn’t necessarily say the intent needs to be abuse, but as my lawyer parents state it simply needs to be “intent to harm” and it gets labeled abuse. The legal definition (given above) agrees, it is simply that it needs to be purposeful harm. But then we need to define this harm, especially the bodily injury, pain, or impairment.
Bodily injury is defined by Merriam Webster as
any damage to a person's physical condition including pain or illness
Now what is damage?
loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation
So then harm is defined as... damage, so the definition I prescribe to (and I asked my lawyer parents to confirm, unfortunately I have no link for that).
Causes pain (pain defined as suffering)
Pain is defined by Merriam Webster as
a localized or generalized unpleasant bodily sensation or complex of sensations that causes mild to severe physical discomfort and emotional distress and typically results from bodily disorder (such as injury or disease)
a basic bodily sensation that is induced by a noxious stimulus, is received by naked nerve endings, is associated with actual or potential tissue damage, is characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leads to evasive action
mental or emotional distress or suffering
Finally impairment is
diminishment or loss of function or ability
(all of the above definitions except harm are pulled from Merriam Webster linked with Bodily Injury)
Okay, so now lets consider it, physical abuse needs to cause damage to someone, it must be purposeful damage though the intent to abuse does not necessarily need to be the intent. So if your actions do not intend physical harm then it is not physical abuse.
So then, do Percy and Annabeth have a physically abusive relationship?
Lets start with the classic one that everyone likes to bring up, the Judo Flip.
First off, do Judo Flips hurt? [sourcing (1) (2) (3)]
They CAN hurt if done with that intent, but if your intent is to not harm and you are trained properly, No Judo should not hurt. Anyone properly trained in Judo should know how to prevent harm. (1, 2)
On top of that, the first thing anyone learning Judo is taught is how to fall.
All judoka learn to fall safely, by rolling and breaking their fall with Ukemi. This breakfall absorbs the impact of the throw. (3)
Percy should have the basics of this down seeing how he was already in matches (mentioned in book one prior him being claimed) in his first summer at camp, after four years he’s definitely got the basics down.
Therefore, the Judo flip did not intend to cause harm, nor did it appear to. Despite that it was on stone, and Annabeth had him pinned, Percy didn’t even show discomfort. He laughed.
On top of that, when Annabeth last saw Percy he had the Curse of Achilles. As far as she was aware, he still had it. A requirement of Physical Abuse is the intent to cause harm, every factor here shows that there was no intent to cause harm.
This scene was not physical abuse, it was just bad writing.
I can think of other scenes, only a few, before they were actually in a relationship. In book three Annabeth punched Percy in the stomach when he didn’t catch her hint that he should ask her to dance
She punched me in the gut. ‘Me, Seaweed Brain.’
‘Oh. Oh, right.’ (TTC, chapter 1, page 8 of book on my copy)
There doesn’t seem to have been any harm done as he doesn’t even mention it hurting, not even a pause, just went “oh yeah her”. So it was likely a light punch, the kind friends do that don’t hurt just catch attention. Annabeth has been trained since she was 7, she should know how to throw a punch without actually causing harm.
If anyone wants to bring up other examples, feel free, I’m not combing the books right now for examples but I will reply to them (preferably in asks so this post doesn’t get super long...)
I cannot think of any examples of Percy hitting/punching Annabeth nor any other kind of physical interaction, if someone wishes to bring one of those up feel free.
Does this mean that I think they should be hitting each other despite the fact that it’s clear there is no intent to harm?
No, I don’t really think they should be hitting each other.
But! An important thing there is their own boundaries, not mine. I would not be up for being hit but I do share friendly punches with my friends, which is similar in intent. It’s simply that they’ve been trained to fight and have to a lot to survive so their boundaries for what is “harmful” are different.
But that’s a whole different issue and a different academic essay :)
I don’t believe there is any physical abuse in Percabeth.
Moving on, Emotional abuse (which Psychological and Verbal added as they all connect).
Emotional abuse is defined by helathyplace.com as
Any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth.
