#cosmic plaything club
watcher-servant · 11 months
Cosmic Plaything Club: Member list
President: Ardyn Izunia
Vice President: Kratos
Secretary: Lelouch Lamperouge
Recruiters: Deadpool, Axl Low, John Constantine
Members: Suzaku Kururugi, L Lawliet, Zeref Dragneal, Hayate Ayasaki, Keiichi Morisato, Strength (BRS), Imhotep, Naruto and Nagato Uzumaki, Shinji Ikari, Straw Hat Pirates, Madoka Magica Girls, Seina Yamada, Kaneki Ken, Sakura Minamoto, Arthur Curry, Boston Brand (deadman), Peter Parker, Shadow (American God), Touma Kamijou, Harry Dresden, Natsuki Subaru, Willem Kmetsch, Sam and Dean Winchester, Ragna the Bloodedge, Android 21/Vomi, Morgan Le Fay [lostbelt], Pit, Lucas (Mother 3), Tohru Adachi, Yu Narukami, Goro Akechi, Ren Amamiya, Gumball Watterson, Prince Zuko, Squidward Tentacles, Sabrina Spellman
New Recruits: Jaune Arc, Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori
Invitations have been sent out
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 3 months
The Witch of Emwy - Chapter 1 (and the only chapter you will ever see)
Be kind, I wrote this age 14 :')
Immortality, the thing many sought after, all across time. Everyone yearned for it. Everyone except her. Perhaps that was why the gods granted her that, to turn her into a great cosmic joke. She certainly felt like one. The 'wise' and 'powerful' Obsidian Emwy, Protector of the Caverns of Time, Chosen One of the Gods, Time Witch, etc etc. She never asked for anything of the sort.
How she despised those gods, treating her like a plaything and her life like a particularly amusing puppet show. No, not even that. Toys were treated well, tucked back into their boxes and left to rest. All she got was heckling and a lack of peace and privacy. But as much as she loathed them and dreaded their meddling, there was one thing she detested more than even the gods.
Foolish, clumsy, disgusting creatures. Her lair was decorated with their remains and weapons. She had to have slain each and every one within a hundred leagues radius. Yet still they came, wielding swords aplenty, with their clanking armor. They made such noise, disrupted the wonderful quiet and trampled the gorgeous flowers that sprouted up everywhere. Worst of all, they called her names, from mildly deriding ones like 'Witch', to full blown insults such as 'Abomination', or 'Monstrosity from the Depths of Hell, Evil Incarnate who Lives only to be Slain'. She actually enjoyed killing those bastards.
Obsidian was leaning against her cave, half-asleep, when she heard the telltale sign of rattling metal. Heaving an irritated sigh, she got up. "It's almost time for my nap. Why will they never come in the morning, when I am not asleep?" She muttered. Gripping her scepter in one hand and rubbing her eyes with the other, she stepped out into the blazing sun, to face a horde of knights.
They rode warhorses, worth their weight in gold, regal creatures that moved with grace and style. She rather liked them, and briefly toyed with the idea of keeping them after she killed the humans. The knights looked like a set of dolls built from the same mold. All had the pale skin with golden hair, chiseled facial features that were heavily scarred, and all wore heavy armor. They stared at her.
The tallest one, aboard a black horse, spoke. "O Great Witch, we-"
"Let's get this over with. I'm tired and I want to sleep," Obsidian said, cutting him off. She had heard a million variations of this speech, and had no desire to hear another. It was always the same thing. 'We have come to end your reign of tyranny upon this land', 'We have come to slay you and lay your wretched body to peace'. Did they not get the message? She did not want the darn speech, or even for any of them to come at all. She just wanted to live life peacefully.
"Lady Witch, please hea-"
Obsidian did not want to hear it, and smashed her scepter into the ground in front of the horse. It spooked, rearing up, which threw the knight off and onto the ground in an undignified manner. She prepared a spell, reaching for her magic, only to find that it was blocked off. She was tired, but surely not so tired as to be incapable of wielding magic? While she was pondered the issue, a rogue snuck up behind her and clubbed her in the back of her head. She fell forward, catching her leg on a bramble. It made a long, painful gash, and she found herself entangled in it.
Struggling to her knees, Obsidian reached again for her power, to no avail. Whatever had happened, she had lost her greatest strength. But she was not about to let a bunch of humans defeat her. She reached for her scepter, but an armored foot kicked it away. She was trapped, surrounded, and utterly outnumbered. 
"So, this is it? A bunch of whiny, sniveling cowards finally bested me. Go ahead. End it. I will not give you bastards the satisfaction of seeing me beg for my life. Go on. I dare you." Her last words came out in a snarl, far harsher than she thought herself capable of. Perhaps she genuinely meant it, even though she was in no real danger. A few knights flinched, and she let out a snicker. Cowards indeed, just like all other mortals.
"Please, you mistake our intentions. We wish for your assistance, Great Witch. Our grand and fine kingdom, Luxatia, is in danger, and we have been charged with getting your help to save it." The tallest one spoke again, his voice gently pleading.
Obsidian spat a mixture of blood and saliva at the ground near his feet. "And why should I help you? What do I care for some foolish humans and their foolish society?" The blunt trauma to her head was healing quickly, and her bramble wound was already gone, not even leaving a scar. Her plan to stall until she was fully healed was working perfectly, and those idiots were playing right into her hands.
"Because you will die otherwise." The bastard who clubbed her in the head spoke, sliding a knife across her throat. She could feel the sharp edge of it.
Obsidian threw her head back and cackled. Threatening her with Death, when she was his champion. What fools. "Go ahead, stupid little mortal," she sneered.
The rogue went red in the face with rage. He pressed the knife against her neck, and she could feel the warm droplets of blood sliding down her neck. It did not hurt, strangely. She thought it would hurt more than that. No matter. It would heal immediately.
"Stop at once, Ralf!" The lead knight hastily rushed over, pulling the rogue off Obsidian, who was still shaking with laughter. "Lady Witch, please forgive us." He said to her, offering a hand. Idiot.
She grabbed it, threw him down, grabbed the knife and attempted to stab the chinks in his metal armor. A blast of dazzling, cold light interrupted her. It was followed by a blast of wind, which stole her knife away and knocked her to her knees. 
