#corssover au
nono-uwu · 1 year
Starting off my silly little ons x prsk crossover au with introducing the vamps >:) ignore the varying levels of quality thanks
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Extra info and timeline utc (kinda incoherent be warned)
First, physical ages yes
15 years: Mizuki, Nene, Minori
16 years: Rui, Shizuku
17 years: Kanade
Timeline (no dates bc i am lazy)
* Vamps are born as humans lmao
* Rui and Nene are neighbours
* Rui and Mizuki meet and become friends when Mizuki is 14 and Rui is 15, Nene also meets Mizuki
* Mizuki (now 15) has to leave the place they live in (sadge)
* In their new area, Mizuki only hears about Kanade but they don't meet until later
* Elsewhere, Shizuku and Minori live in the same place but they never properly meet due to their different statuses (Minori is a commoner and Shizuku is idk some kind of high status)
* Everyone gets turned into vampires around the same time
* Mizuki properly meets Kanade and they become friends
* Mizuki/Kanade and Rui/Nene meet eachother agains, now as vampires and they decide to stay together
* Elsewhere, Shizuku and Minori meet as newly turned vampires and become friends
* Some time later they all meet eachother and form an impromptu show troupe to get by
* They gather some fame but have to stop once their superhuman abilities and looks get obvious (this is when Ferid discovers them)
* They continue under different aliases until a bit before apocalypse happens and Ferid picks them up
general shenanigans
- they're like a dumpsterfire polycule
- They're all eachothers biggest supporters and also enablers <3
- They're almost always together
- The show troupe functioned so: Rui was the director and did props, stage mechanics and also acting. Nene, Minori and Shizuku all mainly did acting. Mizuki made the costumes and also acted when needed. Kanade did the music and maybe acted as a disembodied/off stage voice
- It's mainly his enabling that they can do all their silly stuff in Sangiuem post apocalypse
- They're part of Ferid's faction
- He just found it fascinating that vampires can stay so... livley
- It's bc they've been gazed upon by Hatsune Miku herself btw
- It was mainly Rui, Shizuku and Kanade that caught Ferid's eye but he had to take Kanade, Nene and Minori too bc they're a package deal
- Only Shizuku knew proper swordplay or fighting bc of her human upbringing so Ferid arranged Crowley to teach the rest hehe
- Shizuku's way of teaching just didn't work it's okay she tried her best
- Mizuki and Rui picked it up fairly quickly, Minori and Nene struggled a bit but Kanade... yeah she's a lost cause
- This ends up with them spending a fair bit of time around Crowley (and by extention Chess and Horn) so they become aquianted, kinda?
- Minori and Nene are still really intimidated by them, Mizuki and Kanade only a little and Rui and Shizuku are completley fearless
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clocklyfox2008 · 2 years
Suppose to post this last night but got too tired soooo welp
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Anyway yes crossover AU on JSAB and AvA/AvM wondering how I gonna do this right? Well... better thank AvLoL for giving me an idea for this so yep definitely gonna do the others.
Also @soulxsg
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sweetsachiko · 6 months
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confession-session · 3 months
TF2 x Inside Out 2
So I just saw Inside Out 2 AND ALMOST FUCKING CRIED that movie hit me THAT hard
so yall know of course my first thought was to combine it with my longstanding hyperfixation
Joy - Demo
Sadness - Pyro
Anger - Soldier
Fear - Medic
Disgust - Sniper
Anxiety - Engie
Envy - Scout
Ennui - Spy (french nonchalance for the win)
Embarrassment - Heavy
may change!! but these are my hcs for now
i might make fanart... if i can get my motivation to cooperate pls
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lazymonth · 2 years
Behold! DJ subatomic mysternova
( Spiderman x NSR )
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Dj ss and Mysterio have a lot of same thing, like high ego kinda dramatic and glass ball, well It give me a idea about this
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cicada-wisp · 2 months
ok but what if Abby from the FNaF movie in OMORI
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junsei-alke · 9 months
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keyframe n. a moment that seemed innocuous at the time but ended up marking a diversion into a strange new era of your life—set in motion not by a series of jolting epiphanies but by tiny imperceptible differences between one ordinary day and the next, until entire years of your memory can be compressed into a handful of indelible images—which prevents you from rewinding the past, but allows you to move forward without endless buffering
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“—And then Usagi-san threw him off the bridge! It was bogus!” A boyish voice dramatically informed the alligator mutant about his latest adventure over a tablet.
