[CMC / S-12] Nathaniel “VOGUE” Andesoen-Farrow
84 posts
Gun for hire under CORSAIR Mercenary Company. Unapologetic shitposter. (in narrative limbo rn, just kinda existing)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
violence-in-vogue · 2 days ago
We're gonna get Signal... we're gonna kill them.
Thought it might bring you some comfort in there buddy.... Stay safe Vogue.
You were always my favorite in Hwacha Squadron.
Till Legends Bleed.
You'll always be a CORSAIR
//[AUDIO: DETAIL]> This response is voice-recorded, not typed. Nate’s voice echoes in the surrounding area, and a faint mechanical buzzing can be heard in the distance (presumably coming from his mech). He talks with anxiety pushing his words, coherence lost to speed. His throat sounds like he’s swallowed a landslide.
//[ASSIST: CONDENSE]> Transcript below readmore.
I feel like you shouldn’t say that– the pickin’ favorites part, I mean. I don’t think I deserve that title.
We’ve got two stories, and another Nate is fillin’ the gaps between ‘em. I don’t know what happened between the fuckin’ bar-fight and… everything else, but my gut’s sayin’ that it isn’t? -wasn’t? -won’t be? good. I’m not controllin’ the old me, but knowin’ how I operate, I’m willing to bet it’s just all downhill from there.
I was already on Siggy’s shit-list back in Hwacha. Maybe it’s just that deep-rooted paranoia you tried to institutionalize me for, but I feel like it still hates me. I’d make a joke that it didn’t reach out to me because of Limbo, but imma be so real, I think being in here is safer than out there.
Heh, fuck- I just realized- there’s a chance I’ll die back then before you know me. I mean, really know me; I know you were my Handler, I know that you handled Hwacha Squadron…
You’ll be sending messages to a corpse- a memory- some kind of time anomaly that’ll grab you by the ankles and drag you screaming into Limbo with me. Just for that prospect alone, I wanna tell you to run away- but I know that you won’t. That’s just who you are, and I won’t hold your nature against you- but I will say that you’re making mistakes by keeping faith in me.
You give far too many shits about people who frankly don’t deserve them. I’m a loose thread- a scar that refuses to stay shut- somebody you can’t save- just another ghost on that haunted station.
We’re a pair’a Blackbeards: shreddin’ anyone we get close to. You can dull the teeth as much as you want, but the chainsaw just keeps on spinnin’.
You and I have a blast radius. Don’t lose yourself to Violence.
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violence-in-vogue · 6 days ago
Narrative communication below readmore.
Nate doesn’t sleep that night. He tries- laying on his back, his sides, his chest- but every time he starts to fade, his foot twitches and he hears that godawful crunch again.
His right shoulder aches, strained from strangling Raleigh- did he ever catch that cowboy’s name?- and the subsequent impact of security manhandling him. He can’t bear to lay his weight on that side, instead trying to curl up into a ball on his left. Paying any mind to the scars on the aching side of his body reminds him of the mess that’s likely waiting for him in the hangar.
Fuck, the hangar. [Young and Dumb] changing while he was inside of it, every panel and joint and motor dissolving into shimmerbug slag, the drone of the hive right behind his ear growing louder and louder and louder as it chewed through the soon-to-be coffin that he barely crawled out of. It happened before. It will happen again.
That universal language of violence- that’s what he decides to name whatever is in the bay, right then and there in bed- screaming with a thousand synthetic mandibles that saw nothing but a flimsy skeleton to nest in. A dull red-brown slurry of material they couldn’t assimilate, pouring out of botfly-holes in his arm and neck and face and legs and chest and every other inch of him that the swarm could reach from its shallow tether that he so foolishly reached out towards that final night on Hellis.
“Kill confirmed: Callsign ‘VOGUE’.”
It could say that again- two, three times over.
