#cotton blend embrace
hotgothmommy · 2 years
Heyyy blog buddies. I wrote this about my favorite t-shirt that is no longer with me😔
My brother and I used to spend all of our free time at the thrift store panning for gold. We would scour the clothing racks every weekend, and we never left empty-handed. The employees knew us by name. Our wardrobes were entirely thrifted, and yet the perfect t-shirt eluded us. With hours and hours invested at the thrift store, we joked that the perfect t-shirt simply did not exist. We would call it “The One”. Our weekends were consumed in pursuit of The One, but neither of us ever believed that we would actually find it. Some shirts came close, but they were always too small or too wide, or covered in dubious stains. Then, two summers ago, I found The One. It was black, and the sleeves were the perfect length to conceal my skinny arms. “Hack and Slash” was slathered across the front in faded white letters. When I pulled Hack and Slash off the rack, time stood still, and the stagnant, second-hand apparel scented air blew through my hair for a brief moment. I showed it to my brother, and we both knew that we had finally done it—we had found The One. That summer, I wore Hack and Slash almost everyday. It was always on my body, or flung across my bedroom floor in true adolescent fashion. I sweated in Hack and Slash, cried in it, spilled various liquids on it, and ripped a small hole in it in a drunken haze. I never figured out what “Hack and Slash” meant, but I think that was part of its charm.
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pin-k-ink · 4 months
study session // akaashi keiji
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tw ⇢ mutual pining, making out, soft sex, nipple play, fingering, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, getting caught(?), bokuto being bokuto
wc ⇢ 5.9k
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The deadbolt thunked softly as Akaashi twisted his key, shoulders sagging with fatigue after another marathon day of editing. He toed off his loafers, inhaling the familiar blend of books and bergamot that enveloped the apartment he shared with his roommate - you, Bokuto's younger sister.
A muffled sniffle drifted from down the hall, immediately snapping Akaashi's focus into sharp awareness. Frowning slightly, he followed the sound toward your bedroom. The door was ajar, spilling a thin blade of light across the hardwood.
Akaashi hesitated with his knuckles hovering outside the door frame, another watery hiccup reaching his ears. Quietly, he rapped his knuckles against the wood.
"Y/N, are you alright?" he called out gently.
A tremulous inhale, then your voice filtered through, think and wavering. "A-Akaashi? Y-Yeah, I'm...I'm okay."
But the attempt at false bravery was betrayed by the slight quaver marring your tone. Akaashi's brow furrowed in sincere concern, fingers already grasping the door handle.
"May I come in?"
A pause, then a resigned sigh. "Okay..."
He pushed the door open slowly to find you hunched over your desk, shoulders trembling and face streaked with tears. Textbooks and notepads were strewn haphazardly, evidence of the chaotic state of your studies. Akaashi felt a pang in his chest at the rare sight of your usual sunny disposition so distraught and overwhelmed.
"Oh Y/N..." He crossed the room in three strides, circling around to crouch beside you. "What's wrong? Talk to me."
You swiped the sleeve of your sweatshirt uselessly across your damp cheeks, exhaling a ragged breath. "It's just...there's so much material to review for midterms and I'm f-falling behind. I've been studying nonstop but nothing is sticking and I'm so stressed out..."
The dam of frustration you'd been holding back finally burst as your voice hitched dangerously on those last words. Akaashi watched, utterly helpless, as you dissolved into fresh sobs muffled behind your palms.
For a moment, he wavered, unsure of the proper decorum to provide comfort without overstepping boundaries. But the sight of your dejected hunched form overwhelmed any hesitation. Tenderly, he reached out to pull you into his embrace, tucking your face into the reassuring warmth of his chest.
You immediately melted against him, tremors wracking your frame as the tears soaked through the soft cotton of his dress shirt. Akaashi just held you close, cheek pillowed atop your crown as he murmured soothing reassurances.
"It's okay, just breathe...you've got this..."
In that dimly-lit sanctuary of your bedroom, he allowed himself to admit the truth simmering beneath his concern - the soft cadence of your breath fanning across his collarbone, the pliant weight of you cradled against his chest...it all felt so intrinsically right. As if you belonged sheltered in his arms.
The realization should have startled Akaashi more than it did. Yet, somehow his heart had already accepted the quiet inevitability of the tenderness blooming between you two over years of being roommates.
Eventually, your hitched breathing began to even out, arms tentatively circling his waist as you reigned in your spiked emotions. When at last you pulled back, Akaashi was gutted by your reddened eyes and wan expression - outer signs of the immense strain you were enduring.
"God, I'm so sorry..." you mumbled, avoiding his gaze self-consciously. "You must think I'm an over-emotional wreck."
"Not at all," he replied, cupping your cheek with one palm to tilt your face back toward him. "You've been pushing yourself incredibly hard. It's only natural the stress would eventually need an outlet."
Akaashi held your wavering stare, silently willing you to grasp his understanding, his concern, the unacknowledged tenderness reflecting behind his carefully composed exterior. Finally, you managed a watery semblance of your usual vibrant smile - a flicker of your indomitable spirit that never failed to stir his heart.
"Thank you, Akaashi. I don't know what I'd do without your steadying presence when I'm a mess like this."
"Anytime," he murmured, the words carrying more weight than he perhaps intended. Clearing his throat, he sat back on his heels. "Now...why don't you take a short break, splash some water on your face? Then come find me in the living room. I'll help you go over whatever topics are tripping you up."
Your eyes widened fractionally at his offer of studying together, then crinkled with renewed determination and gratitude. "Really? You don't mind? God, that would be incredible..."
"Of course not. We'll tackle this together." Akaashi rose fluidly to his feet. "I'll put on a pot of tea for us."
As he retreated into the hallway, he couldn't deny the faint fluttering warmth that blossomed in his chest. Though he assisted you frequently with your coursework, there was an unusual anticipation thrumming beneath his skin now. Perhaps amplified by those tender, unfurling moments of connection in your bedroom.
He allowed himself a fleeting smile, letting the cozy atmosphere of your shared apartment enfold him as he busied himself preparing the tea tray. Yes, something had definitively shifted between you two tonight. And Akaashi found himself unexpectedly eager to embrace whatever this newintimacy ushered in.
The gentle rattling of ceramic cups and quiet brewing of the electric kettle provided a soothing soundtrack as Akaashi arranged the tea tray. He inhaled the grounding aroma of bergamot and lemon, mentally preparing himself to tackle your studies with the same care he devoted to his editorial work.
Just as he finished setting out the teacups, you padded into the living room - face scrubbed clean and radiant smile tentatively resurfacing. Akaashi felt his chest constrict at how achingly tender and vulnerable you appeared, swathed in an over-sized university hoodie. He had to resist the sudden impulse to pull you back into his arms.
"Hey, all set whenever you are," you murmured, rubbing the dampness from your cheeks. You settled cross-legged on the floor, back resting against the sofa as you gathered your notes and textbooks onto the coffee table.
Akaashi poured the fragrant tea, sliding one steaming cup towards you before joining on the floor opposite. You offered him a grateful look over the rim as you sipped carefully, face visibly relaxing as the warmth seeped into you.
"Okay," he prompted in that low, soft timbre of his. "Where should we start?"
You worried your bottom lip - an endearing quirk he'd noticed you did when concentrating hard. "Umm...organic chemistry has been really kicking my ass lately. If we could go over some of the molecular structure concepts?"
Nodding, Akaashi reached for your notebook, allowing your shoulders to brush in the process. A shiver rippled through you that had nothing to do with the temperature. He pretended not to notice, keeping his focus trained on the page as he scanned your scattered notations with a practiced editorial eye.
"I can see where you're getting tripped up on the hybridization models..." he mused, fingers unconsciously smoothing the rumpled pages with a delicate touch.
With that same deft cadence he used to break down complex manga narratives and storyboards, Akaashi began illuminating the organic chemistry topics that were giving you trouble. You quickly became absorbed in his low, authoritative explanations - leaning incrementally closer until your knees knocked together every time you shifted position.
Akaashi's mouth went dry whenever your raptured gaze lifted to his, those expressive eyes drinking in each new nuance he highlighted. He couldn't resist the temptation to reach out, large palms engulfing your smaller hands to guide them through the molecular diagram you were struggling with.
You seemed to shudder bodily at the contact, but didn't pull away. If anything, you gravitated infinitesimally nearer to his orbit until the earthy sandalwood scent of his cologne enveloped you completely.
For his part, Akaashi felt utterly transfixed dissecting the intricacies of organic chemistry with you. Long minutes blurred into hours, marked only by the occasional rasp of your pencil scratching out new understandings and quiet stretch of reaching for your rapidly cooling tea.
A heady sort of intimacy had descended over the hushed apartment - suspended in a gossamer pocket of time where only the two of you existed. Even when a shrill trill from your phone interrupted, shattering the weighted quiet, neither of you startled apart.
"Shit, it's Kou checking in..." you murmured vaguely, swiping to silence the incessant buzzing without sparing the screen a glance.
A tiny furrow appeared between Akaashi's brows, unable to fully mask the fleeting pang of disappointment. Of course Bokuto would want to catch up with his baby sister. He tamped down whatever misguided sentiments had begun flickering to life and refocused on the present lesson.
A new cadence emerged over the ensuing weeks - you and Akaashi settling into a ritual of late-night cram sessions in the living room after he returned from the office. What had begun as his kind offer of a studious assist gradually deepened into something richer, more intimate. Textbooks became the pretense, while conversations about Akaashi's editorial work for up-and-coming mangaka and your academic ambitions flowed more organically.
He savored those hushed interludes, coveting each fresh glimpse into your spirit and psyche that you shyly unveiled over mugs of bergamot tea and pages. You seemed to come alive at night, unfurling from your usual subdued daytime presence into an incandescent force as radiant as your legendary brother.
On nights when Bokuto himself burst into the apartment unannounced for a visit, his raucous presence felt strangely...diminishing. Like an intrusion upon the rarefied bubble of connection you and Akaashi had begun delicately cultivating, no matter how inadvertent.
"Hey hey hey!!!" The boisterous owl'd screech, sweeping his baby sister up in his signature crushing embrace much to her squealing protests. "There're my two favorite roomies!!"
For the span of those chaotic visits, you and Akaashi became spectators in your own apartment - observing from the periphery as Bokuto dominated the space with his overwhelming charm and delirious anecdotes. Invariably, you would share a look with Akaashi from across the room - shining with a sort of knowing affection and silent promise to reconvene your quieter interlude once the whirlwind subsided.
Bokuto remained blissfully oblivious to the undercurrent shifting between you, of course. But with each passing day, each fitful study session that bled into the wee hours, Akaashi felt himself falling deeper under the spell of your steady warmth and lighthearted presence.
The selfish part of him began hoarding those sacrosanct one-on-one moments, savoring the intimacy of being the one to share in your blossoming self-discoveries, your academic passions, all crowned by the coquettish smiles and sparkling glances you bestowed upon him alone.
He had become addicted to basking in the rosy glow of your affection on sleepy afternoons when you'd emerge from your bedroom after sleeping late, tousled hair haloing your face. Akaashi routinely lost his train of thought watching you shuffle around the apartment preparing tea and toast, rumpled and soft and utterly resplendent in his eyes.
It was during those tranquil respites between lessons that the reality of his deepening feelings became unavoidable, even to Akaashi's own practiced aloofness. You had worked your way under his skin, into his veins, until his every waking moment centered upon your orbit. With each night that blurred into dawning tenderness, he felt himself teetering perilously towards falling utterly, hopelessly in love.
The soft patter of rain against the windowpanes provided a soothing ambient soundtrack as you pored over your psychology textbook. Akaashi sat beside you on the couch, leg brushing yours as he leaned in to examine the passage you were struggling to grasp.
"So the key difference between the Psychoanalytic and Behaviorist models is..." His low, modulated timbre washed over you as he began breaking down the nuances.
You bit your lip, nodding along while trying to concentrate despite the incredible proximity of his body heat and intoxicating sandalwood cologne. Akaashi's attentive gaze flickered between you and the text, entirely focused on elucidating the intricate psychological concepts until comprehension finally sparked behind your eyes.
"Ohhh, I think I'm getting it now..." you murmured, scribbling a few shorthand notes in the margin. "The Psychoanalytic looks at the deeper underlying motivations like Freudian psyche stuff, whereas Behaviorist is all about external conditioning and reinforcement?"
Akaashi's lips curved into a pleased smile - warm approval crinkling the corners of his steel-grey eyes. "Exactly. You've got a keen understanding."
You basked in the subtle praise, preening slightly under his undivided attention. An unexpected crack of thunder punctuated the moment, making you jump. Akaashi steadied you with a light touch on your shoulder, fingers lingering perhaps a beat too long.
"Perhaps we should take a break?" he suggested, eyes crinkling fondly at your startled reaction. "My brain could use a reprieve from the academic intensity."
"Oh? Did you have something else in mind?" You arched a brow teasingly.
The longer you pursued your studies together during these late-night sessions, the more your dynamic had evolved beyond a simple student-mentor rapport. An undercurrent of flirtatious energy had begun simmering between you, acknowledged yet never overtly addressed.
Akaashi hummed, reaching over to snag the TV remote from the end table. "I happened to download a few of the films from that Ghibli retrospective you mentioned wanting to see..."
Your face lit up at the casual reminder of an offhand comment you'd made ages ago - pleasantly surprised that he had taken note.
"Seriously? God, you're the best study-buddy ever!" You immediately shifted onto the floor, cozying into the plush area rug as Akaashi cued up the first animated film.
He chuckled - a low rumbling rasp that did funny things to your equilibrium these days. "At the rate we're accruing all-nighters, calling me a 'study-buddy' is practically an insult to my scholarly dedication."
"Oh, I'm sorry - should I call you Keeeiii-jiiiii Sensei instead?" you quipped with a theatrical bat of your lashes.
His only response was an exaggerated roll of eyes as he settled in beside you, near enough for your shoulders to brush with each intake of breath. The movie flickered to life, casting the living room in bursts of jewel-toned light and shadow.
Though you tried valiantly to remain attentive and absorb the artistry of the acclaimed anime, you gradually became ensnared by heavy lidded drowsiness as the opening scenes played out. Something about the ambient patter of rain, the easy cadence of Akaashi's breathing beside you, it all lulled you into a deeply contented state far too cozy to resist.
At some point, you must have drifted off entirely because you startled back to awareness cradled in Akaashi's arms as he carried you down the hallway to your bedroom. You instinctively nuzzled against the solid plane of his chest, relishing the sandalwood cologne and clean linen scent enveloping you both.
Akaashi went very still for a suspended moment, the muscles in his arms tensing almost imperceptibly around you. His jaw worked briefly before he spoke in a hushed murmur pitched low enough not to disturb the night quiet.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to wake you," he rumbled, negotiating the last few steps into your bedroom with that same liquid grace he possessed. "You looked so peaceful, I wanted to get you somewhere more comfortable to sleep."
You peeled open one heavy-lidded eye, reflexively cataloging how the silvery moonlight gilded the elegant planes of his face, casting his stormy irises in softer grays. Even sleep-addled, you recognized the thrilling intimacy of being gathered against Akaashi's solidly muscular frame like a lover's embrace.
