#corpse angst
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kumezyzo · 2 years ago
thinking about how lowkey toxic a relationship with corpse would be....
warning, this is very angsty. to the point where i lowkey shed a tear writing this. and that doesnt usually happen lol.
gn!reader (as far as im aware) and sorry for the typos if there are any... 😁
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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it would prolly just start with you two hanging out. going over to his apartment, maybe hooking up once in a blue moon. but you two mainly cuddling and spending the days together in the dark rooms of his apartment.
he would try to hide from you how much pain he was in when you were around. but it wasnt hard to miss how he would wince at tiny movements and never be able to rest with you in his arms.
and when it got really bad, he hated how you helped him get around with no questions. how you so simply wanted to help him out because you cared. how you would even help him shower, bring in his groceries, cook for him, feed him if you had to.
he hated it because you cared more than anyone had before and you werent even dating. he wished you would just give up on him because it was too much. he wished you would just finally tell him 'hey... we need to talk' because maybe then it would be easier to hate you. but the truth is, he could never hate you. not anymore.
"so... you dont want to be in a relationship?" you asked quietly, confused more than anything. you look at his scarred face and messy head of dark curls. "...why?"
he sighed, "because this is too much," you scoffed, only more confused than before.
"what is?" you looked at him like he was crazy.
"...you," he said lowly, his voice resonating deep in his chest as he ran a hand over his face. you felt your heart pang as you diverted your eyes from him. you pursed your lips and your breathing got heavier. "well- not you- just-... this isnt worth the trouble im putting you through. that i will put you through."
"thats not for you to decide," you tell him, shaking your head at him. "I can choose when to call it quits and so far, im still fucking here."
you couldnt help but be offended. who wouldnt be after the person you care about is pushing you away. as far as you know, its unfair and incredibly ignorant.
"yea but how long until youre not?" he asked back angrily. "how long until you realize you can be doing so much more than taking care of me?"
"i dont want to be doing more! i want to be with you!" you tell him incredulously. he sighs and wets his lips, shaking his head at you. "do you just not want to be with me?"
he looks at you as if you had just said the earth was flat, "of course i do."
"so then why cant we?" you ask in complete exasperation. "what the fuck is the problem?"
"youre too fucking good for me!" he yelled back stepping closer to you. he threw his arms up in defeat, "is that what you want me to tell you? cause its fucking true. and i love you too much to let you rot away beside me."
your expression softens as your eyes dart back and forth between his eyes. in that moment you were speechless. and not because he had told you that he loved you, no you already knew that from his actions. it was the way he had said it. with more emotion than you could have expected from him.
"what if i wanted to 'rot away beside you'?" you asked him quietly.
"then you'd be an idiot," he says simply. "because we both know you have better shit to do. and better people to do that for."
you inhale deeply and release it as another exasperated sigh, "i love you," you say, emphasizing every word. "and its up to me whether or not i stay with you."
"and its up to me whether or not i want you here," he says crossing his arms. you feel you heart pang again, causing painful tingles to run down your arms and settle deep in your palms. "you need to run while you can. fucking get out of here before this gets more fucked up and shitty." you watched as he pointed between you two.
you step closer to him, "what are you so afraid of?" you plead to him with your eyes. just for this moment, for him to open up to you like how he had done hundreds of times before. "are you that scared I'll leave you cause you're what? 'too much'?"
he looked you in the eye, hesitating to speak for a moment. "i-..." he takes a deep breath. "yeah..."
you step closer, "youre not. not now. and it will only get easier." he starts shaking his head, backing away from you. "yes, it will! and if it ever gets to that point-"
"when it gets to that point," he tried correcting.
"no, if. because everything is an if," you say angrily. "you have no clue what its gonna be like. no fucking clue! so let us have this. while it lasts."
he sighs for what seems like the hundredth time that night, "i cant risk that."
"risk what? heartbreak? as if neither of us have gone through that before hundreds of times," you scoff.
"yeah, but ive never been heartbroken over someone like you."
"so then we hope that doesnt happen," you're trying. you're trying so hard to hold onto him. but your grasp is slipping. and he's trying to shake you loose.
"i cant take my chances," he shakes his head. "not this time."
"jesus fucking chirst!" you yell, tears welling up in your eyes. "let me love you! let me be with you! let me take care of you!"
"i cant let you do that! dont you fucking get it?!" he asks stepping closer to you until hes not even a foot away. "i dont want to see you leave! i cant have you around, cause when you do leave, i dont know what I'll do to myself!"
you stare into his eyes as your own vision starts to get blurry from unshed tears. you sniffle, keeping you gaze strongly on him. and you try one final time.
"so dont let me leave now, please," your voice comes out like a whisper. he swallows harshly and closes his eyes to stop his own tears from forming. "i dont want to move on from you when we havent even given it a chance."
"you'll have to," his voice matches yours. he opens his eyes and a tear falls as he looks at you. "fucking find someone who can actually hold you at night. who can make you dinner, who can give you a shower when you cant, who can actually fuck you when you want."
you tried to scoff, but it came out more like a sob, "i dont need that. i need you," your voice weak from the burn in the back of your throat. unshed tears welling up more.
"no you dont," he says, stepping closer. then leaning his forehead on yours. he closes his eyes, "please, go. for me."
your body racks out a sob, gasping for air to get out your next sentence. "if i leave, im just gonna wait for you."
he shakes his head against you, "no. no you wont."
"I'll wait until you realize you do deserve proper love." he continues to shake his head, pretending as if your words arent punching him right in the heart. "ill wait even if it takes you twenty fucking years."
"do you really think I'll survive twenty more years?" he asks with a laugh. you giggle back sadly, pursing your lips at the posibility of him dying. "do you really think I'll find my self-worth that soon?"
"I'll wait as long as i need to."
and you leave. with such a heavy heart but not without more tears than you could have imagined. and you try to move on. not easily but you put in an effort.
he writes songs with lyrics dedicated to you. written for you. whether its in a song about how he only want you at his side or how he has one person he will always be loyal to or about how his exes tried to chance him but one was different. you listen to it and somehow know its you.
you try to find a new partner to fill that void. but he will always be in your mind. as the right person but at the wrong time. the one that got away, if you will.
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i like how angsty this was. anywayy, hope you enjoyed 😁😁 -nony
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yuvany · 4 months ago
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SYNOPSIS : Sunghoon finds himself in a sticky situation, yearning to return to where he came from; the land of the living and be married to the one he feels his heart beating for..
CONTENT WARNINGS : unrequited love + angst + weapons + none of these character pairing (wony and hoon) are relavant to shipping, but just a choice of characters + blood + skeletons + graveyards + kidnapping + slight body horror description + fights
ACTORS : ENHYPEN SUNGHOON x corpse bride!FEMALE READER — side characters ; wonyoung as Victoria, Gaeul as Scraps
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SUNGHOON DIDN'T MEAN TO RUN AWAY, and nor did he mean to meet you. He was simply just too nervous for the wedding his parents had set him up for. Sunghoon messed up his vows and set someone's attire on fire, but most embarrasing of all, he left his soon-to-be-bride alone and went into the woods to collect his mind and go over what he seemed to have rehearsed once too many times, but still gotten it wrong. It wasn't that Wonyoung, the girl he'd marry, was any wrong, if anything she was all everyone would want.
The dark woods where he found himself walking into was filled with tree branches sticking and poking out abnormally, and moss seeming to cover each and every stone he walked by. Slowly, he began to mutter the vows, "With this hand, I will...I will..." He gives it a second go. "With this hand I empty your cup. No that's not it." Sunghoon gets it wrong again and the crows that previously hid seemed to come alive now, causing commotion in the tree crowns while he continues to try to get his vows right, the bright moon now shining through the rustling leaves of the forest. "With this hand, I lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, I will be your wine." The sound of crows cawing becomes more insisting and demanding, encouraging Sunghoon to continue due to the new-found audience. "With this candle, I will light your way in darkness...with this ring..." He pulls out the ring from his pocket and looks at it for a second before kneeling down on one knee and propping the ring on a crooked root that extended from the ground. "...I ask you to be mine!"
