#cougar alvarez
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whumpdoyoumean · 5 months ago
Whumptober #13
xxx multiple whumpees
Jensen's lungs are burning. Muscles he didn't even know he had are aching, and he's pretty sure he's never sweat so much in his life. Every part of his body is begging for a break, just a few minutes of rest and then he can keep going. But he knows that if he stops, if he puts down Clay for even a second, there's no way he'll be able to continue. And then Clay will die out here. So he presses onward.
He has no idea how much time has passed, or how many miles. Somewhere along the way, he lost track of everything except placing one foot in front of the other. He's still so focused on maintaining his forward momentum that he doesn't even feel relief when base camp come into view, just keeps moving.
"Holy shit." A soldier sitting outside the nearest tent stands as Jensen approaches.
"He needs help," Jensen grunts. The soldier shouts for a medic, and a second later there's a flurry of activity as people swarm Jensen.
"You alright, soldier?" someone asks as they take Clay from off his back and get him onto a stretcher.
"I'm fine," Jensen says breathlessly. "Just take care of him."
He watches as they whisk Clay away. The exhaustion hits a second later, and he's on his ass in the dust before he even knows he's moving.
"Jensen!" Pooch bursts from one of the tents, Cougar on his heels. "Hey, you good?"
Jensen just nods.
"Drink," Cougar commands, pushing a canteen into Jensen's hands. Jensen takes it gratefully, gulping down water, not caring when some of it spills down his chin. He's pretty sure he's never tasted anything as wonderful as this in his whole life.
"We thought you guys were dead." Pooch's voice is shaky. "How'd you make it back?"
Jensen takes another drink of water before answering. "Walked."
Cougar lets out a low whistle as Pooch gawks.
"You carried the colonel all the way here?"
Jensen nods again. "How're you guys? Roque?"
"Cougs and I are good. Cougar got a few stitches. Roque's concussed, he's sleeping right now but he'll be fine...You should probably get checked out, too."
Jensen shakes his head. "Naw, I'm fine, Pooch." He holds his hands up, and even lifting his arms makes them ache. "Help me up."
Cougar and Pooch each take one of Jensen's arms and they pull him to his feet. Every muscle in his body screams in complaint, and he grits his teeth against the pain. The guys don't let go once Jensen is upright, which is nice because he's pretty sure that without their help he would just lay down and sleep right here.
"You sure you're good, J?" Pooch asks.
"Pooch, lay off. I just need some sleep."
Now that Clay is in the hands of the medics, it's harder to get his body to obey him and his footsteps are clumsy as they make their way to Jensen's bunk. When they get to his cot, he collapses onto it with a long sigh. The mattress is thin and the tent is hot and stuffy, but Jensen couldn't really give a shit.
"We'll let you know once there's an update on Clay," Pooch says.
Jensen is already asleep.
Somewhere in the hazy space between asleep and not, Jensen is distantly aware of someone touching him, of a hand gripping his shoulder and giving it a shake. He starts moving toward consciousness and regrets it almost immediately. He feels like he's on fire; he's too hot and every muscle in his body burns. A hand pushes his hair back, then lays flat against his forehead. The skin is blessedly cool and Jensen almost whines when it withdraws.
"Jensen, porfa. Open your eyes, parcero."
He does, because it's Cougar asking. The sniper is staring at him with wide eyes, his eyebrows pinched and his lips pursed with worry.
"Cougs," he says. The name scrapes against his throat. "What...what's goin' on?"
He closes his eyes again and a second later, he feels himself being lifted off the cot, slung over Cougar's shoulders, just like Jensen had done with Clay.
"I have you, Jensen," Cougar says. He sounds far-off again. Consciousness is slipping away from Jensen and he can't hold onto it. Cougar's voice is the last thing he hears before the black overtakes him.
"I have you."
Jensen wakes up in a room that's far too quiet and air conditioned to be a field hospital. If he was transferred here, that means he must've been in pretty bad shape. Which doesn't make sense, because he wasn't injured in the ambush. He feels like he was, a dull ache throbbing through his whole body.
"Hey, soldier."
Jensen turns, a little confused when he sees Clay sitting up in the bed next to him. There's a bandage wrapped around his head and his arm is in a sling, but he smiles when Jensen looks over at him.
"Colonel! You're okay?"
"A little banged up, but yeah, I'm okay."
Jensen shifts a little, then hisses as the movement tugs at an IV in the back of his hand. He frowns down at it, is about to poke it when Clay makes a disapproving noise.
"Leave it alone."
Jensen scowls, but does as he's told. He looks back over at Clay.
"Why am I here?" He vaguely remembers going to sleep after making it back to base, but everything after that is a blur.
"Cougar went to tell you that I was gonna be moved here, and you're damn lucky he did. You were in the early stages of kidney failure when he found you."
Jensen feels the blood drain from his face. "I – what?"
"Yeah, it was...what did the doctor call it? Rhabdo-something."
"Rhabdomyolysis?" Jensen's voice is a little strained when he said it; if there was any color still in his cheeks he's sure it's gone now.
"Yeah, that's it. How'd you know that?"
"My sister was in nursing school when I went into Basic. She wrote me at least three letters reminding me to stay hydrated because apparently she'd heard some statistic that people in boot camp are more likely to get it." He groans, leaning his head back against the pillows. "She's gonna kill me when she finds out."
"Yeah, that's if you survive Pooch and Cougar," Clay says, smirking a little.
Jensen winces. "I maybe should've listened to Pooch."
"Yeah, you think? You scared the hell out of 'em."
Jensen squirms a little as an image of a panicked-looking Cougar desperately saying his name flashes across his mind. He doesn't know if it's a memory, or if it's just his brain conjuring up images of what may have been. Either way, it makes a feeling of guilt settle in his gut.
"It's not me you need to apologize to," Clay says. His expression softens a little. "You saved my ass out there, Jensen. Thank you."
