#coughs anyway this is to say if u sent me a message and i haven’t answered
palms-upturned · 1 year
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klance-fics · 3 years
Hmm got any recs for wrong number/texting fics?? 👀
i loooove those yes i have a bunch actually
i usually only post completed fics its like my rule but "this is so sad paladins form voltron" was discontinued. however klance happened in the fic before it got discontinued and its actually my fav so im adding it anyway
you never stood a chance
lance to hunk ♡
>i’m gonna fukin die hunk oh mygod i sent
>keith a work out selfie that i wan supposed to fcukin send to you and you know what it said
(Or, Keith is beautiful, Lance has a crush, and there's lots of shirtless selfies)
teamwork makes the meme work
Allura creates a groupchat for the newfound members of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance club at Voltron University. Everything goes downhill from there.
Why was I never considered
You know why.
For fuck’s sake
You shank a guy once and suddenly you’re “violent” and have “anger issues”
keith you;re gonna make me piss my pantsnhdjkljdhjh
build a paper plane (to float to you)
“Would it make you feel better if I introduced myself to Shiro’s neighbours?”
“It would make me feel better if you had told me that you were going to be alone this winter break.” Lance grumbles lowly.
“I’m telling you now.”
Lance rubs his hand over his face, tries not to sound frustrated. “Why are you telling me now?”
Keith falters, thinks over his words. Lance bets he doesn’t know why he’s telling him now either. “Because I thought you should know.” He finally settles on. Because you can’t do anything about it.
In which Lance travels across 1,681 kilometers, sees the sky and the water meet for the first time, and falls in more ways than one.
voltron is a meme
Group Message to: Lance and +9 972-888-2022
Lance: shut the fuck up
+9 972-888-2022: i haven’t even said anything yet!
+9 972-888-2022: rude
Pidge: say that to my face
Lance: if you can make HUNK a PHONE then you can make ME a PROPER FACE LOTION
Pidge: gdi lance lotion isn’t the same as technology
Lance: i fucking hate u
Lance: you CAN’T tell me you can build a phone out of nothing and not even make me a lotion
Pidge: i don’t even know what goes IN lotion
Pidge: i haven’t moisturized a day in my life
Lance: you Take That Back
In which Team Voltron canonically gets a group chat, Lance hates change, memes are sacred, and Keith and Lance's crushes are obvious to everyone except them.
This is So Sad Paladins Form Voltron
Princess: What is this Mario Kart?
gos: it’s a video game where you race one another in little cars
Dunce Dunce Revolution: excuSE ME
gos: not again
Dunce Dunce Revolution: did you just call mario kart a /video game/
Dunce Dunce Revolution: a mere /video game/?
Pidgeon: blocked and reported
Kogayne: never speak to me or my husband ever again
Kogayne removed gos from the chat
OR: a post season-7 chat fic because I couldn't find any
FEATURING: pining, of the klance, romellura, and adashatt varieties; wholesome family bonding; the MFes as well as our alien friends, and an unholy amount of memes.
it's actually mostly memes.
ladies and gentlemen we are rocking in space
do u like the taste of spam, van kieu
because thats what ull get
1 glorious terabyte of def-not-garrison-approved viewing matl
every hour on d hour
And now you’re blackmailing me. Wonderful.
Look, I’ll tell you, alright?
Not because your threat scares me, but because I’d like to cut this conversation as short as humanly possible.
glad ur being so cooperative ;) ;)
Lance gets a new flight simulation partner. Lance makes a bunch of mixtapes. Lance falls in love?
Galaxy Garrison + texting au. For the Klance Zine!
Instructions Not Included
Keith glanced back toward the front door of his apartment, half hoping the cat’s owner or someone would suddenly bang on the door and give him an explanation. But the door remained silent, and Keith sighed, turning back to the cat. She was now licking her paws, seemingly completely unconcerned with her new environment.
“Don’t suppose you could explain what’s going on.”
The cat looked up at him, her gold eyes studying his, then she dipped her head and coughed up a hairball at Keith’s feet.
Keith wrinkled his nose. “Guess not.”
Keith ends up with an unexpected guest over the holidays.
you walked in, and i couldn't look away
Lance has a staring problem. Keith hates it and confronts him about it. Lance falls for him, literally, and then... they become sort-of friends.
Funky Lesbian changed group name “Voltrons bitches” to “Voltron is just furry propaganda”
The paladins of Voltron are on their way home. PIdge installed a texting / messaging system into their lions and now they can communicate on the way home.
Pidge did not think this through and now Lance keeps messaging about his crush on Keith.
Inspired by this tumblr post : I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. A guy asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight
hello neighbor
[8:08 PM]: you’re at work at 8 at night? where do you work?
[8:08 PM]: why would i tell you that
and don’t say because we’re number neighbors
[8:09 PM]: UGHHH
i thought we were having a moment
[8:09 PM]: over what?? i know nothing about you
[8:09 PM]: well let’s change that shall we
the name’s lance
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wildnya · 4 years
Chapter 4: Everyone, Say “Thank you, Clover”
The group was delayed before the first store was even in sight. Why? Dazai nearly died... from a nosebleed. On the way they’d passed a shop displaying the type of lingerie Dazai loved. One look at that and a glance at Robin was all it took. It worsened when Robin bent down to see if he was alright, tilting his head up so he’d have a better look. He was an angel sent from heaven in his eyes.
It was no surprise his partner knew what had caused the sudden gush to happen and reaction to it, a deep sigh as he brought his hand up to cover his eyes, head shaking like a disappointed mother. The same went for his other three subordinates, an awkward cough from Akutagawa while Gin and Higuchi exchanged a look. However the reaction he received from Clover did surprise him.
Everyone was surprised at how quickly Clover warmed up to Chuuya. None of them could come up with an explanation. A gust of wind blew off the executives hat on the way and Clover had jumped up to catch it. Akutagawa and Robin were dumbfounded seeing her not shy away from Chuuya’s head pat. Soon after that Dazai had seen Akutagawa bend over her shoulder to ask her something. He had a feeling it was along the lines of why his girlfriend was already comfortable being around the short redhead. A stumped look appeared on Clover’s face at his question. Akutagawa gave a simple nod to whatever the answer she gave him, accepting it without questions.
It was obvious befriending Clover was a must from watching the siblings interact. Their bond as siblings was just as strong as the Akutagawa’s, maybe stronger. The trouble was though she wasn’t warming up to Dazai, at all. Any attempts of starting a conversation ended with her hiding behind one of the others. Getting the shy girl to open up was going to be a tough battle, or so he thought.
Seeing his nosebleed worsen after looking at her brother all uneasiness vanished from her sapphire eye to be replaced by curiosity. She no longer found the mafia boss intimidating, but continued to keep her distance. Dazai pretended not to notice the younger’s glances, head tilts, and stares she gave him. It wouldn’t surprise him if she knew he was purposely being oblivious though. He knew his mentee was smart enough to tell his lover what job occupation he had before getting into a relationship. Clover would definitely know Dazai was the boss, Akutagawa wouldn’t address him as that if he wasn’t.
“Oi,” a poke from Chuuya brought him out of his thoughts “hurry up and ask him.” the unwelcomed nervousness returned. “Isn’t it too soon?” Dazai hated the way his nerves acted up so much whenever it came to Robin, the feeling was alien to him. “Shouldn’t I make friends with Clover first? I definitely will have to eventually, she is his top priority right now. You see it, right Chuuya? I wouldn’t want to rush things! Furthermore-” a tug on the sleeve of his coat stopped the flowing of excuses falling from the brunette mouth. Dazai scared Clover with how fast he turned to face her. She would have jumped up again if Akutagawa hadn’t put his hands on her shoulders.
“A-ah, I’m sorry!” he quickly apologized when he saw her shrinking away. Taking notice of cat ears now resting flat against her head, he put on a bright smile to come off as less intimidating, “I’m not used to having my clothes tugged on, you caught me off guard.” the ears had vanished the moment she saw his eyes, but he was not taking any chances. Better safe than sorry.
“What can I do for you, Clover-chan?” Dazai added a cheery voice to his smile, putting on his mask to hide the annoying nerves that had been pegging him all day. In the corner of his eye could see her tail entwined with a sliver of Rashoumon. “She’s sharper than she presents herself to be.” he thought seeing her tail tightened when he put on his mask “it’s probably best to be careful when she’s around.” His thoughts were confirmed when her lips pressed into a thin line after he upped his mask level. Dazai toned it down after that, but only enough to let the nervousness be seen. He made a mental note seeing Clover relax slightly when he did.
“Is there something you can’t reach? I’ll get it down, just show me where.” Dazai used a milder voice this time. He was pleased to see Clover’s tail loosen slightly but it didn’t surprise him when it tightened again. Clover played with her hands, opening and closing her mouth trying to find her voice. Akutagawa removed one of his hands from her shoulders. The other stayed as a silent reminder he was there. After a squeeze from him Clover found her voice. “U-um,” her voice was very fitting for her personality and appearance, soft and quiet. It was very cute. “Ro-Robin can-can’t afford to buy m-me a som-something and a su-suit for h-him. He w-won’t l-let you bu-buy him one w-without…” she reached her limit.
Clover scurried to hide behind Akutagawa who didn’t bat an eye finishing what she started, picking up where she left off immediately. “Robin spends nearly all of his time either studying or doing small jobs to earn some extra cash for Clover to go out. There are… complications that keep Clover from getting a job as well, and he’s too stubborn to accept money for no reason.” he glanced back at his girlfriend continuing when her grip tightened on his jacket “to put it simply, you’re compatible and she’s saying go for it.” “I heard my name~” perfect timing “what’re talking-” no time was wasted. Dazai took the students hand in his as he knelt, all nervousness gone like before.
“Robin, will you listen to this lonely man’s woes? The position of my job occupation requires me to attend many business parties every year, and I dread having to go. Every party I attract the attention of ladies there. Though they are lovely ladies and I do not mind making small talk with them, they keep making moves on me. There have been occasions where benefits which would have served us well were lost thanks to unloyal wives trying to hook up with me. It is so tiring having to tiptoe around their advances and being flirted with every other minute, but after meeting you this burden may finally be lifted off my shoulders.” cressing his hand, Dazai gave him the smile that has won the hearts of many. “Robin, will you do me the honor of accompanying me as my date to the party?”
“Can’t.” Robin pulled his hand away. “I have classes and work, I can’t skip either. Plus I don’t have the money to buy both of us an outfit.” he gestured to his sister. Rubbing his neck awkwardly, an apologetic smile formed on his lips “I appreciate the invite though.” Dazai could hear his hope and excitement shatter. Until he noticed the couple had been joined by Gin and Higuchi not far off behind Robin. The girl's were waving their arms trying to get his attention.
When they had it, Akutagawa slightly leaned down so Clover could whisper in his ear. Summoning Rashoumon, he used the demon to make characters for Dazai to read. ‘Tell him you’ll pay for his suit.’ they read. “No, I can’t accept that.” Robin immediately denied the offer while Rashoumon simultaneously morphed into a new message, ‘offer a job. Ah, she’s a clever one. Now knowing where this was going, Dazai signaled them to stay on standby and took the reins. They nodded and Rashoumon vanished. Dazai made a mental note to give them a few days off as thanks and to also invite Clover to lunch.
“I can offer you a job to replace your old ones. I’ll pay you more than what you made before.” Robin quirked an eyebrow, eyes now cautious “and what would that be?” “it isn’t anything difficult, I just want you to be arm candy.” Dazai reached out to take his hand the third time that day. “My job requires me to do mountains of paperwork and report reading everyday, and almost every week there is a boring meeting I must attend or one of those exhausting parties.” he heaved a dramatic sigh. “I’m bored and lonely, having no one to keep me company in my dark office. But then I met you. Just being in the same room with you brightens my day. It would make me the happiest man alive for you to accept.” he kissed his hand. Robin stared down at him processing what he’d just been proposed with, a faint pink blush forming once he had.
“I- um- well, it’s a nice offer- I don’t know- it’s like-!” he began stuttering, looking away flustered. “I don’t think I’d be satisfied with getting paid to-” he stopped mid-sentence feeling Clover give his back a poke, her face stone cold. “H-hey Clover,” with an uneasy smile, Robin turned to face his sister “what’s up? Did you find something you liked?” she didn’t reply, only stared at him unblinking as the air around her grew heavy. “What, are you worried about me? I’m fine, don’t worry.” ears out, tail lashing “I like the jobs I’m doing, they keep me on my toes.” eye shifts to become more feline “plus I spend every class sitting, I’d get restless from doing that at work too!” Gin and Higuchi join her with closed eye smiles, adding to the peer pressure “don’t forget I do my assignments on my breaks, so, um, yeah that’s a thing!” Akutagawa came to stand behind them, switching to mafia mode to max out the intensity.
“Fine, fine! I yield, I yield, you win.” Clover withdrew her feline features with a smile. Gin and Higuchi high fived without looking at each other while Akutagawa turned off mafia mode with a cough.
Robin sighed, “this is what you’re getting yourself into, I hope you’re ready.” “I’m very aware,” Akutagawa let out another cough “there have been many occasions she has kept me home to rest by stealing Rashoumon.” “this kid can get your workaholic ass to actually rest?” Chuuya laughed, coming around him ruffle her hair “you’re than ya seem, aren’t’cha kid?” Clover leaned into Chuuya’s hand, smiling widening.
Another sigh escaped Robin’s mouth, “anyway, let’s get back to shopping, we still haven’t found something for the lovebirds and now I need my own-” “there’s no longer a need for that!” Dazai’s sudden excimation startled the rest “I’m arranging tailor made outfits for everyone to celebrate the end of my party woes. No no,” he waved a finger seeing some open their mouths to protest “I insist! Accept this as a thank you gift too~”
The newly appointed arm candy pinched the bridge of his nose, “look, I appreciate the offer but this is too much-” “you’ll be attending many parties and meetings, the majority will require formal attire,” the mafia boss interrupted the student again “you can’t wear the same thing every time. It’s only appropriate for me to provide the clothes, since it’s part of your job. There’s no fault in this logic, no?” he smiled down at him, nothing threatening, just a normal smile.
Looking up at the ceiling eyes closed, he was quiet. “So,” Robin looked back at Dazai, crossing his arms, “when do I start?”
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lavenderlattaes · 5 years
call me babe. | hwang hyunjin
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⇒ summary: you’ve had this thing going on with hyunjin; you called each other babe and acted like a couple for fun. but what happens when he starts liking someone else?
⇒ [college! au, idiots to lovers! au, friends to lovers! au]
⇒ pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
⇒ word count: 4.4k words (woAh)
⇒ genre:  fluff, with a smidge of angst, i guess
⇒ warnings: swear words, plus clingy and flirty hyunjin and reader lmao
⇒ note:  ajxbwjsk this is lit rally based off my best friend’s friendship with another one of our guy friends but i tweaked it a bit so now it’s purely self-indulgent bc HWANG  H Y U N J I N. honestly this is total word vomit and a complete mess — it’s just random moments of my self-indulgence for hyunjin (i need help) so ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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“I’m gonna go ahead, see you guys tomorrow,” Hyunjin bids all of you good bye, slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder. Everyone momentarily looks up, saying good byes to him. 
Locking class had just ended, but Hyunjin was already in a rush to leave. You stop fixing and put your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Running off again, I see. Where are you off to, Hwang?” You demand, your chin held up high.
He rolls his eyes, walking closer to you.
“I’m meeting up with Yeji,” he answers and you huff. You push him away, turning around to continue fixing your things.
“Hmm, yeah sure. You’re probably just too lazy to bring me home,” You scoff. You hear Hyunjin sigh behind you and seconds later, his arms are wrapped around your waist, his cheek resting on your back.
“Please don’t be mad, babe. And I’m not being lazy! I really do have something to do with Yeji. We need to finish our choreo for the showcase. If you want, you can wait for me and I’ll bring you home later, yeah?” he answers you, making you smile while rolling your eyes. You turn around in his arms, seeing him pout at you with those pleading, puppy dog eyes of his.
“Nah, it’s okay. I can go with Jisung. Just, stay safe okay? Don’t go home late, I’m going to call Felix and make sure you’re home on time. If not, Felix won’t be able to dab again,” You threaten and he lets out a hearty chuckle, his eyes crinkling.
“Yes, ma’am.” He hugs you tight and you return with equal enthusiasm. You break the hug and he says his final goodbyes to everyone, jogging out of the studio.
Once he’s out, Jisung speaks up. “Why don’t you just date already? I’m tired of you guys calling each other babe and shit.” He complains.
You roll your eyes at him as he comes closer to you. “Why don’t you go date Minho then?” You retort and Jisung huffs.
“Shut up, we’re just friends,” Jisung pokes your cheek. 
“Hmm, okay,” you shake your head at him, and he grins, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“I’m going to go write lyrics with Chan and Changbin. You wanna come with?” Jisung asks as he leads you outside.
You shake your head and smile. “That’s fine, I should probably go check on my essay that I sent in for Mr. Kim’s class last week,” you reply.
“Okay, but don’t tell Hyunjin I didn’t bring you home alright? He might beat my ass up,” Jisung pouts and you laugh, hugging him. 
“Don’t worry about him. He’s just being over dramatic,” you reassure him and he laughs. “Okay, gotta go now! Bye, Y/N!” 
You wave good bye and as Jisung’s form becomes smaller the farther away he is from the building, the more you wished you had gone with Hyunjin.
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A few days have passed, and Hyunjin’s been spending less and less time with you. Ever since he told you about the dance he’s working on with Yeji, he’s hardly been spending time with you. 
Truth be told, even if you wanted to call him out for it, you can’t. Because honestly, wouldn’t that make you seem clingy? It’s not as if you and Hyunjin are dating anyway. You just had this habit of calling each other ‘babe’ with a lot of flirting involved.
It started off as a simple joke; you accidentally called him babe, since you used to call your girl friends that way back in high school. He laughed it off, saying you could never resist his charms — you probably really couldn’t, but you wouldn’t let him know that. Another time came when you needed to get out of a sticky situation with a guy who just couldn’t understand that you didn’t like him, so when you saw Hyunjin pass by, you called him babe and he helped pretend to be your boyfriend for five minutes.
“Come on, Y/N. Just one date,” the guy who’s name you didn’t even know asks you, stepping closer as you stepped away.
“I’m sorry, but no. I don’t even know you that much and I really can’t,” you try again and he steps closer, taking your hand in his as you try to get away. 
“Why? It’s not as if you’re already taken,” he reasons and at that moment, you see Hyunjin pass by. You pull your hand back and smile.
“Babe, Hyunjin!” You call out and Hyunjin turns to you. He sees the pleading look in your eyes and the way you subtly glance at the stubborn boy beside you. 
Hyunjin winks, letting you know he got the message. He jogs up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he kisses your cheek. 
Okay that wasn’t necessary but, thank you.
“What’s up? I was just looking for you,” Hyunjin pokes the tip of your nose, side-eyeing the guy.
“I’m… gonna go now. Forget what I said, Y/N,” the guy awkwardly coughs, walking away, stealing small glances at you and Hyunjin. Hyunjin pulls you closer and watches the guy walk away. 
The guy turns around the corner and Hyunjin snorts, letting his head fall on his shoulder as his cheeks burned red. “You’re lucky I love you, Y/L/N. I wouldn’t have done something like that if it was Jisung,” Hyunjin giggles as you laugh at him.
The whole babe thing just kind of stuck, and while most people thought you two were dating, only your friends knew that you were just playing around. You and Hyunjin sort of used that tactic to “ward off” — his words, not yours — those people who wanted to get into relationships with either of you that you didn’t want. You weren’t up for a relationship yet, seeing as you both were working hard in college to get into a really good company after graduating. You had to fight off any potential distractions and helping each other out by pretending to be a couple seemed like the best option. You both had this joke that the whole calling each other babe thing would end once the both of you started seeing someone officially. 
Currently, dance classes have just ended and you look around to see that everyone’s already left. 
Except for Hyunjin.
“Jinnie.” You call out, walking over to him. Hyunjin opens his arms for you and you step into his embrace. 
“Hi, babe, what’s up ?” He says, grinning. 
You pout at him. “Where do you run off to these days? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” you whine. Hyunjin laughs, making you laugh as well. You sounded so clingy but you didn’t care. Hyunjin’s even worse.
“I, uh, meet up with Yeji to practice our dance.” He replies and you raise an eyebrow.
“Are you really practicing for the showcase?” you ask, stepping away from him, raising your eyebrow playfully and he grins sheepishly. You keep teasing Hyunjin about Yeji, the pretty girl in his other advanced hiphop class, telling him that soon enough, he’d drop the babe on you once he finally gets the balls to ask her out. The poor boy just whined at you.
“Well...” he trails off, scratching the back of his head.
“Aish, whatever. Go to your woman,” you say, sounding like a mom. He grins, hugging and kissing your face. You scrunch up your face, swatting him away.
“Ew, Hyunjin stop,” you whine and he laughs at you. He stops pestering you and he fixes himself up like a little kid would on his first day of school.
“How do I look?” He asks you, and you looked him up and down.
“Like an idiot,” you deadpan. He pouts and you laugh, ruffling his hair.
“You go on and have fun, yeah? Don’t go home too late,” You tell him as he picks up his stuff.
“Yes, mommy.” He mock salutes you, walking out.
“If shit doesn’t work out with Yeji, don’t whine and ask me to come pick you up! Take care, oh and don’t be an idiot, okay?” You call after him and he raises his thumbs up.
“Whatever you say, ma’am!” He calls out. 
Looking out the window, you soon see Hyunjin walking out of the building. He breaks into a jog once you see Yeji standing a few feet away. There’s a smile on her face and she grins, giving him a hug which he reciprocates. Sighing, you lean against the wall and slide down, bringing your legs up to your chest.
You look up and start talking to yourself.
“You’re such an idiot, Y/N”
“Do you really have zero feelings for him?”
“If I did, you think I’d be pushing him towards Yeji?”
“But isn’t that what main protagonists do in films? If they like a person and can’t risk the friendship they push them towards other people?”
You purse your lips, resting your cheek on your knee.
Do you really like Hyunjin? Or are you just bothered by the fact that his attention is on someone else that isn’t you? Didn’t you initiate the entire thing with Yeji, anyway? Do you want Hyunjin, or do you just want the attention that Hyunjin gives you? 
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Weeks after that encounter with Hyunjin, he’s been spending ZERO time with you. You were looking for someone to hang out with, since your rehearsals just ended and you had about three hours to kill before your next class. But Hyunjin’s busy practicing with Yeji, and it didn’t help that Jisung’s busy too with his final showcase with Chan and Changbin. All of your friends, Woojin, Seungmin, and Jeongin were all busy rehearsing for their showcase too. Felix and Minho were your only hope since they didn’t have their rehearsals until later, but they weren’t answering their phones. 
“Why buy phones when you won’t answer them,” you mutter, slowly walking away from the auditorium. “Hyunjin would probably try and find some way to hang out with me,” you whine and stop in your tracks.
Damn it.
You do like him. 