The life from the forest had seemed to die in an instant, Sunghoon looks up at the quiet crows before attempting to pull the ring off the ring that had previously moved, but it manages to grab him around the wrist first. Just like that, he pulled himself free, pulling other roots along with him. While he is sprawled on the ground, he sees that the root has become a skeletal hand clamping around his wrist once more. Sunghoon exclaims in horror and shoves it away, and sees the ground in front of him split open, revealing a figure with a tattered and old wedding dress wearing his ring. "You may kiss the bride!" You cheer, but Sunghoon scrambles backwards, pushing and hitting leaves and roots while he tries to frantically escape. He makes his way through a graveyard and through the forest until he finds ease by the bridge, finally stoping to catch his breath, but when he turns around and sees you approaching him, and he is frozen in terror, letting you and the crows come close and encircle him.
The crows finally seemed to fly away and as Sunghoon looks around, all he sees are the misshapen buildings and totally different atmosphare from the last. "You were wonderful! So passionate. It was everything I dreamed of!" You exclaim giddily while a Black Widow climbs down your veil and shoots a web at Sunghoon when he takes a step back. "Now, dear, where do you think you're going?" Then an old maggot pops out of your eye, and you pop it right back in after it says, "I don't like him, he's creepy." The irony makes the situation all too hillarious, but scaring to Sunghoon who's still dizzy in the head from how sudden everything has changed.
"Oh Sunghoon! I can't wait for you to meet everyone!" You cheer excitedly. "How...how do you know my name?" He asks, hesitant, his knees quivering as he stands behind you. "You think I'd marry a stranger? Come one!" You grab him by the hand, pulling his sloppy body behind yours. You take him to the town squere while Sunghoon does his best to try to get help and get back to where he came from. He calls out, "Help! You have to help me, I've been kidnapped by . . . " before he finishes his sentence, the passer-by turns around to reveal that he is also a corspe. "...the dead." He mutters the last part unenthustiastically and recoils in horror. "He's a fresh one." Someone comments. "He's still soft." Another ones inquires, poking at Sunghoon with a stick. Everyone gathers around to observe the human.
"He's my husband. He gave me this ring!" You show it off to everyone proudly, your arm extended out and the crowd cheered and awes at the sight. Sunghoon gets overwhelmed by this, someone eagerly shakes his hand and makes a comment on how it stayed, then someone else figured put that he was breathing, fortunately, and getting close enough to hear his panting. "Oh please, leave him alone. He's only just arrived." You interrupt and turn to Sunghoon, your left eye popping out in the process and reveals the maggot from before. "We saw the whole wedding. It was romantic!" The green coloured being recalls, and from behind, the Black Widow appears again. "He reminds me of my third, seventh, twenty-fourth, and sixtythird husbands." "Before you ate them?" The maggot asks. "There was one thing missing though. He forgot to kiss the bride." Upon hearing what the maggot said, the crowd errupted in chants like highschool boys before a match in the locker rooms, and you giggle at this, hearing them chanting, "Kiss her! Kiss her!" This all still seems so surrel to Sunghoon, and he feels his eyelids shut and his knees buckle before it turns black.
Sunghoon wakes up and finds himself in some sort of pub with green flames lighting up the place, and in his field of vision, he sees skeletons leaning over him. "Have a drink dear boy." The waiter says, his head peeking through the fire and only his head is visible. He slides Sunghoon a glass before greeting you. While you mingle and spark conversations, Sunghoon waits there with wide eyes and horror as he inspects the area. He sees a band of corpses playing on some exotic instruments made of bones and scraps, and he also sees someone playing chess with a sword through his chest, and someone's jaw snaps and falls into someone else's bowl. Sunghoon feels like he's about to snap again, his knees feel restless like they want to run away and his palms are coated with glistering sweat. When no one's looking, Sunghoon finds the perfect opportunity to stand up and grabs the sword that had pierced one of the skeletons before, his sudden confidence and action caused everyone to stop what they were doing, and now they were looking at him in shock.
"Keep away! I have a ... Dwarf, and I'm not afraid to use him!! I want some questions! Now!" Sunghoon's hands are shaking and the nervousity is evident in his stance and voice. "Answers. I think you mean answers." Someone else corrects him. "Thank you, yes, answers. I need answers! Where am I? Why am I here? And who is she?!" Sunghoon calls out.
The lights suddenly dims and a spot light shines on the stage. "Since you're askin' . . . Hit it boys!" Someone on stage snapped his fingers and they began singing and dancing. After the show took a pause, Sunghoon uttered, "Pardon me, fellows, i''m going to be sick." Then they returned to singing again, and the cook hit the singer with her ladle.
The pud seemed so alive even though everyone here, excluding Sunghoon was dead. You plant a big kiss on his cheek after the song ends, leaving Sunghoon totally stunned.
You and Sunghoon were led to a table that was romantically lit by a single candle that created a comfortable atmosphare. "Dead! Demise...expired..." Sunghoon sprouted out of frustration. Then the head chef, named Paul, comes forward and speaks with a thick and clear accent. He asks if Sunghoon has any allgeriges, and he says, "Not that it matters anymore. Being that I kicked the bucket. Shuffled off this mortal coil." He says disheartened. In front of him, both you and Paul exchange awkward glances. "Young man, you are confused. You're not dead. You're just married!" Paul says, trying to cheer him up, but Sunghoon looks like he's had enough. "Very funny." "No, really. It's true." You say, and holds his hand above the candle on the table which makes him yelp out in pain. "Feel better?" You ask sincerily. Sunghoon rubs his hand and answers, "That hurt. But wait...that must mean...I'm still alive. I'm alive!" For the first time ever since he spoke his vows he seemed happy. The chef is annoyed by this, but you smile along with Sunghoon, happy that he is finally happy.
"But how can a living person marry a dead person?" He asks. "By making a vow! Which you did!" You say, smiling through it all. "But I'm already supposed to marry Wonyoung." "I'm sure she'll get over it. There's a lot of living people." You can sense how Sunghoon isn't trusting you yet.
"This Wonyoung. Did you love her?" You ask. "i never got the chance to find out. Truth is, we hardly know each other." Sunghoon sulks. "The thing is, Sunghoon, I know a lot about you. i've watched you wandering around the forest...sketching." Sunghoon perks an eyebrow at this and asks, "What? when?" "Haven't you ever felt like you weren't alone, even when you were? Or saw something out of the corner of your eye and turned and it wasn't there?" you ask and he nods. "It was me" You see how he finally relaxes and is deeply moved by this for some reason.
"We live in two different worlds, but they overlap sometimes. I think we're meant to find each other." You say. "i don't even know your name." he argues, his eyebrows are visibly knitted together as his eyes wander all over the place. "I can't believe I forgot to tell you my name...in all this excitement. My name is y/n." "I also have a little wedding gift for you." You whispered through your bony fingers and out comes a skeleton dog that rushes over to the table with its tail wagging happily. "Gaeul! My dog!" Sunghoon cheers after reading the name tag, happy to see her after a long time of being separated. Gaeul jumps up on his lap and licks him on the face. "I knew you'd be happy to see her." As you say that, the dog jumps up on the table and causes a ruckus that mkaes even the cook from earlier to interupt. "Who let that horried beast in here?" the cook exclaims in horror, her laddle waving at the dog. "He came in with the dog." Paul, the waiter, from before remarks, his eyes finding Sunghoon's. "I'm afraid he is mine. I mean was. Gaeul was my dog when I was a little boy." "Keep him out of my kitchen! Who knows where he's been." The cook cuts him off while he reminisce. The small canine friend jumps onto his lap happily while she barks.
"What a cutie." You say. "You should've seen her with fur." Sunghoon replied, while petting Gaeul. "Mother never approved of her jumping up like this. But yet again, she never approved of anything." Sunghoon sulks at the memory. "Do you think she'd approve of me?" You ask curiously. Sunghoon mocks a light of happiness and tells you, "Well, actually...now that you mentioned it, I think she would. Yes!I do believe she would. In fact, since we're m...married...you should meet her! And my father too. You should meet both my parents!" he awaits your reaction nervously. "What a fantastic idea! Let's go find them. Where are they buried?" You ask enthustiastically. "Oh, there's one slight problem..." Sunghoon whispers. "What is it?" "They're not from around here." You ask him where they are, and Sunghoon points his finger up indicating that they are still alive and breathing.
You take him to an elderly who helped creating a potion that took him and you back to the living world. You both pop up in a cementray in the night while it all had become gray again. You take a moment to yourself, missing the moonlight, so you dance under the trees, catching his full attention as your dress resembled smoke. You took a deep breath in and asked him which house was his. Sunghoon takes a moment and points to one on the right, which isn't his own home, but Wonyoung's. "Why don't I go first to prepare things?" He lies, and you trust him. After Sunghoon had ran away in the dark, the maggot and black widow appears again. Complementing her by how immensly trusting she is, but with a backhanded meaning to their words.