A voice, deep and rich like melted gold, spoke. "My dearest child, whatever do you think you are doing? Did you not get the message? I charge you to assist these knights to the fullest of your abilities. I expect them to succeed, or you to die trying." The light faded to reveal a majestic figure. She was inhumanly tall, clad in fine white silk, and she wore bracelets of golden light. Her circlet of black stood out against the gold of her hair, and her eyes were closed, long lashes brushing each other. Even still, they emanated light through her eyelids.
Obsidian let out a groan of irritation. "Solaria. How. Nice. To. See. You. Your. Wish. Is. My. Command." She gritted her teeth and spat out the words. Each one was an effort to say.
Solaria, goddess of light, was a constant thorn in her side. Solaria always ordered her around, often to do the most menial of tasks. And once again, her Gloriousness had gotten it into her undersized godly skull to give out yet another ridiculous command. Help them? Those stupid kingdoms rose and fell incessantly! There was no point in preserving one for a few more moments.
The knights around her stood silently, stunned and in awe. Then they jostled one another and fell to their knees in a prayer position, arms on top of their heads. Solaria let out a laugh. It sounded like wind chimes, jangling on Obsidian's nerves. "Children, your task is nigh-insurmountable. I hope you will make full use of my Chosen One's abilities. I suspect they will come in handy." She purposefully ignored Obsidian's glare. Still wearing a self-satisfied smirk, she raised her arms and disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the group temporarily blinded.
Everyone stood in stunned silence. Some of the knights were still groveling. Obsidian got up, brushed the dirt off her trousers, and retrieved her scepter. "Alright then, I guess I shall accompany you. Do not expect me to help out with any basic chores," she said in the haughtiest voice she could manage. "To where are we headed?"
The knights snapped out of their reverie at the sound of her voice. The lead knight said,"Lady Witch, we are going to the capital to report our success in your recruitment. Then, we shall head into the thick of the battle. I am Sir Waldo Humphrey, and my knights and I are the Battalion of Gilded Heroes. With you, we will be fighting-"
She raised her voice and cut Humphrey off. "Before we head off, I have two requests. Firstly, I'm not a witch. I'm not a lady. I am Obsidian Emwy. You can call me Ewmy, or Obsidian. Do not, ever, call me Lady Witch. Got that?" The knights nodded. "Excellent. Also, I want a horse. Not a mare, nor a farm horse, but one of those proper warhorses. The kind that are expensive. Now, if you will excuse me, I will be collecting my baggage." 
"Boris, John, you heard what Lady Emwy said. Get the Witch a horse!" Humphrey yelled at two knights. They exchanged looks of discomfort as Obsidian shot them a glare.
She stepped into the cavern that she called home. Over the years, Obsidian had carved out several small enclaves in the cave walls, to use as shelves for her potion books. Her cauldron took center stage, hanging below a natural opening in the cave's roof. She had a bed of heather, which she replaced weekly, and her wool blankets (which she raided from her occasional 'visitors') were piled messily in a corner. After all, she had been about to sleep when she was so rudely interrupted. Obsidian let out a yawn. She looked around the small cave, and felt a deep sense of unhappiness at leaving. It had been her home for so, so long, and she knew she would miss it. She placed her hand on the wall, feeling the thrum of magic, a river flowing just beneath her fingertips. Tears sprang to her eyes, and her throat felt oddly constricted. "Don't worry, Little One, I'll be back before you know it," she whispered. She was not sure if it was to comfort her, or the cave. Its magic welled up, and the walls lit up with a gentle silver glow, making her familiar room appear otherworldly. She grabbed her clothes, broomstick, a wooden spoon, abridged notes and a few potions, wrapped them in a blanket, and headed out. Stopping at the entrance to her cave, she pressed her forehead on the cave wall. "Keep everything safe for me, won't you?" She whispered to the cave. As she stepped out, a bubble encompassed the cave. It was a stasis field, meant to keep her belongings from rotting, decomposing, or otherwise being ruined while she was gone.
With that, she stepped away from the cave. Hugging her belongings to her chest, she walked towards the camp where the Knights were preparing to leave. Obsidian felt oddly vulnerable, as though a part of her had been left behind in her cave. It had been so long since she first stepped into that cave. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend, how nostalgia and longing swelled up before you even lost sight of them. It hurt, in a way she had forgotten about. But, at the very least, she would be back, someday. And the cave would still be waiting for her. That was the nice thing about immortal beings. 
A loud crash and a round of swearing interrupted Obsidian's thoughts. Instantly, her scepter glowed with magic and she assumed a combat stance, her possessions still tucked underarm. It took a while to realize that these were her new allies, not another round of irritants. Actually, she mused, they were still irritants. Just ones who happened to be on the same side as her.
Still grumbling to herself about the noise humans made, she strode to the clearing that the knights had made camp in. A herd of horses munched lazily on the grass, tails flicking idly. Standing off to the side, was a strange horse-like creature that caught Obsidian's eye. It was slightly smaller than a horse, with long ears and a bulky figure. Its eyes belied a sharp intelligence, and it oozed disdain for the horses. Obsidian instantly took a liking to it. She went over, picking up an apple that had fallen from a tree en route, and offered it to the animal. It glanced up at her, snorted, and took a large bite. Obsidian smiled. At least someone understood her.
She turned around to see the knight Humphrey called Boris, who was distinguishable only due to a scar on his eyebrow, leading a particularly well groomed horse over. It was jet black, with a long, silky mane. It stood ramrod straight with the kind of magnificence only warhorses had. Yet, the unassuming gray equine behind her still appealed more. 
"What is that creature, and why is it without a saddle?" Obsidian asked, pointing to the animal behind her.
"Witch Emwy, it is a mule. It hauls our wagon, which is where we keep our food and other necessities," Boris said meekly, hunching slightly when Obsidian glared at him for calling her 'Witch'. He appeared to be frightened by her. She approved. 
Wandering around the camp, she was rather astounded by the noise the group made. They seemed intent on bursting the eardrums of everyone in the area. Obsidian decided that she had to take matters into her own hands, before her ears had the opportunity to bleed. With a small burst of magic, she silenced everyone in the area. The instant peace was wonderful, and Obsidian let out a small sigh of relief. 