“Y/N!” Fuck, speak of the devil. You don’t turn around and speed-walk, trying your best to pretend you didn’t hear him.
“Y/N! Hey, wait up!” Shit, shit, shit. At that moment, the doors to the lecture hall a few steps away open and a crowd of students file out. You walk faster and slide in the huge crowd, losing Hyunjin. His voice drowns out and you soon find yourself in an empty room, locking the door behind you. Looking around, you survey the area and realize it’s the photography room. The photography majors didn’t use the room around this time, so hopefully no one will scold you for being there.
You like Hyunjin. You actually like the idiot. Why else would you compare him to the other guys? Why else would you try and avoid him like the plague like you’re hiding something? You were an open book around him, so he’d definitely see right through you. You’d blow your cover and ruin the best friendship you’ve ever had with anyone.
You flop down onto one of the chairs, running a hand through your hair. Whipping your phone out, you type a message to Jisung.
you: i know u’re probs still w chan and changbin, but what time do rehearsals end?
jisung: i was just about to text you, hyunjin came in looking for you. Where are you?
you: dont tell hyunjin anything. can you come over to the dorms now? 
jisung: i have about fifteen minutes more with chan and changbin. Is that okay?
you: yeah, just. Don’t tell hyunjin or chan or changbin anything. Or any of the guys.
jisung: okay 
You exhale shakily, standing up to leave. You quickly make your way to the dorms, hoping Hyunjin didn’t see you.
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“What’s up? Spill.” Jisung says the moment you open the door for him. You lock the door behind him and pull him to sit on your roommate Ryujin’s bed. 
You stare intently at Jisung, trying to find out how you’re going to tell your loudmouth friend. You’d much rather tell Woojin since he definitely wouldn’t tell anyone, but he was unavailable at the moment and Jisung was actually really trustworthy if he wasn’t so loud all the time.
Deciding to just go with it, you blurt out, “I like Hyunjin.”
Jisung smirks, “I knew it.” He’s about to say more, but then pauses, suddenly confused. “So, what’s the problem?”
“He likes Yeji and I can’t risk our friendship. We both agreed to drop the babe thing once we found someone we genuinely liked, and he’s found Yeji. Soon enough, he’s going to tell me he’s dropping the babe and I’m not going to be selfish and admit that I like him. That’ll just ruin everything and I don’t want to ruin the best friendship I’ve ever had with anyone; not that I don’t have great friendships with you guys too, but you know what I mean.” You say all in one breath, Jisung looking at you in awe.
“Do you wanna, maybe join 3RACHA? We can be 4RACHA,” Jisung says.
You stare at him. “Jisung.”
Jisung shrugs, then sighs. “No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t see Yeji that way. Besides, they’re both Hwangs. Wouldn’t that be weird?”
You give him a look. “Jisung, you and I both know that last names don’t matter. I mean, look at Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo,” you point out. 
“Didn’t they get divorced around like, August or something?” Jisung looks up in thought.
“Han Jisung!” You whine.
“Okay, sorry, we’re getting off topic. Anyway. Hyunjin doesn’t like Yeji.” Jisung reassures you, leaning back on the wall.
“Well, even if he doesn’t, he’ll never feel the same way for me.” You look out the window, seeing all your friends running around the field, minus you and Jisung. Hyunjin was there too.
“I want to avoid him.” You turn back to Jisung. He looks perplexed at this point.
“And why? Are you insane? You know that avoiding your problems never help, Y/N.”
You sigh. “I can’t let him know I like him, Ji. It will make things worse.”
“Please trust me on this. I’ll ignore him only for as long as my feelings are here. I’ll talk to him when I’ve completely moved on. It won’t affect my relationships with you guys. I promise.” You plead, clasping onto Jisung’s hands.
Jisung looks defeated. “I won’t trust you on this one, but I’ll respect your decision. If this is what you want, I’ll go with it. I’ll always be here, okay?”
You give him a grateful smile and he pulls you into a hug. 
“Please don’t get your heart broken, Y/N,” Jisung sighs, and you can only squeeze him tighter.
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A month passes by and you’ve been ignoring Hyunjin. During the first week that you didn’t greet him when he entered class, he brushed it off as you not having a good day. However, Hyunjin knew that even if you weren’t in a good mood, you’d come to him all the more. You once told him his hugs made your day better, so the fact that you were ignoring him and not asking for his hugs left him confused. He just let it go, thinking that maybe it’s something really serious. You’d tell him eventually.
The second week that you still didn’t talk to him, he tried asking the guys about it, but none of them knew what was going on with you. You still talked to all of them, except for him. Hyunjin however, did notice you hanging out with Jisung a lot more than you usually did, so he tried asking Jisung, but the boy refused to say anything. 
By the third week, Hyunjin soon thinks that maybe he did something wrong. But every time he tried to think of all the possibilities, he couldn’t come up with anything at all. Did he forget a promise he made with you? Did he say something wrong? Did he borrow your favorite book and lose it or forget to return it or something? Did he eat your secret stash of M n M’s in your dorms? Hyunjin’s sure he’s done none of those.
By the fourth week, Hyunjin gives up when he sees you hugging Jisung. Maybe you had feelings for Jisung and you didn’t know how to confront Hyunjin about the babe thing. Maybe you think it would be weird to continue being so touchy and flirty with Hyunjin now that you’re dating Jisung. 
Your last class had ended for the day, and you’re now just waiting for Jisung and Felix. Jisung had invited you to hang out with him and Felix, since they were going to go relax a bit before facing the showcase which was scheduled to happen next week. 
You’re too lazy to take your backpack off, so you’re just sitting cross-legged on a bench, your backpack still on your shoulders. Your earphones are in, playing really sad Day6 songs you didn’t realize Woojin and Seungmin snuck into your playlist while you read some underrated angsty teen novel you found at a random bottom shelf in the library. It’s around 4pm, so the sun is still high up in the sky, giving you enough light to read. Suddenly, your source of light is blocked and you frown, trying to make out the words. You look up and lock eyes with the one person you’ve been avoiding this whole time.
You gasp and try to stand up, but realize that someone’s tied the ends of your backpack straps to the bench. Fuck. You pull your earphones out and take your backpack off, deciding right there that you can be a total idiot and just abandon your bag there and get it later. 
Yes, you were that desperate to get away from Hwang Hyunjin.
“Y/N, wait.” Hyunjin’s hand shoots out to wrap around your wrist. You freeze and look down at his hand resting on your wrist. His grip is firm, but gentle.
You gulp and slowly turn around. Your eyes meet his hurt and confused ones, your heart aching at the sight.
“Are you dating Jisung?” Hyunjin asks softly and you frown at him.
“Are you dating Yeji?” You answer back with your own question.
“Answer my question first,” Hyunjin sighs and you purse your lips. You shake your head and Hyunjin lets go of your wrist, visibly relaxing,
“I’m not dating Yeji either.” He says. Although you didn’t want to know that, because your stupid, stubborn self refuses to believe that he likes you, you still find yourself feeling relieved.
Hyunjin steps closer to you. 
“What wrong did I do for you to avoid me this long? How big was it that you’d willingly leave your backpack here, when I know that you’d never ever leave it behind even if a zombie apocalypse would suddenly happen because you told me that one time? You even told me you’d leave Felix behind, or maybe sacrifice Changbin, but never your bag. So, what did I do wrong, Y/N? Why have you been avoiding me? It’s driving me crazy,” Hyunjin bombards you with questions.
You purse your lips and shake your head. “I’m not avoiding you. I’ve just been really busy.” You lie right through your teeth.
Hyunjin chuckles humorlessly. “So busy is sitting down on a bench, listening to music and reading books now? You’ve been avoiding me for an entire month, Y/N. Like, blatantly avoiding me!” He snaps. 
That escalated quickly. You’re getting tired of this. The more you look at him, the more it’s getting hard for you too look away. Even with his face in a frown, his eyes filled with frustration and maybe even anger, Hyunjin still looked beautiful to you.
Fuck him and his genes.
You take a huge step back from him, crossing your arms over your chest. “What’s it to you, huh, Hyunjin?!” You glare.
“I just wanted to know why you’re avoiding me, Y/N! What did I even do? Please do enlighten me,” He shouts, frustrated. You’re glad everyone’s either gone home already or still in classes, so no one’s there to witness your fight.
“Can’t I just ignore you because I just don’t want to talk to you?” You say, anger bubbling up inside of you. Or is it your feelings, already on the verge of spilling out of you like vomit? 
“No, Y/N! I know you well enough to know that if you avoid people it’s not because you just don’t feel like it— there’s a reason behind it.” Hyunjin replies, exasperated. 
“Why do you want to know so badly? Why do you care?!” You shout back. You’re tired of this; you’re tired of staying away from him, hoping it’ll get rid of your feelings for him. But the more you stayed away from him, the more your heart yearned for him. You just wanted the words to leave your lips already.
I love you. 
You’d only realized it recently; you don’t just like Hyunjin— you love him. You love the way his eyes crinkle into small crescent moons when he’s genuinely happy. You love his loud, infectious laugh that you can pinpoint even if you were a mile away. You love his hugs, you love how he dances with so much passion because it’s something he loves to do. You love everything about him and it’s driving you insane too. It’s driving you insane that you keep wanting someone who can’t love you back in the same way.
“Because I’m your friend, Y/N! I worry about you, okay? Can I do something to help you? Why don’t you share your problems with me? Please tell me!” Hyunjin pleads with you, his hands coming up to grip your shoulders desperately.
Uh oh.
“No, Hyunjin! You can’t do fucking anything to help me because you’re the reason why I’m doing this, why I’m avoiding you! I love you, I’ve fallen in love with you, and it’s scary. It’s scaring me, okay? I’m scared that you don’t feel the same and it will change everything! You have Yeji now, don’t you? I can’t be selfish and ask you to return my feelings when you’ve already found the one for you,” you blurt everything out, feeling out of breath afterwards. The tears you didn’t know you were holding in start falling freely down your cheeks now. 
You didn’t care anymore. Hyunjin at least deserved to know. You feel better though, because everything that’s been bottled up inside of you is now out in the open. 
Hyunjin stands still in front of you, his face holding an unreadable expression. You’ve always been able to read Hyunjin like an open book, but you can’t decipher what’s going on in that pretty head of his. Every second that passes by that he doesn’t say anything, makes you feel more and more of an idiot for saying anything at all. You sigh, wiping the tears away hastily, but there’s still more. 
“Forget it. Forget I said anything.” You whisper, your voice rough and raspy. You turn around to get your things and get the fuck out of there when Hyunjin suddenly holds you back. 
You sigh. You turn around to face him, “Hyunjin, what—” he cuts you off mid-sentence when his lips crash against yours roughly. The kiss catches you off guard and you almost stumble, but his arms quickly wound around your waist, holding you in place. You’re surprised, but you kiss him back, and he tilts his head to the side to kiss you better. Your tears are still flowing freely, and his arms leave your waist to cup your cheeks, as his thumbs wipe away the tears. Your arms go around his neck, pulling him in closer. He pulls away slightly, before going back in to kiss you again, this time, softer and gentler. The second kiss leaves you lightheaded and you clasp your hands tighter around his neck. Hyunjin’s lips, his oh, so soft and plump lips feel so perfect as they mould against yours. His lips taste like vanilla, and you’re guessing he just ate vanilla ice cream because he knew you liked vanilla and he once told you he’d eat the things you loved — even if he didn’t like it that much, if he missed you.
And you’re just realizing this now, too, that Hyunjin does so many things for you, and because of you. On days when the winter air is particularly cold, he’d bring you an extra pair of gloves because he knows you keep forgetting yours. He buys you hot packs because you easily get cold. You’re always trapped in his hugs because he knows how much you need his body warmth. In the summer, no matter how hot it is, if you want to go out for ice cream, he’d willingly go with you, if it means seeing you all smiley and happy. He always seems to know what you need, whenever you need it.  You realize now that Hyunjin lives for your happiness and he cares about you way too much. 
Maybe he’s always felt the same way for you and you were just too dense and too stubborn to realize that.
When you both pull away for air, he looks at you, your heart beating loudly in your chest. He kisses your forehead as he pulls you in for a hug, his arms going around your shoulders as yours wrap around his waist. You bury your head in his chest and listen to the fast beating of his heart.
Hyunjin suddenly laughs, causing you to snort.
“How’s Yeji doing?” You joke, your hands playing with the ends of his hoodie. Hyunjin chuckles, his chest vibrating as he kisses the crown of your head.
“You know I only have eyes for you, babe.”
“Glad to know we don’t have to drop the babe thing and it’s finally official,” I laugh.
“True. Oh, and by the way?” Hyunjin pulls you back so he can look at you properly. He cups your jaw and tilts your head up, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He smiles when you pull away and he looks in adoration at the expectant look on your face.
He rests his forehead against yours and nuzzles your nose, making you giggle. “I love you too, Y/N.”
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⇒ let me know what you think or hmu with anything under the sun here!
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pokenimagines · 5 years
An Imagine of Sonya and Leon dating and Reader is really sad about it because they have a huge crush on Leon and reader is really sad but it ends fluffy, please 😳❤️?
Yes, hello, have no idea how to feel about this! Like I wrote it while very tired, and the ending seems rushed, but it was almost at the 2k word mark, and I was like, “Oh no!” Anyway, it’s pretty apparent how this will end since I’m a sucker for fluff and happy endings, but go ahead and read. I just…love these nerds? All of them? Can I marry everyone in SwSh because I love them? Time to get hitched, you guys! Now without further ado, it’s a story!
Misunderstandings: Leon x Reader x Sonia
It was absolutely crushing when the new champion of Galar realized that, with Leon’s newfound freedom, he decided to pursue a relationship with Sonia. Not only did the champion love Leon to pieces, but they also loved Sonia, making this the worst-case scenario for them. Both people they were interested in were dating one another. It would’ve been one thing if just one of them got into a relationship with someone else. Sure, it would’ve stung like no tomorrow, but at least they still had one love interest left. To think they’d get together…they should’ve seen it coming.
The champion looked down at their phone, seeing Hop had messaged them again about coming down to the lab to see him, and to update their Pokedex into the newest format. They had been avoiding going to town for a long time now and was really trying to explain to Hop that they were just too busy to go home. It wasn’t an entire lie, as he surely saw all of the news with them in it, magazines and whatnot as well as live interviews or mock battles. Even their battles with Raihan, the ones just for training, were sometimes broadcasted from Raihan’s phone.
Still, Hop was pretty persistent and wouldn’t take the ‘Why not just visit me?’ nonsense. Hop knew very well that the champion had a crush on his older brother and the professor he was apprenticing with. He knew the champion was purposefully avoiding the town, and he was getting sick of it. If the champion avoided the town forever, their friendship might fall apart a bit like Leon’s, and Sonia’s relationship did when Leon became champion.
Hop opted to just call, waiting a few moments before the familiar voice of the champion filtered in, “Hello Hop. Listen, I can’t come down this week. I have this thing with Nessa and training, and I just can’t afford the time right now.” The champion immediately began making excused, knowing full well of what Hop was going to be asking.
“Nice try, I called the other gym leaders to make sure they weren’t doing anything with you. Come down to Postwicke, visit your mom, or something. You can’t avoid home forever. Even Lee managed to visit when he was champion more often than you.” Hearing Leon’s name stung, and the champion flinched a bit before coughing into their fist.
“I’m uh…I’m getting sick.” The champion pretended, and Hop sighed loudly into the phone. The champion could hear voices in the background, one of them being that of Sonia. She was calling out to Hop for some reason and what Hop said next sent chills down the Champion’s spine.
“Ya Sonia, I’ll be there in a second. The ever so strong champion has apparently fallen victim to a cold and can’t handle life.” Hop shouted across the lab, and the champion just wanted to curl into a ball. There was shuffling as something was happening, and the champion was about to hang up, not wanting to deal with their best friend before a feminine voice picked up the phone.
“Are you okay? This is Sonia, by the way. Hop said you were sick? Need me to visit you?” Sonia began berating the champion with questions, and the champion blushed at her concern. One of the things they loved about her was the fact that she was really caring when it came to her friends. The champion bit their lip, trying to push back their feelings for her.
“I’m fine…I promise I am.” The champion said, and they could hear the cogs in Sonia’s head begin turning, and they decided they’d do whatever they could to assure her, “I’m at the tail end of it, so I’ll be fit as a fiddle probably by tomorrow or the next day, I swear it!” The champion said, and Sonia let out a sigh on the other end.
“Well, okay…do you think once you’re better, you’ll be able to visit then, or do I have to drag you out of your castle and make sure you’re actually alive.” Sonia said into the phone, and the champion knew there was no getting out of this one…perhaps.
“Listen because I’m sick I’m uh running behind on a lot of things. Once I’m all better, I’m sure I’ll have tons of things to uh catch u-up on and whatnot. So sorry, I can’t visit anytime soon…” The champion mentally high-fived themself for the quick response. Still, Sonia wasn’t convinced, and she was, oddly enough, more stubborn and persuasive than Hop was.
“Alright…so I’ll see you in two days either in Postwicke or Wyndon. You have until noon that day to decide who’s going where.” Sonia then clicked on them, making the champion let out the world’s loudest and most annoying groan. The small Charmander in their room just gave them an odd look before going back to taking their nap. The champion was going to actually die because of this woman.
After two days had passed, the Champion pulled into the sleepy town of Wedgehurst; a particularly smug Sonia and Hop were there to greet them, alongside an excited looking Leon. The champion didn’t make eye contact as they walked a bit closer to them, giving small greetings. Their grand plan was to excuse themself to go and visit their mother than disappear into the Slumbering Welds for the rest of their stay until they could go back to Wyndon.
“Not so fast, we haven’t seen you in months, and you’re going to dip out like that?” Sonia asked, grabbing the back of the champion’s hoodie as they tried making a hasty escape. They choked a bit before falling back and seeing an annoyed Sonia, glaring at them. They withered a bit under her glare, not knowing what to do as Leon put a hand on her shoulder, chuckling a bit.
“It’s alright, it was probably was a long journey here, and they might need some rest,” Leon assured her and seeing them interact just hurt the champion more as they looked away and caught Hop’s eyes. Perhaps if they tried to grab ahold of him and escape, this anguish would be a lot better.
“Don’t even think about it,” Hop said as soon as he noticed the look in the champion’s eyes. They blushed furiously at being so transparent, and Hop smirked, “I actually need to go and see professor Magnolia, so why don’t the three of you catch up?” Hop said with a devilish smirk.
“Good idea, Hop,” Leon said, enthusiastic as ever and utterly clueless to the inner turmoil of the new champion. They just wanted to run to their old bedroom and sob into a pillow or something. Being with the couple would only make things ten times worse for them.
“Excellent idea, actually.” Sonia sent him a wink, and he returned it before dashing off into who-knows-where. The three were left at the train station, and Sonia turned to the champion, giving them her soft smile and wanting to seemingly relax them now. The champion’s eyes darted to find an escape, and after not seeing one, decided to walk alongside them.
The trip to the lab was pretty silent, other than Leon and Sonia making small talk, and the champion just humming in agreement whenever the conversation needed a reply. The two knew that they weren’t really engaging in the discussion, and Sonia knew precisely why. She was smart and had noticed the champion’s feelings a long time ago. Probably before they even made it to Turffield. Leon had been a bit more dense about it, so she spelled it out to him once.
They finally arrived, and Sonia’s yamper happily jumped onto the leg of the champion, and they happily picked up the excited electric dog. At least the champion had one ally in this lab, even if he was good at occasionally electrocuting them. They all walked over to the small sitting area as Sonia put on some tea for them and sat down next to the champion.
“Anything interesting happening since becoming the champion? Meet anyone you’re interested in?” Sonia immediately asked, not skipping around with formalities, and the champion’s eyes bugged out a bit as they bit their lip nervously.
“No, to really. Just a lot of…work.” The champion tried to say, looking over at Leon and hoping to get some support. The champion hadn’t been lying that they had tons of work to do, constantly. They’d just occasionally volunteer for more whenever Hop was interested in having them come down to visit.
“Well, it is a lot of work…what do you do in your downtime?” Leon asked, leaning a bit against the table as the champion tried to look in every other direction but him. They soon opted to stare at the bookshelf, as that wouldn’t judge them at least.
“I uh, I prefer keeping myself busy whenever possible.” Less time for them to think about the two of them whenever they were working. Hell, the league probably thought they were a workaholic despite being a pretty lazy individual when they wanted to be.
Sonia sighed, rubbing her temples before she decided enough was enough, “Listen, I think we’ve tortured you enough for blatantly avoiding us.” Sonia began, and the champion opened their mouth to say something when she continued, “We both like you, okay. Leon and myself. As more than friends. We’ve been trying to get you here through Hop for months, but that stupid thick skull of yours has kept you away.” Sonia said, making everyone at the table blush.
“I thought we were going to word that way differently,” Leon said as he looked over at his girlfriend in shock. She just shrugged her shoulders, thinking that her way had even the best way. After all, she skipped to the point and wanted this awkward tension around the group to dissipate already. It was getting a bit annoying.
“You guys…what? You guys are going out together, though?” The champion asked, not understanding what the hell they were going on about? Was this some weird flex or something?
“Listen, it’s a polyamorous relationship deal. Do you want to go out with us? Like a huge couple? All three, together?” Sonia explained to them, and the champion took a moment. They had heard about polyamory, but they always assumed it was something that old couples did when the wife found some young guy, and he and the wife were together, but the husband just watched. Was their life a lie?
“So you want to be in a relationship with me? And him. And him and me? And him and you? Like love triangle, but it’s all requited love?” The champion said, pointing at everyone while referring to them. Leon found this amusing and actually laughed, getting hit in the chest by Sonia in the process.
“Yes, that’s exactly what we’re saying? Do you want to?” Leon asked, giving him that signature smirk that had them falling for him all over again. The champion opened their mouth, prepared to answer when the front door flung open, and there stood Hop.
“So is it done yet? Did they agree?” Hop asked, being far too impatient. He had been told to wait for a while for this discussion, but he was getting now too bored. If they hadn’t gotten to the good stuff yet, he was going to just get it out there for them. All three looked over at him before the champion began laughing. It felt like an entire universe was being lifted from their shoulders.
“Yes, I agree.” The champion said, looking between their two new lovers. Sonia and Leon’s face lit up at the thought, and the champion decided, at that moment, perhaps they’d make sure to visit town far more.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Notice Me!~Kim Junmyeon/Suho x Black! R&B Star! Fem! Reader {2}
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Previous Parts: 1  2 3
Pairing: Suho x reader
Summary: With your support sent out to EXO as a fan and a potential collaborator, you awaken to a massive wave of support from your fans, along with fellow EXOls. However, a vocal majority of them aren’t too keen about you working with their bias band. All of this anxiety comes to a head as your supports push you towards the idea of a collaboration, including Suho himself.  
Warnings: Toxic fans, racist comments and negative thoughts. 