The boyish voice talking over the tablet is Michelangelo Hamato, Leatherhead’s best friend. Let it be known that the Hamatos’ and the Mutanimals decided a tablet is more suitable for Slash and Leatherhead as a gadget of communication. The two giant mutants won’t have to mind their strength or how small apps or texts are. 
Leatherhead let out a hum, “Didn’t Usagi say this Jade is immortal?” 
“Jei,” The orange-clad turtle corrected, “And he did! Maybe Usagi-san got his info wrong or Jei just bluff, or he just gets rebirth kind of immortality,” Michelangelo theorized.
“From your hectic adventure, I’m glad you returned safely, my friend,” The older mutant honestly thought the worst when the turtles were gone without notice. For some enemy managing to kidnap his friends without struggle…
Through the screen, Michelangelo winced, “Sorry, but couldn’t really do much when we’re spiritually summoned to another dimension by a blind fake immortal wolf,” The nun-chuck wielder joked weakly.
“Just how long were we gone?” Michelangelo asked quietly,  “Cuz, I didn’t have to check when I have an awesome story to tell my two besties!” The turtle cheerfully added. At the edge of the screen, you can see a yellow bowl and can hear a faint meow.
A small smile formed on Leatherhead but inwardly he was frowning as well. His friend, in true ninja form, is great at misdirection. “Almost a week, my friend”.
The smallest mutant turtle's eyes widen, “Really? It was like—three days for us,” Michelangelo compared with a faraway look.
Leatherhead pressed his teeth together, to anyone who doesn’t know the mutant, they would say he’s restraining himself from eating something, but his expression is equivalent to a human pressing their lips together, a sign of displeasure. The alligator was about to change the topic, as he didn’t like the faraway look on Michelangelo’s normally bright face, but someone beat him to the punch. 
“Mikey! I need your help!” Donatello called out, snapping Michelangelo’s trance.
“Coming Dee! Sorry Leatherhead, I’ll talk to you later,” The turtle apologized, as he moved the screen to a mutant ice cream cat, “Talk with Ice Cream Kitty! You guys haven’t talked since forever!”
“… How’s the freezer?” Leatherhead awkwardly questioned.
“You’re right, that’s an awful ice breaker to start a conversation,” Leatherhead apologized.
“What? I didn’t pun.”
“Oh… I didn’t realize,”
“Meoow~” The ice cream mutant titled her head a little, “Meow?”
“I’m afraid I don’t.”
“INTRUDERS!” A blue blur passed Leatherhead and leapt over the railings.
“Ice Cream Kitty, we’ll continue this later,” Leatherhead said goodbye to the cold mutant and ended the call. 
Following the Salamandrian example, Leatherhead leapt over the railing as he saw three humans fighting Mona Lisa, Mondo Gecko, and Pigeon Pete.
“Pete!” The Leopard Gecko shouted in distress, as the human with a skull mask batted the Pigeon into a metal pillar.
Leatherhead roared as he tried to charge the masked human. But a red-haired human threw a smoke pellet at him. If Leatherhead was more clear-headed, he wouldn’t have attacked the red-haired human or the masked human, for they particularly looked like April O’Neil and Casey Jones. [1] It is fortunate that Leatherhead has a third eyelid or else he would’ve been so focused on regaining his vision than blocking a stab aimed at his underbelly.  
“Mondo! Take the light out!” The only non-mutant in the Mutanimals ordered the mutant gecko.
“‘right!” The youngest mutant in the group cheekily saluted and proceeded to smash the control panel with his skateboard.
Leatherhead would’ve complimented Mona Lisa’s quick thinking of turning lights off [2] if he wasn’t busy trying to defend himself. The large mutant isn’t used on the defensive side of fighting, but his opponent is relentlessly attacking him. 
But considering his redhead opponent switched with a black-haired human, that was fighting Mona Lisa. Leatherhead can see why this human hadn’t been knocked out by Mona Lisa, who is the only trained warrior in the Mutanimals with the exception of Slash.
“What is going on!” A human-turned-monkey loudly demands. Beside the Monkey is a large snapping turtle with spikes and wearing a black bandana, carrying groceries. 
“O’Neil! Jones! Opening!” The black-haired human pointed at the open garage door.
Wait. What? Did Leatherhead hear that right?
