#corri english
here-be-bec · 3 months
last line challenge
thank you for the tag @hastalavistabyebye, and also at some point i think @twainxavier and @holdingonforheaven?? it has been a minute, but i finally have some new writing to reply with!
from chapter 2 of 'lost and found':
Being around the other corries again is strange. Sometimes Fox finds himself wanting to reach out and touch them, like they might not actually be there, real, in front of him. It feels like a walking dream.
NPT: @myidealhousehaschickenfeet, @amberskyyking, anyone who tagged me because it has probably been long enough that you also have new stuff written, and anyone who sees this and wants to add their own!
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horizon-verizon · 6 months
Because of course Israel can do whatever the fuck it wants, right? They purposefully crushed Rachel Corrie to death and there wasn't so much of a stink then, the government not trying to hold Israel accountable in any way.
Citizens of Western countries are expendable when they cross over those invisible boundaries. I mean, all they really want is their tax money, what's one more outlier?
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therovers · 2 years
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The Video Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Doesn’t Want You To See
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rasairui · 10 months
Hey guys, today my english professor showed us a video he helped make on the Palestinian Cultural Palace. It's on a small youtube channel called the Rachel Corrie Foundation, run by the parents of the American peace activist who was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer while protesting a demolition campaign. It's a small channel, but I wanted to try and spread it a little. I'm going to reblog with links since as far as I know tumblr still likes being weird about those. Once I do, I'd appreciate it if you guys could spread it too.
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I’m still thinking about riddles and riddle contests in folklore and I think that’s all down to the story of the Night Troll.
The Night Troll is an Icelandic folktale collected by Jón Árnason and tells of a young maid staying behind at the farm on Christmas Eve, even though most people who have done so before have ended up dead or driven mad. A troll attempts to gain entrance, but she keeps him at the window until the sun comes up and turns him to stone.
In the version I first encountered of this story, an English translation in The Enchanted World Series, the girl and the troll exchange riddles. One of which is the “thirty white horses on a red hill” riddle that Tolkien uses in The Hobbit. But in the version collected by Árnason there are no riddles. Instead the exchange is a rhyming back and forth, which reads like it ought to be sung:
The troll starts: “What a pretty hand you have, my quick one, my keen one, and diddly-doe.” The maid answers: “It has never raked the muck, my prowler, my Kári, and corry-roe.”
She continues to give a quick reply to every compliment, claiming her virtue every time. Until the final exchange:
“Day is dawning in the east, my quick one, my keen one, and diddly-doe.” “Stay and turn to stone, but be of harm to no one, my prowler, my Kári, and corry-roe.”
Of course this is a translation (by May and Hallberg Hallmundsson) and there are no notes provided on the significance of the rhyme, but this exchange is clearly about wit and quickness and – I extrapolate – the power of using the right kind of words in the right kind of rhythm.
It reminds me less of a riddle contest and more of the Welsh custom of the Mari Lwyd coming to your door at Christmas and singing the pwnco to deny access to the house. Here too the point is to answer quickly and cleverly (or amusingly), strictly following the tune and composition of a specific song (Cân y Fari). Although the festive Mari Lwyd does not need to be turned to stone, she and her cohorts can be plied with food and drink after they are let inside.
I love a good riddle contest, but I love the implication that some beings are just inherently bound by the power of words and song even more.
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scotianostra · 2 months
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19th July 1654 saw a Royalist uprising in the Highlands, it was part what became known as The Glencairn Uprising.
This particular episode became known as the Battle of Dalnaspidal, but reading up on it, it was more of a skirmish or just a rout, the Kings men put up very little fight.
This was all part of a messy affair, which had it’s origins in The English Civil war, this particular era was however known as The War of the three Kingdoms. It was one of the last engagements of the war in Scotland bringing an end to the Royalist rising of 1651 to 1654.
Earl of Glencairn and raised an army mainly from Clan MacGregor. He would have no difficulty recruiting them because one of their opponents was the Earl of Argyll, a Campbell, one of their hereditary enemies.
Alexander, the 12th chief of the Robertson Clan, led his men from Fea Corrie. Both forces met above Annat and marched up the old path to Loch Garry.