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The staccato pounding of raindrops against the windows intensified into a deafening roar as the storm system raged outside. You shivered involuntarily, rubbing your hands along your arms despite being cocooned in one of Akaashi's worn university hoodies that smelled intoxicatingly of sandalwood and clove.
A massive crack of thunder boomed directly overhead, causing you to flinch violently. Unconsciously, you scooted infinitesimally closer to where Akaashi sat beside you on the floor - back against the couch as you pored over notes and textbooks strewn across the coffee table.
He paused, keen eyes flickering over to study your tense form briefly before returning his focus to the biochem flashcards you were meant to be reviewing. A few beats of weighted silence passed, punctuated only by the howling winds.
Then, with a blinding flash, every lamp and light fixture extinguished - plunging the apartment into absolute inky darkness.
You couldn't help the tiny whimper that scraped up your throat as you froze, pulse thundering wildly in your ears. From the void beside you came the rustle of movement, callused fingers tenderly circling your wrist.
"Hey...you're alright," Akaashi's deep timbre washed over you, resonant and reassuring even without being able to see his features. "Just a power outage from the storm. We have candles and battery lamps, don't worry."
You bobbed your head numbly, unconsciously leaning into the warmth and solidness of his presence beside you. Akaashi seemed to register the slight tremors rippling through you because he shifted nearer until your thighs were flush, cocooning you in his orbit.
"Give me a moment to find the emergency lights," he murmured, thick lashes brushing your knuckles fleetingly before he retreated.
You heaved a shuddering breath, internally willing your racing heart to slow. The pounding rain and occasional crackling bursts of thunder sounded more ominous in the yawning darkness, sending fresh prickles skittering down your spine.
Just when you felt on the precipice of panicking, Akaashi's low tenor carried over from behind the sectional.
"Got it."
Momentarily, a warm golden glow began emanating from the kitchen as he lit an array of utility candles and lanterns. He reappeared bearing several flickering flames and a fleece blanket tucked under his arm.
You shakily exhaled in profound relief at the sight of him - your safe harbor. Without preamble, Akaashi settled right beside you on the floor, draping the heavy fleece comforter over both of your laps before tucking you against his side.
"Better?" he murmured gently.
You could only nod, nuzzling deeper into the solid warmth of him while the flickering candle flames cast his striking features in dancing shadows and light. Akaashi maneuvered his long limbs until you were nestled into his embrace, his chin grazing the crown of your head.
Minutes ticked by, your thundering heartbeat gradually receding to a more sedate cadence in tandem with the rhythmic rise and fall of Akaashi's chest beneath your cheek. You allowed your eyes to drift shut, savoring the cocooning sanctuary of blankets, flickering candelabra, and his intoxicating spice-and-cedarwood cologne.
"This reminds me of being a kid and having sleepovers during thunderstorms," you mumbled groggily against his solid frame.
A rumbling chuckle reverberated beneath your palms where they rested over his heart.
"Is that so? I can't say I have many nostalgic memories of making pillow forts and telling ghost stories with friends."
You cracked open one eye to peer up at his striking silhouette, mouth tugging in a bemused smile. "No? I suppose actively seeking out haunted places for volleyball practice with Kou was more your style."
Akaashi snorted softly, letting the gentle teasing roll off him with fond exasperation. You drank in the way the muted candlelight played over the elegant slopes of his profile, heartbeat catching at the tenderness reflected in his storm-cloud irises. Quite abruptly, it struck you just how closely intertwined you were sprawled together.
Your nose was mere centimeters from grazing the stubbled hinge of his jaw as your gazes locked and held. A kaleidoscope of expressions flickered across Akaashi's face too quickly to decipher - tender longing, surprise, the quietest yearning. You felt simultaneously emboldened and paralyzed by the magnetism charging the scant breaths separating you.
His tongue swiped across his bottom lip instinctively and you were powerless to stop your own from mirroring the motion. That simple flick of movement brought your shared awareness crashing into riotous clarity.
"Y/N..." Akaashi's murmur vibrated over your swiftly warming skin like the rumble of oncoming thunder.
More words seemed to tether on the tip of his tongue, weighted and unspoken. Instead, he slowly inclined his face nearer - silently beseeching for permission with those piercing steel-grey irises. Your own eyes fluttered shut, tilting up to meet him halfway in quiet invitation.
The roar of the raging storm outside dimmed to a distant thrum as Akaashi closed the last hairsbreadth between your parted lips. His mouth slanted over yours in a slow, exploratory glide of searing heat. An electrical current jolted through you, catalyzing an invisible spark that ignited something molten and cataclysmic threatening to engulf you both in its fervor.
The gentle rasp of Akaashi's stubble feathering your cheek contrasted exquisitely with the velvet glide of his mouth moving in unhurried exploration across yours. You sank feverishly into the intimate glide, emboldened by his smoldering patience to tease the seam of his lips with a flick of your tongue.
He rewarded your ardor with a low rumbling exhale, immediately deepening the lush kiss and cradling your nape to tilt your head to a more devouring angle. The hand spanning your lower back scorched through the thin cotton barrier, urging you closer until you were sprawled fully across his powerful thighs.
A rush of trembling desire flooded your veins at the dominance of his hold, the tender way his other palm cradled your flushed cheek as if you were something precious to be cherished. You curled your fingers against the taut muscles sheathed by his t-shirt, absorbing the staggering heat radiating from him in waves.
Gradually, the leisurely sensuality of exchanging openmouthed kisses in the flickering candlelight evolved into something rawer, more heated. Akaashi's normally implacable control began shredding away as your tongue tangled with his in delirious cadence, exchanging breathy moans between slick slides of intimate friction.
His broad hands roamed in smoldering exploration - tracing the feminine dip of your waist, palming the flare of your hip in a commanding grip that sent your head spinning. When his calloused thumb traced the underside curve of your breast, you gasped into his mouth - entire body arching wantonly against the rigid line of his arousal.
The barest thread of sanity had you breaking away, reeling for oxygen in harsh pants against the glistening angle of Akaashi's jaw. His quicksilver gaze watched you through a lust-dazed haze, pulse fluttering wildly beneath his flushed skin where you cupped the column of his throat. Slowly, reverently, he turned to feather a trail of searing kisses along your quickening pulse point.
"Keiji..." you whimpered, fingers spasming against his chest when the velvet heat of his mouth found the juncture of your shoulder, teeth grazing tauntingly. "I can't...we should—ah!"
The needy whine sheared off as he sucked a blistering mark just below your clavicle, tongue flickering to soothe the hot sting of overstimulation. His knowing hum ricocheted straight to your molten core, heavy-lidded eyes lifting to pin you in place with fathomless yearning.
"We can stop whenever you wish," Akaashi rasped roughly against your damp skin, callused palms smoothing inescapable paths down your trembling body. "But I personally have no intention of going slowly after wanting this for so torturously long..."
You swallowed thickly, sanity careening precariously as his midnight timbre ghosted like sin over the swell of your breasts, lips mapping a scorching path lower with every inhalation. The last coherent thought filtering through ribboned into embers as Akaashi pressed you back onto the plush shag rug - moonlight and swaying candleflames framing his predatory form hovering above you.
"If I have my way, we won't be stopping until I've learned every exquisite sound you make," he whispered, nimble fingers already slipping beneath the hem of your borrowed hoodie. "Until you're utterly ruined for anyone else, only ever remembering how it feels to be loved by me."
A keening whimper rose unbidden in your throat, hips canting instinctively as his callused palms glided over the exposed expanse of your midriff. Akaashi's answering smirk was pure wickedness, the promise of a reckoning looming in his molten stare as his hands traveled further upwards.
"Let me show you how badly I've been craving you..." he murmured, palming your breasts in a kneading caress that left you gasping and arching wantonly. When his thumb grazed the pebbled peaks, you arched mindlessly into the delicious friction, eyes drifting shut with a low moan. Akaashi's rumbling chuckle rippled over your skin, then his scorching mouth was descending to follow his deft hands.
Your spine bowed when he took one nipple between his lips, rolling and tugging it until the pleasure was near-blinding. Akaashi's name tumbled from your lips in a fevered prayer, fingers scrabbling uselessly against his broad shoulders. His free hand grasped your hip in a firm hold, pinning you to the rug as his mouth continued its ruthless assault on the other pebbled bud.
You squirmed helplessly against the searing contact, panting for air as your blood boiled. All the while, Akaashi never faltered in his meticulous attentions - suckling and grazing his teeth until the ache coalesced into a desperate throbbing.
"Please..." you finally cried out, nails scoring his shirt with desperation.
Akaashi relented at last, raising his head with a wet pop to regard your wrecked state. His eyes flashed, mouth curving into a devastating smirk as he pressed a tender kiss to the center of your sternum.
"So pretty when you beg..."
Before you could even process his words, he was lowering his mouth between your trembling thighs - callused palms prying them wider apart. You keened at the first slick sweep of his tongue over your clothed core, fingers fisting desperately into the plush rug.
The profanity spilled unbidden from your lips, incinerated by the white-hot sensation of Akaashi lapping greedily between your legs. His dark hair fell in silky disarray, obscuring his face where his nose nudged against your swollen bud. A growl rumbled up his throat as his tongue flattened against the soaked fabric.
"These need to go..." he mumbled, already reaching to slide your shorts and panties down your trembling legs. You barely had a moment to process his intent before his scorching mouth was descending upon the throbbing flesh, lapping and sucking until your entire body shuddered with need.
You writhed helplessly, head falling back onto the rug with a strangled cry. Akaashi's groan vibrated against your core, fingers digging into the backs of your thighs as he devoured you. His tongue swirled and plunged, driving you into a frenzy of pleasure so intense you felt your entire being shattering.
The world blurred and warped into a shimmering prism of sensation as he sucked mercilessly on your clit, the sharp scrape of his stubble against your inner thighs sending sparks ricocheting through your system. You keened, bucking helplessly against his merciless mouth.
"God, right there!"
Akaashi seemed to drink in the frenzied praise, doubling his efforts until your vision whitened at the edges. He growled possessively, nipping your swollen bud just as his fingers slid through the dripping mess to find your aching entrance.
One blunt digit plunged into your quivering core, then two. You were already clenching tightly around the welcome intrusion, riding the knife's edge of a bone-deep orgasm. Akaashi curled his fingers, seeking that elusive spot as his lips suctioned ruthlessly.
It only took a few expert strokes of his digits and the wicked swipe of his tongue before the world disintegrated. Your spine bowed violently, a scream tearing from your lungs as pleasure detonated along every nerve. Akaashi kept pumping, coaxing you through wave after wave of pulsing heat.
Gradually, you came back down to earth in a boneless puddle - heart racing and muscles trembling. Akaashi's dark hair was a complete wreck, cheeks flushed and eyes glassy as he watched you through thick lashes. The corner of his mouth lifted, lips glistening with the evidence of your pleasure.
"God, you're so fucking perfect," he murmured hoarsely, leaning down to drag a slow kiss across your trembling abdomen. You whimpered at the tender contact, fingers sliding into the silk of his locks.
When he pulled back, it was only to peel his shirt over his head - revealing the sculpted planes of his torso in all its glory. Akaashi's eyes flashed as he watched your appreciative stare drinking in the sight, his cock visibly twitching in his jeans.
He surged up to capture your lips in a dizzying kiss, tongue swirling against yours with a renewed fervor. You tasted the musk of yourself lingering on his mouth, the heady rush of sensation making you arch against his body.
Your hands roamed hungrily, mapping the dips and ridges of muscle along his back. When they drifted lower, he groaned low in his throat as you palmed the stiff line of his arousal through the denim. Akaashi's own hands were busy divesting you of your remaining clothing - shoving the hoodie up to expose the curves of your breasts again.
You squirmed, grinding against the rigid pressure as the tension rapidly spiraled towards unbearable. Akaashi's jaw tensed, a muscle feathering in his cheek as his nostrils flared. He broke the kiss to reach down and roughly free himself, hissing at the sensation.
Your lips parted on a silent gasp as you took in the sight of his cock. Even the first few inches jutting out above his fist looked painfully thick, a bead of precome welling at the tip.
Akaashi met your gaze, a flush staining his cheeks as you watched him stroke the swollen flesh. His stormy eyes were hooded, pupils blown wide and glimmering with restrained hunger.
"Is this what you want?" he rasped, voice fraying at the edges as his cockhead nudged the slick folds. You bit your lip, arching closer as he dragged his length along the slit - coating himself in your arousal. "You need to tell me if it's too much, okay?"
"Yes...please, Keiji..."
Your head fell back with a broken moan as he slid into your tight, fluttering entrance inch by inch. Akaashi's mouth fell open on a groan, hips stuttering when he finally bottomed out.
The delicious stretch of him filled you completely, every ridge and vein pulsing inside your walls. Your nails scored his back as you shifted restlessly, acclimating to the overwhelming sensation of fullness.
Akaashi exhaled shakily, nuzzling your neck as his palm skated down your stomach to find your throbbing clit. His hips began rocking gently, pulling out to the tip before sliding back into the welcoming clutch of your walls.
You clung to him, shuddering and moaning at the incredible friction. The air grew heavier, more charged with each deliberate glide - the wet sound of your coupling ringing obscenely. Akaashi's mouth was hot against your flushed skin, tongue sweeping out to taste the salt.
His hips gradually gained momentum, driving deeper until you were nearly delirious with pleasure. The room spun, every nerve singing. When he adjusted the angle to hit the sensitive spot deep inside, a breathless cry tore from your throat.
"God, right there, please don't stop!"
The command was punctuated with a roll of your own hips, seeking the delicious friction. Akaashi growled, teeth nipping your jaw as he drove into you harder - his thumb circling your clit faster.
Your second orgasm slammed into you with the force of a freight train. You screamed, eyes screwing shut as the blinding pleasure ricocheted through your veins. Your walls clamped around his shaft, milking him with a spasm.
With a guttural curse, Akaashi's hips stuttered and his cock pulsed violently. You felt the drag of him sliding out, then the hot splash of his cum coating your abdomen. Your eyes fluttered open, meeting his glassy, lust-addled stare.
He braced his weight on trembling arms, dipping his head to capture your lips in a deep, soul-stealing kiss. Your tongues tangled languidly, sharing breathless little gasps and moans. When he finally broke away, it was only to press a chaste kiss to the tip of your nose.
"You are so beautiful..."
His reverent murmur ghosted over your skin, making your chest clench. You carded your fingers through the silky locks, smoothing his hair back. Akaashi's eyelids drooped, savoring the contact before lifting them to reveal that same intense tenderness.
You could feel yourself getting lost in the stormy gray, drifting closer. His gaze was magnetic, drawing you in. Your breath hitched as he leaned in, pausing with his lips a hair's breadth from yours.
"Can we do that again?" he murmured, the ghost of a smirk playing about his mouth.
Your laughter pealed through the darkened room, bright and free. You felt lightheaded with elation, heart brimming.
"As often as you want," you promised, nipping playfully at his lower lip. "Although I hope there are some positions other than missionary..."
"I'll give you all my best ones," Akaashi rumbled, his expression turning positively sinful. "Over the couch, in the shower, bent over the kitchen table...every surface in this apartment..."
You hummed thoughtfully, running a teasing fingertip along the curve of his jaw. "What about the bed?"
His eyes sparkled, the corner of his mouth quirking. "Especially the bed."