It was short lived, as Humphrey quickly came over and attempted to demand that she take the spell off at once. When he realized the spell stopped him from speaking, he began waving his arms around and stomping. The whole scene was rather comical, and Obsidian snickered at them.
She tossed her items into the wagon, yanked the blanket out, and wrapped it around her. As she lay against the base of a tree, she told Humphrey, "It'll wear out by midnight. Don't even think of waking me up. Solaria did not give me orders not to hurt you, only to help you. If you dare disturb my sleep, I will make you regret it." Her words, spoken in a deadpan, made Humphrey's face turn pale. Obsidian smirked and closed her eyes.
She was awoken by a soft, wet nose pressing against her cheek. She looked up to see the mule nosing her. It was deep into the night, and the moon shone through the trees, round and glowing with its power. "Thank you, mule," Obsidian mumbled. The mule snorted and shook its head. She had always liked creatures that were neither human nor god. In-betweens, her people had called them. In-betweens, just like her. She saw them as equals when neither humans or gods cared for them. It was one of the reasons she did not have a familiar apart from the Caverns of Time, who was not an actual familiar, merely a close friend and welcome companion in her solitude.
She gently got up, feeling rested, and folded up her blanket. After placing it in the wagon, she walked over to the other side of the tree, where the knights were playing a game of charades around the campfire. Boris was making an exaggerated caricature of a dragon, and everyone else was silently guffawing at him. They were all engrossed in their little charade of battle and dragons.
That was why they did not see the real, actual dragon sneaking up on them.
It was rather small, more of a wyrm than a true dragon. Nevertheless, it was rose above the trees, and the sight of it was enough to make Obsidian's blood run cold. The warm light from the campfire made its amber eyes glow, giving it a fearsome look. Or perhaps that was its magic. Its claws left massive gouges in the ground where it had stepped, and they were wickedly sharp and curved. With its lips curled back, she could see the huge yellow fangs, each as big as her entire head. It cut a terrifying silhouette against the light of the moon. Awe inspiring and terrifying, it brought to mind an old verse that had been sung to her, long ago. 
"Larger than the moon,
Greater than the gods themselves,
The dragon grinds mountains to dust,
Wrecks cities and leaves no victims.
Blood coloured scales, impenetrable,
Claws that crush instantly.
A tail longer than the river,
And breath of blue fire.
Once you see it, 
Nothing will ever compare to its glory."
Obsidian whispered the words under her breath. None of the stories could capture the its majesty, the bone deep dread it inspired. And this was a mere adolescent? For once in her life, she was intimidated. No, intimidated was far too weak a word. She was scared stiff. 
How was she meant to help them when she doubted that she could even save herself? Nevertheless, Solaria's command was a geas. Whether she liked it or not, she had to do something. 
"Oi! Humans! Watch out! Dragon at 12 o'clock!" Obsidian put as much rudeness as she could to disguise her terror. She dashed over to the wagon to get her scepter before she could see their reaction. It was no time to be petty, no matter how gratifying their reactions would be.
She grabbed the scepter and swung it like a bat. A massive purple fireball emerged from it, soaring through the air like it had been catapulted. The wyrm turned to stare at it, fascinated by its light. As a result, it got a face full of magic fire. It screamed, a horrible noise full of agony.
The knights took it as a sign to charge. They swung their broadswords at the wyrm's oversized feet, and the creature let out a cry of pain. It was but a child, Obsidian realised. It must have came over to look at their campfire, naively curious, not knowing what that strange light was. Though it might have looked scary, it was in no way going to harm them. The thought made her stomach suddenly sour. However, now that they had injured the wyrm, it would never trust them. If only she had not attacked it first, perhaps it might have survived its encounter with the knights.
As if to punctuate her thought, the wyrm fell. It made a thundering crack as it hit some trees. A distant cheer, obscured by the sheer loudness of the wyrm's fall, emanated from its feet. Obsidian looked away, uncomfortable. The wyrm, defeated, let out its death rattle. It made a long keening sound, ripe with sadness and pain, and let its head fall. By all rights, a flash of light should have accompanied its death as its magic was released. However, there was none.
Perhaps, just perhaps, it had not died yet. Perhaps she could make amends. The thought sent Obsidian sprinting towards the fallen wyrm. Though she could not heal it, she could at least get the Cave to put it in a stasis, so she could get a healer to it. If it would not fit into the Cave, she would simply blast a hole in its entrance. The Cave would surely forgive her. 
She arrived just in time to watch Humphrey behead it. Before she could yell for them to stop, Humphrey swung his sword in an overhead arch. The wyrm had just enough time to look her in the eye, and Obsidian could see the fear and agony it faced, before Humphrey's sword cleaved through its neck. Light flashed before their eyes, and Obsidian had to hastily put up a shield to prevent them from getting burnt by the heat of its magic. However, as soon as the magic faded away, Humphrey was back at it. He had not made a clean cut, and he had to make a few more blows before it finally separated. Small mercy then, that the wyrm had died after the first hit. But the fact was of no comfort to Obsidian, who stared down at the severed head. 
Why did she care? After all, she had slaughtered round after round of the stupid knights that poked their heads around her home. She had gone out of her way to destroy villages near her. She had killed children, even babies fresh out of their mother's wombs. What was one more? Why did it hurt so badly to see that young dragon die? Perhaps the reason was one of species, that dragons were rare and magnificent. Perhaps it was because she had decided it was malicious, simply because it was powerful and scary, and tried to slay it, just like how people tried to slay her, and the irony hurt. Perhaps it was just the final straw. After all, it had been so long since she last left the cave, and for what? To hurt other in-betweens?
She wanted the knights dead. She wanted Humphrey dead. She wanted herself dead. Instead, she took the emotions, and her conscience, led them by the hand over to a small hole, and tossed them in. Then she buried it. It was a trick she had discovered after she buried the bodies of the first village's inhabitants, when the noise had kept her up one night too many. Emotions, bodies. What was the difference?
Humphrey staggered up to her, lugging the wyrm's head. "Look at it! It's magnificent! This is certainly a wonderful omen for our adventures to come. By the time we are done, all bards will sing songs of us, and everyone across the empire will know our names!" The knights behind him let out a loud cheer.
Obsidian laughed. It was a bitter laugh, full of anger and sadness and regret. It was full of hatred, for the gods, especially Solaria, and for the knights, and most of all, herself.
