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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/25/23 #THANKYOULACHAY for your #AWESOMENESS 🇵🇪 Las Lomas de Lachay 2023 #LaChay ✔ #13point1 #LaChayTrail #LimaPeru #Peru #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #runhappy #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #run #818tillidie #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Las Lomas de Lachay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqRqi5wNOSb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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professortuniverse · 5 years ago
El profesor Estorbo
El nuevo rector quería lucirse, lo cual era un poco difícil porque el rector saliente había sido muy exitoso. Debía desacreditarlo y concentrarse en destruir el sanedrín que se había formado a su alrededor.
El tesorero de la universidad quería mucho congraciarse con el nuevo rector, no fuera que lo corriera. El nuevo rector sentía un gusto particular en “corrrer” a la gente de sus puestos. En especial a los que habían estado cerca al rector anterior, pero había algo más. El profesor Estorbo se sentía haciendo algo prohibido cuando fumaba y el nuevo rector lo miraba desde un edificio cercano. Se sentía como en el colegio.  El nuevo rector gesticulaba bastante con las manos mientras le enseñaba el campus a diferentes personalidades del Distrito. El tesorero de la universidad le había aconsejado al nuevo rector invertir en finca raíz y dejar de consentir a los profesores. De hecho, le había dicho que el gasto en nómina de profesores era exorbitante.
El nuevo rector decidió que había una serie de profesores que debían ser eliminados de la universidad y que la mejor forma era hacer patentes sus debilidades e ineptitudes. En la cena a la que lo había invitado la profesora Querubina se había enterado de chismes jugosos, aunque habían afectado un poco su úlcera. Tenía que pedirle a su cocinero que le preparara esa sopa de remolacha que le gustaba tanto. Iba a comprarle esa estufa nueva que tanto le gustaba. Y a tomar menos café.
El director de cierto departamento, que se estrenaba desde hacía poco como un cerdo, había consentido gustoso en poner un micrófono en la oficina del profesore E., monitorear su correp diariamente y grabar sus llamadas telefónicas.
Era obvio que siempre iba a haber profesores que, de acuerdo a alguna medida, quedarían en el percentil del 5% inferior, en cualquier distribución, que siempre iba a haber profesores por debajo del promedio de cualquier parámetro a ser usado como medida y, si se usaba la mediana, de hecho la mitad de los profesores iba a estar siempre por debajo de la mediana. Él, así como los miembros de su consejo académico, eran personas muy inteligentes, instruidas y ocurrentes.
Además, siempre se les podía ayudar a que se fueran. Mirar si tenían intereses románticos con estudiantes, conseguir informes de detectives de la compañía de seguridad recién contratada para que los siga y espíe en sus actividades por fuera del campus. A los estudiantes les gusta el roce social con los estudiantes de las familias más ricas, emulan a a los estudiantes líder, así que con el empujoncito apropiado debía lograr que los profesores de confianza con hijos estudiantes hicieran que sus hijos hablaran con los estudiantes apropiados para lograr desacreditar a ciertos profesores ya escogidos por él. Con seguridad, algunos estudiantes se prestarían para sabotear las clases metódicamente. También, con la calumnia apropiada, se puede encontrar estudiantes dispuestas a hablar pestes de los profesores de sexo masculino, y a quejarse de ellos con cartas. A ponerles trampas ( “c'est vraiment dégueulasse”). Se puede también, con la ayuda de ciertas profesoras, implantar memorias falsas en las estudiantes impresionables.
Cualquier acción que tomara el profesor Estorbo, cualquier reacci´øn emocional, serían despreciadas y catalogadas como “pataleo”.