On the evening of 19th July 1654, Thomas Morgan, Commander-in-Chief of the English army in Scotland surprised Royalist troops led by John Middleton, 1st Earl of Middleton near the loch at the Drumochter Pass. The Royalist horse had become separated from the foot. When Morgan’s superior forces advanced towards them, most of Middleton’s cavalry fled, leaving the infantry unprotected. As the cavalry continued to advance, the Royalist infantry also turned and ran.
The fight at Dalnaspidal broke the Royalist insurrection in the Highlands. Although wounded, Middleton managed to escape into the mountains, but he was never able to gather a substantial force again. General Monck wanted all the leaders of the uprising put to death, but the Protector and Council promised a pardon to all those who submitted William, Earl of Glencairn surrendered to General Monck in September 1654. Middleton escaped back to the Continent and rejoined Charles II in exile.
Much more on this at Clan Donnachaidh Society in the States of all places, sometimes you have to look afar to find details of our history…..
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kino-rogers · 7 months
He is always a call away (Tangerine/Reader)
Word count: 825 (reasonably short and sweet)
Song: 0800 HEAVEN | Nathan Dawe, Joel Corry, Ella Henderson (listen, I know the vibes don't fit but the lyrics inspired me to write this aha)
Short summary: Bullet Train happens and everything goes down as it does in the film. Reader is trying to process that Tangerine won't come home again.
Warnings: Canon typical swearing, angst, (light) past trauma mention
notes: thank you @nocturnest for jumping on this to fix my broken English and being a wonderful beta!! what an intro but uh [coughs] i'm already excited to write more for this fandom (bits in which Tangie is very much alive ehehe) anywaayyy, hope you guys like this!! - 🥝
It's not been the… easiest time - it has to be said.
Since that phone call from Lemon, you've been struggling with sleep. It doesn't show in your work, of course. Keeping up appearances has always come to you rather naturally. Some of it being from your repressed trauma, that even years of therapy barely scratched the surface of, but also because of your line of work too. It doesn't sit well to be an emotional wreck after every kill you're paid to do.
The call was from a number you didn't recognise. The passing sound of traffic suggested it's from a payphone as Lemon sighed heavily down the line.
"You lost your phone? On a train?" You answered the call lightheartedly and you recognized his sigh immediately, you hoped it was just a release of pent up tension over a job well finished. Although, the fact that Lemon was the one to call, put you on edge, hoping it's not coming through your pretend jolliness.
"He's gone." His statement was simple and sudden. The tone, stone cold, as his voice was raspy, possibly from crying.
"Who's gone, Lemon?"
Your throat ran dry as you swallowed around a lump. Your chest quickly tightened as you tried to piece together what he could have meant. You couldn't- no, didn't want to think about the most likely possibility.
"Tan-" He took a pause, cleared his throat before continuing. "Tangerine, was shot in the neck, he is gone."
It's not like you guys were dating, no, it wasn't anything like that. Neither of you had the emotional capacity for that. What, with your jobs requiring you to spend weeks, months away from each other at a time, sometimes in different countries, opposite sides of the world. But he was the first person, in a long while, that you genuinely cared for.
You turn to your bedside table, glance at the alarm clock there. Its digital display shines in orange numbers, 01:54.
It's a month, today.
You suddenly have a stupid idea. What would happen if you called his number? Last time you checked it was still live, it'd probably just take you to voicemail. Weirdly, your therapist at your last session suggested writing letters to him, in your bereavement. Bereavement. Such a weird word. You're not even sure that's what this is. But maybe leaving a voicemail would be an equivalent. Maybe he can listen to his voicemails, wherever he is. You scoff at the fleeting thought but reach for your phone anyway.
Tangie is still in your recent calls. You tap the saved contact and wait for it to ring.
You're not expecting anyone to answer, of course not. Your grief hasn't driven you completely nuts. But as the phone rings, you can't help but think about getting to talk to him, just once more. By some divine intervention, you'd be connected through to him, in the afterlife and you could tell him everything you couldn't the last time you spoke.
"-after the beep BEEP"
"Hi Tangie," You scoff in embarrassment, not really sure why you're doing this anymore. "I uh,"
You sigh heavily, all too aware of the silence the machine is expecting you to fill. You sniffle as you start to speak again.
"I know you won't hear this. That… Isn't really the point." You draw a shaky breath. "I know who did it though. Well, knew. Lemon and I took him out last week. What kind of an assassin's name is Ladybug anyway?" You snicker. Can't avoid the tightness in your chest though.