Jensen shrugs. "Yeah, well. Someone had to do it."
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cxce15 · 9 months ago
Drumroll please ladies & gentlemen
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Carlos Alvarez my lovely people aka Cougar from The Losers
Which to my surprise is technically DC
Movies great in my opinion a lot of people only watch for Chris Evans which is valid but come on...
Look at this man
Anyway I would love for my some fanfiction to be created as soon as possible for this man if anyone who writes sees this post.
Thank you for stopping & listening to my Ted talk - goodbye
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i-rec-this · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Losers (2010) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez/Jake Jensen, Franklin Clay/William Roque Characters: Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez, Jake Jensen, William Roque, Franklin Clay Additional Tags: First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Character of Color, Podfic, Podfic Length: 45-60 Minutes Summary:
Figured that Roque would pass out and make Jensen carry his lazy ass halfway across Afghanistan.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months ago
Reading Comprehension – The Film Version
I was talking to someone a while back about the grammar of film editing and how they'd like to know more, but info isn't really available. This is one of my soapboxes. It floors me how simple a lot of this shit is to explain, yet even top film schools just assign In the Blink of an Eye and call it a day. Walter Murch is a great writer, and he has the film cred to back up his treatise on aesthetics, but can we really not manage at least a couple more books anybody cares about? (No, On Film Editing and that book of interviews with Murch don't... cut it.)
For all that film has supposedly been democratized, Youtube et al. are a wasteland for actual discussions of film grammar. Every Frame a Painting has some stuff. Lindsay Ellis has a couple of videos. But most educational film content is very much aimed at either the technical side of camera and editing or is waaaaay too obsessed with the screenplay. (I await the whiny-ass anons from last time who insist that their favorite youtubers discuss this all the time. Nah, dude. If they did, you'd have been willing to name names.)
It's an approach that's overly literal and overly verbal, which makes sense given that what reading comprehension we're taught is all focused on picking apart some essay or maybe a classic book.
Unfortunately, words aren't what define film: reaction shots are.
Having a command of film grammar matters for everything from detecting political propaganda to recognizing when Hollywood is like "Ohhh, but we gave them liiiines in the scriiipt" but the actual product they put out completely undercuts those characters, whether it's not even filming a single or stuffing them behind other characters in the group shots or being embarrassingly incapable of lighting dark skin properly or a host of other obnoxious shit.
Anyway, I made a couple of my own little attempts to put out some free educational materials about how film grammar works.
Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez: Human Exclamation Point is about how to make a character feel like a lead when they have no lines and like two seconds of screen time.
Aisha is the Object; Clay is the Subject is about how to make someone not a protagonist by training the camera on their butt all the damn time.
IDK why I was suddenly thinking about this this afternoon, but I was.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year ago
Undercover - One - Jake
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Pairings: Jake Jensen and OFC Samantha Matthews
The Losers have made it back to their families and are out. Well, almost. A threat against the British crown needs to be handled and the CIA has tapped the Losers for one final mission. And they are sending in Jensen.
Jake Jensen hasn't been a civilian in years but now he's undercover to find out why his target is where he is and who he's after.
Enter Sam, someone who Jake doesn't expect and well, he didn't know he was looking for.
Can Jake handle his mission and falling in love? Especially when the truth leads to a bigger mission than expected?
*~* A Jake Jensen Story *~*
Author's note: this story continues after the events of the Losers. I may weave other characters into it but they are all minor.
The playlist is available on Spotify.
cover photo by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: angst, death, smut, and a bunch of stuff a can’t say because it gives away the plot!
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"Alight Losers, focus up.”  
Colonel Franklin Clay looked at his exhausted team.  It had been a long, few months, getting back from Bolivia, getting to Max and Roque’s betrayal of the team. They had just received their pardons, visiting the families that thought them dead and were now back together for their final debrief.  
Or so they thought.  
“We got tapped for an undercover ops,” Clay explained.  “It’s going to be a long one but the request is coming from an outside source.”  
“So not your typical ops.” Sgt. Linwood ‘Pooch’ Porteous commented while kicking his feet onto the desk in front.  
“Not this time.  One will be in deep cover at a company where the target works.  The mission is to recon and discovery of the target’s mission.”  
“Who’s asking?” Pooch flipped a pen in the air. Sgt. Carlos ‘Cougar’ Alvarez caught it and put it down shaking his head.  
“Dunno.  Our handler should be coming in…” 
“Right now.”  A tall, dark hair individual came in, suit, no tie, followed by another man.  “Nick Fowler, CIA director of Foreign Affairs.” 
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“Clay.  That’s Pooch, Cougar, Aisha and… Jensen!” 
A blonde stood up from the snack table, licorice in his mouth.  He wiped his hands on his jeans and walked over.  “Hi!” 
“Great.  This is Inspector Harry Hart, British Intelligence.”  
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“How do you do?” He shook everyone’s hand before clearing his throat.  “We would normally send in our own man but since our target is based in the US, we need an American to blend in.  We need someone who can also blend in seamlessly and get close to the target.”  
“That would be me,” Clay said.  
“Excellent.  And this is our target.”  He flashed a picture.  “John Fitzgerald. He is a former MI6, turned mercenary. He has been keeping low until just a few days ago when we intercepted intelligence that he is a threat to the crown. The King has been informed of the situation but is obviously not involved for his safety and the safety of his family.”  
“Shit,” Clay mumbled. He picked up the photo of the target.  “I know him.  We worked together 20 years ago.  I can’t go in.”  
“Who can?” Fowler asked.  
Clay furrowed his brow. “What company?” 
“It is,” Hart shuffled his papers, “ADR Diagnostics.  A tech company.”  
The Losers all swiveled their heads and looked at Jensen, who looked back with wide eyes. “What?” 
“Jensen can go in,” Clay said.  
Hart stepped forward.  “Name, rank and qualifications?” 