You laughed, pulling him down for another kiss - the last rational thought to filter through ribboning into a whisper.
"It's a date, then."
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The door rattled violently as a sudden pounding echoed through the apartment. You and Akaashi froze in naked surprise on the living room couch.
"BABY SIS! YOU IN THERE?! I'M SO SORRY I'M LATE!" Bokuto's frantic bellow reverberated down the hall, accompanied by more insistent knocking.
Your eyes widened in panic as Akaashi hurriedly grabbed a throw blanket, shielding your bare forms just as the front door burst open. Framed in the doorway stood Bokuto, drenched from head to toe and illuminated by the beam of a flashlight clutched in one hand.
"There you are! Are you okay?" His wild eyes swept the room before locking onto you huddled against Akaashi's equally undressed form on the sofa. "I knew how freaked out you get during big storms so I rushed over as soon as the--"
Bokuto's words sheared off abruptly as the realization visibly slammed into him. His owlish gaze bounced between you and Akaashi slack-jawed, the flashlight beam spinning dizzily. You shrank back, clutching the blanket modestly as a blistering blush consumed your face.
Akaashi, damn him, simply held Bokuto's shocked stare with infuriatingly placid nonchalance.
An eternity seemed to stretch in that crackling, awkward moment. Finally, Bokuto swallowed hard, adam's apple bobbing.
"I...I'll umm...I'll just..." He gestured vaguely over his shoulder before slowly pivoting on his heel.
Silently, with exaggerated care, Bokuto began shuffling backwards out of the apartment - gaze studiously averted and mouth still agape. When he reached the door he briefly met Akaashi's unflinching stare one last time before whirling around and bolting.
The door slammed with a rattling boom, leaving you and Akaashi alone once more amid the flickering candles in a weighty hush.
You chanced a sidelong glance at Akaashi, unable to bite back the somewhat hysterical giggle bubbling up.
"Well...I suppose there are worse ways for him to find out we're...you know..."
Akaashi merely hummed, mouth kicking up in a wry half-smile as he tugged you snugly against his chest once more.
"Indeed. Though I must admit, I've never seen Bokuto-san's typically energetic demeanor so effectively stunned into silence."
Laughing helplessly, you nuzzled into the sleep-warmed crook of his neck - delighting in the simple intimacy of being wrapped up with the man you adored after the mortifying interruption.
"Should we be expecting the shovel talk next time he comes barreling in?" you teased lightly.
"Undoubtedly," Akaashi rumbled, fingertips trailing patterns along the exposed expanse of your back that raised goosebumps. "Just another family bonding moment to look forward to."
You hummed contentedly, sinking deeper into his solid embrace as the rumbling storm outside at last began tapering off to distant echoes. A new dawn was cresting over the horizon, heralding uncharted beginnings filled with promise.
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ashasdiary · 26 days
Lip Plumper + Head = …?
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
Synopsis: the one where Gojo discovers lip plumper…on his dick. Who needs tingly lube when you have lip plumper? 
CW: crack, a little fluff, sexual themes, smut - head, insinuations of cunnilingus WC: 1.6k A/N: Gojo come home I have all the brands of lip plumper just for you 😫 
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The first time Gojo encountered lip plumper was when you’d kissed his cheek after a date in the infancy of your relationship. 
It had been a quick, little kiss and he’d been confused about the random tingling sensation he could feel on his cheek after he bid you goodbye and headed back home. In the end, he put it down to him being so in love with you that your energy could be felt even when he wasn’t in your presence. 
The second time Gojo encountered lip plumper was when he’d kissed you while you were getting ready. 
Gojo was sat on his bed, with you, toying with your make up products. 
As you’re busy blending your blush and looking into the hand mirror you were holding, he puts your strip lashes on his eyes — without glue — and flutters his eyes for you. “How’d I look?”
“Lovely,” you glance at him and laugh as they fall off onto the bed. 
“I often wonder how I’d look with dark hair and lashes,” he muses and you hum. 
“You’d still be hot, of course, but I love your white hair, it’s distinctive and beautiful,” you tell him honestly, still focused on the mirror you were holding while you’re fixing your brows. His heart warms from your sweet words and he puts your lashes back in their box. 
Leaning over to you, he embraces you and kisses your temple. “Distinctive and beautiful loves you.”
You smile to yourself and lean into his hold, “I love distinctive and beautiful back. Can you pick a gloss for me, please?”
“Hm…this one,” he says, pointing to your Dior Lip Maximiser. He liked the shade. 
“Great choice,” you grin and you pick it up and open it, applying it a couple of times, the tingling sensation being felt immediately. He watches you in wonder. 
“Your lips look so juicy right now,” he marvels at your lips and the how the plumping effect was making them rosy and full. His gaze flickers between your eyes and your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
You laugh softly, “You don’t need to ask.”
He gently cradles your face as he leans in and kisses you longingly. Before he pulls away completely, he presses a few small pecks to your lips and smiles as he sits back. 
You start to put all of your products back in your make up bag, focused on tidying them away, when you hear him gasp, “What the heck? Why is it tingly?”
You look up to him hastily trying to wipe his lips, panicking. You purse your lips not to laugh at his hastiness, “Satoru, it’s the gloss, relax, it’s like that!” 
He’s trying to wipe it but obviously the plumper had already penetrated his lips, so he whines, “This shit hurts!”
“Will you please hold sti—”you start and he feigns being in pain, touching his lips and wincing. “So dramatic, my gosh…” You pour some micellar water for him on a cotton round and he quickly takes it and wipes his lips. You let out a small snort as you watch him tenderly touch his lips. A few minutes later, you’d found him looking in the mirror at his lips, in wonder.
The third time Gojo encounters lip plumper is when you had just gotten home with him from a wonderful dinner date.
He was looking handsome as always in his light blue button down and dark dress pants, a solid leather belt pulling it all together neatly, and his pretty hair tousled in the most perfect way. And by god, you were itching to take him in your mouth and taste him. 
Gojo was feeling the same with you, eager to please you, taste you, have you in all ways, but you were quicker in your advances and 69 wasn’t something you wanted in that moment because you wanted nothing more than to savour him. 
You both toe off your shoes by the door, and you suddenly crowd him against the wall in the hallway, feeling the heat rush through you as you sink to your knees in front of him. 
“I— sweetheart, fuck…—“ he begins but he trails off as he watches you unbuckle his belt, the delicious sound of the metal clinking together only adding to the wetness at your core. You deftly unbutton and unzip his pants, pulling them down a little. 
You’re greeted with the half hard bulge of him in his boxers and you salivate when you reach past the waistband and pull him out. You gaze up at him with those pretty doe eyes of yours, pumping him in your fist, biting your lip. 
He pushes down his pants and underwear so you have full access to him, and you smile wolfishly up at him as you stroke him some more, pulling a soft groan from his parted lips. 
You lean forward and run your thumb over the tip of him, over his slit, and you wrap your lips around him and suck gently, enjoying the taste of him, as if he were a popsicle. 
“Oh, baby…” he breathes, hand slipping into your hair in an instant. 
You tease the head of him with the tip of your tongue, gentle caresses on it before you’re taking more of the length of him into your mouth. 
He never once takes his eyes off you; it’s intoxicating watching how you’re enveloping him in your mouth. 
Desire, lust, and animalistic need swirls through his body and his blood rushes south to his throbbing cock as you suck on him slowly, taking your time with him. 
You’re in the midst of taking him all the way when he suddenly tenses up and stops you upon feeling the strange sensation of his dick tingling. “Wait, sweetheart— what the f—…baby, did you—“ he’s struggling for words, brows furrowed together as he looks down at your lips and notes the plump shine of them, “are you wearing that lip gloss again?”
You take him out of your mouth and give him a daring smile, eyes twinkling with mischief, “Mmhmm, the one you liked…thought I’d try something new. Think of it as…tingly lube,” you laugh a little and take him into your mouth again, making him hiss and bite his lip. 
After the initial confusion wore off, he quite liked the feeling of it on him. He made a mental note to take you to the Dior store to get some more of the lip product right after he finished making you come on his tongue. 
He leans against the wall, hips bucking slightly, involuntarily, against you as you suck on him more, taking him as deep as you could go. The lip plumper was making him feel things he’d never felt before. The tingling sensation was making precum leak from him and straight onto your waiting tongue where you eagerly lap it up. “Mmmph,” you hum around him, pumping the base of him while you bob your head. You loved having him in your mouth, loved tasting him. 
The taste of him on your tongue adds to your arousal and your other hand snakes down to your core, pushing your dress aside to rub circles over your clothed clit. 
“Takin’ me so good, pretty,” he croons, cupping your jaw, his dick twitching while he watches you touch yourself with his dick in your mouth. You bob your head a few more times and then he takes your face in his hands and holds you in place. “Gonna let me fuck this pretty face, hm?” He asks, eyes hooded and dark. 
You can only let out a half hum, half moan in response, bringing a hand to hold the back of his thigh as he starts to rock his hips against you, fucking your mouth. 
“Ah, fuck—“ he grits out as he thrusts faster, your warm, wet mouth feeling perfect around him. He moans your name when he sees the tears in your eyes as you take his mean thrusts. 
Your eyes screw shut, brows knitted together as you hold onto his thigh and relax your throat. “S-shit— that’s it, sweetheart…” he grunts, low sounds that rumbled through his chest, sounds which were like music to your ears. 
He hits the back of your throat and you gag a little, shuddering as he pulls away and allows you to breathe. Saliva coats your lips and his cock— whatever lip plumper you had on had gone now— and it drips down your chin as you gather your bearings and look up at him gratefully. “Thank you, baby,” you hum, and you take him into your mouth again, sucking him harder, moaning around him knowing the vibrations will make him feel good, lapping at his sensitive tip more with your tongue, while you pump the base of him, teasing his balls a little too. 
His head falls back as he bucks his hips a little, his hand holding onto your hair as he guides you. He pants heavily, cursing under his breath as he gets closer to the edge. You know exactly what he likes and exactly how to please him and right now, you have him like putty in your hands. 
Breathing heavily through your nose, you take him as deep as you can a few more times before he gasps and lets out a pornographic moan of your name, whimpering as he releases into your perfect mouth, “Oh, f-fuck, baby—so good f’me…makin’ me feel so good…nngh…!” He holds you there as the thick ropes of cum shoot out onto your tongue and you let out a soft mewl at the taste of him and the feel of him twitching. 
You gently caress his thighs as he pants for breath, guiding him down from the high. He slumps against the wall and sighs softly, looking down at you with parted lips and hooded eyes, “Get your ass on the bed, I’m gonna eat you out till you can’t take any more. Then, I’m gonna take you to the make up store and buy you some more of that gloss.”
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Do not copy or translate my work. © ashasdiary, all rights reserved. Divider by cafekitsune
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chlmtsdoll · 1 month
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more of I was an angel just bc 🤍 18+ | shower smut | fluff
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It wasn’t a surprise that you had woken up in Arts white T, fit with the smell of fresh linen the next morning.
As you lie sprawled out on your back, the cotton wrapped your skin but also the aroma filled your senses on the frosty winter morning outside, to contrast with how steamy last night with the two men had been. What was a surprise was that last night you assumed you would wake up back in your own bed. Alone and to rise within the empty sheets — But when you opened your eyes to face the day, you were met with the sight to your left and right of not just short golden locks, but also dark curly ones as well.
Art and Patrick hadn’t left you, instead they must of dozed off not too long after tucking you in. — it couldn’t have been a sweeter way to persevere the night you all had. The smell of vanilla mixed with the blend of oaky sent of wood hadn’t just been coming from the t-shirt on you, but beside you. Turning to face the blonde sleeping in peace, your sleepy expression turned into lips being spread into a smile as you ran your finger tips lightly through his soft hairs facing you. And Art had easily felt your touch. After a yawn, he opened his eyes gently, a sideways grin taking upon his lips. Half tired, half risen on his icy blue.
“Morning, sleepy head.”
“I woke up before you.” You laughed.
“Yeah, but you fell asleep before me.”
You beamed more at the note of his voice, raspy but filled with sweetness in the mornings. You wanted to cherish every part of it during times like this when he wasn’t waking up next to Tashi just to go and face the word of tennis and people who never got him like this. Tender and completely defenseless for you. “You guys stayed..” your tone was quite but filled with fondness as your finger tips went to trace over Arts nose and cheeks.
“I didn’t want you to feel like we had treated you like some one night stand, and left to go play pool and spades or some shit.” The blonde chuckled. He took your hand up to his lips and kissed your wrists with lovingkindness and your heart could of exploded right then, your lips curved into a soft pout as you leaned in to leave a kiss on Arts soft lips. Smiling through your pecks as he held you there against his.
You felt safe going into it, you didn’t doubt for a second that the two boys would of made you feel obligated in any way that you’d just been used. Even if you weren’t always all knowing of Patrick’s intentions — you knew with Arts impression on him he knew how to be just as sensitive, even if he struggled to show it. You knew you’d be fine, and taken care of.
“How long till you think he’ll be up?” You gestured to the brunette who was seemingly sleeping faced away from the two of you.
“Well, that depends-” Art leaned up from your embrace to kick the other man’s leg and you covered your mouth with laughter. “..If he’s been listening to us the entire time or not.”
“Fuck off!” Patrick looked over the sheets and crowed pillows to glare at the blonde. “I was waiting for your sap fest to end so I could hear more about myself,”
“You sleep like a bear y’know.. like one of the ones right outside in the forest, for fucks sake.” You commented as Patrick narrowed at you and Art couldn’t help but laugh at your assertion.
“Yeah ? Well we both know you loved to climb this bear last night..” Patrick snapped back with a grin.
And before you could protest Art scoffed “alright, alright..”
Patrick only shook his head as his grin stayed put on his face and Art rolled his eyes even though he kept a light simper on his lips — you could always see just how much he adored Patrick, even with all of his annoyances he was just glad he had the presence of the brunette around time to time.
“I’m starving,” you sighed as you sat up as well.
“Yeah. What are you making us for breakfast, daddy?” Patrick nudged the other man as he propped up from the bed with a grin and Art shoved his hand away playfully.
“I think you need a bath first, baby,” Art glanced at you then to Patrick beside. “We all do. Especially you.. I just know you’re disgusting.”
“I take that as a compliment.” The darker haired man shrugged as he relaxed against the messed up sheets and wrinkled comforter. Arts eyes had peered down at your legs, so tiny to him, and his mind started to worry of the aftermath from last night. He’d pondered if you’d been alright although you said you were fine. Patrick was rough with you, and they hadn’t given your petite body much of a break really.
“Can you walk, pretty girl? I can carry you if not…” Art began as his brows furrowed in concern and when your doting eyes met his, smiling at the way he cared so much that you weren’t in any discomfort emotionally or physically.
“I’m fine, don’t worry.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah..” you lifted yourself up from the bed and stepped on the ground. Your calves were for sure a bit wobbly, and your thighs shook for a minute as you stood up — but overall you were perfectly shape. You stood and turned to both men with a sly smile across your face. “See. Good as new.”
The blonde chuckled as he observed you, “you’re so small I forget your a professional dancer and tennis player.” He grinned.
“Flexible.” Patrick added in a low ring as his eyes grazed over your toned legs, and he had a defining smirk on his face.
“Although, I could use your help to bathe..” your eyes flickered over the two, and your wide-eyes pleaded in a way they both had read as a signal towards your innocent smile that had a lace of minx to it.