"I just… I dunno. Apparently I should be writing letters to you, as if I could send them off with a pigeon and they'd get to wherever the fuck you are. So, this is the next best thing. If this was anyone else, you'd tell me to fuck off and to suck it up. We always were on the same wavelength, when it came to feelings." Your chest deflates with a long exhale as you realise you need to stop dancing around whatever it is you're trying to say here.
"I guess I just wanted to tell you I really fucking miss you." You sniffle again, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. "I miss your stupid grin, your teasing, your annoyingly cocky attitude, your… The way you looked at me."
"I wish you were here right now so I could tell you I love you. I wish I didn't, I really goddamn wish I didn't care for you so much but I fucking love you. And I hate that I can't see your face as I told you, for the first time. Please call me back."
You bury your face in your pillow and you howl into it, sobs shaking your body as the voicemail recording is saved and you continue to wallow in your bereavement. You're supposed to be feeling better. You need to stop paying your therapist.
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dickfuckk · 1 year
A list of season 2 cast and crew members, confirmed and speculated
I will try and keep this updated
Not counting the obvious ones
Please note that this is a list of both cast and crew members, so PAs and such are also included and not just actors
Also if you're interested: on my bts instagram I only follow people who have worked on season 1, and people I suspect worked on season 2. So feel free to go through the list of people I follow if you're into that
Aaron Morton (Camera) - he’s listed on the very last picture as the camera-man
Adam Stein(Writer)
Alan F. (English solider)
Alexandria S.
Alison Telford (Casting)
Alistair Gregory - from this tweet so uncertain, but followed me back on my bts instagram account so seems to have some interest in ofmd
Amy Barber (Sound department)
Amy Tunnicliffe
Amanda Grace Leo
Amanda M. (Wedding guest)
Andrea Basile (Costume)
Andres Gomez Zamora (Visual effects)
Andrew DeYoung (Director) - I don’t remember if there was any other reason than the fact that he was in Aotearoa during filming
Andy McLaren (senior art director)
Andy Rydzewksi (Cinematographer)
Angelina Faulkner (Sound department)
Blair Nicholson (Camera)
Blair Teesdale (Camera)
Brad Coleman (Visual effects)
Brad McLeod (Special effects)
Brian Badie (Hairstylist)
Bronson Pinchot (“Torturer”)
Bryn Seager - I don’t remember why but I follow him
Bryony Matthew (Food stylist)
Caleb Staines (Camera)
Chantel Partamian (Visual effects)
Colin Elms (Art department)
Colin Rogers (Sound department)
Cora Montalban (Makeup and/or hairstylist) - I believe she was tagged in an instagram story once, and she’s followed by a ton of cast and crew members
Corrin Ellingford (Sound department)
Corey Moana (Camera)
Corry Greig (Art department)
Coti Herrera (Prosthetics/Makeup)
Damian Del Borrello (Sound department)
Daniel Fernandez (Spanish priest)
Danica Duan (Assistan accountant)
David Boden (production manager)
David G. (Stand in)
David Rowell (Financial controller)
David Van Dyke (Visual effects)
Dennis Bailey (Hairstylist)- Leslie revealed that he’s there.