Jensen stood up straighter. “Captain Jake Jensen, masters in computer science and Data Analytics.” Jake started to sweat a little as Fowler and Hart inspected him.  
“Well, he does have the look of an IT guy,” Fowler commented. “What do you think, Inspector?” 
“Captain, you understand that you will essential be a civilian working undercover to find out what is going on with Fitzgerald?  There is not a timetable.  The faster you discover his motives, the faster you are out.”  
“Colonel,” Jake turned to Clay, “I thought we were out?”  
“They haven’t given us our papers yet Jake.  This would be our last mission.” Clay turned to the team. “It’s up to you.”  
“I’m in,” Pooch said.  Cougar tilted his trademark hat. Aisha shrugged.  Clay turned back to Jensen.  “The company is based near your family’s hometown.  You can stay near them and visit like normal since you do have to keep up appearances.”  
Home. Something that Jake had longed for.  His reunion with his parents has been joyful.  Especially since his cousin Savannah and niece Grace had been visiting.  Her husband and two other children had stayed home with the flu, which was a bummer but still.  
“Alright,” Jensen clapped his hands together.  “I’m in.”  
“Excellent. We will get you planted as a manager of an IT group.  You start a week from Monday to allow you time to get settled.  The apartment we have procured for you is in the town center and you should be able to walk to the office,” Hart explained.  
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Civilian life.  
Not something he was expecting. But here he was, Captain Jake Jensen, IT guy. He stood in front of ADR Diagnostics and looked up. The weekend had been interesting.  His parents had been thrilled that he was going to be closer to home.   He settled into his loft apartment and set up his reconnaissance equipment to maintain contact with the team.  He was to check in every Friday, under the guise of drinks with old friends.  He had studied his target.  
Fitzgerald was a handsome man, loyal to the crown, until an accident killed his partner, and he went sideways.  He left the service, went underground.  The threat that brought him back into radar was interesting.  Fitzgerald was looking for leverage against the old King of England.  His Majesty, King Harold had just stepped down to his son, Anthony, his only child, in a swirl of worry as Anthony had not had any children of his own.  
Jake found it curious on the line of succession the next person would be Anthony’s cousin, Lewis, to inherit.  From what Jake found online, the people of England despised Lewis for his snotty attitude to the common people and his utter disdain for his uncle and cousin, so much as speaking out against them. What could Fitzgerald be looking for to hold over the old King? He must be connected to Prince Lewis in some way, Jake noted to himself.  
Walking in, he was greeted by his new supervisor. “Jake?” 
“Yeah, Jake Jensen.” He offered his hand.  
“Michael Anderson.  Follow me.”  
Jake internally snorted remembering his break into the last company.  He followed the man to the bank of elevators and went up.  
“So, Jake, you’ll be heading a team of techs checking for security for our clients. Your team is four plus you and you will be reporting to me.  We do a daily report due at the end of the day before you leave. You have to send that to Sam, my assistant.”  
Jake nodded along. “Cool. No problem.”  
Michael looked over Jake. “I know it’s your first day but lose the tie. We’re pretty casual here. Polo and jeans will do.  Fridays can be a t shirt.”  
“Sure.” Jake pulled off his tie and stuffed it into his backpack. Getting off on the 14th floor, Michael directed him to an air where five desks were situated.  “Guys, focus up.” Four heads popped up.  “This is your new team leader Jake Jensen. This is Fred, Dave, Rob and Pete, your team. Make him feel welcome and shit. I’ll check in with you guys later.”  
“Uh, Mr. Anderson?” 
“Mike, please.” 
“Right Mike. Uh computer?” 
“Right.” He pulled a laptop out of his own bag. “Email is set up and will have all your system logins. Sam should have emailed you your report instructions and everything you need. Have any questions, ask your team or send a message to Sam. Otherwise, own your team, Jake.”  
��Thanks.” Mike walked away and Jake turned back to the guys. “Hi.” He awkwardly waved his hand.  
“Sup, boss man, I’m Fred. De facto mouth of the team.  That Dave, Rob and Peter,” pointing to each guy. “Uh I’ll let you set up.”  
“Thanks. Just set up and you guys can tell me where you are.” Jake moved to his new desk and took out a frame. Pictured was his niece Grace with his cousin Savannah. They had lost touch for a few years when his asshole aunt and uncle cut Savvy off. Now she was married and happy and Jake got back in touch with her. A perk of no longer being dead.  
As he set his desk up, he looked up to see a beautiful brunette walk across the floor. Her long dark hair with blonde tip bounced with her curls in a sleek ponytail.  She wore an emerald-green blouse with dark jeans and heels. Jensen couldn’t help but stare. And then she looked up. Cupid lips, soft pink cheeks, cat eyeglasses framing big eyes with lashes. Her smile made Jake swoon. When she looked in his direction he ducked and moved to open his email. “Stupid,” he muttered to himself. No way a girl that gorgeous is single. He concentrated on the task at hand, reading the first email in his new inbox.  
From: Sam Matthews  To: Jake Jensen  Hi!  Below are your logins for the system. I’ve attached a sample excel sheet to use for your daily reports. Any questions, you can email or instant message me.   Welcome to the team Jake!   Sincerely,  Sam Matthews  Assistant to Michael Anderson  
Jake reviewed all the info given and then sat with his team.  But his mind never left the beautiful brunette. I wonder where she works, he thought to himself.  
Closer than you think, Jake.  
The day went smoother than he thought, ADR’s systems sophisticated but simple. He was able to catch up to where his team was at and log in the progress.  He caught glimpses of his dream girl as she walked around the office. Lunch time with the team was easy, the guys were really nice about inviting Jake and keeping him in the conversation.  But it was around three that Jake got his break.  He was headed into the break room for a much needed pick me up in the way of coffee. Making sure that he didn’t get lost, his eyes wandered around the floor before his reflexes caused him to dodge someone.  
