#ooc: a more narrative-styled post for this one
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aeternallis · 5 months ago
High-Context Culture at Play and Kim's Mode of Communicating // a rant
So, something I notice once in awhile when I go through the tags on Ao3 for KPTS fics are commentary on the lack of communication in the show—specifically, how Kim doesn't communicate. Tags such as, "Kim communicates, it's a miracle", "OOC because they actually communicate", "Kim uses his words", "Healthy Communication, so it's OOC", etc etc.
This isn't meant to call anyone out and mind you, this isn't something I've only seen in the KPTS fandom; tags like these are also used in a lot of danmei fics I see, as well as the sheer variety of anime/manga fics I've read in my time.
And ngl, when I see those tags...my gut reaction is often to feel that they sound very much tongue-in-cheek and somewhat mocking. Not just to the character himself, but to the narrative itself. It's a bit uncomfortable at times, reading those kinds of tags, even if I know to myself that there's likely no malicious intent behind it.
For what it's worth, I won't apply bad faith arguments on works of art and creativity, and I'm certainly not looking to police fic on Ao3, yknow?
Having said that though and just because I have yet to see a post talking about this topic explicitly, I also feel that it's important to some degree to understand how people communicate in Thailand, and Asia in general.
Mind you, I’m no expert in Thai culture, lemme repeat that yet again. They have unspoken social rules that I myself wouldn't understand because I'm not Thai, nor do I speak Thai. Asia at large, though sharing a unique set of many similar values, is not a homologous region; each country has a rich tapestry of history and culture and very much different from one another.
Yet, as someone who grew up in an Asian household who shares many of said values, I often feel like—when it comes to East Asian/Southeast Asian fictional characters at large—there has always been an unconscious, almost knee-jerk habit I often see in fanfiction to reshape their style of communication to a more western context, if that makes sense. As someone who used to translate doujinshi and Pixiv 小説 for fun, it was always noticeable and a bit jarring, once I moved over to read my fanfic of choice, yknow.
This isn't inherently or purposefully malicious in any way, but it can feel very dismissive, even if it's unconsciously done.
Thailand and most if not all of SE Asia operate in a high-context culture. High-context culture means that when we communicate, it’s not always so much the words themselves that matter, but the context surrounding those words: body language, tone, eye contact, a person’s social status, etc etc. The words sometimes only convey part of the intent, but it doesn’t convey everything. In some situations, the words themselves can even mean the exact opposite of what they’re trying to convey.
It's why so many misunderstandings happen between international fans on platforms like X, because the nuance is often lost in Google Translate.
On the other end of that, we can use Tumblr as the example: since this is mostly an English-speaking website, for the most part, this hellsite operates on a low-context culture, but is easily ignited with outrage based on seemingly high-context traits. LOLOL
This type of communication is not always easily translated into the subtitles, nor is it remotely perfect in any way. It can be quite complex, and hell, even in the context of its own culture, misunderstandings can and do happen all the time. And, as we've seen from the recent popularity boom of East Asian media from the past two or three decades to the American and western audience at large, some of the most compelling drama can come from these sorts of human error.
Besides that, if I’m being perfectly honest, almost always (one of) the source(s) of fandom drama when it comes to character interpretation is due to the nuances of the high-context culture the story takes place in that can have the loudest enthusiasts arguing back and forth.
This is particularly true for characters like Kim Theerapanyakul, who are meant to be portrayed as mysterious and unreadable.
(Lan Wangji and Hyakuya Mika are also a few that comes to mind in my personal experience, uh huh)
To be quite frank, it's why I personally avoid getting into any nitty gritty discussion when it comes to characters like Kim and LWJ, because they mean so much to many different people, as well as simply for the fact that I do not know everyone's emotional tolerance when it comes to disagreements. Lol What I'm saying right now can be taken to be hard-hitting fandom policing, when I'm really trying hard not for it to sound like that, nor is it even my intent. I'm not telling anyone that they're wrong or that they've misinterpreted the characters, but what I am saying, is that people in fandoms, especially for the English-Only Speakers at large, need to be more consciously aware of their cultural biases.
And before I go on, mind you, it’s perfectly okay to have cultural biases—we all have them, myself included, that's just a fact of life. No one is exempt from this, if anyone is itching to point fingers.
I don't think it's an unreasonable thing to say that if one is engaging in media that's not from their cultural context, it's good to be more aware of the surrounding cultural norms and values of that said piece of media when you apply your own interpretation to it, and especially when you may not be the intended audience.
It’s why “your headcanons are not my headcanons” is, I will always believe, a very good rule to adhere to, especially when peeps disagree with popular headcanons, so fandoms can be more respectful and tolerant of each otherrrrrrr when disagreements inevitably crop upppppp, but anywayyyyyy~
I’ve met enough expats who’ve lived abroad in my current line of work to say that trying to understand the unspoken social rules, norms, values, etc. of the foreign country they choose to live in is most often one of their biggest sources of frustration. Alas.
And, as a side-note: high-context cultures are in no way superior to low-context cultures. Both modes of communication have their pros and cons, and molds society in various different ways.
But I digress! An example of the high-context culture at play is the break-up scene in front of Kim's apartment, which I've seen a number of fic authors portray as a genuine apology from Kim:
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Which—in terms of what was spoken, Kim did say he was sorry.
But let’s think about the context of the apology: he said the words as he was walking away, before pulling his arm from Chay’s grasp. He looks back at Chay coldly, and overall, his behavior is dismissive; from his body language alone, he portrays a picture of aloofness and treats Chay as an annoyance.
What he says is an apology, yes—but it's an apology with no sincerity whatsoever. It's why Chay broke down as hard as he did, because it's not just Kim's lies that had him reeling, it was the fact that in the context of how Kim dismissed Chay during that scene, it also heavily implies that nothing between them had ever been sincere. Kim completely reverses the understanding that Chay had of their friend/relation-ship and cuts it off completely.
And although what I'm saying may come across as "Duh, that's freakin' obvious," I also want to add another point: Kim would know the implications of what this non-apology is. He would understand the context in which he'd said those words. Whether he chose to regret them or not later on is up for debate, but it's interesting to see whenever fic authors use this scene as an excuse that Kim genuinely thought he apologized, just because he said the words out loud.
Do you see what I mean? In that scene, the canon's context is what matters, but I've seen enough fic where that scene is turned on its head and fic!Kim thinks and excuses himself, portraying the scene to somehow mean that it's the words that matter. The nuance is thus lost, so in turn, the emotional weight of that scene is also disregarded.
This is what I mean when I say that there is an unconscious habit some fic authors have in changing the communication style that the show is set in.
Because the reality is, Kim didn't apologize. He knew he didn't, and Chay most certainly knew he didn't. What he was communicating in that scene was entirely different from what an actual apology entails.
Be that as it may, the audience knows that the non-apology doesn't negate what he and Chay went through together in the show. He may have been lying to Chay for the majority of the story in regards to his involvement in the mafia, but it doesn't mean that the love and adoration he feels for Chay through his actions didn't come through. Kim may not have said much to Chay besides singing for him a (stolen) refurbished version of his own song, but it doesn’t mean that his intent wasn’t conveyed. It's why Chay cried the way he did, in that in some way or another, the song Kim sang is a reminder of everything that happened between them did have truth to it.
Just because they communicate in the way one may not be used to or unfamiliar with (especially in the low-context culture that countries like the US, Canada, Australia, etc. operate in), doesn't mean that they're not communicating to one another.
Healthy communication doesn’t always have to just mean “straightforward meaning in the words.”
When tags like the ones I mentioned earlier in this rant inevitably crop up, especially when it comes to characters who are non-American/British, one can't help but feel that their canon mode of communication is being mocked and made to be seen as inferior.
In which case, TL;DR, when one writes tags like these about certain characters, I sincerely hope that their cultural biases are in the forefront of their mind, and they're aware and humble enough to admit that there are some things that they may not understand in terms of the cultural context. And due to the fact that they do not understand it, hopefully not mock it in response.