“Oh no one is leaving–” Rockwell interrupted with monkey noise, “–without giving me some answers!” [3] The former human telekinetically lifted the three human intruders into the air, and then glared at us. (Mona Lisa, Leatherhead, and Mondo Gecko)
“You can’t destroy the control panel to do the Lights off plan!” The scientist hissed angrily.
“Yeah, but I thought about how they can turn it on, so def need to destroy the panel, doc,” The youngest member of Mutanimals reasoned nonchalantly.
Dr. Rockwell’s eyes bulge in annoyance, “You're lucky I thought about this outcome and—monkey noise—made a backup panel!” 
“And our little intruders are interesting.” Dr. Rockwell added as he eyed the three humans with maniacal interest.
“We ain’t telling ya’ nothin’!” Came a muffled statement from the masked human.
“Hm, yes,” Rockwell made another monkey noise, “Slash, you know where the backup panel. Take—monkey noise—Gecko with you, penance for destroying my tech.”
Slash grunted, “Let’s go, kid,” As he dropped the groceries, and walked outside.
“Not a kid!” Mondo squawked.
“Yeah, yeah,” Slash waved off the attempted correction, making Mondo offended.
Leatherhead stared at the duo bickering back and forth.
“Doctor, put them down, I want to try tying them up,” Mona Lisa enthusiastically said.
“Ah yes,” Monkey sounds, and eyes bulged for a second, “Space doesn’t have rope. Instead you alien tie with magnetic space metal.”
The Salamandrian warrior nodded, “Sometimes electricity. Burnt skin and pain make the captive more compliant.”
Leatherhead can attest. The Kraang had tied him with electricity before.
“Raphael taught me the proper ways of tying with ropes or wires. The painful and the non-painful way, and I’ve been looking for an opportunity to test my learnings” By that meaning, the non-painful is actually not painful for mutants or aliens. And maybe non-painful for trained humans only.
“And you’ll be trying…?” Leatherhead wanted to know, as Michelangelo tried teaching him once, but it was futile because Leatherhead kept accidentally cutting the wire/rope. But they did discover Leatherhead can somewhat tie someone with metal pipes in case chains aren’t available in the area.
“Wire. The painful way.” 
Leatherhead felt pity for the human intruders. Michelangelo said the wire is more painful than the ropes. Unlike the ropes tied with the painful method, they irritate the skin if you try to move or escape, the wire on the other hand makes you bleed.
It took 10 minutes, as the humans tried to escape while being tied by the alien. And to Leatherhead’s surprise, the Salamandrian warrior tied the male human with the not painful method. And the fact the masked human gave her the most trouble despite being less refined than his companions.
During the 10 minutes, Slash and Mondo brought the back-up-controlled panel, which Dr. Rockwell quickly integrated into their lair system and managed to open the lights the moment Mona was finished tying the redhead human.
“Now!” Dr. Rockwell clapped and eyes bulged with enthusiasm, “These two humans!” The monkey removed the mask on the male human, “Are alternate versions of our friend April O’Neil and Casey Jones!”
That doesn’t seem outlandish since they look like adult versions of their friend. Leatherhead thought.
“And! This human is Karai!” Dr. Rockwell dramatically pointed at the black-haired human.
The proclaimed alternate Karai didn’t look like Karai in Leatherhead’s opinion.
“It seems, armour and being good at the battle is consistent for any version of Karai,” Mona Lisa complimented(?). 
“You’re just going to accept that!?” Questioned the maskless Casey Jones.
“Casey…” Alternate April hissed.
The alternate Karai remained quiet as she observed them.
“Well yeah. Doc is pretty smart y’know,” Mondo answered, “Besides! Mikey told me that the multiverse exists cuz he already met an alternate version of himself… Twice!”
Alternate Universe Casey nodded hesitantly, “Okay… But all we know you guys are faking this whole alternate-whatever-situation story,” Alternate Casey Jones states with a furrowed suspicious brow.
Well, Leatherhead can’t fault this Casey Jones for being suspicious.
“We’ll call them.”
“The turtles,” Mona specified.
“We’ll call them either way to fix this,” Slash added.
“They are the experts at this type of situation,” Rockwell said with a hint of jealousy.
“…So, you’ll untie us?” Alternate Karai asked.
“If you swear on your honour to stay until the turtles come,” Mona Lisa replied.
Alternate Karai raised her eyebrow, “You must know me intimately,” and something rest unsaid, that only Mona seemed to understand.