“Excuse me, sorry,” he heard and looked to see a flounce of curls walk away.  It was dream girl. He was about to say something when someone else caught his attention.  
“Pardon me, I just… you’re new.” A British accent hit Jake’s ears and he looked to find himself face to face with John Fitzgerald.  
“Yeah, hi. I’m Jake, IT.”  
“John, accounting.  Sorry, did you see a brunette pass by?” 
Jake stared a second too long at Fitzgerald and shook himself back to the present.  “Uh, yeah, she went into the elevator.”  
“Sly minx, she is.  You must know how that is,” Fitzgerald flashed Jake a rouge smile.  Jake swallowed and nodded unsure what to say.  “Well, I’ll see you around Jake.”  
This guy? Jake shook his head as he poured himself a cup.  Dammit. Now I have to be all douchebag around this guy, he thought to himself as he took a sip.  Another voice startled him that he spilled his coffee a bit.  
“Is he gone?” 
Jake turned to see his dream girl in front of him. Her glasses were pushed up into her hair, showing off her big eyes that he now knew were brown with flecks of green and gold in them. She was chewing on her bottom lip, making it fuller.  Jake was memorized.  “Uh, yeah.  I told him that you went up the elevator.”  
“Thank you.  God, he just won’t take no for an answer.”  
Jake was captivated by her voice. It had a slight accent to it but barely noticeable.  “Sorry for my species.” He wrinkled his nose at the comment and went to leave, knowing he had just made a fool of himself.  
But then he heard it: her giggle.  “Thank you for apologizing.  I’m Sam, by the way. Sam Matthews.”  
Holy. Shit.  
His new boss’s assistant is his dream girl.  
And suddenly, being undercover was not so bad.  
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forever1kay · 2 years ago
DC Masterlist
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The misc masterlist will feature characters I don’t plan to write about often. That list will be created eventually, but as of now we’ll just focus on the masterlists below!
→ Titans
This list includes characters from the 2018 series Titans. Works about Dick Grayson and/or Kory Anders will frequent more, but I do still write about Conner Kent, Gar Logan, Rachel Roth, Donna Troy, and Jason Todd. You can request other characters such as Hawk and Dove, Tim Drake, or Blackfire but they will be in the misc masterlist.
→ The Losers
This list includes characters such as (Jake) Jensen, Carlos “Cougar” Alvarez, (Franklin) Clay, (William) Roque, Linwood “Pooch” Porteous, and Aisha Al-Fadhil.
→ Black Lightning
This list includes characters such as Jennifer Pierce, Anissa Pierce, Lynn Stewart, Grace Choi, Jefferson Pierce, Khalil Payne, Issa Williams, and Peter Gambi.
→ Justice League
This masterlist includes Henry Cavill’s Superman, Ezra Miller’s Flash, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, Ben Affleck’s Batman and Jason Momoa’s Aquaman!
→ Young Justice
Including characters from the 2010 DC cartoon show Young Justice. Including characters such as Conner Kent (Superboy), Wally West (Kid Flash), Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Kaldur’ahm (AquaLad), Karen Beecher (Bumblebee), Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle), and Virgil Hawkins (Static Shock).
→ My Adventures With Superman
Here I will write about Clark Kent/Superman. If you would like anything written about Lois Lane or Jimmy Olsen, you can request it but it will go in the misc masterlist.
→ Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
I really only planned to write about Clark Kent/Superman, Jack Milner and Jimmy Olsen but you can request works about other characters. If I fulfill your request, those works will go into the misc masterlist.
→ Smallville
Okay, you caught me! I haven’t actually watched the show yet. I’ve only seen short clips. For now, I only plan to write about Clark Kent. This list may possibly be updated after I watch the show.
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amethystina · 2 years ago
💗 Five Comfort Characters, Five Tags 💗
I got tagged by @miss-ingno! Thank you so much 💜
I honestly don't think I have any "comfort characters" as such unless we're talking about my own OCs, but I'm going to assume that no one wants to hear about those. So I'm going to pick characters that I like or find very fascinating instead. This is by no means an exhaustive list because they're basically just the ones that popped into my mind while writing this, but yeah. Also, I'll be splitting it into female and male characters because I can.
Female characters:
Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. I just find her so incredibly lovable. And her whole aura and outlook on life just makes me so relieved.
Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones. Never mind that I never finished it. I still love her to bits (I also have a crush on Gwendoline Christie but that's neither here nor there…)
Evelyn Carnahan/O'Connell from The Mummy. The movie is a childhood staple and I always looked up to how much braver and more capable she became as the story progressed.
Edith Cushing/Sharpe from Crimson Peak. This might be partly because I love the movie so much, but I just like how HUMAN she is. There's something relatable about her even if we have so very little in common and I find that fascinating.
Joan Watson from Elementary. I just really like her. She's smart, she's funny, she's resourceful, she's badass, she's human. In the best way possible.
Male characters:
Seifer Almasy from Final Fantasy VIII. I mean, he's an asshole and all, but he's been a favourite character of mine for so long that it's probably hardwired into my DNA at this point.
Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez from The Losers. Because he's just calm and sensible and I can probably write him in my sleep. That's how comfortable I am with him.
Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Grimm-Pitch the Third from the Simon Snow series. I just finished reading this series and there's just something about Baz that I find very likeable and relatable. I'm very partial to Baz.
Arthit "Oon" Rojnapat from SOTUS. Look. When Arthit cry, I cry. It's as simple as that. And I'm always a sucker for "seems like an asshole but is secretly a big softie."
Dean Winchester from Supernatural. Okay, so this one is partly just nostalgia, I will admit, because Supernatural played a big part in my life at the time I was watching it. And Dean was just always the character I gravitated towards.