Dion Anderson (Rescue diver)
Don A. (Swampy Town folk)
Donna Pearman (Assistant accountant)
Donna Marinkovich (set decorator)
Doug McFarlene (Pirate)
Duncan Nairn (Visual effects)
Eliza Cossio (Writer)
Erroll Shand (Prince Ricky)
Esther Mitchell (Camera)
Fernando Frias (Director)
Gareth Van Niekerk (Sound department)
Gary Archer (dental prosthetics)
Gemma Campbell (Visual effects)
Grant Lobban
Greg Sager (Safety manager)
Gregor Harris (Camera)
Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. (AD)
Gypsy Taylor (Costume designer)
Haroun Barazanchi (Set designer)
Harry Ashby (AD)
Helene Wong (Voice work)
Jacob Tomuri (Stunts)
Jaden McLeod
James Crosthwaite (Set decorator)
Jamie Couper (Camera)
Jason Samoa, possibly spotted on location
Jemaine Clement, pretty sure this is only based on his friendship with Rhys and Taika tbh
Jes Tom (Writer)
Jessica Lee Hunt (Makeup artist) - followed by a ton of crew and cast members and I believe she’s been tagged in instagram stories and such
John Mahone (Writer)
Jonathan Bruce (Sound department)
Jono Capel-Baker (Groom)
Jonno Roberts didn’t get the role from his audition, but could still have gotten a different role - hung out with Ruibo
Judah Getz (Sound department)
Julia Huberman (Sound department)
Julia Thompson (Costume)
Justin Benn (Republic of Pirates Town)
Karl L. (Action extra)
Kate Fu
Kate Leonard (Casting)
Kathleen Zyka Smith (“Red Flag”)
Kosuke Iijima (Fabricator/Sculptor?) - due to interaction on this post
Kris Gillan (Fabricator/Sculptor)
Kura Forrester - followed by quite a few cast and crew members, but I don’t remember if there was anything else to it
Laura Stables (SFX makeup artist)
Leanne Evans (Art department)
Lee Tuson
Leslie Jones (Spanish Jackie) - she’s spoiled this so many times, but gjfhdks
Leyla - followed by a lot of cast and crew members, don’t remember if there was more to it than that
Lindsey Cantrell (Set decorator)
Louis Flavell Birch (Blue coat)
Luke V. (Stand in)
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Sunday Sounds: Prestonpans, again
I almost forgot about them, because I am up to my neck in that spirits thing - a self-inflicted yoke, to speak so, but for the cause (also, I was constantly interrupted by, in no particular order: Anons, phone calls, washing machine, etc). So, here goes - and when in doubt, always go for The Corries, if you ask me:
“And here’s one from the ’45,” he said. “This one is from the famous battle of Prestonpans, at which the Highland Army of Charles Stuart routed a much greater English force, under the command of General Jonathan Cope.”
There was an appreciative murmur from the crowd, for many of whom the song was plainly an old favorite, quickly shushed as Roger’s fingers plucked out the marching line.
            “Cope sent a challenge from Dunbar
            Sayin’ ‘Charlie, meet me, and ye daur
            An’ I’ll learn ye the art o’ war
            If ye’ll meet me in the mornin’.’ ”
He bent his head over the strings, nodding to the crowd to join in the jeering chorus.
            “Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye walkin’ yet?
            And are your drums a-beatin’ yet?
            If ye were walkin’, I would wait
            Tae gang tae the coals in the mornin’!”
Brianna felt a sudden prickle at the roots of her hair that had nothing to do with singer or crowd, but with the song itself.
            “When Charlie looked the letter upon,
            He drew his sword the scabbard from,
            Come, follow me, my merry men,
            And we’ll meet Johnnie Cope in the morning!”
“No,” she whispered, her fingers cold on the smooth brown envelope. Come follow me, my merry men … They’d been there—both her parents. It was her father who had charged the field at Preston, his broadsword and his targe in his hands.
            “… For it will be a bluidie morning!”
            “Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye walkin’ yet?
            And are your drums a-beatin’ yet?…”
The voices rose around her in a roar of approbation as they joined in the chorus. She had a moment of rising panic, when she would have fled away like Johnnie Cope, but it passed, leaving her buffeted by emotion as much as by the music.
            “In faith, quo Johnnie, I got sic flegs,
            Wi’ their claymores an’ philabegs,
            Gin I face them again, de’il brak my legs,
            So I wish you a’ good morning!
            Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye walkin’ yet?…”
(Diana Gabaldon - Drums of Autumn)
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A sight of her travel.
A light of her shawl.
He makes her for him at night subdue times.
I don't make happen a lover to his lie.
A travel of her night is yours.
He loves like the English language learns crude.
A translater at work.
A love's wife transmutes a corry-bane love story.
A man at keeping her love-eyes.
A thought of sight-seeing loves.
A love that is proud of his thesis girl.
A man who loves might.
A love pronounces her for him.
A smoke bowl boy with nudges.
He cats over me to say his love you.
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fetusharryluvr · 2 years
i’maceleb!universe first morning in camp
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it’s the first morning in the jungle!
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You poked just your head out of your sleeping bag, slightly opening your eyes as they adjusted to the bright, morning light. You tried to look around to see who else was awake, giving Sue a dopey smile when you saw that she was up. “Mornin’.” You groggily greeted.
