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cyncrovee · 7 months ago
I just tried the COSMIC DE and I'm quite impressed! Definitely stuff rough around the edges but overall it works fine and is really snappy, even on my relatively low-end laptop.
It's like if GNOME was good/lh
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dibelonious · 4 months ago
System76's Cosmic has the potential to take over the Linux World when we talk about desktop environment. It's blazing fast and cool, especially the brand new version written in Rust. I am sure my next laptop will be made by System76.
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southernspiritnorthernheart · 7 months ago
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I really like what I see with System76. I’ve been playing around with Pop! OS for a while now and I really like it. The feel of both the OS and the company takes me back to the heady days of the 90s and early aughts in a very positive way.
As Microsoft, Google, and, sadly, Apple all have turned out to be in bed with government and anti both freedom and humanity, we all have to look for where to go next. System76 looks very good to me so far.
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kelleyskovron · 11 months ago
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mountmortar · 10 months ago
i love how i put 40GB of RAM on my personal laptop knowing damn well that i'm never going need that much RAM for anything
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gizchinaes · 3 months ago
System76 Pangolin: potente portátil Linux con Ryzen 9 8945HS y hasta 96GB de RAM
El System76 Pangolin se presenta como un portátil elegante y ligero, pensado para aquellos usuarios que buscan una experiencia informática potente en un dispositivo con una pantalla sustancial. Con un procesador AMD, este equipo permite a sus usuarios elegir entre diversas distribuciones de GNU/Linux, destacando Ubuntu y Pop!_OS. Desde su lanzamiento inicial en 2020, System76 ha realizado…
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kradeelav · 1 year ago
What are your favorite brushes?
Ha, you timed that well as I was considering making a 'what tools do I use' post. information wants to be free and all of that ~
Before I get into specific brushes, I need to mention hardware. Two years ago i switched permanently to linux (Ubuntu distro), via a system76 laptop. Linux isn't for the tech-fainthearted, but if you hav a passion for playing with computers and are feeling increasingly constricted with the subscription BS that mac/win is pushing, consider giving it a trial run.
Krita is an open-sourced free paint/vector program that's available on all major OS's (win/mac/linux), but is by far the best one for linux. Frankly, I adore Krita; it reminds me of the best of paint tool SAI way back in the day, a little of photoshop CS2, and I just discovered in the past two weeks it's got some deceptively powerful vector tools for speech bubbles and comics. open source programs used to be pretty pathetic compared to "professional" ones but the gap between krita and say, CSP is pretty nil.
Now to talk brushes: I uploaded a slightly older version of my go-to brushes here on mediafire, some which have been slightly tweaked from krita defaults. there's a solid pen one, a halftone brush, and some watercolor ones.
however, I discovered these brushes (thanks to @am-herrington) a few months ago and am convinced the linked newer brushes are going to make everything else I have obsolete - the natural/textural inking is just that good. tl;dr - just grab these.
some other odds and ends to my process: i could not draw without the hydrus network which is essentially a booru-esque media organizing program. stores gifs, images, can mass-download images, and has a robust tagging ability. taco's drawing book is one of the one I'll also reliably flip through when my brain's trying to figure out a piece of tricky anatomy. lastly, blambot is my trusted go-to font store when I'm in need of a manga/comics related font; there's some very generous pricing and freebies for indie comics.
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rabbiteclair · 2 months ago
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Pop OS. partially because I figured an Ubuntu derivative would give me better odds of getting useful results on a search like '<distro here> youtube videos freezing', partially because after my last two laptops, System76 actively supporting right to repair sounded pretty appealing
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evil-ubuntu · 5 months ago
My pastime is installing windows on system76 hardware
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ursineknight · 4 months ago
PC building plans are being pushed up because a Discord call plus two Firefox windows maxed my CPU usage, lmao
Also, @aseaofsquids reminded me of the potential tariffs come January 2024, so bleugh.
I DO have PC Part Picker open, but I also have System76 open, too...
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daemonhxckergrrl · 7 months ago
im in the market for a laptop and hate windows, do you have a recommendation for laptops that dont mind linux on them(not sure what specific flavor of OS yet likely debian/arch). I have heard old thinkpads are good for this sort of thing but i dont know where to start
thinkpads are a solid choice - and the newer ones also work just fine w/ linux (though, like most modern devices, lack the upgradability of older models).
another option would be something from system76.
tbh i've had pretty good success across most laptops - one of the biggest things is wifi card, but they tend to be one of the few parts you can still replace on a modern laptop.
oh, the other thing that can be an issue is hybrid graphics. i've not had any experience w/ that so can't really advise you
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ubuntu-official · 10 months ago
System76 are like the only people who can make GNOME actually good.
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dibelonious · 7 months ago
Is System76 the Apple of the Linux world?
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southernspiritnorthernheart · 8 months ago
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hackernewsrobot · 8 months ago
Cosmic: A New Desktop Environment
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corvuscorona · 2 years ago
shopping for a laptop. obviously I will be slapping linux on it immediately if it comes with anything else. checked out a bunch of brands; asus lenovo whatever they happen to have at costco (I don't believe people who say dell is worthwhile in 2023, tho). checked out everywhere that does linux-first machines (there are a handful of these places now!). most of them are more expensive and/or in europe but at least the configuration interface makes it slightly easier to understand what specs you'll be working with. (SLIGHTLY.)
I approach these with an amount of skepticism because, like, whatever, but also laptops seem like largely unpredictable nightmares compared to PCs you build yourself [1] and it's not like I DON'T want to give money to someone who's doing Linux Computers TM instead of someone shipping windows god damn fucking eleven. But also I don't want fucking 13th gen (THEY RUN TOO HOT. LEAVE ME ALONE) and it's easier to get older [2] processors when you're not shopping on a website catering specifically to nerds? [3]
This post is actually not "about" "this" but my point is I kind of landed on the system76 pangolin, which IS a Linux-first object (with 12th-gen hardware right now altho it is AMD which I say not because I'm an intel-head or anything but just because I Have Never Had Thos, but then again I have never shopped for a laptop before either so whatever), and also is like REALLY affordable compared to everything else in its general class I've been looking at, which is neat but anyway my POINT
is that in multiple places now I have seen ppl mention that the biggest downside. they perceive. of this computer. is that it has a barrel charger instead of thunderbolt, which.
BARREL CHARGER: round. nondirectional. easy to locate the port. bending it would take a feat of on-purpose strength.
THUNDERBOLT: thinnest fucking flimsiest fucking roundtangle I've ever met; can only be plugged in 2 ways; port is TINY and the weight of the cord makes it feel like I'm bending the fucking plug JUST by having it do its ONE JOB.
[1] I say this as someone who had The Stupidest Driver Problem On Planet Earth immediately upon starting her newly-built PC + did not solve it for like a week or two. I think about the potential for Weird Laptop Problems and I Become Scared.
[2] Literally I just want alder lake. To Be Honest With You; "older" I hate computers.
[3] I'd say "SYSTEM76 I AM LOOKING AT YOU" but, well !!!
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