#cosimo medici
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yxxxxxx1 · 7 months ago
To his wife Clarice at Florence Milan, 22 July 1469
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I have arrived here safely and am well. I am sure this will please you more than any other news save that of my return, judging by my own feelings of longing for you and for home. Make much of Piero, Mona Contessina, and Mona Lucrezia. I shall hasten to finish here and return to you, for it seems to me a thousand years since I saw you. Pray to God for me, and if you want anything from here let me know, so long as I have not already left. -From Milan, July 22, 1469
Source: Lorenzo de' Medici, Selected Poems and Prose
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lesbicastagna · 1 year ago
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went down a rabbit hole of this subject.
Filippo Lippi, painter and carmelitan friar, and Lucrezia Buti, a nun, meet and fall in love while she poses as model for an altarpiece. Classic.
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periodcostumefantasylover · 27 days ago
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Maximus Gladiator armor in 4k
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gulnarsultan · 1 year ago
Yandere Lorenzo De Medici and Yandere Cosimo De Medici with Mistress reader who pregnant
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◇ Yandere Lorenzo De Medici and his pregnant mistress reader.
~ Soon after Lorenzo meets you, your fate is sealed.
~ This man definitely makes you fall in love with him with his intelligence.
~ He takes you as his mistress. He doesn't care what his wife and others say.
~ You will truly live like a Queen and be treated like one.
~ You will have the best food and care.
~The best doctors in childbirth will take care of you.
~ You will be very pampered financially. You will have the most expensive dresses and jewelry.
~ It will legitimize every child you give birth to. Children will also have the best life.
◇ Yandere Cosimo De Medici and his pregnant mistress reader.
~ When Cosimo saw you, he decided that you were meant to be together.
~ Thanks to his cunning, it is not difficult for him to make you his mistress.
~ He spoils you financially to the fullest.
~ If you have art or any other hobby, he will support you.
~ He is very careful about your health until birth.
~ You will live in a luxury castle with women enough to be in the same Palace or as a neighbor.
~ Every child you give birth to will be legitimized.
~ He won't listen to anything his legal wife or anyone else has to say about you.
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sforzesco · 7 months ago
Hello you seem to be the medici guy. May I ask for recommendations, books, ect, on how to get more into learning about them without it feeling utterly overwhelming? There’s so much and I have no idea where to start
you might have me confused with someone else, I'm a Sforza Family Enthusiast and Medici Hater
uhhhhhhh that said, I'd recommend picking one of the Big Two (Cosimo, Lorenzo), narrow it down by whatever subject interests you most (arts, banking, politics) and go forwards or backwards from there, probably
additionally, Mary Hollingsworth's The Medici as a general overview to the whole family, and The Medici Women (N. Tomas)
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royalty-nobility · 1 month ago
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Cosimo II de’ Medici with his Wife, Maria Maddalena of Austria and their son, Ferdinando II
Artist: Justus Sustermans (Flemish, 1597-1681)
Date: c. 1640
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: The Uffizi Galleries, Florence, Italy
Recorded in Medici inventories since 1666, with the correct reference to Sustermans, this family portrait brings together Cosimo II, grand duke of Florence from 1609 to 1621, Maria Maddalena of Austria, and Ferdinando II, ruler from 1628 to 1670.
The canvas seems to be a dynastic commemoration in honour of Cosimo II, a cultured, balanced ruler, with the allegory for Justice on his armour - perhaps in reference to the symbolic role of exemplum virtutis, which inspired both Maria Maddalena in her capacity as regent and Ferdinando, his legitimate successor.
The portrait also stands out for its extraordinary display of clothing and jewels, which are also extremely interesting in terms of costume history. The grand duchess is wearing a black dress with a petticoat in silver and gold, topped with a wide lace collar. Ferdinando wears a cloak with the cross of the Knights of St Stephen, an order created and supported by his great-grandfather, Cosimo I. The most interesting piece is the tiara in pearls and precious stones worn by Maria Maddalena, set with the Fiorentino, a 138-carat diamond purchased by Ferdinando I in 1601 and preserved among the Medici treasures until the end of the dynasty. It was taken to Vienna, where it remained in the imperial collection until the early 19th century, before disappearing into nothing, perhaps to make other gems or just sold and since then, nothing more is known about it.
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illustratus · 2 years ago
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Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici (detail) by Bronzino
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marytudorqueenofengland · 1 year ago
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Portrait painting of Mary I of England in Florence Italy . According Peter Stiffell, the original owner of this image (@PStiffell) it was Commissioned by Cosimo I de Medici.
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It's me, Hi, I'm the problem it's me
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It must be so exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
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Francesco and Clarice were friends and you can't change my mind
Clarice helping with Francesco's marriage
Francesco being Piero's godfather
Francesco shutting down ANY violence towards Clarice
They were friends.
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tragediambulante · 1 year ago
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Portrait of Cosimo I de'Medici, Pontormo (Jacopo Carucci), about 1538
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marvelous-alexa · 10 months ago
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felipe-v-fanblog · 10 months ago
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Holy Family with Vittoria della Rovere as Mother with her son Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany - Justus Sustermans.
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Copy of the XIX century.