The alien warrior shrugged, “We have a bi-weekly girls' night out,” 
Karai huffed in amusement, like she heard something funny, “I swear on my honour, I’ll stay until this universe’s turtles show up.”
Mona hummed before turning to the other humans, “How about you two?”
“Will you stay as well?”
When the alternate April O’Neil was about to speak, the garaged door opened, and garbage and rotten food is all they could smell.
“Hey, guys! I just finished an interview with—who are these humans? And why do they look like our friends?” Questioned by the newly arrived resident New York Hero, Muck Man.
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Splinter coughed relentlessly to the point he couldn’t recognize which of his sons had made him sit in a stable position. The mutant also has blurry vision.
“Whoa there sensei, take it easy,” His son rubbed his back. 
It took a few minutes to not hack up his lungs and to regain his vision.
“You okay, master?” Questioned Raphael, who was leaning against a graffitied wall.
“Ye-yes, I am alright, my son.” Splinter cleared his throat, “Thank you, Donatello.”
Looking around with a clearer vision, Splinter can tell they’re in an ally way. Which the rat mutant didn’t expect to be at, being sucked into the portal. And speaking of portals…
“Where’s Leonardo?” 
Seeing his three sons being together gives Splinter hope that his eldest is just reconning the area to be safe and he arrived with them. But with the expressions of his sons, Splinter’s hope wanes.
“We’re… not sure, Sensei,” Donatello took a deep breath, “Because we aren’t in our universe.”
“What do you mean, Donatello?” Splinter asked with a confused frown.
The purple-clad genius handed him a Newspaper, “While you were unconscious, Mikey and Raph did a little reconning around the area and I was protecting your body. When they’re done, Mikey found this,” The mutant turtle pointed at the newspaper date.
“August 6, 2015,” Splinter murmured in shock.
Donatello nods, “I would’ve said we’re in the future if it weren’t the fact the publishing company is different. Of course, I had taken into account the possibility of a new publishing company and future and such, but it says the company has been around since the 1887s. In our universe, it's Hearst, but here it's Hirst.”
“And don’t forget you dragged me to places!” Chimed Michelangelo.
His third oldest sighed, “And the fact I dragged Mikey to find areas that were supposed to be familiar but to only see to be slightly altered, but still related to our universe.”
“Dollar Tree is waaaay better than Cheap Shop,” Splinter’s youngest proclaimed.
“It is a little on the nose,” Donatello agreed.
“Ok, sensei is up to date. What are we going to do now?” Grunted Rapheal.
Splinter’s whiskers twitched at the small made wind.
Donatello puts a thoughtful expression, “We find this universe turtles.” 
“No need,” a hoarse voice echoed through the valley.
Splinter remains in a relaxed form while his sons draw out their weapons.
Two pairs of white eyes dropped down from the fire escape stairs and stepped out of the shadows to show two giant mutant turtles.
‘Their body is completely submerged in the shadow.’ Splinter mused as he was impressed. For he knew these turtles only showed visibility because they wanted to.
“Your Don aaaaand your Leo?” Questioned Michelangelo in a disbelief tone, as he tucked away his nun-chuck.
Splinter can see why his son is in disbelief. The two mutants have different sizes. The one wearing a purple bandana—Who Splinter assumes to be Donatello—is tall and lanky, his muscles aren’t pronounced much, and his eye colour is reddish brown. While his blue bandana companion—Leonardo… Splinter’s heart is riddled with anxiety at the thought of his eldest—is smaller than this universe’s Donatello, with more pronounced muscles and his eye colour is silver-blue.  While his sons have the same height, same muscles, and same eye colour, except for Michelangelo’s baby blue eyes.
“Yes, and yes,” Alternate Donatello answered dismissively, “So, what are you guys doing in our dimension? And what year is it on your end?” 
“Ok–hold up. How can we be sure we can trust you,” Raphael questioned and interrupted before Donatello could answer his counterparts’ questions.
The alternate of his first and third eldest had shared an amused yet exasperated look at each other.
“From the looks of things, you act like our Raph. And if you're anything like our Raph” Alternate Donatello started, “You won’t trust our words regardless,” Alternate Leonardo finished.
“They got you there,” Donatello pointed out with an amused tone as he sheathed his Bō-staff.
Rapheal growled and grumpily crossed his arms after he sheathed his Sais. But the red-clad turtle is glaring warily at the alternate turtles.
“For your earlier questions. We didn’t mean to be here as we were forcefully sucked–“
Michelangelo laughs “Ha ha ha, suck.”