Así, recortando la nómina, lograría construir los edificios en el área ya convenientemente expropiada y volverse famoso. Sólo había que escuchar chismes sobre los profesores, manipular los resultados de las encuestas de los estudiantes, pedirles recomendaciones a los directores de departamento y decanos sobre profesores odiosos que no quieran lo suficiente a la universidad, tener charlas amigables con la ombduswoman (importante estar en buenos términos con ella y no conveniente cambiarla), y eliminar especialmente profesores que lleven más de veinte años con la universidad, profesores que seguramente estarán devengando un sueldo indebidamente alto, y así, lograr mejorar la calificación de la universidad desde el punto de vista financiero, el negocio soñado, y obtener el deseado préstamo del banco, para construir los edificios que aunque afearían la ciudad horriblemente, a él le darían renombre.
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poetyca · 4 years ago
Essenza d'Amore - Essence of Loveove
Essenza d’Amore – Essence of Loveove
🌸Essenza d’Amore🌸Non siamo quiper fare una garao per sgomitareper una briciolad’attenzioneNessuno correper toccareuna vettafatta solo di apparenzeLeggiti dentrofai un tuffonel profondo e fai emergerela tua essenzaPasso dopo passonoi tutti possiamodarci la manoe far elevare Essenza d’Amore10.07.2021 Poetyca🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente 🌸Essence of LoveWe are not hereto make a raceor to elbowfor a crumbof…
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pamphletstoinspire · 8 years ago
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Chapter 3
In this epistle St. Paul admonishes the Thessalonians to be constant in the faith of Christ, and not to be terrified by the insinuations of false teachers, telling them that the day of judgment was near at hand, as there must come many signs and wonders before it. He bids them to hold firm the traditions received from him, whether by word or by epistle; and shews them how they may be certain of his letters by the manner he writes. This epistle was written soon after the former, and also from Corinth, about A.D. 52.
Chapter 3
He begs their prayers, and warns them against idleness.
1 For the rest, brethren, pray for us, that the word of God may run and may be glorified, even as among you:
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. May run. That is, may spread itself, and have free course. (Challoner)
2 And that we may be delivered from troublesome and evil men: for all men have not faith.
Ver. 2. From troublesome, or importunate men. In the Greek, is signified men who act unreasonably, absurdly, &c. (Witham) --- For all men have not faith. Faith is a gift of God, which he is not obliged to give but to whom he will. St. Paul here assures us that he finds nothing but obstacles in his great work, nothing but enemies of the truth, and nothing but men who resist the inspirations and calls of God, opposing the preaching of the gospel. He exhorts them not to be scandalized at what they see him suffer, but to return thanks to God, who has vouchsafed to call them, giving them an understanding and docile heart. (Calmet)
3 But God is faithful, who will strengthen and keep you from evil.
Ver. 3. From evil. It may either signify evil things, or the evil one, the devil. (Witham)
4 And we have confidence concerning you in the Lord, that the things which we command, you both do, and will do.
Ver. 4. No explanation given.
5 And the Lord direct your hearts, in the charity of God, and in the patience of Christ.
Ver. 5. Or, according to the Greek, may the Lord direct and carry your hearts to the love of God, and to the expectation of Jesus Christ.
6 And we charge you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly, and not according to the tradition which they have received of us.
Ver. 6. Charge, or declare; or by the Greek, we command. --- In the name of our Lord. This may signify a separation by excommunication. (Witham) --- That you withdraw, &c. St. Chrysostom upon this place, St. Augustine, Theophylactus, and others understand St. Paul as speaking of a kind of excommunication. But St. Chrysostom on ver. 13. and 14. seems to restrain its meaning to a prohibition for the guilty to speak to any body, unless they spoke to him, if their conversation tended to exhort him to repentance. Theophylactus likewise remarks that this punishment was formerly much dreaded, though now not in use.
7 For yourselves know how you ought to imitate us: for we were not disorderly among you:
Ver. 7. No explanation given.
8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nothing, but in labour and in toil working night and day, lest we should be burthensome to any of you.