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sforzesco · 9 months ago
reading about cosimo de medici and rinaldo degli albizzi and it’s become a real Bite Each Other’s Dicks Off situation
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 2 years ago
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Bronzino (Italian, 1503-1572) Cosimo I de' Medici (1519–1574), n.d. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New-York
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rinascimentoebarocco · 2 months ago
Agnolo Bronzino - Maria (di Cosimo I) de' Medici, 1551
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(English / Español / Italiano)
Maria de Cosimo de' Medici, also known as Maria Lucrezia, was born on 3 April 1540 in Livorno, Italy. She was the eldest daughter of the 2nd Duke of Florence, Cosimo I de' Medici, and his wife, Leonor Alvarez de Toledo. Maria was the first of eleven legitimate children of the marriage.
From birth, Maria was brought up as a true princess. She lived with her parents in the Palazzo Vecchio, where she received a thorough education. Among his tutors were Pierfrancesco Riccio and Antonio Angeli da Barga, and he is said to have been fluent in Spanish, taught by his mother and various teachers.
At an early age, her marriage to Alfonso II of Este was planned. However, the marriage never took place because Maria contracted malaria and died on 19 November 1557 in Livorno, aged 17. Her death was a devastating blow to her family.
A beautiful portrait by Agnolo Bronzino remains of Maria when she was about eight years old. This portrait is preserved in the Uffizi Gallery and is one of the most solemn, emphasising the dark colours of the costume and the background.
Her remains are buried in the oratory of the Fortezza di Livorno. Despite her short life, Maria is remembered as an important figure in the history of the Medici family and her portrait remains a masterpiece of Renaissance art.
Maria de Cosimo de' Medici is a tragic figure whose life and death left an indelible mark on her family and on Florentine culture. Her story is a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of family in Renaissance society.
María de Cosme de Médici, también conocida como María Lucrecia, nació el 3 de abril de 1540 en Livorno, Italia. Era la hija mayor del II Duque de Florencia, Cosme I de Médici, y su esposa, Leonor Álvarez de Toledo. María fue la primera de once hijos legítimos del matrimonio.
Desde su nacimiento, María fue educada como una verdadera princesa. Vivió con sus padres en el Palazzo Vecchio, donde recibió una educación esmerada. Entre sus tutores estaban Pierfrancesco Riccio y Antonio Angeli da Barga, y se dice que hablaba con fluidez el español, enseñado por su madre y diferentes profesores.
A una temprana edad, se planeó su matrimonio con Alfonso II de Este. Sin embargo, el matrimonio nunca se concretó debido a que María contrajo malaria y falleció el 19 de noviembre de 1557 en Livorno, a los 17 años. Su muerte fue un golpe devastador para su familia.
De María queda un precioso retrato realizado por Agnolo Bronzino cuando tenía alrededor de ocho años. Este retrato se conserva en la Galería de los Uffizi y es uno de los más solemnes, destacando los colores oscuros del traje y el fondo.
Sus restos están sepultados en el oratorio de la Fortezza di Livorno. A pesar de su corta vida, María es recordada como una figura importante en la historia de la familia Médici y su retrato sigue siendo una obra maestra del arte renacentista.
María de Cosme de Médici es una figura trágica cuya vida y muerte dejaron una marca indeleble en su familia y en la cultura florentina. Su historia es un recordatorio de la fragilidad de la vida y la importancia de la familia en la sociedad renacentista.
Maria de Cosimo de' Medici, nota anche come Maria Lucrezia, nacque il 3 aprile 1540 a Livorno. Era la figlia maggiore del II Duca di Firenze, Cosimo I de' Medici, e di sua moglie, Leonor Alvarez de Toledo. Maria fu la prima degli undici figli legittimi del matrimonio.
Fin dalla nascita, Maria fu educata come una vera principessa. Visse con i genitori a Palazzo Vecchio, dove ricevette un'educazione accurata. Tra i suoi precettori c'erano Pierfrancesco Riccio e Antonio Angeli da Barga, e si dice che conoscesse bene lo spagnolo, insegnato dalla madre e da vari maestri.
In giovane età fu progettato il suo matrimonio con Alfonso II d'Este. Tuttavia, il matrimonio non ebbe mai luogo perché Maria contrasse la malaria e morì il 19 novembre 1557 a Livorno, all'età di 17 anni. La sua morte fu un colpo devastante per la sua famiglia.
Di Agnolo Bronzino resta un bellissimo ritratto di Maria all'età di circa otto anni. Questo ritratto, conservato nella Galleria degli Uffizi, è uno dei più solenni e mette in risalto i colori scuri del costume e dello sfondo.
Le sue spoglie sono sepolte nell'oratorio della Fortezza di Livorno. Nonostante la sua breve vita, Maria è ricordata come una figura importante nella storia della famiglia Medici e il suo ritratto rimane un capolavoro dell'arte rinascimentale.
Maria di Cosimo de' Medici è una figura tragica, la cui vita e morte hanno lasciato un segno indelebile nella sua famiglia e nella cultura fiorentina. La sua storia ci ricorda la fragilità della vita e l'importanza della famiglia nella società rinascimentale.
Source: Historia AI
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