“–into a vortex. And it’s the year 2007 in our dimension.” Donatello continued as if he wasn’t interrupted.
‘Thank Spirit’ 
Splinter inwardly raised an eyebrow at what alternate Leonardo said. With Splinter’s ability to read lips, he managed to understand the young turtle’s words.
“Hm… What’s the source of the vortex? I might be able to replicate it.”
Donatello grimaced at the thought of the unusual source of the portal, “Stars alignment.”
“Excuse me?” Alternate Donatello stared at his son, with a gaze asking if he was joking.
“Yeah…” Unfortunately, Donatello isn’t joking.
“Right…” Came a dazed reply, “Not the weirdest transportation… What’s the stars' alignment called and how long to form?” 
“Stars of Kicaan, and 3000 years to align,” Donatello answers.
“Leo?” The alternate genius turtle turned to his brother.
This universe of his eldest shook his head, “Maybe it forms on another planet,” 
Alternate Universe Donatello hummed, “That is possible… Do you think Mona Lisa or Bishop has some information? Or willing to–”
Ba pa ba pa ba pa baa pa!
Alternate Leonardo was interrupted by a shell with a screen on it(?).
Splinter and his sons watched the object being tapped in the alternate blue-clad turtle’s hand and shared it with his Donatello.
“Looks like we’ll get information from Mona Lisa,” Alternate Leonardo said as he tucked away the small shell away. “We’re going to the Mutanimals,” Leonardo informed as he parkoured up to the building’s roof
“What? And where’s that?” Raphael loudly questioned, although, it sounded like a demand.
“Upper Manhattan,” Alternate Leonardo answered, not showing if he was bothered or not at Splinter’s hotheaded son tone, “And I hope you don’t mind being named by Mikey,” The alternate blue-clad turtled added.
“What about being named by me?” Michelangelo curiously asked as they followed his alternate brother’s example.
“Mikey–well our Mikey–likes naming things. Villains, people, or objects.” Alternate Leonardo explained.
“And if you named something without him, he’ll sulk for days,” The alternate purple-clad genius rolled his eyes.
Raphael scowled, “Why the fuck does he want to name us? We already have names!” 
“Because there are two versions of each of us. So, he’ll want to name you or us. And judging by the text, Raph successfully threaten him to name you guys instead,” Alternate Donatello explained. 
“Alright,” All six mutants dropped down in front of a vehicle, “Meet my baby, Shellraiser,” Alternate Donatello presented in a proud ‘Ta-Da’ position.
The alternate version of his son revelled in the amazed look from Splinter’sfamily.
“Make yourself at home, But! Don’t break anything! Or dirty anything!” Alternate Donatello said as he sat in front of multiple monitors. While his brother sat at the steering wheel.
“Alright,” Alternate Leonardo secured his seatbelt, “Thirty-six minutes away from upper Manhattan,” The mutant set the Stick Shift.
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“違う亀ですか?” Questioned Karai to the kneeling ninja. She had just been informed by one of her chuunin, who knows about her mutation and her other family members and even met them, about a Mutant Turtle with a blue bandana and twin katanas, that isn’t her brother.
“はい、カライさま” The ninja confirmed.
Karai sighed, “彼はどこにいる?”
“河童は会議室にいますよ、カライさま。” The ninja answered diligently.
Karai waved her hand, “解雇する” and the ninja disappeared.
Karai stayed still for a few moments, “Shinigami,” Karai turned to her Chuunin[4], “What do you think?”
“On whether this is an actual yokai tricking us or just an alternate version of your brothers?” Shinigami questioned, as she sat on Karai’s desk.
Karai let out a small smile, as she intertwines their fingers together, “Both.”
Shini hummed before magicking a flower, “Let’s pick Dendrobium petals, and see our answer,”
Karai watched as Shinigami plucked off the petals and let them fall to the ground until the last petal is in her hand.
“Brother,” Shinigami eyed the dendrobium petal with a Cheshire smile. 
Shinigami let the petal fall to Karai’s palm. Which the Jounin [5] eyed.
“Tell Daisuke to put other Leo in a box–“ Karai paused as a mischievous idea formed in her head, “Actually–put him in a closet, and the inside must have these colours,” Karai handed a piece of paper, “And appoint a flight to New York.”
“As you wished,” Shinigami dramatically bowed and disappeared in a puff of smoke in her wake.