Writer’s Note: Here’s chapter 2, I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you want any more EXO fics/series, requests are open! I also want to add that this is purely fictional, I don’t know Halsey (Ashley) personally, so if she acts a little odd I’m sorry. And another thing about this fic and others I write, the Kpop idols speak English, since I don’t want to butcher any translations or Korean words, since I do not speak the language. Maybe in the future, but not now! Thanks!  
Word Count: 1, 583
I could hardly sleep at the sound of my phone buzzing like a madman. Of course the sun peaking through my blinds didn’t help, along with Ashley’s bed hogging ass. Next time I’m taking the couch instead of sharing my bed, jeez. 
I shift over on my back to reach for my phone, it comes to life at my slight touch and overwhelms me with so many notifications I almost tumble from the bed. 
“Mmh,” Ashley groans, “quit moving.” 
She kicks my foot softly, but I don’t react at all, most of my attention is on my phone. 
My Twitter bell icon stays red with a swarm of notifications, messages, likes and retweets. I’m trending, right underneath with EXO and of course BTS. 
“Uh, Ash, look! Look!”
I nudge her a few times before she rolls over with hair stuck to her cheek and a scowl. 
“Y/N, I-I need at least one more hou—”
“Look!” I scold.
We both stay captivated by the tiny screen as Ashley’s finger scrolls down some of the comments. 
They read:
Um, SM we need a Empress Dee Dee/ EXO collab, stat!
Aw, Junmyeon was soo cute, I lowkey ship it!
Finally a Kpop band reaching out for a black artist, I wish someone would follow through too *cough, cough BTS
“Holy shit,” Ashley says, “they really love this idea, did your publicist call you about it yet? Y/N?”
Her voice is drowned out as more of the comments turn sour. 
A lot of them read:
Western Artist X Kpop Artist= trash
Black people should stay with their own music, it wouldn’t mix with EXO’s sound
Gross, please don’t tell me Junmyeon has a thing for that black girl, why not a Korean woman?
They continue to flood my feed, most of them turning more daunting than the rest. 
“Ok, enough Twitter for one morning,” Ashley says as she takes the phone. 
“You’re right,” I say, “I need some more sleep.”
Ashley frowns as I lay back against my pillow and yank the covers up and over my face. 
“Y/N, come on,” Ashley groans, “you seriously gonna let these assholes get under your skin?”
I nod against the sheets. 
“Half of them are right Ash,” I say, “why would any of EXO collab with me? There are many other Kpop artists who are better anyway.”
“Um, but none of them are Empress Dee Dee, are they?” Ashley asks.
I shrug. 
“They aren’t black though, Ash,” I note. 
Ashley gives me an incredulous look. 
“That’s got nothing to do with it,” Ashley growls. 
Her words strike an unexpected nerve within me as I push the covers away and sit back up.
“Nothing?! “ I snap, “Ash, it’s everything to do with it! Racism still exists, even more prevalent now, especially with colorism still at an all time high!”  
Ashley frowns. 
“But I-”
I put a hand on Ashley’s own, the stark contrast of my brown skin and her pale one. 
“I know, I know who are Ashley, but it’s different for women like me, and darker skinned black women,” I say, “I just need you to understand that, please.”
Ashley nods. 
“I do,” she says, “but I need you to understand that it shouldn’t stop you! Don’t listen to what those assholes are saying!”
“You love music, don’t you?” she asks. 
Her question throws me off, yet I nod anyway. 
“Of course I do,” I say. 
“Then focus on making music, talk to your publicist and agent about that EXO collab!” she declares.
I watch Ashley in half awe, half amusement as she tosses the sheets onto the floor like the drama queen she’s being. Maybe she should shoot for the Academy Awards rather than Grammys next year. 
“You know you gotta pick that up right,” I deadpan while gesturing to the splayed mess of covers below us on the floor. 
Ashley turns her nose up, but softens as she comes around to my side of the bed, sitting next to me and taking my hand.
“Don’t worry about the fucking bed spread and listen to me,” she says. 
I stare at her eyes, there’s this hint of desperation in them, as if I was the one who insulted her. Maybe I was a bit too much in my feelings. She cares about my wellbeing so much that I forget this affects her as well. 
“Promise me that you’ll stay all right through all of this,” she says, gripping my hand skin tight. 
I think of another comeback but save it for later.
“I promise Ash,” I vow, “now can you pick up the damn covers?”
Ashley frowns but rises to gather up the covers anyway.
“There. I’m doing it, now could you please call your publicist?”
A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I reach for my phone on the nightstand. More notifications flood, a few missed calls from Daphne, my publicist and Todd, my agent. Great, now I have to deal with them. 
“I’m calling them back now, Ash,” I announce.
“Awesome,” she calls from the bathroom. 
I decide to go with Todd first, since he left the most missed calls. My heart beats heart against the insistent ring of the phone, it drawing out a bit longer than it usually should. 
“Hello, Y/N!” Todd calls. 
I gulp before speaking.
“Hi Todd, look I-I know I should have contacted Daph first about posting that tweet.”
Todd chuckles through the phone. 
“Y/N, that was a genius move! It seemed really genuine!” he exclaims.
I frown.
“Uh, I was completely genuine Todd, my heart was one hundred percent into it,” I say. 
“Oh, well that makes it even better, because I’ve already got in contact with the producers on the Ellen Show, and since EXO will be there promoting Obsession, we can finally have you both in talks for a collaboration!”
My stomach nearly drops. It’s exciting news, right? Getting to meet my bias band in front of me instead of a tiny computer screen, yet the circumstances got me worried. In front of all those people. Some of them could be any of those people spouting out hateful comments. 
“Er, Y/N,” Todd says, “you heard me, right?”
“I-I u-uh yeah!” I say, “j-just uh, fan girl nerves is all.”
Todd chuckles, but gets back to business as usual.
“No need to worry, it’s all scripted and Ellen has a way of making people calm, especially new guests,” he explains, “but this will really put you on the map! Considering you haven’t made a public appearance since your grammy snub and you’re gonna do it with one of the biggest kpop groups, ever! Don’t let those fangirl nerves get to you too much!”
I manage to cough up a tiny giggle. 
“Of course Todd, thank you.”
“Already have a flight set up for you in the morning, I told you that you’d skyrocket soon, didn’t I?” he asks. 
I roll my eyes but agree anyway.
“I know Todd, bye.”
“Get plenty of sleep, call me when you get there!” he urges before hanging up.
WIth him off the phone I can finally freak out in peace. Well until Ashley returns with her toothbrush a nosy look on her face. 
“Shit, by that face I’m assuming it didn’t go well, did it?” she asks. 
I shake my head and collapse backwards against the sheets. 
“I-It went unexpectedly well,” I admit, “EXO’s gonna be on Ellen for the first time, and I got a spot on there with them.” 
Ashley nearly jumps into the ceiling. 
“Are you fucking serious?!” she exclaims, “it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet!”
I nod against my pillow. 
“Right! God, I-I’m not ready for this,” I groan. 
Ashley shifts closer to wrap an arm around my shoulder.
“You got this sweetie,” she whispers, “I’m gonna take the shower first, that cool with you?”
I nod as she rises. 
“Oh and stay off Twitter,” she says as she goes back to the bathroom. 
Of course I don’t listen as I unlock my phone yet again. My eyes scan through all of the comments: good, bad, ugly and downright unnecessary. My finger stops at a previous V Live EXO recently did, or a clip at least. 
The caption of the video read:
Ya’ll Junmyeon is really out here caring about DeeDee, like a lot! When he gonna pull up 😂😂
I click it and there’s Suho, Baekhyun and Chen with soft looks, unlike the way they looked during their X-EXO concept stage. Beakhyun leans closer to the camera, scanning the comments I assume as Suho frowns. 
“Of course not!” Suho growls, “why would anyone say that?”
“What is it hyung?” Chen asks. 
Suho points at the screen. 
“Someone said that we thought DeeDee was ugly, why would you insult a beautiful woman like that?” he asks in disgust.
My breath gets hitched in my throat at his words. 
Baekhyun frowns this time.
“Aw, why are people making fun of DeeDee?” he groans, “don’t listen to them DeeDee! Stay strong! Keep smiling!!”
Chen nods sharply as Baekhyun continues to yell it obnoxiously.
Suho pushes him until he ceases and looks into the camera intensely. 
“The people who are saying this aren’t our fans, DeeDee,” he explains, “you’re amazing, stay all right, ok? Ok!”
Suho grins as he puts up his finger hearts as his smile widens.
The video ends, yet it doesn’t within my head. EXO actually stood up for me. This has got to be a dream. 
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The one where he blipped and you didn’t (Ch. 1)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter blipped. You didn’t. Now you’re both the same age and he’s confused by the kid he used to know and the girl you are now.
Word Count: 3k-ish
A/N: Okay, this is Chapter One to this series. It’s a little long, I got carried away (sorry not sorry). Let me know what you think! Remember I also do requests, pls don’t get discouraged by my amateur profile, I’m still figuring it all out :)
Read the intro first
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"Y/N, get your ass out of bed, you're going to be late." you heard Rhodey scold through your open door. 
"Language" you mumbled sleepily. 
"Goddamn- I don't have time for this." you heard him grumble under his breath and suddenly the fluorescent lights in your room switched on and you yelped in surprise, flinging the covers over your head. Rhodey chuckled and you heard your door swing shut. 
"If I come back in 20 minutes and you're still in bed, I'm going to personally fly you to school." he said through the door and walked away.
You smiled sleepily. Rhodey, though he was tough on you, cared about you like his own daughter. Nearly eleven years ago your mother had died in a car crash and you were sent to live with your father, Tony. You, being so young, were excited to finally meet your father. Tony, on the other hand, was a wreck. He had just announced to the world that he was Iron Man and the last thing he wanted was to take care of and raise a child, whether it be his or not. He had all intention of sending you off to boarding school but, when he met you, he refused to make the same mistakes his father did. You instantly melted his heart with your smile and your big E/C eyes. After deciding to take you in, he asked Rhodey to be your Godfather, not that he was a very religious man, he just wanted someone else to be there for you if there came a day that he couldn't. 
Deciding not to test Rhodey's threat, you rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Your reflection in the mirror, in the such loving words of Peter, looked as if death had walked over you...twice. It wasn't a secret that, since the battle and your dad's death, you haven't been sleeping well. Thankfully, nightmares were a thing of the past ever since Bruce gave you something that evaded them. You remembered waking up screaming, tears streaming down your face, causing Rhodey to come and calm you down in the middle of the night. Every night you were forced to relive a part of the battle, and every night you were forced to see your dad die. Now, your sleep was a void that, although lacked the trauma, was a difficult place to find peace.
You scrubbed your face and brushed your teeth, avoiding your face in the mirror, and walked back into your room. Not really in the mood to dress nice, you pulled on some black tights and a big sweatshirt that was draped over your desk chair. You slipped on your converse and walked back into the bathroom to put concealer under your eyes. The last thing your need is for one of your teachers to send your to the counselors office because of your physical appearance...again.
Deciding you looked presentable, you slung your backpack over your shoulder and started downstairs before rushing back to your room to grab your phone, still charging on your nightstand. You found 6 new messages. 
(1) Spider-thing: Hey are you gonna go to Flash's party tonight?
(2) Spider-thing: Don't tell me you slept in again
(3) Spider-thing: ok nvm I'll see u at school
(4) Ned: Hey Y/N u wanna go to Flash's tonight? 
(5) Ned: Peter might confess his undying love for u, u never know 
(6) Flash: Hope to see u at my party tonight I'll b waiting ;)
You rolled your eyes at Flash's text, and clicked the notification form Ned. 
Y/N: yeah right after he confesses his undying love for Flash 
He replied immediately, making you chuckle. 
Ned: I'm telling u, he's got it bad 4 u 
You rolled your eyes and slipped your phone in your back pocket. You found it funny; Ned's obsession with the idea of you and Peter as a couple, and sometimes you went along with it just to tease Peter, but that's all it was, teasing. Sure, he was hot and sweet and funny and, before the snap, these things nourished a major crush that bloomed in your little pre-teen heart. But things changed, you got older and, when he came back the same age as you, you had to remember that he probably still saw you as that little girl he used to babysit. 
"Bye Happy, I'll see you after school!" you said, blowing Happy a kiss as you closed the car door. Happy rolled down his window. 
"Call me if anything happens. Just call and I'll come and get you." 
"I will." you said watched him drive off. Happy was, despite the fact that it's been a few months since everything happened, still worried about you. You didn't mind it though, you loved him for it.
Sighing, you walked into the building that leered over you. For the first time today, you realized how heavy your backpack was and you made a beeline for your locker. You smiled sadly and recalled how Nat would always get after you for carrying too much and you would get the lecture about how, even though you were an Avenger, you still had to take care of yourself. You stacked the books in your locker, slammed the door shut, and found yourself face to face with Peter. 
"SHIT!" you shrieked as he howled with laughter. 
"You shoulda- you should have seen your face" he said between breaths. 
You rolled your eyes and shoved him into the lockers. 
"This isn't funny you idiot, I could have attacked you" you said despite the smile growing on your lips.
"I can take you Stark" he said, regaining his breath. 
"In your dreams Parker"
It was his turn to roll his eyes. It was then that you noticed the two coffee cups he held. You sighed in relief and gratefully took one from him. 
"Anyway, you ignored my texts this morning. You wanna go to the party?" he said falling in step with you as you walked towards your first class. 
"I don't know. Flash's parties always end with someone almost drowning in the pool or jumping off the roof." 
"Oh c'mon, let's go. Maybe this time it'll be Flash jumping off the roof and it'll put us all out of our misery." 
You couldn't stop the giggle that bubbled from your lips and you were about to reply when someone called you from behind. 
You both turned to see Brad Davis walking briskly towards you. You smiled at him and slowed your pace so he could catch up. 
"Hey Y/N, hey Peter." he said walking up beside you. 
"Sup" Peter grumbled. You sent him a sideways glare and turned to up at Brad.
Despite the numerous times you questioned Peter about his silent grudge against Brad, he could never give you a straight answer on why he hated him. "I don't trust him" he would always say, but you could never figure out why. Brad, like you, survived the snap and, because you were both in the same grade, became friends. 
"Are you guys going to the party tonight?" he asked.
"Jeez, is that the only thing everyone cares about?" you said jokingly.
"Well, it is the only good thing about high school" he said, making you laugh. 
Over the past couple of years, Brad was the person who got to hear all the complaints you had about high school. He had always been an annoyingly upbeat guy and he took all your complaints in stride, turning them into something that you should be grateful for. The last five years gave you very few things to be grateful for, but Brad was one of them. 
"You're definitely right about that. But, yeah we're planning on going" you said, slightly nudging Peter next to you.
"Awesome. I'll see you there then." Brad said and waved as he turned down a passing hallway. 
"Aw, I love Brad" you said fondly as you watched him disappear in the growing crowd of students. You looked up at Peter just in time to see him roll his eyes at your comment. You frowned at him, annoyed of his attitude. 
"Dude, seriously, what the hell is your problem?" 
 "Nothing. He just rubs me the wrong way I guess."  he said with a shrug.
It was your turn to roll your eyes.
 "Oh c'mon. you're just mad that he became hot while you were gone and now all the girls want him" 
"It's just weird. One day he was this tiny annoying kid and the next he's huge." Peter said before bringing his coffee to his lips. 
"Well it wasn't like that for all of us." you reminded him. "And how is that weird for you? You literally got bit by a spider and became hot overnight." 
At your words Peter choked on his coffee and coughed furiously, trying to breathe through the hot liquid. 
"Y-you think I'm hot?" he spluttered in disbelief 
For about the millionth time this morning, you rolled your eyes at him. 
"Dude, have you seen your abs? I had the biggest crush on you and your stupid hot spider muscles" you said with a smirk.
Peter stopped in his tracks in the middle of the hall and stared at you with huge eyes.
 "You had a crush on me?" 
 "Yeah, when I was like 13. You don't think I actually needed so much help on my algebra homework, did you? What's the matter with you?" you said laughing
Peter was staring at you like you had just dropped from another planet.
"I-I just never knew you felt that way about me." he said, eyes still wide.
You rose your eyebrows at him. 
"Yeah, well, I was a kid. I also thought the tooth fairy was real. I grew up. Anyway, let's forget that I was once a pre-teen and move on."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows at you, but let the subject go. He walked quietly beside you and barely even acknowledged you when you turned into your calculus class, telling him you'll see him later. Confused, you shot a text to Ned.
Y/N: Dude Peter's being weird
Ned: He's always weird what's ur point? 
Y/N: true
Y/N: ur right, nvm I'll see u at lunch
Ned: cool
Accepting that Ned was right, you chose to forget about Peter and try to focus on the party that awaited tonight as your teacher started the lecture. 'Derivatives' you thought with a smirk, 'what child’s play”.
"Alright losers, we'll meet at Peter's place at 7 then, right?" you said as the three you you walked out of the school's parking lot.
"Yeah definitely. I'm thinking about bringing back my hat. Betty says it compliments my face structure, whatever that means." Ned said, earning a laugh form you. 
"Earth to Peter. You are being uncharacteristically quiet" you said to Peter who was staring into space as you walked.
"Sorry, right. My place at 7." he said, jolting from his daze.
You eyed him, but, before you could question his behavior, you heard a familiar honk and turned around to see Happy waiting for you. 
"I'll see you guys tonight." you said with a wave, and walked toward the car. 
Peter watched the car drive away, and as soon as it disappeared down the road, he turned to Ned. 
"Y/N used to have a crush on me!" he blurted out. 
Ned furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay, and?"
"What do you mea- she used to like me! Like, like me like me" Peter said 
Ned smirked 
"And you're so freaked out about this why?" 
Peter stared at him. "I don't know. It's just weird"
"Or is it because you just found out that the girl you are head over heels for used to have a crush on you?" 
Peter rolled his eyes. 
"I do not have a crush on Y/N, how many times to I have to tell you. And, anyway, I'm not freaked out, it's just weird." 
"Sure Peter." 
You knocked on the door to Peter's apartment and dusted yourself off, waiting for someone to answer. You were excited to get to the party and relax for the first time this week. You looked down at your outfit for about the millionth time and inspected it. You were wearing a black sheer long sleeve with a solid black stripe around your chest and a pair of distressed light wash skinny jeans and black platform doc martin boots.
You were adjusted the hem of your top when May opened the door and immediately enveloped you in a big hug. 
"Y/N how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in so long." 
You had actually seen her last week, but you smiled at her comment. 
"I'm good May. Are the boys here?" you asked, walking into the apartment.  
"Yeah they are in Peter's room. Maybe you can help Peter find something to wear, he's more indecisive than I am." she chuckled. 
"I'll see what I can do." you said with a chuckle and walked toward his closed door but stopped when you heard them talking.
"It's obvious that you like her Peter, all you have to do is tell her.” you heard Ned say through the door. 
Peter had a crush on a girl? Why hasn't he told you about it? You didn't really know how to feel about this new information. Peter was your best friend and, sure he had every right to like who he pleases, but you couldn't help but feel a little hurt. You were always the only girl in his life, even when you were younger, and you couldn't imagine Peter with anyone else. I mean, you’re not dating or anything. But, it was not your decision to make, and with that final thought, you pushed your feelings aside and opened the door to reveal Peter standing in the middle of the room in just his boxers.
"Y/N!" he shouted, his face turning beet red. 
"Oh relax Peter, it's not like I've never seen you like this" you said with a playful smirk.
It was true, you were always the one to patch him up after a bad patrol. 
"Anyway, May told me that you couldn't figure out what to wear so I've come to the rescue." you said and walked past him to his closet. 
Peter, for the first time, realized what you were wearing and his face flushed even darker. He took in you sheer top that showed your stomach and back and the skinny jeans that accented your...
"Y/N you look really nice" Ned piped up from the bed, wiggling his eyebrows at his visibly flustered friend. 
"Aw thank you Ned" you said, turning from the closet with an armful of clothes which you handed to Peter who refused to meet your eyes.
 "Okay, put this on" you said to Peter, and walked out of the room to chat with May in the meantime. 
"May, has Peter talked to you about any girls recently?" you said as you walked into the kitchen where she was drying dishes. 
She looked up and gave you a faux look of surprise. 
"No, not recently. Why do you ask?" she said, handing you the plate she was holding. 
She, like Ned, also had her suspicions about the relationship between you and Peter. She’d always noticed the way Peter looks at you and the way his face just lights up whenever she mentions you. She, too, thought the pair of you would make a great couple.
You went to put the plate in it's respective cabinet and shrugged. "I don't know, I was just wondering." 
She smiled at you. "I don't know, I always thought he would end up with you." she said slyly, picking up another dish. 
Your eyes widened, and you were about to answer when Peter appeared in the doorway. He was wearing the simple outfit you had picked for him: dark blue jeans and a black tee shirt. You couldn't help but admire how the shirt accented his abs and his toned arms. 
"You look good Pete." you said and chuckled at the light blush that dusted his cheeks. 
"just one more thing" you said as you walked up to him and reached for his head. He leaned back and looked down at you in confusion. 
"Oh c'mon, don't you trust me? I won't bite." you said, smiling. 
He narrowed his eyes at you playfully, but leaned back toward you and you carded you fingers through his hair, mussing it up. 
You fixed you attention on his hair and you missed the way he closed his eyes and leaned into your relaxing touch. He was also acutely aware of how close you were to him and the intoxicating smell of your perfume. 
"You guys ready?" Ned said suddenly from behind, and you pulled away, ending the moment Peter was relishing. 
You stepped back and admired your work. "What do you think May?" you said without taking your eyes off of him. 
"He's never looked better" she replied teasingly and Peter rolled his eyes as you laughed. 
"Yeah, can we just go already?" he said, faking annoyance and smiled at you. 
"Yeah, let's go!" you said and you grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the door, Ned and May trailing behind you, sharing a knowing glance. 
You led him through the hallway, toward the exit and Peter tried his hardest to ignore the tingling in his hand as it held yours. He didn't want to admit it, but, recently, he couldn't remember what is was about you that reminded him of a sister. It was becoming harder to see you as the little 13 year old he used to know, but he couldn't tell Ned that yet. He didn't want to have to deal with any 'I told you so's right now, so he just relished the feeling of your hand in his and, for the first time this week, began to really look forward to the party. 
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airtosted · 5 years
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I am not planning on getting these tattoos, just to make that clear right away!  
These were just designs that I came up with while doing some thinking about
's fanfic 'panic room'.
Soooo basically I was inspired by the ask I sent Coco regarding tattoos and how the boys feel about them. If you know me, you know I like tattoos. And since her story is a reader insert story I started imagining how the story would go if I was the main character (yes I did a self insert thingy, sue me!) and if I ever got a tattoo what would it be and what would it mean.
In my version of the story Sans was the one who helped me like how Papyrus saved Kitten. Long story short, after accepting my fate and my new home I grew closer to the brothers and got attached. They became like a family to me and I wanted to show my gratitude to them for providing me a roof over my head, warm meals, clothes and other stuff. Ofc I could have done many things to do that, but I wanted to do something BIG. Something deep that can’t be forgotten or erased or hidden. I wanted to do something that I would be happy about and would send my message clear enough to them how much they mean to me. And then I remembered, tattoos! Ofc considering the life in Ebott city, a human getting a tattoo seems impossible. But I was thinking, what if I COULD do it what would I do? 