It also covers Psychological abuse and verbal abuse. Psychological abuse does not have a definition available on the site I’m using but it does have a description. If you’d like to read the description go (here). I will add a detail of how it works though
Psychological abuse signs and symptoms may start small at first as the abuser "tests the waters" to see what the other person will accept, but before long the psychological abuse builds into something that can be frightening and threatening.
Verbal abuse definition defined by healthyplace.com is
Any language or behavior that seeks to coerce its victim to doubt their perceptions or their abilities and subjugate themselves to the abuser.
So considering that, we note another important factor here, they also have intent involved. “Test the waters” and “seek to coerce” for Psychological and Verbal abuse.
Emotional abuse is different in that it does not specify intent, except every item mentioned is purposeful. If you’re confining someone then you’re doing that on purpose, you cannot easily accidentally do most of that. Those actions carry intent, even if the intent is not abuse.
Now then, is percabeth emotionally abusive?
Once again I’ll start with the big thing people point out, the Judo Flip.
I’ve seen it point out that it could be seen as humiliation.
Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. He slammed into the stone pavement. Romans cried out. Some surged forward, but Reyna shouted, “Hold! Stand down!”
Annabeth put her knee on Percy’s chest. She pushed her forearm against his throat. She didn’t care what the Romans thought. A white-hot lump of anger expanded in her chest—a tumor of worry and bitterness that she’d been carrying around since last autumn.
“If you ever leave me again,” she said, her eyes stinging, “I swear to all the gods—”
Percy had the nerve to laugh. Suddenly the lump of heated emotions melted inside Annabeth.
“Consider me warned,” Percy said. “I missed you, too.” (MOA, chapter 2, page 19 of my copy)
If you look at the scene itself you’ll see that Annabeth is very emotional right then, she just got her boyfriend back, she’s exhausted from months of worrying, she’s emotionally very strained, and she judo flips him as all her pain just fills her.
A lot of people with anxiety or high stress or similar issues have times when the anxiety doesn’t affect them during the time they’re stressed, but right after the stressors are gone.
It’s clear that’s what happened here, all her feelings that she’d been burying to work just filled her.
And Percy smiles up at her and says he missed her.
It’s clear from her own comment that she didn’t care what the Romans thought (said right after they almost attacked her) that her thoughts were not on how this looked for Percy, but for her. She knew it looked bad for her to attack him.
She wasn’t trying to embarrass or humiliate Percy, she was trying to get all that pain and stress and anger out. I don’t like how it was done, but it did not physically harm him (nor did she expect it to) and it clearly did not humiliate him.
He smiled and said he missed her.
He understood what she was going through, and made it clear he loved her.
I still think it was bad writing, but it’s not humiliation, nor is it emotional abuse.
Another thing I’ve seen pointed out is Annabeth’s nickname for Percy.
Seaweed Brain.
I will start this with a reminder that both of their nicknames for each other were originally meant as insults.
Wise Girl was first used by Clarisse and it clearly upset Annabeth, it is used twice by Clarisse actually.
Once in TLT, when she and Percy first meet, and once in SOM when they’re attacking Charybdis.
Percy in comparison uses Wise Girl twice as well, both in TLT, once when he was mocking her at her coming along on the quest and once when they were saying goodbye. It’s also used once in HOO, in BOO.
Honestly it’s not much a nickname... only used by Percy 3 times in all the (main) books. There are like 3 other cases in all the side stories and MCGA combined.
Annabeth uses seaweed brain a total of 41 times in all the books combined, in PJO it’s used 25 times, 22 by Annabeth, and HOO it’s used outloud 9 times, all by Annabeth. On top of this, while the PJO cases were all outloud, the HOO cases were not, with 2 (making the total 11) used only in Annabeth’s thoughts.
Seaweed brain is used in TLT 6 times, 5 times by Annabeth.
The first time is when Annabeth is joining the quest, then when he says things are going fine so far when they start the quest, then when at the Ride of Love, then when Annabeth calls him her friend, then when they’re saying goodbye.
If you watch the progression of it it’s the same as with Wise Girl, though used more often. It starts as an insult, and then becomes fond and a term for her friend by the end of it.