Indeed, it was a wonderful omen of their adventures to come.
Congrats on making to the end!! Not tell me: Was it as bad as I said it was? (Cos I'm trying to track my progress since I started writing regularly, and I figured this was a good way to do it)
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet, @rascaronii, @trippingpossum, @real-fragments
(Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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P3P had a lavish elevator, P4G had a limosine through the collective unconsciousness. P5R immediately has my ass on high fucking alert because the tone is off, the vibes are bad, and every siren in my head is screaming that something is wrong.
Reverie wakes up shackled and in a cell in a sort of panopticon-layout jail with a circle of other cells. The attendants this time are two child wardens who immediately brandish a shock-club thingie and demand you show respect to their master.
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This is not the fucking Velvet Room, nope.
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excuse me, WHOSE Velvet Room???
Also. Yes, I am aware that the actor for Igor died, and so they recast him, so I went into this like "okay so they VA will be different, that's okay" but this is a different character. This isn't Igor! The tenor is COMPLETELY different, the language used is wrong, everything is a bad funhouse mirror of what the Velvet Room is meant to be.
Also like. The protagonist is always an honored guest in the Velvet Room, and I am starting to theorize that the room exists to recreate the world through the facilitation of the Universe/World card, like a necessary soft reset on the universe each time.
Here, Reverie has not (to my knowledge) yet signed a contract, and.... if referred to as Trickster.
So we have so far seen:
One: Reverie allegedly betrayed during a heist and taken into custody.
Two: Tried to be a good samaritan and got branded as a criminal for it.
Three: Woke up in the "Velvet Room" in chains.
So it's about as subtle as a brick that Reverie isn't the Trickster, he's the Fool, and he's being used as a plaything. Something on a cosmic level is setting him the fuck up for some kind of fall, and I don't have any idea why.
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what in the absolute fuck
what precisely does freedom mean here, and what has Reverie done to garner rehabilitation. SPEAKING AS A REHABILITATIONIST I AM DEEPLY CONCERNED.
Like, in P3P, Reverie was able to use her power to seal the literally god of night and death to save the entire world. In P4G, Reverie defeated the creator of Japan and banished the fog that could have blanketed the world and turned everyone into shadows.
So my thought is: what is this Reverie meant to do and who is motivated to stop him?
.... Or! Atlus just wanted to take a completely different vibe and reboot the idea of the Velvet Room and I'm reading way too far into it!
But I don't trust like that, and I don't trust this Igor, and I don't trust this Velvet Room.
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sebeth · 7 years
Legion of Super-Heroes #3
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
The third issue’s cover features Roxxas standing among a pile of stones.  A closer look reveal the stones have fingers…
The first page has nine individual panels featuring nine different Legionnaires.
1st panel: Nura Nal (Dream Girl) is the Madame High Seer of Naltor.
2nd panel: Dirk Morgna (Sun Boy) attends a meeting between the President of Earth and a Dominator.  President: “Universo is your problem, not ours.” Dominator: “The Chamber begs to, ah, differ…”
3rd panel:  Jan Arrah (Element Lad) visits Trom, his home planet.
4th panel: The tomb of Lar Gand (Mon-El) on Shanghalla. The panel is solid black with three tiny word bubbles containing small writing that is unable to be read.
5th panel: Someone is shooting at Dawnstar: “…Teach ya ta mind yer own business!  Ya red witch!”  It’s important to note that Dawnstar is not seen in this panel.
6th panel: Brek Bannin (Polar Boy) is imprisoned on earth.
7th panel: Thom Kallor (Star Boy) coaches a professional sports team on Xanthu.  The sports teams uniforms are remarkably similar to the Rocket Red armor.
8th panel: Querl Dox (Brainiac 5) receives a scolding from another Coluan: “…are more important things than the health of a solitary child, Querl.”
9th panel: Reep Daggle (Chameleon Boy) and Rokk Krinn (Cosmic Boy) have landed on Rimbor.
I enjoyed the quick glimpses of the various Legionnaires.  Seven panels featured members we haven’t seen in the current series yet.  Every panel with the exception of 1, 3, and 7 showcase storylines that will impact future issues.  Lots of foreshadowing on the first page.
The glimpses are revealed to be the work of Mordru’s probes.  The head probe, spying on Reep and Rokk, realizes the Legion are in the process of re-forming and scurries over to Mordru.  
Mordru has imprisoned Rond Vidar.  Rond is missing his arms and his mouth has been sealed/erased.  Mordru’s creature is repeatedly eating Rond alive: “I have a little wager with the High Chancellor.  I say she devours this lad another ten times before she’s sated!”
Mordru tells Rond: “I was young once too, you know.  I remember what it’s like!  No power too great to oppose!  So confident in your own power.  So certain some little trinket can overcome all.  So impatient to conquer the unconquerable.  Ah, but Mordru is not without mercy.  I grant you this fate.  That you might appreciate your folly and do penance.  For all eternity.”
I’d choose death over that version of mercy.  Mordru also destroys Rond Vidar’s Green Lantern ring during his rant.
“Green Lantern” Rond Vidar always seemed a wasted opportunity.  We had the reveal and pretty much nothing after that.  Green Lanterns are banned from Earth but the Legion’s adventures span the weapons in the universe and you sit at home and do nothing?  Shouldn’t the ring nag Rond to patrol his sector?
Was Mordru able to easily defeat Rond because he was so inexperienced?  Would Hal Jordan, Kilowog, or Sinestro have fared better? Is the Green Lantern ring simply not effective against great magic?
The probe informs Mordru of the impending reunion of the Legion.  Mordru’s response: “Then the time for these pleasant diversions is past.”
The Ranzz plantation, Winath:  Garth and Mekt are discussing a shipment that’s “dead in the water”.
“Well, it’s just…how can an asteroid just get up and walk across the galaxy?”
Ah, the joys of inter-planetary farming/shipping!
Garth walks with the aid of a cane.  The real surprise is a sane, rational Mekt.  Usually he’s foaming at the mouth, trying to kill Garth, and hatching super-villain plans.
Garth decides to tell Imra before she finds out via computer.  Too late!  A very pregnant Imra repeats a Winathian proverb to calm herself: “All grows in sunshine, wilts in worry.  All grows in sunshine, wilts in worry…It’s not working…”  A bored Graym demands his mommy’s attention.