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tooningin · 2 months ago
Tw: Suicide mention on paragraph 5
while I don’t mind the idea of Jinx becoming a revolutionary (Preferably in tandem with Sevika and Ekko rather than in place of), it was incredibly rushed. Jinx blew up the council for her own reasons, not her city’s, and there is no believable or logical in-narrative reason for her now suddenly caring about Zaun’s freedom. Not to mention how it’s just thrown out the window post ep 4. And oh yeah, Sevika. Where the fuck was she after that episode? I liked the dynamic they and Isha had going on. How come she got over being ko’d and tied to a chair by Jinx so quickly?
And as heartwarming as it was seeing Jinx and Isha bond, and the former finally find a (sadly temporary) sense of peace, I hated how Isha was nothing more than a magical key to all of Jinx’s problems and insecurities. Isha’s like a Melog, if you will. We have Jinx and Catra, 2 characters with severe trauma, but then cutie comes and oh look the mentally unstable characters are a-okay now 😀. I don’t mind them being a part of these characters’ arcs, but please let them be individual characters.
So ep 6 comes around and the plot Devi- I mean, Isha and Warwick (What was the point of bringing him back?), and Jinx is back to square one. Like almost completely. Having this occur in the series finale was a poor writing choice in my opinion. There’s not enough time to get her back into the swing of things in a believable manner.
Ekko then conveniently forgets about the firelights, his people, who Jinx spent years slaughtering and introduces this idea of it being never too late to build something new. Which like, okay, that could work. But it’s ruined by 2 factors: The meaning of the quote in the context of the story and the ending of Jinx.
Arcane has completely forgotten about its socioeconomic related conflicts and themes of oppression in favor of mind boggling slop with pretty visuals, where the resolution is Jayce singing the “I love you” song to the Council (This line was way funnier in my head). Thus “Building something new” is not helping to make a better future for Zaunites, not rectifying everything she’s done (Arcane season 2 cares far more about Jinx killing the enforcers than it does about her killing firelights. That’s bonkers), but by HELPING PILTOVER
To top it all off, Jinx sacrifices herself. The fact that she, alongside Jayce and Viktor, are all canonically suicidal, are the ones to sacrifice themselves is… quite a choice. The choicest choice to have ever choiced indeed, especially the decision to use THE SAME MUSIC USED DURING THE SCENE WHERE SHE WAS TRYING TO BLOW HERSELF UP
Plus she’s probably alive anyway, as evidenced by Cait looking at the sewer maps and smiling (Since when were these 2 on good terms?), the blimp, and the end credits being in a scribbly art style SO WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HER SACRIFICING HERSELF-
(Not to mention how OOC it is of Jinx to NOT tell Vi “I’m not actually dead I’m gonna go find myself now byeeeeee”.)-
“Oh you just lack media literacy!, Arcane is a tragedy, What did you expect?!”
I expected substance.
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th-ramblr · 1 year ago
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Me? Making up an RP server? Why... yes. [Join Link] (18+)
Baldur's Dweebs is a loose campaign-style Baldur's Gate 3 Roleplay Server that seeks to recreate the BG3 experience through written roleplay and with a little more nuance than the game itself allows, welcoming writers of Origins, Canons, Tavs, and OCs alike.
Still actively looking for people to claim Lae'zel, Karlach, Halsin, and Minthara if those characters pique anyone's interest!
Most other non-Origin canons are also up for grabs.
OOC / Server Rules: (more complete rules in the discord)
Be Excellent To Each Other
No discrimination of any kind towards both "privileged" (white, male, cis, straight, able-bodied, neurotypical, etc) and "unprivileged" (poc, female, trans, LGB, disabled, etc) groups. Respect must go both ways or you're not welcome here.
Admins and Mods are people too. Treat us how you'd like to be treated.
If you feel that another user is acting inappropriately, please bring it to the attention of one of our staff. If you are having problems with a staff member, bring it to the admin. Staff are not exempt from rules.
Admins / staff are community advocates and mediators, but not babysitters. We expect you to do your own due diligence about communication.
Keep All Topics To Appropriate Channels.
Avoid political talk.
Vague-posting, passive aggressive commentary, or harassment aimed at other current group members is a kickable offense.
Participating in "callout culture" is a kickable offense, except in the following circumstances and with hard, irrefutable evidence of the accused crimes:
-Malicious stalking & hardblock evasion -Sexual harassment -Grooming (regardless of ages) -OOC Pedophilia / Hebephilia / Ephebophilia -Death threats -Suicide baiting &/or "kill yourself" type behaviors -Targeted hate, harassment, and cyber-bullying -Generally anything that would legally fall under "criminal actions" in a court of law
Roleplay Rules:
The "Canon Claims" channel is for those who would like to be the server's "Main" version of any Baldur's Gate 3 canon character (Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale, etc). The channel works on a first-come first-serve basis.
Duplicates are allowed, but not considered "canon" to server-wide events and can only be played in "Non-Canon threads". (See further down)
All RP channels are required to use appropriate tags for threads. These tags include Public, Private, NSFW, Canon, and AU/Non-Canon.
In order to request a thread be marked "Canon", you must request the tag from admins. This is to avoid accidentally mismarking a thread or mismarking a thread in bad faith.
Private threads should list participants. Those not listed should ask the thread starter for an invitation first if they'd like to join the thread.
Canon Threads will be held to a higher standard of quality and realism than AU/Non-Canon threads, in order to maintain a cohesive narrative.
Questions and Answers:
Q: Are Duplicates allowed? A: Yes and no. For "Canon Threads", there is only 1 version of each canon muse allowed server-wide. However, there is no limit on duplicates in "AU/Non-Canon" threads.
Q: How many characters am I allowed to play? A: Currently, we want to limit Origin and Companion Canon muses to one per person. There is no limit on Tavs/OCs, characters from other franchises translated into BG3 (from anime series, live action shows, video games, etc), or non-Companion canon characters (such as Cazador, Raphael, Scratch, Thorm, Orin, Gortash, Orpheus, etc).
Q: Am I required to play a character infected with an Illithid/Mind Flayer parasite? A: No. In fact, we encourage that some not be.
Claims: (updated 2/15/2024)
Lae'zel - unclaimed
Shadowheart - claimed
Astarion - claimed
Gale - claimed
Wyll - claimed
Karlach - unclaimed
Dark Urge - claimed
Halsin - unclaimed
Minthara - unclaimed
Minsc - unclaimed
Jaheria - unclaimed
The Emperor - unclaimed
Raphael - claimed
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brandnewbeing · 2 months ago
Hi! I’m Kassie, and I’ve been crafting immersive, story-driven roleplays since I was 13! As a 26-year-old, happily married mom of one, I balance life, work-from-home days, and my love for writing. I’m here looking for long-term RP partners to create unforgettable stories together. If you’re into detailed, novella-style roleplay with rich character development and emotional depth, keep reading!
👩‍💻 26 | Mom of One
🎭 Roleplay Enthusiast | 11+ Years Writing Experience
🖋️ Advanced Novella Writer | Creative Storyteller
🌈 Submissive Writer | Petite Character Specialist
🎮 Nerdy & Weeby | Autistic & ADHD | Fandoms Only | Discord Only
🌟 What I’m Looking For 🌟
Dominant Partner – I play submissive characters and prefer partners who take the lead in dynamics.
Open to All Genders – Male, female, non-binary—everyone’s welcome!
Long-Term Commitment – I want to build ongoing storylines we can grow over time.
Creative, Story-Driven Collaboration – I’m all about creating rich narratives with engaging characters.
Advanced Writers – Novella-style posts with depth and creativity are my ideal.
Patience Appreciated – My weekdays are busy with work and family, but I’m committed to our stories.
Strictly Roleplay – I’m happy to chat OOC for brainstorming, but I’m here for the stories.
🌟 My Rules 🌟
I know what I like, so if my style isn’t for you, no hard feelings!
Introduce Yourself – Share a little about you and what you’re looking for in an RP.
Fandom Focused – I play my OCs within specific fandoms (see below).
Friendly OOC – Building rapport outside the RP helps us connect better as writing partners!
Detailed Writing – My replies are 3–6 paragraphs (or more if the story calls for it). I value consistency.
Clear Grammar & Spelling – Mistakes happen, but effort goes a long way.
Plot & Brainstorming – Let’s bounce ideas back and forth to create something epic!
Third-Person Writing – My preferred style for storytelling.