Ver. 8. Burthensome. By the Greek, he understands those who being idle, and not keeping themselves employed, lead a disorderly life. (Witham)
9 Not as if we had not power; but that we might give ourselves a pattern to you to imitate us.
Ver. 9. If I, to whom you are indebted for the preaching of the gospel, have yielded my claims, unwilling to receive any thing from you, and even labouring with my own hands for the necessaries of life, how are those to be borne with who do nothing, and yet will be supported at another's expense? for St. Paul had witnessed amongst them some of this idle disposition. (Estius)
10 For also when we were with you, we declared this to you, that if any man will not work, neither let him eat.
Ver. 10. Not work. By prying with curiosity into other men's actions. He that is idle, saith St. Chrysostom, will be given to curiosity. (Witham) --- The apostles, like our Lord, were fond of introducing popular saying or axioms. Another, and not unlike the former, is found in one of the Jewish rabbies, Zeror:
Qui non laboraverit in Prosabbato, nè edat in Sabbato.
11 For we have heard that there are some among you who walk disorderly, working not at all, but curiously meddling.
Ver. 11. No explanation given.
12 Now we charge them that are such, and beseech them by the Lord Jesus Christ, that working with silence, they would eat their own bread.
Ver. 12. Eat their own bread, which they work for, and deserve, not that of others. (Witham)
13 But you, brethren, be not weary in well-doing.
Ver. 13. No explanation given.
14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed:
Ver. 14. Here the apostle teaches that our pastors must be obeyed, and not only secular princes; and with respect to such as will not be obedient to their spiritual governors, the apostle, (as St. Augustine affirmeth) ordains that they be corrected by admonition, by degradation, or excommunication. (Cont. Donat. post Callat. chap. iv. 20. & lib. de correp. & grat. chap. iii.)
15 Yet do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
Ver. 15. Do not regard him as an enemy. A necessary introduction for those whom Providence has placed over others, to admonish and correct them, but with charity and peace; so that we neither be, nor give them occasion to think we are their enemies. (Witham) --- He is your brother; compassionate his weakness; he is a sick member of the same body of which you are one of the members; the greater his infirmity, the greater should be your charity and anxiety for his cure; the greater excommunication separated the delinquent from the communion of the Church, making him in our regard as a heathen or a publican. But he is not here speaking of this kind, for he allows the faithful to speak to him for his spiritual advantage. (Calmet)
16 Now the Lord of peace himself, give you everlasting peace in every place. The Lord be with you all.
Ver. 16. No explanation given.
17 The salutation of Paul with my own hand: which is the sign in every epistle: so I write.
Ver. 17. The salvation of, &c. The apostle gives them this caution, for fear the faithful might be deceived by fictitious letters. For they had already received one of this kind, which had terrified them, by foretelling that the day of judgment was at hand. This deception he is here anxious to remove, signing the present communication with his own hand, and sealing it with his own seal. For although the rest of the epistle had been written by another, these words to the end were written by himself. (Estius) --- All the civilities of this great doctor of grace terminate in wishing it to his friends. This is his genuine character, because it is the love and continual effusion of his heart. (Bible de Vence) --- Amen. This the congregation added after the epistle had been read, and from this circumstance alone has it found a place here. (Polus synopsis Criticorum, p. 1003, vol. 4.)
18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Ver. 18. No explanation given.
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tuempleord · 6 years ago
Vendedor Motorizado con Conocimiento de finanzas
Vendedor Motorizado con Conocimiento de finanzas
Perfil del puesto: Bachiller,Estudiante de Contabilidad, Administración de Empresas, Economía o áreas afines.