You now think about the situation. Sunghoon is here, in the living world, where he had mentioned a girl he was suppose to marry. With determination, you followed the path Sunghoon had previously taken. You climb up the balcony, hearing voices. "Sunghoon, what's wrong?" You hear a young female voice ask. "I seem to have found myself married. And you should know it is unexpected." He replies hesitantly. You push yousefl up at last, accidentally detaching your leg in the process. "Oh dear, and I did so want to make a good impression! I couldn't wait, darling. I wanted to meet …" Your tone sounded cherry at the start but gradually lost its light after looking up post fixing your leg. You see Wonyoung standing in front of you. Upon seeing this, you wrap one of your arms around Sunghoon's.
"Darling. Who is this?" You sneer at her. "Sunghoon! Who...What is this?" Wonyoung says horrified when she sees the ring on your finger. Sunghoon's head turns to you then Wonyoung once too many times. "Wonyoung, wait you don't understand! I can assure you it is not what you think- She's dead! Look!" He takes your boney arm and flaps it back and forth causing Wonyoung to scream. "Who is she?" You ask. "Yang Wonyoung. The girl I'm supposed to marry." Sunghoon admits. Suddenly the sound of loud banging is heard from through the door and muffled voices are heard yelling.
"You tricked me!" You say aggravated and grab his tightly, saying the word that the elder had told you to say if you wanted to return back to where you came from. Sunghoon panicks and yells for Wonyoung to save him.
"YOU LIED TO ME! Just to get back to that other woman!" You shout, your eyebrows knitted with anger. "Don't you understand. You are the other woman." Sunghoon says saddened, causing your heart to shatter. "No! You're married to me! She's the other woman!" Your hectic movements came to a halt as you wrapped your face with your bont hands and began to cry, Sunghoon is unsure of what to do and stands there awkwardly. The force of yoru tears makes your eye escape the socket, and with no other choice, Sunghoon picks it up and hands it to you again. "Look, I'm sorry....this just can't work." Sunghoon points out the elephant in the room that wasn't that obvious to you. "Why not? It's my eye isn't it?" You ask while putting it back in. "No...your eye is fine." "Really?" Your mood elevated and now you were looking at him lovetsruck again.
"Yes. Listen under different circumstances, well, who knows. But, we are just too different. I mean you're dead." He accentuates. "You should've thought about that before you asked me to marry you." You pout. "Why can't you understand? I'd never marry you!" The words struck you through the chest as if leavening a stinging sensation blooming in your chest. The words were sharp and they hurt you in ways you didn't expect Sunghoon to do. Instead of lashing out at him, you just hang your head down and turn around to walk out the elder's study, leaving Sunghoon feeling like sore thumb.
As you walk away with your head hung low, you pick up your old and dried wedding bouquet and name a couple of flowers, your sadness represented in your tone. Sunghoon can do nothing but watch as you walk away. Your two companions, the Black Window and Maggot are perched on your shoulders like birds as they tell you that Sunghoon isn't someone worth your precious mind and tears, in hopes to cheer you up.
Sunghoon walks up to you in the restaurant with the bouqet in hand, his steps are cautious in the still envirounment. "I think you dropped this..." He whispers, approaching closer and closer to you who is playing with the piano. You don't need to spare him or the flowers a glance before snatching them. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied to you about wanting to meet my parents. Truth is, I'm happier not to see them." he apologises, but you don't turn around nor acknowledge his attendance. The green maggot pops out once more. "Oh! Save it for the living girls, Hoon. I think you've said quite enough already." He comments.
"I never meant to-" Sunghoon gets cut off by the Black Widow appearing once again. "I've had dozens of husbands, none as awful as you. You should be ashamed!" She snarls, her legs waving hysrerically, pointing to him. "But I..." The Maggot is not early to cut him off again and says, "You're married now and there's nothing anyone can do about it. You might as well get used to it." It sounds harsh, but deep down, Sunghoon knows and understands where it's coming from.
"Don't bother, you can't force him to like me." You sulk, your back hunched. "But I do like you. Truly. It's just this evening hasn't exactly been going accoding to...plan." Sunghoon says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. It is quiet for a while, so quiet that you'd hear a pin drop.
Sunghoon takes a seat on the chair beside you and begings playing on the piano with you. You paus and sneer at him before continuing. It continues like that, Sunghoon improvising and turning this to a duet. The melody is bitterweet yet loving, a tune for only the two of you. Gradually, you open up more, taking the spotlight for a riff, your hand popping off from your wrist and slides across the keys. You pick it up with a giggle. "Pardon my enthusiasm." "I like your enthusiasm."
IN THE VILLAGE SQUERE, spirits and skeletons are gathered with newfound energy to party. Sunghoon looks at the tear of his jacket, and before he can stare at it any longer, Black Widow appears and sews it up again, making it seem like a new jack. All the commotion is interupted by a 'newcomer'. Everyone is eager to see who it is, and Sunghoon almost immedietly calls out for the familiar figure. After chit-chatting with him, Sunghoon learns that Wonyoung is to be married with none other than Heeseung, one of the closest people to his family. Not too far away, you observe his reaction with your eyebrows knitted.
The decorations are set and everyone is cheering and celebrating. You happened to find an elder and speaks with him for a while about marriages. He tells you how it was back in his days when vows where simple and got done with rather quickly after you mentioned how quick yours and Victors were. "Lucky for me, I didn't have to! I was rather silent!" You joke, and when you look at him again, he is dead silent, not moving at all. "Excuse me?" He asks. "I was rather silent?" You repeat, now a lot more hesitant and unsure. "You didn't say your vows?" You shake your head. "My child, you muct both say the vows for the marriage to be binding." The air is still as you stare at each other. You had accidenatlly tricked Sunghoon this whole time, and now you were afraid he'd know about this and run away.
"Surely there's some way to fix this?" You're desperate to get an answer now. "You'll have to complete the cermony by saying your vows." "I'll say them right now!" Your breath is caught in your air way as you choke this out only for the elder to shake his head. He tells you that since the original cermony occured in the land of the living, your vows will need to be in the land of the living as well. Your bones are shaking and you can't bear to hear someone else tell you to be 'reasonable'. If you want to go to the living world, then so be it, but you don't want him to tell you that maybe the two of you weren't meant to be. You wanted to cry out of anger, it was as if nothing you ever desired would land in your arms easily. You have had enough of this.
"Listen up people! Listen up! There's a change of venue! Grab what you can and follow me! We're moving this party." Everyone cheers in excitement, but the elder has a look of concern on his face. While on the way, people rocket quesntions your way, and you ramble out an answer in an instant, not wanting to seem suspicious to Sunghoon in any way.
IN THE WORLD OF THE LIVING You and Sunghoon are close like a set. It is all well and the elder flips through a book as you and Sunghoon joing him for the ceremony. "Let's get straight to the vows. Living first." He bows to Sunghoon. You slip the ring off your finger and place it in his palm, he smiles at you, and you smile back, but there's a piece of guilt in your heart. After he finishes his vows, putting the ring back on your finger, the elder motions for you to say your vows. You take a deep breath in and began to speak, but half-way through you spot a familiar face hiding in the courner of the place, horror written on her face, it was Wonyoung.
"I can't" You pause. "What's wrong?" Sunghoon asks confused. "This is wrong." You let a tear roll down your cold cheek. Once again, you pull the ring off your finger. As you look at him you recall the desperate moments you shared with Sunghoon, it was embarrasing to think that this could be; the living and the dead. It all added up likes puzzle pieces and you were finally ready to accept the truth that stung so badly, leaving a permanent scar deep, deep within the old ones that are yet to heal.
"I LOVE YOU, Sunghoon, but you're not mine. My dreams were stolen from me, and now I've taken them from someone else." You look over at where you had seen the young lady, Wonyoung, before, and Sunghoon does so too. "Wonyoung!" he whispers to himself at the sight. Upon being the new centre of attention, you ask Wonyoung to come forward, and she does. You take her hand in yours, and asks Sunghoon for his as well. You gently place his on top of her hers, happy for them to finally be reunited. "Oh, how touching. I always cry at weddings." Another familiar voice calls out, and everyone looks over at the gate to reveal Heeseung causing the trio to gasp. "Our young lovers together at least. Surely now they can live happily ever after." He walks upp to the altar and grabs Wonyoung by the wirst, succesfully snatching her away from you two.