In real life I already have two tattoos and they aren’t some random ones I picked and got done. My tattoos have meaning to me so naturally the ones I got in the story have meaning as well. I’ll post the explanations down below under the cut for people who feel like reading more~
First tattoo; sleeping dog
Ok I think we all know what this means. Picture of a dog with orange-yellowish fur color sleeping and a few scars can be noticed on his eye and a golden tooth in his mouth? Obviously this tattoo is meant to represent Papyrus.
“Do you like it? I think it describes you well, wouldn’t you agree Pappy?”
“Hm? Why a dog of all things I could have chosen?” *giggle* “Isn’t it obvious? First reason is because My lord always call you mongrel. Not only that, but you also wear a collar normally used for dogs when you go out in public. Not that it’s anything weird, nowadays chokers have become a accessory. Secondly, dogs have since long time ago proved to be loyal companions. They always stick by your side and are there for you. I mean, there is probably some stories where they didn’t act like that, but there is lot of them where dogs stayed by the human’s side no matter what life threw at them. And you are loyal to our lord. You serve him without question and you always have his back.... and you were there for me too when I needed comfort. Just like a dog. You are loyal, you like sleeping a lot, can eat so much, like affection and like to sleep next to other people. These are all things people say dogs do. And lastly, I like dogs. They are my favourite animal. Dogs are great friends and loyal companions. Just like you... and I love that about you.”
“..........And I hope you’ll continue being like that to me till the day I am too old to continue serving this house. I hope my favourite Puappy will stay by my side till my last day on Earth. That’s why I chose this image and why I have it on my thigh. So.... will you stay by my side, Papyrus?”
Second tattoo; skull with a red eye and a scarf for a tongue
This tattoo needs to be taken down to pieces because each part means something.  
“What do you think my lord? I know it looks a bit too big but--...... why a skull and in such a vulgar way? Well the truth is... this image means many things.”
“The skull with scars on it’s eye is supposed to look like yo--... yes my lord, I know you don’t look like that, just... just hear me out first ok? So like I said I wanted the skull to have scars because this tattoo represents your presence in my life. I could have picked a random skull design, but I wanted it to look similar to you. Thus the scars on the eye and the glowing red eye. It’s the first thing that caught my attention when I met you for the first time. You remember also right? That specific day when you saved me? Your eye was burning with a red glow and even though you looked scary, I couldn’t help but think how beautiful that glow is. It wasn’t until later that I learned from lord Papyrus that your glowing eyes have connections to emotions you guys feel. Strong emotions. And when I look at you every time I feel strong emotions myself. Gratitude. Happiness. Hope. Safety. Acceptance. Comfort. I get filled by these feelings when I am around you both, but I noticed they are more stronger when I’m around you. Maybe it’s because I met you first and instead of killing me or taking me to the camp, you spared my pathetic life. You.... helped me. Brought me here. Gave me a place to stay, food to eat, clothes to wear. And even though sometimes you acted mean I never held it against you, because the truth is I would have been dead long time ago probably if you haven’t showed up in my life that day. You saved me, my lord.... you showed me more kindness than any human did and you try to make my life comfortable in this house even to this day. And I can’t thank you enough. Saying ‘thank you’ thousand times wouldn’t be enough to show how much grateful I am. And every time I think about this my emotions go crazy and.... well I guess it’s a good thing I’m a human and my eyes don’t glow, heh.”
“I’m ok my lord. I just had a cough coming up but it’s gone now. Anyway, the most important part is probably the scarf. As you made it clear once yourself my lord,  Red is the royal colour. And everyone who works under you and lord Papyrus has to wear it. You gave me scarf to wear that shows that I am your maid and your servant. The scarf is there like it’s saying ‘I belong to lord Sans and lord Papyrus and my loyalty goes to them’. It feels like it’s a contract that I signed with both of you. Contract saying I am to be loyal to you both till the day I die or at least till no longer my services are required. And you know what, I have no complaints there. After everything you both did for me I want to repay you. But outside this house I am useless. I can’t leave or do anything to repay you for your kindness. Well, anything besides promising to stay by your sides. To play the role of the maid while serving you both. That scarf is the sole evidence of our deal. And I wanted to have it on me all the time. So I added it as the finishing touch. My vow to you both that I’ll never leave your side. That I’ll always be loyal to you no matter what happens. This scarf..... this life.... it’s all I have. I have no home or family waiting for me out there. They don’t care. But you both do and you have been more of a family to me then anyone ever was. And I’m thankful for it as I hope the rest of my life as your servant can clear my debt.” *looks eyes with Sans* “This tattoo my lord, is my promise to you. To both of you. If you wish to keep me by your side forever that is.”
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itsmyusualphannie · 5 years
school rivalries (or not)
Title: school rivalries (or not) (ao3) Beta: @sudden-sky​ (patchworklove on ao3) Word Count: 4.4k Rating: T Warnings: Guns (sort of) Summary: how PJ took over the school - aka the mostly-crack fic where PJ becomes a high school gang boss because Dan and Phil are too busy making out in dark theatre rooms to do their jobs Author Notes: i wrote this in a 4-hour coffee-fueled haze in the middle of the night so you definitely need to read it. also happy anniversaryyyyy to our favourite idoottsss (ಥ﹏ಥ)
The kid stared wide-eyed at PJ for a good ten minutes before PJ finally gave in. He waved away the henchmen hovering behind him as he had been devouring his lunch, then he reluctantly motioned the kid forward. He was tiny, PJ noted, although he couldn’t be much younger than PJ. They were both in Year 11, after all.
The kid’s blond hair even seemed to bristle attentively when he hurriedly sat at the table across from PJ, his eyes even wider now that he had been acknowledged. “Hi,” he said in a partial squeak, then coughed and tried again. “Um. Hi.”
PJ glanced him up and down and sighed deeply. The kid did have potential - Louise wouldn’t have recommended him for no reason. “Hey. Tyler, is it?”
If possible, the blond’s eyes grew even wider at the realization that PJ, overlord and ruler of the biggest gang in school, knew his name. His voice definitely squeaked this time. “Yes?”
PJ glanced down at his unsatisfactory meal of mashed taters and gravy, then mournfully took another bite. It was too bad he had decided to eat the same thing as his minions - it wouldn’t do to lord over them, after all. It was the little things that counted. “You’re new here, aren’t you?”
Tyler nodded hastily. “My family moved in the middle of the school year, so I just started here a few days ago.”
“You got in with the right people at school here pretty quickly,” PJ noted and chewed on some more taters. They really were just flavourless mush. The gravy didn’t help much.
“I…?” Tyler hesitated. “I helped run a group at my other school.”
“Hmm,” said PJ. He swallowed the bite of food and frowned at his empty bottle of water. It took only a flick of his finger to summon one of the minions inconspicuously drifting nearby, a whisper into her ear, a dash across the room and a dash back, and he had another bottle of water. He tipped it in thanks and then took a few gulps from it. “Good stuff. So, Tyler, what is it you think you can do for me? Why do you want to join?”
“Well,” Tyler ventured, “you always need more members.”
PJ waved a dismissive hand. “Irrelevant. Everyone at school wants to join me, ever since the main ones melded to create mine. Subservience costs little. I want something…” and here he leaned forward, and let his gaze become piercing as it met Tyler’s, “...unique.”
“Ah,” chirped Tyler, but there was a ring of white around his irises.
PJ sat back and smiled. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have bothered even trying to talk to me if you weren’t prepared.”
“I...am,” said Tyler, and squared his shoulders. “I have prepared. I mean, I do have something I think you need.”
“Do tell.”
Tyler took a deep breath. “Well, I haven’t been here long enough to take full stock of the entire situation, but from what I’ve seen, I think I’ve discovered what’s most in-demand. The item that’s hardest to get, yet constantly confiscated by teachers. It’s not cheap, either.”
PJ felt a bubble of grudging respect rise up his chest, not at Tyler’s observation skills, but at his shift from a nervous wreck to a still-nervous-but-fully-prepared-to-bargain wreck. He thumped his palm against his chest a few times to disperse the bubble. “Ah, have you now? Impressive, I suppose. Anyone could find that out, though. You’d just have to come across a gang battle.”
Tyler’s lips fell open a little at “gang battle,” but he pressed on. “It’s not just that. You see, my dad’s the manager of that new store downtown. And…” here he paused for effect, “he’s asked me to work there after school.”
PJ could feel a reluctant smile making its way across his face. This...this, he could work with. “Hmm, I see. What’s your discount?”
“Fifty percent.”
Nodding slowly, PJ thought carefully about the veiled proposition. “I like your style, kid. We might be able to hammer something out.”
Tyler looked a bit offended at the moniker but seemed to shrug it off as he leaned intently toward PJ. “First,” he said in a whisper, “before we decide on any details, I want to know something first.”
PJ took a sip from his water bottle and raised an amused eyebrow. The only people who were close enough to overhear anything from this conversation were his most trusted minions, but he doubted Tyler would say anything that important anyway. “Yes?”
“Well, two things,” Tyler amended. He hesitated, then ploughed ahead. “Is it true that your older sister married Phil Lester’s older brother?”
PJ’s other eyebrow rose. “Yes. Well, they’re engaged. What of it?”
If possible, Tyler leaned even closer. The side of the table had to be cutting into his stomach at this point, PJ mused, and these lunchroom tables weren’t all that comfortable to even look at, much lean intently against.
“How did you become head of this school-wide clique? I’ve heard a few whispers about Phil Lester and Dan Howell, the previous heads of rivals cliques here. How did you get control from them?”
“Ah. I see.” PJ smiled now, a genuine one pulled forth by the sincerity of Tyler’s questions. He supposed, from an outsider’s perspective, it was strange. “That’s easy to tell. You see, their followers abandoned them all at once. It was devastating for them, truly.”
Tyler seemed more confused. “But...they don’t seem bothered. They seem,” he considered the word for a few moments, then admitted, “happy. Like they don’t even care that they entirely lost their cliques.”
“Just say gangs,” PJ said dismissively. “It doesn’t matter, in any case, we’re the only real gang at this school now. We only fight against other schools at this point.” He regarded his water bottle, his brows furrowing, and then they smoothed out as he laughed quietly. “You see, since Phil’s practically my brother-in-law now, I can’t exactly abandon him - imagine the family dinners! And Dan just comes along with that.”
“But…” Tyler looked frustrated. “On my very first day, when Louise started talking to me, she said that Dan and Phil were like the rival overlords of the entire school and you started out as Phil’s right-hand man. How did you…? And how did they end up now like…” He made an indecent gesture, and PJ laughed loudly now. One of his hench people stood up in alarm, but he waved them down.
“Ah, Tyler. You’re so new here, but I can tell that you’re clever. What do you suppose happened? They were rivals, but now they’re not, and their rival gangs have abandoned them.”
“I guess…” Gaze uncertain, Tyler hazarded, “They made up, and their followers didn’t like it, so they left them?”
“More like made out!” PJ chortled and slapped the table in his burst of amusement. He had been right, the table was not comfortable. “God, okay. I guess I should just tell you what happened.”
Tyler shifted in anticipation, his eyes hungry with eagerness. PJ approved. This kid would probably make a great informant, the way he devoured information like this. It would be better that he heard this story from PJ, though, since there was no knowing what others might tell him.
“The rivalry started the first time Dan and Phil laid eyes on each other when Phil accidentally tripped Dan so Dan punched him in the face. Their friends, and then followers, flocked around them both through the following years, all agreeably despising those on the opposing side. Their groups grew and grew until someone initiated the first battle, and it was war from then on. We kept it on the down-low, though, to avoid the teachers. It was beautiful, back then.
“Then came their downfall.”
“You’re dead, Liguori,” came a hiss from behind PJ as he settled into his desk.
PJ cast an innocent smile over his shoulder, which only widened when he caught sight of his classmate’s limp blonde-and-pink curls and her furious expression. “Oh, hullo, Louise. I didn’t see you when I walked in. How are you?”
A putrid scent drifted toward him when she spoke. “You set the bomb in my locker, you dick, you know perfectly well how I am.”
Delicately waving his hand in front of his face, PJ blinked slowly. “Dear me, I believe you need to take a shower.”
“Fuck y - ” she started, but didn’t get to finish as their instructor entered the room.
“Good afternoon,” the teacher chirped as he set his bag on the desk.
“Good afternoon,” a few students obediently droned back.
PJ used the time while the teacher set up to check his phone for messages. He typed out a few brief replies to fellow members’ inquiries about the meeting this afternoon, then opened his chat with Phil and sent a quick “U were right, she went by her locker right b4 class. smells gr8 in here. slight regrets lol”
The door thudded against the wall as another student walked in. PJ’s head snapped up, immediately attentive. He always noticed when this student was late.
“Good afternoon, Dan,” said their teacher, a little terse, as he always was when someone walked in after him.
PJ had never known it was possible for someone’s eye roll to be loud, but Dan’s practically screamed at their teacher as he crossed the room and dropped into the desk beside PJ. He scowled when he caught PJ glancing at him and lifted two fingers in a succinct gesture.
PJ shrugged and went back to his phone. Phil had replied with a “lol wb dan” so PJ typed out “just walked in. looks his usual mad af self but nothing. did u not get him?”
There was no reply. PJ frowned down at his phone until the teacher began lecturing and he had to tuck it away.
“I’m here!” announced PJ as he threw open the door to Phil’s room. He had let himself in through the back door, received a cheery wave from Phil’s mum, and trotted upstairs. The other gang members wouldn’t here for at least another thirty minutes, and judging by the rich chocolate scent wafting throughout the house, Phil’s mum was making cookies for everyone. PJ sometimes wondered if Kathryn knew that Phil was literally running a gang at school with dozens of members.
“Hrnh,” said Phil into his pillow, a muffled reply to PJ’s exuberant greeting. He was lying facedown on his bed, the spread crumpled around him. PJ sighed deeply upon seeing him.
“Phil. Come on, we need to have a pre-meeting before everyone else gets here.” The bed sank beneath him as he sat next to Phil and patted him comfortingly on the back. “It’s okay, I know you’re upset because you didn’t get Dan this afternoon as we planned. We can plan something else today. Want another gang battle? Those always cheer you up.”
Phil tore himself from PJ’s pats with a ferocity that almost shocked PJ. Almost.
“I don’t want a battle,” Phil snapped, throwing himself off the bed and pacing by the window. He looked distraught, and it was unsettling. PJ blinked at him.
“Well,” said PJ. “What do you want?”
Phil stopped pacing and turned toward PJ. His eyes were drawn, tired. He dropped back onto the bed, his hands covering his face. “Are you ever...tired of the same old thing, year after year? Do you ever want to just...stop?”
PJ carefully considered Phil’s words. He wasn’t quite sure what Phil was talking about, but as Phil’s right-hand man and best friend, he had to think long and hard before answering. Whatever Phil was talking about, it seemed to be important. Maybe he meant the pranks. It was tiresome coming up with unique ways to trick Dan or Louise, Dan’s right-hand woman, or any of Dan’s other numerous followers, but they were just filler activities between the main battles. The big gang battles were the main events and what everyone in the gangs looked forward to.
“Get tired of what?” PJ finally asked, cautiously.
“God,” said Phil, and drew a hand across his face. His eyes looked hooded when they reappeared. “I don’t know,” he eventually said. “I’m just tired, I guess.”
“Exams are coming up,” PJ offered sympathetically.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s just stress. Let’s just...let’s just plan for the next ambush attack.” Phil laughed, but it was a little too shrill, a little too throwaway.
PJ resolved to watch him carefully from then on.
“Of course,” said PJ, “that was just when Phil brought up his doubts to me. I’m sure he’d been thinking about it for a long while before that. He was sort of right, though.” He shook his head regretfully. “I was so naive back then. All I could think about were pranks and gang battles.” 
Waving a hand in demonstration, he gestured to the chattering students around them. “Look at them all eating their lunches. They never really know what’s going on around them. They never really know what we supply until they need something.” 
He took another sip of his drink. “Only a week after Phil had that outburst, there was a huge warning sign that I should have noticed. But I was oblivious, utterly dedicated to Phil. I didn’t see anything until it was too late.”
Tyler listened intently.
“in position?” PJ texted.
He waited a few moments, and then the group chat flashed with message after message. “Ready here” “we’re set” “in position!”
Pleased, PJ closed out the app and dialled Phil. He raised the phone to his ear, waiting only a moment before Phil picked up.
“You ready?”
Phil’s voice was tinny on the other end. “Uh, yeah. I can’t see you, but I’m across the street behind the hedges.”
“You said they’d be crossing in about five minutes?”
A pause. “Yeah,” said Phil.
“Great! We’re all ready.” PJ hung up and laughed under his breath, sliding the phone into his pocket. They had been planning this ambush attack for almost a week, and it was a relief to finally put it into action. Phil had still seemed hesitant after his outburst, but PJ had been relieved to see him throw himself into the planning with his usual vigour.
This ambush had been a little less difficult than usual - Phil apparently had a mysterious informant somewhere in Dan’s gang and was so careful to hide their identity that even PJ didn’t know who they were. PJ only knew that Dan had his bi-monthly gang meetings somewhere around here, but now thanks to this informant, Phil had learned that this was the route they took. The group obviously switched it up every few months, but this time PJ had a feeling that they would get lucky. After all, yesterday one of Dan’s lackeys had smugly sidled past PJ in the hall and dropped a slug down his shirt. Revenge would be sweet.
A few minutes passed in silence, PJ’s phone still and quiet in his pocket. Then another few passed. PJ’s thighs began to cramp in his crouched position, so he shifted a bit until he was more comfortable. A bird chirped somewhere across the street.
PJ’s phone buzzed. He yanked it out with urgent fingers, but it was just a message from his sister about her date last night. He swiped it away with a roll of his eyes, then pursed his lips thoughtfully and opened up the group chat.
“any sight?”
Rapid negative responses filled the screen. PJ frowned and glanced at the phone’s clock. It was only a few minutes after Phil’s time estimate, but even that was strange. Phil was rarely wrong.
“heard anything from your spy?” he sent to Phil. A long minute passed before he received a simple “no” as a response.
“Goddamnit,” he said aloud and then continued waiting.
It took another twenty minutes, with aching thighs and impatient shuffling, before PJ gave up. He huffed loudly as he stood from behind his stout bush, then called down the street, “Come on out, everyone!”
A disgruntled group emerged from an open garage, another from the cars parked along the side of the road, and further down the street, a few more people. A few moments passed before Phil also stood, his expression downcast as he surveyed his despondent followers.
PJ crossed the street in a dozen quick strides, clapping his friend on the back. “Don’t look so dejected, it happens,” he muttered, then raised his voice so everyone else could hear, “It’s a bust, sorry everyone! We got some bad information. Come on, let’s go to the coffee shop next to the library and re-plan!” He then hastily turned to Phil. “Is that okay?”
“What?” Phil had been glancing at his phone. He slid it back into his pocket with a nonchalant shrug. “Um, yeah. Let’s go.”
PJ eyed him with a frown but obediently fell in behind him as they all started down the street toward downtown. They could make another plan, a better plan. Phil would be fine.
“Yeah, at that point I was lying to myself,” PJ mused. “I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t want to admit it to myself, much less to anyone else.”
“Did you ever confront him?” Tyler asked.
A burst of air wheezed forth from PJ as he laughed helplessly. It took a few long moments before he was able to regain his breath. “God, oh my - god. Yeah, but no. It’s more like I was slapped in the face with it. And it happened only two weeks later.”
“I need volunteers,” said PJ’s art teacher. He received approximately zero volunteers, and in fact, no acknowledgement that he had even spoken.
“PJ!” barked the instructor. PJ hastily closed his textbook over the phone which he had been using to type out another message that would be ignored by Phil.
“Yes?” he began in an overly sweet tone, but was drowned out by the teacher’s announcement of, “...and Louise! Both of you, come up here.”
PJ and Louise exchanged the appropriate sneers as they reluctantly joined their teacher at the front of the room. He handed them each a massive poster board and stepped back, dusting his hands with a satisfied expression. PJ determinedly did not stagger under the weight of the board when he noticed Louise hoisting it with ease.
“Excellent,” said the teacher. “Take these to the theatre room, if you will. It’s just down the hall, so it shouldn’t take long at all. I expect you back in less than five minutes.”
PJ and Louise jostled each other as they left the room.
“Just down the hall,” PJ could hear Louise mocking as they trudged down the empty hall. “We do know where the theatre room is, we’re not incompetent. Five minutes.”
PJ felt a rush of comradery but ruthlessly quelled it. It would not do to joke around with Dan’s right-hand woman, no matter how much they mutually disliked their art teacher or how accurate her mockery was.
They reached the theatre room in only a minute. PJ managed to fumble for the handle and shoulder the door open, while Louise haughtily stood to the side and allowed him to struggle. PJ attempted to kick it shut as he ducked through, but she was right behind him and shoved him aside with her shoulder so she could get in.
It was dark inside, and PJ was tempted to just dump the poster board on the floor and be done with it, but instead, he leaned it against the wall as he scrabbled for the light switch. The overhead lights flared on and PJ blinked against the sudden change.
“Oh,” said Louise, behind him, and the single word was such a blatant mixture of shock and horror that PJ felt obliged to turn and see what she was reacting to.
“Oh,” he said, instantly regretting turning, and then he hurled the poster board in his hands at the sight before him. It fell only a few feet from PJ and thumped sadly against the floor. “Are you kidding me?” hissed PJ.
“Um,” said Dan and Phil in unison. They looked mortified and had every right to be. Phil was already hastily doing up his shirt and Dan was adjusting his trousers.
“You absolute wankers,” PJ snapped, then emphasized, “fucking prats.”
Louise’s hands were on her hips and PJ felt a kinship in their mutual glares at the couple still awkwardly sprawled against the costume wardrobe. “I can’t believe you,” she said, her tone outraged. “You…?” and she trailed off, choked with rage.
“Look,” said Phil, hands outstretched and gaze earnest. “We meant to - ”
“What?” PJ shrilled. “Were you going to tell us when you invited us to the wedding? You prick, how long has this been going on?”
“I. Four months, but - !”
“Months,” said Louise, strangled.
“So!” said PJ. “This is why you’ve been acting shifty lately. You thought...you thought it’d be totally okay to just, I don’t know, keep pitting your loyal subjects against each other while staying out of the crossfire?”
“You didn’t think to maybe tell us that there wasn’t a point in fighting each other since the bosses are making out in a dark theatre room?” Louise had dropped her hands but they were flexing in rage.
“It’s not like that!” Dan blurted. “We just wanted to - we didn’t want to fight anymore.”
Phil tilted his chin up defiantly and added, “We had a meeting a few months back and decided to tone down the gang stuff. Then it just...led to this.”
PJ was fairly sure his face was purple if it even vaguely resembled Louise’s. He took a few deep breaths to make sure oxygen was getting everywhere it needed to reach. “And you. Didn’t think. To tell us.”
