#cosmic alpha
cyncrovee · 27 days
I just tried the COSMIC DE and I'm quite impressed! Definitely stuff rough around the edges but overall it works fine and is really snappy, even on my relatively low-end laptop.
It's like if GNOME was good/lh
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the-wolf-and-moon · 1 year
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Alpha Camelopardalis, Runaway Star
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alpha-beta-gamer · 1 year
Lake Juniper is an epic cosmic horror adventure created entirely in PlayStation Dreams!
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aurelion-solar · 6 months
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Skarner VGU - Updated Splash Art Base - Battlecast Alpha - Sandscourge - Earthrune - Cosmic Sting - Guardian of the Sands
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 year
Spar: “Your aura… it’s like skittles.”
Alpha-17: “What the FUCK does that mean?”
Fordo: “I think it means you pass the vibe check.”
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
Eddie's mama always used to say that the night sky over Orion was the most beautiful sight in the Alpha Quadrant. She'd tuck him into her side at bedtime and tell him about the way the dim red lamps clustered in the markets never stopped you being able to see the bright stars and the swirling lights of the nearby nebula, so it was just a shimmering sea of red below and a shimmering sea of blue-purple-gold above, light and dark all mixed up together so you couldn’t tell the difference. 
Eddie's never laid eyes on it himself, but he always liked hearing her talk about it. He asked Wayne about it once or twice, when he was younger, but Wayne grew up like Eddie's old man: roaming around systems farther and farther from the Orion sector, following whatever work he could get. Eddie's old man was a sight less choosy about which jobs he'd take than Wayne was, which is why Eddie’s been living with Wayne for about as long as he can remember.
Starfleet offered to help Eddie relocate, after everything went down. They even offered to make sure he got to Orion okay, if he'd wanted it, to reconnect with his heritage or whatever.
He hadn't wanted it. But he also hadn't really wanted to stay where he’d been planetside, where his official job was helping Wayne out with the Starfleet Academy’s satellite campus canteen, and his unofficial job was procuring various not-Starfleet-approved odds and ends for cadets looking for something to help them weather the pressures of the Academy.
Commander Hopper, newly returned from the dead, had made it pretty damn clear that Eddie's sideline was no longer going to be an option, anyway. 
So he'd talked to Wayne, and he'd talked to Commander Hopper, and he'd even talked a little to Nancy Wheeler because she's smart as hell—everyone knows she's one of the top candidates for joining, and a symbiont is going to snatch her up any day now. 
After all that talking, he still doesn’t really know what to do, so Hopper sighs and tells him he doesn’t have to decide right away. 
“I just,” he says later, to Robin. “I don’t know what I’m doing here, but it’s not like I got any big plans somewhere else, either. Plus, everyone on the damn station still looks at me like I’m a murderer. Or at least Orion filth.”
Robin sort of gets it, a little bit, but she’s Starfleet. It’s different in uniform, even for half-Andorians who once crashed a runabout into the side of the base. 
“You could always apply to the Academy,” she says, but she’s got a grimace like she already knows that’s never gonna happen. Even if they’d take him, he’d have no chance of making it through the course, not when he’d squeaked through the standard Federation educational system by the skin of his teeth. He can’t really picture himself in the uniform anyway. Not his style at all. 
“Think those feral bat creatures gobbled up whatever mutant gland makes people want to join Starfleet,” he just says, pulling up his shirt and prodding at his wounds to make her laugh. 
Of course that’s when Steve Harrington walks in, when Eddie’s got his shirt hiked up around his armpits and all his shiny new scars are on full display.
The scars are still a lurid emerald going brownish-purple around the edges. When he’d first woken up in the medbay, he’d been told that they’d probably fade with time, but might never go away despite all the intensive dermal regeneration treatments he’s still going in for every week. He doesn’t mind so much, honestly; he’s never been too hung up on his looks. People who want to fuck an exotic, dangerous Orion aren’t exactly going to be put off by scars, so who knows? This might actually help him out a little in the dive bars he tends to haunt when he gets skin-hungry enough.
But it’s definitely not doing him any favors now, as Steve pauses in the doorway, looking kind of confused. Eddie quickly yanks his shirt back down, hiding a wince. Steve’s already seen him at his worst, Steve’s not a fucking option for a million reasons, so it’s not like it matters, but—anyway.
“Junior Lieutenant Harrington,” he says. “Heard about the promotion. Congrats.”
“Thanks,” says Steve. “I think it’s like, you get three or four concussions saving the station, and the system just puts the promotion through automatically.”
“I can’t wait to see what it takes for you to make Lieutenant, non-junior edition,” says Robin. “Do you think you’ll need to be in an actual coma?”
“Probably, at this rate,” Steve says, wandering over and leaning into her side companionably. “Don’t think anything’s really going to change aside from the pay, though.”
“Nah, just wait.” Eddie rocks back on his heels, grinning at Steve. “You’ll be battling evil wormhole monsters on perilous away missions and teaching alien babes how to love before you know it. The daring adventures of Spaceman Steve! Eat your heart out, James T. Kirk.”
“Henderson still thinks you’re gonna join up too,” says Steve.
“What, Starfleet? Where the hell’d he get that idea?”