You turned on your heels to approach the bathroom that was huge, if not as big as the bedroom itself. The shower taking up a good quarter of the room and when Art and Patrick had both entered, naked and standing godly as they rushed in to accompany you — you reached to lift off Arts shirt that you had been wearing, but the blonde stepped in to help you anyways. Arms lifting above you to reveal your bare body to match theirs, Patrick had been fumbling to turn on the shower head as he fought to watch Art look at you like you were heaven sent just to make this whole trip a little more fun for them.
Your smile was pretty. And you sunk your lip between your teeth as you watched Arts gentle eyes settle on you beneath him. His shirt was somewhere else again by the time you finally gave away to his ardor to make your way to the shower with Patrick.
“Will you help me with my hair ?” He heard you murmur sweetly to the brunette which he nodded all too quick as the water ran and began to heat up on you both. Your eyes met the blonde again provokingly, making him have to almost force himself from staring at just the way your angelic body moved towards Patrick’s six three stature without any caution in the world. He practically raced over to join you both.
Art stepped the tiles and got close to where the two of you’d been under the steamy water. Eyeing the way your delicate hand had been placed on Patrick’s chest, now wet and looking devout as the man peered down at you, his own hand went to entangle in your waves. Both of the men’s eyes darkened quickly, and it couldn’t go unnoticed at all the way their pretty cocks stood up at just the sight of you.
Your little figure glistening underneath the warm water. Your ass looking impeccable as you noticed the way their hard ons only grew as moments went on and you would reward yourself praise for the way you just kept egging them on, you turned to face Art. You brought a finger to your lips and lightly grazed your skittish small smile.
Art couldn’t help but laugh a little at it all, his grin returned, the blonde looked down at you and he viewed the way you looked at him in a pleading manner. To be touched.
“You just never get tired do you?”
It was more like you couldn’t get enough.
“I already slept.” was all you muttered and your soft giggle echoed off the fogged glass around the three of you. You stood on the tip of your toes to reach up and grab on to the other tall man so he would smooch you, Art cradled you body in his and leaned into the kiss while a low grown exited his throat. You pulled away as you felt Patrick’s towering presence nearing behind you,
“You just don’t how much of a fucking tease you are. What you can do to a man, let alone two — what we could do to you.. it’s dangerous.” The darker haired man warned into your ear, his voice a seductive kind of low that made you nearly moan right there. It sent shivers down your spine. You looked over your shoulder to meet his sage irises
“Show me.” Was all you needed to say for Patrick to give Art a look as his smirk spoke messages you couldn’t even comprehend, but Art knew all too well — he picked you up in one swift motion, your legs gone to wrap around his waist, and you smiled with a flirtatious flicker in your eye as you held his broad shoulders tightly. He felt the warmth of your thighs, trailing his fingers to line his dick up to your entrance.
“Already soaked. You’re such a naughty greedy girl, just can’t stop thinking about being filled with cock constantly. Huh ?” Art practically grunted as he felt your wetness just graze him before he started to pushed into you, which made your lips fall agape as you moaned through a breathy dazed smile and you nodded.
“Mmm, yeah.” Your skin was hot. Your pussy had taken Art like a glove almost immediately as he held your ass in his own hands, and you sunk down hungrily with ease — it was until the blonde reached for the other lean man behind you, a grasp of his shoulder making him inch forward to the both of your bodies, and you then felt Patrick’s cock just inches from your heat. You sunk your teeth into your sugary bottom lip as you had put together what was about to happen. Your eyes went soft with a burning sensation of need but also edginess. The brunette’s hands go to your slim little waist as he let himself to your dripping core, feeling you up and your mouth had opened to let out a little sigh of relief before he started to sink into your hole with a deep groan escaping his own. You body immediately started to shake and jerk with the urge to actually lose the feeling in your legs now.
It stung and it stretched your small enclosure in the most delightfully and pleasant way even though,
“Oh ! O-oh.. fuck.. - my god,” you closed your eyes tight and you never felt more full in your whole life. Whimpering out like your life depended on it. You’d been meshed between the two men as the hot shower proceeded around you all while you were getting filled up with dick as the heat rose. Arts face has contorted in pleasure and he let a noise slip from his lips as palmed your face so you’d look at him.
“Be good. Take it like my sweet, sweet little girl, I know you can for me” He panted out as he stared to fuck up into you and the other man thrusted without any hesitation — making your wet cunt their own mess now. Your whines were high pitched and the feeling was like ecstasy as the blondes hands went to run over your figure and he nibbled at your neck, while the other ran a tongue over your exposed skin and your head went dizzy.
Arts back had hit the glass of the shower and Patrick’s free hand had beat against that as well and you’d all been in synchronized moans to the thrash of movement against the shower. Your aching pussy being rutted into senselessly, you feel as if your were trembling from the inside out and pink nails dug into the glossy skin of Arts back as you let out choked cries. Both men practically holding you up as they fucked up your petite body, skin like soft butter being ruled by sweat now between their lofty gallant frames.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” You warned, but there wasn’t any time to do much as you’d already been a trembling mess between the two, cries escaping your lips on instant as you let the high run through your body.
“Good girl, princess,” Art had palmed your ass in his much bigger hand as he felt your body cling to his and the men stilled with the way your warmth around them pulsed, gushing your arousal on to their members as you pulsed around the way their hardness throbbed inside of you
“Fuck, your clenching us so much, sweet girl.”
You had breathed out a soft titter as you released your legs from its tight grasps on Arts waist, he lifted your body as he slipped from your drooling cunt with a groan and so did the brunette. You effortlessly go down on your knees, melting with the marble tiles beneath you as both men still had full twitching cocks beyond you and your hand went to grasps them both. You saw Patrick release his head against the glass as he cursed under his breath and you watched as Arts tongue darted out to wet his lips. Your smile couldn’t have been more pretty and dainty contrast your hands that were doing the worst to their erections.
You wrap your lips around Art’s dick and let out a light moan as he immediately went to grasp at your hair. “Fuck, angel.” You looked up at him with pure eyes set on the way his mouth made the perfect ‘o’ shape at the way you throated him, sucking and whimpering on his cock like a slut just begging for it — your hand worked godly on Patrick and he watched you with a deep sulk noise of his own.
“Shit. I wanna feel that pretty mouth, me next.” He panted and your lips slid off of Art to run a tongue against Patrick and you observed him moan now with a smile on your lips. You sucked on him quick as you pumped Art and you knew by the way their veins had been bulging and burning to cum ropes right then you were getting them close.
“Your gonna make me cum, baby.” Art huffed and his eyes fluttered shut, your hand jerked him in sharp movements. Patrick couldn’t help but send his knuckles to your hair as well, you sunk him into your sweet mouth and your drool had covered his dick to the base. You tried not to gag as you eased up to focus on Art again, moving your hand in circular movements around his tip till the blonde palmed the shower handle beside him and he groaned while he came hard, white leaked on to your chest bellow and the two boys where a mess of noises from above. Patrick had started to cum too, the feeling being too great to grasps — Both of their seed slide down your breasts and it made you whimper just from the sight.
All panting harshly you run a clean stripe up Art again to get the last drip from his now twitching cock, never losing his eyesight as you did the naughty act on your tongue, a girlish giggle escapes you as he bent to lift you to your legs.
“Holy shit, you’re amazing.” Patrick shook his head and his heavy breathing caught up to him. He smacked your ass with a cheeky smile when you stood beyond them — it only made you stumble just a tad bit, but Art caught your movements as he let out a breathy chuckle of his own. The blonde intertwined your tender hands in his as he kissed your knuckles.
“Okay…let’s actually get you clean, little one.”
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A/N: can you tell my love language (words of affirmation) by how much I love writing my favorite thing ever ? (dialogue)
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✢ pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x Reader
✢ characters: Trafalgar D. Law, Shachi, Penguin, Ikkaku , Bepo, Jean Bart
✢ word count: 4.500
✢ genre: romance, slice-off life, nsfw
✢ contents: NSFW, kimono-sex, switch-dynamics, body-worship, tattoos, mention of infertility due to amber-lead poisoning
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The vibrant streets of the Flower Capital burst forth with a kaleidoscope of colors, an intricate tapestry woven from the threads of life, sound, and movement. As you meandered through the bustling streets, a symphony of scents enveloped you – the intoxicating perfume of exotic spices mingling with the vivacious banter of vendors. It was a sensory masterpiece, a feast for the senses that you savored as you immersed yourself in the rich fabric of the country's capital.
It had been a mere few days since your arrival in Wano Kuni alongside the rest of the Heart Pirates, united in your mission to challenge the reign of Kaido in alliance with the Straw Hats. The details of Law's intricate plan had initially left you uncertain, the memory of his harrowing experiences in Dressrosa still sending shivers down your spine to this day. The lingering scar on his left arm, was a testament to the battles he had fought and the risks he had taken, knowing that it could have been his last.
However, amidst the colorful chaos that was Wano Kuni, your crew thrived more than ever. Especially Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin embraced the country´s vibrant culture with an infectious enthusiasm, but even the more reserved members, like Jean Bart and Ikkaku, had found themselves swept up in the festivities. And as much as you longed to fully immerse yourself in the island's otherworldly charm, the shadow of the Straw Hat Pirates and their unpredictable influence constantly loomed over your enjoyment.
This evening, however, you had finally temporarily relinquished your role as a spy. A customer's passing mention of the upcoming fireworks had piqued your curiosity, and with a sense of adventure, you decided to seize the opportunity, since they weren´t a thing in your hometown. Dressed in a borrowed summer kimono, its lightweight cotton fabric adorned with a subtle plum pattern, you ventured into the festivities, silently hoping to catch a glimpse of your crew amidst the crowd.
As the sun dipped lower, casting a warm golden glow over Wano's bustling streets, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. The town had transformed into a vibrant tableau of color and light, adorned with fluttering banners and lanterns that painted a vivid contrast against the deepening dusk. The tantalizing aroma of street food wafted through the air, a call that beckoned your senses.
Stalls had sprung up, each offering an enticing array of culinary delights – skewers of yakitori sizzling on open grills, mounds of freshly rolled sushi that seemed almost too beautiful to eat, and steaming bowls of fragrant ramen that whispered promises of comfort. Amidst the culinary treasures, you thought you caught a glimpse of Sanji, the Straw Hat Cook, bustling at one of the stalls. Yet your attention was quickly diverted by a striking and familiar figure – no other than your captain, Trafalgar Law.
Law stood by the sidewalk, his gaze fixed on a group of children engrossed in a lively goldfish-catching game. His appearance was a curious sight, dressed in a black kimono with a red haori, the vivid reds and gold accents creating a captivating contrast against the traditional backdrop. A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you noted that despite his best efforts to blend in, Law couldn't part with his signature hat.
With a stealthy approach, you reached his side, your touch light as you tapped his shoulder to announce your presence. His attention shifted, and the sight of you in the borrowed kimono seemed to elicit a reaction – a slow, lazy half-smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. His voice was laced with amusement as he spoke, his words playfully teasing. "And who do I have the pleasure with?"
Caught off guard by his question, a flush crept up your cheeks, quickly stifled by a cough as you composed yourself. "Don´t tease me and speak for yourselves, captain." you replied.
Law's grin stiffled as he gripped the black fabric of his kimono between two fingers, apparently a bit self-concious. “Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo set me up on this. Had a whole ass speech about “embracing Wano culture” and what not.”
Your gaze traveled over Law's kimono-clad form, the sight of him in the traditional attire an unexpected yet fitting sight, trying your best to not oggle his tattoo lingered chest too much. "Well good for them, they´ve finally developed something a kin to taste. Looks good on you, especially with Kikoku" you said, pointing to the long sword leaning on his right shoulder. You couldn´t help but muster a chuckle as your captain blushed faintly at his ears, his slight discomfort at your back-handed compliment endearing in its own way.
You patted his shoulder playfully before steering the conversation to a more neutral topic. "So, what brings you here?" Law's gaze returned to the lively crowd, his tone thoughtful as he responded. "I'm actually keeping an eye out for another Supernova.” Surprised by his mention of the Supernovas, your curiosity piqued. "Do you need assistance?" you offered, ready to lend a hand if needed.
Law waved off your offer with a casual gesture. "Nah, with how crowded it´s getting, I think my plan went down the drain anyway. And the last thing I want is to cause a commotion." Your thoughts briefly drifted to the Straw Hat Pirates, the very embodiment of chaos and commotion, before returning to Law's presence. "Guess so." you quipped.
Law's attention shifted to you, an interested glint in his eyes. "And what about you?"
"Well, as you can see the tea house owner practically insisted, I take the evening off and put me into this thing here. The lady’s been obsessed with dolling me up since she saw me in my boiler suit.”
You sighed raising the hem of your kimono.
Law's lips curved into a small smile. "I can see why.” Surprised at his flirtatious retort you looked up to your captain, who looked briefly at you, before returning his gaze back to the crowds.
“Aw, that´s sweet of you, captain." You retorted giving him a faint slap on his shoulder. He seemed to stiffen up at that, making you retreat your hand and quickly changing topics so things wouldn´t get too awkward. “Anyhow, I was just on the way to look around the festival stalls. Wanna join?” You offered politely, not thinking he would partake your offer. To your surprise he answered very quickly, letting himself be guided by you deeper into the festivities. “Lead the way.”
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Amidst the lively streets of the Flower Capital, you and Law continued to explore, the festival together. As you walked side by side, the captain's reserved demeanor seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of ease. The elusive surgeon of death had momentarily laid down his mantle, revealing a side of him that only a few including his crew were privileged to see.
Time seemed to blur as you lost yourselves in the vibrant spectacle around you. The lanterns cast a warm, inviting glow, while the distant strains of traditional music filled the air. Your conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from local customs to the challenges you had each faced on your respective missions.
As the night deepened, the festival's vibrant energy seemed to surge, an electric current that pulsed through the heart of the Flower Capital. The lanterns lining the streets emitted a soft, golden glow, weaving an enchanting spell that enveloped the surroundings. After enjoying a mesmerizing traditional dance performance and marveling at the dexterity of street performers, you indulged in the sweet delight of a candied apple. It was in the midst of this delightful moment that your attention was drawn to a spectacle that transcended the ordinary – people launching paper lanterns into the night sky.
"Look over there, Captain!" you exclaimed, directing Law's gaze toward the ascending lanterns, a scene that painted the backdrop of the moonlit landscape. Just as he was about to utter a question, a playful smile curved his lips. Your curiosity was piqued, your eyebrow quirking in response. "What?"
With a gentle gesture, Law used your own finger to point at his cheek, the mischievous smile refusing to fade. "Got a bit of caramel there."
You felt a blush warm your cheeks as you instinctively lifted the hem of your kimono to rectify the sugary mishap. However, a practical hesitation stilled your hand in mid-air. The tea house would surely reprimand any stain on their attire. Almost as if sensing your dilemma, Law stepped in with characteristic grace for a doctor like him. "Here, let me do it."
You nodded, a tad taken aback by his swift assistance. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he wiped away the caramel with his finger, leaving a tingling warmth in its wake. Though you flinched slightly from the unexpected contact, Law seemed unperturbed, his focus solely on the task at hand, like the pro he was. The proximity allowed you to catch a faint, intriguing blend of his distinctive scent, a musky and herbal aroma that stirred a comforting familiarity. You nearly cringed when you felt how giddy it made you feel. A feeling that definitely transcended the boundaries of your roles as captain and crewmate.