“We were going to!” Phil insisted. “We were just...trying to think of the best way to say it. Everyone was so into it - it’s not like anyone ever got hurt, they were just pranks and a few fights here and there.”
“Just pranks,” said Louise, in so low a voice that even PJ felt a tremble of fear. Dan didn’t quiver under her glare though, just reached out and defiantly linked his hand with Phil’s.
“I wasn’t really doing anything, anyway,” Phil concluded, and waved his free hand at PJ. “You were planning everything, I was just there as a head figure. You don’t need me. You don’t need us.”
“We’re out,” Dan said resolutely.
Louise picked up her board and heaved it across the room. It got a few feet further than PJ’s before it landed heavily, a suspicious cracking noise breaking the silence. “Right,” she said, her chest heaving.
“Right,” PJ repeated. He took a deep breath and reached down to tug up the left leg of his trousers. He retrieved the slender weapon from his ankle holster, then levelled it at Dan and Phil and fired it. Once. Twice.
PJ and Louise stood there for a few long moments, then they glanced at each other and, in unison, turned and left the room. PJ spitefully switched off the light again. They walked back to their classroom in a horrible silence but stopped before going inside.
“Well,” said Louise. “That’s that.”
They looked at each other.
“Ready to take over for Dan?” said PJ.
Louise thought about it. “No,” she said finally. “I don’t think so. I’m better suited at behind-the-scenes work. Will you take over for Phil?”
PJ also thought about it. “No,” he echoed, and then smiled. “I have a better idea.”
“You shot them?” Tyler’s voice was almost high enough to call forth a pack of dogs.
PJ hoisted his leg up onto the chair beside him and tugged up his trousers, taking out the gun. He handed it to Tyler, whose hands trembled as he took it.
“Oh,” he said after a moment.
“Yeah,” said PJ, and took it back. “It’s just a water gun. I sprayed them in the face, though. They probably needed it after all that making out. The water guns are our biggest seller, you know, since they’re what we use to fight other school gangs.”
“So that’s how it all started?” asked Tyler, sounding awed.
PJ put the water gun back, then took a bite of his cold potatoes and chewed them slowly, mournful once more at the taste. “That’s how it all started. It was easy to get everyone together once they knew Dan and Phil had dumped all of us and Louise backed me as the new leader. Phil got what he wanted, though. The pranks and the fighting stopped and we went on to bigger and better things, such as smuggling and counterfeiting. Water guns and roasted peanuts are our most popular products right now.”
“And I can get anything you want from a toy store,” said Tyler.
PJ clapped him on the shoulder. What a great kid he had here. He had a feeling Tyler would do amazing things. “And you can get anything we want from a toy store.”
The bell rang. Students rushed from the room as they headed to class, and within seconds, more students escaping their classes entered the room. Some of PJ’s hench people left and were replaced by others as they got their food and subtly arranged themselves in a staggered perimeter around PJ’s table. Both PJ and Tyler stayed seated - PJ because he was uninterested in history class and his decrepit teacher wouldn’t notice if he never arrived, and Tyler because this was his free period.
The doors at the far end of the room thudded open and PJ glanced toward them. With the usual dramatic flair, Dan and Phil strode into the room, their power couple aura emanating throughout it. Heads turned and chatter dwindled as they crossed the room toward PJ and his new lackey.
PJ just watched coolly until they sat on either side of Tyler, trapping him across from PJ. He looked terrified.
“Dan,” said PJ, tone icy. “Phil.”
“PJ,” they said in unison, extraordinarily creepy.
PJ stared at them both, jaw stiff, for a few more long moments before he cracked and released a laugh that bubbled up from his chest. Dan and Phil both broke at the same time, Dan throwing his head back as he chortled and Phil giggling helplessly into one hand.
“Oh god,” PJ finally said, wiping his eyes. “Wow.” He reached across the table to pat Tyler’s hand. “It’s okay kid, you can relax. We’re all cool. It’s just an initiation thing, they like to scare the new guys and make sure they’re fine to join. They might not be the big bosses anymore but they still have the moves.”
Tyler slumped in his seat, visibly relieved, but his eyes were still tight around the edges. “I’m going to regret joining this, aren’t I?” he asked, resigned.
PJ smiled. “Yeah, probably.”
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bts-writes · 5 years
three beers and one wrong number
au: you text the wrong number and jesus christ you sent some embarrassing texts thank god the other guy is nice (and sounds cute) (from this link!)
featuring: kim namjoon
genre: fluff, a little bit of angst (just a pinch, really)
words: ~1.3k words
You hastily grabbed your new phone out of your front pocket, making sure not to drop it this time. Being the clumsy dumbass that you were, you dropped your phone last week in a Starbucks toilet, which refused to be resurrected by the ever-so-reliable rice immersion technique. And it worked for your ipod and ipad quite a few times before! But alas, your phone just completely gave up. And so, a million apologies to your mom later, you got a new one and were now back to normal programming. But of course, with a ton more care this time around.
You typed in your friend’s number and then proceeded with your message. You snickered to yourself in the first floor hallway of the Chemistry Building, as you relived what happened in your class a while ago.
“Lmaoooo bitch guess what” “professor Kim asked for my notes at the start of class bc he wanted to refresh last week’s lessons” “and all I wrote there was “im so fucking sleepy” i kid u not! and i did it in calligraphy too!!!” “AND HE SAW!!!! HE FRIGGIN SAW AND HE LAUGHED AND SAID “me too we both need caffeine”” “IM . DIE”
You then locked your phone, put it back into your pocket, and proceeded to walk to your dorm room after the quite embarrassing yet actually kinda cute Organic Chemistry class.
Hours later, you checked your phone and was met with slight disappointment when the screen showed no replies from your friend. “Maybe she’s busy”, you thought to yourself and then went back to reading the material for tomorrow’s Philosophy class. Hume wasn’t going to rise from the dead and teach you, anyway.
“jinah let’s go watch captain marvel”
You frowned, staring at the text you sent over four hours ago. You and Jinah, your friend, never made it a point to miss the Marvel movies. You both absolutely loved them and spent hours figuring out the ending to the ongoing Phase 3 of the MCU. Jinah bet Steve was gonna die; you bet Tony was. Despite difference of opinion, you agreed on one thing: you both wished to the high heavens you were both wrong.
You checked the time again. It was nearing five hours now since you sent the message. And to be honest, this radio silence was getting kinda weird ever since it started three days ago.
“my treat! just reply and say you’re not dead” “come on, i’ll even buy the milk tea” “if u don’t go, pepper dies” “miss pepper potts! our girl! MISS IRON WOMAN HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE!” “along with peter parker NOW COME ON”
Okay, fine. Jinah didn’t want to reply, so you were just gonna see the movie for yourself. Miss Carol Danvers was waiting.
“Park Jinah, use your goddamn phone.” You slowly blinked at your phone screen, with still zero replies after the twenty messages you sent her earlier today. Since the whole ignoring-you-even-with-captain-marvel-on-the-line incident two days ago, you decided to give her space. Maybe Jinah was going through something you didn’t know about; hell, maybe she dropped her phone in the toilet like you did. But today… today was kinda difficult.
You put down the nearly empty bottle of Smirnoff you had been holding on your desk, right beside the two empty ones. Today, you had deigned to drink alone in your dorm room, and bought three for yourself.
You slowly scrolled up the conversation, rereading the messages you sent her earlier.
“jinah i saw him again today” “he’s still as cute as ever” “and before u say anything, i’ve moved on” “it was just… weird” “like i know i don’t love him anymore” “and the what-ifs are pointless i know” “but my heart still feels like it’s being pricked, just a little” “like i miss him” “idk” “maybe one day it’ll finally go away yeah?” “i’m gonna go get beer i hate remembering him”
You stared at the bottle labels. Maybe three Smirnoffs weren’t enough.
“Ah, screw it. I’m gonna call you, bitch, even though you hate unannounced calls”, you muttered out loud to no one in particular, as the soft light from your bedside lamp gave the room a hazy comfort.
Your phone began ringing and ringing.
“Pick up, you lil shit”, you muttered again before grabbing your beer and finally finishing its contents.
Finally, the line opened.
“Hey! Park Jinah! Why have you been—“ you coughed from the sudden yelling, “the past week! Ignoring me again and again!” You were met with silence, which just honestly ticked you off even more. “Answer me!”
You heaved your upper body on your desk, sighing out loud. “Cha Eunwoo, that bastard. I… I saw him today. Jinah, y-you heard me, right? Eunwoo! God, he’s still so—“
“Um… excuse me.” A very deep voice that was definitely NOT Jinah’s interrupted you.
You sat straight up. Suddenly, it felt like the liquor you just downed was out of your system, and only awareness of the fact that you may have just been contacting the wrong person all week remained.
“This isn’t… Park? Was it Park? But, um, this is not Jinah.” The other voice, you assumed belonged to a guy, gently said.
“Shit, shit, shit”, you whispered to yourself. “Oh my god, I am so sorry! Why haven’t you said anything? I’ve been spamming your phone with texts for the past week, oh god.” You quickly uttered an apology, silently wishing for the ground to swallow you whole. It didn’t help that you actually called him, drunk on liquid courage, and ranted about your ‘ex’!
“I don’t know, I just thought you’d figure it out sooner. Sorry!”
“No, no. I should be the one saying sorry, Mr. uh… What’s your name?”
“Ah, Namjoon. Hi, hello, Namjoon. I’m so sorry. Really.” You ruffled your hair in frustration. “You must have been annoyed.”
He giggled softly and by gods, it was hella cute. “It’s fine. Your first texts were entertaining, actually.”
“And oh god, I’m even more sorry for calling you while drunk. I apologize for that whole ranting mess. That was stupid, don’t think about it.”
“No, it’s okay! I understand…” Namjoon seemed to trail off in thought. You waited in silence as it seemed he wasn’t done talking. “But for what it’s worth, I’ll tell you a little cliche: time will do the trick, yeah?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“You said you wanted your heart to stop hurting? In your text?”
“Oh.” Right. You had sent those unbelievably emotional texts.
“It’ll go away. Just give it time.” He said, and for some bizarre reason, it actually felt like things were going to be alright. His strangely attractive voice gave you comfort and you didn’t even know him.
You smiled softly. “I hope so.”
“Okay, I’ll go now. But you remember to drink lots of water before bed, okay?”
He cared, that’s cute. “Yeap. Don’t worry, Mr. Namjoon.”
“Oh, yeah! I don’t even know your name. I just refer to you as “org chem nerd” in my head.”
You scoffed at your end of the line. “Ain’t that affectionate?” You were met with his laugh, which made you laugh a little in return. “I’m [Name].”
“Well, [Name]. It’s been nice talking to you. I’ll go now, okay?”
You nodded, not even realizing there was no way he could see you. “Okay. Thanks and sorry again, Namjoon.”
“Don’t worry about it.” And with another giggle, Namjoon hung up.
You stared at your screen for a few minutes, pondering over the events of the previous minutes. You didn’t even realize you were smiling.
a/n: let me know what u think! ehe
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: we’re both youtubers and i don’t know you personally, but i watch your videos on occasion and we’re both pretty well known on youtube and i mentioned you being cute Once and now our ‘fans’ ship us
(A/N) hey kids im bacc with another scenario! and its for jisung ! this wasnt requested but i wanted it so im writing it :D i hope you enjoy i love u all also blease leave me feedback (ps,, my time is now going to b spent on hs tutor mark and then uhh prince chenle and then bf jisung but idk when i’ll have them out so be patient please!!! love you <3)
so obviously jisung would be that youtube channel filled with dance covers and just videos of him dancing
some videos would include the rest of the dreamies dancing with him
or just random videos,, like vlogs 
his channel is like his little own archive so he can watch these videos when he gets older
like he doesnt care if people watch him he just wants to share these vids of him dancing and doing weird shit with his friends
but he’s well known around youtube anyway
so where do you come in?????/
you’re also a youtuber
but you dont really know jisung
you do watch his videos sometimes because hes crazy talented
and a little awkward but its endearing and cute
you tend to binge watch his videos when you’re bored
um,,, your youtube channel is basically like his
except its more of vlogs and everyday life videos
you dance sometimes (and if you dont just pretend that you do HAHA)
so one day you wake up with a billion notifications
and a lot of messages from your friends
‘check your twt y/N BLEASE’
and youre s o confused
and you see that you’ve gained a lot of subscribers or whatever overnight and you’re just????? why???
then you open up twitter and then you see it
‘omg i ship y/n with jisung ! they would be so cute together AHHH’
someone tweeted that
you have never been more confused because you don’t think you’ve mentioned him in your videos
you do watch him as stated above but like,,,, whats goin on
your phone dings and you see that you got a text from ur bestie 
‘watch this RIGHT NOW’ and attached to it is a youtube link
so you click on it and its a video from jisung and the title is uhhh
‘Q&A with my 🅱️ros 😩💯👊’
so ur just laughing and shit and ur like halfway through the video
and you’re wondering why your friend sent it to you
but then theres this question
‘do you watch other youtubers??? if so who?’
and you can see jisung turn red
and its so CUTE
but then he says something that like,,,,,,,, SHOCKS you
fat oof
‘u-um i watch y/n’s channel a lot! they’re super talented and i mayhaps think that they’re cute,,, or whatever,,,,,’
and then it becomes quiet
‘ANYWAY’ - probably donghyuck
and you pause the video and you SCREAM
cause in ur videos u act like a total crackhead i mean if ur on this website then ya ur a certified crackhead
then you start to text ur friend and you’re freaking out
its all incoherent words and keyboard smashes
but then on twt ur just like,,,, ‘@ jisungstwthandle i think you’re cute or whatever too’
when jisung gets the notification hes screaming
‘mhm mhm’ hes not even paying attention to jisung
after that tweet you post another that says ‘reply what i should do for my next video kids !’
a lot of people say a collab with jisung
others say q&a
SO you don’t really want to bother jisung so you stick to the q and a idea
and then you say to tweet you with uhhh wutevr hashtag with a question and you’ll answer it in a video
you’re not surprised when you see tons of questions asking about jisung
‘so first question,,,, ‘what do you think about jisung???’
you just quietly laugh before you start talking
‘i watch his videos all the time! he’s crazy talented so if you don’t already watch him,,, what r u doing ! plus he’s so awkward that its endearing and i dont know, hes cute or whatever’ and then you wink at the camera
when you post this video jisung watches it
and then when he gets to that part of the video about that question abt him
‘jisung why are you red’
‘nothing go away’
so after a few weeks all of it dies down
people still think yall would b cute together
but its more mellow 
then ! jisung posts a pic on twt saying that he’ll have a special collab posted on yt soon! 
and the picture is of two pairs of legs LMAO 
everyone is just ??? cause who could it b
no one suspects its you cause you two ‘havent interacted’ for weeks 
what they don’t know is that you and jisung actually started to talk more! 
so much to the point where you guys are doing a surprise dance collab
so when jisung drops that youtube video
everyone is screaming, crying, wigless
cause your guys’ dynamic really does go well together
after that you two hang out a lot and he becomes part of your yt videos a lot
vice versa with you in his
everyone loves the both of you its really heart warming cause everyone can see how whipped you two are for each other just not,,, you guys smh
so!!!! its been like months and you can confidently say that jisung is part of your life
and you may or may not of developed a crush on him
he may or may not have developed a crush on you too
but you dont say anything
oh my god open your ears blease
in the comments you could see a lot of them being about the two of you
‘two they're so cute!!!!!!’
‘Blease Date Already’
sometimes you read them and you get so flustered just thinking about it
well one day you’re reading comments and u get a text from jisung
and he's asking if you want to do a q and a video together
since you guys haven’t done one together yet
so you both tweet about it blah blah whatever
when it comes to the filming you guys are loose and comfortable with each other
but then you stumble across this question that makes everything g so a w k w a r d
‘are you guys dating?’
jisung was drinking something but now he's choking and coughing
‘no! we are not dating BUT i do like jisung in that way’ and then you wink
and then you’re just s o casual about it ‘next question says-’
jisung’s heart is going into overdrive
yOu liKe mE OH mY gOd - his mind
‘jisung u ok there bud????’
and he just nods and smiles big to show that he is ok when he is intact /not/ okay
but anyway
you’re done filming and then you start to edit right after
jisung is just occasionally bringing you snacks but
don't think he FORGOT
cause he didn't !
‘y/n, did you really mean it when you said you liked me???’
then you stop clicking and then you look at him with a grin
‘of course i did jisungie!!!! i thought i was obvious mister’ and then you start laughing but then you go back to editing
‘i- uh, just wanted you to k-know that i like you too.’
‘i know’
‘you’re friends with 6 demons sweetheart i been knew’
and jisung is dumbfounded and embarrassed
but hey at least you like him too hehehe
‘so.... y/n..... what are we???’
and ur just like hm we’ll be whatever you want us to be!
so then he smiles big ‘okay be my s/o’
‘ask me again in a week’ and his smile drops
anyway now you’re together !!!!!!
so when you upload the video you put in the description box that !!! jisung asked you out while editing the video so yes! you guys are dating
everyone is not surprised but they’re all happy for you guys
but on camera jisung is too shy to do anything like kissing or whatever
the most HE’S ever done is hold your hand or hug you
but you???????? sis u really b out here
you kiss him on the cheeks
everywhere on his face
you smother him with love and he gets sooo shy 
but everyone loves it cause you guys are so cute together
in the comments you get stuff like ‘wow they’re so CUTE makes me wanna throw up- iN A GOOD WAY’
when the dreams see you guys be too couple-y or whatever
‘you guys are children blease stop it’ - probably mark
but anyway!! i don’t think there would be a dull moment cause off and on camera
you guys would be dancing and popping everywhere
like,,,,, music is being played so you or jisung start dancing and the other joins in
i don't know i find yt jisung so wholesome cause he's got talent and him spreading his talent through videos on the inter webs is so cool !
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folkloreguk · 7 years
Pick Me Up (optional bias smut)
(yes I did use ioi’s song as a title for my smut pls don’t fight me) 
warnings: smut, horrible pick-up lines
pairing: reader (fem) x optional bias (male)
A/N: I thought about Ilhoon from BTOB when I wrote this but you can literally imagine anyone! I didn’t proof read this bc it’s late and I wanted to post it, but I’ll do that tomorrow. I hope you won’t find mistakes and even if you do, enjoy reading!! x
(H/N means “his name”)
[I wish I could tag my masterlist here, but if I do this post won’t show up for you guys anymore, but I havea link in my description!]
You were convinced. He was the most annoying fuckboy you had ever met. There were at least 10 other girls in your class, that were just as good looking as you. But for some reason he had chosen you. You didn’t understand why, but ever since he had first seen you, he hadn’t stopped trying to get with you. The amount of times he had asked you for your number was out of control. Not that you were going to give it to him any time soon.
You had to admit, he was smooth. He never seemed to run out of energy when it came to making up pick-up lines and asking you about your previous boyfriend. You had broken up with him after he had cheated on you. It turned out he had only been in it for the sex, and it prompted you to have lost all trust in boys. Otherwise, mr. fuckboy was the annoying but smart kid in class, who every teacher wanted to hate. They simply couldn’t, though, because no matter how many silly remarks he made, he always made up for them with just as many clever ones. He did manage to make you laugh too, at times when you weren’t busy being annoyed at him. All he seemed to think about was sex. And you.
The worst part about hating his acting though, was, by far, his handsomeness. Of course you would never admit it in his presence, but you didn’t exactly think he was ugly. But being attractive wasn’t all it took to make you open up to him. A boy. Boys, of whom you knew you shouldn’t trust them ever again. Sometimes you felt yourself doubting your devotion when you stared at him. When he grinned slyly after having made a smooth remark towards you before he turned around in his seat, facing the teacher who had probably warned him about interrupting the lesson already. But you were strong-willed.
“Shut up,” you muttered at him under your breath, glancing at the clock in the corner of the class room. 5 minutes to go. You can do this. He grinned, not fazed by your comment. He had just showed you an actual screw he had brought from home. “Wanna screw?” had his exact words been. You had never been this done with anyone. Lucky for him, your teacher had no interest in warning his students for interrupting. Especially because no one was listening anymore when there were only 4 minutes of the lesson left.
“I admit, not my best one. Here’s another one,” he said. Oh boy, here we go again. “If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?”
You wished in that exact moment you could slap his smirk off his face. Why did he have to sit in front of you? 3 minutes left.
“Your chances are smaller than zero, how many times do I have to tell you?” you muttered.
“Actually, my chances would be 50%. But I guess you- Ow!” he let out, as you had smacked his arm playfully. “You know you’ll say yes one day.”
“In your dreams,” you laughed ironically. “Can’t you just behave like any other normal student for a minute?”
And so he did. For the last minute, he turned around and shut up. You were almost impressed. Now and then you caught him taking a glimpse at the clock on the wall, eager to leave just like anyone else in the room. At the same time, you caught yourself staring at him. Black skinny jeans, deep blue sweater, some sneakers. Nothing out of the ordinary. His hair looked a little messy from where he ran his hand through it earlier (Not that you had noticed that, too). Then, the bell rang. Finally. Voices bubbled up and chairs scratched over the floor. You packed your bag just as he stood up, placing his own bag on his table. Rummaging through it, he pulled his phone out, checking the screen. A second later, his face darkened in concern.
“Crap. There’s something wrong with my phone,” he cursed. You were 900% ready to get out of this classroom, but being the good person you were, you worried at his genuinely stressed expression. When he was being normal for a minute, you couldn’t help but be polite.
“What is it?” you asked. He looked at you for a moment, then sighed.
“Your number isn’t in it,” he said, sounding completely serious. Was he for real?
“And that’s the way it should be,” you caught yourself. “I need my break from you when I’m at home.”
And with that, you left him standing. If you just had his determination and used it for school work, you’d have heavenly grades. You dragged your body home, feeling unusually tired. You didn’t have a big appetite, which was unusual, and couldn’t focus on anything.
The next day you were sick. You were sure it was nothing serious, but decided to stay at home either way. At least in your bed you would be left alone. No pick-up lines for a day seemed like a week of holidays to you. It was a Thursday filled with coughing, sipping hot tea and watching your favorite TV show. You felt better in the evening, but not exactly healthy.
The next day you walked into the kitchen. It was morning and you were ready to leave for school again. The second your mother heard the ugly cough leave your throat, though, she sent you straight back to bed. Fine, you thought. Even though you didn’t feel sick anymore, another day in bed surely wouldn’t hurt. It was Friday anyway, allowing you to be excited about the weekend already.
Around noon you decided to check your phone for messages from your friends. You were sure you had missed homework and other school stuff you didn’t exactly feel like dealing with. To your surprise, none of your friends had messaged you about homework. Instead, you found a text from an unknown number.
unknown number: hey
                                                you: who is this?? 
unknown number: if you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you
                                               you: how the hell did u get my number??????? 
unknown number: we got paired up for a project
                                               you: what u talking abt??? 
unknown number: mr. smiths made us a pair for the history projects so ur friend had to give me ur number. its due to monday
                                               you: what the hell???? 
unknown number: I didn’t come up with the dead line
unknown number: btw what’s with all the question marks
                                              you: it’s called confusion
                                              you: so when do we meet up? 
unknown number: tomorrow? my place
You knew your parents wouldn’t be at home all day, and praying that his would be, you said yes. So there was still a small chance you wouldn’t have to spend an entire afternoon in a house alone with him.