18+ Only – Both writers and characters must be adults. Looking for 18 - 45 years old.
No Doubling – I prefer focusing on one strong storyline.
Writing Sample Required – I’d love to see your style to ensure we’re a good fit.
🌟 Interests & Themes 🌟
🕊Dead Dove Encouraged🕊
I’m all about creating deep, emotional, and dark narratives that push characters to their breaking points. Here’s what I love exploring:
✨ Trauma & Emotional Build-Up – The heartbreak, the pain, and the slow, satisfying climb toward redemption.
✨ Dark Themes – Mind games, manipulation, and the kind of tension that keeps you on edge.
✨ Intense Dynamics – Corruption, blackmail, and those twisted power struggles that challenge everything.
✨ Character Development – Breaking characters down piece by piece, just to build them back up stronger (or maybe not).
When it comes to blending this with kinkier elements, I’m all for:
Power imbalances and exploring control.
Twisted, emotionally charged relationships.
Vulnerability and submission, with characters unraveling in unexpected ways.
Storytelling always comes first for me. I love mixing heavy emotions with darker and spicier moments to create something raw and compelling. If you’re curious about specifics, just ask—I’m happy to share my F-List!
Strictly for creative writing. 💌
🌟 Fandoms & Characters 🌟
I play female OCs (All roleplays are Female x Male) paired with canon characters from these fandoms:
Pokemon: Volo, Guzma
One Punch Man: Genos, Saitama, Sonic
Naruto: Obito/Tobi, Kakashi (Maybe others)
Fire Force: Akitaru, Shinra, Benimaru
Tokyo Ghoul: Enji Koma, Uta
Black Clover: Zora, Yami, Nacht
Dr. Stone: Senku, Tsukasa, Gen
Chainsaw Man: Denji, Aki
Jujutsu Kasien: Gojo, Geto, Namani
Kaiju #8: Kafka, Soshiro, Reno, Iharu
🌟 Let’s Create Something Amazing! 🌟
If this sounds like your kind of writing vibe, send me a DM with a little about yourself and a writing sample. Once we connect, we can brainstorm ideas, build plots, and set up a private Discord server to bring it all to life.Let’s make something unforgettable together! 💌
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the-haunted-office · 5 months ago
⭐ Themes & What I Am Looking for in Roleplay
Regarding themes, being centered around horror, my blog features a lot of dark and sometimes heavy themes, such as death, violence, murder, blood, gore, illness (including terminal illness), and occasional mentions of self-harm and suicide (as is portrayed in the typical The Stanley Parable manner, i.e. muses not taking their own lives and physical health seriously because they can respawn in video game fashion, so they may do things like jump off a building, volunteer to be experimented on, joke around about death, show little fear of being hurt or killed, or just generally show little regard for their own safety).
Themes of mental health are also present on this blog. Many of my muses have mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. These issues are present through their behaviors, actions, and reactions to other muses and the world around them. They are very much human in that way, so if this sort of characterization bothers you, please be aware of this before following and interacting. My muses will not be happy and cheerful and positive and friendly 100% of the time, and so our interactions and threads might not be either. There may be times where my muses will react unfavorably to the things your muses say and do, and this is all a part of roleplay in my opinion. It adds flavor and intrigue to threads and depth to characters and their interactions. I will not flat out trauma dump on your muses and turn everything into an angst fest, however please be aware that they each have their backstories, and they will react to the things your muses say and do and that their reactions are their own - not mine. If you can’t handle conflicts arising without taking them as either personal attacks against you or as a personal critique against your character, especially without being able to discuss things in a civil manner OOC, then we will not be a good fit as writing partners.
My blog is also, obviously, heavily themed on the paranormal and supernatural, so there will be a lot of things about ghosts, spirits, ghouls, monsters, extraterrestrials, cryptids, icky and gross things, freaky and scary things, and just anything in that genre. If it’s anything spooky and my eyes come across it, it’s probably going to come up at some point on my blog. This includes religious things like demons and exorcisms and possessions and themes of that nature (these are not as common, but I’m mentioning them here because I know some are more sensitive to these themes and I want people to be aware that they may be present).
Dark themes aren’t the sole themes on my blog, though! It’s also a comedy blog! And that’s a good deal of what you’ll see here. The silly juxtaposed with the dark. Horror and comedy placed side-by-side is one of my favorite things ever, and I love playing with it here. I love getting a laugh out of dark and troubling themes, out of things that would normally be too frightening to look at. It minimizes the things that are too hard to handle on their own. Life, and death, doesn’t have to be so ugly and scary. We can laugh at these things too, and then they aren’t so scary. Besides, I’m here to have fun too, and that’s what I want my blog to be about as well.
Another big theme you’ll find here is centered around the examination and breakdown of storytelling and narrative tropes and elements, particularly through a heavily satirical lens, and oftentimes in the manner presented in The Stanley Parable. This can sometimes be done by breaking the fourth wall, although it is not often done in threads unless we agree to it beforehand, or through crack threads, dashcoms, and similarly-typed roleplay styles. Most often, you’ll see this carried out between my own muses in short little in-character pieces of writing and in occasional longer pieces of writing that I post on my dash under the #writing for days tag. Some examples of this are my characters discussing the latest BookTok trends, or longer story-driven plots centered around the breaking down of a particular trope, such as the slasher horror genre. Please note that while this material can be read as inflammatory and/or offensive, being the nature of satire, it is never directed at you personally or your personal tastes in these things - these types of posts and writings are my own views expressed through my characters purely for matters of humor. You are free to enjoy the media and trends you wish to enjoy, as am I. The views I express are directed at the material - not at you or your intelligence or feelings or anything of the sort.
My blog is also about friendship and love and never giving up. Found family is another heavy theme on my blog, as is love always winning at the end of the day. It’s about the power of choice and breaking out of your narrative, and sometimes breaking THE narrative. No one is ever bound to the path set before them - you always have a choice, even though the choice might not be clear or obvious. Sometimes you have to carve out the path yourself, brutally, even violently, but as the great mathematician Ian Malcolm once said, “Life, uh, finds a way.”
Untangling life and navigating our way through it all, while having a laugh at the horrors, that’s what it’s all about, baby!
As for what I am looking for in roleplay, one of the most important things to me in roleplaying is fair and balanced collaboration. 
This means both of us working together to ensure that we are both having a good time. It means communicating if there are issues, communicating ideas, asking questions, plotting together. It also means sharing collaboration efforts - so both of us sending in asks and memes to each other, we both put effort into our replies, we both come up with ideas, etc. It also means we both make sure to give each other something to work with in our replies and make sure that one isn’t always leading the direction of the thread or plot. It’s cooperation on both our parts. I believe roleplaying is more fun when both players are working and writing together.
Going into it with that in mind,  while I am happy to start off with touch-and-go replies and smaller threads to see how things go between our muses and between us as muns, longer term I’d really like to develop more in-depth threads and plots between our muses. This isn’t a requirement by any means, so please don’t take it that way - we absolutely can rp more surface level threads if that’s what you’d prefer. But for full transparency, I’d be happiest with writing partners who are willing to develop interesting, in-depth plots with our muses.
Particular genres and verses I am open to discussing and developing. My go-to verse is my main, Stanley Parable verse, but I am happy to develop AUs and develop whole new verses as well. I also have several multifandom muses to work with. I would love to develop all kinds of bonds and relationships with our muses - not strictly speaking romantic bonds, although those are also welcome, but all kinds, including platonic, found family, best friends, even rivals or enemies. I’m open to all kinds of relationships, as long as there is something interesting to develop between our muses.
At the heart of what I’m looking for is a story - an interesting, in-depth story for us to tell between our muses, a world to explore together, something for us to sink our teeth into. I want to write! So let’s write together!
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kilmerhq · 4 months ago
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𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚘𝚡 … it  started  as  a  regular  morning.  you  were  pacing  your  favorite  place  around  the  town,  eyes  glued  ahead  or  above  —  perhaps  foreign  to  some  of  our  more  reserved  townies,  but  today  felt  different…  a  few  more  paces,  and  your  foot  collides  with  something.  it's  not  too  heavy,  but  it  can  easily  hold  its  own.  after  all,  its  withstood  the  past  few  nights  -  wet,  with  mid-autumn  rains  whose  force  whistles  against  your  bedroom  window.