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[1] Knowing these two humans looking like Leatherhead’s friends would compromise him. It would feel like he’s attacking his friends. Mona on the other hand thinks these humans were playing a dirty trick to look like her friends, by looking like her friends, these humans thinks she won’t attack them.
[2] Salamander, Leopard Gecko, and Crocodiles has better night vision than humans. Leatherhead is a mixed mutant between Alligator-Crocodile-Human
[3] I’m not typing OOOO-AAAA-OO for monkey noises.
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thewarnerbrothers · 2 years
i think stitch would be the perfect pet for the warners
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ethecookednoodle · 1 year
Should I or should I not do the AU. Tis the question plaguing my mind lately.
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Mr. Robot AU hc revised/update... lmk if i should actually do this1?
Mr.Robot AU for Boreo where Boris is Elliot and Mr. Robot is the ghost of Theo that haunts him because of his death.. Or rather suicide in their youth having ruined him. But he being him, acts like he’s fine until much later it comes back to haunt him again. One of those nights he wasn’t there, at Koktus and Theo had no one to pull him out of the road. He knows it doesn't fall on him, understands the guilt is senseless and Theo was sick and needed more help than he could provide but, he can't help but think he made the wrong choice. Choosing to go over to hers instead that night. Even feeling something was off, had been for a while. All because he had been a stupid horny teen and now he seems cursed with no libido, no feelings, severe depression, anxiety, and psych med combos that at best keep him from having a total fractioning off from reality and break down, at best make him lose time and day dream his life away in some legal dope like haze. Another version could be him losing it after his moms death and making Theo up completely? How we feel about either of these lmfao. genuinely lmk 
(fair warning i’ve never made it even past season one if i remember correctly soooo.. idk how much i’ll keep using of the show, more so just using it as inspo for a au foundation.)
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maireadralph · 7 months
Entrapdak Zine 7 AND 8 - Submissions OPEN!
Trying something rather different and opening both this year's zines at the same time the email address is open more often that it's shut anyway
The Themes and Dates are as follows:
Zine 7 - Theme: Lucky - Deadline July 1st - countdown to deadline
Zine 8 - Theme: Wishes - Deadline Dec 2nd - countdown to deadline
If anyone needs an extension for any reason just get in touch, I don't ask questions as there is time allowed for this.
For anyone who's taken part in a previous Entrapdak Zine the submission guidelines are exactly the same as previous Zines. Anyone who's new or needs a refresher just have a quick read of the following Wall of Text under the Read More
This Zine is:
A Digital Zine containing works created by the fans for the fans
100% Free
Preferred Language is English - other languages maybe used as long as there is an English translation available somewhere in the work (eg an author's note)
SFW content suitable for a Y7-PG13 age range (same as the show’s age rating)
Sign up period:
I don't do this, just submit work to the email address before the deadline - I’d rather you have more time to work on your pieces 
Anyone can submit regardless of age or skill level - this is not a job application - just follow the guidelines and email in your work
The email address to send work to is entrapdakzineisluvd[at]gmail.com (replace the [at] with @ I write it like this to prevent spam bots email me)
Submissions can be Fan Writing (poems, fan fiction, character analysis, eassys etc), Fan Art, or even photos of your Entrapdak IRL work (cosplays, fancrafts etc)!  You can submit an older work that you have published online previously if you wish - or even update a work you submitted to a previous Zine! Just have fun!
Guidelines applicable to all work:
Content Age Rating:
Like the show this Zine will contain content rated Y7 and PG13 rated - so please no swearing, censored out swears (eg skulls or **s instead of actual swear words is okay) 
No hate work of any kind - we're all here for a good time
There WILL BE NO NSFW or 18+ content - I will politely deny any work of this nature let's please keep this suitable for all ages thank you.
Beach/Summer other work with nudity is allowed please adhere to the minimum clothing requirements:
Male presenting character -> speedos/underpants
Female presenting character -> bikini/bra and underpants 
Unsure? Use the female presenting criteria
The July Issue theme is LUCKY The Dec issue this is WISHES
This theme is a suggestion and if you’d rather make an Entrapdak piece without incorporating the theme please feel free to do so. I want you to have fun!
Allowed Characters:
As long as both Entrapta and Hordak are the main focus and the piece follows Age Rating it will be allowed.
Other allowed characters in the Entrapdak family include Emily, Imp and the Clones (also known as Spacebats)…yes weirdly this also  includes Horde Prime.
