#corsair lancer
corsair-mc-official · 3 months
Commodore here of CORSAIR Mercenary Company. Been running the same old Everest for the past several decades, now the problem is that I've ended up using some less than legal modifications. So real talk is my printer code still valid or have I voided that with this thing?
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msmc-796-official · 2 months
-I managed to finally contact the HRA division with me to stop firing at your people. For the love of Christ-the-Buddha get your asshole commander away from me she won't stop screaming slurs in languages I don't understand at me over the comms channel we're stuck in
Who in the-?! Oh, wait, shit, that's right, I forgot you were still awake in there. Christ-the-Buddha Almighty, that scared me.
Are you sure that's still Kennedi screaming? She (or, rather, her unconscious - and hopefully not lifeless - body) and her molten wreck of a Caliban have been with us at MSMC-148's drop site for like two hours now, waiting for pickup. Slipshod managed to pry your casket outta that slag heap you used to call a Genghis Mk. 1 and get you connected to a "life support" of sorts on one of their backup generators, but if you can still hear Kennedi's voice screaming bloody murder at you, then your systems might be fried worse than we thought. (No clue if that sort of thing is fixable or not...)
Hopefully the Albatross will be here soon. Our distress beacon is still up and running, and they should more than have our coordinates by now. We'll all be out of here soon. (I hope.)
-- Angel
#lancer rpg#lancer ttrpg#lancerrpg#+ you're welcome for the rescue by the way - I wanted to leave you for dead (or whatever's closest for an NHP) but P insisted you come with#+ I can verify that Kennedi's been out cold for a while though - her comms cut out the minute you both imploded on each other#+ the KTB are gonna have a hell of a time patching that worldkiller-sized hole y'all left in the ground#+ also gonna have to find you a new body at some point - I'm not letting you leech off of my backup generator forever#+ I suggest you start thinking about what you want now so we can get you outta my tech and into a system that's actually yours ASAP#// in my defense I wasn't about to let you get left behind - after all you still owe several people out here an apology#// CORSAIR for trying to cascade BOSUN - they're still trying to clean up your collateral damage even after Slipshod hit the killswitch#// Intern Jimbo for hijacking HA's systems and causing that THOR to cascade and almost kill him#// I also expect an apology to Kennedi when (if) she wakes up - I know you have some bad blood with HA but I can't have this happen again#// even something as barebones as a truce and a “we are never speaking of this again” would suffice at this point#// as for us - we owe the KTB an apology (never thought I'd see the day) for wrecking their planet#// probably also one to HRA for any damages they took as a result of our attempted intervention#// we can sort more of this out later when we're back at MSMC and Kennedi wakes up (if she ever does)#correspondences with: AGNI clone “Rev”#the fireman saga
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callsign-stray · 2 months
[Stray's Log - Entry 2]
I’m currently on the transfer ship now, heading to The Sylvia's Requiem. It’s finally happening, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. My hands are shaking a bit, and my stomach is doing flips. I’ve trained for this moment for so long, but now that it’s here, it feels surreal.
We 've been told it may take a while to reach the quadrant of which the ship is located, which isn't too bad since the seats we have are rather comfy, I could probably fall asleep if I actually tried to.
The other pilots look so confident and seasoned. I feel like such a rookie next to them. I keep reminding myself that I earned my spot here. I just hope I can prove myself and make Nathan proud. For now, I’m trying to focus on the excitement and the adventure that lies ahead. Next stop: The Sylvia's Requiem!
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Greetings and hail!
Callsign Angel from MSMC-796 speaking. Know us or not, we've been keeping close tabs on our friends over at CORSAIR since everything went to shit with BOSUN (we'd have loved to help, but given our current probation period after... "recent events", we're basically not allowed to leave HQ for a month), and it's come to our attention that you've done them a solid and helped them repair things. From all of us at MSMC - thanks for stepping in and giving them a hand. We owe you one.
-- Angel
Greetings Angel!
I was happy to help. Rao and their buddies in the engineering collective did most of the heavy lifting, to be fair. They like a challenge and haven't met a ship they didn't want to improve.
While the people of my cluster of ships are not dedicated warriors like the Albatross, we still have our own responsibility to help those in need however we can. Speaking of, let me know if you want those hydroponics upgrade plans.