OUT  OF  CHARACTER  INFORMATION  :   this  is  the  first  task + mini plotdrop  of  kilmer's  cove  !  muse  participation  is  not  mandatory,  but  highly  recommended.  to  participate,  make  sure  to  tag  your  post  as  #kilmer.task01  so  we  can  view  your  lovely  answers  and  collect  them  for  near  future  hauntings.  if opting out, make sure to give this a quick read regardless, as it will inform new threads from here on out ! click  the  READ  MORE  and  see  what  you  will  soon  find  out  about  your  muse…  and  maybe  yourself  ?
you  may  answer  the  following  questions  in  any  format  that  you  would  like  —  prose,  ooc  headcanon  style,  an  all-encompassing  self  para  …  whatever  fits  your  creative  vision  the  best  !
if  you  do  decide  to  venture  in  on  this  journey  with  us,  all  questions  must  be  answered,  but  in  any  order  you  see  makes  sense  with  the  narrative. the text in bold is what must be answered. all other info is there to guide you and your muse.
this may delve into themes of trauma and pain, so please use your discretion when tagging trigger warnings on the post. any of the triggers listed here must be tagged.
Q01  :  you,  ever  the  curious  cat,  whether  you'd  like  to  admit  it  or  not,  crouches  down,  eyes  laser-focused  on  the  item  before  them.  what  does  the  outside  of  the  box  look  like  ?  is  this  something  they  have  seen  before  —  either  in  their  dreams  or  reality  ?  go  as  detailed  as  you'd  like.  possible  descriptors  can  delve  into  things  like:  what  material  is  the  box  made  of,  does  it  have  any  significance  to  y/m  or  someone  close  to  them,  does  it  have  this  enticing  energy  or  will  y/m  rebuke  this  omen,  is  it  hot  to  the  touch  or  freezing  cold,  etc.
Q02  :  after  careful  deliberation,  or  maybe  none  at  all,  you  have  decided  to  take  your  chances,  anyway.  your  hand  is  outstretched,  fingers  skimming  the  exterior  before  finally  pulling  it  into  your  grasp.  is  it  locked  ?  a  simple  yes  or  no  could  suffice,  or  you  could  go  in  depth  about  how  surprisingly  easy  it  was  to  open,  or,  conversely,  paint  a  picture  of  a  struggle.  will  they  accept  defeat,  or  use  their  surroundings  to  pry  it  open.
Q03  :  a  time  capsule,  it  seems,  but  you  don't  remember  making  one.  how  did  it  get  here  ?  you  might  be  losing  your  mind,  at  this  point.  regardless,  relish  in  your  success.  congrats.  you've  opened  it.  now  tell  me  what's  inside.  pictures  ?  jewelry  ?  useless  knick  knacks  ?
Q04  :  the  finale.  do  you  take  it  home,  or  are  its  contents  so  painful,  you  cannot  bear  to  have  it  in  your  sight  any  longer  ?  again,  a  simple  answer,  or  a  careful  deliberation  would  work  —  both  tell  me  exactly  what  i  need  to  know.
if  you  decided  to  leave  it  there,  or  perhaps  throw  it  into  the  ocean,  you  may  never  see  it  again.  if  you  decided  to  keep  it  :  during  your  journey  home,  whatever  bag  or  pocket  you  decided  to  stash  it  in  —  perhaps  it  is  cradled  by  the  safety  of  your  palms  or  arms  —  you  slowly  feel  the  weight  being  turned  into  something  different.  for  you  are  dust,  and  to  dust  you  shall  return.  it  was  all  a  dream.  are  you  brave  enough  to  share  that  with  your  community  ?  or  will  you  keep  your  cards  close  ?  the  air  feels  odd,  and  everyone,  in  one  way  or  another,  simply  feels…  off.  for  those  who  seek  out  external  guidance,  it  seems  as  if  the  town  of  kilmer  and  its  shared  delusions  might  not  just  be  a  piece  of  urban  legend. 
this  collective  dream  will  now  drive  your  future  threads, whether you posted a task or not, your muse still fell victim to this disorienting dream. will  you  finally give in  to  the  mystery  of  the  cove  ?  or  will  you  continue  to  push  against  the  current of superstition  ?
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sugar-satin · 7 months ago
All Info Regarding Roleplay!
→ Writing Style
Preferred Point of View:
I use third person limited only! I know my characters actions and thoughts and internal feelings, but I do not like when my roleplay partner takes over my oc! Please do not think or act for my character as I won't do that for you either! (This does not apply to us ooc if you are the type to send content because you think it's very my-oc etc.!)
Narrative Tone:
I use a lot of terms and slang that are improper depending on the character I am writing, but for the most part I try to maintain a romantic and whimsical tone. I prefer airy, lofty, flowery uses of words when the scene calls for it! And I'm perfectly fine with a simple, brisk, response as well (if warranted).
Slow burn is my favorite element of roleplay! Feeling like you're waiting for the latest new episode of your favorite show to drop is half the fun of a good plot! I am the type of roleplayer who does not mind making a server for our roleplay, therefore if you start to get bored of the "canon" plot we can start another slow burn that's new, or even create a rushed romance, in the form of an au!!
Detail Level:
I'm very detailed and I don't expect that of any of my rp partners consistently! I would absolutely love if you were, but I am not picky whatsoever! Please just make sure the parts that truly count in our story are accurately detailed and written, so that I can give you a proper thought out reply that makes us both happy!
Dialogue Style:
I tend to write as much as I can! I'm flexible depending on my partner. I've been on a roleplay hiatus for quite some time, so I'm currently getting used to roleplaying with people again. I never stopped writing however, so my hopes is I'll get back to where I was! Typically I can give multi-paragraph responses, when I have the time and privacy I can push the Discord character limit- double it even! But if my partner needs less and less detail, we can arrange for it instantly! Just communicate:)
→ Roleplay Dynamics:
Preferred Roleplay Type:
I stick to 1x1 pairings, because of the tendency to crave that romantic energy in the plot, but that doesn't limit me to creating intense detail for our 1x1! I focus on one pairing, but I put more focus on detail and add many side characters that become canon to the character of choice.
Posting Frequency:
I'm a student in the Midwest, and I'm at school from 8am to 3pm CST! HOWEVER, I am nearly completed and I have 2 hours of break combined up there when I'm bored! Class can sometimes move slow, and I'll have time to communicate ooc with you of course! Once I'm home, I have a lack of schoolwork so I've very attentive to replies towards 3:30pm CST until around 11:30pm/12am!!
Communication Style OOC:
This is important! When we chat I'll be asking for the password to make sure you read this part ^^ Keep reading did it! Please note that I prefer to have rp partners that really get into the plot of our two characters! If we can't have some small talk here and there ooc, AT LEAST about our characters, I don't think we'll be a good match! I'm not forcing you to be my friend, but we have to have some platonic chemistry to write together and enjoy it! Bonus points the password is star if we have our own server (for channels to put ooc, headcanons, memes, future plot ideas, fcs, etc)
→ Content
Content Boundaries:
I will not play any minor with an adult vice versa! I also refuse to roleplay anything medieval, seeing as I have zero experience. I don't like playing fantasy creatures aside from the typical, I'm willing to hear you out but please don't be upset if I don't want to! I'm open to dead dove, just no minors PLEASE.
Trigger Warnings/Topics to Avoid:
I love angst and realness, I have no real triggers or topics to avoid! If you have any triggers or topics I should avoid please make sure you have them listed!!
Romance and Relationships:
I can play mxm pairings and mxf pairings! For men I have a hard time writing more shy/timid/'cute' characters and they're typically flawed (not overly), rougher, men. In mxf pairings I will only write the female character, and I can flesh out the character more compared to her male counterpart. Please do not ask me to play outside of these pairing preferences!
→ Collaboration Preferences:
Plot Development:
I welcome collaborative, pre-planned, and improvisational! We can create it together, one of us can provide one (we can always tweak it), or we can see where things go! I would very much prefer the first two though!!!
