in3rdy · 1 year
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
Was just thinking about how, while in the Good Ending in the Omega Timeline with Color and the Epic Sanses + Beta, a big factor they’ll probably have to keep in mind is that, when Killer is in Stage 2, he’d probably eventually want to attempt going back to Nightmare.
It probably starts off slow at first, with 2 casually mentioning things Nightmare used to do or say—probably even little ticks he did when he thought Killer wasn’t looking. Repeating whatever lessons Nightmare taught him, almost fondly. Wondering out loud if Color thinks Nightmare has replaced him yet. Maybe Killer even starts to feel the need to re-teach himself the lessons, in case he forgot and Nightmare comes for him again.
There was probably many times when Color’s woken up to Killer being gone, maybe he leaves a note maybe his stuff is packed maybe none of it is besides his weapons, but either way Killer is gone. And Color has to shove down his panic attack, the flashbacks and vivid imagery of what Nightmare could do (and has done) to Killer if he gets his hands on him again, call up the Stars and the Epic Sanses.
The man hunts for Killer could probably be a simple as a few hours—because Killer caught himself stuck in indecision and rumination, torn between the two authorities of Color and Nightmare and feeling physically sick at the idea of being disloyal ( physically sick at how disloyal he’s already been) and sick that he feels that way at all— to weeks. Because Killer certainly knows how to not be found and be fast if he doesn’t want to be, and if he cares not to be.
Ultimately I think just about every manhunt would end with one of the Stars or Epic Sanses finding Killer standing around in some AU, lost and confused in his own mind. Everything’s all jumbled up for him and he thinks Nightmare could fix him.
And Color probably has to approach him not as Color, his friend, but as Color—his owner, someone who can make things make sense again, in Killer’s mind —until Killer is safely back in the Omega Timeline and able to recognize who Color is and what he is to Killer.
I can already picture the stir itd cause in the residents of the Omega Timeline as well. No one wants something like Killer in the hands of something like Nightmare again, and no one wants Nightmare’s killer in their homes and around their loved ones. And now they’re probably thinking Killer’s slipped the leash and running back to his old one now, to slaughter his way through millions again.
There’d definitely be a lot of people who want Killer locked up—either in jail or in an asylum getting unwanted help by people who likely don’t wanna actually help and just want revenge (is what Killer thinks, not that he’d try and stop them), if not executed.
And once the relief of having finally brought Killer back home safe wears off, Color will likely have a massive crash and panic attack that Delta and Epic will have to help him with because Killer isn’t in any state of mind to help him at that moment, either. Because Color’s eventually going to have to pull himself together again in order to help Killer pull himself together—remind Killer of the lessons again, but not the Chara lessons or the Nightmare lessons, the therapy lessons.
And then once that’s settled, Color and Killer have drained themselves out and are now cuddled up together sleeping soundly, with Epic taking to making sure they have enough food and water while Delta sets reminders to schedule actual therapy sessions when they’re ready and up for it.
Then the two of them will join them for a cuddling sesh because they’re all grateful to be back together again, that Nightmare hadn’t taken Killer back, and Beta needs the comfort. (And so do they.) Cross will insist on standing guard outside the door but eventually crawls into the bed with them too.
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zomthezom · 11 months
I deeply respect those whom consider the Bad Sanses the following:
Nightmare, Murder(canon), Killer, and Horror.
People who put cross in are slightly less respected but it may be forgivable. People who put Error in though…
Error is a NEUTRAL UNIT. He destroys universe. He’s ABOVE all these other anomalies and their idiotic teams. He is chaotic neutral but also on the lawful evil side. He doesn’t have the time to join a team when he could just be destroying things. He’s that one kid that would rather break peoples sandcastles and lego sets rather than play twister.
Cross only joined to get his AU back. He was desperate. Nightmare sensed this desperation and negativity, and grabbed it and took advantage. The underverse XEvent was broken. Even more broken than 0.7 part two Cross. The ONLY way Cross would remain in the bad sanses is if the events of 0.4 occurred differently, and stayed with XChara. He would have left soon after either way, as his ulterior motive is to regain his timeline and in season two to defeat XGaster.
this isn’t a hate post it’s just my reasoning why the ‘murder time trio’ are the only servants under nightmare.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 11 months
E.L.A characters nationally because why not.
Good guys
Dream - Romanian/Spanish
Ink - Japanese
Blue/Swap - American
Hope - Russian
Bad guys
Corrupted Nightmare (Alphonse) - German
Killer - Indonesian
Dust - Ukrainian
Horror - German
Neutral side
Error - British (he already has the British accent so-💀)
Cross - Hellas (Greece)
Core Frisk - Korean because why not
The dead one-
Passive Nightmare- Japanese/???
Nim - Japanese
Frieda - Vietnamese
I think that's all 🤔
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neoruby-loves-ut-aus · 5 months
The Queen of The Fallen Guardian of Positivity
Corrupted Princess Sun Frisk or Princess Adrienne in full human style
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I challenge you to design her in your own style. You can also add Shattered Dream with her.
(Her steel fans should be large like Mortal Kombat Kitana's steel fans)
People who need to see this:
@analexthatexists @deepestredloves @shaylacousintale @sofiathehooman @broomiepen @naebulla @shorukarts
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Frisk from Undertale is an Avatar of the Corruption.