Bonus — My UNcomfort Character:
Kang Yo Han from The Devil Judge. I love the fucker to death but it also makes me incredibly uncomfortable to know how similarly we seem to think and work as human beings. It's like watching a "Worst Case Scenario" of yourself x'D
And I'm still terrible at tagging so just do it if you want to! :D
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asiss-s · 1 month ago
OMG I never saw this magical cross over before
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ao3feed-ineffablehusbandz · 2 years ago
Истории, написанные мною за учебниками
Истории, написанные мною за учебниками
by Blood_like_lemonade
Тот самый сборник драбблов и миников, который должен быть у каждой авторки
Words: 1888, Chapters: 5/?, Language: Русский
Fandoms: БИ-2 | BI-2 (Band), The Losers (2010), The Losers (Comics), 我在惊悚游戏里封神 - 壶鱼辣椒 | I Became a God in a Horror Game - Pot Fish Chili, Nochnoy Dozor | Night Watch - Sergei Lukyanenko, Nochnoy Dozor | Night Watch (Movies), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, F/M
Characters: Shura Bi-2, Lyova Bi-2, Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez, Jake Jensen, Mu Sicheng, Tawil, Bai Liu, Mu Ke, Tigress | Tigrerra, Bear (Nochnoy Dozor), Tiger Cub (Nochnoy Dozor), Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Relationships: Lyova Bi-2/Shura Bi-2, Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez & Jake Jensen, Bai Liu & Tawil, Tigress | Tigrerra/Bear (Nochnoy Dozor), Bear (Nochnoy Dozor)/Tiger Cub (Nochnoy Dozor), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Drabble Collection
From https://ift.tt/wGWSIVN https://archiveofourown.org/works/46367239
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captainsyswhore · 3 years ago
The Cougar and His Sparrow
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Summary: You were a Loser and proudly so and today was like any other day or was it? 
Part 1
Do not copy my work or repost anywhere else without giving me credit.
Carlos “Cougar” Alvarez x Reader
Warning: Lewd themes and Mature language. Minors DNI.
Jensen was playing make believe with these two action figures, “Look in sorry, I just can’t give you that kind of information. I’ll do anything else. I just can’t do that. I can’t betray my country. I won’t. This country gave me everything. Oh, God. Just keep him away from me.” He says while making the action figures chase one another. 
Jensen continues imitating one figure, “Please. Don’t let him near me. Oh, no! Oh, God!” Jensen starts to move the other figure, “Come on, Baby. Just relax into it. Let Godzilla do his thing.” He starts to grunt and make the figures hump each other. 
“Okay, okay, come on. This is wrong on so many levels. You in or not?” Pooch exclaims disgusted by Jensen’s actions
“And get cheated again?” Jensen asks
Pooch looks a little offended at Jensen’s claim, “What? No, the Pooch may lie, the Pooch may steal, the Pooch may--” Pooch is cut off by Jensen, “ Refer to himself in the third person?” 
“Occasionally,” Pooch starts, “But the Pooch will not cheat.” 
“Well, the Pooch can relax. I was worried about Cougar.” Jensen states looking pointedly at Cougar
“Yeah, right. It’s always the quiet ones.” Pooch says making Cougar snicker
“What? It’s Blind Man’s Bluff. High car wins. How in the hell can a man cheat you?” Roque questions
You all gather around a small box and you place the cards down, “cards.” Pooch says and you all grab one. 
“Feel like I got something here. I feel like I got something.” Pooch says confidently
“Queen, king, jack. Queen, king, jack.” Jensen says rubbing his card hoping to manifest something good on the card, he continues, “All right. One, two, three, go.” You all slap your cards on your foreheads.
Jensen slaps his head hard with the card a two of diamonds to be exact, Jake Jensen, Aka. Jensen in specializes in COMMS & TECH, Jensen is funny, he kept things entertaining for everyone even when he should be taking things seriously. 
Cougars next tucking his under his hat, an 8 of spades, Carlos Alvarez, Aka. Cougar specializes in LONG-RANGE ELIMINATIONS, he’s great with snipers and even better in the looks department, he owned your heart and nobody knew it yet.
Pooch places his card, a three of hearts, on his head sideways making you smirk, Linwood Porteous, Aka. Pooch specializes in TRANSPO AND HEAVY WEPS, he was your driver and a good one at that, he was gonna be a dad soon and you were incredibly happy for him. 
“I got a great, great feeling about this one.” Roque says tucking his card, a two of hearts, into the band of his bucket hat, William Roque, Aka. Roque specialized In DEMO & TACTICAL, he was Clay’s second-in-command.
You then place your card on your head not sure of what it is, you tuck it into the camo bandana you decided to sport today to keep your hair off your forehead. Y/N L/N, Aka. Sparrow, you did everything and you did it well, but you specialized in AIR TRANSPORTAION & HIGH ALTITUDE TASKS, if you needed to parachute out of a plane you could, if you needed to be on a high building to find a vantage point you were there, you were light on your feet and ready to swoop in and save people if necessary. 
“Your mama had a great feeling last night.” Jensen replies to Roque, “Oh, that was a yo mama joke.” Pooch says high-fiving Jensen.
Roque looks confused, “What?” Jensen asks only to be met with Roque’s huge knife, “All right, let’s go.” Roque says always quick to violence then sets the knife in the betting pot
“All right, it’s a game.” Jensen says in defense then follows up with, “All right. I will raise you.” then sets his hand gun down on the box in front of Roque
“You don’t wanna do that.” Roque says
“Oh, no?” Jensen playfully responds
“Got this piece off that Honduran general?” Pooch asks
“Yesssss.” Jensen responds, Cougar shakes his head in disapproval
“Guess what? I’m definitely in.” Pooch says flipping his hand gun and setting it down on the box. You and Jensen Laugh at that
“Let’s go.” Jensen demands, “All right,” Roque says setting down another huge knife making Jensen get excited and Cougar whistle, “This should even me up.”  
“How many knives do you have?” Jensen questions, “What is going on here?”
Pooch turns to Cougar, “Coug, it’s your bet.”
Cougar reaches to pull something out but is cut off by Clay, “Hey, Losers!” he shouts, “It’s time.” 