Character Development:
If you have an oc ready that is perfectly fine but please know that I am back after a hiatus and I only have a few that I'm currently working on!! I will ask if you have a preference for faceclaim type, but know I prefer realistic faceclaims! I welcome anime and drawn OCs but I don't like picrews. Like I enjoy them for funsies but please don't use soley a picrew.
Please try to be descriptive with how you envision the scene playing out!! I l-o-v-e taking time to build up the world our characters live in. Even if it's just "modern day [insert obtainable real place]", I want to know what the people in that place are like, the goers on the sidewalk, what the scene looks like in detail when it rains, the way the pavement is cracked or not, I DON'T CARE just be descriptive.
Preferred Level of Planning (e.g., detailed plotting, minimal planning):
Both make me equally as happy!!! I'm very fast to come up with plots off the top of my head if needed, I just need to know if you'd like to avoid "dead dove " content and your preference for cliches or not!!!!
→ Technical Preferences:
Platform for Roleplay:
I only use Discord for roleplay! Add me at cemeterydoggy <3 Cold adds and dms are welcomed here.
Language and Grammar Expectations:
Please use capitals and punctuation, correct any mistakes I genuinely cannot understand. I'm really not like anal about any of this, of course just... I don't know... don't do *this* I'm not character ai.
→ Additional Information:
Experience Level:
I'm 20 and I'm fairly confident I've been "roleplaying" since I was like 12 - I will not lie. In middle school I was a beginner, in the beginning of highschool I was plotting and writing ALL the time, and by the end of highschool I had no more time to... and a MASSIVE loss of motivation. I stopped writing OCs and plots, but I never stopped writing.
Interests Outside of Roleplay:
Rick and Morty, BBC Sherlock, Romance Books, Writing, Poetry, Video Essays, Icebergs, Deep Dives, Podcasts, Gardening, Cooking/Baking (from scratch), Bread Baking, Marine Biology, Paleontology, Zoology.
Any Special Requests/Requirements:
I'd like to say that I'm a little socially awkward because I'm neurodivergent, but my experience is still there. I can give you detail and a story I just need my partners to be a little patient and easy going (preferably not dry).
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hypermascbishounen · 1 year ago
I honestly keep forgetting about N!Juste bc he's such a travesty, so wnv I get reminded of him I'm just as angry as day one, lol. I just mentally delete N!Juste every time I see him, like dragging a corrupted file to the recycle bin. Tbf he's easy to forget, bc he's also boring and the least of Nocturne's problems so far, but obv I'm going to dislike it a lot as fan of HoD.
What gets me most I think, is how most ideas I've seen of a post game Juste, have him in a mentor or at least respected ancestor role to Richter(if not just outright his dad, lol). Even with bad end Juste - in fact *especially* with bad end Juste - it's hard to imagine Juste being so checked out on his descendants. If anything, Juste having a controlling/overprotective streak, seems to be a possible thing with him, which you would think sudden catastrophic loss would actually make worse.
(imo a bad end Juste would react to Richter like Marlin in Finding Nemo, but forced to train him excessively instead of being able to shelter him. Especially when Richter *is so similar to Maxim, who he lost.* I think he would have every motive to try and ensure Richter has the best odds possible against anything.)
And this idea doesn't come from nowhere - A lot of elements of Juste (and Maxim) as characters, right down to gameplay, is backshadowing SoTN and Richter in particular. It's very much an implication that Richter inherits traits from the both of them, whether by blood, fate, or literally being trained by them, or relatives that already had been. Juste's connection to Richter in this way, was the only reason to even bring him into a Richter storyline in the first place.
And the Juste we know from HoD has an incredibly strong and distinctive personality. "Ooc" doesn't even really begin to describe how off N!Juste is. He's basically a reused stock archetype. He's the cookie cutter they used to make N!Trevor, thrown on the tray after they ran out of dough.
And tbh they didn't even need to do this, so it's baffling why they chose to. I can't claim to see into the genius peak minds behind nfcv, but my nearest guess is that not only do they not see No Legacy as a narrative problem for Richter, they see Legacy itself as an active threat. Bc Juste was genuinely their last Get Out of Jail Free card to give Richter a legacy and they wasted it, specifically to reinforce Belmont's as Useless. They actually could have had him just be a mentor to Richter that influenced him from a relatively safe distance in the script, while changing not a whole lot, imo.
The only other explanation is that they were just too scared have anyone as cool as game Juste or his friends anywhere near their watery product, lol. He is just full of too much prettyboy protagonist style while also being loaded to the balls full of magic power and having real Belmont swag. They could not have even a backstory version of this man that wouldn't threaten to upstage their constantly berated Richter, or their precious fanservice Alucard they just redesigned. He is too powerful.
Regardless, they felt the need to literally take away everything that makes Juste recognizable - his outfit, his powers, his friends, even his face!(that beard really is horrendous, it actually feels like it is there to hide his face istg). He can't even have his character flaws, they had to be replaced with ones that make him more suitably disaffected. All for the completely 0 pay off of another Useless Belmont.
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krowjones · 8 months ago
Tumblr media
Written vlog-style ask blog for Krow Jones (Casey Jones Jr.) from the Radiant Souls AU, run by @holopossums
Curious? You caw, they'll caw back.
Previous art/writing can be found in the tag krow jones
BLOG RULES/ABOUT (under cut)
Tcesters and "Proshippers" DNI. You'll be blocked on-sight.
Asks don’t have to be in any special format. Go ham!
You may ask for particular versions of Krow (teen, old) to answer! If not directed toward any particular one, it’s up to the writer. Sometimes both may respond if their answers are different. (E.g. Teen!Krow may answer first, and Old!Krow would add on.)
Some asks MAY be answered with art, or art + writing, but this is hardly a guarantee. Art can range from quick sketches to fully colored, rendered art. All up to the writer's time/energy/motivation.
NSFW will be accepted, but it must ONLY be directed toward Old!Krow. If neither are specified, it will be assumed it’s for the Older one. Anything too sexual/inappropriate directed at Teen!Krow will be deleted and you'll be blocked. Even if he’s technically of legal age, the writer is not comfortable writing NSFW of teens.
All NSFW asks/posts will be marked as Mature. This will hopefully prevent minors from seeing them while still allowing them to interact with everything else. I, the writer, will use tools available to me to block minors from NSFW content (Mature labels and proper tagging), but I am not responsible for minors lying about their age when signing up on Tumblr. The ball’s in their court.
Answers will typically (but not always) come in the form of 2nd or 3rd person, literate para/multi-para narrative style. I know it’s atypical of an ask blog, which are often in 1st person and assumes the character themself is running the blog. But bear with me, it will be fun to pretend you the reader are watching vlogs or interacting with them through video! Easier for me to write this way too, it helps express characters through action/verbal tone/etc.
Minors are free to follow/interact publicly (likes, reblogs, replies, asks), but keep in mind that the writer is much older and the characters are both adults in their own right. If this makes you uncomfy, don't follow. Please be reasonable and respect boundaries, otherwise you’ll be blocked.
Writer will not respond to minors through DM. You must be 18+ to DM me or otherwise talk with me privately. DM is for OOC interaction ONLY. I don't RP there, all RP is public. You will be turned down if you try and blocked if you persist.
OOC posts/reblogs will be tagged as such. Things that are not tagged with "out of caws" are likely IC. OOC comments on IC posts will be denoted with two slashes before.
This is a side blog, so likes and follows will come from holopossums.
I’m here to have fun and play my AU versions of the characters, nothing more! Don’t expect much from me.