“Morning, love.” The corrie star beamed back at you, “How are you?”
You sat up slightly, running a hand through your messy hair. “I’m good,” you nodded your head, “Knackered, though.”
“I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night. I think I’m still getting used to life in the jungle. But it was nice to know I wasn’t the only one.”
“Aw, bless you.” Sue pouted, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
“I wonder how the others are doing.” You stated, your mind wandering to the other 5 celebrities who were separated and put into another camp.
You looked over to Harry who also now awake. “Probably lying in warm beds and eating a full english.” He joked, causing you and a couple of the others to laugh.
The atmosphere in camp was very quiet, but understandable. It was a change in environment, everyone was still adapting. “So, is everyone excited for their first day in the jungle?” Charlene quizzed, turning everybody’s heads.
“Everyone was very tired this morning. I think it’s going to be a long first day.”
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kyoosoup · 14 days
rating all the books i had to read for junior high + highschool
blah blah blah
my brothers and dad are currently watching a football game so i have to kill some time. i asked my mom to send me the list of all the books i read for junior high/highschool (i'm homeschooled so she was my teacher/made my curriculum that's why i asked her)
not sure how i'm gonna rate/rank these yet but yeah
if you're bored and want to kill time or you just want to read this for some reason, then strap in
To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee
this one is a school classic. and honestly, i did enjoy it. i will say i had a hard time reading it when i did, not because of the actual writing/language, but rather because i had no idea how courts worked so i didn't understand any of the courtroom scenes. i'm not sure why i didn't know about courts yet. i'm sure i learned about it in school but i hadn't seen it visually (like in a show or video or anything) so i think it was hard for me to picture. i'm sure if i read TKAM again now i would enjoy it more.
The Red Badge of Courage
by Stephen Crane
omg i did not like reading this book. idk if it's just me or if it was the book but i was so bored. it's a really short book but it felt so long. maybe i'm being too harsh and maybe it wasn't actually boring. but i wouldn't read it again to find out.
A Tale of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens
Okay i will say i definitely was really confused when i read this. I liked the story and i'm glad i've read it, because i mean it's kinda famous and i feel like it has some good elements. but it was hard for me to read and appreciate. too much deciphering. I think this is another book that i would appreciate more if i reread now that i'm older.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
by William Shakespeare
I did not reading shakespeare in school. in general, i dont like reading plays or older english or epics or anything like that. The only thing i appreciated at all about this play while reading it was that it had characters who were actors that put on a play . play within a play. this did not make reading the play worth it though lol. i think now the only reason i care at all about it is because of Dead Poet's Society
A Tell Tale Heart
by Edgar Allen Poe
i don't remember much about this specific short story but after googling the synopsis i do remember liking it. and i'd probably read it again. i can't say much else because i don't remember lol
Harrison Bergeron
by Kurt Vonnegut
another short story. I don't remember every detail of this one either but i did think it was interesting and i would reread it. I'm not sure if i would quite go as far as to recommend it. but, of the books/stories so far, it is the one i would be most likely to recommend. (provably only after rereading it myself)
Animal Farm
by George Orwell
okay guys. this is one of my favorite books that i've read for school. it is one of 2 (i think) that i've actually sat and reread outside of school assignments. not hard to read at all. had some crazy good lines. and it was about animals! (or was it?) i would reread it repeatedly. and i would and have recommended it to people.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
by Mildred D. Taylor
I enjoyed reading this one. it wasn't anything crazy or lifechanging for me, but it was a decent read. i think just because it didn't really feel super impactful (i kinda forgot about its existence) i'm gonna have to rate it lower
The Hiding Place
by Corrie Ten Boom
This was the other book that i reread outside of school assignments. it's another that i would (and have) recommended to people. I really loved this book while reading it. i've always been interested in ww2, ever since my dad gave me an anne frank graphic novel when i was like less than 10 lol. so this book was not only interesting from a historical viewpoint, but i also found it pretty inspiring and emotional. it's been a minute since i've read it, but i would read it again.
Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte
this book was a rollercoaster and i always have a hard time remembering everything that happened. i remember finding it interesting, unsettling at times (intentionally), and it was a decent read. i think this was one of many school books that was ruined in part because i was supposed to take notes and write essays on it and stuff.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
ok i'll admit i enjoyed reading this. thriller and mystery has always been fun for me to read. i will say, i'm 80-90% sure that i was spoiled. not because it's really popular and maybe i heard of the twist. no. because there's a VEGGIETALES PARODY. yeah. anyways. i dont know if i would reread this or not, but i am glad to have read it.
Things Fall Apart
by Chinua Achebe
This is another one of the pretty solid books i've read for school. I would even go as far as to recommend it. Do i remember everything about it? definitely not. But i know i liked reading it and i would probably reread it if i get the chance. It had some pretty cool ideas and themes. i remember when i first read it, i thought the beginning poem (which the book is named after) was pretty cool too. so much that i somehow memorized it: "things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world". i had to look it up but the poem is called The Second Coming. Anyways, another cool book.
The Odyssey
by Homer
i hated reading this. i didn't like the act of reading the format. i didnt like the language. and i didn't even like the plot. or the characters. there is not really any redeeming quality to this for me. i'm sorry if you really like this book and are sad that i don't agree. sorry not really sorry. the only reason i'm glad to any extent that i read it is because my assignment for it, instead of an essay, was to make a comic for a scene of it. which was mildly fun.
Romeo and Juliet
by William Shakespeare
although more interesting by far than midsummer night's SNORE (i'm joking), i was still mildly bored reading this. i am glad i read it for the sake of reading it. but i did not particularly enjoy reading. in general, the story of romeo and juliet isn't really for me. i was just annoyed with them the whole time??? like they're so dumb. i mean in juliet's defense i think she's supposed to be like 13 so what does she know but whatever. i still didn't really like reading it.
Of Mice and Men
by John Steinbeck
okay this book was an interesting read. it was good but like kinda crazy and dark and unsettling?? which is definitely the point. but still. man. that was crazy. if you haven't read it, it's an interesting read. but dark.
A Modest Proposal
by Jonathan Swift
another story i needed to look up. i cant say i remember much about reading this. most likely i just didn't understand it. the synopsis sounds really crazy though so i'm surprised i don't remember more of it. sounds weird though
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Frankenstein: 1818
by Mary Shelley
this book was crazy and dark but it was pretty interesting and i'd maybe even reread it. it's a well known story but reading for myself everything crazy that happens really made me think. the morality of it all and whatnot. i think maybe the main downside to reading this was i got kinda grossed out. i don't sit well with depictions of anything morbid or gore-y or cannibalism. makes me a little physically uncomfortable. but i still liked reading this book overall. also since i read it i can get mad when people mix up the doctor and the creature. i can also understand this really dumb frankenstein meme
The Lord of the Flies
by William Golding
i liked this book a lot too. i'm starting to think perhaps i like darker books about morality and how maybe the real monsters were the people we met along the way??
Frederick Rebsamen
ahh another book i hated reading. odyssey level of hate for me. i maybe liked the characters better but i can't really back that up. wouldnt read again. it was probably good or something i just didn't like it.
by Euripedes
i don't remember this let me look it up. uhhhhhhhhhhhh. okay i don't remember this one very well but i don't think i hated it as much as some other things so
by William Shakespeare
shockingly, i did sort of like this one. i know, pretty out of character for me. but the plot was actually interesting so it made up for being annoying/boring for me to read. i would watch a movie or play version of it and maybe actually be interested. maybe
American Born Chinese
by Gene Luen Yang
i did enjoy this book. it's a graphic novel, so it was a quick read. i wouldn't say it's my favorite graphic novel but it has a lot of cool themes and elements. i would say i maybe like another graphic novel by the same author, boxers and saints, better. but i didn't read that for school so i'm not rating it.
Scarlet Letter
by Nathaniel Hawthorne
I don't remember everything that happened in this book. i would say, in general, it didn't really stick out to me. it wasn't particularly interesting to me and it wasn't outright bad. but i wouldn't read it again.