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clobertina · 1 month
I’m not sorry lol
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This, is my take on (Pacifist route, never murdered anyone) Frisk, or at least my take on them as a teenager.
They're nonbinary (AFAB), Filipino, they don’t remember their true last name (Bulalacao) due to traumatic memory loss, so they comically like to only go by as just 'Frisk' even if they're adopted by Toriel and Asgore.
I basically created their personality from the narration of their actions in the Pacifist Route and ended up with a very goofy, flirty, weird kid with a heart of gold. (Think also of Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket, except they can't cook!)
After using this version of them all through out my fanfics and fanart, I early on realized that I really love them but also realized that they also falsely became 'cannon' in my head, and it unfortunately sometimes makes running into other fan's interpretations of Frisk difficult for me to get used to if they're too different from mine (it's bad, I know, I've been hiding in my AU corner for too long!)
But don't worry, I made that realization a long time ago and fully recognize my version of Frisk is basically an OC, and so are everyone else's interpretations, it's what makes all these Undertale and Deltarune alternate universes so fun.
I remember the first moment I had experiencing a vastly different Frisk than mine was years ago when I saw a bushy bearded masculine Frisk and I was like ":O??!!!"
But yeah, I'm much better about it now and fully accept all the different Frisks.
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au-mashup-party · 3 months
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Xirustale: Xelter’s Family
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Xirus: I bet you guys didn’t know that Xirus’s brother was a family man, unfortunately for him haha! 
Xelter: Oh shut up, this was your plan after all.
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qqivvee · 1 year
Хеей! Вы помните, что Хгастер из Террарии? Это точно не я придумала переиграв в Террарию и пересморев Андерверс !
Ayo? Do y'all remember that Xgaster is from Terraria? And this is defenetly not made up by me, after playing too much Terraria and watching Underverse!
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Давайте притворимся, что Чара и Фриск никогда не видели других ау и не знают что фиолетовый только Икстейл . Помоему тут все понятно и без перевода так что я не стала делать второй вариант на англ.
Кстати ,все персонажи нарисованы по памяти если что
Это комикс за одно тренировка упрощённого стиля , который в 100 раз легче, привыкайте лол
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
I’m already aware of a couple plot holes with frisk being the “strange someone” to bestow jevil and spamton and the secret bosses Brain Breaking Awareness but also it’s so. narratively interesting to me. to go from being the protagonist to potentially an antagonist. they Know the world is a video game bc they were possessed by the player, they know how meaningless they really are. and now the player is Done with their game and that they’ve regained autonomy what are they supposed to do now? it ended up being not-particularly-good things, apparently
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in3rdy · 2 years
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talltale-lore · 7 months
Both Frisk and Chara narratively are supposed to parallel eachother, making the final battle more impactful for the characters.
Throughout the Pacifist route Frisk (along with everything else they learn through their character development) will very slowly realize how similar both they and Chara are to eachother (not to mention how the route affects Chara as well) Only in CC’s Final Form’s battle does the full realization hit Frisk… and it hits them hard.
In the end, Frisk becomes the first person to be able to truly understand/empathize with Chara and all the mental turmoil they’ve been going through for such a long time… Because Frisk themselves knew what it was like... They knew what it was like to be failed by everyone, to have a voice in your head dictating your every move, to become bitter and cold, to be mistreated, to feel like a mistake, to want everyone to hurt like you have because of everything… This is ultimately what ends up saving Chara during their battle in Pacifist. By the time Frisk enters Chara’s battle, Frisk saves Chara because they WANT to, not because they have to… reassuring Chara that they aren’t alone or a lost cause and that it isn’t too late for them to change and to be happy… Like how it wasn’t too late for Frisk.
Through this empathy, Frisk as able to open Chara’s eyes up to the truth… the truth that their family did indeed love them and would never abandon them.
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analexthatexists · 6 months
Spreading word about my mutual @neoruby-loves-ut-aus' Dreamtale AU, Dreamlevel!
Okay, heads up, it’s centered around Frans content, but if you like that type of stuff, you should check it out! It’s pretty wholesome (most of the time) and they put a lot of effort into getting it to be seen by others, so doing so would be wonderful.
(My own) Synopsis:
Most of the posts follow miscellaneous adventures involving the offspring of Dream and Sun Frisk, usually being James, Hermione and Clara, as well as that of Nightmare and Moon Frisk’s, most commonly Alexander AKA Nightmare Jr. The full stories are yet to be published, but you can enjoy skits and POVs involving the cast.
Please note the content may be a bit scattered, but it’s not something the creator should be blamed for. One more thing, if you really don’t enjoy this type of content, don’t try to be some amazing hero who vanquishes evil Sans x Frisk content and anonymously harass the creator. You aren’t helping anybody; You’re just being a pest.
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No longer the Guardian, Spoilers as meme
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Lmaoo have fun waiting for next chapters ;)))
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Hi can You make shatt dream x frisk pocky
Here you go! Sorry to keep you waiting 😔
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Also Corrupted! Sun is in her home clothes not in the outfot she usually wears
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