I don’t particularly want to label every single instance, but a quick overview of all the PJO books is that it’s used by Annabeth in annoyance a total of 4 times, in fondness/exasperation/worry 18 times. Those times of annoyance were all in books 1 and 2, the time of exasperation (1 of the 18) was in book 2.
The vast majority were done out of worry, and the rest when she was being soft.
It’s not meant to diminish his intelligence, nor is intended as an insult beyond book 1 and 1 instance of book 2. It is rarely used because he’s being ignorant either. You can make an argument for the first case in book 3 being done because he wasn’t catching her hint to dance and thus was mocking his inability to catch a hint, but it was mixed with fondness from my read.
Overall the nickname is not intended as an insult anymore, it has become a friendly name for Percy that shows how fond Annabeth is of him. She does not have nicknames for anyone else.
In HOO all the cases were relatively fond, with one that she didn’t say outloud being used when she was cheering Hazel up by telling stories about Percy (ah the benefits of long time friendships, you get to tell all the good stories).
In the end I think that it’s cute that they have a nickname for each other, and though there could be more flattering ones, the intent that Percy understands from it and the intent Annabeth uses it with clearly show that it is meant in fondness and was a gradual change from a name that was meant to poke at him. It’s meaning is is fond and loving and it was only used 3 times prior with any other (negative) intent.
Also friends give each other nicknames, and commonly they are meant to be teasing.
There is one other thing I’ve seen brought up, being Annabeth thinking that she needs to keep Percy on his toes (specifically about Rachel in this case) when they’re in Tartarus.
‘Rachel?’ Percy asked. ‘You mean our Rachel? Oracle of Delphi Rachel?’
‘That’s the one.’ Annabeth suppressed a smile.
Whenever she brought up Rachel’s name, Percy got nervous. At one point, Rachel had been interested in dating Percy. That was ancient history. Rachel and Annabeth were good friends now. But Annabeth didn’t mind making Percy a little uneasy. You had to keep your boyfriend on his toes. (HOH, didn’t bother to check chapter number, page 109 of my copy)
So here we see that Annabeth is “keeping him on his toes” but in context, they’re sending a note to Rachel through the Hermes temple in Tartarus. It was not Annabeth bringing it up to mess with him, it was her smiling at the little moment where he was thrown off about Rachel.
Frankly, in general Annabeth doesn’t do anything like that. She occasionally teases Percy but he always teases back. After the Rachel stuff in book 5 things were chill with all of them. We’ve seen no evidence of Percy being uncomfortable with Rachel being brought up, nor Annabeth thinking that it should be brought up for that purpose.
If anything Annabeth has shown some serious abandonment issues in fearing that Percy would leave her over other girls (she needs some therapy after that mess of a childhood but Khiron apparenlty doesn’t think so).
I see this as a case of bad writing with nothing else supporting it, including the scene it happens in.
Even had it actually been something supported by other instances, in the context she says it in it seems more like teasing over an ex where the break was amicable and everyone is still friends, which isn’t abusive or manipulative.
It’s just that Rick is tasteless.
So is Percabeth emotionally/psychologically/verbally abusive? No.
If someone wishes to bring up other instances shoot me an ask.
So in conclusion,
I do not see how it is abusive. There are elements I do not like, and some parts that in my own relationship I wouldn’t be okay with. But in Percy and Annabeth’s relationship they have clear boundaries, they are both more than capable of stopping the other if they do something that upsets them. They have both shown fondness towards the others actions even if it is something that we don’t approve of in our relationships.
If Percy showed upset at her actions that would be different. But we literally see into his mind and he shows no upset at her words or actions. He is fond, he is understanding, and he responds to each instance of teasing with teasing of his own.
Notably I never see people saying Percy is abusive, only Annabeth.
I get a feel that people ask for flawed characters then crucify them if they’re not flawed in easily likeable ways. Annabeth is not a perfect character, I don’t like everything she does, but she is a realistic character and should not be demonized.