My Antonia
by Willa Cather
after reminding myself about this book's existence, i am pretty sure i liked it. but who cares about the literal plot of the novel when we can look into the author being subtly lgbtq coded. the evidence, your honor: first of all, my antonia itself is told from the perspective of Jim, a dude. and it's about his relationship with this girl who eventually gets married but he still cares about her deeply and he reminisces (idk that it's inherently romantic, but it's something). and why does this matter? Willa Cather wrote a lot from the male perspective, and people think it was to avoid being criticized for lesbian relationships. But this is just the tip of the iceberg!!!!!! the craziest part is that Willa had several very close relationships with women. including ahem (from wikipedia) "most notably, the editor Edith Lewis, with whom Cather lived the last 39 years of her life." HISTORIANS WILL SAY THEY'RE JUST FRIENDS. this doesn't really have much to do with the book but i remember seeing this while researching back when i read the book and i was like yooooo ????
Catch 22
by Joseph Heller
another book i really enjoyed!!! i actually actively want to reread this one. it's cool to read, it was kinda funny, and the plot was interesting. i liked the idea of slowly uncovering the story. i will say, reading it super spread out for school was a little confusing. but that's not the book's fault
by Lin Manuel Miranda
i'm not sure how much i can count this because i didn't technically read the whole thing. i read parts of a book about the musical and then i watched a recording of it. if i can count it, i would say it's really fun and i enjoy it a lot and would like to see it live one day. the only reason it's not a 10 is because i don't think Lin Manuel Miranda is the best singer. like he's a talented writer but compared to angelic leslie odom jr, lin is not my favorite.
Peace Child
by Don Richardson
this one was interesting, especially since it was a real story. seeing how people can compare and relate different cultures and religions can be fascinating.
i'm getting sleepy so i am skipping a bunch of the other short stories because frankly most of them i didn't like very much. it's possible i liked a few of them, but i don't really feel like looking them all up. oh well.
Robinson Crusoe
by Daniel Dafoe
now i didn't read the whole book, just snippets, but boy am i glad i didn't. i did not like this book. it was boring. even reading just small parts of this book i was in agony. also, fpr the record, this book was not an epic poem or a play. so there, i can dislike other things too
Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen
okay i love the jane austen movies and shows, so i was relatively excited to read this book. I think taking notes really detracted from my joy. but i like the story a lot. even typing this makes me want to rewatch some of the jane austen media. it wasn't my favorite read, but it was pretty good. a classic, really
The House of the Spirits
by Isabel Allende
i feel like this book was supposed to be unsettling probably but it really made me uncomfortable. i think there were maybe some sexual things including some creepy ones. and me personally when i am assigned a book with that by my mom/teacher i was like why do i have to read this. now that i think about it, i'm pretty sure i was so uncomfortable with it that i asked my mom to cover up those parts with sticky notes. the story was interesting but those parts really made me not like it
The Joy Luck Club
by Amy Tan
okay !! i did like this book a lot. it's about a bunch of chinese-american mother-daughter relationships so yk. relatable in some ways. i think maybe there were a few weird things but i think overall the read is worth it. i would for sure consider rereading it. and i would also recommend it. i actually recently tried to look for it in a few bookstores but i didn't see it and i was kind of sad.
Honorable Mention:
basically all the Narnia books by C.S. Lewis
i technically read a few of these for school but i don't know which ones because i also read a bunch on my own. I really like these books. they are cozy and i like the characters. also i like the movies a lot so that increases my favorability for them. i would recommend the series, or at least the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
maybe one day i will do something like this for books i read growing up or something else school related. but for now that is all. i hope i didn't miss any lol.
if you read this far, i guess leave a comment or something??? i'm impressed. at this point you could rate my ratings. this whole post is probably longer than most of the short stories. lol.
good night
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my-chaos-radio · 5 months
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Release: October 29, 2021
Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
I wish, I wish I could hear you say my name
I wish, I wish we could do it all again
I wish, I wish I didn't have myself to blame
It's you I miss, yeah
'Cause when I look back at us
I know we almost had it all
But the time wasn't right
I should've loved you more
But there's no going back
Still I need you to know that
I'm not who I was before, no
I think of you every day, every night
You said you needed space and you needed time
And I want you to know what I did wasn't right
Wish I could change your mind
I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish I didn't say goodbye so fast
I wish, I wish I could take the moment back
I wish, I wish I cherished everything we had
But it's you I miss (I)
'Cause when I look back at us
I know we almost had it all
But the time wasn't right
I should've loved you more
But there's no going back
Still I need you to know that
I'm not who I was before, no
I think of you every day, every night
You said you needed space and you needed time
And I want you to know what I did wasn't right
Wish I could change your mind
I wish, I wish
Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Wish I could change your mind
I wish, I wish
It's not much I'm asking, baby (not much)
What I gotta do for you to believe me?