On Saturday afternoon you had thrown on a random sweater with some pants, your sneakers and left your house. When you pulled up in his driveway you instantly noticed the lack of cars. He’s not getting into my pants, you told yourself. Why did you even have to remind yourself? For some reason, you felt nervous.
He ripped the door open around two seconds after you had rang the bell. In surprise, you flinched. The way he leaned against the door frame and grinned smugly made you frustrated. And you hadn’t even entered the house.
“Come in,” he made a dramatic gesture behind him, waving you inside. It almost made you laugh. Almost.
“Okay, first of all, rules.” You entered the house and looked around.
“Rules? What is this? BDSM?” he asked. You rolled your eyes. He nodded his head towards the stairs and you followed him.
“Focus,” you said, making him chuckle even more. “No pick-up lines. We need to get stuff done if this needs to be finished by Monday. I really need a good grade on this. Smiths already hates me for no reason.”
“Do I really distract you that badly?” he asked, smirking and turning around to you. His hair was messy, but in a good-looking way. His collar bones peeked out from under his shirt. You guessed he did distract you a little.
“See? That’s what I meant. Keep those comments in. At least until we’re back at school,” you said, entering his room after him. It looked cozy, and like he had just cleaned up. You hadn’t expected him to be messy, but not this clean either.
“Oh, I’m sorry. That’s literally my character, if you haven’t noticed yet, sweetheart,” he said, sitting down at his table, smirking again.
“Sweetheart?” you asked in disbelief. You realized that he wouldn’t stop with his comments until you did. And because fighting wouldn’t get you anywhere, you decided to shut up and start working. Your topic was the most boring subject you had ever heard about, making it even more bothersome to research it. It had been at least three hours. He had kept quite calm throughout it all, but you still seemed to struggle to make progress. You had taken your space on the floor, leaning against his bed. Around you, pens and papers were sprawled across the floor while you bit your lip trying to figure out a structure for your presentation.
“I need a break,” he murmured quietly from his desk. You only hummed, your thoughts focused on the presentation. Your hand ran through your hair, sighing in stress. He cleared his throat, making you jump.
“Looks like you could need a break too,” he laughed. “I’m gonna get a glass of water. Do you want one as well?”
Still in concentration, you snapped out of your trance slowly. You got up while nodding, deciding he was right, for once.
You watched the back of his head as he walked. The work had made you sleepy and dizzy, a little as if you were drunk. Crazy thoughts flooded your brain all of a sudden. Your fingertips tickled at the thought of running your hands through his hair, down the nape of his neck. You had always loved his neck, you just never had admitted it. Shaking your head, you asked yourself what had suddenly gotten into you. All you hoped for was for the water to wake you up and let you focus again. You entered the kitchen.
You thanked him when he handed you a glass of cold water. After you had downed it, you still didn’t think clearer.
“I don’t think we’ll get to finish this today. My mom wants me to be home by eight for dinner,” you admitted. It was already half eight. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
For a moment he blinked at you, then he grinned. You already knew what that expression meant.
“I mean…hopefully you…,” he mumbled. When you playfully lifted your hand as if to smack him, he held up both hands in surrender and giggled. “Okay! I don’t have plans, alright?”
“That’s literally all you had to say,” you let out, shaking your head at him.
“Y/N. Be honest for once. You like my pick-up lines,” he urged you. You laughed ironically. “Deep down, you do.”
“You drive me insane,” you said.
“That wasn’t a no!” he yelled in success, putting down his glass. “Come on. What’s so bad about me? What wrong have I ever done to you?”
You were taken aback by his sudden question. What wrong had he done to you? He had never been rude, only his goofy, sex-obsessed self. You glanced at his face. His eyes were waiting for an answer, hands crossed above his chest.
“I’m just not very fond of boys after my ex cheated-” you began.
“Seriously? You compare me to your ex-boyfriend?” he asked, genuinely offended. It was true, he was nothing like your ex. Much funnier, to begin with.
“I’m not comparing you! I guess I just don’t want to get involved with a guy any time soon,” you admitted.
“It’s not like I want to get married to you!” he argued.
“Wow, thanks,” you laughed at his defensiveness. “What do you want, then?”
He tilted his head at your question as if saying “Are you serious?”. Suddenly, he took a step towards you, startling you. Your body backed up against the counter, hands gripping the hard material as he studied your face.
“You know exactly what I want,” he breathed out. His face was so close to yours, you could feel the air from his lungs on your skin. It made your heart beat restlessly. His hand went under your chin, as if telling you. It was you, he wanted. You waited for his lips, but they never touched yours. He was waiting for your reaction. You realized he wasn’t going to kiss you without your consent. The boy wasn’t just determined, he also had one hell lot of self-control. Unlike you.
You closed the space between the two of you, lips colliding. Kissing him felt like triggering an avalanche of built-up frustration and emotions that had only been waiting to break free. His hands grabbed your sides roughly. He finally had what he wanted. In agreement, he let out a low sound when you pushed your body against his, chests touching. His tongue swiped over your lip, and you opened your mouth instantly. He tasted of bubble gum and smelled of cologne. His hands were even more eager than his mind, exploring your hips and waist, tugging at your clothes impatiently. You felt as if a ton-heavy weight was slowly lifting off you as you relaxed against his controlling touch and dominant kisses. He was right. Sex wouldn’t hurt your feelings. Not like your ex-boyfriend had. But your thoughts of him washed away in a blink when the boy in front of you pulled away and turned his attention to your neck. Your breath was shaky when he kissed you roughly, his teeth scraping against your skin. For a moment you let your head hang back, closing your eyes. His lips were soft but so passionate at the same time.
When your eyes opened, they fell onto the clock above the fridge. It was five to eight. Your eyes widened in shock.
“Wait, hold on,” you mumbled, softly tugging at his shirt. The look he gave you resembled a puppy whose food had been taken away. “I gotta get home, or else my mom kills me. She wants to have a family dinner. I’m sorry.”
He pouted, but nodded hesitantly. You wished you could’ve just been that rebel that ignored their parents for once. But that’s not who you were.
“But you’ll come over again tomorrow, right?” he asked, hope in his look as he showed you the way to the door.
“Yeah. To finish the project,” you emphasized.
“Sure,” he grinned, rolling his eyes. For the first time, you couldn’t blame him for thinking about sex now.
“I mean it! We’re not even halfway through, especially the presentation is not even close to finishing. We still need to write the entire text and draw the map. It’ll never work out,” you suddenly started to worry. Tomorrow was your last day and you had to spend it working with a boy that was sexually frustrated because of you. Which you, by the way, were as well.
“I’ll work on it tonight, maybe I get to finish it,” he said, completely calm.
“If you finish the project tonight I’m the princess of China,” you joked.
“And you’d let me have what I want?” he asked, unfazed. Let him have what he wanted. You laughed at him. There was no way he could finish the project by himself, in that short time. But a boy can dream.
“Yeah, sure,” you said, already out the door. “Bye. See you tomorrow.”
The next day at 3 you left your house, your bag full of pens, books and paper. You remembered the way to his house perfectly, and pulled up in front of it 10 minutes later. You chewed on your lip nervously whilst waiting for the door to swing open. You had thought the feeling would’ve gone away by now. But no way. The second you laid eyes on him when he opened up, you wanted him even more than yesterday. His hair looked freshly done but you wished you could mess it up. His lips were parted slightly as his gaze ran over your figure. You hadn’t worn anything special, just casual clothes. Yet he eyed you as if he never wanted to look at anyone else. When his look met yours, you looked away shyly.
“Come on in,” he said, completely relaxed. Without words you followed him to his room. The half which had the bed looked practically untouched. The other half, however, was a tornado-like chaos. Various pens sprawled across all surfaces and paper with messy notes covered every surface.
“Told you,” he grinned proudly. You lifted your eyebrows when he carefully stepped over the paper maze and grabbed a stack of them. Proudly, he handed it to you. You couldn’t believe your eyes. While he watched you, your eyes scanned the text quickly, making sure it made sense. You had known he was smart, but not this smart. Suddenly you wished you could do all of your projects with him.
“You did this by yourself? Last night?” you asked, still surprised. He chuckled.
“Indeed. It took me until three in the morning, but it’s done now,” he said. “Not a big deal.”
“Why didn’t you work that hard yesterday when I was over?” you asked.
“Honestly? I wanted you to stay over longer,” he admitted. His determination was definitely out of control.
“And now you asked me to meet again. If you were finished anyway you didn’t need me to come over,” you noticed. Then you remembered his words from last evening. He wanted his reward. You caught him licking his lips and your stomach flipped. Quickly, you looked over the text in your hands again.
“Is this how badly you want to get into my pants?” you joked, gesturing to the paper.
„Actually I think I just discovered my love for the history of the Medieval and Modern Africa,“ he explained matter-of-factly. You laughed out, and at the sound his eyes crinkled up too.
“Oh, of course, I’m sure of it,” you played along. “You know I could still say no now, and you’d have to accept it, right?”
He thought for a second.
„Sure, you could and I would. That sounds a lot like you’re saying yes, though,” he commented, smirking his famous, way too confident smile. He had never been more right and you knew it.
“Look. This one time, I’ll let you get away with it. But for the record, you can’t buy me with work. I’m only agreeing because I wa-” you started, holding up your finger. Suddenly, he walked over to you, grabbed your sides and attacked your mouth with his. You let out a surprised sound and stumbled backwards. You didn’t fall, though, because his grip on you was tight and after three chaotic steps your back hit the wall. There was no way for you to leave now, (not that you wanted to anyway) as his hands lay flat against the wall on your sides and he kissed you like his life depended on it.
He wasn’t doing anything particularly dominant, but the way he had you caged between the wall and his body and controlled the way you kissed him made your knees feel weak. Your previous boyfriend had made you feel good, but in a very sweet way. The boy that was all over you right now, however, seemed to not have the word vanilla in his vocabulary. You had no problem with him being rough. When you thought about it you let out a low whimper, to which he responded with a low growl.
“I’ve waited for so long, I thought I was gonna go insane,” he breathed against your lips as your chest heaved at the intensity of his kisses. You didn’t know how to speak anymore. Instead, you grabbed his neck and pulled him against you again. The way his tongue moved over yours made you wonder what else it could do to you. Involuntarily, your legs pressed together.
His hands were pulling your hair softly before moving downwards. Almost innocently they wandered over your chest, but you instantly arched your back, wanting more. They continued over your sides, holding you firmly by your hips. Then, they began lifting your top eagerly. You didn’t hesitate. It landed on the floor and meanwhile, he took off his own. You eyes barely had any time to admire his toned upper body, before they closed when his lips attacked your neck fiercely. His hands grabbed your ass and you moaned slightly. The way his lips played with your senses made you feel like melting underneath his teasing touch. They were rough and biting, and a second later soft and soothing. Your head leaned against the wall as he skillfully opened your bra, letting you toss it to the side carelessly. You whimpered at the sudden contact when his lips closed around one of your nipples, his hand playing with the other. His teeth grazed over your skin repeatedly, surely leaving purple marks. At least no one would see them there.
When he pressed his body against yours, you felt the bulge in his pants had grown. That didn’t take long, you thought proudly. On the other hand, you weren’t surprised. He was basically begging you to let him fuck you on a daily basis. You laughed quietly. While he was playing with the waistband of your pants, almost dragging them down, he reacted.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, confused but amused. You blushed, helping him to get rid off your pants, his following afterward.
“I was just thinking about how happy you must be now,” you explained, teasing him.
“I’m in heaven,” he didn’t hesitate to say. You were busy laughing as he took your arm and lead you to his comfortable looking bed. Turns out it didn’t just look the way. First, you admired his soft sheets, but then your focus diverted to him. To his mouth, to be exact. He kissed down your chest teasingly, but you felt how eager he was to get to your lower region. His hands stroking over your hips so tenderly were a massive contrast to his mouth. He licked and bit your skin until he reached the material of your underwear.
“You’re sure about this, right?” he asked. You wondered about his sudden hesitation.
“Of course I am,” you assured him, begging him to continue with your look.
“And you’ve done this before, right?” he asked. You were taken aback.
“What made you think I haven’t?” you asked, getting really impatient by the second.
“I just thought…, maybe you didn’t react to my pick up lines and jokes because you had never-” he explained. You laughed out. He looked puzzled.
“The problem wasn’t that I hadn’t had sex before, which I have, by the way. Your pick-up lines are just really, really bad,” you joked, grinning at him. He was playfully outraged.
“Okay, wait, you’ll love this one. Why do-,” he began, but was cut off by your voice.
“I am laying on your bed, half-naked and you’re trying to impress me with a pick-up line? You can do better than that,” you scolded him, chuckling. The tension between your legs became more unbearable with every passing second of him not touching you, and you couldn’t handle it.
“You’re right. I’ll show you how to be truly impressed, don’t worry,” he was back to being his cocky self. You were almost glad, because finally he pulled down your underwear. You lifted yourself up on your forearms, watching him as he breathed hot air against your wet center. Gently, his arms wrapped around your bent legs, laying on your lower stomach.
“Please, hurry,” you begged. He smirked, and you almost regretted saying it. Then you sucked in a breath when he licked a stripe over your folds, teasing you endlessly. He chuckled lowly when you let out a mix between a whimper and a groan, only leaving you more eager. His tongue was way too gentle on you. Forcingly, he pushed your legs apart further, giving him better access. When his tongue went over your clit, he suddenly stopped the game. While his finger nails dug into your stomach’s skin, he sucked on your clit, first hard, then softly and so on. He hadn’t been lying. Your throat left a breathy moan when he continued with licking, this time stronger than at first. As time went on, his muscle became faster and you felt yourself become weaker. You had to admit, he looked extra good laying between your thighs. You smiled in bliss, forgetting everything else around you.
“You’re so damn good at this,” you said, but the last part ended in a whimper when he payed extra attention to your sweet spot, making you see stars for a second.
“Told you,” he mumbled, barely pulling away. The vibrations his voice sent through you made you grip the bedsheets tightly. “If you would’ve only realized it sooner.”
He smirked up at you, not stopping his actions. Your stomach twisted in pleasure and anticipation. At this point, holding yourself up was no point anymore. You let your upper body fall backwards, the soft sheets catching you as you closed your eyes. You felt like you wanted to get even closer, although his face was basically buried between your legs. You squirmed under his grip when you felt yourself near your release.
“Stay still for me,” he ordered. There was only a little dominance in his voice, yet it made you want to behave. Even though you knew you couldn’t.
“But I’m so close,” you whimpered. He only took your words as a motivation. Faintly, you wondered how he had gotten so good with his mouth. His hands made you shiver even though they were gripping your body with roughness, keeping you in place. As you felt yourself get closer and closer to your release, your hands went to his hair. He slowed down for a second, but then he realized you didn’t want him to stop. The short break seemed to have left you even more sensitive. When he began sucking your sweet spot again, you almost couldn’t take it. His tongue leaped at your clit quickly. All you could do was close your eyes and attempt to control your moans. Within seconds you were coming, squirming underneath his touch while pulling his hair. Your back arched off the mattress and you moaned his name, no one else on your mind. He slowed down his actions and you shook slightly when he licked your over-sensitive clit one last time before pulling away.
For a few seconds you caught your breath, feeling his arms loosening their grip and his hands stroking over your skin soothingly. You stared at the ceiling for a while as your chest heaved, eyes blinking slowly. For some reason, you didn’t have enough of him yet. When you looked down, he was already staring up at you, grinning proudly at your expression. He gave you no signs of being eager, even though you were pretty sure he was. He was simply admiring you. It made you feel slightly weird.
“Are you not gonna take your pants off?” you asked. He laughed at your comment, shaking his head out of his focused state. Then, he got up and did just that. His boner was prominent and looked almost painful. He made a move towards the bed, almost as if he was going to climb on top of you. Then, he stopped in his tracks.
“Wait-” you began. Use protection, kids.
“Condom, I know,” he said, digging through his dressing table. When he finally scrambled onto the bed, he seemed to have lost all patience. Your hands went around his neck while he pumped his shaft a few times, squinting his eyebrows at the built up tension.
“Ready?” he asked you. You nodded before he had even finished the word. He entered you slowly, but wasted no time in picking up pace. At first, you whimpered at how he filled you up and how sensitive you were. Then, you got lost in the way he bit his lip and how his jaw flexed under his skin. His moans sounded like music to your ears. He was holding himself up on his arms while your legs bent a little, making him slam into you at a perfect angle. You cried out when he almost pulled out fully, only to thrust back into you until his hips met yours, his skin hot against yours. Your hands were playing with his soft hair by the nape of his neck, while he lowered his head a little. He wasn’t kissing you, but your lips were touching slightly, your unsteady breaths becoming one. He repeated your name a few times, as if praising you. His arms flexed under his weight, his veins standing out.
His member brushed over your sweet spot over and over, making you clench around him. He grunted at the sensation, only leading you to do it again. You loved seeing the way he shut his eyes tightly, concentrating on the pleasure. His thrusts were quick, but seemed less controlled than in the beginning, meaning he must have been close. Curses left his mouth, while you moaned softly. His motion became even quicker as he buried his head in the crook of your neck, lips hovering over your skin. His name slipped past your lips when he messily kissed you there, not slowing down his thrusts. When you clenched your walls around him again, he was sent over the edge.
He groaned, his arms giving out and he fell onto his forearms, basically laying on top of you now. His skin was hot and his breaths uncontrolled, face still in your neck. When he looked up at you he looked thoroughly content. You grinned tiredly. He pulled out carefully, making you whimper. For a few seconds you stayed that way, catching your breaths. It was quiet in the room, and you felt energetic and at the same time completely exhausted. Of course he was the first to speak.
“Don’t you wanna hear my pick-up line from earlier?” he asked. You almost smacked him. Then, you laughed.
“Okay, tell me,” you said, leaving him surprised. He was going to tell you anyway.
“People call me H/N, but you can call me tomorrow.”
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The Heaven We Didn’t Choose, Chapter 7: In Which Skeletons are Explained
...From a scientific and magical point of view, of course.
First: Chapter 1: In Which a Child Makes a Friend
Previous: Chapter 6: In Which Everybody Threatens Sans
Next: Chapter 8: In Which The Internet is Invoked
Click here for the story overview.
By the time Sans tracked down Attie (who had somehow crawled into the dryer and was rocking herself back and forth) it was after 1:00.
This was a problem, he realized as he consulted the schedule Undyne had pinned to a cupboard with a paring knife.  Lunch was supposed to end at 1:00, and he had no idea what to even start cooking.
“Can I have a hot dog?”  Attie asked.  “You make hot dogs, right?”
“Uh...sure, but…”
“Okay!  Where are they?”
“I don’t think I…” He checked the fridge, just in case.  The shelves, to his surprise, had actual groceries on them.  Huh.  Someone must’ve stocked up.  Half of this stuff he didn’t even recognize.  Weird.
To his everlasting shock, one drawer held a six-pack of ‘dogs.  On the package was a pink sticky note covered with Boss’s handwriting:
Sure enough, a quick survey of the cupboards (also stocked with more food than Sans was used to seeing) turned up a package of buns - the good kind, not the cheap tasteless things he threw on the ‘dogs at his stand.
Cooking them properly was...more work than he really wanted.  He didn’t have a rolling warmer in the apartment, and he didn’t want to wait for the ‘dogs to slow cook anyways.  He slipped both ‘dogs into their buns and stuck them in the microwave for half a minute.
Amazingly, the ‘dogs didn’t explode (unlike most things he microwaved).  He sent out a tentative thread of magic to feel for temperature, not trusting his bones to give him an accurate read.  It felt...less than boiling hot, but beyond that he wasn’t sure.
“Uh, here, kid.  Bone appetite, heh.  Careful; not sure if it’s hot.”
“Okay!”  Attie grabbed the ‘dog with both hands, took a big bite, and winced.  “Iff a liffle hoff,” she said, mouth full.  She swallowed anyways, so he wasn’t too worried.
“Hey, kid; if that’s too hot for ya, wanna see somethin’ cool?”
“Sure,” she said, before taking another huge bite.
Sans opened his mouth, tilted his head back, and shoved the entire hot dog, bun and all, into his mouth.  He felt his magic protesting - he wasn’t really made to do this - but he ignored the discomfort and resisted the urge to cough.
Attie was staring at him with huge eyes, a half-chewed bite of hot dog visible in her mouth.  He waited a moment for his magic to dissolve the ‘dog enough to talk, then laughed at her.  “What, you can’t do that?”
“No,” she said around her masticated food.  She closed her mouth, realizing her error, then chewed and swallowed with a thoughtful look on her face.
Sans knew that look.
The girl held the remaining half of her ‘dog out to him.  “Teach me,” she demanded.
“Yeah, no, kid.”
“Why not?”
“Humans aren’t built like us.  You’ll choke yourself, then Undyne’ll kill me, then Boss’ll kill me, then your mom and her mom’ll kill me.  I’ll be super dead.”
“You’re silly, Mr. Sans.”
“Yep.  That’s me, regular comedian.”
“Teach me!”
"No, kid!”
“Pretty please with a cherry on top?”  She blinked rapidly, her lower lip extended.
“What, is that supposed to make me more willing to teach you how to suffocate on ‘dogs?   Hell no, kid!  And stop making that face; the lip shit is super creepy!”
“Awww,” Attie muttered, dejected, to her ‘dog.
“Tell ya what.  You finish your ‘dog, and when it’s science time I’ll tell you all about how a skeleton can eat a whole ‘dog at once.  Okay?”
“Okaaaaay.”  She finished her meal in the largest bites possible, sending herself into more than one coughing fit.
Science wasn’t next on the list, though.  Next was something called Grammar, which Attie tried her best to wiggle out of.  She wouldn’t capitulate until Sans reminded her that she couldn’t see her mom until her schoolwork was done.
Schoolwork went by very quickly after that.
He wasn’t sure how much of it was actually correct - according to the note Undyne had left, the worksheets would be delivered to Tori for grading - but he was impressed by her speed.
True to his word, he spent the entire 45-minute “Science” time slot sitting at the dining room table explaining what he knew about a skeleton’s magical digestive system.  He even let Attie drop things into his mouth - jelly beans, mostly, after they found some in the cupboard and he accidentally revealed that he’d never eaten them before - so she could see that they vanished instead of dropping out the bottom of his skull.
“You don’t look like a real skeleton,” Attie said, peering intently at the juncture where his skull met his spine.  “You’re shaped really different.”
“I promise you, I am 100% a real skeleton.  I just don’t look like a human skeleton.”  And if he had a buck for every time he’d had to explain that to a human he’d have a whole herd.
“That’s what I meant, sorry.”  She narrowed her eyes, then leaned over and slapped both hands to Sans’s cheeks.