"you." you whisper, your pupils shrinking at the horrid sight. "y/n?" He echoes, equally as shocked. "You!" you repeat angered. "but-but, I left you" He stutters, and you finish his sentence, "for dead." This statement causes everyone in the crowd to gasp. Heeseung does his best to escape, even pulling a sword from someone's body only to first aim it at Wonyoung's throat and then at Sunghoon who challenge him to a duel. It is an intense chase of cat and mouse before Sunghoon gets knocked down on the floor, the sword aimed at his face. Heeseung doesn't hesitate to strike his sword at him, and you don't hesitate either to come in between, grebbing the sword that had stuck in between your ribs. You pulled it out and aimed it at him.
"get out." you ordered him. "Oh, I'm leaving." he says, walking up to the altar and grabbing a cup from the table all whilst you're still on guard. "But first, a toast to y/n!" he says raising his cup with red liquid. "Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break once it stopped beating? hmm?" His words are harsh, leaving yet another scar. You silenly watch as he takes a gulp of the cup which he thinks is wine, but is actually poision, and he dies just before he manages to get out of the building.
While the rest of the corpses takes care of the now dead Heeseung, Sunghoon and Wonyoung are snuggled together. "I never thought I'd see you again." You walk away, not wanting to disturb their moment until you hear the male voice call out for you to wait. "I made a promise." He says, chasing behind you. "you kept your promise. you set me free. Now, I can do the same for you." You say one last time, pulling the ring off your finger and encaving it in his palm by clasping yours around his before turning around. The tears are eager to escape, but you wont let them, not now at least. With one last glace behind, your throw the bouquet in your grasp to the newly made couple with a smile before you stepped out in the bright moonlight. The second it hits your veil, it began to crumble and turn into small butterlies and just like that, you disappeared with no regrets.
TAGLIST : @dollyhoon @itjengirl @saeivra @orimuraa @pshwrldd
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fandomsworstnightmare · 1 month ago
TW// Implied suicide, blood
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"I was too late."
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“You lied to me just to get back to that other woman”
“Don’t you understand? You’re the other woman”
Except it’s Jegulus
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zlaurent · 3 months ago
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Fragments of time 1-3 (complete)
If I had my way, I would never leave.Keep building these random memories
Turning our days into melodies.
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vendettasfanfictioning · 1 year ago
oh my fucking god dean had to carry cas' body to get him onto the pyre he had to carry all of cas' dead weight while the grief still clung to his shoulders he wrapped up cas' body himself and when sam mentions the meadow, he says it's where dean spread the ashes, excluding him and jack because dean wouldn't have let anyone else handle cas so dean had to be the one to carry cas from the house table to the pyre they all lost something in cas, a friend, a protector, a father, but dean lost half of his soul that night oh i am unwell and unstable with these thoughts—
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merakiui · 4 months ago
Can we hear more thoughts on self-aware skully in a halloween-themed otome?? I think it's such a fun concept! Thinking of him, loving us knowing that he will never have us<33
:D the basic idea is that the love interests are everyone in TNBC event and it focuses on you and them planning the perfect Halloween celebration alongside the residents of Halloween Town. Spend a week getting closer to and raising the affection meter of your beloved and perhaps he might confess on Halloween night under a brilliant moon! <3
Skully is a side character who is merely there to progress the plot; he doesn't have any real route for himself, nor does he have any of the mechanics the other characters have (affection meters). But if he did perhaps he might be the secret yandere route most otome games have...
Unfortunately, most of his scenes with you are very short and he's often there to make the love interest shine brighter. When Leona warns you not to listen to a fanatic like him, that only misfortune can come from readily believing everything he says, it's meant to make you fall for Leona and his protective charm. Or when Jamil asks Skully if he's doing okay when he notices how downcast he seems, it's to make you fawn over how considerate and observant he appears. But all of this is just part of pre-programmed characteristics. It's all part of a script. Skully plays his part in this drama, almost like a ghost as he floats through whichever route you choose to pursue, and with every replay he begins to realize there's more beyond the world he's confined to.
You can't actually like these characters, right? They're just caricatures. They're programmed to fall for you, but Skully's love for you is a natural progression! It's real. Sure, you click through some of his dialogue when it's too long, but please don't ignore him. >_< surely you don't agree with the others on their idea for Halloween! You think a somber Halloween is better, right? One that's quiet and solemn. One that's meant for reflection. One that's better spent alone. He knows you're a sweet, considerate person at heart. Surely you share his feelings on this matter.
The game has a feature where one of the love interests will visit you each day you log in during the seven-day timeframe, and it gives you chances to either raise or lower their affection meter when you interact with them. Imagine your surprise when Skully, who isn't a love interest and thus shouldn't be here, forces himself into the spotlight, hoping to have a private chat with you. He's so excited! Oh, what should he say? He isn't confined by the laws of the script, so he can say and do whatever he wants! It's how he's able to be so much more expressive than the other characters.
You watch in surprise as the blank bubble fills with a dialogue you've never encountered before:
Lovely person beyond the screen, I greet you with a kiss! Allow me to remind you of what the real Halloween is.
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pinkeoni · 2 years ago
Hmm do you ever sit and think about Will Byers was made of for being sensitive and effiminate so when he was “killed” he was seen as a weak fairy for being a victim but when it turned out that he had lived they changed their tune and decided to refer to him a predatory monster who spreads disease, even though nothing about him had really changed? There is no version of him that is palatable for Hawkins.
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xuzuitengenx · 1 year ago
CORPSE BRIDE AU : Getou Suguru x Male Reader
Emily : M!Reader
Victor : Geto
Victoria : Gojo
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"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty for I will be your wine." Geto lifts the cup, making eye contact with the man before him, M/N.
"Now you." The skeleton gestured to M/N.
Smiling softly at the black hair man, he spoke his vows.
"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.." M/N picking up a bottle of poison instead of a cup.
"Your cup will never empty.." Before M/N continued further, he pours the liquid into the cup that Geto was holding.
"For I will be–" M/N stops, seeing a familiar white hair man named Gojo Satoru who was watching the ceremony that involved his fiancée.
Stunned, M/N's eyes still remained on Gojo, repeating the last sentence once more until he draws the sentence out again.
"Go on." The skeleton urged as Geto held a slight confused look.
"Your cup...will never empty.." M/N looked at Geto as his eyes moved back to Gojo.
"For I will be..." M/N held hesitation, eyes snapped back to Geto.
"–For I will be your wine." Geto finishes for M/N as he lifts the cup to his lips until M/N places his hand on top of the cup, pushing it away which made Geto look at him in more confusion.
Whispers began at the action M/N just took.
"I can't.." M/N whispers to Geto.
"What's wrong?" Geto asks, going to look behind him as M/N has been looking there. M/N's hands prevented him on doing so as he held Geto's warm cheeks, moving his head back towards M/N.
"This is wrong...I was a groom. My dreams were taken from me.."
Geto listens as he watches a tear fell and roll down M/N's cheek.
"Now...Now I stolen them from someone else.." M/N took a breath, looking at Geto with a soft gaze.
"I love you Geto, but you're not mine.."
Geto looks at M/N as his eyebrows rose. M/N removed his hands off of Geto's cheeks and gestured his one skeleton hand out to Gojo.
Geto followed where M/N's hand was gesturing to and saw Gojo there.
"Satoru.." Geto whispers his name in shock as Gojo began walking to Geto, wearing his tux like the other two men.
Gojo laid his hand on top of M/N's and M/N grabbing Geto's and he entwined the couple's hands together.
The right couple looks at each other with smiles. M/N looks at them before he starts to walk away.
"Wait, I made a promise.." Geto says, walking towards M/N. M/N turns to Geto.
"You kept your promise. You set me free.." M/N lifts his hand that had the wedding ring that Geto accidentally proposed to M/N with and takes it off.
Holding the ring, M/N used his other hand to grab Geto's once more, placing the golden ring in his palm and making Geto's hand close.
"Now I can do the same for you.." M/N smiles, admiring Geto's beautiful features one last time before walking away from Geto forever.
Leaving Gojo and Geto to live their happy lives together.