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lavenderlemonrose · 8 months ago
okay I've been reading a bunch of star wars books lately and I figured I'd review them here cause literally where else am I gonna talk about them
master and apprentice by claudia gray: I actually really loved this one! by far my favorite sw book I've read in a while. it's set before tpm, following qui-gon and obi-wan on a fairly routine mission but primarily focused on their relationship and how rocky it was in the beginning. I always love young obi books and this was no exception. I also really liked the writing style? often I can feel like sw books read kinda sterilized, esp disney canon like this one, presumably for some "brand integrity" shit, but this didn't read like that at all - it just felt like a rly good sci-fi novel. I'd had mixed experiences with claudia gray in the past, so this was a nice surprise.
brotherhood by mike chen: this was the other disney canon book I read, and although I still enjoyed it, I thought the writing was a little weaker than master & apprentice. this is set pretty soon after attack of the clones, and while it ostensibly focuses on anakin and obi-wan's changing relationship (hence the title), in reality they spent a large amount of the book apart, and it was pretty action-focused. it actually reminded me a little of the themes of secrets of the jedi, because both anakin's and obi-wan's povs dwelled frequently on their romantic attachments - padme and satine, respectively - in a clear narrative foil way. as someone who loved secrets of the jedi, I liked that part of it, but wished we had more interaction between anakin and obi-wan themselves.
survivor's quest by timothy zahn: this is a legends novel set after luke and mara's wedding, following them as they explore the wreckage of outbound flight and uncover a conspiracy. this was a good example of a slightly sterilized book - although zahn is obviously a gifted writer, and tried to explore nuance in luke and mara's relationship, the focus was still very much on the plot, and the relationship tidbits ended up feeling forced to me. I still enjoyed the book, but probably wouldn't reread it in a hurry.
tatooine ghost by troy denning: another legends novel, this one following han and leia shortly after their marriage. I only realized partly through that this one was released around the same time as attack of the clones hit theaters - while the plot is primarily about han and leia attempting to keep a rebellion code key out of imperial hands on tatooine, the "ghost" in the title is shmi skywalker, whose video journal leia finds and watches throughout the course of the book. as a result, we get a pretty exact summary of the events of the phantom menace and the rest of shmi's life, from leia's perspective. it was an interesting narrative device to use to frame leia's grappling with her father's identity. I wasn't able to fully enjoy the book, however - I felt like han acted kind of ooc throughout it, at times seeming to uncomfortably pressure leia to consider the idea of having children, or to resent her for her continued close involvement in the new republic.
these were the sw books on the top of my tbr, so idk when I'll get to more, but when I do I might make another post like this
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prpfz · 2 months ago
Hi! I’m Kassie, and I’ve been crafting immersive, story-driven roleplays since I was 13! As a 26-year-old, happily married mom of one, I balance life, work-from-home days, and my love for writing. I’m here looking for long-term RP partners to create unforgettable stories together. If you’re into detailed, novella-style roleplay with rich character development and emotional depth, keep reading!
👩‍💻 26 | Mom of One
🎭 Roleplay Enthusiast | 11+ Years Writing Experience
🖋️ Advanced Novella Writer | Creative Storyteller
🌈 Submissive Writer | Petite Character Specialist
🎮 Nerdy & Weeby | Autistic & ADHD
🌟 What I’m Looking For 🌟
Dominant Partner – I play submissive characters and prefer partners who take the lead in dynamics.
Open to All Genders – Male, female, non-binary—everyone’s welcome!
Long-Term Commitment – I want to build ongoing storylines we can grow over time.
Creative, Story-Driven Collaboration – I’m all about creating rich narratives with engaging characters.
Advanced Writers – Novella-style posts with depth and creativity are my ideal.
Patience Appreciated – My weekdays are busy with work and family, but I’m committed to our stories.
Strictly Roleplay – I’m happy to chat OOC for brainstorming, but I’m here for the stories.
🌟 My Rules 🌟
I know what I like, so if my style isn’t for you, no hard feelings!
Introduce Yourself – Share a little about you and what you’re looking for in an RP.
Fandom Focused – I play my OCs within specific fandoms (see below).
Friendly OOC – Building rapport outside the RP helps us connect better as writing partners!
Detailed Writing – My replies are 3–6 paragraphs (or more if the story calls for it). I value consistency.
Clear Grammar & Spelling – Mistakes happen, but effort goes a long way.
Plot & Brainstorming – Let’s bounce ideas back and forth to create something epic!
Third-Person Writing – My preferred style for storytelling.
18+ Only – Both writers and characters must be adults.
No Doubling – I prefer focusing on one strong storyline.
Writing Sample Required – I’d love to see your style to ensure we’re a good fit.
🌟 Kinks & Preferences 🌟
I love exploring darker, complex, and intense themes that push boundaries and dive into emotional depth. Some of my favorites:
Size Difference – Petite characters paired with larger partners.
Non-Con & Dub-Con – Open to these themes depending on the plot.
Sleep Play – Exploring trust and control dynamics.
Corruption & Manipulation – Including blackmail, kidnapping, and power struggles.
Mind Break – Themes like being drugged or drunk.
Stockholm & Lima Syndrome – Twisted relationship dynamics.
Abuse, Breeding, Begging – Adds layers to darker plots.
Masochism & Sadism – I’m into masochism, so sadistic elements are welcome with thoughtfulness.
✨ I have a full F-List available if you want more details—just ask!
🌟 Interests & Themes 🌟
Let’s dive into intense storylines and rich emotions:
Trauma & Emotional Build-Up – Pain, heartbreak, and redemption arcs.
Dark Themes – Manipulation, non-con/dub-con, mind games.
Intense Dynamics – Corruption, blackmail, and twisted power struggles.
Character Development – Breaking them down and building them back up.
🌟 Fandoms & Characters 🌟
I play female OCs (All roleplays are Female x Male) paired with canon characters from these fandoms:
Jujutsu Kaisen (Gojo, Geto, Nanami)
Chainsaw Man (Denji, Aki)
Tokyo Ghoul (Uta, Enji Koma)
One Punch Man (Genos, Sonic, Saitama)
Black Clover (Yami, Nacht, Zora)
Kaiju #8 (Kafka, Reno, Soshiro)
Fire Force (Shinra, Benimaru, Akitaru)
Detroit: Become Human (Connor, RK900, Gavin)
Dr. Stone (Senku, Tsukasa, Gen)
Creepypasta (Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, Laughing Jack & more! — No Slenderman!)
🌟 Let’s Create Something Amazing! 🌟
If this sounds like your kind of writing vibe, send me a DM with a little about yourself and a writing sample. Once we connect, we can brainstorm ideas, build plots, and set up a private Discord server to bring it all to life.Let’s make something unforgettable together! 💌
DM @brandnewbeing if interested!
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novella-writers · 2 months ago
Hi! I’m Kassie, and I’ve been crafting immersive, story-driven roleplays since I was 13! As a 26-year-old, happily married mom of one, I balance life, work-from-home days, and my love for writing. I’m here looking for long-term RP partners to create unforgettable stories together. If you’re into detailed, novella-style roleplay with rich character development and emotional depth, keep reading!
👩‍💻 26 | Mom of One
🎭 Roleplay Enthusiast | 11+ Years Writing Experience
🖋️ Advanced Novella Writer | Creative Storyteller
🌈 Submissive Writer | Petite Character Specialist
🎮 Nerdy & Weeby | Autistic & ADHD
🌟 What I’m Looking For 🌟
Dominant Partner – I play submissive characters and prefer partners who take the lead in dynamics.
Open to All Genders – Male, female, non-binary—everyone’s welcome!
Long-Term Commitment – I want to build ongoing storylines we can grow over time.
Creative, Story-Driven Collaboration – I’m all about creating rich narratives with engaging characters.
Advanced Writers – Novella-style posts with depth and creativity are my ideal.
Patience Appreciated – My weekdays are busy with work and family, but I’m committed to our stories.
Strictly Roleplay – I’m happy to chat OOC for brainstorming, but I’m here for the stories.
🌟 My Rules 🌟
I know what I like, so if my style isn’t for you, no hard feelings!
Introduce Yourself – Share a little about you and what you’re looking for in an RP.
Fandom Focused – I play my OCs within specific fandoms (see below).
Friendly OOC – Building rapport outside the RP helps us connect better as writing partners!
Detailed Writing – My replies are 3–6 paragraphs (or more if the story calls for it). I value consistency.
Clear Grammar & Spelling – Mistakes happen, but effort goes a long way.
Plot & Brainstorming – Let’s bounce ideas back and forth to create something epic!
Third-Person Writing – My preferred style for storytelling.
18+ Only – Both writers and characters must be adults.
No Doubling – I prefer focusing on one strong storyline.
Writing Sample Required – I’d love to see your style to ensure we’re a good fit.
🌟 Kinks & Preferences 🌟
I love exploring darker, complex, and intense themes that push boundaries and dive into emotional depth. Some of my favorites:
Size Difference – Petite characters paired with larger partners.