Lt. Colonel Franklin Clay, Aka, Clay, specializes in OPPERATION CONTROL, he was your team leader, you and your team were loyal to him, as close to family as you could get.
You all suit up and head toward the destination spot for your mission. Pooch gets in the driver seat and Clay in passenger. Roque takes the seat behind Clay, Cougar in the Middle, Jensen behind Pooch and you in the back on the bed. Not that you minded, you’d rather chill in the back with the fresh air than sit in the car with five stinky ass men. 
You drive through Bolivia in you armored vehicle, “All right,” Clay starts his run down, “we got a drug and arms dealer named Fadhil, running a home grown assembly line out by the Madre de Dios River basin. We find it, we paint it  for a laser-targeted bomb, we get the hell out. No muss, no fuss.” Clay finishes
“For that, they need us?” Roque questions
“You’d rather take on 50 dudes with AK's?” Pooch cuts in, everyone looks content after that
Black Betty Begins to play on the radio earning an excited chuckle from Pooch and a groan from Roque. 
You arrive at the destination and get in your places, “All right, I've got eyes on misère Fadhil.” Roque says looking through his military grade binoculars.
“Paint it.: Clay orders, “Showtime, fellas” Pooch starts, “Go ahead and call me Michael Angelo.” He finishes and paints the target with the laser.
Jensen picks up his walkie-talkie, ”Dropkick, this is Pinball. Request fire mission. The target is lased, and you are clear to make a run from north to south. Over.” 
The Pilot responds, “Roger, Pinball, target acquired and locked. Be advised, eta fireworks, zero eight Mikes.” 
Jensen, “Roger, we’ll break out the earplugs.” Jensen sets down the walkie-talkie.
Cougar sees something concerning, “Boss!” he motions to have Clay look through his sniper scope. Clay picks up the gun, “They’re using kids as mules. Call it in!”
”Dropkick, We have children at target site. Repeat, we have eyes on children at target site. Please advise.” Jensen call in Clay’s request for advisory.
“Acknowledged, Maintain position.” the pilot responds, “Maintain Position?” you question with concern, “What’s he talking about, Colonel?” Roque asks
“Dropkick, We strongly recommend cancelation of the payload delivery.” Jensen responds
“Your orders stand. Prep for extraction.” The pilot says
“Sparrow” Clay orders, you take Cougars gun and slam the butt of it into the laser. 
“Dropkick, this is Pinball. Target equipment has suffered catastrophic system failure. Am calling an on-site abort.” Clay responds
“Well that was just stupid.” A voice says Clay looks confused
“Is this mission controller?” Clay asks
“This is Max, Colonel Clay.” Max says
“No one uses names on comms. This is a secure military channel.” Clay states
“Is it really?” Max asks
“Goddammit, you listen to me. There are children on site.” Clay informs 
“And you think I didn’t know that?” Max asks redundantly, ‘We locked coordinates the moment you painted. Delivery will occur on schedule. You have yourself a super day.” 
“You can’t just--” Clay starts but the comms cut out, “Shit! Jensen contact the plane directly. Call an abort.” 
“I’m trying, but he’s jamming us. There’s nothing I can do.” Jensen says helplessly fiddling with the knobs on the walkie.
Clay looks at Roque and he nods, “There’s something we can do.” 
“Right her it is, its six against the fortress. We got, what? maybe eight minuets before an air strike sets the world on fire.” Roque says checking his watch
“Plenty of time.” Clay says heading for the car
“I’ll drive.” Pooch says putting his sunglasses
You arrive on site Pooch driving through the gate like a mad-man. Cougar is standing in the car with his head out of the roof shooting at guys as you come in. you sit in the back shooting at people as you pass. When the car comes to a stop you all take cover on the side hidden from gunfire and behind the car. You all peak out picking off the stragglers as they run for the safety of cover. 
“Jensen and Pooch, get a truck for the kids. The rest out in five.” Clay says
“Not to mention an Airstrike in four and change ladies.” Roque cuts in 
“All right, be out in four. Rally point on me.” Clay reorders
You all make a break for it, Clay and Roque go to free the kids while you and Cougar cover them. Clay and Roque find the kids and Clay sends them with Roque while Clay goes to retrieve the missing kids. 
“Clay we got the kids, rally point in two minutes.” You inform over the comms
Clay appears with the final child and puts the boy in the van before happing in himself. Cougar hops in and closes the door behind them, “Oh, you stop for coffee in there?” Pooch sarcastically asks
“What kind of blast radius we lookin at?” Roque asks before turning to address Pooch, “Okay, Pooch, I’m gonna need you to make this bus go a little faster.” 
“Everybody hold onto something.” Clay says
“Like right now.” Roque suggest
The bus picks up speed and everyone grabs onto something. The blast hits causing Pooch to accelerate the bus down a hill causing it to fly up and land hard as the kids scream. “I got it, I got it.” Pooch exclaims
“There we got, Pooch!” Clay encourages
“whew’ Cougar exclaims looking at the team and the kids start to laugh
You all get off the bus and make your way to the meet up point, you, Cougar, and Clay all carry children with you.
“Pinball, this is Chopper 3. Prepare for extraction.” You hear over the comms
“My favorite part was when we were completely on fire.” Jensen recounts, "But the shootout, that was good times.”
“There she blows.” Clay says spotting the chopper
“Well done.” Pooch commends the kids doing a good job.
“All right, everyone together.” Jensen says jogging toward the chopper with the kids
“Come on, let’s go” Pooch encourages and you all speedily make your way toward the chopper.
“Sir, we don’t have enough room for your team and the kids.” The pilot informs.
“Then its them.” Clay says starting to load the kids onto the chopper
You finish loading the kids onto the chopper and send them on their way, “Some cute little buggers, hope they make it to the court martial.” Pooch smiles
“What is that? You hear that?” Roque
“Guys, this is bad.” Jensen says stating the obvious
“Max, Cobra one, Bandit locked.” you hear over the comms
“Understood. Cobra One, Kill Bandit.” Max orders
You all start running toward the chopper, “NO!” Clay yells as the chopper is blown out of the sky.