TDLR: Annabeth has never purposefully harmed Percy, and Percy has never purposefully harmed her. Neither have verbally/emotionally/psychological taken actions with the intent of harming the other when in their relationship or since becoming friends. There have been instances of upsetting the other but they talked and it clearly was not meant to hurt the other but because they themselves were hurting
Percabeth is not abusive
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lirbrarycrows · 4 years
Various Fake Dating HCs
Various situations that require fake dating from there’s a creep, to a school play,  and how it becomes real 
AN/Yall know the drill. Caffeine, sugar, no sleep, binge writing session with no edits. That said if anyone catches a mistake please let me know Todoroki’s got a little away from me (def. was not 2 pages worth of google docs nope not me wrong writer) Enjoy!
Characters: Deku, Bakugou, Kaminari, Shinsou, Todoroki 
Word Count: 2520
Requests Open
Warnings: Mentions harassment
Mineta wasn’t the only creep on campus and you were Class 1-E’s lucky lady as he called you thinking he was God’s gift to women
After 2 weeks of annoying you everyday after class was enough 
You’d complained to Deku and Uraka about it before so he was well aware of the jerk
When he approached you at lunch you couldn’t take it anymore
The moment he left you’d plopped your forehead onto Deku’s shoulder and asked Deku to help you out offering to buy him lunch for the week in return
He wasn’t sure how he could - he knew he couldn’t intimidate the guy like Kirishima or Bakugou so he wasn’t sure what you wanted
When you explained he’d gone pink but agreed
Since then he’d held your hand, helped you study, and called you honey and sweets when the creep was in earshot 
It took the jerk a while to realize you weren’t interested for some reason when he did though Deku kept up all the sweet gestures 
You told him a week after the last encounter with the creep that he could stop 
He’d just murmured (thinking you couldn’t here) “I don’t want to” 
You’d given him a kiss on the check and realizing you’d heard he’d launched into one of his patented spiels saying of course if you weren’t interested, and he still was focused on becoming the number 1 hero, and and and 
You’d wait for him to finish and look up at from the floor before giving him a smile and asking where he wanted to go on your first official date
It was his idea believe it or not. You both were good friends and after his internship he had several dedicates “fans” They’d gone so far as to track him down and asked him out incessantly 
The first time he’d scoffed and told them to get loss with his usual tact, that is to say none
After that when they’d followed him everyday from the gates of UA he’d blown up at them, literally 
Most of them were properly scared off by this or at least more reserved 1 girl just couldn’t take a hint
You and Bakugou had been sent to get snacks for movie night later and SHE was as always waiting on Bakugou
He’d groaned seeing her and whispered in you ear to play along 
Snaked his arms dangerously low around your waist, pulled you close
He purposefully didn’t look at her pretending he hadn’t already seen her
When you were out of the gates he spun you around and trapped you against the wall leaning in to whisper to you thanking you for playing along he asked if he could kiss you
You grabbed his face and pulled it towards your own
When you broke apart he smirked then pretended to take notice of the girl telling her off for spying on him and his girlfriend
You walked up behind him as he yelled at the girl and glared daggers at her 
She wasn’t happy about it but between both your threats she finally backed off (though she would occasionally pop up at public UA events) 
You were always with the Bakusquad so it was an easy matter to plant a kiss on his check and motion you were watching her in case she felt like trying anything
Neither of you were ready for or wanted a real relationship so that was as far as it went in high school but you keep in contact and who knows what the future holds
It did become a running joke how you two were such a lovey dovey couple in between the cursing each other out and harder than necessary slugs to the shoulder
You two flirted like there was no tomorrow 
Eventually everyone assumed you were dating bc who else flirts with every breath
One night you were running late and Kirishima had asked Denki “Where’s your girlfriend” 
It took him a second bc as much as you both flirted it was never serious
You’d popped in not a minute later and Kaminari had thrown his arm around you dramatically declaring “MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND IS HERE” for everyone to here 
You looked at him quizzically and snorted
He managed to pull you away from the group and convince you it'd be a great joke to see how long you could convince the gang you were dating and how much drama you could create in your fake “relationship” 
You were plotting soap opera level storylines by the end of the night
After a week of scheming and late night writing session you started your personal drama with a dramatic monologue to the girls before class on how Kaminari had forgotten your so important 1 week-aversy 