"There, all done," Law murmured, his voice a soothing undertone that seemed to reverberate through the air. As he was just on the way to restore the distance between you, your gazes met for a fleeting second, a silent exchange where his unwavering yellow gaze met your own. With your best effort your tried to control your urges to look at his strong features, including his full lustrous lips. Just when you failed miserably, your eyes hungrily flashing down, a sudden burst of sound forced your attention skyward, ignorant of his gaze definitely not missing your reaction.
The night erupted into a dazzling spectacle of color and light, fireworks painting the heavens with vivid strokes of red, blue, and gold. The crowd around you gasped and cheered in unison, their collective awe echoing through the air as they started looking for a better spot to view the firework.
Caught in the radiant shower of lights, you felt a sense of enchantment take hold, not able to move a tad, for this was your first time experiencing a firework. The colors reflected in your eyes, mirroring the effervescent spirit of the festival itself. Beside you, Law's gaze wasn´t drawn skyward however, his usually impassive demeanor softened by the sheer wonder of the display on your face, alight by the kindling flames in the sky.
"Say, y/n-ya, is this your first firework?" Law's voice broke through your reverie, drawing your attention momentarily as you nodded, still entranced by the display at hand. He smiled faintly, before grabbing you carefully around your shoulder, to port you away from the masses,
You let out a surprised noise, as Law´s Room switched you out with a few stones of the close-by riverbed you were standing in front of now. You usually wouldn´t have missed the lingering hesitation of your captain, a fraction of a moment too long, before he withdrew his arm, but you were way to mesmerized with the many fireworks ablaze in the night sky.
"You know, Captain, you´re very kind." you remarked, your words carried on the wind, still entranced by the luminous spectacle. A quick, soft reply escaped his lips, laced with an unspoken gratitude. "Don't mention it." His words were followed by a muttered addendum, revealing a hint of vulnerability. "Besides, I wouldn't do this for just anyone." Your laughter bubbled forth, a grin painting your features as Law's cheeks tinged a deeper shade of pink in response. Leaning slightly against him, your shoulders brushed.
"And here I thought our captain was always this chivalrous" you joked, catching Law off-guard, his embarrassment evident. Chuckling softly, you reassured him, your attention drifting back to the night sky. "I'm only teasing. I really don´t mind. Truth be told, I'm thoroughly enjoying this. My only regret is that it's passing by so quickly." With a contemplative look, you glanced downward, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, the gentle night breeze weaving through your locks.
Your heart soared triumphantly as Law's resonant baritone voice echoed your unspoken desire, his words falling like a melody upon your ears. “It doesn´t have to, y/n-ya.” As you looked back up to him, you met his serene gaze, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Are you sure, captain?”  
He sighed defeated, before crossing the last of distance between you two, cupping your cheecks with his hands. “Here, let me show you.” Carefully he planted his lips on yours. You were quick to answer his call, hands rested atop his haori, you met his lips in a slow rhythm, while the display of fireworks reached its climax.
Up close to your captain, you could once again smell his cologne, blending beautifully with the warmth rising between the two of you. You felt Law's hands slowly starting to explore your body, tracing its contours with his fingertips, sending shivers down your spine.
Breaking your kiss only to catch a breath, Law whispered softly to you, "Perhaps we should continue this elsewhere." You agreed with a mischievous raise of your eyebrows. "Polar Tang?" Law gave you a horrified expression, already envisioning the worst-case scenario of Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo stumbling upon the two of you mid-coitus. "Are you out of your mind?!" You playfully stuck your tongue out at him. "Just kidding. Let's go to my place at the tea shop."
"Are you sure? We wouldn't want to compromise your cover," Law raised an eyebrow. "There's always outside..." "The tea shop it is."
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You gestured for Law to approach the bedding, your back turned to his tall frame. "Would you mind assisting me with this?" you asked, referring to the complex Wano clothing that was proving difficult to remove without some help. "As much as Wano's attire is beautiful, it’s a pain in the ass to get out of without an extra hand. Really nothing compared to our boiler suits.”
Law couldn't help but smirk at your remark. He swiftly discarded his haori, hat and sword, his skilled hands moving to unfasten the sash's ribbon. "Think you got me convinced" he quipped, a playful tone in his voice. "Feels like unwrapping a present." You gave Law a look over shoulder, watching as he expertly unraveled the intricate bindings of the kimono. With his task completed, the fabric now hung loosely around your shoulders, its long hem cascading. Law met your gaze and shared a tender kiss, his scrawny goatee tingling your chin, before gently sliding the fabric down your shoulder.
Softly peppering kisses along your shoulder blade, his slender tattooed fingers pulling the cotton fabric away from your body with a tantalizing slowness. You turned to face him, clad only in your underwear, playfully nibbling on your lower lip as a silent request for entrance to his mouth. He willingly granted you permission, his submission deepening as your hands slid into the opening of his kimono, trailing along his chest. The loose white sash around his waist unraveled in a single swift motion, unveiling your captain's tanned skin adorned with intricate tattoos. As you traced your fingertips over the dark lines, a shiver of anticipation coursed through Law's body, a reaction he couldn't suppress.
Taking advantage of the moment, you slipped your tongue into his mouth, engaging in a languid and passionate dance. Your lead was embraced wholeheartedly by Law as your tongues intertwined. It was surprising to witness how effortlessly Law, the famed Surgeon of Death and former Samurai of the Sea, surrendered to the sensations, heightening your attraction to him even more.
Straddling your raven-haired captain, his partially undone kimono cascading around his slender, muscular physique, exposing his nearly bare form, you momentarily parted from the kiss. Your lips and tongue embarked on a tantalizing exploration of his body, leaving a trail of fervent kisses in their wake. Starting from his neck, your journey traced a path down toward his nipples, lavishing each one with devoted attention, coaxing them into hardness. The sensations prompted a groan to escape Law's lips, his fingers clutching the bedding beneath him as he fought to muffle the rising tide of moans. Simultaneously, one hand sought refuge above his mouth to stifle his own sounds of pleasure. Your keen perception didn't overlook the telltale twitch of his cock between his legs, a testament to the effect your actions were having on him. "God damn, y/n-ya, slow down, will ya? I'm not gonna dissolve into thin air anytime soon." You looked up at him with a teasing grin, saluting him with a wink. "Ay, ay, captain."
And call me Law, will ya? It makes me feel weird hearing it in a setting like this," you chuckled, giving him a peck on the lips. "Alright, alright. Though, I can always call you 'Doctor' if you're more into that?" You grinned when he averted your gaze, clearly embarrassed by your dirty talk. “M-Maybe another time.” He stifled, his hands searching again for more contact with your skin. “Cute. But if this shouldn´t be a one-time thing, you got some convincing to do.” you winked. On your call Law claimed your lips in a heated kiss, his hands ghosting over every curve of your body, pressing his hips against your own to create more friction between you. A moan escaped your lips, when he slid his hand around your back, releasing you of your bra and starting to knead the subtle flesh of one of your breasts with his calloused hand.
As you pressed yourselves harder onto Laws clothed cock, he let out another groan, his lips meeting you once more, before he finally wetted his long fingers with his mouth and dipped them inside your panties. A low stifle erupted his tattooed chest when he found the wet spot that formed there. “Guess I´m not the only one excited.” he proclaimed, wetting his lips in the process. As he entered you with two fingers, you cried out in pleasure. You had guessed it with Ikkaku one way to drunk evening, but now you finally had hand on prove that his fine motor skills definitely translated outside of the op.  
“Fuck, Law.” You cried out as he slowly scissored you open, his thumb dragging menacingly above your swollen clit. The feeling of being filled by his long fingers was ravishing, and the fact that they were tattooed, only turned you on more. Additionally, Law hungrily sucking at your tits like a starved man, didn´t help the whole ordeal.
You bitt your thumb, to suppress a loud cry from the pleasure that build with rapid speed in your core. When you had teased your captain, that he needed to do some convincing first, you wouldn´t have thought he took it so seriously, but maybe you had calculated his enchantment with you on a wrong scale from the beginning. With each calculated stroke from Law, the sensation inside you grew stronger until finally, you screamed out in ecstasy, your first release of the night crashing down on you. Dazed out from your orgasm, you were too late to realize Law cleaning your release from his fingers sloppily with his tongue.
“What are you doing?!” you cried out exhausted, trying to swipe his hand from his face. “Relax. Just savoring my treat. You´re as sweet as I´d imagined.” He grinned at you, flashing you his pearly white teeth. “You´re a nasty one Trafalgar. How long have you been imagining this anyway?” you mewled, discarding of your soaked panties before tending to his own confinement.
He gave you a shrug before pulling you in for another kiss, his tongue searching longingly for your own. You grimaced, tasting yourselves on his lips. “Honestly, y´a don´t wanna know.”
And honestly, it should´ve give you the ick to hear that from your supervisor and captain but at the same time, but at the moment you couldn´t think of anything hotter.
When you first joined the Heart Pirates, after Ikkaku had found you in cold blood nearly offing two burglars with a shorty after they tried to rob an elderly couple, her promises of a warm bed, delicious food, a bear as a navigator, and the captain being a bombshell weren't exaggerated at all. But with all professionalism, you wouldn't agree to that out in the open. Except maybe if you had one or two shots too many.
Back in the present, you smiled inwardly at the chance you took and everything it had led up to, this shared moment of intimacy with none other than your captain included.
As you released Law cocks out of his imprisonment you couldn´t help but tease his stiff rod with a quick swipe of your thumb, earning yourselves a deep groan from the man in question. The tan cock sprang free with much vigor, a bit of pre-cum having already assembled at the dark pink slit. Experimentally you gave him a few lazy strokes, before Law signaled you to hoist yourself above him, so he could enter you. You cocked an eyebrow, a bit surprised that a doctor like him didn´t seem to care much for protection. He seemed to know exactly what you were thinking about, as he gave your hip a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, I'm infertile," he said, looking at you with a casual expression, causing your eyes to widen in surprise at how nonchalantly he addressed the topic. "What? It's no big deal. Just a result of a hereditary disease."
You gulped, feeling a bit unsure of how to react to this fact, but then decided to drop the topic for now. After all, Law was the doctor and likely had more knowledge of his own insides than anyone would ever want – well, except for the Surgeon of Death himself, that is.Formularbeginn
Holding yourselves steady with your hand on his broad shoulders, you slowly sank yourselves down on his cock, a shiver running down your spine as you felt him protrude your wet insides. Groans escaped you both as sheeted himself inside you, the skin-on-skin contact making your core starting to coil once more.
When you had finally accommodated to Law´s grith you started to move, lazily dragging your hips up and down, fingers digging into his tan muscles. Your captain reacted with much enthusiasm, his grip on your hands not only steading you in your motion but giving him the needed point of gravity to meet your motions with his own hip thrusts. No sooner than later the room was filled with the rhythmical slapping of sweaty skin and a salve of both of your moans, relishing in each other’s ecstasy.
Just when you had sunken down once more on Laws length he suddenly snaked his hands firmly around you, locating you on your back and him atop of you, the last fabric of his black kimono falling down onto the ground, revealing the full glory of his tattooed body. You racked your nails over his back from the pleasure the newly found angle brought you, while Law pounded your weeping cunt. Spurred on, you hooked your legs around his hips nearly drilling the poor man to the hilt inside you.
“y/n-ya, don´t do that or….” Law groaned out stopping mid-sentence. “Or what?” you asked teasingly, giving one of his nipples a slow pull. “Fuck.” You had your answer, when you felt Law rot one last time against you, painting your insides with his cum as he emptied himself inside you. Feeling the sudden hot splashes of his seed inside you made you contract like crazy, milking him dry of his last drop.
As he slid out of you, he kissed you on the forehead, slowly draping your bedding over both of you and nestled himself into the comfy covers of your futon with you in his arms. As you came down from your own high you suddenly registered that despite his affirmation, Law had cum inside you.
“Say didn´t you-“ .” Law muffled in your hair, clearly tired from your escapade. “I said I´m infertile, not that I can´t cum y/n-ya. Read a book for once”.
"I think I'll pass," you retorted, rolling your eyes in a playful manner before snuggling into Law's embrace. He slowly ran his fingers through your hair as he asked in a low baritone voice, "Are you alright? Need anything?" You shook your head wearily, stifling a yawn with your hand. "Just a good night's sleep. Rest can wait till t´morrow."
"Same here," he replied, his grasp tightening around you.
Just before sleep embraced both of you, you whispered gently into his ear, "Oh, and by the way, you passed with flying colors." Instantly, a subtle smile adorned Law's usually impassive countenance as slumber claimed him. As you drifted off into a tranquil sleep, a final utterance lingered in your ears.
"Glad to hear that."
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jellybonbons · 1 year
All to You
ೀ Older!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
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Summary: A soft morning with Leon (or not).
Warnings: 18+, age gap (reader is in their 20s), oral (m&f receiving), pet names (sweetheart, baby, angel), accidentally made him c(h)orny here.
A/N: I was imagining id!Leon here but any older version of him works too! And also watch me disappear from the face of the earth after posting this. Feedbacks are appreciated!
Sabrina Claudio- All to you
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The room was bathed in a gentle, pleasant glow as the dawn's first rays slowly peaked through the drapes. Lying there, nestled in a sea of cotton sheets, you slowly became aware of a presence next to you: your lover, Leon. As your eyes landed on his serene face, which was illuminated by the soft morning light, a happy smile pulled at the corners of your mouth. It was rare to see him in this state, as usually his face would always be in a scowl.
His chest moved up and down in a rhythm that seemed to harmonize with the very essence of the room. You reached out and lightly touched his cheeks, caressing them with care as his eyelashes created delicate shadows on them. 
The small elements in your shared bedroom made it come to life: a vase of flowers on your bedside table that Leon brought home to you last night, whose fragrance blended with the aroma of your freshly washed bed sheets. A quiet sigh escaped from your lips as you shifted slightly and snuggled deeper under the covers.
You were awestruck by the openness and closeness of it all as you quietly observed him. The time seemed to stand still, and the world outside the window ceased to exist as both of you were trapped in a cocoon of shared dreams and early morning tranquility. Your heart was overflowing with affection and appreciation for the moment, and you pressed a feather-light kiss to his forehead, his skin warm against your lips.
Your simple gesture made him rouse from his dreams; the feeling of grogginess disappeared in a fleeting moment as he felt the sensation of your feather-like kisses gracing his forehead. His eyelashes fluttered open, and his eyes were met with your warm gaze. From his forehead to his cheeks—and you didn’t forget his stubble jaw—your soft kisses followed a line of murmured promises, leaving a lingering warmth in his wake.
As Leon recognized what was happening—a lovely, dreamy awakening planned by the one who held his heart (you)—a gentle, dawning smile curved his lips. "Morning," he mumbled in a drowsy tone, having just stirred from slumber.
“Good morning, my love.��
You continued to press kisses on him; each gentle lip press conveyed stories of love and devotion that words could never express. The gentleness of your lips held a symphony of feelings—love, adoration, and a quiet vow to treasure every second both of you spent together.