Burn Bright,
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hra-official · 2 months
The full Hercynian Refurbished Armaments catalogue is availeable for test pilots
After several rounds of workshopping and redesigning, our newest frames and licenses are availeable for purchase for those pilots who want to take advantage of the "Early Bird" price in exchange for collaborating in the final round of QA.
We have:
Antlion: a stealthy sniper that can zero in undetected and hit much harder when unseen.
Redback: a spider-like Defender/Controller that protects allies by turning their Soft Cover into Difficult AND Dangerous Terrain for enemies.
Robberfly: a super-agile striker that gets more dangerous the more it moves.
Aireina: born as a one-off custom Robberfly for a Boan pankrati, this Alt-frame combines the Robberfly's agility with a giant sword that scores devastating critical hits and gets more accurate if it strikes thorugh another enemy
Shamhat: an Enkidu redesigned for speed over area denial, this powerful Striker/Controller gets faster the more it heats up, and can easily wrangle both enemies and allies in the perfect position. Both the hypertext catalogue and the Comp/con compatible .lcp file are availeable here.
Let us hear what was you experience piloting our debut frames!
The Beta 0.47 vesrion of Hercynian Refurbished Armaments contains the titular manufacturer, 6 core bonuses, 4 licenses, and 5 mechs (one is an Alt Frame)
The free download on itch.io contains a PDF and the .lcp file
@beatrice-of-the-stars @goldiemacaroni @ips-northstar-official @harrison-armory-incorporated @smith-shimano-corpro @horus-unofficial @general-massive-systems @horizoncollective @ktbofficial @unshackledhorusshitpostbot @rainbowgod666 @sylvanus-cypher @corsair-mc-official @msmc-796-official @revvedandrunning @metavaultfugitive @albatross-lancer @officialunionhr @kazsartcorner @terkmc @autos-official
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tigersharko · 1 month
-003 Cradle Days, pre-incident. >A sense of dread settles over the inhabitants of the Erinyes System. >Smart technology on the surface of Megaera begins to experience small, unexplainable errors. The Omninet's connection to the planet's surface becomes observably unpredictable, as does the technology reliant on it. Subalterns experience long 'buffers' between tasks, and take observably longer to process information. >NHPs on the planet's surface report strange, uncharacteristic thoughts- but lack the appropriate words to explain them. 000 Cradle Days. >An empty spot appears on the surface of Dirae. >Not black. Not white. Not any quantifiable color at all. >Empty. >There is a hole in the surface of the sun.
Finally complete; Something Wicked This Way Comes is a LANCER-centric textrp with a handcrafted original solar system, locations, story, and, of course, the opportunity to play LANCER! Place your characters at the center of history in the making- at the risk of their sanity. INVITE LINK: https://discord.gg/VBmzQHgVPz
asking me to make a formal ad should constitute as pyschological warfare... Tagging those who said they were interested (my apologies!) @faulty-heat-vents @corsair-mc-official @optanksteel @albatross-lancer @pink-pumpkin-princess-bitch @anordinarypot
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albatross-lancer · 2 months
(OOC: Reposting the summary I made to stand on its own for people who caught bits of it but don't want to have to switch between several different blogs)
A THOR-class NHP named Arthur entered cascade in Harrison Armory's PR offices. He caused significant electrical damage to the offices but as far as I can tell no one was seriously injured, and the PR intern, Jimbo, managed to calm him down. The situation now seems to be resolved amicably.
Rev, an AGNI-class NHP implied that they caused Arthur to cascade. Recent comments by them suggest that they did this to advance the cause of NHP equality (forgive my rumormongering, but I have my doubts. Their omninet page contains a great deal of what seem to be boasts of war crimes and genocide, they don't strike me as much of an egalitarian. That said, my Loyal Wing tells me she's met and fought cultists who earnestly believe in a future where humans and NHPs are free to inflict horrific atrocities upon one another, so who knows. People are complicated. I'm also unconvinced Rev actually did cause Arthur to cascade, the manner they describe seems implausible.)