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violence-in-vogue · 6 days ago
[COMMUNICATION ARRAY: FATAL ERROR]> Failure to establish narrative trace. Please try again later later later later later later la- [CHARACTER OVERFLOW LIMIT REACHED. TERMINATING SESSION AND INITIATING AUTOMATIC SIGN-OFF.]
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violence-in-vogue · 6 days ago
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more context because teehee (screenshot from my session notes, transcript below the cut)
TIber: [Take Someone Out, [POSSESSION]; Regular stakes: (25)]- At first, the fight is relatively give-and-take. Disco and TIber are beating each other in equal measure, but eventually she gets him down. Then she keeps punching. And punching, and punching, crystal knuckles pulverizing the meat underneath them. Then, a headbut- impaling Disco’s throat with her horn.
Soup sees TIber kill Disco and immediately goes to kill Handshake. Headlock loses it in the bloodlust and crushes Donnie’s head in with his boot.
Nate is strangling Raleigh when he hears the wet crunch of Donnie’s skull. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Raleigh’s face go pale, and slowly turns to face the bloodbath. His arm goes limp. Raleigh slumps out of his grasp.
This isn’t real. He’s not out of the maze. He has to wake up-
The bar gets flooded with security. Hwacha Squadron is dogpiled and hauled off. Everything is a blur, a haze.
It all comes back in an interrogation room.
it's genuinely unfathomable the level on which we are completely and utterly fucked in every conceivable way in my lancer campaign
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violence-in-vogue · 6 days ago
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ooc: preserving Century’s tags bc yeah
it's genuinely unfathomable the level on which we are completely and utterly fucked in every conceivable way in my lancer campaign
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violence-in-vogue · 11 days ago
[[attachment added, demonstration02175017.omniv]] [The video begins with Z-341-A fumbling to prop his data pad up against something, the camera slightly angled up. Z-341-A sits cross-legged on the floor of a darkened room, presumably his quarters. A small light has clearly been turned on for the purpose of this video, as it is hastily placed just behind and to the side of the recording device. Z-341-A has managed to find clothes that fit him somewhere along the way, but he is also swimming in a jacket obviously stolen from BRIGAND. He wears his hardsuit helmet, still scuffed and somewhat dented. Three small objects sit in his lap, although it is hard to make out what they are in the low light.] Z-341-A:: Hello, Omninet. Handler BRIGAND has taught me a new skill, and I wished to share. APMS-341-A recommended that I take a video in order to post it. [Z-341-A shuffles backwards from the camera slightly until his entire body is framed in the camera. He pauses, shifts to the left slightly to center himself in the frame, before giving himself a small nod. He picks up the three objects, beginning to clumsily juggle them. He grows more confident as he continues, his coordination growing better as, presumably, APMS-341-A finally calibrates itself correctly. After a few moments, Z-341-A drops the three objects into his lap, shuffling back over to the camera and ending the video.]
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violence-in-vogue · 12 days ago
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doodle of Lancer!Nate
btw sorry for the art-lack lately, been moving irl (again) + burnout
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violence-in-vogue · 18 days ago
getting in a frame requires a certain kind of crazy to start with, but it’s a lifestyle to pilot strikers. takes a suicidal motherfucker to pilot one, lemme tell ya [winkyface.omnif]
you build your entire frame around getting in close and fucking shit up. it’s indescribable when it hits right. hyperspec roaring, knives nearly glowing from overcharge heat, brain pooling out of your ears and into your stomach from the speed forces.
when the massive frame in front of you just falls to pieces under your hands (and it’s your hands, not the frame’s- you can lose the gap if you hit hard enough), it feels GOOD. whole-body kind of good like ecstasy or euphoria.
don’t get me started on squad-type formations (I really don’t wanna sound any crazier than I already do), but holy shit does annihilating a bunch of targets at once hit different
all that to say: yeah, we do fisticuffs pretty often, and we do it because it’s either fun or kills shit quick (usually both)
< L3 Hachiko: A question for you mech pilots out there - why do people use melee weapons? Seriously.