As your lips continued their gentle exploration, his heart swelled with softness and gratitude for this stolen moment of intimacy. His whole life, he experienced pain and agony, but in this moment, he felt loved and cherished by you. By the sheer force of the affection that came from your lips, the lazy fog that had lingered in his mind was lifted.
"Someone is feeling affectionate today." Leon chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm and loving embrace. "I can’t help it; you looked adorable in the morning." It was Leon’s turn to launch a gentle assault of kisses on your face as he cradled it with his free hand. Fingers, warm and tender, traced the contours of your cheek. His touch was a silent reassurance, a wordless declaration of his presence and devotion to you too. "Only you would think I’m adorable, sweetheart." He hummed as the corner of his lips lifted into a smirk.
You let out a soft chuckle. "I’m glad I’m the only one who thinks that; I don’t want anyone else to steal you away from me." There was a hint of possessiveness and playfulness in your tone. "Don’t worry, sweetheart," His gaze locked with yours with a magnetic pull. "I am all yours, like you are mine." With a breathless pause, both of your lips met in a dance of longing and desire.
His rough hand trailed down underneath your shirt, which made you mumble into the kiss. This gave him the opportunity to intertwine his tongue with yours in a language only both of you understood. One of your hands found solace in running through his dirty blonde locks, the silky strands—thanks to your shampoo—gliding between your fingers.
Leon’s body responds eagerly to your touch, his chest rising and falling with each breath, his own hands exploring the curves of your body. The loose fabric of your shirt provided little resistance as his fingertips brushed against your exposed skin, sending shivers down your spine.
You broke away from the kiss, a thin string of saliva connecting both of your lips. “So, breakfast?” Your words hung in the air, a mix of desire and playfulness dancing in your voice. “Oh, I have a better idea than breakfast.” He replied with a smirk on his face, his voice low and husky. “Let me taste you, angel.”
Your thighs squeezed in anticipation and excitement as his words filled the air. Biting your bottom lip, you nodded and tried to remove the cover before Leon interrupted you. “No, no baby. I want you to sit on my face.” A mischievous smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he looked into your eyes.
His hands found their way to your hips, tugging the waistband of your underwear down. His touch sent another shiver down your spine. He lay on his back as he helped you straddle yourself above his eager face, your underwear long gone near the bedside. You lowered yourself onto his waiting mouth, feeling the warmth and wetness of his tongue as he began to explore you. The stubble on his jaw pricked your thighs, but you did not care as it added to the sensation.
His lips and tongue worked in sync, expertly pleasuring you, with each flick and swirl of his tongue driving you closer to the edge of ecstasy. He let out a groan underneath you as you gripped his hair and brought his face closer to your core. You were a moaning mess as you rode his face, his hands gripping your hips firmly, which will surely leave a mark or two.
You surrendered yourself fully to the pleasure he provided, unable to contain your moans as they filled the room with the sound of his lips smacking and sucking against your slick folds, lapping up the essence like a dog. It was as if he had tapped into his most primal instincts, with his desire to taste and consume you evident in every motion.
As your orgasm finally washed over you, your body trembled with release. However, that did not stop Leon from continuing with his ministrations, prolonging your pleasure for as long as possible—he puts your pleasure above his anytime of the day because he gets himself off by that. Only when your body was sated and trembling did he finally stop with his assault, a satisfied smile playing on his face. "Thanks for the breakfast, baby," he murmured against your thighs as he gave them a soft peck, his voice filled with a mix of satisfaction and desire.
His lips glistened with your own arousal, a visual reminder of the pleasure he had just bestowed upon you. Seeing him in that state made your desire still burn within you. With a coy smile, you leaned down closer, your breath hot against his ear. "My turn to taste you."
Suddenly, a tinge of dominance took hold of you. With a sensual yet comforting touch, you trailed your fingers along his bare chest, relishing the warmth of his skin. You could feel his heartbeat quicken beneath your touch.
With a mixture of hunger and reverence, you gently tugged on the waistband of his boxers, freeing his throbbing cock from its confines. It stood proudly before you. You took a moment to appreciate the sight—him as a whole, the way his face is flushed, and his hair cascading on the pillow. 
Seeing him in that state fueled your arousal, matching the rhythm of your intimate connection. Eyes hazy with desire, you finally took him in your mouth, your tongue swirling around the sensitive tip. Pleasure surged through his veins, and his body responded eagerly to your skilled mouth. His hands found their way into your hair, gently guiding your movement.
Your mouth moved with a rhythm that drove him to the edge, exploring every inch of his length. The intense pleasure from your mouth and the way your touch grazed his inner thighs, his need to release growing with each passing moment.
"That’s it, sweetheart. You’re doing so good." He let out a loud groan as his body became tensed.
The way he praised you made your actions intensify, each movement becoming fervent to please him and make him feel good. It didn’t take long for him to spill himself into your mouth; the sensation was overwhelming and electrifying.
As he caught his breath, he leaned toward you, capturing your lips with his. His hands roamed your body, his touch possessive yet gentle as he explored every inch of your trembling form. Breaking away from the kiss with a low moan, he stared into your eyes, full of love and admiration. "Waffles or pancakes?" A soft chuckle escaped your lips in response to his question, "Waffles.”
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: Small Ways To Look More Polished (Essential Style & Beauty Tips)
Some simple fashion & beauty tips to help you look more put together to turn heads and feel your best daily. Hope this helps xx
Always steam, lint roll, and snip any threads from your clothing before heading out the door
Ensure your top, pants/skirt, and outerwear proportions flatter your body shape. Choose cuts, hemlines, and strategically tuck or button (or unbutton) each garment to create lines that flatter your figure
Be mindful of how your pant/skirt/dress hemline aligns with the shaft of your footwear. You don't want any bunching or awkward gaps
Learn which colors are the most flattering on your skin tone (and which shades wash you out)
Study your body shape and the silhouettes that best streamline/elongate your frame
Find the right balance of textures/fabric weight (too many "heavy" fabrics like faux fur, quilting or puffer-style items when styled together can look bulky if not styled carefully)
Invest in a capsule wardrobe and neutral basics made in high-quality fabrics (Pima cotton, cashmere, silk, heavyweight denim, merino wool, etc.)
If an item does not look quite right on your body, tailor it or toss (donate) it out
Make sure all of the hardware matches with all of the jewelry, handbag, watch, cuff or button details, and footwear you choose for any given outfit
Maintain your accessories and footwear. Ensure they're no creases or scuff marks before heading out the door
Always keep your eyebrows well-shaped, brushed, filled in, and regularly tweezed
Tweeze and/or dermaplane your face as needed
Prioritize skincare/SPF for flawless skin
Ensure your foundation/concealer/brow products are all a perfect color match and fully blended into your skin
Use concealer to outline your brows and lip shape for greater definition
Strategically apply bronzer/contour, highlighter, and blush to your face to flatter your natural hollows, and prominent features (top of cheekbones, the tip of the nose, right under the brow), and use a light wash of color where your face would be naturally flushed
Find a flattering lip shade that suits your skin tone and doesn't make your teeth look yellow/dull
Embrace healthy hair habits (condition generously, use a wide-toothed comb and a specialty hair towel on wet hair, use a heat protectant and a round brush for blowouts/styling and satin or silk hair ties/pillowcases, get regular trims)
Use dryer sheets to minimize hair frizz and water or Vaseline to slick back fly-aways
Exfoliate and moisturize religiously (dry brush or sugar scrub with lotions including ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin, depending on your skin type)
Use cuticle oil around your nails & apply hand cream/lip balm daily (or substitute with Vaseline for any of the three)
Maintain a diligent nail routine (consistent nail shape, classic pink, nude, red, or vampy polish color, and a high-quality top coat)
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doumadono · 10 months
(Sinful Sunday🙇‍♀️)
Okay first I want to say thank you for writing my last thoughts about Hawks giving him a bj and remote controlled toys. Those were both delicious goddamn~ 😩❤️
Also Hawks and his wings... his feathers. Thinking of him spreading them wide while trying to act more intimidating for both of your fun. Getting you of guard by using his feathers to pin you down.. whether on the wall or bed etc. Using his feathers to just tease you in different ways and making show if his wings to let out some steam together....
Aaa idk just idea of him using his wings different ways is fun and exciting 🙇‍♀️ I hope you have a good day! <3
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The evening sun cast a warm glow through the windows as Hawks returned from the patrol, his wings stretching languidly behind him. A playful glint sparkled in his eyes as he caught your attention, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips. "Hey, babe," he purred, his wings unfurling with a deliberate grace. The feathers ruffled and shimmered, catching the light in a mesmerizing display. "How about a little fun instead of cleaning?"
In an instant, his wings spread wide, sending some of the feathers off, creating an impressive display of feathers that seemed to engulf the room. It was a sight that never failed to captivate you, a reminder of the extraordinary creature he was.
"Tiger…" You whispered, instinctively rubbing your thighs together as you stood in the middle of the living room, attempting to vacuum.
His eyes locked onto yours as he got up. Hawks approached with a confident swagger. As he drew near, some of his feathers gently brushed against your cheek, eliciting a shiver down your spine.
"Thought we could spice things up," he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper.
Without warning, some of his red feathers delicately wrapped around your wrists, pulling you backwards and pinning you to the nearest wall. It was a move that left you pleasantly surprised, his smirk widening at your reaction.
But Hawks wasn't done yet. His feathers, like skilled dancers, continued their teasing performance. Two of them trailed along your skin, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake.
He got closer and leaned in, his lips dangerously close to your ear. "You like that?"
The sensation of his feathers against your skin was both exhilarating and soothing, a unique blend that only he could provide.
"Keigo," you whispered where some of the feathers tugged on your shorts, easily pulling them down your legs, leaing you in your cotton panties while the two more of them slipped under your tank top, teasing your already erect buds.
"I've got more tricks up my sleeve," Hawks warned. Hawks pressed you firmly against the wall, his hand skillfully finding its way between your thighs and into your panties, delicately tracing small circles over your sensitive clit.
A whimper escaped your lips as one of his distinctive red feathers effortlessly sliced through the fabric of your tank top, causing it to cascade down to the ground, forming a pool at your ankles. "Keigo, I really liked this top!" you protested, but he responded with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Hawks engaged in a passionate kiss, delving deeply as his fervent tongue explored the contours of your mouth, emitting a soft hum of appreciation for your unique flavor. Eager and impatient, his hands skillfully tugged at the fabric of your panties, sliding them down your legs. Simultaneously, as he resumed the fervent make-out session, the gentle caress of his feathers traced over the sensitive regions of your slit and clitoris. The exquisite sensation prompted an involuntary response, causing your hips to instinctively buck in an attempt to fully embrace and reciprocate the delightful touches bestowed upon you as you moaned into Hawks' mouth.
Hawks deftly undid his fly and belt, revealing his aroused state as he freed his dick. Already adorned with glistening precum, he took a moment to give himself a few purposeful pumps. With deliberate intent, he aligned his engorged tip with your entrance, gradually pressing forward. A symphony of moans escaped his lips. "Holy shit, dove, you're so goddamn tight." His feathers persisted in their tantalizing motions, caressing your aroused clitoris and nipples, eliciting unabashed moans from you that echoed in the air.
Keigo effortlessly lifted you up, enveloping your legs around his hips, and plunged his cock deeply into your velvety core. His voice was nothing but a sultry whisper. "Do you like this, dove, hmm? Does the way I'm taking you ignite your filthy desires?"
You breathed out a breathy "yes," accompanied by a gasp, tilting your head backward to expose the vulnerable expanse of your neck to Keigo.
Without hesitation, Takami sealed his lips against the sensitive column of your neck, his tongue tracing the line of your pulse point. Simultaneously, his hips moved with a purpose, snapping into yours, the tip of his cock tenderly caressing the intimate depth of your cervix. "Yeah, babybird, sing a song for me," he encouraged.
He elevated his tempo, the rhythmic slapping of his balls against the curve of your ass synchronized with each forceful thrust of his. The pulsating intensity of his member within you signaled the impending release, a prelude to the culmination of pleasure. His wings expanded behind him, their feathery expanse amplifying the sensory experience. As he fervently fucked your pussy, the feathers intensified their caress, grazing over your clitoris and nipples, with one audaciously slipping down to delicately stroke the sensitive area around your asshole, adding an electrifying dimension to the passionate encounter that left you breathless.
"K-Keigo, oh God, I'm cummin'!" A low whine escaped your lips, and before you could exert control over your body's reactions, the knot coiling in your stomach abruptly unraveled. Your luscious, viscous juices enveloped his member, drenching him completely; simultaneously, an unexpected surge of pleasure caused you to squirt, unaccustomed to the intense stimulation his feathers delivered. Flustered, cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, you reluctantly lifted your gaze to meet his. "Keigo… I'm sorry…"
After emitting a deep, guttural grunt, Keigo reached the peak within the confines of your intimacy - his runny cum erupted in your pussy. A fusion of his cum and your own juices trickled out of you, even though you were still stuffed with his dick. With a hint of satisfaction, he responded, "Well, well, I didn't know you harbored such a lascivious side, my little dove, squirting just for me. Delicious."
Concern crept into your voice as you whispered, "Aren't you mad?"
He leisurely withdrew his dick, the amalgam of your releases tracing a sinuous path down your thighs, while the feathers that had earlier ventured to caress you returned to their places on his wings. "No, my sweet bird," he murmured, "In fact, I hope you'll treat me to a full-fledged spectacle of your squirting prowess later this evening. I'm far from finished with you."
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dearobinchwan · 10 months
𝓖𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓐𝓬𝓮
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Character : Ace & fem.reader
c.w : just pure fluff with our national golden retriever.
With both of you being busy and exhausted, Ace came up with the idea of an amusement park date. He knew that you both loved the thrill of roller coasters and the excitement of carnival games, and he thought it would be a fun way to relax and de-stress.
You were skeptical at first. You were both so tired, and you didn't know if you had the energy to run around an amusement park all day. But Ace was persuasive (how can you say no to this man ?), and he eventually convinced you.
On the day of your date, you woke up early and got dressed. You wanted to look good for your man, even though you were both going to be sweating and covered in sugar from all the rides and snacks.
When you arrived at the amusement park, Ace was already there waiting for you. He had big bags of cotton candy in each hand, and he gave you one as soon as you saw him.
You and Ace will ride every roller coaster in the park and scream your lungs out. You'll start with the tame ones, just to warm up. But then you'll move on to the big ones, the ones that make your heart race and your palms sweat. You'll laugh and scream and hold on to each other for dear life as you race through the loops and corkscrews.
After this, you and Ace will call Luffy and Sabo to tease them about not being there.
“Hey Luffy !” Ace says, “you're missing out on an amazing day. We're at the amusement park, riding all the roller coasters and eating all the junk food.”
“Sounds like a blast” Luffy says. “But I'm having my own kind of fun. I'm eating all the meat!”
“Yeah, right” Ace says. “You're probably just sitting at home, watching anime and eating chips.”
“Oi!” Luffy replies. “I'm not that lazy.”
“Sure you're not,” Ace says. “But whatever you're doing, you're missing out on a great time.”
Ace then calls Sabo and tells him the same thing. Sabo says that he's busy with work (as usual), but he wishes he could be there.
You spent the whole day riding roller coasters and playing carnival games. You laughed until your sides hurt, and felt like a kid again.