The Corsair Mercenary Company and the squad commander of the MSMC 796th, Kennedi/Lockbreaker, were angered by this claim. I'm not sure why this incident, which Jimbo resolved well before there was a actual fighting, prompted her to act independently, but there was some indication of the security breach having wounded her pride. (It is also possible that they were, in fact, being contracted by a HA higher-up and only pretending to act independently). She recruited another squad, the MSMC 148th, and they set out for Rev's abode in Karrakin space.
Rev caused the NHP at Corsair Mercenary Company, which named themself [STABBY], to cascade. [STABBY] then took control of several subalterns and systems and attempted to kill the CMC, inflicting a high casualty count before being shut down by MSMC 796th's "Slipshod" using a liturgicode virus. (Based on [STABBY]'s rapid decision to attempting to kill the CMC once given the ability to do so, even if during cascade, it seems likely that they did not have a positive relationship and allegations of abuse seem credible)
The MSMC squads arrived and engaged Rev's Genghis body and a group of Hercynian lancers Rev had recruited via Hercynian Refurbished Armaments. The battle ended with both Rev and Lockbreaker's mechs effectively destroyed, Rev's casket damaged and Lockbreaker in critical condition. There was significant collateral damage dealt to the planet, though fortunately no civilians, bystanders, or other innocents were harmed.
Albatross long patrol "Osprey" received several distress calls from the area and rerouted to investigate. When they arrived, medics were able to stabilize Kennedi and assess the situation. Rev was recovered by "an associate", the MSMC squadrons were able to contact command and get returned to headquarters, and I belive the Hercynians returned to Hercynia. After assisting local damage control and double-checking that no one was hurt, long patrol Osprey will be returning to their nearlight patrol route.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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an F-4N Phantom II from Fighter Squadron 21 (VF-21) Free Lancers and an A-7E Corsair II from Attack Squadron 97 (VA-97) Warhawks during preflight preparations on the USS Coral Sea (CV-43) 1MAY1981 (robert s. swinland)
@kadonkey via Twitter
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faulty-heat-vents · 1 month
//You’re getting a lot of attention, pilot…
//huh? haven’t che-
damn, that’s a lot of folks across Unionspace! …I’ve barely stepped out of the garage (besides that one deployment)
howdy to Gray, Marsh, CMC and Albatross! and to all the others I’ve yet to meet!
My opportunities for chaos field research are limited, seeing as how I’m still looking into corps and fireteams and such
it’s like a civvie looking for a job except I get to work inside my best friend and blow shit up
but I’ll definitely keep y’all posted on any misadventures we get up to!
// …I’m your best friend?
(ooc: tags below readmore, lemme know if u wanna opt out or anything, just tagging folks who reblogged that intro post as of writing)
@albatross-lancer @whohasfourthumbsand @callsign-marsh @corsair-mc-official
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unionizedgunfighter · 2 months
[Establishing OmniNet Connection...]
[Opening direct channel...]
<Hey Teardown, just leaving a little tip at your door. Seems a particular AGNI-class NHP has a fairly negative view accusing the Cousair Mercenary Company of abusing their on-board NHP. Not sure if this is something for you or the DoJ, or even how truthful these accusations are, but it might warrant some investigation.>
Yeah. I heard; I'm just waiting for all of these fucking clowns to get out of KTB space so I can get on the matter without getting shot. @corsair-mc-official @msmc-796-official @albatross-lancer Prepare full action reports, footage and Omninet message logs, I'll be visiting all of you all shortly.
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corsair-mc-official · 2 months
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Either we pissed them off or we made them proud. I do not like the idea of either of those things. This is certainly something. @harrison-armory-incorporated
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swishysword · 6 months
Sunday Munday
LAST SONG: IXxuSmw2HFNWXLUyJFO7xKIT3E7diFUSa86wgFiMI413xtfZga5hClZ/AgdzP33dhpj+0qc1d5sK2jyH5EqK6g== (no, really)
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Catching up on Frieren
THREE SHIPS: all ffxiv ships: Alis/Miyuki (gotta love OC x OC), Sanson/Guydelot (my idiot sons from BRD quest), Hilda/M'naago (I just think they're neat)
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: teriyaki steak sandwich
FIRST SHIP: Oh goodness I can't organize my memory that well, I'm just going to pick one that feels far enough back that it feels close enough. Nao/Morrighan. You know, from Mabinogi. I played that a lot when I was young...