Other She-Ra characters will be allowed but Entrapdak is to be the core element.
Phew that’s a lotta text sorry about that - now on to the fun stuff! What sort of stuff is allowed?
Any AU, canon, Fanon, corssovers and head canons are all welcome. Make something Entrapdak related that’s PG13 rated and have fun!!
Fan Writing guidelines:
This includes fan fiction, analysis eassys, poetry or whatever else you’d like to write about. 
For Fan Fic I would recommend a minimum of roughly one page length. As some people like a work count goal I'll set that at 1k words minimum, please just write what your story needs. If you’d like to write Chapters then please do, just make sure to label them!
Written work can be emailed in the body of text, sent as pdf attachment or as a link to a Google Doc - I can work with any of those.
Please include you name/username somewhere as it helps with the filing. If there’s no name on the piece I’ll add one at the start with the title.
Fan Art guidelines:
Fan art can include rough sketches, screencap redraws, comics (appox 1-10 pages length), coloured sketches or full colour pieces. 
Fan art can be in the digital or traditional medium.  
Traditional fan art can either be submitted as a photo or scanned, which ever you prefer.
Preferred sizing for Digital art is as follows, my aim to to have everything on International (UK) A4 paper sizing where possible*
2480px x 3508pm DPI 132 
Portrait layout is preferred**
PNG is preferred but I will understand if you only wish to send a workable JPEG
The aspect ratio (width:height) of A4 paper is 1:1.4142 (1:√2)
If you need a template here’s one -> Here’s a prepared A4 Canvas PSD File (2480pm x 3508px 300DPI) if you’d like to download it and use it 
*Images outside these sizings are still okay but may end up with a white border on the edges due to the PDF publishing settings.  
**Images in the landscape layout will get boarders when posted on a portrait page due to the PDF publishing settings, however if I receive landscape art I will make some extra pages at the end of the Zine and attempt to turn landscape art into a two page spread (which does look awesome!).
How to Take Part:
Make your work and email it to entrapdakzineisluvd[at]gmail.com by JULY 1st 2024 for the July/Lucky issue or by Dec 2nd for the Dec/Wishes issue
Please make sure to include your Social Media contacts and which name or username you wish to be identified by.  If you forget to include social media details and have been a part of a previous Zine I’ll use the details I have on file 
I will reply to confirm I have received the content and that’s it I take care of the rest!
Please note I DO NOT KEEP any records of anyone’s email addresses.  When the Zine is out I batch delete all emails sent to the email address (this is usually done a week after the Zine is out) and I keep no further records of these address. I respect your email privacy at all times.  
The only records I keep on Zine applications is a private Google Sheet that has the following details: Submitter’s name, rough description of the item submitted and their social media contacts. I’m the only person with access to this Google Sheet as I use this as a Master List reference when compiling the Zine 
Why no Application form/Sign Up period?
I don’t want anyone to feel like they are applying for a job here, this is supposed to be fun.
Will there be Guest Artists or Guest Writers?
If they apply sure, I’m not advertising who applies to be a part of this Zine until it’s ready to be published.  I don’t want anyone to feel intimidated just because a certain person has chosen to participate.
Can I submit more than one piece?
If you’d like to certainly!  If you’d like to submit up to three pieces of art and 3 fan writings, sure go for it! I’m certainly not going to stop anyone having a good time
May I post a preview of my work to my Followers?
Sure! Bonus points if you link them to this post so that they can take part if they wish
May I post my work online?
I would ask if you could please wait until the issue featuring your work is published. Of course this does not apply if you are chosen to submit and older work - in this case may I ask that you edit or add to said post to mention the work was also used in the Zine?
Is this only for people with a [insert certain social media account here]?
Nope, this is for anyone who wants to take part.  I only ask for a social media contact so that others who like you work for the Zine may follow you on your preferred social media platform.
Can I send an update to a piece?
Of course! Just let me know which piece you want to use and I’ll update on my end
Can I send another piece on later?
Of course that’s not a problem!
Ah I can’t get this done before the deadline - it’s almost ready!!!  I need another day!!!!
Contact me - my Asks and PMs are always open or emailing the email address. There is extra time allowed for an extension for anyone who needs it with no questions asked to why it is needed. Just get in contact, I'll put you name on the Extension List and that extra time is yours.  Once all names come in (or the deadline is reached) I will finish up my work and get the zine out. I will not be sending out a further reminder (because I’ll forget sorry 😅).