A topless Ayla and Salu are strolling in the plantation woods.  The duo comes across statues of the deceased Legionnaires.  We’re shown the statues of Triplicate Girl, the first Invisible Kid, Superboy, and Ferro Lad.
Ayla reveals that Garth bought the statues when Earthgov shut down the Legion headquarters.  
Salu asks Ayla about the lit flame.  Ayla informs her that it’s for the deceased Legionnaire who don’t have statues.  We see a “In Memoriam” plaque dedicated to Pol Krinn, Mon-El, and Tinza Wazzo.
Rimbor:  Reep and Rokk are in a strip club waiting to meet Jo. Rokk’s not happy: “Cham, you know what I think about dives like this.”  Reep’s more annoyed with the poor quality of alcohol: “Yee-ooh!  Small wonder they get such a poor clientele around here!”
Rokk’s worried about Jo’s current life choices: “Y’know, if Jo’s mixed up in this kind of sleaze, maybe he’s a little too far gone.”
Rokk’s interrupted by a huge furry creature tapping his shoulder.  The creature indicate that the duo should follow him.
Jo’s team scans the duo as they enter the elevator.
“And here I thought you were making up all that Legion stuff, Jo.”
“Hey, I used to hang out with the real big shots.  Man, we’da had those stuffed goons from Silverale Ltd. Doin’ the Takron-Galtos Shuffle. Yeah, I had my day.  I wasn’t born running this smuggling thing, y’know.”
“B – but ex-Legionnaires! Sir, they will attract undue attention! That Durlan…”
“Relax, Wort.  If anybody knows how to sneak around unnoticed, it’s ‘that Durlan’.  I learned espionage from him.”
Legion re-union!
“Cham!  Rokk!  Look at you!”
“Hey, no, not with the hugs, c’mon!”
“Grife!  It’s great to see you!  Ha-ha-ha!”
“No ultra-strength! C’mon, Jo, no ultra-strength!”
Jo’s an enthusiastic hugger! We learned last issue that Jo doesn’t drop invulnerability unless he has a reason so did he switch to ultra-strength to give the hugs an extra oomph?  
Earth:  Several Dominators are questioning their choice of agent (Roxxas) and worrying about a possible Legion reunion.
“By the only god, we’ve waited a millennium to seize this world, caste brother.’
The above comment is a reference to the 1987 Invasion mini-series where an alliance of alien races, led by the Dominators, attempted to conquer the Earth.  They were soundly defeated by Earth’s super-heroes.  An excellent mini-series if you’re looking for something to read.
Roxxas has sent the Dominators a video report of his actions.  The video’s narrated by Roxxas as he also argues with himself: “We’re on the puppet planetoid…because, legend has it, behemoth children from some other realm once toyed with their puppets here…I suppose it is a very good comparison…except that I don’t need strings to control my plaything…and this one isn’t made of wood…I’m not sure…This is somehow supposed to be his way of seeking the secrets that died out with his race…the only survivor…an entire race dead, except for him…yeah, there’s always one clown who’s got to mess up nature’s symmetry…as only I know too well.  Oh, our friends have had four years to develop anti-Legion weaponry.  This will do the job, all right.”
Roxxas approaches a hibernating Blok and attaches a disk to his arm.  The disk explodes and shatters Blok’s arm.  The explosion causes Blok to emerge from his hibernation: “Who – who disturbs me?”
“It is I, Roxxas the Butcher, genocide a specialty.”
“R-Roxxas…Legion history…Trom!  You’re – you’re the one…exterminated the entire race…except for Jan Arrah…”
“Well, nobody’s perfect.”
“Madman…you must be stopped…”
Blok, never a physically fast Legionnaire, is further hampered by the remaining effects of his hibernation.
“Pathetic!  Still half-asleep!  But I’m a kind soul.  I’ll try to make this brief.”
A dying Blok visualizes/dreams of meeting Strata, the last female of his race.  Strata was a featured character in the L.E.G.I.O.N. series that was set in the the 20th century.
“The mother world…Dryad…The beauty I thirst for…the truths that tantalize me.”
“Those truths, young brother, have always been about you.  On all worlds.”
“S-Strata?! Hala-Strata!”
“We are truly brother and sister, Blok.  I, the last female, you the last male.  Both legends in our folly.  Seeking the racial truths by fleeing from them.”
“Please, Strata!  How do I find these truths?”
“The price is great, brother.  There is no return from this journey.”
“Please…I must know!”
“You are ready then? Th – The steps of Eternity!  The females left us forever here!”
“It was their time. Time to fuse with the world’s core. Time to find their peace…all except me…The key to what you are – to what our race was and will be – lies this way.”
“But the price is great.”
“I must know.”
“You are ready?”
“Yes, Strata, I am ready.”
“Then if you’re sure – go.”
“You must complete this final journey alone.”
“Yes.  Oh, yes.  To know my people again.  To comprehend the sweet mother world.  After all this time.  To know what I am!  Yes. Yes.  I am ready!”
We fade to black as Blok dies.  The Dominators are impressed by the tape: “Efficient, effective, discreet.  Yes, ah most impressive.  I believe we’ve found our man.”
Blok’s scene leaves many unanswered questions.  
First, some background on Blok and Strata:
Blok’s entry from the Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes: “On the planet Dryad, Blok’s people kept their existence secret from the human colonists until Blok’s curiosity led him to expose himself as a living, sentient creature.  He helped found the Legion of Super-Assassins along with five human survivors of Dryad after being convinced by the Dark Man that Legionnaires had been responsible for that planet’s destruction.  The LSA’s attack on the Legion ended in their defeat and capture.  Blok, after realizing he had been tricked, was the only one of the LSA to assist the Legionnaires against the Dark Man, after which he became a member.  While he still grieves for Dryad, he knows his people will regrow their bodies when their remains reach a world capable of sustaining their silicon-based life.”
The Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook I reveal “A series of natural cataclysms tore the planet (Dryad) apart”.
Blok mutated into his current form near the end of the previous Legion series.
The 2995 Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook contain Blok’s resignation letter: “I have found in recent years that my drive to find out more about my people has increasingly consumed me, while my interest in activities has waned.”  The letter is dated August 15, 2991.  The sourcebook lists November 21, 1994, as the date of Blok’s murder.