PLACE OF BIRTH: Somewhere. Sorry, I'm one of those people that likes to keep my irl separate from my online life 😔
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Been with my partner for 6 going on 7 years now c:
LAST MOVIE: Glass Onion, I hadn't watched it or Knives Out, and a bunch of friends wanted me to, so we marathoned both of them.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Gotta get prepared for my Lancer games this week, I've got two back to back to run. Tiring, but fun, and maybe related to the song I've got up there 😉(I'd go into more detail, but at least one of my players follows this blog and I'd hate to spoil the fun early)
Tagged by @corsair-kovacs Give them a look at, big roegadyn appreciation hours ♥ Tagging: @awful-creature, @agenderagent, @luck-and-larceny, @matzahstein, @gundurr, @tbonechessor, @traveleorzea, @lizarddiary, @gatheredfates and honestly anyone else who sees this and wants in ♥
obviously, no need to respond if you don't want to, but throwing out some tags since what's the point of doing tag games if I don't spread the love?~
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msmc-796-official · 2 months
After-Action Report: The Fireman Saga
MSMC-796 "Heaven's Fury"
MSMC-148 "Neon Scene"
Corsair Mercenary Company / @corsair-mc-official
AGNI clone "Rev" / @revvedandrunning
Hercynian Refurbished Armaments / @hra-official
Monsoon Lance, Dawnlight First and Only
Patrol Squadron Osprey / @albatross-lancer [tangential]
Intern Jimbo, THOR clone "Arthur" / @harrison-armory-incorporated [tangential]
Karrakin Trade Baronies / @ktbofficial [tangential]
0 dead, 1 incapacitated, 2 wounded
MSMC-796-1 "Lockbreaker" // unconscious, stable condition; fractured right arm w/ shattered wrist [prosthetic replacement recommended], third-degree burns across most of the body
MSMC-148-2 "Prowl" // stable condition; second-degree burns across the upper body, temporary blindness
MSMC-148-5 "Stimpak" // stable condition; temporary blindness
1 destroyed mech
SSC Dusk Wing "And The Voice Of Apollo Spake From On High" // stable condition; damaged auxiliary weapons targeting system
IPS-N Caliban "Sudden Intervention" // DESTROYED
HRA - reparations paid; turned over the casket of AGNI clone "Rev", along with a confiscated virus harpoon (initially obtained from CMC) from known mech-poaching group "Whalers"
KTB - discussions on necessary reparations ongoing; jurisdiction over final reparations to be overseen by Hades & Jackal, Esq.
AGNI clone "Rev" - d̵͎̘͛̆ȃ̶͓͑̉t̸̨̯̜̅̉ḁ̶̺̗̍̄̑ ̶̱̺̋c̴̨̮͒o̵̤̐r̶̢̧̭͗̃͆r̶̨̢̰͋̅̕ȗ̶̡͕͝͠p̷̼̫͇̃͗t̵̨͍̐͠e̷̟̹̾̑d̶̨̕
[ha, yeah, no, I don't think so. the higher-ups can [AUTO-CENSORED BY PILOTNET] for all I care, we are NOT paying reparations to Rev, especially not after what they did to Kennedi // -- Slipshod]
MSMC-796 "Heaven's Fury" is on a one-month deployment probation, effective immediately. They may not accept commissions (paid or unpaid), recommend or commission fellow squadrons for deployments on their behalf, send or receive commission offers, or otherwise engage in the field duties of a MSMC Lancer squadron.
However, all squad members are permitted to engage with PR responsibilities as usual, within the updated guidelines handed down from MSMC Upper Management.
MSMC-148 "Neon Scene" is on a two-week deployment probation, effective immediately, following the same terms as above.
There, that should about do it. Hopefully command is satisfied with that. MSMC-148 is sending in their recorded footage from the field for review (seeing as they were actually able to get the full scope of things from the sidelines), and all of our text correspondences with everyone have been compiled and timestamped for viewing from as many perspectives as I and Slipshod could track down.
Obligatory thank you to the boys from Hades & Jackal, Esq. for their assistance in drafting this. (Hopefully Slipshod's little "addendum" in the Reparations section doesn't show up in their copy.)