-They’d consoled you and told you guys care about stuff but if you did you should talk to Kaminari
By lunch everyone had heard and Bakugou had a betting pool on how long the happy couple would last - Kaminari tried to join but was banned
Week 3 had the suspected cheating scandal - that had earned you a lecture from Kirishima on how it wasn’t manly to cheat and you assuring him nothing had actually happened 
By week 5 the two of you had a regular date scheming night 
During week 6 when Kirishima was “buzzed” after overusing his quirk he confessed to loving your (nonexistent) identical twin who conveniently went to another school and you had never spoken of bc she had stolen you last boyfriend
Towards the end of the term during date night Denki dropped to one knee proposing a proposal story line you’d burst out laughing when he grabbed a slap bracelet (He’d gotten from goodness knows where) and slapped it onto your wrist
At least take me on a real date first you’d joked - then frozen hoping he hadn’t heard 
He had. He took the slap bracelet off, still on one knee and said (Y/N) will you take this slap bracelet and go out with me for realizes I mean 
You’d ceremoniously take the slap bracelet and try to carefully put it on your wrist, treasuring it - slap bracelets can’t be gently moved though so it snapped up immediately as you said “I do” 
It wasn’t planned by either of you
You didn’t even know people though you were dating until a picture of the two of you showed up in the schools gossip column and someone pointed it out to you at lunch 
Shinsou just nodded his head and sighed saying “that makes sense” 
You had no idea what he was going on about - you found out that people had been kinder to him this morning some. Guys approached him about his “game” and some girl had talked to him saying if he was with you he couldn’t be as scary as he seemed 
You to were close and you knew how much it hurt him that people were scared of him bc of his quirk 
You were sitting so you leaned over and gave him a side hug promising him it would be okay
That hug went down the grapevine and “confirmed” your relationship 
By the time someone directly asked you about Shinsou the two of you had talked and agreed to let slide neither of you liked anyone and it was helping Shinsou so where was the harm 
You didn’t go out of your way to appear as a couple but you were friendly and people were prone to misinterpretation 
Shinsou certainly wasn’t a social butterfly but he certainly wasn’t seen as scary and his friend group grew
2 months into your “relationship” Shinsou had a girl confess to him she liked him 
He was taken aback she hadn’t talked to him the entirety of last term and suddenly she liked him
She had been scared of him unlike you. Unlike you, something clicked for Shinsou and the rest of the week he found himself comparing other girls to you and realized he may truly be in love with you 
By the time he came round to that realization you had made your own. Maybe people had thought you two were a couple bc you hung out with him more, hugged him more, smiled at him more, and liked him more and differently than your other friends. You  maybe even loved him 
At lunch he was the one who reached out and touched you, lightly settling his hand on yours and asking if you wanted to be more than a rumor 
Can we say emotional trauma 
In literature class there’d been a project to perform a Kyogen as a part of their classic lit unit - you’d loved it even if you’d been graded more on the accompanying essay of the evolution of language and classism than the performance part 
When you saw there was a school play you hasn’t hesitated to audition bc the kyogen performance had been so fun
You hadn’t gotten the lead role you wanted but you were more than fine playing a the female lead’s best friend who got swept off her feet by the quiet tortured poet
As soon as you saw who you’d been cast as you immediately checked who your love interest was. It was none other than Shoto Todoroki
You were really nervous the first rehearsal that focused on your sections
You knew Todoroki only by reputation, as a aloof and focused student 
You had no clue what he was doing in the play so you asked. He didn’t tell you the first day instead just did a read through 
The entire time the drama teacher kept saying “More Emotion” and “You’re in love so SMILE” you were pretty sure it was directed at Todoroki who was barely beyond monotone
The director requested Todoroki stay after rehearsal for extra practice. As his scene partner you stayed too
During on of these he explained during the kyogen project he’d felt different in his everyday life when he was pretending to be happy or angry compared to when he tried to show no emotion 
The director had called that moment a breakthrough. You smiled at him and asked whatever made him think that showing no emotion was in any way a good idea. He didn’t answer you 
You made it your mission from then on to get him to show emotion. Of course that was the director’s job on stage. You made it your mission everyday though. 