“Ugh, we were just talking about that,” groans Robin. “Eddie’s still being stubborn about it.”
Eddie crosses his arms. “Wheeler’s on my side.”
“No shit, Eddie. You’re his…game lord, or whatever.” 
“What—no, dumbass, like I’d ever ask Cadet Wheeler for advice. Nancy goddamn Wheeler agrees I’d make a shit Starfleet officer, so there. Besides,” Eddie says, shifting a little uncomfortably. “I dunno if I could handle not living planetside. I know you guys have missions and stuff, but it’s not the same, is it? You live on a floating hunk of metal, like, ninety-nine percent of your life. Don’t know if that’s for me.”
“Didn’t figure you for the kind of guy who wanted to put down roots,” says Steve.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “It’s not about roots. Don’t you ever feel weird about not living somewhere…you know, real? Everything around you is made exactly for you.”
“And that’s…bad?” says Steve. His brow’s furrowed like he’s actually asking. 
“Not if you don’t think it is.” Eddie shrugs. “I just don’t think it works for me.”
“Okay, yeah, we get it,” says Robin. “You’re off to the next adventure, whatever that ends up being. Better cash in your chips soon, though; Hopper’s not gonna have that recently-reanimated pull forever.” 
Steve frowns thoughtfully. “What about running, like, a transport ship or whatever? Is that weird with the, uh, pirate thing?”
“Little bit,” says Eddie. “But that’s…not the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” 
Actually, the more he thinks about it, the better it sounds. Some shiny little skiff, just big enough for him and some cargo, zipping around from planet to satellite to base, hanging out in random ports. It’ll be a little rough to go solo, and jobs might be a little scarcer than they’d be for a human or something, but then again, he’s used to that. 
No, it’s not the worst idea he’s ever heard.
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louiseazy · 6 months
Red vs Blue Season 17 Swear Count
Their is 103* swears in total this season (*if you don't count shinso) and the first swear was said by Tucker.
Swears used:
tits, cock once; crap, bastard twice; dick 7; ass 10; damn, bitch 14; shit 15; fuck 37
Last place non-swearers Lopez, cosmic powers and Caboose
11th place is a tie Doc and Church(being dead 3 times over couldn't stop him) with 1
10th place is Felix with 2
9th place is Chrovos with 3
8th place is Huggins* with 4
7th place is Simmons with 5
6th place is Sarge with 6
5th place is a tie Sister and Carolina with 9
4th place is Donut* with 10
3rd place is Washington with 11
2nd place is a tie Tucker* and Genkins* with 13
1st place is Grif with 16
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grem-archive · 2 years
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<< see you space cowboy >>
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alphaofdarkness · 2 months
Hi! What is your all time favorite song and why? 👀
Hello my dear friend @theangrypomeranian ! 👀💜🫂 I hope you are doing well!
Omg favorite all time song ah,,, I have to say Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine. It just resonates so deeply within me, the amount of ideas that flow through my mind when I hear it is just ✨ out of this world for lack of a better term.
Celestial, freeing, up lifting, like I can fly above the sky, life changing in the span of 3 minutes,
It takes me away, it sends me into my silly stories and ideas from my original Legendary Wolf Warrior stories, to my Digimon Au, to even recently thinking of an animatic of Sabine from Star Wars Rebels from the start of her life to where she is right now in the Ahsoka series with it. I literally tend to lose myself in the song, I mean it happens with a lot with many songs in general, but this one most definitely resonates so deeply with me that any of my ocs/self inserts inspired in likeness of me has this as their main song theme 💜🥹
I genuinely have no idea when or where I heard it, I feel like it may have been that Voltron AMV video I saw long ago (it is such a great video edit with the song honestly 👀✨ highly recommend seeing it!) or it may have been earlier, I can’t remember 🥹 pero bueno ✨ I know there was also a recent Warrior cat’s MAP made with Bluestar 💙 it was so good!
I highly recommend the listen if you haven’t heard it already 😊💜
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harkingspot · 2 years
i love tamiko/ab and want nothing more but for them to be happy n in love BUT CONSIDER‼️‼️
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oh also this screenshot is so 🤨🤨🤨
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mnh-art · 2 years
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Did you know I have even more Sonic OCs
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sibylance · 2 years
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Alpha Lupi - Avatar of the Void (class), Original denizen of the Garden, and Keeper of the Lost
Did some tweaks to the original design of Alpha Lupi to include more elements of the Winnower design as they respect both Light and Dark (but ultimately chose the Gardener's side in the conflict)
Alpha Lupi has one offspring, Polaris, who serves as her eyes in the outside world whilst she slumbers. Size is subject to change but she is most definitely LORGE compared to humanity.
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the-wolf-and-moon · 2 years
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Alpha Librae, Binary Star
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skarlette1 · 2 years
The Ynfiniti Phallus - Part Three
Libidos reveled in the power over reality she gained from the Ynfiniti Phallus. With a twitch of her cunt, she could have even her greatest foes at her mercy. Yes, she would do exactly that! Nudging the Phallus deeper into her dripping vortex, Libidos summoned the members of the Libido League before her. The heroines that had stopped  so many of Libidos’ grand schemes now primped and posed at her…
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aurelion-solar · 6 months
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Skarner VGU - New vs Old Splash Art Comparison
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