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local-limebug · 6 months ago
ok so i don't know if this was just an age rating issue or something, but we never actually see edwin's past corpses in the dollhouse. there are no severed heads or limbs, and considering he's 6 feet tall, decades' worth of his corpses would probably have made entire piles all around the dollhouse.
in fact, edwin looked surprised seeing his face in the mirror in hell, which he shouldn't really be surprised by if he was seeing his own severed head in hell all the time anyway.
you know what we do see severed heads and limbs of though, littered all around the dollhouse? porcelain dolls.
from what we've seen, the doll spider's parts do not break off when it hits against walls, and there is no way edwin managed to fight back against it to the point of breaking off its body parts.
conclusion? when edwin gets ripped apart by the doll spider, his torn corpse parts turn into broken porcelain doll parts, and that is what the doll parts littered around the dollhouse are. edwin's corpses.
EDIT: ok so @khorazir pointed out in the replies that there is a scene where we see edwin's corpses (although only for a split second) but the pile is nowhere near enough to be decades' worth of edwins. so my post still stands but just wanted to correct myself on that point. maybe the dolls are what becomes of edwin's remains when they decompose to bone? just throwing ideas out there
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viisator · 6 months ago
The Corpse's Bride -- PART TWO
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Tittle : The Corpse’s Bride
Pairing : Nishimura Riki x F!Redear x Yang Jungwon
Genre : Fantasy, Tragedy, Fiction, (angst, fluff)
Warning : Death, skeleton, Corpses.
Summary: Y/n is the daughter of the famous dressing merchant, and she is to marry the son of the Baron in the west. But one event ruined it all when Y/n found herself wandering in the land of the dead and accidentally marrying a dead boy on the side of the river.
Inspired by the movie ‘Corpse Bride’
Not Proofread
(This fanfic I wrote is inspired and I made it so like the movie 'Corpse Bride’. I just love that movie so much, so I think It’ll be fun making an en- fic abt it … So yeah. I wrote this. And I wrote this 'cuz it’s kinda sad letting go of the things, and people we love so much, and I hate letting go of stuff/someone, so I just wrote this.)
• • • • •
"Can you tell me what is it you were running away from?" Jungwon gently asked, tilting his head a little trying to match her height.
"Marriage." He was shocked when he heard what the girl said.
"May I know who's the man you were to marry?"
"You might be shocked, but they say that the L/n's daughter runs away from marrying Baron Yang's son, so lady Yang sent a letter this morning and requested the marriage my parents and the Baron were talking about those past few years" Jungwon was shocked, and his body was frozen when he heard what the girl said.
'It can't be.'
The girl looks at him, knitting her eyebrows, wondering what was wrong, and why was he looking at her with wide-open eyes that seem like he cannot believe it.
"Are you telling me you were to marry Yang Jungwon?"
"Yes?" The girl looks at him bewildered, still hasn't realized that she was found by what she was running away from.
They stared at each other for almost 7 seconds, until Jungwon pulls the girl out of the woods bringing her to the dimly lighted streets near the Yang Manor, but before they could take a step inside the manor's gate, the girl's feet turn ice cold, when Jungwon turned around and saw how her face was paralyzed with fear and took noticed how she tightly gripped his arms, he looks at her in the eyes with concern.
"Are you afraid of going inside?" His soft voice rang into the girl's ear making her shoulders swiftly go down.
"I'm afraid to meet him, I'm afraid that my parents will look at me, and their eyes will show how disappointed they were because of me, I'm afraid that he'll be displeased, I'm afraid they'll look at me differently, I'm afraid I'll mess up, what if I mess up?" It was like wildfire, her thoughts are sprouting like wildfire lost in a forest, that do not know what to do, she was afraid.
"Don't you wanna marry the Baron's son?"
"The Baron's son?... No. No, I do not."
"Then, do you wanna help me find L/n Y/n, so you'll stay as you were before, and then the Baron's son will continue to marry Y/n, you'll never have to deal with marriage at the moment, does that sounds nice?" The offer sounds like music to the girl's ear, and her eyes once again reflect light, hope was formed in her heart.
"I would love to!"
Y/n and Riki are walking down a field. Y/n could only think of how the field looked so...so dead. It was a field of flowers, it was a field of daffodils, daffodils that has no life, the flowers, and the grasses around are brown, dehydrated, and dry.
"This is the only romantic place that I know... well, maybe not, it doesn't look so colorful, and there is no sun that would set nor rise any sooner." Riki sighed after saying those disappointedly.
"It looks lovely." Her voice, for the first time, sounds so easy, it made Riki's mood cheer up a little after hearing it.
Riki cheekily smiled, looking everywhere but her eyes, but quickly turned around when he heard small giggles come from his side. He can feel it, He can feel the fluttery butterfly across his stomach, and the warmness of his face, he feels it again, it's been a long while since that feeling was there.
"What is it? Why have you been staring at me for so long?" Y/n laughed out while Riki's eyes stayed on her way.
"Are you getting deja vu?" Her question was odd, He was taken aback, the question rang over and over again in his head until her eyes locked with his, they could feel it now, but they know they've felt this before. They've felt this before somewhere else.
It has been a while since Jungwon and the girl have been looking around for a grave, they have followed the river, but there still was no grave to be found.
"Kind Sir, we have been walking together for quite some time now, may you tell me what is your name?" After hours of walking side by side with each other, that question was already been expected by Jungwon, it was quite long before it was said and he was close to believing that the question -- his name -- will not be brought up. Until now.
"It's Fred--... Jespersen" His mind went blank for a second, and hastily spat out a random name he can think of.
The girl then nod, looking straight up ahead of her, and another question popped up.
"Which house are you from? As long as I've known, Jespersen's mostly are common people." The girl then looks at him, and he stops in his tracks, thinking of an answer while his mouth is hardly shut.
"Oh..." The girl then realized her mistake. "It wasn't my intention to offend nor judge common people, it was only that the Jespersen surname was mostly used by commoners. I apologize." The girl frustratedly explains while Jungwon is thankful that her explanation brought him more time to think of an answer to her question.
"It was because I am just a lowly merchant's son, whose business is hardly recognized, and only a few know about." The girl looks at him amused, and he sensed that the girl is interested in the topic he had made up. And so he continued;
"Yes, our family sells women's dresses, though I could be honest and say the L/n's dresses are more extravagant and more beautiful than ours, though I know it is affordable by those 'lowly commoner'." He made that up once again, and the girl believed it also.
"Oh don't be silly Mr. Jespersen! Calling your family 'lowly merchant' is an offense, if you merchants don't exist, then where should we buy products? We have to make it ourselves then, and I could barely hold a needle for sewing! And also, merchants are rich." Jungwon laughed after hearing those, he could only smile at the thought of him manipulating her quite well.
They walk deeper into the woods following the flowing river beside them, while they entertain themselves by talking, and asking each other's questions until they saw rocks across the said river, like a trail for them to cross it. And so they did.
Jumping there and then, Jungwon finally crossed the river, but when he looks at his back, the girl was struggling, she could barely jump, for she's not so good with these kinds of activities, and she is now stuck in the middle of the river, standing in one of those rocks across the water.
Jungwon hopped into the rocks once more, holding the girl's hand and guiding her slowly as they cross the flowing river. She could feel the warmness of his palms, he was holding her hands and the other her waist, it felt weird to her, and his face is so close, she never realized his eyes are these beautiful, she never had taken note of his long eyelashes, she also has never seen how his jawlines are wavy until now, and oh, his lips, it's gorgeously parted, she hitched a breath.
They were so close to each other, it made the girl's heart beat quite faster than usual.
Oh, what could might this be? Has she fallen in love with a merchant's son? If so, then they really should find L/n Y/n.
The girl hasn't realized the truth, but it might be dangerous for both of them if ever it was revealed.
"Do you want to go back?" The log Y/n and Riki are sitting at is cold, the air in the land of the dead is no colder than the hands that are holding Y/n tight, as if afraid her hands will slip away.
"Go back to where? To your room?" She asks because inside of her, she's already half accepted that she'll be staying in the land where people who are no longer in the world are, but of course, she still misses the warmth of the day up there.
"No," Riki said as silence followed him as he stared deeply into her eyes searching for the answer to the things he was feeling. Is he making the right decision? Because in the depths of his throat, he can't seem to find his voice.
"Y/n..." As silent as a whisper, he calls out.
"Yes?" And you answered, trying to sound as warm as your breath, and hoped that he could feel that you were also trying, trying to fix the things that were messed up.
"Do you want to go back; go back to your parents-- go back to him?" It breaks your heart. You don't know, but if you were honest, the idea relieves and excites you. But the tone of his voice, the crack that his throat made, and the look on his face. His face is hard, his forehead is frowned and his lips are down.