You would have friends pass him notes for you in between classes, eat lunch with him, and had a bad joke of the day hoping to catch him roll his eyes rather than just stare ahead eating robotically 
Eventually he started to show cracks in the armour, he would smile when you made funny faces backstage, or say he was upset which wasn’t much but baby steps
There were days he reverted to mono-emotionalism (that emotion being bored) on those days you eventually decided your best course was just to annoy him to death or even better till he said he was annoyed this came in the form of you lightly hitting you arm on his head, singing the 100 digits of pi song on loop, or running and jumping at him (he would always catch you knowing his choices were that or be bowled over) 
Those days became fewer and further between as you got closer to the play. There was one particular bad day though. You’d been trying all day to get a reaction, good or bad, out of him with nothing working. 
He was sitting on the floor during practice. You dropped beside him and leaned back till your head was in his lap and started asking “What’s up with you?”
You didn’t finish your question bc he shoved you out of his lap and stormed off 
Your scenes that day weren’t great to say the least 
By the end of practice you were just drained, you really were trying to help, and instead you’d hurt him and that hurt as much as him pushing you away and saying he didn’t need you 
The next day you had Deku hand him a note saying you were sorry 
You didn’t try to reach out to him the rest of the day, sat with your own friends at lunch, and didn’t bother him between scenes during practice
It was a week before you two spoke and that was only on the blocking of the last scene the leads ran to each other as you two cheered and hugged 
Tech week was hell week for 2 reasons 1. The general tiredness and overwhelmingness that always come with tech and 2 you were practically glued to Todoroki’s hip the entire play for 3 run throughs a day and you still weren’t really speaking 
Opening night you saw Todoroki pacing half an hour before curtain call. You were headed back to the dressing room to help some of the other girls with their makeup but he looked stressed. 
You waved not wanting to startle him. He looked up from his pacing feet and just stared at you 
“I’m not here to annoy you. You just look stressed and I wanted to say it’ll be fine and um break a leg. Anyway I’ll leave you to your pacing.” You said before starting to leave
He doesn’t move to stop you from leaving but he stares you down and starts talking, spewing all the feelings that have been building up (that he doesn’t understand) He’s nervous around you. Why is he nervous around you? He’s mad at himself for making you sad that day. You didn’t talk to him. He didn’t know what to do so he let you not talk to him. His miserable and he misses you he thinks. He tried talking to Deku but Deku just told him that he needed to talk to you about these feelings so he didn’t say anything more to Deku. He has all these feeling and doesn’t know why? 
You walk towards him and ask if it’s okay to hug him
He gives the smallest nod
You wrap him in the tightest hug you possibly can and lean your head into his chest. He eventually rests his head on top of yours and awkwardly wraps his hands around your back
When you pull away he looks at you for a moment before telling you your makeup looks nice 
You have to run to help the girls with their makeup you remember but make him promise to talk after the show 
You two talk and by the final curtain call your on stage hug has somehow become a chaste peck on the cheek. 
