#cosimo i
emaadsidiki · 1 month
Duke of Florence
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tiny-librarian · 3 months
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Royal Birthdays for today, June 12th:
Reizei, Emperor of Japan, 950
Gaozong of Song, Emperor of China, 1107
Constance, Duchess of Brittany, 1161
Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1519
Anna of Württemberg, Duchess of Legnica, 1561
John Casimir, Duke of Saxe-Coburg, 1564
Karl Emich, Prince of Leiningen, 1952
Sibylla, Princess of Luxembourg, 1968
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Bronzino (Italian, 1503-1572) Portrait of a Girl (perhaps Isabella de Reinosa), c.1540-41.
Possibly the first of the ladies in waiting of the Spanish wife of Cosimo I, Eleonora de Toledo.
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carloskaplan · 2 years
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Bronzino: Bia de Medici, filha natural de Cosimo I (ca. 1542)
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spice-hill · 1 year
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Bust of Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany
About 1572
Giovanni Bandini
Located at The Detroit Institute of Art
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michelangelob · 2 months
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: "che la scala si facesse di legname"
Io avrei voluto una bella scalinata in legno di noce per raccordare il Vestibolo della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana al salone di lettura. È così che l’avevo pensata ed è così che l’avevo progettata ma non come fu realizzata. Il legno è un materiale caldo, accogliente e che invoglia al raccoglimento intimo. Così come i quadroni del soffitto e i banchi li avevo disegnati per essere intagliati…
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lesbicastagna · 9 months
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went down a rabbit hole of this subject.
Filippo Lippi, painter and carmelitan friar, and Lucrezia Buti, a nun, meet and fall in love while she poses as model for an altarpiece. Classic.
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storiearcheostorie · 2 years
RESTAURI / A tu per tu con Cosimo I: al via a Firenze le visite guidate al cantiere della statua, opera del Giambologna
#RESTAURI / A tu per tu con #Cosimo I: al via a #Firenze le visite guidate al cantiere della statua, opera del #Giambologna
Un’occasione unica per vedere da vicino la rinascita di una delle principali opere di Piazza della Signoria. Fino al termine dei lavori, sarà possibile visitare il cantiere degli interventi di restauro alla statua equestre di Cosimo I de’ Medici, opera bronzea del Giambologna, commissionata da Ferdinando I de’ Medici. Sotto la guida degli esperti di Cooperativa Archeologia, esecutori dei lavori…
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brother-emperors · 2 months
Hello you seem to be the medici guy. May I ask for recommendations, books, ect, on how to get more into learning about them without it feeling utterly overwhelming? There’s so much and I have no idea where to start
you might have me confused with someone else, I'm a Sforza Family Enthusiast and Medici Hater
uhhhhhhh that said, I'd recommend picking one of the Big Two (Cosimo, Lorenzo), narrow it down by whatever subject interests you most (arts, banking, politics) and go forwards or backwards from there, probably
additionally, Mary Hollingsworth's The Medici as a general overview to the whole family, and The Medici Women (N. Tomas)
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gulnarsultan · 10 months
Yandere Lorenzo De Medici and Yandere Cosimo De Medici with Mistress reader who pregnant
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◇ Yandere Lorenzo De Medici and his pregnant mistress reader.
~ Soon after Lorenzo meets you, your fate is sealed.
~ This man definitely makes you fall in love with him with his intelligence.
~ He takes you as his mistress. He doesn't care what his wife and others say.
~ You will truly live like a Queen and be treated like one.
~ You will have the best food and care.
~The best doctors in childbirth will take care of you.
~ You will be very pampered financially. You will have the most expensive dresses and jewelry.
~ It will legitimize every child you give birth to. Children will also have the best life.
◇ Yandere Cosimo De Medici and his pregnant mistress reader.
~ When Cosimo saw you, he decided that you were meant to be together.
~ Thanks to his cunning, it is not difficult for him to make you his mistress.
~ He spoils you financially to the fullest.
~ If you have art or any other hobby, he will support you.
~ He is very careful about your health until birth.
~ You will live in a luxury castle with women enough to be in the same Palace or as a neighbor.
~ Every child you give birth to will be legitimized.
~ He won't listen to anything his legal wife or anyone else has to say about you.
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emaadsidiki · 1 month
Cosimo de Medici by Giovanni da Bologna
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illustratus · 1 year
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Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici (detail) by Bronzino
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Portrait painting of Mary I of England in Florence Italy . According Peter Stiffell, the original owner of this image (@PStiffell) it was Commissioned by Cosimo I de Medici.
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Francesco and Clarice were friends and you can't change my mind
Clarice helping with Francesco's marriage
Francesco being Piero's godfather
Francesco shutting down ANY violence towards Clarice
They were friends.
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Lorezno season 2: We can find a peaceful solution
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Lorenzo season 3: Fuck around and Find out
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michelangelob · 11 months
La Scultura del giorno: il Busto di Cosimo I del Cellini
La scultura del giorno che vi propongo oggi è il Busto in bronzo di Cosimo I de’ Medici realizzato da Benvenuto Cellini fra il 1545 e il 1548. L’arista si mise al lavoro sull’opera negli stessi anni in cui stava lavorando al celeberrimo Perseo. La sua fusione è documentata nell’anno 1546 mentre per attendere la completa nettatura si dovrà attendere il febbraio del 1547. Il 15 novembre del 1557…
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