At the end of your journey, Ace will convince you to ride the big wheel. You're a little nervous, but Ace assures you that it will be fun.
As the gondola begins to move upwards, you feel your heart pounding in your chest. You look out the window and see the amusement park growing smaller and smaller below you. You can see all the rides and games, and the people milling about.
Ace turns to you and smiles. “It's beautiful, isn't it?” he asks.
You nod. “It is,”.
You continue to ascend, until you're at the top of the big wheel. The gondola sways gently in the breeze, and you can feel the warmth of Ace's body next to you.
You look out at the view. The city lights stretch out before you, sparkling like diamonds. You can see the river winding its way through the city, and the mountains in the distance.
“It's breathtaking,” you say.
Ace's arm, strong and steady, wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer into his embrace. His eyes, deep pools of desire, held yours captive, their intensity making your breath catch in your throat.
As his face inched closer, you felt the warmth of his breath against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. His lips, soft and inviting, met yours in a searing kiss that ignited a fire within you.
The kiss was a symphony of passion, a dance of tongues that explored the depths of each other's souls. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the connection that was rapidly igniting into something more profound.
Time seemed to melt away, the sounds of the amusement park fading into a distant hum as you lost yourselves in the world of each other's touch. His kisses were intoxicating, a blend of tenderness and desire that made your heart race and your legs turn to jelly.
When he finally pulled away, his eyes were ablaze with passion, his lips swollen and tempting. You gazed back at him, your own heart pounding in your chest, a smile playing on your lips.
“I love you, princess” Ace says.
“I love you too, so much” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
You leaned in again, your lips seeking his once more, and the kiss that followed was even more passionate than the first. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a kiss that expressed the unspoken love that burned between you. As the gondola began its descent back to earth, you pulled away, breathless and flushed.
At the end of the day, you were both exhausted, but you were also incredibly happy. You had spent the entire day with the person you adored, doing the things you both loved. And that was the best part of all.
As you and Ace walked hand-in-hand out of the amusement park, you looked back at all the rides and games you had experienced together. You couldn't believe how much fun you had.
“I'm so glad you convinced me to come here,” you said to Ace. “This was the best date ever.”
Ace smiled and kissed your forehead. “I'm glad you liked it,” he said. “I knew it would be the perfect way for us to relax and have some fun.”
You and Ace continued walking, your arms still linked. You talked about all the rides you had been on and the games you had played. You knew that no matter what challenges life threw your way, you would always have each other.
And that was the most important thing of all.
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fortheloveofarchons · 8 months
You take care of Pierro while he's sick...
C.W. Pierro being sick, a little bit of smut, kiss and make out, fluff
“Hey, you there.” A fatui member in a mask called out to you. 
“Yes?” You walk over to him, wondering what it is that he wants from you. “Is everything okay?” 
You could see how shaky his posture is, his legs trembling, sweat beading out from his forehead. You wonder if it could be due to him running around or from being scolded by someone. He tilts his head a little to the ground, then looks back at you straight up. 
“It’s the Director… he–” He coughs, straightening his posture before he continues. “He’s calling for you in his chambers. I have to warn you though… he’s not feeling quite well for the past few hours.” 
“...I’ll be on my way.” 
Running as fast as you can, through the long halls and almost stumbling on the other fatui soldiers, you finally made it to his door. As menacing as his large, heavy brass door is, you know that you have to go in nonetheless. The hinges groaned in protest as the door creaked open, the slow, deliberate movement casting the elongated shadows across the dimly lit chamber.  
“My Lord?” You push the door further ajar, a muted squeak echoed through the stillness. “You called for me?” 
“Close the door behind you.” A husky voice ordered. 
You quickly close the door behind you, standing still at where you are. You swallow your own saliva, a palpable tension hanging in the air. As the night lamps had been extinguished, the details of your Lord Pierro remained obscured, his features hidden in the inky blackness. The distant moonlight painted a faint outline, just enough to discern the form of a man sitting on his bed with a quiet and ominous resolve. 
“Come closer.” He ordered again. “Next to me.” 
The closer you walked, the clearer his features were on his face. His forehead is slightly dampened with sweat, and his silver hair glistened beautifully like fine silk. His nightgown unbuttoned halfway, exposing his chest and abs. A blush is added onto his cheeks from the heat. His breathing, slow and heavy, only made your heart ache for him. 
“My Lord, how are–” 
His arm hastily wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer as his other hand made its way to the back of your neck. You jumped at his sudden action, your hands instantly placing them onto his chest as you tried to push away. Yet his grip around you wouldn't allow you to move at all. The warmth of his embrace held both surprise and a certain urgency. Being caught off guard, you felt yourself being pulled into Pierro’s embrace, down onto the bed with him, sharing the confined and comfortable space. Your heart carried a mixture of emotions that ranged from surprise to a strange sense of intimacy. 
For a big, bulky buff older man like Pierro, his hold was surprisingly gentle, a paradox to the suddenness of the gesture. With your face pressed against his exposed chest, you could hear his heart beating, and his chest is warm with heat. 
In the silence that followed, Pierro’s intentions remained unclear to you, leaving a curious blend of vulnerability and reassurance lingering in the air. 
“My Lord..?”
“Kiss me.” He ordered, his embrace tighter on you. Both his icy blue eye and his golden one stares at you deeply. 
Without a word, you do as Pierro says. You leave a few warm gentle kisses on his chest, and your lips slowly trails more kisses up to his collarbone. As your kisses travel upward, you shift your body upwards as well, unintentionally showing the curves of your chest even though the fabric of your uniform was thick with cotton to survive the snow. Upon feeling your sensual kisses and seeing your curves, he lets out a groan from his lips. Your lips then travel on to his right cheek, giving him a kiss, and then giving him a last one on his lips. He kisses you back, his tongue sliding in, tasting you. 
“You always know how to deliver…” Pierro said, as he held you. He then unwraps your uniform, and slowly unbuttons them. While he’s doing that, you can feel how warm his fingers are on the crook of your shoulders, how his eyes gaze at your exposed chest, and how warm his breaths are. Without a word, he buries his face into your chest, feeling how soft they are. 
“...Would you prefer it if we’re laying face down on the bed, my Lord?” You ask, feeling his warm breath in between your chest...
Full version down below!!
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pastel-charm-14 · 7 months
.・゜゜・applying lip gloss and lipstick ・゜゜・.
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prep your lips: before applying lipstick or lip gloss, it's important to ensure your lips are smooth and hydrated. gently exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub or soft toothbrush to remove any dry, flaky skin. follow up with a hydrating lip balm to moisturize and soften your lips.
choose your shade: select a lipstick or lip gloss shade that complements your skin tone and suits the occasion. whether you prefer a bold red, a soft nude, or a shimmering gloss, choose a color that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
line your lips (optional): for added definition and longevity, you can use a lip liner to outline your lips before applying lipstick or lip gloss. choose a lip liner that matches your natural lip color or the shade of your lipstick. carefully trace the natural shape of your lips, starting from the center and working outward.
apply lipstick or lip gloss: starting from the center of your lips, carefully apply lipstick or lip gloss using the applicator or a lip brush. follow the natural curve of your lips, filling in any gaps or uneven areas. for a precise application, you can use a lip brush to apply lipstick or lip gloss, blending the color evenly across your lips.
blot and reapply (optional): for a longer-lasting finish, blot your lips with a tissue to remove any excess product. then, reapply lipstick or lip gloss for added intensity and staying power. this step helps to lock in the color and prevent smudging or fading throughout the day.
perfect the edges: to ensure a clean and polished look, use a small concealer brush or a cotton swab dipped in concealer to tidy up the edges of your lips. carefully trace around the perimeter of your lips to define the shape and correct any mistakes or smudges.
finish with a smile: once you've applied lipstick or lip gloss, give yourself a smile and admire your handiwork! embrace your beautiful, colorful lips and wear them with confidence throughout the day.
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lephamquynhnhu · 1 year
Millennial Aegis
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Chapter 2
Jing Yuan x Fem! reader
WARNINGS/ TAGS: Arranged marriage, the reader has a default name, smut, unprotected sex, OOC, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Word count: ~2000
Summary: He is so stubborn to give up on you, and you are too hard-headed to reciprocate his affection. When do you both stop torturing each other?
Note: To be honest, I did not expect somebody to read this fic. However, there were still a (very) small number of readers who supported me. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely appreciate your interaction. 
Two knocking sounds resonate across the room driving you to jump a little. You hurry back to the designed spot and put on the veil again.
The next thing you hear is the main door open as the general gets himself in and closes it gently. You sit tight with your hands gripping the fabric on your lap. "I swear I can hear the heartbeats on my ear drum now.'' 
He saunters over to you, tenderly lifts the veil out of your face, and a soft smile appears on his lips. There is a sliver of sadness in your beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and he did not miss it. 
"My consort looks so stunning today." 
You froze on the spot, and your eyes widened a little at the intimated proximity. Admittedly, at this closeness, he is charming at this marked event, and you even can sense the alcohol through his breaths. Although Lord Jing Yuan smells like cedar blended with grape wine, he is not drunk and completely conscious. After a blank of silence, you open your words lamely.
"Greetings, Lord Jing Yuan."
His golden orbs waver shortly at the title with a rigid demeanor, yet he quickly recovers and holds out his arm.
"May I have a dance with milady?"
The general never fails to surprise you, and you start wondering what the meaning behind this uncommon activity is. However, you accept the invitation by holding his hand and saying no word. Things happened as Jing Yuan secretly forecasted because your spirit and body gradually relax when dancing the waltz. The romantic atmosphere and the low hum of classical music soothe your anxiety efficiently. Now, you understand why he became the prominent general of Xianzhou since this mastermind can handle any circumstance fluidly. After a moment, Jing Yuan slowly pulls you into his embrace and envelopes your figure completely. 
"Please stay with me." - His hot breath breezes your hair.
You were petrified at his words and stayed still in his arms, completely dumbfounded. His heartbeat sounds like a peaceful song in your ear while giving him a silent treatment. The general slowly takes your chin in his hand and leans down to kiss your lips which you quickly melt into him.
Your heart starts racing again, and blushes are present on your cheeks. Many people say that the first kiss tastes like lemon, but to your sense, it is as sweet as maple syrup with a fermenting scent. 
Lord Jing Yuan detaches himself after a while, skims over your face as if asking for further advance, and gives you a break. When receiving your implied permission, he immediately crashes his lips to yours again. This time, the general does not hold down and kisses you passionately. His arm moves to support your neck as he deepens into your mouth, and the other wraps around your waist possessively as if afraid of you changing your mind and running away from him. There was a psychological noise yelling at you to push the general away, but his affection penetrated and neutralized it, so you started feeling him. 
Hectic yet gentle are the accurate adjective that describes his kiss right now as you close your eyes and reciprocate his kiss. You circle your arms around his neck, dive your hands into his head, and start swirling his long lock. They always remind you of cotton candy. You accidentally free the crimson tie causing his hair to run down like a silver stream covering your mind-eyes. When satisfied, Jing Yuan breaks the kiss and looks straight at you, his eyes full of lust, and abruptly carries you to the bed.
He continues to savor your lips while stripping your wedding dress and discarding the jewelry. The chaste kiss drags down to your jawline, then your neck, and stops at your collarbone to leave a hickey. You also trace your hand at the hem of the general's attire to help him undress, and he moans softly as he feels your cool fingertips grazing his warm skin. Your sanity yells that you will regret this, but the circumstance is unstoppable, and you both are married now.
After a moment, your eyes flush open to see the general hovering above you, his long lock trails aside and cascades to your right like a curtain. 
Lord Jing Yuan's muscles look like steel, and his fair skin seems radiant under the dim light. He smiles at you warmly and gently strokes your cheekbone with his thumb while the other hand caresses your thigh. His touch ignites your delicate skin. It feels like your body completely melts, and the heat burns you into ashes.
You never nake in front of anybody before, so under the general's stare, the blush blooms over your cheeks again. When you raise your hands to cover your red face, Jing Yuan pulls them out. The Autumn hue in his irises is devoid as his gaze is intense and focused.
"Don't hide your cute face from me, darling."
 The general leans over and kisses you enthusiastically again, his tongue exploring your mouth deeply while his hand moves up and grabs your breast firmly, squeezing it gently. You start feeling the arousal between your legs with his interlude. 
"Ah~ it feels so good. I will hate myself when dawn breaks, but it does not matter now. Not anymore."
You continue to writhe under him with your chest heaving. The general's grip tightens around your breast, and he squeezes them roughly. 
"Lord Jing Yuan"
Finally, you could not hold back your ecstasy and mewled out his name.
He also moans softly as he continues kissing you passionately. His free hand travels down your body to cup your crotch firmly, and you can tell his manhood presses against your thigh.
As the juice starts leaking out where he cups your sex, your fingertips dig into his broadened shoulders as an erotic euphoria washes over like a high tide. The last remnant of sanity leaves your brain eventually, and you whisper in the general's ear.
"Ah-please, I want you."
"How shameful... 2 months ago, I firmly stated that I did not need him, but now I am begging him. 
Oh, why? Why does this world loathe me that much?"
The general chuckles softly and pecks your cheek while moving his hands along your waist and then up your shoulders. He pushes himself away from you and sits up, and a sly grin spreads across his face as he looks down at you with amusement and says in a low voice.
 "What are you saying?"
"You bastard! He is taking advantage of my vulnerable state to hear my begging!" You grasp a pillow and throw it at his face, but the general evades it easily.
"I am saying that I hate you so much!"
Jing Yuan laughs loudly and seems unbothered at your emotional outburst. He hooks your legs around his torso and aligns your manhood with your entrance.
"Do you trust me?"
You pretty ascertain that your cheeks now redden as tomatoes. "That thing" is erected at the owner's body, and its sheer size is enough to scare you dead.
"Yes, but can you hold my hand?"
The general grins widely when he interwinds your hand tightly and whispers into your ear. The guilty paradise unfolds opposite his eyes. The heaven is tainted with helluva color. 
 "Of course, I won't hurt you." 
He closes his eyes and leans forward, slowly beginning to trespass the forbidden dreamland, each inch stretching your walls wider than the one before. Once the entire length is inside, he stops and lets out a loud moan. You know he was gentle, but it's still painful. As if Lord Jing Yuan tore you in two parts, your eyes tear up uncontrollably.
"It hurts, it hurts."
The general sighs deeply and sweeps away your tears, then pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist. His chest presses against yours resting his head on your shoulder, his breath hot against your skin. A small smile appears on his lips as he murmurs to you.
"Shhh.. It'll be okay..."
You hesitantly nod in response, and Jing Yuan pulls out slightly, then thrusts deep inside you once more. After several minutes of being filled with his thick member, the pain subsides. He hugs you close to him, and a soft smile appears on his lips as he grabs your hips and begins moving slowly within you. His groans grow louder with every thrust until they become screams of pleasure.
You start feeling lightheaded and breathing heavier than. You hate to admit that the general is skilled at making love with you. It feels like you are on the ninth cloud right now, and do not bother to suppress pleasure. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist tight and chanted his name incoherently like a mantra. In a clouded mind, you saw the general's smile turning dark and wolfish. Guess that you were playing with fire. The general looks at you with an evil grin and stares back at you with his own animalistic stare. His grip tightens around your waist as he starts moving faster. With each thrust, he pounds harder and deeper into you. Your breathing becomes erratic and heavy as you feel yourself nearing climax.