He pays for your post set strike theater crew Denny’s meal with Endeavour's stolen credit card and asks if it counts as a date if there are 20 other people with you
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Hey! I love hearing you talk about your Fostered series and every time you do it makes me want to write my own series I’ve been planning, but I’m always too afraid to write it. Part of me thinks it would work as a show but I know I could write it if I tried. The setting is also a bit controversial, which is putting me off quite a bit. I also don’t think I would use it for uni or publish it so it would just be for me. Idk what I’m doing really, just wondered if you had any advice? Thanks xx
Hey! Just a heads up that this answer may not be 100% helpful because I really really feel this. My anxiety severely interferes with my writing (did you say imposter syndrome! hating your work! crippling insecurity!) so I understand being afraid to write. I truly wish I had more advice but this is something I’m still working on. A few things I find help is only writing when I know I’m prepared to do so. So that might mean waiting a few weeks or months until I have the proper time available (I don’t bother stressing too much about writing during school for example) and the proper mindset available. For example I probably will take a month off from doing anything after my semester ends because if I start writing immediately I will probably get burnt out and cry lol! Understanding your needs BEFORE writing is really critical IMO. Take a break. Make sure you sleep well the nights before. Make sure you eat and hydrate yourself! Writing can be exhausting which can make the fear worse so setting yourself up for success is always helpful. I also find taking little miniature steps helpful. I started a new project recently and I’m taking it SO SLOW. One night I wrote about a page (which was a LOT!) and since then I’ve just been thinking about one aspect of one character relationship over and over. I don’t bother trying to push myself until I’m ready to move onto another aspect of the story. Also: accepting that writing is going to be uncomfortable is sort of the most helpful (yet hardest to swallow) tip. This is the hardest part for me to accept because writing wasn’t always like this for me but now it majorly is. There’s more discomfort and fear than enjoyment. The more I accept those feelings the more I’m able to work through them and grasp onto parts of the process I DO enjoy. If you sit down to write, tell yourself you know this is a scary process that makes you uncomfortable. Naturally when people are afraid their fight or flight response kicks in. For me I want to flee—and this is normal. In these moments, I address that this is my body’s response to protect me in what it perceives to be a scary situation and that I’m going to take it word by word until I hit “a groove.” Sometimes I never hit that groove in a session. Sometimes it takes me 2 words. But whatever it takes I’m going to take it slow! I will also take breaks frequently or whenever I’m feeling nervous or overwhelmed and call it a day when I’m frustrated or too scared (this can be a hard decision to make but it’s sometimes necessary). I’m so sorry if this makes it seem like there’s no enjoyment in writing—I def do still enjoy it but I’ve learned that that enjoyment and intense fear can coexist and the more I practice these principles, the easier and more fun the writing can get. Hope that helps and good luck with your project!
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butiknewyou · 4 years
I don’t get that either. Why she misleads people to think a song is x, y, z. Yeah, she wrote EHC about someone else, not Conor. In the original lyrics the guy was a Gemini which was one the lyrics. And I still don’t think (even the bonus tracks) that anything on Red was inspired by Harry she begun writing Red before, and when they dated, and all it was already done. The bonus tracks especially, but she still made people think it’s Harry, and others. So, who is SF about?
I was never sure if the Gemini thing was something she wrote or Ed (feel like it was her though). I also forgot to give this example to the other anon but Taylor strategically released Better Man to make everyone think it was about Calvin when she wrote it about Jake (rip gyllenswift I guess 😔) I might be stupid but idk what SF is?
However I think people often gloss over one of the most important and revealing things Taylor has ever said about her music: that the inspiration for it could not be as simple as a paternity test. This means several things! It means she could write songs based off daydreams (Mine, Stay Stay Stay, 100% sure there’s more we don’t know about) or that she writes songs that are half truths or that she takes details she thinks are interesting and adds them to songs about other things. Like Holy Ground? I’m sure she wrote it about Joe Jonas, but that lyric about the note on the door ties back to Dianna imo. Even if you believe Dianna and Taylor dated, they were definitely not broken up when she wrote that song (and def not long enough for the story to have dust on every page) but I bet she thought that detail was cute and fit well in the song. And I bet you there’s a ton of examples of this stuff all through her discography that we’ll never find out.
So you ask why she did it? When she started getting famous, she knew people would talk about it anyway and thought she should be allowed to control the rumors. Remember when albums like speak now and red would come out and there would be articles analyzing the secret messages?
I think one of the most fascinating things about her career is the way she started off presenting the situation like she wanted to say exactly who + what her music was about (secret messages lyrics etc etc) and this continued for a LONG time (the paper airplanes) but she said just last year that she felt her music had become gossip fodder...when it seems like she spent several years intentionally doing that, just making sure it was pretty much the gossip she wanted.
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