You were silent. You could only pay him back the same look that he has. How could you ever tell him that you wanted to go back-- and how could you, if you're already up there and missed him?
"I know a way Y/n, I know a way to go up there, you could meet your parents again, see their faces again, and --"
"And leave you here? Alone?" It was melancholy, and your tone mirrored the melancholic swirls in your stomach and the ache in your chest. Because how could you? How could you ever crush his dreams? He only wanted to love and be loved again, but the thing is, do you love Riki?
"It's all fine. For these past years, I stayed here." He squeezes your hand.
"But all those years, were you happy?" Then his lips trembled.
"Y/n...do you think if we--" He stopped and swallowed the lump in his throat. "--if you stayed here with me--for all of those eternities, never leaving this place. Do you think you'll be happy?" It's your turn to swallow the lumps.
"Do you think we-- both of us will be happy?" A single tear threatened to fall on your cheeks, but you stared at him never blinking, never looking anywhere else but those expressive eyes of his.
"Let's try." You whispered out. "Let's go up there, I'll tell my goodbyes to my Mother, and I'll give my last hug to my Father, then let's try to live happily in eternity."
He led the way up to the tower of the "old as time"--as he called him. You've decided, you'll do the farewells and go back in here in the land of the dead once you've said your goodbyes to your parents.
You both found yourself standing in front of a long old set of stairs and up there stands an old house.
There, he said that the longest dead is in there, and they all called him Elder Gutknecht.
He guided you up the wooded stairs, it lets out a squeak whenever you take a step. His cold hands never left yours, and once you're finally up the last step, an old door greets your face. In the door, there's a sign hanging up, and it dances whenever the wind hits it.
"Old as time," says the sign. Then Y/n's eyes went down and noticed another one that said:
"FOR HEAVENS RIKI! KNOCK FIRST!" quite amusing, she thought.
Distracted by the sign, a loud bang startled her concentration when Riki harshly opened the door with the absence of mercy of knocking.
"I'm here again!" Greeted Riki at the old skeleton walking down the stairs.
"How many times, Young Man!" Elder Gutknecht started. "How many times will I have to tell you to knock, or just casually open the door without banging it!" Riki let out an apologetic laugh.
"Um, well, I guess that's my bad, forgetting about that--so, I'm here to ask for help." Says Riki.
"I am guessing that involves your living bride?" Says the old man.
"Well, yes."
Elder Gutknecht sighed and proceeded to get a book, dust covered the book like plastic wrap. Then turned to look at Riki, then shifted his gaze to Y/n. His nonexistent eyes stayed on her for a second.
"What is it, young man?" Finally, he looked at his book with disappointment--or perhaps sadness in his voice.
"We want to go up there. My wife wanted to see her parents." Warmth spread through Y/n's chest after hearing him say those. But Elder Gutknecht felt the opposite.
"You do know that it'll be dangerous for you, for all of us when you go up there and disturb the balance between the living and the dead. Don't you?" He looked at Riki with threatening eyes.
"Quite--I guess..." And Riki answered with nervous laughter.
"Alright...just say "Hopscotch" if you've decided to go back here." Says Elder Gutknecht. But in the pit of his non-existent belly, down to his non-existent stomach, he felt very wrong. Something will turn out the wrong way once he sends them up there.
Y/n didn't have to say the joy she felt when they stepped foot in the dark forest as the cool wind blew her hair out of her face.
Riki could see her eyes shine with the moon. Then it hits him suddenly, realizing that she looks happier up in here than when she was down there. It must've been hard on her the most...what is he supposed to do? Can he let her go? Why would he want to let her go? He finally has someone to spend all of his eternity--
Usually, cold air doesn't bother Riki so much, because his own body is cold--literally--but whenever her touch leaves him, the cold of the wind makes him shiver; so when Y/n pulled him out of trans, he could only hope she'd not let go.
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Note: not exactly like the movie , huh? Forgive me. This from my Wattpad btw, so it's kinda my draft too...
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pigeonpeach · 6 months ago
A casket for one but a grave for two
Jingliu x dead foxian fem reader
Random drabble because i haven’t written in too long!!! This isn’t edited so please excuse me if it suck!!!
Also warning: reader is dead :(, desecration of a corpse/ gravesite (Its not sexual) but jingliu misses her wife and digs up her grave to celebrate what should’ve been their anniversary, angst
The night is young, the moon is full land vibrant. Its bright pearlescent colors match what remains in the casket Jingliu digs up, its lid its released as the stench of death washes over. The swordswoman doesn’t falter though, the smell of a skeleton is better than the smell of the battlefield. They’re still dressed in the beautiful hanfu she saw them in. When flesh hung on their skull, a constant pink would linger on their cheeks. They used to smell of the ocean with sea themed perfumes, their hair was always well kept, she’d run her fingers through it when stressed. The hair has since fallen off. But Jingliu isn’t herself anymore. She knows that. Something grows within her. Those cursed yellow leaves climb out if her throat with a heavy and hurtful cough, as if the roots of the ambrosial arbor grew within her lungs and tore at her veins. This day was one tragedy already, years ago, her beloved having passed in wore. Their death… the cause is starting to blur. Jingliu wonders if this cursed disease will rid her of everything, her love, her life, the memories of her wife… What had she done to deserve this cursed fate? She fought valiantly, she held her ground, and the aeons or whoever wrote the details of fate decided to play the cruelest joke on her. That her beloved would lay alone in the ground, and she would be unable to join them… not anymore. Perhaps it was the pain of the roots and leaves growing, perhaps it was the anger and homicidal reaction that drove to such extreme. In her worst moments in life, her wife was there. The sight of her alone would ease tension, her hands would work into her shoulders and her voice was the siren’s call. But she’d never hear it again, she’d never see her again. The mara cannot revive, at least that she knows of. Yingxing’s corpse had been fresh when Dan Feng committed that sin. But there is no muscle ontop of the bones, it’ll do
“Tonight is lovely isn’t it?” Jingliu held the skull of her lover in her hands with the gentleness and fondness she did in life. “Today.. today would be our 40th anniversary..”
“Actually it would be our 100th.” Jingliu could hear her say that in her head.
“It doesn’t matter the number. What matters is just how much we love each other right?” She peered into the skull, trying to mentally piece the flesh onto the bone, the eyes into the socket, the hair into the skin, but it was blurry. She felt a surge of distress, no.. she couldn’t forget. She can’t forget her. She couldn’t protect her to the end the least she can do is firmly protect her memory. Jingliu hissed in pain, clutching her head as it began to spiral with thoughts. A storm brewed, a flame ingited, a endless stream of water filling the room (metaphorically), sowing thd seeds of a rage and berserker that could cause her to further fall into the trap of mara.
“Jingliu~” a voice called, a siren’s melody that cleared the air in a instant. The night was quiet now. Nothing made a sound. Not the heliobi roaming in the gardens, nothing. But the silence didn’t feel threatening, she couldn’t explain it. She looked back at the skull. “Fight as you’ve always had. That is my wish. Do not let my death hold you back.. save them.. for me.. please..” Jingliu’s wife’s final words to her acted like a slap as she held the skull to her chest.
“I avenged you dear.. Hoolay.. he is locked away.. tortured for eternity.. never will he be able to hurt your people again.. you didn’t die for nothing.. I promise you.. I did it..” Jingliu wept silently, staring at the moon, as if to pray.
“I love you.. Jingliu..”
“I love you too, for eternities and centuries.. my love will never die even if I someday become a wretched beast.. I promise even then will your voice be my medicine…” Jingliu pressed a kiss to the skull, her lips only meeting hard snd cold teeth. She laid back on the ground, the skull on her chest, wanting to enjoy this peace for a little bit longer
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3-2-whump · 4 months ago
The Morgue
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Dear Readers,
Yep. This is it. Eternal's last chapter (at least for now). Thank you for sticking around for so long, I appreciated each and every one of you for reading this story and interacting with it! And thank you beta readers @whumped-by-glitter and @generic-whumperz for reading draft after freaking draft of this story for months now; I look forward to collaborating with you in the future.
The ending is kind of open ended, and I acknowledge this may frustrate some people, but I promise I'm not gonna pull a Netflix and drop this series on a cliffhanger (looks passive-aggressively at Netflix). Whatever happens next is for tomorrow; today, without further ado, here is the conclusion to Eternal!