“That’s supposed to be us.” Clay says You all rip off your dog tags and throw them into the fire of the wreckage. 
To be continued....
Part 2
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self-sailing-ships · 5 years ago
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Óscar Jaenada as Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez in The Losers (2010)
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glennethph · 5 years ago
LMAO I still get a kick out of Jensen’s finger guns stand off (featuring Cougar) in The Losers.
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nixie-deangel · 6 years ago
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The Losers: Cougar x Jensen, Vampire AU. 
            I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never love you any less than I do, right this second.
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xithisreconlion · 6 years ago
Prompt:  I love Cougar/Jensen.  Maybe a fic where Jensen can’t talk for a while for some reason?  Head injury and garbled speech maybe?  And he’s really frustrated and wound up because he can’t express himself like usual but cougar manages to get through to him and ends up speaking for him?
The Losers
Warnings: discussion of injury, not graphic
Pairing: Cougar/Jensen (more pre-slash than anything)
A friend of mine on discord asked me for this, and it got a little longer than I had intended, but I am happy with it. 
The first thing he was aware of was the blood in his mouth. However, given the general course of his life, this was not something that was too alarming. The ringing in his ears came next, annoying high pitched whine that spoke of being deaf for a few days. Deaf he could deal with. His team maybe not so much, but his team couldn’t really deal with the way he ran his mouth normally. Imagine him without the ability to tell how loud he was talking. Clay was going to shoot him. His mouth quirked up at the thought, and then the pain slammed into him like a truck.
Jensen blinked open blue eyes and was greeted with the wonderful sight of black, roiling smoke in the air above him. That wasn’t good. It was never a good. One hand jerked up to check his glasses, which weren’t where they were supposed to be, you know, on his face. Where they helped him see. Not he needed his glasses at the moment, since it looked like all of his equipment was a shattered, burning mess.
The front of his shirt was charred, like he’d been on fire, and his ear might as well been on fire. He clawed at the earpiece, getting it out. It was sparking, and Jensen did not want to think about what the side of his face looked like right about then.
There were hands on him, dragging him back, and he would have fought back, valiantly, but he saw Cougar’s hat, and that meant it was fine. He was safe. Perfect time for a nap.
This time, the first thing he was aware of was people talking. Loud, annoying people whom he loved dearly because Clay wouldn’t be talking shit with Roque if Jensen was on his deathbed. Jake forced his eyes open. The Colonel didn’t look much worse than he normally did after an op. Roque was leaning in the doorway. Pooch could be seen through the window, on the phone. This was normal too. Cougar was sitting in a corner, pretty far from the bed, just being… Cougar with his smoldering looks under the brim of that hat, always watching.
Jensen’s lips cracked a bit as he smiled. Well, at least they had him on the good drugs. Cougar was the first to notice he was awake, simply because he was the first to notice everything. He sat up a little straighter in the uncomfortable chair he was sitting in.
“Hey, welcome back to the land of the living.” That was Clay, who had moved very suddenly and was right next to the hospital bed.
Jensen opened his mouth to say something, but the Colonel’s hand came down hard on his shoulder, jarring him enough that his mouth snapped shut, on his tongue even. He would have something to say about that, but Clay was talking again before he swept out of the room, Roque on his heels. Jensen wasn’t even sure what the Colonel had said, but that was okay. Cougar listened when he didn’t.
Pooch waved at him through the window, a bright smile on his face, but he didn’t stop his conversation on the phone, turning away. Basically leaving him alone with Cougar. He spared a thought to where Aisha had disappeared too, but only spared that one thought before he opened his mouth to say something horribly embarrassing to Cougar and pain shot through him like fire. Jensen jerked in the bed, making choking sounds as he reached up to grasp at his neck, at the fire tearing at him every time his throat moved.
There were hands on him. People shouting. He fought them, blunt nails digging into his neck, because there was something in there, something hot and burning and he needed to get it out. He kept trying to tell them that, but he could only hear whines, like a wounded dog would make. No words. No words.
Jensen stopped, because no one called him Jake, not here, anyway. It distracted him long enough for a darker hand to pull his own away from his throat, the sniper holding his arm down. Jensen wondered where Cougar’s hat had at gone, and then a nurse was shoving a needle in his arm and--
Thinking back on it, the first thing that somebody should have said was “Don’t talk”. No one said that, however, and when the inside of your throat was so much burnt hamburger, talking was a bad idea. A very bad idea. The doctors had explained, and Jensen had ignored them after hearing “you’ll recover fully if you let yourself heal and don’t strain your throat at all.” Knowing exactly what they thought had happened was mostly irrelevant. He had been a reverse dragon for a moment, inhaling at exactly the wrong time when his station had been exploding.
Drinking hurt. Breathing hurt. Existing hurt. And not being able to speak. Well, that didn’t hurt, but wormed its way under his skin until he was all but bouncing in place, no matter where they were. He had half thought out plans for much more effective text-to-speech programs, but they never made it past the ‘they are too damned slow’ thought. So, Jensen was sitting, sipping on a very watered down smoothie, while his team was out there. Without him. He was watching, of course. Even if he couldn’t speak for however long, he was still their tech guy. Running comms was impossible, and it was like an itch under his skin to see someone else out there, doing his job. The doctors hadn’t given him a good timetable for how long it would take for his throat to heal. And Jensen was beginning to think he might go crazy in the quiet long before he could speak again.
Another mission, another night of the team sitting around drinking. Well, everyone but Jensen. You would not find him anywhere near a bottle of alcohol. He shuttered just thinking about it.