Strata’s background is mostly unknown – her main storylines consisted of a cross-species romance with Garv and a later mutation into a diamond-like form.  According to Strata, the diamond form is the female gender of the Dryad species.
My questions:
1)      Did Block consider himself genderless until he mutated?  Was he even aware he was genderless?
2)      Blok’s race is long-lived but he was considered a youth.  Is that why he’s so ignorant about his race?  The race was fine until the cataclysms tore the planet apart. The “Who’s Who” entry  indicate Blok is aware that his race can regenerate – did he ever ask Brainiac 5, Dawnstar, or the United Planets to track the remains of his people?  Wouldn’t it be better to gather the remains and transport them to a planet capable of supporting silicon-based life instead of hoping the race finds a home?
3)      Did the vision of Strata actually happen?  Or is it their species’ version of the white light?
4)      Why – and when - did the females leave?  How did they know to fuse with the world’s core?  Strata said it was time to “find their peace” – were they simply tired of living?  Was Strata off-planet when this happened?  Is that why she didn’t fuse with the core?
5)      Strata is the last female of the race and she’s from the 20th century.  How old is Blok?  Was he the last child born to this race?
6)      When and how did Strata become a figure in Dryad’s mythology?  “Both legends in our folly.  Seeking the racial truths by fleeing from them.”  Is this why Strata left?  She didn’t believe it was right to fuse with the world’s core?  I’m not sure Blok “fled” – his world was destroyed around him and then he was snatched up by the Dark Man.  Does Strata believe Blok should have died with Dryad’s destruction and sent in space with the race’s remains?
7)      The Steps of Eternity.  Related to the Stairs of Eternity?  Admit it, you also want to see Shazam! Blok.
8)      “The key to what you are – to what our race was and will be – lies this way.”  So what are they?
9)      We’ll see later where Blok’s remains end up.  I’m assuming bits of Blok are still on the Puppet planetoid.  Would Blok have eventually re-generated on the planetoid or at his final resting place?  Would we have ended up with two Bloks?
10)   Did Blok mention his people’s regenerating abilities to the Legion?  Wouldn’t Brainiac 5 have investigated all avenues in bringing Blok back?
11)   Is Blok an example of a male character being “stuffed in a fridge”?  All the above questions remain unanswered and the real impact of Blok’s death is the detrimental effect it has on the White Witch.
Blok’s death was three Legion re-boots ago so we will never have a resolution for these questions. Strata hasn’t been seen since the “New 52” began and the Legion is scheduled to return sometime in the “Rebirth” era.  No one knows if any “New 52” developments will carry over into Rebirth.  Who even knows if Blok will be a member or if his origin will be the same.  If it is, I hope the writer will delve into and flesh out the Dryad species.  Blok’s main purpose in the Legion seemed to be as the friend to the White Witch or Timber Wolf.  The two page scene in this issue shows possible storylines for Blok.
An upset Shvaughn smuggles the video of Blok’s death onto the net: “Oh, god…those bloody bastards…oh, Blok…you were always such a sweet…never wanted to hurt a soul…Blok…Oh, Blok…come on, Shvaughn…tears are going to blur the transmission.  Bawl your eyes out later.  For now, just get the transmission through.  The net’s got to know.”
I’m not sure how Shvaughn isn’t imprisoned at this point.  The former Legion liaison and Jan Arrah’s long-time girlfriend would seem be a prime suspect for any suspicious activity by Earthgov or the Dominators.
Tharn:  Mordru continues to monitor the Legion reunion.
“Geez, Jo, enough already! I think I hurt something!”
Jo’s a hugging machine!
“…well I’m sure glad you came to me first!”
“We had no choice, Jo. We’ve got to go after Mysa.”
“Mysa?  Isn’t she with – Grife!  No wonder you came after me!”
Jo’s most endearing quality is his loyalty.  You see it throughout the various runs.  Reep and Rokk are presenting Jo with a horrible situation – we’re reforming the Legion but it only consists of us three so far…did I mention Rokk’s lost his powers….and, oh, yeah, we’re going to take on Mordru! Add in the fact that Mordru’s a sovereign leader of a planet. Any sane person would flee but not Jo, he’s all in.  Jo’s not even close with the White Witch, to him it’s simply a matter of a fellow Legionnaire needs assistance.
I’m not questioning Reep and Rokk’s loyalty but I can see them coming up with strategic reasons for recruiting the White Witch – they are two of the most experienced leaders, it’s their modus operandi to plan.  Jo only needs to hear “Legionnaire in trouble” and he’s on the case.
Mordru is not pleased with this development: “They mean to test the old man once again.”
Mordru summons Vrykos to begin preparations for the Legion’s visit.
Jo and Reep are relaxing in a sauna.  Rokk is noticeably absent.
“Too bad Rokk wouldn’t come along.”
“Well, he always was on to avoid temptation.”
“And now he’s a married man with a junior on the way.”
“I suppose if he ever loosened up, he wouldn’t be Rokk.”
“Yes.  And we need him.  We also need you, by the way.”
Jo confirms he’s in after he preps Fil to take control of the gang’s operations.  Jo also recommend Kono for membership: “She’s a little on the inexperienced side…maybe she’s got a tendency to get in over her head…she’s made a few one-point landings in her day, that’s for sure…but I’m tellin’ ya, Cham, with her power…the way she can shift mass between people and objects…anyone who crosses her knows they’ve been in a scrap…’course, she does pride herself on being a pain in the butt.”
Winath:  Roxxas has sent Blok’s remains to Graym. Fortunately, a worker intercepts the package and summons Garth.  The remains are accompanied by a note: “Dear little Graym, I understand your daddy likes to collect statues of dead heroes.  Well, see if you can put this one together, and give him a nice surprise! Hugs & kisses, your Uncle Roxxas”
Garth orders a transport loaded for Shanghalla: “He deserves a hero’s burial.”
The Dominators aren’t thrilled with the disposal of Blok’s remains: “As long as he was at it, why didn’t he just send half of it to Rrimborr?”
The issue ends with an optimistic Rokk: “Cham, Jo – Damn, they’re good men.  The best.  Just like the old days.  The galaxy’s taking a beating, that’s for sure.  It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter.  But look out…we’re coming back.”