If a second chance sounds crazy
Then I don't know how I'm gonna be
I think of you every day, every night
You said you needed space and you needed time
And I want you to know what I did wasn't right (it wasn't right)
Wish I could change your mind
I wish, I wish
Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Wish I could change your mind
I wish, I wish
I think of you every day, every night
You said you needed space and you needed time
I want you to know what I did wasn't right
Wish I could change your mind
I wish, I wish
Aminata Kabba / Harlee Jayne Sudworth / Jess Glynn / Joel Corry / Lewis Thompson / Neave Applebaum / Paul Harris / Poppy Baskcomb / Robert Harvey / Uzoechi Emenike
"I Wish" is a song by English DJ Joel Corry featuring English singer Mabel, released on October 29, 2021. The song reached number 17 on the UK Singles Chart and became Joel Corry's sixth and Mabel's eleventh top 20 hit. “I Wish” is also included as a bonus track on the streaming edition of Mabel’s second studio album About Last Night… (2022).
Joel Corry
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sciogli-lingua · 7 months
Lucio Dalla || Telefonami tra vent'anni (Call me in twenty years || Italian lyrics + English translation
Telefona tra vent'anni Call in twenty years Io adesso non so cosa dirti I don't know what to tell you right now Ah, non so risponderti Ah, I can't give you an answer E non ho voglia di capirti And I don't feel like understanding you
Invece pensami, tra vent'anni pensami Instead think of me, in twenty years think of me Io con la barba più bianca With a whiter beard E una valigia in mano And holding a suitcase Con la bici da corsa With a racing bike E gli occhiali da sole And sunglasses Fermo in un qualsiasi posto del mondo Stopping anywhere in the world Chissà dove Who knows where Tra miliardi, miliardi di persone Among billions and billions of people A bocca aperta senza parole Mouth agape, speechless Nel vedere una mongolfiera As I see a hot-air balloon Che si alza piano piano Slowly rising up E cancella dalla memoria And erasing from my memory Tutto quanto il passato The past as a whole Anche le linee della mano Even my palm lines Mentre dall'alto un suono While, from above, a sound Come un suono prolungato Like a prolonged sound Di un pensiero che è appena nato Of a newly born thought Si avvicina e scende giù Is getting closer and coming down
Ah, io sarei lo stronzo Ah, so I'm supposed to be the asshole Quello che guarda troppo la televisione The one who watches too much television Beh, qualche volta lo sono stato Well, I've been that a couple times L'importante è avere in mano la situazione Having a hold on the situation is what counts Non ti preoccupare Don't you worry Di tempo per cambiare ce n'è There's plenty of time to change
Così ripensami, tra vent'anni ripensami So think of me again, in twenty years think of me again Vestito da torero In a bullfighter costume Con una torta in mano Holding a cake L'orecchio puntato verso il cielo An ear towards the sky Verso quel suono lontano, lontano Towards that faraway, faraway sound Ma ecco che si avvicina And suddenly it comes closer Con un salto siamo nel Duemila With a jump we're in 2000 Alle porte dell'universo At the gates of the universe L'importante è non arrivarci in fila What counts is not getting there in a line Ma tutti quanti in modo diverso But each one in a different way Ognuno con i suoi mezzi Each with one's own means Magari arrivando a pezzi Maybe broken and exhausted Su una vecchia bicicletta da corsa On an old racing bicycle Con gli occhiali da sole With sunglasses E il cuore nella borsa And one's heart inside the bag
Impara il numero a memoria Learn the number by heart Corri, scrivilo sulla pelle Quick, write it on your skin E se telefoni tra vent'anni And if you call in twenty years Butta i numeri fra le stelle Throw the numbers among the stars
Dalle porte dell'universo From the gates of the universe Un telefono suona ogni sera A phone rings every night Sotto un cielo di tutte le stelle Under a sky made of all the stars Di un'inquietante primavera Of a disquieting spring
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vibrantshoyo · 3 months
Right so like you know how Torao -> Traffy in the official English translations. Would Cora be Corao -> Corazzy,,,? Corry,,,Coral,,,maybe just Traffy’s Dad? I can’t imagine he’d call him Roci lol
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