TL;DR - Our entire squad is banned from any sort of field deployment for a month, and we're probably gonna owe some pretty serious reparations to the KTB for blowing a Worldkiller-sized hole in Karrakis during combat (if/when they actually get back to us).
Kennedi's gonna need a new mech once she wakes up, and as far as the medical team can tell us, she's slated for a new arm prosthetic once her burns start to heal over and they can safely remove the old one without damaging anything further. But she is in fact alive, and is currently stable. Sometimes, stubbornness is a good thing.
It's been one hell of a week. We all need some rest. Expect us to be on and off for a bit as we wait for this entire mess to blow over.
-- Angel
[OOC: FC's Note - look for the new tag (#the fireman saga) on my blog to track down all of our side of the story!]
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callsign-stray · 1 month
[Stray's Log - Entry 9]
So it's been a hot minute since I've had spare time to update my log, things have been rather hectic during this mission.
I'm 90% certain things will be OK but that 10% is taunting me I swear.
Soul has been keeping track of how long we've been on mission, so far it's been about... 7 days according to the planet's local time. That's kind of scary to think about...
Best wishes to you Lancers out there, I hope finish this mission soon
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djpain619 · 1 year
Homebrew Lore Dump:
Fall of Cadia causes Tecolote System to be eaten by the warp for 150 Years. They stuck in the warp for 150 year, but only 3 years pass in the Materium.
999.M41 Entire Tecolote System Consumed by Cicatrix Maledictim and contained in Realspace Bubble
System subjected to constant and repeated invasions of their Realspace Bubble by Space Hulks and Pirate fleets consisting mainly of either Ork Freebooter Waaaghs, Chaos Space Marine Warbands, Dark Eldar Corsairs, and Genestealers.
Homegrown Feral Ork Waaaghs happen occasionally as well.
2 years into Isolation Planetary Civil War starts.
Loyalist Elysians & Kanaks vs Renegade Penals. Hive Aquilla & Rual Villages held by loyalists, Hives Alamode, Tehas, Caulifaña, & NeuYurt held by Renegades.
Genestealers Uncovered and revealed to be instigators.
Centurian Rangers Established to combat and eliminate Genestealer Kelermorphs
Centurian Rangers formed by combining elite Guard Veterans & Arbites, with Scola Progenia Commisariat Staff & Scion Cadets.
Squat neutrality ends. Squats enter war on side of loyalists against Genestealers & Renegades.
Majority of Renegades turn on Genestealers. Some Renegade forces occasionally engage in temporary ceasefire with Loyalists to combat Genestealers.
Upon eradication of Genestealer menace, peace negotiations with Renegades are initiated.
Renegades granted amnesty and full citizenship in exchange for cessation of hostilities and submission to Loyalist authorities
Civil War is ended after 10 years of fighting
Surviving Loyalist Authorities enact several governmental reforms
Penals given full rights. Planetary government reformed onto Federation of Hives and Strongholds named United Settlements of Aquilla
Planetary Governor Becomes Elected Position.
New Planetary Governor commissions Lockstock's Rust Blood Reivers to supplement PDF Naval Forces in Anti-Piracy Operations
Roughly 20 years into Tecolote System's warp Isolation, Joint Squat/Imperial mining Colonies established on Dwarf Planet Tecolote IV. Squats provide skilled labor, Imperials provide Penal Chain gangs as mass unskilled labor.
Roughly 80 years into Tecolote System's warp Isolation, a small Transport Fleet bearing a Lace of Freeblade Imperial Knights enters System. Fleet beset by Ork Freebooters. Rust Blood Reivers render aid and eliminate Freebooters. Freeblade Knight Señor Hidalgo Don Coyóte offers the services of his Cerastus Knight Lancer "El Rocinante" and his Freeblade Lance of Armigers known as "Los Becerrillos"
Señor Don Coyóte given fiefdom over Dwarf Planet and Mining Colonies.
Señor Don Coyóte marries Ørnverden Planetary Governor's daughter and Establishes House La Mancha. Also names Dwarf Planet and all mining Colonies "La Mancha
"Los Tercios de Mastìn" Established by House La Mancha as Personal Guard and PDF Regiment for Dwarf Planet.
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2000 points of my Legio Lucidium titans about to play at an event. Minimum demi Arcus, and demi Corsair, supported by a pair of Cerastus Lancers.
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