The final few pages of the issue detail the past few years of Garth and Imra’s life.  The first article “Now Reaping a Golden Harvest, Lighting Has Struck Twice For The First Family of Winath” from the November 2994 edition of Interfaces Magazine details the success of the Ranzz family plantation. The duo started the plantation in 2991 and named it the Lightning Rings.  
The article also explains the cause of Garth’s limp:  The Validus Plague that ravaged Winath in 2990.  Garridan, formerly known as Validus, has tiny, complex bacteria in his blood that unleashed a plague that killed and disfigured numerous people. Garth and Imra founded the Validus Foundation to treat the victims of the plague.  The Foundation is headed by Mekt Ranzz.  Garridan is contained on Quarantine.  
Darkseid’s curse is the gift that keeps on giving, isn’t it?
This also explains the Coluan scolding Brainiac 5 for focusing his efforts on “one child”. Imra is a close friend of Querl – of course he’s going to drop everything to help her.
The Legionnaires keep Brainy very busy throughout the course of the series.
The second article, “An Overview of the Validus Plague on Winath” from the November 2993 edtion of “Xenobiology Update” fills in more details of the disease.
1)      Symptoms include fatigue, fever, joint and muscle pain, night chills, and weight loss, loss of muscle coordination, excruciating pain in the extremities with hypertrophy of the limbs and loss of function of the hands and feet, skeletal changes in the skull with enlargement and deterioration of cranial bones, blindness, paranoid delusions, uncontrolled mood changes, and insanity
2)      The later symptoms parallel the actual Validus monster: no visible eyes, a deformed and enlarged skull, and uncontrollable moods
3)      “Querl Dox joined the (U.P. Center for Disease Control) contingent en route to Winath.”
4)      Querl discovered the common factor between the cases: contact with Garridan Ranzz.
5)      “The bacteria is immediately and routinely destroyed by the immune systems of all races except for those reflecting the boy’s genetic heritage – Winathians and Titans. Darkseid is such a vindictive bastard! Garridan is designed to wipe out his parent’s home race.  I also find the plague a much more subtle and insidious curse than the actual monster Validus.  Everyone’s going to run from a rampaging monster but an innocent baby/child?  No one would see that coming!
6)      Graym, Garridan’s twin, is the only native of Winath or Titan to have certifiable immunity.
Onto the final, for real this time, page:
Shanghalla:  The page is narrated by three different voices.
“Awaken, my son.”
“It is I.”
“’m not your son…”
“As you wish.  My instrument.  My vessel.”
“…No, death spared me…that degradation…”
“You have been spared nothing.  Yours is not the sleep of death.”
“Huhn?  Father?!  Father?! Where am I?!
“Father, save me! Please save me!”
“Yes, yes, my child. We shall arise, do not fear.”
“…No!...Don’t give in to the dread…”
“I’m suffocating, father, suffocating!  Save me!”
“…Pleae, no…cost too great…don’t give in to him…”
“I don’t want to die!”
“And you shall not!  “Arise, my child!”
“…please, no…”
“Arise! I command it!”
A tomb inscribed with “Lar Gand. Mon-El.  Beloved Husband.  Noble Hero.” explodes.  A figure is seen emerging from the wreckage.
More on the above conversation in the next post.
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cbilluminati · 8 years
The Titan of comics has some great titles on sale this week, and we have a look at them for you. Here’s the Titan Comics Previews for 1-25-2017.
Writer / Artist: Dennis Calero Letterer: Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt COVER A: Dennis Calero COVER B: Ian Culbard COVER C: Abigail Larson
With the reality of his situation now almost preternaturally clear to Dre, there is only one possible course of action… he needs to get away from Abstergo.
With no clue how to do this, he lets his instincts take over, and finds that he has hidden depths he never knew of… and skills he couldn’t have imagined!
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
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Writer: George Mann Artist: Alan Quah Colorist: Komikaki Studio feat. Sean Lee & Kevin Liew Letterer: Rob Steen COVER A: Alan Quah COVER B: John McCrea COVER C: Christopher Mitten
While held prisoner by the fearsome Duke Etinger, Andred learns more about his enigmatic benefactor, some hard truths concerning his distant quarry and the means by which to escape the frigid realm of Parnathia.
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-26 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-26 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-26 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-26 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: Jerry Frissen Artist: Peter Snejbjerg COVER A: Simone Di Meo COVER B: Nick Percival COVER C: John McCrea
The monstrous aliens have awoken, and they plan to wipe out humanity! Can the immortal Helius stop them, as he once did before? This time, the enemy has had centuries to plan their attack… and they can influence the minds of their prey! Could this truly be the end of days?
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
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Writer: Serge Lehman Artist: Stephane Crety Inker: Julien Hugonnard-Bert Colorist: Gaétan Georges Letterer: Cat Connery Translated by: Edward Gauvi COVER A: John McCrea COVER B: Stéphane Crety COVER C: Julien Hugonnard-Bert
Paritropolis is overrun with anomalies, and the Prefect’s office has finally been spurred into action. As they gather a team of scientists to take action, Frank Braffort is being introduced to his future self. When he comes up against a former friend, he finds himself being truly tested once again.
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-28 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-28 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-28 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-28 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Ronilson Friere Colorist: Ming Sen & Dijjo Lima Letterer: Simon Bowland COVER A: John McCrea COVER B: Tom Mandrake COVER C: David Hitchcock
Having escaped from the insidious clutches of the Sect of Annubis, Angel now finds herself lost and alone on the streets of London, as she struggles to overcome the burgeoning power of the ancient Egyptian Priestess Nebulah’s soul as it fights for control of her mind. Meanwhile the Sect of Annubis and the Pyramid Club race against time to find her before the other can. For the Sect of Annubis, failure to find Angel will mean their most violent deaths at the hands of Ammit, the demon dog, while for the Pyramid Club, their failure could result in something far, far worse…
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-29 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-29 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-29 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-29 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: George Mann Artist: Tazio Bettin Colorist: Enrica Eren Anglolini Letterer: Rob Steen COVER A: Nick Percival COVER B: Tazio Bettin & Enrica Eren Anglolini COVER C: Rachael Stott COVER D: Ørjan Svendsen
From the universe of the ever-popular tabeltop miniatures wargame! By superstar writer George Mann (Warhammer novels, Dark Souls, Doctor Who)!