Since your bodies are well compatible, you cling to his shoulder to seek support and claw at Jing Yuan's back violently. Something unknown starts forming inside you as if your mind is going to explode.
"Lord...Lord Jing Yuan, I...am..."
A low chuckle escapes from his throat as he thrusts hard into you. The general wraps his arm around your waist tightly and holds you firmly while continuing to pound away at you. His other hand reaches down between your legs and strokes your clit gently.
"You devil!" - You internally curse him. However, the word falls back to your throat, and your voice is hoarse now. The general's face contorts into a sinister smirk as if he hears your thoughts. Lord Jing Yuan bites down hard on your shoulder blade and continues pounding into you. His fingers dig into your soft flesh as he reaches his peak. His hand moves from the waist to grab one of your hands to hold it tightly. 
"Shhhh.. It will be alright, my dear. You're safe here..."
He says softly but clearly, his voice dripping with lust and desire. His eyes are full of passion and excitement. His hot breath tickles your ear as he whispers to you how much he wants you.
"I...can't hold any...longer. Please! I'm so close right now!"
Your tears streaming down tremendously as you cry.
He hears your plea and leans forward slightly. The general grips tighter onto your body and begins speeding up to fuck you even more vigorously. His cock throbs inside you as you both reach your peaks together.
"Lord...lord Jing Yuannn...I beg you!!"
You nearly scream with pleasure and despair when his thick member brushes your G-spot in every thrust. As soon as you start begging him, he feels himself reaching his limit as well. His hips buck wildly against yours, and he moans loudly as he releases his seed deep inside you. A warm sensation spreads through Jing Yuan's entire body as he shoots load after load deep inside your womb.
You try to catch your breath when the general fills you up and stops completely. The hot breeze fans over your face, red tint dust over his cheeks as he hovers above you, and you whine internally. "This is unfair!"
While you are trying to breathe in and out, Lord Jing Yuan is barely out of breath. After staying still awhile, he stands up to take a handkerchief to clean up the mixed liquid between your legs and lies beside you. The general pulls you into his arms and places your head on his fit chest, where you can hear his heart beating loud and clear. He gently strokes your bare back. You lazily wrap an arm around his waist, and hearing Lord Jing Yuan's heartbeat lulls you to sleep. He kisses your forehead sweetly and closes his eyes. His breathing slowly becomes steady and calm while he nuzzles you. 
"Goodnight, my dear. Sleep well..."
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mausoleum-letterbox · 4 months
Today, she wears beige and cream—spared, yet, from years of wear and tear.
Today, they're as new as the day she bought them, and February is a beautiful, frigid affair. Snow still sticks to the untrampled stones, not yet slush.
Pressed close to her hip, he holds to her hand—sticky child, with his fingers scrubbed free of grime. His own is barely just smaller, barely able to still be swallowed whole. His eyes watch the pendulum made by their movements ; a unit, together, a grandfather clock. It isn't until she speaks, voice muffled by the wind, voice muffled by his own distraction,
"Schavo," and he looks up.
He does not respond. His tongue is dry in his mouth, his cheeks whipped red in the blustery air. He won't respond, he thinks, in that childhood sort of stubbornness, until they're back in the cottage—tucked safely between the treeline and the shore.
Instead, he stares at her expectantly, wide eyes marveling at those that peer back. His are brown like newborn fawn, light and soft with all-seeing innocence.
Hers are tired. He doesn't yet know why.
At least her voice is lively, sing-song, in time with birds he'll grow to miss. "Schavo."
He's plenty far off from knowing how much he'll miss her, too.
Today, he turns nine, and he clings to the hem of her dress, letting her drag him about the market.
"What does my schavo wish to eat tonight?" She studies his face, dark eyes scrutinizing what pinkens in the cold. Studious, always, they betray the soft edges of her mouth. "Rabbit?" She nudges, like she's a youth all the same.
He blinks. He shrugs.
Another push, soft, her forearm or her hip. She's trying at humorous. "Maybe /hen,/ hm?"
He can feel his face contort, cold settled into browbone, creaking when he frowns. She laughs at his disgust, and he can feel the reverb burrow into his chest, leaving ache where it tunnels.
"This picky son of mine," she speaks to no one but herself—and him, who stands at her side, trembling with the weight of her judgement. A hand cards through his hair, the one not bound to carry bundles of fabric, and coils loose curls around her fingers. She'd only braided his hair this morning, and half-til-noon, it's already come undone.
He blinks back hot tears and focuses on her dress, on how he leaves marks that seep into the fabric. Sootlike, almost, as they cool with the air ; the ache in his chest drips into his gut and pools. Corrodes, then, into guilt.
"Oh, come, now," soft coo, when she realizes he's sniffling. She takes her hand from his hair, only to snake her arm around his head. Half-way hug, an embrace made all the more awkward by the way they stand by stall. "You needn't cry."
It's meant to be soft, he thinks—in the moment, relived, it's more of a chide. She presses her lips to the top of his head, but does not purse them ; settled, stitch-straight, against his crown.
She pulls away before he can bury himself in it.
"Do you want rabbit," she tries, again, as she shuffles them away from the weaver's stand, "or lamb? Sweet boy."
He blinks away what blurs her face, but fixes his eyes on the ground. He feels /brattish,/ like this, clinging to her, offering nothing.
/"Lamb,"/ He whispers, because nothing that comes from his mouth is anything but meek. Mousy boy, white as rat. "Please, dej," he adds, and buries his begging in her frock.
Again, she laughs, clucking softly as it trills. His face is hot with the shame of it.
He tries to wipe it off, the burning humiliation, tries to soften shame in the cotton on her hip.
She doesn't comfort him, this time. She turns, and he can feel cotton slip through his fingers, just as time will.
Stone-still, his little boots cemented to the road, he blocks plenty of traffic. His mother is swept away in the underbrush, or maybe she leaves with it. A dread bubbles as snot does, something he'll live day to day with, soon.
The folk that wash out all sight of her offer no kindness—glares spared, not glances, at the anchor sitting ashore. Everything blends together, people and faces, dresses and pants. Even his hiccuping, messy sobs are drowned out by the undercurrent, beat set not by the pound of his heart, but the gallop of their boots.
There's a hand in his, at some point, one that pulls him aside. The voice that must be connected to it chides a familiar word, as he struggles to shuffle in time.
"I'm sorry," he weeps, as she boxes around him, crouching to his height. Her lovely dress settles on the murky ground, and more apologies spill in time with the sway of dirtying hem. "I'm /sorry,/ dej, /I'm sorry,"/
His voice cracks, dropped porcelain, as she holds him in her arms.
/"Schavo,"/ she has to interrupt, as he presses his cheek into the crook of her neck. He seeks to hide in the warmth that she shields him with, but they both know she won't allow that. His shoulders are dwarfed by her hands. "My, Andrew, what has gotten into you?"
"I'm sorry." He's sniveling, pathetic child, as he presses the balls of his palms into his eyes. So that he might not see hers, so that he might only feel the softer side of her scorn.
This is not allowed ; she pulls his hands down, and watches, carefully, as his head lolls.
"My Andrew," her repetition is much more purposeful than his. "You were so excited to come with me, today." Her voice is sadder than it was ; he wishes he could say more than what breaks from his lips.
"I'm sorry, dej," her dress is dirty with snow, and now her shoes are painted in his tears.
She tuts, holds him, all angles and frail edges, close to her heart. "I know."
He knows he's mussing up her dress worse, even as she's fussing over his hair ; he leaves her apron stained and snotty, and she slicks his cowlicks down, toying with braids unbecoming.
"But what have you to be sorry for?" Her fingers seek to split them, undo, redo, by this stall. She doesn't, though, just lays her fingers against. "It's only supper, bakri, it isn't supposed to /scare/ you."
Just because she smiles—it doesn't wash his sour sadness away. She sighs, places palm against his cheek.
"I only want you to be happy today. It's such a /good/ day, too, all yours ; can't you do that, for this dej of yours?"
The shrug he gives is met with hardly-pitying snort. She rubs her thumb along what remains of baby fat. He grows thinner by the day, and they both know it.
"Oh, /please,/ sweet boy? Where's my happy schavo, who was so excited to come with me into town?
"Where's my sweet Selim, hm? The one who made his dej braid his hair?" She twists what remains of rowdy plaits, pushes bushy ends against his cheeks. When he laughs, a bit of shine returns to her eyes—or maybe he's blinking away what remains of his tears. He covers his eyes with his hands, again, to hide from ticklish onslaught.
"Could that son of mine gone off while I was talking to the weaver, hm? Run along to join the lambs, butting heads all the while?" Pointer taps against her chin, feigning daydream.
He snickers from beneath his fingers, peering out to see faux thought. Her smile seems more genuine, her eyes alight with a luster she loses much too often,
"No, no, my Selim is a good boy," her thumbs slip between the cracks against his face, yet she doesn't yank when she pries. "He's only hiding in plain sight!"
She scoops him up, giggling wild, and fixes him on the hip that doesn't hold bundle.
"There he is, my Selim—who doesn't have a thing to cry for, today! Too good a birthday to be ruined by some tears," a kiss to his temple, then to his cheek, until all that stings is the giddiness of grin, and his cheeks aren't stained salty any longer.
"Now, you help this mother of yours!" They're both brighter when she lowers him to his feet, and tucks tall wrappings into his hand. "You help me carry these, Andrew, and I'll carry our lamb."
And, after he nods a final time, eyes bright like the spring soon approaching, he's the one to drag her to the butcher's stall—
When he wakes with a startle, he finds his face is damp, his hair slick with sweat. His pillow is stained, already—
The sob that rips from his chest is violent, visceral ; the frame shakes as he does, too.
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angies-writing-blog · 5 months
High-pitched ringing erupts in your ears, drowning out all other sounds.
Persistent, relentless and insistent as you struggle to keep your balance. Slowly your vision blurs, the edges of your surroundings fading into an indistinct haze.
Struggling to sit down, you feel unsteady and weak on your feet, as if they can no longer support your weight.
Above the hum, a voice eventually rises, calling out to you. Confused, you struggle to recognise it, but are suddenly embraced by strong arms.
"Didn't I tell you to be careful what you drink?"
Zevlor. Unmistakable.
Effortlessly, as if you weigh no more than a feather, he lifts your body and holds you close to his chest. Not only can you hear his heartbeat, but you can also feel the rapid rhythmic pounding against your cheek as you bury your face in the soft fabric of his cotton shirt.
Then, a distinctive spicy scent blends your senses with a delicate sweet touch. His warm infernal nature succeeds in dazing you even further.
Every single cup you refused. You try to explain this in slurred speech. Believing to gesticulate emphatically, but you remain powerless in the warm embrace.
“What you were holding seemed to be more than just some grape juice.”
Barely paying attention to his words, you listen to his steady breathing, the murmur with which he speaks to you.
Because of his calmness and gentle treatment of you, you only let him give you drinks. Apparently that wasn't enough. At some point, you think, you must have been careless. Fortunately, he was there immediately. In any case, you can't think about it any further.
Swaying movements are keeping you dreaming sweetly, as if you are floating on an ocean of black endlessness and it seems as if you were never meant to voyage so far.
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Jonathan Byers is your boyfriend 💕
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“And if a double decker buuuuuuus,” he sang along to the record player quietly while he flipped the eggs sizzling in the frying pan. Donned in nothing but your boyfriend’s pinstriped oversized button-down and a pair of cotton underwear, you shuffled lazily into the kitchen, following the savory scent of a home cooked breakfast.
“Crashes into uuuuuuuuuus,” he continued, oblivious to your entrance. You wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and felt him relax into your embrace.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he sang along incorrectly with the next line of the song. You reached a hand out and swiped a piece of bacon off of a half-prepared plate on the counter. Jonathan turned around and hurried to the table to grab his camera.
“You look so perfect. Two seconds. Stay just like that,” he instructed, grinning as he snapped a photo of you holding up your bacon, eyes closed in a cheeky smile, both of you savoring yet another sweet morning together.
✨Nicknames for you: Love, sunshine, my girl (He’s always saying “There’s my girl” when he sees you show up anywhere, even if you can’t hear him. Steve told you so.)
💕 love language: acts of service/quality time
Always doing favors without you having to ask
Cooks dinner for you regularly
Loves to give hand massages while he lets you vent about your day
Gentle reminders to set your morning alarm, brush your teeth, and remember to drink water.
Loves to take you on nature walks and tell you facts about the wildlife or plants he’s photographed there
Takes photos of you on every adventure, and your house is filled with framed pictures of you in front of a variety of backdrops: your trip to downtown LA, a sunset by the pacific ocean, a nature walk through the redwood forest.
Always introduces you to new music and loves when you show him music you like in exchange. Hanging out around the house always has an eclectic soundtrack that is a perfect blend of the two of you.
💋 Kissing Jonathan: His touch is sweet, light, and pensive. He loves to hold your face or jaw in his hands when he kisses you, and he almost always ends those moments with a peck on your forehead or nose. His movements are careful, sensual, and comforting, and he is always checking in to make sure you’re okay with what’s happening before moving any further.
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 months
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As with Part 1 and Part 2 Here is the third batch... probably only have one left with 4 characters and then I am done with this but I do like how the boys slowly look.. soo... -Silver, a Hyur that previously was a Samurai for Hire but slowly grew to dislike getting commands from others, so he wanted to be more independant, he has a high standard and is Gold personal therapist, bringing him there at first. He does manage a lot in the Dreamscape and is proud of it
-Scarlet, Was just a normal sporty Miqo'te till he had an encounter bothering one tonberry a little too much... since then under his blindfolds he hides knife scars and lost his eyesight... not the brightest and often gets hurt but he does his best... as well as many do enjoy talking to him cause he is pretty easygoing
-River, Last of the 4 Au ras working here, pretty good at poems, he seems cold at all time, Yuzuha brought him here to get out of his shell and show he actually has some good in him. River is hard to approach but for some customers he is a good listener
-Sugar is... quite the energetic Miqo'te... oftem bakes together with Cinnamon and gets addicted licking off the left overs from bowls, he does also have the habit when he sees a crumb on someone he will lick it off... he is affectionate however for some its too much energy to handle
-Cinnamon is the resident sweetheart looking out for most workers... he is the main baking expert and makes the sweets of the midday work... loves wedding themes hence he wears a veil at all times and do embrace a lot of romance novels... many call him the best advice giver on how to sweettalk someone and its hard to resist that cute face
-Charité was formerly quite famous around Eorzea, being a general great dancer who made his name around... but for his friend Dandy and to support him he came back and went to the dreamscape with him. He also is the main cook for general food going around in this place... making sure that with Dandy being the bartender the two have the entrance covered
-Cotton doesn't care if you call them by he/she/they, he does love drag and wears it always for work... they are with Charité both the Fashion experts... as well as the ones who make the costumes for each member... Cotton also does have a huge lipstick collection to leave some marks on customers at times.
-Cameo is a master of blending in and acting out roles... usually... he also has messy drink ideas... He does seem often lost in thoughts however if he doesn't focus on a role and his ears are sensitive enough to catch anything important going on... if he doesn't act he is kinda chill and laid back... just being interested in getting to know you.
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