He flinched, hard, but the impact - despite its force - did no actual damage.  He stifled the urge to slap her hands away.  “What’chu up to, huh?”
“Your face feels funny.”  She tapped her fingertips against his cheekbones.  “You feel kinda soft.”
He growled.  He wasn’t used to being touched, and having someone - even someone so small - put her hands on his face was really uncomfortable.  “You can stop that now, kid.  Don’t make me remove you.”
She paused, then looked him in the eye sockets.  She must have been able to read some part of his expression because she snatched her hands away and sat back into her chair.  “Sorry, Mr. Sans.”
“‘Tsokay.  Just...don’t do that again, yeah?  You wouldn’t want me to put my hands all over your face, would’ja?  No?  Then don’t do it to other people.”
“But you’re so cool!"
He coughed.  “That’s no excuse, kid.  You gotta ask before you do that to someone.”
She tilted her head to the side.  “But you don’t care about being polite.  You’re a asshole.”
“Just...it’s...yer mom’d kill me if I taught you bad habits, okay?  And it makes people uncomfortable, and I know you’re too young to really understand yourself in relation to others but you don’t do things like that, okay?  You’ll learn as you get older.”
“And it’s kinda rude to call people assholes.  Just...while we’re on the topic.”
She giggled.  “Okay.  But you still are one.”
“You got that right.”
He rubbed the back of his vertebrae.  “Ooookay, then.  Uh, what’s left on the list?”
Attie ran into the kitchen and consulted the note.  “Art!” she called back.
“Huh?  Art?  What kind of pansy school bullshit is that?”
The girl stomped back into the dining room.  “My favorite."
“...Oh.”  He pondered this.  “So...what do you do for ‘art?’  I don’t know a damn thing, but isn’t art pictures and stuff?”  Hadn’t Boss called his spaghetti ‘art’ at some point?  Did that count?
“I mean...I guess I can color,” she said.  “I have my coloring pencils in my bag!”
“Okay, but...aaaand she’s gone.”  Sans pondered chasing after the kid, but decided it would be too much effort.  He was tired.  Between keeping up with Attie and texting Frisk periodically throughout the day, he really just wanted a nap.
She returned a few minutes later with a box of pencils and a pad of paper.  She didn’t say anything or ask questions - a miracle, given how the rest of her schoolwork had gone - but instead hummed to herself as she emptied the box of pencils across the table and began to draw.
The scratching of the paper and the off-key humming was...strangely calming, actually…
“Mr. Sans!”
“Hrk-wha?”  He sat up quickly and looked around.  When had he put his head on the table?
Attie was leaning towards him.  Her pencils were packed up and sitting neatly atop a small pile of loose papers.  “You were asleep,” she said.
“Oh.  Uh, sorry, kid.”
“‘Tsokay.  Mommy takes naps sometimes too.  I don’t usually take naps anymore ‘cause I’m a big girl now, but Mommy says that sometimes grown-ups work too hard and have to take naps.”
“Yeah, sometimes.”  He was feeling pretty groggy.
“Also, your phone was ringing.”
“Shit!”  He dug around in his pocket until he found the offending hunk of metal.
“Bad word!”  Attie howled.
Frisky Dreamer 3:25 PM Sans, you’re late for your check-in.  Just because I’m drugged into unconsciousness does not excuse you not sending an update and stuff. I am so high right now Ignore that last one
Frisky Dreamer 4:03 PM Sans, I haven’t heard from you in two horse. Hours.
Frisky Dreamer 4:22 PM SNAS, ANSER UR DAM PHONE!
“Uh, kid?  Don’t you have a phone too?”
“No...oh!  Wait!”  She pushed herself back from the table and tottered off down the hallway.  Sans sighed and tapped out a message.
You 4:26 PM Were doing art Kid really drew me into it
The response was immediate.
Frisky Dreamer 4:26 PM You fell asleep again, didn’t you.
You 4:27 PM Hey do u wanna have us come visit u or not
Frisky Dreamer 4:27 PM Whatever.
He grinned.  Apparently, that worked on both mother and daughter.  Speaking of which… “Kid?  You find that phone?  We need to head out if we’re gonna go see your mom.”
“I found it!”  She returned with the phone in all its pink and blue glory.  “I have a message from Mommy, see?”
There was, indeed, a message from Frisk asking (in a much nicer tone) how her day was going.
“Hey, what’s that less-than-three thing mean?”
“Oh.  It’s a soul!  See?”  She held the phone on its side.
“That’s...weird.  And isn’t that upside down?”  Sans flipped the phone on its other side.
“But I’m a human!  Our souls go the other way.”
“Oh.  Right.  Anyways, are you ready to go see yer mom?  I’d better let her see for herself that you’re in one piece.  I don’t think she believes that I haven’t eaten you yet.”
Attie giggled, but awkwardly bundled into her coat and shoes anyways.  She seemed to be struggling with her shoelaces.  It was funny to watch.
“You, uh, got that, kid?”
“Maybe.  These aren’t my favorite shoes.  My favorite shoes are pink and they have flowers on them and they light up when I walk, which is why they’re my favorite.  Those ones have velcro on them so I don’t have to tie them, but these ones just have shoelaces.”
Sans nodded noncommittally.  He briefly considered helping her but…
She eventually knotted them into submission and tucked the ends of the laces inside the top of her shoes.  Shrugging, she grabbed the stack of papers and tucked them under her arm.  “Okay!  I’m ready!”
“Uh...what’s with that stuff, kid?  I thought that was your art.”
“It is!  I drew pictures for Mommy.  I’m gonna show her and see if she can hang them up in her hospital room.  She usually hangs them up on the ‘frigerator, but there isn’t a ‘frigerator in her room I don’t think.”
“Fair enough.  Okay, you ready?”
He put both hands on her shoulders.  “One, two,” and... teleport.
Attie grabbed onto his arms for support when they reappeared in a protected nook across the street from Ebott Medical Pavilion.  “Oh!  That time it wasn’t so bad!”
“Yeah.  You should get used to it soon enough.”
“That’s pretty cool!  Can you teach me how to do that...that…”
“‘Ts called ‘teleporting,’ kid.  Disappearing and reappearing in a different place, kinda like the world’s best shortcut.  It’s a bit more complicated than that, but...it can get pretty sciencey.  And no, I’m pretty sure I can’t teach you how to do that, either.”
She pouted all the way up to her mom’s room.
He opened the door first, not wanting to interrupt anything, but Frisk was awake.  And waiting, of course.  “Sans,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument, “Why don’t you come on in.”
He came right the heck on in, one hand guiding Attie in front of him.  “Say ‘hi’ to yer mom, kid.”
The girl paused for a moment, staring at her mother.  Frisk did look pretty bad still.  Sans hoped Attie wasn’t going to scream or cry or cause a fit; he knew he’d be blamed if she did.
“Hi,” she said in a very quiet voice.
Frisk smiled.  It was the same smile she’d worn earlier when he sent her the picture of Attie and Undyne, and he fought the urge to look away.  “Hey, baby girl.  Won’t you come up and give me a hug?”
“I-I don’t wanna hurt you when you’re sick.”
“I’ll be okay.  Just make it a gentle hug.  No jumping.”
The little girl tiptoed up to the bed, leaned up, and gently put her arms around her mother.  They both sighed at the same time.
“Now what did you bring me?  Oh-Sans, chair.”  She gestured towards the aforementioned furniture, which had been moved against a wall.
Sans sat.
“I brought you pictures!”  Attie said.  She laid out each page individually on the bed, covering the blanket almost entirely.  “This is the room where I slept last night.  See?  It’s full of skeleton stuff!  It belongs to a guy called Mr. Boss, but Undie said that wasn’t his real name.”
“It isn’t,” Frisk said.  “His real name is Papyrus.  But go ahead.”
“Oh, right.  This is Mr. Pa-py-rus’s room.  He let me sleep on his bed, ‘cause he said Mr. Sans’s room was pretty messy.  It is, y’know.”
“Oh?  When were you in Sans’s room?”
“I hid in there before lunch.  Mr. Boss - I mean, Mr. Pa-py-rus - came in and was beating up Mr. Sans because of paperwork.  Then Mr. Pa-pyrus tried to fight me until Mr. Sans finished the paperwork.”  She held up another picture.  From his vantage point, Sans could barely see three blobby figures: two black and red, one blue and pink and black.  “See?  Mr. Pa-pyrus is trying to fight me ‘cause I told him not to beat up Mr. Sans.  Mr. Sans finished the paperwork before he stopped talking.  He talked a whole lot, more than Granny Ree does sometimes.”
“Papyrus...tried to fight you.”
“Yeah.  I was kinda mad that Mr. Sans did paperwork instead of saving me, but it’s all better now.”
“He said ‘I’m sorry, kid’ and I said ‘I forgive you.’  And he said that he would’ve stopped Mr. Papyrus if he’d really started fighting, so it’s okay.”
Frisk pulled her daughter in for another hug.  Over the child’s head, she gave Sans a long, intense look.  He squirmed in his chair a little.
“Fine.  I guess...it’s okay, if you aren’t hurt.  I’ll have to have a long talk with Undyne about this, though; I don’t want you in a house where someone’s going to attack you at random.”
“It wasn’t an ‘at random!’  He tried to fight me because I told him not to beat up Mr. Sans.  Remember?  I told you.”
“That’s right.  Hey, Attie, could you do something for me?”
“Can you get me a drink of water?  There’s a water fountain at the end of the hallway, out and to your left.  Here’s my cup.  Go out, fill the cup with water, and come right back so you can show me the rest of the pictures.  Don’t spill.”
“Okay, Mommy!”  She wiggled off the bed, careful not to wrinkle any of her drawings, and left the two adults alone.
Sans glanced at the side table.  “You already have a cup of water,” he muttered.
“That’s not the point.  You know that.”
He did.  “Look.  You know that the best way to get Boss to stand down is to give him what he wants.  He wanted paperwork; I finished the damn paperwork.  It’s not my fault Undyne changed her schedule without telling me.”
“If you hadn’t fallen asleep in here earlier, you wouldn’t have had to rush.”
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t exactly running on a whole lotta sleep.  You know, after carting you and Attie all over town last night.”
Frisk’s hand clenched the blanket over her knee, then relaxed.  “I...that isn’t what I wanted to talk with you about.  Sans...does that happen on a regular basis?”
“The naps?  Well sure.  I’m-”
“Not the naps.  Don’t play dumb.  You know what I’m asking about.”
The look on her face said that she was not in the mood to be messed with; she wanted answers, and she knew he could give them.  Strange, that this human was the only one to realize that his stupidity was an act.  “...Yeah, I know.  And…”
What could he say?
“Yeah.  Just...I don’t know how to answer that.  Boss...he gets aggressive when he’s angry, you know?  And I’m one of the things that makes him angry the most.  It’s my fault, really.  You get it, right?”  He winked.
Frisk’s expression didn’t change.
“A-anyways, I’ll watch the kid closer.  She can...I dunno, hide out in my room when he’s around.  I’ll clean up and everything.  That way she won’t have to see it.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.  I didn’t ask why it happened, or whose fault it was, or how you plan to cover it up.  I asked how often it happens."
“...Not as much as you’re thinking, but more than you’d like.”
“How typically vague.  Are we talking once a day?  A week?  A month?”
“Couple times a week?  I dunno.  I’ve never charted it out.”
“Alright.  Alright."  Frisk took a deep breath.  “That stops now.  Whatever you and your brother do when there aren’t kids in the house, that’s your...ah...business-”
“-but I won’t have the pair of you scarring my daughter.  Both of you will be on your best behavior, alright?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Mommy!”  Attie shuffled in with a glass full of water, her tongue peeking out from between her lips and a look of concentration on her face.  “I...almost...have...the...water...OOPS!”
She tripped over her own feet and the water spilled.
“Attie!”  Frisk was halfway out of bed before she was stopped short by the plastic tubes the doctors had stabbed into her arms.
It didn’t matter much; Attie was floating gently in mid-air, faintly glowing.  “Blue!” she cooed.
“Sans,” her mother said, “Put her down.  Gently.”
He did.
No one spoke for a long moment.
“I’ll excuse it just this once, because it looked like you were keeping Attie from getting hurt.  But if you ever - ever - use blue magic on my daughter again, I will hunt you down.  Is that clear?”
“Yeah, Boss.”
Frisk slammed her hand onto the bedside table, causing both Attie and Sans to jump.  “I am NOT your BOSS, Sans!”
“Yeah, uh, sure.”
A nurse popped her head into the doorway.  “Everything alright in here, sweetie?”
“Yes,” Frisk said.  “We’re fine.  Sorry to disturb you.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble.  Anytime a loved one is sick tempers run high, y’know?  Y’all just take a deep breath; no worries.  Oh, and visiting time is almost up, unless your honey there wants to stay the night.”  The nurse wiggled her eyebrows.
It took Sans a beat to realize that the nurse meant him, not Attie, and he wanted to crawl into his own hood in embarrassment.  “Nah, gotta get this kid into bed.  Early mornin’ and all that.”
“Alright, then, sweet thang.  Y’all take it easy and let me know if you need anything.”  She closed the door gently behind her.
Sans carefully avoided looking at the humans.
“Alright, Attie; time for you to go now.  Come give Mommy a kiss and head home with Sans, alright?”
There was a shuffle as Attie did as requested.  “Can I come see you tomorrow?  I didn’t get to show you the rest of the pictures.”
“Maybe.  Mommy’s pretty tired.  If everything goes well, then yeah.”
“Okay.  G’night!  Don’t let the bedbugs bite!”
“You too, Attie.”
“I won’t.  I bet the bedbugs are scared of Mr. Papyrus.”
“I’m sure they are.”
A small hand in his interrupted Sans’s studied ignorance of the proceedings.  He glanced down to find Attie grinning up at him.  “Ready to go, kid?”
“‘Kay, then.”  He gently started to tug her out of the room.
She resisted.  “Wait!  You didn’t say goodbye to Mommy!”
“Uh...bye, kiddo.”
“Her name isn’t kiddo, Mr. Sans.”
The woman on the bed breathed deeply, but didn’t look at him.  “Text me when you get home.  You owe me a few check-ins.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
They left.
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akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song “Omoteura” Series - Ura track 2
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Track 1 || Translation index || Track 3
Rikka: Okay, this is Shiki’s omelette. Properly cooked.
Dai: Okay.
Rikka: Next I will make yours, then? Fluffy and melted.
Dai: Please.
Rikka: Leave it to me!
Dai: You’re good at this.
Rikka: Before entering the dorm I used to cook for myself, you see. I haven’t had time to cook lately, so it’s a good change of pace.
Dai: You look like you’re having fun.
Rikka: I am! Besides, today’s the first day in a while we’ll be all four together, from morning to night. Maybe I’m a bit too overjoyed.
Dai: Is that something to be overjoyed about? We’re always together at the dorm.
Rikka: That’s true, but I mean that working together is very fun. Don’t you think that?
Dai: Well… I do. We’re like family, so we can say anything, and we can suggest ideas from the same standpoint. It’s easy to feel that we’re doing a good job.
Rikka: Right? That’s why I think our work as SolidS is so fun.
Dai: I see.
Rikka: … Thanks to it, or how should I put it… SolidS’ Rikka has a quite mature image, so maybe fans would be disappointed if they saw the natural me. The real me is just a kid that gets excited just because being with the others makes him so happy.
Dai: You’re saying that, but I don’t think there’s someone who has a bigger gap between the general image and his real self than Shiki. He has a cool image, but he actually gets so absorbed in work he soon gets dirty, he’s an airhead and he’s nuts. And he snitches food.
Rikka: *laughs* You’re right. That may be true.
Dai: And that goes for me, too. SolidS’ Dai looks like he wouldn’t like sweet things, but actually I do.
Rikka: You really like sweet things, huh? You want your omelette fluffy and melty, too.
Dai: Don’t say it so seriously. Anyway, I think we definitely have gaps. We don’t know what kind of image do people have of us, and we can’t do anything about it. It’s just that I… We aren’t lying when we stand in front of the fans. Isn’t that fine?
Rikka: We’re not lying, huh… Yep, you’re right! It’s exactly that. I don’t think I’m lying either. That’s important, right?
Dai: So in other words… the Rikka that says “welcome to the world of evil”, is the natural Rikka too.
Rikka: You see, there’s like a kind of strange magical power on the stage! I’d prefer if you just called it “stage mode”…
U-um… Shiki and Tsubasa are late, aren’t they? Tsubasa’s the type that perks up as soon as he wakes up, but the process until he does wake up is pretty long…
Dai: He’s a heavy sleeper.
Rikka: *laughs* It’s always one of us who wakes him up, but today’s Shiki… ah, they’re here.
Tsubasa: Man, I can’t believe you! I thought my heart was going to stop!
Shiki: How many times do you think I called you? It’s your fault for not waking up.
Tsubasa: But even so, you wouldn’t normally- ah, Rikka, Dai-chan!! Listen to this!!! This guy here suddenly poured water on my face!!
Shiki: Don’t exaggerate. The correct is: I just spilled less than half of a glass of water on your cheek.
Tsubasa: That still doesn’t change the fact that you threw water onto my face!! I was super surprised, okay?! Aw come on, my pillow got wet, my hair got wet… it’s unbelievable!!
Shiki: What’s unbelievable is how much of a poor riser you are.
Rikka: Tsubasa, good morning. For starters, how about you wash your face? There’s a delicious breakfast waiting for you, so cheer up?
Tsubasa: Whoa! Today’s breakfast is Rikka-made?! Yay!!! I’ll go wash my face ASAP!!
Shiki & Dai: He’s so energetic so early in the morning…
Shiki: Let’s eat.
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: Let’s eat!
Dai: Today’s plans… start with the song recording first thing in the morning.
Shiki: If you think about your throat, the perfect time is after midday, but the studio wasn’t open.
Tsubasa: Ah… which studio?
Shiki: Daikanyama.
Rikka: Ahh, that one! I like it.
Dai: Me too. I really appreciate doing it in a place we’re used to.
Tsubasa: Dai-chan, there’s a huge difference when you can get into it and when you can’t, right?
Dai: Uh… I’m conscious about that.
Shiki: Today I’d prefer if you got into it. Evening onwards we have a meeting about an event, but I’d like to record all four of us before that, if possible.
Rikka: All four in one day? Isn’t that a bit of a stretch? Depending on the circumstances, there are times when one or two have to record on another day…
Shiki: That’s true. You don’t need to overdo it. You don’t need to, but thinking about the rest of the work, I’d like you to do your best.
Tsubasa: Ugh… Are you stuck in other matters again? Hey, make sure to reserve some time for SolidS’ work, leader!
Shiki: I’m making an effort to do that. Haiduki is adjusting things too, but there was something that overlapped and dragged on, you see.
Rikka: Our job involves many people and many circumstances. I don’t think we can do anything to avoid a certain amount of changes. We can’t help Shiki���s work directly, but I’ll do my best to make it as easy as possible.
Dai: Me too. I’ll work hard.
Shiki: I’m sorry.
Tsubasa: Can’t be helped! I’ll do it for you! This song is the kind of song I like, so I’m sure I’ll be super-fast!
Dai: I never thought I’d see a day when your stupidly high confidence would sound reliable.
Tsubasa: Hey, what do you mean “stupidly”!
Rikka: Now, now. Who wants a milk tea?
Tsubasa: Me! I want! Thank you, Rikka~
Shiki: There’s coffee too. Do you want coffee?
Tsubasa: Sadly, today I feel like milk tea.
Dai: I want tea, too.
Shiki: I was rejected. Today I’m the only one who wants coffee, huh.
Rikka: I’ll have one after eating.
Tsubasa: Ah, by the way, that Yokohama virtual date program from last time, we got messages on Soliradi that said it was very good! After all, my date plan was perfect.
Shiki: Yeah, yeah.
Dai: Tsubasa and Rikka are too strong with this kind of projects.
Shiki: You’re saying that, but my father even sent me a message especially to say that “Dai-kun was cute”.
Dai: *chokes*
Tsubasa: *laughs* Shiki’s dad is the best!!
Rikka: Dai is the type that is liked by older people, right? I get it, I get it.
Dai: Huh?! *coughs* What do you mean liked- *coughs*
Tsubasa: More than liked… I’d say loved…? Or that it makes you want to tease him~
Dai: It’s definitely the last one!! *coughs*
Shiki: *pats* Oh, Dai. Do you want some coffee?
Track 1 || Translation index || Track 3
TL notes:
Rikka saying “welcome to the world of evil” goes aaaaaall the way back to volume 1. Never forget.
Also I hope I’m not the only one who thinks that normal Shiki and Soliradi Shiki are slowly starting to become one...
Thanks for reading~
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avengerofyourheart · 7 years
Leave This Town Pt 1 (Mechanic!Bucky AU)
Characters: reader, Bucky, reader’s mother, Maria (mentioned)
Summary: Your dreams of kissing your small town life goodbye are about to come true when an unexpected detour leaves you stranded. Meeting the handsome local mechanic has you rethinking your plans. Perhaps happiness is less about where you’re headed and more about the people you meet along the way.
Song Inspiration: Sleep on the Floor by The Lumineers
Warnings: none!
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m so excited about this series, you guys. I’ve been daydreaming about this story for months and every time I hear the song that inspired it I still get butterflies. I started this part 6 months ago and finished it, but I wasn’t ready to let it out into the world. But when @bionic-buckyb mentioned her 5k AU Writing Challenge and “mechanic” was one of the prompts, I knew it was meant to be. This story is close to my heart. I really hope you like it. Any feedback is appreciated. <3
Part One   Part Two>>> 
Leave This Town Series Masterlist
Full Masterlist
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Pack yourself a toothbrush dear Pack yourself a favorite blouse. Take a withdrawal slip Take all of your savings out.
Cause if we don’t leave this town, We might never make it out I was not born to drown. Baby, come on.
Those first few hours of freedom were absolute bliss! Flying down the highway with the windows down, music blasting as you sang at the top of your lungs. It was everything you had dreamed of. You did it. You were out. You had quit your job, cashed out your life savings, bought a cheap but reliable car, and hit the road without looking back.
All was going according to plan. That is, until 4 hours later your car started to smoke and sputter, compelling you to pull to the side of the road for fear of dying in a ball of fire. There wasn’t anything you could do at the moment, what with it being 2am at the time. Thankfully, it was the middle of summer so sleeping in your car wasn’t too uncomfortable, at least at night.  
Now, you sat on the trunk of your car as the sun’s punishing rays beat down on you at mid-morning. Having walked a hundred yards in each direction, you were finally able to get a signal on your cell phone so you could look up the closest town with a car repair shop.
You had left home late last night just after everyone went to bed, hoping to be long gone before anyone realized. Instead, you were stranded in the middle of nowhere with a non-functioning car. You spent the early hours turning on your phone intermittently solely to call the repair shop since their hours weren’t listed. They didn’t even have a website. Or voicemail. This was the problem with small towns.