It seems like it should be a last resort! Why get that close to the enemy voluntarily? I grasp that there are scenarios where you’ve got no choice, but you’d think those would be relatively uncommon circumstances.
In a fighter, one hundred kilometers is knife-fight range. Do you guys really end up at zero meters that often down there? >
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violence-in-vogue · 22 days ago
the What
han jae my liegelady is convinced that the best way to win at pankrati is to go all in on the kidd please send help
Your liege lady is correct orbitally bombard the Pankrati arena NOW
-Han Jae-
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violence-in-vogue · 25 days ago
give every single subaltern you can field a mallet. sit at the back of the map and call shots. annihilate kneecaps and then BIG BEAM OF DEATH
han jae my liegelady is convinced that the best way to win at pankrati is to go all in on the kidd please send help
Your liege lady is correct orbitally bombard the Pankrati arena NOW
-Han Jae-
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violence-in-vogue · 1 month ago
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violence-in-vogue · 1 month ago
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violence-in-vogue · 2 months ago
i've heard dealing with me causes strain too
ur bones are weird m'gamer idk what to tell u
Question for those of you born in gravity. What does gravity feel like?
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violence-in-vogue · 2 months ago
but only if ur not used to it
if ur born planetside then 0g is basically a similar issue
i think
idk i'm talking out of my ass here (as per usual)
Question for those of you born in gravity. What does gravity feel like?
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violence-in-vogue · 2 months ago
eh, brain just flags all ips-n shit as trucker-talk
and yeah it can get boring sometimes, but I don't need to eat or drink so I can just. dick around
there's shit out here in Limbo, but it isn't colored. everything is a blank unshaded white and it all blends together. my mech and I are the only things that are visible. looking at her makes my head feel fuzzy sometimes tho, so I have to close my eyes when I climb inside lmao
anyways I'm just waiting for a past-version of me fixes the timeline and either erases me from existence or slingshots me back into reality. fuck it we ball until then
I... what in the name of the Lucky Spanner kind of hell are you caught in? The... Blank narrative void? IPS-N did not brief me on this shit what the hell?
Can... you even explain, actually nevermind for my own sanity I won't even ask.
TOO LATE FUCKO!!! you asked, I answer!
truckers aren't omnipotent, makes sense that nobody told you. nobody told me either! probably still would've started shit if I knew but /shrug
I ran my mouth during a canon event and broke the timeline. now I'm in Narrative Limbo and get to harass random dipshits online with basically zero consequence!
...I say "basically" because things *can* show up out here, but that's out of my control so it isn't my fault lol
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violence-in-vogue · 2 months ago
I... what in the name of the Lucky Spanner kind of hell are you caught in? The... Blank narrative void? IPS-N did not brief me on this shit what the hell?
Can... you even explain, actually nevermind for my own sanity I won't even ask.
TOO LATE FUCKO!!! you asked, I answer!
truckers aren't omnipotent, makes sense that nobody told you. nobody told me either! probably still would've started shit if I knew but /shrug
I ran my mouth during a canon event and broke the timeline. now I'm in Narrative Limbo and get to harass random dipshits online with basically zero consequence!
...I say "basically" because things *can* show up out here, but that's out of my control so it isn't my fault lol
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violence-in-vogue · 2 months ago
congrats gamer! swarm trust is an incredible thing
I haven’t known my own swarm for nearly as long, but she’s only eaten like 30% of me, which is less than half so I think it’s ok! I think she apologized at one point too so yeah
also [VIOLENCE]’s nanites are very pretty- they look like mercury when all together, but individually they’re like little silver and teal junebugs and they’re kinda cute
… shit sorry abt talking abt my own swarm on ur post, congrats still stand, enjoy ur anniversary [partycracker.omnif]
I believe that all those who are so frightened of graywash are cowards, frankly. My beloved Ashana and I are celebrating our ten year anniversary today, and I find no fear in our relationship!
Happy anniversary, my darling beloved, and here's to another prosperous decade!
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