Non-Con & Dub-Con – Open to these themes depending on the plot.
Sleep Play – Exploring trust and control dynamics.
Corruption & Manipulation – Including blackmail, kidnapping, and power struggles.
Mind Break – Themes like being drugged or drunk.
Stockholm & Lima Syndrome – Twisted relationship dynamics.
Abuse, Breeding, Begging – Adds layers to darker plots.
Masochism & Sadism – I’m into masochism, so sadistic elements are welcome with thoughtfulness.
✨ I have a full F-List available if you want more details—just ask!
🌟 Interests & Themes 🌟
Let’s dive into intense storylines and rich emotions:
Trauma & Emotional Build-Up – Pain, heartbreak, and redemption arcs.
Dark Themes – Manipulation, non-con/dub-con, mind games.
Intense Dynamics – Corruption, blackmail, and twisted power struggles.
Character Development – Breaking them down and building them back up.
🌟 Fandoms & Characters 🌟
I play female OCs paired with canon characters from these fandoms:
Jujutsu Kaisen (Gojo, Geto, Nanami)
Chainsaw Man (Denji, Aki)
Tokyo Ghoul (Uta, Enji Koma)
One Punch Man (Genos, Sonic, Saitama)
Black Clover (Yami, Nacht, Zora)
Kaiju #8 (Kafka, Reno, Soshiro)
Fire Force (Shinra, Benimaru, Akitaru)
Detroit: Become Human (Connor, RK900, Gavin)
Dr. Stone (Senku, Tsukasa, Gen)
Creepypasta (Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, Laughing Jack & more! — No Slenderman!)
🌟 Let’s Create Something Amazing! 🌟
If this sounds like your kind of writing vibe, send me a DM with a little about yourself and a writing sample. Once we connect, we can brainstorm ideas, build plots, and set up a private Discord server to bring it all to life.Let’s make something unforgettable together! 💌
Like if interested!
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fandom-rpfinder · 16 days ago
Hi! I’m Kassie, and I’ve been crafting immersive, story-driven roleplays since I was 13! As a 26-year-old, happily married mom of one, I balance life, work-from-home days, and my love for writing. I’m here looking for long-term RP partners to create unforgettable stories together. If you’re into detailed, novella-style roleplay with rich character development and emotional depth, keep reading!
👩‍💻 26 | Mom of One
🎭 Roleplay Enthusiast | 11+ Years Writing Experience
🖋️ Advanced Novella Writer | Creative Storyteller
🌈 Submissive Writer | Petite Character Specialist
🎮 Nerdy & Weeby | Autistic & ADHD | Fandoms Only | Discord Only
🌟 What I’m Looking For 🌟
Dominant Partner – I play submissive characters and prefer partners who take the lead in dynamics.
Open to All Genders – Male, female, non-binary—everyone’s welcome!
Long-Term Commitment – I want to build ongoing storylines we can grow over time.
Creative, Story-Driven Collaboration – I’m all about creating rich narratives with engaging characters.
Advanced Writers – Novella-style posts with depth and creativity are my ideal.
Patience Appreciated – My weekdays are busy with work and family, but I’m committed to our stories.
Strictly Roleplay – I’m happy to chat OOC for brainstorming, but I’m here for the stories.
🌟 My Rules 🌟
I know what I like, so if my style isn’t for you, no hard feelings!
Introduce Yourself – Share a little about you and what you’re looking for in an RP.
Fandom Focused – I play my OCs within specific fandoms (see below).
Friendly OOC – Building rapport outside the RP helps us connect better as writing partners!
Detailed Writing – My replies are 3–6 paragraphs (or more if the story calls for it). I value consistency.
Clear Grammar & Spelling – Mistakes happen, but effort goes a long way.
Plot & Brainstorming – Let’s bounce ideas back and forth to create something epic!
Third-Person Writing – My preferred style for storytelling.
18+ Only – Both writers and characters must be adults. Looking for 18 - 45 years old.
No Doubling – I prefer focusing on one strong storyline.
Writing Sample Required – I’d love to see your style to ensure we’re a good fit.
🌟 Interests & Themes 🌟
🕊Dead Dove Encouraged🕊
I’m all about creating deep, emotional, and dark narratives that push characters to their breaking points. Here’s what I love exploring:
✨ Trauma & Emotional Build-Up – The heartbreak, the pain, and the slow, satisfying climb toward redemption.
✨ Dark Themes – Mind games, manipulation, and the kind of tension that keeps you on edge.
✨ Intense Dynamics – Corruption, blackmail, and those twisted power struggles that challenge everything.
✨ Character Development – Breaking characters down piece by piece, just to build them back up stronger (or maybe not).
When it comes to blending this with kinkier elements, I’m all for:
Power imbalances and exploring control.
Twisted, emotionally charged relationships.
Vulnerability and submission, with characters unraveling in unexpected ways.
Storytelling always comes first for me. I love mixing heavy emotions with darker and spicier moments to create something raw and compelling. If you’re curious about specifics, just ask—I’m happy to share my F-List!
Strictly for creative writing. 💌
🌟 Fandoms & Characters 🌟
I play female OCs (All roleplays are Female x Male) paired with canon characters from these fandoms:
Black Clover: Zora, Yami, Nacht
Jujutsu Kasien: Gojo, Geto, Namani
Kaiju #8: Kafka, Soshiro, Reno, Iharu
🌟 Let’s Create Something Amazing! 🌟
If this sounds like your kind of writing vibe, send me a DM with a little about yourself and a writing sample. Once we connect, we can brainstorm ideas, build plots, and set up a private Discord server to bring it all to life.Let’s make something unforgettable together! 💌
0 notes
brandnewbeing · 2 months ago
Hi, I’m Kassie! I’ve been passionately writing since I was 13 and have developed a flair for crafting immersive, detailed narratives. As a happily married mom of one, I’m only seeking long-term, story-driven roleplay partnerships—nothing more! Let’s create something unforgettable together!
🌟 What I’m Looking For 🌟
Dominant Partner – I play as a sub and prefer a partner who takes the dominant role.
Open to All Genders – Male, female, non-binary—everyone’s welcome!
Long-Term Commitment – Ongoing storylines we can grow over time.
Creative, Story-Driven Collaboration – Rich narratives and engaging character dynamics are a must.
Advanced Writers – Novella-style, detailed posts are my jam.
Patience Appreciated – Weekdays are busy, and weekends are family time.
Strictly Roleplay – Friendly OOC chats are fine, but I’m only here for roleplay.
🌟 My Rules 🌟
I know what I like, so please respect my preferences. If they’re not for you, no hard feelings!
Introduce Yourself – Tell me a bit about yourself and what you’re looking for in an RP.
Fandom Focused – I prefer roleplaying within specific fandoms (see below).
Friendly OOC – Let’s build a friendly rapport outside of the RP.
Detailed Writing – 3-6 paragraphs per reply. I can write up to 10,000 words but prefer consistency.
Clear Grammar & Spelling – Slip-ups happen, but effort is appreciated.
Plot & Brainstorming – I love bouncing ideas around to create something amazing.
Third-Person Writing – My personal preference for storytelling.
18+ Only – Both writers and characters must be adults.
No Doubling – It’s not my style, so please don’t ask.
Writing Sample Required – Show me your skills to ensure we’re a good match.
🌟 Kinks & Preferences 🌟
I enjoy exploring darker, complex, and intense themes in roleplay. Here are my primary interests:
Size Difference – Petite women paired with larger, more imposing partners.
Non-Con & Dub-Con – Open to these dynamics depending on the storyline.
Sleep Play – Exploring boundaries with trust and control.
Corruption & Manipulation – Including kidnapping and blackmail.
Mind Break – Along with themes of being drugged or drunk.
Stockholm & Lima Syndrome – Twisted relationship dynamics.
Abuse, Breeding, Begging – Adds depth to darker plots.
Masochism & Sadism – I’m into masochism, so sadistic elements are welcome when thoughtfully incorporated.
✨ For a complete list, check out my F-List here: Kasai Victoriano's F-List
🌟 Interests & Themes 🌟
I enjoy exploring darker, complex themes. Let’s dive deep into emotions and intense storylines! Here’s what I’m into:
Size Difference – Petite characters with larger partners.