Otros Conocimientos: Dominio Microsoft Office. Conocimiento basico de finanzas Interesados enviar CV a correp [email protected]
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mwpmg · 6 years ago
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10/06/18 We are at the Aquarium of the Pacific 5K Run/Walk. We are MaxWell Property Management Group. [email protected] #mwpmg #propertymanagement #realestate #losangeles #sanfernandovalley #sylmar #propertyowner #sfv #NoHo #VanNuys #yelp #StudioCity #Hollywood #Longbeachrealestate #runhappy #givingback #Losangelesrealestate #4sale #newlisting #management #lease #rent #financials #forrent #novacancies #LA #sfr #multifamily #leasingagent #wegotthis #teamwork #onaroll #correpe #letusmanageyourproperty#RunLongBeach #5K (at Aquarium of the Pacific) https://www.instagram.com/p/BomPHK1B4PP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dtywtppwuhw2
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/25/23 🇵🇪 Las Lomas de Lachay 2023 #LaChay ✔ #13point1 #LaChayTrail #LimaPeru #Peru #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #runhappy #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #run #818tillidie #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Lomas de Lachay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPlRmwOWiS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/25/23 🇵🇪 Las Lomas de Lachay 2023 #LaChay ✔ #13point1 #LaChayTrail #LimaPeru #Peru #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #runhappy #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #run #818tillidie #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at La Chaya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPkgUts5op/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/25/23 🇵🇪 Las Lomas de Lachay 2023 #LaChay ✔ #13point1 #LaChayTrail #LimaPeru #Peru #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #runhappy #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #run #818tillidie #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Lachay National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPkFucuGhQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/25/23 Good Evening #154 Las Lomas de Lachay 2023 🇵🇪 #LaChay ✔ #13point1 #LaChayTrail #LimaPeru #Peru #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #runhappy #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #run #818tillidie #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Lomas de Lachay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOn_KpP1kd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/19/23 Good Morning #41 Los Angeles Marathon 2023 #ConqurLA ✔ #26point2 #MyLAMoment #WeRunLA #GoRunLA #LAMarathon #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #runhappy #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #run #818tillidie #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-cz2gLett/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/19/23 #THANKYOULOSANGELES for your #AWESOMENESS, The 2023 Los Angeles Marathon #MyLAMoment #LosAngeles #gorunLA #avenueofthestars #CaliforniaLOVE #thisismytown #irunthiscity #26point2 #42K #conqurLA #justdoit #WeRunLA #GoRunLA #LAMarathon #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #fearthebeard #runhappy #runner #yocorro #run #818tillidie #818LA #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqE1D1_L-K3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/19/23 #THANKYOULOSANGELES for your #AWESOMENESS, The 2023 Los Angeles Marathon #MyLAMoment #LosAngeles #gorunLA #avenueofthestars #CaliforniaLOVE #thisismytown #irunthiscity #26point2 #42K #conqurLA #justdoit #WeRunLA #GoRunLA #LAMarathon #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #fearthebeard #runhappy #runner #yocorro #run #818tillidie #818LA #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_CNnjSUn4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/19/23The 2023 Los Angeles Marathon #MyLAMoment #LosAngeles #gorunLA #avenueofthestars #CaliforniaLOVE #thisismytown #irunthiscity #26point2 #42K #conqurLA #justdoit #WeRunLA #GoRunLA #LAMarathon #GoRun #NOexcuses #stayactive #fearthebeard #runhappy #runner #yocorro #run #818tillidie #818LA #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_CHrIS940/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/18/23 Ready.Set.Rock!!! Bid Pickup ✔️ Marathon #41 👉🏼 #werunLA The 2023 Los Angeles Marathon #LAmarathon #LAloyal #26point2 #42K #bibpickup #GoRun #stayactive #runhappy #exploreLA #irunthiscity #liveauthentic #LosAngeles #angelino #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #borntorun #run #818tillidie #818LA #LAtillidie #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Dodger Stadium) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8n9kov8xK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sattlertime · 2 years ago
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03/18/23 The 2023 LA 1/2 K Kids RUN Ready.Set.Rock!!! #werunLA #LAmarathon #LAloyal #GoRun #stayactive #runhappy #exploreLA #irunthiscity #liveauthentic #LosAngeles #angelino #runner #yocorro #soycorredor #borntorun #run #818tillidie #818LA #LAtillidie #milesTIME #sattlerPABLO #sattlerMILES #correpe #sattlerTIME (at Dodger Stadium) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8dMANvMBP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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