And it was quiet. Jensen’s knee bounced at an alarming pace, fingers tapping away on his computer. He wouldn’t look at the new guy, who seemed genuinely interested in all of them, didn’t want to even remember his name. He wasn’t above being a little petty about this.
“Are you always this keyed up? Chill out, man.” The person-with-no-name spoke, a bit hesitant, a bit bold. One hundred percent annoying. Roque scoffed into his glass, but no one else said anything. They all knew he was high energy. Everyone knew he was high energy. It was practically tattooed on his forehead at this point. So, Jensen responded in the only way he could, by reaching forward to ‘grab’ his drink, and making sure to knock everything holding liquid over while he did. It was such a good thing that the temp had wanted to sit so close to him.
He skittered back from the table with a few choice curses while Jensen carefully rescued his equipment and stepped just out of range if the other comms op decided to do something stupid like take a swing.
“That fuck is wrong with you, man?” The fill-in took a step forward, probably more drunk than he realized when Cougar shoved a mop into his hands and tossed some towels on the table. The fake-Jensen just blinked at his hands, which were now wrapped around the mop, clearly confused. It was all the real-Jensen could do to keep himself from howling with laughter.
Well, the doctor said he was healing. Said he was making great progress. Not enough that he could actually do anything like, you know, talk, or eat solid food, or talk. They had no sympathy for him. They were probably happy that they didn’t have to hear him ramble on.
Slamming the door to the house that they had temporarily taken possession off while the Losers were on ‘leave’ was satisfying, but energy still hummed under his skin. Jensen clenched his fists and made himself relax, then did it again. It wasn’t helping.
“Take it the doc visit didn’t go well?” Pooch was sitting at the island in the kitchen, halfway through a sandwich which, to be frank, looked amazing. Jensen’s stomach rumbled, and he threw up his hands. Once he moved, it was like he couldn’t stop. It wasn’t like he could vent his frustration any other way, so he gestured, putting his whole body into it.
Pooch sort of just stared, bemused, while Jensen tired himself out.
“He’s healing, just not fast enough.” Cougar’s voice drifted out from an open doorway. Jensen hadn’t even seen the sniper. Which was, well, what Cougar was good at. “And he really wants your sandwich.”
Jensen flopped back on a couch with a sigh and ran his hands over his face.
“That’s what you got out of… all of that?” Pooch asked, taking another healthy bite of his sandwich. “Really?”
Who would have thought being able to eat crackers would be such a novel experience. Jensen was cleared for softer foods, like pudding and soup and other things just one step above a liquid diet. But at least it was one step in the right direction.
To say he was moping in the kitchen would be true. To say that he was being slightly petty by laying on the countertop as he nibbled on his crackers so that no one else could make anything in the kitchen, unless they used the tiny island, would also be true. It was quiet, too. Jensen hated being able to hear the clicking of the cheap plastic clock on the wall. It made him want to crawl out of his skin. The others were getting restless too, making small talk of getting a new mission. At least Pooch tried to change the topic of conversation whenever Jensen wandered listlessly into whatever room they had taken over.
He knew it was only a matter of time before the Losers were off again, doing the things other people couldn’t. He was just hoping that he would be cleared for duty before that --
What looked like a teething ring, complete with bulky keys in bright childish colors landed squarely on the center of his chest. Jensen half inhaled his cracker and sat up, catching the thing before it fell into his lap. Coughing slightly, he held it up, eyeing Cougar who was now standing in the doorway, silent as he always was.
Jensen waved it around a bit, asking ‘what the fuck’ without asking. Cougar just smirked, slinking into the kitchen. He came up beside the counter and gently took the toy from Jensen. Right before not so gently shoving it in his mouth and pushing the comms op onto his back. Cougar tapped him in the shoulder once and moved back, laughing quietly.
Smiling around the ring, Jensen huffed, reaching up to rub over the scar tissue from that bullet wound. He remembered laying on a much less comfortable counter as someone stitched him up and he sank his teeth into some kids toy to keep quiet. He pulled it out of his mouth and threw it at Cougar, who caught it so easily Jensen grinned at him.
It burned all the way down. It was probably going to burn worse on the way back up, if he managed to drink that much, but sitting there, watching his team, his family, pack up for a new mission without him hurt more than the burn from the whiskey.
Jensen was sitting on the couch closest to the door, letting the news drone on about some unimportant matter, and nursing a bottle of Jack. Pooch had tried to convince him to put the bottle down earlier. Aisha had rolled her eyes at him. No one else seemed to care, and they weren’t going to be there anyway, so it didn’t matter.
They’d be ready to leave soon, and Jensen wasn’t going with them, and every time he didn’t go with them, he was terrified they would never come back. Because they were good at what they did. They were the best. But they were a team and he was part of that. The Losers could do anything, when they were together. They’d survived a lot. Together.
And now he was being left behind, again, because he couldn’t fucking talk.
Jensen leaned his head back against the cushion. And as soon as he did, something dropped down onto his face. It smelled like gunpowder and Cougar, and Jensen reached up, fingers gliding over the smooth leather. He pulled it off his face enough to looked up at Cougar, who had dropped his bag and was pulling his hair back into a ponytail.
“We’ll come back, Jensen.” He said softly, reaching over to mash the hat back down.
“That’s never a promise we can make.” Clay’s voice rumbled from somewhere further in the house. There was a beat of silence before Cougar pulled back the hat enough to whisper into Jensen’s ear. “Jake. I promise.”
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lienwyn · 7 years ago
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This is for @imafriendlydalek who participated in Trading Losers! She wanted an illustration from her fic Mooch and I chose to draw the first time Cougar and JJ see each other. Because that is always a glorious moment <3
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sparkly-butthole-on-ao3 · 6 years ago
Relationships: Carlos “Cougar” Alvarez/ Jake Jensen; Jake Jensen/ OFC
Tags: First time; Shenanigans; FUBAR missions; Crack; Experiments with Jam; Honeypot; Warning: Some Het
Jake Jensen is a weird dude.
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