TW/CW: death of a major character, aftermath of death of a major character, gore /graphic descriptions of a corpse, blood, emotional angst (I think?), nonconsensual nudity, slave whump /transfer of ownership, defiant whumpee, creepy whumper
Khaled was more than a little concerned when he woke up the next morning and his master’s bedroom was still empty. He was downright worried that he had not heard even a word from him by midday. This is so unlike him, Khaled thought as he checked the spare phone for any text messages he might’ve missed in the night. No new messages. Where is he?
He went to his room and retrieved his hidden cellphone from the place he had hidden it. There was one new message from Julio, but Khaled quickly swiped past it to text the one other contact he had on this illicit device.
To: Nic-Nac Have you seen the Boss today? He didn’t come home last night.
The subtle click of the door unlocking made his heart jump into his throat. Khaled quickly hid the phone away, bolted into the living room, chucked off the blanket, and assumed a perfect kneeling positon by the entrance, back straight, chest out, palms down on thighs, just as he’d been trained. His heart sank as the door opened and a man who was definitely not his master entered the apartment.
“Throw a coat on and-” Underboss Luca dropped his gaze down at Khaled once he realized he was not at eye-level. “Oh, right,” he groaned, punctuating his comment with a dismissive eye roll. “Should’ve known you’d be on your knees.” Khaled’s cheeks flushed bright red. “Get up and put some clothes on, we need to go to the morgue and identify a body!”
The last part of that command jolted Khaled out of his conditioning as abruptly as a kick in the teeth. “Wait, what?!” he asked, straightening up from his kneeling position.
“Just get dressed and come with me!” Luca said. He fumbled around his pockets until he found a small key. “You know where the safe is; get your clothes, and let’s go,” he instructed, tossing it to Khaled.
The young man caught it and dashed to the safe in the master bedroom, unlocking it and sprinting with the pile of clothes in his arms to change in his own bedroom. As he quickly dressed, he had an unshakeable feeling of dread. Thomas not coming home at all last night, no communication this morning, Luca coming over, and now this trip to the morgue –it was all adding up. If his master was truly dead, then he had no idea if or when he would be back at the apartment.
Khaled saw the designated hiding space for his cash jar out of the corner of his eye. He yanked it out and emptied it onto the bed, quickly folding and stuffing the dollar bills into every pocket, fold, and crevice of his outfit he could manage. Lastly, he grabbed his forbidden cellphone from its hiding place and jammed it into his pants pocket as he sprinted out to meet his foreboding feeling head-on.
Luca filled him in on the details as they drove to the morgue. A little after six in the morning, a bloodied and mangled body had been found hanging upside down from a crane at the dockyard. The ID in the dead man’s coat pocket had identified him as Thomas J Costa, but his face was barely recognizable beneath the blood and gore. The forensic pathologist would need a positive ID on the dead man’s corpse before they could tell the coroner to issue the death certificate for Don Costa, hence the need for Luca and Khaled to come down to the morgue.
“You know, if it is Tommy-boy on that slab, all of his assets will immediately be transferred to my control,” Luca reminded him, snaking an arm around the young man in a feigned gesture of comfort as they walked to the entrance of the morgue. “All of them,” he whispered. Khaled bristled under the other man’s touch as Luca moved his hand downwards. He did not miss the hidden meaning of those words. He jumped a little as Luca experimentally groped his ass on the way through the entrance.
The forensic pathologist met the men, their androgynous face set into a grim expression. “Next of kin for Mr. Thomas J Costa?” they asked. Both men nodded. The pathologist waved at them to follow them. “I gotta warn you though, he’s not a pretty picture. I cleaned him up as best I could, but just be prepared.”
No forewarning could’ve prepared Khaled for what he saw when the sheet was lifted from the corpse on that autopsy table. He recognized the cold gray eyes that now stared unseeingly up at him, the telltale scar at the man’s left temple, and what remained of the skull and snake tattoo on the man’s left pec, but that was about it. The rest of his master’s body looked as if wild animals had gotten to it. His usual dirty-blond hair was stained a coppery red, matted in places with clotted blood. There were cuts, bruises, and even burns scattered around his face, disfiguring it into something near unrecognizable. A long, jagged cut ran from his jugular down to his sternum, deep crimson with coagulated blood that had long since stopped bubbling from its schism. Deep gashes of a knife punctured his upper body and torso. His privates were…gone… and his legs from upper thighs to ankles were littered in cuts and bruises. The soles of his feet looked as if they had been burned away. Merely looking at his feet made Khaled feel faint, so he let his eyes travel back to Thomas’ face. The man’s dull gray eyes stared up at him.
“Well, is this him?”
“Yes,” Luca answered solemnly. He quickly swiped a hand over his eyes and took a breath to compose himself before turning to Khaled.
No matter how much he wanted to, he could not tear his gaze from the man’s dead eyes. He gave a small nod, at a complete loss for words otherwise. The pathologist merely answered a quiet “okay” before draping the sheet back onto Don Costa’s mutilated body, shielding Khaled from those steel gray eyes forever.
It’s finally happened, he thought. Master is dead… Instead of hope, or sorrow, or anger, or even a sick sense of satisfaction from witnessing this karmic justice, Khaled searched within himself and found nothing. He felt nothing, and then he questioned what kind of person he was, to feel nothing.
“Khaled, hey, Khaled…” a faint voice called out to him through the fog of his mind. Khaled stayed rooted to the spot, unable to move as he stared down at the veiled corpse.
“Khaled, sweetie, it’s time to go.”
He’s dead now, which means…which means what? The feeling of Luca roughly pulling him away from the autopsy table and dragging him back the way they came answered his own question for him. All the while, Khaled took shelter in his thoughts, not even fighting back as he tried to process what he just saw and what it meant for him. The man who had fed me, clothed me, given me everything is dead, and now, what am I?
“Well, it looks like you’re mine now,” Luca announced, pulling on his leather gloves as they exited the morgue and stepped into the parking lot.
That snapped Khaled out of his mind quick. The man who had once openly said he would’ve taken him while he was still a minor flashed him a small, sad smile. “Of all the ways I could’ve gotten you, this is the last one I wanted,” he admitted. He raised a gloved hand to Khaled’s face, gently caressing his cheek with leather-clad fingers. “But maybe, together, we can help each other process our loss.”
No. Khaled shook his head. Luca’s soft caresses quickly hardened into a crushing grip on his face. He drew him in closer until their faces were mere inches apart. “You’re mine now, Khaled,” he growled, glaring into the young man’s eyes. “I never approved of the erratic, unpredictable way Tommy treated you, and I promised myself that when it was my turn, I would be better.” Khaled’s hands scratched at Luca’s arm, which only served to tighten the hand around his jaw. “But not if you’re going to fight me the entire time!” He drew Khaled in closer, too close for comfort, as he maintained that crushing grip on his face. “So, what’s it gonna be? You gonna be a good boy for Master, or are you gonna make me hurt you?”
Letting go of Khaled’s face to allow him to answer was the greatest mistake Luca would make. With a fierce desperation to die rather than be owned by someone far worse than Thomas, Khaled drew his head back and collided their skulls with a crushing force. Both men withdrew from each other, each groaning in pain as they held their heads, but Khaled recovered from the head-butt first, and used the ten-second head start to make a run for it out the parking lot.
“You bitch! Get back here, you stupid little slut!” and various threats of bodily harm were shouted at him as he ran. He kept running, even when he rounded the corner and an exposed piece of chain-link fence grazed his thigh, nipping the skin enough to draw blood. He kept running, even when he wasn’t sure which streets he was running down as he single-mindedly sprinted ahead, most definitely lost. He kept running, even as the tears blurred his vision and the cold air stung his throat and lungs, and every time he tried to blink back his tears all he saw were those cold, dead eyes staring up lifelessly back at him. He kept running.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood @morning-star-whump @a-la-whump @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @defire
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lottielee4ever · 1 year ago
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jazzstarrlight · 1 year ago
Some Nuzi angst I was saving in my tiktok drafts. I had planned on finishing the drawings but I have enough on my plate. So I made a few minor edits and posted this because I love the audio and it's a nice addition to the My Immortal AU.
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qtvi0let · 4 days ago
Fragments of us - prehistory
The Devil You Follow
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
You were nothing when the Port Mafia found you. Just another stray, dragged from the gutters and given a gun, molded into something useful under Dazai Osamu’s careful hand. He taught you everything—how to kill, how to survive, how to obey. And in return, you gave him your loyalty.