Dark Themes – Non-con, dub-con, manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, and more.
Intense Dynamics – Corruption, blackmail, mind games.
Trauma & Emotional Build-Up – Pain, heartbreak, and twisted relationships.
Character Development – Let’s break them down and build them back up.
For more detailed kinks/preferences, feel free to ask for my F-List!
🌟 Fandoms & Characters 🌟
I play as one of my female OCs in all RPs. Here are the fandoms I’m into:
Pokemon (Sun & Moon) – Guzma | Pokemon (Legends: Arceus) – Volo.
Naruto – Obito/Tobi, Kakashi.
Homestuck – Gamzee, Sollux, Mituna, and others.
One Punch Man – Genos, Sonic, Saitama.
Tokyo Ghoul – Enji Koma, Uta.
Chainsaw Man – Denji, Aki.
Soul Eater – Soul, Death the Kid.
Kaiju #8 – Kafka, Reno, Soshiro
Jujutsu Kaisen – Gojo, Geto, Nanami.
Black Clover – Zora, Yami, Nacht.
Dr. Stone – Senku, Tsukasa, Gen.
Other ideas and fandoms are always open for discussion! Let’s create a private Discord server and build our world together.
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malient · 2 months ago
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#𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 independent portrayal of 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀 from the 𝘫𝘶𝘫𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 with sporadic activity in PST. written by vera and established 1/15/2025 ! minors and personals do not interact. ( 21+ audience only ) not spoiler free and canon divergent since gege can't appreciate characters. please read my rules before following. duplicate friendly.
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rule i.   novella and multipara is my preferred writing style and i'm heavily plot driven so please don't be upset if my energy is being directed at those type of threads. usually certain dynamics call my motivation more, if we discuss things ooc then that's also a factor. i love chatting about our character interactions and that's a sure way to pick up my pace. so with that being said i don't really respond to open posts or one liners. unless we're on silly terms and you start up something. i'll be happy to play around.
rule ii.   i don't enforce building blocks for  shipping . ( i don't follow to ship. i'm just easy to approach with it. ) if you throw me a crumb, i'll make it work and we can build it around prompts/discussions. i just ask that you show mutual initiative because nothing kills a budding relationship than lack of communication and interaction. i'll always try to send memes, and prioritize to the best of my abilities. i don't have jealousy issues for you pairing off with a duplicate, just know where the line is and don't copy paste our dynamic. ♡ keep your minors away from me. i don't write that stuff, or want to see it.
but sukuna is difficult, so most relationships will not be healthy per se. i don't water him down for romance.
rule iii.   yes, i will write on  discord  but i'm bias with showcasing things on tumblr. it's also available upon request, i tend not to be the first to hand it over due to me being a talkative person. i have adhd brain and sometimes i'm sporadically online to respond.  but i adore making friends.
rule iv.   best believe i'll follow first, i have anxiety but no one is safe.  following is mutual based, i give about 1 week before soft blocking so you don't endure me refollowing on accident. i'm very particular on who i allow on my dash, so please be aware that i have a trigger happy finger on the block button.
rule v.   so my  phobias/triggers  and what i don't want to see are as follows: animal death, pedophilia, pregnancy, racism and that's about it. i can tag everything, but some things slip through the cracks. apologies in advanced. i lean more into dark topics, and don't use read mores.
rule vi.   if you are a multimuse account, please specify for me if you're seeking interaction. and if you're an oc, have a background and verse for said character. it's draining on me to figure out how to implement them, especially since i write a canon portrayal. also, i don't write with self inserts, and oc family members. we don't find it interesting.
rule vii.   as stated prior, i write  nsfw content. smut will happen if we both consent, i don't mind it and should we reach that narrative please let me know if anything makes you uncomfortable. because i don't have a limit. there's nothing i'm shy about, and we can also write it over discord if you prefer the privacy !
i don't write f/m but i encourage shipping.
rule viii.   i'm more compliant with  mains than exclusives, since i require feedback and someone who matches my energy. don't look at me like a collectable item, or as a character you need to snatch up for affiliates purposes. we're all here to write and be silly. no competitions.
rule ix.   lastly, if you want to write with me then show interest through prompts i reblog and interacting with my posts. also approaching me directly through ims. i'm not scary, i swear.
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searchingroleplays · 2 months ago
Hi! I’m Kassie, and I’ve been crafting immersive, story-driven roleplays since I was 13! As a 26-year-old, happily married mom of one, I balance life, work-from-home days, and my love for writing. I’m here looking for long-term RP partners to create unforgettable stories together. If you’re into detailed, novella-style roleplay with rich character development and emotional depth, keep reading!
👩‍💻 26 | Mom of One
🎭 Roleplay Enthusiast | 11+ Years Writing Experience
🖋️ Advanced Novella Writer | Creative Storyteller
🌈 Submissive Writer | Petite Character Specialist
🎮 Nerdy & Weeby | Autistic & ADHD | Fandoms Only | Discord Only
🌟 What I’m Looking For 🌟
Dominant Partner – I play submissive characters and prefer partners who take the lead in dynamics.
Open to All Genders – Male, female, non-binary—everyone’s welcome!
Long-Term Commitment – I want to build ongoing storylines we can grow over time.
Creative, Story-Driven Collaboration – I’m all about creating rich narratives with engaging characters.
Advanced Writers – Novella-style posts with depth and creativity are my ideal.
Patience Appreciated – My weekdays are busy with work and family, but I’m committed to our stories.
Strictly Roleplay – I’m happy to chat OOC for brainstorming, but I’m here for the stories.
🌟 My Rules 🌟
I know what I like, so if my style isn’t for you, no hard feelings!
Introduce Yourself – Share a little about you and what you’re looking for in an RP.
Fandom Focused – I play my OCs within specific fandoms (see below).
Friendly OOC – Building rapport outside the RP helps us connect better as writing partners!
Detailed Writing – My replies are 3–6 paragraphs (or more if the story calls for it). I value consistency.
Clear Grammar & Spelling – Mistakes happen, but effort goes a long way.
Plot & Brainstorming – Let’s bounce ideas back and forth to create something epic!
Third-Person Writing – My preferred style for storytelling.
18+ Only – Both writers and characters must be adults. Looking for 18 - 45 years old. 
No Doubling – I prefer focusing on one strong storyline.
Writing Sample Required – I’d love to see your style to ensure we’re a good fit.
🌟 Interests & Themes 🌟
🕊Dead Dove Encouraged🕊
I’m all about creating deep, emotional, and dark narratives that push characters to their breaking points. Here’s what I love exploring:
✨ Trauma & Emotional Build-Up – The heartbreak, the pain, and the slow, satisfying climb toward redemption.
✨ Dark Themes – Mind games, manipulation, and the kind of tension that keeps you on edge.
✨ Intense Dynamics – Corruption, blackmail, and those twisted power struggles that challenge everything.
✨ Character Development – Breaking characters down piece by piece, just to build them back up stronger (or maybe not).
When it comes to blending this with kinkier elements, I’m all for:
Power imbalances and exploring control.
Twisted, emotionally charged relationships.
Vulnerability and submission, with characters unraveling in unexpected ways.
Storytelling always comes first for me. I love mixing heavy emotions with darker and spicier moments to create something raw and compelling. If you’re curious about specifics, just ask—I’m happy to share my F-List!
Strictly for creative writing. 💌
🌟 Fandoms & Characters 🌟
I play female OCs (All roleplays are Female x Male) paired with canon characters from these fandoms:
One Punch Man: Genos, Saitama, Sonic
Naruto: Obito/Tobi, Kakashi (Maybe others)
Tokyo Ghoul: Enji Koma, Uta
Black Clover: Zora, Yami, Nacht
Dr. Stone: Senku, Tsukasa, Gen
Chainsaw Man: Denji, Aki 
Jujutsu Kasien: Gojo, Geto, Namani
Kaiju #8: Kafka, Soshiro, Reno, Iharu
🌟 Let’s Create Something Amazing! 🌟
If this sounds like your kind of writing vibe, send me a DM with a little about yourself and a writing sample. Once we connect, we can brainstorm ideas, build plots, and set up a private Discord server to bring it all to life.Let’s make something unforgettable together! 💌
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