Why don’t you make the Extension time public?
Because I can’t finish up the Zine if extra stuff comes in at the last second - I get jittery enough with final deadlines so this is how I manage my stress
More Entrapdak Zines??
Sure why not? If the community still wants them I’ll keep compiling them ever three or so months.  I’ve seen what us nerds can do!
Where can I find the finished Zine?
All finished Zines are all hosted on a shared Google Drive folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1My_hDY8NmOWV7v6z0sYi0TSvxv07WowX  Please share it with your other Entrapdak friends when it is ready.
Thank you for making it all the way to the end of this WALL of TEXT.  It’s pretty much exactly the same as the previous Zines but with a few minor edits.
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ur-fav-pet · 9 months
btw. if we're doing the twst dol corssover au. kylar HAS to be a rabbit beastman okay????
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beantothemax · 8 months
Right now my brain is a big ass mess of various corssover aus so I am going to tell you about the one I think you'd like the most:
Hikari and Eirika are besties. They're both royals whose fathers were killed shortly before they were kicked out of their country. They build up a small army to take down the current "king" and then go on to kill a demon god that wants to destroy the world. Plus Hikari has the shadow and that's. basically. Lyon's current predicament.
I think they would be besties for the resties :]
eirika is talking about how cool her brother is and sys ‘oh hikari do you have any idea siblings? :3’ and hikari suddenly has to think of a way to explain mugen that doesn’t transform the conversation into a therapy session
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yumeyleo · 1 year
top shitty attitudes, actions, or straight up violence.
Source: reddit.com
216.3K notes
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Stop says the red light, go says the green
Wait says the yellow light, twinkling in between. 
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@irritatedlifeguard I agree with your tags.
1.3M notes
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got read to filth last night
58K notes
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MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO となりのトトロ 1988 | dir. Hayao Miyazaki
1,847 notes
8,446 notes
this weed tastes like the lake I nearly drowned in as a kid
I've been staring at these tags for a while @persnicketypansy.
38.9K notes
#the spot #Spiderverse
857 notes
being an older sibling is like. you've never known a life without me. mom yelled at me and it taught her she never wanted to yell at you. I painted my room purple and grey and then you did too. we live in the same house but I haven't spoken to you in months. I don't know your favorite color. I saw it was going to rain so I picked you up from school on my way home so your books wouldn't get wet. i was so worried when you woke up sick when you were three. you don't remember being sick. mom and dad made their worst mistakes with me and I'm glad they didn't make them with you. I'm doing everything for the first time so you won't be in the dark. I don't know any of your friend's names anymore. I used to know them all. if something happens to mom and dad you won't have to worry because everything will fall to me. you don't like to be home alone but even if you don't see me just knowing I'm there makes you feel better. at least that's what mom told me. you still give me jars to open for you because you can't quite get them. I only see you during dinner. i'd never even think about missing one of your concerts. I stand at the counter when I eat and now you do, too. when offered a selection of books you picked the same one I did when i was your age. I'm terrified you compare yourself to me. I love you. I don't know if you like me. I want you to. mom says dinner's ready
#as a youngest sibling with. a weird relationship with my older brothers this brings me. emotions#this house is cursed and we're all here together… See all
39.5K notes
Sweet Adeline-singing motherfucker
What the fuck happened to the rest of his barbershop quartet Expand
14.7K notes
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Anonymous asked:
bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you
what in the name of Finn the Human
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nicoathogwarts · 7 months
hello, this is my introduction post thingie.
I'm Ace, they/them pronouns. This as you may have guessed is a blog about Nico di Angelo and the Percy Jackson series. It was originally created for a hp pjo crossover but that's been on the back burner for a while now but I've not abandoned it, don't you worry.
Asks are appreciated and encouraged, I love rambling about stuff anything and everything relating to PJO, Nico and my silly little au
#corssover is for my pjo hp crossover, I put quite a few tags down for it but I think that everything's tagged with crossover so if you're looking for my au that's your best bet
#nico di angelo anything relating to the one and only Nico di Angelo
#nico di angelo adjacent thigns that kinda relate to Nico, but not entirely
#not nico di angelo anything that's not specifically about Nico di Angelo
#ask for any asks I'm sent. I have many dumb opinions I’d love to rant about. Send me asks, you’ll make my day
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jewishdainix · 2 years
The mechanisms and aurora webcomic corssover/AU. that's it the post.
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