Or maybe it was more than that. Maybe it was something softer, something naive, something Dazai saw in you and used against you. Because he never raised a hand to you like the others did. Because he smiled at you, ruffled your hair when you did well, whispered words that felt like kindness but weren’t. You mistook his control for affection. You were already broken when he met you. He just made you his. And then, one night, you saw him for what he really was.
A blood-soaked office. A body kneeling on the floor, face shattered, breath wheezing through broken teeth. Dazai, standing over him, sleeves rolled up, a revolver resting lightly in his grip.
A gunshot.
A corpse.
And Dazai turning to you, smiling like it was nothing.
“Scared?” He made you clean it up. Every last drop of blood, every last remnant of the man who had begged for his life. You did as you were told, because what else could you do? Because he had already turned you into something that could. Tomorrow, Dazai would smile at you again. And you would pretend there was nothing red beneath your fingernails.
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Dazai found you when you were nothing.
Another forgotten soul swallowed by the underbelly of Yokohama, plucked from filth and desperation, handed a gun before you even had the chance to say no. The Port Mafia didn’t need your consent—just your loyalty.
And Dazai Osamu? He needed something else.
At first, you didn’t understand why he chose you. There were others more skilled, more brutal, more willing to carve themselves into something monstrous at his command. But Dazai was different. He didn’t pick the strongest. He picked the ones he could break.
The ones who wouldn’t realize they were breaking until it was too late.
At first, you thought it was kindness—the way he spoke to you in that soft, lilting voice, the way he ruffled your hair when you did something right, the way he never raised a hand against you like the other executives did to their subordinates. But kindness didn’t exist in the Port Mafia. Not in its leaders.
Not in Dazai.
He was patient with you, teaching you how to hold a knife properly, how to shoot without hesitation, how to read a person’s movements before they even knew what they were about to do.
And when you failed—when your hands shook too much, when you hesitated—he never yelled. He just looked at you. That lazy, lidded stare. That small, knowing smile. And then he found ways to remind you why hesitation got people killed. You were his. Not because he said so, not because he forced you. But because you wanted to be. Because you were naive enough to mistake control for affection. You were already broken when you met him. He just shaped the pieces into something useful. And by the time you realized it, you weren’t sure you wanted to be fixed.
The night was thick with silence when you found him, the distant hum of the city muffled by the heavy walls of the Port Mafia’s headquarters. You weren’t looking for anything unusual—just another report, another errand, another night spent proving yourself useful.
But then you heard it.
A noise too quiet to be a struggle, too soft to be a conversation. A wet, gurgling sound, like something drowning in itself.
Dazai’s office door was open.
A mistake.
He didn’t make mistakes.
But this—this was different.
You stepped inside, the scent hitting you first—copper and sweat, thick enough to taste. The room was dim, the single desk lamp casting long, broken shadows across the walls. The floor was wet. At first, your brain refused to register the scene, refused to make sense of the jagged shape kneeling in the center of the room. And then the man turned his head, and you wished you hadn’t seen.
Or what was left of his head, anyway.
One eye was swollen shut, the other bulging, veins dark against the whites as if ready to burst. His nose was shattered, broken cartilage pushing through torn skin, the blood dripping from his lips thick and sluggish. His mouth moved, forming words he no longer had the strength to say. His hands were bound behind his back, shoulders hunched forward like a ragdoll slumping in on itself. He wasn’t struggling anymore. Dazai stood over him, fingers loose around the grip of a blood-stained revolver.
And his face—God, his face—
Not amusement. Not cruelty. Just blank, empty nothingness.
You’d seen him smile through murders before, watched him hum a tune while ordering executions. You thought you knew him. You hadn’t met this part of him yet. The man made a sound, a raw, choking whimper. Dazai sighed. Tilted his head. And then, like it was the easiest thing in the world—
Pulled the trigger.
The shot was deafening in the quiet room, the force snapping the man’s head back before his body collapsed forward with a dull thud. Blood splattered in a messy arc across the floorboards, seeping into the wood, staining the hem of Dazai’s coat.
For a long moment, neither of you moved.
Then Dazai turned his head, slow and deliberate, dark eyes locking onto yours. No mask. No smirk. No carefully constructed charm. Just the raw, unfiltered truth of what he was. A monster, wearing humanity like an ill-fitted costume.
His voice was soft, almost gentle, like he was asking if you were cold. Like the corpse between you didn’t exist. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t speak.
Dazai stepped forward, the blood soaking into his boots. You could smell it now—the faint, metallic tang clinging to the air.
“Good,” he murmured. “Fear keeps you alive.” He reached out, and for one horrible moment, you thought he was going to touch you. Smear his sins across your skin.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he plucked the folder from your trembling hands, flipping it open with a hum, scanning the contents as if this were nothing more than a casual inconvenience. Then he shut it with a flick of his wrist.
“You did well,” he said.
And then—
“Clean this up.”
Like the dead man at his feet was nothing more than an afterthought. Dazai walked past you without another glance, leaving you alone with the body. You wanted to move. To breathe. To run.
But all you could do was stare at the pooling blood, the still-twitching fingers, the hole in the man’s skull where life had been moments ago. And that was when you finally understood. Dazai Osamu wasn’t dangerous because he could kill.
He was dangerous because he could make it look easy.
The body lay sprawled across the floor, blood still creeping outward in slow, sticky tendrils, seeping into the cracks between the wooden planks. The smell of iron clung to the back of your throat, thick and metallic, mixing with the faint scent of gunpowder and something deeper—something human. Sweat. Fear. Death.
You swallowed against the nausea curling in your stomach. This wasn’t the first time you’d seen a corpse. But it was the first time you had to clean one up alone. Your fingers twitched, muscles stiff, cold. Hesitating.
“Fear keeps you alive,” Dazai had said.
You weren’t sure you wanted to be alive right now. But you weren’t allowed to think about that. You had a job to do.
Slowly, you crouched beside the body, forcing yourself to look. The man’s face was still twisted in that last, pitiful attempt at a plea, his mouth slightly open, lips cracked and dark with drying blood. His eye—the one that hadn’t swollen shut—stared blankly at the ceiling, glassy and lifeless. A fly had already landed on his cheek. You willed yourself to breathe through your mouth.
Your hands moved on autopilot, reaching for the rags tucked beneath Dazai’s desk. They were already stained—old blood, old crimes—but it didn’t matter. You’d just make them dirtier. The first swipe across the floor was the hardest.
The blood was thick, congealing where it had pooled deepest, and the rag barely absorbed it, only smearing it further. You had to press harder, scrubbing against the grooves in the wood, your muscles straining with each movement. The sound it made was awful—a wet, dragging noise, like raw meat being pulled across concrete. You didn’t think about it. Couldn’t think about it.
Your hands were steady. They had to be. You worked in sections, wiping, scrubbing, soaking the rag in a bucket of water that turned pink, then red, then black with grime. The body needed to be moved. You stared at it for a long time.
Then, carefully, you reached under the dead man’s arms, the fabric of his torn shirt damp against your skin. He was still warm. You hated that. Hated the way his weight sagged into you, how his head lolled back, exposing the gaping hole in his skull where Dazai’s bullet had gone clean through. You gagged. Forced it down.
You dragged him toward the tarp in the corner of the room—the one you hadn’t noticed until now, folded neatly beside a roll of thick, black plastic. Dazai had planned this. Had known someone would have to clean up his mess. Had known it would be you.
The body hit the tarp with a dull thump. You took a shuddering breath and started wrapping, pulling the plastic tightly around the limbs, tucking the edges in to keep everything contained. You moved like you’d seen others do before, like you weren’t new to this, like you were just another cog in the well-oiled machine that was the Port Mafia’s brutality.
By the time the body was secured, your arms were shaking.
Your clothes were stained, Your hands smelled like death And there was still so much left to do.
The blood was harder to get out of the cracks. You used a knife, scraping at the sticky residue until your hands ached, the sharp scent of cleaning chemicals burning your nose. You worked until the floor was just wood again, until the room smelled sterile, until nothing remained of the man who had died here. Nothing except the body you still had to dispose of. You stared at the bundle of plastic. Dazai had left without a second glance. Without telling you what to do next.
But you knew.
You always knew.
There were places for things like this. You would take him there. You would finish the job. And tomorrow, Dazai would smile at you like nothing had happened. Like you hadn’t just scrubbed blood out of the floorboards with trembling hands.
Like you weren’t drowning in something you’d never wash off.
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