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-30 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-30 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-30 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-30 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: George Mann Artist: Rachael Stott, Mariano Laclaustra
On sale in bookstores: January 25
In the wake of Clara’s departure, the Doctor is flying solo – and finding just as much trouble, danger, and cosmic wonder as when the Impossible Girl was around! He’s seen the universe begin and end – and now all of time and space is his plaything. When there are innocents to save, vistas to savor, and a complete lack of savoir to faire, the twelfth Doctor will be there to challenge dictators, change the fate of whole worlds, and discover secrets hidden for millennia! Collects Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #6-10.
FC – $19.99 – On sale in comic stores: now
#gallery-0-31 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-31 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: Nick Abadzis Artist: Giorgia Sposito, Eleonora Carlini
On sale in bookstores: January 25
When Cindy, the Doctor, and Gabby battle an ancient Nocturne in New Orleans at the height of the Jazz Age, Cindy faces a deadly challenge that will leave her forever changed! Before they have a chance to digest the fallout from that encounter, the Tenth Doctor TARDIS team are pulled back to face the wrath of Anubis, who’s becoming more like his father, Sutekh, every day…!” Collects Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Two #11-14.
FC – $19.99 – On sale in comic stores: now
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via Titan Comics
Titan Comics Previews for 1-25-2017
The Titan of comics has some great titles on sale this week, and we have a look at them for you.
Titan Comics Previews for 1-25-2017 The Titan of comics has some great titles on sale this week, and we have a look at them for you.
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outright-geekery · 8 years
The Titan of comics has some great titles on sale this week, and we have a look at them for you. Here’s the Titan Comics Previews for 1-25-2017.
Writer / Artist: Dennis Calero Letterer: Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt COVER A: Dennis Calero COVER B: Ian Culbard COVER C: Abigail Larson
With the reality of his situation now almost preternaturally clear to Dre, there is only one possible course of action… he needs to get away from Abstergo.
With no clue how to do this, he lets his instincts take over, and finds that he has hidden depths he never knew of… and skills he couldn’t have imagined!
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-25 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-25 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-25 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-25 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: George Mann Artist: Alan Quah Colorist: Komikaki Studio feat. Sean Lee & Kevin Liew Letterer: Rob Steen COVER A: Alan Quah COVER B: John McCrea COVER C: Christopher Mitten
While held prisoner by the fearsome Duke Etinger, Andred learns more about his enigmatic benefactor, some hard truths concerning his distant quarry and the means by which to escape the frigid realm of Parnathia.
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-26 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-26 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-26 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-26 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: Jerry Frissen Artist: Peter Snejbjerg COVER A: Simone Di Meo COVER B: Nick Percival COVER C: John McCrea
The monstrous aliens have awoken, and they plan to wipe out humanity! Can the immortal Helius stop them, as he once did before? This time, the enemy has had centuries to plan their attack… and they can influence the minds of their prey! Could this truly be the end of days?
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-27 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-27 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-27 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-27 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: Serge Lehman Artist: Stephane Crety Inker: Julien Hugonnard-Bert Colorist: Gaétan Georges Letterer: Cat Connery Translated by: Edward Gauvi COVER A: John McCrea COVER B: Stéphane Crety COVER C: Julien Hugonnard-Bert
Paritropolis is overrun with anomalies, and the Prefect’s office has finally been spurred into action. As they gather a team of scientists to take action, Frank Braffort is being introduced to his future self. When he comes up against a former friend, he finds himself being truly tested once again.
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-28 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-28 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-28 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-28 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Ronilson Friere Colorist: Ming Sen & Dijjo Lima Letterer: Simon Bowland COVER A: John McCrea COVER B: Tom Mandrake COVER C: David Hitchcock
Having escaped from the insidious clutches of the Sect of Annubis, Angel now finds herself lost and alone on the streets of London, as she struggles to overcome the burgeoning power of the ancient Egyptian Priestess Nebulah’s soul as it fights for control of her mind. Meanwhile the Sect of Annubis and the Pyramid Club race against time to find her before the other can. For the Sect of Annubis, failure to find Angel will mean their most violent deaths at the hands of Ammit, the demon dog, while for the Pyramid Club, their failure could result in something far, far worse…
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-29 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-29 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-29 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-29 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: George Mann Artist: Tazio Bettin Colorist: Enrica Eren Anglolini Letterer: Rob Steen COVER A: Nick Percival COVER B: Tazio Bettin & Enrica Eren Anglolini COVER C: Rachael Stott COVER D: Ørjan Svendsen
From the universe of the ever-popular tabeltop miniatures wargame! By superstar writer George Mann (Warhammer novels, Dark Souls, Doctor Who)!
FC – 32pp – $3.99 – On sale: January 25
#gallery-0-30 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-30 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-30 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-30 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: George Mann Artist: Rachael Stott, Mariano Laclaustra
On sale in bookstores: January 25
In the wake of Clara’s departure, the Doctor is flying solo – and finding just as much trouble, danger, and cosmic wonder as when the Impossible Girl was around! He’s seen the universe begin and end – and now all of time and space is his plaything. When there are innocents to save, vistas to savor, and a complete lack of savoir to faire, the twelfth Doctor will be there to challenge dictators, change the fate of whole worlds, and discover secrets hidden for millennia! Collects Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #6-10.
FC – $19.99 – On sale in comic stores: now
#gallery-0-31 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-31 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Writer: Nick Abadzis Artist: Giorgia Sposito, Eleonora Carlini
On sale in bookstores: January 25
When Cindy, the Doctor, and Gabby battle an ancient Nocturne in New Orleans at the height of the Jazz Age, Cindy faces a deadly challenge that will leave her forever changed! Before they have a chance to digest the fallout from that encounter, the Tenth Doctor TARDIS team are pulled back to face the wrath of Anubis, who’s becoming more like his father, Sutekh, every day…!” Collects Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Two #11-14.
FC – $19.99 – On sale in comic stores: now
#gallery-0-32 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-32 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-32 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-32 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
via Titan Comics
Titan Comics Previews for 1-25-2017 The Titan of comics has some great titles on sale this week, and we have a look at them for you.
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