Finally, at 8:34am, a gruff male voice answered the phone and you told him your dilemma, indicating the mile marker you were stranded near. Shielding your eyes with your hand, you could now see the tow truck headed your way. After waiting an hour, that beat-up pickup truck was a sight for sore eyes. Sliding off the car onto your feet, you brushed the dust from your shorts as the truck flipped a U-turn and backed up to your front bumper. When the mechanic stepped out, you had to admit he was not what you expected.
He was tall with a muscular build, chin-length hair tucked behind his ears. He sported a light blue short-sleeved button-up shirt with a patch above the left breast pocket, jeans snug on his long legs with well-worn work boots donning his feet. As he approached, you were drawn to his brilliant blue eyes, straight Grecian nose, and sculpted jaw covered in the right amount of stubble. A flutter rising in your chest, you tried not to gawk at the specimen before you and hoped he would assume the flush in your cheeks was from the heat.
“Need some help?” he asked in a rhetorical manner, his baritone voice sending you shivers.  
You answered anyway with a sigh, “So it would seem.”
“Wanna pop the hood?” he asked and you obliged.
After poking around the engine for a few minutes, he dropped the hood back in place and wiped his hands on a rag before stuffing it in his back pocket.
“Best guess? Busted radiator. I’ll take a closer look when I get it back to the shop. I’m Bucky, by the way,” he introduced himself while extending his hand.
“Y/N,” you replied, grasping your hand in his, the skin calloused with fingertips permanently stained black. “Does, uh…James…mind if you wear his shirt?” you asked, nodding to the patch above his breast pocket.
“What—oh. Yeah,” he laughed. “No, he doesn’t mind. I am James, actually. Bucky’s a nickname.”
“Got it. Bucky,” you smiled, feeling his name burst delightfully from your lips.
He held your gaze a moment longer, then looked away with a small cough. “I’ll, um…I’ll get your car hooked up in a few minutes.”
With a nod, you opened your door to grab a few essentials before slamming it shut and watching in curiosity as he attached the towing contraption to the undercarriage. Once secure, he flipped the switch to raise the front wheels, an unholy groaning squeal erupting from the machinery. Bucky yelled something over the noise, an apology you thought, only catching a few words including “needs a little grease” which you found ironic coming from a mechanic. Covering your ears to lessen the sound, you felt your phone buzzing repeatedly in your pocket indicating a call.
Fishing it out, you froze at the name on the screen. Mom. Waving like a maniac toward the man and gesturing with a flat hand slashing across your neck, he got the message and stopped the squealing lift. Just in time, you swiped to answer the call and steeled yourself for what was to come.
Taking a deep breath, you spoke, “Hi, mom.”
“Don’t you ‘hi, mom’ me, young lady. How DARE you leave the house like that? Sneak out like a thief in the night and leave me to find a note on your bed in the morning?” She sounded worried and hurt, which is what you were afraid of.
“I know, mom, I’m sorry but—“
“Couldn’t you have said goodbye? Let me know your plans so I could prepare myself to lose my only daughter to the clutches of the frightful unknown?” Well, now, she was just being dramatic, which made you smile a little.
You huffed out a sigh, “Because you would have tried to stop me.”
“You’re darn right, I would have. You don’t know what’s out there! You could get mugged or attacked or never find a job and be broke and don’t think I’ll come right to your rescue, missy….”
You half-listened as your mother ranted on and on about all the terrible things that could happen to out in the scary world. It was the speech you received every time you brought up the subject of leaving town. In your head, you’ve been planning this for years but only in the past 6 months have you put it into action in secret.
“Mom. MOM,” you interrupted her tirade. “You knew this was going to happen. I’ve talked about this for years and I haven’t changed my mind. It was time. I’m on my way and it’s all going according to plan. I’m already a state away and I’m right on schedule. I know what I’m doing, mom. I’m sorry I had to leave the way I did, but this is happening and I’m not coming back. At least not for a while. I need you to accept that. I’m a grown woman and I’ve made my decision.”
There was a pause on the line. You were trying your best to remain level-headed and logical to convince her all was well. No point in letting her in on your latest predicament. You saw Bucky in your sightline a few yards away as you paced back and forth, phone pressed to your ear. He was leaning against his truck with arms crossed, distracting you momentarily from your current conversation until a dramatic sigh broke the silence.
“Alright. Fine,” your mother relented. “But what about your work at Maria’s? She’s gotten mighty dependent on you and now you’re letting her down. You were showing so much improvement, dear.”
The guilt trip. You were ready. “Maria already knew I was leaving, mom. I gave her two week’s notice and made her swear not to tell anyone, so don’t you blame her for not saying anything. She’s been great to me and yeah, I don’t mind cutting hair but it’s not what I want to do with the rest of my life. I need to try to pursue this. Even if I fail, at least I’ll know for sure.”
Another heavy sigh was heard on the line, your heart tightening slightly at the expression of surrender you imagined your mother was wearing. You blinked at the unexpected moisture in your eyes as you momentarily regretted not saying goodbye. You didn’t mean to hurt her.
“I love you, mom. I’ll call in a day or two to check in,” you promised, hiding a sniffle.
“You better, missy,” she threatened lovingly. “I love you, too, pumpkin. Be safe.”
“I will.”
You stared at your phone moments after the call disconnected. It had gone about as well as you expected. Breaking your reverie, a loud squealing ripped through the air making you jump as Bucky restarted the lift. He mouthed a “sorry” as you met his eyes and sent him a glare. Minutes later your car was in place. You watched Bucky walk to the passenger’s side of his truck and opened the door, gesturing for you to enter. You accepted his invitation and climbed in.
The first few minutes of the ride were in silence, the conversation with your mom still weighing heavily on your mind, until Bucky broke the silence.
“So…a runaway, huh?” he asked.
With an eye roll, you turned his way, “ ‘Runaway’ is a term for wayward teens. I am a grown adult capable of making the decision to leave town and start over in a new place. Besides, I’m not running from. I’m running to.”
You ignored the fact that he admitted to most likely hearing every word you had spoken on the phone. Whatever. He was a stranger and after your car was fixed, you’d be on your way.
“Everything I’ve ever wanted,” you answered vaguely with a smile.  
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but your license plates are for the state we are currently in. And I’d like to hear the part in your plan where you’re stranded by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere,” he smirked, eyes still focused on the road ahead.
He missed the eye daggers you were sending his way. “Well, aren’t you a Nosy Nelly there, James,” you teased.
The man crinkled his nose at your use of his first name.
“If you must know, yes, I may have fibbed a little on the phone. Technically, I’m only 4 or so hours away from home and the car troubles weren’t on the agenda, but there are bound to be surprises on an adventure. And I was serious when I said I’m not going back. Soon I’ll have your tiny town in the rear view mirror and be back on the open road,” you finished with a triumphant grin.
“Now, wait a minute,” he protested, “How do you know my town is tiny? Huh? Ever been there before?”
“Is there more than one traffic light?” you inquired, one eyebrow raised.
He failed to answer, which was confirmation enough.
You snorted. “That’s what I thought.”
The rest of the ride was uneventful, until you took it upon yourself to turn on the radio and flip through the preset buttons.
“Country. Talk radio. Country. Spanish. Country. It’s bad enough that we’re stuck in Middle America where there’s nothing to see or do, why does the radio have to suck so bad?” you asked as you continued to flip stations.
“Wait, go back!” he demanded.
Heeding his request you turned the dial backward until AC/DC’s ‘Back in Black’ filled the truck’s cab. “You dig the Oldies, huh?”
He grinned, “Nothin’ wrong with the classics. Do you mind?”
With a shrug of your shoulders, you removed your hand from the dial. “Better than the other crap.”
Time passed as you listened to the music, a few random comments from each of you. Finally, you viewed a few buildings in the distance and within minutes the truck was passing through town. Bucky slowed and pulled into the dirt parking lot of a building sporting the sign “Barnes Auto Shop” in peeling painted letters. He hopped out of the truck and you did the same.
“Give me an hour or two to take a better look and I’ll let you know what parts and cost you’re looking at. There’s a diner about two blocks South if you’re hungry. Wander on back when you’re done,” he had pulled a hair tie out of his pocket and gathered his hair into a bun while he had been talking. Normally, you weren’t into the long-haired guys but somehow it worked for him.
Once you realized you had been staring without responding, you snapped out of it and spoke, “Um…thanks. Yeah, I’m starving. I’ll, uh…I’ll see you in a while then.”
“Try the Boysenberry Pie while you’re there. Even for breakfast, it really hits the spot.”
Taking a few steps backward, you gave him a smile, “I’ll do that,” then turning to walk away.
“Oh, Y/N!” you heard him call after you and you whirled in place, surprised. “Keys. I need your keys.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Right. Sorry.” Digging into your purse followed by a toss of the keys, he caught them out of the air before you headed in the direction of the diner once again.
Part Two>>> 
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Complicated (Prt8) - Barry Allen x Reader
Complicated (Part 8) - Barry Allen x Reader A/N: Lmao rip. Feel free to message me if you have a question, if u would like to know more about the story, or if u just wanna talk lmao. oh also I can never find the perfect gifs 😵 Summary: After checking out the new crime scene, things start to get a bit hectic. Disclaimer: I’ve never actually watched Arrow, I apologize for that. If you notice any huge mistakes or gaps, please, message me and let me know. Constructive criticism is encouraged ! Warnings: suggestive themes, cursing, anxiety ig Word count: 2960 more or less hhhhh —
“Body was found by that bicyclist” Joe turned to the guy then back to the corpse, “Same M.O. as the first one. The victim was performing here last night. He’s a lounge singer named Julio Mendez” “Julio Mendez?” Barry inquired, “In Flashpoint he was Captain Mendez” “Flashpoint?” I cut in, “Like your parents, Flashpoint? Ramon Industries, Flashpoint?” I paused, “You and me, Flashpoint?” I raised an eyebrow at Barry. His expression changed as he seemed to remember the time he spent in the alternate timeline. It went from a sheepish look, to one of realization, to one of embarrassment. Barry turned a bright red, and I couldn’t help but wonder why. He swallowed hard before coughing. “Yeah,” he averted my eyes, “that Flashpoint” “So, in Flashpoint, this alternate timeline that you lived in, he worked at the CCPD?” Asked Julian, trying to get rid of the awkward situation I’d just created. “Yeah,” Barry answered him, he thought before speaking again, “Wait a second, the other the other vic, Stuart Holzman do we have a photo of him?” “Yeah” “Can I see it?” Barry asked eagerly. “Yeah, hold on” Julian said as he took out a his phone to show Barry a photo. “That’s him” Barry said, his face finally turning back to its normal shade. “What is it?” “He was a cop there, too” “Damn, cops gettin’ hate” I added. “So this is the second dead cop from Flashpoint?” “Yeah” “We got to figure out who this guy is” Joe obviously stated. “Well, if we hurry, there’s still a chance we can get some of the attacker’s residual DNA before this corpse disintegrates, but we’ve got to move quick” Julian said. “What are you waiting for, Allen?” I turned and teasingly raised an eyebrow at Barry. “All right,” he smiled back at me, “come on” he said to Julian. There was a whoosh and lightning trail. Before I knew it he was back and had dropped off Julian at S.T.A.R. Labs. “Did anybody see me?” Asked Barry. “Damn, I barely saw you” Said Joe. “I will never get used to that” I said. “Look, we got to get going” Joe told Barry, completely excluding me. “Where you guys heading?” I tried asking nonchalantly, but couldn’t help sound a bit jealous. Obviously, I was new here and wouldn’t be included in every hang out or get together they had, but that didn’t mean I had to be okay with it. I mean, Joe’s a great guy. Everyone here is. The thing is, they’re great together. They’re a family. They know each other. They’ve all been through so much. I’m the outsider here, and I’m making my way in one way or another. “We’re meeting up with Cecile and her daughter for lunch” Joe quickly told me and I frowned.
“Cecile?” I thought for a second, “Work Cecile?” “Uh, yeah–” Joe started, but Barry cut him off. “They’ve got this thing going,” Barry explained to me, “And we’re meeting her daughter for the first time”      “Oh,” I realized, “Oh! Wow, okay–um–well, good luck I guess. You guys will be fine. Just gotta let your true selves shine for who you are. Um–I guess I’ll see you guys later then” I smiled politely at them. “Did you want to do something?” Barry quickly asked me, “Because I can skip th–” “No! No, that’s okay” I told him, “I was just going to go check out one of the apartments–” “Apartments?” Joe asked me.      “Yeah, I’m finding a place to stay at. It’s just  that I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get around the city easily. I’ve literally been here a few weeks–but I think I’ll be fine! You guys have your lunch thing” I tried to not show my disappointment, but Barry saw through me. “I can meet Cecile’s daughter another time. I’ll help you get around town, let me just–” “You are not skipping this lunch, Barry” Joe firmly told him, “(Y/n) just said they’d be fine, so let’s get going”      Joe motioned for Barry to follow him and started walking off. Barry gave me an apologetic look before shrugging. I gave him a soft smile and a wave. “Jitters later?” He said, walking backwards. “Jitters” I nodded.
     I watched as he jogged over to Joe. I watched them visibly arguing, even from where I was at. I watched as they bickered about the lunch, or possibly me. I watched as they not-so sneakily turned around to look at me. I watched as they waved at me when they noticed I saw them. I watched as they walked off and disappeared behind a corner.      I watched as they left me alone.
“Of course not, Cisco!”      I walked down the streets of Central City while talking to Cisco on my phone through my earbuds. Which, Cisco had made and designed both items himself. He installed a bunch of apps on the phone including a Meta Human app that could notify me of an attack.      The phone had been waiting for me when I first woke up. Apparently, Cisco had a feeling I’d be needing a new one and just decided to make me one. I was grateful, but confused as to why he had made me one.      My phone was in my pocket as I spoke through the mic in my earbuds. “What? Why not?” Cisco asked on the other line, “It has an amazing view and was at a good price”      “Exactly, it was at a good price,” I told him, “until that douche bag found out I was loaded with money and raised the price on me” “But,” Cisco asked carefully, “are you loaded?”      A lot can happen in two years apparently.      “I–” I sighed, “I-I have s-some money in a bank that wa-as stored for me back when … ” I rubbed my temple as I walked, “Yes, okay? I’ve kind of been doing my own thing with the whole money situation–      ”–a-and I may have parted some money aside back when,“ I dropped my voice, "back when Oliver was running the company,” I groaned, “Of course I took some money, I knew he wouldn’t be able to handle it, so, yes! I am, kind of, loaded. Jesus, I’m such a bad person” I looked up at the sky as I continued to walk restlessly.      “Girl,” Cisco started his pep talk, “You were doing what you thought was right at the time. You’re not your family and that was your money, too. You were being cautious and prepared” “But–”
     “No but’s. Your family did the best they could and it’s up to them to decide how that goes for them. Now, you have that money for yourself so you can spend it on a nice apartment. Eat a good meal, settle down until you get your life back in check.      "It can’t be that much money, right? I mean, what do you have? A couple thousand dollars?” “More like 6,” I swallowed hard. “Thousand? That’s nothing. Maybe you should’ve taken more–” Cisco tried joking around. “Million” I winced as I closed my eyes. “ … (Y/n)” Cisco said on the other line.      “It’s not like Oliver would’ve realized I took anything! Like I said, he did stupid things with his money back then!” I defended myself. “You are so buying me pizza this week” he told me and I gave a weak laugh. “Shut up,” I shook my head.      “I just don’t understand, you liked the place, why didn’t you just buy it?” Cisco asked me in confusion as he referred back to the apartment I was checking out earlier.      “I wasn’t going to give the guy selling the satisfaction of winning me over,” I rolled my eyes, “Besides, I have a tendency to buy ridiculous things–er–that’s what my mother used to say anyways” I scratched he back of me neck. “Dude, video games are not ridiculous–they are amazing” Cisco told me and I laughed. “As great as they can be, I still haven’t found a place that I really like” I sighed, “Also, I think I’m lost” “Keep walking, another 2 blocks, and you’ll find Jitters on your right” Cisco informed me.      “Really? Thank–” I stopped myself and stood in place for a second, I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly closed it. I looked around with a frown on my face, “Cisco–” “I may or may not have put a tracker on your phone” Cisco’s voice went up a pitch.      “Dude,” I held my hands out in exaggeration and shrugged my shoulders, “don’t put a tracker in my phone without my permission” “It was just for precautions” Cisco told me.
“Great,” I started walking again, hopefully towards Jitters, “I don’t think I’ll ever find a place”      Cisco was quiet on the other end. As I walked, I felt my phone vibrate. I took my phone out and saw it was a message from an unknown number. ’Yo u think I could help me out later ?’ I frowned at the number.      “Hey, you know, if you don’t want to go through the trouble of looking at more apartments, you could just stay with me for a while?”      I was taken back by the two suggestions. I was quiet for a moment.      “I mean–only if you want to,” Cisco quickly added, “It’s just that, being here, waking up, missing everything–it just all seems like so much and I thought maybe–” “I’d love to stay with you, Cisco” I quickly said, “I’ll pay rent and I’ll buy you pizza and video games and” I smiled, “thank you” My phone vibrated again with another message. ’This is Wally btw lol Cisco gave me ur # Just wanted advice on speedster stuff thought maybe u could help idk’      I hummed at the message. “Great,” Cisco’s voice was enthusiastic, “I guess I’ll take that pizza tonight. Dinner is on you”      I could practically hear the smile on his face. I laughed at that and we said our goodbyes. As I hung up, I went to respond to Wally’s messages. ’boiii Ur supposed to be having lunch with Cecile and her daughter stop texting me !! also y me ?¿’      I sent the messages and took the earbuds out of my ears. I held the middle of the two earbud cords and swung the tips around as I continued walking. I could see Jitters in the distance. I silently thanked Cisco for putting a tracker in my phone.      I checked my phone again to see if I had gotten any new messages. Wally must type slow, huh, that’s ironic. While I was at it I went ahead and added Wally as a new contact. I started looking through my phone for things to keep my distracted while I walked. Then, I got a message. ’Idk i mean after all u did get struck by lightning, too Barry’s also telling me to pay attention to our lunch ugh u guys r the most annoying parents ttyl’      I chuckled at him comparing us to his parents. However, I was confused as to why he would do such a thing. I mean, his sister was dating Barry, wasn’t she? I didn’t bother responding, but I couldn’t stop staring at that first message.      He was right. I was struck by lightning, too. Did that make me a speedster? Does it take a while for the powers to accumulate? Since I was in a coma for longer–does that mean I don’t get my powers early on? Or at all? Am I overthinking this? Am I not thinking enough?      Questions raced through my head as I thought of the possibilities. What was to become of all this? My pace picked up as did my thoughts. I put my earbuds away and started fiddling with my hands to distract myself. I sighed, trying to relax myself, but only became more frantic.      As I approached Jitters, I wondered if coffee was the best thing for me right now. However, I didn’t have much time to wonder. People starting coming out of the cafe in a frantic manner. I sped my way towards a woman of my age. Joe and the others could still be in there. “Excuse me!” I called out to her. She turned to face me with a sour look on her face. “Hi, I’m sorry to disturb, but what’s going on?” I said, my voice shaking. “There’s a metahuman in there, you should probably run” she told me, starting to frantically run again. “Oh! Wait! No, I’m actually–” I tried yelling and catching up to her.
     “You’re actually helpless in the situation,” she said, cutting me off, “Unless you’re the Flash or Kid Flash, I suggest you run like everyone else” She then quickly ran off.      I watched as she ran off, as everyone ran off. I instinctively reached for my phone to call for help–Oliver, Felicity, Thea–anyone. I stopped myself when I realized I couldn’t call them. A wave of anxiety washed over me again. I had to do this on my own. I couldn’t fall into old habits.      I tried calming my breathing as I carefully walked up to Jitters’ entrance. I stayed by the wall, creeping my way up. If there was a metahuman attack, I’d have to be extra careful. I slowly peered over the glass doors. I saw a man in dark clothing speaking to a group of others on the second floor. On closer inspection, I realized it was Barry and everyone else.
     As the man, assumingely the meta, approached the others, Joe pointed his gun at the man. My eyes widened and I took my gun out as I quietly walked in. As I did so, Joe shot at the man.      Three bullets moved through the air in what seemed like slow motion. The three bullets disintegrated as they touched the man, and the remains fell to the ground. I stared in shock at the way the world seemed to move slowly around me. However, the feeling quickly went away as the man spoke. “Told ya,” the man said, reaching for a pillar holding up the floor everyone else was on. “Freeze” I spoke, pointing my gun at the man.      The man stopped and slowly turned to look at me. He took me in, stared me down. He looked at my shaking hands and raised an eyebrow at me. I quickly glanced at Barry, giving him a signal to get everyone else out. Barry just shook my head at me, his eyes full of worry and panic. I looked back at the man and stood my ground. “They didn’t work when he did it,” The man gestured with his head to Joe, “Why should they work when you do it?” “Because I’m not going to shoot” I calmly said and the man frowned.      I heard a swoosh and I felt a gush of wind. Oh, thank god, I thought.      I didn’t move my gun, but I noticed Barry was still up with everyone else and that Wally wasn’t. “Stop,” Wally told the man, walking towards him. My eyes flickered between both of them. “Ah, ah, ah!” The man snickered, “You can’t touch me speedster”      I noticed Wally and Barry look at each other, Barry signaling hand movements. Wally stopped and turned to me, I shrugged my shoulders. Wally rolled his eyes and gestured for me to leave. I frowned and shook my head. He gave me a desperate look and I started giving in. I backed up, not completely leaving, but out of the way.
     Wally turned back to the man and started waving his hands around, I watched as, again, everything moved in slow motion. Wally created air funnels and the amount of wind caused the man to fall back and crash through the back glass door.      I saw Wally normally run out of the room, while everything else still moved in slow motion. I felt myself shaking, a lot more than usual. Everything returned to its normal speed, and Barry came running towards me. His eyes were wide as he approached me.      I looked down as I saw my hands moving in an inhuman speed. I dropped my gun in surprise. I felt myself start to freak out. I felt Barry grab my hands and keep them from vibrating. I looked up at him in shock. “I was struck by lightning, too,” was the only thing I managed to say. “(Y/n), listen to me, we need to get you out of here” Barry began guiding me out of Jitters. “Barry? Queen!” Cecile called out as she saw us rush out.      Barry didn’t mind her as he opened the door for me. He quickly took me to an empty alley. My whole arms were shaking now, too. The rest of the world decelerated and I felt electricity run through my body. Barry seemed to be the only thing that was moving with me. “Barry, what–what do I do?” I looked at him with bewildered eyes. “We need to get you to S.T.A.R. Labs” he told me as I felt my whole body vibrate. “I can’t” I shook my head.      As I did so, Barry slowed down. He stood there, slowly taking me in. I felt myself worry again. I was alone. Not even Barry could keep up with me. My legs were starting to shake harder and I needed to move. Calm down, I told myself, you’re okay–you’re okay–what would Barry do?      I tried calming down my breathing. Concentrating on slowing down. When I did, I managed to understand what Barry was saying. “Run, (Y/n),” his voice echoed through my head, “run”
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